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Ⅰ. Word Spelling

1.A famous old name on a firm is not necessarily a _____________ (保证) of quality.

2.The teacher looked annoyed when his student _____________ (漫步) to the courtyard instead of

following him.

3. The hotel offers its guests a wide v____________ of amusements.

4. She was held in deep a______________ by all her students.

5. Our friendship has steadily ________________ (加强) over the years.

6. He talked for several minutes, but there was ______________(技术的) problem and no one in the

audience could hear him.

7. Other comedians rely on ______________(视觉的) humour.

8. His _______________(最初的) requirements are that students should speak good Putonghua and

have an interest in Chinese culture.

9. Crystal has the ability to a____________ people all over the world.

10. Jim has read a lot about how to perform well at interviews. I hope he will have a good

_____________ in future.

11. He has a p_____________ attitude towards life.

12. She had three children by a _______________ (先前的) marriage.

13. I don’t want to p_______________ in the English Party to be held in our school.

14. Jim is halfway to a________________ his pilot's license.

15. The old woman g_______________ at him angrily.

16. People wore crapes to _______________ (哀悼) the leader.

17. The Syrians have not yet accepted an ______________(邀请) to attend.

18. He peered slowly around the small _______________ (拥挤的) room.

19._____________(城堡)were built by important people, such as kings, in former times especially

for protection during wars and battles.

20. He felt so angry that he ___________(撕碎)the photo into pieces.

Ⅱ.Cloze Test

Alone in the light at the dinning room table, I sat in tears.

Finally, I’d succeeded in getting both kids to bed. I got then both washed,21 by cries of delight, crazy running around, laughing and throwing things. 22 calmed down, they lay in their beds as I gave each the five minutes’back rubs as usual. Then I began the night time routine of a song, both kids’23 . I sang it over and over until they seemed fully engaged in 24 .

A recently 25 man with full custody (监护权) of his children, I was determined to give them as 26 and stable a home life as possible. I 27 a happy face for them. Everything was just as it had always been with the exception 28 their mother was now missing. There, another night successfully 29 .

I rose slowly, tiptoed out of their room and went downstairs.

Sitting at the 30 room table, I realized that this was the first time since I came home from work that I’d been able to 31 sit down.

Then it all crowded in on me: the fatigue (疲惫), the 32 of the responsibility, the worry about bills I wasn’t sure I could pay that month. And 33 I felt as though I were at the bottom
