
高中英语完形填空高频词汇总(共415个)(直接打印每生一份熟记)XXX完形填空高频词汇总n场合n情况,处境3.XXX over接管4.exchange交换5.XXX命令6.confirm证实7.cultivate培养8.prosperously繁荣的9.suspect怀疑10.relatively相对的,比较的11.XXX承认,鸣谢n抱负,野心13.quality质量,品质n保护15.equally平等地16.promise承诺17.clearly清楚地18.grateful感激的19.remove移开20.force逼迫21.apologize致歉22.terrible恐怖的,蹩脚的23.stubborn固执的24.actively主动地,主动地25.spiritual精神的,心灵的26.magical魔力的27.willingly愿意地28.XXX增强29.image形象plexity复杂us小心的32.manage管理,成功做成33.prejudice偏见34.economic经济的,合算的35.academic学术的36.control控制37.adopt收养,采取38.consume消费,消耗39.unique并世无双的40.XXX有益的41.varied多变的,林林总总的42.demanding要求高的43.appropriate合理的44.entertainment娱乐45.XXX故意地46.XXX采办47.XXX艰难的48.bright明亮的49.remain留下,保持50.terrify使害怕51.disappointing令人失望的52.formal正式的53.desire愿望54.share分享,共有55.fulfill履行(信誉),履行(敕令)56.XXX承认57.XXX明明的58.consequently因此,所以59.accustomed惯的60.accumulate积聚61.participate参加62.absence缺席63.XXX出席64.bravery英勇65.horror惊骇66.spotless无暇的67.fundamental基础的68.XXX就业,雇用69.involve包含,使参与70.actually事实上71.harmony和谐72.basically根本的73.inspire激起,激励74.imitate仿照75.awful蹩脚的76.XXX激昂大方的,风雅的XXX富有的n功能79.stressful有压力的80.XXX坚持不懈的81.XXX勉强的,不愿意的82.diligent勤奋的83.attentive注意的,殷勤的84.XXX不能忍受的n住所86.attractive有吸收力的87.constant连续的88.brilliant良好的,才调横溢的89.clumsy笨拙的90.declare公布,声明91.obtain获得92.interactive相互的,互动的93.incident事件94.XXX冒险95.in particular尤其96.in XXX事实上97.XXX强调98.overlook忽视99.deny否认100.ensure确保101.financial金融102.budget预算1103.on the whole整体上104.potential潜伏的,潜能105.on the contrary相反XXX老实107.assume假设108.establish建设109.flexible灵活的110.sensitive敏感的111.essential必不可少的112.unfair不公道的n期待n印象n考试,检查n进献117.certainty肯定118.confuse使迷惑,使混淆119.trap陷阱,困住XXX主要的121.turn up呈现122.show off123.break in闯进124.settle down定居,安定下来125.relief安慰,减轻126.justice公正us先前的,早先的128.instantly立刻地129.regularly划定规矩地,规律地nally偶尔地131.XXX自力132.keep up with跟上133.catch up with追赶上e up with想出135.put up with忍耐136.XXX保证137.convince使确信,压服138.atmosphere气氛139.XXX同情140.XXX赏罚141.XXX感到迷惑的142.scared害怕的143.embarrassed尴尬的n回响反映iveness谅解146.imaginary想象力丰富的147.be filled with充溢149.be crowded with挤满n财产us珍贵的153.appreciate欣赏,感激154.admire钦佩155.XXX闲逛156.get rid of消除,摆脱157.particularly尤其,特别158.purpose目标,企图159.courage勇气160.XXX决心161.roll滚162.drop掉下163.undoubtedly毫无疑问地164.temporarily临时地165.XXX荣幸地166.lean against靠着167.challenge挑战168.fierce激烈的169.practical实际的,实用的170.straight直接的171.XXX高兴的172.XXX祝贺173.faint头晕的174.consult征询175.messy乱的176.review复,评论us猎奇的178.XXX卒业179.honor荣耀fortable舒服的,舒适的181.XXX令人生厌的,无聊的182.set up建立183.hold up举起,支持184.pick up拾起,学会,接185.possess拥有186.crowded拥挤的XXX行军,前进188.apartment公寓189.XXX害怕的190.turn out结果是,证明是191.figure out算出,想出us焦虑的193.XXX寻找,打猎194.amused愉快的,顽皮的195.optimistic悲观的196.demonstrate证明,演示,显示197.realize意想到198.XXX有意义的199.faithful忠实的,忠诚的200.grasp抓住,理解201.decorate装饰202.pressure压力us明显的204.predict展望205.audience观众206.contain包含207.gesture姿势208.XXX前锋2209.afford支付得起210.affair事情XXX依靠的212.properly合理地213.sincerely真诚地214.severely严肃地215.XXX指点216.XXX出现,外貌XXX惊讶218.XXX使锋利ment评论220.privately公家地221.frequently频仍地222.physical身材的,物理的223.donate捐赠224.manufacture制造,制造业225.original原始的,起初的226.effective有效的227.object反对228.typical典型的229.possibility大概性230.accidentally意外地,偶然地231.immediately立刻232.XXX关心,忧郁233.concentrate集中234.XXX悲剧235.neglect忽视236.approach靠近,路子,办法237.disturbance打扰238.arrest拘捕239.restore规复240.available可获得的,可使用的pany伴随242.characteristic特征,特性243.automatic自动的244.approve核准,赞成245.roughly粗略地246.indicate表示n犹豫248.XXX系着,附着249.plain平的,朴实的,简单的250.mercy恻隐251.sample样本252.considerable相称大的,值得斟酌的253.enthusiasm热情254.confirm证实255.XXX征象256.modify修改257.annual每年的n隔离,孤立XXX典礼,仪式260.acceptable可承受的261.eventually末了262.target目标263.XXX露出264.absolutely绝对地265.negative悲观的,否定的266.XXX不乱的267.consistently一贯地,同等地268.permanent永世的nal职业的,专业的270.dismiss辞退271.countless数不尽的XXX完全地273.standard尺度274.XXX忍耐275.memorable值得纪念的276.leave for离开去到277.adapt适应,改编278.somehow不知怎么地XXX稍微,有点280.acquire获得281.occupy占领pany伴随283.XXX紧急的XXX技术285.giant巨大的286.invisible看不见的n评估288.magnificent壮丽的289.inefficient效力低的290.nonsense废话,荒谬的291.preserve保护,储存292.career事业n职业,专业294.exhausted筋疲力尽的295.XXX撞碎,坠毁us疑心的297.requirement请求298.athletic运动的,运动员的299.prohibit禁止,阻止300.depressed懊丧的,冷落的n教导,说明302.slightly轻微地303.meaningful成心义的304.principle原则305.XXX不该得的306.XXX背叛307.moderate中等的,适度的308.evaluate评判,估价309.XXX值得尊敬的310.artificial人造的311.concept概念312.symbolize象征313.promising有前途的314.conflict冲突3315.display表现,陈设316.definitely明确地,肯定地317.interrupt打断XXX回想起319.XXX背诵320.resist抵制321.XXX绝望的322.XXX优雅的323.attempt试图324.random随机的325.profitable有利可图的326.XXX爱护保重,宝藏327.poisonous有毒的328.dilemma窘境329.correctly精确地330.system系统plicated复杂的n申请,应用程序333.simple简单的334.recognize认出,认可335.cruel残忍的fortable舒服的,舒适的337.feared畏惧的338.replace代替339.method办法340.XXX抓住341.XXX误解342.XXX错误,弄错343.imply表示344.disease疾病345.XXX偿还,报答346.describe描述347.contract条约348.promote增进,晋升349.sacrifice牺牲350.generally一般来讲351.trouble麻烦352.pleased惬意的353.certainly一定地,当然nal国家的,民族的355.cultural文化的356.entrance入口357.annoying令人恼怒的358.polite有礼貌的us偶然识的360.XXX有耐心的361.theory理论n分类363.smart聪明的364.mature成熟的365.average平均366.creative有创造力的367.XXX卒业,卒业生368.program节目XXX的,伶俐的petent有本领的371.independent独立的372.separate单独的,分开的XXX自愿地374.doubt疑心n反射,寻思,映象n结论377.adult成年人378.XXX有天赋的379.outstanding出色的380.XXX表达,表情381.XXX检查382.attend参加,照料383.be aware of意想到384.be fond of喜欢385.be worthy of值得386.expect期待,预计n决定388.style风格389.pretend伪装390.explain解释391.cause原因,事业392.perform扮演,履行393.probably可能地394.struggle挣扎,斗争pletely完全地396.XXX想知道397.experience经验,经历398.fail失利399.develop发展400.responsible有责任的401.valuable有价值的,珍贵的402.ability能力403.affect影响404.destroy损坏405.confident自信的406.request请求nal传统的408.modern当代的XXX干系n合作411.distinguish区分412.identify鉴定,识别413.XXX想法,思想414.discourage使气馁,使沮丧415.prepare准备。

