1/captain A:海员 B:大副 C:船长 D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮 B:管事 C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工 B:水手 C:二副 D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手 C:三管轮 D:海员5/chief officer A:大副 B:二管轮 C:管事 D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮 C:二管轮 D:二副7/carpenter A:管事 B:水手C:木匠 D:二副8/third engineer A:三副 B:服务员 C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副 B:三管轮 C:二副 D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员 C:三副 D:管事11/bridge A:大厅 B:会议室C:驾驶台 D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱 B厕所 C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室 B:机舱 C:锅炉房 D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房 C:机舱 D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅 B:物料间C:机舱 D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅 B:吸烟室 C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院 B:浴室 C:物料间 D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室 C:货舱 D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间 B:驾驶台C:货舱 D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间 B:控制室 C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员 B:船长 C:管事 D:服务员22/second officer A:三副 B:二副 C:大副 D:水手23/bosun A:木匠 B:海员C:水手长 D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮 B:大管轮 C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事 B:机工 C:木匠 D:水手26/steward A:医生 B:服务员 C:管事 D:大副27/doctor A:服务员 B:水手C:医生 D:管事28/engineer A:机工 B:二副 C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员 B:轮机员 C:服务员 D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工 C:大副 D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺 B:扳手 C:卡钳 D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头 B:车床 C:锯子 D:管钳33/file A:锉刀 B:台钳 C:刨床 D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手 B:榔头/铁锤 C:车刀 D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳 B:扳手 C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手 B:刮刀 C:斧子 D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳 C:钻 D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床 B:斧子C:刮刀 D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳 B:斧子 C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床 B:车床 C:斧子 D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀 B:车刀 C:刮刀 D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子 B:斧子C:锯子 D:台钳43/axe A:锯子 B:钻 C:斧子 D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺 B:榔头 C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻 B:螺丝 C:手电筒 D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机 C:螺丝刀 D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒 B:牛油枪C:风焊机 D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机 B:螺丝 C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪 B:手电筒 C:起吊工具 D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具 C:手电筒 D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子 B:牛油枪C:手电筒 D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀 B:卡钳 C:尺子 D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子 B:锯条 C:砂轮 D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手 C:台钳 D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手 B:活络扳手C:环形扳手 D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子 B:环形扳手 C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床 B:磨床 C:车床 D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床 C:刨床 D:车床59/tool A:锉刀 B:车床C:工具 D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床 B:刨床 C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机 B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程 D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机 C:压缩冲程 D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程 D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程 B:排气冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程 C:压缩冲程 D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞 B:十字头C:气缸 D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套 B:气缸 C:气缸盖 D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套 B:填料箱 C:扫气箱 D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖 C:气缸套 D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头 B:扫气口C:填料箱 D:排气口72/piston A:机座 B:底座 C:连杆 D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头 B:活塞裙 C:活塞杆 D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙 C:活塞头 D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞 B:活塞头C:活塞杆 D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄 B:活塞 C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆 B:增压器 C:底座 D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄 C:主轴 D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机 B:飞轮 C:螺旋桨 D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴 B:控制台 C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机 B:螺旋桨 C:调节器 D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴 B:喷油器 C:注油器 D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器 B:调节器C:调速器 D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器 B:喷油器 C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器 B:调速器 C:喷油器 D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架 C:气缸 D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴 B:曲柄C:曲轴 D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴 B:轴承 C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统 B:润滑系统 C:燃油系统 D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统 C:空气起动系统 D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:船底排水泵 D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵 B:冷却水泵 C:船底排水泵 D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:循环泵 D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵 C:船底排水泵 D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵 B:污水泵 C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵 B:柴油泵C:增压泵 D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴 B:连杆 C:活塞 D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封 B:机轴C:轴承 D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬 B:轴环 C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆 B:螺旋桨 C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕 B:轴座 C:轴销 D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承 B:连杆 C:轴承 D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机 C:绞盘机 D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机 B:锚C:锚机 D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气 B:空气箱 C:空调 D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮 B:操作器 C:齿轮 D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机 B:油泵 C:分离机 D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉 B:气缸 C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆 B:轴杆 C:吊绳 D:锚110/generator A:电源开关 B:造水机 C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机 B:螺旋桨 C:搅拌机 D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机 B:造水机 C:水箱 D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机 B:起锚机C:起重机 D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗 B:运粮机 C:漏斗 D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱 C:水箱 D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅 C:帆布 D:连杆117/radar A:雷达 B:导向仪 C:测向仪 D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜 C:水房 D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话 B:雷达 C:电报机 D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜 B:水柜 C:油泵 D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐 B:水柜C:油泵 D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门 B:水密舱 C:水房 D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器 B:供油器 C:空调 D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器 B:锅炉 C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机 B:分油器 C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀 B:气缸 C:警报器 D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀 B:车间C:车床 D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器 B:应急造水机 C:应急发电机 D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵 B:锅炉给水泵 C:锅炉水泵 D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分油机 C:空调 D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器 B:调节器C:涡沦增压器 D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器 B:制冷机C:压缩机 D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器 B:调速器 C:滤油器 D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机 B:压缩机 C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表 B:湿度计C:压力表 D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器 C:警报器 D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机 B:主机 C:热机 D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分流机 C:空调 D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉 B:发电机C:焚烧炉 D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器 B:电车床 C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机 C:加速器 D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉 B:蒸汽增压机 C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵 B:压缩泵 C:压水泵 D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机 B:造水机 C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮 B:涡轮 C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀 B:应急阀C:排气阀 D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮 B:舵机 C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯 C:装货灯 D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器 B:遥控器 C:加速器 D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉 B:蒸汽锅炉 C:辅助锅炉 D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘 B:起重机 C:起货机 D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机 B:空气箱 C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机 B:操作轮 C:齿轮 D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达 B:散热器 C:放射 D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇 C:飞轮 D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门 B:水门 C:水密舱 D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长 B:船头 C:船尾 D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出 B:电灯 C:梯子 D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射 C:加油器 D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器 B:加速器 C:冷凝器 D:清洁器161/compass A:包括 B:超越C:指南针 D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮 B:砂轮 C:车轮 D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机 C:齿轮 D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、救生艇机 D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机 B、舱底水泵 C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵 B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉 B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油 C、燃油 D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、润滑油 D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂 C、燃料油 D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳 D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳系统 D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统 D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂 B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、灭火剂 D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机 B、停车C、主机 D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机 B、停车 C、主车 D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电 C、发电机 D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电 B、交流电 C、发电机 D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障 B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障 B、警报 C、锚机 D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障29 H/P A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障30 M/V A、马力 B、内燃机船 C、转/分 D、主机31 D/O A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水 B、海水C、燃油 D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油35 A/B A、开关 B、水手 C、人工 D、自动36 ON A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动37 OFF A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动38 AUTO A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工 C、运转 D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转 B、人工 C、开关 D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进 B、全速后退 C、微速后退 D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进 B、全速前进 C、半速后退 D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、左车微速后退 D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进 B、左车微速前进 C、右车微速后退 D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进 B、左车半速后退 C、右车微速后退 D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、右车半速后退 D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停 B、双车停 C、主机定速 D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进 B、双车微速进 C、主机定速 D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速 B、停车 C、双车停 D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度 B、右15度 C、右50度 D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度 B、右50度C、右15度 D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5° A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度 D、左舵5。
【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。
大管轮题库英语单词1. a certain [əˈsə:tn]某一2. a list of [ə list ɔv]一列,一栏3. a series of [ei ˈsiəri:z ɔv]一系列;一连串4. abbreviation [əˌbri:viˈeiʃən]n. 省略,缩写,简化,缩写词,略语;[数学]约分;[音乐]略号5. ability [əˈbiliti]n. 能力,资格;能耐,才能6. abrasive [əˈbreɪsɪv]adj.有磨蚀作用的;摩擦的;粗糙的;使人厌烦的,伤人感情的n.研磨料;琢料;金刚砂7. absence [ˈæbsəns]n. 缺席,缺勤;缺乏,缺少,无;心不在焉,不注意8. absolute zero [ˈæbsəlju:t ˈziərəu] n.绝对零度(约为-273.15度)9. Absorbent [əbˈsɔ:bənt]adj.能吸收的n.吸收剂10. accelerate [ækˈseləreit]vt. (使)加快,(使)增速;加速,催促;促进;速度增加;vi. 加快,加速11. a ccelerating [æk'sæləreɪtɪŋ]n.加速adj.加速的,促进的,催化的v.(使)加快,(使)增速( accelerate 的现在分词 );促使…早日发生,促进;[教育学]使(学生)跳级;提早学完(课程等)12. accept [əkˈsept]vi. 承认;同意;承兑; vt. 接受;承认;承担;承兑13. acceptable [əkˈseptəbl]adj. 可接受的;合意的;(社会上)认同的;(礼物等)令人满意的14. acceptance [əkˈseptəns]n. 接受,接纳;[金融]承兑;无怨接受(逆境、困境等);赞成15. accidental [ˌæksiˈdentl]adj. 意外的,偶然(发生)的;附属的; n. 偶然;次要方面16. accommodate [əˈkɔmədeit]vt. 容纳;使适应;向…提供住处;帮忙;vi. [后面省去反身代词]适应于;(眼)作调节,调节眼球的晶状体(使其变得适应不同距离的物体);调解,调停17. accompanied [əˈkʌmpənid]v.陪伴( accompany的过去式和过去分词 );陪同;伴随…同时发生;伴奏18. accompanied by附有;偕同19. accompany [əˈkʌmpəni]vt. 陪伴,陪同;附加,补充;与…共存;为…伴奏;vi. 伴奏20. accomplished [əˈkʌmplɪʃt]adj.才华高的;技艺高超的;熟练的21. account for [əˈkaunt fɔ:]说明(原因、理由等);导致,引起;(在数量、比例上)占;对…负责22. accumulate [əˈkju:mjuleit]vt.& vi. 堆积,积累;vi. (数量)逐渐增加,(质量)渐渐提高23. accuracy [ˈækjurəsi]n. 精确(性),准确(性)24. accurate [ˈækjurit]adj. 精确的,准确的;正确无误的25. accurately ['ækjərətlɪ]adv.正确无误地,准确地;精确地;如实26. achromatism [ə'krəʊmətɪzəm]n.无色,消色差性;非彩色性27. acquire [əˈkwaiə]vt. 获得,取得;学到28. Activation [ˌæktɪ'veɪʃn]n.活化,激活,[化]活化作用;致活29. actuate [ˈæktʃueɪt]vt.使动作;开动;(通常用于被动语态)驱使;激励30. acute [əˈkju:t]adj. 尖的,锐的;敏锐的,敏感的;严重的,剧烈的;[医]急性的31. adapted [ə'dæptɪd]adj.适合的v.(使)适应,(使)适合( adapt的过去式和过去分词 );改编,改写;改变…以适合(for);适应于,适应不同情况(或环境)(to)32. additive [ˈædətɪv]n.添加剂;添加物;[数]加法adj.附加的;[化]加成的,加和的;[数]加法的33. adhesion [ədˈhi:ʒn]n.支持;医粘连;粘合;物粘附力34. adjustment [əˈdʒʌstmənt]n.调解,调整;调节器;调解,调停;(赔偿损失的)清算35. admit into [ədˈmit ˈɪntuː]允许(某人)进入…36. admit to [ədˈmit tu:]承认;允许(某人)进入…;通向;录取37. adopted [əˈdɒptɪd]adj.被收养的,被采用的v.采用( adopt的过去式和过去分词 );收养;正式接受;吸收(外来词语)38. adoption [əˈdɒpʃn]n. 采用,收养39. adult [ˈædʌlt]adj. 成熟的;(智力、思想、行为)成熟的;成年人的;成年的;n. 成年的人或动物40. advance [ədˈvɑ:ns]vt. (使)前进;将…提前;预付;提出;vi. (数量等)增加;向前推(至下一步);上涨;n. 增长;借款;(价格、价值的)上涨;预付款;adj. 预先的;先行的41. adverse [ˈædvɜ:s]adj.不利的;有害的;逆的;相反的42. aeration [eə'reɪʃn]n.通风;换气;松砂;增氧43. aerobic [eəˈrəʊbɪk]adj.需氧的,有氧的;有氧健身的,增氧健身法44. aerobic bacteria [eəˈrəʊbɪk bækˈtiəri ə]需氧[好气]细菌;需气细菌;需氧菌45. affected [əˈfektɪd]adj.感动的;受到影响的;(人或行为)假装的;倾向于…的v.影响( affect的过去式和过去分词 );假装;感动;(疾病)侵袭46. agitate [ˈædʒɪteɪt]vt.搅动,摇动;使不安;激烈讨论vi.鼓动,煽动47. agitating ['ædʒɪteɪtɪŋ]v.搅动( agitate的现在分词 );激怒;使焦虑不安;(尤指为法律、社会状况的改变而)激烈争论48. agreement [əˈɡri:mənt]n. 协定,协议;同意,一致;合同书;(词之间性、数、人称方面与…)一致49. aid [eid]n. 帮助;助手;外援;辅助设备;vt. 帮助;资助;救助;促进;vi. 帮助。
一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain 2.大副 Chief officer 3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer 6.水手长 Boatswain 7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter 9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter 16.加油工 Oil man 17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician 19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 Fore man22.钳工 23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook 31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder 38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类1.主机 2.二冲程柴油机 3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine 6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston20.活塞头 Piston crown 21.活塞裙 22.活塞销 24.活塞杆 25.活塞环 Piston ring26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove 27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环 Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 44.十字头导板 45.连杆 46.连杆大端轴承 47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing 48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing 49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal 52.曲柄臂 Crank web53.拐档差Crank deflection54.主轴承Main bearing55.主轴颈Main journal56.轴承瓦Bearing bush57.上轴瓦Upper bearing bush58.上轴瓦Upper half59.下轴瓦Lower bearing bush60.下轴瓦Lower half61.推力轴承Thrust bearing62.推力块Thrust pad63.推力盘Thrust disc64.推力轴Thrust shaft65.底座Bed plate66.机架67.曲柄箱68.曲柄箱导门69.曲柄箱防爆门Explosion-proof Crank case.70.定时齿轮Timing gear71.飞轮Flying wheel72.凸轮Cam73.凸轮轴Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮Fuel injection cam75.链条Chain76.链条轮Chain wheel77.链条箱Chain box78.推杆Push rod79.摇臂Rocker arm80.排气阀Exhaust valve81.吸气阀Suction valve82.排气总管Exhaust manifold83.进气总管Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管High pressure fuel pipe85.活塞冷却水管Piston cooling water pipe86.法兰Flange87.贯穿螺栓Tie bolt (tie rod)88.端盖89.滑油泵90.燃油泵91.滑油泵齿轮Gear for lubricating oil pump92.燃油泵齿轮Gear for fuel oil pump93.叶轮Impeller94.柱塞Plunger95.导杆Guide rod96.导套Sleeve97.滚动轴承Ball bearing98.滑动轴承Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing100.推力面Thrust surface (thrust side)101.盘车机Turning gear102.增压器Turbocharger103.涡轮机(透平)Turbine104.涡轮Turbine wheel105.涡轮叶片Turbine blade106.喷嘴Nozzle107.废气叶轮Exhaust impeller108.废气叶轮片Exhaust blade109.废气端Exhaust side110.透平端111.转子轴112.油泵113.换向装置Reversing device114.换向伺服期Reversing servomotor115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower116.膨胀接Expansion joint117.调速器governor118.飞重Flying weight119.补偿阀Compensate valve120.针阀Needle valve121.开口销Cotter pin122.轴封Shaft seal123.机械密封Machinery seal124.配电盘Switchboard125.应急配电盘Emergency switchboard126.应急发电机Emergency generator127.滤器Filter128.细滤器Filter129.粗滤器Strainer130.滑油滤器L.O. filter131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter132132.空气滤器133.空气瓶134.分油机Separator135.油水分离器Water-oil separator136.净油机Purifier137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier138.二氧化碳CO2139.二氧化碳瓶CO2 bottle140.正时齿轮Timing gear141.导向棒装置Guide bar142.注油器驱动Lubricator driver143.链条张紧装置Chain tightener144.凸轮轴传动轮Chain wheel on cam shaft145.中间链链传动轮Intermediate chain wheel146.注油器驱动装置Lubricator drive147.链条张紧装置Chain tightener148.滚筒导座Roller guide housing149.应急操纵台Emergency console150.力矩平衡器151.主启动阀152153.喷油器Fuel valve154.扫气系统Scavenge air system155.安全帽Safety cap156.机座Bed plate157.轴向振动减振器Axial vibration damper158.贯穿螺栓Arrangement of stay bolt159.示功器驱动装置Indicator driver160.端罩End shields161.气缸架Cylinder frame162.气阀传动装置Valve operating device163.摇臂润滑油泵Rocker arm lubricating oilpump164.摇臂润滑油柜Rocker arm lubricating tank165.摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricating filter三、船舶机械类1.船用锅炉2.废气锅炉3.辅锅炉Donkey boiler4.组合式锅炉Combined boiler5.火管Fire tube6.给水管Feed pipe7.炉膛Furnace8.炉墙Furnace wall9.火侧Fire side10.水侧Water side11.燃烧器Oil burner12.安全阀Safety valve13.上排污Upper drain14.下排污Lower drain15.锅炉皮阀Mounting valve16.水位计Water level gauge17.压力表Pressure gauge18.主汽门Main steam valve19.玻璃管Glass tube20.