必修四unit5 单词.ppt

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do sth for amusement 做某件事是为了好玩
amuse vt.使发笑 , 使愉快
• amuse sb/oneself 消遣, 自我娱乐
• amuse sb./oneself with 娱乐某人/ 以…自我娱乐
• amuse oneself by doing sth 通过做……取乐
她读小说消遣。 She a_m__u_s_e_d__h_e_rs_e_l_f_b_y_reading
•Can you sing the _t_h_e_m__e_s_o_n_g_(主题 曲)---One World One Dream ?
2. various adj. 各种各样的, 不同的;
variety n. 品种, 种类, 多样性
vary v. 改变, 变更
There are various ways of cooking eggs .
8.no wonder 难怪,不足为奇
• No wonder you have got headache ---you drank too much wine.
常位于句首,后可加从句,相当于 It is no wonder that ......
疑问词+ever的用法 whichever, whatever 等 疑问词+ever = no matter +疑问词
Big cities have many amusement .
(2)To my amusement ,his false beard(假胡子)fell off . To one’s amusement 令某人发笑的是..... (3) I only do it for amusement.
I will eat whatever you cook.
Whoever leaves the classroom last should turn off the lights.
To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions ________ had used the products. A.whoever B.who C.whichever D.which
a variety of varieties of vary in vary from ...to...
3.be famous for 因...而著名
• be famous for +某人/物 特长特色 • be famous as +某人/物 身份作用 用for 和as 填空 She is famous __a_s___a singer .
novels .
她看书消遣。 She a_m__u_s_e_d__h_e_r_s_e_lf_w__it_h_a book.
6.Swing n. 秋千 v.摇摆(swung swung)
• He swings his arm as he walks . • 他走路时摆动手臂。
• Children are playing on the swings in the park .
Habits vary from person to person .
Vary from ...to... 与...不同
There are many flowers that vary in different color .
Vary in ....在某方面不同 在学校里我们学习各种东西。
At school we learn
•Love is __th_e__m_o_s_t__c_o_m_m__on theme (最常见的主题)in the pop song .
•In the past decade__m_a_n_y_t_he_m_e__p_ar_k_s_h_a_ve__be_e_n_built (建了许多主题公园) in our country .
= Whoever you are, you
must keep the law. 不管你是谁,你都要遵纪守法。
no matter +疑问词 结构只能引导 让步状语从句,
而疑问词+ever还可以引导名词性 从句。
No matter what you cook, I will eat it.
Whatever you cook, I will eat it.
No matter what happened, he would not mind.
=Whatever happened, he
would not mind. 无论发生了什么,他都不会 介意的。
No matter who you are,
you must keep the law.
7.attraction n.吸引
• The London Tower is a great attraction to tourists .
【扩展】attract sb 吸引某人 attract one’s attention 吸引某人的注意
be attractive to 对某人很有吸引力 an attractive story
Hanzhou is famous ___fo__r __ the West
Lake .
4.fantasy n.幻想,怪念头
•Young children can't tell fantasy from reality .
5.amusement n. 消遣, 娱乐(活动)
Unit 5 Theme parks
1.theme 主题,题目
•The theme of the poem is love and peace .
the theme of... ...的主题