
A univentricular assistant artificial heart was applied to the experiment goat, which survived for 11 days and 23 hours. During the period of survival, the parameters such as E.C.G., central venous blood pressure, respiration and temperature appeared to be essentially normal. The necessary amount of blood flow was well regulated by the pump. The driving system worked continuously, smoothly and reliably for 11 days. Postmortem patho-anatomy revealed that the chief cause of the animals death was acute renal failure as a result of widespread multiple embolism of renal arteries.2. 中国已经成功地发射了第一颗试验通信卫星。
The successful launching of Chinas first experimental communication satellite, which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets andelectronics.3.石墨晶体结构遭到破坏时,总是碎化为微小尺寸的片状粉末。

科技英语翻译个人练习作业及答案个人练习1. This partner, it seems, has a mass 10 or 20 times greater thanthe sun---yet we can’t see it.2. Using the method, one machine part had its working lifeincreased by 14 times.3. The energy available in a wind stream is proportional to thecube of its speed, which means that doubling the wind speed increases the available energy by a factor of eight.4. The natural disaster has caused the output of the crops todecrease three times.5. According to the report, the new type of cells would reducethe cost of producing solar power by a factor of 10.6. The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5times through technical innovation.7. Scientists said the expansion next year will permit the systemto deal with 1000 million pieces of information each second, four times more than now.1。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题答案解析1. The development of new technologies has greatly improved our lives.学生翻译:新技术的发展已经很大地提高了我们的生活。
这个句子的结构是主谓宾,主语是“The development of new technologies”,谓语是“has greatly improved”,宾语是“our lives”。
2. Advanced scientific research requires a lot of time and effort.学生翻译:先进的科学研究需要许多时间和努力。
解析:“a lot of”可以翻译为“大量的”,“effort”翻译为“精力”更符合科技论文的语境。
句子结构为主谓宾,主语是“Advanced scientific research”,谓语是“requires”,宾语是“a lot of time and effort”。
3. The application of artificial intelligence is becoming more and more widespread.学生翻译:人工智能的应用正在变得越来越广泛。
解析:这个句子比较简单,主要考查学生对“application”“artificial intelligence”“widespread”等词汇的掌握。
句子结构是主谓,主语是“The application of artificial intelligence”,谓语是“is becoming more and more widespread”。

第五次作业(科技英语翻译)Homework 5班级1301203 姓名郑雁学号130120329Directions: Translate the following expressions and sentences into Chinese with the techniques presented in the brackets. Be careful with the underlined words.1. a new system of teaching English一种新的英语教学体系。
2. Scientists should look on every new invention with a critical eye.科学家们应该以批判的眼光审视每一项新发明。
3. Old energy sources will continue to play a major role in industrial activity.传统能源将继续在工业生产发展中起主要的作用。
4. sound wave声波sound the seabed用声波探测海底5. The first electronic computers went into operation in 1946. (增译)第一个电子计算机ENIAC于1946年投入使用。
6. N ot having been discovered, many laws of nature does exit. (增译,使逻辑关系更清楚)很多自然规律的确存在,只是目前还没有发现。
7. There are many kinds of bacteria which vary in shapes and sizes. (省译介词)这个时间上有大小和形状不同的很多种类的细菌。
8. In his special theory of Relativity, presented in 1905 and evolved in his spare time whilehe worked as an examiner at the Swiss patent office, Einstein proposed a newfundamental view of the universe, based on a n extension of the quantum theory. (拆译长句)。

1.Column A gives square roots. Extracting a square root is an operation, which can be handled by slide rule.A栏给出了平方根。
2.A material object cannot have a speed greater than the speed of light.一个物体的速度绝不会超过光速。
3.Distillation involves heating the solution until water evaporates, and then condensing the vapor.蒸馏就是要把溶液加热,直到水蒸发,然后再使蒸汽冷凝。
4.To return to the main menu at any time, press the MENU button on the remote control.5.If we close our eyes, we cannot see anything because our eyelids prevent the rays from entering our eyes.6.We shall mention here two temperature scales, namely, the Fahrenheit scale and the Centigrade scale.这里我们将提及两种温标:华氏温标和摄氏温标。
7.The power plant is the heart of a ship.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
8.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.驱动这些机器的动力装置是一台50马力的感应电动机。
9.Traditionally, rural highway location has been field oriented, but the modern method is “office”oriented.10.A) Electrode potential depends on the concentration of the ions.电极电位决定于离子浓度。

