


at a cocktail reception to mark the opening of a new branch
on Wednesday, 18 December, 2016 at 6:30 p.m.
in Angel Hotel 11 Zhongshan Road, Guangzhou Suggested dress code: formal R.S.V.P Tel: 020-81376890
“着装要求” “请回复”
an invitation to a cocktail reception
Mr. William Green the General Manager of AAA Company requests the honor of the presence of
Ms. Anny Lee the H. R. Manager of Bluestone Company
How to Write Letter of Invitation
Categorization of the letter of invitation Format of the letter of invitation Principles of the letter of invitation Useful Expressions for Letter of Invitation
? “Regrets only”--- “Please let us know if you cannot attend”. It requires a reply only if the guest invited cannot attend the gathering.
? telephone number --- the way to contact the host

BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件

BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件
2. The recent visit/ investigation/ survey showed that…
3. The table/chart above tells us that… 4. From the chart shown, we
find/learn/notice that…
BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件 2021/3/26
1. The following are the recommendations… 2. It is recommended that.. 3. Based on the conclusion/analysis above, we
recommend that 4. With reference to the advantages/facts stated
BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件 2021/3/26
7. As you (某人/某部门) requested on November 12, I am submitting the following report on …
8. Here is the report concerning… 9. We have done a survey showing that…
Use language that is simple, concrete, and familiar.
BEC商务报告写作 ppt课件 2021/3/26
1. Define the Problem 2. Analyze the Reader 3. Collect Information 4. Arrange and Interpret Information 5. Construct the Outline 6. Write the Draft 7. Revise the Draft



for hiring
build goodwill (job
duties match level, pay)
Chapter 1
An Overview of Business Writing
What is Business English?
1. It is a part of English for Specific Purposes(ESP)
2. is English used in business context. 3. is especially related to international trade
build goodwill
Description of qualifications and duties of Inform,
description each job. Used for performance appraisals persuade good
岗位责任说明 绩效考核, setting salaries 薪资设定, and candidates to apply;
attitudes and want them to act. ➢ To entertain: to build goodwill(建立友善关系/良好
的信誉); you create a good image of yourself and of your organization- the kind of image that makes people want to do business with you
What are the functions of business writing?


highly appreciated if… • 6. ship the goods in one lot • 7. on/about 15 May • 8. be in a position to do… • 9. offer sb the shipping space for the whole lot
• 2. ask for immediate examination of the shipment and quick notification of any possible damage.
• 3. call attention to the shipping documents enclosed.
• 8. fulfill the order
• 9. supply the goods in time
• 10. do one’s utmost to deliver the goods… • 二. How to write a letter to urge the delivery of
• 2. advise how you wish to book shipping space (shipping the goods in one lot or making partial shipments, date of shipment and quantity of shipment…)
• Shipment, one of the indispensable terms of sales contract, signifies the seller's fulfillment of the obligation to make delivery of the goods. In practice, shipment involves such procedures as clearing the goods through the customs, booking shipping space or chartering a ship, completing shipping documentation, dispatching shipping advice.


Mr David Cook at Dinner
on Monday,7 August,at 7.30 p.m at the International Club
R.S.V.P. TEL:1234567
David Cook accepts with pleasure Mr and Mrs Robert Brown‘s kind invitation for dinner on Monday 7 August,
Very truly yours:
Encl.Price List
2020/c1c0/.1o3ur Branch Offices
The Foxconn Company Shenzhen,China TEL: Fax: Cable:6789 E-MAIL:
Your ref:C9246
Foxconn Company, 105 M inzhi Road Shenzhen , China
用“ATTN” OR “ATT”表示,置于收信人名 稱地址之下
Foxconn Company, 105 M inzhi Road Shenzhen , China ATTN: Mr.Smith
Our ref:b0234
Date:April 24,2001
The Hill Company 108 Chestnut Street Newyork,U.S.A.
Subj:Sales of Washing Machine



Learn the proper format and
structure of business letters to
communicate with professionalism.
Reports and Proposals
Discover the key components and techniques for writing impressive business reports and proposals.
Writing Concise Emails
Learn techniques to convey your message effectively in a concise and clear manner.
Email Etiquette
Understand the importance of email etiquette and best practices for professional email communication.
Building Rapport
Discover techniques for establishing a connection with your audience through your writing.
Cultural Sensitivity
Understand the importance of cultural awareness and how it can impact your business communication.
Understanding the Target Audience
Identifying Your Audience
Learn how to analyze and understand your target audience to tailor your writing effectively.


