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第3 3卷,第2期 中国铁道科学Vol.33No.2 

2 0 1 2年3月 CHINA RAILWAY 

SCIENCE March,2012 



牟 峰1,2


(1.西华大学交通与汽车工程学院,四川成都 610039;2.西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院,四川成都 610031

) 关键词:铁路车站;取送车系统;取送车方案;装卸区;布置型式;二维组合优化;蚁群遗传算法 中图分类号:U

292.29 文献标识码:A doi:10.3969/j

.issn.1001-4632.2012.02.23 收稿日期:2011-08-15;修订日期:2011-10-

09 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(

60776824):四川省教育厅资助科研项目(11ZB003);2011年西华大学重点科研基金项目 作者简介:牟 峰(

1980—)男,四川成都人,讲师,博士。 取送车系统是车站作业系统的子系统,其效率












Study on Optimization Theory and Method of the Wagon’sTakeout and Delivery Scheduling System in Railway Station

(Abstract of the Ph.D.Dissertation)

MU Feng1,2,WANG Ciguang2(Doctor Supervisor)

(1.School of Transportation and Automotive Engineering,Xihua University,Chengdu Sichuan 610039,China;2.School of Transportation and Logistics,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu Sichuan 610031,China)

The wagon’s takeout and delivery scheduling sys-tem in railway freight station(WTDSS)is a sub-system of railway station scheduling system,andits operation efficiency has a close bearing on theon-schedule rate of departure trains,wagon turn-around time and many other transportation produc-tion indexes.Based on the system optimizationtheory and methodology,the combinatorial mathe-matics theory,the set theory as well as sometransportation production experiences,this disser-tation analyzes the elements,structure,environ-ment and characteristics of the wagon’s takeoutand delivery scheduling system and studies model-ing method,the construction method of model so-lution,optimization algorithm and heuristic meth-ods for improving optimization efficiency of thewagon’s delivery and takeout problem.The appli-cability of the research results has been validatedby example.The main research contents and con-clusions are as follows.

(1)The operation objects,the loading-unloadinglocations and their layout forms,all kinds of take-out and delivery operations and their component el-ements,the operation organization modes are sys-tematically analyzed in details.The WTDSS func-tional factors,environment and characteristics arecomprehensively analyzed.The relevant conceptsare clearly defined.

(2)The wagon’s delivery and takeout problem(WTDP)whose loading-unloading locations showradial layout(R-WTDP)is studied.Under the as-sumption that the locomotive haulage capacity andthe wagon acceptance capacity of each loading-un-loading location are both unlimited,the idealmathematical models for the non-through and theunfixed form wagon flow are respectively estab-lished based on the fact that the sequence,momentand batch number problems of takeout and deliveryoperations during aperiod of time are a whole sys-tem.According to features of the models,expres-sion method of the solution is designed,and modu-lar implementation method for the models is pro-posed to construct solution and to calculate the val-ue of solution.The scheduling schemes obtainedby the models and their implementation methodhave various adaptive operation organizationmodes,and therefore overcome the shortcomingscaused by using the fixed organization modes.(3)The WTDP whose loading-unloading locationsshow tree-shape layout(T-WTDP)is studied.Two mathematical models are respectively built forthe non-through and the unfixed form wagon flowin the case of several trains successively arrived inthe railway station.The solution expression andthe modular implementation method for models arepresented according to the characteristics of themodels.Through the models and their implemen-tation method,the reasonable operation schemescan be found which not only include the reasonablesequences,moment and batch number of takeoutand delivery operations in planning stage but alsohave the adaptive operation organization modes.(4)Based on the research results about the R-WT-DP and the T-WTDP,the generic model(G-WT-DP)is built for the sequence,moment and batchnumber problems of takeout and delivery opera-tions during aperiod of time,which applies to dif-ferent loading-unloading location layouts,all kindsof arrival or departure wagon flows.And then theWTDP is clearly defined as a combinatorial prob-

1中 国 铁 道 科 学 第33卷
