



大学物理实验的英语教材University Physics Laboratory: English TextbookIntroduction:The aim of this English textbook is to provide comprehensive guidance and instructions for university physics laboratory experiments. The textbook covers a wide range of topics, including fundamental laws and principles, experimental techniques, data analysis, and safety precautions. By following this textbook, students will enhance their laboratory skills, develop a deeper understanding of physics concepts, and improve their English proficiency.Chapter 1: Introduction to Laboratory Equipment1.1 Laboratory Safety1.2 Basic Laboratory Equipment1.2.1 Glassware and Containers1.2.2 Measuring Instruments1.2.3 Electrical Equipment1.2.4 Advanced EquipmentChapter 2: Measurement Techniques2.1 Units and Dimensions2.2 Uncertainty and Error Analysis2.3 Measurement Tools and Techniques2.3.1 Length Measurement2.3.2 Time Measurement2.3.3 Mass Measurement2.3.4 Temperature Measurement2.3.5 Other Important MeasurementsChapter 3: Experiments on Mechanics3.1 Introduction to Mechanics3.2 Experimental Procedures for Newton's Laws3.2.1 Experiment 1: Force and Motion3.2.2 Experiment 2: Frictional Forces3.3 Experiment on Gravitation3.3.1 Experiment 3: Gravitational Force and Acceleration due to Gravity 3.4 Experiment on Simple Harmonic Motion3.4.1 Experiment 4: Pendulum MotionChapter 4: Experiments on Optics4.1 Introduction to Optics4.2 Experiments on Geometrical Optics4.2.1 Experiment 5: Reflection4.2.2 Experiment 6: Refraction4.3 Experiments on Wave Optics4.3.1 Experiment 7: Interference of Light4.3.2 Experiment 8: Diffraction of LightChapter 5: Experiments on Electricity and Magnetism 5.1 Introduction to Electricity and Magnetism5.2 Experiments on DC Circuits5.2.1 Experiment 9: Ohm's Law and Resistors5.2.2 Experiment 10: Kirchhoff's Laws and DC Circuits 5.3 Experiments on Magnetism and Electromagnetism 5.3.1 Experiment 11: Magnetic Fields and Forces5.3.2 Experiment 12: Electromagnetic Induction Chapter 6: Experiments on Modern Physics6.1 Introduction to Modern Physics6.2 Experiments on Atomic and Nuclear Physics6.2.1 Experiment 13: Radioactivity and Half-Life6.2.2 Experiment 14: Atomic Spectra and Energy Levels 6.3 Experiments on Quantum Mechanics6.3.1 Experiment 15: Wave-Particle Duality6.3.2 Experiment 16: Photoelectric EffectChapter 7: Data Analysis and Error Propagation7.1 Data Collection and Recording7.2 Data Analysis Techniques7.3 Graphing and Curve Fitting7.4 Error Propagation and ReportingChapter 8: Laboratory Reports and Presentation8.1 Structure of a Laboratory Report8.2 Writing Style and Language8.3 Presenting Experimental Results8.4 Peer Review and FeedbackConclusion:This English textbook for university physics laboratory experiments offers a comprehensive guide for students to conduct practical experiments effectively. With a strong emphasis on safety, accurate measurements, data analysis, and clear reporting, the textbook equips students with the necessary skills to excel in the laboratory. By using this textbook, students will enhance their understanding of physics concepts, improve their English proficiency, and become adept researchers in the field of physics.。


x0 = f θ 0 = 2 f
415 ×109 = 2 × 2.50 × = 2.25 ×105 m = 0.023mm 9.2 ×102
1 a′ = a 2
焦平面上原来3 级暗纹处, 焦平面上原来 级暗纹处,现在明暗情况如何
a sin θ = 3λ
1 3 a sin θ = λ = (2m′ + 1) 1 λ 2 2 2
a sin θ = 2
A 1
Hale Waihona Puke AbBR
θ L
a sin θ = 3
2 .The positions on which all rays travel with angle θ
a sin θ = N
Dark fringe
a sin θ = ±2m
Large obstacle
Small obstacle
2. 惠更斯——菲涅耳原理 惠更斯—— ——菲涅耳原理
在波的传播过程中, 在波的传播过程中,波前上的每一点都可看作是发射 子波(次波)的波源,在其后的任一时刻, 子波(次波)的波源,在其后的任一时刻,这些子波的包 迹就成为新的波阵面。 迹就成为新的波阵面。
(sin φ+1 a )



大学物理课程中英文简介课程代码:B1081006大学物理(1)学分:4 周学时:4预修课程:高等数学主要内容:根据教育部颁布的理工科非物理类本科大学物理课程教学基本要求和国内物理教材改革动态,共分上下两学期讲授。


Code:B1081006College Physics1Credits:4Teaching Hours per Week:4Requisites: Advanced MathematicsContents:Based on the basic requirements of the course of Advanced Physics for non-physical science and engineering undergraduate from the ministry of education and the reform of the dynamic of domestic physical materials,this course is divided into two teaching semesters: Advanced Physics 1and 2. Advanced Physics 1 includes Mechanical, thermal and electrical,Magnetism,.Each chapter is followed with a summary and the relevant contents of applications of physics and modern science and technology.课程代码:B1081006大学物理(2)学分:3 周学时:3预修课程:高等数学,大学物理(1)主要内容:根据教育部颁布的理工科非物理类本科大学物理课程教学基本要求和国内国类物理教材改革动态,共分上下两学期讲授。

SchoolofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofBirmingham,BirminghamB152TT,UK R.L.Wastie,A.R.Weidb

SchoolofPhysicsandAstronomy,UniversityofBirmingham,BirminghamB152TT,UK R.L.Wastie,A.R.Weidb