A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go from June to May Oh whistling r stars Oh put them in a jar And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go(I can not stay) Oh whistling round the world Let's whistle round the world Whistle round the world
A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a ___ And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go (I can not stay) Oh whistling round the world Let's whistle round the world Whistle round the world
A thousand sugar stars Oh put them in a ___ And then whistle round the world Oh whistle round the world I'm a little wolf inside a girl, you say And off I'll go from ____ to ___ Oh whistling round the world

初二英语歌词分析语法完形填空题20题答案解析版1I will always love you is a very famous song. The lyrics are full of deep emotions. When I think of you, memories keep coming back. I remember the days we spent together. You are always on my mind. I will never forget the moments we shared. I wish I could turn back time and live those days again. But it's impossible. Now I can only cherish the memories.1. When I think of you, memories keep ___ back.A. comingB. comeC. cameD. to come答案:A。
“keep doing sth.”是固定用法,表示“一直做某事”。
B 选项“come”不能直接跟在“keep”后面;C 选项“came”是过去式,不符合该用法;D 选项“to come”也不符合“keep doing sth.”这个结构。
2. I remember the days we spent together. You are always ___ on my mind.A. beB. beingC. to beD. been答案:B。
“be always doing sth.”表示“总是做某事”,强调某种情感或状态的持续性。
A 选项“be”不能直接用在这里;C 选项“to be”表示目的或将来,不符合语境;D 选项“been”是过去分词,不能用在此处。
3. I will never forget the moments we shared. I wish I could turn back time and ___ those days again.A. liveB. livedC. livingD. to live答案:A。

(完满版)完形填空全部高频词及词组大汇总1高考完形填空全部高频词及词组大汇总2一. 高中英语完形填空常考四大词性高频词1.“看”:look at ;see; watch;observe;notice;catch sight of; stare at;glare at; glance at; glimpse;see a film;watch TV2. “说”:telll sth to sb.=tell sb sth;talk with sb about sth=talk to sb. About sth;say sth;speak in English;whisper sth to sb; inform sb of sth;reason /talk/persuade sb into doing sth;bargain; chat; repeat; explain;warn; remind; discuss; debate; figure;declare; claim; mention; admit; deny;describe; announce; introduce; complain3.叫“”:cry; call; shout; scream; moan; sigh; quarrel4.问“”: ask; interview; express; question5.答“”: answer; respond; reply6. 听“”: listen to; hear; pick up; overhear(完满版)完形填空全部高频词及词组大汇总27.笑“”: smile; laugh; burst into laughter; burst out laughing8.哭“”:cry; shed tears; weep; sob;burst into tears /burst out crying9.吃“/ 喝”: eat/drink; sip; have a meal; have supper;toast; taste; treat sb to; help oneself to10.“穿”:put on; wear; have on; be dressed in;make up; get changed; be in red; take off ; remove11.“行”:walk ; run ; climb; jump; skip; slip;come/go; enter; move; drive; ride; fly; crawl12.坐“”: sit down; be seated; seat oneself; take a seat,stand; lean’ s stomach;13.睡“/ 休息”:lie /on one’ s back/on one's side/ on onestay in bed; have a rest; take a nap;be asleep; bend; turn over; rest14.“写”:dictate; write sth; describe; drop aline; draw; take down/write down15.拿“/ 放”: take; bring; hold; carry; fetch; lif; put; lay; pull; push16.抓“”: take hold of; seize; grasp; scratch17.打“”: hit; beat; strike; blow; attack18.扔“”: throw; drop; fall; wave; shake19.送“”: send; deliver; give; offer; see off20.摸“/ 抱”: ouch; fold; embrace; hug; hold; in one’ s arms21.“踢/碰”:kick; knock; tip22.找“/ 查”: find; look for; find out; discover/explore;hunt for; search for;seek,seek for in search of;search sb; search sp. for sth; check; examine; test; inspect23.得“”: get; obtain; acquire; gain; possess24.失“”: lose; be lost /be missing/gone; great loss25.有“”: have; own; conquer; occupy;possess26.无“”: nothing left; the remaining thing; disappear; be missing /gone27.“增/减”:rise / go up,drop;raise; bring down /reduce; increase/decrease28.买“/ 卖”: buy; purchase; afford; pay; pay off ; pay for; sell; on sale;bargain; bill / cheque / cash/credit card/notes/coins; discounts29.“存在 / 消失”: come into being; exist; appear; survive ; live; show;turn up; disappear; die; die out; pass away; be out of sight30.“变化”: develop; improve ; become; grow; go+ bad /wrong/sour; turn + colour; change /change into; reform31.“成功 / 失败”:make it; succeed; make progress; come true;realize one’ s dream; win; lose; fail to do; defeat;suffer loss; beat; turn sth. into reality32.