




architectural and engineering(A/E)film建筑和工程设计公司2. additional provision附加条款3. activity-on—branch network双代号网络图B4。

bids and quotations投标和报价5. bill of quantities工程量清单6. bid estimate投标估价7。

budget estimates 预算估价C8. conceptual planning stage概念规划阶段(前期策划阶段)9. competitive bidding竞争性招/投标10. certified public accounting(CPA)注册会计师11。

construction mangers(CM)职业化的建设项目经理12. construction management contractor(CMC)建设项目管理承包商)13. construction planning施工计划14。

construction operations施工作业15. concrete mix混领土拌和物16。

concrete mixers混凝土搅拌机17. cost estimation成本估算18. control estimate控制估算19。

cost indices成本指数20. Consumer price index消费价格指数21。

Cash flow profile现金流分布形态22。

contract dispute合同纠纷23. computer aided design(CAD)计算机辅助设计24. computerized database计算机化的数据库25. critical path method关键线路法26. Court judgments法庭的判决27。

Construction yard施工场地D28. detailed estimates 详细估算29. dispute resolution mechanism争端解决机制30. design drawing设计图纸31. dummy activities虚工作32。



1、Construction industry 建筑业2、High-rise apartments 高层公寓3、Institution and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设4、Oligopoly 垄断,供过于求5、Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设6、Infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设7、Residential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设8、Take charge 负责9、Single-family house 独户住宅10、Professional consultant 专业征询人士11、General contractor 总承包商12、Mission-oriented 以目的(任务)为导向的13、Continuity 连续性14、Indispensable 不可或缺的15、Common-place 常见的16、Schedule 进度17、Maximization 最大化18、Communication 沟通19、Certification 认证20、Distinguish 区别,区分21、Predetermined 预定的22、Ingredient 组成部分,成分23、Linear programming 线性规划24、Trade off 均衡,权衡25、Delineation 叙述,说明26、Utilization 使用27、Integration 综合,整合28、Shop drawings 施工图,安装图29、Simultaneously 同时的30、Prebid site 投标前现场31、Nominated subcontractor 指定分包商32、Prequalified 预审合格33、An manual of professional practice 专业人员从业手册34、Risk-reward 风险和回报35、Structural design 结构设计36、Specialized subcontractor 专业分包商37、Work package 工作包38、Construction planning 施工计划39、Technical feasibility 技术可行性40、Construction operations 施工作业41、Structural or foundation details 结构或基础的具体情况42、Ingenuity and creativity 灵活性和发明性43、Construction constractors 施工承包商44、Monitoring and control 监督和控制45、Facility design 设施设计46、Estimate stage 估算阶段47、Evaluation stage 评估阶段48、equity partners 股权伙伴49. 、specifications and drawings 技术规范和图纸50.、Placing concrete on site 现场浇混凝土1、Job-site productivity 工地生产率2、Contractual agreements 协议3、Safety consciousness 安全意识4、Labor productivity 劳动生产率5、Foreign operations 国外施工6、Labor efficiency 劳动效率7、Infrastructure 基础设施8、Linear interpolation 线性内插9、Labor jurisdictions 劳动仲裁10、Non-productive activities 非生产性活动11、On-site 现场12、Labor characteristics 劳动力的特性13、Security sensitivity 安全敏感性14、Recognized strength 公认的实力15、Processing plant 加工厂16、Logistic problems 后勤问题17、Drilling platform 钻井平台18、Building construction 建筑施工19、Material procurement and delivery 材料采购和运送20、Bulk materials 大宗材料21、Overlapping and rehandling 搭接和再解决22、Semi-processed 半加工的,半成品的23、Concrete mix 混凝土拌和物24、Steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱25、. bills of quantity 工程量清单26、. minutes of the conference 会议纪要27、the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价28、reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用29、.Hierarchical structure 层级结构30、Critical path scheduling 关键线路进度控制程序31、.bonus and penalty clauses 奖励和处罚条款32、lump-sum agreement 总价协议33、.written authorization 书面授权34、unit-price agreement 单价协议35、Bids and quotations 投标和报价36、Off-the-shelf material 现货材料37、Earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖38 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告39、. conditions of contract 协议条件40、Construction supervision 施工监督41、Freight delivery 货品运送44、Slippage or contraction 延误或提前45、.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益46、.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值47、changes clause 变更条款49、prequalification 资格预审49、limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标50、Unit Cost of Estimetion 单位估价1、Cost estimation 成本估算2、Cost engineering 工程估价3、Profitability 赢利4、Production function 生产函数5、Statistical inference 记录推断6、Construction equipment 施工机具7、General office overhead 总部管理费8、The cost engineer or estimator 估算师9、Cost control 成本控制10、Empirical cost inference 经验成本推论法11、Allocation of joint costs 综合成本的分摊12、Bill of quantities 工程量清单2、Cooling system 冷却系统3、Heat exchanger 热互换器4、Slabs and beams 楼板和梁5、Furnaces 锅炉6、Plus ancillary items 辅助设备7、Formwork 模板8、Detailed Estimates 具体估算9、Preliminary Estimates 具体估算10、Subcontractor Quotations 分包报价11、Construction Procedures 施工方法12、Factored Estimate Formula 系数估算公式13、Reinforcing bars 钢筋14、Building foundation 建筑物基础1、Economic evaluation 经济评价2、Sensitivity 灵敏度3、Planning horizon 规划周期4、Project alternative 备择项目5、Opportunity cost 机会成本6、Financial investment 金融投资7、Minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率8、Social rate discount 社会折现率9、Investment consideration 投资分析10、Decision maker 决策者11、Cash flow profile 钞票流分布形态12、Net annual cash flow 年净钞票流13、Capital project 资本项目14、Socially desirable programs 社会公益项目15、The Office of Management and Budget 财政部门16、Government agency 政府部门17、linear programming线性规划18、network analysis 网络分析19、Under ordinary circumstances, 在通常情况下20、best price/performance characteristics最优性价比特性21、an acceptable quality levelallowable可接受的质量水平22、a allowable fraction of defective items.可接受的缺陷比例23、ill structured棘手的24、critical ingredients关键因素25、identified as被看作为26、the rate of return资本回收率 cash flow 净钞票流量28.financing options 融资方式29.project finance 项目融资30.negative cash balance 负钞票结余31.profit measure 利润指标值32.private corporations 私营股份制公司33.Public agencies 公告机构34 instructions to bidders 投标人须知35 . conditions of contract协议条件36.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值37.Capital recovory factor 资金回收因子38.Benefit cost ratio 收益费用比39.Profitability index 赚钱指数40. prequalification 资格预审41. bidding documents 招标文献42. domestic contractor 国内承包商43.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益44.Adjusted internal rate of capital 调整后的内部收益率45.Return on investment 投资收益46. international competitive bidd ing 竞争性国际招标47limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标48.national competitive bidd ing 国内竞争性招标49 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告50 substantially responsive 实质性响应1. changes 工程变更2. contract awards 协议授予3.changes clause 变更条款4.publicly financed priject 公共项目融资5.extra work 附加工作6.the prime contractor 主承包商7. pre-construction sercices 施工前服务8.reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用9. overhead and profit 管理费和利润10.Construction planning 施工计划11. chioce of technology 施工技术的选择12.The definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义13.Normative problem 规范性问题14.Cost control 成本控制15.Schedule control 进度控制16.Critical path scheduling procedure关键线路进度控制程序17.Job shop scheduling procedure 工作现场进度控制程序18.Datebases and information systes m 数据库和信息系统19.The duration of the activity 工作活动的连续时间20.Placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土21 Placing forms 支设模版22. Installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋23. Pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土24.Finishing the concrete 混凝土养护25. Removing forms 模版拆除26.Position forms on the cleanning station 在清理场合码放模版27. Hierarchical structure 层级结构28.fixed fee 固定费用29.overhead and profit 管理费和利润30.job shop scheduling procedure 现场进度控制程序31.change order 变更单32.cost –plus-fee agreement成本加费用协议33.quantity takeoff 工程量清单34. prequalification 资格预审35、decomposed into 分解为36.From the viewpoint of从某个角度看37.responsible for 对某事负责38.superior to 优于。