Single Event Upset Studies for the ATLAS SCT and Pixel Optical LinksJ.D.Dowell, R.J.Homer, P.Jovanovic, G.Mahout 1School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT, UKR.L.Wastie, A.R.WeidbergPhysics Department, Oxford University, Keble Road, Oxford, OX1 3RH, UKJ.K.Troska, D.J.WhiteCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratoty, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, OX11 OQX, UKI.-M. GregorPhysics Department, Postfach 10 01 27, Gaußstrasse 20, D-42119 Wuppertal, Germany.1Corresponding author, Email: gm@.AbstractOptical data transmission has been chosen for the ATLAS Pixel and SemiConductor Tracker to deliver both timing and control information to the detector modules and transmit tracking data to the remote computer room.Radiation hardness of individuals optical components and their ASICs drivers have been reported in previous papers. We will report here the Single Event Upset studies carried out on a customised optopackage using a high-energy pion beam. It will be shown that the system is sufficiently robust to SEU at the ATLAS SCT level.I. I NTRODUCTIONOptical links will be used for the readout of the ATLAS SCT and Pixel detectors[1]. A dedicated radiation hard, low mass and non magnetic optopackage has been developed with VCSEL emitters and Epitaxial Si PIN photodiode receiver. Details of the design and its performance are described in [2] . The two on-detector ASICs have been designed in the AMS 0.8 µm BiCMOS process. Although it is not a radiation hard process, both the circuit and the layout have been designed to minimise the effects of radiation. Components expected to have good radiation tolerance have been chosen: npn bipolar transistors, polysilicon resistors and poly1-poly2capacitors. Transistors were operated at high current densities where radiation effects were expected to have least effect on their characteristics. Finally, circuits were designed to be very tolerant to changes in absolute values of passive components and in particular in the value of transistor gains [3].Although the radiation hardness of all the previous components has been established and shown to be suitable for the ATLAS SCT environment, Single Event Upset (SEU) is becoming a major concern with the radiation level achieved at LHC. This effect is caused by a particle depositing lots of energy in a small volume of an electronic component. The charge released along the ionising particle path is collected promptly, a current transient is produced which might generate an SEU. The most sensitive regions of a microelectronic device are the reverse-bias p/n junctions, where the high electric field is very effective in collecting the deposited charge by drift.Preliminary studies have shown that our system was insensitive to a Sr 90 ionising source and a 9 MeV neutron beam (see [4]) at a flux larger than that expected at the SCT. We will report here SEU appearance with a pion/proton beam in the momentum range from 300-450MeV/c. From these results, the cross section for producing an SEU was deduced. The resulting Bit Error Rate (BER) was estimated to within the SCT specification.II. L INKS S PECIFICATIONSThe SCT links transfer digital data from the SCT modules to the off-detector electronics (RODs) at a rate of 40 Mbits/s and use NRZ coding of the digital readout data, with provision to operate also at 80 Mb/s for potential use within the ATLAS pixel subsystem. Optical links are also used to transfer Timing, Trigger and Control (TTC) data from the RODs to the SCT modules.BiPhase Mark (BPM) encoding is used to send the control data for a module on the same fibre as the 40 MHz bunch crossing clock. In this scheme, a 20 MHz clock is sent and each extra transitions are used to encode “1”s in the data as illustrated schematically in Figure 1.The links are based on radiation-hard VCSELs transmitters and Si PIN photodiodes receivers. The VCSEL will be driven by a simple VCSEL Driver Chip (VDC) which translates LVDS data from the silicon module to the current signal used to drive the optical emitter. The PIN diode signal is received by the DORIC chip. The DORIC chip decodes the BPM encoded input data stream to recover the 40 MhZ clock and 40 Mb/s control data which are output in LVDS format.Single Event Upset is most likely to take the form of spurious signal generation in the PIN photodiode which is decoded by DORIC as an erroneous data bit. DORIC and VDC themselves have been designed to minimise SEU effects by keeping the area of active components small.The epitaxial Si PIN, however, is 350 µm in diameter with an active thickness of 15 µm. The system specification is for a Bit Error Rate (BER) better than 10-9 s -1 which must be maintained at all times during the operation to avoid missing trigger information which would cause modules to lose synchronisation with the rest of the system. As the predominant particles in the SCT during operation will be pions with energies in the several hundred MeV range, a pion beam facility was chosen for the SEU study as described below.III. E XPERIMENTThe pion beamline πM1 at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Villigen, CH, was used for the Single Event Upset study. It was possible to control the beam momentum in the range 300-465 MeV/c, thus enabling some measurement of the energy dependence of the measured SEU rates. The beams used consisted largely of positive pions (π+), with less than ~20% proton contamination –the ratio depending upon the momentum used. The beam spot at the sample was measured to have FWHM of ~20mm in both transverse directions using a wire chamber. Fluxes were measured using a 2mm diameter disk of scintillator mounted in front of a photomultiplier tube, cross-checked using the activation of Al-foils. Both of the measurements agreed to within 10% which is within the independent measurement accuracy. Both ASICs were mounted