
Further contributions to the Gothic genre were provided in the work of the Romantic poets. Prominent examples include Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Christabel and Keats' La Belle Dame sans Merci (1819) and Isabella, or the Pot of Basil (1820) which feature mysteriously fey ladies.27 In the latter poem the names of the characters, the dream visions and the macabre physical details are influenced by the novels of premiere Gothicist Anne Radcliffe.27 Percy Bysshe Shelley's first published work was the Gothic novel Zastrozzi (1810), about an outlaw obsessed with revenge against his father and half-brother. Shelley published a second Gothic novel in 1811, St. Irvyne; or, The Rosicrucian, about an alchemist who seeks to impart the secret of immortality. The poetry, romantic adventures, and character of Lord Byron – characterised by his spurned lover Lady Caroline Lamb as 'mad, bad and dangerous to know' – were another inspiration for the Gothic, providing the archetype of the Byronic hero. Byron features, under the codename of 'Lord Ruthven', in Lady Caroline's own Gothic novel: Glenarvon . Mary Shelley's Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818) has come to define Gothic fiction in the Romantic period. Frontispiece to 1831 edition shown.

哥特小说,属于英语文学派别,是西方通俗 文学中惊险神秘小说的一种。一般被认为随 着霍勒斯· 沃波尔的《奥特兰托城堡》而产生。 哥特小说可以说是恐怖电影的鼻祖,更重要 的是,它使我们今天习惯地将哥特式与黑暗、 恐怖联系在一起。 显著的哥特小说元素包括 恐怖,神秘,超自然,厄运,死亡,颓废, 住着幽灵的老房子,癫狂,家族诅咒等。
Gothic novel as one branch of the English literature and the father of horror movies origins from The Castle of Otranto(1764). More importantly, it leads habitually with darkness and horror. Gothic elements include horror, mystery, supernatural phenomenon, misfortune, death, haunted houses, and family curses.
4. Omens, portents, visions(预兆). A character may have a disturbing dream vision, or some phenomenon may be seen as a portent of coming events. For example, if the statue of the lord of the manor falls over, it may portend his death. In modern fiction, a character might see something (a shadowy figure stabbing another shadowy figure) and think that it was a dream. This might be thought of as an "imitation vision."

• Though it was less popular in the Victorian era, 19th century Gothic fiction is among the best known and most read today, including writers such as Mary Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, the Bronte sisters, Oscar Wilde, and Henry James. The vampire, one of the favorite stock characters of Gothic fiction, appeared in several important works of this era: John Polidori's The Vampyre, Sheridan LeFanu's Carmilla, and Bram Stoker's Dracula, to name a few.
• Some poetry and short stories can also be characterized as Gothic, such as the Graveyard Poets of late 18th century England and the short stories of Edgar Allen Poe, which have influenced Gothic writers ever since their publication.
Gothic Fiction &
Realistic Novel
Gothic Fiction
• Gothic fiction (sometimes referred to as Gothic horror) is a genre of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance.
• Some poetry and short stories can also be characterized as Gothic, such as the Graveyard Poets of late 18th century England and the short stories of Edgar Allen Poe, which have influenced Gothic writers ever since their publication.
Gothic Fiction &
Realistic Novel
Gothic Fiction
• Gothic fiction (sometimes referred to as Gothic horror) is a genre of literature that combines elements of both horror and romance.