Abstract Resource 抽象资源Abstraction 抽象Acceleration 加速Acceptability Criteria 验收标准Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平Acceptance 验收Acceptance Criteria 验收标准Acceptance Letters 验收函Acceptance Number 接受数目Acceptance Review 验收评审Acceptance Test 验收测试Acquisition Methods 采购方式Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判Acquisition Plan 采购计划Acquisition Plan Review ("APR") 采购计划评审Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制Acquisition Process 采购过程Acquisition Strategy 采购策略Action 行动Action Item 行动项Action Item Flags 行动项标记Action Plan 行动计划Activation 激活Active Listening 积极倾听Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理Activity Calendar 活动日历Activity Code 活动代码Activity Definition 活动定义Activity Description 活动描述Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算Activity Elaboration 活动详述Activity File 活动档案Activity ID 活动识别码Activity List 活动清单Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络Activity on Arc ("AOA") 弧线表示活动双代号网络Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动双代号网络参见 Arrow Diagramming Method. Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络参见 Activity on Arc 和 Precedence Diagram Method.Activity Oriented 面向活动Activity Oriented Schedule 面向活动的进度计划Activity Properties 活动属性Activity Quantities 活动量值Activity Status 活动状态Activity Timing 活动定时Actor 执行者角色Actual 实际的Actual and Scheduled Progress 实际进展的与计划进度Actual Cost 实际成本Actual Cost Data Collection 实际成本汇总Actual Costs 实际费用Actual Dates 实际日期Actual Direct Costs 实际直接成本Actual Expenditures 实际的支出参见Actual Costs.Actual Finish 实际完成Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期Actual Start 实际开始Actual Start Date 实际开始日期ACWP 已完成工作实际成本See Actual Cost of Work Performed Adaptation 适应Added Value 附加价值Addendum 附录参见procurement addendum.Adequacy 适当Adjourning 解散Adjustment 调节ADM参见Arrow Diagram MethodADM Project ADM 项目Administration 管理部门Administrative 行政的参见Administrative Management Administrative Change 行政变更Administrative Management 行政管理ADP参见Automated Data ProcessingADR参见Alternative Dispute Resolution Advanced Material Release ("AMR") 材料提前发布AF参见 Actual Finish DateAFE参见Application for Expenditure参见Authority for ExpenditureAffect 影响Affected Parties 受影响方Agency 代理Agenda 议程Aggregation 汇总Agreement 协议Agreement, legal 协议合同ALAP参见As-Late-As-PossibleAlgorithm 算法Alignment 排列成行Alliance 联合Allocated Baseline 分配的基线Allocated Requirements 分配需求Allocation 分配Allowable Cost 允许成本Allowance 预留Alternate Resource 替代资源Alternative Analysis 替代分析Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") 替代争议解决方案Alternatives 可选方案Ambiguity 含糊不清Amendment 修订Amount at Stake 损失量AMR 材料提前公布Analysis 分析Analysis and Design 分析与设计Analysis Time 分析期Analyst 分析员AND Relationship 与关系Anecdotal 轶事Anticipated Award Cost 预期中标价AOA参见Activity on Arrow参见Activity on ArcAON参见Activity on NodeAOQ参见Average Outgoing QualityAOQL参见Average Outgoing Quality Limit APMA参见Area of Project Management ApplicationApparent Low Bidder 最低投标人Application 应用Application Area 应用领域Application for Expenditure ("AFE") 支出申请Application for Expenditure Justification 支出申请的论证Application Programs 应用程序Applied Direct Costs 实际直接成本Apportioned Effort 分摊努力Apportioned Task 分摊任务Appraisal 评估Approach 方法Appropriation 拨款Approval 批准Approval to Proceed 批准继续Approve 同意Approved Bidders List 批准的投标人清单Approved Changes 批准的变更Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求APR参见Acquisition Plan ReviewAQL参见Acceptable Quality Level Arbitrary 随意的Arbitration 仲裁Arc 弧线Architectural Baseline 构架基线Architectural View 构架视图Architecture 构架Architecture, executable 构架可执行参见Executable Architecture.Archive 档案文件Archive Plan 存档计划Area of Project Application参见Area of Project Management ApplicationArea of Project Management Application ("APMA") 项目管理的应用领域Arrow 箭线Arrow Diagram参见Activity Arrow NetArrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法双代号网络图Artifact 制品Artificial 人工的AS参见Actual Start DateASAP参见As-Soon-As-PossibleAs-built Design 实际建造设计As-built Documentation 实际建造文档As-Built Records参见As-Built DocumentationAs-Built Schedule 实际建造进度计划As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP") 尽可能晚As-Needed 恰如所需As-of Date见Data Date.As-Performed Schedule 实际进度计划Assembly 组装件Assembly Sequence 组装顺序Assessment 评估Assets 资产Assignment 分配委派任务Associated Revenue 关联收益Association 关联关系As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP") 尽快Assumption 假设Assumptions 假设Assumptions List 假设清单Assurance 保证Assurance Program见Quality Assurance Program.ATP见Acceptance Test ProcedureAttitude 态度Attribute 属性Attrition 损耗Audit 审核审计Authoritarian 独裁的Authoritative 权威的Authority 权威权力Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") 开支权Authorization 授权见ApprovalAuthorize 批准Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作Authorized Work 批准的工作Authorized Works 批准的工作Automated Data Processing ("ADP") 自动化数据处理Automatic Decision Event 自动决策事件Automatic Generation 自动生成Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备AUW见Authorized Unpriced WorkAuxiliary Ground Equipment 辅助场地设备Availability 可用性Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ") 平均出厂质量Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL") 平均出厂质量限度Average Sample Size Curve 平均样本规模曲线Avoidance 避免Award 授予Award Fee 奖金Award Letter 中标函BAC 完工预算参见Budget at Completion参见Baseline at CompletionBack Charge 逆向计费参见BackchargeBackcharge 逆向收费Backward Pass 倒推法/反向计算Bad Debts 坏帐Balance 余额权衡Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵Balanced Scorecard 平衡记分卡参见 Scoring a Project's Contribution Balanced Scorecard Approach ("BSA") 平衡记分卡方法Bank 储备Banking 储备Bar Chart 横道图Bargaining 讨价还价交涉Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力交涉权力Barriers 障碍Base 基础基数Baseline 基线基准Baseline at Completion ("BAC") 完成/完工基线Baseline Concept 基线概念Baseline Control 基线控制参见Configuration ControlBaseline Cost 基线成本Baseline Dates 基线日期Baseline Finish Date 基线完成日期参见Scheduled Finish DateBaseline Management 基线管理Baseline Plan 基线计划基准计划Baseline Review 基线评审Baseline Schedule 基线进度计划Baseline Start Date 基线开始日期参见Scheduled Start Date.Baseline, budget 基线预算Baseline, business 基线商业Baseline, cost estimate 基线费用估算Baseline, technical 基线技术Basis of Estimate 估算根据Batch 批量参见LotBatch Operation 批运行/批处理BATNA参见 Best Alternative to Negotiated AgreementBCM参见 Business Change ManagerBCWP参见 Budgeted Cost of Work Performed BCWS参见 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled BEC参见 Elapsed CostBehavior 行为/反应Behavior Analysis 行为分析参见Functional AnalysisBenchmark 基准Benchmarking 标竿管理Beneficial Occupancy/Use 有益的占用/使用Benefits 效益Benefits Framework 效益框架Benefits Management 效益管理Benefits Management Plan 效益管理计划Benefits Management Regime 效益管理制度Benefits Profiles 效益简述Benefits Realization Phase 效益实现阶段Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement ("BATNA") 协议外最佳方案BATNABest and Final Contract Offer 最佳及最终合同报价Best and Final Offer 最佳及最终报价Best Efforts Contract 最大努力合同Best Practices 最佳实践Best Value 最佳值Beta Distribution 贝塔发布Beta Test 贝塔测试Beta testing 贝塔测试Bid 投标Bid Analysis 投标分析Bid Bond 投标保证金Bid Cost Considerations 投标成本补偿费Bid Document Preparation 招标文件准备Bid Documents 招标文件Bid Evaluation 评标Bid List 投标人清单Bid Package 标段标块Bid Protests 投标抗议/拒付Bid Qualifications 投标资质Bid Response 投标响应Bid Technical Consideration 投标技术因素Bid Time Consideration 投标中的时间因素Bid/No Bid Decision 投标/不投标决策Bidder 投标人Bidders Conference 投标人会议Bidders List 投标人名单Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择Bidding 投标Bidding Strategy 投标策略Bill 帐单Bill of Materials 材料清单Bills of Materials 材料清单Blanket Purchase Agreement ("BPA") 一揽子采购协议BPABlueprint 蓝图/计划设计图Board 委员会Boiler Plate 样板文件Bona Fide 真诚真实Bond 担保Bonus 奖金Bonus Schemes 奖励计划Booking Rates 预提费率BOOT参见Build, Own, Operate, Transfer Bottom Up Cost Estimate 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算Boundary 边界BPA参见 Blanket Purchase Agreement BPR参见Business Process Reengineering Brainstorming 头脑风暴法Branching Logic 分支逻辑关系Breach of Contract 违约Breadboarding 实验模型Break Even 盈亏平衡Breakdown 分解Breakdown Structure 分解结构Break-Even Chart 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Charts 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Point 盈亏平衡点Bribe 贿赂BSA参见Balanced Scorecard ApproachBuck Passing 完全通过/推卸责任Budget 预算Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算BACBudget Cost 预算成本Budget Costs 预算成本预算费用Budget Decrement 预算消耗Budget Element 预算要素Budget Estimate 预算估算参见EstimateBudget Presentation 预算介绍Budget Revision 预算修订Budget Unit 预算单位Budgetary Control 预算性控制Budgeted 已安排预算的Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ("BCWP") 已完工作预算成本BCWPBudgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ("BCWS") 计划工作的预算成本Budgeting 制定预算Budgeting & Cost Management 预算制定与成本管理Build 建设构造Build, Own, Operate, Transfer ("BOOT") 建造拥有经营转让Buildability 建造能力Building 建筑物Building Professionalism 建设专业化Build-to Documentation 建成文档Built-in Test Equipment 内置测试设备Bulk Material 大宗材料Burden 间接费用负担参见Indirect Cost.Burden of Proof 举证费Bureaucracy 官僚制度Burn Rate 消耗速度Burst Node 分支点Business Actor 业务参与者/角色Business Appraisal 商业评估Business Area 业务领域Business Assurance 商业保证Business Assurance Coordinator 商业保证协调人Business Case 商业案例Business Change Manager ("BCM") 商业变更经理BCMBusiness Creation 商业创新Business Engineering 商业工程Business Imperative 商业需要Business Improvement 业务改进Business Manager 商务经理商业经理Business Modeling 业务建模Business Needs 商业需求Business Objectives 商业目标Business Operations 业务运作Business Process 业务流程Business Process Engineering 业务流程工程参见 business engineeringBusiness Process Reengineering ("BPR") 业务流程重组Business Processes 业务流程Business Risk 商业风险Business Rule 商业规则Business Transition Plan 业务转换计划参见 Transition PlanBusiness Unit 业务单位Buyer 买方Buyer's Market 买方市场Buy-In 支持认同买进Bypassing 回避C/SCSC参见 Cost/Schedule Control System CriteriaC/SSR参见 Cost/Schedule Status ReportCA参见 Control AccountCAD参见 Computer Aided Drafting参见 Computer Aided DesignCalculate Schedule 估算进度安排Calculation 计算Calendar 日历参见 Project Calendar.Calendar File 日历文件Calendar Range 日历范围Calendar Start Date 日历开始日期Calendar Unit 日历单位Calendar, Software 日历软件Calendars 日历集Calibration 校准CAM参见 Cost Account Manager参见 Computer Aided Manufacturing参见 Control Account ManagerCAP参见 Cost Account Plan参见 Control Account PlanCapability 能力Capability Survey 能力调查Capital 资本Capital Appropriation 资本划拨Capital Asset 资本资产Capital Cost 资本成本Capital Employed 占用的资本Capital Expansion Projects 资本扩展项目Capital Goods Project 资本货物项目Capital Property 资本财产CAR参见 Capital Appropriation Request Cards-on-the-wall Planning 墙卡规划法Career 职业Career Path Planning 职业路线规划Career Planning 职业规划参见 Career Path Planning.Carryover Type 1 结转类型1Carryover Type 2 结转类型2Cascade Chart 层叠图CASE (1)参见 Computer Aided Software EngineeringCASE (2)参见 Computer Aided System Engineering Cash 现金Cash Flow 现金流Cash Flow Analysis 现金流分析Cash Flow Management 现金流管理Cash Flow, Net 现金流净值Cash In 现金流入Cash Out 现金支出Catalyst 催化者Catch-up Alternatives 赶上计划的备选方案Causation 起因Cause 动因CBD参见 Component-Based DevelopmentCBS参见 Cost Breakdown StructureCCB参见 Change Control BoardCCDR参见 Contractor Cost Data ReportCDR参见 Critical Design ReviewCentral Processing Unit ("CPU") 中央处理单元Centralized 集中的Certain 确定的参见 Certainty.Certainty 确定性Certificate of Conformance 一致性认证Certification 认证Chain 链Challenge 挑战Champion 推动者支持者Change 变更变化变革Change Control 变更控制Change Control Board ("CCB") 变更管理委员会Change Documentation 变更文档Change in Scope 工作范围变化参见 Scope Change.Change Log 变更日志Change Management 变更管理Change Management Plan 变更管理计划Change Notice 变更通知Change Order 变更通知单参见Variation OrderChanged Conditions 变更的条款Characteristic 特性Chart 图表Chart of Accounts 会计科目表Chart Room 图表室Charter 章程参见 Project CharterChecking 检查Checklist 检查清单Checkpoint 检查点Checkpoints 检查点集Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官Child 子项Child Activity 子活动CI参见 Configuration ItemClaim 索赔Clarification 澄清Class 类Classes 类Classification 分类Classification of Defects 缺陷的分类Clearance Number 净空数Client 客户Client Environment 客户环境Client Quality Services 客户质量服务Closed Projects 已收尾的项目Closeout 收尾Closeout Report 收尾报告Closeout, phase 收尾阶段参见 Project Closeout.Closing 终止Closure 收尾CM参见 Configuration Management参见Construction Management Coaching 教练Code 代码参见 Source Code.Code and Unit Test 编码和单元测试Code of Accounts 帐目编码Coding 编码Collaboration 协作Collapsing 折叠Collective 集体的Combative 好战的Commercial 商务的Commercial Item Description 商务描述Commission and Handover 委托和移交Commissioning 试运行Commissions and Bonuses 酬金和奖金Commit 提交Commitment 承诺义务Commitment Document 承诺文件Commitment Estimate参见 Estimate Class ACommitment Package 承诺包Commitment to Objectives 对目标的承诺Committed Cost 已承担成本已承付成本Committed Costs 已承诺费用Common Carrier 公众运营商Communicating With Groups 与团队的沟通Communicating With Individuals 与个人的沟通Communication 沟通参见 Effective Communication. Communication Channels 沟通渠道Communication Plan, Strategic 沟通计划策略性的Communication Plan, Tactical 沟通计划--战术性的Communication Room 交流室Communications Management 沟通管理Communications Plan 沟通计划Communications Planning 沟通规划编制Community 社团Company 公司Comparison 对比Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 补偿Compensation and Evaluation 补偿和评价Competence 能力Competency 能力Competition 竞争Competitive:竞争的Compile 编译Compile Time 编译时Complete 完成Completed Activity 已完成的活动Completed Units 完工单元Completion 完工Completion Date 完成日期Complex 复杂的参见 Project Complexity.Component 构件组件Component Integration and Test 组件集成和测试Component-Based Development ("CBD") 基于构件的开发Components 组件Compound Risk 复合风险Compromise 折衷Compromising, in negotiating 折衷谈判Computer 计算机Computer Aided Design ("CAD") 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Drafting ("CAD") 计算机辅助制图Computer Aided Manufacturing ("CAM") 计算机辅助制造Computer Cost Applications 计算机化的成本管理应用Computer Hardware 计算机硬件Computer Modeling 计算机建模Computer Program Configuration Item 计算机程序配置项参见 Computer Software Configuration Item.Computer Software 计算机软件Computer Software Component 计算机软件组件Computer Software Configuration Item("CSCI") 计算机软件配置项Computer Software Documentation 计算机软件文档Computer Software Unit 计算机软件单元Computer-Aided 计算机辅助的Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval 计算机化的信息存储定位和检索Concept 概念Concept Definition Document 概念定义文档Concept Phase 概念阶段Concept Study 概念研究Conception Phase 概念形成阶段Conceptual 概念性的参见 Concept.Conceptual Budgeting 概念性预算Conceptual Design 概念性设计Conceptual Development 概念性开发Conceptual Project Planning 概念性项目计划Concession 让步Concession Making, in negotiating 谈判中的让步Conciliatory 调和的Concluding 终决的Conclusions 结论Concurrency 并发性Concurrent 并发事件Concurrent Delays 并行延迟Concurrent Engineering 并行工程Concurrent Tasks 并行任务Conditional Risk 条件风险Conditions 条件条款Conducting 执行Confidence Level 信心等级Configuration 配置Configuration Audit 配置审核Configuration Breakdown 配置分解Configuration Control 配置控制Configuration Control Board 配置控制委员会Configuration Identification 配置识别Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证Configuration Item Verification Procedures 配置项验证程序Configuration Management 配置管理Configuration Management Board 配置管理委员会Configuration Relationships 配置关系Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态统计Conflict 冲突Conflict Management 冲突管理Conflict Resolution 冲突解决方案Conformance to Requirements 与需求的一致性Confrontation 积极面对Consensus 一致同意Consensus Decision Process 集体决策过程Consent 同意Consequences 后果Consideration 对价Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项Consolidate 合并Consortium 联盟Constituents 涉众Constraint 约束条件Constraint, project constraint 约束条件对项目的约束Constraints 约束条件Constructability 施工能力Construction 施工构造建造建筑Construction Contractor 施工承包商Construction Cost 施工成本Construction Management ("CM") 施工管理Construction Manager 施工经理Construction Stage 施工阶段Construction Work 施工工作Construction-Oriented 以施工为导向的Constructive Challenge 建设性质询Constructive Change 建设性变更Consultant 咨询顾问Consulting 咨询Consumable Resource 可消耗资源Consumables 消费性物资Contemplated Change Notice 预期变更通知Contending, in negotiating 争论在谈判中Content 内容Content Type 内容类型Context 背景Contingencies 不可预见费应急费用参见 Reserve and Contingency Planning. Contingency 不可预见费应急费用Contingency Allowance 应急补助参见 Reserve.Contingency Budget Procedure 不可预见费用预算程序Contingency Plan 意外事件计划Contract Package 合同包参见 Contract Breakdown.Contract Performance Control 合同履行控制Contract Plan 合同计划Contract Pre-award Meetings 合同预授予会议Contract Quality Requirements 合同质量要求Contract Requirements 合同要求Contract Risk 合同风险Contract Risk Analysis 合同风险分析Contract Signing 合同签署Contract Strategy 合同战略Contract Target Cost ("CTC") 合同目标成本Contract Target Price ("CTP") 合同目标价格Contract Type 合同分类Contract Types 合同类型Contract Work Breakdown Structure ("CWBS") 合同工作分解结构Contract/Procurement Management 合同/采购管理Contracting 签订合同Contractor 承包商Contractor Claims Release 承包商索赔豁免Contractor Cost Data Report ("CCDR") 承包商成本数据报告Contractor Evaluation 承包商评估Contractor Furnished Equipment 承包商供应的设备Contractor Project Office 承包商项目办公室Contractor Short Listing 承包商短列表Contractor's Performance Evaluation 承包商的绩效评价Contractual 合同的参见 Contractual Conditions. Contractual Conditions 合同条款Contractual/Legal Requirements 合同的/法律上的要求Contributed Value 贡献价值参见 Added Value.Contribution Analysis 贡献分析Control 控制参见Project Control 和Control Cycle. Control Account ("CA") 控制帐目Control Account Manager ("CAM") 控制帐目经理Control Account Plan ("CAP") : 控制帐目计划Control and Coordination 控制和协调Control Chart 控制表Control Cycle 控制周期Control Gate 控制关口控制关卡参见 Management Control Point. Control Loop 控制回路Control Point 控制点Control Requirements 控制必要条件要求Control System 控制系统Control Theory 控制论Controllable Risks 可控风险Controlling 控制参看Project ControlControlling Relationship 控制关系Coordinated Matrix 协调型的矩阵Coordination 协调Coordinator 协调员Corporate 公司Corporate Administration and Finance 公司行政和财务Corporate Budget. 公司预算Corporate Business Life Cycle 公司商务生命周期Corporate Constraints 公司限制因素Corporate Data Bank 公司数据库Corporate Management 公司管理Corporate Memory 公司记忆库Corporate Philosophy 公司价值体系, 公司哲学Corporate Planning 公司计划编制Corporate Project Management 公司项目管理Corporate Project Strategy 公司项目战略Corporate Quality Standards 公司质量标准Corporate Resources 公司资源Corporate Responsibility Matrix 公司责任矩阵Corporate Standards 公司标准Corporate Supervision 公司监管Corporation 公司Correction 纠正Corrective Action 纠正措施Correlation 相关性Cost 成本参见 Project Cost.Cost Account 成本帐目Cost Account Breakdown 成本帐目分解Cost Account Manager ("CAM") 成本帐目经理Cost Account Plan ("CAP") 成本帐目计划Cost Accumulation Methods 成本累加方法Cost Analysis 成本分析Cost Applications 成本应用Cost Avoidance 成本规避Cost Baseline 成本基线Cost Benefit 成本效益Cost Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构Cost Budgeting 成本预算Cost Ceiling 封顶成本成本上限Cost Ceiling Bracket 成本上限范围Cost Center 成本中心Cost Check 成本检查Cost Classes 成本类别Cost Code 成本代码Cost Codes 成本代码Cost Control 成本控制Cost Control Point 成本控制点Cost Control System 成本控制系统Cost Curve 成本曲线Cost Distribution 成本分摊Cost Effective 成本效率成本有效的Cost Element 成本元素Cost Engineering 成本工程Cost Envelope 成本区域Cost Estimate 成本估算Cost Estimate Classification System 成本估算分类系统Cost Estimating 成本估算Cost Estimating Relationship 成本估算关系Cost Forecast 成本预测Cost Forecasting 成本预测Cost Growth 成本增长Cost Incurred 已发生成本Cost Index 成本指数Cost Indices 成本指数表Cost Input 成本投入Cost Management 成本管理Cost Model 成本模型Cost of Money 资金成本Cost of Quality 质量成本Cost Overrun 成本超支Cost Performance Baseline 成本绩效基线请参见"Cost Baseline".Cost Performance Index ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Indicator ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Measurement Baseline 成本绩效度量基线Cost Performance Ratio ("CPR") 成本绩效比率参见Cost Performance IndicatorCost Performance Report ("CPR") 成本绩效报告Cost Plan 成本计划Cost Plus 成本补偿Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费用合同Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同费用可偿还合同Cost Reimbursement 成本补偿Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts 成本补偿型合同Cost Reviews 成本评审Cost Savings 成本节约Cost Sharing Contract 成本共享合同Cost Status 成本状态Cost to Complete 竣工尚需成本Cost to Complete Forecast 竣工所需成本预测Cost Types 成本类型Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差Cost/Schedule Status Report ("C/SSR") 成本/进度状态报告Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Costed Work Breakdown Structure 带成本信息的工作分解结构Cost-Effectiveness 成本效果分析法Costing 成本核算Costing Systems 成本核算系统Cost-Time Resource Sheet ("CTR") 成本时间资源表Counseling 指导Countermeasures 对策CPFFC参见"Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract" CPI参见"Cost Performance Index".参见"Cost Performance Indicator". CPIF 成本加奖励费用合同参见"Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract" CPIFC参见"Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract" CPM参见 "Critical Path Method"CPN参见 "Critical Path Network"CPPC参见 "Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract"CPR参见 "Cost Performance Ratio"参见 Cost Performance Report"CPU参见 "Central Processing Unit"CR参见 "Change Request"Craft 技艺Crash Costs 赶工成本Crash Duration 赶工工期Crashing 赶工Creativity 创造力Credit 赊欠信誉Credited Resource 已授予的资源Crisis 危机Criteria 标准指标Criterion 标准指标Critical 关键的Critical Activity 关键活动Critical Chain 关键链Critical Defect 关键性缺陷Critical Defective 有关键缺陷的产品Critical Design Review 关键设计评审Critical Event 关键事件Critical Factors 关键因素Critical Path 关键路径Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析Critical Path Method ("CPM") 关键路径法Critical Path Network ("CPN") 关键路径网络图Critical Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标Critical Ratio 临界比关键比率Critical Sequence 关键工序Critical Sequence Analysis 关键工序分析Critical Subcontractor 关键分包商Critical Success Factors ("CSF") 关键的成功因素Critical Task 关键任务Critical Work Item 关键工作项Criticality Index 关键指数Cross Organizational 交叉型组织跨组织的Cross References 交叉参照Cross-Stage Plan 交叉阶段计划CSCI参见 "Computer Software Configuration Item".CSF参见 "Critical Success Factors"CTC参见 "Contract Target Cost"CTP参见 "Contract Target Price"CTR参见 "Cost-Time Resource Sheet" Culture 文化Culture, organizational 文化组织文化Cumulative Cost-to-Date 到目前为止的累计成本参见 Total Expenditure to Date" Cumulative S Curve 累计S 曲线参见 " S Curve"Currency Conversion 货币兑换Current Budget 当前预算Current Date Line 当前日期线Current Finish Date 当前完成日期Current FY Budget Allocation 当前财政年的预算分配Current Start Date 当前开始日期Current Status 当前状态Current Year 当年Custom Duty and Tax 海关关税Customer 客户Customer Acceptance Criteria 客户验收标准Customer Furnished Equipment 客户提供的设备Customer Perspective 客户观点Customer/Client Personnel 客户方的职员Cutoff Date 移交日期Cutover 移交CV参见 Cost Variance"CWBS参见 "Contract Work Breakdown Structure"Cybernetics 控制论Cycle 周期Cycle Time 周期Damages 损害赔偿金Dangle 悬空活动Data 数据Data Application 数据应用Data Bank参见 "Corporate Memory"Data Collection 数据收集Data Date ("DD") 数据日期Data Entry Clerk 数据录入员Data Item Description ("DID") 工作项描述Data Processing 数据处理Data Refinements 数据改进Data Type 数据类型Data Structure Organization 数据结构组织Database 数据库Database Administrator ("DBA") 数据库管理员Database Management System ("DBMS") 数据库管理系统Date of Acceptance 验收日期Day Work Account 日常工作帐户DBA参见 "Database Administrator"DBM见 "Dynamic Baseline Model"DBMS参见 "Database Management System" DCE参见 "Distributed ComputingEnvironment"DCF参见 "Discounted Cash Flow"DD参见 "Data Date"Deactivation Plan 惰性化计划Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程Debriefing 投标反馈听取情况汇报情况Decentralized 分散的Decision 决策Decision Documentation 决策文档Decision Event 决策事件Decision Making 制定决策Decision Making Process 决策过程Decision Support System 决策支持系统Decision Theory 决策论Decision Tree 决策树Decision Trees 决策树组Decomposing 分解Decomposition 分解Default 违约Default Values 默认值Defect 缺陷Defective 缺陷产品Defects-Per-Hundred-Units 每百个单元有缺陷的数量Deficiency 缺陷Deficiency List 缺陷清单Definition 定义Definition Phase 定义阶段Definitive 确定性的Definitive Estimate 确定性估算参见 "Estimate"Deflection 风险转移Degradation 降级Delay 延期Delay, compensable 补偿性延期Delaying Resource 资源延期Delegating 授权Delegation 授权Deliberate Decision Event 预先准备的决策事件Deliverable 可交付成果,可交付物参见 "Product". Deliverable Breakdown Structure 可交付物分解结构参见 "Work Breakdown Structure" Deliverable Deadline 可交付物的终止期限Deliverables 可交付成果可交付物Deliverables Management 交付物管理Delivery 交付Delphi Technique 德尔菲法Demonstrate 演示证明Demonstrated 已证明的Demonstrated Past Experience 已证明的过去经验Demonstration 演示Demonstration Review 演示评审Department 部门Departmental Budget 部门预算Dependability 可靠性Dependencies 依赖关系Dependency 活动之间的依赖关系参见Logical Relationship" Dependency Arrow 关系箭线Dependency Diagram 网络图前导网络图Dependency Links 依赖关系Dependency Management 依赖关系管理Deployment 部署Deployment Lessons Learned Document 部署的经验教训文档Deployment Plan 部署计划Deployment Procedures 部署流程Deployment Readiness Review 部署准备评审Deployment View 部署视图Depreciation 折旧Descriptive 描述性的Design 设计Design & Development Phase 设计和开发阶段Design Alternatives 设计备选方案Design Appraisal 设计评估Design Authority 设计权威Design Baseline 基准设计Design Bid Build 设计阶段投标的建立Design Brief 设计大纲Design Build 设计的建立包括设计和构造Design Concept 设计概念Design Contingency 设计应急费用Design Contract 设计合同Design Control 设计控制Design Development 设计开发Design Management 设计管理Design Management Plan 设计管理计划Design Model 设计模型Design of Experiment 试验设计Design Package 设计包Design Review 设计评审Design Subsystem 设计子系统Design Time 设计时间Design to Budget 按预算设计Design to Cost 按成本设计Design-to Specifications 按规范设计Desirable Logic 合意逻辑Detail Documentation 详细的文档Detail Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Design 详细设计Detailed Design Stage 详细设计阶段Detailed Engineering 详细工程Detailed Planning 详细计划Detailed Plans 详细的计划参见 Detailed Resource Plan 和Detailed Technical PlanDetailed Resource Plan 详细的资源计划Detailed Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Technical Plan 详细的技术计划Determination 决定决心Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results 确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本参见 Cost Benefit"Deterministic 确定性的Deterministic Network 确定的网络图Developed Country 发达国家Developer 开发人员Developing Country 发展中国家Development 开发参见 "Development Phase"Development case 开发案例Development Phase 开发阶段Development Plan 开发计划Development process 开发过程Deviation 偏差Deviation Permit 允许偏差参见 "Production Permit"Diagram 图Diagramming参见 "Scheduling"DID参见 "Data Item Description" Differences 偏差差异Differentials 差值Differing Site Conditions 不同的现场环境Direct Cost 直接成本Direct Cost Contingency 直接成本应急费用参见 "Project Direct Cost Contingency" Direct Costs 直接成本Direct Labor 直接人工Direct Project Costs 直接项目成本费用Directing 指挥Direction 指导Directive 指示Director 主管总监Discipline 学科Discipline Maintenance 规矩的维护Discontinuous Activity 非连续的活动Discontinuous Processing 非连续的过程Discount Rate 贴现率折现率Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") 折现现金流Discounting 折现Discrete Effort 离散工作Discrete Milestone 离散里程碑Discrete Task 离散任务Discrimination 歧视Discussion 讨论Display 显示Disposal of Materials 材料处置Dispute 辩论Disruption 破坏Disruptive 破坏性的Dissemination 分发。



第24 章项目管理英语知识项目管理英语词汇考点梳理常用的项目管理英语词汇Projects ——项目。

PMBOK ——Project Management Body Of Knowledge ,项目管理知识系统。

Operations ——运作。

Process ——过程。


Activity Description ——活动描绘。

Activity Definition ——活动定义。

Activity Description ——活动描绘/说明。

Activity List ——活动清单。

Phases ——-阶段。

Approve ——允许。

Product Life Cycle ——产品生命周期。

PMO ——Project Management Office ,项目管理办公室。

Project Charter ——项目章程。

Project Manager ——项目经理。

Project Sponsor ——项目倡始人。

Project Stakeholder ——项目关连人。

Project Management Plan ——项目管理计划。

Project Team ——项目团队。

Functional Organization ——职能组织。

Matrix Organization ——矩阵型组织。

Project Organization ——项目型组织。

PMIS ——-Project Management Information System,项目管理信息系统。

Project Management Process Group ——项目管理过程组。

Initiating Process ——- 启动过程组。

Planning Process ——- 计划过程组。

Executing Process ——履行过程组。

Controlling Process ——控制过程组。

Closing Process ——扫尾过程组。



1、Construction industry 建筑业2、High-rise apartments 高层公寓3、Institution and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设4、Oligopoly 垄断,供过于求5、Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设6、Infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设7、Residential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设8、Take charge 负责9、Single-family house 独户住宅10、Professional consultant 专业咨询人士11、General contractor 总承包商12、Mission-oriented 以目标(任务)为导向的13、Continuity 连续性14、Indispensable 不可或缺的15、Common-place 常见的16、Schedule 进度17、Maximization 最大化18、Communication 沟通19、Certification 认证20、Distinguish 区别,区分21、Predetermined 预定的22、Ingredient 组成部分,成分23、Linear programming 线性规划24、Trade off 均衡,权衡25、Delineation 叙述,说明26、Utilization 使用27、Integration 综合,整合28、Shop drawings 施工图,安装图29、Simultaneously 同时的30、Prebid site 投标前现场31、Nominated subcontractor 指定分包商32、Prequalified 预审合格33、An manual of professional practice 专业人员从业手册34、Risk-reward 风险和回报35、Structural design 结构设计36、Specialized subcontractor 专业分包商37、Work package 工作包38、Construction planning 施工计划39、Technical feasibility 技术可行性40、Construction operations 施工作业41、Structural or foundation details 结构或基础的具体情况42、Ingenuity and creativity 灵活性和创造性43、Construction constractors 施工承包商44、Monitoring and control 监督和控制45、Facility design 设施设计46、Estimate stage 估算阶段47、Evaluation stage 评估阶段48、equity partners 股权伙伴49. 、specifications and drawings 技术规范和图纸50.、Placing concrete on site 现场浇混凝土1、Job-site productivity 工地生产率2、Contractual agreements 合同3、Safety consciousness 安全意识4、Labor productivity 劳动生产率5、Foreign operations 国外施工6、Labor efficiency 劳动效率7、Infrastructure 基础设施8、Linear interpolation 线性内插9、Labor jurisdictions 劳动仲裁10、Non-productive activities 非生产性活动11、On-site 现场12、Labor characteristics 劳动力的特征13、Security sensitivity 安全敏感性14、Recognized strength 公认的实力15、Processing plant 加工厂16、Logistic problems 后勤问题17、Drilling platform 钻井平台18、Building construction 建筑施工19、Material procurement and delivery 材料采购和运输20、Bulk materials 大宗材料21、Overlapping and rehandling 搭接和再处理22、Semi-processed 半加工的,半成品的23、Concrete mix 混凝土拌和物24、Steel beams and columns 钢梁和柱25、. bills of quantity 工程量清单26、. minutes of the conference 会议纪要27、the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价28、reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用29、.Hierarchical structure 层级结构30、Critical path scheduling 关键线路进度控制程序31、.bonus and penalty clauses 奖励和惩罚条款32、lump-sum agreement 总价合同33、.written authorization 书面授权34、unit-price agreement 单价合同35、Bids and quotations 投标和报价36、Off-the-shelf material 现货材料37、Earthwork to be excavated 土方开挖38 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告39、. conditions of contract 合同条件40、Construction supervision 施工监督41、Freight delivery 货物运输44、Slippage or contraction 延误或提前45、.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益46、.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值47、changes clause 变更条款49、prequalification 资格预审49、limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标50、Unit Cost of Estimetion 单位估价1、Cost estimation 成本估算2、Cost engineering 工程估价3、Profitability 赢利4、Production function 生产函数5、Statistical inference 统计推断6、Construction equipment 施工机具7、General office overhead 总部管理费8、The cost engineer or estimator 估算师9、Cost control 成本控制10、Empirical cost inference 经验成本推论法11、Allocation of joint costs 综合成本的分摊12、Bill of quantities 工程量清单2、Cooling system 冷却系统3、Heat exchanger 热交换器4、Slabs and beams 楼板和梁5、Furnaces 锅炉6、Plus ancillary items 辅助设备7、Formwork 模板8、Detailed Estimates 详细估算9、Preliminary Estimates 详细估算10、Subcontractor Quotations 分包报价11、Construction Procedures 施工方法12、Factored Estimate Formula 系数估算公式13、Reinforcing bars 钢筋14、Building foundation 建筑物基础1、Economic evaluation 经济评价2、Sensitivity 灵敏度3、Planning horizon 规划周期4、Project alternative 备择项目5、Opportunity cost 机会成本6、Financial investment 金融投资7、Minium attractive rate of return 最低收益率8、Social rate discount 社会折现率9、Investment consideration 投资分析10、Decision maker 决策者11、Cash flow profile 现金流分布形态12、Net annual cash flow 年净现金流13、Capital project 资本项目14、Socially desirable programs 社会公益项目15、The Office of Management and Budget 财政部门16、Government agency 政府部门17、linear programming线性规划18、network analysis 网络分析19、Under ordinary circumstances, 在通常情况下20、best price/performance characteristics最优性价比特征21、an acceptable quality levelallowable可接受的质量水平22、a allowable fraction of defective items.可接受的缺陷比例23、ill structured棘手的24、critical ingredients关键因素25、identified as被看作为26、the rate of return资本回收率 cash flow 净现金流量28.financing options 融资方式29.project finance 项目融资30.negative cash balance 负现金结余31.profit measure 利润指标值32.private corporations 私营股份制公司33.Public agencies 公告机构34 instructions to bidders 投标人须知35 . conditions of contract合同条件36.Equivalent uniform annunual net value 等额净年值37.Capital recovory factor 资金回收因子38.Benefit cost ratio 收益费用比39.Profitability index 盈利指数40. prequalification 资格预审41. bidding documents 招标文件42. domestic contractor 国内承包商43.Marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益44.Adjusted internal rate of capital 调整后的内部收益率45.Return on investment 投资收益46. international competitive bidd ing 竞争性国际招标47limited international bidd ing 有限国际招标48.national competitive bidd ing 国内竞争性招标49 .general procurement notice 通用采购公告50 substantially responsive 实质性响应1. changes 工程变更2. contract awards 合同授予3.changes clause 变更条款4.publicly financed priject 公共项目融资5.extra work 附加工作6.the prime contractor 主承包商7. pre-construction sercices 施工前服务8.reimbursable expenses 可补偿费用9. overhead and profit 管理费和利润10.Construction planning 施工计划11. chioce of technology 施工技术的选择12.The definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义13.Normative problem 规范性问题14.Cost control 成本控制15.Schedule control 进度控制16.Critical path scheduling procedure关键线路进度控制程序17.Job shop scheduling procedure 工作现场进度控制程序18.Datebases and information systes m 数据库和信息系统19.The duration of the activity 工作活动的持续时间20.Placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土21 Placing forms 支设模版22. Installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋23. Pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土24.Finishing the concrete 混凝土养护25. Removing forms 模版拆除26.Position forms on the cleanning station 在清理场所码放模版27. Hierarchical structure 层级结构28.fixed fee 固定费用29.overhead and profit 管理费和利润30.job shop scheduling procedure 现场进度控制程序31.change order 变更单32.cost –plus-fee agreement成本加费用合同33.quantity takeoff 工程量清单34. prequalification 资格预审35、decomposed into 分解为36.From the viewpoint of从某个角度看37.responsible for 对某事负责38.superior to 优于。



