
ALFA-LAVAL PX204UFT-21型分油机排渣故障原因分析及解决

憨 :A F I VA X2 4 T 21型分油机排渣故障原 因分析及解决 L A—, LP 0 UF 一 A
3 工作水
13 0
大 , 即使 水 压 足 够 也 会 引 起 工 作 水 的流 量 不 足 ,在 排 渣 过 程
析 了某轮发生的排渣故障的原 因及解决办法 ,文 中最 后还 给出了相 关的管理建议 。本文 的研究对于轮机人员对该型
号 分 油 机 的 维 护 管 理 具 有 一 定 的借 鉴 意 义 。 关 键 词 :分 油机 、 排 渣 故 障 、 P 0 UI 一 X2 4 ? 21 T
中 图分 类 号 :U 6 . 64 1
第 1 2卷 第 2 期
2 ebr ar u y
No. 2 2 2 01
2 月
Ohi a n Wa ter Tr sp t an or
A F L AL P 2 4 T 2 L A— AV X 0 UF 一 分 1型
油机排渣故障原 因分析及解决
邹 憨
(大连 海 达 船 员 管理 有 限公 司 ,辽 宁 大 连 1 6 0 1 0 1)
要 :文 中 介 绍 了 A F —,VA X 0 UI 一 型 燃 油 分 油 机 的主 要 结 构 设 计 和 工作 原 理 ,在 此 基 础 上 详 细 分 L AI A L P 2 4 ? 21 T
图 1示出了分离筒的主要结构 :分离简体和分离筒上盖 通过锁紧环 固定在一起 。在 分离筒内有配油器和分离盘组 , 分离盘组 紧紧压住 分离筒上盖。滑动圈在分离筒体形成了一 个分 隔的底部 空间。分离筒上盖和顶部分离盘之 间的上部空 间为集水腔室 ,集 油腔 包含 一个向心油泵 ,位于配油器 的顶

ALFA-LAVAL自动排渣分油机的故障分析和处理摘要: 本文概括地介绍了ALFA-LAVAL S型燃油分油机的主要结构组成和分油工作的流程步骤,并在此这个基础上详细地分析了某轮发生的排渣故障的原因与及解决办法,而且通过案例分析进一步地阐述,为船舶管理人员提供切实可行的解决方法,在文章最后还给出了相关的分油机的管理要点及操作注意事项和建议。
关键词:ALFA-LAVAL S,系列分油机,故障分析,故障处理ALFA LA VAL - self-discharging oil purifier faultanalysis and processingAbstract: This paper briefly introduces the process steps composed of main structure of ALFA-LAVAL type S fuel oil and oil, and on this basis a detailed analysis of the causes of a ship fault and slag and the solution, and further elaboration through case analysis, provide a feasible solution for ship management personnel at the end of the paper, gives the management and operation of machine oil related considerations and suggestions.Keywords: ALFA LAVAL ,S series of oil purifier,failure analysis ,failure processing。