3. An ancient prophecy(预言) is connected with the castle or its inhabitants (either former or present). The
prophecy is usually obscure, partial, or confusing. "What could it mean?" In more watered down modern examples, this may amount to merely a legend: "It's said that the ghost of old man Krebs still wanders these halls."
2. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense (悬念). The work is pervaded by a threatening
feeling, a fear enhanced by the unknown. Often the plot itself is built around a mystery, such as unknown parentage, a disappearance, or some other inexplicable event. Elements 3, 4, and 5 below contribute to this atmosphere. (Again, in modern filmmaking, the inexplicable events are often murders.)
Gothic elements include horror, mystery,
3. An ancient prophecy(预言) is connected with the castle or its inhabitants (either former or present). The
prophecy is usually obscure, partial, or confusing. "What could it mean?" In more watered down modern examples, this may amount to merely a legend: "It's said that the ghost of old man Krebs still wanders these halls."
2. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense (悬念). The work is pervaded by a threatening
feeling, a fear enhanced by the unknown. Often the plot itself is built around a mystery, such as unknown parentage, a disappearance, or some other inexplicable event. Elements 3, 4, and 5 below contribute to this atmosphere. (Again, in modern filmmaking, the inexplicable events are often murders.)
Gothic elements include horror, mystery,
Edgar Allan Poe 介绍PPT课件

but in what way it is said. (form is superior to content) 7.stresses musical quality of verse and defines true poetry as
“rhythmical creation of beauty.”
Bruce bulls(安布鲁斯·布尔斯) and Howard Phillips Lovecraft(洛夫 克拉夫特 )as the most famous three horror fictionists .
Poe is a great writer of fiction, a poet of the first rank, and a critic of insight
a short story writer
his tales are "complete works of art"
a poet
his poetry is “exquisitely refined“( 精致优雅)
a critic
"the greatest journalistic critic of
“rhythmical creation of beauty.”
Bruce bulls(安布鲁斯·布尔斯) and Howard Phillips Lovecraft(洛夫 克拉夫特 )as the most famous three horror fictionists .
Poe is a great writer of fiction, a poet of the first rank, and a critic of insight
a short story writer
his tales are "complete works of art"
a poet
his poetry is “exquisitely refined“( 精致优雅)
a critic
"the greatest journalistic critic of
The Real History of Vampires 吸血鬼英文ppt

在具有维多利亚时代风格的新 哥特式小说中,吸血鬼成为了魅 力十足的邪恶主角。不可思议的 是,这种崭新的吸血鬼文字形象 竟然大受欢迎。他成了反英雄的 不朽象征。
Protagonist 主角 (戏剧、故事、小说中的) Enduring 持久的,永恒的
Today’s Popular Super Anti-Hero
The Victorian Novel Transforms the Vampire
In 1897, with the publishing of his novel Dracula, Bram Stoker successfully transformed the image and the conventions of the vampires from lowly sub-human parasite to that of an intelligent, but somewhat evil superhero. Count Dracula live in a castle, has superhuman powers and unlimited material wealth. He is a mysterious and genius intellect, who is almost immortal.
作为有趣的文学形象,吸血鬼已从文学作品与哥特式的传奇小 说中成功复活并完成演变。在短短的一百多年的时间里,对于 吸血鬼的真实恐惧与迷信已转变成一种震撼力不够却娱乐性十 足的媒体类型。
That’ all.
Thank you!
民间传说中的吸血鬼极其令人厌恶。他们被描述成粗 鄙的和散发着恶臭的复活僵尸,唯一的嗜好就是吸血。
Repugnant 使人反感的,引起厌恶的 Reanimated 使复活
Protagonist 主角 (戏剧、故事、小说中的) Enduring 持久的,永恒的
Today’s Popular Super Anti-Hero
The Victorian Novel Transforms the Vampire
In 1897, with the publishing of his novel Dracula, Bram Stoker successfully transformed the image and the conventions of the vampires from lowly sub-human parasite to that of an intelligent, but somewhat evil superhero. Count Dracula live in a castle, has superhuman powers and unlimited material wealth. He is a mysterious and genius intellect, who is almost immortal.
作为有趣的文学形象,吸血鬼已从文学作品与哥特式的传奇小 说中成功复活并完成演变。在短短的一百多年的时间里,对于 吸血鬼的真实恐惧与迷信已转变成一种震撼力不够却娱乐性十 足的媒体类型。
That’ all.
Thank you!
民间传说中的吸血鬼极其令人厌恶。他们被描述成粗 鄙的和散发着恶臭的复活僵尸,唯一的嗜好就是吸血。
Repugnant 使人反感的,引起厌恶的 Reanimated 使复活