空调装置Air-conditioning plant21.制冷装置Refrigerating plant22.冰机Fridge. Machine23.空气压缩机Air compressor24.造水机Fresh water generator25.板式冷却器Plate type cooler26.机舱天车Engine room crane27.天车导轨Crane rail28.电磁阀Solenoid valve29.舵机Steering gear30.舵承Rudder bearing carrier31.液压缸Hydraulic cylinder32.废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger33.弹簧阀Spring loaded valve34.冷凝器Condenser35.分油器Oil separator36.轴带发电机Shaft generator37.焚烧炉Oil burner38.分油机Separator39.分离筒Separator bowl40.配水盘装置Paring disc device41.转数计Revolution counter42.控制阀Control valve43.辅机44.制冷装置45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalting plant46.热交换器Heat exchanger47.船用气瓶Marine air bottle48.冷风机Cooler unit49.防水风门Fire damper50.气密挡板Gas tight damper51.排气风机Exhaust fan52.舱室通风机Cabin fan53.机舱通风机Engine room fan54.应急鼓风机Emergency blower四、阀门1.吸气阀2.排气阀Exhaust valve3.控制阀Control valve4.导阀Pilot valve5.单向阀Non-return valve6.口琴阀Flap valve7.调节阀Regulating valve8.液压阀Hydraulic valve9.膨胀阀Expansion valve10.给水阀Feed valve11.排水阀Discharge valve12.截止阀Stop valve13.吹泄阀Blow-off valve14.空气阀Air valve15.泄放阀Drain valve16.止回阀Check valve17.海底阀Sea valve18.回流阀Retune valve19.节流阀Throttle valve20.进气阀Inlet valve21.出气阀Outlet valve22.热力阀23.中央阀24.单向阀25.二通阀Two way valve26.三通阀Triple valve27.旁通阀By-pass valve28.换向阀Change-over valve29.减压阀Pressure-reducing valve30.溢流阀Overflow valve31.自闭阀Self-locking valve32.针阀Needle valve33.平衡阀Balance valve34.循环阀Circulation valve35.主阀Main valve36.滑阀Slide valve37.蝶阀Butter-fly valve38.截止阀Shut-off valve39.闸板阀Gate valve40.通海阀Sea suction valve41.吹除阀Sea chest cleaning valve42.防浪阀Storm valve43.舱壁阀Bulkhead valve44.快关阀Emergency shut off valve45.呼吸阀Breather valve五、泵类1.电动泵2.柱塞泵3.叶片泵Vane pump4.回转泵Rotary pump5.齿轮泵Gear pump6.往复泵Reciprocating pump7.离心泵Centrifugal pump1.电动泵Motor-driven pump2.柱塞泵Plunger pump3.叶片泵Vane pump4.回转泵Rotary pump5.齿轮泵Gear pump6.往复泵Reciprocating pump7.离心泵Centrifugal pump8.真空泵Vacuum pump9.螺杆泵Screw pump10.喷射泵Ejector pump11.冷却泵Cooling pump12.淡水泵Fresh water pump13.海水泵Sea water pump14.给水泵Feed water pump15.循环泵Circulating pump16.锅炉给水泵Boiler feed pump1718.压载泵19.舱底泵20.污水泵21.燃油泵Fuel pump22.高压油泵High pressure pump23.底压油泵Low pressure pump24.驳运泵Transfer pump25.增压泵Booster pump26.消防泵Fire pump27.通用泵G.S. pump28.旋涡泵Regenerative29.蜗壳泵V olute pump30.导叶泵Diffuser pump31.单联泵Simplex pump32.双联泵Duplex pump33.多联泵Multiplex pump34.活塞泵Piston pump35.减摇泵Anti-roll pump36.总用泵General service pump37.应急消防泵Emergency fire pump38.扫舱泵Stripping pump39.货油泵Cargo oil pump40.滑油泵Lubricating oil pump)1.锚机2.锚机轴Windlass shaft3.刹车带Brake lining4.离合器Clutch5.锚链轮Anchor Chain wheel6.轴承瓦Bearing bush7.轴承盖Bearing cover8.绞揽机Capstan9.系揽绞车Mooring winch10.卷缆车Reel11.钢丝绳Wire rope12.卡环Shackle13.缆绳Mooring rope14.滑轮Block15.刹车装置Brake device16.制链器Anchor chain stopper17.舱盖滚轮Hatch cover wheel18.舱盖铰链Hatch cover hinge19.液压油缸Hydraulic jack20.起货机Cargo winch21.可令吊Crane22.生活吊23.吊杆24.桅杆Mast25.救生艇Lifeboat26.艇架Davit27.艇机Lifeboat capstan28.救生筏Life raft29.救生衣Life jacket1.车床2.刨床3.钻床Drill machine4.砂轮机Grinding machine5.磨床Grinder6.铣床Milling machine7.镗床Boring machine8.手锤Engineer’s hammer9.冲击板手Impact wrench10.板手Spanner11.活络板手Screw spanner12.梅花板手Ring spanner13.呆扳手Open spanner15.套筒板手Socket spanner16.管子钳Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀Screw driver18.钢丝钳Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳Long nose pliers20.钢锯Hack saw21.剪刀Scissors22.手电筒Torch23.扁铲(凿子)24.锉刀File25.丝攻26.板牙Thread die27.绞刀Reamer28.刮刀Scraper29.油石Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布Emery cloth32.破布Rag33.卷尺Measuring tape34.空心冲Hole punch35.样冲Joint punch36.油壶Oil gun37.牛油枪Grease gun38.手电钻Handle drill39.钻头Drill40.液压千斤Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺Vernier caliper43.外卡尺Outside calipers44.内卡尺Inside calipers4546.桥规47.电焊机48.气焊机Gas welding machine49.电焊钳Electric welding pliers50.气割枪Cutting touch51.电焊条Electric soldering iron52.电工刀Electrician knife53.电笔Test pen54.剥线钳Wire stripping pliers55.圆规Compass56.量表Gauge57.拐档表Crank deflection gauge58.深度规Depth gauge59.千分表Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳Table vice61.柴油Diesel oil62.滑油Lubricating oil63.液压油Hydraulic oil64.重油Heavy oil65.燃油Fuel oil66.黄油Grease67.螺栓Bolt68.螺帽Nut69.垫片Washer70.研磨沙 Grinding sand 71.研磨膏 Grinding paste 72.石棉板 Asbestos plate 73.青壳纸 Fish paper 74.盘根 Packing75.细钢丝 Thin steel wire 76.密封圈 Rubber seal ring 77.塑料管 Plastic pipe 78.胶皮管 Rubber hose 79.电灯泡 Electric bulb 80.工作灯 Working lamp 81.插头 Electric plug 82.插座 Electric socket.93. 喷砂机 Sand blaster outfit 94. 空气马达 Air motor95.油柜清洁器 Tank cleaning machine 96.高压冲水机 High pressure hose for hydraulic 97.真空泵 Vacuum pump 98.套筒扳手组 Socket wrench set 99. 深头套筒100.套筒扳手101.单开口扳手 102.双开口扳手 Double open end wrench 103.转矩扳手 Torque wrench 104.电动机扳手 Motor wrench 105.侧剪钳 Slide cutting plier 106.活节钳 Combination plier 107.可调快速扳手Speed wrench 108.螺丝起子 Screwdriver 109.偏向螺丝起子Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组Hexagon nut drivers set 111.手摇钻 Straight hand drill 112.手工锯 Hacksaw frame 113.锯片 Hacksaw blade 114.砂纸 Silicon paper 115.手拉葫芦 Chain block116.高压管 High pressure hose 117.液压千金顶 Hydraulic jack 118.锤子 Hammer 119.平錾 Cold chisel120.活动扳手 Adjustable wrench 121.螺丝刀122.侧剪铗123.螺栓剪 124.敲击管钳 Rap wrench 125.砂轮 Grinding wheel 126.老虎钳 Utility vise 127.直梯 Straight ladder 128.踏梯 Step ladder 129.平台推车 Platform trunk130.搬平车 Gas cylinder carrier 131.给油机 Grease lubricator132.强力油泵 Heavy duty pump oiler 133.油壶 Oil jag 134.麻花钻 Twist drill 135.绞刀 Pin reamer 136.旋转中心钻Rolling center137.外径测微计Outside micrometer with counter 138.六折式尺 Six-folding rule 139.弹性带尺 Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺 Stainless steel straight rule 141.平面规 Surface gauge142.平行直角定规Precision flat try square 143.温度计 Thermometer八、常用物料1.阀研磨剂 2.电焊条 steel electrode 3.气焊条 Steel welding wire 4.细钢丝绳 Seizing wire 5.刚焊条 Steel welding rod 6.紫铜管 Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶 Acetylene cylinder 8.木屑 Saw dust 9.水泥 Cement 10.石灰 Lime11.帆布手套 Canvas glove 12.垫片 Gasket.13.氧气瓶 Oxygen cylinder 14.抹布 Rag 15.垫隙片 Shim 16.电线 Wire17.电缆 Electric cylinder 18.电池 Rag 19.灯泡 Bulb20.胶布 Insulating tape 21.插头 Plug 22.插座 Socket 23.保险丝 Fuse24.不锈钢 25.铸铁 26.黄铜 27.青铜 Bronze28.铝合金 Aluminium alloy 29.橡胶 Rubber 30.石棉 Asbestus 31.低碳钢 Soft steel32.高碳钢 High-carbon steel 33.合金钢 Alloy steel 34.木材 Wood 35.塑料 Plastic36.球墨铸铁 Nodular iron九、常用紧固件in commonuse)1.螺栓Bolt2.螺丝Screw3.螺母Nut4.方头螺栓Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓Counter sunk head screw6.套筒螺栓Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓Set screw8.十字接头Cross9.锥形销Taper pin10.锁紧螺母Lock nut11.六角头螺栓Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油Gas oil2.煤油Kerosene3.润滑油Lubricating oil4.汽缸油Cylinder oil5.压缩机油Compressor oil6.齿轮油Gear oil7.机油Motor oil8.凡士林Vaseline9.燃油Fuel oil10.油脂Grease11.柴油十一、常用量词1.件,只,个2.条,张,片Sheet3.双Pair4.套,组,副Set.5.盒Box6.箱Case7.瓶Bottle8.米Meter9.厘米Centimeter10.毫米Millimeter11.公斤Kilogram12.克Gram13.公升Liter14.平方Square15.袋Bag16.码Yard17.吨Ton18.磅Pound19.加仑Gallon20.立方Cubic十二、国家名称1.中国China2.美国3.日本Japan4.英国Britain5.法国France6.德国German7.韩国South Korea8.希腊Greece9.泰国Thailand10.印度India11.挪威Norway12.俄罗斯Russia13.新加坡Singapore14.澳大利亚Australia15.伊朗Iran16.丹麦Denmark17.加拿大Canada18.丹麦Denmark19.芬兰Finland20.巴基斯坦Pakistan21.意大利Italy1M/E2A/E3.阀V/V4.泵P/P5.备车St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二H.Ahd10.高压H.P.11.低压L.P.12.重油/柴油H.O./D.O.13.前后F/A14.左舷P: port15.无人机舱UMS16.自动Auto17.气缸Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜20.沉淀柜.21.排出Disc22.吸入Suct23.柴油柜 1.停靠2.接近3.停泊Berth4.浮筒Buoy5.码头Pier6.港口Port7.移泊Shift8.航次V oyage9.试验Try10.值班Watch11.航行Sail1.调整2.压载Ballast3.转换Change over4.清洁Clean5.联接Connect6.排放压载Deballast7.放残水Drain8.卸载Off9.油漆Paint10.接通Put on11.吹灰Soot blown12.开始Start13.顶端Top14.洗Wash15.吹Blow16.检查Check17.铲Chip18.断开Cut out19.排放Discharge20.除垢Descale21Examine22On(load)23Pump out24.调整Set25.停止Stop26.调驳Transfer27.加满Top up十六、故障常用单词1.失常的2.烧坏Burn3.堵塞Clog4.裂缝Crack5.变形Deform6.毁坏Destroy7.磨损Wear8.出故障In trouble9.敲击Knock10.松开Loose11.不对中Misalign12.不足的Insufficient13.失灵Out of order14.过载Overload15.过度磨损Over-worn16.尺寸过大Oversized17.尺寸过小Under-sized18.振动Vibrate19.不平的Uneven20.不准确Inaccurate21.全船断电Black out22.出故障23.关掉24.弯曲25.停车Break drown26.腐蚀Corrode27.腐蚀的Corrosive28.损坏Damage29.有毛病的Faulty30.有缺陷的 Defective 31.破裂 Fracture 32.卡住 Jam 33.漏泄 Leak 34.漏泄的 Leaky 35.融化 Melt 36.噪声 Noise 37.过热 Overheat 38.咬住 Seize 39.紧的 Tight 40.松的 Loosen 41.发现 Find 42.停止 Stop43.脏的 Dirty 44.油污的 45.失效的 46.椭圆形的 47.点不着火 misfire 48.接错 misjoin49.放错 misplace 50.老化 perish 51.麻点 pit 52.凸起 ridge53.划伤 score 54.拉痕 scuff1.卡死 Blind2.用卡钳量 Caliper 3.关闭 Close 4.解体 Disassemble 5.安装 Fix 6.组装 Box up 7.检验 Check 8.拆卸 Dismantle 9.装配 Fit 10.紧固 Fasten 11.测量 Gauge12.安装 Install 13.测量 Measure 14.打开 Open 15.上油漆 Paint 16.换新 Renew 17.上紧 Tighten 18.洗 Wash 19.涂油脂 Grease 20.松开 Loosen 21.加油 22.检修23.重新组装 Reassemble 24.测取读数 Take reading 25.拧开螺栓 Unbolt 26.抽出 Withdraw十八、常用数字一 One 二 Two三 Three 四 Four 五 Five 六 Six 七 Seven 八 Eight 九 Nine 十 Ten 十一 Eleven 十二 Twelve 十三 Thirteen 十四 Fourteen 十五 Fifteen 十六 Sixteen 十七 Seventeen 十八 Eighteen十九Nineteen二十Twenty三十Thirty四十Forty五十Fifty六十Sixty七十Seventy八十Eighty九十Ninety百Hundred千Thousand万Ten thousand百万Million第一First第二Second第三Third第四Fourth第五Fifth第六Sixth第七Seventh第八Eighth第九Ninth第十Tenth第十一Eleventh第十二Twelfth第二十Twentieth(Time、1.星期一Monday2.星期二Tuesday3.星期三Wednesday4.星期四Thursday5.星期五Friday6.星期六Saturday7.星期日Sunday8.春季Spring9.夏季Summer10.秋季Autumn11.冬季Winter12.一月January13.二月February14.三月March15.四月April16.五月May17.六月June18.七月July19.八月August20.九月September21.十月22.十一月November23.十二月December24.小时Hour25.分钟Minute26.秒Second27.月Month28.天Day29.夜Night30.周Week31.早晨、上午Morning32.下午Afternoon33.傍晚Evening34.正午Noon35.今天Today36.昨天Yesterday37.明天Tomorrow38.前天The day before yesterday39.后天The day after tomorrow40.本周This week41.上周Last week42.下周Next week43.九月十日44.去年45.明年Next year46.上周二Last Tuesday47.下周一Next Monday48.东East49.西West50.南South51.北North52.西北Northwest53.东北Northeast54.东南Southeast55.西南Southwest56.世纪Century)1found beyond repair2.发现尺寸过大found over-sized3.发现反应缓慢found slow function4.发现不正常found out of order5.发现不合标准found not up to standard6.发现不准确 found inaccurate 7.发现失去作用 found out of function 8.发现轧住 found seized 9.发现过热 found overheated 10.发现过度磨损 found excessive wear 11.发现过度磨掉 found worn out12.发现有一点倾斜 found a little bit inclined 13.发现不正常 found abnormal14. 发现因过热而损坏found destroyed byoverheating15.发现龟裂 found chapped 16.发现塌陷 found collapsed17.发现运转失灵 found out of operation 18.发现呈椭圆形 found oval 19.发现拉痕 found scored 20.发现拉毛 found scuffed 21.发现变形 22.发现松动 23.发现油污 found greasy 24.发现肮脏 found dirty 25.发现咬住 found stuck 26.发现挤压 found squeezed 27.发现弯曲 found bent 28.发现故障 found faulty 29.发现损坏 found damaged30.发现破碎成片 found broken to pieces 31.发现部分剥离 found partly detached 32.发现部分堵塞 found partly choked 33.发现剧烈震动 found violent vibration 34.发现烧坏 found burnt 35.发现断裂 found fractured 36.发现接地 found earthed 37.发现敲缸 found knocking 38.发现溶化 found melted away 39.发现泄漏 found leaking (found leaky) 40.发现冻结 found stuck fast by icing 41.发现锈蚀 found rusty 42.发现失效 found ineffective 43.发现故障 found out of order 44.发现结霜 found frosted 45.发现丢失 found lost46.发现出故障 found in trouble 47.发现失灵 found out of order 48.发现失灵 found out of action 49.发现不一致 found out of operation 50.发现错位 found out of place1.借 borrow我要向你借这份图纸I want to borrow the drawing from you. 我可以向你借这个手锤吗?May I borrow the hammer from you? 2.裂 break 阀杆断裂了The valve spindle is broken. 滚动轴承断裂成碎片了The ball bearing are broken to pieces. 3.加强 build up 叶轮应该堆焊The impeller should be built up by welding. 4. 烧 burn电动机烧了 The motor is burnt. 5. 进行 carry out 应进行负载试验The load test should be carried out. 6.吹blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清The pipe should be blown with compressed air.7.铸 cast按原样铸造一个8.引起 cause损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration. 9.倒角 chamfer油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered. 法兰切削后须倒角The flange should be chamfered after being machined.10.换掉 change把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse to accept them.11.龟裂 chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了The white metal on the bearing bush is chapped. 12.核查 check用桥规核查主轴承Check the main bearing with bridge gauge.修理前后要核查拐档差Check the crankshaft deflection before andafter repair.13.清洁clean装前须清洁14.阻塞clog燃油滤器阻塞了The fuel filter is clogged.15.涂漆coat用红丹涂管子Coat the pipe with red lead.泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with anti-fouling.16.完成complete finish你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job?17.连接connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来Connect the motor with the fresh water pump18.腐蚀corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀The pump casing and impeller are corroded.19.盖cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts.20.裂No.2 cylinder head is cracked.21.吊crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for repair.22.割cut把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate.23.损坏damage滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged.24.脱落detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached.25.查看detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage.26.解体disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble, clean and check the H.P. fuel pump.27.脱开disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.28.讨论discuss我要和你讨论一下关于主轴承的问题。
Two sets of radial piston pumps of the steering gear to be overhauled, if necessary, the ball bearings and all seal rings to be renewed with ship's spares. Any part if found damaged to be remedied or renewed. After refitted in order running test to be carried out in presence of second engineer. Reports for overhaul of pumps in triplicate to be handed over to chief engineer.2、舵机是船舶关键设备之一,其主要作用是控制船舶航向。
The steering gear is one of the key important services in the ship and its main function is to control the ship's course. Prior to a ship's departure from any port the steering gear should be tested by duty engineer and duty officer to ensure the safety of a ship. The emergency communication system between the bridge and the steering gear compartment should also be kept in good order.3、请给船舶供应商写一物料订购单,要求供应商在“万华”轮10月5日离开新加坡之前供应下列物料:(1)石棉手套100双(2)直径50mm紫铜棒一根(2m长)(3)乙炔两瓶,15公斤/瓶(4)直径4mm不锈钢电焊条10公斤(5)燃油改良剂5桶,30升/桶Store Order ListMV. WanHuaPort of SingaporeOct. first, 2006 To: Shipchandler Co.Dear Sirs,Please supply our vessel MV. WanHua with the following stores prior to leaving Singapore on fifth, Oct.(1)Asbestos glove 100pcs(2)Copper stick 1pc, Φ50mm,2m in length(3)Acetylene 2btls, 15Kg/btl(4)Stainless steel electrode 10Kgs, Φ4mm(5)Improver for fuel combustion 5barrels,30litres/barrelThank you very much.Yours faithfullySigned by_________4、坞修时将螺旋桨轴抽出检查测量,并换新首尾密封装置的密封圈。
1. What are the responsibilities of the First Engineer on board a ship?The First Engineer is under the leadership of the Chief Engineer. He is responsible for the following.(1) Day-to-day running of the Engine room.(2) Management of the Engine department personnel.(3) Safety matters in the Engine room.(4) All maintenance and repair jobs on board ship(5) The main engine and its auxiliary equipment, steering gears, emergency equipments in engine room, etc.(6) Making and implementing the PMS (Planned Maintenance System)(7) Requisition for, receipt and control of spare parts and stores(8) Supervision of the jobs of engine crew.(9) Keeping watch from 0400 to 0800 and from 1600 to 2000 except for UMS operation.2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List on your last vessel?I control and operate the main engine except for the abandon-ship and fire in engine room emergency situations.3. Can you describe an emergency situation you ever encountered on board ships?No, I have never met any emergency situation before now.4. Which machineries and space parts should be under your charge?I should be responsible for the main engine, the service pumps for main engine, steering gear, accommodation air condition, provision of refrigerator and the emergency equipments. I should also prepare maintenance reports, fuel oil and lubrication oil samples analysis, inventory report of spare parts, store and spare parts requisitions, etc.5. Describe the procedure to start a fresh water generator, boiler, emergency generator?In case of fresh water generator:(1) Check the valves to make sure that they are in the normal position(2) Open the sea water valves of condenser and supply sea water to heating chamber(3) Start the sea water ejector pump to draw out the vacuum until the heating chamber vacuum reaches 93% (about 700 mmHg)(4) Open the water heating valves and keep the heating chamber temperature around 45 degrees Centigrade(5) When the condensed water reaches a certain level, start the distilled water pump, and keep its pressure no less than 0.2MPa.(6) Start chemical liquid feed pump.In case of automatic boiler:(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time to raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Confirm the boiler water supply pumps are in “Auto” condition(4) Switch on the power supply(5) Put the boiler control switch in “Auto” condition(6) Automatically start the boiler, close the air vent valve while the boiler steam pressure reaches 0.02 MPa.(7) Confirm the boiler can auto stop while it pressure reaches “high limit” (e.g. 0.7MPa)In case of manual boiler(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside and put the feed water pump in “Auto” position(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Put the draft fan in “Manual” position, and make preventive blow to avoid any possible explosion(4) Put the fuel oil pump in “Manual” position(5) Ignite fire by pressing the manual button, if the fire “On”, put valve(6) When the steam pressure reaches to 0.1MPa, close the air vent valve(7) After making sure that everything is in order, the normal burning can be done to make the steam pressure reach required levelIn case of emergency generator(1) Check the lube oil level in the crankcase and fuel oil level in the tank all in normal level(2) Check to see if there is any leakage(3) Check the air pressure if the generator is the air-started model; or check the battery voltage to see whether it is normal if the generator is of the battery start model(4) Also make sure there aren’t any obstacles around the machine.(5) Put the test switch in “Manual” position, and manually start it after maki ng sure that above-mentioned items in order(6) If you use “Auto test” model, or “Black out” model to test the emergency generator, you must inform bridge duty officer and Chief Engineer. And you cannot carry it until you get the permit from both of them. Otherwise, you must wait(7) “Auto test” must be carried out once every month. “Blackout” test must be carried out once every 3 months6. When the main engine cannot started by the compressed air, what are the possible causes? There may be the following causes(1) Air pressure is too low(2) The turning gear is still engaged(3) There may be operational fault(4) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(5) No fuel oil due to the fact that the fuel valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(6) Relative locked due to some safety device actions(7) Air distributor timing has been wrongEtc.7. When main engine stops after running a while, what are the possible causes?The following reasons may lead to the problem:(1) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(2) There is no fuel oil because valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(3) Lube oil pressure is too low, or control air pressure is too low8. What is the purpose of taking lube oil samples for analysis?By analyzing the lube oil sample, we want to know whether the lube oil meets the stipulated standards in viscosity, TBN (total base number), flash point, water contents, mechanic impurities etc.. If impurities (i.e. metals) are found, it means something wrong with the bearing and crankshaft. If the viscosity is lower than the standard, it may mean that fuel oil may have leaked into the lube oil system. Too much fuel oil in the lube oil system can lower the flash point of the lube and also may lead to possible explosion. The important figure is TBN. If the TBN is lower than the standard, itmeans the loss of the anti-acid ability and this will lead to the moving parts corrosive in the near future.9. What are the things you need to take note during the handover (before you sign off)?The outgoing First Engineer shall prepare a set of handover notes for the incoming First Engineer and shall ask the incoming First Engineer be familiar with the note contents. One copy of the handover notes with their signatures shall be given to the Chief Engineer for file. In general the handover procedure shall include the following(1) A tour of the engine room, with view of the engines, documents and equipments(2) Discussion on current and future engine and machine’s operation problems, spare part requirement(3) Information on the maintenance work and program(4) Dry dock repair list, if there if any(5) Discussion on the junior engineers or crew’s capacity and personalities(6) Survey status and requirements(7) Store and status of the ship’s safety equipment and machines(8) Current status of the ship’s safety equipments and machines(9) Safety and environment protection procedures and any special requirement by the company and in some areas in the world(10) Disciplinary procedures and management practice in the Engine department(11) Any other matters that the outgoing First Engineer thinks necessary and importantAfter the handover, the two First Engineers should sign all the Handover Checklist as evidence and for files.大管轮也是船上特别是轮机部非常重要的职位,所以交接班非常重要。