on a kapton support structure similar to the final SCT style support along with a custom optical package containing two VCSELs and one epitaxial silicon PIN photodiode. This so-called “dogleg ”was mounted in the beam as shown in figure 2. The beam spot were arranged to cover the area of both ASICs and the optoelectronics components. It can be assumed that the flux was uniform over this area of approximately 10mm ×10mm.A VME-based BER test system was used to measure the BER rate as a function of optical power. A reference data set was taken with no beam followed by data with the beam at various momenta .IV. D ATA R ESULTSData were taken at PSI at four momenta and five particle fluxes as shown in Table 1. The BER is plotted asFigure 1 Bi-Phase mark encoding of TTCdata.Figure 2: Devices mounted onto a “dogleg” for SEU testing at PSI. The beam passed through the center of the package and ASICs into the board.a function of the average photodiode current in Figure 3.There is a clear region where SEUs are observed at low optical input powers. Sufficient headroom is available in the system to allow larger optical signals to be used which swamp the signals produced by particles passing through the photodiode and recover the system BER to the specified level of 10-9s -1. This is encouraging for the final application where the maximum flux in the SCT is not expected to exceed 3 106 cm 2 s -1. At the SCT level, a BER which takes into account SEU could be estimated, as it will be shown in the next paragraph.Table 1: Pion/proton fluxes obtained at different beam momenta in the PSI beam. The pion beam flux was measured with an accurancy better than ~10%,corrected for photomultiplier system dead-time.Beam Momentum Flux (cm -2 s -1)300 MeV/c 2.95 106350 MeV/c 5.71 107405 MeV/c 4.96 106405 MeV/c 1.16 108465 MeV/c1.22 108Figure 3: Measured Bit Error Rate before and during exposure to the PSI beam at various momenta.An upset cross section (σupset ) is calculated from the ratio of the number of errors N err observed in a given interval to the fluence φ in the same time interval:φσerr N upset =The measured σupset is shown in Figure 4. Data for high and low flux at a beam momentum of 405 MeV/c are in agreement indicating a linear scaling with flux and thus allowing these results to be used to scale to different rates that may be encountered in the final application indifferent regions of the detector. One possible expla-nation for the higher BER cross-section at 300 MeV/c is the ∆ resonance in pion-nucleon scattering which gives rise to a marked increase in the total pion-proton interaction cross-section. Detailed Monte Carlo simulations would be needed to verify this.We can scale the additional energy deposit from the passage of a high energy particle through the photodiode from a simple model of DORIC as an RC filter:opin e E lh I E eh ω×+×=−)(1012min where:E min minimum energy deposit required to trigger DORIC (MeV)I pin average photocurrent (µA)lh constant representing the hysteresis in DORIC4A (10)E eh mean energy required to create an electron-hole pair in silicon (3.6 eV)e elementary charge (1.6x10-19 C)0ω =RC1(109 s -1) time constant of the DORIC input stageFigure 4:Measured SEU cross-section for the differentbeam momenta available at PSI.The energy necessary to trigger a bit-flip in DORIC for a 30µA input photocurrent is of 0.6 MeV, up to 3.6MeV at 100 µA.V. E STIMATED BER WITH THE SCT FLUXProvision has been made in order to deliver at the system level an input power level of 1mW. The loss introduced by the patch panel, added to the loss due to the radiation damage in the fibre, could be estimated of 4 dB.The PIN photodiode responsivity, estimated to be 0.3A/W after 10 years of irradiation, gives a minimal inputcurrent of100µA.For such a value,the measured cross-section will be610-9cm2.With a SCT flux of 3106n cm2s-1and a data rate of40Mbit/s,we obtain an estimated BER of610-10(±1.710-10)s-1,lower than the 10-9SCT BER specification.VI.CONCLUSION SOn-detector components of the data links have been proven to be sufficiently radiation hard for use in the SCT.System testing in a pion beam of similar intensity to the flux levels expected in the SCT have shown that the data links can be operated in a regime where the effect of SEU can be minimised by choosing a sufficiently high input power level.VII.A CKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe acknowledge financial help from the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Councils.We thank Ian McGill,Dennis Grant and Roger Harris(Birmingham University)for help in the preparation of samples.PSI beam coordinator Dieter Renker and Konrad Dieters are thanked for help in setting up at PSI,while PSI radiation protection staff are thanked for help with dosimetry. M.Huhtinen of CERN is thanked for stimulating discussions on the physical interpretation of the results and their simulation.References1. D.G.Charlton et al.,Nucl.Instr.Meth.A443(2000)430.2. A.R.Weidberg and al.,Radiation Hard Optical Linksfor the ATLAS SCT and Pixel Detectors,these proceeding.3. D.J.White and al.,Radiation Hardness Studies of theFront-end ASICs for the Optical Links of the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker,Nucl.Instr.and Meth.(in print)4.G.Mahout and al.,Radiation Hard Optical Links forthe ATLAS SCT and Pixel detectors,proceedings of LEB99Colorado5.See www at url:/~weidberg/fluences .html6.J.D.Dowell et al.,Radiation Hardness and LifetimeStudies of the Photodiodes for the Optical Readout of the ATLAS SCT.Accepted for publication in Nucl.Instr.Meth.A.7.See www at url:http://www.atlas.uni-wuppertal.de/optolink/wuppertal/annealing.html.8.Radiation Hardness Studies of the Front-end ASICsfor the Optical Links of the ATLAS SemiConductor Tracker.Accepted for publication in Nucl.Instr.Meth.A.9.G.Mahout et al,Nucl.Instr.Meth.A446(2000)426.。





