“努力”: try /manage; make efforts; attempt;do one's best; do as much as one can to do33.庆贺: congratulate sb. on sth.; celebrate; observe; get together34. 恭敬: admire; respect; show respect for/to; adore; envy ;be jealousy35.美 / 批: praise; think highly of; blame sb for sth; sb isto blame; criticize /scold sb. for sth.;have a low opinion of sb; speak ill of36.喜 / : like; love; be fond of ; be keen on; be crazy about;adore; be into; prefer; enjoy; dislike hate; ignore37.到达: arrive at; reach; return to; get to; stay in sp.; visit; leave; leave for38.受: hurt ; injure; wound; cut; kill; drown; bleed;get burnt; suffer from; suffer a loss39.坏: damage; destroy; ruin; break down; crash; be broken40.修复: repair; rebuild; restore; fix; recover oneself41.“ 的程”: feel; sense; guess; suppose; wonder; doubt; know /learnrealize understand remember; be familiar with; recall; recite; apply to42.; 判断: think; believe; consider; find; feel; conclude; infer; doubt43. 想 / 考: think of⋯as...; think about; consider; think over44.支持 / 反: agree; disagree; accept; receive; refuse;turn down; be against; elect; vote for/ against45.花:sth/doing sth+cost sb +/It +takes/took some time/ money/energy to do sth;Sb. spend+/(in) doing sth;sb. spend/on sth.sb+afford +n/to do sth ;sb pay some money for sth.46.省 / 存钱: save /save up; set aside; put away47.参加: take part in; join /join in; attend; compete in/ for/against48.指控: accuse sb. of; charge sb. with49.救治 / 帮助: help /help out; save /rescue sb from sth.;treat; cure sb. of sth; aid sb in doing sth / to do sth;help sb with sth;assist sb in doing sth50.闪避: run away; escape from; flee; hide51.阻拦 / 禁止: prevent / keep/ stop sb. from doing sth;forbid doing sth.; ban; prohibit52.对付 / 办理: handle / do with / deal with /tackle /overcome sth ; solve; settle53.效仿: copy; imitate; learn from; learn54.爆发 / 发生: come about; happen to; take place;break out; burst out; go off; explode55.安装 / 装备: fasten; fix; set; equip; be armed with; be equipped with56.追求: pursuit; ran after; seek after; chase; catch up with; keep up with57.建议: advise; suggest; recommend; propose; urge; demand; persuade58.打算: plan / intend / design to do; be going to do /be about to do /will do59. 忧如 / 好象: seem; appear; look like;as if /as though60. 创立 / 关闭: open; start; set up; close/close up; end; close down名词1.假期 vacation , holiday , spring break ,leave ,two days off2.旅游 trip , journey , tour , voyage , travel , tourist , passenger3.职务人员clerk , secretary,passer-by friend, minister, manager ,waitress, guest,host ,hostess , assistant , customer , adult ,neighbor, relative, patient,vet ,staff ,crew , nurse ,teacher, conductor, tailor,sailor ,inventor, gardener ,guard4. 餐馆 / 定餐 / 就餐inn , restaurant, kitchen , menu , bill ,order,tip , fork and knife,reserve /book table , taste delicious,salad , vegetables , fruit , tray , napkin5. 诊所 / 看病 / 服药clinic , hospital , take one’ s temperature,take medicine/pills, have a fever/flu/headache,doctor, physician , surgeon , specialist, patient6. 车站 / 机场airport ,on board,miss the train/bus,catch a train,meet sb.7.身体部位arm ,head ,hair , brain , waist ,back ,shoulder, pulse ,wrist8.意志 will , courage , patience, determination, faith , effort,confidence , ambition,energy9.才能 / 质量7talent,gift,ability,potential,intelligent,promising,smart,stupid,careful,proud , strict,honest,cold,serious,easy-going,learned,knowledgeable10.优缺点advantage , disadvantage,strength,weakness,merit,drawback, strong point,shortcoming11.目标aim , goal ,intention,purpose,belief,faith12.方式means ,method,way,manner,approach13.身体素质strong , weak , pale ,sick , ill ,well ,slim , fit , cut weight,put on weight14.图表photo , picture,graph,drawing,table,line/bar graph , pie chart,drawa sketch(划草图)15.文章reading,translation,essay,poem,paper,novel,fiction article,magazine,newspaper ,journal,diary,files16.课堂class , course ,lecture,example,reason,message,notes,words ,phrase , scholarship,degree,subject,question,trouble,difficulty,grades,comment,marks17.学校活动8match,game,activity,hold a meeting /debate /speech/ ceremony18.建议 / 见解advice , suggestion,idea,proposal,view,recommandation19.天气 / 天气climate,weather,storm,wind,cloud,rain,snow,hotness ,coldness ,heat ,warmth20.交通by train/bus /boat bike,on the train/bus /a bike,drive a car,ride a bike,give sb. a lift/ride21.习惯habit , custom,practice(常例)22.感觉sight ,hearing,touch,smell,taste,sense23.感情feeling ,emotion,anger,delight,sadness,sorrow24.财富money , possessions , wealth,belongings,fortunes,treasure,diamond25.运动比赛playground ,track and filed ,pitch , event ,game ,match,sports,player,coach ,judge ,jogging,weightlifting,volleyball,soccer9形容词和副词1. immediate adj立刻的,立刻的,立刻2. clear adj清楚的,清楚的3.cautious adj谨言慎行的4.vivid adj生动的,传神的5.exactly①的确地 ,精确地②恰好地 ,正好地③ ( 用于答语 )完满正确。

Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
• You know, _h_o_w_ the time flies.