Part1market demand 市场需求facility 设施the speculative housing market 投机性住宅市场the real estate developer 房地产开发商government agency 政府机构public project 公共项目project management 项目管理the conceptual planning stage 概念规划阶段feasibility 可行性in-house 内部的,内业的the project life cycle 项目生命周期from cradle to grave 从开始到结束knowledge domain 知识领域construction industry 建筑业spectrum 波普,光谱,范围residential housing construction 房屋住宅建设subcontractor 分包商institutional and commercial building construction 办公与商业用房建设specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设architectural and engineering(A/E)firm 建筑与工程设计公司consortium 财团,株式会社preliminary design 初步设计general contractor 总承包商on site quality inspection 现场质量监督litigation 法律诉讼shop drawings 施工图constructability 可建造性,可施工性value engineering 价值工程construction contract 施工合同design/construct firm 设计、施工公司turnkey 交钥匙(承发包)模式facility maintenance 设施维护Part2project integration management 项目综合管project scope management 项目范围管理project time management 项目时间管理project cost management 项目成本管理project quality management 项目质量管理project human resource management 项目人力资源管理project communications management 项目沟通管理project risk management 项目风险管理project procurement management 项目采购管理contractual relationships 合同关系changes 工程变更claims 施工索赔mega-projects 巨型项目“functional”organization “职能式”组织“project”organization “项目式”组织suborganizations 次级组织strong matrix-type suborganization 强矩阵式次级组织interpersonal influence 人际间影响力formal authority 正式的授权reward and/or penalty power 奖励和/或惩罚的权利matrix organization 矩阵式组织hierarchical structure 层级结构Part3job-site productivity 工作现场生产率non-productive activities 非生产性工作temporary work stoppage 临时性工作暂停union activities 工作活动performance analysis 绩效分析base labor productivity 基准劳动生产率labor productivity index 劳动力生产指数non-local labor 非当地用工productive labor yield 劳动力产出requisitions 询价purchase orders 订购单subcontracts 分包合同shipping and receiving documents 装船与接收文件invoices 发票bulk materials 大众材料standard off-the-shelf materials 现货材料fabricated members or units 预制构件或单元semi-processed state 半成品状态pre-processed 预加工的pressure vessels 压力容器field assembly 现场装配skilled craftsmen 熟练技工crawler mounting 履带式底盘claim shell 抓铲挖土机`dragline 拉铲挖土机backhoe 反铲挖土机shovel 正铲挖土机bulldozer 推土机rotary-percussion drills 旋转冲击钻bituminous 沥青Part4economic evaluation 经济评价the planning horizon 规划期cash flow profile 现金流量图minimum attractive rate of return(MARR) 最低收益率sensitivity or uncertainty analysis 敏感性或不确定性分析annual benefit 年收益annual cost 年费用net annual cash flow 年净现金流量opportunity cost 机会成本social rate of discount 社会贴现率profit measure利润指标值private corporations 私营股份制公司public agencies 公共机构net future value(NFV) /净终值net present value(NPV) 净现值equivalent uniform annual net value (NUV)等额净年值capital recovery factor 资金回收因子benefit-cost ratio(BCR) 收益-费用比profitability index 盈利指数saving-to-investment ratio(SIR) 存款投资比率absolute numerical measure 绝对指数internal rate of return(IRR) 内部收益率marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益return on investment(ROI) 投资收益payback period(PBP) 投资回收期profit maximization利润最大化public sector 公共领域basic principle 基本原理nonnegative 非负的budget constraint 预算限制incremental analysis 追加分析internal rate of return method 内部收益率法Part5Word Bank-financed projects 世界银行融资贷款项目foreign bidders 海外投标人civil works 土木工程I nternational Competitive Bidding(ICB) 竞争性国际招标Limited International Bidding 有限国际招标National Competitive Bidding 国内竞争性招标International Shopping 国际订购Direct Contracting 直接签约General Procurement Notice 通用采购公告prequalification 资格预审bidding documents 招标文件domestic contractors 国内承包商instructions to bidders 投标人须知conditions of contract 合同条件specifications of drawings 技术规范与图纸bill of quantities 工程量清单payment terms 支付条件minutes of the conference 会议纪要pre-bid conferences 标前会议site visits 现场踏勘substantially responsive 实质性响应the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价Part6the sealed bids 密封的投标报价construction company 建筑公司marketing strategy 市场营销策略long-term goals 长期目标client relationships 客户关系short-term goal 短期目标direct costs estimate 直接费估算mark-up 涨价溢价company or head office overheads 公司或总部管理费unrealistic bids 不切实际的报价owner-contractor agreement 业主与承包商之间订立的合同standard form of agreement 标准合同形式American Institute of Architects(AIA) 美国建筑师协会bonus and penalty clauses 奖励与惩罚条款lump-sum agreement 总价合同changer order 变更单written authorization 书面授权unit-price agreement 单价合同quantity takeoff 工程量清单cost-plus-fee agreements 成本加酬金合同equity partners 股权伙伴rental rates 出租比例percentage fee 百分百酬金合同fixed fee 固定酬金合同changes 工程变更contract award 合同授予changes clause 变更条款publicly financed project 公共融资项目extra work 附加工作the prime contractor 主承包商Part7the International Federation of Consulting Engineering 国际咨询师联合会the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Constructions FIDIC施工合同条件the General Conditions (FIDIC)通用条件the Particular Conditions (FIDIC)专业条件the Appendix to Tender (FIDIC)投标附录arbitration 仲裁,裁决Dispute Adjudication Board(DBA)争议仲裁委员会Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Work 机电安装工程合同条件Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey设计-建造于交钥匙合同条件Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement 客户/咨询师服务协议Conditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程分包合同条件Guides to the Use of the Different FIDIC Conditions of Contract 各种FIDIC合同条件应用指南Amicable Settlement of Construction Disputes 施工争端友好解决方式Insurance of Large Civil Engineering Projects 大型土木工程保险The Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (FIDIC)安装与设计-建造合同The Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (FIDIC)EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件The Short Form of Contract (FIDIC)简短格式合同The Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (FIDIC)疏浚与防洪工程合同格式priced contract with activity schedule 总价合同priced contract with bill of quantities 单价合同target contract with activity schedule 目标总价合同target contract with bill of quantities 目标单价合同cost reimbursable contract 成本补偿合同performance bond 履约保函parent company guarantee 母公司担保advance payment 预付款retention (工程)留置权bonus for early completion 工期提前奖delays damages 误期损害surety 担保financial loan 商业贷款insurance policy 保险政策in breach of contract 合同违约bid bond 投标担保justification (正当的)理由labor and material bond 劳动力与原材料担保lien bond 留置权担保comprehensive general liability insurance 综合责任险professional liability insurance职业责任险workers’compensation insurance 工人补偿险builder’s risk fire insurance 施工方火灾险Part8construction planning 施工计划the choice of technology 施工技术的选择the definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义the estimation of the required resources and durations for individual tasks 所需资源和各项工作持续时间的估算reasoning backward 逆向推理normative problem 规范性问题cost control 成本控制schedule control 进度控制critical path scheduling procedures 关键线路进度控制程序job shop scheduling procedures 工作现场进度控制程序work breakdown 工作分解manufacturing terminology加工制造业术语resource allocations 资源分配fore-runner 先行者laborious and tedious process 复杂和枯燥的过程general models 通用模型databases and information systems 数据库和信息系统the storage and recall of the activities工作活动的存储于记忆manpower 人力,劳动力the duration of the activity 工作活动的持续时间placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土placing forms 支设模板installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土finishing the concrete 混凝土养护removing forms 模板拆除position forms on the cleaning station 在清理场所码放的模板hierarchical structure 层级结构work breakdown structure 工作结构分解precedence relations 先导顺序关系structural integrity结构整体性design drawings 设计图纸milestone events 里程碑事件lag 时间间隔computer based simulation 基于计算机的模拟excavation equipment 开挖机械\Part9critical path method(CPM) 关键路线发predecessor/successor activities先导/后续工作resource constraint 资源约束artificial precedence constraint 人为先导关系约束activity-branch network 双代号网络图dummy activity 虚工作earliest time schedule 最早时间进度latest time schedule 最迟时间进度float 时差,机动时间maneuvering room 可调整的余地free float 自由时差independent float 独立时差total float 总时差inter-relationships 相互关系graphical presentations of project schedules 项目进度的图形表达network diagrams 网络图time-scaled network 时标网络bar or Gantt chart 横道或甘特图horizontal axis 横轴,横坐标vertical axis 纵轴,纵坐标S-curves S型曲线resource graphs 资源图uncertainty associated with the actual durations与实际持续时间相关的不确定性regulatory approval 行政许可adverse weather 不利的天气contingency allowance 应急准备probabilistic perspective概率的角度independent random variables 相互独立的随机变量random fluctuations 随机波动positive correlations正相关over-optimistic 过于乐观的Part10e-construction 工程返工personal injuries 人身伤害conformance 遵守,服从re-evaluation of design decisions设计决策的重要评估tunneling methods 隧道开掘方法actual site conditions 现场的实际状况roadway rehabilitation 公路路面返修quality assurance 质量保证n-site inspections 现场监督检查US Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)美国职业安全与健康署violation of existing standard 违反现行规范标准employee participation in quality control 质量控制的员工参与statistical methods 统计方法batches of materials 材料批implicit assumption 隐含的假设total quality control 全面质量控制zero defects goal 零缺陷目标quality circles 质量环“optimum”proportion “最佳”的比例non-destructive techniques 非破坏性技术x-ray inspection of welds 焊接的X光检测exhaustive or 100% testing 全数或100%检测lot 母体,总体sampling by attributes 特征抽样sampling by variables 变量抽样direct costs 直接成本indirect costs 间接成本construction accidents 工程事故insurance premiums 保险赔偿unsecured railings 未经保护的围栏on-board electronics面板电子元器件asbestosis 矽肺,石棉肺sewer line 排污管道four lane street 四车道道路Part11construction yard and warehouse management information 施工仓储管理信息concrete pumps 混凝土泵warehouse clerks 仓储管理员daily rental charge 日租金tedious manual task 繁琐的手工作业application programs 应用程序duplicate 复制verbal description 文字描述warehouse inventory database 仓储清单数据库relational data model 关系数据模型data dictionary 数据字典numerical code 数据编码redundancy 冗余aggregate 集料,骨料external models of the information 外部信息模型algebraic theory 代数理论projection 映射advantages of distributed processing 分散式处理的优点dynamic changes in information needs 信息需求的动态变化untidy information 凌乱的信息information flow 信息流preprocessor system 预处理系统independent systems 独立系统geometric information 图形信息。



Project management is a complex field that involves a multitude of terms and phrases. To facilitate effective communication and understanding among professionals in this field, here is a comprehensive list of project management English vocabulary, categorized into various sections:I. Basic Project Management Terms1. Project - A temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end, undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.2. Project Management - The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.3. Project Life Cycle - The sequence of phases that a project goes through from start to finish.4. Project Phase - A distinct section of the project life cycle with specific objectives and deliverables.5. Project Phase Exit or Termination Point - The point at which aproject phase is completed and the project moves to the next phase or is terminated.6. Project Management Office (PMO) - A group or department within an organization that oversees the management of the organization's projects.7. Project Portfolio - A collection of projects, programs, and other work that an organization has under way.8. Project Scope - The specific set of deliverables, tasks, andactivities that the project team is required to complete.II. Project Planning and Scheduling1. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed by the project team.2. Schedule - A document that lists the activities of the project, their durations, and the sequence in which they are to be performed.3. Critical Path Method (CPM) - A technique used to determine thecritical activities and the critical path of a project.4. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) - A project management technique for scheduling and coordinating tasks.5. Milestone - A significant event or point in a project that indicates that the project has reached a critical stage or is on schedule.6. Resource Allocation - The process of assigning resources to project activities to ensure the project's objectives are met.7. Risk Management - The process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks.III. Project Execution and Control1. Change Management - The process of managing changes to the project scope, schedule, or resources.2. Quality Management - The process of ensuring that the project deliverables meet the specified requirements.3. Communication Management - The process of planning, collecting, disseminating, and managing project information.4. Stakeholder Management - The process of engaging with stakeholders to ensure their expectations and concerns are addressed.5. Risk Response - The actions taken to reduce the likelihood or impact of a risk.6. Quality Assurance - The process of monitoring and evaluating project activities to ensure that the project is being executed according to the project management plan.7. Quality Control - The process of monitoring the results of project activities to ensure that the deliverables meet the specified requirements.IV. Project Closure1. Project Closure - The formal acceptance of the completed project deliverables and the conclusion of all project activities.2. Lessons Learned - The knowledge gained from a project that can be applied to future projects.3. Project Handover - The transfer of the completed project deliverables to the client or end-user.4. Post-Project Evaluation - The review of the project's performance and outcomes to identify successes, failures, and areas for improvement.V. Project Management Tools and Techniques1. Gantt Chart - A bar chart that illustrates a project schedule.2. PERT Chart - A network diagram that represents the project activities and their dependencies.3. Risk Register - A document that lists identified risks, their potential impact, and the risk response strategies.4. Quality Assurance Plan - A document that outlines the quality management activities for the project.5. Communication Plan - A document that defines the communication requirements for the project.By familiarizing yourself with these project management English vocabulary terms, you will be better equipped to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, and to successfully manage projects in the global marketplace.。



工程管理专业英语词汇A Cash flow profile现金流量图Credit risk信用风险 As-built drawings竣工图Competitive biddingAnnual net value净年值公开招标 Arbitration仲裁A dashed line虚Contract price合同价格线 Clause条款Activity-on-branch network双代号网络Contract negotiation合同谈判图Contract dispute合同纠纷 Activity-on-node network单代号网络Cost overrun成本超支图 Cost committed承诺成本Cost to date到期成本 A vertical axis纵坐标Archival information档案资料 Cost exposure附加成本Critical path method关键线路法Construction yard施工现场 BBottom-up design自下而上的设计Bids and quotations投标和报价 DBill of quantities工程量清单 detailed engineering design详细的工程设计 Bid estimate 投标估价design methodology设计方法 Benefit cost ratio成本收益率Budgeted cost预算成本 detailed design详细设计drilling and blasting钻孔和爆破detailed estimates详细估算 CConceptual planning stage概念规划阶dispute resolution mechanism争端解决段机制Capital intensive资金密集的 design drawing设计图纸 Competitive bidding竞争性招/投标 dummy activities虚工作 Contract price合同价格claims索document control文档控制赔Constructors建造商 Echanges变更 clause条款 Economic feasibility经济可行性 Conceptual design概念设计 Estimate stage估算阶段 construction operations施工作业evaluation stage评估阶段 Construction contractor施工承包商 equipment utilization and mechanizationConstruction equipment施工设备设备利用率和机械化 Concrete mixers混凝土搅拌机 earthwork to be excavated土方开挖 Cost estimation成本估算Economic evaluation经济评价 Cost control成本控制 Expenditure支出Cost Engineering工程估价 Excavation开掘Construction supervision施工监督 Estimated total cost预计总成本Construction cost建造成本Control estimate控制估算 FConceptual estimate概念设计估算 Feasibility study可行性研究Construction procedures施工方法 Facility operation and maintenance设施Cost indices成本指数的运营与维护 formulation构思 Consumer price index 消费价格指数 Facilities management设施管理 line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to riskFunctional organization职能式组织 Matrix-type suborganization矩阵式次First line supervision基层监督级组织Field management现场管理 Monitoring and control监督与控制 Force-account charges自营工程费 Material procurement and delivery材料Free float自由时差采购和运输Fast track快速路径法 Mortgage抵押 Milestone里程碑 Final checkout最终的竣工验收 Municipal project市政项目 G Monte carlo simulation蒙特卡罗模拟 Gantt chart甘特图NH Horizontal axis水平坐标 Nominated subcontractor指定分包商Non-productive activities非生产性活动 I Net annual cash flow年净现金流 Integrate整合 Net benefit净收益 Negotiation谈Instruction and commercial building 判construction 办公和商业用房建设 Net present value净现值Infrastructure and heavy construction重Net future value净终值大基础项目建设 Numerous alternative plans众多的备选Installation contractors安装承包商方案Ill-defined定义不清的 Network diagrams网络计划图 Inflation通货膨胀Internal rate of return内部收益率 OIntangible asset无形资产 Overlap 搭接,交叠 on-site现场 Interest rate利率 Operation and maintenance managers运In-house overhead expenses内业管理费行与维护经理Independent float独立时差 On-site Installation现场安装 Inspection logs检查日志 Overseer监督者 Overdraft透支 Information transfer andflow信息的传Overlapping and rehandling搭接和再处递与流通 information flow信息理流PL Procurement Management采购管理 Linear programming线性规划 Public agency公共机构 logistics物流 labor productivity劳动Professional services专业服务生产率 Project organization项目式组织 labor jurisdictions劳动仲裁 Preliminary estimates初步估算 logistic problems 后勤问题 Payback period投资回收期 lifting and erecting提升和安装Payment支付leverage杠杆作用 Private corporation民营公司 legal documents法律文件 Predecessor relationship前后顺序关系 lump sum contract总价合同 Pre-qualification of contractors andsub-contractors with regard safety在安M 全方面对承包商和分包商的资格预审 Monthly payments月付款额 Procurement accounts采购账目kore, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risreport to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit sc line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit2商Q The feasibility study report可行性研究Quotation报价报告The state of economy经济状况 R Turnkey project/contract交钥匙工程/合Residential housing construction住宅类同房屋建设 risk-reward风险和回报 Top-down design自上而下的设计 Return on investment投资回收率 Technical feasibility技术可行性 Revenues收入Tangible asset有形资产 Real estate properties房地产 Technology choice 技术选择 Total Risk sharing风险分担 float总时差Re-construction返工,重修 Total quality control全面质量管理 Re-evaluation重新评价 Tracing decision跟踪决策 Random sample随机抽样Relational data model关系数据模型 US Unit cost method of estimation单位估Speculative housing market投机性住宅价法市场 Unit price contract单价合同 Scope of the project项目的范围Unforeseen circumstances不可预见事Specialized industrial construction 专业件化工业项目建设 sensitivity灵敏度 VShop drawings施工图 Vendor供货商 Value engineering价Subcontractors 分包商值工程Specialty Contractor专业承包商 Video conferencing电视会议Specialized subcontractor专业分包商Structural design结构设计 WSecurity sensitivity安全敏感性 Work package工作包 Screening estimates匡算 Warranties and guarantees保证和担保 Subcontractorquotations分包商报价 Warehouse management仓库管理 Social rate of discount社会折现率Simulate模拟 sunk cost沉没成缩写本 REITs—real estate investment trusts房Semi-automated半自动化的地产信托(基金)Sub-network子网络图 Statistical PERT—program evaluation and review method统计方法 technology计划评审技术 Sampling by attributes特征抽样 PMBOK—project management body ofSampling by variables变量抽样 knowledge项目管理体系 Sampling plan抽样计划 PMI—the project management instituteStorage and retrieval存储和查询美国项目管理协会ISO—the international organization forT standardization国际标准化组织 The project life cycle项目生命周期OSHA—US occupational safety andThe Real estate developer房地产开发health administration美国职业安全和veys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to riskcredit report to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit score, through field sur line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print3 健康署GDP--gross domestic product国内生产总值GNP--Gross National Product国民生产总值MARR--minimum attractive rate ofreturn最低收益率CMC—construction management contractor建设项目管理承包商CAD—computer aided design计算机辅助设计CPA--Certified public accounting特许公共会计师AIA—American institute of architects美国建筑师协会AGC—the associated general contractors美国总承包商会任永富Thursday, December 09,2010kore, through field surveys or other means to implement the credit situation and external security situation, according to risreport to verify the credit histories and guaranty to the parties. No credit report or credit sc line" chapter, and signature confirmation. Article 17th account manager by the people's bank credit system query print credit4。



