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to appreciate the scenery of nature欣赏大自然的风景

to appreciate the classical literature 欣赏古典文学

to broaden the horizon开拓视野

to broaden the mind开拓心胸

to expand one’s scope of knowledge扩大知识面

to grasp good communication skills掌握良好的交流技能

to enlighten the mind启迪心灵

to cultivate the character陶冶品德

to cultivate the public mindedness培养公德心

to cultivate a strong sense of responsibility培养了强烈的责任感

to undertake the due obligations承担责任

to promote social skills and competence提高了社会能力和竞争力

to maintain health维护健康

to relax oneself松散身心

to make life pleasant调剂生活

to promote the qualities of life提升生活质量

to raise the standard of living提升生活的水平

to increase the pleasures of life增加生活的情趣

to relieve the tension and anxiety both from thesociety and the schoolwork解除紧张和焦虑

to lighten the burden of减轻了…的负担

financial burden //psychological burden经济/心理负担

be a better pilot of one’s life较好地驾驭生活

to be concerned about the society关心社会

to contribute oneself to the country贡献国家

to adapt oneself to the development of使自己适应…的发展

to be confronted with the difficulty面临困难

to overcome the difficulty克服困难

to emphasize the importance of hygiene注意卫生

to attach much importance/significance to重视:

to be beneficial to对...有益

to be harmful to对...有害

to take steps//to take measures采取步骤

to have a deep understanding of有很深的了解

to have a wide range of knowledge有广泛的知识

to give a big push to the development of education给予教育极大的推动

to play an important role in扮演重要角色

to express a strong desire to强烈愿望

According to a recent survey, a growing number of people express a strongdesire to take another job or spend more time on their job in order to get moremoney to support their family.n根据最近的一项调查,越来越多的人表达了想从事另外的工作或加班以赚取更多的钱来补贴家用的强烈愿望。

to spare no efforts to不遗余力

to take the pains to不辞辛劳

sense of competition and cooperation竞争与合作精神

cannot bear closer analysis //cannot hold water经不起推敲

mirror of social progress社会进步的反映

promote the public awareness of environmental protection; arouse people’sawareness of environmental protection提高大众的环保意识

take many factors into account/ consideration考虑到诸多因素

from another perspective从另一个角度

in all aspects of human life在人类生活的方方面面

a symbol of society progress社会进步的体现

mirror of social progress社会进步的反映

the ever-accelerated updating of science and technology科技的飞速更新

the increasingly fierce social competition日益激烈的社会竞争

has its merits and demerits有其自身的优缺点…

to focus time and energy on…把时间和精力放在…上

a host of problems许多问题

co me into frequent contact with the society接触社会


1. 产品科技含量 technological element of product

2. 大学生创业 university students’ innovative undertaking

3. 双赢局面 win-win situation

4. 首创精神 pioneering spirit

5. 振兴中华 make China powerful and strong;

6. 富裕 affluence

7. 繁荣 boom

8. 购买力 buying power

9. 竞争 competition

10. 生活费用 cost of living

11. 解决问题 crack the nuts

12. 大家公认 it is universally acknowledged that

13. 全力以赴 bring one’s talent into full play

14. 适应新的形势变化 adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to

new environment/change

15. 获得成功 achieve/accomplish success

16. 提出观点 advance/put forward/come up with


17. 较好地驾驭生活 be a better pilot of one’s life

18. 对……很好的了解 have a better understanding of

19. 把某种因素考虑进去 take sth. into


20. give much thought to

21. 品味人生/自由/青春savor the life/freedom/youth

22. 交流经验 share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge
