汇丰(HSBC)--new numerical test- HSBC




HSBCInterview-汇丰银⾏⾯试问题资料讲解HSBC I n t e r v i e w - 汇丰银⾏⾯试问题36 Behavior questi onsWhy do you want to work for the positi on?1.Say you spoke to __________ , who ' s in this positionhovecperienee2. Why do you want to work for the company?3. What differe ntiate you from other can didate?4. Tell me about yourself: Tell your life stories in 3 mi ns, more laid backWalk me through your resume: more formal, pick top experie ncesTips: Prep for the two vers ions5. Tell me what you enjoy the most about your school experie nee.Tips: talk about academic, extracurricular activities and professi onal developme nt6. Favourite course and least favourite course7. 5-10 YEAR Career GOAL8. How would work ing for our compa ny help you achieve your long term goal?9. Hobbies outside class?Tips: Not just any hobbies. Try to tie the hobbies into the positionIf it is an analytical role that requires market knowledge, say you spent 3 hours a day to follow the n ewsIf its people type of role, say football experienee, and tie it back to the position, say you learned to work with ppl through football, you are used to work with people, its part of you. So you want this role.10. Tell me about your previous work experie nee?11. Tell me about the skills you have acquired through your eduction, employment and other activities that you believe will help you in this job at our job?Tips: Break down to academic experienee including CFA, your work and extracurricular experie nces12. Do you like working with others or working along.Tips: Say both depe nding on the n ature of the work. Experie need work ing in depe nden tly and working with a team in your role as a student ambassador for TMX( Work solo at U of T, work collaboratively with other ambassadors from other schools)13. Major accomplishme nt to date?14. Why do you thi nk you will be the most successful can didate at this role.Tips: “ read job descripti on, see your compa ny is look ing for people with skill 1, skill 2, skill 3 ” . Then elaborate the 3 skills you have that match with the job description.15. Do you work well un der stress?16. . If some one you worked with was un able to carry out their resp on sibilities, would you assist them and how would you go about it?17. Tell me a time when you came up with a creative idea18. Talk about your best project19. Tell me about a time you displayed leadership20. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an unsatisfied coworkers/ boss?21. There are times when we are faced with problems. Describe a time when you had to deal witha small problem before it became a huge problem.22. Describe a time where you failed in one of your job assignments23. Give me an example of how you suggested an idea to your boss and how you sold the idea to him.24. What was your best writte n achieveme nt? How do you do research for the writte n piec??25. ? describe a prese ntatio n you had to do26. When taking high risks, sometimes it is possible to have a failure. Have you taken a high risk, which has later worked fine, but initially you have questioned yourself whether it was worth to take the risk? /How you convince, what strategy you use to convince team to choose your soluti ons.27. tell me about a time whe n you proposed improveme nts to the compa ny (or your boss)28. .tell me about a new tran siti on that you had to me make and how you adjusted29. . 5 stre ngths & 3 weak ness30. success story about dem on strati ng tech ni cal skillsTell me a time whe n had to com muni cate someth ing tech ni cal to some one with a non-tech ni cal backgro und, in writ ing31. how have you dealt with a situati on that was bound to fail32. Has anyone ever asked you or put you into a situati on where your ethical decisi on making is jeopardized? How have you dealt with it? How did you han dle difficult people at workplace33. Why choose the finance major?34. . Tell me about time you gave idea to ano ther person?Coachi ng/ show ing compassi on / Use your kno wledge to help some one/ Ask the right questi on /give a suggestio n/helped some one?35. What was a situatio n where you failed to achieve your stated goal?/ Work below expectati on.36. Do you make your opinions known whe n you disagree with the views of your supervisor?。

numerical test和verbal test题型介绍、解题技巧与相关练习网站(最新整理版)

numerical test和verbal test题型介绍、解题技巧与相关练习网站(最新整理版)

numerical test和verbal test题型介绍、解题技巧与相关练习网站(最新整理版)现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL的机构。

感觉总体来说投行online test难度相对较高,其他稍低。

SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。

一、题型介绍1.numerical testnumericaltest就是给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的是考察你的基本运算,经济学常识和sense,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力。

online test的nu mericaltest大概25道题左右,25分钟,现场笔试平均每题时间类似,如果要全做完的话,最好能保证一分钟一题的速度。

答案选项有的时候会有个none of these的选项,就是说不是上面的其他选项给出的答案。

做过numeric al test的同学可能都有过这样的经历:算出答案后,找来找去没有对应的选项,然后怀疑自己是不是算错了,其实很可能就是因为以上选项都是错的,所以应该选择none of these。


另外,作numerical test往往涉及到一些运算,因此有必要配备计算器、笔和草稿纸(现场笔试除计算器一般都会发)。




XXX(XXX)--new numerical test- HSBC

XXX(XXX)--new numerical test- HSBC

XXX(XXX)--new numerical test- HSBCBased on the data provided。

what was the percentage increase in oil n from Month 1 to Month 2?Answer: XXX increase cannot be determined with the given n。

1.The customer in n drives an average of 10,000 miles per year。

When XXX。

it would take 4 years of driving the G02F model for it to e XXX than the F326.If a journey of 200 miles is to be made。

the most fuel-efficient n among the choices provided(G02F。

F326.E323.S 365.G 636) would be the G02F model。

2.In December of the us year。

sales for double glazing increased by 40% while sales for single glazing decreased by 20%。


of single glazing to double glazing in December of the us year was 5:7.If sales for the month of June followed the same trend as April to May。

the difference een the total sales of June and the total sales of May would be 5000.3.To determine the appropriate cost of total oil n in Month1.the answer must be XXX (2.25 M。



汇丰银行经典面试案例一笔(全英文)1. numerical35分钟35题。


2. verbal形式和JLL完全一样。


要求判断statement是A: True B: False C: Cannot say我verbal正好完成,numerical最后5题是乱涂的。



可惜numerical 没来得及做。

还是要提高阅读速度和质量!!!一面(25分钟英文,5分钟中文,1v1,hr manager,女)主要考察所谓的soft skills。

比如:你有没碰到过特别不容易相处的人?面试官集中火力考察team spirit和leadership方面的问题,边听边记录。

二笔(全英文)给你一堆files,一本answer book.完成三个task。

背景:一个trade fair,公司在里面要设立一展台。




内容真的很多,一定要抓紧时间!task one:填表,说明你会;task two:回答三个问题。

说明你的一些decisions and reasons;budget方面;task three:写一份报告,要求每个task都有时间限制,不允许调配时间(除非hr没注意)。

task one比较重要,这一部分有40mins,要又快又好的看完资料后面两个task你没有充裕的时间回去找文件来看。


例:A. i am outgoing. B. i am determined to win.C. i like to help others. D. i like to be the focus of attention.选一个最符合你的(M)和一个最不符合你的(L)选项。









第一部分:性格倾向1. 当您面对一个复杂问题时,您通常:A. 立即寻找解决方法B. 先分析问题的各个方面C. 寻求他人的帮助D. 暂时搁置,等待心情平静2. 在团队工作中,您更倾向于:A. 发挥领导作用,指导团队成员B. 积极参与,提出自己的意见C. 被动执行,服从团队安排D. 保持独立,完成自己的任务3. 当您遇到困难时,您通常:A. 坚持到底,直到解决问题B. 调整心态,寻求新的解决方案C. 求助于他人,共同克服困难D. 放弃尝试,寻找其他机会4. 您在以下哪种情况下感到最舒适?A. 独自一人,自由安排时间B. 与朋友或家人共度时光C. 在团队中,与他人合作D. 接受挑战,迎接新事物5. 您在以下哪种情况下感到最满足?A. 完成一项具有挑战性的任务B. 获得他人的认可和赞扬C. 实现自己的目标D. 拥有稳定的工作和生活评分标准:A选项计1分,B选项计2分,C选项计3分,D选项计4分。

