



Industrial communication networks - Profiles - Part 3-3: Functional safety 52 EN 61784-3-3-2010
fieldbuses - Additional specifications for CPF 3
Industrial communication networks - Profiles -- Part 3-6: Functional safety 53 EN 61784-3-6-2010
家庭房屋中一氧化碳探测用电气设备.第 2 部分:娱乐车辆和类似经营场所包括娱乐船中固 33 EN 50291-2-2010
定装置连续运转用电气设备.附加试验方法和性能要求.德文版本 EN 50291-2-2010
34 EN 50340-2010 液压电缆切削装置.标称电压高达交流 30kV 的电气装置用设备
2011-04-01 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 2011-04-15 2011-04-15 2011-04-01 2011-04-01
38 EN 50518-1-2010 监控和报警接收中心.第 1 部分:选址和建造要求.德文版本 EN 50518-1-2010+Cor.-2010
Connector sets and interconnect components to be used in optical fibre communication
systems - Product specifications -- Part 8-10: Type LSH-APC simplex terminated on







”的教育家是( A)1-5A.博比特B.泰勒C.查特斯D.哈普罗2.被誉为“现代课程理论圣经”的课程着作是( C )1-10A.《儿童与课程》B.《怎样编制课程》C.《课程与教学的基本原理》D.《课程》3.实践性课程开发理论的代表人物是( C )1-16A.布鲁纳B.麦克尼尔C.施瓦布D.派纳4.标志着理论化、系统化的教学论确立的教育着作是( B )1-26A.《教学的艺术》B.《大教学论》C.《实验教学论》D.《教育学讲授纲要》5.第一次提出“教育教学的心理学化”思想的教育家是( D )1-35A.福禄贝尔B.奥苏贝尔C.斯金纳D.裴斯泰洛齐6.“发展性教学论”、“发现教学论”、“范例教学论”这三大新教学论流派的共同理论基础是( A )1-50A.认知理论B.建构主义理论C.情感理论D.行为主义理论7.学习根据类别对各种事物作出反应,学习对事物分门别类的一种能力,这种学习属于( D )2-113A.辨别学习B.问题解决学习C.规则学习D.概念学习8.学生已经掌握了“三角形”的概念和面积计算公式,然后学习“等腰三角形”的概念与面积计算,这种学习类型是(B )2-104A.上位学习B.下位学习C.概念学习D.并列结合学习9.课程与教学目标的“普遍性目标”取向的特点是( A )3-147A.普遍性、规范性、模糊性B.学术性、专门性、规范性C.学术性、普遍性、基本性D.基本性、专门性、理解性10.布鲁姆等人的教育目标分类学的取向属于( C )3-154A.表现性目标取向B.普遍性目标取向C.行为目标取向D.生成性目标取向11.在学校课程与社会生活的关系问题上,认为“教育与社会是互动的、有机统一的,学校课程不仅适应着社会生活,而且还不断改造着社会生活”,这种观点是( B )4-186A.被动适应论B.主动适应论C.调和论D.超越论12.苏格拉底的“精神助产术”在教学方法类型上属于( D )4-199A.提示型B.复合型C.自主型D.共同解决问题型13.赫尔巴特提出的关于教学的四个“形式阶段”包括明了、联合、系统和( D )1-39A.复习B.训练C.探究D.方法14.罗杰斯“非指导性教学”相应的学习观是( C )2-140A.有意义发现学习B.有意义接受学习C.有意义经验学习D.有意义机械学习15.课程与教学目标的“生成性目标”取向追求的是( B )3-166A.普遍主义B.实践理性C.唯科学主义D.解放理性16.课程的水平组织的基本标准是( B )5-213A.顺序性B.整合性C.连续性D.逻辑性17.经验自然主义的经验课程的终极目的是( B )5-223A.使人成为“自然人”B.个人经验与社会整体的持续生长C.使人之个性完全获得自由与独立,使人获得解放,使社会日臻公正D.使人获得全面发展18.克伯屈“设计教学法”中,“设计”的核心是( C )5-224A.个体已有的经验B.做中学C.自愿的活动D.交互作用19.20世纪倡导社会本位综合课程的典型课程哲学是( D )5-233A.实用主义B.自然主义C.人本主义D.改造主义20.提出“附带学习”概念的学者是( A )5-248A.杜威B.克伯屈C.杰克逊D.阿普尔21.“隐性课程是学校暗默地、高效地灌输给学生的‘被合法化了的’文化、价值和规范,它是发挥着‘霸权’功能的日常意义体系”。



TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2011)-GRADE FOUR-PART III CLOZE [15 MIN] Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two.“Congratulations, Mr. Cooper. It’s a girl.”Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and (31) a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel (32) when they receive the news, (33)others worry, wondering whether they will be good father. (34) there are some men who like children and may have had (35) experience with them, others do not particularly (36) children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. (37) other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have (38) willingly or unwillingly.Whatever the (39) to the birth of a child, it is obvious the shift from the role of husband to (40) of a father is a difficult task. (41) , unfortunately, few attempts have been made to (42) fathers in this resocialization (43) . Although numerous books have been written about mothers, (44) recently has literature focused on the (45) of a father.It is argued that the transition to the father's role, although difficult, is not (46) as great as the transition the wife must (47) to the mother's role. The mother's role seems to require a complete (48) in daily routine. (49) , the father’s role is less demanding and (50) .31. A. bring down B. bring forth C. bring off D. bring in32. A. emotional B. sentimental C. bewildered D. proud33. A. while B. when C. if D. as34. A. When B. If C. Although D. Y et35. A. considerate B. considerable C. considering D. considered36. A. care about B. care of C. care with D. care for37. A. For B. Of C. From D. Upon38. A. received B. taken C. accepted D. obtained39. A. reply B. reaction C. readiness D. reality40. A. what B. this C. one D. that41. A. As a result B. For example C. Y et D. Also42. A. educate B. cultivate C. inform D. convert43. A. step B. process C. point D. time44. A. / B. just C. quite D. only45. A. role B. work C. career D. position46. A. a little B. just C. nearly D. almost47. A. take B. make C. carry D. accept48. A. transformation B. realization C. socialization D. reception49. A. In addition B. Above all C. Generally D. However50. A. current B. immediate C. present D. quickPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY [15 MIN]There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.51. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man he wasfifteen years ago.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. that52. Which of the following sentences is a COMMAND?A. Beg your pardon.B. Have a good time.C. Never do that again!D. What noise you are making!53. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose?A. She said it for fun, but others took her seriously.B. For all its effort, the team didn’t win the match.C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years.D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.54. When you have finished with the book, don’t forget to return it to Tim, ?A. do youB. will youC. don’t youD. won’t you55. In phrases like freezing cold, burning hot, or soaking wet, the –ING participle is usedA. as a command.B. as a condition.C. for concession.D. for emphasis.56. Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT?A. The city is now ten times its original size.B. I wish I had two times his strength.C. The seller asked for double the usual price.D. They come here four times every year.57. It is not so much the language the cultural background that makes the bookdifficult to understand.A. asB. norC. butD. like58. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object?A. What do you think has happened to her?B. Who do you think the visiting professor is?C. How much do you think he earns every month?D. How quickly would you say he would come?59. The additional work will take weeks.A. the otherB. another twoC. other twoD. the more60. Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句)?A. We are quite certain that we will get there in time.B. He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this year.C. She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning.D. It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days.61. It’s getting late. I’d rather you now.A. leftB. leaveC. are leavingD. will leave62. In the sentence “The manager interviewed Jim himself in the morning”, the italicized word isused to modifyA. the object.B. the verb.C. the subject.D. the prepositional phrase.63. There is no doubt the couple did the right thing in coming back home earlier thanplanned.A. whetherB. thatC. whyD. when64. The sentence that expresses OFFER isA. I’ll get some drinks. What’ll you have?B. Does she need to book a ticket now?C. May I know your name?D. Can you return the book next week?65. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates a subject-predicate relation (主谓关系)?A. Mr Smith’s passport has been issued.B. The visitor’s arrival was reported in the news.C. John’s travel details have not been finalized.D. The new bookstore sells children’s stories.66. Our office has recently to a new computer system.A. alteredB. convertedC. transformedD. modified67. The crowd went as soon as the singer stepped onto the stage.A. wildB. emotionalC. uncontrolledD. unrestricted68. Our school library is closed for repairs.A. shortlyB. quicklyC. temporarilyD. rapidly69. John is up to his eyes in work at the moment. The underlined part means .A. very excitedB. very busyC. very tiredD. very efficient70. V ictoria bumped into her brother quite by chance in the supermarket. The underlined wordmeans .A. riskB. opportunityC. possibilityD. luck71. “Look at those pretty girls’ skirts” is , because it is not clear whether the girls or theskirts are “pretty’.A. ambiguousB. hiddenC. indirectD. indistinct72. House repairs, holidays, school fees and other have reduced his bank balance toalmost nothing.A. amountB. paymentC. expensesD. figures73. It was really of you to remember my birthday.A. gratefulB. thoughtfulC. considerableD. generous74. Y ou can go to a travel agency and ask for a holiday .A. introductionB. advertisementC. bookD. brochure75. The city government is building more roads to the increasing number of cars.A. accommodateB. receiveC. acceptD. hold76. They’ve lifted a two-year-long economic on the country.A. enclosureB. restrictionC. blockadeD. prohibition77. Everyone is surprised that she has fallen out with her boy friend. The underlined part means.A. leftB. quarreledC. attackedD. defeated78. His plan is carefully prepared and full of details, so it is a very one.A. elaborateB. refinedC. ambitiousD. complex79. The girl’s voice was so low that we could hear her.A. seldomB. almostC. onlyD. barely80. She must have been pretty to fall for such an old trick.A. interestedB. gullibleC. enthusiasticD. shrewd31-35 BDACB36-40 DACBD41-45 CABDA46-50 CBADB51-55 DCABD56-60 BACBD61-65 ACBAB66-70 BACBD71-75 ACBDA76-80 CBADB2009年专四PART III CLOZE [15 MIN]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two.Scientists around the world are racing to learn how to rapidly diagnose, treat and stop the spread of a new, deadly disease. SARS -- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome --- was (31) ____ for the first time in February 2003 in Hanoi, (32) _____ since then has infected more than 1,600 people in 15 countries, killing 63. At this (33) _____, there are more questions than answers surrounding the disease.Symptoms start (34) _____ a fever over 100.4 degrees F, chills, headache or body (35)____. Within a week, the patient has a dry cough, which might (36) _____ to shortness of breath. In 10% to 20% of cases, patients require (37)_____ ventilation to breathe. About 3.5% die from the disease. Symptoms (38)____ begin in two to seven days, but some reports suggest it (39) ____ take as long as 10 days. Scientists are close to (40) ____ a lab test to diagnose SARS. In the meantime, it is diagnosed by its symptoms. There is no evidence (41)____ antibiotics or anti-viral medicines help, (42) _____ doctors can offer only supportive care. Patients with SARS are kept in isolation to reduce the risk of(43) ____ Scientists aren’t sure yet, but some researchers think it’s a (44) ____ discovered coronavirus, the family of viruses that cause some common colds.Most cases appear to have been passed (45) ____ droplets expelled when infected patients cough or sneeze. Family members of infected people and medical workers who care (46) ____ them have been most likely to (47) ____ the illness. But recent developments in Hong Kong suggest that the (48) ____might spread through air, or that the virus might (49) ____ for two to three hours on doorknobs or other (50)____. Health experts say it is unlikely, though, that sharing an elevator briefly with an infected person would be enough to pass the virus.(31) A. detected B. caught C. disclosed D. revealed(32) A. but B. and C. or D. yet(33) A. time B. point C. aspect D. instance(34) A. from B. over C. upon D. with(35) A. hurt B. sore C. aches D. feelings(36) A. process B. advance C. progress D. convert(37) A. automatic B. artificial C. mechanical D. controlled(38) A. regularly B. ordinarily C. traditionally D. generally(39) A. will B. might C. should D. must(40) A. cultivating B. fostering C. developing D. designing(41) A. which B. that C. whether D. what(42) A. so B. but C. still D. yet(43) A. communication B. transportation C. transformation D. transmission(44) A. lately B. newborn C. newly D. renewed(45) A. under B. through C. beneath D. from(46) A. for B. over C. after D. about(47) A. acquire B. receive C. obtain D. contract(48) A. ailment B. ill-health C. disease D. infection(49) A. continue B. linger C. delay D. persist(50) A. exteriors B. outside C. surfaces D. coverings51. What a nice day! How about the three of us _____ a walk in the park nearby?A. to takeB. takeC. takingD. to be taking52. If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier to learn.A. could have beenB. would’beC. will beD. would have been53. She _____ fifty or so when I first met her at a conference.A. had beenB. must beC. has beenD. must have been54. _____ the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay.A. WhateverB. WheneverC. WhicheverD. However55. A new laptop costs about _____ of a second-hand one.A. the price of three timesB. three times the priceC. as much as the three times priceD. three times more than the price56. I was very interested in _____ she told me.A. all thatB. all whichC. all whatD. that57. We consider ______ he should have left without telling anyone beforehand.A. strange whyB. it strange whatC. it strange thatD. that strange58. It is going to be fine tomorrow. _______.A. So is it.B. So it is.C. So it does.D. So does it.59. Little _____ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger.A. she caredB. she may careC. may she careD. did she care60. The couple had no sooner got to the station _____ the coach left.A. whenB. asC. untilD. than61. Aren’t you tired? I ____ you had done enough for today.A. should have thoughtB. must have thoughtC. might have thoughtD. could have thought62. "It seems that she was there at the conference." The sentence means thatA. she seems to be there at the conference.B. she seemed to be there at the conference.C. she seems to have been there at the conference.D. she seemed to being there at the conference.63. Which of the following adverbs can NOT be used to complete " _____ everybody came"?A. NearlyB. QuiteC. PracticallyD. Almost64. In "How much do you think he earns?" how much is ______ of the sentence.A. the subjectB. the adverbialC. the objectD. the complement65. "The man preparing the documents is the firm’s lawyer" has all the following possible meanings EXCEPTA. the man who has prepared the documents...B. the man who has been preparing the documents...C. the man who is preparing the documents...D. the man who willprepare the documents...66. During the TV interview, the singer announced that he was going to _____ his new album soon.A. releaseB. renewC. relieveD. rehearse67. Afterworking for the firm for ten years, he finally _____ the rank of deputy director.A. achievedB. approachedC. attainedD. acquired68. Winter is the _____ season at most hotels in this seaside town, because very few tourists come to stay.A. slowB. slackC. lowD. quiet69. Come on, Jack, tell me the story. Don’t keep me in ______.A. suspenseB. suspendingC. suspensionD. suspender70. The football match was _____ because of the heavy rain.A. called overB. called upC. called outD. called off71. We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and _____.A. conduciveB. wholesomeC. helpfulD. appreciative72. It was strange that she would _____ such an absurd idea.A. allowB. stickC. takeD. entertain73. The scientists have made an _____ study of the viruses that cause the disease.A. exhaustedB. exhaustingC. exhaustiveD. exhaustion74. Do you own your apartment or are you a ______ ?A. tenantB. customerC. clientD. proprietor75. Representatives from the companies indicated that they should go on working together in _____.A. unityB. entityC. partnersD. partnership76. We all know that Mary has had a strict _____.A. growthB. upbringingC. developmentD. cultivation77. The drink was packaged in champagne bottles and was being _____ as the real stuff.A. passed outB. passed byC. passed overD. passed off78. Last Sunday she came to visit us out of the blue. The italic ized phrase meansA. unexpectedlyB. unhappilyC. untidilyD. unofficially79. The person he interviewed was _____ his former schoolmate.A. no other thanB. no more thanC. none other thanD. none the less80. The young employee has a(n)______ quality - he is totally honest.A. respectableB. admirableC. decentD. approachable31-35 ABBDC 36-40 CCDBC 41-45 BADCB 46-50ADCB 51-55 CBDAB 56-60 ACBDD61-65 BC 66-70 ACBAD 71-75 BDCAA 76-80BDACDTEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2010)-GRADE FOUR-PART III CLOZE [15 MIN]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on ANSWER SHEET TWO.How men first learned to invent words is unknown; (31) , the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain (32) to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, (33) they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (34) certain signs, called letters, which could be (35) to represent those sounds, and which could be (36) . Those sounds, whether spoken, (37) written in letters, we call words.The power of words, then, lies in their (38) -the things they bring up before our minds. Words become (39) with meaning for us by experience; (40) the longer we live, the more certain words (41) to us the happy and sad events of our past; and the more we (42) , the more the number of words that mean something to us (43) .Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal (44) to our minds and emotions. This (45) and telling use of words is what we call (46) style. Above all, the real poet is a master of (47) . He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which (48) their position and association can (49) men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will (50) our speech or writing silly and vulgar.(31) A. in addition B. in other words C. in a word D. in summary(32) A. sounds B. gestures C. signs D. movements(33) A. such that B. as that C. so that D. in that(34) A. in B. with C. of D. upon(35) A. spelt B. combined C. written D copied(36) A. written down B. handed down C. remembered D. observed(37) A. and B. yet C. also D. or(38) A. functions B. associations C. roles D. links(39) A. filled B. full C. live D. active(40) A. but B. or C. yet D. and(41) A. reappear B. recall C. remember D. recollect(42) A. read and think B. read and recall C. read and learn D. read and recite(43) A. raises B. increases C. improves D. emerges(44) A. intensively B. extensively C. broadly D. powerfully(45) A. charming B. academic C. conventional D. common(46) A. written B. spoken C. literary D. dramatic(47) A. signs B. words C. style D. sound(48) A. in B. on C. over D. by(49) A. move B. engage C. make D. force(50) A. transform B. change C. make D. convert51. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates CAUSE?A. Why don't you do it for the sake of your friends?B. I wish I could write as well as you.C. For all his efforts, he didn't get an A.D. Her eyes were red from excessive reading.52. Nancy's gone to work but her car's still there. She by bus.A. must have goneB. should have goneC. ought to have goneD. could have gone53. He feels that he is not yet to travel abroad.A. too strongB. enough strongC. so strongD. strong enough54. After seemed an endless wait, it was his turn to enter the personnel manager's office.A. thatB. itC. whatD. there55. Fool Jerry is, he could not have done such a thing.A. whoB. asC. likeD. that56. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. They each have two tickets.B. They cost twenty yuan each.C. Each they have bought the same book.D. They were given two magazines each.57. She seldom goes to the theatre, ?A. doesn't sheB. does sheC. would sheD. wouldn't she58. Dr Johnson is head of the department, an expert in translation.A. orB. eitherC. butD. and59. When one has good health, should feel fortunate.A. youB. theyC. heD. we60. It is necessary that he the assignment without delay.A. hand inB. hands inC. must hand inD. has to hand in61. In the sentence "It's no use waiting for her", the italicized phrase isA. the objectB. an adverbialC. a complementD. the subject62. Which of the following sentences is INCORRECT?A. All his lectures are very interesting.B. Half their savings were gone.C. Many his friends came to the party.D. Both his sisters are nurses.63. Which of the following sentences has an object complement?A. The directors appointed John manager.B. I gave Mary a Christmas present.C. Y ou have done Peter a favour.D. She is teaching children English.64. Which of the following words can NOT be used to complete "We've seen the film "?A. beforeB. recentlyC. latelyD. yet65. should not become a serious disadvantage in life and work.A. To be not tallB. Not being tallC. Being not tallD. Not to be tall66. Due to personality , the two colleagues never got on well in work.A. contradictionB. conflictC. confrontationD. competition67. During the summer vacation, kids are often seen hanging in the streets.A. aboutB. onC. overD. out68. There were 150 at the international conference this summer.A. spectatorsB. viewersC. participantsD. onlookers69. School started on a cold day in February.A. severeB. bitterC. suchD. frozen70. In the face of unexpected difficulties, he demonstrated a talent for quick, action.A. determiningB. defensiveC. demandingD. decisive71. The team has been working overtime on the research projectA. latelyB. just nowC. lateD. long ago72. Because of the economic crisis, industrial output in the region remainedA. motionlessB. inactiveC. stagnantD. immobile73. The police had difficulty in the fans from rushing on to the stage to take photos with the singer.A. limitingB. restrainingC. confiningD. restricting74. Joan is in the dorm, putting the final to her speech.A. detailsB. remarksC. commentsD. touches75. His in gambling has eventually brought about his ruin.A. indulgenceB. habitC. actionD. engagement76. The teacher told the students to stay in the classroom and they didA. absolutelyB. accidentallyC. accordinglyD. accurately77. Y ou can actually see the deer at close range while driving through that area. The italicized phrase means .A. clearlyB. very nearC. quicklyD. very hard78. He listened hard but still couldn't what they were talking about.A. make overB. make upC. make uponD. make out79. For the advertised position, the company offers a(n) salary and benefits package.A. generousB. plentifulC. abundantD. sufficient80. As there was no road, the travelers up a rocky slope on their way back.A. ranB. hurriedC. scrambledD. crawled31 B 32 A 33 C 34 D 35 B 36 A 37 D or 38 B 39 A 40 D 41 B 42 C 44D 45 A46 C 47 B 48 D by 49 A50 C 51. D 52. A 53. D 54. C 55. B 56. C 57.B 58. D 59.C 60. A 61.D 62. C 63. A 64. D 65. B 66. B 67. D 68.C 69. B 70.D 71. A l72. C 73. D 74. D75. A 76. C 77. B 78. D 79.A 80. C2008年专四PART III CLOZE [15 MIN]Salt may seem rather a strange (31)____ to use as money, (32)_____ in countries where the food of the people is mainly vegetable, it is often an (33)_____ necessity. Cakes of salt, stamped to show their (34)____, were used as money in some countries until recent (35)_____, and cakes of salt (36)____ buy goods in Borneo and parts of Africa.Sea shells (37)_____ as money at some time(38)____ another over the greater part of the Old World. These were (39)___ mainly from the beaches of the Maldives Islands in the Indian Ocean, and were traded to India and China. In Africa, shells were traded right across the (40)___ from East to West.Metal, valued by weight, (41)____ coins in many parts of the world. Iron, in lumps, bars or rings, is still used in many countries(42)_____ paper money. It can either be exchanged(43)____ goods, or made into tools, weapons, or ornaments. The early money of China, apart from shells, was of bronze, (44)_____ in flat, round pieces with a hole in the middle, called "cash". The (45)_____ of these are between three thousand and four thousand years old - older than the earliest coins of the eastern Mediterranean.Nowadays, coins and notes have (46)____ nearly all the more picturesque (47)____ of money, and (48)____ in one or two of the more remote countries people still keep it for future use on ceremonial (49)____ such as weddings and funerals, examples of (50)____ money will soon be found only in museums.(31) A. object B. article C. substance D. category(32) A. but B. and C. so D. even(33) A. abstract B. advantageous C. abundant D. absolute(34) A. weight B. value C. role D. size(35) A. times B. events C. situations D. conditions(36) A. even B. also C. still D. never(37) A. had been used B. are used C. would be used D. would have been used(38) A. and B. but C. yet D. or(39) A. collected B. produced C. grown D. raised(40) A. city B. district C. communib D. continent(41) A. processed B. produced C. preceded D. proceeded(42) A. in spite of B. instead of C. along with D. in line with(43) A. against B. as C. in D. for(44) A. often B. seldom C. really D. much(45) A. earlier B.earliest C.better D.best(46) A. replaced B. reproduced C. reflected D. recovered(47) A. sizes B. shapes C. formats D. forms(48) A. while B. although C. because D. if(49) A. events B. gatherings C. occasions D. assemblies(50) A. original B. primitive C. historical D. crude51. Our association, which has consistently pressed for greater employment opportunities for tNdisabled, will publish ____ proposals in the near future.A. theirB. ourC. hisD. its52. Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she ____ much better results now.A. would be gettingB. could have gotC. must getD. would get53. Nine is to three _____ three is to one.A. whenB. thatC. whichD. what54. Men differ from animals ____ they can think and speak.A. for whichB. for thatC. in thatD. in which55. ____ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finishhis assignment.A. Much thoughB. Much asC. As muchD. Though much56. I enjoyed myself so much ____ I visited my friends in Paris last year.A. whenB. whichC. thatD. where57. Which of the following is INCORRECT?A. All his lectures were boring. C. Her few friends are all fond of dancing.B. Half his money was gone. D. He invited many his friends to the party.58. When you have finished with that book, don't forget to put it back on my desk, _____?A. do youB. don't youC. will youD. won't you59. What does "He wisely refused to spend his money" mean?A. It was wise of him to refuse to spend his money.B. He refused to spend his money in a wise manner.C. He was short of money and didn't want to buy anything.D. He refused, in a wise manner, to spend his money.60. They stood chatting together as easily and naturally as ____.A. it could beB. could beC. it wasD. was61. The following are all correct responses to "Who told the news to the teacher?" EXCEPTA. Jim did this.B. Jim did so.C. Jim did that.D. Jim did.62. Quality is ____ counts most.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. where63. In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language.A. would makeB. had madeC. madeD. makes64. The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times ____ the size of St. Peter's inRome.A. /B. that ofC. which isD. of65. Which of the following sentences expresses "probability"?A. You must leave immediately.B. You must be feeling rather tired.C. You must be here by eight o'clock.D. You must complete the reading assignment on time.66. When he first started in university, he really felt at _____ with his major --- economics.A. shoreB. bankC. oceanD. sea67. On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be ____ towards them.A. considerableB. consideringC. considerateD. considered68. Sally was a bit shy, but the teacher found her quite ____ discussing a recent film withothers.A. at homeB. at mostC. at houseD. at bean69. The company has capitalized _____ the error of judgment made by its business competitor.A. inB. overC. withD. on70. Tim has failed three courses this semester, so he will have to _____ them next semester.A. remakeB. repeatC. reapplyD. revise。