Lie-detector camera looks into your eyesA new heat-detecting camera can catch a liar in the act - at least 75% of the time, according to a small scientific study out today.If additional tests confirm its ability, the lie-detector camera might one day be used by airport security to apprehend terrorists before they get on an airplane, says researcher James Levine of the Mayo Clinic.But one critic questions whether the camera would ever be reliable enough to be used on a large scale, or whether it could spot someone who plans to commit a crime.Levine's group reported their early findings in today's Nature. Levine and his colleagues enlisted 20 U.S. Army recruits to help test the camera, which records the heat patterns that are created when blood rushes to the human face. The researchers told eight of the recruits in the study to commit a mock crime. They were told to stab a mannequin, rob it of $20, then lie about the "crime." The remaining 12 people in the study knew nothing about the fake crime.The researchers took all 20 people into an interrogation room. They asked them whether they had stolen $20 and then recorded their answers with a standard polygraph test and the new camera.The camera caught six out of eight liars as they were lying - the same lie-detecting ability as the polygraph test. The camera also correctly identified 11 of the 12 people who were telling the truth - a slightly better rate than the polygraph.The study is so small that it can't be used as proof of the camera's ability to catch a thief or a liar, Levine says. Still, he is hopeful that the camera is recording a subtle flushing of the face that may automatically occur when someone lies.That flushing may not be caught by the naked eye, but the camera shows a bright red-orange-yellow zone that represents blood rushing to the eyes. "When someone lies, you get an instantaneous warming around the eyes," he says. Levine speculates that people who lie are afraid of getting caught. That fear triggers a primitive response to run away. Blood goes to the eyes so that the liar can more efficiently map out an escape route, he says.Levine says it may take years before the camera would be ready for a test at a large U.S. airport.Alan Zelicoff, a senior scientist at the Center for National Security and Arms Control at the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, says that even if the camera works as well as it did in this study, it would mistakenly label lots of people as liars. At a busy U.S. airport, thosemistakes could mean a thousand passengers a day who would get pulled aside by security - a move that would probably mean lots of missed flights and irate passengers, he ATODAY。

Directions: Please translate the following passage into Chinese with EST translation techniques.Computers and PeopleIn future, cash will be used less and less. We may one day, live in a cashless society where all financial transactions are processed by computers without the use of cash. Transference of money will be through electronic fund transfer.The way we live will also be affected. We shall work shorter hours and have more time for leisure. There will even be no need to travel to work.Unemployment may also result. Many workers will be replaced by machines. People will need to be computer-literate and re-training is required for the people involved.There will be more computer crimes like theft of confidential information stored in computers, unauthorized manipulation of computer information, etc. Large sums of money are involved. The criminals are rarely convicted because it is difficult to catch them.There is also the danger of more people knowing things we would like to keep private. The more information is stored in computer, the greater the possibility of it being misused or accessed by the wrong people. (169 words)。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题(答案解析)1.The development of artificial intelligence has brought about significant changes in various fields.A.人工智能的发展在各个领域带来了重大变化。
答案解析:A 选项翻译准确,符合中文表达习惯。
B 选项“人工的智能”表述不自然。
C 选项“进步”不如“发展”准确,“造成”没有“带来”贴切。
涉及语法知识为现在完成时态has brought about。
2.Biotechnology has made remarkable progress in recent years.A.生物技术在近几年取得了显著的进步。
答案解析:三个选项意思相近,A 选项最为简洁自然。
B 选项“非凡的”稍显夸张。
C 选项“惊人的”也不太符合一般的翻译习惯。
涉及语法知识为现在完成时态has made。
3.Space exploration is a challenging but rewarding field.A.太空探索是一个具有挑战性但有回报的领域。
答案解析:A 选项表述清晰。
B 选项“宇宙探索”不如“太空探索”或“航天探索”常用。
C 选项“有价值”与“有回报”意思相近,但“有回报”更能体现原文的意思。
涉及语法知识为but 连接的并列结构。
rmation technology has revolutionized the way we live and work.A.信息技术已经彻底改变了我们生活和工作的方式。