第二部分:价值观6. 您认为以下哪种价值观对您来说最重要?A. 成功B. 和谐C. 自由D. 安全7. 您在以下哪种情况下会感到幸福?A. 获得事业上的成功B. 与家人和朋友相处融洽C. 拥有自由的时间和空间D. 拥有稳定的工作和生活8. 您认为以下哪种品质最重要?A. 诚实B. 勤奋C. 责任心D. 聪明9. 您在以下哪种情况下会感到自豪?A. 完成一项具有挑战性的任务B. 为他人提供帮助C. 获得他人的认可和赞扬D. 实现自己的目标评分标准:A选项计1分,B选项计2分,C选项计3分,D选项计4分。




汇丰的面试经历汇丰银行banker development 的筛选过程是我经历的面试里面最严格、最正规的网上大家对此的介绍不多,今天跟大家分享,算是为师弟师妹积累点有益的东西吧汇丰银行今年有两个program,一个management trainee, 一个是banker development 前者是针对数据中心的经理人员培养计划,后者则是培养你成为熟悉全面银行业务的银行家,期限都是2年,后者要在北京、上海、香港等地rotation bd的面试有四轮1st,shl的test, 跟kpmg的一样,只不过全是英文,数学部分的时间有点紧,试题与恒生银行竟然完全一样,因此在大家都做过的前提下必须保证足够的正确率。

2nd, 与hr manager face to face interview,全部问题与个人的soft skills有关,cbeam有详细记载,基本就是让你举例子,如何与team中不同style的人相处,解决冲突,convince对方,体现leadership,以及自己的职业发展目标什么的。



3rd,case study,这是最难的一关,也是shl出的试题,分析一个案例,让你作一个文案工作,给无数人物排列优先级,然后写出memo以及一个计划书,此轮最大的障碍是时间非常紧,比如需要作三个重要决策,而留给你分析问题、解释原因并提出个人最终决策的时间只有8分钟,还要用英文书写出来,可见时间之紧,hr小姐拿一个秒表计时,多一秒时间都不给留。

整个1个半小时始终保持一种高度紧张状态,铅笔机械式的挥动(xiaosu曾提醒大家一定要带自动铅笔,偶也深受其害,两只2b铅笔被磨的没有尖,还要尽量保持卷面的整体整洁工整,这是一个良好的职业态度!)最后,作一个100道选择题的personality测试,考察你的性格是否适合银行家这种职业4th,final assessment center,最tough也最有意思的一轮啦!整整一天,包括三个部分:group discussion,face to face interview, case analysis an presentation.这一轮分两组,每组六个人,先作一个1小时的group discussi on,需要组里的人通例合作,解决一个日程安排的问题,最重要的是每人找到自己的位置,在组中有一个很好的contribution,是不是做leader不是很重要,我们围坐在一个圆桌中,背后被4个考官监视着,一举一动都被记录在案,不过一点也不紧张,还好讨论是用中文。