Only yesterday, was the time _o_f our lives.
We were ___b_o_r_n_a_n_d__ra_i_s_e_din a summer haze.
Bound _b_y__ the surprise of our glory days.
• Could have had it all 本该拥有一切 • Rolling in the deep 内心深处爱恨交织 • You had my heart inside your hand 你俘虏了我的芳心 • But you played it 但是你玩弄它 • You played it 你玩弄它 • You played it 你玩弄它 • You played it to the beat 你玩弄它 伴着每一次心跳
I wish nothing __b_u_t_ the best, for you too.
Don't forget me, I__b_e_g_, I remember you said:

初三英语歌曲名称完形填空题60题1My Favorite English SongsI love listening to English songs. They are not only great for entertainment but also helpful for learning English. There are many famous English songs that I enjoy. One of them is “My Heart Will Go On” by Celine Dion. It is a beautiful song with touching lyrics. Another one is “Hotel California” by Eagles. The melody of this song is very catchy.1. “My Heart Will Go On” is a ___ song.A. popB. rockC. classicalD. country答案:A。
“My Heart Will Go On”是一首流行歌曲,不是摇滚、古典或乡村音乐。
pop 表示流行的,符合这首歌的风格。
2. The lyrics of “Hotel California” are ___.A. simpleB. complexC. boringD. funny答案:B。
“Hotel California”的歌词比较复杂,不是简单、无聊或有趣。
complex 表示复杂的,符合这首歌的歌词特点。
3. English songs can be a good way to learn ___.A. grammarB. vocabularyC. pronunciationD. all of the above答案:D。

初三英语音乐创作完形填空题30题1Music is a powerful form of art that can touch our hearts and souls. Creating music is a wonderful process that involves many steps. First, a composer comes up with an idea. Then, he or she starts to write down the melody. After that, the composer adds harmony and rhythm to make the music more interesting.___1___ is the person who creates music.A. ComposerB. SingerC. ListenerD. Dancer答案:A。
B 选项singer 是歌手,C 选项listener 是听众,D 选项dancer 是舞者,都不符合题意。
The melody is the main tune of a piece of music. It is often very ___2___.A. loudB. softC. beautifulD. noisy答案:C。
A 选项loud 是大声的,B 选项soft 是轻柔的,D 选项noisy 是嘈杂的,都不如beautiful 符合旋律的特点。
Harmony adds depth and richness to the music. It makes the music sound more ___3___.A. simpleB. complexC. boringD. easy答案:B。

练听⼒-17⾸英⽂歌词填空1.Right Here Waiting For YouOceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go in saneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn't stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverA:(Wherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for youWhatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for you)I took for granted, all the timesThat I thought would last somehowI hear the laughter, I taste the tearsBut I can't get near you nowOh, can't you see it babyYou've got me go in crazy重复AI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I'm with youI'll take the chanceOh, can't you see it babyYou've got me go in crazy重复AWaiting for you空/ 21空空/ 28空3. Shining FriendsA little faithBrightens a rainy dayLife is difficultyou can't go awayDon't hide yourselves in the corner You have my place to staySorrow is gonna say goodbye Opens upYou'll see the happy sunshine Keep going on with your dream Chasing tomorrow's sunrise The spirit can never dieSun will shine, my friendWon't let you cry, my dearSeeing you shed a tearMake my world disappearYou'll never be alone in darkness See my smile, my friend We are with you,holding handsYou have got to believe,you are my destinyWe're meant to be your friends That's what a friendship be 空/ 28空4. Big Big WorldA:(I'm a big big girlin a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave mebut I do do feelthat I too too will miss you muchmiss you much...)I can see the first leaf fallingit's all yellow and niceIt's so very cold outsidelike the way I'm feeling inside重复AOutside it's now rainingand tears are falling from my eyeswhy did it have to happenwhy did it all have to end重复AI have your arms around me ooooh like firebut when I open my eyesyou're gone...重复A重复A空/ 21空5.Pretty BoyI lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI’ve only got you inside my mineYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and prayThat you will look my wayI have all this longing in my heartI knew it right from the startA:(Oh my pretty pretty boy I want youLike I never ever loved no one before you pretty pretty boy of mine Just tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside you)I used to write your nameAnd put it in a frameAnd sometimes I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smileAnd what can I say to make you mineTo reach out for you in time重复AOh pretty boySay you love me too重复A空/ 37空6. SheShe hangs out every day nearby the beachHaving a harnican falling asleepShe looks so sexy when she's walking the sandNobody ever put a ring on her handSwim to the oceanshore fish in the seaShe is the story the story is sheShe sings to the moon and the stars in the skyShining from high above you shouldn't ask whyA:(She is the one that you never forgetShe is the heaven-sent angel you metOh she must be the reason why God made a girlShe is so pretty all over the world)She puts the rhythm the beat in the drumShe comes in the morning and the evening she's gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that's what she givesShe looks like Marilyn walks like SuzanneShe talks like Monica and MarianneShe wins in everything that she might doAnd she will respect you forever just you重复AShe is so pretty all over the worldShe is so prettyShe is like you and meLike them like weShe is in you and me重复A重复ANa na na na na ...空/ 35空7. God Is a GirlRemembering me,Discover and seeAll over the world,She’s known as a girlTo those who are free,The mind shall be keyForgotten as the pastCause history will lastA:(God is a girl,Wherever you are, Do you believe it, can you receive it?God is a girl,Whatever you say, Do you believe it, can you receive it?God is a girl,However you live, Do you believe it, can you receive it?God is a girl,She’s only a girl, Do you believe it, can you receive it? )She wants to shine, Forever in time,She is so driven, she’s always mineCleanly and free,She wants you to beA part of the future,A girl like meThere is a sky,lluminating us, someone is out thereThat we truly trustThere is a rainbow for you and meA beautiful sunrise eternally重复A重复AGod is a girl空/ 20空8. Tonight I Feel Close To Youclose my eyes and feel your mindtime has passed I walked like a shadownever knew what I’m going throughyou touched my heart and take my breath awaywhisper on the wind so softlylet the bright stars fill our dreams with lovereach for your handand you show me the wayA:(tonight I feel close to youyou open my door and light the sky abovewhen I need a friendyou are there right by my sideI wish we could stay as one )all the tears that haunt my pastyou promisedIt’ll be better tomorrowplay that songyou and I listened toand let it gently ease our paintender rain drops from the blue skyflowers blooming live so divivelike sunlight on a stream(you’re holding my key) you show the world to me 重复Aso much love in this beautiful worldsearch for the brightest star in the skyyou will find the meaning of lovedon’t be a fraid(don’t be afraid)just be yourself(just be yourself)we need this loveI never knew重复A重复AI wish we could stay forever as one空/ 34空9. Just One Last DanceWe meet in the night in the Spanish caféI look in yo ur eyes just don’t know what to sayIt feels like I′m drowning in salty waterA few hours left till the sun’s gonna riseTomorrow will come an it’s time to realizeOur love has finished foreverHow I wish to come with you (wish to come with you)How I wish we make it throughA:(Just one last danceBefore we say goodbyeWhen we sway and turn round and round and roundIt’s like the first timeJust one more chanceHold me tight and keep me warmCause the night is getting coldAnd I don’t know whe re I belongJust one last dance )The wine and the lights and the Spanish guitarI’ll never forget how romantic they areBut I know, tomorrow I’ll lose the one I loveThere’s no way to come with youIt’s the only thing to do重复A重复A......