23-2. Current Density & Drift Velocity (P556) Current density vector is defined as the current per unit cross-sectional area at any point in space
单位时间内该点附近垂直与电荷运动方向的单位截面上所通过的 电量, its direction is the one that a positive charge
Chapter 23 & 24
DC Circuits
1. Electric Current
2. Electric Current Density
3. Microscopic View of Ohm’s Law
4. Energy Stored in an Electric Field
5. Microscopic View of Ohm’s Law

Ek dl
Hale Waihona Puke +So, electrostatic field can not maintain steady current. To produce a steady flow of charge, a “charge pump,” a device that maintains a potential difference between a pair of terminals is needed. It is so called emf (electromotive force) 电 动势 device. 闭合电路形成恒定电流必须有电源!
move when placed at that point (the one of E ). j nqv , dI j ds j dS n - -- - I j dS - S



Conductors & dielectrics in electrostatic fieldDielectric 电介质 Electrostatic equilibrium 静电平衡 Polarization 极化 Relative permittivity of dielectric 电介质的相对电容率 Electric susceptibility 电极化率 Electric displacement 电位移矢量 Metal 金属 Capacitor 电容器 Capacitance 电容 Farad 法拉 Breakdown field strength (dielectric strength) 击穿电场强度 (电介质绝缘强度) Parallel combination 并联 Series combination 串联 Energy of electrostatic field 静电场的能量Electrostatic induction 静电感应 Electrostatic shield 静电屏蔽 Coaxial 同轴的 Isotropic 各向同性的 Free charge 自由电荷 Polarized charge 极化电荷 Electric polarization 电极化强度 Permittivity of dielectric 电介质的电容率 Gauss’s law with dielectric 电介质中的高斯定理 Conducting 导电的 Parallel-plate capacitor 平行板电容器 Cylindrical capacitor 圆柱形电容器 Spherical capacitor 球形电容器 Energy density of electrostatic filed 静电场的能量密度Magnetic forces & magnetic fieldsMagnetic field 磁场 Steady current 恒定电流 Electric current 电流 Drift speed 漂移速率 Magnetic induction 磁感应强度 The Biot-Savart law 毕奥-萨伐尔定律 Infinitesimal 无限小的 Permeability of free space 真空磁导率 Principle of superposition of magnetic induction 磁感应强度叠加原理 Loop, Coil 线圈 Solenoid 螺线管 Angular velocity 角速度 Magnetic flux 磁通量 Gauss’s law in magnetic fieldSteady magnetic field 恒定磁场 Electromotive force (emf) 电动势 Current density 电流密度 Conduction current 传导电流 Ampere 安培 Circuit 电路,回路 Magnet 磁铁 Tesla 特斯拉 Current element 电流元 Right-hand rule 右手螺旋定则 Current-carrying 载流的 Extending line 延长线 Magnetic moment 磁矩 Magnetic induction lines 磁感应线 Ampere’s loop law 安培环路定理磁场中的高斯定理 Clockwise 顺时针的 Anticlockwise (counterclockwise) 逆时针的 Ideal 理想的 Closed path 闭合路径 Turn 匝,圈 Lorentz force 洛伦兹力 Ampere force 安培力 period 周期 Ampere law 安培定律 Torque 转矩 Magnetization 磁化Rectangle 长方形的 Cross section 截面 Toroid 螺绕环 Closely spaced 密绕的 Magnetic medium 磁介质 Ampere’s loop law in magnetic medium 磁介质中的安培环路定理 Magnetic permeability 磁导率 Relative magnetic permeability 相对磁导率 Magnetization intensity 磁化强度 Magnetization current 磁化电流 Magnetic field intensity 磁场强度Faraday’s law & inductanceFaraday’s law of induction 法拉第电磁感应定律 Induction electromotive force 感应电动势 Magnetic flux linkage 磁链 Vary 变化 Motional electromotive force 动生电动势 Bar 棒 Pivot 支点 Induced electric field 感生电场 Mutual inductance electromotive force 互感电动势 Henry 亨利 Energy of magnetic field 磁场的能量 Energy density of magnetic field 磁场的能量密度 Cable 电缆 Displacement current 位移电流 Full current 全电流Induction current 感应电流 Lenz’s law 楞次定律 Move away from 离开 Upwards 向上 Downwards 向下 Induced electromotive force 感生电动势 Electromagnetic field 电磁场 Self-inductance electromotive force 自感电动势 Self-inductance 自感 Mutual-inductance 互感 Volume element 体积元 Displacement current density 位移电流密度 Ampere’s loop law in full current 全电流安培环路定理 Maxwell electromagnetism theorem 麦克斯韦电磁场理论 Maxwell’s equations 麦克斯韦方程组。



第28卷第5期 唐山师范学院学报 2006年9月 Vol. 28 No.5 Journal of Tangshan Teachers College Sep. 2006 ────────── 收稿日期:2005-02-29作者简介:王贺清(1965-),女,河北唐山人,唐山师范学院物理系讲师。

- 137 -本科物理“双语教学”的范本——《费曼物理学讲义》王贺清(唐山师范学院 物理系,河北 唐山 063000)摘 要:费曼独特的教学理念对物理教学的启迪是非同寻常的,其《费曼物理学讲义》中深刻的物理学思想和精练的阐述,是物理系本科学生双语学习难得的经典教材,而且还能为学生毕业后从事物理教学和科研打下良好的基础。

关键词:费曼物理学讲义;双语教学;启迪中图分类号:G658.3 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-9115(2006)05-0137-021 《费曼物理学讲义》为创设“双语教学”环境提供了良好的开端物理系“双语教学”课程是为大三学生开设的。





费曼开始谈论汽车车牌,看上去像是漫不经心偏离了主题,实际上已经严密地论证了他所论述的物理内容:Once, during a public lecture, he was trying to explain why one must not verify an idea using the same data that suggested the idea in the first place. Seeming to wander off the subject. Feynman began talking about the license plates. “You know, the most amazing thing happened to me tonight. I was coming here, on the way to the lecture, and I came in through the parking lot. And you won’t believe what happened. I saw a car with the license plate ARW 357. Can you imagine? Of all the millions of license plates in the state, what was the chance that I would see that particular one tonight? Amazing!”(“你知道吗!今天晚上发生了最令我惊奇的事情。



v = v x2 + v y2
v and tanθ = v y x
r r r Ar B = C × r
r C
r B
Both pairs of values contain the same information.
Direction ( figure )
r A

Coordinate system can be chosen freely.
Components of vectors (50)
A component of a vector is the projection of the vector on an axis. This component may be in 2 or 3 dimensional (3D) coordinate system.
gh = 1 v 2 2
L T 2 L
L 2 T
[L T ] = [L T ]
2 2 2 2
The dimensions on both sides of an equation must be equal. ----check the validity(正确性)of a calculation
Watt and Angstrom ( A ) are derived units.
Derived unites are defined in terms of the basic units. Some have given names, some do not.
speed force m/s kgm/s2 Newton
Scientific notation Mass of the Earth:



Elastic mechanics
When a force is applied to an object, it may under deformation If the force is removed, the object returns to its original shape and size, the deformation is said to be elastic
Polarization refers to the direction of these movements within the plane perpendicular to the direction of promotion
Polarization is a property of electrical waves and is observed in both natural and artistic sources of light
Angular Momentum
Angular Momentum is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum It is defined as the product of an object's mass and its angular velocity, and it is conserved in closed systems
Magnetic induction intensity
The magnetic induction intensity or magnetic field strength is the magnet of the magnetic field at a given point in space

大学双语物理ch12-ch13 Ex.