munication technologies are far from equivalent. A recent study comparing honestyacross a range of different media revealed that people were twice likely to tell lies when using the phone than when communicating via e-mail. It had previously been assumed that people would be more inclined to fabricate the truth when using e-mail, due to the remoteness of the interaction making people more comfortable about deceiving others. On the contrary, it seems that anxiety over the accountability afforded by the recording of e-mail exchanges induces greater truthfulness. However, the research also noted that people are much more likely to be rude or insulting over e-mail, outweighing any benefits of increased honesty!An implication of the study is that if telephone conversations are recorded and people are aware of this fact, they are likely to be more truthful over the phone. TPeople are unconcerned about the repercussion of e-mail untruths. FIt had been assumed that people would communicate more honestly when using e-mail than when using the telephone. F2.There is often considerable scientific disagreement both about available reserves of naturalresources and about the extent of environmental damage caused by particular pollutants.Even where the scientific evidence is incontrovertible. There may be political conflict, based on different vested interests, over the degree to which particular environmental controls should be accepted. Governments may, for example, refrain from introducing effective control if they fear these will adversely affect company profitability or jobs, even where the environmental cost of not introducing controls are considerable.There is always scientific debate around the facts regarding the reserves of natural resources.TVery rarely is there conflict over the degree to which particular environmental controls should be accepted. FParties with a vested interest are more influenced by politics than science when deciding whether to implement environmental controls.C3.Whilst high visibility crime such as night-time drunken disturbance has increased, totalurban and rural crime, both reported and unreported, has fallen over the last two years, yet paradoxically people feel less safe, believing that the converse is the case. This fall in crime has coincided with a drop in the number of police officer on the street. A citizen’s fear of crime seems not to be a matter of reality at all- the visibility of law enforcement officials hasa greater impact on their view of reality than hard facts.Reducing the number of police officer has led to a reduction in crime. CCrime statistics support popular belief about the level of crime. FPeople feel safer when there are more police on the street. T 正确答案4.There is no task more difficult than that of ensuring the education of children in modernsociety. Not only school, but also teachers and their roles have changed out of all recognition in the past few decades, thanks to the impact on teaching institutions by indoctrinating, andindoctrinated, reformist 改革intellectuals 知识分子bearing 承受revolutionary ideas. To the perpetual indiscipline of youth has now been added the indiscipline of parents, many of whom interpret any reports of wrongdoing in school on the part of their offspring as a personal affront侮辱, or as the manifestation 表明of the malice 怨恨of teachers. As for the teachers themselves, whilst many are respectable and learned men and women, who view it as their vocation to induct their charges into a civilization and a way of behaving, others attempt to influence youth merely to further their political or ideological ends.Some of those working in education have their own hidden agendas. TTeacher with revolutionary ideas will attempt to influence their pupils for their own political ends. F 应该是CSome teachers who report children of wrongdoing do so because of malice, rather than nay legitimate reason. Cst week, the competition commission outlined two packages to regulate the sale ofextended product warranties, which provide repair/replacement for faulty goods beyond the manufacturer’s original guarantee. Whilst warranty sales are currently highly profitable, with some retailers attributing up to ¾ of their profits to this income stream, they are also criticized for offering poor value for money due to obscure 模糊clauses条款, which restrict payment in many, but the most unlikely claim scenarios. The first package-to ban retailers selling a full warranty on the day of purchase was condemned by all as draconian-whilst the other, rather milder, option of forcing retailers to provide full information on warranty exclusions and an obligatory 60–day “cool-off” period for customers, received a more balanced hearing.Because no one believes that the first option will ever be implemented, investors and analys ts have focused more closely on the implication of the “milder” package. In a recent leaked research note, one analyst suggested that the implementation of the reform in the second package would place a staff-training burden on the retailer, which would lead to a significant increase in the cost of warranty sales, and a predicted 20% fall in actual sales.“Cool-off” periods are not currently offered by companies selling product warranties. TIt is likely that neither package will be implemented. CPreventing retailers from selling warranties on the day of purchase of a product was felt to be too severe a restriction. T6.All scientific knowledge is provisional. Everything that science knows, even the mostmundane世俗facts and long-established theories, is subject to re-examination as new information comes in. the latest data and ideas are scrutinized the most. Some recantations 改变论调 will be unavoidable, but this is not a weakness of science, but rather its strength.No endeavor rivals science in its incremental progress towards a more complete understanding of the observable universe.Science improves understanding on the basis of leaving unchallenged those theories that appear to似乎 work. F ,都是re-examinationSome facts in science cannot be challenged if any progress is to be made. FThat which is not observable cannot be part of the domain of science. C7.The Statute on workplace safety requires that an employer should ensure, so far as isreasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all full and part time employees, and also those not in direct employment who may be affected by acts or omissions at work. However, it is also the duty of employees to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and also that of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work, for example by complying with all notices on health and safety that are posted.If a workplace visitor is hurt due to an act of negligence by an employee then the employee may be held solely responsible. F C?An employer has responsibility for the safety of visitors to his factory. TEmployees have negligible responsibility for workplace health and safety. F8.Today’s historians aim to construct a record of human activities and to use this record toachieve a more profound understanding of humanity. This conception 概念of their task is quite recent, dating from the development from 18th and early 19th centuries of scientific history, and cultivated largely by professional historians who adopted the assumption that the study of natural, inevitable必然的 human activity. Before the late 18th century, history was taught in virtually事实 no schools, and it did not attempt to provide an interpretation of human life as a whole. This is more appropriately the function of religion, of philosophy, or even perhaps of poetry诗.That which constitutes 组成the study of history has changed over time. CProfessional historians did not exist before 18th century. CIn the 17th century, history would not have been thought of as a way of understanding humanity. T;没有说到17th的情况,选c?9.Whilst having similar effects on employees, there tend to be major difference between amerger and an acquisition. In an acquisition, power is substantially assumed by the new parent company. Change is often swift and brutal残忍的as the acquirer imposes its own control systems and financial restraints. Parties to a merger are likely to be evenly matched in terms of size, and the power and cultural dynamics of the combination are more ambiguous, integration is a more drawn out process.During an acquisition, there is often more overt conflict and resistance and a sense of powerlessness. In mergers, because of the prolonged period between the initial announcement and full integration, uncertainty and anxiety continue for a much longer time as the organization remains in a state of limbo.There tends to be a major power difference between parties in an acquisition. TMergers and acquisition tend to have distinctly different impacts on employees. FMergers yield a shorter period of anxiety and uncertainty amongst employees. F10.Management is, in effect, the catalyst that is essential for converting the resources and rawmaterial inputs of the operation into valued outputs and, in the process, ensuring that stakeholder needs are satisfied. Managers represent the critical factor, which economists refer to as “enterprise”, without which the other factors (land, labor and capital) cannot function. Managers are effectively the custodians of the organization’s resource, responsible for deciding what the resources should be used for, how best to use them, and to which customers the outputs should be targeted.Stakeholder needs are best served through the creation of valued outputs. CManagement has at least two major but different responsibilities. TManagers must decide how best to handle all the resources at their disposal. T11.There is no doubt that vegetarian food can be healthier than a traditional diet –indeed,research has demonstrated that vegetarians are less likely to suffer from heart disease and obesity than those who eat meat. One long-standing concern about a vegetarian lifestyle is the risk of failing to take in enough protein. However, historical calculations as to the amount of protein needed for a healthy lifestyle have recently been shown to overestimate the quantities needed, and if vegetarian select their food carefully they should be able to meet their protein needs.A balanced diet is more likely to promote health than any particular food or food group inisolation. F 应为CToo much protein in the diet can lead to heart disease. COver time the recommendations as to what constitutes a healthy balanced diet have changed.C12.Water, the most common liquid used for cleaning, has a property called surface tension.Molecules in the body of the water are surrounded by other molecules, but at the surface a “tension” is created as molecules are only surrounded by other molecules on the waterside.This tension inhibits the cleaning process, as it slows the wetting of surface due to tension causing the water to bead up. This is where water droplets hold their shape and do not spread. For effective cleaning to take place “surface tension” must be redu ced so that water can spread. Surface-active agents, or surfactants, are chemicals, which are able to do this effectively.Surface-active agents, or surfactants, are only used for cleaning. CWater is the only known liquid used for cleaning. FIf surfactant chemicals are added to water when cleaning a surface, surface tension will occur.FThe molecules on the waterside hinder阻碍 the cleaning process. TF?surface tension 阻碍13.The biggest risk facing the world’s insurance companies is possibly the rapid change nowtaking place within their own ranks. Sluggish growth in core markets and intense pricecompetition, coupled with shifting patterns of customer demand and the rising cost of losses, are threatening to overwhelm those too slow to react.Insurance companies are experiencing a boom in their core markets. C 应为FInsurance companies are competing to provide best prices to customers. TInsurance companies are coping well 积极应对with increased price competition and rising losses. F14.Short-sightedness is to a large extent inherited, its incidence varies from one family toanother. The reason behind the link between the common incidence of short-sightedness and high intelligence is unclear. Previous generations thought that eyes could become strained by years spent poring over books, but a few decades ago the popular medical view was that short-sighted people gravitated towards the library because they found it hard to excel at sports. Recently there has been partial support for a theory that high intelligence and short-sightedness may, in fact, be part of a genetic package.The genetic link between intelligence and short-sightedness has recently been disproven. F People from all families stand at an equal chance of being short-sighted. FIntelligence is to a large extent inherited遗传. C15.The cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation is the afterglow from the Big Bang, andweak as it may be today, these primeval microwaves hold valuable information about fundamental properties of the early universe. Slight differences, or anisotropies, in the brightness and polarization of the CMB reveal clues about the nature of the primeval plasma: that the discrepancies exist at all shows that the plasma was not perfectly uniform. The variations in the brightness seen in the CMB reflect differences in the density of the primordial plasma, whereas the anisotropic polarization reveals information about the dynamics of the early universe, such as the movement of material and the number of gravitational