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Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds 无机化合物的命名


〔.Trivial Names 俗名

H2O water 不说dihydrogen oxide

NH3 ammonia 不说nitrogen trihydride

CaO quicklime

CaCO3 limest one

2.Systematic Nomenclature 系统命名

1)Oxide氧化物----- 先命名非氧元素

ZnOzinc oxide

CaO calcium oxide

CO carb on oxide

Na2O2 sodium peroxide

H2O2hydrogen peroxide 注:peroxide 过氧化物

2)Hydroxide 氢氧化物(base 碱)

Ba(OH)2 barium hydroxide

KOH potassium hydroxide

3)Acid 酸

Hydro acid 氢酸Ge neral formula 通式:HnX 命名:hydro- + stem of X + -ic acid H2S hydrosulfuric acid(英)hydrosulphuric(美)氢硫酸S:sulfur(英)、sulphur(美)HBr 氢溴酸hydrobromic acidBr: bromine HCl 氢氯酸(盐酸)hydrochloric acidCl: chlorine HF 氢氟酸hydrofluoric acidF: fluori ne

Oxoacid or Oxyacid 含氧酸General formula 通式:HnXOm 命名:Stem of X + -ic acid 注:oxo- (oxy-)含氧,氧代

H2SO4 sulfuric acid(英)sulphuric acid(美)

H2CO3 carbo nic acid

H3PO4 phosphoric acid P: phosphorus H3BO3 boric acid B: boro n HNO3 n itric acid N: nitroge n

If X has two oxidation states :

-ic: the higher oxidation state

-ous:the lower oxidation state

H2SO4 sulfuric acid

H2SO3 sulfurous acid


HNO3 n itric acid

HNO2 nitrous acid

If X (such as halogens) has more than two oxidation states :

halogen 卤素

per-(过,高)+ -ic : the still higher oxidation state

hypo-(次,在,下)+ -ous: the still lower oxidation state

HClO3 chloric acid

HClO2 chlorous acid

HClO4 perchloric acid

HClO hypochlorous acid

HIO hypoiodous acid

General formula 通式:MnXm 命名:Name of M stem of X + -ide (-ide,化物)


KI potassium iodide

AI2S3 alumi num sulfide

LiH lithium hydride

Oxysalt 含氧酸盐Name the metal ion first and then the anion

Naming anions:

-ate anions derived from the -ic acid(the higher oxidati on state of X)

-ite anions derived from the -ous acid (the lower oxidati on state of X)

HNO3 n itric acid

NaNO3 sodium nitrate

HNO2 nitrous acid

NaNO2 sodium nitrite

SO42- sulfate

SO32- sulfite

AgClO4 silver perchlorate

NaIO3 sodium iodate

KClO2 potassium chlorite

KBrO potassium hypobromite

MnO 42- mangan ate

MnO4- perma ngan ate

Acid salt 酸式盐Using “ hydrogen ” to specify “ H"

NaHSO4 sodium hydrogen sulfate

NaH2PO4 sodium dihydroge n phosphate

Na2HPO4 disodium hydrogen phosphate P: phosphorus phosphate 磷酸盐(根)Using prefix bi- + n ame of anion if only one acid salt exists

NaHSO4 sodium bisulfate

NaHSO3 sodium bisulfite

KHCO3 potassium bicarb on ate

5)Metals (M ) with more than one oxidation state


Two methods:


stem of M + -ic the higher oxidati on state of M

stem of M + -ous the lower oxidati on state of M

HgI2 mercuric iodide

Hg2I2 mercurous iodide Hg:mercury Cr2+ chromous

Cr3+ chromic Cr: chromium

注: In most cases, Latin stem is used if the metal has symbol derived from its

Lati n n ame.(mercury is an excepti on)

Cu:cuprum (拉丁),copper (英)

Cu+ cuprous