英国女作家安·拉德克利夫的《 英国女作家安 拉德克利夫的《奥多芙的神 拉德克利夫的 和马修·刘易斯的 修道士》 刘易斯的《 秘》和马修 刘易斯的《修道士》是哥特小说的代 表作。 表作。 • 奥多芙的神秘》 《奥多芙的神秘》讲述孤女艾米莉受到监护人 的控制与迫害。 的控制与迫害。哥特式小说的恐怖不仅来自精灵 鬼怪,还出于人对人的控制和残害, 鬼怪,还出于人对人的控制和残害,因此这部小 说突出人的心理描写和性格刻画。 说突出人的心理描写和性格刻画。 • 修道士》 《修道士》讲述修道士阿姆布罗瑟将灵魂出卖 给魔鬼,因沉沦欲望而遭受毁灭。 给魔鬼,因沉沦欲望而遭受毁灭。小说细致描写 了修道士在矛盾痛苦中走向堕落深渊的心路历程。 了修道士在矛盾痛苦中走向堕落深渊的心路历程。
‘呼啸山庄’是希思克利夫先生住宅的名字。 呼啸山庄’是希思克利夫先生住宅的名字。 呼啸’是当地一个意味深长的形容词, ‘呼啸’是当地一个意味深长的形容词,用来描 绘在狂风暴雨恣意肆虐的天气, 绘在狂风暴雨恣意肆虐的天气,它坐落的处所那 种喧嚣噪乱的情景。 种喧嚣噪乱的情景。你只要看一看房子尽头那些 疏疏落落、干枯低矮极力倒向一边的枞树, 疏疏落落、干枯低矮极力倒向一边的枞树,还有 那朝一边伸着细枝、好像在向阳光求乞的荆棘, 那朝一边伸着细枝、好像在向阳光求乞的荆棘, 就会想见从山那边刮过来的北风的那股劲头了。 就会想见从山那边刮过来的北风的那股劲头了。 幸亏建筑师有先见之明,把房子造的结结实实: 幸亏建筑师有先见之明,把房子造的结结实实: 狭窄的窗户深深的砌在墙壁里面。 狭窄的窗户深深的砌在墙壁里面。房子的四角都 有巨大突出的石块护卫着。 有巨大突出的石块护卫着。
美国著名评论家安德鲁·赖特说: 美国著名评论家安德鲁·赖特说:“要了解 近两百年来的文学, 近两百年来的文学,必须具备一定的哥特式小说 的知识。 的知识。”
Gothic Novel

Intro. of The Castle of Otranto
First published in 1764, The Castle of Otranto purported to be a translation of an Italian story of the time of the crusades(十字军东 征). In it Walpole attempted, as he declared in the Preface to the Second Edition, "to blend the two kinds of romance: the ancient and the modern." Crammed with invention, entertainment, terror, and pathos, the novel was an immediate success and Walpole's own favorite among his numerous works. The novel is reprinted here from a text of 1798, the last that Walpole himself prepared for the press.
Two Branches
• One is horrible Gothic Novels. • Features: This branch of gothic novels insist on traditional ways. Morbid evil are added in order to make the novel more mysterious and horrible. • Representative: • Matthew Lewis (1775-1818), The Monk (1795) • Charles Brown,1771-1810), Wieland (1798)

