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I. Review and comments on the assignments
The glory of Vancouver is the result of the intelligence and industry of the Vancouverers, including the contributions by a variety of other ethnic groups. Canada is a vast country with a sparse population. Its territory is larger than China, while its population is less than 30 ,000,000. It is its long pursued national policy to absorb immigrants. (To attract immigrants is one of Canadian long-term policies.) It can be said that all Canadians, except the Indian aboriginals, are immigrants who are different from each other only in the length of time they have settled there.
II. Passages translation
如果真有这么一个问题---对于这一点我要 不揣冒昧地表示怀疑---那也是年长者造出 人们总是在谈论“青年人问题”。 来的, 而不是青年人自己造成的。 让我们认真考虑一下问题的根源吧, 而且我们要 ①People 承认青年人毕竟是人---是跟他们长辈一样的人。 of are always talking about “the problem 青年人和老年人之间只有一点不同, 那就是青年人的光辉未来 youth”. ②If there is one---which I take leave to doubt--在他们前头,而老年人的辉煌已经留在他们的身后, 或许这就 then it is older people who create it, not the young 是问题之所在。 themselves. ③Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings---people just like their elders. ④There is only one difference between an old man and a young one: the young man has a glorious future before him and the old one has a splendid future behind him: and maybe that is where the rub is.
If conditions permit, some enterprises can gradually adopt a new distribution system, for example, fixing To better implement the distribution principle of “to each wages according to the ability, to widen the gap according to his work”, the state will make efforts to control between the highest and the lowest income. to set way, the increase in total wages and allow enterprises In this up theirthe economic results of the enterprises, the worker’s own systems of distribution based on management. ①为了更好地贯彻“按劳取酬”的分配原则,国家将 income and his personal contribution to the enterprise Risk funds will be set up to compensate for losses are closely connected . 努力控制总工资的增长并允许企业根据他们的经营情 incurred because of poor management.
III. 新罕布什尔州湖区,自然风光优美,旅舍餐馆林立。此外, Text translation
III. Passages translation
况来制定他们自己的分配形式, 落实在内部分配方 面的企业自主权。②企业要建立风险资金以补偿因管 理不善而造成的亏损。③假如条件允许, 有的企业 可以逐渐采用新的分配制度, 比方说, 根据能力来 决定工资的高低, 从而把最高和最低收入的差距拉 开, 这样企业的经济效益, 工人的收入和个人对企 业的贡献就紧密得互相联系起来。
I. Review and comments on the assignments
Vancouver is one of the very few multinational cities in the world. in the present 1.8 million residents in Vancouver, half are not native(not born in this city, and one in every four is (a quarter are) of Asian origin. The 250,000 Chinese play a crucial role in Vancuver’s economic transformation. Half of the Chinese have come to the city just in the past five years and made it the largest Chinese 源自文库athering center outside Asia.
III. Text translation
避暑胜地—新罕布什尔州湖区 The Ideal欢迎来到新罕布什尔州风景优美的湖区。 Place for Your Summer Vacation 在这儿,暑假活动丰富多彩,全家都能享受到无穷的乐趣。 ①Welcome to the scenic Lakes Region of New 想减缓一下生活的节奏吗? Hampshire. ②Here you will find a host of fun events 新罕布什尔州森林茂密,绿树长青,泉水蜿蜒而流,湖 and activities to entertain you and your family for 我们也能为你提供服务。 边风景如画,到处都是幽然寂静的好去处。 your entire vacation. ③Looking for a slower pace instead? ④ We can help with that as well. ⑤ Here in 带上野餐,再加上一本好书,舒舒服服坐下来好好欣赏一下 new Hampshire there are many opportunities to find 这儿优美的景色,你会感到心旷神怡。 a peaceful spot hidden among the lush forests of tall evergreens and hard-woods or next to a rambling brook or pictorial lake. ⑥Pack a picnic lunch, bring along a good book, sit back and enjoy the views and delight in the splendor of this beautiful region.
IV. Assignments
V. References for further reading
I. Review and comments on the assignments
加拿大的温哥华1986年刚刚度过百岁的生日,但城市的发展 令世界瞩目。以港立市,以港兴市,是许多港口城市生存发展的 道路。经过百年开发建设,有着天然不冻良港的温哥华,成为举 世瞩目的港口城市,同亚洲、大洋洲、欧洲、拉丁美洲均有定期 班轮,年货物吞吐量达8000万吨,全市就业人口中有三分之一从 事贸易与运输行业。 温哥华的辉煌是温哥华人的智慧和勤奋的结晶, 其中包括多 民族的贡献。加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大,人口却不 足3000万。吸收外来移民,是加拿大长期奉行的国策。可以说, 加拿大除了印第安人外,无一不是外来移民, 不同的是时间长短 而已。温哥华则更是世界上屈指可数的多民族城市。现今180完 温哥华居民中,有一半不是在本地出生的,每4个居民中就有一 个是亚洲人。而25万华人对温哥华的经济转型起着决定性作用, 其中有一半是近5年才来到温哥华地区的, 使温哥华成为亚洲以 外最大的中国人聚居地。
Chapter Fifteen
Translation of Passages & Text
I. Review and comments on the
II. Translation of passages or texts
III. Summary
III. Text translation
不管你有什么爱好,在这儿会找到你喜欢的活动。 ① No matter what you fancy is, you will never be at a loss of what to do. ② Within the locales of this lovely region, we offer 273 lakes and ponds of all 总之,在这儿可以找到各种乐趣和休闲方式。swimming, sizes, family attractions, lake cruises, summer theater, hiking, biking, fishing, scenic 在怡然自得的气氛中,能享受各种乐趣。所以,许多人年复一年 country drives, museums antiquing, craft fairs and 都要回到新罕布什尔州宁静的湖区来避暑度假。 festivals and of course…shopping. ③The possibilities of fun and relaxation are endless. ④ 风景区有273个大大小小的湖泊,正是一家人的避暑胜地。 With so many fun things to do in an atmosphere that 你们可以坐上游艇在湖上巡游,也可以在湖里游泳,或在 promotes relaxation, it is no wonder so many 湖边钓鱼;或到山间乡下徒步旅行,骑自行车游览,或驾 people return to the serenity of N.H.’s lakes year 车观赏美丽的乡野景色;你们也可以上夏日剧院欣赏戏剧, after year. 去寻幽访古,参观手工艺品展览会,参加丰富多彩的节日 活动,……当然不要忘记购物。