译林牛津版高中英语Book 10 Unit 4 Law and order project 教学课件 (共27张PPT)

Part Three
4. What are the problems? Many countries have not passed laws to protect intellectual property. Some people may think intellectual property laws do not affect them.
Part One
1. What does intellectual property refer to? The World Intellectual Property Organization recognizes intellectual property as ideas that belong to a person, organization or company.
Read the passage quickly and then tell me the general idea of each part.
Part 1 the definition of intellectual property
Part 2 the reasons for protecting intellectual property
e.g. They gave us an ultimatum to pay the money back in five days, or they would take us to court. 他们下了一道最后通牒,要我们在五天内 还款,否则就要诉诸法庭。
1. Do you think it necessary to protect intellectual property? Why or why not?
译林牛津版高中英语Book 10 Unit 4 Law and order task 教学课件 (共37张PPT)

put it outside.
Dialogue 3 A: Did you have a good time at your
friend’s birthsdhayampaerty?
B: I did, until it came to the birthday cake. I’m afraid I was very greedy and ran towards the cake. I tripped, and fell into the cake. It was so embarrassing.
A: Let’s go out to dinner to celebrate.
Skills building 1: identifying the tone of voice
When people are speaking, they are not only expressing facts and ideas, but also showing something about how they feel. As we know, the tone of voice is the most obvious way. Many different feelings can be expressed through different tones of voice.
A: Oh, no! At least the thief didn’t get very much money.
Dialogue 5
A: Congratulations on your exam
results. Yohuampupsitnbeessso pleased.
B: I am. I worked really hard, and it all paid off.
Dialogue 3 A: Did you have a good time at your
friend’s birthsdhayampaerty?
B: I did, until it came to the birthday cake. I’m afraid I was very greedy and ran towards the cake. I tripped, and fell into the cake. It was so embarrassing.
A: Let’s go out to dinner to celebrate.
Skills building 1: identifying the tone of voice
When people are speaking, they are not only expressing facts and ideas, but also showing something about how they feel. As we know, the tone of voice is the most obvious way. Many different feelings can be expressed through different tones of voice.
A: Oh, no! At least the thief didn’t get very much money.
Dialogue 5
A: Congratulations on your exam
results. Yohuampupsitnbeessso pleased.
B: I am. I worked really hard, and it all paid off.
牛津译林版高中英语选修10高考1轮复习牛津译林江苏专版课件M10 Unit 4Law and order课件ppt

although在句中引导让步状语从句,increasing在句 中为现在分词作number的定语,a bigger problem是 不定冠词+形容词比较级修饰名词,表示泛指。
句型转换 Although most of the earth's surface is covered by
water, fresh water is very rare and precious. ⇒______ the fact that most of the earth's surface
①她以美貌弥补智力欠佳。 __________________________________________
①She used her good looks to compensate for her lack of intelligence.
②一个人健康的丧失是无法补偿的。 ________________________________________
◆The factory will compensate their workers if they are hurt at work. 工人们在工作中受伤,工厂得给予受伤补助。 ◆The company compensated him for the extra hours he worked. 公司对他工作中的加班加点给予了报酬。
A. keep up with B. put up with C. catch up with D. hold on to
A 句意:朱莉是那些总赶时髦的女子之一。 keep up with 跟上,与……并驾齐驱;及时了解; catch up with跟上,赶上;put up with 忍受;hold on to 紧紧抓住;守住,保住。
句型转换 Although most of the earth's surface is covered by
water, fresh water is very rare and precious. ⇒______ the fact that most of the earth's surface
①她以美貌弥补智力欠佳。 __________________________________________
①She used her good looks to compensate for her lack of intelligence.
②一个人健康的丧失是无法补偿的。 ________________________________________
◆The factory will compensate their workers if they are hurt at work. 工人们在工作中受伤,工厂得给予受伤补助。 ◆The company compensated him for the extra hours he worked. 公司对他工作中的加班加点给予了报酬。
A. keep up with B. put up with C. catch up with D. hold on to
A 句意:朱莉是那些总赶时髦的女子之一。 keep up with 跟上,与……并驾齐驱;及时了解; catch up with跟上,赶上;put up with 忍受;hold on to 紧紧抓住;守住,保住。