一•职位及工种(Titles and type ofwork)1.船长Capta in2 .大副Chief officer3 .二副Second officer4.三副Third officer5.四副Fourth officer6 .水手长Boatswa in7 .水手Sailor & Seama n8.木匠Carpe nter9 .轮机长Chief engin eer10.大管轮Second engin eer11.二管轮Third engin eer12.三管轮Fourth engin eer13.机匠长Chief motorma n15.机匠Fitter16.加油工Oil man17.大电Chief electricia n 1&电工Electricia n19.车间主任Workshop director20.工长Secti on chief21.班长Fore man 22 .钳工Fitter23 .主管工程师Engin eer in charge24.机务&船东Superi ntendent &Super&Owner25 .助理工程师Assista nt engin eer26 .验船师(机)Register27 .验船师(船)Surveyor28 .油漆工Pai nter29 .焊工Welder30 .大橱Chief cook31 .物料员Store keeper32 .加油工Oiler33 .机工Mecha nic34 .甲板员Deck man35 .电线工Wirema n36 .外包工Laborer37 .铸工Molder38 .管子工Pipe fitter39 .起重工Crane operator、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine)1 .主机Mai n engine 22 .活塞销Pist on gudge on pin2 .二冲程柴油机Two-stroke diesel engine 24 .活塞杆Pisto n rod3 .四冲程柴油机Fore-stroke diesel engine 25活塞环Pist on ring4 .咼速柴油机High speed diesel engine 26活塞环槽Pist on ring groove5 .中速柴油机Middle speed diesel engine 27 .压缩环(气环)Compressi on ring6 .低速柴油机Low speed diesel engine 28刮油环(油环)Oil scraper ring7 .气缸盖(缸头)Cyli nder head 29减磨令Wear ring (copper ring)8 .安全阀Safety valve 3伸缩管冰拉管)Telescopic pipe9 .释放阀Relief valve 31活塞冷却空间Pist on cooli ng space1 0.示功阀In dicator valve 32 .填料箱(函)Stuffi ng box1 1.示功考克In dicator cock 33填料箱密封环Seali ng ring for Stuffi ngbox1 2.空气起动阀Air start ing valve 34 .填料箱压缩环Pressure ring for Stuffi ngbox1 3.起动空气分配器Air start ing distributor 35填料箱刮油环Scraper ring for Stuffi ngbox1 4.油头(燃油喷射器)Fuel injector 36扫气箱Scave nging receiver1 5.排气阀Exhaust valve 37 .扫气口Scave nging port1 6.气缸套Cyli nder liner 38排气口Exhaust port1 7.冷却水套Cooli ng water jacket 39十字头Cross head1 8.气缸注油器Cyli nder lubricator 40 .十字头销Crosshead pin1 9.活塞Pisto n 41 .十字头轴承Crosshead beari ng2 0.活塞头Pist on crow n 42 .十字头滑块Crosshead slipper2 1.活塞裙Pisto n skirt 43滑块Guide shoe44.十子头导板Crosshead guide plate 66 .机架Frame45 •连杆Connecting rod 67 .曲柄箱Crank case46.连杆大端轴承Bid end beari ng 68 .曲柄箱导门Crank case door47.连杆小端轴承Small end beari ng 69 .曲柄箱防爆门Explosi on-proof Crankcase48.曲柄轴承Crank beari ng 70 .定时齿轮Timing gear49•曲柄销Crank pin 71 .飞轮Flyi ng wheel50.曲轴Crank shaft 72 .凸轮Cam51.曲轴颈Crank jour nal 73 .凸轮轴Cam shaft52.曲柄臂Crank web 74 .喷油凸轮Fuel inject ion cam53.拐档差Crank deflect ion 75 .链条Chai n54.主轴承Main beari ng 76 .链条轮Chai n wheel55.主轴颈Mai n journal 77 .链条箱Chain box56.轴承瓦Beari ng bush 78 .推杆Push rod57.上轴瓦Upper beari ng bush 79 .摇臂Rocker arm58.上轴瓦Upper half 80 .排气阀Exhaust valve59.下轴瓦Lower beari ng bush 81 .吸气阀Sucti on valve60.下轴瓦Lower half 82 .排气总管Exhaust mani fold61.推力轴承Thrust beari ng 83 .进气总管Air in let mani fold62.推力块Thrust pad 84 .高压燃油管High pressure fuel pipe63.推力盘Thrust disc 85.活塞冷却水管Pist on cooli ng water pipe64.推力轴Thrust shaft 86 .法兰Fla nge65.底座Bed plate 87 .贯穿螺栓Tie bolt (tie rod)88.端盖Side cover 110 .透平端Turb ine side89.滑油泵Lubricat ing oil pump 111 .转子轴Rotor shaft90.燃油泵Fuel oil pump 112 .油泵L.O. pump91.滑油泵齿轮Gear for lubricat ing oil pump 113 .换向装置Revers ing device92.燃油泵齿轮Gear for fuel oil pump 114 .换向伺服期Revers ing servomotor93.叶轮Impeller 115 .压气机(鼓风机)Blower94.柱塞Plun ger 116.膨胀接Expa nsion joint95.导杆Guide rod 117 .调速器gover nor96.导套Sleeve 118 .飞重Flyi ng weight97.滚动轴承Ball beari ng 119 .补偿阀Compe nsate valve98.滑动轴承Slidi ng beari ng 120 .针阀Needle valve99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball beari ng 121 .开口销Cotter pin100 .推力面Thrust surface (thrust side) 122 .轴封Shaft seal101 .盘车机Turning gear 123 .机械密封Mach inery seal102 .增压器Turbocharger 124 .配电盘Switchboard103.涡轮机(透平)Turbine 125 .应急配电盘Emerge ncyswitchboard104 .涡轮Turbine wheel 126.应急发电机Emerge ncy gen erator 105.涡轮叶片Turbine blade 127 .滤器Filter106 .喷嘴Nozzle 128.细滤器Filter107 .废气叶轮Exhaust impeller 129 .粗滤器Strainer108.废气叶轮片Exhaust blade 130 .滑油滤器L.O. filter109 .废气端Exhaust side 131 .燃油滤器 F.O. filter132 .空气消音器 Air in take sile ncer 150 .力矩平衡器 Mome nt compe nsator 132 .空气滤器 Air in take filter 151 .主启动阀 Main starti ng valve 133 .空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver) 152 .启动空气分配器Start ing air distributor 134 .分油机 Separator153 .喷油器 Fuel valve135.油水分离器 Water-oil separator 154 .扫气系统 Scave nge air system 136 .净油机 Purifier 155 .安全帽 Safety cap 137 .燃油净化器 F.O. purifier 156.机座Bed plate138.二氧化碳 C02 157 .轴向振动减振器Axial vibrati on damper 139 .二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle 158.贯穿螺栓 Arran geme nt of stay bolt140 .正时齿轮 Timing gear 159 .示功器驱动装置In dicator driver 141 .导向棒装置 Guide bar 160 .端罩 End shields 142 .注油器驱动 Lubricator driver 161 .气缸架 Cyli nder frame 143 .链条张紧装置 Chain tighte ner162 .气阀传动装置 Valve operat ing device 144 .凸轮轴传动轮 Chai n wheel on cam shaft 163 .摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil145.中间链链传动轮 In termediate cha in wheel pump146 .注油器驱动装置 Lubricator drive 164 .摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricati ngtank147 .链条张紧装置 Chain tighte ner165 .摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricat ing filter148.滚筒导座 Roller guide hous ing149 .应急操纵台Emerge ncy con sole21 .制冷装置Refrigerat ing pla nt、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery)1.船用锅炉Marine boiler 22 .冰机Fridge. Machi ne2.废气锅炉Exhaust boiler 23 .空气压缩机Air compressor3.辅锅炉Don key boiler 24 .造水机Fresh water gen erator4.组合式锅炉Combi ned boiler 25 .板式冷却器Plate type cooler5 .火管Fire tube 26 .机舱天车Engine room crane6.给水管Feed pipe 27 .天车导轨Crane rail7.炉膛Furnace 28 .电磁阀Sole noid valve8 .炉墙Furnace wall 29 .舵机Steeri ng gear9.火侧Fire side 30 .舵承Rudder beari ng carrier10 .水侧Water side 31 .液压缸Hydraulic cyli nder11•燃烧器Oil bur ner 32 .废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger12 .安全阀Safety valve 33 .弹簧阀Spring loaded valve13 .上排污Upper drain 34 .冷凝器Condenser14 .下排污Lower dra in 35 .分油器Oil separator15 .锅炉皮阀Moun ti ng valve 36 .轴带发电机Shaft gen erator16 .水位计Water level gauge 37 .焚烧炉Oil bur ner17 .压力表Pressure gauge 38 .分油机Separator18 .主汽门Mai n steam valve 39 .分离筒Separator bowl19 .玻璃管Glass tube 40 .配水盘装置Pari ng disc device20 .空调装置Air-c on diti oning pla nt 41 .转数计Revoluti on coun ter42.控制阀Con trol valve43.辅机Auxiliary mach inery 四、阀门(Words about valve) 44•制冷装置Refrigerati ng pla nt 1.吸气阀Sucti on valve45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalt ing pla nt 2 •排气阀Exhaust valve46.热交换器Heat exchanger 3 .控制阀Con trol valve47.船用气瓶Marine air bottle 4 .导阀Pilot valve48.冷风机Cooler un it 5 .单向阀Non-returnvalve49•防水风门Fire damper 6 .口琴阀Flap valve50.气密挡板Gas tight damper 7 .调节阀Regulati ngvalve51•排气风机Exhaust fan &液压阀Hydraulic valve52.舱室通风机Cabi n fan 9 .膨胀阀Expa nsionvalve53.机舱通风机Engine room fan 10 .给水阀Feed valve54.应急鼓风机Emerge ncy blower 11.排水阀12 .截止阀13 .吹泄阀14 .空气阀15 .泄放阀16 .止回阀17 .海底阀18 .回流阀19 .节流阀20 .进气阀Discharge valve Stop valve Blow-off valve Air valve Drain valve Check valve Sea valve Retune valve Throttle valve Inlet valve21 .出气阀Outlet valve22 .热力阀Thermal valve 五、泵类(Words about pump)23 .中央阀Cgn ter valve 1.电动泵15Motor-drive n pump24 .单向阀One way valve 2.柱塞泵Plun ger pump25 .二通阀Two way valve 3.叶片泵Vane pump26 .三通阀Triple valve 4.回转泵Rotary pump27 .旁通阀By-pass valve 5.齿轮泵Gear pump28 .换向阀Chan ge-over valve 6.往复泵Reciprocat ing pump29 .减压阀Pressure-reduci ng valve 7.离心泵Cen trifugal pump30 .溢流阀Overflow valve 1电动泵Motor-drive n pump31 .自闭阀Self-lock ing valve 2.柱塞泵Plun ger pump32 .针阀Needle valve 3.叶片泵Vane pump33 .平衡阀Bala nee valve 4.回转泵Rotary pump34 .循环阀Circulati on valve 5.齿轮泵Gear pump35 .主阀Main valve 6.往复泵Reciprocat ing pump36 .滑阀Slide valve 7.离心泵Cen trifugal pump37 .蝶阀Butter-fly valve 8.真空泵Vacuum pump38 .截止阀Shut-off valve 9.螺杆泵Screw pump39 .闸板阀Gate valve 10 .喷射泵Ejector pump40 .通海阀Sea suet ion valve 11 .冷却泵Cooli ng pump41 .吹除阀Sea chest clea ning valve 12 .淡水泵Fresh water pump42 .防浪阀Storm valve 13 .海水泵Sea water pump43 .舱壁阀Bulkhead valve 14 .给水泵Feed water pump44 .快关阀Emerge ncy shut off valve 15 .循环泵Circulat ing pump45呼吸阀Breather valve 16 .锅炉给水泵Boiler feed17 .卫生水泵San itary pump18 .压载泵ballast pump 六、甲板机械类(17Deck machinery )19 .舱底泵Bilge pump 1.锚机Win dlass20 .污水泵Sewage pump 2.锚机轴Win dlass shaft21 .燃油泵Fuel pump 3.刹车带Brake lining22咼压油泵High pressure pump23 .底压油泵Low pressure pump 4.离合器Clutch24 .驳运泵Tran sfer pump 5.锚链轮An chor Chain wheel25 .增压泵Booster pump 6.轴承瓦Beari ng bush26 .消防泵Fire pump 7.轴承盖Beari ng cover27 .通用泵G.S. pump 8.绞揽机Capsta n28 .旋涡泵Rege nerative 9.系揽绞车Moori ng winch29 .蜗壳泵Volute pump 1.卷缆车Reel30 .导叶泵Diffuser pump 11.钢丝绳Wire rope31 .单联泵Simplex pump12 .卡环Shackle32 .双联泵Duplex pump33 .多联泵Multiplex pump 13.缆绳Moori ng rope34 .活塞泵Pist on pump 14 .滑轮Block35 .减摇泵An ti-roll pump 15.刹车装置Brake device36 .总用泵Gen eral service pump 16.制链器An chor cha instopper37 .应急消防泵Emerge ncy fire pump 17 .舱盖滚轮Hatch cover wheel38 .扫舱泵Stripp ing pump 18.舱盖铰链Hatch cover hinge39 .货油泵Cargo oil pump 19.液压油缸Hydraulic jack40 .滑油泵Lubricat ing oil pump20 .起货机Cargo winch21 .可令吊Crane22 .生活吊Accommodatio n crane 七、工具类(Word about tools)23 .吊杆Derrick bo。
船舶航海英语词汇Ranks of ship’s crew(船员职务)crew 船员captain(master)船长chief officer 大副or chief mate(first mate)second chief 二副or second matethird officer 三副or third mateassistant officer 驾助radio officer(radio 报务员operator, wireless operator)purser (chief purser) 管事,事物长clerk 事务员boatswain or bosun 水手长cassab 副水手长quartermaster 舵工coxswain 舵工,艇长able seaman 全能水手,一水a.b.(able bodied seaman) 全能水手e. D.h. , d.h.u. 全能水手o.s.(ordinary seaman) 普通水手,二水seaman, mariner 普通水手,海员deck boy 甲板员engineer 轮机员chief engineer 轮机长,大车,老轨second engineer 大管轮,二车,二轨third engineer 二管轮,三车,三轨fourth engineer 三管轮,四车,四轨assistant engineer 轮助mechanic 机工fireman 生火cleaner or wiper 清洁工chief steward 大管事(or catering officer)second steward 二管事chief cook 大厨second cook 二厨supernumerary 额外人员ship’scomplement 船上的定员deck serang 水手长deck tindal 副水手长seacunny 舵工Names of marine organizations and their( 船务机关名称及工作人员)harbour administration bureau (or harbour bureau) 港务局the joint inspection party-inward and outward 进口联合检查组harbour supervision office 港务监督the customs 海关frontier inspection station 边防检查站quarantine office (s0ervice) 卫生检疫所animal and plant quarantine service 动植物检疫所china commodity inspection and testing bureau(ccitb) 中国商品检验局china marine bunker supply corporation 中国船舶燃料供应公司china national chartering corporation(zhongzu) 中国租船公司china ocean shipping agency 中国外轮代理公司china ocean shipping company (cosco) 中国远洋运输公司china ocean shipping company chartering department(coschard)中国远洋轮船公司租船部 (“中远租”)chian ocean shipping tally company 中国外轮理货公司china ocean shipping supply corporation(supco.) 中国外轮供应公司the ~ office of the register of shipping of the people’s republic of china 中华人民共和国船舶检验局~办事处joint inspection party 联检小组customs officer 海关官员harbour officer 港务监督员frontier defence officer (inspector ,guard) 边防检查组Quarantine officer(dotor) 卫生检疫员customs boarding office 登轮官员customs searching party 海关检查组docker 码头工人(广义)longshoreman 码头工人(在岸上装卸)stevedore 码头工人(在船上装卸)foreman 装卸队长pilot 引水员cargo surveyor 商品检验员marine or ship surveyor 验船师chief tallyman 理货员waterman 加水工人agent 代理Marine loading and discharging gear and harbour facilities(海运装卸机械工具和港口设施)barge 驳船beacon 航标灯belt conveyor 皮带运输机board palnk 木版bridge crane 桥吊,装卸桥bunkering tanker 供燃料船buoy 浮筒,浮标can hook,barrel sling 吊桶钩canvas 帆布canvas sling 吊货帆布袋cargo tray 吊货盘cargo runner 吊货钢丝绳chafing plate 防擦板chafing mat 防擦席chain sling 链条吊索crane 吊车cold storage 冷藏仓库conveyor belt 传送带crowbar 撬杠customs launch 海关关艇dolphin 系缆桩dunnage 垫仓物料electric crane 电吊elevator 升降机ferry boat 轮渡船fire boat 消防船floating crane 浮吊footboard 踏板fork - lift 铲车,叉车funnel 漏斗gangboard 跳板gantry crane 龙门吊garbage(sludge,sewage) boat 垃圾船grab 抓斗grain elevator 吸粮机hammer 铁锤handcart 手推车harbour light 港口灯标iron nail 铁钉landing pier 登岸码头lifting maget 西铁吊具lighter 驳船light house 灯塔light ship 灯船manila rope 白棕绳mat 席子mobile crane 流动吊车mooring anchorage 系泊锚地mooring buoy 系泊浮筒motor launch 小汽艇nylon rope 尼龙绳oil hose 输油软管open yard 露天货场personnelboat 交通艇pilot boat 引水船plate hook 钢板吊钩pontoon 浮码头pontoon bridge 浮桥quarantine anchorage 检疫锚地quarantine vessel 检疫船refrigerator car 冷藏车rope sling 绳吊索saw 锯semi-portal crane 半门吊shifting board 防动板signal tower 信号台steam launch 小汽艇steel wire 钢丝绳tower crane 塔吊tractor 牵引车traffic boat 交通艇tug boat(motor tug) 拖轮warehouse 仓库water boat 供水船watr lever indicator 水深标尺wire cargo net 钢丝网络wire sling 钢丝吊索various kind of vessels(各种船舶)air cushion craft 气垫船bage-carrier 载驳货船bulb-bowed ship 球鼻首船bulk-carrier 散货船cargo liner 定期货船collier 散货船crew boat (船员)联络船diesel boat 柴油机船dry cargo ship 干货船dumb lighter 驳船(没有机器的)freighter 货船oil barge 油驳ore carrier(ore ship)矿砂船reefer(refrigerator ship)冷冻船salvage vessel 救助船grain carrier 运量船light ship 未载货的货船lumber carrier(timber carrier)运木船meat ship 肉类船moto ship 内燃机船ocean-going vessel 远洋船sister ship 姐妹船steam ship 蒸汽机船stor carrier 补给船tanker(oil tanker)油驳trawler 拖网渔船Major marine papers and certificates(主要船务单据及证书)(1)papers单据application for bunkers 加(燃油)申请书application for tallyman 理货申请书bill of lading 提单booking note 订舱单boat note 订载单cargo receipt 交货收据cargo tally sheet 理货记数单copy 副本damaged cargo report 货物残损报告书declaration 申报单delivery order 交货单dock receipt 码头收据gang record 工班报单hatch(cargo)list 分舱单inward manifest 进口舱单license 许可证mate’s receipt 收货单notice of arrival 到货通知书motice of claim 索赔通知notice of readiness 准备就绪通知书on-spot record 现场记录original 正本outward manifest 出口舱单parcel receipt 小包收据sailing orders 开航通知shipper’s export declaration 货物出口申请书shipping list 装货通知书shipping permit 准运单short/overlanded cargo list 货物溢短单short/overlanded cargo report 货物溢短报告单tally daily report 理货日报告tally shift report 理货工班报告2 )certificates ( 证书,证件)certificate of freeboard 干舷证书certificate of health 无疫证书certificate of origin 产地证书ceitificate of port registry 船籍港证书certicficate of survey 船舶检验证classification certificate 船级证书deratting certificate 除鼠证书deratting exemption certificate 免予除鼠证书inspection certificate 验讫单international loading certificate 国际载重线证书maritime declaration of health 航海健康申明书navigation certificate seaworthiness certificate 适行证书outward clearance certificate 出国证书panama canal tonnage certificate巴拿马运河吨位证书passport 护照safety radio telegraphy certificate无线电报安全证书ship’s safety certificate 船舶安全证书sues canal special tonnage certificate 苏伊士运河专用吨位证书tonnage certificate 吨位证书tonnage dues certificate 吨税证书wireless inspection certificate 无线电安全证书The structure of a ship(船舶结构)accomodation 房间accomodation ladder 舷梯aerial(antenna) 天线aft part(after part) 船尾部after-peak 后尖舱air siren 汽笛aldis lamp 闪光信号灯alleyway 走道anchor 锚anchor chain 锚链auxiliary machinery 辅机bilge 船底沟binnacle 罗盘支架bitts(bollards) 系缆柱block 滑轮boom 吊杆bow 船头port bow 左舷船头starboard bow 右舷船头break 夹板台阶bridge 船桥,驾驶台brow (从船上到岸上的)舷梯bulwarks 舷墙bunker 燃料舱cabin 船舱pilot’s cabin 引水员房间cable 锚链capstan 绞盘cargo hold 货舱catwalk 狭窄的舷梯awning 帆布蓬baggage room 行李房barometer 气压表basic line 吨位标志线balk(blulk) , beam 船梁hatch beam 舱盖横梁port beam 左舷starboard beam 右舷chain locker 锚链舱chronometer 经纬仪coamings 舱口栏板compass 罗盘course recorder 航向记录仪crane 起重机davit 挂艇架deck 甲板boat deck 救生艇甲板lower deck 下甲板lower tween deck 二层柜main deck 正甲板poop deck 船尾上面的甲板promenade deck 保护甲板之上甲板shelter deck 遮蔽甲板tonnage deck 量吨甲板tween(between)deck 二层柜upper deck 上甲板upper tween deck 三层柜deck house 甲板室derrick 吊杆diesel engine 柴油机double bottom 双层底draught marks(draft marks) 吃水标志dynamo(generator) 发电机echo sounder 测深仪engine roon 机舱engin roon department 机舱部escape trunk 救生道fan room 打风间falg-staff 旗杆forecastle 船首楼forecastle head 船头甲板foremast 头柜forepart 船头部forepeak 前尖舱freeboard deckling 干舷甲板线gangway 舷梯glass (口语)气压表guy 稳索gyro compass(gyro) 电罗经halliard ,halyard 旗帜之升降索hatch 舱口hatch bord 舱盖板hatch coaming 舱口栏板hatch cover 舱口盖hawse hole 锚链孔helm 舵轮;舵柄hawser 船缆;锚链hull 舱壳jack ladder(jacob’s ladder)软梯,绳梯jackstaff 船头小旗杆jigger mast 尾jumbo(derrick 重吊(杆) keel 龙骨life belt 救生带life bort 救生艇life buoy 救生圈life jacket 救生衣life raft 救生筏life-saving apparatus 救生设备load ling 载重线,装载水线mainmastman-rope 绳索mizzen mastmonkey island 瞭望台pilot ladder 领港梯子piston 活塞plimsol’s mark 载重线标志poop 船尾楼port 港口,舱口,左舷port -hole 舷舱,舱口propeller 螺旋桨pulley 滑轮pump 水泵purchase 绳索,滑轮quarter 船舷的后部port quarter 左舷后部starboard quarter 右舷后部radar 雷达radio 无线电radio direction finder 无线电测向器radio room 无线电室radio transmitter 无线电发射机rast 救生筏rail,railings 扶手,栏杆rat-guard 缆绳上的防鼠隔ratlines 绳梯横索refrigerated hold 冷藏舱rig 帆索rudder 舵screw 螺丝钉scupper 排水管scupper board 挡水板scanner 雷达扫描设备sextant 六分仪shaft tunnel 地轴弄shackle 钩环shifting board 防动板,防舱板signal rocket 信号火箭siren 汽笛sling 吊索starboard 右舷steam engine 蒸汽引擎steering gear 舵机stem 船头stern 船尾storeroom 贮藏室tackle 滑车,吊具tank 液体舱ballast tank 压载水舱cofferdam tank 隔离沧deep tank 深舱,深水柜。
大管轮英语练习题1. _______ connectors hold best if a wire is accidentally pulled or a connection becomes loose.A: Ring type B: Fork typeC: Spade type D: ‘Push on, pull off’ type答案:A 假如电线会偶然被拉或连接松动,最好采用环形连接。
2.The word flammable is with the same meaning of ______. A: dangerous危险的B: toxic有毒C: light D: combustible 答案:flammable和combustible都有可燃的意思。