笔译试题及答案一、单句翻译(每题2分,共10分)1. 随着全球化的推进,跨国公司的数量不断增加。
2. 他总是第一个到达办公室,最后一个离开。
3. 我们的目标是提高产品质量并降低成本。
4. 她对历史有着浓厚的兴趣。
5. 由于天气恶劣,航班被迫取消。
答案:1. With the advancement of globalization, the number of multinational corporations continues to grow.2. He always arrives at the office first and leaves last.3. Our goal is to enhance product quality and reduce costs.4. She has a strong interest in history.5. Due to the adverse weather conditions, the flight wasforced to be canceled.二、段落翻译(每题5分,共20分)1. 随着科技的发展,人们的生活变得越来越便利。
2. 环境保护是当今世界面临的重大挑战之一。
3. 教育对于个人和社会的发展至关重要。
4. 健康的生活方式对于预防疾病和提高生活质量至关重要。
答案:1. With the development of technology, people's lives are becoming more and more convenient. The widespread application of technologies such as smartphones, the internet, andartificial intelligence has greatly changed our way of life. 2. Environmental protection is one of the major challenges facing the world today. We must take effective measures to reduce pollution and protect our common home.3. Education is crucial for the development of individualsand society. A good education can improve people's qualityand promote the progress of society.4. A healthy lifestyle is essential for preventing diseases and improving the quality of life. A balanced diet, moderate exercise, and adequate sleep are the three major elements of maintaining health.三、篇章翻译(每题10分,共20分)1. 在过去的几十年里,中国经历了快速的经济发展。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题含答案解析1.The term “artificial intelligence” is often translated as _.A.人造智能B.人工智慧C.人工智能D.人为智能答案解析:C。
“artificial intelligence”常见的翻译是“人工智能”。
A 选项“人造智能”不太符合常见的表达习惯;B 选项“人工智慧”虽然意思接近但不是最准确的;D 选项“人为智能”不太恰当,一般不用“人为”来修饰“智能”。
2.“Nanotechnology has many applications.” can be translated as _.A.纳米技术有许多用途。
A 选项“用途”不太准确;C 选项“用处”没有“应用”更符合科技语境;D 选项“使用”也不如“应用”准确。
3“The development of robotics is rapid.” is translated as _.A.机器人的发展是快速的。
A 选项“机器人的发展”不准确;C 选项“机器人学”不太符合这句话的整体语境;D 选项“机器人领域”也不如“机器人技术”准确。
4“Biotechnology brings great benefits.” is translated as _.A.生物科技带来巨大好处。
A 选项“生物科技”比较宽泛;C 选项“生物工程”不太符合这句话的表达;D 选项“生物工艺”也不准确。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题【含答案解析】1.The development of new technology has brought about significant changes in our lives.A.新技术的发展给我们的生活带来了重大变化。
“brought about”意为带来,A 选项翻译最准确。
2.Scientists are working on advanced research in the field of artificial intelligence.A.科学家们正在人工智能领域进行高级研究。
选项A“高级研究”表述不太准确;选项B“先进的研究”也没有“前沿研究”更能体现“advanced research”的意思。
“in the field of”是在……领域的意思。
3.The application of robotics in manufacturing has increased efficiency.A.机器人技术在制造业的应用提高了效率。
选项B“机器人学”不太符合“robotics”在此处的意思;选项C“应用于……中增加了效率”表述比较生硬,A 选项翻译更通顺且准确。
4.Technological innovation is crucial for economic growth.A.技术创新对经济增长至关重要。

