Intergraph CADWorx version安装教程

学习并掌握复杂曲面建模的技巧和方法,如放样、 扫掠、修剪等,以应对各种复杂曲面结构的建模 需求。
通过减少多边形数量、优化数据结构 等方法,降低模型对计算机资源的消 耗,提高运行效率。
利用CADWORX的自动化脚本和插件 功能,实现模型的自动优化和简化, 提高工作效率。
在保证模型精度和完整性的前提下, 通过删除冗余数据、合并相邻面等方 法简化模型,减小文件大小,提高传 输和加载速度。
管道设计功能介绍与实战 演练
CADWORX基本操作与设 置
根据用户需求和习惯,选择合适 的工作空间,提高操作效率。
根据个人喜好,定制工具栏、快 捷键等界面元素,提升用户体验。
优化系统参数设置,如单位、精 度、自动保存等,确保软件稳定
熟悉CADWORX软件中的建模工 具,根据实际需求选择最合适的 工具进行建模。
采用分层建模的方法,将复杂结 构拆分为多个简单的部分,提高
1 2
利用CADWORX的高级功能 掌握CADWORX中的高级功能,如参数化建模、 布尔运算等,以应对复杂结构的建模挑战。

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CADWorxJuly 2012DICAS-PE-200007BCopyrightCopyright © 2003-2012 Intergraph Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Including software, file formats, and audiovisual displays; may be used pursuant to applicable software license agreement; contains confidential and proprietary information of Intergraph and/or third parties which is protected by copyright law, trade secret law, and international treaty, and may not be provided or otherwise made available without proper authorization from Intergraph Corporation.U.S. Government Restricted Rights LegendUse, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth below. For civilian agencies: This was developed at private expense and is "restricted computer software" submitted with restricted rights in accordance with subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR") and its successors, and is unpublished and all rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. For units of the Department of Defense ("DoD"): This is "commercial computer software" as defined at DFARS 252.227-7014 and the rights of the Government are as specified at DFARS 227.7202-3.Unpublished - rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.Intergraph CorporationP.O. Box 240000Huntsville, AL 35813Terms of UseUse of this software product is subject to the End User License Agreement ("EULA") delivered with this software product unless the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation. If the licensee has a valid signed license for this software product with Intergraph Corporation, the valid signed license shall take precedence and govern the use of this software product. Subject to the terms contained within the applicable license agreement, Intergraph Corporation gives licensee permission to print a reasonable number of copies of the documentation as defined in the applicable license agreement and delivered with the software product for licensee's internal, non-commercial use. The documentation may not be printed for resale or redistribution.Warranties and LiabilitiesAll warranties given by Intergraph Corporation about equipment or software are set forth in the EULA provided with the software or applicable license for the software product signed by Intergraph Corporation, and nothing stated in, or implied by, this document or its contents shall be considered or deemed a modification or amendment of such warranties. Intergraph believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date.The information and the software discussed in this document are subject to change without notice and are subject to applicable technical product descriptions. Intergraph Corporation is not responsible for any error that may appear in this document.The software discussed in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of this license. No responsibility is assumed by Intergraph for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Intergraph or its affiliated companies. THE USER OF THE SOFTWARE IS EXPECTED TO MAKE THE FINAL EVALUATION AS TO THE USEFULNESS OF THE SOFTWARE IN HIS OWN ENVIRONMENT.Intergraph is not responsible for the accuracy of delivered data including, but not limited to, catalog, reference and symbol data. Users should verify for themselves that the data is accurate and suitable for their project work.商标Intergraph、Intergraph标志、CADWorx和CAESAR II是Intergraph公司及其位于美国国内外的子公司的商标或注册商标。
CADWorx IP User Guide (1)