Logical rigor Maintain logical rigor to ensure that each part of the content supports each other.
Writing Business Contracts
Clear terms
The contract terms should be clear and unambiguous to avoid ambiguity.
Grammar errors and correction methods
Try to simplify sentences and paragraphs as much as possible, avoiding lengthy and complex expressions.
Formal language
Use formal and professional language to avoid colloquialism and slang.
Logicality: Following a certain logical order, such as causal relationships, chronological order, etc., makes it easier for readers to understand the content of the article.
Legal compliance
Ensure that the contract content complies with relevant laws and regulations.
Protect the rights a…
The contract should fairly protect the rights and interests of both parties and avoid unilateral benefits.

商务英语写作 全套课件共278页PPT

商务英语写作  全套课件共278页PPT
Write simply, clearly, courteously, grammatically and to the point.
Paragraph correctly with one topic in each paragraph. Make sure that your typing is accurate and the display artistic, aiming at an attractive and pleasing appearance for your
Body of the letter is the main part of a letter. It expresses the writer’s desires, opinions, purposes, etc. So it should be carefully planned and paragraphed, with the opening sentence referring to previous correspondence, the actual message of the letter and the closing sentence referring to your intentions, hopes or expectations concerned with your future actions or plans. When writing, the writer should pay attention to the following:
Structure of BusinessFra bibliotekLetters
8) Complimentary Close

《商务英语写作》课件Lecture 1 Introduction

《商务英语写作》课件Lecture 1 Introduction
2. The purpose of this book:
This book will give you an introduction into the most common types of business writing you are likely to meet.
II. The outline of this book
2. Differences (1) Academic writing at college involves essays or assignments for
a teacher who then corrects the work and awards a grade. (2) Business writing is intended to make business transactions or
❖ Writing involve a number of stages :
❖ (1) Clarifying your aim ❖ (2) Identifying your readers ❖ (3) Generating ideas ❖ (4) Organizing the ideas ❖ (5) Sketching a synopsis ❖ (6) Drafting your text ❖ (7) Revising and editing ❖ (8) Proofreading
❖ Part One Introduction
❖ Chapter 1: Introduction of business writing
❖ Part Two Business Correspondence
❖ Chapter 2: The layout of business correspondences



The ability to write effectively is a valuable
business asset.
Three reasons: 1) business is transacted in writing; 2) writing effectively helps increase company sales and profit; 3) proficiency in writing gives a personal advantage
Course Outline
Text Book
胡英坤 车丽娟 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 2013.8
1 An Overview of Business W商务ri写tin作g概述 2 Structure and Style of Bus商in务e信s函s 的Le结t构te与rs格式 3 Sales-related Inquiries and询R盘e与p回li复es 4 Orders and Confirmation L订e单tt与er确s认函 5 Letters about Shipment 装运函
The writer should have an acquaintance with the particular interest and, if possible, the emotions of the reader.


• Dear Mr. X • Dear Ms. X • Dear Mrs. X • Dear Miss. X
• Dear Sir • Dear Madam • Dear Sir or Madam
• Dear Customer • Dear Clients • Dear Users
• Prof. John Baker • President John Baker • Doctor John Baker
• Please confirm if you would like to go ahead with the project.
• Please confirm our reservation.
• Please give me a call to confirm that the order has arrived.
• We have been asked to check the invoices again. There are some problems with this month’s closing.
invoice 发票 closing 会计决算
• This is just a quick note to let you know that my phone extension has been changed to 522.
• Just a quick note to remind you to set your automatic email before you go away.
Confirming 确认
• I am writing to confirm your appointment to the position of Marketing Manager. Congratulations.