ß the house and her distinguished 受人尊敬的 family
ß tax incident事件&the visit by the deputation代表团
Section 2
ß smell in Emily's house & complaints 抱怨 in the neighborhood & actions taken to do away
ß discovery of the murder & her necrophilia(恋尸癖)
Close reading
ß Miss Emily's father ß her appearance 外貌and character ß the women in her town ß the attitude of her townspeople ß her house ß visual 看得见的violence: Emily vs.
The ladies in Jefferson
ß the curious women(p.9)
ß "only a woman could have believed it"(p.9)
ß ladies with mixed feelings(p.14/15)
ß ladies as invaders(p.16/17)
ß Complicity合谋者
ß successors of Emily’s father
visual violence
ß “to see the inside of her house” 9 ß “a crayon portrait”10 ß “looked back/stared at/ looked him
ß tax incident事件&the visit by the deputation代表团
Section 2
ß smell in Emily's house & complaints 抱怨 in the neighborhood & actions taken to do away
ß discovery of the murder & her necrophilia(恋尸癖)
Close reading
ß Miss Emily's father ß her appearance 外貌and character ß the women in her town ß the attitude of her townspeople ß her house ß visual 看得见的violence: Emily vs.
The ladies in Jefferson
ß the curious women(p.9)
ß "only a woman could have believed it"(p.9)
ß ladies with mixed feelings(p.14/15)
ß ladies as invaders(p.16/17)
ß Complicity合谋者
ß successors of Emily’s father
visual violence
ß “to see the inside of her house” 9 ß “a crayon portrait”10 ß “looked back/stared at/ looked him

• In 1848 Branwell Brontë, who was an alcoholic and a drug addict, died.In 1848 Emily died. In 1849 Anne died. • 1849 Published the novel Shirley. • 1853 Published the novel Villette which was based on her experiences in Brussels (布鲁塞尔) • In June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls, her father's curate(助理牧师 )and she became pregnant soon after the marriage. Her health declined rapidly during this time. She died, along with her unborn child, on 31 March 1855, at the young age of 39.
Charlotte Bronte
1816-1855 Jane Eyre《简爱》
Emily Bronte
1818-1848 Wuthering heights
Anne Bronte
1820-1849 Agnes Grey 《艾格尼斯· 格雷 》
Jane Eyre
Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies
Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies
• In 1848 Branwell Brontë, who was an alcoholic and a drug addict, died.In 1848 Emily died. In 1849 Anne died. • 1849 Published the novel Shirley. • 1853 Published the novel Villette which was based on her experiences in Brussels (布鲁塞尔) • In June 1854, Charlotte married Arthur Bell Nicholls, her father's curate(助理牧师 )and she became pregnant soon after the marriage. Her health declined rapidly during this time. She died, along with her unborn child, on 31 March 1855, at the young age of 39.
Charlotte Bronte
1816-1855 Jane Eyre《简爱》
Emily Bronte
1818-1848 Wuthering heights
Anne Bronte
1820-1849 Agnes Grey 《艾格尼斯· 格雷 》
Jane Eyre
Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies
Vincent Pan School of Foreign Studies
gothic fiction.ppt

elements with 18th-century realism.
The question now arose whether supernatural
events that were not as evidently absurd as
Walpole's would not lead the simpler minds to
A pleasing sort of terror, an extension of Romantic literary pleasures that were relatively new at the time of Walpole's novel. It originated in England in the second half of the 18th century and had much success in the 19th, as witnessed by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and the works of Edgar Allan Poe.
brief introduction early gothic romgenre or mode of literature
that combines fiction, horror,
death and Romanticism.
English author Horace Walpole, with his 1764 novel The Castle of Otranto, subtitled (in its second edition) "A Gothic Story."
哥特风 爱伦 坡PPT课件

ddaarrkkeerr oovveerrttoonneess..
b20e20a/3/2u6 tiful heart that is found rarely in life.
He first experienced the joy of life.
The first sight of the charming girl
Edward is here. His story will touch you, even
though 2020/3/26 he can't .
Edward is a man with scissors for hands
After witnessing the death of his
creator, Edward locked himself in his mansion (宅邸)all day.
A warmhearted lady took him home
• He is curious about the outside world and has a
哥特式建筑技术高超精致, 又富有艺术性,在建筑史上占有 十分重要的地位。
法国的巴黎圣母院无疑是最 精美、最古老的哥特式教堂。
哥特式建筑的总体风格特点 是: 空灵、纤瘦、高耸、尖峭。