课文中的单词:Lesson 2Engineering projects management 工程管理construction industry 建筑业Specification/provision/ regulation 规范architect 建筑师owner/client/employer 业主general contractor 总承包商speciality contractor 专业承包商manufacturer 制造商material dealer 材料商equipment distributor 设备经销商at a specified time and cost 在规定的时间和成本site condition 现场条件basic and finished material 原材料和加工好的材料contractor 施工方working-plan 进度计划the peak period 顶峰阶段making the site ready 准备好了施工现场stage 阶段cleaning up 清场access road 入场道路warehouse 仓库concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机construction method 施工方法building stage 施工阶段residential construction 住宅建设subcontractor 分包商Lesson 3industrial building 工业建筑civil building 民用建筑dwelling 居住single-story 单层multi-story ones 多层public building 公共建筑flat 公寓living room 起居室kitchen 厨房toilet 厕所office building 办公楼/写字楼childcare center 幼儿园station 车站exhibition hall 展览馆community center 社区中心grain shop 粮店single-family home 独门独户in highly industrialized 高度工业化wage earner 工薪族suburban 城镇public transportation 公共交通arrangement 布局town-planning 城镇规划reception room 接待室reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土evenly distributed 均匀的分布evenly distributed load 均布荷载process plant 加工厂school room 书房drawing room 客厅two-bedroom flat 两居室Lesson 4Procurement and delivery 采购和运输bid 出价quotation 报价purchase order 采购单invoice 发票overlapping 搭接best price performance 最佳性价比rehandling 再处理bulk material 大宗散料off-the-shelf material 储存的材料fabricated member or unit 预制构件field storage and installation现场储备semi-processed state 半加工earthwork 土方工程wet concrete mix 湿混凝土拌合物gravel 砾石steel beam 钢梁column 柱子field erection/assembly 现场安装welded 焊接bolted connection 螺栓连接pre-processed/prefabricated 预制field labor 现场劳动力manufactured product 制成品specific craft 特殊工艺craftsmen 工匠electrician 电工pipefitter 管道工freight delivery 货物运输element 构件in stock 库存cumulative 累计inquiry issued to vendor 向供货商询价bid evaluation by designer 评标place purchase order 下订货单preliminary shop drawing 初步安装图slippage or contraction 延长或压缩fabricator 安装施工方cement 水泥brick 转头sand 沙子ready-concrete 预制混凝土Lesson 9bar chart 横道图/甘特图start and finish time 起始时间work progress 工作进度visual effectiveness 直观性critical path method 关键路径法network model 网络图optimal activity timing 最佳活动工序时间network node 网络图节点arrow notation/Activity on Arrow (AOA)双代号网络图following activity 后续工作circle notation/Activity on Node (AON)单代号网络图activity relationship 工序关系activity logic 工序dummy activity 虚工作resource allocation 资源配置feasibility analysis 可行性研究cost of money 资金成本/股息股利budget 预算financing 融资schematic design 初步设计construction drawing 施工图纸procurement 采购interest 利息interest rate 利率turn over 移交working drawing 施工详图duration 工期Lesson 13contractual amount for payment 合同规定的付款额estimator 估算师fabrication and installation 制作和安装nail 钉子screw 螺钉have the vision to see beyond 远见卓识process equipment 加工设备procuring equipment 设备的购买成本wiring 布线permit 许可证insurance 保险permanent document 永久性文件proposal 投标书direct cost 直接费direct construction cost 直接工程费measure cost 措施费indirect cost 间接费fees 规费home-office overhead tax on business 营业税income tax 所得税extra charge of education funds 教育费附加increment tax on land value 土地增值税field overhead 现场管理费Lesson 17contract 合同the Contract Agreement 合同协议书the Letter of Acceptance 中标函the Letter of Tender 投标书condition 合同条件the Specification 规范the Drawing 图纸the Schedule 计划表lump-sum contract 总价合同term 条款specified sum of 规定的总数目furnished 提供common practice 通常做法specified interval 规定间歇earn a profit 获利sustain a loss 承受损失unit-price contract 单价合同cubic 立方码linear 线性英尺concrete pavement 混凝土道路cost-plus-fee contract 成本加酬金合同reimburse 偿还on-site cost 现场费用head office 总部finance the project 酬资performance bond/Performance Security/the Performance Certificate履约保函surety 保证人engaging 雇人specialize 专注于highway 高速公路heavy 重型建筑pipeline 管道municipal 市政工程steel erection 钢铁建造idle equipment 停滞的设备cost-plus-incentive-fee-contract 成本加激励酬金合同cost-plus-a-fixed-fee-contract 成本加固定酬金合同cost-plus-percentage-fee contract 成本加固定百分比酬金合同Lesson 18execute 施工in accordance with 按照instruction 指令consumable 消耗品adequacy 完备性stability 可靠性Site operation 现场作业extent 范围Temporary Work 临时工程submit 提交Particular Condition 专用条件General Condition 一般条件Party’s design 手写信息the Tests on Completion 竣工验收as-built document 竣工文件dismantle 拆卸operation and maintenance manual 操作维修手册reassemble 重新组装taking-over 移交at his cost 自费currency 币种the Appendix to Tender 投标附录Sub-Clause 分条款expiry date 期满日期Lesson 21open/public bidding 公开招标selected bidding/ bid invitation / invitation to bidders 邀请招标bidder 投标者variation 变化regulate 规定deviation 偏离time-consuming 费时的negotiation 议标notice to bidders 投标者需知potential bidder 潜在投标人public work 公共工程the governing authority 政府机构solicits bids 请求投标prescribe【v】规定receipt of bid 接受标书bid forms 招标程序bid analysis 投标分析prebid meeting 标前会议unforeseen circumstance 不可预见的情况signing of the contract 合同签订successful bidder 中标人release of the bid 放弃投标insurer 承保人certifier check 保付支票the construction period 施工期guarantee-warranty periods 保修期deficiency 缺陷default 违约delay of progress 工期延误claim 索赔retention money 留存款prebid conference 标前会议the unpaid balance of the contract 合同未结算价款representative 代表Lesson 22bid opening 开标award of contract 合同授予bidding document 招标文件civil works 土木工程combination of bids 组合标turnkey contract 交钥匙合同commercial bid 商务标technical bid 技术标priced proposal 有价格的标书the date of invitation to bid 招标日期the date for latest delivery of bids 投标截止日期returned unopened 原封不动返还validity of bids 标书有效期the required sureties 被同意的保险人纸条扩充instructions to bidders 投标者需知the proposals 标书bond 担保agreement is the strongest of them all 协议是具有最高效力的prescribed 规定legal residence 法律注册地址provision 规定signature 签名load 荷载concentrated load 集中荷载force 力the loaded member 被加载的构件distributed load 分布荷载uniform 均布nonuniform 非均布weight 自重uniformly distributed load 均布荷载civil engineering 土木工程tunnel 隧道dam 大坝harbor 港口power plat 发电站water and sewage system 给排水系统mass transit 公共交通public facilities 必要基础设施population concentration 聚集地skyscraper 摩天大厦strength 抗压强度building material 建筑材料strength test to destruction 破坏强度试验ductile material 延性材料applying a tensile load 施加一个拉力compression test 抗压试验brittle material 脆性材料tensile strength 抗拉强度prequalification of contractor 资格预审。



Part1market demand 市场需求facility 设施the speculative housing market 投机性住宅市场the real estate developer 房地产开发商government agency 政府机构public project 公共项目project management 项目管理the conceptual planning stage 概念规划阶段feasibility 可行性in-house 内部的,内业的the project life cycle 项目生命周期from cradle to grave 从开始到结束knowledge domain 知识领域construction industry 建筑业spectrum 波普,光谱,范围residential housing construction 房屋住宅建设subcontractor 分包商institutional and commercial building construction 办公与商业用房建设specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设infrastructure and heavy construction 重大基础项目建设architectural and engineering(A/E)firm 建筑与工程设计公司consortium 财团,株式会社preliminary design 初步设计general contractor 总承包商on site quality inspection 现场质量监督litigation 法律诉讼shop drawings 施工图constructability 可建造性,可施工性value engineering 价值工程construction contract 施工合同design/construct firm 设计、施工公司turnkey 交钥匙(承发包)模式facility maintenance 设施维护Part2project integration management 项目综合管project scope management 项目范围管理project time management 项目时间管理project cost management 项目成本管理project quality management 项目质量管理project human resource management 项目人力资源管理project communications management 项目沟通管理project risk management 项目风险管理project procurement management 项目采购管理contractual relationships 合同关系changes 工程变更claims 施工索赔mega-projects 巨型项目“functional”organization “职能式”组织“project”organization “项目式”组织suborganizations 次级组织strong matrix-type suborganization 强矩阵式次级组织interpersonal influence 人际间影响力formal authority 正式的授权reward and/or penalty power 奖励和/或惩罚的权利matrix organization 矩阵式组织hierarchical structure 层级结构Part3job-site productivity 工作现场生产率non-productive activities 非生产性工作temporary work stoppage 临时性工作暂停union activities 工作活动performance analysis 绩效分析base labor productivity 基准劳动生产率labor productivity index 劳动力生产指数non-local labor 非当地用工productive labor yield 劳动力产出requisitions 询价purchase orders 订购单subcontracts 分包合同shipping and receiving documents 装船与接收文件invoices 发票bulk materials 大众材料standard off-the-shelf materials 现货材料fabricated members or units 预制构件或单元semi-processed state 半成品状态pre-processed 预加工的pressure vessels 压力容器field assembly 现场装配skilled craftsmen 熟练技工crawler mounting 履带式底盘claim shell 抓铲挖土机`dragline 拉铲挖土机backhoe 反铲挖土机shovel 正铲挖土机bulldozer 推土机rotary-percussion drills 旋转冲击钻bituminous 沥青Part4economic evaluation 经济评价the planning horizon 规划期cash flow profile 现金流量图minimum attractive rate of return(MARR) 最低收益率sensitivity or uncertainty analysis 敏感性或不确定性分析annual benefit 年收益annual cost 年费用net annual cash flow 年净现金流量opportunity cost 机会成本social rate of discount 社会贴现率profit measure利润指标值private corporations 私营股份制公司public agencies 公共机构net future value(NFV) /净终值net present value(NPV) 净现值equivalent uniform annual net value (NUV)等额净年值capital recovery factor 资金回收因子benefit-cost ratio(BCR) 收益-费用比profitability index 盈利指数saving-to-investment ratio(SIR) 存款投资比率absolute numerical measure 绝对指数internal rate of return(IRR) 内部收益率marginal efficiency of capital 边际资本收益return on investment(ROI) 投资收益payback period(PBP) 投资回收期profit maximization利润最大化public sector 公共领域basic principle 基本原理nonnegative 非负的budget constraint 预算限制incremental analysis 追加分析internal rate of return method 内部收益率法Part5Word Bank-financed projects 世界银行融资贷款项目foreign bidders 海外投标人civil works 土木工程I nternational Competitive Bidding(ICB) 竞争性国际招标Limited International Bidding 有限国际招标National Competitive Bidding 国内竞争性招标International Shopping 国际订购Direct Contracting 直接签约General Procurement Notice 通用采购公告prequalification 资格预审bidding documents 招标文件domestic contractors 国内承包商instructions to bidders 投标人须知conditions of contract 合同条件specifications of drawings 技术规范与图纸bill of quantities 工程量清单payment terms 支付条件minutes of the conference 会议纪要pre-bid conferences 标前会议site visits 现场踏勘substantially responsive 实质性响应the lowest evaluated cost 经评审的最低造价Part6the sealed bids 密封的投标报价construction company 建筑公司marketing strategy 市场营销策略long-term goals 长期目标client relationships 客户关系short-term goal 短期目标direct costs estimate 直接费估算mark-up 涨价溢价company or head office overheads 公司或总部管理费unrealistic bids 不切实际的报价owner-contractor agreement 业主与承包商之间订立的合同standard form of agreement 标准合同形式American Institute of Architects(AIA) 美国建筑师协会bonus and penalty clauses 奖励与惩罚条款lump-sum agreement 总价合同changer order 变更单written authorization 书面授权unit-price agreement 单价合同quantity takeoff 工程量清单cost-plus-fee agreements 成本加酬金合同equity partners 股权伙伴rental rates 出租比例percentage fee 百分百酬金合同fixed fee 固定酬金合同changes 工程变更contract award 合同授予changes clause 变更条款publicly financed project 公共融资项目extra work 附加工作the prime contractor 主承包商Part7the International Federation of Consulting Engineering 国际咨询师联合会the FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Constructions FIDIC施工合同条件the General Conditions (FIDIC)通用条件the Particular Conditions (FIDIC)专业条件the Appendix to Tender (FIDIC)投标附录arbitration 仲裁,裁决Dispute Adjudication Board(DBA)争议仲裁委员会Conditions of Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件Conditions of Contract for Electrical and Mechanical Work 机电安装工程合同条件Conditions of Contract for Design-Build and Turnkey设计-建造于交钥匙合同条件Client/Consultant Model Services Agreement 客户/咨询师服务协议Conditions of Subcontract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程分包合同条件Guides to the Use of the Different FIDIC Conditions of Contract 各种FIDIC合同条件应用指南Amicable Settlement of Construction Disputes 施工争端友好解决方式Insurance of Large Civil Engineering Projects 大型土木工程保险The Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-Build (FIDIC)安装与设计-建造合同The Conditions of Contract for EPC/Turnkey Projects (FIDIC)EPC/交钥匙项目合同条件The Short Form of Contract (FIDIC)简短格式合同The Form of Contract for Dredging and Reclamation Works (FIDIC)疏浚与防洪工程合同格式priced contract with activity schedule 总价合同priced contract with bill of quantities 单价合同target contract with activity schedule 目标总价合同target contract with bill of quantities 目标单价合同cost reimbursable contract 成本补偿合同performance bond 履约保函parent company guarantee 母公司担保advance payment 预付款retention (工程)留置权bonus for early completion 工期提前奖delays damages 误期损害surety 担保financial loan 商业贷款insurance policy 保险政策in breach of contract 合同违约bid bond 投标担保justification (正当的)理由labor and material bond 劳动力与原材料担保lien bond 留置权担保comprehensive general liability insurance 综合责任险professional liability insurance职业责任险workers’compensation insurance 工人补偿险builder’s risk fire insurance 施工方火灾险Part8construction planning 施工计划the choice of technology 施工技术的选择the definition of work tasks 工作任务的定义the estimation of the required resources and durations for individual tasks 所需资源和各项工作持续时间的估算reasoning backward 逆向推理normative problem 规范性问题cost control 成本控制schedule control 进度控制critical path scheduling procedures 关键线路进度控制程序job shop scheduling procedures 工作现场进度控制程序work breakdown 工作分解manufacturing terminology加工制造业术语resource allocations 资源分配fore-runner 先行者laborious and tedious process 复杂和枯燥的过程general models 通用模型databases and information systems 数据库和信息系统the storage and recall of the activities工作活动的存储于记忆manpower 人力,劳动力the duration of the activity 工作活动的持续时间placing concrete on site 现场浇筑混凝土placing forms 支设模板installing reinforcing steel 绑扎钢筋pouring concrete 浇筑混凝土finishing the concrete 混凝土养护removing forms 模板拆除position forms on the cleaning station 在清理场所码放的模板hierarchical structure 层级结构work breakdown structure 工作结构分解precedence relations 先导顺序关系structural integrity结构整体性design drawings 设计图纸milestone events 里程碑事件lag 时间间隔computer based simulation 基于计算机的模拟excavation equipment 开挖机械\Part9critical path method(CPM) 关键路线发predecessor/successor activities先导/后续工作resource constraint 资源约束artificial precedence constraint 人为先导关系约束activity-branch network 双代号网络图dummy activity 虚工作earliest time schedule 最早时间进度latest time schedule 最迟时间进度float 时差,机动时间maneuvering room 可调整的余地free float 自由时差independent float 独立时差total float 总时差inter-relationships 相互关系graphical presentations of project schedules 项目进度的图形表达network diagrams 网络图time-scaled network 时标网络bar or Gantt chart 横道或甘特图horizontal axis 横轴,横坐标vertical axis 纵轴,纵坐标S-curves S型曲线resource graphs 资源图uncertainty associated with the actual durations与实际持续时间相关的不确定性regulatory approval 行政许可adverse weather 不利的天气contingency allowance 应急准备probabilistic perspective概率的角度independent random variables 相互独立的随机变量random fluctuations 随机波动positive correlations正相关over-optimistic 过于乐观的Part10e-construction 工程返工personal injuries 人身伤害conformance 遵守,服从re-evaluation of design decisions设计决策的重要评估tunneling methods 隧道开掘方法actual site conditions 现场的实际状况roadway rehabilitation 公路路面返修quality assurance 质量保证n-site inspections 现场监督检查US Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)美国职业安全与健康署violation of existing standard 违反现行规范标准employee participation in quality control 质量控制的员工参与statistical methods 统计方法batches of materials 材料批implicit assumption 隐含的假设total quality control 全面质量控制zero defects goal 零缺陷目标quality circles 质量环“optimum”proportion “最佳”的比例non-destructive techniques 非破坏性技术x-ray inspection of welds 焊接的X光检测exhaustive or 100% testing 全数或100%检测lot 母体,总体sampling by attributes 特征抽样sampling by variables 变量抽样direct costs 直接成本indirect costs 间接成本construction accidents 工程事故insurance premiums 保险赔偿unsecured railings 未经保护的围栏on-board electronics面板电子元器件asbestosis 矽肺,石棉肺sewer line 排污管道four lane street 四车道道路Part11construction yard and warehouse management information 施工仓储管理信息concrete pumps 混凝土泵warehouse clerks 仓储管理员daily rental charge 日租金tedious manual task 繁琐的手工作业application programs 应用程序duplicate 复制verbal description 文字描述warehouse inventory database 仓储清单数据库relational data model 关系数据模型data dictionary 数据字典numerical code 数据编码redundancy 冗余aggregate 集料,骨料external models of the information 外部信息模型algebraic theory 代数理论projection 映射advantages of distributed processing 分散式处理的优点dynamic changes in information needs 信息需求的动态变化untidy information 凌乱的信息information flow 信息流preprocessor system 预处理系统independent systems 独立系统geometric information 图形信息。






工程管理领域涵盖了众多的专业术语,如project management(项目管理)、cost control(成本控制)、quality management(质量管理)、risk assessment(风险评估)、resource allocation(资源分配)等。



这包括项目生命周期(project life cycle)、关键路径法(critical path method)、挣值管理(earned value management)等。



考试可能会涉及到各类合同的类型,如 construction contract(建筑合同)、supply contract(供应合同)等,以及合同中的关键条款,如 terms andconditions(条款和条件)、liability and indemnification(责任与赔偿)等。