2011年国家法定节假日放假安排大全【2011年法定节日】中国2011年放假安排已经确定,具体的2011年放假计划如下:2011年元旦:2011年1月1日(周六)、2日(周日)、3日(周一)放假三天4日(周二)上班;2011年春节:2011年2月2日(周三)、3日(周四)、4日(周五)5日(周六)6日(周日)、7日(周一)、8日(周二)放假七天,9日(周三)上班;2011年清明:2011年4月4日(周一)、5日(周二)6日(周三)放假三天,7日(周四)上班;2011年五一:2011年4月29日(周五)、30日(周六)、5月1日(周日)放假三天,2日(周一)上班;2011年中秋:2011年9月12日(周一)、13日(周二)、14日(周三)放假三天15日(周四)上班;2011年国庆:2011年10月1日(周六)、2日(周日)、3日(周一)4日(周二)5日(周三)、6日(周四)、7日(周五)放假七天,8日(周六)上班;2011年节日一览表【2011年所有节日】一月 1月1日元旦1月3日腊八[农历] 释迦如来成道日[农历]1月4日黑人日1月11日尾牙[农历]1月13日Micheal Brecker 去世1月18日小年[农历]1月19日送神[农历]1月20日大寒1月21日法王路易十六上断头台1月24日华严菩萨圣诞[农历]1月25日除夕[农历] 世界防治麻风病日1月26日春节[农历]弥勒佛圣诞[农历]1月27日回娘家[农历]1月28日祭祖[农历]1月29日迎神[农历]1月30日破五[农历] 路神生日[农历]1月31日定光佛圣诞[农历]二月 2月1日天公生日 [农历]2月2日世界湿地日2月3日立春2月7日国际声援南非日2月9日元宵节[农历]2月10日国际气象节芦笙节(苗族) [农历]2月13日黑色星期五2月14日情人节2月15日中国12亿人口日2月18日雨水2月21日反对殖民制度斗争日2月24日第三世界青年日2月26日二月二龙抬头[农历] 土地公生日[农历]2月28日世界居住条件调查日三月 3月1日国际海豹日3月3日全国爱耳日3月4日释迦牟尼佛出家[农历]3月5日中国青年志愿者服务日海空上师生日[农历] 惊蛰3月8日三八妇女节3月11日释迦牟尼佛涅槃[农历]3月12日植树节3月13日黑色星期五3月14日国际警察日白色情人节3月15日315 消费者权益日观世音菩萨圣诞[农历]3月16日手拉手情系贫困小伙伴全国统一行动日3月17日中国国医节普贤菩萨圣诞[农历]3月18日全国科技人才活动日3月20日春分3月21日世界森林日消除种族歧视国际日世界儿歌日世界睡眠日世界诗歌日3月22日世界水日3月23日世界气象日3月24日世界防治结核病日3月29日三月三[农历]3月30日全国中小学生安全教育日清海上师圆寂日[农历]四月 4月1日愚人节4月2日国际儿童图书日4月3日寒食节4月4日清明4月7日世界卫生日4月10日三月街(白族) [农历]4月11日准提菩萨圣诞[农历]4月12日复活节4月13日泼水节(傣历新年)4月18日妈祖生辰[农历]4月20日谷雨4月21日全国企业家活动日4月22日世界地球日世界法律日Mosaic浏览器问世4月23日世界图书和版权日4月24日世界青年反对殖民主义日亚非新闻工作者日4月25日全国儿童预防接种宣传日4月26日世界知识产权日世界儿童日4月28日文殊菩萨圣诞[农历]海空上师出家[农历]4月29日秘书节4月30日全国交通安全反思日五月5月1日五一劳动节内蒙古自治区成立日5月2日释迦牟尼佛圣诞[农历]5月3日世界哮喘日5月4日五四青年节五四运动纪念日科技传播日5月5日立夏5月8日世界红十字日世界微笑日5月9日佛吉祥日[农历]5月10日母亲节救助贫困母亲日5月12日国际护士节迁徙节(锡伯族) [农历]5月15日全国碘缺乏病防治日国际家庭(咨询)日5月17日世界电信日全国助残日5月18日国际博物馆日5月20日全国母乳喂养宣传日中国学生营养日5月21日小满5月22日国际生物多样性日5月26日世界向人体条件挑战日5月28日端午节[农历]5月30日五卅运动纪念日5月31日世界无烟日六月 6月1日国际牛奶日六一儿童节6月5日世界环境日罗伯特•F•肯尼迪遇刺伽蓝菩萨圣诞[农历] 芒种6月6日全国爱眼日6月11日中国人口日6月17日世界防止荒漠化和干旱日6月20日世界难民日6月21日父亲节夏至6月22日中国儿童慈善活动日6月23日国际奥林匹克日世界手球日6月25日全国土地日6月26日国际禁毒日(国际反毒品日) 国际宪章日(联合国宪章日)6月30日世界青年联欢节七月 7月1日中国共产党建党日香港回归纪念日国际建筑日亚洲“三十亿人口日”青藏铁路线全线通车7月2日国际体育记者日7月4日国际合作节7月7日七七卢沟桥事变——日本全面侵华的开端小暑西班牙奔牛节7月11日中国航海日世界(50亿)人口日7月24日护法韦驮尊天菩萨圣诞[农历]7月25日那达慕(蒙古族) [农历]7月26日世界语(言)创立日7月27日姑姑节[农历]7月30日非洲妇女日八月8月1日中国人民解放军建军节8月6日国际电影节8月7日立秋8月8日中国男子节(爸爸节) 08北京奥运倒计时一周年8月9日观世音菩萨成道[农历] 世界土著人民国际日8月13日国际左撇子日8月14日火把节(彝族等) [农历]8月15日日本正式宣布无条件投降日8月20日农历七月初一:鬼门开[农历]8月25日北京经济技术开发区成立8月26日全国律师咨询日七夕[农历]九月9月1日大势至菩萨圣诞[农历]9月2日日本签署无条件投降书日9月3日中国抗日战争胜利纪念日鬼节(农历七月十五) [农历]9月5日瑞士萨永中世纪节9月8日国际新闻工作者(团结)日世界扫盲日北京国子监首设免费国学讲堂9月9日日本向中国投降签字日9月10日教师节世界预防自杀日9月11日9•11美国恐怖袭击事件悼念日9月12日龙树菩萨圣诞[农历]9月14日世界清洁地球日9月16日国际臭氧层保护日9月18日"九•一八"事变爆发地藏菩萨圣诞[农历] 农历七月三十:鬼门关[农历]9月19日全民国防教育日9月20日全国爱牙日9月21日国际和平日9月23日秋分9月27日世界旅游日国际聋人节世界心脏日世界海事日十月 10月1日国庆节国际音乐日国际老人节10月2日国际和平(与民主自由)斗争日10月3日中秋节[农历]10月4日世界动物日10月5日世界人居日/国际住房日10月6日圣人节[农历]10月8日全国高血压日世界视觉日寒露10月9日世界邮政日(万国邮联日) 世界蛋品日10月10日辛亥革命纪念日世界居室卫生日世界精神卫生日燃灯佛圣诞[农历]10月11日声援南非政治犯日10月13日中国少年先锋队诞辰日世界保健日国际教师节采用格林威治时间为国际标准时间日Netscape浏览器问世10月14日世界标准日国际减轻自然灾害日10月15日国际盲人节(白手杖节)10月16日世界粮食日结婚纪念日10月17日世界消除贫困日10月22日世界传统医药日10月23日霜降格鲁吉亚:第比利斯索巴节10月24日联合国日世界发展信息日10月26日重阳节[农历]10月28日世界"男性健康日"10月31日世界勤俭日万圣节前夜十一月 11月5日观世音菩萨出家纪念日 [农历]11月6日柴科夫斯基逝世悼念日11月7日十月社会主义革命纪念日立冬11月8日中国记者节11月9日中国消防宣传日(消防节)11月10日世界青年节(日)11月11日光棍节11月13日黑色星期五11月14日世界糖尿病日法国印象派画家莫奈诞生11月16日药师琉璃光如来圣诞[农历]11月17日国际大学生节(国际学生日) 国际肺癌日11月21日世界电视日世界问候日达摩祖师圣诞[农历] 泰国大象节11月22日小雪11月26日感恩节十二月 12月1日世界艾滋病日12月2日废除一切形式奴役世界日12月3日世界残疾人日12月4日中国法制宣传日12月5日(经济和社会发展)国际志愿者日世界弱能人士日12月7日国际民航日大雪12月8日国际儿童电视日12月9日"一二•九"运动纪念日世界足球日12月10日世界人权日12月11日世界防治哮喘日12月12日西安事变纪念日12月13日南京大屠杀悼念日国际儿童广播电视日12月15日世界强化免疫日12月20日澳门回归纪念日12月21日国际篮球日12月22日阿弥陀佛圣诞[农历] 冬至12月24日平安夜12月25日圣诞节12月26日节礼日。