大学双语物理ch12-ch13 Ex.
1 1 2 2 K mv m 2 x m sin 2 (t ) 2 2
The Mechanical Energy of SHM
1 2 E U K kxm 2
Damped SHM
x(t ) x m e
cos( ' t )
Superposition of SHM x = x1+ x2 = Acos( t+ )
v0 0
v0 0
v0 0

x0 0.43
0 58x
v0 0
Ch12-23 (p.317) A mass m is connected to two springs, with spring constants k1 and k2, in two different ways as shown in Fig.12-31a and b. Show that the period for the configuration shown in part (a) is given by T 2 m k1 k1 m And for that in part (b) is given by T 2 k k
58P(H.p397) A wheel is free to rotate about its axel. A spring is attached to one of its spokes a distance r from the axel, as shown in the figure. Assuming that the wheel is a hoop of mass m ,radius R, and inertia (转动惯量) I=mR2,find the frequency of a small oscillations of this system, in terms of m, R, r and the spring constant k. Solution: when the wheel rotates an angle q from the equilibrium position, the spring force is

中外合作办学物理学原理讲义 L7 Light Optics

中外合作办学物理学原理讲义 L7 Light Optics
Problem Solving: Spherical Mirrors
1. Draw a ray diagram; the image is where the rays
2. Apply the mirror and magnification equations.
3. Sign conventions: if the object, image, or focal point
on the object:
1. A ray parallel to the axis; after reflection it passes
through the focal point
2. A ray through the focal point; after reflection it is
The intersection of these three rays gives the position of
the image of that point on the object. To get a full image,
we can do the same with other points (two points suffice
all angles. With specular reflection (from a mirror), your
eye must be in the correct position.
Reflection; Image Formation
by a Plane Mirror
What you see when you look into a plane (flat) mirror is



大学物理英汉词汇对照1、mechanical motion 机械运动2、theory of relativity 相对论3、particl 质点4、frame of reference 参照系5、position vector 位置矢量6、equation of motion 运动方程7、orbit 轨道8、distance 路程9、displacement 位移10、velocity 速度11、acceleration 加速度12、tangential acceleration 切向加速度13、normal acceleration 切向加速度14、Newton's law of motion 牛顿运动定律15、inertia 惯性16、force 力17、moment of force 力矩18、Galileo transformation 伽利略变换19、system 系统20、work 功21、kinetic energy 动能22、potential energy 势能23、mechanical energy 机械能24、momentum 动量25、angular momentum 角动量26、Lorentz transformation 洛仑兹变换27、mol 摩尔28、atmospheric pressure 大气压29、standard condition 标准状况30、ideal gas 理想气体31、gas constant 气体常数32、Avogadro’s number阿伏伽德罗数33、distribution function of speed 速率分布函数34、most probable speed 最概然速率35、average speed 平均速率36、root-mean-square speed 方均根速率37、degree of freedom 自由度38、diatomic molecule 双原子分子39、polyatomic molecule 多原子分子40、theorem of equipartition of energy 能量均分定理41、collision frequency 碰撞频率42、free path 自由程43、temperature 温度44、electromagnetism 电磁学45、electric field 电场46、magnetic field 磁场47、electromagnetic field 电磁场48、electromagnetic wave 电磁波49、Maxwell’s equations麦克斯韦方程组50、electromagnetic energy 电磁能量51、energy of electric field 电场能量52、energy of magnetic field 磁场能量53、Poynting’s vector坡印廷矢量54、energy flow density 能流密度55、Lorentz force 洛伦兹力56、electron 电子57、electron theory 电荷58、point charge 点电荷59、charge density 电荷密度60、conservation law of charge 电荷守恒定律61、bound charge 束缚电荷62、free charge 自由电荷63、conductor 导体64、insulator 绝缘体65、dielectric 电介质66、C oulomb’s law库仑定律67、electrostatic field 静电场68、electric field strength 电场强度69、electric flux 电通量70、Gauss’s law高斯定理71、electric potential 电势72、electric potential difference 电势差73、equipotential surface 等势面74、electrostatic induction 静电感应75、induced charge 感生电荷76、electrostatic shielding 静电屏蔽77、electrostatic equilibrium 静电平衡78、capacitance 电容79、electric source 电源80、non-electrostatic force 非静电力81、electromotive force 电动势82、magnetostatic field 静磁场83、magnetic induction 磁感应强度83、magnetic field strength 磁场强度85、uniform magnetic field 均匀磁场86、magnetic induction flux 磁感应通量87、Ampere’s force安培力88、Hall effect 霍耳效应88、paramagnetic substance 顺磁质89、diamagnetic substance 抗磁质90、superconductivity 超导性91、ferromagnetic substance 铁磁质92、electromagnetic induction 电磁感应93、Faraday’s electromagnetic induction law 法拉第电磁感应定律94、induced electromotive force 感生电动势95、motional electromotive force 动生电动势96、(1)self induction (2)self inductance 自感97、(1)mutual induction (2)mutual inductance 互感98、eddy current 涡电流99、displacement current 位移电流100、electromagnetic oscillation 电磁振荡101、electromagnetic spectrum 电磁波谱102、electromagnetic theory of light 光的电磁理论103、Hertz’s experiment赫兹实验104、coulomb 库仑105、volt 伏特106、ohm 欧姆107、reciprocal ohm 姆欧108、siemens 西门子109、ampere 安培110、farad 法拉111、henry 亨利112、weber 韦伯113、vibration(vibration motion oscillation)振动114、harmonic oscillation 谐振动115、damped oscillation 阻尼振动116、forced oscillation 受迫振动117、linear oscillation 线性振动118、mechanical oscillation 机械振动119、thermal oscillation 热振动120、light oscillation 光振动121、period 周期122、frequency 频率123、amplitude 振幅124、phase 相位125、synthesis 合成126、rotating vector 旋转矢量127、wave 波动128、superposition 迭加129、mechanical wave 机械波130、electromagnetic ware 电磁波131、longitudinal waves 纵波132、transversal waves 横波133、ware surface 波面134、ray 波线135、wave front 波前136、wave speed 波速137、plane wave平面波138、spherical waves 球面波139、harmonic waves 简谐波140、wave function 波函数141、wavelength 波长142、wave number 波数143、interference 干涉144、coherent wave 相干波145、constructive interference 相长干涉146、destructive interference 相消干涉147、geometrical optics 几何光学148、modern optics 现代光学149、physical optics 物理光学150、wave optics 波动光学151、quantum optics 量子光学152、nonlinear optics 非线性光学153、applied optics 应用光学154、information optics 信息光学155、Fourier optics 傅里叶光学156、index of refraction 折射率157、photo vector 光矢量158、speed of light 光速159、Young’s two-slit interference 扬氏双缝干涉160、equal inclination interference 等倾干涉161、equal thickness interference 等厚干涉162、film interference 薄膜干涉163、diffraction 衍射164、Fresnel diffraction 菲涅尔衍射165、Fraunhofer diffraction 夫琅和费衍射166、Huygens-Fresnel principle 惠更斯-菲涅尔原理167、Single slit diffraction 单缝衍射168、Double slit diffraction 双缝衍射169、Circular hole diffraction 圆孔衍射170、X-ray diffraction X射线171、Electron diffraction 电子衍射172、Rayleigh criterion 瑞利判据173、grating 光栅174、grating constant 光栅常数175、grating spectrum 光栅光谱176、natural light(natural daylight)自然光177、polarized light 偏振光178、linearly polarized light 线偏振光151、partially polarized light 部分偏振光179、Malus law 马吕斯定律180、birefringence(double refraction)双折射181、ordinary light 寻常光182、extraordinary light 非寻常光184、thermal radiation 热辐射(heat radiation)(calorific radiation)184、black-body radiation 黑体辐射185、Planck’s qua ntum theory 普朗克量子论186、photo-electric effect 光电效应187、light quantum 光(量)子188、Compton effect 康普顿效应189、Compton wave lenghth 康普顿波长190、atomic structure 原子结构191、Bohr’s quantum theory 玻尔量子论192、Bohr radius 玻尔半径193、matter wave 物质波194、microscopic world 微观世界195、macroscopic world 宏观世界196、wave-particle duality 波粒二象性197、quantum physics 量子物理学198、length 长度199、mass 质量200、time 时间201、electric current 电流202、thermodynamic temperature 热力学温度203、amount of substance 物质的量204、luminous intensity 发光强度205、plane angle 平面角206、solid angle 立体角Prefixes Used With SI Units国际单位制使用的词头exa—艾E(1018)peta—拍P(1015)tera—太T(1012)giga—吉G(109)mega—兆M(106)kilo—千K(103)hecto—白h(102)deca—十da(10)deci—分d(10-1)centi—厘c(10-2)milli—毫m(10-3)micro—微μ(10-6)nano—纳n(10-9)pico—皮p(10-12)femto—飞f(10-15)affo—阿a(10-18)。