EcoStream Oily Water Cleaning System Alarms and Fault FindingPrinted Book No.Jan 2008 585964-02 V2Alfa Laval reserves the right to make changes at any time without prior notice.Any comments regarding possible errors and omissions or suggestions for improvement of this publication would be gratefully appreciated.Copies of this publication can be ordered from your localAlfa Laval company.Published by:Alfa Laval Tumba ABMarine & Diesel EquipmentSE - 147 80 T umbaSweden© Copyright Alfa Laval Tumba AB 2008.Contents585964-021 Alarms (2)1.1Alarm Functions .................................................................................................21.2Reading Alarm History List .............................................................................21.2.1Alarm message explanation:....................................................................................31.3Alarm Reset .........................................................................................................31.4Abnormalities not displayed (4)2 Display Alarms and Actions ...........................................................................53 Alarm Tests ............................................................................................................194 Separator Faults .. (21)4.1Separation Problems .......................................................................................214.2Mechanical Problems (22)5 O il-in-Water Monitor ..........................................................................................256 Feed Pump ...............................................................................................................277 Constant Pressure Modulating Valve ...................................................298 Videographic Recorder (optional).. (31)1Alarms1.1 Alarm FunctionsThe alarm system is designed to ensure a safe separation system.All alarms are shown on the operator panel display, and most of them are complemented bylight emitting diodes (LEDs).The alarms are displayed in order of occurrence. 1.2 Reading Alarm HistoryListTo read the stored list of alarms, do as follows:•Push ‘Enter’.•Push ‘+’ until ‘End’ is shown on the display.•Push ‘Enter’ and ‘+’ at the same time.•Push ‘+’ repeatedly until ‘AL list’ shows on the display.•Push ‘Enter’.•Go through the list using the ‘+’ pushbutton until ‘End’ shows on the display.•Push ‘Enter’.•Push ‘+’ repeatedly until ‘Exit’ shows on the display.•Push ‘Enter’ to return to normal display.N O T EThe texts ‘Alcap Pr4 = On/ Standby’, and ‘DischargeRepeated’ are reminders to the operator, and notalarms.2585964-02585964-0231.2.1 Alarm message explanation:1.3 Alarm ResetW A R NI N G!Breakdown hazardNever reset an alarm without first finding and remedying the cause.It is possible to reset the system withoutremedying the cause, but the alarm signal will be repeated.N O T EThe STOP sequence is automatically initiated if an alarm is not remedied within 30 minutes.The display shows:Alarm no. 5Alarm number0:13This alarm occured 13 minutes ago.Feed pressure low Type of alarmP1 60Parameter Pr 1 was set to 60 minutes.00:02:13The alarm was reset after 2 minutes 13 seconds.G 001648AG 001649A4585964-02C A U T IO N!Risk of injuryNever return to the operator panel to acknowledge or reset an alarm if doing so is by any means hazardous.1.4 Abnormalities notdisplayedThere are some abnormalities not shown on the display . Below are listed the most common:Smell•Normal occurrence during start while the friction blocks are slipping.None.•Oil level in oil sump too low.Check oil level and add oil if necessary.Noise•Height position of paring disc is incorrect.Stop the separator, measure and adjust the height.•Bearing(s) damaged or worn.Renew all bearings.•Improper bowl assemblyCheck and reassemble.Unsatisfactory separation result•Incorrect separation temperature.Adjust.•Throughput too high.Adjust.•Disc stack is clogged.Clean disc stack.•Disc inlet cloggedClean disc inlet•Sludge space in bowl is filled.Clean and reduce the time between sludge discharges.•Oil in Water Monitor dirty Clean Oily Water Monitor•Bowl speed too low.Examine the motor and power transmission for correct frequency parts.Check belt and coupling pads.•Bowl rotates in wrong directionCheck the electrical connections to the motor.Why?What to do585964-025ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 2 DISPLAY ALARMS AND ACTIONS2Display Alarms and Actions171112131717169111314139101517177817on page1317161515151713161313141315171314161717on page2 DISPLAY ALARMS AND ACTIONS ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDINGon page101117813136585964-02585964-027ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 2 DISPLAY ALARMS AND ACTIONSW A R NI N G!Disintegration hazardsIf excessive vibration occurs, stop separator and keep bowl filled with liquid during rundown.The cause of the vibration must be identified and corrected before the separator is restarted.•Sludge remaining in part of the bowlDismantle, clean and check the bowl before restart. See Service Manual.W A R NI N G!Disintegration hazardThe separator bowl must be manually cleaned before starting up again.•Bowl wrongly mounted•Disc stack compression incorrect •Bowl assembled with parts from other separators Check assembly. See ServiceManual.•Height position of paring disc is incorrect. Stop the separator, measure and if necessary adjust the height.•Bowl spindle bent.Renew the bowl spindle.•Bearing(s) damaged or worn.Renew all bearings.•The frame feet are worn out.Renew the frame feet.•Spindle top bearing spring broken.Renew all springs.Why?What to do2 DISPLAY ALARMS AND ACTIONS ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING8585964-02• Sludge remaining in part of the bowlDismantle, clean and check the bowl before restart.W A R NI N G!Disintegration hazardThe separator bowl must be manually cleaned before starting up again.•Bowl wrongly mounted•Disc stack compression incorrect •Bowl assembled with parts from other separators Check assembly. See ServiceManual.•Height position of paring disc is incorrect. Stop the separator, measure and if necessary adjust the height.•Bowl spindle bent.Renew the bowl spindle.•Bearing(s) damaged or worn.Renew all bearings.•The frame feet are worn out.Renew the frame feet.•Spindle top bearing spring broken.Renew all springs.•Sensor or cable damagedReplace sensor. If no spare sensor available, set parameter Fa 16 = 0.0 to be able to run the system. Note that it is not possible to run in AUTO mode.Why?What to do•Emergency button pushed Remedy cause for pushing button.Reset pushbutton.•Steam supply valve faulty Investigate cause and remedy.•Faulty triac module(s) in the power unit or faulty controller in the control unit (electric heater).If relay K11 is on:Disconnect X12:10.If the temperature is falling, replace the control module in the control unit.If the temperature is not falling, replace the triac module(s).If relay K11 is off, but contactorK12, K16, or K17 is on, and the temperature is not falling:Check if power is supplied from the control unit to the contactor which is on (X12:6 – X12:12, X12:7 – X12:12, X12:9 – X12:12). If it is, replace the control module in the control unit.•Broken wiring or defective heater resistance, or faulty controller in the control unit.Check adjustment of P and I functions in the control unit.If contactor sequence correct:Check wiring and heater resistance of each block or heater element. See EHM heater component booklet.If contactor sequence not correct:Replace the control module in the control unit.Why?What to do•Heater clogged•Steam supply insufficient•Steam trap faulty•Steam supply valve faultyInvestigate cause and remedy.•Faulty fuses or burned contactors(electric heater)Check and renew broken fuses. Reset overcurrent protection (applicable for 8/7 – 24/22 kW power unit).Check wiring and contactor coils.•Broken wiring or defective heater resistance(electric heater)Check wiring and heater resistance of each block or heater element. See the Service Manual booklet.•Short circuit / broken sensor or cable. Disconnect cable at sensor. Measure resistance between 1-3. Resistance shall be within 100-142 ohms = 0-110 C / 32-230 F.Test of EPC 50 input: •Disconnect cables from sensor, (terminal X 5:1-2-3).•Move jumpers Xj1 and Xj2 upwards - from Normal to Test.(The jumpers can be found inthe upper left corner of the I/OBoard)•Indication within 50-60 C when OK.•If no spare sensor available set parameter Pr 16 = 0, or if control sensor free, move connectionto that one.Why?What to do•Short circuit / broken sensor or cable.Disconnect cable at sensor.Measure resistance between 1-3. Resistance shall be within 100-142 ohms = 0-110 C / 32-230 F. If no spare sensor available setparameter Pr 18 = 0. Heater is then out of function.•Pump not working•Pressure in feed line too lowCheck pump.Check feed line.•High power (net) frequency Check power supply before restart.•Incorrect transmission parts (50 Hz belt pulley and belt for 60 Hz power supply).W A R NI N G!Disintegration hazardStop and change the belt transmission to suit the power supply frequency.Why?What to do•Slipping belt Change belt.•Worn coupling pads Check / change pads.•Bowl not properly closedCheck closing water supply (valve SV 16).Check bowl operating system for leakage.Check nozzle.•Bowl not properly assembled Check that the lock ring is in place.•Low power net frequency Check power.•Motor failure.Repair the motor.•Bearing(s) damaged.Renew all bearings.•Incorrect transmission parts (60 Hz belt pulley and belt for 50 Hz power supply).W A R NI N G!Disintegration hazardStop and change the belt transmission to suit the power supply frequency.Bowl opens unintentionally during operation because:•Strainer in the operating water supply is clogged.Clean the strainer.•No water in the operating water system.Check the operating water system and make sure any supply valves are open.•Hoses between the supply valves and separator are incorrectly fitted.Fit correctly.•Nozzle in bowl body clogged Clean the nozzle.•Rectangular ring in discharge slide is defective.Renew the rectangular ring. •Valve plugs are defective.Renew all plugs. •Supply valve SV15 for opening water is leaking.Rectify the leak.Why?What to do•Sensor or cable damaged Replace sensor. If no spare sensoravailable set parameter In 6 = Noto be able to run the system. Notethat it is not possible to run inAUTO mode.•Feedback signal from contactor K 2 missing Check the contactor function. Input terminalX 6:5 in EPC 50.•Bowl periphery sealing damaged Change seal ring in bowl hood.Check/change rubber rings and valve plugs.•Leakage somewhere in oil outlet Check for leakage.•Closing water leaking Check/change sealings and plugs. •Pump has not drained the tank Check the pump function.• A code has been set to makeparameter changes not possibleUnlock the code.•Wrong IP address used inIn 27-30Check the setting.•Constant Pressure Valve notoperating correctlyCheck Constant Pressure Valve.Check any other restriction.•Constant Pressure Valve notoperating correctlyCheck Constant Pressure Valve.Check any other restriction.•Sensor or cable damaged Check cable connectionsReplace sensor. If no spare sensoravailable set parameter Pr 12=0.0to be able to run the system.•Sensor or cable damaged Check cable connectionsReplace sensor. If no spare sensoravailable set parameter Pr 14=0.0to be able to run the system.•Pipe restricted Check recirculation for restriction.Check heater for fouling.•Pipe restricted Check recirculation for restriction.Check heater for fouling.Why?What to do•Low flow Check pump and flow regulation.Clean strainer.Check pump.•Low flow Check pump and flow regulation.Clean strainer.Check pump.•Feedback signal from contactor K 3 missing Check the contactor function.Check input terminal X 9:1 in the EPC.•Low feed pressure during recirculation Introduce a restriction in the recirculation line to keep feed pressure above alarm level.Why?What to do•Depends on use of the input Depends on use of the input •Separator coupling slipping Check the coupling.•Belt slipping Check the belt.•Height position of paring disc isincorrect.Stop. Check and adjust the height.•Motor failure Repair the motor.•Bearing(s) damaged or worn.Renew all bearings.•Separator start button notpushed.Push start button.•0V in cable heater X 12:3 to EPC50 X 51:4(electric heater)Check the power supply to the heater.•High temp. switch released (electric heater)Check temp. setpoint in the control unit.Check the heater and clean if necessary.Reset temp. switch in power unit. Restart heater.•High oil content Check the dirty water quality.Raise temperature.Lower feed rate.If available, dose chemicals.•Fouling in the monitor Dismantle and clean withdetergent. (See Oil in Monitorinstructions.)•T oo much air in water outlet Check water back pressure(about 5.5 bar).•Flow Switch alarm due to no sample flow through Oil in Water Monitor Ensure that there is flow through Oil in Water Monitor•Flow Switch malfunction Change Flow Switch •Safety Box open(if applicable)Close Safety Box•Oil Monitor internal error Restart the systemWhy?What to doSpeed not decreased as dischargefeedback (below Fa12) caused by:•Strainer in the operating watersupply is clogged.Clean the strainer.•Water flow too low.Check opening water.Valve SV 15 flow = 11 l/min.Valve SV 16 flow = 5.5 l/min •Hoses between the supplyvalves and separator areincorrectly fitted.Correct.•Rectangular ring in the operatingslide is defective.Renew the rectangular ring. •Attempt to operate remote OP Not legal when local OP is active.•Black-out has occurred with EPC in operation Check plant conditions and restart.•Alarms comes at standstill after emergency or vibration shutdown Investigate the cause for the stop and switch the power off and then on to the EPC 50.Why?What to do•If parameters are changed automatically by "thunderstorm"type influence, alarm is given to indicate out of range.Switch EPC50 power off. Move X J4 on I/O board to position right. Switch power on. Parameters are now all set to default values. Move X J4 back to original position. Adjust all parameter settings to correct value.Switch power off and on again.•X71:2 and X71:3 are both set to0 or both set to 1Set X71:2 to X41 and jumper between X71:3 and X40•T ransducer board, operator panel board, or I/O board in EPC not working Check cables to board or replace the board (see Change of Circuit Board in the Service Manual booklet).•Bad connection Check connection•Board faulty Replace the board•Cable errors Check cables to board or replacethe board (see Change of CircuitBoard in the Service Manualbooklet).•Optional heater board in EPC not working Check cables to board or replace the board (see Change of Circuit Board in the Service Manual booklet).•Optional vibration board in EPC not working Check cables to board or replace the board (see Change of Circuit Board in the Service Manual booklet).•System cross-connection heatercommunication errorCheck parameters and cable.•If Pr 25=0 the high level alarm is disabled The alarms comes as warning to operator.•If Pr 5 is used, the text in Pr 6 is displayed Take action according to what the text means (plant dependant).•Insufficient heating during start(Ti 53)Check heater function.•Heating on during stop sequence Check heater function.•Recirculating oil not cooling Reset alarm to continue.Why?What to doECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 3 ALARM TESTS 3Alarm TestsN O T EIf any parameter value is changed to activate analarm, do not forget to reset to the original valuebefore operation.Alarm message Reddiode Sequence Method TerminalReactionStandard functionsBowl speed sensor - ERROR Standst.Start separator with sensordisconnected.X6:1POWER FAILURE Start Switch power off / on duringoperationFeed pressure PT1 - HIGH PT1Start Decrease limit (Pr14)Feed pressure PT1 - LOW PT1Start Increase limit (Pr15)Feed pressure sensor PT1 -ERRORPT1Start Disconnect sensor X5:4Pump starter - FAILURE Pump Start Switch pump offOil feed - TEMPERA TURE HIGH TT Start Decrease limit (Pr16/Pr19)V1 off.Heating off. Oil feed - TEMPERA TURE LOW TT Start Increase limit (Pr17/Pr20) ordecrease Ti 53.V1 offT emperature alarm sensor - ERROR TT Start Disconnect sensor X5:2V1 offHeating off.Bowl speed - HIGH Separation Decrease limit (Fa10)Stopsequence.Bowl speed - LOW Separation Increase limit (Fa11)Stopsequence.3 ALARM TESTS ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDINGPressure in water outlet PT5 - HIGH PT5Separation Reduce Constant PressureValve pressure.Pressure in water outlet PT5 - LOW PT5Separation Increase Constant PressureValve pressure.Water pressure sensor PT5 -ERRORPT5Separation Disconnect sensor X5:8Oil in Water Monitor - ALARM OWT Separation Decrease limit (Fa23)V5.3 Changeto recirculation.HIGH OIL CONTENT IN WATER Separation Add much water to the feedand wait for 5 drainingactions. Discharge. Afteranother 5 drainings alarm isgiven.V1 offDischarge feedback - ERROR Discharge Disconnect SV15X8:5 A secondattempt todischarge willtake placebefore alarmand stop.Emergency stop - BUTTON PUSHED Separation Push the button Sep.motor off,heater off, feedon for max.3minutes. Feedstops whenpressurereaches Pr11.Optional functionsTemperature control sensor -ERRORTT Start Disconnect X51:3Heater - FAULT Heater Start Disconnect X51:4Sludge tank level - HIGH Tank Start Disconnect X201Separator run-up - TOO LONG Start Decrease Ti 52 to 1. Startthe separator.Sep. motor off.Temperature increase - TOO SLOW TT Start Start separator and EPC butnot heater, or start systemwith Ti 53 set to 1.Alarm message Reddiode Sequence Method TerminalReactionECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 4 SEPARATOR FAULTS 4Separator Faults4.1 Separation ProblemsCause RemedyA. Liquid flows out through bowl casing drain and / or sludge outletSee also B, belowSludge discharge in progress None (normal)O-ring at paring chamber defective RenewBowl hood seal ring defective or sealing surface of sliding bowl bottom damaged Replace seal ring. Smooth surface on sliding bowl bottom or renew the latterBowl speed too low Make sure current is on and brake is off, check tension,examine motor and power transmissionValve (s) in heavy phase outlet line closed CheckHeavy phase paring disc defective RenewB. Bowl opens unintentionally during operationSee also A, aboveStrainer in operating water system clogged CleanInsufficient supply of makeup water RemedySmall nozzles in bowl body clogged CleanSmall nozzle in operating water ring clogged CleanSquare ring in sliding bowl bottom defective RenewValve plugs defective RenewSludge deposits on operating slide CleanC.Bowl fails to open for sludge dischargeStrainer in operating water system clogged Clean the strainerWater flow too low Check water flow.Insufficient supply of discharge water RemedySmall nozzles in bowl body clogged CleanSeal ring in operating slide defective RenewD.Unsatisfactory sludge dischargeT oo long discharge interval Clean and shorten time between dischargeSludge deposits in operating system CleanE.Unsatisfactory separation resultIncorrect throughput AdjustBowl disc stack clogged CleanSludge space in bowl filled Clean and shorten time between dischargesBowl speed too low Make sure brake is off, check belt tension, examine motorand power transmission4 SEPARATOR FAULTS ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 4.2 Mechanical ProblemsCause RemedyA.Separator vibrates during starting sequenceNote! Some vibration is normal during the starting sequence when the separator passes its critical speeds.Bowl out of balance due to:bad cleaningincorrect assemblypoor tightening of lock ringbowl assembled with parts from different separators too few discs in disc stack Stop immediately by pressing emergency stop push-button or switching off power. Establish cause.Incorrectly tightened lock ring can involve fatal danger Replace discs removedUneven sludge deposits in sludge space CleanHeight position of paring disc or bowl spindle is incorrect Stop, check and adjustBowl spindle bent, (max 0,04 mm)RenewB.Separator vibrates during running sequenceUneven sludge deposits in sludge space CleanBearings damaged or worn RenewVibration-dampers worn Renew dampers every three years Spindle top bearing spring broken Renew all springsC.SmellNormal occurrence during start due to friction blockslippageNoneBrake applied ReleaseD.NoiseHeight position of paring discs or bowl spindle is incorrect Stop, check and adjustBearings damaged or worn RenewBelt is slipping Tighten beltE.Speed too highIncorrect transmission parts (50 Hz belt pulley for 60 Hz current).Stop immediately and rectify faults. Check frequency of power supply (50 Hz / 60 Hz).In case of overspeeding, check bowl for possible deformation. Contact your local Alfa Laval representative.F.Speed too lowBrake applied ReleaseFriction pads worn or oily Renew or clean Bowl not closing or leaking Dismantle and check Motor failure RepairBearings damaged or worn RenewBearings overheated RenewDrive belt incorrectly tightened AdjustG.Starting power too lowDrive belt incorrectly tightened AdjustIncorrect (belt pulley) transmission AdjustECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 4 SEPARATOR FAULTSCause RemedyH.Starting time too longBrake applied ReleaseFriction pads worn or oily Renew or cleanHeight position of paring discs or bowl spindle incorrect Stop, check and adjustMotor failure RepairBearings damaged or worn RenewI.Starting power too highIncorrect belt pulley Stop immediately. See paragraph EOpposite direction of rotation Switch electrical phasesJ.Stopping time too longBrake lining worn or oily Renew or cleanK Water in drive housingBowl casing drain obstructed Clean and change oilLeakage at top bearing Renew seal ring and change oilCondensation Change oil4 SEPARATOR FAULTS ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDINGECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 5 OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR 5Oil-in-Water MonitorThe Oil-in-Water monitor will indicate severalmalfunctions in the status line of the display.Pressing the “OK” button will lead to aninformation window, similar to the items listedin the table below.Status Reading System-Alarm-circuit Alarm-circuit 1,2Reason ServicingLED AlarmOK0..49Green /Blinking No NormaloperationNormal operation-OK EE Green /Blinking No Alarm Sample reading isout of range:Oil content toohigh, dirty sampletubeWait until oilcontent is withinthe range,Clean sampletube .FW !0..49 / EE Green /Blinking No Alarm Freshwater isenabled-Sample? EE Red /Steady Y es Alarm Meter is not ableto measure thesample:no water in, oilcontent much toohigh, no lighttransmissionpossible.Check sample,clean sampletube.Com?EE Red /Steady Y es Alarm Nocommunicationbetweencomputer unit andmeasuring cell.Check connectionbetweencomputer unit andmeasuring cell.Datalog? 0..49 / EE Red /Steady Y es Alarm Datalogging is notpossible:no DECKMA cardin.Insert the activememory card.:Datalogging is notpossible:a read only cardis in.Insert the active memory card.Datalogging is not possible:a new DECKMA card is card in.Activate card or insert the active memory card.Int.Err Red /Steady Y es Alarm Internal error Restart thesystem.5 OIL-IN-WATER MONITOR ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDINGECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING 6 FEED PUMP 6Feed PumpFault Probable cause RemedyLow capacity or low pressure Suction valve(s) closed or suctionstrainer clogged Open suction valve(s)/clean strainerWrong direction of rotation Change phase order (switch two of thethree motor connections)Shaft seal leaking Tighten shaft sealPump stator worn ReplacePressure relief valve open Adjust the pressure relief valveAir leakage on pump suction side Seal off the air leakageForeign object(s) trapped in the pump Dismantle the pump and remove theforeign object(s)Pump does not prime No water supply to the priming watersolenoid valveOpen water supply valve(s)Malfunction of the priming watersolenoid valveCheck and replace broken part(s)Air leakage on pump suction side Seal off the air leakageWrong direction of rotation Change phase order (switch two of thethree motor connections)Suction height too high Reinstall the pump to a suction heightmeeting NPSHrPump noisy when running Heavy wear in the pump Dismantle the pump and replace wornpartsSuction valve(s) closed or suctionstrainer cloggedOpen suction valve(s)/clean strainerPump and motor not properly aligned Align the pump and motorShaft coupling worn Check the coupling and replace wornpartsSuction height too high Reinstall the pump to a suction heightmeeting NPSHrAir leakage on pump suction side Seal off the air leakageDrive motor stops by tripping the overload relay Counter pressure too high Check shut-off valve(s) in dischargelineCut-off setting of the motor relay set toolowAdjust the relay setting in accordancewith motor rating in Ampere6 FEED PUMP ECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDINGECOSTREAM OILY WATER CLEANING SYSTEM ALARMS AND FAULT FINDING7 CONSTANT PRESSURE MODULATING VALVE 7Constant Pressure Modulating ValveN O T EStudy the maintenance instructions carefully beforereplacing worn parts.Fault Probable cause RemedyThe valve does not maintain thepreset pressure- Faulty diaphragm Replace the diaphragm- Guide (9) seizes Lubricate the guide- Incorrect operating range Check the pressure drop over the valve and check the flow rate- The available air pressure is lower than the product pressure Increase the air pressure eg. by using a Booster- The air pressure is notcorrectly adjustedReadjust the air pressure- Faulty air pressure regulating valve or incorrect type Repair the valve or check that it is pressure compensatingProduct leakage-Worn diaphragm- Product affecteddiaphragmReplace the diaphragmAir leakage-Worn O-ring- Replace the O-ring-Worn diaphragm (10)-Replace the diaphragm-Worn and hard diaphragm (10)- Replace by a diaphragm of a different grade for higher temperatureValve plug moving too fast up and down (unstable)Pressure pulsationsbecause of fast changesin process conditionsUse an air throttling valve(optional extra between the airpressure regulating valve andthe CPM-2 valve.。