科技英语翻译练习The Beginnings of AstronomyEarly men were also greatly interested in the stars they see twinkling in the sky at night. What they did not realize was that the stars were also present during the daytime, but their light was not visible because of the brilliance of the sun. How did they discover this?There is one event which does enable us to see the stars in the daytime. It is the total eclipse of the sun, when the moon passes in front of the sun and hides it from view. When this happens, the sky becomes dark enough for the stars to be seen. Total eclipses of this kind do not occur very often and are not likely to be seen from the same area more than once every fifty four years. One can imagine what an awe-inspiring sight it must have been for an early man, who would remember the event for the rest of his life.So man watched the movements of the sun, the moon and the stars and wondered about them. It was practising the oldest branch of science—astronomy.早期天文学古人也对夜晚所见天空中闪烁的群星怀有浓厚的兴趣。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题20题含答案解析1.The development of artificial intelligence has brought many changes.中文翻译:人工智能的发展带来了许多变化。
答案解析:本句较为简单,“development”是“发展”的意思,“artificial intelligence”是“人工智能”,“brought”是“带来”的意思。
2.Scientists are researching new energy sources.中文翻译:科学家们正在研究新能源。
答案解析:“scientists”是“科学家”,“research”在这里是动词“研究”,“new energy sources”是“新能源”。
3.The application of 5G technology is widespread.中文翻译:5G 技术的应用很广泛。
答案解析:“application”是“应用”,“5G technology”是“5G 技术”,“widespread”是“广泛的”。
句子主要描述了5G 技术的应用状态。
4.Robots are becoming more and more intelligent.中文翻译:机器人正变得越来越智能。
答案解析:“robots”是“机器人”,“become”是“变得”,“more and more intelligent”是“越来越智能”。
5.The innovation of medical technology saves many lives.中文翻译:医疗技术的创新拯救了许多生命。
答案解析:“innovation”是“创新”,“medical technology”是“医疗技术”,“saves”是“拯救”。

科技翻译作业P57 3.如果知道体积和质量,就可以算出密度。
P58 1.这可能需要大量的样本分析。
P59 1.物资的密度等于它的质量除以单位体积。
P60 2.晶体管因其轻小,所以比真空管更具优势。
P61 1.依据其导电能力,所有的物资都可以分为三类:导体,半导体,绝缘体。
P62 1.加热半导体可以增加它们的导电率。
P64 1.对几何图形样品的测试不同于使用张力的几何图形。
P65 这些病例中外科患者的比率可由下面的方法确定。
P66 1.按照固体和液体受热膨胀的原理,水也是一样的,除了在其冰点附近外。
P69 1.所有的这些元件都可以用于半导体的制造。
P70 2.拆卸了附属的螺钉和螺母,飞机控制系统的任何部分都可轻易拆卸。
P71 2.速度是一种矢量,既有大小,又有方向。
P73 3.不管分得多细致,每个元素都保持着它的特性。
P75 5.到达这一目的,最成功的的方法之一是依靠流化技术。
P76 3.冷却剂除了排除多余的热之外,没有别的作用。
P77 1.还有一个有效增加系统容量的方法。
P78 4.微粒落到地上大约需要一天。
P79 1.每次移动或旋转都应用得到固定数量的电磁波。
P80 1.这是一个拥有120亿美元的产业,它的上千家工厂遍布世界各地。
P81 3.已指出,虽然镭分离出的铅具有普通铅的一切特征,但其原子量于普通铅不同。
P82 2.刚开始移动式变压器还是不出名的。

Ex. 61.Only through the study of/Only by studying the performance of the system, canone/we appreciate/understand its advantages.只有通过研究该系统性能,我们才能了解其优点。
2.If the self-bias circuit is of poor design/is not designed well/properly, choppingoscillations will take place in the LC oscillator.如果自偏压电路设计不当,LC振荡器就会出现间歇振荡。
3.This paper presents a CAD method for increasing the printing speed andimproving the printing quality.本文提出了一种可用于提高打印速度和改善打印质量的计算机辅助设计(CAD)法。
4.Currently the University has 12853 students of various types, of whom there are7658 undergraduates and about 900 graduate students. In more than 60 years since its founding, it has produced over 60000 graduates of various types who work in the fields of national defense, electronics, posts and telecommunications, aerospace and aviation in China, achieving splendid results in the nation’s economic construction.学校现有各类在校生12853人,其中本科生7658人,研究所约900人。

