



1. far(反义词)

2. east(对应词)

3. buy( 同音词)

4. eight(序数词)

5. there(对应词)

6. for(同音词)

7. country(复数) 8. foot(复数)

9. left(反义词) 10. let's(完整式)

11.see(同音词) 12. book shop(同义词) 13.there(对应词) 14. we(形容词性物主代词) 15.dance(现在分词) 16. Mike(所有格形式) 17. go(反义词) 18. five(序数词)

19.ninth(基数词) 20.dictionary(复数)

21.does not(缩略形式) 22. go(第三人称单数) 23.study(第三人称单数) 24.child(复数)

25.leaf(复数) 26. have(第三人称单数)

27.this(复数) 28.that(复数)

29.sweet(最高级) 30. child(复数)


1.My mother often goes to work by bus.(对划线部分提问)

2. I can get to the museum by bus.(就画线部分提问)

3. We are going to the shoe store at 2 o'clock.(就画线部分提问)

4. I have some comic books. (变否定句)

5. I'm going to visit my grandparents tomorrow. (对画线部分提问)


6. Go at the red light!(改成否定句)


7. Usually, I come to school on foot. (写出同义句)

__________________________________________________________________ 8. We are going to the cinema. (对画线部分提问)

__________________________________________________________________ 9. She is going to have an art lesson.(对画线部分提问)


10. They get there on foot.(对画线部分提问)


11.Sarah often goes to school on foot.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答)___________________________________________________________


1. He________(visit)his uncle next week.

2. My mother tells________(we)a story about Mid-Autumn Festival.

3. Tom often________(draw)pictures every Sunday afternoon.

4. She must________(go)to school on foot today.

5. Please drive________(slow). Pay attention to the traffic lights.

6.Sarah_____________(have) an art lesson in the park tomorrow.

7.Pedro_____________(do)his homework now.

8.The children _____________(see) a film this weekend.

9.Look! The bus is _____________(come).

10.Why not _____________(go) boating in the park?

11.I have _____________(do) my homework now.

12.What _____________you _____________(do) tomorrow?

13.I want _____________(buy) a book.

14.Let’s _____________(go) to school together.

15.There are two _____________(library) in my city.

16.How _____________(do) your brother _____________(go) to school?

17.Tom and I usually _____________(go) to the library on foot.


以“Next Weekend”为题写一篇小短文,介绍一下你下周打算做的事情。



Next Weekend

I am going to go hiking with my parents next weekend. We are going to the park. In the park, we are going to climb mountains. We are going to play chess.I like swimming. So I am going to go swimming. My father likes Chinese kung fu. He is going to do Chinese kung fu for us. My mother likes singing. She is going to sing songs for us. We will be happy next weekend.










My weekend plan

On the weekend,I don't go to school. I'm going to the bookstore this weekend. The bookstore is near my home. I am going there on foot. I'm going there with my good friends. I'm going to buy some storybooks. I will have a happy weekend.