某轮分油机故障分析及排除专业:轮机工程学生姓名:**指导教师:***重庆交通大学航海学院目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)前言 (1)第1章工作原理 (2)第2章故障原因 (4)2.1 异常振动或噪声 (4)2.2 分离筒达不到规定转速 (4)2.3污油泵吸不上油 (4)2.4分离效果不良 (4)2.5出水口大量跑油 (4)2.6清渣活塞不能密封或开启 (4)2.7大量溢油 (4)2.8排渣口跑油 (5)第3章故障查找 (6)3.1了解引起故障的相关因素 (6)3.2 从故障的发生时间和剧烈程度进行查找 (6)3.3 判断是分油机机械固件故障,还是自动故障控制元件电气故障 (7)第4章故障分析及排除 (8)4.1 分油机异常振动 (8)4.2 控制器出油口含水量过高报警 (9)第5章安全操作管理要点 (12)第6章结论 (14)致谢 (15)参考文献 (16)二〇一〇届轮机工程专业毕业设计(论文)摘要本文就分油机故障,结合现在船上使用的比较先进的Alfa Laval—SA856型分油机的工作原理,对其故障原因进行了深入细致的分析讨论,并对常见故障从操作维护方面提出了解决措施及注意事项,为解决分油机此类故障提供了参考。
关键词:分油机;故障;分析;排除I罗鹏:某轮分油机故障分析及排除ABSTRACTBased on the working principle of Alfa Laval—SA856, one type of fairly advanced oil separators equipped on the steamship currently, the causes of mechanical failures of oil separator is to be analyzed at length in this paper. Moreover, concrete measures and considerations concerned with those common failures are proposed in terms of operation and maintenance to be a reference when solving them.Key words:Oil separator;Trouble;Analysis;ExclusionII二〇一〇届轮机工程专业毕业设计(论文)前言海运在日益紧密的国际贸易中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