User Guide CADWorx InternetPublisherTable of ContentsChapter 1 CADWorx IP License Agreement 5Chapter 2 Installation 15 Conventions (15)Program Support/User Assistance (16)Installation Overview (17)Installation Start (17)External Software Lock (ESL) (26)ESL Installation (27)Chapter 3 Introduction 31 What is CADWorx IP (32)Chapter 4 Wizard 33 Step 1 (34)Step 2 (35)Step 3 (37)Step 4 (38)Step 5 (40)Step 6 (42)Step 7 (44)Appendix A ODBC Drivers 47 Index 53C H A P T E R1CADWorx IP License AgreementCopyright 2003 - 2011 Intergraph Corporation, All Rights Reserved.This License Agreement is Licensee’s proof of license.IF THE LICENSEE HAS A VALID SIGNED LICENSE WITH PP&M, THEN THAT WRITTEN LICENSE SHALL TAKE PRECEDENCE AND GOVERN THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.This Agreement does not apply to Site licensing, e.g., SmartPlant Enterprise for Owner/Operators Site License and SmartPlant Foundation Site License for Owner/Operators. Site licensing is governed by separate written agreement.Software License Agreement for Process, Power & Marine ("PP&M") Software ProductsLicensee should carefully read the following terms and conditions before installing this Software Product. This Software License Agreement is a legal agreement between the Licensee (either an individual or a single entity) and Intergraph Corporation, doing business as Process, Power & Marine (hereinafter referred to as "PP&M") for the PP&M Software Product with which this Software License Agreement is delivered. By installing, copying, downloading, accessing or otherwise using the Software Product, Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Software License Agreement ("Agreement"). If Licensee does not agree with these terms, Licensee should promptly return this media package for a full refund.LICENSEPP&M provides this Software Product and licenses it to Licensee strictly for Licensee’s internal use and strictly in accordance with this Agreement. Licensee assumes responsibility for the selection of this Software Product to achieve Licensee’s intended results and for the installation, use, and results obtained from this Software Product. This Software Product is a proprietary product of PP&M and relevant third parties and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty. Title to this Software Product, or any copy, modification, or merged portion of this Software Product shall at all times remain with PP&M and such third parties. The Software Product is licensed, not sold. Any loading, use, or operation of the Software Product, other than as specified herein, is unauthorized and in violation of applicable copyright law and international treaty.Definitionsa. Documentation shall mean, whether in electronic or printed form, User's Guides, Installation Guides, Reference Guides, Administrator's Guides, Customization Guides, Programmer's Guides, Configuration Guides and Help Guides delivered with a particular Software Product supplied by PP&M to Licensee. Not all of the previous types of Documentation are delivered with each Software Product supplied by PP&M.b. Key shall mean an authorization code or a hardware device attached to a computer for the purpose of authenticating the software licensed hereunder (dongle) issued from PP&M to permit one licensed user to operate on the LAN. Each licensed user requires a separate Key.6CADWorx Internet Publisher User Guidec. LAN shall mean a Local Area Network utilizing Ethernet, wireless, fiber optic, or any other enabling technology. For the purposes of software licensing, a LAN is the portion of the network which exists within a radius of five (5) miles (8 kilometers) of the software license server.d. Licensee shall mean the individual or organization to whom this license has been granted by PP&M.e. PDA shall mean Personal Digital Assistant.f. Site shall mean a consolidated LAN that receives delivery of the Keys for associated LANs within a five(5) mile radius of the consolidated LAN.g. SmartPlant License Manager (SPLM) shall mean the client/licensing machine software that manages and tracks the concurrent use of application Software Product licenses for certain PP&M Software Products.h. Software Product includes computer software and all of the contents of the files, disks(s), CD-ROM(s) or other media with which this Software License Agreement is provided, including any templates, data, printed materials, and "online" or electronic Documentation, all copies, and any upgrades, modified versions, and updates (which will be provided if the Software Product is covered under a current Software Maintenance Service Contract) of the Software Product.i Thin-Client shall mean computing technology which enables remote operation of software via screen terminals, computers acting as screen terminals, handheld devices, or other hardware devices which do not require software or software licenses to be resident on the device in order for it to be accessed and used by a User.j. User shall mean the Licensee and its duly authorized employees.k. WAN shall mean a Wide Area Network utilizing Ethernet, wireless, fiber optic or any other enabling technology. WAN shall also include Virtual Private Network (VPN) technologies. For the purposes of software licensing, a WAN is the portion of the network which exists beyond five (5) miles (8 kilometers) of the software license server.License Grant. This Agreement grants Licensee one of the following non-exclusive and non-assignable licenses. The price list description pages attached to the sales quotation and the bar code serial number sticker included with the Software Product will designate the type of license granted.a. "Concurrent-use software" is designated by CU in the product description. Each license for CU software permits a single concurrent use on the specified type of workstation and operating system. If Licensee has multiple licenses for the Software Product, then at any time Licensee may have as many copies of the Software Product in use as Licensee has licenses. Unless otherwise specified, the license is restricted to a LAN. There is a single use of CU software when it is loaded into memory for execution or when it is stored on hard disk, or both, on a single workstation. A copy stored on hard disk on a network server for the sole purpose of execution by network workstations is not in use on the network server. If the anticipated number of Users of the Software Product will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then Licensee must have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to assure that the number of persons using the Software Product concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses.CADWorx IP License Agreement7b. "Standard Concurrent-use software" is designated by CS in the product description. Each license of CS software permits either (1) unlimited (24 hrs/day) desktop use OR (2) remote application server or portal server use up to 12 hours/day. CS software cannot be used on both a single workstation and on a remote application server or portal server. An "Extended Concurrent-use" (CX) license is required for use on both a single workstation and on a remote application server or portal server. Each license for CS software permits a single concurrent use on the specified type of workstation and operating system. If Licensee has multiple licenses for the Software Product, then at any time Licensee may have as many copies of the Software Product in use as Licensee has licenses. There is a single use of CS software when it is loaded into memory for execution on a single workstation or remote application server. A copy stored on hard disk on a network server for the sole purpose of execution by network workstations is not in use on the network server. If the anticipated number of Users of the Software Product will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then Licensee must have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to assure that the number of persons using the Software Product concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses.c. "Extended Concurrent-use software" is designated by CX in the product description. Each license of CX software permits (1) unlimited remote application server or portal server use (24 hours/day) OR (2)any combination of single workstation use and remote application server or portal server use. Each license for CX software permits a single concurrent use on the specified type of workstation and operating system. If Licensee has multiple licenses for the Software Product, then at any time Licensee may have as many copies of the Software Product in use as Licensee has licenses. There is a single use of CX software when it is loaded into memory for execution on a single workstation or remote application server.A copy stored on hard disk on a network server for the sole purpose of execution by network workstations is not in use on the network server. If the anticipated number of Users of the Software Product will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then Licensee must have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to assure that the number of persons using the Software Product concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses.d. "Concurrent-use WEB Access software" is designated by CW in the product description. Each license for CW software permits a single concurrent use on the specified type of workstation and operating system. If Licensee has multiple licenses for the Software Product, then at any time Licensee may concurrently use as many copies of the Software Product as Licensee has licenses. Unless otherwise specified, the license can be utilized over a LAN, WAN or standalone workstation. A single use of CW software is defined when the Software Product is loaded into memory for execution on a single workstation, regardless of whether said use is accessed from the network server or from the workstation hard drive. The copy of the Software Product stored on the hard drive of a network server for the sole purpose of execution by network workstations is not deemed as an "in use" copy of the licensed Software Product. If the anticipated number of Users of the Software Product will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then Licensee must have a reasonable mechanism or process in place to assure that the number of persons using the Software Product concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses.e. "Server software" is designated by VR in the product description. Each license for VR software permits a single copy of VR software to be stored on hard disk and loaded for execution on the specified type of network server and operating system. Each license for VR software permits a designated number of Users to simultaneously access the Software Product on the network server. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to assure that no more than the licensed number of Users access the VR software simultaneously at any one time.f. "Single-use software" is designated by SU in the product description. Each license for SU software permits a single copy to be stored on hard disk and loaded for execution on a single designated workstation and operating system. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to assure that SU software is not moved to a second workstation until it has been completely removed from the first workstation.8CADWorx Internet Publisher User Guideg. "Named User software" is designated by NU in the product description. A Named User is defined as a individual employed by the Licensee who is authorized by the Licensee to use the Software Product and associated Software Product programs on the designated system under the terms of the License Agreement, regardless of whether the individual is actively using the Software Product programs at any given time. The number of Named Users is determined by simply counting the number of people who will have access to the Software Products.h. If this Software Product is purchased as an upgrade or provided as an update to a previous version of licensed software, this Software Product may be used only to replace the previous version, and no additional license is granted. This Software Product and the previous version may not be separately used or transferred to a third party.i. For the continued use of some Software Products it may be necessary for Licensee to reregister and obtain new license Keys from time to time.The language in Sections a-i above shall apply except for the license of the token version of SmartPlant Foundation software. The token version of SmartPlant Foundation software is licensed as follows:a. Token-based applications are licensed as "Server Software." Each license for Server Software permits a single copy of Server Software to be stored on hard disk and loaded for execution on the specified type of network server and operating system. Token-based applications may require the installation of client-based software on local user nodes (e.g., personal computers, workstations, etc.). Such client-based software may be installed on an unlimited number of user nodes. Access to the SmartPlant Foundation token-based application through these user nodes will require the following access mechanism:(i) A "Daily Token" is an access mechanism that allows up to twelve (12) hours of continuous access (clock time) to the Server Software after which time another Daily Token will be required. Daily tokens are used as an access mechanism in the purchase model.b. If this Software Product is purchased as an upgrade or provided as an update to a previous version of licensed software, this Software Product may be used only to replace the previous version, and no additional license is granted. This Software Product and the previous version may not be separately used or transferred to a third party.Licensee and Users may:1. Copy this Software Product into any machine-readable or printed form solely for backup purposes in support of Licensee’s licensed use of the Software Product;2. Modify this Software Product and/or merge it into another software program for licensed use (any portion of this Software Product merged into another software program will continue to be subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement);3. Transfer