【关键词】大学物理课程、双语教学、优势、应用、教学模式、案例分析、学生反馈、影响、未来研究方向1. 引言1.1 背景介绍随着全球化的发展和国际化教育的兴起,双语教学在中国的大学课堂中渐渐受到重视。







1.2 研究目的研究目的是探讨在大学物理课程中采用双语教学的可行性和效果,分析双语教学对学生学习物理知识的影响。




2. 正文2.1 双语教学的优势双语教学的优势在于能够提供更广阔的学习视野和更深入的理解。



《大学物理》课程中英文简介College Physics课程代码:080013B Course Code:080013B课程名称:大学物理Course Name:College Physics学时:48 Periods:48学分:3 Credits:3考核方式:考查Assessment:Inspection先修课程:高等数学Preparatory Courses:Advanced Mathematics物理学是研究物质的基本结构、基本运动形式、相互作用的自然科学。





Physics is a discipline of natural science which studies the basic structure, the basic movement form and the interaction of matters. Its elementary theories and research methods are the foundation of other natural sciences, which are widely used in all the domains of natural science.College Physics, which takes the foundation of basic physics as its main contents, is one of the compulsory basic courses for the students of mathematics and applied mathematics. The basic concepts, theories and essential methods of the course are an importa nt part of students’ scientific accomplishment and play an important role in improving talented people's scientific quality, which cannot be substituted by other courses.This course enables students to grasp the elementary knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, wave and optics and modern physics. It provides a basis for the work they will do after graduation in the fields of technology, management and scientific research.《普通物理学及实验I》课程中英文简介General Physics and Experiments I课程代码:080024A/080023A Course Code:080024A/080023A课程名称:普通物理学及实验I Course Name:General Physics and Experiment I学时:64/48 Periods:64/48学分:4/3 Credits:4/3考核方式:考试Assessment:Examination先修课程:高等数学Preparatory Courses:Advanced Mathematics物理学是研究物质的基本结构、基本运动形式、相互作用的自然科学。



and using Faraday’s law.
Example: As the figure, a straight wire of length l (MN) is put horizontally and free-fall. What is the potential difference of two side the wire at time t (经时间t 导线两端电位差). Solution: B Setting x axis as the figure, N N al l M a (v B) dl vBdx x M a O x dx al I 0 gt d x a 2 πx 0 I al ( gt ) ln Point M has a higher EMF. 2π a
(b) i

ind bat
Example: A conducting loop: Given:
W 3m, H 2m, B 4t 2 x 2 ( SI )
The magnitude & direction of at t 0.10 s ?
(2) If n // B, then ΦB 0, otherwise ΦB 0; dΦB 0, then 0, // ( n); (3) If ΦB , dt d ΦB ΦB , 0, then 0, // n. dt
1. Faraday’s law of induction (P630) Common points: Flux of B (Φm )