Alfa-Laval分油机跑油故障分析及处理措施随着航运业发展,柴油机燃油价格也大幅度上涨,燃油费用支出占船舶运营成本 50% ,为了降低成本,许多船舶使用重油。
Alfa -Laval 分油机是当今船舶配备的主流分油机,从对此类型分油机的管理经验来看,跑油是最常见的故障,主要表现在出水口跑油和排渣口跑油 2 个方面。
了解 Alfa - Laval 分油机跑油的这一常见故障,及时对跑油的原因进行分析和处理,可以有效降低分油机的事故发生率,从而保障船舶的正常安全航行[3]。
1Alfa - Laval 分油机跑油原因分析1. 1出水口跑油出水口跑油的几个常见原因: 比重环内口径不恰当; 进油量过大; 分离筒内积聚杂质过多,排渣口脏堵; 加热不够,进口油温太低; 分离筒本体转速低; 配水盘故障,水封建立不起来。
如果在启动时候没有加入水封水或者水封水加入过少,则配水盘会发生故障; 若水封水遭到了破坏同样会造成跑油。
1. 2排渣口跑油排渣口跑油的几个常见原因: 滑动底盘下部缺少密封水; 滑动圈不能上移,堵死密封水腔泄水口; 滑动底盘和分离筒盖不能贴合。