共2页,第1页 共2页,第2页 密 校名 班级 姓名 座号 密 封 线 内 不 得 答 题 六年级英语科期中检测卷 评分:_____ _ 一、判断下列每组单词划线发音是否相同,相同的写“S”,否则写“D”。 (12分) 1.do n’t cl ose ( ) 2.headache school( ) 3.take mad ( ) 4.sports work ( ) 5.wash watch ( ) 6.nurse purple ( ) 二、补全短语并写出中文意思,每空一词。(20分) 1. in bed ( ) 2.be for you ( ) 3.traffic ( ) 4. a well ( ) 5.turn ( ) 6. from ( ) 7. head to feet ( ) 8.see the ( ) 9.take some ( ) 10. time ( ) 三、从所给选项中选出最恰当的一项,将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(20分) ( ) 1.My leg . A .hurt B .hurts C .hurting ( ) 2.What’s ? A .the wrong B .the matter C . matter ( ) 3.The roads in cities are usually very . A .busy B .easy C .small ( ) 4.---What’s good for me? --- Go to bed and get sleep . A .early,plenty B .early ,enough C .late ,enough ( ) 5.A light means “wait”. A .red B .green C .yellow ( ) 6.My favorite is . A .month,June B .season,June C .week ,June ( ) 7.She has a fever . She a lot of water . A .shoulds drink B .should drinks C .should drink ( ) 8. does he go before Beijing? He goes to Wuhan . A .Where B . When C .What ( ) 9.Don’t watch TV for a time . A .long B .short C .tall ( ) 10.The hospital is to the candy shop. A .near B .next C .across 四、根据句子的意思或中文补全句子,每空一词。(18分) 1.I have a . (牙疼) 2.Tony is sick now . 3. is before May , but after March . 4.Eating (太多)junk food will make you unhealthy . 5.--- me ! Where’s the supermarket? --- Go the park . It’s in front o f the park . 6. basketball is Tony ’s hobby . 五、连词成句,注意大小写。(10分) 1. exercise, for, you, getting, plenty, is, good, of . 2. bad, is, what, me, else,for ? 3. is, train, the, where, station ? 4. eat ,you, many, shouldn’t ,so, candies . 5. I, bookstore, am ,for, a, looking . 六、问答句搭配,填序号。(10分) ( ) 1.What’s the date today? A. You can take Bus No.5.. ( ) 2.When’s your birthday? B .Cheese. ( ) 3.How can I get to the zoo? C .Summer. ( ) 4.What are you eating? D .It’s on February 5th ( ) 5.What’s your favorite season? E .It’s January 1st 七、书面表达 (10分) 假如你是Jenny,你的好朋友Lucy 感冒了,她没去学校读书。请你写封信关心她,并给她提些建议,不少于5句话。 Dear Lucy, I am sorry to hear that you have a cold. . Take care Jenny


六年级英语上册期中试 卷及答案 集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-

六年级英语(期中试卷) 听力部分(40分) Ⅰ听音圈单词(10分) 1 bathroom living room 2 dress dresser 3 cook make 4 wash dish 5 line circle 6 always usually 7 house horse 8 your yours 9 shower our 10 refrigerator toilet Ⅱ听录音判断正误(10分) ( )1 I usually go to school by bus. ( )2 My favourite shape is circle. ( )3 Danny is sitting beside her. ( )4 He wants to learn English. ( )5 What would you like for breakfast Ⅲ听录音排序(10分) ( )How’s the weather, Steven ( )Let’s get to work, class. ( )It’s rainy and cool. ( )What’s the temperature outside ( )It’s fifteen degrees. ( )I like lines. ( )What’s your favourite shape

( )Do you wear dresses ( )I never wear dresses. ( )Good work, Steven. Ⅳ听录音补全对话(10分) A: Li Ming, do you ________ do your homework B: Yes. A: Do you always help your mother B: No. I ________ help my mother. A: How do you go to school B: I ________ walk to school. A: Do you ________ in the evening B: No, I ________ (always sometimes usually watch TY, never) 笔试部分(60分) Ⅰ选出不同类的一个词(10分) 1 A peas B onions C shower D cabbage 2 A breakfast B time C lunch D supper 3 A line B shape C circle D square 4 A teacher B doctor C man D bus driver 5 A bed B lamp C dresser D room Ⅱ按要求写出所给单词的正确形式(10分) 1 dirty(反义词)_______ 2 bus(复数) _______


六年级英语上册期中试卷附答案【六年级英语上册期中试卷附答案】 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号写到题前括号内。(5个知识点) ( ) 1. A. light B. right C. left ( ) 2. A. by B. bus C. but ( ) 3. A. sheep B. stop C. ship ( ) 4. A. postcard B. post office C. teachers office ( ) 5. A. tonight B. today C. tomorrow

二、听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择意思相符的图片,将其序号写在题前括号内。(10个知识点) ( ) 1. A. B. 三、听音,根据你所听到的短文内容,判断对或错。(15个知识点) ( ) 1. Amy is going to watch TV. ( ) 2. She is going to visit her uncle. ( ) 3.She is going to see a film with Sarah.