空/ 20空10. LuckyEarly morning / she wakes up / Knock knock knock on the door It's time for make up perfect smileIt's you they're all waiting for /They goA:(Isn't she lovely / this Hollywood girlAnd they say She's so luckyshe's a star but she cry cry cries in her lonely heart thinkingIf there's nothingmissing in my lifeThen why do thesetears come at night)Lost in an image in a dreamBut there's no onethere to wake her upAnd the world is spinningand she keeps on winningBut tell mewhat happens when it stopsThey go重复AIsn't she lovely? This Hollywood girlshe is so lucky but why does she cry?If there is nothing missing in my life why do tears come at night?B:( And they say she's lucky , she's a starBut she cry cry cries in her lonely heart thinking if theres nothing missing in my lifethen why do the tears come at night?)重复B空/ 23空11. The Day You Went Awaywell I wonder could it bewhen I was dreaming about you babyyou were dreaming of mecall me crazycall me blindto still be suffering is stupid after all of this time A:( did I lose my love to someone betterand does she love you like I doI do, you know I really really doB:【well heyso much I need to saybeen lonely since the daythe day you went awayso sad but truefor me there's only youbeen crying since the daythe day you went away】)I remember date and timeSeptember twenty secondsunday twenty five after ninein the doorway with your caseno longer shouting at each otherthere were tears on our facesand we were letting go of something special something we'll never have againI know, I guess I really really know重复Bthe day you went awaythe day you went away重复Awhy do we never know what we've got till it's gonehow could I carry onthe day you went awaycause I've been missing you so much I have to saybeen crying since the daythe day you went awaythe day you went awaythe day you went away空/29空12. My LoveAn empty streetAn empty houseA hole inside my heartI'm all aloneThe rooms are getting smaller (smaller) A:(I wonder howI wonder whyI wonder where they areThe days we hadThe songs we sang togetherAnd oh my loveI'm holding on foreverReaching for a love that seems so far B:【So I say a little prayer And hope my dreams will take me there Where the skies are blue To see you once again,my loveOverseas from coast to coastTo find the place I love the mostWhere the fields are greenTo see you once again,my love】)I try to readI go to workI'm laughing with my friendsBut I can't stopTo keep myself from thinking (oh no)重复ATo hold you in my armsTo promise you my loveTo tell you from the heartYou're all I'm thinking ofReaching for a love that seems so far重复B重复B空/26空13. Proud Of Y oulove in your eyessitting silent by my sidegoing on holding handswalking through the nightsA:(hold me up hold me tightlift me up to touch the skyteaching me to love with hearthelping me open my mindI can flyI'm proud that I can flyto give the best of minetill the end of the timebelieve me I can flyI'm proud that I can flyto give the best of minethe heaven in the sky)stars in the skywishing once upon a timegive me love make me smiletill the end of life重复Acan't you believe that you light up my way no matter how that ease my pathI'll never lose my faithsee me flyshow you the best of minetill the end of the timebelieve me I can flyI'm singing in the skyshow you the best of minethe heaven in the skynothing can stop mespread my wings so wide空/25空14. Because Of YouI will not make the same mistakes that you didI will not let myself cause my heart so much miseryI will not break the way you didyou fell so hardI learned the hard way, to never let it get that farA:(B:【because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk because of you I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt 】because of you I find it hard to trustnot only me but everyone around me because of youI am afraid)I lose my wayand it's not too long before you point it outI cannot crybecause I know that's weakness in your eyesI'm forced to fake a smile a laughevery day of my lifemy heart can't possibly breakwhen it wasn't even whole to start with重复AI watched you dieI heard you cryevery night in your sleepI was so youngyou should have known better than to lean on meyou just saw your painand now I cryin the middle of the nightover the same damn thing重复Bbecause of you I try my hardest just to forget everything because of you I don't know how to let anyone else in because of you I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty because of you I am afraidbecause of youbecause of you空/32空15. Lemon TreeI'm sitting here in a boring roomit's just another rainy sunday afternoonI'm wasting my time I got nothing to doI'm hanging around I'm waiting for youbut nothing ever happens and I wonderI'm driving around in my carI'm driving too fastI'm driving too farI'd like to change my point of viewI feel so lonely I'm waiting for youbut nothing ever happens and I wonderA:(I wonder how I wonder whyyesterday you told me about the blue blue skyand all that I can see is just another lemon treeI'm turning my head up and downI'm turning turning turning turning turning aroundand all that I can see is just another lemon tree)da da da da dadi da da da da da dadi da da da di di di daI'm sitting here I miss the powerbut there's a heavy cloud inside my headI feel so tired put myself into bedwhere nothing ever happens and I wonderisolation - is not good for meisolation - I don't want to sit on a lemon treeI'm walking around in desert of joybaby anyhow I'll get another toyand everything will happenand you'll wonder重复A重复Aand I wonder I wonderI wonder how I wonder whyyesterday you told me about the blue blue skyand all that I can seeand all that I can seeand all that I can see is just another lemon tree空/27空16. Girl in Your DreamsI was walking down the street one daythen I saw you I didn’t know what to sayyour eyes were shiningyour smile was so kindwhen I saw you I wanted you to be mineA:(maybe I don’t have the blonde hair you like or maybe I don’t have eyes like the sky and I’m not sure if I’m the girl in your dreams but I can show you what love means)one day you came and talked to meand you said we are meant to beI was happy, everything was so nicebut then I found out that everything was a lie 重复Ahow could you do this to meyou said we are meant to beyou showed me how to crywhen you told me everything was a lie17. Everything