this Software Product and license within Licensee’s Company (intra-company transfer) as set forth in the PP&M Software Transfer Policy. A copy of the PP&M Software Transfer Policy is available upon request. If Licensee does transfer a seat or seats of this Software Product, Licensee must at the same time either transfer all copies, modifications, or merged portions of the seat(s) being transferred, in whatever form, to the same party, or Licensee must destroy those not transferred. "Company" includes Licensee’s own company or a company or organization in which the transferring entity owns a fifty percent (50%) or greater interest.4. Use the Software Product only in accordance with PP&M’s education policy in those cases where an education license has been granted. This policy is available on request.CADWorx IP License Agreement95. The Licensee may install SPLM license Keys on in a virtualized environment provided that the virtualized environment is configured in such a manner to safeguard against duplication of the SPLM license Keys. This configuration is not supported, and Licensee uses the license management system in a virtual configuration at its own risk.Licensee must reproduce and include the copyright notice on any copy, modification, or portion of this Software Product merged into another software program.Licensee and Users may not:1. Transfer this Software Product and license to another company or entity (inter-company transfer). If Licensee does transfer possession of any copy, modification, or merged portion of the Software Product to another party except as expressly provided herein, the license is automatically terminated.2. reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise attempt to discover the source code, underlying user interface techniques or algorithms of the Software Product by any means whatsoever, directly or indirectly, or disclose any of the foregoing, except to the extent Licensee may be expressly permitted to decompile under applicable law in the European Union, in order to achieve necessary operability of the Software Product with another software program, and Licensee has first requestedPP&M to provide the information necessary to achieve such operability and PP&M has not made such information available. PP&M has the right to impose reasonable conditions and to request a reasonable fee before providing such information. Any information supplied by PP&M or obtained by Licensee, as permitted hereunder, may only be used by Licensee for the purpose described herein and may not be disclosed to any third party or used to create any software which is substantially similar to the expression of the Software Product. Requests for information from Users in the European Union with respect to interoperability should be directed to the Services group for the local PP&M office or write Process, Power &Marine, 300 Intergraph Way, Madison, AL 35758.3. Use, copy, modify, sell, or transfer this Software Product, or any copy, modification, or merged portion, in whole or in part, except as expressly provided for in this Agreement.4. Circumvent the licensing, Keys, files, and/or policy.5. Access this Software Product using Thin Client technology (Citrix, Microsoft Terminal Server, wireless PDAs like PalmPilots, etc.) from a remote application server or portal server without purchasing CS, CX, or CW licenses from PP&M.6. Install this license on a WAN unless otherwise permitted in writing by PP&M or unless special WAN licenses are being used.For SmartPlant Foundation licenses, only the prohibitions of 1-4 above shall apply.AUDITPP&M shall have the right, during Licensee’s normal business hours, to audit the Licensee’s use of the licensed Software Product and Licensee's compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. PP&M must give Licensee thirty (30) days advance written notice prior to an audit. The right of audit shall be limited to once per calendar year. Prior to the start of an audit, PP&M’s personnel, or third party personnel under the direction of PP&M, will sign a non-disclosure agreement to be provided by Licensee. During the audit, PP&M's personnel or third party personnel, if applicable, will be provided reasonable access to both Licensee's records and personnel. The cost of the audit shall be paid by PP&M unless the results of the audit indicate that Licensee has underpaid fees to PP&M, in which case, the Licensee agrees to promptly pay PP&M such fees at the price previously agreed to for such licensed Software Product and further agrees to bear all costs associated with the audit.10CADWorx Internet Publisher User GuideDOCUMENTATIONPP&M provides standard online Documentation with purchased Software Products. Licensee has the right to print online Documentation as needed for Licensee’s internal purposes.TERMThe license is effective until terminated. Licensee may terminate it at any time by destroying this Software Product together with all copies, modifications, and merged portions in any form. It will also terminate upon conditions set forth elsewhere in this Agreement or upon (i) Licensee’s failure to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement, (ii) any unauthorized transfer of possession of the licensed Software Product or any copy, derivative incorporation thereof, (iii) circumvention of the Software Product protection device, if any exists, or this Agreement, or (iv) if Licensee fails to pay the appropriate license fee(s). Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee agrees to return to PP&M or destroy this Software Product together with all copies, modifications, and merged portions in any form.PP&M’S WARRANTIESPP&M warrants and represents that it has the right to grant this license. Additional warranties may be provided by the local selling entity from whom Licensee purchased this license. The local selling entity of this license is solely responsible for any such warranty, and PP&M disclaims any liability therefor.DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIESEXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, PP&M MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.IF UNDER THE LAW RULED APPLICABLE TO THIS AGREEMENT ANY PART OF THE ABOVE DISCLAIMER OF EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES IS INVALID, THEN PP&M DISCLAIMS EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY SAID LAW. LIMITATION OF DAMAGESIN NO EVENT WILL PP&M BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF USE OR PRODUCTION, LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFIT, LOSS OF DATA, OR CLAIMS OF THIRD PARTIES, EVEN IF PP&M HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL PP&M’S LIABILITY UNDER THIS AGREEMENT EXCEED THE AMOUNT THAT PP&M HAS BEEN PAID BY LICENSEE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT AT THE TIME THE CLAIM IS MADE. EXCEPT WHERE PROHIBITED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NO CLAIM, REGARDLESS OF FORM, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT MAY BE BROUGHT BY LICENSEE MORE THAN TWO (2) YEARS AFTER THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE CAUSE OF ACTION HAS OCCURRED.IF UNDER THE LAW RULED APPLICABLE TO THIS AGREEMENT ANY PART OF THIS SECTION IS INVALID, THEN PP&M LIMITS ITS LIABILITY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY SAID LAW. EXPORT CONTROLSCADWorx IP License Agreement11PP&M’s Software Products and any third-party Software Products obtained from PP&M, its subsidiaries, or distributors (including any Documentation or technical data related to these products) are subject to the export control laws and regulations of the United States. Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited. These Software Products, and the direct product thereof, must not be exported or re-exported, directly or indirectly (including via remote access) under the following circumstances:a. To Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria, or any national of these countries.b. To any person or entity listed on any U.S. government denial list, including but not limited to, the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Persons, Entities, and Unverified Lists,/complianceandenforcement/liststocheck.htm, the U.S. Department of Treasury Specially Designated Nationals List, /offices/enforcement/ofac/, and the U.S. Department of State Debarred List, /compliance/debar.html.c. To any entity when Licensee knows, or has reason to know, the end use of the Software Product is related to the design, development, production, or use of missiles, chemical, biological, or nuclear weapons, or other un-safeguarded or sensitive nuclear uses.d. To any entity when Licensee knows, or has reason to know, that an illegal reshipment will take place.Any questions regarding export or re-export of these Software Products should be addressed to Intergraph Corporation’s Export Compliance Department, Huntsville, Alabama 35894, USA. Licensee shall hold harmless and indemnify PP&M for any costs and or damages resulting to PP&M from a breach of this Article by Licensee.GENERALIf this Software Product is acquired directly or indirectly on behalf of a unit or agency of the United States Government, this provision applies. For civilian agencies: This Software Product was developed at private expense and is "restricted computer software" submitted with restricted rights in accordance with subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulations ("FAR") and its successors, and is unpublished and all rights are reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. For units of the Department of Defense ("DoD"): This Software Product is "commercial computer software" as defined at DFARS 252.227-7014 and the rights of the Government are as specified at DFARS 227.7202-3.Any attempt to sublicense, assign, or transfer the license or the Software Product except as expressly provided in this Agreement is void.Whenever possible, each provision of this Agreement and each related document shall be interpreted in such a manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law. However, if any provision of this Agreement or any related document shall be prohibited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity without invalidating the remainder of such provision or the remaining provisions of this Agreement or such related document.This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the State of Alabama. Jurisdiction and venue for any dispute arising from this Agreement or relating to the Software Product shall be in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Alabama, Northeastern Division, or the Circuit Court for Madison County, Alabama. The parties waive the application of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law and United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods as to the interpretation or enforcement of this Agreement.12CADWorx Internet Publisher User GuideLicensee agrees that it will hold all parts of the Software Product and Documentation in confidence and will not sell, transfer, loan or make disclosure of the Software Product to any of its partners and third parties, unless specifically provided for in this Agreement.Should Licensee have any questions concerning this Agreement, Licensee may contact the local PP&M office or write Process, Power & Marine, 300 Intergraph Way, Madison, AL 35758.SUPPORT SERVICESMaintenance of licensed Software Products may be provided at a separate charge and in accordance with PP&M’s standard maintenance options and the then current "Software Maintenance Service Contract", a copy of which is available upon request. Maintenance services for reference data are not included under PP&M’s standard Software Maintenance Services Contract. A subscription service for reference data may be available under separate agreement.Please contact the local sales representative for information about PP&M’s current maintenance options. UPGRADES AND UPDATESUpgrades, when and as available, will be provided at a separate charge.Intergraph is a registered trademark of Intergraph Corporation. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. PP&M is not responsible for inadvertent errors.THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE IS APPLICABLE WHEN LICENSING CERTAIN INTERGRAPH CADWORX & ANALYSIS SOLUTIONS, INC. ("ICAS") SOFTWARE PRODUCTS:Limited Run License. For certain Software Products owned by ICAS and so designated in eLicense, a limited run license may be available. A limited run license expires after a specified number of analytical calculations have been executed. For example, in CAESAR II, an analysis is defined as an individual static or dynamic pipe stress analysis calculation. Limited run licenses are sold in multiples of fifty (50) calculations.CAESAR II, PV Elite, CADWorx Design Review, CADWorx Design Viewer, and CodeCalc Software Products. CAESAR II, PV Elite, CADWorx Design Review, CADWorx Design Viewer, and CodeCalc Users are hereby notified that Tech Soft 3D, L.L.C., 931 Ashby Ave., Berkeley, CA 94710 ("Tech Soft 3D") is a third-party beneficiary to this Agreement to the extent that this Agreement contains provisions which relate to CAESAR II, PV Elite, CADWorx Design Review, CADWorx Design Viewer, and/or CodeCalc Users’ use of the Software Product. Such provisions are made expressly for the benefit of Tech Soft 3D and are enforceable by Tech Soft 3D in addition to PP&M.CAESAR II and CADWorx Design Review Software Products. CAESAR II and CADWorx Design Review contain Autodesk® RealDWG by Autodesk, Inc., copyright © Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved. Autodesk, Inc., 111 McInnis Parkway, San Rafael, California 94903 ("Autodesk") is a third-party beneficiary to this Agreement to the extent that the Software Product contains RealDWG and to the extent that the provisions herein relate to Licensee’s use of the Software Product containing RealDWG. Such provisions are made expressly for the benefit of Autodesk and are enforceable by Autodesk in addition to PP&M. Trademarks. AutoCAD, ObjectARX, and RealDWG are trademarks of Autodesk. HOOPS is a trademark of Tech Soft 3D, L.L.C. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE IS APPLICABLE WHEN LICENSING SMARTPLANT ELECTRICAL DETAILED OR SIGRAPH SOFTWARE PRODUCTS:。