• 霍勒斯· 沃波尔的《奥特兰托城堡》宣告了 西方第一部哥特式小说的诞生,同时也意 味着这类小说创作模式的问世。
• 基本的情节是其它哥特小说中的必要元素, 一个威胁性的秘密,一个古老的诅咒,以 及无数的困扰:隐藏的走廊,经常昏倒的 女主角。
副标题:《一个哥特式故事》 1765年4月版《奥特兰托城堡》序言 哥特小说“要把古代传奇的非自然事件同小 说的现实主义人物以及他们的对话结合起来”。 场景设置要“真实”;情节结构是“两类传 奇的融合”;一方面要“充分发挥想象的能力, 尽情地在漫无边际的虚拟王国翱翔,创造更有 趣的情景”;另一方面又要使人物的“思考、 言语、行动”十分自然,“仿佛他们就是生活 在极其普通环境中的熟悉男女”。
• “心理派”——心理宣示,所谓社会动荡时期 人的恐惧意识,特别是女性恐惧意识的自然 流露; • “性学派”——性欲望的掩饰,反映了作者 自身的乱伦、同性恋、性受虐狂等扭曲情结; • “社会派”——政治颠覆,展示了广大中产 阶级受众对独裁统治者、极端教会势力以及 其他专制阶层人士的愤懑和抨击; • “娱乐派”——娱乐方式,“大多数作者的 主要动机是享文学创作之乐”,而读者也通 过作品中的似是而非的悖论获得“恐怖的乐
德国科隆大教 堂
第一座真正的哥特式教堂是巴黎郊区的 圣丹尼大教堂。
圣丹尼教堂四尖券 巧妙地解决了各拱 间的肋架拱顶结构 问题,有大面积的 彩色玻璃窗,为以 后许多教堂所效法。
意 大 利 米 兰 大 教 堂
位 于 欧 洲 的 最 古 老 的 城 马 斯 垂 克
感伤型哥特小说 ——心理恐怖
保留古堡场景,但抛弃过分的神秘成分和极度 的恐怖气氛,使故事得出合乎逻辑的解释。所 谓恐怖只不过是特殊环境中人物的心理反应。
• 基本的情节是其它哥特小说中的必要元素, 一个威胁性的秘密,一个古老的诅咒,以 及无数的困扰:隐藏的走廊,经常昏倒的 女主角。
副标题:《一个哥特式故事》 1765年4月版《奥特兰托城堡》序言 哥特小说“要把古代传奇的非自然事件同小 说的现实主义人物以及他们的对话结合起来”。 场景设置要“真实”;情节结构是“两类传 奇的融合”;一方面要“充分发挥想象的能力, 尽情地在漫无边际的虚拟王国翱翔,创造更有 趣的情景”;另一方面又要使人物的“思考、 言语、行动”十分自然,“仿佛他们就是生活 在极其普通环境中的熟悉男女”。
• “心理派”——心理宣示,所谓社会动荡时期 人的恐惧意识,特别是女性恐惧意识的自然 流露; • “性学派”——性欲望的掩饰,反映了作者 自身的乱伦、同性恋、性受虐狂等扭曲情结; • “社会派”——政治颠覆,展示了广大中产 阶级受众对独裁统治者、极端教会势力以及 其他专制阶层人士的愤懑和抨击; • “娱乐派”——娱乐方式,“大多数作者的 主要动机是享文学创作之乐”,而读者也通 过作品中的似是而非的悖论获得“恐怖的乐
德国科隆大教 堂
第一座真正的哥特式教堂是巴黎郊区的 圣丹尼大教堂。
圣丹尼教堂四尖券 巧妙地解决了各拱 间的肋架拱顶结构 问题,有大面积的 彩色玻璃窗,为以 后许多教堂所效法。
意 大 利 米 兰 大 教 堂
位 于 欧 洲 的 最 古 老 的 城 马 斯 垂 克
感伤型哥特小说 ——心理恐怖
保留古堡场景,但抛弃过分的神秘成分和极度 的恐怖气氛,使故事得出合乎逻辑的解释。所 谓恐怖只不过是特殊环境中人物的心理反应。
大学英语—American Gothic—美国哥特式.pptx