You Dofrom the moment you looked at meand ever since you called my nameyou've been everything that I've seenand know I'm caught up in this gamemy mind is spinning round and aroundthere's something special I have found A:(every time I close my eyes all I can think of is you and meoh baby can't you seeB:【that everything you doeverything that you domakes me wanna go...everything you sayeverything that you saymakes me wanna go...】)they're trying to build a fenceby saying that this won't lastthey tell me I don't have a chancethat everything moves too fastbut 重复A重复B重复Bmy mind is spinning round and aroundthere's something special I have foundevery time I close my eyesall I can think of is you and meoh baby can't you seethat everything you doeverything you doeverything you doeverything you sayeverything that you say重复B18. Give A Little LoveEvery time I think I've had enough of youI take you back again not because I need a friend Just because I can't pretend like the others do You think you're really seriousClever and mysteriousTalking like you're dangerous talking like a fool Every day there's someone elseWho wants to get with meI'm telling youIf you know what's good for youTreat me like you used to do love me like before 'Cos all I can do is watch and wonderwhere the boy I know has goneYou say that you want me, well it'stime to tell your friends where they belongA:(You can find it in your heart give a little love Have a little faith in the two of usYou can find it in your soulGive a little love have a little faith in the two of us 'Cos all I can do is watch and wonder)where the boy I know has goneLittle boy I don't want anything to do with you Get on your kneesI'm the one you have to pleaseNot the ones you want to beI don't think you're coolB:【'Cos soon you can only watch and wonder Where the girl you knew has gone】everything you did to me was wrong重复AWhere the girl you knew has goneAnd do you really wanna lose a friend’Cos I don’t wanna wait for you anymore Can’t take it anymore 重复A重复BYou say that you want me well it’s time to tell your friends where they belong重复A空/32空。

大学英语(三)听力&口语提高材料-----英语歌No 1: Hey Jude词:Lennon&McCartney 曲:Lennon&McCartneyHey jude don't make it______嘿Jude,不要这样消沉Take a sad song and make it ______唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些Remember to let her into your ______记住要永远爱她Then you can start to make ______ better开始新的生活Hey jude don't be ______嘿Jude,不要担心You were made to______and get her去追她,留下她The______you let her under your skin拥抱她的时候Then you ______ to make it better将开始新的生活And anytime you feel the______无论何时,当你感到痛苦的时候hey jude ______ 嘿Jude,放松一下自己Don't carry the world upon your shoulders不要去担负太多自己能力以外的事For well you know that it's a ______ who plays it cool要知道这很愚蠢那些自高自大的人By making his world a little ______生活中总是会有不如意的时候Na na na na na na na na不不不不不不不不Hey jude don't let me______嘿Jude,不要让我失望You have found her now go and get ______如果你找到你所爱的人,去爱她吧Remember to let ______ into your heart记住要永远爱她Then you can start to make it better生活会更美好So let it out and ______hey jude begin时光飞逝嘿Jude,开始吧You're waiting for someone to ______with不要总是期望依赖旁人And don't you know that it's just you hey jude you'll do你知道吗,你自己可以的, 去完成吧The movement you need is on your______明白自己要走自己的路Na na na na na na na na不不不不不不不不Hey jude don't make it bad嘿Jude,不要这样消沉Take a sad ______and make it better唱首伤感的歌曲会使你振作一些Remember to let her under your ______记住要永远爱她Then you'll begin to make it开始新的生活Better better better better better better oh新的生活Na na na na na na na na hey jude嘿JudeNa na na na na na na na hey jude嘿JudeNa na na na na na na na hey jude嘿JudeNa na na na na na na na hey jude嘿JudeNa na na na na na na na hey jude嘿JudeNa na na na na na na na hey jude嘿JudeNo 2: Proud Of You《Proud Of You》是冯曦妤自创的一首歌。

高考英语完形填空高频词汇大全(完美版)XXX - Verbs:1."Look": Look is the n of looking at something。
see is the result of looking at something。
watch is to observe for the purpose of studying。
observe is to observe for the purpose of studying。
notice is to pay n to something。
Catch sight of is to see something suddenly。
stare is to look usly。
glance is to take a quick look。
glimpse is to catch a brief look.2."Say": Tell is to XXX。
talk with someone about something emphasizes the exchange of ideas een speakers。
Say is the content you express。
speak in English is the language you speak。
XXXof something is to notify them of it。
XXX to do something is to convince them to do something。
bargain is to negotiate a price。
repeat is to say something again。
explain is to make something clear。
warn is to alert XXX。
discuss is to talk about something。

完形填空专题(一)What ’s a smile? What does a smile16like? Does anyone know the answers? But I can say it ’s like a flower with a pleasant scent(香味). Our smile can make people get17to see inside you. That ’s the power of a smile.What ’s the best way18into a room full of people by yourself? The answer is simple: 19something very important with you —— a smile.20 a smile when you are among strangers is the best way to21them to get to know you. A smile22 a message that you are friendly and easy to23 . It tells people that you have an easy-going look. 24let a smile show what a great person you are?Let people see that your smile doesn ’tstop at your mouth. It goes all the way to your heart.Being happy, smile!Being25 , smile!Like a flower, smile!()16. A. be B. get C. feel D. look()17. A. close very B. close enough C. very close D. enough close()18. A. to run B. run C. to walk D. walk()19. A. take B. bring C. get D. find()20. A. Putting on B. Wearing C. Put on D. Wear()21. A. invite B. ask C. get D. want()22. A. puts B. gives C. sends D. lets()23. A. get along B. get up C. come up D. come with()24. A. What about B. Why don ’t C. Why not D. Why()25. A. excited B. disappointed C. pleased D. sad16. C feel like ⋯感像⋯⋯17. B enough 修形容,置于形容之后。

高中英语音乐完形填空题30题答案解析版1Music is an important part of our lives. There are many different types of music, such as pop music, rock music, classical music and jazz music. Each type of music has its own characteristics. Pop music is usually lively and easy to remember. Rock music is energetic and can make people excited. Classical music is elegant and has a long history. Jazz music is creative and full of improvisation.Music can bring us different emotions. When we are happy, we may listen to ___ music. When we are sad, we may listen to ___ music to cheer us up. When we want to relax, we can listen to ___ music. Music can also be a way to express our feelings. We can write songs to express our love, friendship and other emotions.1. When we are happy, we may listen to ___ music.A. popB. rockC. classicalD. jazz答案:A。

初二英语英语歌曲理解完形填空题30题1"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they're here to stay. Oh, I believe in yesterday.Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be. There's a shadow hanging over me. Oh, yesterday came suddenly.___1___ I was young and unafraid. And dreams were made and used and wasted. There was no ransom to be paid. No song unsung. No wine untasted. But the ___2___ are still there to remind me. That for me there is no place I can be. While I long for yesterday.Yesterday love was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. Oh, I believe in yesterday.Why she had to go? I don't know. She wouldn't say. I said something wrong. Now I long for yesterday.Yesterday love was such an easy game to play. Now I need a place to hide away. Oh, I believe in yesterday."1. A. Once B. When C. While D. As答案:B。