约定资料类别<INSTALL-DIR> 这指的是您的计算机上CADWorx安装目录。
<ACAD-DIR> 这是指你AutoCAD的安装目录。
例如,C:\ AutoCAD 2000i。
<CD-DRIVE> 这是指您的CD - ROM驱动器。
替代您的CD - ROM驱动器在任何地方使用这个符号。
Command Line 项目必须输入或出现在AutoCAD的命令行。
User Responses这是指用户的反应,命令提示。
Commands CADWorx和AutoCAD命令。
选项命令行选项CAPITALS AutoCAD的系统变量或关键字。
KEY+KEY 组合键的用户必须按住一个键,然后按一个,例如,按CTRL + P 或Alt + F4关闭。
在AutoISO选项使Word 自动建立,放手经营管网图。
CADWorx2013 简易操作手册

Intergraph CADWorx Plant Suite 三维工厂设计软件基于AutoCAD平台的三维工厂设计软件CADWorx 2013 Plant SuiteIntergraph公司即将推出新一代基于AutoCAD平台的CADWorx Plant Suite三维工厂设计套装软件。
CADWorx Plant Pro采用全新的建模模式,是继Smart Plant 3D,PDS后又一款具有超前革新意识的力作。
最新版本的CADWorx 2013已经发布,几大重要功能更新如下:新的等级、库文件:整合库和等级文件,使界面更加人性化,便于用户管理。
软件集成功能:与管道应力分析软件CAESAR II和压力容器强度设计软件PV Elite双向接口,与SmartPlant 3D、Foundation的集成功能。
亲身体验介绍本次交流会的主要体验内容有创建如下的三维工厂模型:z钢结构模型z设备模型z智能管道建模z支吊架z保温材料z碰撞检查z连续性检查z生成单线图,平面布置图熟悉最新软件CADWorx Plant Professional 2013的新功能(库和等级的创建、智能建模、更改尺寸、更改等级、组件功能等)。
Cadence 15.7安装详解