( ) 4.She is going to take a dancing class. ( ) 5. She is going to buy a new word book. 一、根据图意,填写单词或词组,完成句子。(10个知识点) 1. --- How can I get to the _______________? --- Turn left and ________________. 2. I go to Shanghai by ________. 3. I m going to _________________ tomorrow. 4. Mike is going to buy a new_______________.


第一学期六年级上册英语期中检测卷 一.读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。(10 分) ( )1. A. by ship B. by plane C. go home ( )2. A. hospital B. museum C. helmet ( )3. A. turn right B. turn left C. on foot ( )4. A. stop B. wait C. sled ( )5. A. must B. often C. sometimes 二. Read and match.读一读,连线。(10分)X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m 1. go straight 十字路口 2. crossing 乘轮渡 3. slow down 救生衣 4. life jacket 直行 5. by ferry 慢下来 三. Read and choose.读一读,选出正确的答案。(20 分) ( )1. --How do you get to Dalian from Shandong? -- . A. By subway B. On foot C. By ship D. By bike ( )2. Please ______ ! The light is yellow now.新|课 |标 |第 |一| A. slow down and stop B. wait C. go D. I don’t know. ( )3. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school ________. A. by subway B. by sled C. by ferry D. by car ( )4. Where is the _________? I want to send a post card. A. bookstore B. post office C. museum D. hospital ( )5. How do you come to school?_______________________. A. She usually walks. B. I sometimes come by bus. C. The bus is coming. D. Sure. ( )6.It’s next to the park Dongfang Street. A. by B. at C. on D. in ( )7. can I get to the zoo?w A. What B. How C. How old D. Do ( )8. go at the red light! A. Don’t B. Do C. To do D. Does ( )9. What interesting film. A. the B. / C. a D. an ( )10.--Don’t let the dogs run too fast.-- . X k B 1 . c o m A. Thank you. B. Let me try. C. You’re welcome. 四.Read and choose. 读句子,选出正确的答语。(10 分) ( )1. How do you go to the USA? A. Great! ( )2. Let’s go to the park. B. It’s near the post office. ( )3. How does Amy go home? C. Sure. ( )4. Where is the cinema? D. She goes home on foot.. ( )5. Can I go by bike? E. I go by plane. 五. Choose and fill. 选择方框内的单词填空。(10 分)课标第 1. A: would you like to eat? B: I’d like some beef. 2. A: do you go to school? B: I go to school by bike. 3. A: do you usually get up? B: At 6:00. 4. A: is your English teacher? B: Miss Li. 5. A: is the hospital? B: It’s next to the post office. Who What When How Where


xxx 学年度第一学期 小学英语六年级期中自查卷 听力部份 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容,选择符合的一项,将其编号写到括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. jeep B. sheep C. ship ( ) 2. A. east B. easy C. near ( ) 3. A. far B. fast C. farm ( ) 4. A. where B. what C. when ( ) 5. A. next week B. next weekend C. this weekend ( ) 6. A. No.7 bus B. No. 17 bus C. No. 70 bus ( ) 7. A. comic book B. note-book C. story-book ( ) 8. A. get off at the bank. B. get off at the museum. C. get off at the supermarket. ( ) 9. A. climbing the mountain B. going to climb mountains C. climbs mountains ( )10. A. a comic book and a picture book. B. a dictionary and a comic book C. a dictionary and a picture book 二、 根据录音内容,判断下面的图片和句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的在括号里打“ ”,不符的打“ ”。(10分) ( ) 6. You can go to the park by the No. 30 bus. ( ) 7. His home isn ’t far from the hospital. ( ) 8. The cinema is on the left. ( ) 9. I usually walk to school. 学校 班级 座号 姓名 1. 2. 4. 5. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


