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2. You’ve got to have faith up your sleeve, otherwise you won’t succeed. 归化:你必须有锦囊妙计, 否则你不会成功。 异化:你必须袖里藏有自信, 否则你不会成功。
3. I’ve let the cat out of the bag already and I might as well tell the whole thing now.
这个废弃的采矿村四周群 山环抱,山上树林密布, 温热的泉水随处涌出;在 山谷里面,突兀着的矿进 口上长着参天大树,破败 的屋墙后是锈迹斑斑的冶 炼设备。
4. 英译文的简洁、精炼 原则
1. 漫天的大火把夜空映了个通 红; 2. 他从那里渐渐地探出了秘 密; 3. 我一时想不起来这个词了; 4. 这篇文章不太好理解; 5. 那里的景色会让你大饱眼福。
4. Jack said behind his hand. 5. We had to walk some distance from the bus stop nearest the building.
1. I got there after miles of pine tunnels. 2. Jim is young, cinematically handsome man. 3. In either instance, the case still can not be closed.
三、英语长句汉译的转换 规律
4. Well has Solomon said: Better a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith.
事原则 There is nothing more disappointing a hostess who has gone to a lot of uble or expense than to have her guest interested in talking politics or business h her husband that he fails to notice the vor of the coffee, the lightness of the ke, or the attractiveness of the house, ch may be her chief interest and pride.
斯坦福大学重新调整了课 程体系,并要求学生在第 一学期结束时选择专业方 向,其目的之一便是为了 吸引想要细化专业、确定 职业的学生。
3. 空间视角、心理视角 原则
The deserted mining village, protruding pitheads overgrown with tall trees and rusty refineries behind crumbling walls situated in valleys, were surrounded by thick wooded mountain slopes, hot springs gushing out here and there.
女主人用了很多心思也花了很 多费用准备好了香喷喷的咖啡和 松软的糕点,并将屋内陈设装扮 得极有特色。虽然她对此饶有兴 趣并引以为傲,但她的客人对此 却孰视无睹,只顾与丈夫谈政治、 谈生意。还有什么比这让她更失 望的呢!
2. 论理原则(原因在前, 结果在后, 前提在前, 结论在后)
Attracting specialized, careerfocused students is one reason Stanford University Medical Center overhauled its curriculum and required students to pick a concentration by the end of their first year.
• • • • •
1. 合理的知识结构; 1.1 扎实的语言功底; 1.2 百科全书式的知识; 2. 学习一些翻译理论; 3. 高度的责任感;
二、英译汉文化因素中的 “归化”与“异化” domestication foreignization
1. He was already three score and ten.
Biblioteka Baidu
1. 画笔之于画家犹如 钢琴之于音乐家; 2. 他总是轻言细语地 跟别人讲话; 3. 他的眼露出进退为 难的神情。
四、翻译注重平时阅读与 积累
1. The bicycles stand on their kickstand. 2. His hair was thin and beginning to recede. 3. “I don't know what happened," he said, blinked back tears.