Cadence 15.7 Cadence 15.7 安装安装安装及破解及破解及破解方法详解方法详解方法详解1. 安装Cadence 15.7程序程序双击安装CD1文件夹中的setup.exe setup.exe,,进入安装界面进入安装界面,,并按下列图片进行每个步骤个步骤::点击指定按钮进入下面对话框点击指定按钮进入下面对话框::点击指定按钮跳出一个对话框点击指定按钮跳出一个对话框,,说要求关闭杀毒软件什么的说要求关闭杀毒软件什么的,,直接点确定直接点确定。
点击确定后点击确定后,,跳出如下对话框跳出如下对话框::在Port Number 中填上52805280,,在Host Name 中填上电脑的计算机名中填上电脑的计算机名..也可以全部都不填写全部都不填写,,直接点击NEXT NEXT,,进入下一步进入下一步((推荐推荐))。
计算机名可以进行查看计算机名可以进行查看,,方法是方法是::鼠标右键点击桌面“我的电脑我的电脑”” “属性属性””,跳出如下图的对话框跳出如下图的对话框::填好Port Number 和Host Name 后,点击NEXT 按钮按钮;;随后随后跳出一个对话框跳出一个对话框跳出一个对话框,,直接点点击NEXT 按钮按钮,,进入安装选择界面进入安装选择界面。
选择好选择好,,点击NEXT 按钮按钮,,进入下一个对话框进入下一个对话框,,进行HOME 的路径指定的路径指定,,默认即可即可,,点击NEXT 按钮按钮,,进入下一个对话框进入下一个对话框,,进行Cadence15.7的存放路径指定指定,,指定好后指定好后,,点击NEXT 按钮进行安装按钮进行安装。
在后面再跳出任何对话框在后面再跳出任何对话框,,均点击均点击““NEXT NEXT””或“是”或“确定确定””即可即可。
2. 生成License 文件文件下载右边破解程下载右边破解程序包序包序包((此文件此文件也也可在可在网上网上网上随便随便随便下载下载下载的的),存到电脑中电脑中,,点击Keygen.exe 出现下面对话框出现下面对话框直接点击上面按钮直接点击上面按钮,,生成一个生成一个*.dat *.dat 格式破解文件格式破解文件。