Main Idea
When it began to be reproduced in newspapers, a art critic pointed that it insulted the common farmer , someone said both The painting has been interpreted as a full-blown satire of mid-Western types and suspicions, but Wood denied both. And it has also been adopted as the icon of middle America--staunch, right-thinking, and fearless.
American Gothic
Made by Blue Chen Group
The Goths
The Goths were an East Germanic tribe of Scandinavian(斯堪的那维亚人)origin who played an important role in the history of the Rome Empire after they appeared on its lower Danube frontier in the 3rd century. Throughout their history, the Goths founded several powerful kingdoms in Europe, and played the major role in the defeat of the Huns(匈奴) and the initiation of the Reconquista (再征 服).Nowadays the Goths mostly mean to Punk
Gothic novel哥特文学

哥特(Gothic) :
1、of the Goths (Germanic people who invaded
the Roman Empire); 2、 of or in a style common in W Europe from the 12th to the 16th centuries and characterized by pointed arches, arched roofs, tall thin pillars 3、of or in an 18th-century style of literature which described romantic adventures in mysterious or frightening settings
The basic plot :
a threatening mystery and an ancestral curse, as well as countless trappings such as hidden passages and oft-fainting heroines.
The romance, usually held in contempt by the educated as a tawdry and debased kind of writing, had only recently been made respectable by the works of Richardson and Fielding (Fuchs, 2004; 106). A romance with superstitious elements, and moreover void of didactical intention, was considered a setback and not acceptable as a modern production.
1、of the Goths (Germanic people who invaded
the Roman Empire); 2、 of or in a style common in W Europe from the 12th to the 16th centuries and characterized by pointed arches, arched roofs, tall thin pillars 3、of or in an 18th-century style of literature which described romantic adventures in mysterious or frightening settings
The basic plot :
a threatening mystery and an ancestral curse, as well as countless trappings such as hidden passages and oft-fainting heroines.
The romance, usually held in contempt by the educated as a tawdry and debased kind of writing, had only recently been made respectable by the works of Richardson and Fielding (Fuchs, 2004; 106). A romance with superstitious elements, and moreover void of didactical intention, was considered a setback and not acceptable as a modern production.
Gothic_novel哥特式小说(英文) 2 - 副本

4. Omens, portents, visions(预兆). A character may have a disturbing dream vision, or some phenomenon may be seen as a portent of coming events. For example, if the statue of the lord of the manor falls over, it may portend his death. In modern fiction, a character might see something (a shadowy figure stabbing another shadowy figure) and think that it was a dream. This might be thought of as an "imitation vision."
The influence of Byronic Romanticism evident in Poe is also apparent in the work of the Brontë sisters. Emily Brontë Wuthering 's Heights (1847) transports the Gothic to the forbidding Yorkshire Moors and features ghostly apparitions
5. Supernatural(超自然的) or
otherwise inexplicable(莫名其妙的) events. Dramatic, amazing events
occur, such as ghosts or giants walking, or inanimate objects (such as a suit of armor or painting) coming to life. In some works, the events are ultimately given a natural explanation, while in others the events are truly supernatural.

