基于TI达芬奇系列TMS320DM8127浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8高性能视频处理器工业核心板规格书




图一 评估板实物图 评估板3D模型网址:/dsp/docs/dspsplash.tsp?contentId=15222
SZU-TI DSPs Lab 14
SZU-TI DSPs Lab 15
DaVinci 技术支持系统
达芬奇技术包含系统集成商以及软硬件解决方案供应商 (具备达芬奇技术知识与视频系统专业技能)提供的端 到端支持,可显著加速OEM厂商的产品上市进程。达芬奇 技术的设计和支持方案提供商包括:
DVEVM允许开发者为ARM编写即将投入 生产的应用程序代码和使用DaVinci API访问DSP内核,从而立即开始针对 DM6443和DM6446器件的应用开发。 评估板实物图
SZU-TI DSPs Lab 12
SZU-TI DSPs Lab 13
图二 DM6446
以家庭媒体网关为例——其允许用户播放各种来源的视频,包 括通过以太网连接的 PC、通过 USB 2.0 连接的相机以及通过 ATA 连接到硬盘的文件存储器。 显示 H.264 视频的 HDD 伪代码示例: InitPeripherals(); InitEthernet(); InitUSB(); InitATA(); InitDisplay(); InitH264Decoder(); OpenCodec() OpenH264Channel(); StartDecode(ATA.Address, H264.Channel, Display.Address); 这就是访问各种来源的视频的全部代码。



二次B oL a e程序 , otodr 完成硬 件 环境 的基 本 初 始 化 工 作 , 含S I 包 P 重新 初 始 化 , 到 高 达 文献都 介绍 过 , 二次B ola e的运行 过程 , 速 可 靠 下 载 应 用 程 序 。 ot dr o 由D P 身 自带 的 B o 程 序 只 能将 DS 的 S 本 ot P CC 用 户程 序主 要 包含 三 种文 件 : S 工程 应用 程 序 加载 到DS 的 片 内RAM 中 , P 由于 文件 (pt, 令 配置 文件 (c )源程 序 文 .j)命 .md , 片内 RA 大 小 有 限 , B o 程 序 只 能 加 载 件(源 文 件 ./. 汇 编源 文 件 . a m) M 该 ot c c h, s s /. 小型 的 应 用 程 序 , 文 不 作 分析 , 文 描 述 本 本 命 令 配 置 文 件(c ) 于 程 序 代 码 数 .md用 通用的Bo t a e过程 , ol d r o 采用 二次B ola e 据 在 存 储 空 间 的 定 位 如 下 : o to d r 方式 , 由芯 片 本 身 自带 的 B o 程 序将 二 即 ot / 存 储空 间定 义 / 十
摘 要 : S 技 术的工程应 用中 , ot od r 一项关键技 术 。 中以T公 司的D P 片T S 2 C 7 x系列芯 片为例介 绍 了 ot 0d r 在D P B o ae是 L 文, 解B oL a e 的基本 原理 与方式, 而掌握 其他 系列D P 片的B oL a e技术 , 了 ot od r 从 S芯 ot od r 本文介 绍 了在T S 2 C 7 X S 系统中采 M 3 0 6 2 D P AS I  ̄ P 来实现D P O T O D R S 的B O L A E 的一个 方案 。 在民航 无线通 信设 备 中如内话通 信设备 , 声音比选 设备 , 时设备等通 信设备 中均采 用 延 了D P S 技术 实现 , P DS 技术在 民航 无线通 信 中有着广泛 的应 用, 通过本 文的介 绍对 深入 了解D P 发 , S研 掌握 D P 术起 着抛砖 引玉 的作 用。 S技 关键词 : S T S 2 C 7 X B O L D R S I DP M 3 0 6 2 O T OA E P 中 图分 类 号 : N 1 T 9 5 文 献标 识 码 : A 文 章 编号 : 6 2 3 9 ( 0 1l () 0 l 3 1 7 - 7 1 2 1 ) 0b-0 2 一0 TM¥ 2 C 7 X系 ̄ D P 30 62 I S 是TI 司高性 I 公 能 的3 / 4 浮 点 处理 器的 新 一 代产 品 , 2 6位 无 线通信 、 音识 别、 媒体 、 语 多 因特 网 等 新 应 用 , 有 赖 于 D P 供 强 大 的 实 时 处 理 能 都 S提





不仅具备通用并行端口(uPP),同时也是TI 首批集成串行高级技术附件(SATA)的器件。

广州创龙推出的TL6748-EVM评估套件为开发者使用TI TMS320C6748处理器提供了完善的软件开发环境,系统支持:裸机、SYS/BIOS、DSP/BIOS。

提供参考底板原理图,DSP C6748入门教程、丰富的Demo程序、完整的软件开发包,以及详细的C6748系统开发文档,方便用户快速评估TMS320C6748处理器、设计系统驱动及其定制应用软件,也大大降低产品开发周期,让客户产品快速上市。



规格参数/TMS320C6748处理器TMS320C6748,C6000系列浮点DSP处理器(Pin to Pin兼容OMAPL138,AM1808处理器)主频:456MHz存储器128M/256MByte工业级DDR2128M/256M/512MByte 工业级NAND Flash音频/视频接口1个3.5mm Line in音频输入接口1个3.5mm Mic in音频输入接口。





1.德州仪器DSP产品线坚持走低功耗路线 [J], 徐俊毅
2.德州仪器推出全新低成本、高性能家用与车载音频DSP [J],
3.德州仪器全新高性能TMS320C6454 DSP [J],
4.TI C5470/71 DSP新产品发布会专访录——访德州仪器半导体事业部谢凯博士[J], 易晓峰
5.德州仪器发布面向新一代数字视频应用的DSP解决方案 [J],

TI最新达芬奇处理器DM6467 — TMDXEVM6467

TI最新达芬奇处理器DM6467 — TMDXEVM6467

TI最新达芬奇处理器DM6467 — TMDXEVM6467德州仪器(TI)最新推出了一款能够在多种应用间进行视频转码的新型达芬奇技术数字媒体处理器,这些应用包括媒体网关、多点控制设备、数字媒体适配器、视频安全监控DVR 以及IP 机顶盒等。

新型TM S320DM6467达芬奇处理器是一种基于DSP的片上系统(SoC),特别适合实时多格式高清(HD)视频编解码,并配套了完整的开发工具及数字多媒体软件。

该芯片集成了ARM926EJ-S内核与600MHz C64x+ DSP内核,并采用了高清视频协处理器、转换引擎与目标视频端口接口,在执行高清H.264 HP@ L4(1080p 30fps、1080i 60fps、720p 6 0fps)的同步多格式编码、解码与转码方面,比前代处理器性能提升了十倍。


DM6467 处理器集成了ARM与DSP内核,并采用高清视频/影像协处理器(HD-VICP)、视频数据转换引擎以及目标视频端口接口。

HD-VICP 通过面向HD 1080i H.264 high profile 转码的专用加速器,实现了超过3GHz 的DSP处理能力,同时视频数据转换引擎还能管理包括垂直下调节(downscaling)、色度采样(chroma samp ling) 以及菜单覆盖(menu overlay) 等功能在内的视频处理任务。