order required. Background checks. • Crucial importance of long-term relationship
Invoice payment terms
Net monthly account Payment due on last day of the
• sample; • description; • trademark or brand • specification, grade or standard
2) Key points in negotiation
• sample prior to purchase order • use pre-shipment inspection; set it up as a payment
4、在装卸转船过程中,被保险货物一件或数 件落海所造成的全部损失或部分损失。
5、运输工具遭自然灾害或意外事故,在避难 港卸货所引起被保险货物的全部损失或部分损失。
• Shipping marks usu. designed by seller; explicit provision if not
1) Following issues
• amount and payer; • timing; • steps necessary before payment • methods of payment. Draft, check, promissory note
平安险(Free from Particular Average, 简称F.P.A.)=Institute C Clause
这一名称在我国保险行业中沿用甚久,其英文原 意是指单独海损不负责赔偿。根据国际保险界对 单独海损的解释,它是指保险标的物在海上运输 途中遭受保险范围内的风险直接造成的船舶或货 物的灭失或损害。因此,平安险的原来保障范围 只赔全部损失。但在长期实践的过程中对平安险 的责任范围进行了补充和修订,当前平安险的责 任范围已经超出只赔全损的限制。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
7. After inspection, we found that
*your shipment of our order No.123 was short in weight.
*there is a shortage of 535 kilos, though the packing remains intact.
ex S.S. “Kunlun”:意为“由‘昆仑’号轮船装运”。ex表示由······船装运,per 指由······船装运出口。S.S. 为steamship的缩写。
14.claim:to lodge / file / enter / make / raise a claim against / with sb. on a certain shipment for a certain reason for amount of money 对某批发货由于某种理由向某人提出索赔金额
Yours sincerely,
eful sentences:
*We regret to inform you that the goods are not in accordance with your samples
*The quality is not equal to the sample.
9. In view of this, we have no other choice but to return the faulty sets to you and must ask you to replace them.鉴于这种情况,我们只好将有缺陷的几套退回,请务必予以调换。
*16 boxes were split open.
*you have sent us a substitute article instead of what we ordered.
4. We much regret that we have to complain about the way in which the consignment just received has been packed.来货刚刚收到,但我们对这批货的包装不得不提出投诉,深感遗憾。
15.Practice:假设你公司从 Brother Industries, Ltd.公司购买了2,000台XL-2600 型缝纫机。货到后发现其中78台严重损坏,检验报告表明该破损是由包装不当所致。现写信给卖方要求对方换货,并补偿人民币4,500元。
*35 pieces were missing the rest unfit for use.
6. We very much regret to point out that a shortage in weight of 430 lbs. was noticed when the food arrived.我们遗憾地指出,食物到达时发现短重430磅。
*Case No. 32 only contains 25 toy cars instead of 55 on the packing list.
8. We have to inform you that the DVD sets we ordered from you last month have not arrived here, nor have we heard anything from you concerning the shipment
*at a reduction of 12% on the invoice amount.
*if you can allow us a 5% compensation
oblige:to do a service or favor for 施恩惠于,帮助e.g. They obliged us by arriving early.他们很早就到,可算帮了我们一个大忙。
Buyers have lodged a claim on this shipment for RMB 10,500 yuan for short weight.
We have already raised a claim against the insurance company for $3,100 forຫໍສະໝຸດ damage in transit.
*do not agree with the original patterns.
*have not turned out to our satisfaction.
3. Upon examination, we found that
*several bales were seriously damaged owing to negligent packing.
Dear Sirs:
We duly received 200 bags of Granulated Sugar you sent us, but regret to find on examination that 5 of them were in a very damaged condition, being apparently injured by seawater. We shall therefore be glad if you will look into the matter, and let us know what you propose to do.
*The inconvenience thus caused is very great, and I hold the owners responsible for any loss which may accrue through this delay.
Patterns and Substitutions
1.The quality of the goods shipped against our order No. 9823 has been found not in conformity with the agreed specification.我们发现,根据我方第9823号订单运来的货物质量与议定规格不符。
10. Under these circumstances, we
*have to return the goods to you at your expenses.
*request you to dispatch a duplicate shipment within one month.
*are sending you a list of the inferior goods for your replacement.
*Owing to negligent packing, several of them were damaged to such an extent that we were compelled to dispose of them at greatly reduced prices.
*We are sorry to say that we are dissatisfied with the state of the goods.
5. We have examined the goods duly received and found
*the packing was soaked.
*half the goods broken (torn, beyond repair, unusable, unsaleable)
*Case No. 3 & No. 6 are broken and their contents badly damaged.
*We shall be glad to have your explanation of this discrepancy(xia ci) in the quality, and also to know what you purpose to do in the matter
*We find every case weights short (shows a shortage in weight).
12.Our customers say that they would oblige us by retaining these goods
*if you will reduce the price, say, by 15%.
13. We are compelled, therefore, to
*lodge claims on the shipment ex S.S. “Kunlun” as follows:
*make a claim against you for USD 70,000.
*request you to make up for the loss of USD 234,152 we sustained.
2.2. On comparing the goods received, we were surprised to find that they
*are not the same as your sample.
*are not up to the sample we received from you.
*shall hold the goods at your disposal pending your reply.