waves. The CMB, however, is not the only source of polarized microwaves and the cosmological polarization must thus be measured at different wavelengths so as to isolate them from foreground signals.The anisotropies of the CMB show solely that the primordial plasma was not uniform. FThe polarization of cosmic microwaves is measured at different wavelength so as to separate the foreground from the background signals. TThrough studying the cosmological microwaves, one may learn about the forces of gravity in the early universe. T16.Internet experts are warning of a new multitude of extremely dangerous computer virusesthat have recently been causing devastation and could potentially cripple entire global computer systems. These viruses can replicate thousands of copies within hours and are capable of extirpating security software that, in turn, enables hackers to appropriate control of the machines. Criminal gangs can then establish bank accounts using stolen identities, sabotage a company’s computer system and extort money for its restoration, and sell computers that have been interfered with on the black market. Computer users are oftenadvised to refrain from opening suspicious program attached to the emails and to continually update their security software.Internet experts are advising computer users to replace their software if they suspect it has been tampered with. C17.For most people, any reference to hypnosis brings to mind images of individuals involved inamusing, and often out of character, behavior. However, hypnosis is also a topic of scientific research. Research by scientists over the last few decades has revealed ways in which memory processes, and processes involved in pain perception can be changed using hypnosis. It has also been found that hypnotic suggestions can regulate activity in identifiable sections of the brain and can contribute to the effective management of cognitive conflict.Findings from several related brain imaging studies, for example, have suggested that people under hypnosis cab exhibit reduced level of brain activity in both visual area and the anterior 先前cingulate cortex. Disparate research has already established the role of these brain structures in the monitoring the cognitive conflict.18.Workers are becoming increasingly concerned about company relocation due to itsassociation with employee distress and isolation, which can be caused by issues such as the management of property transitions and loss of community ties. Furthermore, moving home can put a strain on worker’s financial resources and close relationships, especially for those working parents who may feel guilty about moving children to new schools. Regardless of the disruption created, some individuals are very willing to relocate, due to the potential for enhanced career prospects and long-term financial stability.Some people may feel guilty about the consequences of relocating. TCompany relocation has increased. CThe potential benefits of job relocation are seen, by some, to be worth the associated distress and strain. T19.Political, economic and demographic developments are combining to increase the wealth ofindividuals leading economies. These individuals take a much more active role in managing their personal financial affairs and in determining how their assets should be invested for their long-term benefit. As a result, we are seeing the emergence of a new market, consisting of so-ca lled “affluent individuals”. This structural trend is set to continue and will provide significant opportunities for financial services providers. This band of individuals has traditionally been dominated by old money inheritance, and this will remain a factor, but the rise of new affluent money is increasing as individuals benefit from higher salaries and compensation in the form of stock options. These new affluent individuals are also creating wealth as small business entrepreneurs.Affluent individuals want to manage their own assets rather than use financial service providers. CIndividuals cannot become “affluent” through inheriting old money. FInherited old money will be completely replaced by new affluent money. F应该为C20.At the moment of GTC, like other European producers, is able to relieve at least some of itsover-capacity by exporting, partly to Central America. A decade from now, that region will be largely self-sufficient and trade will be starting to flow the other way. However, for GTC investors, the company’s recent restructure could herald better times. The group’s lack of focus and lack-lustre returns have been much criticized of late.Central America will, in the future, begin to export less to Europe. F 疑似为C?Central American producers will find a ready market for their products in Europe. CRestructuring generally produces an increase in profitability. C 疑似为T21.The increasing fragility of the rural economy will be the biggest challenge facing countrycommunities over the next ten years. Agriculture, which accounts for a quarter of rural job, is in decline. Tourism provides no more than half this number of job. The rural manufacturing sector, however, has grown over last ten years. Despite this, it still employs fewer than one in twenty people living in rural area, and is threatened by companies based in industrial areas, which benefit from access to a larger skilled workforce and better transportation networks.Industries based in rural areas benefit from better transport links. FManufacturing provides the fewest jobs in the countryside. C 应该为T,少于20分之1The manufacturing sector is likely to be the main source of employment for rural workers in the future. CIndustries based in rural areas suffer from poorer transport links. T22.In recent years, many issues have been considered when attempting to ameliorate thewellbeing of patients and the efficiency of hospital administration. Patients have often complained about endless waiting lists, low standards of cleanliness, poor hospital food, and unsatisfactory doctor-patient communication and now, according to an expert from a leading image consultancy, doctors’ dress codes and their general appearance must come under close scrutiny. Of healthcare professionals have an unwashed appearance, dirty nails or unkempt hair, this exudes the impression of recklessness, wearing red reminds patients of blood, and power dressing is discouraged because patients may feel undermined and less relaxed. Although campaign groups approve of healthcare professionals leading by example with high standards of hygiene in hospitals, some individuals argue that this potential new image legislation is merely a case of jumping on the bandwagon of the current media trend for home and lifestyle makeovers.Individuals have argued that the current media trend for lifestyle makeover is direct result of the concern over the image of new legislations. T 应为FNew hospital legislation states that healthcare professionals must have clean fingernails. TIt is always preferable for healthcare professionals to wear blue instead of red. C23.One of the great paradoxes of entrepreneurship is that entrepreneurs must develop thecapacity to engage the urgent with the emergent. Routine pressures force us to allow theurgent to dominate us, quarterly reports, market share, and tangible return on investment become paramount in this paradox, emergent (strategic) issues are often lost.The urgent presents itself in tangible shape and form, whereas the emergent is subtler in its appearance. Entrepreneurs need to pre-sense emergent reality, thus they require more than ordinary attentiveness. However, information consumes the attention of the recipient, and urgent information is by nature more demanding of attention than emergent. Yet it is an awareness of the emergent that frequently distinguishes the successful leader, the individual who can see through the reactive demands of day-to-day urgency to act rapidly upon the emergent trends that, if capitalized upon, can ensure commercial triumph胜利. One way of ensuring time to identify the emergent is to make time for reflective moments in work life in order to restore the quality of attentiveness and see through the fog of the immediate.It is easier to spot an emergent trend than an urgent issue. FThe present tends to be governed by the immediate demands. TIt is easy to lose sight of the strategic issues given the demands that immediate issues make.T24.Some doctors claim that any information received from a patient during a medicalconsultation is subject ethically to absolute confidentiality and can in no circumstance be revealed without the patient’s permission. Without such a rule, they believe that patients would not supply all of the information needed to treat them. Most however, believe that their obligations to society override their obligations to their patients; for example, being prepared to report to the police a patient who persisted in driving, despite the existence of a condition that rendered them unsafe. One reason for such a conflict is that whilst courts recognize the confidentiality of exchange between lawyers and clients, this is not extended to doctor and patients.A doctor would report to the police a patient who was a danger to others. CPatients rarely give permission for a doctor to discuss their medical details with others. CDoctors are in agreement about the ethics and practice of patient confidentiality. F25.Private airline companies have always been determined to operate a transport system that issafe for passengers, whilst still remaining competitively priced and commercially viable.However, a private sector business can only remain viable if it generates profits for its shareholders. Recent reports suggest that if all aircrafts were fitted with military derived ground-to-air missile defense system, and at all airports there was infallible screening for weapons and explosives then the system would be much safer. However, totally effective screening would preclude all possibility of profit, and current systems are still very thorough 周密, whilst also providing a good cost-benefit ratio.Military aircraft are safer than commercial craft. CMore effective airline security systems than are currently in use are available. TCurrent airline security systems provide the best possible mix of cost against benefit. C26.Full employment is a concept, which is often referred to but seldom defined. Beveridge’sdescription comes close to what most economists understand by the term. In his view full employment means that “unemployment is reduced to sh ort intervals of standing by, with the certainty that very soon one will be wanted in one’s old job again or will be wanted in a new job that is within one’s powers.” In other words, f ull employment does not mean zero unemployment, but allows for some measure of acceptable unemployment, for example, “frictional” unemployment whilst changing jobs.Definitions of full employment are abundant丰富的. FSome economists do not understand full employment in Beveridge’s terms. T应为CIn B’s view, full employment inco rporates those unemployed people who are certain to regain work very shortly. T27.The typical share-save scheme is a regular savings plan that gives employees the opportunityto purchase shares in 3.5 or 7 years time, should they choose to exercise the purchase option, at a discounted price fixed before the saving period starts. In addition to potential financial gains, the employee also has the opportunity to participate in future company development through the acquisition of shares. The employee does not have to pay income tax on any gains made on the exercise of the option to buy shares, though there may be a liability to capital gains tax if the shares are sold and the resulting gains cause that particular employee’s level of capital gains liability to e xceed the annual exempt amount.Employees usually exercise the option to sell their shares at the end of the saving period. CEmployees do not automatically have to pay Capital Gains Tax as a consequence of participating in share-save scheme. F应为TIndividuals who sell shares generate no potential tax liability. F28.Staff monitoring is a particularly issue for managers – the only kind of staff monitoring notsubject to regulation is where one individual watches another. Once any recording starts, even if it is manual, monitoring is subject to the Data Protection Act – employees need to be told about monitoring takes place and why. The information gathered has to be kept secure, and affected staffs have the right to see information related to them. Whilst a person’s consent is not required, he or she must be consulted about the processing of personal information (monitoring data is construed as “personal”), and monitoring practices must not cause unnecessary stress. However, covert monitoring without consultation may be used, but only in particularly serious circumstances, such as when a staff member is suspected of dishonest. In such a case, the covert surveillance (e.g. hidden cameras) must be in targeted areas and at times when the dishonest behavior is expected- any other information must be disregarded.It is not possible to avoid the Data Protection Act when monitoring staff. FManagers find it difficult to justify the use of covert monitoring procedures. CAny employee in a building where monitoring is taking place may see all of the information collected. F29.Primates .Without exception, living non-human primates habitually more around on all fours, or quadrupedally, when they are on the ground.现生的灵长类,除了人类以外,在地面上都习惯以四足行走。