DM6467 可满足媒体网关与MCU 等需要转码技术的市场要求,但其强大的灵活性与高效性对要求同时进行高清编码与解码的应用来说也非常具有吸引力,如视频语音或视频安全等对于多通道标清编码要求较高的市场。

该器件的连接外设中还包括标准PCI 总线及千兆以太网。





1.TI推出基于达芬奇技术的新型开发套件 [J],
2.一种新型数字信号处理器——数字媒体处理器DM648 [J], 张星刚;陈远知
3.基于达芬奇技术的新型开发套件简化视频设计 [J],
4.德州仪器基于达芬奇技术的新型开发套件简化新一代视频应用设计工作有效提高软件集成度与系统可视性 [J],
5.TI推出新型TMS320DM365处理器 [J],



基于DSP-TMS320C6713控制系统的最小系统板的设计宋玥;高伟强;阎秋生【摘要】TMS320C6713是由TI公司生产的高精度浮点型DSP芯片.基于DSP6713设计的最小系统板对与DSP有关的科研试验以及工程等领域有着重要的应用价值.主要研究并介绍基于DSP-TMS320C6713控制系统的最小系统板的硬件设计,并就最小系统板设计过程中的注意事项做了详尽阐述.针对电源电路、复位电路、时钟电路、JTAG接口电路、扩展板接口电路和外部存储器扩展电路,提出可行的设计方案,该方案已作为模板电路实现.【期刊名称】《现代电子技术》【年(卷),期】2008(031)008【总页数】3页(P41-43)【关键词】DSP;TMS320C6713;最小系统;硬件设计【作者】宋玥;高伟强;阎秋生【作者单位】广东工业大学,机电工程学院,广东,广州,510006;广东工业大学,机电工程学院,广东,广州,510006;广东工业大学,机电工程学院,广东,广州,510006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP2741 引言TMS320C6713是TI公司推出的一款TMS320C6000系列的浮点DSP芯片。

其片内有8个并行的处理单元,单字节字长为32位,从而每周期可以执行8条32位指令;他具有强大的外设支持能力,32位外部存储器接口(EMIF)可以很方便地和SRAM,EPROM,FLASH,SBSRAM和SDRAM等同步和异步存储器或者512 MB 的外部存储空间连接[1]。



2 系统硬件设计结合DSP-TMS320C6713设计最小硬件系统板对其他基于DSP6713搭建的控制系统以及其扩展电路的设计有实际应用价值。



基于TMS320DM8168的视频监控系统设计郑亮;刘敬彪;盛庆华【摘要】该文针对视频监控系统实时性高、需要处理的数据量大等特点,提出了基于达芬奇技术的嵌入式视频监控系统设计方案.系统采用了基于达芬奇技术的TMS320DM8168的ARM+ DSP高性能双核多媒体处理器,进行多路视频采集与传输.根据TMS320DM8168外设接口,采用合适的视频解码器和网卡设计了具有网络传输功能的视频监控系统.【期刊名称】《杭州电子科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2014(034)003【总页数】3页(P43-45)【关键词】视频监控;达芬奇;网络传输【作者】郑亮;刘敬彪;盛庆华【作者单位】杭州电子科技大学电子信息学院,浙江杭州310018;杭州电子科技大学电子信息学院,浙江杭州310018;杭州电子科技大学电子信息学院,浙江杭州310018【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN919.80 引言目前,在国内外视频监控技术的发展非常迅速,早期的视频监控主要是模拟视频监控系统,它的性能和传输距离都非常有限。