Monk (1795) • Charles Brown(查尔斯·布朗 ),
Wieland 《威兰》(1798)
• The other one is sentimental gothic novels.
Features: the stories still happen in the
castle, but the over-mystery and extremely
horrible effects are discarded. This makes the
stories more logical.
Mary Radcliffe (玛丽·拉德克利夫 ), The
Mysteries of Udolpho 《尤道弗的奥秘》(1794)
• In America, Philip Freneau wrote “The House of Night”,foreshadowing the Gothic mood of Poe
• Its birth is deeply connected with the ideas of Cemetery Poets(墓园派诗人)at that
the most popular and expanded from
Britain to the whole European countries
and the U.S..
• In 1790s, gothic novels gradually became two branches.
• One is horrible Gothic Novels.
• Features: This branch of gothic novels insist on traditional ways. Morbid evil are added in order to make the novel more mysterious and horrible.
Wieland 《威兰》(1798)
• The other one is sentimental gothic novels.
Features: the stories still happen in the
castle, but the over-mystery and extremely
horrible effects are discarded. This makes the
stories more logical.
Mary Radcliffe (玛丽·拉德克利夫 ), The
Mysteries of Udolpho 《尤道弗的奥秘》(1794)
• In America, Philip Freneau wrote “The House of Night”,foreshadowing the Gothic mood of Poe
• Its birth is deeply connected with the ideas of Cemetery Poets(墓园派诗人)at that
the most popular and expanded from
Britain to the whole European countries
and the U.S..
• In 1790s, gothic novels gradually became two branches.
• One is horrible Gothic Novels.
• Features: This branch of gothic novels insist on traditional ways. Morbid evil are added in order to make the novel more mysterious and horrible.

(概况介绍) 概况介绍)
a. The Castle of Otranto (1764) b. The Monk (1796) c. The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794)
The Birth of the Genre
(哥特式小说的诞生) 哥特式小说的诞生)
1、Realistic novels cannot satisfy people’s emotional and psychological needs. 2、Graveyard poetry ,human mortality and sentimental novels paved the way for the birth of Gothic novel. 3、Shaftesbury and Burke’s aesthetic theories prepared for the appearance of the Gothic novel
2、Major Gothic Novelists and Novels
• • • • • • • • • 1、 The Castle of Otranto (1764) 2、 The Monk 3、 The Mysteries of Udolpho(1794) 4、Melmoth the wanderer (1820) 查尔斯·罗伯特 漫游者梅尔莫斯 5、Wieland(1798) (American) 查尔斯·布罗克登 改造 6、Frankenstein(1818) 玛丽·雪莱 科学怪人
Part 3 The Gothic Novel Contents
• 1、The Birth of the Genre 、
(哥特式风格的产生) 哥特式风格的产生) (主要的小说和小说家) 主要的小说和小说家)
American Gothic美国哥特式英语PPT