HSBC Interview - 汇丰银行面试问题资料讲解

HSBC Interview - 汇丰银行面试问题资料讲解

H S B C I n t e r v i e w-汇丰银行面试问题36 Behavior questions1.Why do you want to work for the position?Tips: -Say it fits your skillsets: analytical, problem solving, great communicator-Say you spoke to______, who’s in this position, loved his experience2.Why do you want to work for the company?3.What differentiate you from other candidate?4. Tell me about yourself: Tell your life stories in 3 mins, more laid backWalk me through your resume: more formal, pick top experiencesTips: Prep for the two versions5. Tell me what you enjoy the most about your school experience.Tips: talk about academic, extracurricular activities and professional development6. Favourite course and least favourite course7. 5-10 YEAR Career GOAL8. How would working for our company help you achieve your long term goal?9. Hobbies outside class?Tips: Not just any hobbies. Try to tie the hobbies into the positionIf it is an analytical role that requires market knowledge, say you spent 3 hours a day to follow the newsIf its people type of role, say football experience, and tie it back to the position, say you learned to work with ppl through football, you are used to work with people, its part of you. So you want this role.10. Tell me about your previous work experience?11. Tell me about the skills you have acquired through your eduction, employment and other activities that you believe will help you in this job at our job?Tips: Break down to academic experience including CFA, your work and extracurricular experiences12. Do you like working with others or working along.Tips: Say both depending on the nature of the work. Experienced working independently and working with a team in your role as a student ambassador for TMX( Work solo at U of T, work collaboratively with other ambassadors from other schools)13. Major accomplishment to date?14. Why do you think you will be the most successful candidate at this role.Tips: “ read job description, see your company is looking for people with skill 1, skill 2, skill 3”. Then elaborate the 3 skills you have that match with the job description.15. Do you work well under stress?16. . If someone you worked with was unable to carry out their responsibilities, would you assist them and how would you go about it?17. Tell me a time when you came up with a creative idea18.Talk about your best project19. Tell me about a time you displayed leadership20. Tell me about a time when you had to deal with an unsatisfied coworkers/ boss?21. There are times when we are faced with problems. Describe a time when you had to deal with a small problem before it became a huge problem.22. Describe a time where you failed in one of your job assignments23. Give me an example of how you suggested an idea to your boss and how you sold the idea to him.24. What was your best written achievement? How do you do research for the written piece?
25. describe a presentation you had to do26. When taking high risks, sometimes it is possible to have a failure. Have you taken a high risk, which has later worked fine, but initially you have questioned yourself whether it was worth to take the risk? /How you convince, what strategy you use to convince team to choose your solutions.27. tell me about a time when you proposed improvements to the company (or your boss)28. .tell me about a new transition that you had to me make and how you adjusted29. . 5 strengths & 3 weakness30. success story about demonstrating technical skills. Tell me a time when had to communicate something technical to someone with a non-technical background, in writing31. how have you dealt with a situation that was bound to fail32. Has anyone ever asked you or put you into a situation where your ethical decision making is jeopardized? How have you dealt with it? How did you handle difficult people at workplace33. Why choose the finance major?34. . Tell me about time you gave idea to another person? Coaching/ showing compassion / Use your knowledge to help someone/ Ask the right question/give a suggestion/helped someone?35. What was a situation where you failed to achieve your stated goal?/ Work below expectation.36. Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your supervisor?。








那么让我们来看看HSBC的BDP(Banker Development Programme)的用人要求。

BDP的2-year training program无疑已经很有吸引力,别说如果你在两年内作得优秀,还有机会到英国参加为期7个星期的培训。

它的要求是:Mater degree holder or Bachelor degree holder with 2-year working eperience。

For thoe high potentialundergraduate without any working eperience, we offer a 3-year tailor-made program。

You will join HSBC at a junior level。

After 12 month, you can be promoted to Banker Trainee baed onthe good performance in the 12 month and ucceful aement reult。


一些优秀的本科毕业生会收到BDP的offer,但必须通过一年的aement center,以后才能进入2年的正式培训。





numerical test和verbal test题型介绍、解题技巧与相关练习网站(最新整理版)现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL的机构。

感觉总体来说投行online tes t难度相对较高,其他稍低。

SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。


online test 的numericaltest大概25道题左右,25分钟,现场笔试平均每题时间类似,如果要全做完的话,最好能保证一分钟一题的速度。

答案选项有的时候会有个none of these的选项,就是说不是上面的其他选项给出的答案。

做过n umerical test的同学可能都有过这样的经历:算出答案后,找来找去没有对应的选项,然后怀疑自己是不是算错了,其实很可能就是因为以上选项都是错的,所以应该选择none of these。


另外,作numerical tes t往往涉及到一些运算,因此有必要配备计算器、笔和草稿纸(现场笔试除计算器一般都会发)。




numerical test一般会根据每张图表出2至3题,所以个人建议看到题目时不要急着看题干,而应该先看图表。

hsbc 汇丰 面试经验

hsbc 汇丰 面试经验

这里提醒一下各位同学,面试之前一定一定一定要对职位进行深刻的了解,哪怕是背也要背住job description,我这次面试失败的最主要原因应该就是对职位的描述完全不准确第一轮:Numerical Test andVerbal Test. 参加的人比较多,题目是SHL 出的,时间比较紧,很多人在这一关被挂了。

建议多练习练习SHL 的题目,网上有很多。




第三轮:网上性格测试,这一关不刷人;第四轮:Assessment Center这一轮分为三个部分:1) Competency-based Interview 45 分钟,仍然是行为面试,和第二轮的问题差不多。

2) Customer Meeting 如果申请的是CMB(企业银行业务)和CIB(机构业务),这一部分就是Presentation。


申请PFS(个人银行业务)的应聘者要参加的是Customer Meeting,面试官扮演客户来公司投诉,应聘者扮演公司的管理人员,来接受客户投诉并处理这个事情。


3) Group Exercise这一部分是小组讨论,六、七个人坐在房间中间的圆桌边讨论,房间的四角坐着面试官,每个面试官负责给两个面试者打分。





渣打的笔试我觉得有点变态,在面试之前的全部步骤(aptitudes test 和 numerical test)都是在网上。第一步你将在他们的主页上填写你 的基本资料,完毕之后要等他们审核,假如觉得你的背景不错,再会通知 你去做 a-test 和 n-test。a-test 就不说了,没有什么可以预备的,n-test 对于以前没有做过这类题目的人是有肯定难度的,它考察你看图标,表格 和简洁计算的能力,但是由于不适应,所以我听说不少人第一次都没有做 好。而且第一次做 test 的时间还是有点紧急的。(另外提一句,HSBC 以 及恒生银行的 n-test 在难度和形式上和渣打的几乎没有太大的区分,所 以做好了渣打的 test 会一劳永逸。)为了应付这种状况,建议可以申请一 个假 id(id 以 email 区分),先练习一下再说,而且必尽不是假如 GRE 一 样的题库,在你做第二次的时候,有的题目是重复的。(说道 n-test,UBS 的题是我做过的最难的,包括要你将几个汇率翻来覆去的倒,比较 bt。)
笔试的邀请并说明在五天内做完,那时候正好过年我比较懒,始终拖到第 五天。用了一下午讨论了渣打的 Global Abstract 和 Numerical Assessment,然后开始正式做题。
首先,对于规律题来说,做完之后发觉很少有一模一样的原题,即使 有因为做题时间很紧你根原来不及找,所以规律题就踏踏实实根据自己训 练几个小时,找到规律,做题的时候才不会慌乱。附件一去年规律题的真 题,附件二是对规律题的分类。
本文格式为 Word 版,下载可任意编辑,页眉双击删除即可。
渣打银行笔试阅历 笔试阅还有最终 10 道文字题目!!!实在太过分了。 有传言说渣打 test 的成果对最终是否录用起着至关重要的`作用。 笔试阅历(二) 1 月 20 号看得渣打春招的消息于是填了网申信息,第二天就收到了