1 系统总体结构图1 系统总体框图一个完整的视频监控系统一般包括:视频采集部分、后端部分和远程客户端。



Texas Instruments TMS320DM814x DaVinci数字媒体处理器 说明书

Texas Instruments TMS320DM814x DaVinci数字媒体处理器 说明书

PRODUCTPREVIEWTMS320DM8148,TMS320DM8147 ZHCS057–MARCH2011TMS320DM814x DaVinci™数字媒体处理器查询样品:TMS320DM8148,TMS320DM81471高性能片上系统(SoC)1.1特性速缓存•高性能Davinci数字媒体处理器•DSP/EDMA内存管理单元(DEMMU)–高达1GHz的ARM®Cortex™-A8RISC MPU–将C674x DSP和EDMA TC内存存取映射至系–高达2000ARM®Cortex™-A8MIPS统地址–高达750MHz C674x™VLIW DSP•128k字节片上内存控制器(OCMC)RAM –6000/4500C674x™MIPS/MFLOPS•成像子系统(ISS)–与C67x+™、C64x+™具有完全的软件兼容性–摄像机传感器连接•ARM®Cortex™-A8内核•用于素材(高达16位)及BT.656/BT.1120–ARMv7架构(8/16位)的并行连接•顺序(In-Order)、双发射(Dual-Issue)、超标–用于处理来自摄像机传感器的图像/视频数据的图量微处理器内核像传感器接口(ISIF)•NEON™多媒体架构–图像尺寸调节器(Resizer)•支持整数和浮点•将图像/视频尺寸从1/16x重设为8x •Jazelle®RCT执行环境•同时生成两个不同的变尺寸输出•ARM®Cortex™-A8内存架构•可编程高分辨率视频图像协处理(HDVICP v2)引擎–32k字节指令及数据高速缓存–编码、解码、代码转换操作–512k字节L2高速缓存–H.264、MPEG2、VC1、MPEG4、SP/–64k字节RAM、48k字节引导ROMASP、JPEG/MJPEG•TMS320C674x™浮点VLIW DSP•媒体控制器–64个通用寄存器(32位)–用于控制HDVPSS、HDVICP2和ISS –6个ALU(32/40位)功能单元•SGX5303D图形引擎•支持32位整数、SP(IEEE单精度/32–可提供高达18MPoly/sec的多边形生成速率位)和DP(IEEE双精度/64位)浮点–通用型可扩缩渲染引擎•每个时钟支持多达4个SP加法,每两个时钟–具有Direct3D Mobile、OpenGL ES1.1和支持4个DP加法2.0、OpenVG1.0、OpenMax API支持能力•每个周期支持多达两个浮点(SP或DP)倒–高级几何DMA驱动型操作数逼近或平方根运算–可编程HQ图像抗混叠处理–两个乘法功能单元•字节序(Endianness)•所支持的混合精度IEEE浮点乘法高达:–ARM/DSP指令/数据——小端(Little Endian)–每个时钟2SP x SP->SP•HD视频处理子系统(HDVPSS)–每两个时钟2SP x SP->DP–两个148.5MHz HD视频捕获输入–每三个时钟2SP x DP->DP•一个16/24位输入,可拆分为两个8位SD –每四个时钟2DP x DP->DP捕获端口•定点乘法支持每个时钟周期2个32x32位乘•一个8/16/24位输入法运算、4个16x16位乘法运算(包括复•仅一个8位输入数乘法)或8个8x8位乘法运算–两个148.5MHz HD视频显示输出•C674x两级内存架构•一个16/24/30位输出和一个16/24位输出–具有EDC的32k字节L1P RAM/高速缓存–复合或S视频模拟输出–32k字节L1D RAM/高速缓存–可支持MacroVision®–采用ECC的256k字节L2统一映射RAM/高Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.XDS are trademarks of Texas Instruments.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCT PREVIEW information concerns products in the formative©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPRODUCT PREVIEW TMS320DM8148,TMS320DM8147ZHCS057– –数字HDMI1.3发送器–3个接口支持高达1/4/8位模式–高级视频处理功能,例如:扫描/格式/速率转换•双控制器局域网(DCAN)模块–3个图形层及组合器–CAN Version2Part A、B•双32位LPDDR/DDR2/DDR3SDRAM接口•4个集成电路间(I2C BUS™)端口–支持高达LPDDR-400、DDR2-667和•6个多通道音频串行端口(McASP) DDR3-667的内存–两个10通道串化器发送/接收端口–总共有多达8个x8器件2GB的总地址空间–四个4通道串化器发送/接收端口–动态内存管理器(DMM)–具有用于S/PDIF的DIT能力(所有端口)•可编程多区内存映射及交错•多通道缓冲串行端口(McBSP)•实现了高效2D成组存取(Block Accesses)–高达48MHz的发送/接收时钟•支持0°、90°、180°或270°取向的平铺对象–两个时钟区和两个串行数据引脚和镜像–支持TDM、I2S及相似的格式•优化了交错存取•具有集成型PHY的串行ATA(SATA)3.0Gbps控•通用内存控制器(GPMC)制器–8/16位多路复用地址/数据总线–至一个硬盘驱动器的直接接口–512M字节的总地址空间在多达8条片选线之间–来自多达32个入口的硬件辅助本机命令排队进行分配(NCQ)–至NOR闪存、NADN闪存(具有BCH/汉明–支持端口乘法器和基于命令的交换误码检测功能)、SRAM和伪SRAM的无缝接•实时时钟(RTC)口–一次性或周期性中断发生–位于GPMC外部的错误定位器模块(ELM)负责•多达128个通用I/O(GPIO)引脚提供用于NAND的高达16位/512字节的硬•一个具有128个硬件信号标志(Hardware 件ECCSemaphores)的自旋锁模块(Spin Lock Module)–灵活的异步协议控制,用于至•一个具有12个邮箱的邮箱模块FPGA、CPLD、ASIC等的接口•片上ARM ROM引导加载程序(RBL)•增强型直接存储器存取(EDMA)控制器•电源、复位和时钟管理–4个传输控制器–SmartReflex™技术(Level2b)–64/8个独立的DMA/QDMA通道–多个独立的内核电源域(power domain)•具有双10/100/1000Mbps外部接口(I/F)的以太网–多个独立的内核电压域(voltage domain)开关(EMAC SW)–每个电压域可支持3个工作点(OPP120/100/–符合IEEE802.3标准(仅3.3V I/O)50)–MII/RMII/GMII/RGMII媒体独立接口(I/F)–针对子系统及外设的时钟启用/停用控制–管理数据I/O(MDIO)模块•用于调试的32KB嵌入式跟踪缓冲器(Embedded –复位隔离Trace Buffer™[ETB™])和5引脚跟踪接口–IEEE-1588时间戳和工业以太网协议•可兼容IEEE-1149.1(JTAG)•具有集成型PHY的双USB2.0端口•684引脚无铅型BGA封装(CYE后缀),0.8mm –USB2.0高速/全速客户机焊球间距,并采用Via Channel™技术来降低PCB –UCB2.0高速/全速/低速主机,或OTG成本–支持端点0-15•45nm CMOS工艺技术•一个具有集成型PHY的PCI Express2.0端口•适合通用I/O的1.8V/3.3V双电压缓冲器–具有一条5.0GT/s线道的单端口•应用:–可配置为根联合体(root complex)或端点–HD会议电视——Skype端点•8个32位通用定时器(定时器1~8)–视频监控DVR、IP网络摄像机•1个系统看门狗定时器(WDT0)–数字标牌•6个可配置的UART/IrDA/CIR模块–媒体播放器/适配器–具有调制解调器控制信号的UART0–移动医疗成像–支持高达3.6864Mbps的UART0/1/2–网络投影机–支持高达12Mbps的UART3/4/5–家用音频/视频设备–SIR、MIR、FIR(4.0MBAUD)及CIR•4个串行外设接口(SPI)[高达48MHz]–各具有4条片选线•3个MMC/SD/SDIO串行接口[高达48MHz]2高性能片上系统(SoC)版权©2011,Texas Instruments IncorporatedP R O D U C T P R E V I E WTMS320DM8148,TMS320DM8147ZHCS057–MARCH 20111.2说明TMS320DM814xDaVinci ™数字媒体处理器是高度集成的可编程平台,它利用TI 的DaVinci 技术来满足下列应用的处理要求:HD 会议电视——Skype 端点、视频监控DVR 、IP 网络摄像机、数字标牌、媒体播放器/适配器、移动医疗成像、网络投影机以及家用音频/视频设备,等等。












基于TI达芬奇系列TMS320DM8148浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8高性能视频处理器;

基于TI达芬奇系列TMS320DM8148浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8高性能视频处理器;

Revision HistoryDraft Date Revision No. Description 2018/04/16 V1.3 1.更新附录A开发例程。

2017/03/28 V1.2 1.添加附录A开发例程。

2016/03/18 V1.1 1.排版修改。

2015/11/30 V1.0 1.初始版本。

目录1 开发板简介 (4)2 典型运用领域 (7)3 软硬件参数 (8)4 开发资料 (11)5 电气特性 (12)6 机械尺寸图 (12)7 产品订购型号 (13)8 开发板套件清单 (14)9 技术支持 (15)10 增值服务 (15)更多帮助 (16)附录A开发例程 (17)1开发板简介基于TI达芬奇系列TMS320DM8148浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8高性能视频处理器;独立视频协处理器,支持3路720P30或1路1080P60视频编解码;支持1路HDMI输入,最大分辨率1080P60 FHD;支持1路HDMI/VOUT输出,最大分辨率1080P60,支持HDMI 1.3输出;GPU:SGX530 3D图形引擎,支持OpenGLES 1.1/2.0、OpenVG 1.0和OpenMax API; 外设接口丰富,集成千兆网、GPMC、USB 2.0 OTG、UART、MMC、SDIO、DCAN、SATA 等接口;满足高低温和振动要求,适合各种恶劣的工作环境;核心板体积极小,大小仅86mm*60mm;工业级精密B2B连接器,0.5mm间距,稳定,易插拔,防反插,所有大数据接口使用高速连接器,保证信号完整性。