ALFALAVALS系列净油机工作原理简述及典型故障分析(五篇范文)第一篇:ALFA LAVAL S系列净油机工作原理简述及典型故障分析ALFA LAVAL S系列净油机工作原理简述及典型故障分析作者:耿、李1.S系列净油机的产生背景:具有120多年历史的ALFA LAVAL公司在自己的业务领域内一直占据着全球领先的市场地位,其关键的三大核心技术之一——离心分离技术更是一直走在行业的前列,其产品广泛应用于海运、电力等行业的燃油、润滑油处理。
随着燃油加工技术的提高和经济性的要求,船舶实际补给的燃油质量越来越差,其比重接近甚至达到了传统净油机的处理极限值:991 kg/m³@15℃。
当燃油比重超过960 kg/m³时,界面位置对上述参数的敏感度就大大增加(如图:1)。
在这种情况下,基于ALCAP技术(ALCAP的说明见附注)开发的,拥有多项专利技术和最新设计理念的ALFA LAVAL S系列净油机应运而生,该机型是ALFA LAVAL 公司新开发的可用于燃油和润滑油净化的全自动单级碟片式离心分离系统,是主要处理高密度燃油的新一代产品。
S 净油机是进入分离程序后,气动三通阀动作,油料经进口管引入分油机,(如图3)在分离筒内燃油中不同比重的成分由于高速旋转产生的离心力在水平方向产生分离。