此外,还需要了解相关的法律法规,如 construction law(建筑法)、labour law(劳动法)等。




例如,开头的称呼(Dear Sir/Madam)、结尾的祝颂语(Best regards)等。



Abstract Resource 抽象资源Abstraction 抽象Acceleration 加速Acceptability Criteria 验收标准Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平Acceptance 验收Acceptance Criteria 验收标准Acceptance Letters 验收函Acceptance Number 接受数目Acceptance Review 验收评审Acceptance Test 验收测试Acquisition Methods 采购方式Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判Acquisition Plan 采购计划Acquisition Plan Review ("APR") 采购计划评审Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制Acquisition Process 采购过程Acquisition Strategy 采购策略Action 行动Action Item 行动项Action Item Flags 行动项标记Action Plan 行动计划Activation 激活Active Listening 积极倾听Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理Activity Calendar 活动日历Activity Code 活动代码Activity Definition 活动定义Activity Description 活动描述Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算Activity Elaboration 活动详述Activity File 活动档案Activity ID 活动识别码Activity List 活动清单Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络Activity on Arc ("AOA") 弧线表示活动双代号网络Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动双代号网络参见 Arrow Diagramming Method. Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络参见 Activity on Arc 和 Precedence Diagram Method.Activity Oriented 面向活动Activity Oriented Schedule 面向活动的进度计划Activity Properties 活动属性Activity Quantities 活动量值Activity Status 活动状态Activity Timing 活动定时Actor 执行者角色Actual 实际的Actual and Scheduled Progress 实际进展的与计划进度Actual Cost 实际成本Actual Cost Data Collection 实际成本汇总Actual Costs 实际费用Actual Dates 实际日期Actual Direct Costs 实际直接成本Actual Expenditures 实际的支出参见Actual Costs.Actual Finish 实际完成Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期Actual Start 实际开始Actual Start Date 实际开始日期ACWP 已完成工作实际成本See Actual Cost of Work Performed Adaptation 适应Added Value 附加价值Addendum 附录参见procurement addendum.Adequacy 适当Adjourning 解散Adjustment 调节ADM参见Arrow Diagram MethodADM Project ADM 项目Administration 管理部门Administrative 行政的参见Administrative Management Administrative Change 行政变更Administrative Management 行政管理ADP参见Automated Data ProcessingADR参见Alternative Dispute Resolution Advanced Material Release ("AMR") 材料提前发布AF参见 Actual Finish DateAFE参见Application for Expenditure参见Authority for ExpenditureAffect 影响Affected Parties 受影响方Agency 代理Agenda 议程Aggregation 汇总Agreement 协议Agreement, legal 协议合同ALAP参见As-Late-As-PossibleAlgorithm 算法Alignment 排列成行Alliance 联合Allocated Baseline 分配的基线Allocated Requirements 分配需求Allocation 分配Allowable Cost 允许成本Allowance 预留Alternate Resource 替代资源Alternative Analysis 替代分析Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") 替代争议解决方案Alternatives 可选方案Ambiguity 含糊不清Amendment 修订Amount at Stake 损失量AMR 材料提前公布Analysis 分析Analysis and Design 分析与设计Analysis Time 分析期Analyst 分析员AND Relationship 与关系Anecdotal 轶事Anticipated Award Cost 预期中标价AOA参见Activity on Arrow参见Activity on ArcAON参见Activity on NodeAOQ参见Average Outgoing QualityAOQL参见Average Outgoing Quality Limit APMA参见Area of Project Management ApplicationApparent Low Bidder 最低投标人Application 应用Application Area 应用领域Application for Expenditure ("AFE") 支出申请Application for Expenditure Justification 支出申请的论证Application Programs 应用程序Applied Direct Costs 实际直接成本Apportioned Effort 分摊努力Apportioned Task 分摊任务Appraisal 评估Approach 方法Appropriation 拨款Approval 批准Approval to Proceed 批准继续Approve 同意Approved Bidders List 批准的投标人清单Approved Changes 批准的变更Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求APR参见Acquisition Plan ReviewAQL参见Acceptable Quality Level Arbitrary 随意的Arbitration 仲裁Arc 弧线Architectural Baseline 构架基线Architectural View 构架视图Architecture 构架Architecture, executable 构架可执行参见Executable Architecture.Archive 档案文件Archive Plan 存档计划Area of Project Application参见Area of Project Management ApplicationArea of Project Management Application ("APMA") 项目管理的应用领域Arrow 箭线Arrow Diagram参见Activity Arrow NetArrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法双代号网络图Artifact 制品Artificial 人工的AS参见Actual Start DateASAP参见As-Soon-As-PossibleAs-built Design 实际建造设计As-built Documentation 实际建造文档As-Built Records参见As-Built DocumentationAs-Built Schedule 实际建造进度计划As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP") 尽可能晚As-Needed 恰如所需As-of Date见Data Date.As-Performed Schedule 实际进度计划Assembly 组装件Assembly Sequence 组装顺序Assessment 评估Assets 资产Assignment 分配委派任务Associated Revenue 关联收益Association 关联关系As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP") 尽快Assumption 假设Assumptions 假设Assumptions List 假设清单Assurance 保证Assurance Program见Quality Assurance Program.ATP见Acceptance Test ProcedureAttitude 态度Attribute 属性Attrition 损耗Audit 审核审计Authoritarian 独裁的Authoritative 权威的Authority 权威权力Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") 开支权Authorization 授权见ApprovalAuthorize 批准Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作Authorized Work 批准的工作Authorized Works 批准的工作Automated Data Processing ("ADP") 自动化数据处理Automatic Decision Event 自动决策事件Automatic Generation 自动生成Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备AUW见Authorized Unpriced WorkAuxiliary Ground Equipment 辅助场地设备Availability 可用性Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ") 平均出厂质量Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL") 平均出厂质量限度Average Sample Size Curve 平均样本规模曲线Avoidance 避免Award 授予Award Fee 奖金Award Letter 中标函BAC 完工预算参见Budget at Completion参见Baseline at CompletionBack Charge 逆向计费参见BackchargeBackcharge 逆向收费Backward Pass 倒推法/反向计算Bad Debts 坏帐Balance 余额权衡Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵Balanced Scorecard 平衡记分卡参见 Scoring a Project's Contribution Balanced Scorecard Approach ("BSA") 平衡记分卡方法Bank 储备Banking 储备Bar Chart 横道图Bargaining 讨价还价交涉Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力交涉权力Barriers 障碍Base 基础基数Baseline 基线基准Baseline at Completion ("BAC") 完成/完工基线Baseline Concept 基线概念Baseline Control 基线控制参见Configuration ControlBaseline Cost 基线成本Baseline Dates 基线日期Baseline Finish Date 基线完成日期参见Scheduled Finish DateBaseline Management 基线管理Baseline Plan 基线计划基准计划Baseline Review 基线评审Baseline Schedule 基线进度计划Baseline Start Date 基线开始日期参见Scheduled Start Date.Baseline, budget 基线预算Baseline, business 基线商业Baseline, cost estimate 基线费用估算Baseline, technical 基线技术Basis of Estimate 估算根据Batch 批量参见LotBatch Operation 批运行/批处理BATNA参见 Best Alternative to Negotiated AgreementBCM参见 Business Change ManagerBCWP参见 Budgeted Cost of Work Performed BCWS参见 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled BEC参见 Elapsed CostBehavior 行为/反应Behavior Analysis 行为分析参见Functional AnalysisBenchmark 基准Benchmarking 标竿管理Beneficial Occupancy/Use 有益的占用/使用Benefits 效益Benefits Framework 效益框架Benefits Management 效益管理Benefits Management Plan 效益管理计划Benefits Management Regime 效益管理制度Benefits Profiles 效益简述Benefits Realization Phase 效益实现阶段Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement ("BATNA") 协议外最佳方案BATNABest and Final Contract Offer 最佳及最终合同报价Best and Final Offer 最佳及最终报价Best Efforts Contract 最大努力合同Best Practices 最佳实践Best Value 最佳值Beta Distribution 贝塔发布Beta Test 贝塔测试Beta testing 贝塔测试Bid 投标Bid Analysis 投标分析Bid Bond 投标保证金Bid Cost Considerations 投标成本补偿费Bid Document Preparation 招标文件准备Bid Documents 招标文件Bid Evaluation 评标Bid List 投标人清单Bid Package 标段标块Bid Protests 投标抗议/拒付Bid Qualifications 投标资质Bid Response 投标响应Bid Technical Consideration 投标技术因素Bid Time Consideration 投标中的时间因素Bid/No Bid Decision 投标/不投标决策Bidder 投标人Bidders Conference 投标人会议Bidders List 投标人名单Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择Bidding 投标Bidding Strategy 投标策略Bill 帐单Bill of Materials 材料清单Bills of Materials 材料清单Blanket Purchase Agreement ("BPA") 一揽子采购协议BPABlueprint 蓝图/计划设计图Board 委员会Boiler Plate 样板文件Bona Fide 真诚真实Bond 担保Bonus 奖金Bonus Schemes 奖励计划Booking Rates 预提费率BOOT参见Build, Own, Operate, Transfer Bottom Up Cost Estimate 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算Boundary 边界BPA参见 Blanket Purchase Agreement BPR参见Business Process Reengineering Brainstorming 头脑风暴法Branching Logic 分支逻辑关系Breach of Contract 违约Breadboarding 实验模型Break Even 盈亏平衡Breakdown 分解Breakdown Structure 分解结构Break-Even Chart 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Charts 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Point 盈亏平衡点Bribe 贿赂BSA参见Balanced Scorecard ApproachBuck Passing 完全通过/推卸责任Budget 预算Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算BACBudget Cost 预算成本Budget Costs 预算成本预算费用Budget Decrement 预算消耗Budget Element 预算要素Budget Estimate 预算估算参见EstimateBudget Presentation 预算介绍Budget Revision 预算修订Budget Unit 预算单位Budgetary Control 预算性控制Budgeted 已安排预算的Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ("BCWP") 已完工作预算成本BCWPBudgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ("BCWS") 计划工作的预算成本Budgeting 制定预算Budgeting & Cost Management 预算制定与成本管理Build 建设构造Build, Own, Operate, Transfer ("BOOT") 建造拥有经营转让Buildability 建造能力Building 建筑物Building Professionalism 建设专业化Build-to Documentation 建成文档Built-in Test Equipment 内置测试设备Bulk Material 大宗材料Burden 间接费用负担参见Indirect Cost.Burden of Proof 举证费Bureaucracy 官僚制度Burn Rate 消耗速度Burst Node 分支点Business Actor 业务参与者/角色Business Appraisal 商业评估Business Area 业务领域Business Assurance 商业保证Business Assurance Coordinator 商业保证协调人Business Case 商业案例Business Change Manager ("BCM") 商业变更经理BCMBusiness Creation 商业创新Business Engineering 商业工程Business Imperative 商业需要Business Improvement 业务改进Business Manager 商务经理商业经理Business Modeling 业务建模Business Needs 商业需求Business Objectives 商业目标Business Operations 业务运作Business Process 业务流程Business Process Engineering 业务流程工程参见 business engineeringBusiness Process Reengineering ("BPR") 业务流程重组Business Processes 业务流程Business Risk 商业风险Business Rule 商业规则Business Transition Plan 业务转换计划参见 Transition PlanBusiness Unit 业务单位Buyer 买方Buyer's Market 买方市场Buy-In 支持认同买进Bypassing 回避C/SCSC参见 Cost/Schedule Control System CriteriaC/SSR参见 Cost/Schedule Status ReportCA参见 Control AccountCAD参见 Computer Aided Drafting参见 Computer Aided DesignCalculate Schedule 估算进度安排Calculation 计算Calendar 日历参见 Project Calendar.Calendar File 日历文件Calendar Range 日历范围Calendar Start Date 日历开始日期Calendar Unit 日历单位Calendar, Software 日历软件Calendars 日历集Calibration 校准CAM参见 Cost Account Manager参见 Computer Aided Manufacturing参见 Control Account ManagerCAP参见 Cost Account Plan参见 Control Account PlanCapability 能力Capability Survey 能力调查Capital 资本Capital Appropriation 资本划拨Capital Asset 资本资产Capital Cost 资本成本Capital Employed 占用的资本Capital Expansion Projects 资本扩展项目Capital Goods Project 资本货物项目Capital Property 资本财产CAR参见 Capital Appropriation Request Cards-on-the-wall Planning 墙卡规划法Career 职业Career Path Planning 职业路线规划Career Planning 职业规划参见 Career Path Planning.Carryover Type 1 结转类型1Carryover Type 2 结转类型2Cascade Chart 层叠图CASE (1)参见 Computer Aided Software EngineeringCASE (2)参见 Computer Aided System Engineering Cash 现金Cash Flow 现金流Cash Flow Analysis 现金流分析Cash Flow Management 现金流管理Cash Flow, Net 现金流净值Cash In 现金流入Cash Out 现金支出Catalyst 催化者Catch-up Alternatives 赶上计划的备选方案Causation 起因Cause 动因CBD参见 Component-Based DevelopmentCBS参见 Cost Breakdown StructureCCB参见 Change Control BoardCCDR参见 Contractor Cost Data ReportCDR参见 Critical Design ReviewCentral Processing Unit ("CPU") 中央处理单元Centralized 集中的Certain 确定的参见 Certainty.Certainty 确定性Certificate of Conformance 一致性认证Certification 认证Chain 链Challenge 挑战Champion 推动者支持者Change 变更变化变革Change Control 变更控制Change Control Board ("CCB") 变更管理委员会Change Documentation 变更文档Change in Scope 工作范围变化参见 Scope Change.Change Log 变更日志Change Management 变更管理Change Management Plan 变更管理计划Change Notice 变更通知Change Order 变更通知单参见Variation OrderChanged Conditions 变更的条款Characteristic 特性Chart 图表Chart of Accounts 会计科目表Chart Room 图表室Charter 章程参见 Project CharterChecking 检查Checklist 检查清单Checkpoint 检查点Checkpoints 检查点集Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官Child 子项Child Activity 子活动CI参见 Configuration ItemClaim 索赔Clarification 澄清Class 类Classes 类Classification 分类Classification of Defects 缺陷的分类Clearance Number 净空数Client 客户Client Environment 客户环境Client Quality Services 客户质量服务Closed Projects 已收尾的项目Closeout 收尾Closeout Report 收尾报告Closeout, phase 收尾阶段参见 Project Closeout.Closing 终止Closure 收尾CM参见 Configuration Management参见Construction Management Coaching 教练Code 代码参见 Source Code.Code and Unit Test 编码和单元测试Code of Accounts 帐目编码Coding 编码Collaboration 协作Collapsing 折叠Collective 集体的Combative 好战的Commercial 商务的Commercial Item Description 商务描述Commission and Handover 委托和移交Commissioning 试运行Commissions and Bonuses 酬金和奖金Commit 提交Commitment 承诺义务Commitment Document 承诺文件Commitment Estimate参见 Estimate Class ACommitment Package 承诺包Commitment to Objectives 对目标的承诺Committed Cost 已承担成本已承付成本Committed Costs 已承诺费用Common Carrier 公众运营商Communicating With Groups 与团队的沟通Communicating With Individuals 与个人的沟通Communication 沟通参见 Effective Communication. Communication Channels 沟通渠道Communication Plan, Strategic 沟通计划策略性的Communication Plan, Tactical 沟通计划--战术性的Communication Room 交流室Communications Management 沟通管理Communications Plan 沟通计划Communications Planning 沟通规划编制Community 社团Company 公司Comparison 对比Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 补偿Compensation and Evaluation 补偿和评价Competence 能力Competency 能力Competition 竞争Competitive:竞争的Compile 编译Compile Time 编译时Complete 完成Completed Activity 已完成的活动Completed Units 完工单元Completion 完工Completion Date 完成日期Complex 复杂的参见 Project Complexity.Component 构件组件Component Integration and Test 组件集成和测试Component-Based Development ("CBD") 基于构件的开发Components 组件Compound Risk 复合风险Compromise 折衷Compromising, in negotiating 折衷谈判Computer 计算机Computer Aided Design ("CAD") 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Drafting ("CAD") 计算机辅助制图Computer Aided Manufacturing ("CAM") 计算机辅助制造Computer Cost Applications 计算机化的成本管理应用Computer Hardware 计算机硬件Computer Modeling 计算机建模Computer Program Configuration Item 计算机程序配置项参见 Computer Software Configuration Item.Computer Software 计算机软件Computer Software Component 计算机软件组件Computer Software Configuration Item("CSCI") 计算机软件配置项Computer Software Documentation 计算机软件文档Computer Software Unit 计算机软件单元Computer-Aided 计算机辅助的Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval 计算机化的信息存储定位和检索Concept 概念Concept Definition Document 概念定义文档Concept Phase 概念阶段Concept Study 概念研究Conception Phase 概念形成阶段Conceptual 概念性的参见 Concept.Conceptual Budgeting 概念性预算Conceptual Design 概念性设计Conceptual Development 概念性开发Conceptual Project Planning 概念性项目计划Concession 让步Concession Making, in negotiating 谈判中的让步Conciliatory 调和的Concluding 终决的Conclusions 结论Concurrency 并发性Concurrent 并发事件Concurrent Delays 并行延迟Concurrent Engineering 并行工程Concurrent Tasks 并行任务Conditional Risk 条件风险Conditions 条件条款Conducting 执行Confidence Level 信心等级Configuration 配置Configuration Audit 配置审核Configuration Breakdown 配置分解Configuration Control 配置控制Configuration Control Board 配置控制委员会Configuration Identification 配置识别Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证Configuration Item Verification Procedures 配置项验证程序Configuration Management 配置管理Configuration Management Board 配置管理委员会Configuration Relationships 配置关系Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态统计Conflict 冲突Conflict Management 冲突管理Conflict Resolution 冲突解决方案Conformance to Requirements 与需求的一致性Confrontation 积极面对Consensus 一致同意Consensus Decision Process 集体决策过程Consent 同意Consequences 后果Consideration 对价Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项Consolidate 合并Consortium 联盟Constituents 涉众Constraint 约束条件Constraint, project constraint 约束条件对项目的约束Constraints 约束条件Constructability 施工能力Construction 施工构造建造建筑Construction Contractor 施工承包商Construction Cost 施工成本Construction Management ("CM") 施工管理Construction Manager 施工经理Construction Stage 施工阶段Construction Work 施工工作Construction-Oriented 以施工为导向的Constructive Challenge 建设性质询Constructive Change 建设性变更Consultant 咨询顾问Consulting 咨询Consumable Resource 可消耗资源Consumables 消费性物资Contemplated Change Notice 预期变更通知Contending, in negotiating 争论在谈判中Content 内容Content Type 内容类型Context 背景Contingencies 不可预见费应急费用参见 Reserve and Contingency Planning. Contingency 不可预见费应急费用Contingency Allowance 应急补助参见 Reserve.Contingency Budget Procedure 不可预见费用预算程序Contingency Plan 意外事件计划Contract Package 合同包参见 Contract Breakdown.Contract Performance Control 合同履行控制Contract Plan 合同计划Contract Pre-award Meetings 合同预授予会议Contract Quality Requirements 合同质量要求Contract Requirements 合同要求Contract Risk 合同风险Contract Risk Analysis 合同风险分析Contract Signing 合同签署Contract Strategy 合同战略Contract Target Cost ("CTC") 合同目标成本Contract Target Price ("CTP") 合同目标价格Contract Type 合同分类Contract Types 合同类型Contract Work Breakdown Structure ("CWBS") 合同工作分解结构Contract/Procurement Management 合同/采购管理Contracting 签订合同Contractor 承包商Contractor Claims Release 承包商索赔豁免Contractor Cost Data Report ("CCDR") 承包商成本数据报告Contractor Evaluation 承包商评估Contractor Furnished Equipment 承包商供应的设备Contractor Project Office 承包商项目办公室Contractor Short Listing 承包商短列表Contractor's Performance Evaluation 承包商的绩效评价Contractual 合同的参见 Contractual Conditions. Contractual Conditions 合同条款Contractual/Legal Requirements 合同的/法律上的要求Contributed Value 贡献价值参见 Added Value.Contribution Analysis 贡献分析Control 控制参见Project Control 和Control Cycle. Control Account ("CA") 控制帐目Control Account Manager ("CAM") 控制帐目经理Control Account Plan ("CAP") : 控制帐目计划Control and Coordination 控制和协调Control Chart 控制表Control Cycle 控制周期Control Gate 控制关口控制关卡参见 Management Control Point. Control Loop 控制回路Control Point 控制点Control Requirements 控制必要条件要求Control System 控制系统Control Theory 控制论Controllable Risks 可控风险Controlling 控制参看Project ControlControlling Relationship 控制关系Coordinated Matrix 协调型的矩阵Coordination 协调Coordinator 协调员Corporate 公司Corporate Administration and Finance 公司行政和财务Corporate Budget. 公司预算Corporate Business Life Cycle 公司商务生命周期Corporate Constraints 公司限制因素Corporate Data Bank 公司数据库Corporate Management 公司管理Corporate Memory 公司记忆库Corporate Philosophy 公司价值体系, 公司哲学Corporate Planning 公司计划编制Corporate Project Management 公司项目管理Corporate Project Strategy 公司项目战略Corporate Quality Standards 公司质量标准Corporate Resources 公司资源Corporate Responsibility Matrix 公司责任矩阵Corporate Standards 公司标准Corporate Supervision 公司监管Corporation 公司Correction 纠正Corrective Action 纠正措施Correlation 相关性Cost 成本参见 Project Cost.Cost Account 成本帐目Cost Account Breakdown 成本帐目分解Cost Account Manager ("CAM") 成本帐目经理Cost Account Plan ("CAP") 成本帐目计划Cost Accumulation Methods 成本累加方法Cost Analysis 成本分析Cost Applications 成本应用Cost Avoidance 成本规避Cost Baseline 成本基线Cost Benefit 成本效益Cost Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构Cost Budgeting 成本预算Cost Ceiling 封顶成本成本上限Cost Ceiling Bracket 成本上限范围Cost Center 成本中心Cost Check 成本检查Cost Classes 成本类别Cost Code 成本代码Cost Codes 成本代码Cost Control 成本控制Cost Control Point 成本控制点Cost Control System 成本控制系统Cost Curve 成本曲线Cost Distribution 成本分摊Cost Effective 成本效率成本有效的Cost Element 成本元素Cost Engineering 成本工程Cost Envelope 成本区域Cost Estimate 成本估算Cost Estimate Classification System 成本估算分类系统Cost Estimating 成本估算Cost Estimating Relationship 成本估算关系Cost Forecast 成本预测Cost Forecasting 成本预测Cost Growth 成本增长Cost Incurred 已发生成本Cost Index 成本指数Cost Indices 成本指数表Cost Input 成本投入Cost Management 成本管理Cost Model 成本模型Cost of Money 资金成本Cost of Quality 质量成本Cost Overrun 成本超支Cost Performance Baseline 成本绩效基线请参见"Cost Baseline".Cost Performance Index ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Indicator ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Measurement Baseline 成本绩效度量基线Cost Performance Ratio ("CPR") 成本绩效比率参见Cost Performance IndicatorCost Performance Report ("CPR") 成本绩效报告Cost Plan 成本计划Cost Plus 成本补偿Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费用合同Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同费用可偿还合同Cost Reimbursement 成本补偿Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts 成本补偿型合同Cost Reviews 成本评审Cost Savings 成本节约Cost Sharing Contract 成本共享合同Cost Status 成本状态Cost to Complete 竣工尚需成本Cost to Complete Forecast 竣工所需成本预测Cost Types 成本类型Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差Cost/Schedule Status Report ("C/SSR") 成本/进度状态报告Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Costed Work Breakdown Structure 带成本信息的工作分解结构Cost-Effectiveness 成本效果分析法Costing 成本核算Costing Systems 成本核算系统Cost-Time Resource Sheet ("CTR") 成本时间资源表Counseling 指导Countermeasures 对策CPFFC参见"Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract" CPI参见"Cost Performance Index".参见"Cost Performance Indicator". CPIF 成本加奖励费用合同参见"Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract" CPIFC参见"Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract" CPM参见 "Critical Path Method"CPN参见 "Critical Path Network"CPPC参见 "Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract"CPR参见 "Cost Performance Ratio"参见 Cost Performance Report"CPU参见 "Central Processing Unit"CR参见 "Change Request"Craft 技艺Crash Costs 赶工成本Crash Duration 赶工工期Crashing 赶工Creativity 创造力Credit 赊欠信誉Credited Resource 已授予的资源Crisis 危机Criteria 标准指标Criterion 标准指标Critical 关键的Critical Activity 关键活动Critical Chain 关键链Critical Defect 关键性缺陷Critical Defective 有关键缺陷的产品Critical Design Review 关键设计评审Critical Event 关键事件Critical Factors 关键因素Critical Path 关键路径Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析Critical Path Method ("CPM") 关键路径法Critical Path Network ("CPN") 关键路径网络图Critical Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标Critical Ratio 临界比关键比率Critical Sequence 关键工序Critical Sequence Analysis 关键工序分析Critical Subcontractor 关键分包商Critical Success Factors ("CSF") 关键的成功因素Critical Task 关键任务Critical Work Item 关键工作项Criticality Index 关键指数Cross Organizational 交叉型组织跨组织的Cross References 交叉参照Cross-Stage Plan 交叉阶段计划CSCI参见 "Computer Software Configuration Item".CSF参见 "Critical Success Factors"CTC参见 "Contract Target Cost"CTP参见 "Contract Target Price"CTR参见 "Cost-Time Resource Sheet" Culture 文化Culture, organizational 文化组织文化Cumulative Cost-to-Date 到目前为止的累计成本参见 Total Expenditure to Date" Cumulative S Curve 累计S 曲线参见 " S Curve"Currency Conversion 货币兑换Current Budget 当前预算Current Date Line 当前日期线Current Finish Date 当前完成日期Current FY Budget Allocation 当前财政年的预算分配Current Start Date 当前开始日期Current Status 当前状态Current Year 当年Custom Duty and Tax 海关关税Customer 客户Customer Acceptance Criteria 客户验收标准Customer Furnished Equipment 客户提供的设备Customer Perspective 客户观点Customer/Client Personnel 客户方的职员Cutoff Date 移交日期Cutover 移交CV参见 Cost Variance"CWBS参见 "Contract Work Breakdown Structure"Cybernetics 控制论Cycle 周期Cycle Time 周期Damages 损害赔偿金Dangle 悬空活动Data 数据Data Application 数据应用Data Bank参见 "Corporate Memory"Data Collection 数据收集Data Date ("DD") 数据日期Data Entry Clerk 数据录入员Data Item Description ("DID") 工作项描述Data Processing 数据处理Data Refinements 数据改进Data Type 数据类型Data Structure Organization 数据结构组织Database 数据库Database Administrator ("DBA") 数据库管理员Database Management System ("DBMS") 数据库管理系统Date of Acceptance 验收日期Day Work Account 日常工作帐户DBA参见 "Database Administrator"DBM见 "Dynamic Baseline Model"DBMS参见 "Database Management System" DCE参见 "Distributed ComputingEnvironment"DCF参见 "Discounted Cash Flow"DD参见 "Data Date"Deactivation Plan 惰性化计划Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程Debriefing 投标反馈听取情况汇报情况Decentralized 分散的Decision 决策Decision Documentation 决策文档Decision Event 决策事件Decision Making 制定决策Decision Making Process 决策过程Decision Support System 决策支持系统Decision Theory 决策论Decision Tree 决策树Decision Trees 决策树组Decomposing 分解Decomposition 分解Default 违约Default Values 默认值Defect 缺陷Defective 缺陷产品Defects-Per-Hundred-Units 每百个单元有缺陷的数量Deficiency 缺陷Deficiency List 缺陷清单Definition 定义Definition Phase 定义阶段Definitive 确定性的Definitive Estimate 确定性估算参见 "Estimate"Deflection 风险转移Degradation 降级Delay 延期Delay, compensable 补偿性延期Delaying Resource 资源延期Delegating 授权Delegation 授权Deliberate Decision Event 预先准备的决策事件Deliverable 可交付成果,可交付物参见 "Product". Deliverable Breakdown Structure 可交付物分解结构参见 "Work Breakdown Structure" Deliverable Deadline 可交付物的终止期限Deliverables 可交付成果可交付物Deliverables Management 交付物管理Delivery 交付Delphi Technique 德尔菲法Demonstrate 演示证明Demonstrated 已证明的Demonstrated Past Experience 已证明的过去经验Demonstration 演示Demonstration Review 演示评审Department 部门Departmental Budget 部门预算Dependability 可靠性Dependencies 依赖关系Dependency 活动之间的依赖关系参见Logical Relationship" Dependency Arrow 关系箭线Dependency Diagram 网络图前导网络图Dependency Links 依赖关系Dependency Management 依赖关系管理Deployment 部署Deployment Lessons Learned Document 部署的经验教训文档Deployment Plan 部署计划Deployment Procedures 部署流程Deployment Readiness Review 部署准备评审Deployment View 部署视图Depreciation 折旧Descriptive 描述性的Design 设计Design & Development Phase 设计和开发阶段Design Alternatives 设计备选方案Design Appraisal 设计评估Design Authority 设计权威Design Baseline 基准设计Design Bid Build 设计阶段投标的建立Design Brief 设计大纲Design Build 设计的建立包括设计和构造Design Concept 设计概念Design Contingency 设计应急费用Design Contract 设计合同Design Control 设计控制Design Development 设计开发Design Management 设计管理Design Management Plan 设计管理计划Design Model 设计模型Design of Experiment 试验设计Design Package 设计包Design Review 设计评审Design Subsystem 设计子系统Design Time 设计时间Design to Budget 按预算设计Design to Cost 按成本设计Design-to Specifications 按规范设计Desirable Logic 合意逻辑Detail Documentation 详细的文档Detail Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Design 详细设计Detailed Design Stage 详细设计阶段Detailed Engineering 详细工程Detailed Planning 详细计划Detailed Plans 详细的计划参见 Detailed Resource Plan 和Detailed Technical PlanDetailed Resource Plan 详细的资源计划Detailed Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Technical Plan 详细的技术计划Determination 决定决心Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results 确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本参见 Cost Benefit"Deterministic 确定性的Deterministic Network 确定的网络图Developed Country 发达国家Developer 开发人员Developing Country 发展中国家Development 开发参见 "Development Phase"Development case 开发案例Development Phase 开发阶段Development Plan 开发计划Development process 开发过程Deviation 偏差Deviation Permit 允许偏差参见 "Production Permit"Diagram 图Diagramming参见 "Scheduling"DID参见 "Data Item Description" Differences 偏差差异Differentials 差值Differing Site Conditions 不同的现场环境Direct Cost 直接成本Direct Cost Contingency 直接成本应急费用参见 "Project Direct Cost Contingency" Direct Costs 直接成本Direct Labor 直接人工Direct Project Costs 直接项目成本费用Directing 指挥Direction 指导Directive 指示Director 主管总监Discipline 学科Discipline Maintenance 规矩的维护Discontinuous Activity 非连续的活动Discontinuous Processing 非连续的过程Discount Rate 贴现率折现率Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") 折现现金流Discounting 折现Discrete Effort 离散工作Discrete Milestone 离散里程碑Discrete Task 离散任务Discrimination 歧视Discussion 讨论Display 显示Disposal of Materials 材料处置Dispute 辩论Disruption 破坏Disruptive 破坏性的Dissemination 分发。