六年级英语上册期中试题(最新版) 六年级英语上册期中试题(最新版) 一.根据听到的内容写单词(6分) 二.听音,根据听到的内容选择相应的选项(5分) ()1.A.tonightB.tomorrowC.todayD.together ()2.A.bookstoreB.libraryC.museumD.hospital ()3.A.subwayB.busC.bikeD.ship ()4.A.tripB.trafficC.trainD.travel ()5.A.farB.fastC.carD.ask 三、听对话,判断下列句子的正误,,对的在括号内写T,错的在括号内F.(10分) ()1.JohnisgoingtobuyatoybusonSaturday. ()2.Johnisgoingtobuyatoycarforhisfriend. ()3.JohnisgoingtothepostofficeonSunday. ()4.JohnisgoingtopostaletteronSundaymorning. ()5.Johnisgoingtothepostofficebysubway. 四、听音选出合适的答语。(10分) ()1.A.I’mgoingtobuyabook.B.Igotoschoolonfoot. ()2.A.Bybus.B.No,Idon’t. ()3.A.It’snearthehospital.B.Thisafternoon. ()4.A.Yes,heretheyare.B.Yes,itis.

()5.A.It’seastofthecinema.B.Onfoot. 五、听音填空。(9分) A:Whatareyougoingtodo_____school? B:Iwantto______abook.______isthe? A:It’s__________________theshoestore. B:HowcanIgettotheshoestore? A:YoucangobytheNo.15bus.Getoffatthecinema.Then_______and walk_______forthreeminutes.Theshoestoreisonthe______. 笔试部分(60分) 一.读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个。(5分) ()1.A.postofficeB.cinemaC.bookstoreD.left ()2.A.shipB.taxiC.trainD.foot ()3.A.eveningB.tonightC.nextweekD.seeafilm ()4.A.turnB.slowC.officeD.stop ()5.A.whatB.whenC.whereD.with 二、按要求填空(6分) 1、infrontof(反义词)_________ 2、near(反义词)__________ 3、cross(现在分词)_________ 4、one(序数词)_________ 5.star(复数形式)________ 6.go(三单形式)_________ 7.到达(英语)_________8.where(同音词)_________ 9.去旅行(英语)_________10.慢下来(英语)_________ 11.I(宾格)_________12.payattentionto(汉语)_________ 三、选词填空(10分)


最新教学资料·人教版英语 人教版六年级英语上册 期中测试 学生姓名: 得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出与你所听到的内容符合的一项。(10分) ( ) 1. A. jeep B. sheep C. ship ( ) 2. A. east B. easy C. near ( ) 3. A. far B. fast C. farm ( ) 4. A. where B. what C. when ( ) 5. A. next week B. next weekend C. this weekend ( ) 6. A. No.7 bus B. No. 17 bus C. No. 70 bus ( ) 7. A. comic book B. note-book C. story-book ( ) 8. A. get off at the bank. B. get off at the museum. C. get off at the supermarket. ( ) 9. A. climbing the mountain B. going to climb mountains C. climbs mountains ( )10. A. a comic book and a picture book. B. a dictionary and a comic book C. a dictionary and a picture book 二、根据录音内容判断,相符的在括号里打“ ”,不符的打“ ”。(10分) ( ) 6. You can go to the park by the No. 30 bus. ( ) 7. His home isn ’t far from the hospital. ( ) 8. The cinema is on the left. ( ) 9. I usually walk to school. ( ) 10. I am going to read a magazine tonight. 三、听问题,将最合适的答案的字母编号填到括号里。(10分) ( ) 1、 A.I go by car. B.It’s near the park. C.There are seven. 1. 2. 4. 5. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


作品编号:1598753694221587112546 学校:录记理旬市杨家镇路计小学* 教师:周喻王* 班级:荣耀壹班* 期中测试卷 (满分:100分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。每小题听一遍。(10分) ()1. A. left B. right C. next ()2. A. taxi B. ship C. train ()3. A. stop B. slow C. straight ()4. A. together B. tomorrow C. travel ()5. A. science museum B. post office C. comic book 二、听录音,用数字给下列图片排序。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()()()()()三、听录音,选择正确的答语。每小题听两遍。(10分) ()1. A. I’m going to Beijing. B. Next Sunday. C. I’m going by bus. ()2. A. I go to school on foot. B. Yes, it’s near here. C. It is next to the park. ()3. A. I want to buy some books. B. I’m going to the bookstore.