分油机的工作原理和排渣反馈故障分析内容摘要摘要:“育鲲”轮上燃油分油机为ALFA-LA V AL S821型分油机,在运转的过程中分油机出现排渣反馈故障,结合该故障,介绍了分油机结构和排渣原理,进一步分析了分油机的故障原因,并根据理论分析和实际操作最终消除了故障。
关键词:分油机滑动底盘滑动圈矩形密封圈排渣反馈ABSRACT:M/V Yukun is equipped with ALFA-LA V AL S816 oil separators.When a separator is running,discharge feedback failure occurs.According to the failure, This thesis explains the structure and discharge principle of the separator.Further we analyse the causes of the failure.Basic on theretical analysis and practical operation,finally the failure is eliminated.目录1燃油分油机的故障现象 (1)2分油机的工作原理 (1)3 ALFA-LAVAL SA816燃油分油机的结构分析 (2)4 分油机的排渣原理 (4)4.1 排渣步骤1-排渣前 (5)4.2 排渣步骤2-排渣 (5)4.3 排渣步骤3-排渣 (6)4.4 排渣步骤4-滑动圈密封 (6)4.5 排渣步骤5—滑动底盘密封 (6)5分油机排渣反馈故障分析 (7)5.1 排渣反馈 (7)5.2故障分析 (7)5.2.1配水系统 (7)5.2.2 排渣机构 (10)6 故障排除 (10)7 结论 (10)前言自二十世纪七十年代以来,由于柴油机燃油大幅度涨价,燃油费用支出约占船舶营运成本的50%,船用柴油机使用低质燃油已成为一项普遍采用的技术,使用低质燃油可以大幅度降低船舶营运成本,同时可以合理使用石油资源。

一、立轴轴承的预润滑每次在更换立轴轴承时要在两个轴承中倒入一些滑油作为预润滑(英文原文为to pour some frame oil in both bearings at the sssembly as prelubrication),原因是分油机启动运转后那些带油气的空气需花一些时间,才能到达轴承处开始对轴承进行润滑。

Alfa Laval分油机故障排除我轮No.2滑油分油机由于存在着一些问题,有好几年没有使用了,在恢复其使用的过程中,我们遇到了种种问题,在此向大家做一介绍。
分油机型号:Alfa Laval LOPX-705控制、监视装置型号:EPC-400 水份传感器型号:WT-2001.齿轮箱进水2.不能建立油压3.不排渣4.A7-12报警,MV10A常流水5.A7-11、A7-1报警A7-1装复电磁阀后,启动分油机进行工作,一切正常为此,我们从EPC-400中查阅了置换水/调节水的工作时间,这些设定时间与说明书均相符合,并且与No.1分油机也一样。
因此我们对电磁阀再次进行了拆检,很快我们发现,原来流量阀(flow valve,0.9ml/m)上控制流量大小的橡皮圈的孔径被扩大了,虽然流量阀体上标注着0.9的标记,但实际流量已远远超过了此值。
此时,我们再回过头来分析一下stand by模式的特点。
当设定P10=0时,系统进入stand by模式,同时系统将:(1)切除与水份传感器有关的警报,(2)不显示净油中含水量达到触发值的百分数,(3)在运行P61程序时,切除由水份传感器控制的排渣程序,(4)切断置换水/调节水的供给。
从stand by模式运行的结果与上述工作特点的比较,我们做出了判断:问题出在了置换水的供给量上(因为在on mode模式运行时,恢复的stand by模式下的前三种情况都不会造成A7-1报警)。
Alfa-laval S系列净油机工作原理及典型故障分析(下)

1 脚无 输 出, 先检 测过 压 保护 保 护端 和 电流保 l 应
护 端 电压 : 不正 常 , 开开关 管 1 脚应 有 输 出 ; 断 若 断 1 若
开开关管后 1 脚 仍无 输 出, 可认 定 U 3 4 N损坏 。 1 则 C 86
的“ ” 带 电 ( 地 不 开关 电 源 的取样 调整 电路一 般 采用 单 独 的 隔离 取样 绕 组或 光 耦 , 开关 电源 的 “ ” 离 ) 与 地 隔 ,
・ 、 路 压力 的检 测不 再 使用 压力 开关 , 油 水 而是 采 用 压 力 变送 器 . 得 E C 0可 以 实 时 、 续 获得 更 精 使 P5 连 确 的信息 流 , 尤其是 净 化后燃 油含水 量 。 ・P5 E C 0控制 单元 ,可集 中处 理外 围探测 元件 送
来 的各类信 息 , 监控 各参 数是 否在 预设 的范 围之 内 ; 根
更换 U 34 N。 C 86
更换 U 3 4 N后 , C 86 须进 行恒 压调节 至输 出 电压 2 6
3 0V且 变化 正常 。
参 考 文献
1 王兆安 , 黄俊. 电力电子技术[ . M] 机械工业出版社,0 27 2 0 ,.
2 代 羽 丰 , 建斌 . 关 电 源 的设 计 与 实现 [】 电脑 与 信 息 技 术 ,0 6 程 开 J. 20. 3 某 舰 监 控 系 统 自动 充 放 电 装 置 随 机 文 件 . 江 洞 头 永 泰 电 器 厂 , 浙
的其他元 件 。
和锯 齿波振荡 波形【 否则 可认 定 U 3 4 N损坏 。 5 l : C 86
④ 驱 动输 出端 ( 1 ) 1脚
前 三个 关键 点 电压 正 常, l 就会 有 5 1 脚 V左 右 的 电压输 出, 由此 断 U 3 4 N基 本正常 。 可 C 86

分油机加热器故障排查宋国发(天津海事局执法巡查支队天津300456)摘要:ALFA LAVAL MMPX型自动排渣分油机在船舶应用日益广泛,文章通过分油机加热器的一次故障分析,总结了分油机维护保养的经验和教训。
ALFA LAVAL MMPX型自动排渣分油机因其工作可靠性好而在船舶得到广泛应用,也深受使用人员欢迎。
2分油机概况分油机型号:ALFA LAVAL MMPX404SGP-11加热器型号:EHS-62功率:22kW;电制:380V,50HZ;配有控制箱、流量开关、超温保护开关、安全阀、温度传感器。