图 1 开发板正面图1图 2 开发板正面图2图 3 开发板斜视图图 4 开发板侧视图1图 5 开发板侧视图2图 6 开发板侧视图3图7 开发板侧视图4TL8148-EasyEVM是一款广州创龙基于TI TMS320DM8148(浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8)SOM-TL8148核心板设计的开发板,它为用户提供了SOM-TL8148核心板的测试平台,用于快速评估SOM-TL8148核心板的整体性能。

基于TI达芬奇系列TMS320DM8168浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8高性能视频处理器

基于TI达芬奇系列TMS320DM8168浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8高性能视频处理器

Revision HistoryDraft Date Revision No. Description 2018/4/5 V1.2 1.排版优化。

2017/5/5 V1.1 1.添加附录表。

2016/5/13 V1.0 1.初始版本。

目录1 开发板简介 (4)2 典型运用领域 (7)3 软硬件参数 (7)4 开发资料 (11)5 电气特性 (11)6 机械尺寸图 (12)7 产品订购型号 (13)8 开发板套件清单 (14)9 技术支持 (14)10 增值服务 (15)更多帮助 (16)附录A开发例程 (17)1开发板简介基于TI达芬奇系列TMS320DM8168浮点DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8高性能视频处理器;强劲的视频编解码能力,拥有3个独立可编程高清视频图像协处理器,支持12路720P30或3路1080P60视频编解码;拥有2个独立的视频输入端口:✓1路16/24bit HD或2路8bit SD输入✓1路16bit HD或2路8bit SD输入支持多路视频输出:1路HDMI 1.3/HD1080P60 + 1路HD1080P60 + 1路HD Composite + 1路SD Composite/S-video (NTSC/PAL);开发板提供了丰富的视频物理I/O接口:2路HDMI输入接口+ 1路HDMI输出接口+ 1组高清模拟分量视频输出接口;GPU:SGX530 3D图形引擎,支持OpenGLES 1.1/2.0、OpenVG 1.0和OpenMax API; 外设接口丰富,集成双千兆网、PCIe、GPMC、USB 2.0、UART、SPI、I2C、McASP、McBSP等接口,并支持2路SATA接口,面向海量数据存储;满足高低温和振动要求,适合各种恶劣的工作环境;核心板与底板连接采用工业级精密B2B连接器,0.5mm间距,稳定,易插拔,防反插,所有大数据接口使用高速连接器,保证信号完整性。