3. Which of the following is wrong about the basic axial piston pumps?A: In all types of piston equipment, the variable output flow capacity is readily obtained the method depending upon the detailed详细的geometry几何形状of the machine.B: In multiple pistons pumps, both the rotor face andthe slipper pads on the piston ends are pressure balanced and lubricated to minimize power losses.C: The direction of the flow is reversed in the pistons pumps, if the swash plate is moved over centre.D: The forces involved with small pumps allow the volume to bevaried mechanically, but on the larger sizes the forces increase to such a magnitude that some form of servo assistance is essential. 答案:A4. The crankshaft is of the semi-built type, with the journal轴颈_______ the forged or cast steel crank throwsA: being shrunk into B: to be shrunk intoC: to be shrunk with D: shrinking into 答案:A注:曲轴是半组合式的,轴颈与锻钢或铸钢的曲拐红套而成。
轮机英语词汇汇总一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain2.大副 Chief officer3.二副 Second officer4.三副 Third officer5.四副 Fourth officer6.水手长 Boatswain7.水手 Sailor & Seaman8.木匠 Carpenter9.轮机长 Chief engineer10.大管轮 Second engineer11.二管轮 Third engineer12.三管轮 Fourth engineer13.机匠长 Chief motorman15.机匠 Fitter16.加油工 Oil man17.大电 Chief electrician18.电工 Electrician19.车间主任 Workshop director20.工长 Section chief21.班长 Fore man22.钳工 Fitter23.主管工程师 Engineer in charge24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer26.验船师(机)Register27.验船师(船)Surveyor28.油漆工 Painter29.焊工 Welder30.大橱 Chief cook31.物料员 Store keeper32.加油工 Oiler33.机工 Mechanic34.甲板员 Deck man35.电线工 Wireman36.外包工 Laborer37.铸工 Molder38.管子工 Pipe fitter39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine2.二冲程柴 Twostrokediesel engine3.四冲程柴 Forestrokediesel engine4.高速柴油 High speed diesel engine5.中速柴油 Middle speed diesel engine6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head8.安全阀 Safety valve9.释放阀 Relief valve10.示功阀 Indicator valve11.示功考克 Indicator cock12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector15.排气阀 Exhaust valve16.气缸套 Cylinder liner17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator19.活塞 Piston20.活塞头 Piston crown21.活塞裙 Piston skirt22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin24.活塞杆 Piston rod25.活塞环 Piston ring26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring)30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box33.填料箱密封环 Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环 Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver37.扫气口 Scavenging port38.排气口 Exhaust port39.十字头 Cross head40.十字头销 Crosshead pin41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper43.滑块 Guide shoe44.十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate45.连杆 Connecting rod46.连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing49.曲柄销 Crank pin50.曲轴 Crank shaft51.曲轴颈 Crank journal52.曲柄臂 Crank web53.拐档差 Crank deflection54.主轴承 Main bearing55.主轴颈 Main journal56.轴承瓦 Bearing bush57.上轴瓦 Upper bearing bush58.上轴瓦 Upper half59.下轴瓦 Lower bearing bush60.下轴瓦 Lower half61.推力轴承 Thrust bearing62.推力块 Thrust pad63.推力盘 Thrust disc64.推力轴 Thrust shaft65.底座 Bed plate66.机架 Frame67.曲柄箱 Crank case68.曲柄箱导门 Crank case door69.曲柄箱防爆门 ExplosionproofCrank case.70.定时齿轮 Timing gear71.飞轮 Flying wheel72.凸轮 Cam73.凸轮轴 Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮 Fuel injection cam75.链条 Chain76.链条轮 Chain wheel77.链条箱 Chain box78.推杆 Push rod79.摇臂 Rocker arm80.排气阀 Exhaust valve81.吸气阀 Suction valve82.排气总管 Exhaust manifold83.进气总管 Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管 High pressure fuel pipe 85.活塞冷却水管 Piston cooling water pipe 86.法兰 Flange87.贯穿螺栓 Tie bolt (tie rod)88.端盖 Side cover89.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump90.燃油泵 Fuel oil pump91.滑油泵齿轮 Gear for lubricating oil pump 92.燃油泵齿轮 Gear for fuel oil pump93.叶轮 Impeller94.柱塞 Plunger95.导杆 Guide rod96.导套 Sleeve97.滚动轴承 Ball bearing98.滑动轴承 Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承 Thrust ball bearing100.推力面 Thrust surface (thrust side) 101.盘车机 Turning gear102.增压器 Turbocharger103.涡轮机(透平) Turbine104.涡轮 Turbine wheel105.涡轮叶片 Turbine blade106.喷嘴 Nozzle107.废气叶轮 Exhaust impeller108.废气叶轮片 Exhaust blade109.废气端 Exhaust side110.透平端 Turbine side111.转子轴 Rotor shaft112.油泵 L.O. pump113.换向装置 Reversing device114.换向伺服期 Reversing servomotor115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower116.膨胀接 Expansion joint117.调速器 governor118.飞重 Flying weight119.补偿阀 Compensate valve120.针阀 Needle valve121.开口销 Cotter pin122.轴封 Shaft seal123.机械密封 Machinery seal124.配电盘 Switchboard125.应急配电盘 Emergency switchboard 126.应急发电机 Emergency generator127.滤器 Filter128.细滤器 Filter129.粗滤器 Strainer130.滑油滤器 L.O. filter131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter132.空气消音器 Air intake silencer132.空气滤器 Air intake filter133.空气瓶 Air bottle (receiver)134.分油机 Separator135.油水分离器 Wateroil separator136.净油机 Purifier137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier138.二氧化碳 CO2139.二氧化碳瓶 CO2 bottle140.正时齿轮 Timing gear141.导向棒装置 Guide bar142.注油器驱动 Lubricator driver143.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener144.凸轮轴传动轮 Chain wheel on cam shaft 145.中间链链传动轮 Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置 Lubricator drive147.链条张紧装置 Chain tightener148.滚筒导座 Roller guide housing149.应急操纵台 Emergency console150.力矩平衡器 Moment compensator151.主启动阀 Main starting valve152.启动空气分配器 Starting air distributor 153.喷油器 Fuel valve154.扫气系统 Scavenge air system155.安全帽 Safety cap156.机座 Bed plate157.轴向振动减振器 Axial vibration damper158 贯穿螺栓 Arrangement of stay bolt159.示功器驱动装置 Indicator driver160.端罩 End shields161.气缸架 Cylinder frame162 气阀传动装置 Valve operating device163.摇臂润滑油泵 Rocker arm lubricating oil pump 164.摇臂润滑油柜 Rocker arm lubricating tank 165.摇臂润滑滤器 Rocker arm lubricating filter 三、船舶机械类(Words about marinemachinery)1.船用锅炉 Marine boiler2.废气锅炉 Exhaust boiler3.辅锅炉 Donkey boiler4.组合式锅炉 Combined boiler5.火管 Fire tube6.给水管 Feed pipe7.炉膛 Furnace8.炉墙 Furnace wall9.火侧 Fire side10.水侧 Water side11.燃烧器 Oil burner12.安全阀 Safety valve13.上排污 Upper drain14.下排污 Lower drain15.锅炉皮阀 Mounting valve16.水位计 Water level gauge17.压力表 Pressure gauge18.主汽门 Main steam valve19.玻璃管 Glass tube20.空调装置 Airconditioning plant21.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant22.冰机 Fridge. Machine23.空气压缩机 Air compressor24.造水机 Fresh water generator25.板式冷却器 Plate type cooler26.机舱天车 Engine room crane27.天车导轨 Crane rail28.电磁阀 Solenoid valve29.舵机 Steering gear30.舵承 Rudder bearing carrier31.液压缸 Hydraulic cylinder32.废气涡轮增压器 Exhaust gas turbocharger 33.弹簧阀 Spring loaded valve34.冷凝器 Condenser35.分油器 Oil separator36.轴带发电机 Shaft generator37.焚烧炉 Oil burner38.分油机 Separator39.分离筒 Separator bowl40.配水盘装置 Paring disc device41.转数计 Revolution counter42.控制阀 Control valve43.辅机 Auxiliary machinery44.制冷装置 Refrigerating plant45.海水淡化装置 Sea water desalting plant 46.热交换器 Heat exchanger47.船用气瓶 Marine air bottle48.冷风机 Cooler unit49.防水风门 Fire damper50.气密挡板 Gas tight damper51.排气风机 Exhaust fan52.舱室通风机 Cabin fan53.机舱通风机 Engine room fan54.应急鼓风机 Emergency blower四、阀门(Words about valve)1.吸气阀 Suction valve2.排气阀 Exhaust valve3.控制阀 Control valve4.导阀 Pilot valve5.单向阀 Nonreturn valve6.口琴阀 Flap valve7.调节阀 Regulating valve8.液压阀 Hydraulic valve9.膨胀阀 Expansion valve10.给水阀 Feed valve11.排水阀 Discharge valve12.截止阀 Stop valve13.吹泄阀 Blowoff valve14.空气阀 Air valve15.泄放阀 Drain valve16.止回阀 Check valve17.海底阀 Sea valve18.回流阀 Retune valve19.节流阀 Throttle valve20.进气阀 Inlet valve21.出气阀 Outlet valve22.热力阀 Thermal valve23.中央阀 Center valve24.单向阀 One way valve25.二通阀 Two way valve26.三通阀 Triple valve27.旁通阀 Bypass valve28.换向阀 Changeover valve30.溢流阀 Overflow valve31.自闭阀 Selflocking valve32.针阀 Needle valve33.平衡阀 Balance valve34.循环阀 Circulation valve35.主阀 Main valve36.滑阀 Slide valve37.蝶阀 Butterflyvalve38.截止阀 Shutoffvalve39.闸板阀 Gate valve40.通海阀 Sea suction valve41.吹除阀 Sea chest cleaning valve 42.防浪阀 Storm valve43.舱壁阀 Bulkhead valve44.快关阀 Emergency shut off valve 45.呼吸阀 Breather valve五、泵类(Words about pump)1.电动泵 Motordrivenpump2.柱塞泵 Plunger pump3.叶片泵 Vane pump4.回转泵 Rotary pump5.齿轮泵 Gear pump6.往复泵 Reciprocating pump7.离心泵 Centrifugal pump8.真空泵 Vacuum pump9.螺杆泵 Screw pump10.喷射泵 Ejector pump11.冷却泵 Cooling pump12.淡水泵 Fresh water pump13.海水泵 Sea water pump14.给水泵 Feed water pump15.循环泵 Circulating pump16.锅炉给水泵 Boiler feed pump 17.卫生水泵 Sanitary pump18.压载泵 Ballast pump19.舱底泵 Bilge pump20.污水泵 Sewage pump21.燃油泵 Fuel pump22.高压油泵 High pressure pump 23.低压油泵 Low pressure pump 24.驳运泵 Transfer pump25.增压泵 Booster pump26.消防泵 Fire pump27.通用泵 G.S. pump28.旋涡泵 Regenerative29.蜗壳泵 Volute pump30.导叶泵 Diffuser pump31.单联泵 Simplex pump32.双联泵 Duplex pump33.多联泵 Multiplex pump34.活塞泵 Piston pump35.减摇泵 Antirollpump36.总用泵 General service pump 37.应急消防泵 Emergency fire pump 38.扫舱泵 Stripping pump39.货油泵 Cargo oil pump 40.滑油泵 Lubricating oil pump 六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)1.锚机 Windlass2.锚机轴 Windlass shaft3.刹车带 Brake lining4.离合器 Clutch5.锚链轮 Anchor Chain wheel 6.轴承瓦 Bearing bush7.轴承盖 Bearing cover8.绞揽机 Capstan9.系揽绞车 Mooring winch 10.卷缆车 Reel 个11.钢丝绳 Wire rope12.卡环 Shackle13.缆绳 Mooring rope14.滑轮 Block15.刹车装置 Brake device 16.制链器 Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮 Hatch cover wheel 18.舱盖铰链 Hatch cover hinge 19.液压油缸 Hydraulic jack 20.起货机 Cargo winch21.克令吊 Crane22.生活吊 Accommodation crane 23.吊杆 Derrick boom24.桅杆 Mast25.救生艇 Lifeboat26.艇架 Davit27.艇机 Lifeboat capstan 28.救生筏 Life raft29.救生衣 Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools) 1.车床 Lathe2.刨床 Planing machine3.钻床 Drill machine4.砂轮机 Grinding machine 5.磨床 Grinder6.铣床 Milling machine7.镗床 Boring machine8.手锤 Engineer’s hammer 9.冲击板手 Impact wrench 10.板手 Spanner11.活络板手 Screw spanner12.梅花板手 Ring spanner13.呆扳手 Open spanner15.套筒板手 Socket spanner16.管子钳 Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀 Screw driver18.钢丝钳 Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳 Long nose pliers20.钢锯 Hack saw21.剪刀 Scissors22.手电筒 Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀 File25.丝攻 Thread tap26.板牙 Thread die27.绞刀 Reamer28.刮刀 Scraper29.油石 Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布 Emery cloth32.破布 Rag33.卷尺 Measuring tape34.空心冲 Hole punch35.样冲 Joint punch36.油壶 Oil gun37.牛油枪 Grease gun38.手电钻 Handle drill39.钻头 Drill40.液压千斤 Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺 Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺 Vernier caliper43.外卡尺 Outside calipers44.内卡尺 Inside calipers45.螺纹量规 Screw gauge46.桥规 Bridge gauge47.电焊机 Electrode welding machine 48.气焊机 Gas welding machine 49.电焊钳 Electric welding pliers 50.气割枪 Cutting touch51.电焊条 Electric soldering iron 52.电工刀 Electrician knife53.电笔 Test pen54.剥线钳 Wire stripping pliers 55.圆规 Compass56.量表 Gauge57.拐档表 Crank deflection gauge58.深度规 Depth gauge59.千分表 Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳 Table vice61.柴油 Diesel oil62.滑油 Lubricating oil63.液压油 Hydraulic oil64.重油 Heavy oil65.燃油 Fuel oil66.黄油 Grease67.螺栓 Bolt68.螺帽 Nut69.垫片 Washer70.研磨沙 Grinding sand71.研磨膏 Grinding paste72.石棉板 Asbestos plate73.青壳纸 Fish paper74.盘根 Packing75.细钢丝 Thin steel wire76.密封圈 Rubber seal ring77.塑料管 Plastic pipe78.胶皮管 Rubber hose79.电灯泡 Electric bulb80.工作灯 Working lamp81.插头 Electric plug82.插座 Electric socket.93.喷砂机 Sand blaster outfit94.空气马达 Air motor95 油柜清洁器 Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机 High pressure hose for hydraulic 97.真空泵 Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组 Socket wrench set99.深头套筒 Deep socket wrench100.套筒扳手 Box wrench101 单开口扳手 Single open end wrench102.双开口扳手 Double open end wrench103.转矩扳手 Torque wrench104.电动机扳手 Motor wrench105.侧剪钳 Slide cutting plier106.活节钳 Combination plier107.可调快速扳手 Speed wrench108.螺丝起子 Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子 Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组 Hexagon nut drivers set111.手摇钻 Straight hand drill112.手工锯 Hacksaw frame113.锯片 Hacksaw blade114.砂纸 Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦 Chain block116.高压管 High pressure hose117.液压千金顶 Hydraulic jack118.锤子 Hammer119.平錾 Cold chisel120.活动扳手 Adjustable wrench121.螺丝刀 Screwdriver122.侧剪铗 Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪 Cable cutter124.敲击管钳 Rap wrench125.砂轮 Grinding wheel126.老虎钳 Utility vise127.直梯 Straight ladder128.踏梯 Step ladder129.平台推车 Platform trunk130.搬平车 Gas cylinder carrier131.给油机 Grease lubricator132.强力油泵 Heavy duty pump oiler133.油壶 Oil jag134.麻花钻 Twist drill135.绞刀 Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻 Rolling center137 .外径测微计 Outside micrometer with counter 138.六折式尺 Sixfolding rule139.弹性带尺 Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺 Stainless steel straight rule 141.平面规 Surface gauge142.平行直角定规 Precision flat try square 143.温度计 Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use)1.阀研磨剂 valve grinding compound2.电焊条 steel electrode3.气焊条 Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳 Seizing wire5.刚焊条 Steel welding rod6.紫铜管 Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶 Acetylene cylinder8.木屑 Saw dust9.水泥 Cement10.石灰 Lime11.帆布手套 Canvas glove12.垫片 Gasket.13.氧气瓶 Oxygen cylinder14.抹布 Rag15.垫隙片 Shim16.电线 Wire17.电缆 Electric cylinder18.电池 Rag19.灯泡 Bulb20.胶布 Insulating tape21.插头 Plug22.插座 Socket23.保险丝 Fuse24.不锈钢 Stainless steel25.铸铁 Cast iron26.黄铜 Brass27.青铜 Bronze28.铝合金 Aluminium alloy29.橡胶 Rubber30.石棉 Asbestus31.低碳钢 Soft steel32.高碳钢 Highcarbon steel33.合金钢 Alloy steel34.木材 Wood35.塑料 Plastic36.球墨铸铁 Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use)1.螺栓 Bolt2.螺丝 Screw3.螺母 Nut4.方头螺栓 Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓 Counter sunk head screw6.套筒螺栓 Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓 Set screw8.十字接头 Cross9.锥形销 Taper pin10.锁紧螺母 Lock nut11.六角头螺栓 Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油 Gas oil2.煤油 Kerosene3.润滑油 Lubricating oil4.汽缸油 Cylinder oil5.压缩机油 Compressor oil6.齿轮油 Gear oil7.机油 Motor oil8.凡士林 Vaseline9.燃油 Fuel oil10.油脂 Grease11.柴油 Diesel oil十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1.件,只,个 Piece2.条,张,片 Sheet3.双 Pair4.套,组,副 Set.5.盒 Box6.箱 Case7.瓶 Bottle8.米 Meter9.厘米 Centimeter10.毫米 Millimeter11.公斤 Kilogram12.克 Gram13.公升 Liter14.平方 Square15.袋 Bag16.码 Yard17.吨 Ton18.磅 Pound19.加仑 Gallon20.立方 Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country)1.中国 China2.美国 American3.日本 Japan4.英国 Britain5.法国 France6.德国 German7.韩国 South Korea8.希腊 Greece9.泰国 Thailand10.印度 India11.挪威 Norway12.俄罗斯 Russia13.新加坡 Singapore14.澳大利亚 Australia15.伊朗 Iran16.丹麦 Denmark17.加拿大 Canada18.丹麦 Denmark19.芬兰 Finland20.巴基斯坦 Pakistan21.意大利 Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use)1.主机 M/E2.付机 A/E3.阀 V/V4.泵 P/P5.备车 St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三 FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二 H.Ahd10.高压 H.P.11.低压 L.P.12.重油/柴油 H.O./D.O.13.前后 F/A14.左舷 P: port15.无人机舱 UMS16.自动 Auto17.气缸 Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜 20.沉淀柜 .21.排出 Disc22.吸入 Suct23.柴油柜 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word) 1.停靠 Alongside2.接近 Approach3.停泊 Berth4.浮筒 Buoy5.码头 Pier6.港口 Port7.移泊 Shift8.航次 Voyage9.试验 Try10.值班 Watch11.航行 Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment) 1.调整 Adjust2.压载 Ballast3.转换 Change over4.清洁 Clean5.联接 Connect6.排放压载 Deballast7.放残水 Drain8.卸载 Off9.油漆 Paint10.接通 Put on11.吹灰 Soot blown12.开始 Start13.顶端 Top14.洗 Wash15.吹 Blow16.检查 Check17.铲 Chip18.断开 Cut out19.排放 Discharge20.除垢 Descale21.检验 Examine22.受载 On(load)23.用泵排出 Pump out24.调整 Set25.停止 Stop26.调驳 Transfer27.加满 Top up十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction)1.失常的 Abnormal2.烧坏 Burn3.堵塞 Clog4.裂缝 Crack5.变形 Deform6.毁坏 Destroy7.磨损 Wear8.出故障 In trouble9.敲击 Knock10.松开 Loose11.不对中 Misalign12.不足的 Insufficient13.失灵 Out of order14.过载 Overload15.过度磨损 Overworn16.尺寸过大 Oversized17.尺寸过小 Undersized18.振动 Vibrate19.不平的 Uneven20.不准确 Inaccurate21.全船断电 Black out22.出故障 Fail23.关掉 Shut off24.弯曲 Bend25.停车 Break drown26.腐蚀 Corrode27.腐蚀的 Corrosive28.损坏 Damage29.有毛病的 Faulty30.有缺陷的 Defective31.破裂 Fracture32.卡住 Jam33.漏泄 Leak34.漏泄的 Leaky35.融化 Melt36.噪声 Noise37.过热 Overheat38.咬住 Seize39.紧的 Tight40.松的 Loosen41.发现 Find42.停止 Stop43.脏的 Dirty44.油污的 greasy45.失效的 ineffective46.椭圆形的 oval47.点不着火 misfire48.接错 misjoin49.放错 misplace50.老化 perish51.麻点 pit52.凸起 ridge53.划伤 score54.拉痕 scuff十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination) 1.卡死 Blind2.用卡钳量 Caliper3.关闭 Close4.解体 Disassemble5.安装 Fix6.组装 Box up7.检验 Check8.拆卸 Dismantle9.装配 Fit10.紧固 Fasten11.测量 Gauge12.安装 Install13.测量 Measure14.打开 Open15.上油漆 Paint16.换新 Renew17.上紧 Tighten18.洗 Wash19.涂油脂 Grease20.松开 Loosen21.加油 Oil22.检修 Overhaul23.重新组装 Reassemble 24.测取读数 Take reading 25.拧开螺栓 Unbolt26.抽出 Withdraw十九、时间、季节与方向(Time、Season and Direction) 1.星期一 Monday2.星期二 Tuesday3.星期三 Wednesday4.星期四 Thursday5.星期五 Friday6.星期六 Saturday7.星期日 Sunday8.春季 Spring9.夏季 Summer10.秋季 Autumn11.冬季 Winter12.一月 January13.二月 February14.三月 March15.四月 April16.五月 May17.六月 June18.七月 July19.八月 August20.九月 September21.十月 October22.十一月 November23.十二月 December24.小时 Hour25.分钟 Minute26.秒 Second27.月 Month28.天 Day29.夜 Night30.周 Week31.早晨、上午 Morning32.下午 Afternoon33.傍晚 Evening34.正午 Noon35.今天 Today36.昨天 Yesterday37.明天 Tomorrow38.前天 The day before yesterday 39.后天 The day after tomorrow40.本周 This week41.上周 Last week42.下周 Next week43.九月十日 Sep.10 th44.去年 Last year45.明年 Next year46.上周二 Last Tuesday47.下周一 Next Monday48.东 East49.西 West50.南 South51.北 North52.西北 Northwest53.东北 Northeast54.东南 Southeast55.西南 Southwest56.世纪 Century二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use)1 已无法修复 beyond repair2.尺寸过大 oversized3.反应缓慢 slow function4.不正常 out of order5 不合标准 not up to standard6.不准确 inaccurate7.失去作用 out of function8.轧住 seized9.过热 overheated10 过度磨损 ound excessive wear 11.过度磨掉 worn out12.有一点倾斜 a little bit inclined 13.不正常 abnormal14.因过热而损坏 founDestroyed by overheating15.龟裂 chapped16.塌陷 collapsed17.运转失灵 out of operation18.呈椭圆形 oval19.拉痕 scored20.拉毛 scuffed21.变形 deformed22.松动 loose23.油污 greasy24.肮脏 dirty25.咬住 stuck26.挤压 squeezed27.弯曲 bent28.故障 faulty29.损坏 damaged30.破碎成片 broken to pieces31.部分剥离 partly detached32.部分堵塞 partly choked33.剧烈震动 violent vibration 34.烧坏 burnt35.断裂 fractured36.接地 earthed37.敲缸 knocking38.溶化 melted away39.发现泄漏 leaking ( leaky) 40.冻结 stuck fast by icing41.锈蚀 rusty42.失效 ineffective43.故障 out of order44.结霜 frosted45.丢失 lost46.出故障 in trouble47.失灵 out of order48.失灵 out of action49.不一致 out of operation50.错位 out of place二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example)1.借 borrow我要向你借这份图纸I want to borrow the drawing from you.我可以向你借这个手锤吗?May I borrow the hammer from you?2.裂 break阀杆断裂了The valve spindle is broken.滚动轴承断裂成碎片了The ball bearing are broken to pieces.3.加强 build up叶轮应该堆焊 The impeller should be built upby welding.4.烧 burn电动机烧了 The motor is burnt.5.进行 carry out应进行负载试验The load test should be carried out.6.吹 blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清The pipe should be blown with compressed air. 7.铸 cast按原样铸造一个 Cast one piece as per sample. 8.引起 cause损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration. 9.倒角 chamfer油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered.法兰切削后须倒角The flange should be chamfered after being machined.10.换掉 change把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse to accept them.11.龟裂 chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了 The white metal onthe bearing bush is chapped.12.核查 check用桥规核查主轴承 Check the main bearingwith bridge gauge.修理前后要核查拐档差Check the crankshaft deflection before andafter repair.13.清洁 clean装前须清洁 Clean it before fit back.14.阻塞 clog燃油滤器阻塞了 The fuel filter is clogged.15.涂漆 coat用红丹涂管子 Coat the pipe with red lead.泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with antifouling. 16.完成 complete finish你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job? 17.连接 connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来 Connect the motorwith the fresh water pump18.腐蚀 corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀 The pump casing andimpeller are corroded.19.盖 cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts.20.裂二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间No.2 cylinder head is cracked.21.吊 crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for repair. 22.割 cut把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate.23.损坏 damage滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged.24.脱落 detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached.25.查看 detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏Detect the Freon system for leakage.26.解体 disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble, clean and check the H.P. fuel pump. 27.脱开 disconnect把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe.将发电机与原动机脱开。