1. … which applies to novels, films, music, artwork … (L6)
• We should apply the theory to practice. • The teaching method doesn’t apply to my students.
2. Why do you think it necessary to protect intellectual property?
Because it means protecting the inventors or creators’ benefits.
3. As consumers, what can we do to protect intellectual property? Firstly, we must pay to download music that is protected by copyright. Secondly, we should not buy pirated CDs or download music from websites that are offering free music illegally.
7. In 2003, it was estimated that 35 per cent of software on computers worldwide was pirated, which equaled a loss of $29 billion for the original producers. Even more widespread is the copying of music, especially with the development of new computer programs. (L39)

• 编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编•辑第of母f二enc版级e 使纪文用律本广等, 的样违可式反泛与指触对犯任何,规其则罪、行道可德重标可准轻、。法律、
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本样式theoretical
• 第二级
• 第the三or级etical • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本s样tand式ards
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版fin文ally本ne样goti式ated
• 第二级
• 第ne三go级tiated with • 第四级 • 第五级
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文本样式
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级 • 第五级
• 编辑母版文h本ad 样his 式house broken into
• 第二级
• 第三级 • 第四级got the soldiers moving • 第五级

Chairman Xi
addPreeascseedis aptretchioeus. 7of0MttotohhslietvAepnVeinniocipvtaleoerprspeyaraecrofeyfefrusl thweorAldn.ti-Japanese War and the woBruldt tAhnetrei-’rFeaaslcwiasyts Watpherionpglse’sagwaiisnhsets.
organization in the USA, showed that 45.6 per cent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies had had their security system broken into in the previous year.(L27-30) have + something + done
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。2021/7/312021/7/31Saturday, July 31, 2021
▪ 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/7/312021/7/312021/7/317/31/2021 2:02:53 AM
Part Ⅲ Para. 6
The __l_e_g_a_l_ _s_it_u_a_ti_o_n_ of the problem
Part Ⅳ Para. 7-8
The _s_o_lu__ti_o_n_/a__n_s_w_e_rto the problem
Task-based reading
addPreeascseedis aptretchioeus. 7of0MttotohhslietvAepnVeinniocipvtaleoerprspeyaraecrofeyfefrusl thweorAldn.ti-Japanese War and the woBruldt tAhnetrei-’rFeaaslcwiasyts Watpherionpglse’sagwaiisnhsets.
organization in the USA, showed that 45.6 per cent of the 351 biggest companies and government agencies had had their security system broken into in the previous year.(L27-30) have + something + done
9、要学生做的事,教职员躬亲共做; 要学生 学的知 识,教 职员躬 亲共学 ;要学 生守的 规则, 教职员 躬亲共 守。2021/7/312021/7/31Saturday, July 31, 2021
▪ 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2021/7/312021/7/312021/7/317/31/2021 2:02:53 AM
Part Ⅲ Para. 6
The __l_e_g_a_l_ _s_it_u_a_ti_o_n_ of the problem
Part Ⅳ Para. 7-8
The _s_o_lu__ti_o_n_/a__n_s_w_e_rto the problem
Task-based reading
高中英语 Unit4 Law and order Reading1课件 牛津译林版选修10

__W_a__y_s_ in which ___R_e_c_e_i_v_in_g_
they are affected. computer viruses
Being the targets of
e-mail fraud.
Careful reading
Para. 4 This paragraph mainly tells us about ________. A. a survey conducted by the Computer Security
Reading strategy
When coming across difficult vocabulary and expressions in reading, we can find definitions and explanations in the text, which usually appears after the first use of the word. What’s more, definitions and explanations usually follow terms like “is; was; mean; refer to; that is; that’s to say; or; namely; in other words; to put it another way”.
Ask students the different types of crimes and lead them to the crime committed on the Internet.
2015年高中英语 Unit4 Law and order Grammar and usage课件 牛津译林版选修10