CMC—construction management contractor建設專案管理承包商
CAD—computer aided design電腦輔助設計
CPA--Certified public accounting特許公共會計師
AIA—American institute of architects美國建築師協會
Net future value淨終值
Numerous alternative plans眾多的備選方案
Network diagrams網路計畫圖
Operation and maintenance managers運行與維護經理
On-site Installation現場安裝
Cost exposure附加成本
Critical path method關鍵線路法
Construction yard施工現場
detailed engineering design詳細的工程設計
design methodology設計方法
detailed design詳細設計
drilling and blasting鑽孔和爆破
The feasibility study report可行性研究報告
The state of economy經濟狀況
Turnkey project/contract交鑰匙工程/合同
Top-down design自上而下的設計
Technical feasibility技術可行性
Tangible asset有形資產
PERT—program evaluation and review technology計畫評審技術



ABC参见Activity Based CostingABM参见Activity Based Management Abstract Resource 抽象资源Abstraction 抽象Acceleration 加速Acceptability Criteria[ək,septə'biliti][kraɪ'tɪərɪə]验收标准Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平Acceptance 验收Acceptance Criteria 验收标准Acceptance Letters 验收函Acceptance Number 接受数目Acceptance Review 验收评审Acceptance Test 验收测试Acquisition Methods 采购方式Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判Acquisition Plan 采购计划Acquisition Plan Review ("APR") 采购计划评审Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制Acquisition Process 采购过程Acquisition Strategy 采购策略Action 行动Action Item 行动项Action Item Flags 行动项标记Action Plan 行动计划Activation 激活Active Listening 积极倾听Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理Activity Calendar 活动日历Activity Code 活动代码Activity Definition 活动定义Activity Description 活动描述Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算Activity Elaboration 活动详述Activity File 活动档案Activity ID 活动识别码Activity List 活动清单Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络Activity on Arc ("AOA") 弧线表示活动双代号网络Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动双代号网络参见 Arrow Diagramming Method. Activity on Node 节点表示活动单代号网络参见 Activity on Arc 和 Precedence Diagram Method.Activity Oriented 面向活动Activity Oriented Schedule 面向活动的进度计划Activity Properties 活动属性Activity Quantities 活动量值Activity Status 活动状态Activity Timing 活动定时Actor 执行者角色Actual 实际的Actual and Scheduled Progress 实际进展的与计划进度Actual Cost 实际成本Actual Cost Data Collection 实际成本汇总Actual Costs 实际费用Actual Dates 实际日期Actual Direct Costs 实际直接成本Actual Expenditures 实际的支出参见Actual Costs.Actual Finish 实际完成Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期Actual Start 实际开始Actual Start Date 实际开始日期ACWP 已完成工作实际成本See Actual Cost of Work Performed Adaptation 适应Added Value 附加价值Addendum 附录参见procurement addendum.Adequacy 适当Adjourning 解散Adjustment 调节ADM参见Arrow Diagram MethodADM Project ADM 项目Administration 管理部门Administrative 行政的参见Administrative Management Administrative Change 行政变更Administrative Management 行政管理ADP参见Automated Data ProcessingADR参见Alternative Dispute Resolution Advanced Material Release ("AMR") 材料提前发布AF参见 Actual Finish DateAFE参见Application for Expenditure参见Authority for ExpenditureAffect 影响Affected Parties 受影响方Agency 代理Agenda 议程Aggregation 汇总Agreement 协议Agreement, legal 协议合同ALAP参见As-Late-As-PossibleAlgorithm 算法Alignment 排列成行Alliance 联合Allocated Baseline 分配的基线Allocated Requirements 分配需求Allocation 分配Allowable Cost 允许成本Allowance 预留Alternate Resource 替代资源Alternative Analysis 替代分析Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") 替代争议解决方案Alternatives 可选方案Ambiguity 含糊不清Amendment 修订Amount at Stake 损失量AMR 材料提前公布Analysis 分析Analysis and Design 分析与设计Analysis Time 分析期Analyst 分析员AND Relationship 与关系Anecdotal 轶事Anticipated Award Cost 预期中标价AOA参见Activity on Arrow参见Activity on ArcAON参见Activity on NodeAOQ参见Average Outgoing QualityAOQL参见Average Outgoing Quality Limit APMA参见Area of Project Management ApplicationApparent Low Bidder 最低投标人Application 应用Application Area 应用领域Application for Expenditure ("AFE") 支出申请Application for Expenditure Justification 支出申请的论证Application Programs 应用程序Applied Direct Costs 实际直接成本Apportioned Effort 分摊努力Apportioned Task 分摊任务Appraisal 评估Approach 方法Appropriation 拨款Approval 批准Approval to Proceed 批准继续Approve 同意Approved Bidders List 批准的投标人清单Approved Changes 批准的变更Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求APR参见Acquisition Plan ReviewAQL参见Acceptable Quality LevelArbitrary 随意的Arbitration 仲裁Arc 弧线Architectural Baseline 构架基线Architectural View 构架视图Architecture 构架Architecture, executable 构架可执行参见Executable Architecture.Archive 档案文件Archive Plan 存档计划Area of Project Application参见Area of Project Management ApplicationArea of Project Management Application ("APMA") 项目管理的应用领域Arrow 箭线Arrow Diagram参见Activity Arrow NetArrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法双代号网络图Artifact 制品Artificial 人工的AS参见Actual Start DateASAP参见As-Soon-As-PossibleAs-built Design 实际建造设计As-built Documentation 实际建造文档As-Built Records参见As-Built DocumentationAs-Built Schedule 实际建造进度计划As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP") 尽可能晚As-Needed 恰如所需As-of Date见Data Date.As-Performed Schedule 实际进度计划Assembly 组装件Assembly Sequence 组装顺序Assessment 评估Assets 资产Assignment 分配委派任务Associated Revenue 关联收益Association 关联关系As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP") 尽快Assumption 假设Assumptions 假设Assumptions List 假设清单Assurance 保证Assurance Program见Quality Assurance Program.ATP见Acceptance Test ProcedureAttitude 态度Attribute 属性Attrition 损耗Audit 审核审计Authoritarian 独裁的Authoritative 权威的Authority 权威权力Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") 开支权Authorization 授权见ApprovalAuthorize 批准Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作Authorized Work 批准的工作Authorized Works 批准的工作Automated Data Processing ("ADP") 自动化数据处理Automatic Decision Event 自动决策事件Automatic Generation 自动生成Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备AUW见Authorized Unpriced WorkAuxiliary Ground Equipment 辅助场地设备Availability 可用性Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ") 平均出厂质量Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL") 平均出厂质量限度Average Sample Size Curve 平均样本规模曲线Avoidance 避免Award 授予Award Fee 奖金Award Letter 中标函BAC 完工预算参见Budget at Completion参见Baseline at CompletionBack Charge 逆向计费参见BackchargeBackcharge 逆向收费Backward Pass 倒推法/反向计算Bad Debts 坏帐Balance 余额权衡Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵Balanced Scorecard 平衡记分卡参见 Scoring a Project's Contribution Balanced Scorecard Approach ("BSA") 平衡记分卡方法Bank 储备Banking 储备Bar Chart 横道图Bargaining 讨价还价交涉Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力交涉权力Barriers 障碍Base 基础基数Baseline 基线基准Baseline at Completion ("BAC") 完成/完工基线Baseline Concept 基线概念Baseline Control 基线控制参见Configuration ControlBaseline Cost 基线成本Baseline Dates 基线日期Baseline Finish Date 基线完成日期参见Scheduled Finish DateBaseline Management 基线管理Baseline Plan 基线计划基准计划Baseline Review 基线评审Baseline Schedule 基线进度计划Baseline Start Date 基线开始日期参见Scheduled Start Date.Baseline, budget 基线预算Baseline, business 基线商业Baseline, cost estimate 基线费用估算Baseline, technical 基线技术Basis of Estimate 估算根据Batch 批量参见LotBatch Operation 批运行/批处理BATNA参见 Best Alternative to Negotiated AgreementBCM参见 Business Change ManagerBCWP参见 Budgeted Cost of Work Performed BCWS参见 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled BEC参见 Elapsed CostBehavior 行为/反应Behavior Analysis 行为分析参见Functional AnalysisBenchmark 基准Benchmarking 标竿管理Beneficial Occupancy/Use 有益的占用/使用Benefits 效益Benefits Framework 效益框架Benefits Management 效益管理Benefits Management Plan 效益管理计划Benefits Management Regime 效益管理制度Benefits Profiles 效益简述Benefits Realization Phase 效益实现阶段Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement ("BATNA") 协议外最佳方案BATNABest and Final Contract Offer 最佳及最终合同报价Best and Final Offer 最佳及最终报价Best Efforts Contract 最大努力合同Best Practices 最佳实践Best Value 最佳值Beta Distribution 贝塔发布Beta Test 贝塔测试Beta testing 贝塔测试Bid 投标Bid Analysis 投标分析Bid Bond 投标保证金Bid Cost Considerations 投标成本补偿费Bid Document Preparation 招标文件准备Bid Documents 招标文件Bid Evaluation 评标Bid List 投标人清单Bid Package 标段标块Bid Protests 投标抗议/拒付Bid Qualifications 投标资质Bid Response 投标响应Bid Technical Consideration 投标技术因素Bid Time Consideration 投标中的时间因素Bid/No Bid Decision 投标/不投标决策Bidder 投标人Bidders Conference 投标人会议Bidders List 投标人名单Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择Bidding 投标Bidding Strategy 投标策略Bill 帐单Bill of Materials 材料清单Bills of Materials 材料清单Blanket Purchase Agreement ("BPA") 一揽子采购协议BPABlueprint 蓝图/计划设计图Board 委员会Boiler Plate 样板文件Bona Fide 真诚真实Bond 担保Bonus 奖金Bonus Schemes 奖励计划Booking Rates 预提费率BOOT参见Build, Own, Operate, Transfer Bottom Up Cost Estimate 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算Boundary 边界BPA参见 Blanket Purchase AgreementBPR参见Business Process Reengineering Brainstorming 头脑风暴法Branching Logic 分支逻辑关系Breach of Contract 违约Breadboarding 实验模型Break Even 盈亏平衡Breakdown 分解Breakdown Structure 分解结构Break-Even Chart 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Charts 盈亏平衡图Break-Even Point 盈亏平衡点Bribe 贿赂BSA参见Balanced Scorecard ApproachBuck Passing 完全通过/推卸责任Budget 预算Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算BACBudget Cost 预算成本Budget Costs 预算成本预算费用Budget Decrement 预算消耗Budget Element 预算要素Budget Estimate 预算估算参见EstimateBudget Presentation 预算介绍Budget Revision 预算修订Budget Unit 预算单位Budgetary Control 预算性控制Budgeted 已安排预算的Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ("BCWP") 已完工作预算成本BCWPBudgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ("BCWS") 计划工作的预算成本Budgeting 制定预算Budgeting & Cost Management 预算制定与成本管理Build 建设构造Build, Own, Operate, Transfer ("BOOT")建造拥有经营转让Buildability 建造能力Building 建筑物Building Professionalism 建设专业化Build-to Documentation 建成文档Built-in Test Equipment 内置测试设备Bulk Material 大宗材料Burden 间接费用负担参见Indirect Cost.Burden of Proof 举证费Bureaucracy 官僚制度Burn Rate 消耗速度Burst Node 分支点Business Actor 业务参与者/角色Business Appraisal 商业评估Business Area 业务领域Business Assurance 商业保证Business Assurance Coordinator 商业保证协调人Business Case 商业案例Business Change Manager ("BCM") 商业变更经理BCMBusiness Creation 商业创新Business Engineering 商业工程Business Imperative 商业需要Business Improvement 业务改进Business Manager 商务经理商业经理Business Modeling 业务建模Business Needs 商业需求Business Objectives 商业目标Business Operations 业务运作Business Process 业务流程Business Process Engineering 业务流程工程参见 business engineeringBusiness Process Reengineering ("BPR") 业务流程重组Business Processes 业务流程Business Risk 商业风险Business Rule 商业规则Business Transition Plan 业务转换计划参见 Transition PlanBusiness Unit 业务单位Buyer 买方Buyer's Market 买方市场Buy-In 支持认同买进Bypassing 回避C/SCSC参见 Cost/Schedule Control System CriteriaC/SSR参见 Cost/Schedule Status ReportCA参见 Control AccountCAD参见 Computer Aided Drafting参见 Computer Aided DesignCalculate Schedule 估算进度安排Calculation 计算Calendar 日历参见 Project Calendar.Calendar File 日历文件Calendar Range 日历范围Calendar Start Date 日历开始日期Calendar Unit 日历单位Calendar, Software 日历软件Calendars 日历集Calibration 校准CAM参见 Cost Account Manager参见 Computer Aided Manufacturing参见 Control Account ManagerCAP参见 Cost Account Plan参见 Control Account PlanCapability 能力Capability Survey 能力调查Capital 资本Capital Appropriation 资本划拨Capital Asset 资本资产Capital Cost 资本成本Capital Employed 占用的资本Capital Expansion Projects 资本扩展项目Capital Goods Project 资本货物项目Capital Property 资本财产CAR参见 Capital Appropriation RequestCards-on-the-wall Planning 墙卡规划法Career 职业Career Path Planning 职业路线规划Career Planning 职业规划参见 Career Path Planning.Carryover Type 1 结转类型1Carryover Type 2 结转类型2Cascade Chart 层叠图CASE (1)参见 Computer Aided Software EngineeringCASE (2)参见 Computer Aided System Engineering Cash 现金Cash Flow 现金流Cash Flow Analysis 现金流分析Cash Flow Management 现金流管理Cash Flow, Net 现金流净值Cash In 现金流入Cash Out 现金支出Catalyst 催化者Catch-up Alternatives 赶上计划的备选方案Causation 起因Cause 动因CBD参见 Component-Based DevelopmentCBS参见 Cost Breakdown StructureCCB参见 Change Control BoardCCDR参见 Contractor Cost Data ReportCDR参见 Critical Design ReviewCentral Processing Unit ("CPU") 中央处理单元Centralized 集中的Certain 确定的参见 Certainty.Certainty 确定性Certificate of Conformance 一致性认证Certification 认证Chain 链Challenge 挑战Champion 推动者支持者Change 变更变化变革Change Control 变更控制Change Control Board ("CCB") 变更管理委员会Change Documentation 变更文档Change in Scope 工作范围变化参见 Scope Change.Change Log 变更日志Change Management 变更管理Change Management Plan 变更管理计划Change Notice 变更通知Change Order 变更通知单参见Variation OrderChanged Conditions 变更的条款Characteristic 特性Chart 图表Chart of Accounts 会计科目表Chart Room 图表室Charter 章程参见 Project CharterChecking 检查Checklist 检查清单Checkpoint 检查点Checkpoints 检查点集Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官Child 子项Child Activity 子活动CI参见 Configuration ItemClaim 索赔Clarification 澄清Class 类Classes 类Classification 分类Classification of Defects 缺陷的分类Clearance Number 净空数Client 客户Client Environment 客户环境Client Quality Services 客户质量服务Closed Projects 已收尾的项目Closeout 收尾Closeout Report 收尾报告Closeout, phase 收尾阶段参见 Project Closeout.Closing 终止Closure 收尾CM参见 Configuration Management参见Construction Management Coaching 教练Code 代码参见 Source Code.Code and Unit Test 编码和单元测试Code of Accounts 帐目编码Coding 编码Collaboration 协作Collapsing 折叠Collective 集体的Combative 好战的Commercial 商务的Commercial Item Description 商务描述Commission and Handover 委托和移交Commissioning 试运行Commissions and Bonuses 酬金和奖金Commit 提交Commitment 承诺义务Commitment Document 承诺文件Commitment Estimate参见 Estimate Class ACommitment Package 承诺包Commitment to Objectives 对目标的承诺Committed Cost 已承担成本已承付成本Committed Costs 已承诺费用Common Carrier 公众运营商Communicating With Groups 与团队的沟通Communicating With Individuals 与个人的沟通Communication 沟通参见 Effective Communication. Communication Channels 沟通渠道Communication Plan, Strategic 沟通计划策略性的Communication Plan, Tactical 沟通计划--战术性的Communication Room 交流室Communications Management 沟通管理Communications Plan 沟通计划Communications Planning 沟通规划编制Community 社团Company 公司Comparison 对比Compatibility 兼容性Compensation 补偿Compensation and Evaluation 补偿和评价Competence 能力Competency 能力Competition 竞争Competitive:竞争的Compile 编译Compile Time 编译时Complete 完成Completed Activity 已完成的活动Completed Units 完工单元Completion 完工Completion Date 完成日期Complex 复杂的参见 Project Complexity.Component 构件组件Component Integration and Test 组件集成和测试Component-Based Development ("CBD") 基于构件的开发Components 组件Compound Risk 复合风险Compromise 折衷Compromising, in negotiating 折衷谈判Computer 计算机Computer Aided Design ("CAD") 计算机辅助设计Computer Aided Drafting ("CAD") 计算机辅助制图Computer Aided Manufacturing ("CAM") 计算机辅助制造Computer Cost Applications 计算机化的成本管理应用Computer Hardware 计算机硬件Computer Modeling 计算机建模Computer Program Configuration Item 计算机程序配置项参见 Computer Software ConfigurationItem.Computer Software 计算机软件Computer Software Component 计算机软件组件Computer Software Configuration Item ("CSCI") 计算机软件配置项Computer Software Documentation 计算机软件文档Computer Software Unit 计算机软件单元Computer-Aided 计算机辅助的Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval 计算机化的信息存储定位和检索Concept 概念Concept Definition Document 概念定义文档Concept Phase 概念阶段Concept Study 概念研究Conception Phase 概念形成阶段Conceptual 概念性的参见 Concept.Conceptual Budgeting 概念性预算Conceptual Design 概念性设计Conceptual Development 概念性开发Conceptual Project Planning 概念性项目计划Concession 让步Concession Making, in negotiating 谈判中的让步Conciliatory 调和的Concluding 终决的Conclusions 结论Concurrency 并发性Concurrent 并发事件Concurrent Delays 并行延迟Concurrent Engineering 并行工程Concurrent Tasks 并行任务Conditional Risk 条件风险Conditions 条件条款Conducting 执行Confidence Level 信心等级Configuration 配置Configuration Audit 配置审核Configuration Breakdown 配置分解Configuration Control 配置控制Configuration Control Board 配置控制委员会Configuration Identification 配置识别Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证Configuration Item Verification Procedures 配置项验证程序Configuration Management 配置管理Configuration Management Board 配置管理委员会Configuration Relationships 配置关系Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态统计Conflict 冲突Conflict Management 冲突管理Conflict Resolution 冲突解决方案Conformance to Requirements 与需求的一致性Confrontation 积极面对Consensus 一致同意Consensus Decision Process 集体决策过程Consent 同意Consequences 后果Consideration 对价Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项Consolidate 合并Consortium 联盟Constituents 涉众Constraint 约束条件Constraint, project constraint 约束条件对项目的约束Constraints 约束条件Constructability 施工能力Construction 施工构造建造建筑Construction Contractor 施工承包商Construction Cost 施工成本Construction Management ("CM") 施工管理Construction Manager 施工经理Construction Stage 施工阶段Construction Work 施工工作Construction-Oriented 以施工为导向的Constructive Challenge 建设性质询Constructive Change 建设性变更Consultant 咨询顾问Consulting 咨询Consumable Resource 可消耗资源Consumables 消费性物资Contemplated Change Notice 预期变更通知Contending, in negotiating 争论在谈判中Content 内容Content Type 内容类型Context 背景Contingencies 不可预见费应急费用参见 Reserve and Contingency Planning. Contingency 不可预见费应急费用Contingency Allowance 应急补助参见 Reserve.Contingency Budget Procedure 不可预见费用预算程序Contingency Plan 意外事件计划Contract Package 合同包参见 Contract Breakdown.Contract Performance Control 合同履行控制Contract Plan 合同计划Contract Pre-award Meetings 合同预授予会议Contract Quality Requirements 合同质量要求Contract Requirements 合同要求Contract Risk 合同风险Contract Risk Analysis 合同风险分析Contract Signing 合同签署Contract Strategy 合同战略Contract Target Cost ("CTC") 合同目标成本Contract Target Price ("CTP") 合同目标价格Contract Type 合同分类Contract Types 合同类型Contract Work Breakdown Structure ("CWBS") 合同工作分解结构Contract/Procurement Management 合同/采购管理Contracting 签订合同Contractor 承包商Contractor Claims Release 承包商索赔豁免Contractor Cost Data Report ("CCDR") 承包商成本数据报告Contractor Evaluation 承包商评估Contractor Furnished Equipment 承包商供应的设备Contractor Project Office 承包商项目办公室Contractor Short Listing 承包商短列表Contractor's Performance Evaluation 承包商的绩效评价Contractual 合同的参见 Contractual Conditions. Contractual Conditions 合同条款Contractual/Legal Requirements 合同的/法律上的要求Contributed Value 贡献价值参见 Added Value.Contribution Analysis 贡献分析Control 控制参见Project Control 和Control Cycle. Control Account ("CA") 控制帐目Control Account Manager ("CAM") 控制帐目经理Control Account Plan ("CAP") : 控制帐目计划Control and Coordination 控制和协调Control Chart 控制表Control Cycle 控制周期Control Gate 控制关口控制关卡参见 Management Control Point. Control Loop 控制回路Control Point 控制点Control Requirements 控制必要条件要求Control System 控制系统Control Theory 控制论Controllable Risks 可控风险Controlling 控制参看Project ControlControlling Relationship 控制关系Coordinated Matrix 协调型的矩阵Coordination 协调Coordinator 协调员Corporate 公司Corporate Administration and Finance 公司行政和财务Corporate Budget. 公司预算Corporate Business Life Cycle 公司商务生命周期Corporate Constraints 公司限制因素Corporate Data Bank 公司数据库Corporate Management 公司管理Corporate Memory 公司记忆库Corporate Philosophy 公司价值体系, 公司哲学Corporate Planning 公司计划编制Corporate Project Management 公司项目管理Corporate Project Strategy 公司项目战略Corporate Quality Standards 公司质量标准Corporate Resources 公司资源Corporate Responsibility Matrix 公司责任矩阵Corporate Standards 公司标准Corporate Supervision 公司监管Corporation 公司Correction 纠正Corrective Action 纠正措施Correlation 相关性Cost 成本参见 Project Cost.Cost Account 成本帐目Cost Account Breakdown 成本帐目分解Cost Account Manager ("CAM") 成本帐目经理Cost Account Plan ("CAP") 成本帐目计划Cost Accumulation Methods 成本累加方法Cost Analysis 成本分析Cost Applications 成本应用Cost Avoidance 成本规避Cost Baseline 成本基线Cost Benefit 成本效益Cost Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构Cost Budgeting 成本预算Cost Ceiling 封顶成本成本上限Cost Ceiling Bracket 成本上限范围Cost Center 成本中心Cost Check 成本检查Cost Classes 成本类别Cost Code 成本代码Cost Codes 成本代码Cost Control 成本控制Cost Control Point 成本控制点Cost Control System 成本控制系统Cost Curve 成本曲线Cost Distribution 成本分摊Cost Effective 成本效率成本有效的Cost Element 成本元素Cost Engineering 成本工程Cost Envelope 成本区域Cost Estimate 成本估算Cost Estimate Classification System 成本估算分类系统Cost Estimating 成本估算Cost Estimating Relationship 成本估算关系Cost Forecast 成本预测Cost Forecasting 成本预测Cost Growth 成本增长Cost Incurred 已发生成本Cost Index 成本指数Cost Indices 成本指数表Cost Input 成本投入Cost Management 成本管理Cost Model 成本模型Cost of Money 资金成本Cost of Quality 质量成本Cost Overrun 成本超支Cost Performance Baseline 成本绩效基线请参见"Cost Baseline".Cost Performance Index ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Indicator ("CPI") 成本绩效指数Cost Performance Measurement Baseline 成本绩效度量基线Cost Performance Ratio ("CPR") 成本绩效比率参见Cost Performance IndicatorCost Performance Report ("CPR") 成本绩效报告Cost Plan 成本计划Cost Plus 成本补偿Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费用合同Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同费用可偿还合同Cost Reimbursement 成本补偿Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts 成本补偿型合同Cost Reviews 成本评审Cost Savings 成本节约Cost Sharing Contract 成本共享合同Cost Status 成本状态Cost to Complete 竣工尚需成本Cost to Complete Forecast 竣工所需成本预测Cost Types 成本类型Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差Cost/Schedule Status Report ("C/SSR") 成本/进度状态报告Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析Costed Work Breakdown Structure 带成本信息的工作分解结构Cost-Effectiveness 成本效果分析法Costing 成本核算Costing Systems 成本核算系统Cost-Time Resource Sheet ("CTR") 成本时间资源表Counseling 指导Countermeasures 对策CPFFC参见"Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract" CPI参见"Cost Performance Index".