【最新投行| 四大|外企shl 真题题库|Aptitude test|Numer|Logic|Verb 】专门针对各大投行| 四大| 外企校园招聘、社会招聘笔试,资料包含了包含了各大投行、四大、快销等外企笔试Aptitude tests 官网全套题库【10 种题型1900 道试题详细解析】以及各大外企的100 余套shl 真题题库,适用于shl 、Kenexa、Cubiks 、TalentQ 、Saville Consulting 等测试,可作为各大投行、四大会计、各快消企业、各咨询公司等外企的笔试复习资料。

具体包括但不限于汇丰、渣打、花旗、恒生、瑞士、德意志、摩根大通、美林、巴莱克、毕马威、普华永道、德勤、安永,宝洁,联合利华、安利、玛氏、箭牌、百威、飞利浦等外企公司各职位,资料说明:本资料分为三个模块:第一部分:各大外企笔试Aptitude Tests 全套题库题库包含10 种题型1900 道试题详细解析,所有题目Questions 和Solutions 全部齐全,且含有详细解析,各种题型Tests 的套数和Questions 的数量与以下描述完全一致!!!第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的shl 真题集包含100余套shl 真题,以下列有详细目录,通常各公司为同一机构出题,且往往选自同一题库,出现原题的概率极高,因此参考性极强!!!第三部分:shl 笔试资源合集(shl 解题技巧,练习题等),包含90 余套shl 解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容四大优势:1、aptitude tests 适用于多家公司,且带详细答案解析,不断更新2、100 多套真题题库都是历往考试真题,极具参考性,原题出现概率极高3、适用范围广,适用于 shl 、Kenexa 、Cubiks 、TalentQ 、SavilleConsulting 等测试4 、题型覆盖全面:包括 Numerical 、Logical 、Verbal 、Inductive 、 Diagrammatic 、 Situational Judgement 、 In-Tray and E-Tray 、Assessment Centre 、 Critical Thinking 、Error Checking 10 种题型第一部分:各大外企笔试 Aptitude Tests 全套题库题库 -- 与官网10 种题型 第二部分:各大外企公司招聘历往考试的 shl 真题集包含 100 余套 shl 真题, 详细目录: 获取方式或者直接掏宝联系望望名:素簌簌素保持同步更新第三部分:shl 笔试资源合集(shl 解题技巧,练习题等),该部分当日五星好评评语后获赠包含90 余套shl 解题技巧,经典题,练习题等内容,详细目录:。