People are worried about computer viruses. simple sentence structures
You should go to the police and find out if the police have completed their investigation. active voice
Do you know what differences are between formal and informal styles? Read the following dialogues and tell us which is formal and which is informal.
A: Hi Mike. It’s Alice’s birthday tomorrow. Shall we buy her a present? B: Yes, of course, what about some flowers?
Unit 4 Law and order
1. Talk about the types of cybercrime. 2. How to fight against cybercrime.
There are many different styles of English. The style of English to use depends on the situation. The most important difference is between spoken and written forms of English. Within spoken and written forms of English, there are also differences between formal and informal styles.
Unit 4 Learning reading课件1 牛津译林版选修10课件

3. What is fraud? Fraud is a crime where money is stolen by cheating others. 4. According to the Council of Europe, who is affected by cybercrime? All Internet users are affected by cybercrime either directly or indirectly.
Байду номын сангаас
How would you suggest we solve the
problem of cybercrime? ----By government
Read carefully and choose the right answers.
1. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. As the Internet develops, more kinds of crimes happen B. Cybercriminals are easily caught. C. Cybercrime has nothing to do with the real life. D. Cybercrimes are mostly committed by common surfers. 2. What is the present situation regarding cybercrime? A. Cybercrime is so new that the legal systems in many countries remain to be improved. B. All the countries have passed laws against cybercrime C. It is easier to catch cybercriminals in Europe because visas are not required. D. All the governments are working together and cooperatively against cybercrime.
牛津译林版选修十unit 4《law and order

• Part 3: • the current _p_r_o_b_le_m__s of piracy that we are
• Part 4:
• the possible s_o_l_u_ti_o_n_s_ to the problem
• What is intellectual property?
What does intellectual property include?
inventions patents drawings symbols designs novels …
Careful reading:
Part two
• Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights?
• Why should we protect it?
• What are the problems?
• What should we do?
Introduce the topic
Analyze the topic
Give suggestions
Careful reading:
Part one
• What does intellectual property refer to?
paying the inventor or creator.
2. Many things in the physical world are more
valuable than ideas.
3. Suppose Company A’s cars are more popular
• Part 3: • the current _p_r_o_b_le_m__s of piracy that we are
• Part 4:
• the possible s_o_l_u_ti_o_n_s_ to the problem
• What is intellectual property?
What does intellectual property include?
inventions patents drawings symbols designs novels …
Careful reading:
Part two
• Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights?
• Why should we protect it?
• What are the problems?
• What should we do?
Introduce the topic
Analyze the topic
Give suggestions
Careful reading:
Part one
• What does intellectual property refer to?
paying the inventor or creator.
2. Many things in the physical world are more
valuable than ideas.
3. Suppose Company A’s cars are more popular
译林牛津版高中英语 Module 10 Unit 4 Law and order Project教学课件 (共17张PPT)

Learning methods:
Pair work, group work
Useful phrases:
take drugs
2.以糟糕的境地而结束 end in a messy situation
out of curiosity
4.反抗他们的家庭和社会 rebel against their families or socie
The effects or results of taking drugs
The punishments for carrying drugs The way drug users can use to seek help
Downers (heroin,
(speed,nicotine,caffeine) alcohol)
admit sentence according to the type and 8. ____________ of illegal drugs a
person is carrying when caught by the police.
●9.__________ their problem with drugs;
Fast reading
1. The passage is mainly about____________.
A. the dangers of taking drugs and the help drug users can seek
B. why so many young people take illegal drugs
life for the future
How is the article developed?
Pair work, group work
Useful phrases:
take drugs
2.以糟糕的境地而结束 end in a messy situation
out of curiosity
4.反抗他们的家庭和社会 rebel against their families or socie
The effects or results of taking drugs
The punishments for carrying drugs The way drug users can use to seek help
Downers (heroin,
(speed,nicotine,caffeine) alcohol)
admit sentence according to the type and 8. ____________ of illegal drugs a
person is carrying when caught by the police.
●9.__________ their problem with drugs;
Fast reading
1. The passage is mainly about____________.
A. the dangers of taking drugs and the help drug users can seek
B. why so many young people take illegal drugs
life for the future
How is the article developed?
高中英语 Unit4 Law and order Project1课件 牛津译林版选修10