Karen’s English Classdesigned by Karen ChenPart1. English songs英文歌词填空Let’s learn English by enjoying songsListen to the song and fill the blanks.10 beautiful songs :1.Dance With My Father by Luther Vandross2.Could This Be Love by Victoria Acosta3.Imagine by John Lennon4.Hey Jude by the Beatles5.Sealed with a kiss by Agnetha Faltskog6.Trouble is a friend by Lenka7.Way Back Into Love8.What a Beautiful World(Dictation)9.Yellow Submarine by The Beatles10. Leaving On A Jet PlaneDance With My FatherLuther VandrossBack when I was a ___________________ life removed all the innocenceMy father would lift me highand __________ with my mother and me and then Spin me around till I fell asleepThen up the stairs he would carry meAnd I knew for sure I was _____________If I could get another __________,another __________, another __________ with himI’d play a song that would never, ever __________ How I’d love, love, loveTo dance with my father againWhen I and my mother would ___________To get my way, I would run _______ her ________ him He’d make me __________ just to comfort meThen __________ make me do just what my mama said Later that night when I was asleepHe left a __________ under my sheetNever dreamed that he would be _________ from meIf I could __________ one final glance,one final step, one final dance with himI’d play a song that would never, ever _________‘Cause I’d love, love, loveTo dance with my father againSometimes I’d listen _________ her doorAnd I’d hear how my mother cried for himI pray for her even more than meI pray for her even more than meI know I’m praying for much too muchBut could you send back the _______ man she loved I know you don’t do it usuallyBut dear Lord she’s dyingTo dance with my father againEvery night I fall asleepand this is all I ever dreamCould This Be LoveVictoria AcostaWoke up this morning,Just _________ in my bed,8 a.m first thing in my _________,Is a certain someone,Who's always on my ___________,He treats me like a __________ in everyway,He __________ and warms me through up the day, Should I tell him I love you,Wish I ___________ what to say!Could this be love that I feel,So __________, so __________ and so_________, If I _________ you would I ever heal,Could this be love that I feel? (2)The way he looks,So __________ in my eyes,Our hearts are so warm,I just wanna __________,Then he's so ___________,He wants to be someone.__________ I tell him that I love you,What if he doesn't say it too,I'm getting so ___________,What should I doCould this be love that I feel,So _________, so ________ and so __________, If I __________ you would I ever heal,Could this be love that I feel? (2)Will it be my turn,Two hearts beating together as one,No more ___________,Only love, __________ and funCould this be love that I feel,So _________, so ________ and so __________, If I __________ you would I ever heal,Could this be love that I feel? (2)ImagineJohn LennonImagine there's no __________It's easy if you _________No _________ below usAbove us only _________Imagine all the peopleLiving for __________Imagine there's no ___________It isn't ________ to doNothing to _______ or ________ for and no religion tooImagine all the peopleLiving life in ________________________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ And the world will live as oneImagine no possessionsI _________ if you canNo need for greed or _________ A brotherhood of manImagine all the people___________ all the world_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ And the world will live as oneHey JudeThe BeatlesHey Jude, don't make it _________.Take a _______ song and make it ________.__________ to let her into your _________,Then you can ________ to make it better.Hey Jude, don't be ________.You were made to go out and get her.The _________ you let her under your skin,Then you begin to make it ________.And anytime you feel the ______, hey Jude, refrain, Don't carry the world upon your ____________.For well you know that it's a ________ who plays it cool By making his world a little __________.Hey Jude, don't let me _______.You have ________ her, now go and get her. Remember to let her into your ________,Then you can ________ to make it better.So let it _______ and let it _______,hey Jude, _________,You're waiting for someone to _______ with. And don't you knowthat it's _______ you, hey Jude, you'll do,The movement you need is on your __________.Hey Jude, don't make it ________.Take a ________ song and make it ________._________ to let her under your _______,Then you'll begin to make itBetter better better better better better, oh.Da da da da da da, da da da, hey Jude...Sealed with a kiss__________ we gotta say ________For the_______________Darling, I ______________ you thisI' ll ____________ you all my loveEvery day in a ________________Sealed with a kissYes, it's gonna beA ____________ ___________ summerBut I'll fill the emptinessI'll _____________ you all my ____________ Every day in a __________________ Sealed with a kissI'll see you in the _______________I'll hear your __________ _____________I'll run to tenderly ___________ youBut darling, you _____________ be thereI don' t wanna say good byeFor the ______________Knowing the love we'll ____________ Oh, let us make a pledgeTo ___________ in SeptemberAnd sealed with a kiss.Yes, it's gonna beA __________ _________ summer But I'll fill the emptinessI'll ____________ you all my love Every day in a ______________ Sealed with a kiss…LenkaTrouble will find you _______________________, oh oh.No matter if you're _________no matter if you're___________, oh oh. The ________ of the storm and the __________ in the morn, oh oh. You’re fine for a _____________ but then start to ____________ control. He's there in the _____________,He’s there in my _______________,He _____________ in the _______________He’s gotta play a part.Trouble is a friend,Yeah trouble is a friend of _______________. oh oh!Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh.And no matter what I _____________ him he always seems to ___________, oh oh.He sees __________________and he knows _________________, oh oh. So don't forget as you ease on down the road.He's there in the _____________,He’s there in my _______________,He _____________ in the _______________He’s gotta play a part.Yeah trouble is a friend of _______________. oh oh!So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.I won't let him win, but I’m a sucker for his charm. Trouble is a friend,Yeah trouble is a friend of ____________. Oh oh!Oh how I hate the way ________________________. And how I try to_________________________; I try. Oh Oh I try!He's there in the _____________,He’s there in my _______________,He _____________ in the _______________He’s gotta play a part.Trouble is a friend,Yeah trouble is a friend of _______________. oh oh!So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm.I won't let him win, but I’m a sucker for his charm. Trouble is a friend,Yeah trouble is a friend of ____________. Oh oh!Way Back Into Lovewoman: I've been living with a _________ overheadI've been sleeping with a ________ above my bedI've been __________ for so longTrapped in the past, I just can't seem to _______ onman: I've been hiding all my ________ and __________ away Just in case I ever need (th)em again somedayI've been setting aside timeTo clear a little space in the corners of my ________w and m:All I want to do is ______ a way back into loveI can't make it through __________ a way back into love Oh oh ohwoman: I've been watching but the ______ refuse to shineI've been searching but I just don't see the _________I know that it's out thereThere's got to be something for my soul somewhereman: I've been looking for someone to shed some _________ Not just somebody just to get me throught the nightI could use some directionAnd I'm open to your ___________w and m:All I want to do is ______ a way back into loveI can't make it through ________ a way back into loveAnd if I open my ________ againI guess I'm hoping you'll be there for me in the _________woman: There are __________ when I don't know if it's _______ Or if anybody feels the way I ________I need inspirationNot just __________ negotiationw and m:All I want to do is ________ a way back into loveI can't make it through _________ a way back into loveAnd if I open my _______ to youI'm hoping you'll ________ me what to doAnd if you help me to ________ againYou know that I'll be there for you in the ________Dictation__________________________________Louis ArmstrongI see ___________________, red roses tooI see them bloom ______________________________________________________I see _______________ and __________________The _________ blessed __________, the __________ sacred __________ __________________________________The _______________________________Are also on the ______________________I see ______________________________They're ____________________________I __________________, I _____________They'll _______________________________________________________________Yellow SubmarineThe BeatlesIn the _________ where I was _________Lived a man who _________ to seaAnd he ___________ us of his lifeIn the ____________ of submarinesSo we sailed up to the __________till we found the sea of _________And we lived beneath the __________In our yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarine(2)And our __________ are all on boardMany more of them live next doorAnd the __________ begins to playWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarine(2)As we live a life of easeEveryone of us has all we _________________ of blue and __________ of green In our yellow submarineWe all live in a yellow submarine,yellow submarine,yellow submarineLeaving On A Jet PlaneAll my bags are _________________, I'm ____________________ I'm standing here _________________________I hate to __________________________________But the dawn is_______________ it's early morningThe___________________ he's blowing his hornAlready I'm so lonesome I could dieSo __________________________________Tell me that ___________________________hold me like ___________________________Cause I'm leaving on a jet planeDon't know when ________________________Oh, baby, I _____________________________There's so many times I've __________________So many times I've played aroundI tell you now ___________________________________________________, I'll think of you_____________________, I’ll sing for youWhen I come back I'll bring your __________________Now the time has come to leave youOne more time ___________________________ Then close your eyes I'll ___________________ Dream about______________________When I won't have to ________________________ About the times ______________________________I'm leaving on a jet planeDon't know when ________________________ Oh, baby, I _____________________________。

3.Right here waiting for you
Oceans apart day ________ day after And I slowly go insane line I hear your voice on the ________ stop But it doesn’t ________the pain If I see you next to never How can we ________forever say go Wherever you ______ Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes heart Or how my ________breaks I will be right here waiting for you
Goodbye to you my trusted _______.We've know friend each other since we were nine or ten. Together ___________we've climbed hills and trees Learned of love and ABC's. Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend it's hard ________to die. When all the birds are singing in the ______.Now that ________is in the air. Pretty sky spring everywhere Think of me and I'll be there. girls are__________. fun we had seasons in the We had joy we had_____, ______.But the hills that we climbed were just sun seasons out of time
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Only yesterday, was the time _o_f our lives.
We were ___b_o_r_n_a_n_d__ra_i_s_e_din a summer haze.
Bound _b_y__ the surprise of our glory days.
• I wish nothing but the best, for you too.
• Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:-
• "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"
• "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"
• Nevermind, I'll find someone like you.
I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fiபைடு நூலகம்ht it.
I'd hoped you'd see my face & that you'd be reminded,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.
Rolling in the deep
• There's a fire _s_t_a_rt_in_gin my heart 我怒火中烧 • Reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me _o_u_t_the dark • 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗
• I'd hoped you'd see my face and __th_a_t_ you'd be reminded,
That _f_o_r me, it isn't over.
• Nevermind, I'll find someone _li_k_e_ you.
Nothing _c_o_m__p_a_re_s, no worries or cares.
Regrets and mistakes they're memories made.
Who would have known _h_o_wbittersweet this would taste?
That for me, it isn't over.
• Nevermind, I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing but the best, for you too.
• Finally, I can see you crystal __c_le_a_r 最终 我将你看得一清二楚 • Go a_h_e_a_dand sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare • 去吧 出卖我 我会让你一无所有 • See how I'll leave with every piece _o_fyou • 看我怎么离你而去 带走你的一切 • Don't underestimate the things __th_a_tI will do • 不要低估我将来的所作所为 • • There's a fire starting in my heart 我怒火中烧 • Reaching a fever pitch and it's bring me out the dark • 熊熊烈焰带我走出黑暗
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
• You know, _h_o_w_ the time flies.
Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:-
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"
• Nevermind, I'll find someone like you.
I wish nothing but the best, for you too.
• Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:-
I wish nothing __b_u_t_ the best, for you too.
Don't forget me, I__b_e_g_, I remember you said:
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts _i_n_s_te_a_d"