Cadworx2014 安装教程(已测试完)步骤1:点击进入install_splm 文件夹,点击setup.exe 文件,选择SmartPlant License M anager Installation 选项,点击2次next 按钮,再点击display ... 按钮会跳出一个PDF 文档,关闭后Yes 按钮由灰色变成黑色,点击Yes 按钮后,选择License Machine 选项,最后点击finish 按钮即安装完毕。
步骤2:点击windows 的开始按钮,点击“所有程序”按钮,运行Intergraph SmartPlant License M anager 下的Generate Machine ID 程序点击“是(Y)”按钮,点击.. 按钮(选择要存储ID 文本的目录),再点击OK 按钮。
程序运行完后会在你选择的存储目录下生成一个txt 文件即为Machine ID 文档。
步骤3:点击keygen 文件夹keygen.exe 和SPKeygen.exe这2个程序。
点ok(个别系统可能会出现无法运行SPKeygen.exe 这个文件,处理方法:①杀毒软件添加信任②重启电脑)。
复制Hardware fingerprint: 后面8位字母或数字把这八个字母或数字粘贴进运行keygen.exe 出现界面中的HWID :下面的范围内,把keygen.exe 出现界面中Name :里的字母(我这里是Administrator )粘贴进SPKeygen.exe 程序界面Name :里,把keygen.exe 出现界面中Serial :里的系列号粘贴进SPKeygen.exe 程序界面Key :里,然后点击OK SPKeygen.exe 提示成功进入新界面。
进入新界面(界面名称Intergraph Software -SPLM 11.00.17 ),把“步骤2” 中的Machine ID 文档中的Machine ID 粘贴进新界面中Machine ID :下,点击新界面中的CadW orx按钮,在6个框内分别输入100 ,点击Done 按钮,再在新界面expiray day 下输入500 (1~735 之间的过期天数即可。

CADWorx2016更新软件更新1. 可以通过CADWorx Plant Setup来管理控制配置文件、配管规则和其他设置。
客户端用户则可以设置上述没设置的选项2. 可以通过设置Variable Component Length Assignment Rule 来控制元件长度在模型更新时是否更新3. 可以通过Incompatible Component Actions规则来控制当前图纸更新时非兼容元件是否更新。
4. 你可以在图纸中使用Isogen Supplemental放置Location Points5. 你在Apply Change Data Rule规则中可以打开或者关闭Variable Component Length 和 Topworks 是否更新.6. 可以通过SETOTAPSKEY 命令来设置OTAP的skey7. 通过Setup_Profile实用程序提供访问所有安装在你的机器上的CADWorx模块,并允许您修改基于的AutoCAD版本8. 用户自定义元件中可以通过连接点自定义端面类型和ISOGEN 符号9. 更新等级库创建的构架,现在支持任意元件的任何端面类型10. 通过本地编辑可以编辑支吊架的属性.11. 可以再建模界面创建管道支吊架并将它保存至图纸、等级或支吊架数据库界面更新CADWorx Plant User's Guide 221. 进行单线图输出时增加额外可输出内容选项2. 可以通过软件界面加载I-Configure和 Symbol Editor3. 当使用Repeatability功能时增强spool, weld, and mark numbers 输入输出的格式。
4. 可以进行支吊架的材料统计命令如下: PSCBOMSETUP, PSCBOMCUT, PSCBOMTOTAL, PSCBOMSINGLE, PSCBOMEXPORT, and PSCBOMDELETE.5. 将Pipe Support Report 合并到Pipe Support Bill of Material Expor6. 从软件界面可以查看Quick Start Videos。

介绍CADWORX在石油化工行业中的广泛应用, 包括炼油、化工、天然气等领域。
阐述CADWORX在电力行业中的应用情况, 包括火力发电、核电、风电等领域。
概述CADWORX在制药行业中的应用,包 括原料药生产、制剂生产等领域。
• CADWORX软件概述 • CADWORX基本操作与界面介绍 • 绘图基础命令与技巧 • 三维建模方法与实例分析
• 设备库管理与使用技巧 • 管线设计与布局优化策略 • 报表生成与输出功能介绍
01 CADWORX软件概述
CADWORX起源与 初期发展
用户可通过CADWORX内置的报表生成器或自定义模板来生成报表。使用内置报表生 成器时,用户只需选择相应的报表类型和参数设置即可生成报表;而自定义模板则需要
CADWORX提供了丰富的数据提取功能,用户可通过选择相 应的对象(如设备、管道、阀门等)并设置提取参数,从模 型中提取所需的数据。同时,CADWORX还支持从外部数据 源(如Excel、数据库等)导入数据,以满足用户多样化的数 据需求。
显示当前执行的命令和提示信息,可 以输入命令并执行。
显示当前光标位置、图层、颜色、线 型等状态信息。
在CADWORX界面中选择“工具”菜单,然后单击“选项”按钮,在弹出的对话框中选择“界面”选项卡,可以 自定义界面风格,如颜色、字体等。
Intergraph.CADWorx.2015(Equipment,P&, 智能三维工厂设计及建模解决方案CADWorx