全国2011年4月高等教育自学考试中外新闻作品研究试题课程代码:00661一、单项选择题(本大题共l5小题,每小题1分,共15分)1、《人人要学会写新闻》的作者是(C)A、陆定一B、陶铸C、胡乔木D、范长江2、下列关于新闻语言的表述,正确的是( B )A、新闻语言的基本要求是生动、形象B、新闻语言的基本要求是客观、简练、通俗、生动C、由于追求简练,因此新闻语言难免枯燥与呆板D、可读性是新闻语言的首要追求3、中国报道史上对通讯文体的发展作出过开拓性贡献的著名记者是(D)A、王韬B、邵飘萍C、梁启超D、黄远生4、作品分析时“唯理论”容易造成的弊端是( A )A、拘泥于新闻作品的共性特征,甚至断章取义、各取所需B、将局部经验当作普遍规律C、过于强调作品的个性,忽略新闻作品的共性要求与特征D、过于关注文采,而忽视新闻作品的社会价值5、下列新闻作品中,属新华社著名记者郭玲春代表作的是( A )A、《金山同志追悼会在京举行》B、《相思正是吐黄时》C、《生命的支柱》D、《“妈妈教我放鸭子”》6、评析新闻作品时,所谓“胸中有全局,手中有典型”,体现的是下列哪两种思维方式的辩证统一?(A)A、宏观思维与微观思维B、感性思维与理性思维C、求同思维与求异思维D、发散思维与统摄思维7、通讯名篇《为了六十一个阶级弟兄》,所运用的结构形式是(B)A、倒金字塔结构B、纵横式结合的结构C、时间顺序结构D、悬念式结构8、“载着主副食和淡水的拖船一离码头,水天相连的南中国海风起浪涌,拖船像一叶小舟被大海随意抛上浪尖又甩进涌谷,使人顿觉天在旋转。

”——这一段文字主要采用的表现手法是( A )A、描写B、议论C、叙述D、抒情9、“甲骨文是公元前17世纪到公元前11世纪,中国商王朝的史官用刀镌刻在龟甲和兽骨上的文字,是现行汉字的雏形,也是迄今世界上最古老的文字之一。




2011年大事件录1月1 月7 日~1 月29 日——亚洲杯足球赛在卡塔尔举行。

1 月29 日~2 月6 日——第十三届世界田径锦标赛将在韩国大邱举行。

1 月30 日~2 月6 日——第七届亚洲冬季运动会将在哈萨克斯坦阿拉木图举行。

2月2 月2 日——中央2011 年(辛卯)春节联欢晚会开播2 月16 日——神舟八号发射。

3 月3 月8 日--妇女节。

3 月18 日——水星探测卫星信使号预计进入水星轨道。

4月4 月1 日~10 月31 日——2011 年世界园艺博览会将在中国西安举行。




6月6月1日--六一儿节6 月25 日~7 月 4 日——第十三届世界夏季特殊奥林匹克运动会将在希腊雅典举行。

7月7 月1 日——纪念中国共产党成立90 周年。


7 月16 日~31 日——第十四届世界游泳锦标赛将在中国上海举行。

8月8 月8 日——纪念第二十九届奥林匹克运动会举办三周年,第三个中国全民健身日。

8 月12 日~22 日——第二十六届世界大学生运动会将在中国深圳举行。

8 月27 日~9 月4 日——第13 届世界田径锦标赛将在韩国大邱举行9月9月10日--第27个教师节。



10 月10月1日——中华人民共和国成立62周年。








2011-2013年日历表 - 副本

2011-2013年日历表 - 副本
2011年1月 2011年2月 2011年3月 2012年1月
2012年2月 2012年3月 2013年1月
2013年2月 日一二三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2013年5月 日一二三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2013年8月 日一二三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2013年11月 日一二三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 日 1 8 15 22 29 日 1 8 15 22 29
2013年3月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 2013年6月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2013年9月
一 二 三 四 五 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30