大学物理简明教程英文版第二版教学设计 (2)

大学物理简明教程英文版第二版教学设计 (2)

Teaching Design for College Physics Concise TutorialSecond Edition in English1. IntroductionCollege Physics Concise Tutorial Second Edition in English is a textbook designed for college students majoring in physics. It ms to introduce the fundamental concepts and principles of physics to students in a clear and concise manner. This teaching design is based on this textbook and is designed for a course with a duration of one semester.2. Course ObjectivesThe objectives of this course are:•To help students understand the concepts and principles of physics;•To develop students’ problem-solving skills in physics;•To cultivate students’ interest in physics and scientific research.3. Course OutlineWeek 1-2: Introduction to Mechanics•Introduction to SI units, vectors, and kinematics;•Newton’s laws of motion, work, and energy;•Conservation of energy and momentum.Week 3-4: Heat and Thermodynamics•Temperature, heat, and thermodynamics;•The laws of thermodynamics;•Entropy and the Carnot cycle.Week 5-6: Waves and Optics•Simple harmonic motion;•Wave motion, sound waves;•Geometrical optics, interference, diffraction, and polarization.Week 7-8: Electromagnetism•Electric charge, Coulomb’s law, and electric field;•Gauss’s law, electric potential, and capacitance;•E lectric current, resistance, and Ohm’s law;•Magnetism, Faraday’s law, and electromagnetic induction. Week 9-10: Modern Physics•Special relativity;•Quantum mechanics;•Nuclear physics and particle physics.4. Teaching MethodsThe teaching methods employed in this course are:•Lectures: In-class lectures will be used to introduce new concepts and principles of physics. Students should take notes and participate in discussions.•Problem-solving sessions: Students will be assigned problems to solve, and the solutions will be discussed in class.•Laboratory experiments: Students will conduct laboratory experiments to demonstrate the principles of physics and learnexperimental techniques.•Group discussions: Students will discuss physics-related topics in groups to develop communication and teamwork skills.5. AssessmentThe assessment of this course is composed of the following components:•Mid-term exam: This exam covers the first five weeks of the course. It includes multiple-choice questions and problem-solving questions.•Final exam: This exam covers the entire course and includes multiple-choice questions and problem-solving questions.•Lab reports: Students will submit lab reports for the laboratory experiments conducted in the course.•Homework: Students will be assigned homework problems to be solved and submitted.•Participation: Students will be evaluated based on their participation in lectures, problem-solving sessions, and groupdiscussions.6. ConclusionCollege Physics Concise Tutorial Second Edition in English is an excellent textbook for college students majoring in physics. This teaching design is med at helping students achieve the course objectivesand develop problem-solving skills, interest, and scientific research skills in physics through various teaching methods.。

University Physics Chap13

University Physics Chap13

• As long as Fx=-kx, it is a SHM motion. Now let’s check…..
Vertical SHM
Phys 170 Chapter 13
Angular SHM
• Watches keep time based on regular oscillations of a balance wheel initially set in motion by a spring.
Phys 170 Chapter 13
• If you look to the right, you’ll see a time-lapse photograph of a simple pendulum. It’s far from simple, but it is a great example of the regular oscillatory motion we’re about to study.
Phys 170 Chapter 13
Watch variables change for a glider example
• As the glider undergoes SHM, you can track changes in velocity and acceleration as the position changes between the classical turning points.
2013-7-15 Phys 170 Chapter 13 5
Simple harmonic motion viewed as a projection