Our sales quickly, but a minor product, is a digital thermometer, which is characterized not mercury, thus removing the glass broken, the danger of mercury poisoning.珠江三角洲在中国的南部,气候良好,交通系统效率高,一向工农业都在快速发展。
Pearl River Delta in the south of China, good weather, transportation systems, high efficiency, has been in rapid development of industrial and agricultural.It is said that about a hundred years ago we evolved as human beings, then ninety years spent learning to use tools and spent nine years learning to use fire, and spent nine years learning to farm and spent nine years learning manufacturing machines. To this century, this century, we fly, we will use the ultimate energy - nuclear energy, we will board the moon, said that we will have a long life operation. We are very capable big. Please bless us.小议哲学的用途现在我们来看看在伦理学方面哲学可以提供什么样的理智性优点。

科技英语后置定语翻译(练习)翻译下列句子,注意使译文符合中文表达习惯The speed of wave is the distance that advances per unit time.The light wave that has bounced off the reflecting surface is called the reflected ray.Stainless steel, which is very popular for its resistance to rusting, contains large percentage of chromium.“Parallel” is used here to refer to two straight lines, the distance between which remains the same.The factory has produced two kinds of chemicals, the quality of which is good.Any point, the values of whose x-distance and whose y-distance satisfy the equation, is on the graph of the equation.The purpose for which electricity is used is numerous.The nucleus contains a total positive charge that is equal to the number of protons present.A semiconductor is a material that is neither a good conductor nor a good insulator.There are some metals which possess the power to conduct electricity and the ability to be magnetized.Fortunately, there are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless.Let AB in the figure above represent an inclined plane the surface of which is smooth and unbending.The problem has been how to harness the tremendous power which the earth receives from the sun.The growth of the computer industry created the need for trained personnel who do nothing but prepare the programs which direct the computer.The motion of a rocket does not depend on the presence of air, which was proved in 1916.The lightest element is hydrogen, the atom of which consists of a nucleus of only one proton, round which revolves only one electron.Rocket perform best in space, where there is no atmosphere to impede their motion.Copper, which is used so widely for carrying electricity, offers very little resistance.Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man.The melting point of steel the carbon content of which is lower is higher.We have to oil the moving parts of the machine, the friction of which may be greatly reduced. Electricity which is passed through the thin tungsten wire inside the bulb makes the wire very hot.。

高中英语科技论文翻译练习题40题含答案解析1.The new technology has greatly improved efficiency.这句话的中文意思是:A.新技术已经大大提高了效率。
重点词汇:new technology( 新技术)、greatly( 大大地)、improved( 提高,过去分词形式,这里表示已经完成的动作)、efficiency 效率)。
整句话是现在完成时态,结构为“have/has + 动词的过去分词”,表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。
2.The development of artificial intelligence is changing our lives.这句话的中文意思是:A.人工智能的发展正在改变我们的生活。
重点词汇:development( 发展)、artificial intelligence 人工智能)、changing( 改变,现在分词形式,表示正在进行的动作)、lives(生活,life 的复数形式)。
这句话是现在进行时态,“be + 动词的现在分词”。
3.Scientists are researching new energy sources.这句话的中文意思是:A.科学家们正在研究新能源。
重点词汇:scientists( 科学家们)、researching( 研究,现在分词形式)、new energy sources 新能源)。
4.The application of 5G technology brings many conveniences.这句话的中文意思是:A.5G 技术的应用带来了很多便利。
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After-class exercises:
I. Translate the following sentences into English, paying attention to the appropriate use of predicate in each sentence.
Professor Li is a substitute for the teacher who is ill in hospital.
His attitude towards the matter is one of indifference.
Social customs are usually different from country to country.
It was so cold that my fingers went numb.
The sick child has been absent for several day from class. His mother worried about his studies very much.
The professional tennis player was disqualified from entering the final game because he had taken some stimulant before the game.
The opinions of the attendants about issue were so far from unanimous that some of that some of them began to quarrel with each other. The atmosphere at the meeting became tense at the moment.
The machine has broken down, so one of the technicians must be fetched to repair it at once.
Recently, there has been a trend towards simpler fashions in modern men’s clothes.
Since it is so many metal particles there that it is impossible to land
a flying saucer without destroyed by some of the granulas.
II. Passage