1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。
⼤管轮船东英⽂⾯试试题及参考答案1.WHAT IS THE 2E’S RESPONSIBILITY?A: To help C/E, receive orders, lead andsupervise other engineers and crewTo operate and maintain the main engine and associated machineriesPersonally supervise the operation/maintenance works for all plate typeheat exchangers Tocarry out watch keeping in E/RTo carry out work plants and toolbox meetingTo manage lubricating oilTo help C/E manage ship stores and carry out material requisitionTo prepare repair works requestsTo manage the pms2. WHATWILL YOU CHECKING BEFORE START A COMPLETE OVERHAULLED G/E? A: Check all suction valves and exhaustvalves head clearanceCheck all oil and cooling water drain line was air vent and closedCheck flywheel turning device is gear out positionCheck the valves of fuel oil, cooling water, lub oil, starting air linewas opened and do not have anyleakageCheck cyl liner inside have water or oil by open indicator cocks and setstart/stop lever in stop position and hold start switch pressing 2-3 seconds toeffect air running3.WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE FOR PREPARE THE SHIP DRY DOCKING?A: First we should be confirming this dry docking is for intermediatesurvey or for special survey (5 years interval). If for intermediate survey weonly prepare the items due time already or nearly 2-3 years from last dry docking,if for special survey we need prepare all items due time already or nearly 5years from last dry docking according CMS (continuous machinery survey) of PMS After we confirmed machinery items according PMS we can prepare therepair specification and send to company approve before 6-9 months of drydockingWhen company approved the repairspecification, according those repair items we can raise up MR before 3-6months of dry docking4. OWSOPERATING PROCEDURE AND HOW TO DISCHARGE BILGE WATER O/B ACCORDING MARPOL ANNEXI?A: First theOWS be operated only with the approval of C/E and the o/b v/v shall be always closedand locked when not in operationSecond the bilge shall be discharged o/b accordance with MARPOL Annex Iregulation 15, the ship is proceeding enroute, any discharge of oily waterautomatically stopped when oil content exceeds 15ppmThird disposal bilge shall be recorded in oil record book (part 1) andsigned by c/e and master and retention oil record book is 3 yearsFourth when approved by c/e ,OWS shall be operated by followingprocedures, before operation 2/e should becheck 15ppm alarm, check oil content meter, check o/b v/v closed and locked,check ship route and position. when operation 2/eshould be check operation condition and control system, check indication shownwith fresh water, establish circulating line and operate bilge pumps, open o/b v/v when oil content is below 15ppm,during operation OWS theODM shall be under automatic operation, no operationallowed if there is no day light hours.Remark: ANNEXI-prevention oil pollution >50nm ANNEX II-noxious liquid ANNEXIII-harmful substance ANNEX IV-sewage ANNEX V-garbage only food waste>12nm ANNEX VI-air pollutionSpecial areas: Mediterranean Sea, BalticSea, black sea, red sea, North Sea, gulf area ,Antarctic area,Omanarea,etcetera.5.HOW TO CHECK MAIN BEARING CLEARANCE?carryout tool box meeting and risk assessmentA: Stop M/E and shut off main starting airv/v and starting air distributorEngage turning gearJust stopping engine, while L.O pp still running, check oil comes fromcrosshead bearing and guide shoes conditionTurncrankthrow to a suitable position and stop L.O ppCheck top clearance with a feeler gauge, the clearance is measured atboth fore and aft part of the bearing, if increase of clearance since previousreading larger than 0.05mm the bearing should be open up inspection, mainbearing top clearance max 0.85mm, min 0.55mmCheck bearing edges with feeler, check bearing metal fragments in theoil pan, large thick pieces will be found during crankcase inspection and smallthin pieces can enter the filter6.WHAT IS THE MAIN ENGINE PISTON TAKEOUT PROCEDURE?carryout tool box meeting and risk assessmentA: Stopped engine, block startingmechanism, shut off starting air, engage turning gear, shut off cooling water,fuel oil and L.OTurncrosshead down for enough to access to the piston rod stuffing box and pistonrod screws. Loosen stuffing box flange innermost screws and piston rod screws.Mount two distance pieces on the piston rod food to protect lower scraper ringand to guide stuffing box, dismount cylinder cover.Turn crosshead towards TDC, checkingstuffing box lands correctly on the distance pieces, turn to TDC, the top ofpiston now is free of cylinder linerClean lifting groove of piston crown andmount the lifting tool--fit two fixed claws of tool into lifting groove ofpiston and then fit the third adjustable claw and tightenLift piston out of cylinder liner7.Why an M/E can not start and what will you do?A: M/E fails to turnby air: staring air pressure too low- check and start air compressor,V/v on starting air receiver closed-open, v/v to starting airdistributor closed-open,Main starting v/v locked in closed position –open, turning gear engaged-disengage turning gear, control selectors arewrongly set-correct setting, control air system no pressure-check pressurenormally 7 bar clean filter, starting air v/v in cylinder cover defective-replace or O/H v/v M/E turns on starting airbut stops run on fuel oil: puncture v/v not air ventafter all replaced orO/H-air vent puncture v/v, shut down of engine-checkpressure and temp, reset alarm, sluggish in the manoeuvring gear-lubricate themanoeuvring gear, ensure the fuel pumps, rod connections and bearings aremovable, faulty adjustment of manoeuvring gear-check fuel pump index, governorair booster not supply oil pressure to governor during starting airperiod-check governor function, the preset speed setting pressure to governoris too low or too short- the pressure shall be setting between 1.6-2.0 bar andmaintained about 6sec, fault in governor-check governor oil prs, check limitingfunctions correctly adjusted and etc8.WHAT DO YOU CHECK IF M/E ALL CYL EXH. TEMP. HIGH?A: Scavenge air temp high due to air coolerdirty or cooling water not enough or cooling water high tempFouled air and gas passages due to T/C dirtyHeavy load or rough seaFuel quality not goodWrong position of camshaft, check chain tension9.WHAT DO YOU CHECK WHEN CARRY OUT SCAVENGE SPACE INSPECTION? carryout tool box meeting and risk assessment,enclosed space permite,toxic gas checksuch as O2,H2S,CO,BENEZEA: Inspect piston, rings and cylinder wallby piston is nearest BDC, check piston ring micro-seizure, scratched, sticking,breakage, carbon deposit conditionCheck total clearance between piston rings and ring groovesTo reduce risk of scavenge box fire, remove any oil sludge and carbondeposits in scavenge air box andreceiverCheck oil sludge drain pipe chock or not10.HOW DO YOU DETECT SCAVENGE SPACE FIRE, AND IF FIRE WHATS YOUR ACTION?A: DETECT:Exhaust temp increase of affected cylinder, scavenge air box fire detector alarm will coming setpoint 80 °C, rpm slow down 120 °CT/C may surgeSmoke out from T/C airinlet filter when surgingThe scavenge air box somuch hotterViolent blow-by willcause from scavenge box drain cockACTION:ask Bridgefor permission to stop engineStop F.O and L.O oilsupplyOpen the fireextinguishing steam v/v and neighborhood cyl. steam v/v to prevent firespreading Do not open scavengeair box before the fire extinguished and cooled down to below 100 °C Remove all sludge anddry deposits and clean piston rod cyl linerRetighten staybolts of scavenge air box11.DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER EXPERIENCE ABOUT IGG, M/E AND TURBINE PP ?A:YES,Sir.I had many experience about IGG and M.E cyl cover O/H and cooling jacket O/H 12.NCR---120RPM---10965BHPMCR---127RPM----12900BHP max.continous ratingMIN---32RPMCRITICAL---47—58RPM13.During SIRE inspection the OWS fail,howto do?A:Showthe test log to inspector and explain to him this is abrupt突然的condition,ask him to give few hours try tomodify the deficiency,and report to company.14.If the oiler wrong recorded the enginelog book ,how to do?A:Sir ,Our engine log book always record byengineers,because this is C/E’S log book,only engineers are permitted torecord.15.How to managament GE connecting rod bolt?A:By thetechnical sup. advises the connecting rod bolts should be renewed per 10,000hrsWhen renew connecting rod studs ,we shouldbe tightening 2 times,the first time without bearings tighten and check theupper and lower studs distance are similar ,also make the marking on the studand nut, the second time re-tighten nut ,ensure the marking on the stud and nutsame before.After GE O/H ,when 200hrs runningcomplete,retigten all connecting rod bolts as maker’s instruction manual16.DO you know MEremote control system?A:THE ME remote control system includingreversing,starting,stopping electrically-pneumatically,speed settingelectrically with a micro-computer from bridge by operating a single telegraphtransmitterIn control room ,ME contolled by telegraphreceiver for reversing,by maneuvering handle for starting,stopping,speedsettingAlso including safety syetem toautomatically slow down or shut down ME when abnormal condotion17.How to start ME on bridge control?A By putting telegraph in the A/H or A/S and startingair distributor change-over to A/H or A/S position,the reversing singal airwill give to reversing mechanismswhen the starting air is supplied,thereversing mechanisms change-over into A/H or A/S position after the ME rotationwhen ME speed reachesthe ignition level,the starting fuel is supplied,the starting air is cutoff,and change-over into fuel runningafter a preset timesince chang into fuel running,starting fuel setting of governor is released andME speed increased or decreased by telegraph transmitter position.18.After dry docking ship goes to sea trailwhat should be attention?A Checksea chest can fully closed and have leaky or not,all sea water and coolingfresh water line need air vent.19 When use M/E hydraulic tool what shouldattention?A Beforeuse the tool, we should air bleed the hydraulic jacket and make sure no have anyleaky on the connector side, for loosen the tight nut ,first we fully screw onthe hydraulic jacket and then need loosen half or one turn otherwise thehydraulic jacket will be stick on the stud when the tighten nut was loosed20 when ship receive bunker,which toxic gasshould be checked?AH2S<5ppm/8hrs BENZENE<1ppm/8hrs21 what will you do when oil companyinspection?A order all duty oilers to clean and painttheir cleaning area,to remove any leaky water,oil stainB orderall engineers to test logbook item such as em’cy equipment,fire fightingequipment,life save equipment and record on the log book, electrical engineertogether with charge engineeralso need test machinery safty alarm such as M/Eoil mist detector,M/E fuel oil leaky alarm,oily water seperator 15ppmalarm,bilge well high level alarm,A/E fuel oil leaky alarm,BOILER high water level,low and low low water levelalarmC OILRECORD BOOK should be correct record and sign by C/E and MASTER,E/R fire dampertest ,PMS update don’t have overdue item22 what is MARPOL convention?A MARPOLconvention is prevention pollution from ships23 what is PSC,what equipment in engine roomis usually inspected during PSC?A PSCmeans port state control, it aims to ensure safety of life at sea and marine pollutionprevention from ships,for engine department the main inspected itemsinclude:em’cyGE,S/G,em’cy fire pump,oily water separator and so on.24 If IGG oxygen content high,how to do?A we canincrease setting of “fuel capacity control set point”to decrease oxygencontent,also we can check the bubble have or not in oxygen analyser,maybesample gas pipe chock or filter dirty25 what we will be check the ship outsidehull during a dry docking?A wewill check overboard v/v condition especially the seachest,ICCP system,shiphull and propeller fouling condition by the marine life and corrosion conditionalso we check stern tube sealing sysytem26 How to check ME combustion condition?A we canjudge ME combustion condition via ME performance ,ME exhaust temp,ME exhaustcolor27 If a cooling water high temp alarmactived when only one GE running during your duty ,how to do?A I willquickly go to stop some not important heavy load equipments such as A/C,Ref’,ERfan to reduce GE load,and then start another GE,check the reason of alarm28 If ME Lub oil low pressure alarm activtedduring your duty ,what will you do and what the harmful to ME of this alarm?A ifship is sailing condition,we can stop it any time ,I will inform bridge to stopship,and check the reason ,maybe L.O Auto filter dirty inlet and outlet differpressure high we need clean filter or change to manual side using,L.O lineleaky,we neeed find out and remedy itif shipis manuevering condition,can not stop anytime,we need change Auto filter tomanual side ,if another reason such as pump fail change to st/by pump,if lub oilline leaky or other definciency can not remedy under a running engine we shouldinform bridge to anchorage ship and remedy the defincince ASAP29 At least how many hours rest per weekunder STCW convention,if some special condition less than regular how to do?A atleast 77 rest hours per week,if special condition ,anyway we will neverre⽅法。
关联题(136题)Passage 1Valve drive mechanismThe valve drive mechanism commands the inlet and exhaust valves at the required timing.The valve drive mechanism consists of an inlet and exhaust cam follower (8) each suspended in a plunger of the tappet assembly (7), two tubular push rods (4) with ball joints, two nodular cast iron rocker arms (2) suspended in a rocker arm bearing bracket, two yokes (5) and a yoke guide pins. See Fig. 4-1.The tappet rollers follow the cam profiles and transfer the movements through push rods to the rocker arms. The rocker arms operate the inlet and exhaust valves through yokes (5).Lubrication for the rocker arms comes from the engine’s secondary oil supply manifold through drillings in the cylinder head and rocker arm bracket.The tappet assembly receives lubricating oil via channels in the engine block from the main supply manifold. For the roller and shaft, the oil is supplied through the guiding plunger.To compensate for heat expansion a clearance must exist between the rocker arm and yoke. Alladjustments have to be done on a cold engine only.Fig-4-1 Valve drive mechanism1. According to the passage, the best time to adjust the valve clearance is _____.A. before the engine is startedB. when the engine is runningC. after the engine has just been stoppedD. when something has gone wrong with the engine2. The roller and the tappet assembly are lubricated by means of ________.A. the main lube systemB. the secondary oil systemC. the special pumping systemD. the turbine oil system3. According to the passage, the valve drive mechanism does not include ______.A. tappet rollersB. push rodsC. nodular cast ironD. yokes and guide pins4. To close valves tightly, which clearance should be inspected according to the maintenance schedule?A. The one between the cam and the tappet roller.B. The one between the push rods and the ball joints.C. The one between the rocker aims and the yokeD. The one between two tubular push rods.AACCPassage 2Compressor cleaning during engine operationThe compressor may be cleaned by water injection during the engine operation. The cleaning process will have good results as long as the deposit formation has not gone too far. In ease a very thick hardened crest of dirt the compressor has to be dismantled for cleaning.In this method of cleaning the water is not acting as a solvent but instead removes the deposits mechanically by the impact of the water droplets. It is therefore recommended to use clean water without additives. The water should not contain any additives which might remain on the compressor blades.Periodically cleaning of the compressor (Fig. 4-2) prevents or delays excessive build-up of dirt but in no way replaces the usual overhauls where the turbocharger is completely dismantled.The turbocharger is provided with a water container (1). During the cleaning procedure the container is pressurized with the charge air (2) and from where the water is forced to the compressor inlet (3).1. Which of the following statements can be used to clean the compressor with the engine running?A. Water droplets Water with additives C. Charge air D. Hard crust2. What principal is used in this method of cleaning?A. The cleanser solves the deposits.B. The cleanser melts the deposits.C. The cleanser beats the deposits mechanically.D. The high pressure of the cleanser removes the deposits.3. Which of the following statements is not correct?A. The compressor needs regular cleaning.B. Periodical cleaning of the compressor contributes to reducing build-up of dirt.C. It’s not necessary to dismantle the turbocharger if periodical cleaning of the compressor is performed.D. Additives should better be avoided during the cleaning process.4. The cleaning water should not contain any additives, because_____.A. they may delay build-up of dirtB. they might remain on the blades of the compressorC. they may be forced to the compressor inletD. they are not good solventsACCBPassage 3Charge air coolerThe engine is equipped with a charge air cooler. The insert type charge air cooler is mounted in a welded casing (air trunk) . The trunk is bolted to the engine block.Standard is a two-stage cooler mounted. The first stage, through which the charge air flows, is cooled with water from the HT cooling system and cools the charge air till approx. 90 -100℃. The second stage is supplied with water coming from the LT water system and cools the charge air further till the required temperature of approx. 