ALFA-LAVAL MAPX204型分油机工作原理及常见故障黄兴旺(青岛港湾职业技术学院,山东青岛266404)摘要:以ALFA-LAV AL MAPX204型分油机为例,详细介绍了分油机的工作原理,结合船上实际工作遇到的问题,对分油机常见故障进行了分析,并提出了处理意见。
关键词:分油机;工作原理;故障分析;措施0 引言随着航运业的迅猛发展,降低运营成本,使用劣质燃油,已成为航运界的主流管理模式。
有时为提高分油机的分油效果而将转速提升到9 000 r/min以上,不仅给分油机的维护保养带来了麻烦,也给轮机员的管理带来了挑战。
1 分油机的工作原理分油机工作时,让需净化的油进入分油机中作高速旋转,密度较大的水滴和机械杂质所受的离心力最大,被甩向外周,水被引出,杂质则定期清除(排渣);密度较小的油所受离心力较小,便向里流动,从靠近转轴的出口流出,油从而得到净化。
根据水路和油路的走向,分油机的工作过程如下:当分油机的转速达到额定转速后(ALFA-LAV AL MAPX204转速在7 200 r/min左右),将分油机的控制手轮从“空位”转到“密封”位。
ALFA-LAV AL MAPX204分油机的配水盘上有9个水孔,其中对称的8个孔(图1中的10个孔中有2个定位孔)和进水管的外管相通,1个孔(图1的侧面)与内管相通。

( 1 )“ 分 离筒转 速低 ” 据 该 型分 油机 的结 构 特点 和 工作 原理 , 全 面检查 、 分 析并 排 除下列 可能 导致 “ 分 离筒 转速低 ” 的原 因 :
・电站 运行 记 录显示 电源 电压 、 频率 稳 定 , 且 2 燃
油 分油 机无 此故 障 。 可排 除 电源不 良。 ・检查 电动机 无 高温 、 异响, 传 动 摩擦 片 无严 重 磨 损且 分 油 机启 动 阶段 能 闻到摩 擦 片被 摩损 而 产 生 的味
无 比重 环 .分离 筒 内置 自适应 排油 装 置 :柔性 排 渣 盆
③ 换新密封电磁阀 S V 1 6 , 手动开启观察密封水流
量, 见 压力很 足 , 流量 也很 大 。 装 复 后 试运 转 , 见无异响 , 各 运行 参 数 例 如 电流 、 进 油压 力 、 出油压 力等 均在 正常 范 围 内。 未 找 到故障 原 因 , 决定 继续 运转 观察 。
损坏 ) , 排 除 了电动 机 、 传 动装 置 、 立轴 ( 含 分离 筒 ) 等 机
械卡 阻 。
・飞溅 的油雾 需穿 过皮 带传 动 轮轮 辐 上 的 4个 小
孑 L , 流 量不 足 。
( 2 )“ 排渣 口轻 微跑 油和 净油少 许 含水 ” “ 排 渣 口轻 微 跑 油 和净 油 少 许 含 水 ” 可 能由“ 分 离
低速 报警 停机 。
机, 再次 检查 仍 未找 到故 障 原 因 ; 其 后该 故 障越 来 越频
繁, 直 至 运转 声 响 越来 越 大 , 盘 车 阻力 也 越 来 越 大 , 才
发现 是立 轴轴 承磨 损造 成 的 。现 介绍 如下 。 请 指正 。
1 初 次 故障

某轮的燃油分油机型号:Al fa-Laval SA 821,自动排渣,使用60Hz交流电源时电动机转速3600rpm,分离筒最高转速8400rpm,采用联轴器与皮带传动方式,而不是传统的蜗轮蜗杆传动,这样省去了复杂繁琐的传动齿轮箱,解体检修时更方便、快捷。

ALFA-LA V AL FOPX-610型分油机故障分析专业班级:姓名:指导老师:摘要:鹏祥轮重油分油机为Alfa-Laval 型分油机,本文首先介绍了Alfa-Laval FOPX610型号分油机的工作原理以及特点,接着介绍了Alfa-Laval 610 型号分油机的日常维护保养工作。
关键词:分油机维护保养故障ABSTRACT:M/V Pengxiang is equipped with the Alfa-Laval oil separators for F.O. Firstly this paper introduces the characters and working principals of the Alfa-Laval 610 oil separation system, describes the daily maintenances of the Alfa-Laval 610 oil separator and then it introduces the basic require of manipulating. Finally this paper gives the detailed information about the Alfa-Laval oil separators in “Pengxiang” by introducing a real malfunction that out of oil from the discharge point of water. According to disassembly and assembly the oil separator, analysis the cause of the malfunction, we found out the method to solve the real problem by our knowledge learned from the school. By doing this paper, it give some suggestions on the maintenances of our oil separator.Keywords:oil separator maintenance malfunction目录前言 (5)1 ALFA-LAV AL型分油机工作原理 (5)1.1 ALFA-LA V AL型分油机排渣原理 (5)1.2 主要特点 (8)1.3 自动化控制简介 (8)2 ALFA-LAV AL型分油机操作要求 (10)2.1 启动前的检查 (10)2.2 分油期间检查及排渣处理 (10)2.3 停止分油机运转 (10)2.4 使用中注意事项 (10)3 常见故障分析和防范措施 (11)3.1 常见故障、原因和纠正措施 (11)3.1.1 出水口跑油 (11)3.1.2 排渣口跑油 (12)3.1.3 异常震动和噪音 (12)3.1.4 分油效果不佳 (13)3.1.5 油泵供油不足 (13)3.1.6 控制系统故障 (14)3.2 建立严格的管理制度 (14)3.2.1 主管分油机人员的职责 (14)3.2.2 当班人员职责 (14)4 故障实例分析 (15)5 结论 (16)参考文献 (17)ALFA-LA V AL FOPX-610型分油机故障分析前言船舶柴油机所用的燃油在使用前必须经过净化处理,除去其中的水分和杂质。
ALFA LAVAL S系列船舶分油机结构特征及故障处理