Part three
• What are the common ways in which people affect intellectual property rights?
download videos free
copy and share computer software
the copying of music
websites that encourage hatred and violence 4. breaking intellectual property and copyright laws
• Have you ever downloaded a song or a film from the Internet?
money writing a book, he or she deserves to be
paid for it, even if it is worthless.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Careful reading:
Part three
• What are the problems? • What is the purpose of WTO? • What are the common ways in
• Did you pay for the music or the film? • Do you think it legal to download the
song and the film from the Internet without permission? Why?
You and intellectual property

10. (I) Ms Watkins repeatedly informed us that we should study for the test because it would be very difficult.
D1, P125 1. intellectual 3. lame 5. piracy 7. spied 9. individals
4. Many people believe that traveling through time and space is nothing more than a theoretical possibility.
5. The staff in the IT Department at the university is very careful to keep up with the latest advance in technology and computer software.
Homework checking: A2, P122 1 offence / defence 2 check / cheque 3 referee / coach 4 deposit / withdraw
Homework checking: B1, P123 1 aboard 2 raw 3 draft 4 straits 5 sucked 6 underwear 7 apology 8 illegal
6. (F) The designer chose fleshcolored costumes for this scene in the performance. 7. (I) The reporter said that she would like to interview me and some of the other witnesses.

• They extended themselves to save me.
expandable adj. 可扩张的, 可扩充的, 可膨胀的
extendable adj. 可延长的,可延伸的
expansion n. 扩张, 扩充, 膨胀 extension n. 扩大, 延伸, 延长期; 扩建部分
public in these discussions.
involve 使卷入, 使参与
• be / get deeply / heavily involved in / with • He is one of the experts who are involved in / with the program.
criminal n. 罪犯 / adj
(涉及)犯罪的 [ usually before noun ]
刑法的 [ only before noun ]
不道德的 crime n 犯罪活动,罪行
commit a crime 犯罪
offence (offense) n. (= crime) 罪行 a criminal / capital / serious / minor offence
5) In addition, most countries do not have arrangements for dealing with citizens of other countries who commit cybercrime. (L43)
另外,大多数国家都没有如何对 付实施网络犯罪的他国公民的手 段。
1)the only solution to this problem
高三英语 Unit4 law and order-project课件 牛津译林版选修10

7. (L55) We should remember that many companies
expecting payment for their copyright material
will not simply accept an apology .
apology n. -------- pl. apologies 道歉 v. apologize
Part 4:
3. What can we do to help fight against piracy as consumers?
• We should not buy pirated products or download music and films illegally.
• We should buy CDs and DVDs in trustworthy shops instead of downloading them illegally or buying pirated versions .
3. What can we do to help fight against piracy
as consumers?
Part 2:
1. Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights?
suck the life out of …. 耗尽..的生命(力),使…失去生 命力
他很担心他的生意,因许多人正搬离市中心,这使 得他的商店逐渐失去生命力.
He is very worried about his business as
many people are moving away from the city
expecting payment for their copyright material
will not simply accept an apology .
apology n. -------- pl. apologies 道歉 v. apologize
Part 4:
3. What can we do to help fight against piracy as consumers?
• We should not buy pirated products or download music and films illegally.
• We should buy CDs and DVDs in trustworthy shops instead of downloading them illegally or buying pirated versions .
3. What can we do to help fight against piracy
as consumers?
Part 2:
1. Why is it considered necessary to protect intellectual property rights?
suck the life out of …. 耗尽..的生命(力),使…失去生 命力
他很担心他的生意,因许多人正搬离市中心,这使 得他的商店逐渐失去生命力.
He is very worried about his business as
many people are moving away from the city