Who is HSBC?We are the world's local bank.Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. HSBC's international network comprises around 9,500 offices in 85 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.With listings on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by around 200,000 shareholders in some 100 countries and territories. The shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of American Depositary Receipts.Through an international network linked by advanced technology, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal financial services; commercial banking; corporate, investment banking and markets; private banking; and other activities.Business principles and valuesThe HSBC corporate character defines the values and principles inherent in all our everyday dealings.Group HistoryThe HSBC Group has an international pedigree which is unique. Many of its principal companies opened for business over a century ago and they have a history which is rich in variety and achievement. The HSBCGroup is named after its founding member, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, which was established in 1865 to finance the growing trade between China and Europe.The Board of Directors of HSBC Holdings plcS K Green, Group ChairmanAge 59. An executive Director since 1998; Group Chief Executive from 2003 to May 2006. Joined HSBC in 1982. Chairman of HSBC Bank plc, HSBC North America Holdings Inc. and HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA. A Director of HSBC France and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited. Group Treasurer from 1992 to 1998. Executive Director, Corporate, Investment Banking and Markets from 1998 to 2003. Chairman of The British Bankers' Association.M F Geoghegan, CBE, Group Chief ExecutiveAge 54. An executive Director since 2004. Joined HSBC in 1973. Chairman of the Group Management Board.Chairman of HSBC Bank USA, N.A., HSBC USA Inc. and HSBC Bank Canada. Deputy Chairman of HSBC Bank plc. A Director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, HSBC France, HSBC North America Holdings Inc. and HSBC National Bank USA. President of HSBC Bank Brasil S.A.-Banco Múltiplo from 1997 to 2003 andresponsible for all of HSBC's business throughout South America from 2000 to 2003. Chief Executive of HSBC Bank plc from 2004 to March 2006.A non-executive Director and Chairman of Young Enterprise.S A CatzAge 46. A non-executive Director since 1 May 2008. President and Chief Financial Officer of Oracle Corporation. Managing Director of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette from 1997 to 1999. Joined Oracle in 1999 and appointed to the Board of Directors in 2001.V H C Cheng, OBE, Chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation LimitedAge 59. An executive Director since 1 February 2008. Chairman of HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited and HSBC Investments (Hong Kong) Limited and a Director of HSBC Bank Australia Limited. Joined HSBC in 1978. Appointed a Group General Manager in 1995 and a Group Managing Director in 2005. A Director of Great Eagle Holdings Limited and a Member of the Exchange Fund Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. Vice Chairman of the China Banking Association from 10 December 2007. Appointed a member of the 11th Chinese People's Political ConsultativeConference ('CPPCC') and a senior advisor to the 11th Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC. Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hang Seng Bank Limited from 1998 to 2005. A Director of Swire Pacific Limited from 2005 to January 2008.J D CoombeAge 63. Chairman of Hogg Robinson plc. A non-executive Director since 2005. A member of the Group Audit Committee and of the Remuneration Committee. A non-executive Director of Home Retail Group plc. A trustee of the Royal Academy Trust. Former executive Director and Chief Financial Officer of GlaxoSmithKline plc and a former member of the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG. A former Chairman of The Hundred Group of Finance Directors and a former member of the Accounting Standards Board.J L D uránAge 43. Chief Executive of Carrefour SA and Chairman of its Management Board of Directors. A non-executive Director since 1 January 2008. Joined Carrefour SA in 1991. Chief Financial Officer and Managing Director, Organisation and Systems of Carrefour SA from 2001 to 2005.R A FairheadAge 46. Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Financial Times Group Limited and a Director of Pearson plc. Chairman of Interactive Data Corporation. A non-executive Director since 2004. Chairman of the Group Audit Committee. A non-executive Director of The Economist Newspaper Limited. Finance Director of Pearson plc from 2002 to June 2006. Former Executive Vice President, Strategy and Group Control of Imperial Chemical Industries plc.D J Flint, CBE, Group Finance DirectorAge 52. Joined HSBC as an executive Director in 1995. Non-executive Chairman of HSBC Finance Corporation. A non-executive Director of BPp.l.c. and a member of the Consultative Committee of the Large Business Advisory Board of HM Revenue & Customs. Chaired the Financial Reporting Council's review of the Turnbull Guidance on Internal Control. Served on the Accounting Standards Board and the Standards Advisory Council of the International Accounting Standards Board from 2001 to 2004. A former partner in KPMG.A A Flockhart, CBEAge 56. Chief Executive Officer of The Hongkong and ShanghaiBanking Corporation Limited and Global Head of Commercial Banking. An executive Director since 1 May 2008. Joined HSBC in 1974. A Director of Hang Seng Limited, HSBC Bank Australia Limited, HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited, and Chairman of HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad. Managing Director of The Saudi British Bank from 1997 to 1999 and SeniorExecutive Vice-President, Commercial Banking, HSBC USA, N.A. from 1999to 2002. Chief Executive Officer, Mexico from 2002 to October 2006. President and Group Managing Director Latin America and the Caribbean from October 2006 to 20 July 2007. Appointed a Group General Manager in 2002 and a Group Managing Director in 2006.*W K L Fung, OBEAge 59. Group Managing Director of Li & Fung Limited. A non-executive Director since 1998. A member of the Corporate Sustainability Committee. Deputy Chairman of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.A Director of King Lun Management Limited. A non-executive Director of CLP Holdings Limited, Integrated Distribution Services Group Limited, Convenience Retail Asia Limited, Shui On Land Limited and VTech HoldingsLimited. A member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council. A former non-executive Director of Bank of Communications Co. Ltd. Former Chairman of the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, the Hong Kong Exporters' Association and the Pacific Economic Co-operation Committee.S T GulliverAge 49. Head of Global Banking and Markets and HSBC Global Asset Management. An executive Director since 1 May 2008. Joined HSBC in 1980.A Director of HSBC Bank plc, HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA, HSBC USA Inc. and The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.A member of the Supervisory Board of HSBC Trinkaus & Burkhardt AG. Head of Treasury and Capital Markets in Asia-Pacific from 1996 to 2002. Head of Global Banking and Markets from 2003 to May 2006. Appointed a Group General Manager in 2000 and a Group Managing Director in 2004.J W J Hughes-HallettAge 58. Chairman of John Swire & Sons Limited. A non-executive Director since 2005. A member of the Group Audit Committee and of the Nomination Committee. A non-executive Director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from 1999 to 2004. A non-executive Director and formerly Chairman of Cathay Pacific Airways Limited and Swire PacificLimited. A Director of China Festival 2008. A trustee of the Dulwich Picture Gallery and the Esmée F airbairn Foundation. A member of The Hong Kong Association and of the Governing Body of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.W S H LaidlawAge 52. Chief Executive Officer of Centrica plc. A non-executiveDirector since 1 January 2008. A Trustee of RAFT, a medical charity for burns and reconstructive surgery. A member of the Business Council for International Understanding. President and Chief Operating Officer of Amerada Hess Corporation from 1995 to 2001. Chief Executive Officer of Enterprise Oil plc from 2001 to 2002. Executive Vice President of Chevron Corporation from 2003 to 2006, and a non-executive Director of Hanson PLC from 2003 to 24 August 2007.Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, KCMGAge 67. Chairman of Anglo American plc. A non-executive Director since 2001. Chairman of the Remuneration Committee and a member of the Corporate Sustainability Committee. A non-executive Director of Accenture Limited, Saudi Aramco, a Governor of Nuffield Hospitals and President of the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Chairman of theGlobal Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS and the Global Compact Foundation.A former Director and Chairman of The ‘Shell' Transport and Trading Company, plc and former Chairman of the Committee of Managing Directors of the Royal Dutch/Shell Group of Companies.G MorganAge 62. A non-executive Director since October 2006. A member of the Remuneration Committee. Non-executive Chairman of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.A member of the Board of Trustees of The Fraser Institute and the Energy Advisory Board of Accenture Limited. A non-executive Director of HSBC Bank Canada from 1996 to April 2006. Former founding President and Chief Executive Officer and Vice Chairman of EnCana Corporation. A former Director of Alcan Inc.N R N MurthyAge 61. A non-executive Director since 1 May 2008. Chairman and Chief Mentor and former Chief Executive Officer of Infosys Technologies Limited. An independent non-executive Director of Unilever plc and New Delhi Television Limited and a Director of the United Nations Foundation. An independent non-executive Director of DBS Bank Limited until 2 April 2008.S M Robertson Senior independent non-executive DirectorAge 67. Non-executive Chairman of Rolls-Royce Group plc and the founder member of Simon Robertson Associates LLP. A non-executive Director since January 2006 and senior independent non-executive Director since 25 May 2007. A Member of the Nomination Committee. A non-executive Director of Berry Bros. & Rudd Limited, The Economist Newspaper Limited and The Royal Opera House Covent Garden Limited. Chairman of Trustees of the Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust. A trustee of the Eden Project and of the Royal Opera House Endowment Fund. A former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs International. Former Chairman of Dresdner Kleinwort Benson and a former non-executive Director of Inchcape plc, Invensys plc and the London Stock Exchange.Sir Brian Williamson, CBEAge 63. Chairman of Electra Private Equity plc. A non-executive Director since 2002. Chairman of the Nomination Committee. A non-executive Director of Resolution plc. A member of the supervisory Board of Euronext NV. A Director of Climate Exchange plc. A senior adviser to Fleming Family and Partners. Former Chairman of London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange, Gerrard Group plc and ResolutionLife Group Limited. A former non-executive Director of the Financial Services Authority and of the Court of The Bank of Ireland.* Non-executive DirectorIndependent non-executive DirectorD J Shaw, Adviser to the BoardAge 61. An Adviser to the Board since 1998. Solicitor. A partner in Norton Rose from 1973 to 1998. A Director of The Bank of Bermuda Limited and HSBC Private Banking Holdings (Suisse) SA. A non-executive Director of Kowloon Development Company Limited and Shui On Land Limited.R G Barber, SecretaryAge 57. Group Company Secretary. Appointed a Group General Manager in October 2006. Joined HSBC in 1980. Company Secretary of HSBC Holdings plc since 1990. Chairman of the Disclosure Committee. A Member of the Listing Authority Advisory Committee of the Financial Services Authority and of the Primary Markets Group of the London Stock Exchange. Corporation Secretary of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited from 1986 to 1992 and Company Secretary of HSBC Bank plc from 1994 to 1996.HSBC PremierA new way of banking that provides the exclusive service, global insight and financial tools you need to explore a wealth of opportunities worldwide.A Premier bank, providing a premier experience.HSBC Premier is an individually tailored package of exclusive premier banking services that can be accessed from anywhere you choose to live or work and offers you the following benefits:● International recognition and emergency support across more than 300 international Premier centres across 40 countries and territories.● Overseas bank account opening and mortgage arrangements so that your life in a new country is up and running before you get there.● Worldwide online premier banking so that you can view all your HSBC accounts in one place● The only credit card you and your family need when travelling● Local experiences worldwide that earn you rewards and save you money● Access banking and investment specialists with both global and local knowledge who will help you make the right decision for you and your family’s future.● Offshore banking services in centres in Jersey, Dubai, Hong-Kong, Singapore and Miami.如何可晋身为汇丰卓越理财客户?●您只需维持账户总余额于人民币500,000元/等值外币或以上,即可晋身汇丰卓越理财客户行列。