每年4月份考,只有两次考试机会(6 parts)2011年专业英语四级真题TIME LIMIT: 135 MINPART ⅠDICTATION [15 MIN]Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work once more.Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEET ONE.PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION [20 MIN]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the best answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversationscarefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.1. Which of the statements about the auto show is INCORRECT?A. The show will have more stands this year.B. The show will have more visitors this year.C. The number of overseas visitors will be the same this year.D. The number of exhibition days will be the same this year.2. According to the conversation, the price for a stand would include _____.A. a catalogueB. a posterC. two desksD. four chairs3. During the conversation, the man seems to be more interested in _____.A. the size of the showB. the cost of the standC. the basic furnitureD. the visitor numberQuestions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.4. What is Jim interested in?A. Investing in the company's product.B. Buying a new educational computer.C. Joining the computer company.D. Reading the campaign plan.5. The advertisements will be placed in all the following EXCEPT _____.A. family magazinesB. Sunday newspapersC. morning televisionD. teenage magazines6. The advertisements are intended to be seen by _____.A. parents onlyB. children onlyC. school teachersD. whole families7. Linda sounds _____ about the success of the campaign plan.A. confidentB. hesitantC. uncertainD. delightedQuestions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the conversation.8. John has worked in all the following places EXCEPT _____.A. a book shopB. a paper factoryC. a schoolD. a fast-food restaurant9. From the conversation, we learn that John _____.A. has no interestB. has only one interestC. has two interestsD. has quite a few interests10. Sue Green seems to be more interested in John's experience of ____.A. working in a paper factoryB. working in a youth clubC. looking after his brother and sisterD. looking after his young friendsSECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully andthen answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.11. According to the passage, the average age of the fleet of Delta/Northwest is _____.A. 10 yearsB. 14 yearsC. 16 yearsD. 20 years.12. It can be learned from the passage that _____.A. air journeys are quite often far from comfortableB. air travellers usually enjoy luxury during flightC. air travellers usually enjoy upgraded conditionsD. airlines always provide good in-flight entertainment13. Older planes can stay safe for more than 25 years because of the following EXCEPT _____.A. new enginesB. strong materialsC. proper maintenanceD. new interiorQuestions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.14. Which job will involve supervising workers using dangerous equipment?A. Assistant site manager.B. Carpenter supervisor.C. Assembly supervisor.D. Automobile service station manager.15. Who will also decide on the prices of products and services?A. Airlines' flight service manager.B. Automobile service station manager.C. Assistant site manager.D. Carpenter supervisor.16. Who may also do some of the work he supervises?A. Assistant site manager.B. Airlines' flight service manager.C. Assembly supervisor.D. Carpenter supervisor.17. Which job offers the highest salary?A. Assistant site manager.B. Automobile service station manager.C. Carpenter supervisor.D. Airlines' flight service manager.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the passage.18. Where were the two men filmed?A. In the jewelry shop.B. In the City Mall.C. Near the lorry.D. In the parking lot.19. Witnesses saw the two men _____.A. leave the lorry together.B. leave the lorry without hoods.C. run back to the lorry separately.D. run back to the lorry without hoods.20. Which of the following details is CORRECT?A. The lorry was originally painted white.B. The lorry had no registration plates.C. The shorter man was the passenger.D. The taller man was the driver.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.21. What did NASA's Constellation Programme originally plan to do?A. T o set up a moon colony by 2020.B. To send astronauts again to the moon by 2020.C. T o continue the current shuttle missions till 2020.D. T o create more jobs for NASA till 2020.22. NASA's Constellation Programme would be cancelled mainly because _____.A. there were more important space missions.B. the space agency lacked funding for the programme.C. the current shuttle missions would continue.D. Congress failed to pass President Obama's budget.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.23. The Russian cargo ship was sinking. What was the direct cause?A. No explanation of the problem.B. Long distance away from land.C. Slow rescue efforts.D. Severe weather.24. Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a possible means of rescue?A. Aircraft.B. Tugboat.C. Nearby cargo ship.D. Vessels at the oil rig.Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.25. Why did the singers meet in Hollywood?A. T o raise money for African humanitarian efforts.B. To raise money for Haitian earthquake victims.C. T o sing in memory of Michael Jackson.D. T o make a recording of the original version of the song.26. Which of the following details about the news is INCORRECT?A. The organizer is one of the co-writers of the first songB. Singers will use the same recording studio as in 1985.C. The recording session is expected to last long.D. Stars from the original version will take part.Questions 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.27. The additional 2 billion dollars will mainly be used to _____.A. upgrade its network capacityB. improve customer servicesC. develop new productsD. market more iPhones28. Where does AT&T face difficulties in particular?A. Nationwide.B. Overseas.C. In large cities.D. In remote towns.Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now, listen to the news.29. Where is the presence of security patrols most evident?A. Where matches take place.B. Where protests may take place.C. In downtown Vancouver.D. Around the athletes' village.30. What is this news item mainly about?A. Political protests during the Olympics.B. Security operations during the Olympics.C. Olympics' security forces.D. Security measures in buildings.PART III CLOZE (20个空)[15 MIN]Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on Answer Sheet Two."Congratulations, Mr. Cooper. It's a girl."Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and (31) _____ a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel (32) _____ when they receive the news, (33) _____ others worry, wondering whether they will be good fathers. (34) _____ there are some men who like children and may have had (35) experience with them, others do not particularly (36) _____ children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. (37) _____ other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have (38) _____ willingly or unwillingly.Whatever the (39) _____ to the birth of a child, it is obvious the shift from the role of husband to (40) _____ of a father is a difficult task. (41) _____, unfortunately, few attempts have been made to (42) _____ fathers in this resocialization (43) _____. Although numerous books have been written about mothers, (44) _____ recently has literature focused on the (45) _____ of a father.It is argued that the transition to the father's role, although difficult, is not (46) _____ as great as the transition the wife must (47) _____ to the mother's role. The mother's role seems to require a complete (48) _____ in daily routine. (49) _____, the father's role is less demanding and (50) _____.31. A. bring down B. bring forth C. bring off D. bring in32. A. emotional B. sentimental C. bewildered D. proud33. A. while B. when C. if D. as34. A. When B. If C. Although D. Yet35. A. considerate B. considerable C. considering D. considered36. A. care about B. care of C. care with D. care for37. A. For B. Of C. From D. Upon38. A. received B. taken C. accepted D. obtained39. A. reply B. reaction C. readiness D. reality40. A. what B. this C. one D. that41 .A. As a result B. For example C. Yet D. Also42. A. educate B. cultivate C. inform D. convert43. A. step B. process C. point D. time44. A./ B. just C. quite D. only45. A. role B. work C. career D. position46. A. a little B. just C. nearly D. almost47. A. take B. make C. carry D. accept48. A. transformation B. realization C. socialization D. reception49. A. In addition B. Above all C. Generally D. However50. A. current B. immediate C. present D. quickPART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (30道选择题)[15 MIN] There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.51. My uncle is quite worn out from years of hard work. He is no longer the man _____ he was fifteen years ago.A. whichB. whomC. whoD. that52. Which of the following sentences is a COMMAND?A. Beg your pardon.B. Have a good time.C. Never do that again!D. What noise you are making!53. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates purpose?A. She said it for fun, but others took her seriously.B. For all its effort, the team didn't win the match.C. Linda has worked for the firm for twenty years.D. He set out for Beijing yesterday.54. When you have finished with the book, don't forget to return it to Tim, _____?A. do youB. will youC. don't youD. won't you55. In phrases like freezing cold, burning hot, or soaking wet, the -ING participle is used _____.A. as a commandB. as a conditionC. for concessionD. for emphasis56. Which of the following italicized phrases is INCORRECT?A. The city is now ten times its original size.B. I wish I had two times his strength.C. The seller asked for double the usual price.D. They come here four times every year.57. It is not so much the language _____ the cultural background that makes the book difficult to understand.A. asB. norC. butD. like58. Which of the following italicized parts is used as an object?A. What do you think has happened to her?B. Who do you think the visiting professor is?C. How much do you think he earns every month?D. How quickly would you say he would come?59. The additional work will take _____ weeks.A. the otherB. another twoC. other twoD. the more60. Which of the following italicized parts is a subject clause (主语从句)?A. We are quite certain that we will get there in time.B. He has to face the fact that there will be no pay rise this year.C. She said that she had seen the man earlier that morning.D. It is sheer luck that the miners are still alive after ten days.61. It's getting late. I'd rather you _____ now.A. leftB. leaveC. are leavingD. will leave62. In the sentence "The manager interviewed Jim himself in the morning", the italicized word is used to modify _____.A. the objectB. the verbC. the subjectD. the prepositional phrase63. There is no doubt _____ the couple did the right thing in coming back homeearlier than planned.A. whetherB. thatC. whyD. when64. The sentence that expresses OFFER is _____.A. I'll get some drinks. What'll you have?B. Does she need to book a ticket now?C. May I know your name?D. Can you return the book next week?65. Which of the following italicized phrases indicates a subject-predicate relation (主谓关系)?A. Mr. Smith's passport has been issued.B. The visitor's arrival was reported in the news.C. John's travel details have not been finalized.D. The new bookstore sells children's stories.66. Our office has recently _____ to a new computer system.A. alteredB. convertedC. transformedD. modified67. The crowd went _____ as soon as the singer stepped onto the stage.A. wildB. emotionalC. uncontrolledD. unrestricted68. Our school library is _____ closed for repairs.A. ShortlyB. quicklyC. temporarilyD. rapidly69. John is up to his eves in work at the moment. The underlined part means _____.A. very excitedB. very busyC. very tiredD. very efficient70. Victoria bumped into her brother quite by chance in the supermarket. The underlined word means _____.A. riskB. opportunityC. possibilityD. luck71. "Look at those pretty girls' skirts" is _____, because it is not clear whether the girls or the skirts are "pretty".A. ambiguousB. hiddenC. indirectD. indistinct72. House repairs, holidays, school fees and other _____ have reduced his bank balance to almost nothing.A. amountB. paymentC. expensesD. figures73. It was really _____ of you to remember my birthday.A. gratefulB. thoughtfulC. considerableD. generous74. You can go to a travel agency and ask for a holiday _____.A. introductionB. advertisementC. bookD. brochure75. The city government is building more roads to _____.A. accommodateB. receiveC. acceptD. hold76. They've lifted a two-year-long economic _____ on the country.A. enclosureB. restrictionC. blockadeD. prohibition77. Everyone is surprised that she has fallen out with her boy friend. The underlined part means _____.A. leftB. quarreledC. attackedD. defeated78. His plan is carefully prepared and full of details, so it is a very _____ one.A. elaborateB. refinedC. ambitiousD. complex79. The girl's voice was so low that we could ______ hear her.A. seldomB. almostC. onlyD. barely80. She must have been pretty _____ to fall for such an old trick.A. interestedB. gullibleC. enthusiasticD. shrewdPART V READING COMPREHENSION (20道选择题) [25 MIN]In this section there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Mark your answers on Answer Sheet Two.TEXT AWe have a crisis on our hands. You mean global warming? The world economy? No, the decline of reading. People are just not doing it anymore, especially the young. Who's responsible? Actually, it's more like, What is responsible? The Internet, of course, and everything that comes with it –Facebook, Twitter (微博). You can write your own list.There's been a warning about the imminent death of literate civilization for a long time. In the 20th century, first it was the movies, then radio, then television that seemed to spell doom for the written world. None did. Reading survived; in fact it not only survived, it has flourished. The world is more literate than ever before –there are more and more readers, and more and more books.The fact that we often get our reading material online today is not something we should worry over. The electronic and digital revolution of the last two decades hasarguably shown the way forward for reading and for writing. Take the arrival of e-book readers as an example. Devices like Kindle make reading more convenient and are a lot more environmentally friendly than the traditional paper book.As technology makes new ways of writing possible, new ways of reading are possible. Interconnectivity allows for the possibility of a reading experience that was barely imaginable before. Where traditional books had to make do with photographs and illustrations, an e-book can provide readers with an unlimited number of links: to texts, pictures, and videos. In the future, the way people write novels, history, and philosophy will resemble nothing seen in the past.On the other hand, there is the danger of trivialization. One Twitter group is offering its followers single-sentence-long "digests" of the great novels. War and Peace in a sentence? You must be joking. We should fear the fragmentation of reading. There is the danger that the high-speed connectivity of the Internet will reduce our attention span - that we will be incapable of reading anything of length or which requires deep concentration.In such a fast-changing world, in which reality seems to be remade each day, we need the ability to focus and understand what is happening to us. This has always been the function of literature and we should be careful not to let it disappear. Our society needs to be able to imagine the possibility of someone utterly in tune with modern technology but able to make sense of a dynamic, confusing world.In the 15th century, Johannes Guttenberg's invention of the printing press in Europe had a huge impact on civilization. Once upon a time the physical book wasa challenging thing. We should remember this before we assume that technology is out to destroy traditional culture.81. Which of the following paragraphs briefly reviews the historical challenges for reading?A. Paragraph One.B. Paragraph Two.C. Paragraph Three.D. Paragraph Four.82. The following are all cited as advantages of e-books EXCEPT _____.A. multimodal contentB. environmental friendlinessC. convenience for readersD. imaginative design83. Which of the following can best describe how the author feels toward single-sentence-long novels?A. IronicB. Worried.C. Sarcastic.D. Doubtful.84. According to the passage, people need knowledge of modern technology and _____ to survive in the fast-changing society.A. good judgmentB. high sensitivityC. good imaginationD. the ability to focus85. What is the main idea of the passage?A. T echnology pushes the way forward for reading and writing.B. Interconnectivity is a feature of new reading experience.C. T echnology is an opportunity and a challenge for traditional reading.D. T echnology offers a greater variety of reading practice.TEXT BI know when the snow melts and the first robins (知更鸟) come to call, when the laughter of children returns to the parks and playgrounds, something wonderful is about to happen.Spring cleaning.I'll admit spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern families to grasp. Today's busy families hardly have time to load the dishwasher, much less clean the doormat. Asking the family to spend the weekend collecting winter dog piles from the melting snow in the backyard is like announcing there will be no more Wi-Fi. It interrupts the natural order."Honey, what say we spend the weekend beating the rugs, sorting through the boxes in the basement and painting our bedroom a nice lemony yellow?" I say. "Can we at least wait until the NBA matches are over?" my husband answers.But I tell my family, spring cleaning can't wait. The temperature has risen just enough to melt snow but not enough for Little League practice to start. Some flowers are peeking out of the thawing ground, but there is no lawn to seed, nor garden to tend. Newly wakened from our winter's hibernation (冬眠), yet still needing extra blankets at night, we open our windows to the first fresh air floating on the breeze and all of the natural world demanding "Awake and be clean!" Biologists offer a theory about this primal impulse to clean out every drawer and closet in the house at spring's first light, which has to do with melatonin, the sleepytime hormone (激素) our bodies produce when it's dark. When spring's light comes, the melatonin diminishes, and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty,virus-filled house we've been hibernating in for four months.I tell my family about the science and psychology of a good healthy cleaning at spring's arrival. I speak to them about life's greatest rewards waiting in the removal of soap scum from the bathtub, which hasn't been properly cleaned since the first snowfall."I'll do it," says the eldest child, a 21-year-old college student who lives at home. "You will? Wow!" I exclaim.Maybe after all these years, he's finally grasped the concept. Maybe he's expressing his rightful position as eldest child and role model. Or maybe he's going to Florida for a break in a couple of weeks and he's being nice to me who is the financial-aid officer.No matter. Seeing my adult son willingly cleaning that dirty bathtub gives me hope for the future of his 12-year-old brother who, instead of working, is found to be sleeping in the seat of the window he is supposed to be cleaning."Awake and be clean!" I say.86. According to the passage, "...spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern families to grasp" means that spring cleaning _____.A. is no longer an easy practice to understand.B. is no longer part of modern family life.C. requires more family members to be involved.D. calls for more complicated skills and knowledge.87. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be included in family spring cleaning?A. Beating the rugs.B. Cleaning the window.C. Restoring Wi-Fi services.D. Cleaning the backyard.88. Why does the author say “spring cleaning can't wait”?A. Because there will be more activities when it gets warmer.B. Because the air is fresher and the breeze is lighter.C. Because the whole family is full of energy at spring time.D. Because the snow is melting and the ground is thawing.89. Which of the following interpretations of the biologists' theory about melatonin is INCORRECT?A. The production of melatonin in our bodies varies at different times.B. Melatonin is more likely to cause sleepiness in our bodies.C. The reduction of melatonin will cause wakefulness in our bodies.D. The amount of melatonin remains constant in our bodies.90. Which of the following can best sum up the author's overall reaction to her adult son's positive response to spring cleaning?A. Surprised and skeptical.B. Elated and hesitant.C. Relieved and optimistic.D. Optimistic and hesitant.TEXT CThese days lots of young Japanese do omiai, literally, "meet and look." Many of them do so willingly. In today's prosperous and increasingly conservative Japan, the traditional omiai kekkon, or arranged marriage, is thriving.But there is a difference. In the original omiai, the young Japanese couldn't reject the partner chosen by his parents and their middleman. After World War II, many Japanese abandoned the arranged marriage as part of their rush to adopt the more democratic ways of their American conquerors. The Western ren'ai kekkon, or love marriage, became popular; Japanese began picking their own mates by dating and falling in love.But the Western way was often found wanting in an important respect: it didn't necessarily produce a partner of the right economic, social, and educational qualifications. "Today's young people are quite calculating," says Chieko Akiyama, a social commentator.What seems to be happening now is a repetition of a familiar process in the country's history, the "Japanization" of an adopted foreign practice. The Western ideal of marrying for love is accommodated in a new omiai in which both parties are free to reject the match. "Omiai is evolving into a sort of stylized introduction," Mrs. Akiyama says.Many young Japanese now date in their early twenties, but with no thought of marriage. When they reach the age - in the middle twenties for women, the late twenties for men - they increasingly turn to omiai. Some studies suggest that as many as 40 % of marriages each year are omiai kekkon. It's hard to be sure, say those who study the matter, because many Japanese couples, when polled, describe their marriage as a love match even if it was arranged.These days, doing omiai often means going to a computer matching service ratherthan to a nakodo. The nakodo of tradition was an old woman who knew all the kids in the neighbourhood and went around trying to pair them off by speaking to their parents; a successful match would bring her a wedding invitation and a gift of money. But Japanese today find it's less awkward to reject a proposed partner if the nakodo is a computer.Japan has about five hundred computer matching services. Some big companies, including Mitsubishi, run one for their employees. At a typical commercial service, an applicant pays $80 to $125 to have his or her personal data stored in the computer for two years and $200 or so more if a marriage results. The stored information includes some obvious items, like education and hobbies, and some not-so-obvious ones, like whether a person is the oldest child. (First sons, and to some extent first daughters, face an obligation of caring for elderly parents.)91. According to the passage, today's young Japanese prefer _____.A. a traditional arranged marriage.B. a new type of arranged marriage.C. a Western love marriage.D. a more Westernized love marriage.92. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?A. A Western love marriage tends to miss some Japanese values.B. Less attention is paid to the partner's qualification in arranged marriages.C. Young Japanese would often calculate their partner's wealth.D. A new arranged marriage is a repetition of the older type.93. According to the passage, the figure 40% (Paragraph Five) is uncertain because _____.。