50℃. By controlling the water flow through the LT cooler the charge air temperature can be kept constant at the required temperature.The circulating coolant water should always be under positive pressure and should be as clean as possible. The operating air temperature should be maintained by controlling the coolant inlet temperature.Whilst the engine is running the air and coolant temperatures and pressures at inlet and outlet should be checked and logged periodically. Variations from normal indicate faults developing such as fouling of the film plates or obstruction of the water tubes.Check daily, during operation of the engine, the working of the telltale hole at the free end of the charge air receiver. The function of this hole is to inform the operator the presence of water in the charge air receiver. Under normal condition only compressed air should escape from this hole.1. According to the passage, the expression “HT”probably means ______.A. HIGH TANKB. HIGH TEMPERATUREC. HEAT TRANSMISSIOND. HEAT TRANSFER2. In order to maintain the charge air temperature we should control ______.A. the coolant inlet temperature coming from the first stage coolerB. the coolant flow coming from the second stage coolerC. the coolant outlet temperature coming from the second stage coolerD. the coolant flow coming from the first stage cooler3. The charge air temperature departing from normal may indicate that _____.A. condensate can be formedB. only compressed air should escape from the telltaleC. the film plates are becoming dirty or the water tubes are blocked by scaleD. cooling water may have been carried into the cylinders4. The function of the telltale hole is to ______.A. detect whether compressed air has escaped from the holeB. control the coolant inlet temperatureC. determine whether the coolant water is under positive pressureD. inform the operator the presence of water in the charge air receiverBBCDPassage 4The vibration damper serves to reduce the torsional vibration generated by the crankshaft. The damper consists of a housing and a free rotating inertia ring supported by an axial bearing. It forms a totally enclosed unit. The free space between inertia ring and damper housing is filled with a high viscous fluid. When the crankshaft rotates at constant speed, the inertia ring will follow this movement. The combustion pressure exerted on each piston generates vibration in the crankshaft, and each variation generated by such a vibration will affect the movement of the inertia ring. The resulting shift of the ring to the damper housing is opposed by the viscous fluid and the vibration will be reduced.The energy, absorbed during the process, is converted into heat and then radiated to the surrounding air. Hence, proper ventilation of the damper is essential.The viscous damper fluid is during engine operation subjected to ageing and the fluid becomes more viscous. In sending fluid samples on a regular base to the damper manufacturer the rate in reduction of the viscosity can be determined. As sampling interval time is 6000 hours advised. Dampers with a too high fluid viscosity may cause crankshaft breakdown.The damper cover has two filling holes located 180o opposite each other and closed by screw-in filler plugs. If one of these plugs is accessible, a fluid sample container can be screwed in and a sample taken with the damper in place. On a spare damper, sampling must be effected with the damper in the vertical position.For liquid sampling, a special kit can be ordered from Stork-Wartsila Diesel.1. The general description of the vibration damper tells us that_____.A. the free space between inertia ring and damper housing is filled with a low viscous fluidB. when the inertia ring moves at constant speed , the crankshaft follows this movementC. the damper is made up of a housing and a free rotating inertia ringD. no ventilation of the damper is necessary as the vibration reduction process absorbs little energy2. Which of the following statements is not true about maintenance of the viscous damper?A. Sampling interval time for determining the quality of the fluid is 6000 hours.B. For liquid sampling, a special kit can be used.C. On a spare damper, sampling must be effected with the damper in place.D. The viscous fluid in a damper becomes more viscous as time goes by.3. During the engine operation, the vibration damper can_____.A. transfer the energy of the engineB. absorb the combustion heatC. oppose the crankshaft rotatingD. reduce the vibration of the crankshaft4. According to the passage, we learn that two filling holes in the damper cover are used _____.A. to recharge the fluidB. to ventilate the damperC. to fit the containerD. to take the sampleCCDDPassage 5The vibration damper employs a high viscous fluid to oppose the shift of the inertia ring to the damper housing. It is necessary to get samples to determine the rate in reduction of the viscosity. The steps to draw off the sample are as follows(Refer to the Fig. 4-3):1. Turn the engine until the drain plugs are easy accessible. Do not unscrew the drain plug until the dampero C ).plug. Do not yet remove the plug!3. Unscrew one cap nut from the (plastic) liquid container.4. Remove the drain plug and screw the liquid container instead.5. Remove the outer cap nut from the liquid container. Make sure that no machine oil or dirt can enter the liquid container!6. Screw the outer cap nut again, once the liquid has reached the open end of the liquid container. The filling-up period of the liquid container may take from a few seconds up to more than an hour, depending on the liquid condition.7. Unscrew the liquid container from the damper and fit the drain plug using a new joint ring (supplied with the mounting kit).8. Fit the second cap on the liquid container.If no sample can be taken in this way, you can proceed as follows:- If still no liquid appears after a while, remove the second drain plug, too.- Supply nitrogen of 3.5 bar maximum pressure through the open filling hole.If no nitrogen is available, air may be used, provided this air is properly filtered and dry.- Once the liquid has reached the open end of the liquid container, cut off the supply of nitrogen and screw the cap on the liquid container.- After the nitrogen supply has cut off, unscrew the liquid container, screw the second cap and fit both drain plugs.If a liquid sample cannot be obtained this way either, it can be assumed that the damper liquid has thickened to an inadmissible value, necessitating the replacement of the damper.1. According to the passage, we can learn that_____.A. before using the container to draw off the sample, both ends of it are closedB. the liquid container must be washed with machine oil before samplingC. liquid sampling must take more than one hourD. two liquid samples should be taken every time2. If the liquid sample cannot be taken any way, it means_____.A. nitrogen pressure is too lowB. the quantity of the damper fluid is insufficientC. the viscous fluid in damper becomes too thickD. the method of liquid sampling is incorrect3. Which statement is tree about the sampling process?A. The drain plug can be unscrewed regardless of the damper temperature.B. The drain plug should not be removed until one cap nut from the liquid container is unscrewed.C. The outer cap nut must be screwed before the liquid reaches the open end of the liquid container.D. The drain plug can be fit by using the old joint ring.4. If no sample can be taken by removing the first drain plug, then which of the following is done?A. The second drain plug should be removed too.B. A pressure of 5.3 bar should be applied.C. Clean and damp air is used instead of nitrogen if the latter is not available.D. The nitrogen supply continues when the liquid has reached the outer end of the liquid container. ACBAPassage 6At the first start, listen carefully for possible jarring sounds. If anything is suspected, stop the engine immediately, otherwise stop the engine after 5 minutes’ idling. Check at least the temperatures of the main and big end bearings and of all other bearings which have been opened. Make visual inspection from below to the cylinder liners and piston skirts which have been opened. If everything is in order, restart.Check that there is no leakage of gas, water, fuel or lubricating oil. Especially observe the fuel lines, HP fuel pumps and injectors. Watch the quantities emerging from the leak oil pipes!Check that the starting air manifold is not hot at any cylinder (leaky starting valve may cause explosion!After overhaul, the following instructions are important:- check pressure and temperature gauges.- check the automatic alarm and stop devices.- check the pressure drop over the fuel filter and lubricating oil filter.- check the oil level in the oil sump/oil tank. Estimate the condition of the oil.- check the de-aerating of the engine circulating water system.- check the quantity of fuel leak.- check the telltale holes for leaks.- check the circulating water quality- check the cylinder pressures.- listen for jarring sounds.- check the crankcase pressure.- check the starting air manifold.Running-in is mainly intended to let piston tings "wear" to fit properly in the cylinder liner.Do not continuously run at constant load during the running -in process ( Fig. 4-4).It is important to vary the load several times. The ring grooves in the piston will have a different tilting angle at each load and consequently the piston ring has a different contact line to the cylinder liner wall.1. Paragraph 1 tells us that_____.A. if we hear vibration sounds, we should stop the engine quickly, or allow it to operate at low speed for5 minutes, then stop it and check everythingB. if we hear vibration sounds, we should stop the engine quickly, otherwise the engine will be stopped automatically after 5 minutesC. if we hear explosion sounds we should stop the engine then check everythingD. if we hear surging sounds, we should stop the engine immediately otherwise after 5 minutes the engine will be destroyed2. After overhaul, following instructions are important except_____.A. release air from the engine circulating water systemB. treat the circulating water if necessaryC. make sure the pressure drop is enough besides the fuel filterD. make sure the quantity of lube oil meets the requirement3. After piston overhaul, the running-in process should be carried out_____.A. periodically at steady loadB. occasionally at various loadC. continually at constant loadD. continually at various load4. When dealing with engine troubles, _____.A. no leakage of lubricating oil should be checked_____.B. quantities of oil emerging from the leak oil pipes must be watchedC. quality of the leak oil must be watchedD. the number of the leaking fuel lines should be checkedACDBPassage 7the inlet and exhaust valves. There are two groups of these ports, one for exhaust and the other for scavenging air, usually on the opposite sides of the cylinder, but in some designs both groups are arranged on the same side. The exhaust ports connect with the exhaust manifold, while the scavenging ports communicate with the scavenging air receiver in which low-pressure air is stored. The exhaust ports are slightly higher than the scavenging ports, so that they are uncovered by the piston while the scavenging ports are still closed.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above. )1. From the paragraph above, we know that_____.A. In general, both exhaust ports and scavenging air ports are on the opposite sides of the cylinderB. The exhaust ports are on the opposite sides, but the scavenging air ports are on the same sidesC. The scavenging air ports are on the opposite sides, but the exhaust ports are on the same sidesD. Two groups of parts are never arranged on the same sides2. According to the above paragraph the exhaust ports link with_____.A. the exhaust valvesB. the scavenging air receiversC. the exhaust manifoldD. the scavenging portsThe engine is also provided with a governor which is designed to regulate the engine' s speed by adjusting the quantity of oil injected. When the engine runs at a speed higher or lower than that is set, the governor will act automatically reduce or increase the fuel oil supply so that the engine can be adjusted.( The following 2 questions are based on the passage above. )3. From this paragraph we can understand that_____.A. if the engine runs at a speed higher than that is set, the governor will increase the fuel oil supplyB. if the engine runs at a speed higher than that is set, the governor will decrease the fuel oil supplyC. the governor will not act until the engine runs at speed lower than that is setD. the governor regulates the engine's speed by adjusting the fuel oil injection4. The engine governor is used for_____.A. adjusting the fuel oil injection qualityB. adjusting the engine speedC. keeping the engine at higher speedD. keeping the engine at lower speedACBBPassage 8The lubrication system of an engine provides a supply of lubricating oil to the various moving parts in an engine. Its main function is to enable the formation of a film of oil between the moving parts, which reduces friction and wear. The lubricating oil is also used as a cleaner and in some engines as a coolant. The usual method of bearing lubrication is by forced feed system, which supplies oil to all bearings, so that a film of oil is maintained on the journal and bearing surfaces.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above.)1. The forced feed system is put into use in order to _____.A. supply oil to all parts of the engineB. lubricate the bearing and the pistonC. maintain a film of oil on the journal and bearing surfacesD. maintain a film of oil on the piston surfaces only2. What is the function of lubricating oil?A. Formation of a film of oil between the moving parts, which reduces friction and wear.B. Used as a cleaner.C. As a coolant in engines.D. All of the above.Fresh water is used for the cooling of the cylinder jackets and covers of the main engine, whereas the various cooling liquids which circulate the engine are themselves cooled by sea water, such as, sea water is used for the cooling of the oil in the lubricating oil cooler as well as the fresh water. In an emergency situation, for example in the event of damage to a fresh water cooler or generator, the sea water pumps can be used to supply sea water to the fresh water cooling system, merely by removing the blind-flanges.(The following questions are based on the passage above. )3. In which situation we should use sea water system instead of fresh water system?A. When sea water pumps are damaged.B. When sea water cooler is damaged.C. When fresh water pumps are damaged.D. The blind-flanges are broken.4. The word “merely” in this paragraph could best be replaced by_____.A. onlyB. necessaryC. butD. ifCDCAPassage 9Because the exhaust gas driven turbo-blower cannot provide enough air at low engine speeds, the pressurized air should be cooled to increase the charge air density. As the air passes through the charge air cooler, its temperature may be reduced and moisture condensed, with the condensate in danger of being carried into the engine. So a water separator should be mounted beneath the bottom part of the engine inlet manifold.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above.)1. A water separator is used in order to _____.A. keep the air from being carded into the engineB. keep the moisture from being condensedC. keep the danger from being carded into the engineD. take away the condensate from the air2. Why should we use a charge air cooler?A. In order to increase the charge air temperature.B. In order to increase the charge air pressure.C. In order to reduce moisture condensed.D. In order to increase the charge air density.Lubricating oil from the compressor will pass along the air lines and deposit on them, in the event of a cylinder air starting valve leaking, hot gases would pass into the air pipes and ignite the lubricating oil. If starting air were supplied to the engine, this would further feed the fire and could lead to an explosion inthe pipelines. In order to prevent such an occurrence, cylinder-starting valves should be properly maintained and the pipelines regularly drained. Also oil discharged from compressors should be kept to a minimum, by careful maintenance.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above.)3. Which of the following may cause an explosion according to the passage?A. Starting air cannot be supplied into the engine.B. Air starting valve leaks and starting air is supplied into the engine.C. Cylinder-starting valves are properly maintained.D. Oil discharged from compressors is kept to a minimum.4. In order to avoid igniting the lubricating oil and leading to an explosion in the pipelines, _____.A. pipelines should be regularly drainedB. cylinder-starting valves should be properly maintainedC. oil discharged from compressors should be kept to a minimumD. A+B+CDDBDPassage 10Fuel oil is thought to be one of the main factors, having much to do with the operation and maintenance of an engine. The fuel oil system for a diesel engine can be considered in two parts: the fuel supply and the fuel injection system. When the atomized fuel is injected into the combustion space, ignition is not altogether instantaneous, a definite time lag being measurable between the time of injection and ignition. The period of ignition lag depends, among other factors, on the ignition quality of the fuel and the temperature of the compressed air.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above.)1. This paragraph tells us that_____.A. ignition takes place before the injection of the atomized fuelB. ignition takes place simultaneously with the injection of the atomized fuelC. the period of ignition lag depends only on the quality of the fuel and the temperature of the compressed airD. the ignition quality of the fuel and the temperature of the compressed air are the two main factors determining the period of ignition lag2. “instantaneous” in the passage probably means_____.A. simultaneousB. afterC. beforeD. whenThe crankshaft is built up, the forged main bearing journals being shrunk into cast steel crank throws. The crank throws are displaced from each other to obtain the same number of degrees between the different crank throws. The alignment of the crankshaft in the bedplate should be checked at intervals to ensure that the shaft is not subjected to additional bending stresses, which, under extreme conditions, may cause crankshaft failure.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above.)3. What does the word “alignment” mean in this passage?A. the bedplate is checked at intervalsB. to ensure that the shaft is not subjected to additional bending stressesC. to obtain the same number of degrees between the different crank throwsD. arrangement in a straight line4. The number of degrees between the different crank throws should beA. all the sameB. a little bit differentC. smallerD. largerDADAPassage 11During overhaul the safety roles have to be observed as required in order to prevent the danger of accidents. Special precaution is necessary when the engine is running with lagging removed. During overhauls, with the engine shut down, safety measures should be taken to avoid undesirable turning of the crankshaft. All pipes should be pressure-relieved before the repair work is started. Read the pressure gauges and/or check the pipes by carefully loosening the screw plugs or connections.