The creation of a Gothic style
Focus in the text
1 Part
work : American Gothic
Artist: Grant Wood
Type: Oil on beaverboard板 油彩
FROM : the third group
二、 《惊情四百年》 Dracula (1992) 三、《夜访吸血鬼》 The Vampire Chronicles (1994) 四、《乌鸦》 The Crow (1994)
五、《狼人生死恋》Wolf (1994)
六、《断头谷》 Sleepy Hollow (1999) 七、《魔咒女王》 Queen of the Damned (2002)
Gothic Film
当电影运用悲伤、痛苦和死 亡等主题的黑色风格,去剖 析我们阴郁的情感世界,就 形成了---哥特电影 孤独、 黑暗、高贵却饱含对美好的 向往。
3 Part
Gothic Architecture
Gothic Arch
推力作用于四个拱底石上,这样拱顶的高度和跨度不再受限制, 可以建得又大又高。并且尖肋拱顶也具有"向上"的视觉暗示。
也称扶拱垛,是一种用来分担主墙压力的辅助设施,在罗曼式 建筑中即已得到大量运用。
stained glass
其作用原理是,当日光照射玻璃时,可以造成灿烂夺目的效果。 而在电灯时代,夜间从教会内放射出的彩光,又是气象万千。
Notre Dame de Paris 巴黎圣母院
4 Part
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5. Supernatural(超自然的) or otherwise inexplicable(莫名其妙的) events. Dramatic,
amazing events occur, such as ghosts or giants walking, or inanimate objects (such as a suit of armor or painting) coming to life. In some works, the events are ultimately given a natural explanation, while in others the events are truly supernatural.
3. An ancient prophecy(预言) is connected with the castle or its inhabitants (either former or present). The
prophecy is usually obscure, partial, or confusing. "What could it mean?" In more watered down modern examples, this may amount to merely a legend: "It's said that the ghost of old man Krebs still wanders these halls."
黑暗、恐怖联系在一起。 显著的哥特小说元
Gothic elements include the following:
4. Omens, portents, visions(预兆). A
character may have a disturbing dream vision, or some phenomenon may be seen as a poexample, if the statue of the lord of the manor falls over, it may portend his death. In modern fiction, a character might see something (a shadowy figure stabbing another shadowy figure) and think that it was a dream. This might be thought of as an "imitation vision."
Gothic novel as one branch of the English
literature and the father of horror
movies origins from The Castle of
Otranto(1764). More importantly, it
leads habitually with darkness and horror.
1. Setting in a castle. The action takes place in
and around an old castle, sometimes seemingly abandoned, sometimes occupied. The castle often contains secret passages, trap doors, secret rooms, dark or hidden staircases, and possibly ruined sections. The castle may be near or connected to caves, which lend their own haunting flavor with their branchings, claustrophobia, and mystery.
2. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense (悬念). The work is pervaded by a threatening
feeling, a fear enhanced by the unknown. Often the plot itself is built around a mystery, such as unknown parentage, a disappearance, or some other inexplicable event. Elements 3, 4, and 5 below contribute to this atmosphere. (Again, in modern filmmaking, the inexplicable events are often murders.)
Gothic Novel
• Gothic novel as one branch of the English literature and the father of horror movies .
• Beginning in 1764, gothic novels gradually became two branches in 1790s. 1),One is horrible Gothic Novels 2),sentimental gothic novels
Gothic elements include horror, mystery,
supernatural phenomenon, misfortune,
death, haunted houses, and family
5. Supernatural(超自然的) or otherwise inexplicable(莫名其妙的) events. Dramatic,
amazing events occur, such as ghosts or giants walking, or inanimate objects (such as a suit of armor or painting) coming to life. In some works, the events are ultimately given a natural explanation, while in others the events are truly supernatural.
3. An ancient prophecy(预言) is connected with the castle or its inhabitants (either former or present). The
prophecy is usually obscure, partial, or confusing. "What could it mean?" In more watered down modern examples, this may amount to merely a legend: "It's said that the ghost of old man Krebs still wanders these halls."
黑暗、恐怖联系在一起。 显著的哥特小说元
Gothic elements include the following:
4. Omens, portents, visions(预兆). A
character may have a disturbing dream vision, or some phenomenon may be seen as a poexample, if the statue of the lord of the manor falls over, it may portend his death. In modern fiction, a character might see something (a shadowy figure stabbing another shadowy figure) and think that it was a dream. This might be thought of as an "imitation vision."
Gothic novel as one branch of the English
literature and the father of horror
movies origins from The Castle of
Otranto(1764). More importantly, it
leads habitually with darkness and horror.
1. Setting in a castle. The action takes place in
and around an old castle, sometimes seemingly abandoned, sometimes occupied. The castle often contains secret passages, trap doors, secret rooms, dark or hidden staircases, and possibly ruined sections. The castle may be near or connected to caves, which lend their own haunting flavor with their branchings, claustrophobia, and mystery.
2. An atmosphere of mystery and suspense (悬念). The work is pervaded by a threatening
feeling, a fear enhanced by the unknown. Often the plot itself is built around a mystery, such as unknown parentage, a disappearance, or some other inexplicable event. Elements 3, 4, and 5 below contribute to this atmosphere. (Again, in modern filmmaking, the inexplicable events are often murders.)
Gothic Novel
• Gothic novel as one branch of the English literature and the father of horror movies .
• Beginning in 1764, gothic novels gradually became two branches in 1790s. 1),One is horrible Gothic Novels 2),sentimental gothic novels
Gothic elements include horror, mystery,
supernatural phenomenon, misfortune,
death, haunted houses, and family