考研英语2011年 TEXT4 翻译

考研英语2011年 TEXT4 翻译

Text 4出处:/2010/07/09/not-on-board-with-baby.html1---It’s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, ―I love My Children, I Hate My Life,‖ is arousing much chatter –nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that ―the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.‖毋庸置疑,Jennifer Senior撰写的―我爱我的孩子,但我讨厌我的生活‖是一篇挑衅的同时又有深度的杂志封面文章。



PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION SECTION A CONVERSATIONSQuestions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.Woman: Good afternoon, International Trade Center Exhibition Services. How can I help? Man: Oh, hello. I’d like some information about exhibiting at the International Auto Mobile Show. Woman: The Auto Show? So, what would you like to know?Man: First, can you give me an idea of how big the fair is?Woman: Well, 121 companies had stands last year and that figure should be up to 140 this time. Man: Sorry, how many?Woman: 140.Man: What about visiting numbers?Woman: Over the two days, we had 6500 vis itors, so with more stands we’d hope for more people this time.Man: And where did they to be said come from?Woman: About 57% were from overseas: America and Europe, Japan, Singapore and South Korea. The remained were local people.Man: That’s interesting, now, a few practical questions. We’re thinking of taking a stand about 45 square meters. How much will that cost?Woman: $400 per square meter.Man: Sorry, can you give me the cost again?Woman: Yes. It’s $400. So if you’re looking at 45 square met ers, it would be, let me see, $18000. But that’s just the cost for a basic stand.Man: What does the price include?Woman: You get a list in a catalogue in both Chinese and English, some basic furniture——a desk and four chairs, and electricity in lighting.Man: So anything else would be extra like a poster.Woman: That’s rightQuestions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.Man: Hello Linda.Woman: Hello Jim.Man: I’m thinking of invest in your new educational computer that your company has produced and I’m interested in the advertise campaign.Woman: Oh, thank you. What would you like to know?Man: I’ve read your campaign plan. It looks ok. I only have a couple of questions mainly about where you intend to place these advertisements.Woman: Well, as you can see from the plan, we intend to place them in family magazines and on early evening television. We want whole families that parents and children to see them.Man: Mnn…but are you sure they’ll be the right families?Woman: The right families? Well…Man: I mean are you certain that the parents who read these magazines and watch these television programs are the people who will buy an educational computer for their children? Woman: Yes, we are quite certain. A market research shows that…Man: Good. I’m sure you’re right. And I see that you’re thinking of placing advertisements in teenage magazines as well.Woman: Yes, we intend to place them in some teenage magazines, the more serious ones, you know. And we’re also thinking of putting them in Sunday newspapers because it’s likely that the whole family will be together on Sundays.Man: I see, but do you really think that the parents and children will like the same advertisements?Woman: We’ve done the research and we think they’ll like our advertisements.Man: GoodQuestions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.Woman: Hello. I’m Sue Green. You must be John Fox.Man: Yes, I am.Woman: Thanks for coming to this job interview. Let me ask you a few questions.Man: Yes, please.Woman: Have you got any work experience?Man: Yes. I had a job in a paper factory for a few months after I left school. Then I worked in summer holidays in the university, first in a fast-food restaurant, then at a book shop. Woman: Ok. Do you drive? Have you got a driving license?Man: Yes, I have.Woman: That’s fine then. So what kind of interests do you have?Man: Interests? Well, I like travelling. I play a lot of sports and I play the piano.Woman: What sorts of sports do you like?Man: Football, tennis and swimming.Woman: Right. And what sort of music do you play?Man: Oh, a lot of, different types, classic, jazz.Woman: Ok, the most important question now. What experience have you had with children? Man: well, I’ve looked after my brother and sister as babies and as they’re young children. I also worked with children in a youth club.Woman: A youth club?Man: Yes. I’ve been working as a helper in a youth club since I studies in university as sort of a volunteer with teenagers.Woman: Good. Ok, well, let you know our decisions in a few days.Man: Thank you.SECTION B PASSAGESQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.Few people expect luxury while flying, but these days, even the basic seems to be in bad shape. It’s not our common to fin d your trade table broken, the in-flight entertainment system not working and your seat cushion worn. All of these can make you think how old this plane is anyway. The reality for many US air travelers is the most of the journeys take place some planes that have been in service for a decade or more. The average age of the fleet of the seven large USA passenger airlines is about 14 years old according to the airline monitor. If found American and Delta Northwest have the oldest fleets at about 16 years on average. At the end of 2008, a small percentage of the merged Delta Northwest planes dated back to the later 1960s. “US. fleets are among the oldest in the world,” said Bridge Ablafare. And Adiation analyzed, “ I’m not really sure the people should read th at much into that.” Ablafare said, “ For the safety’s fine point, a lot of the old planes will build tougher and with proper maintenance. There’s no reason why flying constant safe for 25 to 30 years. It’s also important to remember that the plane may be 20 years old, but its engines and another major systems could be recently manufactured and upgraded.” said Ablafare, “There’s less pressure on the airlines to upgrade the interior unless the safety issue or redesign above save money.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.Higher education isn’t for everyone and people have variety of parts to choose from once they graduate from high school. They might know from the start that they want to go street to the professional world. If you’re in the market for a job that doesn’t require a degree but does come with that a salary, here are a few jobs to consider:Assembly supervisors over see workers who put together products by using power tools or other dangerous equipment; the annual salary is $19926.At construction side assistant site managers report to the head site manager and plan, director and coordinate the necessary tasks to complete that day’s activities. Salary: $86584.And automobile service station manager draws up guidelines for gas stations and automobile repair shops and decides on our operations, a signs of job duties, and sets prices for services and products. Salary: $81793.Carpenter supervisors over see carpentry work on a specify project to ensure that workers on schedule and executing the plan accordingly. The supervisors also perform some of carpenter duties if time permits. Salary: $70565.Airlines flight services managers ensure that flight attendance adhere to personal experience and preflight requirements. They also compile fly reports. Salary: $ 67766.Illustrators design funs and imitate for variety of media from website to printing campaigns and video. They often work for advertisement agencies. Salary: $54995Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.The police release the first video emergency yesterday of the two men believe to be involved in robbing a jewelry shop in the city seven days ago. But the video pictures taken a week ago were not very clear. The camera which filmed the men was about 200 meters away from a park lorry which the robbers later used as a getaway vehicle. The men were also filmed wearing hoods as they ran towards the lorry after the robbery. The pictures are timed at 9:05 a.m. last Saturday, just half an hour before the robbery occurred. Witnesses have confirmed that some time during this half an hour, they saw the two men without hoods leave the lorry separately. Despite the quality of the video, the police believe the robbers are distinctive enough not to be identified. The first suspect who got at the drive side of the lorry was about 5 foot and 6 inches tall and fat. He was wearing a grey jacket with a hood and dark trousers. The passenger was slimmer and slightly taller, about 5 foot and 8 inches. He was wearing light blue jeans and white jacket with a hood jogging top. According to the police, the lorry stored in the parking lot of the city mall last month have been repainted from white toss over, filled with false registration plates.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.American astronauts would not return to the moon as plan if US congress passes president Obama’s propose budget. Obama’s budget which in cut funding in certain areas while increasing money used to create jobs would cancel NASA’s constellation programme. The programme hassought to send astronauts back to the moon by 2020. NASA’s programme also intend to study the idea on establishing the moon colony. The programme was set to follow the USA space agency shuttle missions which are due to end in September. On its website, the White House Budget Office says the programme to send astronauts to the moon is behind schedule, over budget and ever less important than other space investments. “Using abroad range of criteria and independent view, panel determined that even fully funded NASA’s programme to repeat many of their achievements of the polar-Euro 50 years later was the least attractive reproach to specific separation as compared to potential alternatives.” the site say.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the newsA Russian cargo ship with about 30 crew members aboard was in danger of sinking off Russia’s eastern coast while storming weather interfered with rescue efforts stayed around it. TASS news agency sent Friday.I set for just outside of the ship and the crew chip middle off. The crew sent out distress signal but there was no explanation of the problem. Because of the severe weather aircraft can’t be used to rescue the crew. According to esh or TASS the vessel is about 19 miles from oil rig where rescue vessels abased while tugboat dispatched from land were still about 4 times farther away. The cargo ship had been on rue to a fishing area when they experiences the problems. The news agency reported. The ship host fish from boat to ports.Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.Dozens of recording stars began converging on a Hollywood studio Monday to add their voices to a song. They hope raise millions of dollars for Haitian earthquake relief. The words and music are updated version of we’re the world, a song that raised least $30 million for African humanitarian programme 25 years ago. Linar reach who co-work the first song with Machael Jackson is organizing the effort. The original producer Quency Johns is using the same studio he used in 1985. Reporters and security surrounded Hansom Studios anticipating the arrival of limersing to libering MacDonald on Monday afternoon for what is expect to be a merry fund recording session. Smoky Robinson who sang on the original said the least 100 singers asked to take part does not include any of the 45 stars from the previous version. Organizers have not said when the song might be ready for the world to hear.Question 27 and 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.AT&T plans to spend 18 billion dollars in 2010 upgrading its wireless networks to handle the increasing a mart of new traffic. There is roughly 2 billion dollars more than the company had invested in the previous year. Specifically AT&T will add 2000 new sale sites and upgrade existing sale sites with 3 times more fablance than it had in 2009. This will increase capacity to connect the salety to AT&T’s may network. AT&T which is the only wireless operator in the US. selling iPhone had been the target of much criticism over this past year as many iPhone sperscrappers particularly in densely populated urban areas have complained about dropped calls, slow internet access and poor service. Some critics claimed the company has not been spendingenough on network upgrade to keep up with growing demand. AT&T has acknowledge that it has faced some difficulties particularly in big cities, but the company is closing the gap.Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the news.An Olympics security plan, five years in the making, is taking shape in Vancouver this week. The Canadian police since handing up the 900 million dollars security operation the largest in Canada’s history. It would involve 15000 police, private security and military personnel. TheWinter Olympics would take pace from Feb. 12 to 28 in 2010 in Vancouver. Political protest may post big threats to the games. The threat of terrorist attack is really does low, but the memory of the 1972 Olympics has not gone aw ay. That year a terrorist group attacked the athletes’ village, eventually killing 11 Israeli athletes and coaches. It is no coincidence that in Vancouver security patrols are particularly evident around the low rise apart buildings with the athletes would be housed. In downtown Vancouver some roads are already closed and wrings of security fencing surround some key venues. Perched on top of fencing is never work from 900 surveillance cameras to detect intrusions.2011年英语专四真题参考答案:听力部分1-5 CDBAC6-10 DACDB11-15 CADCB16-20 DACBB21-25 BBACB26-30 CACDB。