参见"Cost Performance Indicator". CPIF 成本加奖励费用合同参见"Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract" CPIFC参见"Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract" CPM参见 "Critical Path Method"CPN参见 "Critical Path Network"CPPC参见 "Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract"CPR参见 "Cost Performance Ratio"参见 Cost Performance Report"CPU参见 "Central Processing Unit"CR参见 "Change Request"Craft 技艺Crash Costs 赶工成本Crash Duration 赶工工期Crashing 赶工Creativity 创造力Credit 赊欠信誉Credited Resource 已授予的资源Crisis 危机Criteria 标准指标Criterion 标准指标Critical 关键的Critical Activity 关键活动Critical Chain 关键链Critical Defect 关键性缺陷Critical Defective 有关键缺陷的产品Critical Design Review 关键设计评审Critical Event 关键事件Critical Factors 关键因素Critical Path 关键路径Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析Critical Path Method ("CPM") 关键路径法Critical Path Network ("CPN") 关键路径网络图Critical Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标Critical Ratio 临界比关键比率Critical Sequence 关键工序Critical Sequence Analysis 关键工序分析Critical Subcontractor 关键分包商Critical Success Factors ("CSF") 关键的成功因素Critical Task 关键任务Critical Work Item 关键工作项Criticality Index 关键指数Cross Organizational 交叉型组织跨组织的Cross References 交叉参照Cross-Stage Plan 交叉阶段计划CSCI参见 "Computer Software Configuration Item".CSF参见 "Critical Success Factors"CTC参见 "Contract Target Cost"CTP参见 "Contract Target Price"CTR参见 "Cost-Time Resource Sheet" Culture 文化Culture, organizational 文化组织文化Cumulative Cost-to-Date 到目前为止的累计成本参见 Total Expenditure to Date" Cumulative S Curve 累计S 曲线参见 " S Curve"Currency Conversion 货币兑换Current Budget 当前预算Current Date Line 当前日期线Current Finish Date 当前完成日期Current FY Budget Allocation 当前财政年的预算分配Current Start Date 当前开始日期Current Status 当前状态Current Year 当年Custom Duty and Tax 海关关税Customer 客户Customer Acceptance Criteria 客户验收标准Customer Furnished Equipment 客户提供的设备Customer Perspective 客户观点Customer/Client Personnel 客户方的职员Cutoff Date 移交日期Cutover 移交CV参见 Cost Variance"CWBS参见 "Contract Work Breakdown Structure"Cybernetics 控制论Cycle 周期Cycle Time 周期Damages 损害赔偿金Dangle 悬空活动Data 数据Data Application 数据应用Data Bank参见 "Corporate Memory"Data Collection 数据收集Data Date ("DD") 数据日期Data Entry Clerk 数据录入员Data Item Description ("DID") 工作项描述Data Processing 数据处理Data Refinements 数据改进Data Type 数据类型Data Structure Organization 数据结构组织Database 数据库Database Administrator ("DBA") 数据库管理员Database Management System ("DBMS") 数据库管理系统Date of Acceptance 验收日期Day Work Account 日常工作帐户DBA参见 "Database Administrator"DBM见 "Dynamic Baseline Model"DBMS参见 "Database Management System" DCE参见 "Distributed Computing Environment"DCF参见 "Discounted Cash Flow"DD参见 "Data Date"Deactivation Plan 惰性化计划Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程Debriefing 投标反馈听取情况汇报情况Decentralized 分散的Decision 决策Decision Documentation 决策文档Decision Event 决策事件Decision Making 制定决策Decision Making Process 决策过程Decision Support System 决策支持系统Decision Theory 决策论Decision Tree 决策树Decision Trees 决策树组Decomposing 分解Decomposition 分解Default 违约Default Values 默认值Defect 缺陷Defective 缺陷产品Defects-Per-Hundred-Units 每百个单元有缺陷的数量Deficiency 缺陷Deficiency List 缺陷清单Definition 定义Definition Phase 定义阶段Definitive 确定性的Definitive Estimate 确定性估算参见 "Estimate"Deflection 风险转移Degradation 降级Delay 延期Delay, compensable 补偿性延期Delaying Resource 资源延期Delegating 授权Delegation 授权Deliberate Decision Event 预先准备的决策事件Deliverable 可交付成果,可交付物参见 "Product".Deliverable Breakdown Structure 可交付物分解结构参见 "Work Breakdown Structure" Deliverable Deadline 可交付物的终止期限Deliverables 可交付成果可交付物Deliverables Management 交付物管理Delivery 交付Delphi Technique 德尔菲法Demonstrate 演示证明Demonstrated 已证明的Demonstrated Past Experience 已证明的过去经验Demonstration 演示Demonstration Review 演示评审Department 部门Departmental Budget 部门预算Dependability 可靠性Dependencies 依赖关系Dependency 活动之间的依赖关系参见Logical Relationship" Dependency Arrow 关系箭线Dependency Diagram 网络图前导网络图Dependency Links 依赖关系Dependency Management 依赖关系管理Deployment 部署Deployment Lessons Learned Document 部署的经验教训文档Deployment Plan 部署计划Deployment Procedures 部署流程Deployment Readiness Review 部署准备评审Deployment View 部署视图Depreciation 折旧Descriptive 描述性的Design 设计Design & Development Phase 设计和开发阶段Design Alternatives 设计备选方案Design Appraisal 设计评估Design Authority 设计权威Design Baseline 基准设计Design Bid Build 设计阶段投标的建立Design Brief 设计大纲Design Build 设计的建立包括设计和构造Design Concept 设计概念Design Contingency 设计应急费用Design Contract 设计合同Design Control 设计控制Design Development 设计开发Design Management 设计管理Design Management Plan 设计管理计划Design Model 设计模型Design of Experiment 试验设计Design Package 设计包Design Review 设计评审Design Subsystem 设计子系统Design Time 设计时间Design to Budget 按预算设计Design to Cost 按成本设计Design-to Specifications 按规范设计Desirable Logic 合意逻辑Detail Documentation 详细的文档Detail Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Design 详细设计Detailed Design Stage 详细设计阶段Detailed Engineering 详细工程Detailed Planning 详细计划Detailed Plans 详细的计划参见 Detailed Resource Plan 和Detailed Technical PlanDetailed Resource Plan 详细的资源计划Detailed Schedule 详细的进度安排Detailed Technical Plan 详细的技术计划Determination 决定决心Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results 确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本参见 Cost Benefit"Deterministic 确定性的Deterministic Network 确定的网络图Developed Country 发达国家Developer 开发人员Developing Country 发展中国家Development 开发参见 "Development Phase"Development case 开发案例Development Phase 开发阶段Development Plan 开发计划Development process 开发过程Deviation 偏差Deviation Permit 允许偏差参见 "Production Permit"Diagram 图Diagramming参见 "Scheduling"DID参见 "Data Item Description" Differences 偏差差异Differentials 差值Differing Site Conditions 不同的现场环境Direct Cost 直接成本Direct Cost Contingency 直接成本应急费用参见 "Project Direct Cost Contingency" Direct Costs 直接成本Direct Labor 直接人工Direct Project Costs 直接项目成本费用Directing 指挥Direction 指导Directive 指示Director 主管总监Discipline 学科Discipline Maintenance 规矩的维护Discontinuous Activity 非连续的活动Discontinuous Processing 非连续的过程Discount Rate 贴现率折现率Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") 折现现金流Discounting 折现Discrete Effort 离散工作Discrete Milestone 离散里程碑Discrete Task 离散任务Discrimination 歧视Discussion 讨论Display 显示。



工程项目管理常用英语工艺包 process package工艺设计 process design工艺发表 process release工艺预发表 initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围 scope of work ; project scope工作包 work package工作项 work item任务单项 line item分解结构 breakdown structure工作分解结构 work breakdown structure组织分解机构 organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构 project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构 contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵 responsibility assignment matrix风险 risk风险分析 risk analysis风险备忘录 risk memorandum公司本部 home office公司本部服务 home office service公用工程 utility计划 plan项目计划 project plan(项目)设计计划 (project)engineering plan (项目)采购计划 (project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划 (project)construction plan (项目)开车计划 (project)start-up plan专利 patent专利权 patent right产权技术 proprietary technology专利技术 licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍 know-how许可证 license专利商;许可方 licensor受许可放;受让方 licensee(技术)转让费;提成费 royalty许可证费 license fee专有技术费 know-how fee专业 discipline工艺 process design ; process engineering 系统 systems engineering设备 equipment engineering布置 plant layout engineering管道设计 piping design管道机械 piping mechanical engineering仪表 instruments engineering电气 electrical engineering建筑 architectural engineering土建 civil engineering开车 start-up试车 commissioning投料试车 start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核 performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收 client acceptance支付条件;付款条件 terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款 advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款 progress payment按日工程进度付款 schedule payment保留金;扣留款 retention money最终付款 final payment代码;编码 code ; number组码 group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码 standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码 variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码 generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费 contingency发表 issue ; release汇票 bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票 bill for negotiation业主 owner用户;客户 client设计;工程设计 design ; engineering设计阶段 engineering phase工艺设计阶段 process design phase基础工程设计阶段 basic engineering phase分析设计阶段 analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段 planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段 detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议 meeting开工会议 kick-off meeting报价开工会议 proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议 client kick-off meeting项目开工会议 project kick-off meeting设计开工会议 project kick-off meeting施工动员会议 construction mobilization meeting审核会 review meeting合同;承包 contract合同生效日期 effective date of the contract合同终止 termination of contract合同失效 frustration of contract总价合同 lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同 (fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同 (cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同 cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同 cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同 (target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同 reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract承包商 contractor分包商 subcontractor合营企业 joint venture [JV]交货 delivery交货日期 delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期 lead time交货到现场 delivery to job-site交货单 delivery note提货单 delivery order提单 bill of lading交货条件 delivery terms离岸价 free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价 cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算 estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别 types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算 equipment estimate分析估算 analysis estimate报价估算 proposal estimate控制估算 control estimate初期控制估算 interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算 initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算 check estimate首次核定估算 first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算 production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算 man-hour estimate证书;证明书 certificate产地证明书 certificate of origin机械竣工证书 mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书 client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料 material设备 equipment散装材料 bulk materials ; commodities材料分类 material class材料统计 material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单 bill of materials [BOM]材料管理 material management材料控制 material control进度;进度表;进度计划 schedule进展;进度;实物进度 progress ; physical progress编制进度计划 scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划 starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划 project master schedule ; master project schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表 detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划 network (diagram)里程碑网络图 milestone network详细网络图 detailed network关键线路法 critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动 critical activity工序;活动 activity里程碑 milestone进度控制 schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线 progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线 resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提前 ahead of schedule进度拖延 schedule delay违约 default违约通知 default notice(违约)罚款条款 penalty clause违约罚金 liquidated damages运费 freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫 freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费 freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付 freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付 freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函 freight indemnity运费单 freight note运输商;承运商 forwarding agent采购 procurement采买 purchasing催交 expediting检验 inspection运输 traffic ; transport报关单 bill of entry报告 report费用和进展月报告 monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报 (job) monthly progress report设计进展月报 engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告 project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告 project operation cost status report进度报告 schedule report控制索引 control index执行效果报告 performance report劳动生产率报告 productivity report异常报告 exception report材料异常报告 material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告 procurement status report材料状态报告 material status report请购单和订单状态报告 purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告 vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告 inspection report(项目)完工报告 close-out report报价;投标 bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会 inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议 bid strategy meeting报价经理 proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书 proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审 bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表 bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判 negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议 vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交 commitment订货电传;订货通知 telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同 purchase order签订合同;合同签约 contract award询价;招标 inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审 pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表 qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件 inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单 requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书 purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知 instructions to bidders [ITB]变更 change用户变更;合同变更 client change ;contract change待定的用户变更 pending client change认可的用户变更 approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单 client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更 project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单 project change notice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单 change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量 quality质量方针 quality policy质量管理 quality management质量策划 quality planning质量控制 quality control [QC]质量保证 quality assurance [QA]质量体系 quality system质量改进 quality improvement质量手册 quality manual质量计划 quality plan图纸 drawing工艺流程图 process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图 process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图 piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图 plot plan管道平面设计图 piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图 piping layout drawing管段图;管道空视图 isometric drawing |.X$h }7v C ^ s7s"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸 drawing issued "Approved for Design" [AFD] "批准用于施工"图纸 drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD]供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendor drawings[CD]图表 diagram ; chart直方图 histogram横道图 bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图 schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图 cost trend display chart项目;工程项目 project项目实施费用状态报告 project execution项目实施阶段 project phase项目初始阶段 initial phase of project execution施工阶段 construction phase开车阶段 start-up phase项目建设周期 project duration's项目管理 project management项目控制 project control项目组 project team专责项目组 task force项目经理 project manager [PM]项目设计经理 project engineering manager [PEM]项目采购经理 project procurement manager [PPM]项目施工经理 project construction manager [PCM]项目工艺经理 project process manager项目控制经理 project controls manager项目进度计划工程师 project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师 project estimator项目费用控制工程师 project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师 project material control engineer项目财务经理 project financial manager项目质量经理 project quality manager项目开车经理 project start-up manager项目安全工程师 project safety engineer项目秘书 project secretary项目控制手段 project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准 control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异 deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能 performance跟踪 tracking ; follow up监控 monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测 trending ; trend projection偏差预测值 projected deviations预测 projection ; forecasting纠正措施 corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制 integrated project control赢得值原理 earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用 budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用 actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异 cost variance [CV]进度差异 schedule variance [SV]费用指数 cost index [CI]进度指数 schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数 cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数 schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异 at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用 budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用 estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本 cost建设总费用 total installed cost材料费用;直接材料费用 material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用 equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用 bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用 construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用 labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用 labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用 labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额 standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数 labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值 adjusted man-hours人工时单价 man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用 cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用 subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用 home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费 overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用 non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用 commissioning activities cost投料试车费用 start-up cost其他费用 other costs利润;预期利润 profit ; expected profit服务酬金 service gains内部费用转换 internal transfer认可的预计费用 anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制 cost control预算(值);项目控制预算 budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工 construction施工工种 construction craft试车准备 precommissioning机械竣工 mechanical completion [MC]界区 battery limit [BL]工艺界区 process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区 offsite battery limit [OSBL]工艺装置 process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施 offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保 guarantee ; warranty性能保证 performance guarantees绝对保证 absolute guarantees违约罚款保证 penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证 workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保 mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函 bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书 performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书 advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函 surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书 bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee安慰信 letter of comfort保密协议 secrecy agreement保险 insurance ; assurance保险单 insurance policy保险证书 insurance certificate保险费 insurance premium保税货物 bonded goods保税仓库 bonded warehouse信用证 letter of credit不可撤销信用证 irrevocable可撤销信用证 revocable L/C即期信用证 sight credit ; sight远期信用证 term credit ; term保兑信用证 confirmed L/C可转让信用证 transferable L/C备用信用证 stand-by L/C信用证提款 drawing on L/Cs ^信贷 CREDIT卖方信贷 SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷 buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度 line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资 project finance贷款 loan即期贷款 demand loan索赔 claim ; claim indemnity培训 training税;税金 tax(es)所得税 income taxes关税 duties合法避税 tax avoidance程序 procedure项目协调程序 project coordination procedure项目实施程序 project execution procedure项目设计程序 project engineering procedure项目采购程序 project procurement procedure项目检验程序 project inspection procedure项目控制程序 project control procedure变更控制程序 change control procedure预算变更程序 budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序 project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序 chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序 performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedur装置验收程序 plant acceptance procedure数据 data条件数据;设计条件 supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件 resultant feedback of data意向书 letter of intent。