鹰图CADWorx Plant Professional包括进行高效工厂设计所需的最全面的工具。CADWorx Plant简单易学,并已帮助成千上
包含Intergraph CADWorx P&ID 标准版
鹰图CADWorx P&ID包括轻松创建智能流程图所需的一切。CADWorx P&ID通过制作图表以及其锁定的信息而释放P&ID的功能,
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Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version安装教程

Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version安装教程1、首先看一下没有安装“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”软件时的Autocad软件的启动画面,如下(安装完后工具栏会有不同,请注意比较)2、在群共享里下载:Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version 15.0.0.(约705MB)、IntergraphCADWorx 2015 version (约)两个文件。
3、右击“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”压缩包,解压到:“Intergraph CADWorx2015 version .0.67”文件夹。
5、上述Framework 安装完后会出现下面对话框:点击next出现:确定后,6、点上图“Yes”后,出现下面对话框:7、再点击图标,表示嵌入到AutoCAD软件里了,后出现下面对话框:8、点击“next”后出现下面对话框:9、勾选,后,出现下面对话框:向你要Serial。
10、此时打开上述文件夹“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”中的Crack文件夹中的“Seriall”记事本文件,输入对应的Serial号。
CADWorx 培训版安装说明

CADWorx培训版安装说明安装条件:1. 安装.NET Framework 4.0(安装目录\\spserver\SPE\CADWorx内部培训\CADworx2014安装文件)2. 安装AutoCAD程序2010及以上版本(破解版CAD2012安装目录\\spserver\SPE\CADWorx内部培训\CADworx2014安装文件\cad2012)。
安装方法:1. 确认已安装了符合要求版本的AutoCAD软件,进入安装目录:\\spserver\SPE\CADWorx内部培训\CADworx2014安装文件\IntergraphCADWorx2014\Intergraph CADWorx 2014\install直接运行cadworx2014.exe,出现如下界面,点击Next。
2. 确认在管理员权限的用户下进行安装,按“确定”按“YES”3.系统会自动识别你安装的CAD版本,如有多个请选择你所在其上加载CADworx 的CAD版本,并按“NEXT”。
4.选择“Install Plant Professional”和“Install P&ID Professional”选项,并输入相应的序列:Plant Pro Serial Number : 00000081401247P&ID Pro Serial Number : 99999913401248或参见“\\spserver\SPE\CADWorx内部培训\CADworx2014安装文件\IntergraphCADWorx2014\Intergraph CADWorx 2014 serial.txt”。
5. 选择程序安装位置,点“NEXT”。
选择授权方式为“SmartPlant License Manager(SPLM)”。
6. 导入破解文件\\spserver\SPE\CADWorx内部培训\CADworx2014安装文件\IntergraphCADWorx2014\Crack将CADWorxEquipment2014H.dll复制到C:\CADWorx 2014\Equipment\Support中,替换同名文件将CADWorxP&ID2014H.dll复制到C:\CADWorx 2014\P&ID\Support中,替换同名文件将CADWorxPlant2014H.dll复制到C:\CADWorx 2014\Plant\Support中,替换同名文件。

■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■ 长 期 有 效 □■□■□■□■□■□
CD-Adapco Star CCM+ 10.02.010-R8
Intergraph ERDAS Suite 2014 v14.0 遥感图像处理系统软件
Altair.HyperWorks.Solvers.V13.0.210 Win64 1.07 GB
Siemens.Tecnomatix.Plant.Simulation.V12 1.30 GB
Orange.Technologies.CADPIPE.Gen2.v3.1 Commercial+Industrial 156 MB
Delcam.DentCAD.2014.R4 牙科设计系统 862 MB
CADlogic.Draft.IT.v4.0.8 Architectural 113 MB
Altium.Designer.v15.0.8 2.91 GB
Altair.HyperWorks.Desktop.V13.0.110 Win64 高性能CAE软件 2.16 GB
流程模拟软件SimSci PROII 9.3
JMAG-Designer 14.0电磁场分析软件
Infolytica.Products(ElecNet7.5,MagNet7.5,MotorSolve4.1.1,OptiNet7.5,ThermNet7.5) 1.52 GB
JMAG-Designer.V14.0.01t X64 马达电磁分析 6.26 GB
PTC_Creo_Expert_Moldbase_Extension_9.0_F000 272 MB
cadence 15.7安装步骤及方法

cadence 15.7安装步骤及方法安装步骤:1、证书生成a、双击Crack->keygen.exe,b、HOSTID中可不填->点击Generate->此时在Crack目录下生成了一个license.dat文件c、将license.dat文件以笔记本的方式打开SERVER this_host ************ 1800DAEMON cdslmd第一行:将this_host改成你的Host Name,1800改成5280第二行改成:DAEMON cdslmd C:\Cadence\license_manager\cdslmd.exed、将更改后的license.dat文件拷贝到C:\Cadence\license_manager2、配置系统环境变量我的电脑->属性->高级->环境变量->系统变量中新建系统变量->变量名:CDS_LIC_FILE变量值:5280@Host Name3、安装a、运行SPB157_wint.Base->CDROM1->setup.exe进行安装,(将CDROM1-4拷贝到同一个目录下安装过程比较方便)b、点击Set Up Licensing,以下步骤什么都不填,点击下一步,当然在选择安装组件时视个人情况选择,全选的话要很多空间。
(可参考EDA工具手册)c、重启后,双击CDROM4下的setup.exe安装库文件4、引入证书点击开始->程序->Cadence License Manager->License Manager Tool,在跳出来的窗口中选择Start/Stop/Reread项目->点击Start Server,看到下方出现Server Start Successful则说明安装成功当用ORCAD10.5打开一个文件时,弹出错误窗口,大意是一个线程读取虚拟地址错误,程序将关闭,点确定是保存后再关闭,点取消是直接关闭程序解决方法:HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer下的 NoRecentDocsHistory注册表项(DWORD类型的)设置为0,重启系统。