C. Turn left at the traffic lights. ()4. A. We are going there next weekend. B. We go there on foot. C. Go straight and then you can see it. ()5. A. They work in a post office. B. They are going to see a film. C. They can take the No. 4 bus to go there. 四、听录音,选择正确的答案。短文听两遍。(10分) ()1. Jack often takes a ________ to school. A. bus B. subway C. car ()2. Jack’s home is ________ the bookstore. A. behind B. near C. next to ()3. They are going to the bookstore ________. A. by bus B. by car C. on foot ()4. Mike will buy a ________. A. storybook B. postcard C. word book ()5. Jack is in the ________ now. A. park B. post office C. restaurant 五、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分) ()1. A. right B. cinema C. bookstore ()2. A. ship B. foot C. train ()3. A. evening B. tonight C. restaurant ()4. A. turn B. left C. stop


六年级上册英语期中测试试题 一、补全单词。 1.mu___m 2.rest__rant 3.sup__m_ _ket 4.tomorr__ 5.str__ght 二、找出不是同一类的单词。 ()1. A.bus B.bike C.traffic ()2. A.boy B.sir C.madam ()3. A.left B.crossing C.right ()4. A.pizza B.mooncake C.far ()5. A.by B.sweet C.fast 三、根据首字母提示完成句子。 1.My father really likes to go to the Japanese r_________. 2.Go s_________and turn right. 3.I’m going to the c_________to see a film.

4.Miss White usually goes to work by s_________. 5.People will get t_________on Mid-Autumn Festival. 6.This story book is very i_________. 7.You must be careful at the c_________. 8.How can I get to the science m_________. 9.F_________me,please. 10.Jim is going to t_________to Sichuan on summer vacation.四、按要求完成句子。 1.The hospital is near the bookstore.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________ 2.going,what,park,are,to,nature,you,do,the,in (?)(连词成句) ____________________________________ 3.Jane comes to school by bus.(对划线部分提问)____________________________________ 4.Go at the red light!(变为否定句)____________________________________ 5.I go to the post office this afternoon.(用He, bookstore仿写句子) ____________________________________ 五、选不同类单词。 ()1、A.bus B.car C.book


PEP六年级英语上册期中试卷 六年级英语试卷 (满分100分,其中听力30分;时间90分钟拟卷人:朱艺萍) 题号一二三四五六七八总分 得分 I.听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项。(10分) ()1. ( )2. ( ) 3. A. want B. wait C. wall ( ) 4. A. tell B. sell C. bell ( ) 5. A. June 12th B. June 5th C. July 5th ( ) 6. A. library B. January C. February ( ) 7. A. light B. right C. fight ( ) 8. A. stop B. story C. store ( ) 9. A. My birthday is in Dec. B. My birthday is in Nov. C. My birthday is in Oct. ( )10.A. Traffic light B. Traffic rules C. Traffic lights 二、根据你听到的内容,判断图片或句子是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。 (10分) 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) ( ) 6. I am going to climb mountains on Sunday morning. ( ) 7. I go to Shanghai by train. ( ) 8. The science museum is north of the bookstore. ( ) 9. There are always three lights in every country. ( ) 10. I'm going to take a trip next weekend. 三、听录音,选择最合适的答语。(10分) ( )1. A.It's not far. B. I can go by bike. C. It's south of the park. ( )2. A.This afternoon. B. On Sundays. C. In May. ( )3. A.I go by subway. B. I go by plane. C. I go by bike. ( )4. A.Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, she is. B. I'm going to buy a post card. C. I'm going to buy a pair of sandals. II.笔试部分(70分) 四、选出不同类的单词,并把序号写在括号里。(10分) () 1. A.ship B.light C.subway ( ) 2.A.red B. country C.green ( ) 3. A.how B. go C.stop ( ) 4. A.China B.Zhengzhou C.Australia ( ) 5. A.sometimes B. often C.where 五、选择填空(30分) ( )1. I go to school _____foot. A.by B. on C.to ( )2. Where ____ the cinema? A. are B.is C.am ( )3. -----Is there a library near here? ----- _____ there is. A.No, B. Hi, C.Yes, ( )4. What are you ______ to do? A.go B.going C.to go ( )5 The cinema is ___ to the hospital. A.next B.to C.in ( ) 6. I’m going to the park subway. A. on B. by C. take D. in ( )7. A: I have storybooks .