《物理双语教学课件》Chapte...Chapter 11 The First Law of Thermodynamics11.1Thermodynamics1.With this chapter, we begin a new subject-thermodynamics,which deals with an internal energy of systems, thermal energy, and is governed by a new set of laws.2.The central concept of thermodynamics is temperature. Thisword is so familiar that most of us, because of our built-in sense of hot and cold, tend to be overconfident in our understanding of it.3.Our “temperature sense” is in fact not always reliable. On acolder winter day, for example, an iron railing seems much colder to the touch than a wooden fence post, yet both are at the same temperature. This difference in our sense perception comes about because iron removes energy from our fingers more quickly than wood does.4.Temperature is one of the seven SI base quantities. Physicistsmeasure temperature on the Kelvin scale, which is marked in units called kelvins. Although the temperature of a body apparently has no limit, it does have a lower limit; this limiting low temperature is taken as the zero of the Kelvin temperature scale. Room temperature is about 290 kelvins, or290 K as we write it, abovethis absolute zero . The rightfigure shows the wide rangeover which temperatures aredetermined.11.2 Temperature1. The zeroth law ofthermodynamics : If bodies A and B are each in thermal equilibrium with a third body T, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other, and have the same temperature .2. By international agreement, the triple point of water , in which liquid water, solid ice, and water vapor (gaseous water) coexist, has been assigned a value of 273.16 K as the standard fixed-point temperature for the calibration of thermometers.3. Celsius temperatures are measured in degrees, and the Celsius degree has the same size as the kelvin. However, the zero of the Celsius scale is shifted to a more convenient value than absolute zero. IfC T represents a Celsius temperature, then 015.273-=T T C .In expressing temperature on the Celsius scale, the degree symbol is commonly used. Thus we write C 000.20 for a Celsius reading about 293.15 K for a Kelvinreading.4. The Fahrenheit scale , used in the United States, employsa smaller degree than the Celsius scale and a different zero of temperature. The relation between the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales is,32590+=C F T T where F T is Fahrenheit temperature.11.3 The Absorption of Heat by Solids and Liquids1. Heat capacity C of an object is the proportionality constantbetween an amount of heat and the change in temperature that this heat produces in the object. Thus)(i f T T C Q -=, in which i T and f T are the initial and final temperature of theobject. Heat capacity C has the unit of energy per degree or energy per kelvin .2. Two objects made of the same material will have heatcapacities proportional to their masses. It is therefore convenient to define a “heat capacity per unit mass” or specific heat c that refers not to an object but to a unit mass of the material of which the object is made. The above equation then becomes )(i f T T cm Q -=.3. Molar specific heat : In many instances the most convenientunit for specifying the amount of a substance is the mole (mol),where units y elementarr mol 231002.61?= of anysubstance. When quantities are expressed in moles, the specific heat must also involve moles; it is then called a molarspecific heat.11.4 A Closer Look at Heat and Work1. Let us take as our system a gasconfined to a cylinder with amovable piston, as shown inthe figure. The system startsfrom an initial state i ,described by a pressurei p , a volume i V , and a temperaturei T . You want to change the system to a final state f , describedby a pressure f p , a volume f V , and a temperature f T . We assume that all changes occur slowly, with the result that the system is always in (approximate) thermal equilibrium .2. Suppose that you remove a few lead shot from the piston of the Fig., The differential work done by the gas during the displacement is pdV ds pA s d F dW ==?=))(( , in which dV is the differential change in the volume of the gas owing to the movement of the piston.3. If the gas change its volume fromi V to f V , the total workdone by the gas is ??==fi V V pdV dW W .4. There are actually manyways to take the gasfrom state I to state f, asin the figure. So asystem can be takenfrom a given initial stateto a given final state byan infinite number ofprocesses. Heat may ormay not involved, and ingeneral, the workW and heat Q will havedifferent value for different process . So we say that heat andwork are path-dependent quantities .5. The figure (f) shows a thermodynamics cycle in which the system is taken from some initial state i to some other state f ,and then back to i.11.5 The first law of thermodynamics1. You have just seen that when a system changes from a given initial state to a given final state, both work W done and theheat Q exchanged depend on the nature of the process. Experimentally, however, we find a surprising thing. The quantity )(W Q - is the same for all process. It depends only on the initial and final states and does not depend at all on how the system gets from one to the other.2. The quantity W Q - must represent a change in some intrinsic property of the system. We call this property the internal energy int E and we write W Q E E E i f -=-=?int,int,int . This is the first law of thermodynamics . If the thermodynamics system undergoes only a differential change, we can write the first law as dW dQ dE -=int .3. Adiabatic process : An adiabatic process is the process that occurs so rapidly or occurs in a system that is so well insulated that no transfer of heat occurs between the system and its environment. Putting0=Q in the first law then lead to W E -=?int . This tells us that if the work done by the system, the internal energy of the system decreases by the amount of work. Conversely, if work is done on the system, the internal energy of the system increases by that amount .4. Constant-volume process : If the volume of a system is held constant, that system can do no work. Putting0=W in the first law yieldQ E =?int . Thus if heat is added to a system, theinternal energy of the system increases. Conversely, if heat removed during the process, the internal energy of the system must decrease .5. Cyclical process . There are processes in which, after certain interchanges of heat and work, the system is restores to its initial state. In that case, no intrinsic property of the system can possibly change. Putting0int =?E in the first law yield W Q =. Thus the net work done during the process must exactly equal the net amount of heat transferred .6. Free expansion . See the following figure. These are adiabatic processes in which nowork is done on or by thesystem. Thus 0==W Qand the first law requiresthat 0int =?E . A freeexpansion differs from all other processes we have considered because it cannot be done slowly and in a controlled way. As a result, at any given instant during the sudden expansion, the gas is not in thermal equilibrium and its pressure is not the same everywhere. So although we can plot the initial and final states on a p-V diagram, we cannot plot the expansion itself.。

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1 2
—— half of the central width.
A slit 1.00 mm wide is illuminated by light of l= 589 nm.
We see a diffraction pattern on a screen 3.00 m away. What is the distance between the first two diffraction minima on the same side of central diffraction maximum?
Chapter 31 Diffraction and Polarization
1. Diffraction of Light 2. Diffraction Gratings 3. X-Ray Diffraction 4. Polarized Light
31-1. Diffraction of Light (P703)
a sin
a tan
a x1 l
x1 a
Position of 1th dark fringe一级暗纹坐标
Similarly, for 2-order dark fringe,
2 fl
Position of 2th dark fringe
Width of each order of bright fringes:
3. Intensity in single-slit diffraction (P705)
2π (x sin ) See Fig.31-8 in P706 l
(a) The central maximum; (b) Between center and first minimum; (c) The first minimum; (d) Near secondary maximum.
Using the condition of minima of diffraction: asin ml
x1 f tan 1 and x2 f tan 2
The separation of the two minima is:
x2 x1
f ( 2l
l ) 1.77mm
波传到的任何一点都是子波的波源,各次级子波 在空间某点的相干叠加,就决定了该点波的强度。
The method discussing location of diffraction pattern for a single-slit diffraction is called fresnel’ half-wave-zone method (半波带).
When monochromatic (单色) light from a
distant source passes through a narrow slit or
obstacle —— produces a diffraction pattern
2. Locating the diffraction bands (P704)
slit a L

Lens doesn’t produce additional light-path difference.
Path difference of A→P & B→P:
1. Diffraction (衍射) by a single slit
When the slip wider, light travels in straight line.
When the slip gets narrow, the light produce a diffraction pattern on the screen.
当 增加,半波带数增加,未被抵消的 半波带面积减少,所以光强I 变小.
i.e. , I
(iii) a sin 3 l
first bright fringe
a sin
(2m 1)
m 1,2,3, dark m 1,2,3, bright
opposite to the condition of interference pattern
For central bright fringe: a sin 0
i.e. l a sin l sin tan
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
t an1
when a
For 1-order dark fringe,
is called diffraction of light (P703).
Condition of diffraction: the width of slit (dimension of barrier) is similar to the wavelength a ~λ
Recalling: Hugens-Fresnel’s principle
In a single-slit diffraction experiment, dark fringes are produced where the path length
differences (a sin ) between the top and bottom rays are equal to l, 2l, 3l,.
max a sin
max a sin
(i) 0, 0 central bright (中央明纹)
(ii) a sin l first dark fringe
Two half-wave-zones can be gotten, and P is first dark fringe (out of phase pairs rays)