TMS320C674x/OMAP-L1x Processor Real-Time Clock(RTC)User's GuideLiterature Number:SPRUFM3BJuly20092SPRUFM3B–July2009Submit Documentation FeedbackPreface (6)1Introduction (8)1.1Purpose of the Peripheral (8)1.2Features (8)1.3Block Diagram (8)2Architecture (9)2.1Clock Source (9)2.2Signal Descriptions (9)2.3Isolated Power Supply (9)2.4Operation (10)2.5Interrupt Requests (12)2.6Register Protection Against Spurious Writes (13)2.7General-Purpose Scratch Registers (14)2.8Real-Time Clock Response to Low Power Modes(Idle Configurations) (14)2.9Emulation Modes of the Real-Time Clock (14)2.10Reset Considerations (14)3Registers (15)3.1Second Register(SECOND) (16)3.2Minute Register(MINUTE) (17)3.3Hour Register(HOUR) (18)3.4Day of the Month Register(DAY) (19)3.5Month Register(MONTH) (20)3.6Year Register(YEAR) (21)3.7Day of the Week Register(DOTW) (22)3.8Alarm Second Register(ALARMSECOND) (23)3.9Alarm Minute Register(ALARMMINUTE) (24)3.10Alarm Hour Register(ALARMHOUR) (25)3.11Alarm Day of the Month Register(ALARMDAY) (26)3.12Alarm Month Register(ALARMMONTH) (27)3.13Alarm Year Register(ALARMYEAR) (28)3.14Control Register(CTRL) (29)3.15Status Register(STATUS) (30)3.16Interrupt Register(INTERRUPT) (31)3.17Compensation(LSB)Register(COMPLSB) (32)3.18Compensation(MSB)Register(COMPMSB) (33)3.19Oscillator Register(OSC) (34)3.20Scratch Registers(SCRATCH0-SCRATCH2) (35)3.21Kick Registers(KICK0R,KICK1R) (35)Appendix A Revision History (36)SPRUFM3B–July2009Table of Contents3 Submit Documentation FeedbackList of Figures1Real-Time Clock Block Diagram (8)232-kHz Oscillator Counter Compensation (12)3Kick State Machine (13)4Second Register(SECOND) (16)5Minute Register(MINUTE) (17)6Hour Register(HOUR) (18)7Days Register(DAY) (19)8Month Register(MONTH) (20)9Year Register(YEAR) (21)10Day of the Week Register(DOTW) (22)11Alarm Second Register(ALARMSECOND) (23)12Alarm Minute Register(ALARMMINUTE) (24)13Alarm Hour Register(ALARMHOUR) (25)14Alarm Day Register(ALARMDAY) (26)15Alarm Month Register(ALARMMONTH) (27)16Alarm Year Register(ALARMYEAR) (28)17Control Register(CTRL) (29)18Status Register(STATUS) (30)19Interrupt Register(INTERRUPT) (31)20Compensation(LSB)Register(COMPLSB) (32)21Compensation(MSB)Register(COMPMSB) (33)22Oscillator Register(OSC) (34)23Scratch Registers(SCRATCH n) (35)24Kick Registers(KICK n R) (35)List of Figures4SPRUFM3B–July2009Submit Documentation FeedbackList of Tables1Real-Time Clock Signals (9)2Real-Time Clock(RTC)Registers (15)3Second Register(SECOND)Field Descriptions (16)4Minute Register(MINUTE)Field Descriptions (17)5Hour Register(HOUR)Field Descriptions (18)6Day Register(DAY)Field Descriptions (19)7Month Register(MONTH)Field Descriptions (20)8Year Register(YEAR)Field Descriptions (21)9Day of the Week Register(DOTW)Field Descriptions (22)10Alarm Second Register(ALARMSECOND)Field Descriptions (23)11Alarm Minute Register(ALARMMINUTE)Field Descriptions (24)12Alarm Hour Register(ALARMHOUR)Field Descriptions (25)13Alarm Day Register(ALARMDAY)Field Descriptions (26)14Alarm Month Register(ALARMMONTH)Field Descriptions (27)15Alarm Years Register(ALARMYEARS)Field Descriptions (28)16Control Register(CTRL)Field Descriptions (29)17Status Register(STATUS)Field Descriptions (30)18Interrupt Register(INTERRUPT)Field Descriptions (31)19Compensations Register(COMPLSB)Field Descriptions (32)20Compensations Register(COMPMSB)Field Descriptions (33)21Oscillator Register(OSC)Field Descriptions (34)22Scratch Registers(SCRATCH n)Field Descriptions (35)23Kick Registers(KICK n R)Field Descriptions (35)A-1Document Revision History (36)SPRUFM3B–July2009List of Tables5 Submit Documentation FeedbackPrefaceSPRUFM3B–July2009About This ManualThis document describes the real-time clock(RTC).The RTC provides a time reference and the capability to generate time-based alarms to interrupt the CPU.Notational ConventionsThis document uses the following conventions.•Hexadecimal numbers are shown with the suffix h.For example,the following number is40 hexadecimal(decimal64):40h.•Registers in this document are shown in figures and described in tables.–Each register figure shows a rectangle divided into fields that represent the fields of the register.Each field is labeled with its bit name,its beginning and ending bit numbers above,and itsread/write properties below.A legend explains the notation used for the properties.–Reserved bits in a register figure designate a bit that is used for future device expansion.Related Documentation From Texas InstrumentsThe following documents describe the TMS320C674x Digital Signal ProcessorsApplications Processors.Copies of these documents are available on the Internet at Tip:Enter the literature number in the search box provided at .The current documentation that describes and other technical collateral,is available in the C6000DSP product folder at:—TMS320C6742DSP System Reference Guide.Describes the C6742DSP subsystem,memory,device clocking,phase-locked loop controller(PLLC),power and sleep controller (PSC),power management,and system configuration module.—TMS320C6743DSP System Reference Guide.Describes the System-on-Chip(SoC)the C6743DSP subsystem,system memory,device clocking,phase-locked loop controller(PLLC),power and sleep controller(PSC),power management,and system configurationmodule.—TMS320C6745/C6747DSP System Reference Guide.Describes the System-on-Chipincluding the C6745/C6747DSP subsystem,system memory,device clocking,phase-locked loop controller(PLLC),power and sleep controller(PSC),power management,and systemconfiguration module.—TMS320C6746DSP System Reference Guide.Describes the C6746DSP subsystem,memory,device clocking,phase-locked loop controller(PLLC),power and sleep controller (PSC),power management,and system configuration module.—TMS320C6748DSP System Reference Guide.Describes the C6748DSP subsystem,memory,device clocking,phase-locked loop controller(PLLC),power and sleep controller (PSC),power management,and system configuration module.—OMAP-L137Applications Processor System Reference Guide.Describes the(SoC)including the ARM subsystem,DSP subsystem,system memory,device clocking,phase-locked loop controller(PLLC),power and sleep controller(PSC),powermanagement,ARM interrupt controller(AINTC),and system configuration module.6Preface SPRUFM3B–July2009Submit Documentation Feedback Related Documentation From Texas Instruments —OMAP-L138Applications Processor System Reference Guide.Describes the(SoC)including the ARM subsystem,DSP subsystem,system memory,device clocking,phase-locked loop controller(PLLC),power and sleep controller(PSC),powermanagement,ARM interrupt controller(AINTC),and system configuration module.—TMS320C674x/OMAP-L1x Processor Peripherals Overview Reference Guide.Providesand briefly describes the peripherals available on the TMS320C674x Digital Signal Processors(DSPs)and OMAP-L1x Applications Processors.—TMS320C674x DSP Megamodule Reference Guide.Describes the TMS320C674x digitalprocessor(DSP)megamodule.Included is a discussion on the internal direct memory access (IDMA)controller,the interrupt controller,the power-down controller,memory protection,bandwidthmanagement,and the memory and cache.—TMS320C674x DSP CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide.Describes the CPUpipeline,instruction set,and interrupts for the TMS320C674x digital signal processors (DSPs).The C674x DSP is an enhancement of the C64x+and C67x+DSPs with addedfunctionality and an expanded instruction set.—TMS320C674x DSP Cache User's Guide.Explains the fundamentals of memory cachesdescribes how the two-level cache-based internal memory architecture in the TMS320C674x digital signal processor(DSP)can be efficiently used in DSP applications.Shows how to maintaincoherence with external memory,how to use DMA to reduce memory latencies,and how tooptimize your code to improve cache efficiency.The internal memory architecture in the C674xDSP is organized in a two-level hierarchy consisting of a dedicated program cache(L1P)and adedicated data cache(L1D)on the first level.Accesses by the CPU to the these first level cachescan complete without CPU pipeline stalls.If the data requested by the CPU is not contained incache,it is fetched from the next lower memory level,L2or external memory.SPRUFM3B–July2009Read This First7 Submit Documentation Feedback1Introduction 1.1Purpose of the Peripheral1.2Features1.3Block DiagramAlarmInterruptsPeriodicInterrupts Crystal User's GuideSPRUFM3B–July 2009The RTC provides a time reference to an application running on the device.The current date and time is tracked in a set of counter registers that update once per second.The time can be represented in 12-hour or 24-hour mode.The calendar and time registers are buffered during reads and writes so that updates do not interfere with the accuracy of the time and date.Alarms are available to interrupt