六年级英语期中考试分析 一、考试情况分析 总人数32人,参加考试32人,总分为分,平均分27分,最高分39分,最低分17分,及格人数22人,及格率70%,优秀人数9人,优秀率29%。 二、试题特点分析 (一)注重了基础知识的考查 试卷中能充分体现考查学生基础知识为主要目标的命题原则,依据于课本,但又避免教材中机械的知识,对于一些学生必须掌握的基础知识作为重点考查的内容(如重点短语,句子首字母要大写等),因为这些知识的掌握能更好地为今后的学习打下的基础。 (二)突出语言的交际功能 英语作为语言,是一种交际的工具。而小学英语教学根据小学生的年龄特点和语言学习的规律,确立以听说能力的培养为主要目标,读写跟上的原则进行。 (三)渗透了能力考查的要求 学习语言是为了交际。小学英语教学不仅要教给学生一些最基本的语言知识,而且要教给学生运用语言的方法和能力。在试卷的问题设计上,增加了对学生阅读理解能力和活用语言能力的考查。 三、测试总体情况分析 听力部分分为排序题和选择题,总体情况良好。笔试部分主要考查学生的语言基础知识和基本技能,包括单词、词组、语法的正确运用和读写能力的考查,同时增加了一个阅读短文训练题,现分述如下: 1、单项选择(5分)。主要考查前三个单元的主要句型和词汇,正确率一般。有 个别很不理想。 2、根据汉语完成句子(5分),属于基础知识,主要考查了单词和短语的拼写,书写以及句子开头的首字母要大写等,这一部分综合性强,知识点散,学生出错率较高。 3、选择句子的答语(5分)。内容都是书上平时的对话内容,大部分学生做得很 好,但也有些同学做的很差。 4、连词成句(5分)。本题主要考查学生对句子的整体把握能力,得分率为很低,失分严重。 5、阅读短文,判断正误(5分)。此题主要考查了学生的阅读能力。短文难度不是很大,但是题目在时间上稍作修改,学生不认真读题,导致十分严重。 6、作文(5分)本题主要考察学生第3单元将来时的运用,虽然在考前写过类 似的作文,但基础差的学生,单词拼写都有问题,所以写作文起来很困难。 四、存在问题 1、在培养学生良好做题习惯上做的不够。良好的做题习惯主要包括认真审题、工整答题、细心做题、仔细查题。 2、对学生上课的课堂学习习惯也没有培养好。很多测试内容在复习时都曾有涉及,但此次仍出错。 3、对后进生的辅导强度不够。 4、学生基本掌握了基础知识,但还不是很熟练且不能灵活运用; 5、词汇量不足,语言综合运用能力较差。 五、改进措施


小学六年级上册英语期中测试卷听力部分( 20 分) 一.找出你所听到的单词或词组。( 5 分) ( ) 1. A. fourth B.fifth C. first ( ) 2. A. pass B. fast C. past ( ) 3. A. day B. date C. time ( ) 4. A. exercise B. exciting C. excited ( ) 5. A. pick up B. take off C. keep in 二、根据你所听到的内容,将相对应序号写在题前的括号内分) ( 5 ( ) 1. A. It ' s the first of October. B. It 's on the second of October. C. It 's Tuesday. ( ) 2. A. It ' s three now. B. It ' s two yuan. C. There are two. ( ) 3. A. Keep off the grass. B. Yes, it does. C. No, there isn 't ( ) 4. A. No, I can ' t. B.I 'd like a pair of glasses.