汇丰银行求职干货目录1. 公司介绍 (1)•1.2 汇丰银行历史 (1)•1.3 汇丰银行中国分公司 (2)•1.4 汇丰银行主营业务/品牌 (3)•1.5 汇丰银行文化/价值观 (3)•1.6 汇丰银行工作地点 (4)• 2. 校招介绍 (4)•2.1 汇丰银行2014校园招聘介绍 (4)•2.2 汇丰银行校园招聘流程 (5)• 3. HR答疑 (5)•3.1 汇丰银行校园招聘FAQ (5)•3.2汇丰银行其它FAQ (7)•4.薪酬待遇 (8)•4.1汇丰银行职业发展 (8)•4.2汇丰银行薪酬待遇 (8)•5.笔试经验 (9)•5.1新鲜Numerical Test 经闪亮登场 (9)•5.2刚做的汇丰笔试 (9)•5.3关于SHL的practise test (10)•5.4苦逼做完verbal了题目送上 (10)•5.5详细的Num test,两分钟前做的 (11)•5.6SHL笔试 (12)•6.面试经验 (12)•6.1发帖纪念处女电面-2012.11 (12)•6.2刚出炉的面经-2012.11 (12)•6.3半小时前的汇丰电面分享 (13)•6.4新鲜F2F skype面经 (14)•6.5 F2F面试 (15)•6.6HSBC BDP视频面试 (15)•6.7skype面试经验一枚,赚RP (16)•6.8 HK电面 (17)•6.9 HSBC CO-OP电面面经是香港HSBC的co-op program (18)•7.工作感悟 (18)•7.1 回望在汇丰的十年,于我而言,是一段博观约取,厚积薄发的成长 (18)•8.延伸阅读 (19)•8.1汇丰银行重庆分行行长向大学生传授应聘技巧 (19)•8.2走差异化竞争道路重点发展海外业务 (20)1. 公司介绍• 1.1 汇丰银行概况公司概况 汇丰集团是全球规模最大的银行及金融服务机构之一,为全球范围内约一亿客户提供广泛的银行及金融服务。



10.22 申请HSBC—CommE.C.al Banking Global Graduate Program10.22收到OlA也就是性格测试,题型为选择题,无时间限制。







以下为我的回忆题型:1. warm up (需自己录制视频回答问题,不会上传,答案不会影响正式测试):你的优势是什么如何将自己的优势运用到工作中?2.(需自己录制视频回答问题,3min准备,2min录制):首先看一个视频,视频大概内容是你的manager告诉你你要去接手一个客户,manager给你这个客户的background 和other information,你如何build relationship with your clienTS?3.(写一封邮件给客户,6 or7 min):先看视频,manager告诉你这个客户有个Payment rEFerral, manager邮件给你提供payment的信息,你根据这些信息给客户写一个邮件,告知客户付款的事情。










完成测试后,请统计您选择的每个字母C、M、S和P的数量,并按照以下方式提交您的测试结果:例如,18C 12M 5S 5PP。





二、性格测试题1. 当你遇到困难时,你会:A. 独自一人思考解决方案B. 寻求他人帮助C. 与朋友一起探讨D. 放弃,不再尝试2. 你认为以下哪种特质对工作最为重要?A. 执行力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力3. 你在处理工作时,更倾向于:A. 制定详细计划B. 随机应变C. 先完成重要任务D. 按部就班4. 你在团队中通常扮演的角色是:A. 领导者B. 跟随者C. 协调者D. 支持者5. 当你遇到挫折时,你会:A. 坚持到底B. 寻找原因,调整策略C. 重新审视目标D. 放弃,寻求其他机会6. 你认为以下哪种沟通方式最为有效?A. 书面沟通B. 口头沟通C. 非语言沟通D. 混合沟通7. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 结果B. 过程C. 团队利益D. 个人利益8. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立9. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班10. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力11. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益12. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立13. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班14. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力15. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益16. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立17. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班18. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力19. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益20. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立21. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班22. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力23. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益24. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立25. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班26. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力27. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益28. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立29. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班30. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力31. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益32. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立33. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班34. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力35. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益36. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立37. 你在处理紧急任务时,会:A. 首先考虑个人利益B. 考虑团队利益C. 寻求他人帮助D. 按部就班38. 你认为以下哪种特质对领导力最为重要?A. 决策能力B. 沟通能力C. 团队合作精神D. 创造力39. 你在处理工作时,更注重:A. 效率B. 质量C. 团队利益D. 个人利益40. 你在团队合作中,更倾向于:A. 指挥他人B. 帮助他人C. 与他人共同决策D. 保持中立三、测试结果分析请您根据上述测试题,统计您选择的每个字母C、M、S和P的数量。

































S H L解题技巧及经验 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】攻克SHL技巧及经验谈由天天向上整理更多SHL试题及经验下载:现在越来越多的外资企业(包括若干投行、商业银行、industry的MT program等)已经把笔试(online test 或者现场笔试)纳入应聘程序,其中很多公司的test用题源于一家名为SHL的机构。


SHL类型test的一般分两部分,numerical test和verbal test。

9.2.1 Numerical & Verbal TestNumerical testNumerical test就是给出一张图或表,然后让你根据题干,提取有用的信息进行简单或复杂的计算,主要目的(个人以为)是考察你的基本运算,经济学常识和sense,以及迅速从纷繁复杂的大量信息里提取有价值信息的能力(换句话说,就是眼睛要快,手要快,脑子更要快)。

印象中,online test的numerical test大概25道题左右,25分钟,现场笔试平均每题时间类似,如果要全做完的话,最好能保证一分钟一题的速度。

答案选项有的时候会有个none of these的选项,就是说不是上面的其他选项给出的答案。

做过numerical test的同学可能都有过这样的经历:算出答案后,找来找去没有对应的选项,然后怀疑自己是不是算错了,其实很可能就是因为以上选项都是错的,所以应该选择noneof these。


另外,作numerical test往往涉及到一些运算,因此有必要配备计算器、笔和草稿纸(现场笔试除计算器一般都会发)。








汇丰银行在中国的招聘项目叫做“银行家培训计划”(Banker DevelopmentProgram),对本科生为期两年半,对研究生是一年半。



汇丰的招聘流程如下:第一轮:Numerical Test and Verbal Test.参加的人比较多,题目是SHL出的,时间比较紧,很多人在这一关被挂了。




例如举例说明自己的领导能力、团队合作精神,最喜欢和什么样的人工作,对汇丰有多少了解,为什么申请这个部门,对这个部门有什么了解等等;第三轮:网上性格测试,这一关不刷人;第四轮:Assessment Center这一轮分为三个部分:1)Competency-based Interview 45分钟,仍然是行为面试,和第二轮的问题差不多。

2)Customer Meeting如果申请的是CMB(企业银行业务)和CIB(机构业务),这一部分就是Presentation。

申请PFS(个人银行业务)的应聘者要参加的是Customer Meeting,面试官扮演客户来公司投诉,应聘者扮演公司的管理人员,来接受客户投诉并处理这个事情。


  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Question 1:
A customer drives 10,000 miles a year on average. Considering the retail price and fuel economy only, how many years would the customer have to drive the model G02F for it to be more economical than the F326?
Answer: 4 years
Question 2:
If a journey of 200 miles was to be made, which model would prove the most effective in terms of fuel economy?
Choice: G02F, F326, E323, S 365, G 636
Question 1:
If sales from Dec of the previous year to Jan increased by 40% for double glazing and decreased by 20% for single glazing, what was the ratio of single glazing to double glazing in Dec of the previous year?
Answer: 5:7
Question 2:
If sales for the month of June followed the same trend as for April to May, what would be the difference between the total sales of June and the total sales of May?
Answer: 5000
Question 1:
What was the appropriate cost of total oil production in Month 1?
Choice: 2.25 M, 4.23 M, 7.12m, 8.26m, 9.41m
Question 2:
If a gallon of oil is sold at 0.89, how much profit would oil rig D64 have made in the 6-month period (based on targets, and taking production costs into account)?
Choice: 0.26 m, 7.68m, 14.65m, 22.12 m, 29.50m
Question 3:
If a litre of oil is sold at 0.89, which oiling made the most profit in the 6 month period?
Choice: D 64, S23, L09, H42, A56。