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above.)1. During overhaul, we have to observe the safety rules, in order to _____.A. avoid desirable turning of the crankshaftB. make all pipes pressure-relievedC. avoid the danger of accidentsD. let the crankshaft turn undesirably2. Before the repair work is started, _____.A. engine should be pressure-chargedB. the pressure in all pipes should be increasedC. all pipes should be pressure-relievedD. the air in some pipes should be relievedFresh water is used for the cooling of the cylinder jackets and covers of the main engine, whereas the various cooling liquids which circulate the engine are themselves cooled by sea water, such as, sea water is used for the cooling of the oil in the lubricating oil cooler as well as the fresh water. In an emergency situation, for example in the event of damage to a fresh water cooler or generator, the sea water pumps can be used to supply sea water to the fresh water cooling system, merely by removing the blind flanges.(The following 2 questions are based on the passage above.)3. From this paragraph, we can see that_____.A. the cylinder jackets and covers are cooled by fresh water and then by sea waterB. fresh water is used for the cooling of the cylinder jackets and covers of the main engineC. fresh water is used for the cooling of the main engineD. sea water is used for the cooling of both the fresh water and the main engine4. According to the paragraph, the term “various cooling liquids” refers to_____.A. fresh water and sea waterB. air and fresh waterC. fresh water and cooling oilD. sea water and airCCBCPassage 12The installation including expansion, preheating and pressurizing should be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the engine manufacturer to obtain a correct and trouble free installation. There should be no reason to carry out any maintenance to the cooling water system unless the temperatures in the cooling water system start to rise without any clear reason. Normally all inspections andmechanical cleaning of the cooling water system components are better to do at planned intervals.The circulating fresh water should be treated according to the recommendations to prevent corrosion and deposits. If the risk of freezing occurs, drain all cooling water spaces. Avoid using fresh cooling water. Save the drained water and use it again.In completely closed systems the fouling will be minimal ff the cooling water is treated according to the instructions.Depending on the cooling water quality and the efficiency of the treatment, the cooling water spaces may or may not foul over the length of time. Deposits on cylinder liners walls, cylinder heads and cooler stacks should be removed to avoid disturbance in the heat transfer to the cooling water with thermal overload as consequence.The necessity of cleaning should be investigated, especially during the first year of operation. This may be done during overhaul of a cylinder liner inspection for fouling and deposits on the liner and block. The cylinder head cooling water spaces can be checked by removing the water space plugs in the sides of the cylinder heads. The turbocharger can be checked through the inspection covers of the water spaces. The deposits can quite vary in structure and consistency. In principle, it can be removed mechanically and/or chemically.1. The sentence “The circulating fresh water should be treated ...” (paragraph 2), most probably means that the fresh cooling water should be _____.A. drained to avoid freezingB. collected when drainingC. changed at planned intervalsD. analyzed and dosage added if necessary2. Which of the following statements is true?A. The cooling water system does not need maintenance if it works normally.B. The circulating fresh water does not need special treatment when in normal operation.C. In completely closed cooling water system scale will not be formed.D. Deposits in the cooling water system may not be formed over the length of time.3. Which of the following statements about the first sentence in paragraph 1 is true?A. The engine is installed by the manufacturer free of charge.B. The engine should be warmed in advance before installing.C. The installation must be conducted according to the instructions.D. The installation may be carried out freely.4. We can _____ to find out about the scale in the cooling water space of the cylinder cover.A. overhaul the cylinder linersB. remove the plugs in the sides of the headsC. open the inspection coversD. withdraw the pistonsDACBPassage 13Mechanical cleaningA great deal of the deposits consists of loose sludge and solid particles which can be brushed and rinsed off with water. On places where the accessibility is good, e.g. cylinder liners, mechanical cleaning of considerably harder deposits is efficient. In some cases it is advisable to combine chemical cleaning with a。
1/captain A:海员B:大副C:船长D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮B:管事C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工B:水手C:二副D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手C:三管轮D:海员5/chief officer A:大副B:二管轮C:管事D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮C:二管轮D:二副7/carpenter A:管事B:水手C:木匠D:二副8/third engineer A:三副B:服务员C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副B:三管轮C:二副D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员C:三副D:管事11/bridge A:大厅B:会议室C:驾驶台D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱B厕所C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室B:机舱C:锅炉房D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房C:机舱D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅B:物料间C:机舱D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅B:吸烟室C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院B:浴室C:物料间D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室C:货舱D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间B:驾驶台C:货舱D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间B:控制室C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员B:船长C:管事D:服务员22/second officer A:三副B:二副C:大副D:水手23/bosun A:木匠B:海员C:水手长D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮B:大管轮C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事B:机工C:木匠D:水手26/steward A:医生B:服务员C:管事D:大副27/doctor A:服务员B:水手C:医生D:管事28/engineer A:机工B:二副C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员B:轮机员C:服务员D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工C:大副D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺B:扳手C:卡钳D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头B:车床C:锯子D:管钳33/file A:锉刀B:台钳C:刨床D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手B:榔头/铁锤C:车刀D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳B:扳手C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手B:刮刀C:斧子D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳C:钻D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床B:斧子C:刮刀D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳B:斧子C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床B:车床C:斧子D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀B:车刀C:刮刀D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子B:斧子C:锯子D:台钳43/axe A:锯子B:钻C:斧子D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺B:榔头C:电焊机D:钻45/tap A:螺丝攻B:螺丝C:手电筒D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机C:螺丝刀D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒B:牛油枪C:风焊机D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机B:螺丝C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪B:手电筒C:起吊工具D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具C:手电筒D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子B:牛油枪C:手电筒D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀B:卡钳C:尺子D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子B:锯条C:砂轮D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手C:台钳D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手B:活络扳手C:环形扳手D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子B:环形扳手C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床B:磨床C:车床D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床C:刨床D:车床59/tool A:锉刀B:车床C:工具D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床B:刨床C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机C:压缩冲程D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程B:排气冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程B:压缩冲程C:做功冲程D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程C:压缩冲程D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞B:十字头C:气缸D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套B:气缸C:气缸盖D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套B:填料箱C:扫气箱D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖C:气缸套D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头B:扫气口C:填料箱D:排气口72/piston A:机座B:底座C:连杆D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头B:活塞裙C:活塞杆D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙C:活塞头D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞B:活塞头C:活塞杆D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄B:活塞C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆B:增压器C:底座D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄C:主轴D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机B:飞轮C:螺旋桨D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴B:控制台C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机B:螺旋桨C:调节器D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴B:喷油器C:注油器D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器B:调节器C:调速器D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器B:喷油器C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器B:调速器C:喷油器D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架C:气缸D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴B:曲柄C:曲轴D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴B:轴承C:轴D:主轴89/cooling system A:冷却系统B:润滑系统C:燃油系统D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统C:空气起动系统D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵B:冷却水泵C:船底排水泵D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵B:油泵C:循环泵D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵C:船底排水泵D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵B:污水泵C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵B:柴油泵C:增压泵D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴B:连杆C:活塞D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封B:机轴C:轴承D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬B:轴环C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆B:螺旋桨C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕B:轴座C:轴销D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承B:连杆C:轴承D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机C:绞盘机D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机B:锚C:锚机D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气B:空气箱C:空调D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮B:操作器C:齿轮D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机B:油泵C:分离机D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉B:气缸C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆B:轴杆C:吊绳D:锚110/generator A:电源开关B:造水机C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机B:螺旋桨C:搅拌机D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机B:造水机C:水箱D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机B:起锚机C:起重机D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗B:运粮机C:漏斗D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱C:水箱D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅C:帆布D:连杆117/radar A:雷达B:导向仪C:测向仪D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜C:水房D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话B:雷达C:电报机D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜B:水柜C:油泵D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐B:水柜C:油泵D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门B:水密舱C:水房D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器B:供油器C:空调D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器B:锅炉C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机B:分油器C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀B:气缸C:警报器D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀B:车间C:车床D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器B:应急造水机C:应急发电机D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵B:锅炉给水泵C:锅炉水泵D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机B:分油机C:空调D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器B:调节器C:涡沦增压器D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器B:制冷机C:压缩机D:分油机133/ condenser A:冷凝器B:调速器C:滤油器D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机B:压缩机C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表B:湿度计C:压力表D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器C:警报器D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机B:主机C:热机D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机B:分流机C:空调D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉B:发电机C:焚烧炉D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器B:电车床C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机C:加速器D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉B:蒸汽增压机C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵B:压缩泵C:压水泵D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机B:造水机C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮B:涡轮C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀B:应急阀C:排气阀D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮B:舵机C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯C:装货灯D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器B:遥控器C:加速器D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉B:蒸汽锅炉C:辅助锅炉D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘B:起重机C:起货机D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机B:空气箱C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机B:操作轮C:齿轮D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达B:散热器C:放射D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇C:飞轮D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门B:水门C:水密舱D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长B:船头C:船尾D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出B:电灯C:梯子D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射C:加油器D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器B:加速器C:冷凝器D:清洁器161/compass A:包括B:超越C:指南针D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮B:砂轮C:车轮D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机C:齿轮D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、停止阀D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵B、速闭阀C、救生艇机D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机B、舱底水泵C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油B、重油C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油B、重油C、润滑油D、柴油13 grease A、轻油B、油脂C、燃料油D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器B、泡沫C、二氧化碳系统D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂B、火灾警报C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器B、消防栓C、灭火剂D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙B、消防栓C、泡沫D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器B、消防栓C、泡沫D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机B、停车C、主机D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机B、停车C、主车D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电B、交流电C、发电机D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障B、警报C、值班D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障B、警报C、锚机D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障29 H/P A、马力B、千瓦C、转/分D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船C、转/分D、主机31 D/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水B、海水C、燃油D、柴油35 A/B A、开关B、水手C、人工D、自动36 ON A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动37 OFF A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动38 AUTO A、开关B、合闸C、松闸D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工C、运转D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转B、人工C、开关D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进B、全速后退C、微速后退D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进B、全速前进C、半速后退D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进B、左车微速前进C、右车微速后退D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退B、慢速前进C、微速后退D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进B、左车半速后退C、右车微速后退D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进B、右车微速前进C、右车半速后退D、左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停B、双车停C、主机定速D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进B、双车微速进C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退B、停车C、主机定速D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进B、停车C、备车D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进B、停车C、主机定速D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速B、停车C、备车D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速B、停车C、双车停D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度B、右15度C、右50度D、左50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度B、右50度C、右15度D、左50度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵10 D、右10度64 Starboard 5°A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度D、左舵5。
主要专业词汇1、crew member船员2、captain船长3、chief engineer轮机长4、chief mate大副5、second engineer大管轮6、second mate二副7、third engineer二管轮8、third mate三副9、fourth engineer三管轮10、assistant engineer轮助11、electrical engineer电机员12、mechanic机工、机匠13、ship船舶14、diesel boat柴油船舶15、electric propulsion ship电力推进船16、lift on/off ship吊装船17、container ship集装箱船18、cargo ship货船19、dry cargo ship干货船20、harbor boat港作船21、passenger ship客船22、ore carrier矿砂船23、refrigerated cargo ship冷藏船24、multipurpose towing ship多用途拖船25、nuclear powered vessel核动力船26、steam turbine ship汽轮机船27、gas turbine ship燃气轮机船28、ocean-going ship远洋船29、oil water disposal boat油污水处理船30、oil tanker油船31、general cargo ship杂货船32、hull strength船体强度33、hogging中拱34、sagging中垂35、longitudiual rigidiy总刚度36、torsional strength扭转强度37、local strength局部强度38、shell plate外板39、hull structure船体结构40、transverse system of framing横骨架式41、longitudinal system of framing纵骨架式42、combination system of framing混合骨架式43、framing管架44、truss纵骨45、gorder纵行46、longitudinal纵骨47、single strake单板48、double bottom双层底49、bilge strake舭列板50、keel龙骨51、floor肋底52、frame肋骨53、frame spacing肋骨间距54、stern post尾柱55、stem首柱56、propeller strut尾轴架57、stern tube尾轴管58、shaft tunnel轴隧59、floating condition浮态60、buoyancy浮性61、heel横倾62、trim纵倾63、center gravity重心64、center offloatation漂心65、stability稳性66、metacenter稳心67、statical stability静稳性68、initial stability初稳性69、stability at large angles大倾角稳性70、rudder舵71、flat-plate rudder平板舵72、balanced rudder平衡舵73、streamline rudder流线型舵74、underhung rudder悬挂舵75、flag-type rudder襟翼舵76、steerine gear操舵装置77、anchor锚78、lightweight anchor大抓力锚79、admiralty anchor海军锚80、single-fluke anchor单爪锚81、stock anchor有杆锚82、anchor chain锚链83、chain cable compressor制链器84、mooring bitt带缆桩85、mooring cleat带缆羊角86、fairlead导缆器87、cargo handinggear起货设备88、derrick rig吊杆装置89、life boat救生艇90、unclosed lifeboat开敞式救生艇91、closed lifeboat封闭式救生船92、lifebuoy救生圈93、watertight door水密门94、sliding watertight door滑动水密门95、fire proof door防火门96、fuel oil system燃油系统97、tracer line伴热管98、fuel transfer pump驳运泵99、setting tank沉淀柜100、oil separator分油机101、oil collector集油柜102、daily service tank日用柜103、fuel comsumption rate燃油消耗率104、fuel booster pump燃油增压泵105、vent line透气管106、duplex filter unit双联滤器107、lubricating system润滑系统108、magnetic filter磁性滤器109、lube oil pump滑油泵110、lube oil cooler滑油冷却器111、lube oil drain tank滑油循环柜112、cylinder lubrication气缸滑油113、wet sump lubrication湿底滑油114、dry sump lubrication干底滑油115、oil sump油底壳116、cooling system冷却系统117、fresh water cooler淡水冷却器118、closed cooling water system闭式冷却119、fresh water cooler pump淡水冷却泵120、sea valve海底阀121、sea chest海底阀箱122、sea water strainer海水粗滤器123、expansion tank膨胀水箱124、heat exchanger热交换器125、operational code操作代码126、central cooling system中央冷却系统127、marine pollution prevention海洋防污染128、standard discharge connection标准排放接头129、standard shore connection标准通岸接头130、de-oiler除油器131、faecal coliform大肠杆菌132、shipboard marine pollution emergency plan(SMPEP)船舶海洋污染应急计划133、shipboard oil pollution emergency plan(SOPEP)船舶油污染应急计划134、pollution by garbage from ships船舶垃圾污染135、pollution by sewage from ships船舶生活污染136、shipboard incinerootion船上焚烧137、noise level on boardship船上噪音等级138、atmospheric pollution大气污染139、abandon ship弃船140、emergency equipment应急设备141、station bill应急部署表142、emergency bilge pump应急舱底泵143、emergency bilge suction应急舱底吸口144、emergency valve应急阀145、emergency battery应急蓄电池145、emergency generator应急发电机boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crow’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社联合会International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipmeng (向水中)投放设备LCC 大型原油轮leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船list 倾斜living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Regis ter of shipping 劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德规范Load Line Convention 载重线公约load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向菱形系数longitudinal strength 纵总强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数sectiongs 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线。