C. Yes, please. I like it. ( ) 5. A.They are on the shelf. B. They were on the shelf. C. It ' s on the shelf. 三、根据你所听到的问句, 选择准确的答句。( 5 分) ( ) 1.A. It ' s on the fifth of May. B. It ' s in May. C.It 's Tuesday. ( ) 2.A.I like a mask. B. Yes, it 's my present. C.I ' d like a mask. ( ) 3.A.Yes,there is. B. Yes,there was. C.Yes, it does. ( ) 4.A.Yes ,it is. B. Yes ,there was. C. Yes,it does. ( ) 5.A. That ' s right. B. All right. C. That 's all right. 四、听录音,把对话补充完整( 5 分) A :What __________ __ is it today? B :It 's the __ _____ of July . A :It 's Jim 's birthday . There ' s a _______ ___ in his house.Let 's go and buy a present _______ him. B:What does he like ? A:He likes model ______ B:I see. 笔试部分(80 分)


六年级上册英语期中试卷 Name___ Sore___ 听力部分 一、Listen and choose(听音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的 一项,并将其字母编号写在题前的括号里。)(5分) ( )1.A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. want B. wait C. wall ( ) 3. A. tell B. sell C. bell ( ) 4. A. June 12th B. June 5th C. July 5th ( ) 5. A. light B. right C. fight 二、Listen and tick(根据你听到的内容,判断图片是否相符,相符的 打“√”,不相符的打“×”。)(10分) 1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5( ) ( ) 6. I am going to climb mountains on Sunday morning. ( ) 7. I go to Shanghai by train. ( ) 8. The science museum is north of the bookstore. ( ) 9. There are always three lights in every country. ( ) 10. I'm going to take a trip next weekend. 三.Listen and chose the best answer. (听录音,选择最合适的答语。)(10分) ( )1. A.It's not far. B. I can go by bike. C. It's south of the park. ( )2. A.This afternoon. B. On Sundays. C. In May. ( )3. A.I go by subway. B. I go by plane. C. I go by bike. ( )4. A.Yes, it is. B. No, it is. C. Yes, she is. ( )5. A. I'm going to buy a comic book. B. I'm going to buy a post card. C. I'm going to buy a pair of sandals. 四、Listen and fill(听录音,填写下列句子中所缺的单词,使句子完 整,每空一词。)(5分。) 1. What are you going to tonight?


人教版六年级上册英语期中试卷及答案 六年级上册期中英语检测卷 听力部分 一、听录音,选出你听到的单词。(10分) ()1.A.trafficB.turnC.tell ()2.A.taxiB.tripC.ship ()3.A.streetB.sledC.space } ()4.A.stopB.goC.wait ()5.A.No.57B.No.5C.No.15 二、听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。(10分) ()1.A.B.C. 三、听录音,排顺序。(10分) ()PeterisgoingtohaveanEnglishclass.. ()Mymotherworksnearthesea. ()WearegoingtoBeijingnextWednesday. … ()Mybrothergoestoworkbybus. ()Mikegoestoworkbycar. 四、听录音,把下列句子补充完整。(10分) 1.Theisbehindthesciencemuseum. 2.Thereisainmycity.

3.let’sgoandturnleftatthebooks tore. 4.Iusuallygotothehospitalby. 5.—Whatareyougoingtodotonight? ` —I’mgoingtoseea. 笔试部分 五、找出下列每组单词中不属于同一类的一项。(10分) ()1.A.footB.trainC.planeD.subway ()2.A.museumB.postofficeC.askD.library ()3.A.howB.mustC.whatD.where ()4.A.leftB.rightC.turnD.front ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/6c16918257.html,icbook ¥ 六、单项选择。(20分) ()1.—canIgotoShanghai?—Youcangobyplane. A.What B.Where C.How ()2.Thenturnrightthehospital? A.in B.at C.on ()3.—Igoingtotakeatriptomorrow. A.am B.is C.are ()4.—Whattheygoingtodo? 》 A.is B.are C.am ()5.Iamgoingtobuyadictionaryinthe.