工程应用船舶物资与市场 291 ALFA LA V AL S 系列分油机基本组成及工作机制1)基本组成。
2 ALFA LA V AL S 系列分油机结构特征1)立轴。
考虑到减震要求,ALFA LA V AL S 系列船舶分油机结构特征及故障处理杜卫华,张雪松(中港疏浚有限公司,上海 200136)摘 要 :本文以ALFA LA V AL S 系列分油机为基本对象,将工作原理和结构组成作为立足点,探讨其在运行中所表现出的典型故障,提出相适应的处理措施,以期给分油机故障处理提供参考。
关键词:ALFA LA V AL S 系列分油机;结构特征;故障分析中图分类号:U676.4 文献标识码:A DOI:10.19727/ki.cbwzysc.2020.11.013[引用格式]杜卫华,张雪松.ALFA LA V AL S 系列船舶分油机结构特征及故障处理[J].船舶物资与市场,2020,(11):29-30.收稿日期:2020-09-30作者简介:杜卫华(1985-),男,技师,研究方向为挖泥船舶维修。

分油机的工作原理和排渣反应故障分析内容摘要摘要:"育鲲〞轮上燃油分油机为ALFA-LAVAL S821型分油机,在运转的过程中分油机出现排渣反应故障,结合该故障,介绍了分油机构造和排渣原理,进一步分析了分油机的故障原因,并根据理论分析和实际操作最终消除了故障。
关键词:分油机滑动底盘滑动圈矩形密封圈排渣反应ABSRACT:M/V Yukun is equipped with a separator is running,discharge feedback failure occurs.According to the failure, This thesis e*plains the structure and discharge principle of the separator.Further we analyse the causes of the failure.Basic on theretical analysis and practical operation,finally the failure is eliminated.目录1燃油分油机的故障现象12分油机的工作原理13 ALFA-LAVAL SA816燃油分油机的构造分析24 分油机的排渣原理44.1 排渣步骤1-排渣前54.2 排渣步骤2-排渣54.3 排渣步骤3-排渣64.4 排渣步骤4-滑动圈密封64.5 排渣步骤5—滑动底盘密封65分油机排渣反应故障分析75.1 排渣反应7故障分析7配水系统75.2.2 排渣机构106 故障排除107 结论10前言自二十世纪七十年代以来,由于柴油机燃油大幅度涨价,燃油费用支出约占船舶营运本钱的50%,船用柴油机使用低质燃油已成为一项普遍采用的技术,使用低质燃油可以大幅度降低船舶营运本钱,同时可以合理使用石油资源。

杂 ,含有较 多 的水 分 、杂质 、灰 分、硫 分等 现 象有多种原 因,主要 的是 油水 分界面 外 堵 塞都 会使 工作水 压 力不足 以至 于密 封
影响 燃 油 的品 质。船 用 燃 油 的净 化 对 船 移,油空 间越 过 了分离盘 外 边缘 造成 的 , 水 不足 。解 决上面 这 些问题 ,就 需 要轮 机
出水 口跑油是分油机常见的故障之 盘 上端面的密封环失效,传动齿轮和轴 造成 失 去平 衡 ,也有 可能 是立 轴弯 曲 ,轴 一 。 出 水 口出现 跑 油 现 象 一般 有 两 个原 承 过度 磨 损使 立轴下沉 。第二 ,滑 动 圈不 承 损 坏 ,减 震器 的橡 胶 垫 磨 损 过度 等 引 因,一 是没有 建立 水 封 ,这 种 情况一 般 是 能够 上移 导 致 密 封 水 腔 水 口堵 死 ,主 要 起 的 。分 油 机 出现 异常 噪音 的主 要原 因 启动 的时候 没有 加水 封 水 或 者是 水 封 水 的原 因是 分 离筒 上 的泄 水 小孔 被 堵塞 , 是齿 轮 箱 里 的 滑 油不 足 、蜗 轮 或 蜗 杆 的
前发 展。为了降低 运 输 的成本 ,绝大 多数 候 直 到 水 管有 水 流 出 ,然 后 再关 闭 引水 不足 ,水 箱 里 的水 量不足 、压 缩 空气 的泄
船舶 使 用燃 烧 重 油 ,重油 的成 分 比较 复 阀 ;一是 水封 水 遭 到了破 坏 ,而 造成这 个 漏 、工作水 的管 路泄 漏 、脏 堵或 者滤 网的
故 障 的判 断和 解 决 提 供一 些理 论性 的见
排 渣 口跑 油 也是 分油 机常 见故 障 之 承和齿轮 的过度磨损,从而使维修人 员
解 。
一 。 分 油 机 的 排 渣 机 构 的主 要 部 件 有 滑 的工 作 量 增 加 ,也使 维 修 成 本 增 加 。所
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ALFA-LAVAL自动排渣分油机的故障分析和处理摘要: 本文概括地介绍了ALFA-LAVAL S型燃油分油机的主要结构组成和分油工作的流程步骤,并在此这个基础上详细地分析了某轮发生的排渣故障的原因与及解决办法,而且通过案例分析进一步地阐述,为船舶管理人员提供切实可行的解决方法,在文章最后还给出了相关的分油机的管理要点及操作注意事项和建议。
关键词:ALFA-LAVAL S,系列分油机,故障分析,故障处理ALFA LA VAL - self-discharging oil purifier faultanalysis and processingAbstract: This paper briefly introduces the process steps composed of main structure of ALFA-LAVAL type S fuel oil and oil, and on this basis a detailed analysis of the causes of a ship fault and slag and the solution, and further elaboration through case analysis, provide a feasible solution for ship management personnel at the end of the paper, gives the management and operation of machine oil related considerations and suggestions.Keywords: ALFA LAVAL ,S series of oil purifier,failure analysis ,failure processing。
S型分油机的下面配有传动机构, 涡轮蜗杆机构的驱动从而高速旋转。
ALFA-LAVAL S型自动排渣分油机的工作流程简要叙述如下:(1)起动前配油器的准备:打开工作水,控制空气,启动油泵和燃油加热器,通过加热循环管中的油,使其温度达到分离所需要的温度数值。
故障案例1 某一天,值班轮机员上按照以下步骤:先进行排渣操作接着开启水封水,发现出水口有水跑出,关闭水封水后再把污油入口阀开启,却不能建立合适的净油压力,在出水口附近发现有跑油现象。
故障案例3 一天,一艘船在航行过程中,一直在操作面板中的机油发生故障和故障报警,检查发现滑油环下降,三个排水孔始终处于密封状态,滑底盘下部的水不能释放,滑动底盘不能关闭液体底部的出渣口,油渣就不能不能排出。
故障案例 4 某个航次,值班轮机员发现打开开启水阀,不能进行正常排渣,补充开启水压力后,故障依旧。
故障案例6在ALFA-LAVAL S系列分油机运行期间,值班轮机员发现分油机不能排渣。