Plant_PID文件夹下的setup.exe文件包含CADWorx Plant Professional 2013、CADWorx P&ID Professional 2013、CADWorx P&ID 2013三个文件的安装Steel文件夹下的setup.exe文件包含CADWorx Steel Professional Plus 2013的安装CDR文件夹下的setup.exe文件包含CADWorx Design Review 2013和CADWorx Design Create 2013的安装快速启动:1.运行setup.exe文件2.点击安装过程创建的图标,启动CADWORX3.按照对话框的提示,完成剩下部分的安装4.第一次运行需要设置一些参数,一般选择默认值就好CADWORX安装安装类似于大部分软件的安装,以下是安装要求安装驱动器是什么?CADWorx使用哪个版本的AutoCAD?CADWorx安装在什么位置安装CADWorx:1.把光盘放入光驱2.点击开始3.选择运行,或在搜索程序和文件“框中键入以下信息。
4.在<CD-DRIVE>的命令行中键入:\ SETUP.EXE(或单击浏览以找到CD-ROM驱动器上的SETUP.EXE)。
选择正确的用户登录并重新从1-7开始安装9.选择yes 同意许可协议10.选择当你运行CADWORX时加载的AUTOCAD的版本11.选择下一步选择安装产品对话框12.选择安装Install Plant Professional 和Install P&ID Professional两个中的专业版本,选择完毕,输入安装序列号。
Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version安装教程

Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version安装教程1、首先看一下没有安装“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”软件时的Autocad软件的启动画面,如下(安装完后工具栏会有不同,请注意比较)2、在群共享里下载:Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version约705MB)、IntergraphCADWorx 2015 version约2.18MB)两个文件。
3、右击“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”压缩包,解压到:“IntergraphCADWorx 2015 version”文件夹。
5、上述 Framework 4.0安装完后会出现下面对话框:点击next出现:确定后,6、点上图“Yes”后,出现下面对话框:7、再点击图标,表示嵌入到AutoCAD软件里了,后出现下面对话框:8、点击“next”后出现下面对话框:9、勾选,后,出现下面对话框:向你要Serial。
10、此时打开上述文件夹“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”中的Crack文件夹中的“Seriall”记事本文件,输入对应的Serial号。

都是这个符号默认的【组合定义编号】,可以在长叙述中自定义如何画WAFER CHECK?SPED-找到某个规范,找到单向阀,编辑-选择,然后找到CHK-W,表示WAFER23.如何让料单中螺栓显示成3/4“x155数量是总数量这种形式?PIPEDATA中的螺栓长度是短的,CADWORX料单中的螺栓是对的,可以直接下单采购。
【PLANT】_【SETUP…】-【EDIT CONFIGU】-【BOM BOLT CONTROL=1】,注意:长描述前的数字不能删除,后台是根据那个计算的总数量建模时,弯头显示中心线?【PLANT】_【SETUP…】-【EDIT CONFIGU】-【ELBOWCENTRELINE=1】阀门位号标注输入Tag信息,如阀号,仪表位号。
然后在Isogen的Option上选择Iso Content:设置第60个开关项,您的阀门标注即可获得在图上。

Cadence spb 15.7安装说明详解很多用户对Cadence spb 15.7的安装觉得困难,本人也曾尝试过这种痛苦,反复安装数十次都未成功,功夫不负有心人,经过本人反复安装,反复研究,终于摸索到一种有效的安装及破解方法。
本人经过呕心沥血,花了一番心思才做好这么一个关于Cadence spb 15.7的详细安装说明。
首先我们还是来欣赏一下Allegro 的迷人界面吧!好吧,欣赏完了吧,是不是有点爱不释手呢?想要安装它,请接以下的步骤进行,相信你一定能安装成功,废话那么多,我们还是开始安装吧。
安装可以采用ISO文件解压或虚拟光驱安装,如果用ISO文件解压后安装的话,一定要把CD2和CD3解压后的文件复制到CD1的解压文件中;如果用虚拟光驱安装的话,记得按提示装载CD2和CD3的ISO文件哦!安装过程中会出现2至3个ERROR提示,我也没弄明白是咋回事,大可以忽略跳过,不会影响安装的,反正我是这么安装成功的,祝安装顺利!1、先把Cadence spb 15.7的四cd文件复制到同一文件夹下面。
5、点击Genetate ,出现如下提示安装成功。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version安装教程
1、首先看一下没有安装“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”软件时的Autocad软
2、在群共享里下载:Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version约705MB)、Intergraph
CADWorx 2015 version约2.18MB)两个文件。
3、右击“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”压缩包,解压到:“Intergraph
CADWorx 2015 version”文件夹。
5、上述 Framework 4.0安装完后会出现下面对话框:
10、此时打开上述文件夹“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”中的Crack文件夹中的“Seriall”记事本文件,输入对应的Serial号。
16、回到“Intergraph CADWorx 2015 version”文件夹。
后,复制里面的4个文件夹,粘贴到安装CADworx的目录里并替换掉原来的文件,如:刚刚安装在D盘的“D:\CADWorx 2015”
链接:/s/1cfFd62 密码:j3uh。