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1.The police have absolute proof of his guilt.(确实的)

2.In 1601, Parliament passed an act, which aimed to provide the poor with more jobs.(法


The first act of the play is not bad. (戏剧的)一幕

3.The president should be addressed as“Mr. President”.(被称作)

The chairman will address (at) at the meeting. (发言;演讲)

4.The picture looks good against the white wall.(在…相称下;以…为背景)

Save money against old age. (防备)

y down your arms(武器)or we'll fire!(开枪,开火)

6.You should air the clothes to get the damp out. (晾干)

air the room.(使通风)

When asked about the news, she has an air of mystery. (神态,样子)

in the air在空中;(计划等)未定的

7.The theatre only admits l,000 persons. (容纳)

8.Long plane trips don't agree with me.(适应)

9.You can't live on bread alone. (仅仅)

10.A warm sunshine announces spring. (预示,显示)

11.I suddenly appreciated that l was wrong. (意识到)

12.The driver could not arrest the horse's speed. (阻止)

arrest one’s attention/eye(吸引,吸住)

13.You're going out? But who will attend to the baby? (照料)

attend to one’s work(专心,注意)

14.The doctors are available now.(有空的)

15.Many of his friends backed his plan.(支持)

16.The boy badly wants a new bike. (非常地,迫切地)

17.All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars.(栏杆)

Have a chocolate bar.(条;块)

18.You should bear the responsibility of protecting your young sister. (承担)

bear…in mind that..(把..牢记在心)

19.My heart beat wildly at my first public performance.(跳动)

Join us in dancing to the beat of the music.(节奏)

20.He carried a block of stone in his hand.(块,大块)

The road was blocked with snow.(阻塞,阻挡)

21.His expression remained blank after he heard my reason. (茫然的)

The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. (被…覆盖)

22.The board are unhappy about the falling sales. (董事会)

Passengers are waiting to board the plane.(上船、上火车、上飞机)

23.The behavior of (性能)

24.We have booked a table near the window.【预订(房间、车票)】

25.We all like his music, for he is a born artist. (天生的)

26.Let's take a coffee break. (休息,中断)

27.He broke off in the middle of a sentence.(突然中断,停止)

28.His songs always make me feel blue. (忧伤的)

29. My brother is a man of strong build.(体格,体型)

30. We chanced to be out when she called. (碰巧) .、

31. Don't kick the can on your way home.(罐头;金属罐)

32. The doctor is uncertain about this case.(病例)

33. I don't catch what he said just now.(听懂,理解)

He caught the boys stealing apples from his garden. (偶然撞见,突然发觉) What he said caught our attention. (吸引)

Her shoe heel(鞋跟)was caught in the hole. (卡在,被困在)

34.If a newspaper or poster carries a picture or a piece of writing,

it contains it or displays it.(报纸、海报)登载,刊登,印有