工程项目管理常用英语一、项目启动阶段常用英语1. Project Initiation(项目启动)- Project Charter(项目章程)- Project Objective(项目目标)- Project Scope(项目范围)- Stakeholder Analysis(利益相关者分析)- Feasibility Study(可行性研究)- Project Kickoff(项目启动)2. Project Planning(项目计划)- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)(工作分解结构)- Project Schedule(项目进度计划)- Resource Allocation(资源分配)- Risk Assessment(风险评估)- Cost Estimation(成本估算)- Quality Management Plan(质量管理计划)3. Project Execution(项目执行)- Project Team(项目团队)- Project Communication(项目沟通)- Change Management(变更管理)- Issue Tracking(问题追踪)- Progress Monitoring(进展监控)- Deliverable Acceptance(可交付成果验收)4. Project Control(项目控制)- Performance Measurement(绩效测量)- Change Control(变更控制)- Risk Mitigation(风险缓解)- Issue Resolution(问题解决)- Cost Control(成本控制)- Quality Assurance(质量保证)5. Project Closure(项目收尾)- Lessons Learned(经验教训)- Project Review(项目评审)- Project Documentation(项目文档)- Stakeholder Feedback(利益相关者反馈)- Project Handover(项目移交)- Project Closure Report(项目收尾报告)二、常用英语短语和表达- Define project objectives and deliverables.(明确项目目标和可交付成果。



工艺包process package工艺设计process design工艺发表process release工艺预发表initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围scope of work ; project scope工作包work package工作项work item任务单项line item分解结构breakdown structure工作分解结构work breakdown structure组织分解机构organizational breakdown structure项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdown structure承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构contractor's standard work breakdown structure责任分工矩阵responsibility assignment matrix风险risk风险分析risk analysis风险备忘录risk memorandum公司本部home office公司本部服务home office service公用工程utility计划plan项目计划project plan(项目)设计计划(project)engineering plan(项目)采购计划(project)procurement plan (项目)施工计划(project)construction plan (项目)开车计划(project)start-up plan专利patent专利权patent right产权技术proprietary technology专利技术licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍know-how许可证license专利商;许可方licensor受许可放;受让方licensee(技术)转让费;提成费royalty许可证费license fee专有技术费know-how fee专业discipline工艺process design ; process engineering 系统systems engineering设备equipment engineering布置plant layout engineering管道设计piping design管道机械piping mechanical engineering 仪表instruments engineering电气electrical engineering建筑architectural engineering土建civil engineering开车start-up试车commissioning投料试车start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收client acceptance支付条件;付款条件terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款progress payment按日工程进度付款schedule payment保留金;扣留款retention money最终付款final payment代码;编码code ; number组码group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard classification of accountnumbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费contingency发表issue ; release汇票bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票bill for negotiation业主owner用户;客户client设计;工程设计design ; engineering设计阶段engineering phase工艺设计阶段process design phase基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase分析设计阶段analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议meeting开工会议kick-off meeting报价开工会议proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议client kick-off meeting项目开工会议project kick-off meeting设计开工会议project kick-off meeting施工动员会议construction mobilization meeting审核会review meeting合同;承包contract合同生效日期effective date of the contract合同终止termination of contract合同失效frustration of contract总价合同lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同(fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同(cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P]成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同(target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract承包商contractor分包商subcontractor合营企业joint venture [JV]交货delivery交货日期delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期lead time交货到现场delivery to job-site交货单delivery note提货单delivery order提单bill of lading交货条件delivery terms离岸价free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算equipment estimate分析估算analysis estimate报价估算proposal estimate控制估算control estimate初期控制估算interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算check estimate首次核定估算first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算man-hour estimate证书;证明书certificate产地证明书certificate of origin机械竣工证书mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料material设备equipment散装材料bulk materials ; commodities材料分类material class材料统计material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单bill of materials [BOM]材料管理material management材料控制material control进度;进度表;进度计划schedule进展;进度;实物进度progress ; physical progress编制进度计划scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划project master schedule ; master project schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划network (diagram)里程碑网络图milestone network详细网络图detailed network关键线路法critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动critical activity工序;活动activity里程碑milestone进度控制schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提前ahead of schedule进度拖延schedule delay违约default违约通知default notice(违约)罚款条款penalty clause违约罚金liquidated damages运费freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paids运费待收;货到收运费freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函freight indemnity运费单freight note运输商;承运商forwarding agent采购procurement采买purchasing催交expediting检验inspection运输traffic ; transport报关单bill of entry报告report费用和进展月报告monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报(job) monthly progress report设计进展月报engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告project operation cost status report进度报告schedule report控制索引control index执行效果报告performance report劳动生产率报告productivity report异常报告exception report材料异常报告material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告procurement status report材料状态报告material status report请购单和订单状态报告purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告inspection report(项目)完工报告close-out report报价;投标bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议bid strategy meeting报价经理proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting订货合约;定约;成交commitment订货电传;订货通知telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同purchase order签订合同;合同签约contract award询价;招标inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知instructions to bidders [ITB]变更change用户变更;合同变更client change ;contract change待定的用户变更pending client change认可的用户变更approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单project change notice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量quality质量方针quality policy质量管理quality management质量策划quality planning质量控制quality control [QC]质量保证quality assurance [QA]质量体系quality system质量改进quality improvement质量手册quality manual质量计划quality plan图纸drawing工艺流程图process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图plot plan管道平面设计图piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图piping layout drawing管段图;管道空视图isometric drawing"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸drawing issued "Approved for Design""批准用于施工"图纸drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendor drawings[CD]图表diagram ; chart直方图histogram横道图bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图cost trend display chart项目;工程项目project项目实施费用状态报告project execution项目实施阶段project phase项目初始阶段initial phase of project execution施工阶段construction phase开车阶段start-up phase项目建设周期project duration's项目管理project management项目控制project control项目组project team专责项目组task force项目经理project manager [PM]项目设计经理project engineering manager [PEM]项目采购经理project procurement manager [PPM]项目施工经理project construction manager [PCM]项目工艺经理project process manager项目控制经理project controls manager项目进度计划工程师project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师project estimator项目费用控制工程师project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师project material control engineer项目财务经理project financial manager项目质量经理project quality manager项目开车经理project start-up manager项目安全工程师project safety engineer项目秘书project secretary项目控制手段project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能performance跟踪tracking ; follow up监控monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测trending ; trend projection偏差预测值projected deviations预测projection ; forecasting纠正措施corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制integrated project control赢得值原理earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异cost variance [CV]进度差异schedule variance [SV]费用指数cost index [CI]进度指数schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本cost0m6m建设总费用total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc.施工费用construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值adjusted man-hours人工时单价man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用commissioning activities cost投料试车费用start-up cost其他费用other costs利润;预期利润profit ; expected profit服务酬金service gains内部费用转换internal transfer认可的预计费用anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制cost control预算(值);项目控制预算budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工construction施工工种construction craft试车准备precommissioning机械竣工mechanical completion [MC]界区battery limit [BL]工艺界区process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区offsite battery limit [OSBL]工艺装置process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保guarantee ; warranty性能保证performance guarantees绝对保证absolute guarantees违约罚款保证penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee [L/G]安慰信letter of comfort保密协议secrecy agreement保险insurance ; assurance保险单insurance policy保险证书insurance certificate保险费insurance premium保税货物bonded goods保税仓库bonded warehouse信用证letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证revocable L/C即期信用证sight credit ; sight L/C远期信用证term credit ; term L/C保兑信用证confirmed L/C可转让信用证transferable L/C备用信用证stand-by L/C信用证提款drawing on L/C信贷CREDIT卖方信贷SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资project finance贷款loan即期贷款demand loan索赔claim ; claim indemnity培训training税;税金tax(es)所得税income taxes关税duties合法避税tax avoidance程序procedure项目协调程序project coordination procedure 项目实施程序project execution procedure项目设计程序project engineering procedure 项目采购程序project procurement procedure项目检验程序project inspection procedure项目控制程序project control procedure变更控制程序change control procedure预算变更程序budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序plant acceptance procedure数据data条件数据;设计条件supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件resultant feedback of data意向书letter of intent。



AAs-built drawings竣工图Annual net value净年值Arbitration仲裁 A dashed line虚线Activity-on-branch network双代号网络图Activity-on-node network单代号网络图A vertical axis纵坐标Archival information档案资料BBottom-up design自下而上的设计Bids and quotations投标和报价Bill of quantities工程量清单Bid estimate 投标估价Benefit cost ratio成本收益率Budgeted cost预算成本CConceptual planning stage概念规划阶段Capital intensive资金密集的Competitive bidding竞争性招/投标Contract price合同价格claims 索赔Constructors建造商changes变更clause条款Conceptual design概念设计construction operations施工作业1Construction contractor施工承包商Construction equipment施工设备Concrete mixers混凝土搅拌机Cost estimation成本估算Cost control成本控制Cost Engineering工程估价Construction supervision施工监督Construction cost建造成本Control estimate控制估算Conceptual estimate概念设计估算Construction procedures施工方法Cost indices成本指数Consumer price index消费价格指数Cash flow profile现金流量图Credit risk信用风险Competitive bidding公开招标Contract price合同价格Clause条款Contract negotiation合同谈判Contract dispute合同纠纷Cost overrun成本超支Cost committed承诺成本Cost to date到期成本Cost exposure附加成本Critical path method关键线路法Construction yard施工现场D2detailed engineering design详细的工程设计design methodology设计方法detailed design详细设计drilling and blasting钻孔和爆破detailed estimates详细估算dispute resolution mechanism争端解决机制design drawing设计图纸dummy activities虚工作document control文档控制EEconomic feasibility经济可行性Estimate stage估算阶段evaluation stage评估阶段equipment utilization and mechanization 设备利用率和机械化earthwork to be excavated土方开挖Economic evaluation经济评价Expenditure支出Excavation开掘Estimated total cost预计总成本FFeasibility study可行性研究Facility operation and maintenance设施的运营与维护formulation构思3Facilities management设施管理Functional organization职能式组织First line supervision基层监督Field management现场管理Force-account charges自营工程费Free float自由时差Fast track快速路径法Final checkout最终的竣工验收GGantt chart甘特图H Horizontal axis水平坐标IIntegrate整合Instruction and commercial building construction 办公和商业用房建设Infrastructure and heavy construction重大基础项目建设Installation contractors安装承包商Ill-defined定义不清的Inflation通货膨胀Internal rate of return内部收益率Intangible asset无形资产Interest rate利率In-house overhead expenses内业管理费Independent float独立时差Inspection logs检查日志Information transfer and flow信息4的传递与流通information flow 信息流LLinear programming线性规划logistics物流labor productivity 劳动生产率labor jurisdictions劳动仲裁logistic problems后勤问题lifting and erecting提升和安装leverage杠杆作用legal documents法律文件lump sum contract总价合同M Monthly payments月付款额Matrix-type suborganization矩阵式次级组织Monitoring and control监督与控制Material procurement and delivery材料采购和运输Mortgage抵押Milestone里程碑Municipal project市政项目Monte carlo simulation蒙特卡罗模拟NNominated subcontractor指定分包商Non-productive activities非生产性活动5Net annual cash flow年净现金流Net benefit净收益Negotiation谈判Net present value净现值Net future value净终值Numerous alternative plans众多的备选方案Network diagrams网络计划图OOverlap 搭接,交叠on-site现场Operation and maintenance managers运行与维护经理On-site Installation现场安装Overseer监督者Overdraft透支Overlapping and rehandling搭接和再处理PProcurement Management采购管理Public agency公共机构Professional services专业服务Project organization项目式组织Preliminary estimates初步估算Payback period投资回收期Payment支付Private corporation民营公司Predecessor relationship前后顺序关系6Pre-qualification of contractors and sub-contractors with regard safety在安全方面对承包商和分包商的资格预审Procurement accounts采购账目QQuotation报价RResidential housing construction 住宅类房屋建设risk-reward风险和回报Return on investment投资回收率Revenues收入Real estate properties房地产Risk sharing风险分担Re-construction返工,重修Re-evaluation重新评价Random sample随机抽样Relational data model关系数据模型SSpeculative housing market投机性住宅市场Scope of the project项目的范围Specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设sensitivity 灵敏度Shop drawings施工图Subcontractors分包商Specialty Contractor专业承包商7Specialized subcontractor专业分包商Structural design结构设计Security sensitivity安全敏感性Screening estimates匡算Subcontractor quotations分包商报价Social rate of discount社会折现率Simulate模拟sunk cost沉没成本Semi-automated半自动化的Sub-network子网络图Statistical method统计方法Sampling by attributes特征抽样Sampling by variables变量抽样Sampling plan抽样计划Storage and retrieval存储和查询TThe project life cycle项目生命周期The Real estate developer房地产开发商The feasibility study report可行性研究报告The state of economy经济状况Turnkey project/contract交钥匙工程/合同Top-down design自上而下的设计Technical feasibility技术可行性Tangible asset有形资产Technology choice技术选择Total float总时差8Total quality control全面质量管理Tracing decision跟踪决策UUnit cost method of estimation单位估价法Unit price contract单价合同Unforeseen circumstances不可预见事件VVendor供货商Value engineering价值工程Video conferencing电视会议W Work package工作包Warranties and guarantees保证和担保Warehouse management仓库管理缩写REITs—real estate investment trusts房地产信托(基金)PERT—program evaluation and review technology计划评审技术PMBOK—project management body of knowledge项目管理体系PMI—the project management institute美国项目管理协会ISO—the international organization for standardization国际标准化组织9OSHA—US occupational safety and health administration美国职业安全和健康署GDP--gross domestic product国内生产总值GNP--Gross National Product国民生产总值MARR--minimum attractive rate of return最低收益率CMC—construction management contractor建设项目管理承包商CAD—computer aided design计算机辅助设计CPA--Certified public accounting 特许公共会计师AIA—American institute of architects美国建筑师协会AGC—the associated general contractors美国总承包商会任永富Thursday, December 09, 201010旗开得胜11 读万卷书行万里路。

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A1. architectural and engineering(A/E)film建筑和工程设计公司2. additional provision附加条款3. activity-on-branch network双代号网络图B4. bids and quotations投标和报价5. bill of quantities工程量清单6. bid estimate投标估价7. budget estimates 预算估价C8. conceptual planning stage概念规划阶段(前期策划阶段)9. competitive bidding竞争性招/投标10. certified public accounting(CPA)注册会计师11. construction mangers(CM)职业化的建设项目经理12. construction management contractor(CMC)建设项目管理承包商)13. construction planning施工计划14. construction operations施工作业15. concrete mix混领土拌和物16. concrete mixers混凝土搅拌机17. cost estimation成本估算18. control estimate控制估算19. cost indices成本指数20. Consumer price index消费价格指数21. Cash flow profile现金流分布形态22. contract dispute合同纠纷23. computer aided design(CAD)计算机辅助设计24. computerized database计算机化的数据库25. critical path method关键线路法26. Court judgments法庭的判决27. Construction yard施工场地D28. detailed estimates 详细估算29. dispute resolution mechanism争端解决机制30. design drawing设计图纸31. dummy activities虚工作32. Document control文档控制E33. estimate stage估算阶段34. evaluation stage评估阶段35. earthwork to be excavated土方开挖36. engineer’s estimate工程师估算,标底37. Economic evaluation经济评价F38. from cardle to grave从头到尾39. functional organization职能式组织40. first line supervision基层监督41. facility design设施设计42. field management现场管理43. Financing options 融资方式44. force-account charges自营工程费45. free float自由时差46. fast track快速路径法47. Final checkout最终的竣工验收G48. general constractor总承包商49. GDP国内生产总值50. Gross national product国民生产总值51. gross sale amount毛销售额H52. hierarchical structure层次分解结构I53. institutional and commercial building construction办公和商业用房建设54. infrastructure and heavy construction重大基础项目建设55. installation constractors安装承包商56. including field supervision现场监督57. inflation通货膨胀58. intangible asset无形资产59. interest rate利率60. in-house overhead expenses内业管理费61. independent float独立时差62. Inspection logs检查日志63. Information flow信息流J64. job-site productivity工地生产率L65. linear programming线性规划66. lump sum contract总价合同M67. material and equipment suppliers材料和设备供应商68. mission-oriented以目标位导向的69. material procurement and delivery材料采购和运输70. Municipal project市政项目N71. network analysis网络分析72. nominated subcontractor制定分包商73. Net annual cash flow 年净现金流74. negotiation谈判75. network diagrams网络计划图O76. operation and maintenance managers运行与维护经理77. Opportunity cost机会成本78. on-site inspection现场检查P79. public agency 公共机构80. project management项目管理81. professional services专业服务82. professional consultant专业咨询人士83. project organization项目是组织84. preliminary estimates初步估算85. Project finance项目融资86. program evaluation and review technology(PERT)计划评审技术87. Pre-qualification of contractors and sub-contractors with regard safety在安全方面对承包商和分包商的资格预审88. Payment of invoices 支付发票面额QR89. residential housing construction住宅类房屋建设90. recreational facilities娱乐设施91. Real estate investment trusts(REITs)房地产信托(基金)92. risk sharing风险承担93. re-evaluation重新评价S94. speculative housing market投机性住宅市场95. specialized industrial construction 专业化工业项目建设96. shop drawing施工图97. specialty constractors专业承包商98. superintendent监督,指挥99. specialized subcontractor专业分包商100. Specify the minimum attractive rate of return(MARR)指定具有吸引的回报率101. Social rate of discount社会折现率102. semi-automated半自动化103. sunk cost沉没成本104. Sampling by attributes 特征抽样105. Sampling plan抽样计划106. Site conditions现场条件T107. the real estate developer 房地产开发商108. the project life cycle项目全寿命期109. the scope of the project项目范围110. turnkey project交钥匙工程111. the project management institute(PMI)美国项目管理协会112. top-down design自上而下的设计113. Tangible asset有形资产114. the internal rate of return(IRR)内部收益率115. the American Institute of Architects(AIA)美国建筑师协会116. the Associated General Contractors(AGC)美国总承包商117. total float总时差118. Total quality control(TQC)全面质量管理119. The International Organization for Standardization国际标准化组织120. Tracing decision跟踪决策U121. unit cost method of estimation单价估算法122. Unforeseen expense不可预见费用123. unbalanced bid不平衡报价124. unforeseen circumstance不可预见事件125. US Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA)美国职业安全和健康署V126. value engineering价值工程127. Video conferencing电视会议W128. work breakdown工作分解129. Warehouse management仓库管理130. Warehouse inventory system仓库储存管理系统131. Warehouse personnel仓库管理人员。