“毒生姜” 使用有毒化工原料硫磺对生姜进行熏制,使正常情况下视觉不够美观的生姜变得娇黄嫩脆。









(“牛肉膏” 事件)5、2011年4月初,《消费主张》节目指出,在上海市浦东区的一些华联超市和联华超市的主食专柜都在销售同一个公司生产的三种馒头,高庄馒头、玉米馒头和黑米馒头。






2011 年 1 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1元旦2廿八3廿九412月大5小寒6初三7初四8初五9初六10 初七11腊八节12初九13初十14初十一15十二16十三17 十四18十五19十六20大寒21十八22十九23二十24 廿一25廿二26小年27廿四28廿五29廿六30/31廿七/廿八2011 年 2 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1廿九2除夕3春节4初二5初三6初四7初五8初六9初七10初八11初九12初十13十一14情人节15十三16十四17元宵节18十六19雨水20十八21 十九22二十23廿一24廿二25廿三26廿四27廿五28 廿六2011 年 3 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1廿七2廿八3廿九4三十52月小6惊蛰7初三8妇女节9初五10初六11初七12植树节13初九14 初十15十一16十二17十三18十四19十五20十六21 春分22十八23十九24二十25廿一26廿二27廿三28 廿四29廿五30廿六31廿七2011 年 4 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1廿八2廿九33月大4初二5清明节6初四7初五8初六9初七10初八11 初九12初十13十一14十二15十三16十四17十五18 十六19十七20谷雨21十九22二十23廿一24廿二25 廿三26廿四27廿五28廿六29廿七30廿八2011 年 5 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1劳动节2三十34月大4青年节5初三6立夏7初五8母亲节9初七10初八11初九12初十13十一14十二15十三16 十四17十五18十六19十七20十八21小滿22二十23 廿一24廿二25廿三26廿四27廿五28廿六29廿七30 廿八31 廿九2011 年 6 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1儿童节25月小3初二4初三5初四6端午节7初六8初七9初八10初九11初十12十一13 十二14十三15十四16十五17十六18十七19父亲节20 十九21二十22夏至23廿二24廿三25廿四26廿五27 廿六28廿七29廿八30廿九2011 年 7 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1建党节2初二3初三4初四5初五6初六7小暑8初八9初九10初十11 十一12十二13十三14十四15十五16十六17十七18 十八19十九20二十21廿一22廿三23大暑24廿四25 廿五26廿六27廿七28廿八29廿九30三十317月小2011 年 8 月星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1建军节2初三3初四4初五5初六6七夕节7初八8立秋9初十10十一11十二12十三13十四14中元节15 十六16十七17十八18十九19二十20廿一21廿二22 廿三23处暑24廿五25廿六26廿七27廿八28廿九298月小30初二31初三星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1初四3初五3初六4初七5初八6初九7初十8白露9十二10教师节11十四12中秋节13十六14十七15十八16十九17二十18廿一19 廿二20廿三21廿四22廿五23秋分24廿七25廿八26 廿九279月大28初二29初三30初四星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1国庆节2国庆节3国庆节4初八5重阳节6初十7十一8寒露9十三10 十四11十五12十六13十七14十八15十九16二十17 廿一18廿二19廿三20廿四21廿五22廿六23廿七24 霜降25廿九26三十2710月小28初二29初三30/31`初四/初五星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1初六2初七3初八4初九5初十6十一7十二8立冬9十四10十五11十六12十七13十八14 十九15二十16廿一17廿二18廿三19廿四20廿五21 廿六22小雪23廿八24廿九2511月大26初二27初三28 初四29初五30初六星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日1初七2初八3初九4初十5十一6十二7大雪8十四9十五10十六11十七12 十八13十九14二十15廿一16廿二17廿三18廿四19 廿五20廿六21廿七22冬至23廿九24三十25圣诞节26 初二27初三28初四29初五30初六31初七。



建国62年 农历 辛卯年 【兔年】一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日12123456123456元旦节廿八廿九除夕春节初二初三初四廿七廿八廿九三十2月小惊蛰34567897891011121378910111213廿九12月大小寒初三初四初五初六初五初六初七初八初九初十十一初三妇女节初五初六初七植树节初九101112131415161415161718192014151617181920初七腊八节初九初十十一十二十三情人节十三十四元宵节十六雨水十八初十十一十二十三十四十五十六171819202122232122232425262721222324252627十四十五十六大寒十八十九二十十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五春分十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三242526272829302828293031廿一廿二小年廿四廿五廿六廿七廿六廿四廿五廿六廿七31廿八一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日123112345廿八廿九3月大劳动节儿童节5月小初二初三初四4567891023456786789101112初二清明节初四初五初六初七初八三十4月大青年节初三立夏初五母亲节端午节初六初七初八初九初十十一11121314151617910111213141513141516171819初九初十十一十二十三十四十五初七初八初九初十十一十二十三十二十三十四十五十六十七父亲节181920212223241617181920212220212223242526十六十七谷雨十九二十廿一廿二十四十五十六十七十八小满二十十九二十夏至廿二廿三廿四廿五2526272829302324252627282927282930廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿八廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿六廿七廿八廿九3031廿八廿九一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日12312345671234建党节初二初三建军节初三初四初五初六七夕节初八初四初五初六初七45678910891011121314567891011初四初五初六小暑初八初九初十立秋初十十一十二十三十四中元节初八初九初十白露十二教师节十四111213141516171516171819202112131415161718十一十二十三十四十五十六十七十六十七十八十九二十廿一廿二中秋节十六十七十八十九二十廿一181920212223242223242526272819202122232425十八十九二十廿一廿二大暑廿四廿三处暑廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九廿二廿三廿四廿五秋分廿七廿八252627282930312930312627282930廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九三十7月小8月小初二初三廿九9月大初二初三初四317月小一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日121234561234国庆节国庆节初六初七初八初九初十十一初七初八初九初十345678978910111213567891011国庆节初八重阳节初十十一寒露十三十二立冬十四十五十六十七十八十一十二大雪十四十五十六十七101112131415161415161718192012131415161718十四十五十六十七十八十九二十十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四171819202122232122232425262719202122232425廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿六小雪廿八廿九11月大初二初三廿五廿六廿七冬至廿九三十圣诞节24252627282930282930262728293031霜降廿九三十10月小初二初三初四初四初五初六初二初三初四初五初六初七31初五2011年10月2011年11月2011年12月2011年7月2011年8月2011年9月2011年4月2011年5月2011年6月2011年3月2011年1月2011年2月。






































- 3 -
2011年 农历辛卯年【兔年】日历表 年 农历辛卯年【兔年】
周次 校周 月份




四 四
五 五
六 六
日 35 36 37 38 39

2月 月
1 5
世界湿地 日 十二
4 11
9 16
国际气象 节
1 2 3
备注:2011年春季学期共21周,从2011年2月19日至7月16日止;暑假五周 (2009年7月17日-8月19日),2011年秋季学期于8月20日-21日报到注 册,8月22日正式上课。 备注:2011年秋季学期共21周,从2011年8月20日至1月14日止,寒假五周 (2012年1月15日-2月11日),2012年春季学期于2月12日日报到注册,2 月13日正式上课。
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4. 1、2204开关液压操作机构检修
碳刷长度:上部:21.53mm T⅞P≡ 21.6Omrrl
碳刷长度:上部:21.6Omrn T⅞P≡ 21.34mm



5、三相均安装完成后,投入储能电机电源进行零起升压试验,小于26〃 .


2、测量起始及终端位置规定偏差在1.5mm- 2mn之间为合格。











IlX 3G∙7开关检修数据
测量工器具型号:S1-552 测量工器具编号:001 -001991 工作负责人:郭宝泉工作日期:2011.9.14
12x 3G・8开关检修数据
IX 9月1 6日,陵昌U线停电后,新硅油取样送供电局化验。






户内:GIS终端拆除坏氧套筒后对电缆进行检查,电缆本体表面光洁,无任何爬电痕迹,应力锥外表面干净,锥体外表面没有爬电痕迹;锥体上沿表面有絮状物,上部与下部带材绕包情况良好,瓷套内部光滑平整,尾管内外表面平整;电缆主绝缘、应力锥、绕包带材,AX BS C三相没用发现绝缘损坏,带材受伤、放电等异常现象。







终端底部:先用半导体橡胶带B40绕包1层与应力锥下部半导体连成一体,然后用绝缘橡胶带B50绕包2层,再用白色防水密封带绕包1 层,再用B50绝缘带材绕包6・8毫米,再用浸油丝带绕包

5、9月19日户外:终端抽真空C相达到1 .Ombar,充入新硅油。







& 9月20日上午做微水试验试验数据合格,配合电科院进行陵昌U线电缆耐压



2011 开关专业负责人:郭宝泉