the CPU at a particular time,or at periodic time intervals,such as once per minute or once per day.In addition,the RTC can interrupt the CPU every time the calendar and time registers are updated,or at programmable periodic intervals.The real-time clock (RTC)provides the following features:•100-year calendar (xx00to xx99)•Counts seconds,minutes,hours,day of the week,date,month,and year with leap year compensation •Binary-coded-decimal (BCD)representation of time,calendar,and alarm•12-hour clock mode (with AM and PM)or 24-hour clock mode•Alarm interrupt•Periodic interrupt•Single interrupt to the CPU•Supports external 32.768-kHz crystal or external clock source of the same frequency•Isolated power supplyFigure 1shows a block diagram of the RTC.Figure 1.Real-Time Clock Block Diagram8Real-Time Clock (RTC)SPRUFM3B–July 2009Submit Documentation Feedback Architecture 2Architecture2.1Clock SourceThe clock reference for the RTC is an external32.768-kHz crystal or an external clock source of the same frequency.The RTC also has a separate power supply that is isolated from the rest of the system.When the CPU and other peripherals are without power,the RTC can remain powered to preserve the current time and calendar information.The source for the RTC reference clock may be provided by a crystal or by an external clock source.The RTC has an internal oscillator buffer to support direct operation with a crystal.The crystal is connected between pins RTC_XI and RTC_XO.RTC_XI is the input to the on-chip oscillator and RTC_XO is theoutput from the oscillator back to the crystal.For more information about the RTC crystal connection,see your device-specific data manual.An external32.768-kHz clock source may be used instead of a crystal.In such a case,the clock source is connected to RTC_XI,and RTC_XO is left unconnected.If the RTC is not used,the RTC_XI pin should be held low and RTC_XO should be left unconnected.The RTCDISABLE bit in the control register(CTRL)can be set to save power;however,the RTCDISABLE bit should not be cleared once it has been set.If the application requires the RTC module to stop andcontinue,the RUN bit in CTRL should be used instead.2.2Signal DescriptionsThe RTC signals are listed in Table1.Table1.Real-Time Clock SignalsSignal I/O DescriptionRTC_XI I RTC time base input signal.RTC_XI can either be driven with a32.768-kHz reference clock,or RTC_XIand RTC_XO can be connected to an external crystal.This signal is the input to the RTC internaloscillator.RTC_XO O RTC time base output signal.RTC_XO is the output from the RTC internal oscillator.If a crystal is notused as the time base for RTC_XI,RTC_XO should be left unconnected.2.3Isolated Power SupplyThe RTC has a power supply that is isolated from the rest of the system.This allows the RTC to continue to run while the rest of the system is not powered.In this state,the RTC time and calendar counterscontinue to run,but the powered down CPU is not able to receive RTC interrupts.Separate power supply pins for the RTC are provided on the device package.2.3.1Split-Power CircuitryTo decrease power consumption,RTC includes leakage-isolation circuitry that is activated by setting the SPLITPOWER bit in the control register(CTRL).Because of its isolated power supply,RTC does not havea power-on hardware reset signal.Therefore,upon initial device power-on,the RTC is in an unknownstate until it has been properly configured.After the RTC module has been configured once,it functions as programmed as long as its power supply and clock source are provided.SPRUFM3B–July2009Real-Time Clock(RTC)9 Submit Documentation Feedback2.3.2Power Considerations2.4Operation 2.4.1Using the Real-Time Clock Time and Calendar Registers2.4.1.1Time/Calendar Data Format2.4.1.212-Hour and 24-Hour Modes2.4.1.3Reading from Time/Calendar RegistersArchitecture The RTC leakage-isolation circuitry requires that the CPU supply be powered down to VSS when the RTC is powered on while the rest of the device is powered off.A floating CPU supply creates undesired RTC leakage current.Also,the RTC power consumption is higher when the CPU is powered on versus theRTC power consumption when the CPU is powered off.Therefore,if the RTC module is expected to run from a small-capacity power supply (ex.watch battery)while the rest of the device is powered off,a power system should be implemented such that the RTC is powered from a high-capacity power supply when the CPU is powered on.The current time and date are maintained in the RTC time and calendar registers.The time and calendar data in the RTC is stored as binary-coded decimal (BCD)format.In BCD format,the decimal numbers 0through 9are encoded with their binary equivalent.Although most of thetime/calendar registers have 4bits assigned to each BCD digit,some of the register fields are shortersince the range of valid numbers may be limited.For example,only 3bits are required to represent theday since only BCD numbers 1though 7are required.The following time and calendar registers are supported (BCD Format):•SECOND -Second Count (00-59)•MINUTE -Minute Count (00-59)•HOUR -Hour Count (12HR:01-12;24HR:00-23)•DAY -Day of the Month Count (01-31)•MONTH -Month Count (01-12;JAN =1)•YEAR -Year Count (00-99)•DOTW -Day of the Week Count (0-6;SUN =0)Note that the ALARM registers which share the names above also share the same BCD formatting.The current time can be represented in 12-hour or 24-hour mode by configuring the HOURMODE bit inthe control register (CTRL):•When HOURMODE =0,24-hour mode is selected.The hours are represented as 00through 23.The MERIDIEM bit in the HOURS register has no function and should be cleared.•When HOURMODE =1,12-hour mode is selected.The hours are represented as 00through 12.MERIDIEM =0indicates ante meridiem (AM),and MERIDIEM =1indicates post meridiem (PM).The time/calendar registers are updated every second as the time changes.During a read of theSECOND register,the RTC copies the current values of the time/date registers into shadow readregisters.This isolation assures that the CPU can capture all the time/date values at the moment of theSECOND read request and not be subject to changing register values from time updates.If desired,the RTC also provides a one-time-triggered minute-rounding feature to round theMINUTE:SECOND registers to the nearest minute (with zero seconds).This feature is enabled by setting the ROUNDMIN bit in the control register (CTRL);the RTC automatically rounds the time values to thenearest minute upon the next read of the SECOND register.Real-Time Clock (RTC)10SPRUFM3B–July 2009Submit Documentation Feedback Architecture to Time/Calendar RegistersWhen setting the RTC time and date,values are written directly to the time/calendar registers.Therefore, care must be taken to avoid writing to the time/calendar registers while the time is updating to the next second.This can be accomplished in one of two ways:1.The RTC can be stopped by clearing the RUN bit in the control register(CTRL).When stopped,thereis no danger of contention during writes because the registers do not auto-update.2.The BUSY bit in the status register(STATUS)is low when a time update does not take place for atleast15µs.By checking for a low BUSY bit before writing to registers,the CPU is assured of a15µswindow of time during which multiple accesses to the time/calendar registers can be performed.After writing to a time/calendar register,the RTC requires four peripheral clock cycles to update theregister value.Any reads that take place within four peripheral clock cycles of a write returns old data.Note that all registers in the RTC except for KICK n R have write-protection.See Section2.6for information on unlocking registers.2.4.2Real-Time Clock Update CycleThe RTC executes an update cycle once per second to update the current time in the time/calendarregisters.The update cycle also compares each alarm register with the corresponding time register.These comparisons are done to determine when to trigger an alarm.The BUSY bit in the status register(STATUS)provides a mechanism to indicate when the time/calendar registers are updated.When theBUSY bit is high,an update takes place within15µs.When BUSY returns low again,the update has been completed.The BUSY bit should be checked when writing to any of the following registers while RTC is running:•SECOND•MINUTE•HOUR•DAY•MONTH•YEAR•DOTW•ALARMSECOND(when ALARM interrupt is enabled)•ALARMMINUTE(when ALARM interrupt is enabled)•ALARMHOUR(when ALARM interrupt is enabled)•ALARMDAY(when ALARM interrupt is enabled)•ALARMMONTH(when ALARM interrupt is enabled)•ALARMYEAR(when ALARM interrupt is enabled)•CTRL(SET32COUNTER field only--the other fields in CTRL do not require BUSY to be low)•INTERRUPT•COMPLSB(when oscillator drift compensation is enabled)•COMPMSB(when oscillator drift