修订版海员机工英语考库单词【精】1/captain A:海员 B:大副C:船长 D:水手长2/chief engineer A:大管轮 B:管事 C:机工D:轮机长3/motorman A:机工 B:水手 C:二副 D:木匠4/sailor A:服务员B:水手 C:三管轮 D:海员5/chief officer A:大副 B:二管轮 C:管事 D:水手长6/second engineer A:轮机长B:大管轮 C:二管轮 D:二副7/carpenter A:管事 B:水手C:木匠 D:二副8/third engineer A:三副 B:服务员 C:大管轮D:二管轮9/third officer A:三副 B:三管轮 C:二副 D:二管轮10/seaman A:船长B:海员 C:三副 D:管事11/bridge A:大厅 B:会议室C:驾驶台 D:厨房12/cabin A:机舱 B厕所 C:驾驶台D:舱室13/smoking room A:吸烟室 B:机舱 C:锅炉房 D:进口14/steering gear room A:出口B:舵机房 C:机舱 D:驾驶台15/engine room A:大厅 B:物料间C:机舱 D:厨房16/meeting room A:大厅 B:吸烟室 C:锅炉房D:会议室17/hospital A:医院 B:浴室 C:物料间 D:泵间18/control room A:冷藏间B:控制室 C:货舱 D:空调间19/cargo hold A:物料间 B:驾驶台C:货舱 D:蔬菜间20/store room A:泵间 B:控制室 C:鱼肉间D:物料间21/crew A:全体船员 B:船长 C:管事 D:服务员22/second officer A:三副 B:二副 C:大副 D:水手23/bosun A:木匠 B:海员C:水手长 D:机工24/fourth engineer A:二管轮 B:大管轮 C:轮机长D:三管轮25/purser A:管事 B:机工 C:木匠 D:水手26/steward A:医生 B:服务员 C:管事 D:大副27/doctor A:服务员 B:水手C:医生 D:管事28/engineer A:机工 B:二副 C:船长D:轮机员29/officer A:驾驶员 B:轮机员 C:服务员 D:船员30/motorman A:水手B:机工 C:大副 D:大管轮31/calipers A:卷尺 B:扳手 C:卡钳 D:斧子32/pipe wrench A:榔头 B:车床 C:锯子 D:管钳33/file A:锉刀 B:台钳 C:刨床 D:刮刀34/hammer A:扳手 B:榔头/铁锤 C:车刀 D:螺丝刀35/flexible ruler A:卡钳 B:扳手 C:管钳D:卷尺36/spanner A:扳手 B:刮刀 C:斧子 D:车刀37/bench vice A:榔头B:台钳 C:钻 D:手电筒38/scraper A:车床 B:斧子C:刮刀 D:螺丝攻39/lathe A:台钳 B:斧子 C:刨床D:车床40/planer A:刨床 B:车床 C:斧子 D:管钳41/turning tool A:锉刀 B:车刀 C:刮刀 D:螺丝刀42/saw A:凿子 B:斧子C:锯子 D:台钳43/axe A:锯子 B:钻 C:斧子 D:刨床44/drill A:卷尺 B:榔头 C:电焊机D:钻快乐45/tap A:螺丝攻 B:螺丝 C:手电筒 D:起吊工具46/electric welding machine A:风焊机B:电焊机 C:螺丝刀 D:螺丝攻47/gas welding machine A:手电筒 B:牛油枪C:风焊机 D:刮刀48/screw driver A:电焊机 B:螺丝 C:螺丝攻D:螺丝刀49/grease gun A:牛油枪 B:手电筒 C:起吊工具 D:螺丝刀50/lifting gear A:螺丝刀B:起吊工具 C:手电筒 D:斧子51/flash light A:斧子 B:牛油枪C:手电筒 D:风焊机52/packing the knife A:车刀 B:卡钳 C:尺子 D:盘根刀53/ruler A:尺子 B:锯条 C:砂轮 D:车刀54/box spanner A:卡钳B:套筒扳手 C:台钳 D:环形扳手55/ring spanner A:套筒扳手 B:活络扳手C:环形扳手 D:车床56/adjustable spanner A:凿子 B:环形扳手 C:榔头D:活络扳手57/puncher A:冲床 B:磨床 C:车床 D:刨床58/grinder A:冲床B:磨床 C:刨床 D:车床59/tool A:锉刀 B:车床C:工具 D:螺丝60/drill machine A:车床 B:刨床 C:冲床D:钻床61/two stroke engine A:二冲程发动机 B:四冲程发动机C:吸气冲程 D:压缩冲程62/four stroke engine A:二冲程发动机B:四冲程发动机 C:压缩冲程 D:吸气冲程63/suction stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程C:吸气冲程 D:做功冲程64//compression stroke A:压缩冲程 B:排气冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程65/exhaust stroke A:排气冲程 B:压缩冲程 C:做功冲程 D:吸气冲程66/working stroke A:吸气冲程B:做功冲程 C:压缩冲程 D:排气冲程67/cylinder A:活塞 B:十字头C:气缸 D:曲柄68/cylinder liner A:气缸套 B:气缸 C:气缸盖 D:气缸衬69/cylinder jacket A:气缸套 B:填料箱 C:扫气箱 D:机架70/cylinder cover A:气缸衬B:气缸盖 C:气缸套 D:扫气口71/stuffing box A:活塞头 B:扫气口C:填料箱 D:排气口72/piston A:机座 B:底座 C:连杆 D:活塞73/piston head A:活塞头 B:活塞裙 C:活塞杆 D:活塞74/piston skirt A:活塞B:活塞裙 C:活塞头 D:活塞杆75/piston rod A:活塞 B:活塞头C:活塞杆 D:活塞裙76/crosshead A:曲柄 B:活塞 C:连杆D:十字头77/connecting rod A:连杆 B:增压器 C:底座 D:排气口78/crank A:连杆B:曲柄 C:主轴 D:喷嘴79/propeller A:盘车机 B:飞轮 C:螺旋桨 D:摇臂80/turbocharger A:喷嘴 B:控制台 C:操纵台D:涡轮增压器81/turning gear A:盘车机 B:螺旋桨 C:调节器 D:飞轮82/fuel injection A:喷嘴 B:喷油器 C:注油器 D:活塞头83/governor A:警报器 B:调节器C:调速器 D:喷油器84/regulator A:调速器 B:喷油器 C:警报器D:调节器85/alarm A:警报器 B:调速器 C:喷油器 D:调节器86/frame A:柴油机B:机架 C:气缸 D:活塞87/crankshaft A:主轴 B:曲柄C:曲轴 D:主轴承88/main shaft A:曲轴 B:轴承 C:轴D:主轴快乐89/cooling system A:冷却系统 B:润滑系统 C:燃油系统 D:空气起动系统90/fuel oil system A:冷却期统B:燃油系统 C:空气起动系统 D:润滑系统91/bilge pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:船底排水泵 D:水泵92/fire pump A:消防泵 B:冷却水泵 C:船底排水泵 D:海水泵93/circulating pump A:压载泵 B:油泵C:循环泵 D:淡水泵94/oil pump A:消防泵B:油泵 C:船底排水泵 D:水泵95/ water feed pump A:供油泵 B:污水泵 C:压载泵D:供水泵96/ booster pump A:燃油泵 B:柴油泵C:增压泵 D:减压泵97/shaft A:轴 B:连杆 C:活塞 D:轴承98/bearing A:轴封 B:机轴C:轴承 D:轴套99/shaft seal A:轴衬 B:轴环 C:轴管D:轴封100/impeller A:轴杆 B:螺旋桨 C:轴弄D:叶轮101/ pillow A:轴枕 B:轴座 C:轴销 D:轴柱102/tail bearing A:尾轴承 B:连杆 C:轴承 D:轴承上瓦103/cargo winch A:起重机B:起货机 C:绞盘机 D:起锚机104/windlass A:起重机 B:锚C:锚机 D:起货机105/air conditioner A:冷空气 B:空气箱 C:空调 D:气塞106/steering gear A:舵轮 B:操作器 C:齿轮 D:舵机107/oil separator A:分油机 B:油泵 C:分离机 D:油过滤器108/boiler A:火炉 B:气缸 C:活塞D:锅炉109/derrick A:吊杆 B:轴杆 C:吊绳 D:锚110/generator A:电源开关 B:造水机 C:分油机D:发电机111/propeller A:发电机 B:螺旋桨 C:搅拌机 D:叶轮112/fresh water generator A:发电机 B:造水机 C:水箱 D:淡水机113/crane A:起动机 B:起锚机C:起重机 D:绞盘机114/ grab A:抓斗 B:运粮机 C:漏斗 D:起货机115/funnel A:隧道B:烟囱 C:水箱 D:水管116/ mast A:吊杆B:大桅 C:帆布 D:连杆117/radar A:雷达 B:导向仪 C:测向仪 D:车钟118/ water tank A:油罐B:水柜 C:水房 D:淡水机119/telegraph A:电话 B:雷达 C:电报机 D:车钟120/ oil tank A:油柜 B:水柜 C:油泵 D:水泵121/ oil pump A:油罐 B:水柜C:油泵 D:油柜122/ watertight door A:水门 B:水密舱 C:水房 D:水密门123/ filter A:过滤器 B:供油器 C:空调 D:淡水机124/ donkey boiler A:过滤器 B:锅炉 C:空调D:辅锅炉125/ refrigerator A:压缩机 B:分油器 C:增压器D:制冷机126/ alarm A:起动阀 B:气缸 C:警报器 D:过滤器127/ lathe A:车刀 B:车间C:车床 D:刨床128/ emergency generator A:应急警报器 B:应急造水机 C:应急发电机 D:应急调速器129/ boiler feed pump A:气缸给水泵 B:锅炉给水泵 C:锅炉水泵 D:气缸水泵130/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分油机 C:空调 D:过滤器131/turbocharger A:调速器 B:调节器C:涡沦增压器 D:加速器132/compressor A:增压器 B:制冷机C:压缩机 D:分油机快乐133/ condenser A:冷凝器 B:调速器 C:滤油器 D:加速器134/ capstan A:起货机 B:压缩机 C:起重机D:绞盘135/ pressure gauge A:温度表 B:湿度计C:压力表 D:转速表136/ governor A:调节器B:调速器 C:警报器 D:过滤器137/ auxiliary engine A:辅机 B:主机 C:热机 D:内燃机138/ ventilator A:通风机 B:分流机 C:空调 D:过滤器139/ incinerator A:锅炉 B:发电机C:焚烧炉 D:注油器140/ electric welding machine A:电热器 B:电车床 C:风焊机D:电焊机141/ turbine A:锅炉B:涡轮机 C:加速器 D:增压器142/ steam turbine A:蒸汽锅炉 B:蒸汽增压机 C:蒸汽加速器D:汽轮机143/ ballast pump A:压载泵 B:压缩泵 C:压水泵 D:增压器144/ oil purifier A:分油机 B:造水机 C:加油器D:净油机145/ turning gear A:转轮 B:涡轮 C:飞轮D:盘车机146/exhaust valve A:吸入阀 B:应急阀C:排气阀 D:减压阀147/ anchor A:舵轮 B:舵机 C:缆桩D:锚148/ pilot lamp A:日光灯B:指示灯 C:装货灯 D:照明灯149/ monitor A:监控器 B:遥控器 C:加速器 D:增压器150/ donkey boiler A:主机锅炉 B:蒸汽锅炉 C:辅助锅炉 D:废水锅炉151/windlass A:绞盘 B:起重机 C:起货机 D:起锚机152 air conditioner A:冷凝机 B:空气箱 C:气阀D:空调153/steering gear A:舵机 B:操作轮 C:齿轮 D:舵轮154/ radiator A:雷达 B:散热器 C:放射 D:电磁器155/ fan A:转轮B:风扇 C:飞轮 D:分机156/watertight door A:水密门 B:水门 C:水密舱 D:水密阀157/ cabin A:船长 B:船头 C:船尾 D:船舱158/ ladder A:借出 B:电灯 C:梯子 D:雷达159/ injector A:喷嘴B:注射 C:加油器 D:增压器160/condenser A:调速器 B:加速器 C:冷凝器 D:清洁器161/compass A:包括 B:超越C:指南针 D:电罗经162/grinding wheel A:舵轮 B:砂轮 C:车轮 D:抛光机163/ M.E A:马达B:主机 C:齿轮 D:舵轮1/ emergency stop valve A、截止阀B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急泵2/ emergency fire pump A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机3/ emergency generator A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、停止阀 D、应急发电机4/ life boat engine A、应急救火泵 B、速闭阀 C、救生艇机 D、应急空压机5/ emergency air compressor A、应急发电机 B、舱底水泵 C、停止阀D、应急空压机6 bilge pump A、压载水泵B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机7 oil water separator A、压载水泵 B、舱底水泵C、油水分离器 D、应急空压机8 incinerator A、焚烧炉 B、舱底水泵 C、油水分离器 D、压载水泵9 gas oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油10 heavy fuel oil A、轻油B、重油 C、燃油 D、柴油11 diesel oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、燃油D、柴油12 lube oil A、轻油 B、重油 C、润滑油 D、柴油快乐13 grease A、轻油B、油脂 C、燃料油 D、柴油14 fire extinguisher A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳 D、干粉15 CO2 system A、灭火器 B、泡沫 C、二氧化碳系统 D、干粉16 FIRE ALARM A、灭火器B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统 D、救火泵17 dry powder A、灭火剂 B、火灾警报 C、灭火系统D、干粉18 hydrant A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、灭火剂 D、干粉19 foam A、消防皮龙 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、干粉20 hoses A、灭火器 B、消防栓 C、泡沫 D、消防皮龙21 M/E A、发电机 B、停车C、主机 D、锚机22 G/E A、发电机 B、停车 C、主车 D、锚机23 A/C A、直流电B、交流电 C、发电机 D、柴油机24 D/C A、直流电 B、交流电 C、发电机 D、直流电25 ALARM A、故障B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机26 FAULT A、故障 B、警报 C、值班 D、锚机27 DUTY ENGINEER A、故障 B、警报 C、锚机 D、值班轮机员28 rpm A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障29 H/P A、马力 B、千瓦 C、转/分 D、故障30 M/V A、马力B、内燃机船 C、转/分 D、主机31 D/O A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油32 F/O A、淡水 B、海水C、燃油 D、柴油33 F/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油34 S/W A、淡水 B、海水 C、燃油 D、柴油35 A/B A、开关 B、水手 C、人工 D、自动36 ON A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动37 OFF A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动38 AUTO A、开关 B、合闸 C、松闸 D、自动39 MUNUAL A、开关B、人工 C、运转 D、自动40 RUNNING A、运转 B、人工 C、开关 D、自动41 Standby engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车42 Dead slow ahead A、微速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退43 Slow ahead A、半速前进B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退44 Half ahead A、微速前进 B、全速后退 C、微速后退 D、半速前进45 Full ahead A、慢速前进 B、全速前进 C、半速后退 D、全速后退46 Slow ahead starboard A、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、左车微速后退D、右车半速后退47 Slow ahead portA、左车慢速前进 B、左车微速前进 C、右车微速后退 D、右车半速后退48 Dead slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速后退49 Slow astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、慢速后退50 Half astern A、半速前进 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、半速后退51 Full astern A、全速后退 B、慢速前进 C、微速后退 D、全速前进52 Half astern port A、左车慢速前进 B、左车半速后退 C、右车微速后退 D、右车微速前进53 Half astern starboardA、左车慢速前进 B、右车微速前进 C、右车半速后退 D、快乐左车半速后退54 Stop starboard A、右车停 B、双车停 C、主机定速 D、左车停55 Slow ahead both enginesA、左车微速前进 B、双车微速进 C、主机定速D、右车微速进56 Full astern both engines A、双车全速退 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、微速前进57 Stop engine A、微速前进 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车58 Ring off engines A、微速前进 B、停车 C、主机定速 D、备车59 Finished with engine A、主机定速 B、停车 C、备车 D、完车60 Emergency full astern A、主机定速 B、停车 C、双车停 D、强速后退61 Port fifteen A、左15度 B、右15度 C、右50度62 Starboard fifteen A、左15度 B、右50度C、右15度63 Port 10°A、左舵10 B、右舵10 C、左右舵1064 Starboard 5° A、左右舵5 B、右舵5 C、左5度。
1167.舱底水总管设计用来排放除了压载舱、燃油舱和水舱之外的任何水密空间的污水到旋外Other than =except1168.油与水混合后会产生乳化。
轮机员英语面试(轮机长、大管轮、二管轮、三管轮适用)1、Can you measure oil level? Which method is right, to measure ullage height or to measure oil depth?Both will do. In practice, to measure ullage height is more specific than to measure oil depth. To measure ullage height, we should know the standard height of oil tank. In common practice, we usually measure the oil depth.2、Could you tell the working parts of a gas welding gun?Yes, sir. The working parts include nozzle, oxygen valve, acetylene valve, oxygen supply, acetylene supply. In addition, filler rod is used to fill in welded joint when it melts.注:焊枪是轮机部常用的维修工具,工作时这些部件名称经常涉及到。
3、How to pump out bilge water in the engine room?Pump bilge water into sludge tank. Then pump bilge water into oily water separator. Enquire master or deck officers on duty to pump out at appropriate water. The proportion should not beyond 15 PPM.机舱排污水程序可表述为把污水排到污水集中柜内,再通过油水分离器在允许排放区域按含油量小于15 PPM排放。
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大管轮题库英语单词1. a certain [? ?s?:tn] 某一2. a list of [? list ?v] 一列,一栏3.a series of [ei ?si?ri:z ?v] 一系列;一连串4. abbreviation [??bri:vi?ei??n] n. 省略,缩写,简化,缩写词,略语;[数学]约分;[音乐]略号5. ability [??biliti] n. 能力,资格;能耐,才能6. abrasive [??bre?s?v] adj.有磨蚀作用的;摩擦的;粗糙的;使人厌烦的,伤人感情的n.研磨料;琢料;金刚砂7. absence [??bs?ns] n. 缺席,缺勤;缺乏,缺少,无;心不在焉,不注意8. absolute zero [??bs?lju:t ?zi?r?u] n.绝对零度9. Absorbent [?b?s?:b?nt] adj.能吸收的n.吸收剂10. accelerate [?k?sel?reit] vt. 加快,增速;加速,催促;促进;速度增加; vi. 加快,加速11. accelerating [?k’s?l?re?t??] n.加速adj.加速的,促进的,催化的v.加快,增速( accelerate的现在分词);促使?早日发生,促进;[教育学]使跳级;提早学完12. accept [?k?sept] vi. 承认;同意;承兑; vt. 接受;承认;承担;承兑13. acceptable [?k?sept?bl] adj. 可接受的;合意的;认同的;令人满意的14. acceptance [?k?sept?ns] n. 接受,接纳;[金融]承兑;无怨接受;赞成15. accidental [??ksi?dentl] adj. 意外的,偶然的;附属的; n. 偶然;次要方面16. accommodate [??k?m?deit] vt. 容纳;使适应;向?提供住处;帮忙; vi. [后面省去反身代词]适应于;作调节,调节眼球的晶状体;调解,调停17. accompanied [??k?mp?nid] v.陪伴( accompany的过去式和过去分词);陪同;伴随?同时发生;伴奏18. accompanied by 附有;偕同19. accompany [??k?mp?ni] vt. 陪伴,陪同;附加,补充;与?共存;为?伴奏; vi. 伴奏20. accomplished [??k?mpl??t] adj.才华高的;技艺高超的;熟练的21. account for [??kaunt f?:] 说明;导致,引起;占;对?负责22. accumulate [??kju:mjuleit] vt.& vi. 堆积,积累; vi. 逐渐增加,渐渐提高23. accuracy [??kjur?si] n. 精确,准确24. accurate [??kjurit] adj. 精确的,准确的;正确无误的25. accurately [‘?kj?r?tl?] adv.正确无误地,准确地;精确地;如实26. achromatism [?’kr??m?t?z?m] n.无色,消色差性;非彩色性27. acquire [??kwai?] vt. 获得,取得;学到中国海事服务中心试卷40805 第1页共57页28. Activation [??kt?’ve??n] n.活化,激活,[化]活化作用;致活29. actuate [??kt?ue?t] vt.使动作;开动;驱使;激励30. acute [??kju:t] adj. 尖的,锐的;敏锐的,敏感的;严重的,剧烈的;[医]急性的31. adapted [?’d?pt?d] adj.适合的v.适应,适合( adapt的过去式和过去分词);改编,改写;改变?以适合(for);适应于,适应不同情况(to) 32. additive [??d?t?v] n.添加剂;添加物;[数]加法adj.附加的;[化]加成的,加和的;[数]加法的33. adhesion [?d?hi:?n] n.支持;医粘连;粘合;物粘附力34. adjustment [??d??stm?nt] n.调解,调整;调节器;调解,调停;清算35. admit into [?d?mit ??ntu?] 允许进入?36. admit to [?d?mit tu:] 承认;允许进入?;通向;录取37. adopted [??d?pt?d] adj.被收养的,被采用的v.采用( adopt的过去式和过去分词);收养;正式接受;吸收38. adoption [??d?p?n] n. 采用,收养39. adult [??d?lt] adj. 成熟的;成熟的;成年人的;成年的; n. 成年的人或动物40. advance [?d?vɑ:ns] vt. 前进;将?提前;预付;提出; vi. 增加;向前推;上涨; n. 增长;借款;上涨;预付款; adj. 预先的;先行的41. adverse [??dv?:s] adj.不利的;有害的;逆的;相反的42. aeration [e?’re??n]n.通风;换气;松砂;增氧43. aerobic [e??r??b?k] adj.需氧的,有氧的;有氧健身的,增氧健身法44. aerobic bacteria [e??r??b?k b?k?ti?ri?] 需氧[好气]细菌;需气细菌;需氧菌45. affected [??fekt?d] adj.感动的;受到影响的;假装的;倾向于?的v.影响( affect的过去式和过去分词);假装;感动;侵袭46. agitate [??d??te?t] vt.搅动,摇动;使不安;激烈讨论vi.鼓动,煽动47. agitating [‘?d??te?t??] v.搅动( agitate的现在分词);激怒;使焦虑不安;激烈争论48. agreement [??ɡri:m?nt] n. 协定,协议;同意,一致;合同书;一致49. aid [eid] n. 帮助;助手;外援;辅助设备; vt. 帮助;资助;救助;促进; vi. 帮助50. aim at [eim ?t] 瞄准;针对;以?为目标;计划51. air cushion [e?(r) ?ku??n] n.气垫,气室52. Alcohol Concentration [??lk??h?l ?k?ns?n?trei??n]酒精浓度53. alcoholic beverage [??lk??h?lik ?bev?rid中国海事服务中心试卷40805 第2页共57页?] 酒精饮料54. alien [?e?li?n] adj.外国的;相异的;异已的;不相容的n.外国人;外侨;局外人;外星人vt.让渡,转让;疏远;离间55. alkaline [??lk?la?n] adj.碱性的,碱的;含碱的n.碱度,碱性56. Alkalinity [??lk??l?n?ti] n.碱度,碱性57. alternately [?:l’t?:n?tl?] adv.轮流地,交替地;交互;更番58. alternation [??:lt?’ne??n] n.交替,轮流,间隔;交替工作;更迭;变换59. alternative [?:l?t?:n?tiv] adj. 非正统的,不寻常的;两者择一的; n. 二中择一;可供选择的事物;取舍;非传统生活方式的追随者60. alternatives [?:l’t?:n?t?vz] n.选择的余地( alternative的名词复数);可供选择的事物;取舍;非传统生活方式的追随者61. Aluminu m [?’lju:min?m] n.美铝62. aluminum alloy [??lu:m?n?m ??l?i] 铝合金63. aluminum powder [??lu:m?n?m ?paud?] 银粉64. ambient [??mbi:?nt] adj. 周围的,包围着的;产生轻松氛围的;环境65. Ambient temperature [??mbi:?nt ?temp?rit??] 环境温度;背景温度;周围介质温度;周围温度66. ambitious [?m?bi??s] adj. 有雄心的;有野心的;有抱负的;炫耀的67. amende [?’mend] n.道歉,赔偿68. amending [??mend??] v.改良,修改,修订( amend的现在分词);改良,修改,修订( amend的第三人称单数)( amends的现在分词) 69. amendment [??mendm?nt] n.修正案;修改,修订70. amenities [??men?ti:z] n.令人愉快的事物;礼仪;礼节;便利设施;礼仪( amenity的名词复数);便利设施;舒适;愉快71. anaerobic bacteria [?ne??r??b?k b?k?ti?ri?] 厌氧细菌72. analog [‘?n?l?:g] n.类似物,同源语;电脑模拟adj.有长短针的;电脑模拟的73. and vice versa 反之亦然74. angled [‘??gld] adj.成一定角度放置的;以迎合某种观点而提出的;有角度的75. anneal [??ni:l] n.退火;焖火;锻炼;磨炼vt.使退火;韧炼,锻炼76. annexe [??neks] n.附加物,附属建筑77. annual [??nju?l] adj. 每年的;一年的;[植物]一年生的; n. 年刊;一年生植物78. annular space [??njul? speis] 环形空隙[空间] 79. anode [??n???d] n. 阳极80. anticipated [?n’t?s?pe?t?d] vt.预先考虑到;先于?前行动;提前支用中国海事服务中心试卷40805 第3页共57页adj.预先的;预期的81. anticorrosion [?nti:k?’r???n] adj.防蚀;防腐82. apparatus [??p??reit?s] n. 仪器,器械;机器;机构,机关;器官83. appearance [??pi?r?ns] n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面;[哲]现象84.appliance [??plai?ns] n. 器具,器械,装置85. Applicability [??pl?k’b?l?t?] n.适用性,适应性;可贴性86. applicable [??plik?bl] adj. 适当的;可应用的87. application [??pli?kei??n] n. 适用,应用,运用;申请,请求,申请表格;勤勉,用功;敷用,敷用药88. applied [??pla?d] adj.应用的,实用的v.应用( apply的过去式和过去分词);[apply oneself]使致力于;[apply oneself]使从事于;使接触89. applied to [??pla?d tu:] 施加90. applies [??plaiz] v.应用( apply的第三人称单数);[apply oneself]使致力于;[apply oneself]使从事于;使接触91. apply for [??plai f?:] 申请;声请92. approaching [?’pr??t???] n.侵入,逼近,接近adj.侵入的,逼近的,接近的v.接近,走近,靠近( approach 的现在分词);近似;接洽;使移近93. appropriate [??pr??pri?t] adj.适当的;恰当的;合适的v.盗用;侵吞;拨94.approval [??pru:v?l] n. 同意;批准;赞成95. approve [??pru:v] vt.& vi. 赞成,同意; vt. 批准;认可;核准;为?提供证据; vi. 赞同;称许;称赞;满意、喜欢(of) 96. approved [?’pru:vd] adj.经核准的,被认可的v.赞成,同意( approve的过去式和过去分词);批准;认可;核准97. approx [?’prɑks] adv.大约,大概98. arbitrary [?ɑ:bitr?ri] adj. 随意的,任性的,随心所欲的;主观的,武断的;霸道的,专制的,专横的,独断独行的;乱99. arranged [?’re?nd?d] adj.安排的v.安排,准备( arrange的过去式和过去分词);把?分类;整理;改编100. arrangement [??reind?m?nt] n. 安排,料理,筹备,预备;整顿,整理,排列,布置,分类;商定,约定;调解,和解101. arrester [?’rest?] n.捕拿者;制动器;防止装置;避雷器102. artificial respiration [?ɑ:ti?fi??l ?resp??re???n] n.人工呼吸103. As a general rule [?z ? ?d?en?r?l ru:l]一般说来104. asphyxiation [?s?f?ks?’e??n] n.窒息105. aspirated [‘?sp??re?t?d] adj.送气音的,h 音的v.吸气( aspirate的过去式和过去分词) 106. assembly [??sembli] n. 装配;集会;[军]集合号,集合鼓,集合;[机]装配,装配车间,供装配的零件中国海事服务中心试卷40805 第4页共57页107. assessment [??sesm?nt] n. 评估;评价;估定;估价108. assign [??sain] vt. 分派,选派,分配;归于,归属;[法律] 把从一人转让给另一人;把?编制; n. [常用复数][法律]受让人,接受财产等转让的人,受托者109. assign to [??sain tu:] 确定;指定;分配给;归因于110. assist [??sist] n. 帮助;援助;机器助手;辅助装置; vt. 帮助;援助;帮助某人做某事;搀扶上下车; vi. 援助;出席;参加111. assist in [??sist in] 在?上给予协助112. associate with [??s?u?ieit wie] 与?交往,联系;交接;蹑足其间;轧113. associated [??s???ie?t?d] vt.合伙,合营;联合,结合;联想vi.联系(associate 的过去式和过去分词);联盟;陪伴n.合伙人;伴侣,同志;联想物,附随物;会员集体adj.联合的;有关联的;联合的114. assume [??sju:m] vt. 取得;承担,担任;假设,假定;呈现115. at intervals adv.不时,相隔一定距离116. at regular intervals adv.每隔一定间隔;定期117. atmospheric [??tm??sfer?k, -?sf??-] adj. 大气的;大气引起的;有?气氛的118. attain [??tein] vt.& vi. 达到,获得;遂愿;经过努力到达某事物; vt. 达到,实现;获得;到达; vi. 达到;获得;到达119. attempt [??tempt] vt. 试图;尝试;试图夺取或攻克;试图征服; n. 进攻;企图杀害120. attestation [??te’ste???n] n.证词121. attribute [??tribju:t] vt. 认为?是;把?归于;把?品质归于某人;认为某事[物]属于某人[物]n. 属性;特征;价值;[语法学]定语122. attribute to [??tribju:t tu:] 把某事归因于某人[某事];认为某作品出自某人之手;认为某事[物]属于某人[物] 123. automatic sprinkler system [??:t??m?tik ?spr??kl? ?sist?m] 自动撒水灭火装置124. available [??veil?bl] adj. 可用的;有空的;可会见的;有效的125. avoidance [??v??d?ns] n.逃避;职位空缺;废止;无效126. award [??w?:d] vt. 授予,奖给,判给;判归,判定; n. 奖品;裁定;判决;裁定书127. awareness [??we?n?s] n.察觉,觉悟,意识128. babbitt [?b?bit] n.巴氏合金;巴氏合金轴承衬vt.给?浇巴氏合金129. back and forth [b?k ?nd f?:θ] 来回地;一来一往130. bacteria [b?k?ti?ri?] n. 细菌(bacterium的名词复数) 131. baffle [?b?fl] vt. 使受挫折;使困惑,使迷惑;用隔音板隔音;挡住; n. 隔板,挡板;迷惑;遮护物,阻碍体;[军]迷彩中国海事服务中心试卷40805 第5页共57页。