compensation is enabled)2.4.3Oscillator Drift CompensationIf the RTC32.768-kHz reference clock is susceptible to oscillator drift,the RTC provides the ability tocompensate the update cycle by subtracting oscillator periods.The COMPMSB and COMPLSB registers hold the number of two's complement reference periods to subtract from the update cycle every hour.For example,Figure2shows how programming the value of2h into the compensation registers shortens the update32.786-kHz reference periods every hour.Figure2also shows how programming the value of FFFEh(decimal negative2)into the compensation the update cycle by two reference periods every hour.To enable the oscillator compensation,the AUTOCOMP bit in the control register(CTRL)must be set.7FFA7FFB7FFC7FFD7FFE7FFF00000001CLK 32 kHz Timer Counter Second UpdateNo CompensationCLK 32 kHz Timer Counter Second UpdateNegative Compensation: comp_req = +2CLK 32 kHz Timer Counter Second UpdatePositive Compensation: comp_req =–2 (0xFFFE)Current Second2.5Interrupt Requests2.5.1Alarm Interrupt Enable and Status BitsArchitecture Figure 2.32-kHz Oscillator Counter CompensationThe RTC provides the ability to interrupt the CPU based on two events:a periodic interrupt and an alarm interrupt.Although two interrupt sources are available,the RTC makes a single interrupt request to the CPU.When the device is initially powered on,the RTC may issue spurious interrupt signals to the CPU.To avoid issues,a software reset should be performed on the RTC module before the CPU interrupt controller is initialized.See Section 2.10for more information on reset considerations.The ALARM bit in the interrupt register (INTERRUPT)enables the alarm interrupt.When the current time and date match the ALARMSECOND,ALARMMINUTE,ALARMHOUR,ALARMDAY,ALARMMONTH,and ALARMYEAR registers,the RTC issues an interrupt to the CPU and sets the ALARM bit in the status register (STATUS).Once set,the ALARM status bit stays high until cleared by a write of 1to the ALARM bit.As with writing to time and calendar registers (Section,writes to the INTERRUPT and STATUS registers should only be done when the RTC is stopped or when the BUSY bit is low.Note that all registers in the RTC except for KICK n R have write-protection.See Section 2.6for information on unlocking registers.Real-Time Clock (RTC)12SPRUFM3B–July 20092.5.2Periodic Interrupt Enable and Status Bits2.6Register Protection Against Spurious WritesKICK0 =Any ValueKey0Key1Locked Unlocked = 83E7 0B13h = 95A4 F1E0h= Write protection enabled = Write protection disabledKICK0≠Key0or Reset ArchitectureThe TIMER bit and EVERY field in the interrupt register (INTERRUPT)work together to enable periodic interrupts.When the TIMER bit is enabled,interrupts are issued at a time period indicated by the EVERY field (0h=Second,1h=Minute,2h=Hour,3h=Day).Regardless of the period selected in the EVERY field,the periodic timer status bits (DAYEVT,HREVT,MINEVT,SECEVT)are set in the status register (STATUS)whenever they are valid.Note that the appropriate status bits are set when the TIME bit isenabled,not when the desired interrupt is generated.Active periodic status bits remain high as long as the TIMER bit is enabled.For example,if daily periodic interrupts are enabled and the time (in HH:MM:SS format)transitions from 23:59:59to 00:00:00,the STATUS register sets all four periodic status bits (DAYEVT,HREVT,MINEVT,and SECEVT)because all four time periods were incremented.These bits all remain high until:1.The TIME bit is cleared and all four status bits clear to zero until TIME is set again OR2.The current time reaches 00:00:01.At that point,the SECEVT remains set while the DAYEVT,HREVT,and MINEVT bits are cleared.The next interrupt is not generated until the next day transition.As with writing to time and calendar registers (Section,writes to the INTERRUPT and STATUS registers should only be done when the RTC the BUSY bit is low.Note that all registers in the RTC except for KICK nR have write-protection.See Section 2.6for information on unlocking registers.All registers in the RTC except for the KICK n R registers are protected from spurious writes.Out of reset,writes to protected registers are disabled until the registers are unlocked using the KICK n R registers in the System Configuration Module.To unlock the registers,a key of 83E70B13h needs to be written toKICK0R,followed by a write of 95A4F1E0h to KICK1R.Registers remain unlocked until write protection is enabled again by writing any value to KICK0R or KICK1R.The write protection state machine is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3.Kick State MachineArchitecture 2.7General-Purpose Scratch RegistersThe RTC provides three general-purpose registers(SCRATCH n)that can be used to store32-bit words--these registers have no functional purpose for the RTC.Software using the RTC may find the SCRATCH n registers to be useful in indicating RTC states.For example,the SCRATCH n registers may be used to indicate write-protection lock status or unintentional power downs.To indicate write-protection,the software should write a unique value to one of the SCRATCH n registers when write-protection is disabled and another unique value when write-protection is enabled again.In this way,the lock-status of the registers can be determined quickly by reading the SCRATCH register.To indicate unintentional power downs,the software should write a unique value to one of the SCRATCH n registers when RTC is configured and enabled.If the RTC is unintentionally powered down,the valuewritten to the SCRATCH register is cleared.2.8Real-Time Clock Response to Low Power Modes(Idle Configurations)The device is divided into idle domains that can be programmed to be idle or active.The state of alldomains is called the idle configuration.The RTC runs on its own external clock source and is not affected by any of the other device idle domains.2.9Emulation Modes of the Real-Time ClockThe RTC always continues to run regardless of the state(running/halted)of the emulation debuggersoftware.2.10Reset ConsiderationsWhen the device is initially powered on,the RTC may issue spurious interrupt signals to the CPU.Toavoid issues,a software reset should be performed on the RTC module before the CPU interruptcontroller is initialized.As the RTC is configured,the SPLITPOWER bit in the control register(CTRL)should be set.A software reset is performed on the RTC by setting the SWRESET bit in the oscillator register(OSC).The software reset applies to all registers except the oscillator(OSC)and kick(KICK n R)registers.The RTC requires three32.768-kHz reference clocks to pass before RTC registers can be accessed.14Real-Time Clock(RTC)SPRUFM3B–July2009 Registers 3RegistersTable2lists the memory-mapped registers for the RTC.See your device-specific data manual for the address of these registers.Table2.Real-Time Clock(RTC)Registers4h MINUTE Minutes Register Section3.28h HOUR Hours Register Section3.3Ch DAY Day of the Month Register Section3.410h MONTH Month Register Section3.514h YEAR Year Register Section3.618h DOTW Day of the Week Register Section3.720h ALARMSECOND Alarm Seconds Register Section3.824h ALARMMINUTE Alarm Minutes Register Section3.928h ALARMHOUR Alarm Hours Register Section3.102Ch ALARMDAY Alarm Days Register Section3.1130h ALARMMONTH Alarm Months Register Section3.1234h ALARMYEAR Alarm Years Register Section3.1340h CTRL Control Register Section3.1444h STATUS Status Register Section3.1548h INTERRUPT Interrupt Enable Register Section3.164Ch COMPLSB Compensation(LSB)Register Section3.1750h COMPMSB Compensation(MSB)Register Section3.1854h OSC Oscillator Register Section3.1960h SCRATCH0Scratch0Register(General-Purpose)Section3.2064h SCRATCH1Scratch1Register(General-Purpose)Section3.2068h SCRATCH2Scratch2Register(General-Purpose)Section3.206Ch KICK0R(1)Kick0Register(Write Protect)Section3.21(1)This register is in the System Configuration Module.Registers 3.1Second Register(SECOND)Note:Out of reset,the second register(SECOND)is write-protected.To disable write protection,correct keys must be written to the KICK n R registers(see Section2.6).The second register(SECOND)sets the second value of the current time.Seconds are stored asbinary-coded decimal(BCD)format.In BCD format,the decimal numbers0through9are encoded with their binary equivalent.The SECOND register is shown in Figure4and described in Table3.Figure4.Second Register(SECOND)3116ReservedR-01576430Reserved SEC1SEC0R-0R/W-0R/W-0LEGEND:R/W=Read/Write;R=Read only;-n=value after resetTable3.Second Register(SECOND)Field Descriptions Bit Field Value Description31-7Reserved0Reserved.6-4SEC10-5h Most significant digit of second value.Range for SEC1:SEC0is00-59.3-0SEC00-9h Least significant digit of second value.Range for SEC1:SEC0is00-59.16SPRUFM3B–July2009 Real-Time Clock(RTC)。



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该款业界最佳SoC针对视频安全与视频通信应用进行了精心设计,高度集成了1 GHz ARM Cortex-A8与1 GHz TI C674x数字信号处理器(DSP)内核。









文中以TI公司的DSP芯片TMS320C672X系列芯片为例介绍了BootLoader设计的步骤,了解BootLoader的基本原理与方式,从而掌握其他系列DSP芯片的BootLoader技术,本文介绍了在TMS320C672X DSP系统中采用从SPI来实现DSP的BOOTLOADER的一个方案。


关键词:DSP TMS320C672X BOOTLOADER SPITMS320C672X系列DSP是TI公司高性能的32/64位浮点处理器的新一代产品,无线通信、语音识别、多媒体、因特网等新应用,都有赖于DSP提供强大的实时处理能力。


1 概述在CCS开发环境下,PC机通过不同类型的JTAG电缆与用户目标系统中的DSP通信,帮助用户完成调试工作。


系统上电后,由DSP本身自带的Boot程序将DSP的应用程序加载到DSP应用板上的高速存储器(如内部SRAM、SDRAM等)中,这个过程称为Boot loader。






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由广州创龙自主研发的 SOM-TL8127 是体积极小的 TMS320DM8127 浮点 DSP+ARM 双 核核心板,86mm*60mm,性能强、成本低、性价比高。采用沉金无铅工艺的 8 层板设计, 专业的 PCB Layout 保证信号完整性的同时,经过严格的质量控制,通过高低温和振动要 求,满足工业环境应用。
DDR3 eMMC SATA USB 2.0 OTG BUTTON Camera CAN McBSP RTC 7in Touch Screen LCD HDMI OUT Video OUT Ethernet
4 开发资料
(1) 提供核心板引脚定义、可编辑底板原理图、可编辑底板 PCB、芯片 Datasheet,缩 短硬件设计周期;
ARM 端软件支持 支持裸机,Linux2.6.37
DSP 端软件支持 支持裸机、SYS/BIOS 操作系统
CCS 版本号
图形界面开发工具 Qt
双核通信组件支持 SysLink
软件开发套件提供 DVRRDK
Linux 驱动支持
NAND FLASH SPI FLASH MMC/SD PCIe 2.0 LED RS232 I2C McASP SPI 4.3in Touch Screen LCD HDMI IN Video IN Face Detect
7 产品订购型号
SOM-TL8127-1000-32GE8GD-I SOM-TL8127-1000-8GN8GD-I SOM-TL8127-1000-8GN16GD-I
ARM:1000MHz DSP:750MHz ARM:1000MHz DSP:750MHz ARM:1000MHz DSP:750MHz
2x 可编程指示灯 2x 80pin 公座 B2B,2x 80pin 母座 B2B,间距 0.5mm,合高 5.0mm;1x 80pin 高速连接 器,共 400pin 1x 人脸识别模块
1x HDVICP 协处理器
1x 165MHz HD 视频输入 2x 165MHz HD 视频输出
1x 复合视频输出 1x HDMI 1.3 输出接口 1x Camera 输入接口(最大支持 16bit、支持 BT.656/BT.1120 协议) 1x CSI2 输入接口 1x PCIe 2.0 2x USB 2.0 2x 10/100/1000M 网络接口 3x MMC/SD/SDIO 6x UART 8x Timers 1x System Watchdog 1x GPMC 4x I2C 2x DCAN 1x McBSP 6x McASP 4x SPI 1x RTC 1x 16 位启动模式选择信号
/ 1GByte 1GByte
4GByte / /
1GByte 1GByte 2GByte
备注:标配 SOM-TL8127-1000-32GE8GD-I,其他型号请与相关销售人员联系。
温度级别 工业级 工业级 工业级
8 技术支持
(1) 协助底板设计和测试,减少硬件设计失误; (2) 协助解决按照用户手册操作出现的异常问题; (3) 协助产品故障判定; (4) 协助正确编译与运行所提供的源代码; (5) 协助进行产品二次开发; (6) 提供长期的售后服务。
视频输入; 支持 1 路 16/24bit RGB/YCbCr + 1 路 8bit Y/C 视频输入; 支持 1 路 HDMI/VOUT 1080P60 + 1 路 1080P60 + 1 路 SD Composite/S-video(NTSC/PAL)
视频输出,支持 HDMI 1.3 输出; 支持分辨率为 320*240 和 8 位灰阶数据输入图象的人脸识别功能; 外设接口丰富,集成千兆网、PCIe、GPMC、USB 2.0 OTG、UART、SPI、I2C、DCAN、
9 增值服务
主板定制设计 核心板定制设计 嵌入式软件开发 项目合作开发 技术培训
销售邮箱:sales@ 技术邮箱:support@ 创龙总机:020-8998-6280 技术热线:020-3893-9734 创龙官网: 技术论坛: 线上商城:https:// DM8127、DM8148、DM8168 交流群:173867122、295222055 TI 中文论坛:/ TI 英文论坛:/ TI 官网: TI WIKI:/
2 典型运用领域
HD 视频会议 IP 网络摄像头 媒体播放器 立体相机 工业自动化网络摄像机 行车纪录仪 网络投影仪 家用音频/视频设备
3 软硬件参数
图 3 核心板功能框图
图 4 核心板硬件框图
表1 TI TMS320DM8127,浮点 DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8 主频:750MHz(DSP) + 1GHz(ARM)
1 核心板简介
基于 TI 达芬奇系列 TMS320DM8127 浮点 DSP C674x + ARM Cortex-A8 高性能视频处理 器;
独立视频协处理器,支持 3 路 720P30 或 1 路 1080P60 视频编解码; 硬件 3A 引擎提供更强的成像控制能力,支持 1 路 CSI2 接口; 支持 1 路 1080P60FHD + 1 路 720P HD 或 3 路 720P SD 或 6 路 480P SD 或 12 路 480i D1
最大值 85°C /
表4 典型值电流
备注:功耗测试基于广州创龙 TL8127-EasyEVM 开发板进行,核心板空载功耗为 2.5W,电流为 500mA。
6 机械尺寸图
PCB 尺寸 安装孔数量
表5 86mm*60mm 6个
图 5 核心板机械尺寸图
Revision History
DraftDate 2018/04/16 2017/03/28 2016/06/15
Revision No. V1.2 V1.1 V1.0
Description 1. 更新附录 A 开发例程。 1. 添加附录 A 开发例程。 1. 初始版本。
目录 1 核心板简介.............................................................................................................................. 4 2 典型运用领域.......................................................................................................................... 6 3 软硬件参数.............................................................................................................................. 6 4 开发资料.................................................................................................................................. 9 5 电气特性................................................................................................................................ 10 6 机械尺寸图............................................................................................................................ 10 7 产品订购型号........................................................................................................................ 11 8 技术支持................................................................................................................................ 12 9 增值服务................................................................................................................................ 12 更多帮助 .................................................................................................................................... 13 附录 A 开发例程........................................................................................................................ 14