《学术英语综合》 季佩英版 课文翻译

翻译,U1U1A 感谢看不见的手感谢全能的上帝是感恩节的主题,并自清教徒带来在他们的第一个丰收的朝圣者…直到今天,在全国各地的数以百万计的家庭,上帝会感谢许多礼物,桌上的盛宴和亲人的公司,健康和好运,在过去的一年,和平时期的家庭,为无数特权出生或成为-美国人。


Presenting a speech(做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
我们用语言language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识,knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself.传承文化。
[Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality butalso helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events].和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately.好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。

学术英语综合季佩英版第八单元课文翻译(总2页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--TEXT A 从柏柏尔人到巴赫的全球化路径作为一个专业大提琴家,在过去30年,我在这条道上花了相当于两个完整的十年来学习和表演音乐传统和文化。

季佩玉、范烨学术英语答案2. And yet, isn't there something wonderous, — something almost inexplicable in the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4)3. ...Thanksgiving Turkey, there would be one, — or more likely, a few dozen— waiting. (Line 3, Para.6)Task 3/Formal English1. very many2. buying or selling3. a large group of4. more huge5. understand6. troubledUnit 2Language buildingTask 1:Part 1:1)无形之手;2)自由企业制度3)股东4)经济体制5)开发产品和服务6)市场力量;市场调节作用7)金融机构8)严重衰退9)破产10)mission11)stock price12)corporate motto14)maximize profits 15)financial system Part 2:1)market forces2)financial institutions 3)free enterprise system 4)deep institutions5)invisible hand6)stockholder7)profit maximization 8)economic system Task 2:1.and;2.Another;3. also;4. Not only;but;5. otherTask 31. understanding;2. agree with;3. forces… to be accepted;4. bad5. purpose7. given;8.famous.Unit 3Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1) 充满敬畏与感激;2)与外部世界隔离3)陷入绝境4)易感抑郁5)恢复体能6)界定性特征7)暂时的挫败8)不因挫败而心烦意乱9)竞选权位10)吹着欢快的曲调Part 2:1)bout 2)validated 3)squabble 4)aptitude5)platitude 6)debilitate7)reassuring 8)undermine 9)ruminate 10)martial Task 2:1.contrasting;2.in contrast;3. However;4. different;5. on the other hand6. in the opposite way7.howeverTask 31. full of;2. becomes alert and energetic3. keeping thinking about4. been left in hopelessness5. likely to suffer from6. not disturbed7. saying something that people are quite familiar with8. officially approvedUnit 4Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. green movement2. protected areas3. extinction of animals and plants4. wild fish stocks5. make clean power6. save resources7. 培育生物多样性8. 控制污染9. 阻止对生态体系的破坏10. 扩大清洁产业11. 集体世界观12. 生态经济Part 2:1. Embedding a narrative that moves us on from protecting nature from people to protecting nature for people is an essential part of this reframing. (Para.6)If such a narrative is to gain practical effect, then looking after nature must urgently be seen as not only an environmental challenge, but also an economic one. (Para.7)The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating keys words such as narrative, nature.2. So long as we continue to travel in two directions at once, promoting environmental goals on the one hand while on the other directly contradicting that with measures to achieve more economic growth, the longer we will fail to make real progress. (Para.7)When it comes to economics and ecology there is plenty of good thinking already done. (Para.8) The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating key words such as economic, economics.Task 3 Formal language1. unchangeable; increasing2. control3. effort; charitable4. pleasant detail5. complicated6. change7. Changing8. importantUnit 5Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. having a mind2.behave as if you understand3.what and how we know4.inside;reflects Mentalist Dbehaviorist BEpistemologist Aphenomenologist CPart 21. psychological2.spiritual3.behaviour4.phenomenologist5.perplexity6.mentallyTask 2:…,classified…This class of…The class of……a less severe label…The huge classTask 31. what we imagine about computers today2.we have broken the distinction between the first type of response3.for the sake of convenience so that it is easier to refer to the first type of response4. you have the same reason for thinking that M had a mind.5. (The reason you believe your mother has a mind is based) not on your prejudice6. as groundless as believing that computers have mindUnit 6Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. 数学化,数字处理2. 计算机辅助设计3. 统计4. 基因组学5. 运筹学6. 优化组合7. 概率8. 数据库Part 2:1. database2. CAD3. statistics4. probability5. optimization6. genomics7. mathematization8. Operations researchTask 2:1. Here are a few simple examples of prescriptive mathematics that extended from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:…(Line1,para.8,Text A)2. Admittedly this is rather vague, but it will clarify a bit as I go on and mention a few of the manyexamples that Baker gives:…(Line 8, para.10, Text A)Task 3 Formal language1. exists2. included3. explained4. model5. get6. environment7. knowledgeable person; in which8. until now9. fix ideas of (caution) in one’s mindUnit 7Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. -h2.-f3.-a4.-j5.-i6.-b7.-d8.-g9.-c10.-ePart 2:1. To achieve professional development isimportant as a means to the end of becoming an expert and gaining more flexibility and independence2. Numerous studies over the last 30 years have suggested that personality is a powerful predictor of a person's life satisfaction3. An employee's work orientation is shaped in the first instance by their understanding of “what work is about”4. The government is trying to introduce new measures to create a better social safety net and encourage better worker pay5. Money has been used as the incentive of many intelligence contests in TV program Task 2:1. The present perfect tense(现在完成时)emphasizes that people’s conception about what money can bring them has changed greatly2. The tense switches from the present to the past to manifest that an example is given3.The tense switches between the present and the past to produce a comparison of different interpretations of a “calling”in different times Task 3 Formal language1. pour heart and soul into :spare no efforts,try one's bestwhat will stimulate\encourage a worker to try his best in making good products?2. lure:temptationgrueling:working exhaustedlyPeople are no longer so tempted by the dream of becoming rich by working exhaustedly 80 hours a week for several years in a humble position3. lowly job:humble jobrecrafted:turnedHe might be doing a humble job,but he would turn it into a great mission4. entails:requiresA career requires more devotion to work5. contributing to:being beneficial toconnotation:implicationPeople who regard their work as a calling\great mission think that what they do helps serve the public and brings benefits to our society,and therefore it's quite proper to say that a mission\calling implies something similar to religious beliefsUnit8Task 1 Specialized vocabulare1. cultural tradition 文化传统2. social stability 社会稳定3. distinct identity 鲜明特色4. edge effect 边缘效应5. organic evolution 有机界进化6. mutual respect 相互尊重7.political correctness 政治正确性anic evolution2. mutual respect3. Edge effect4. social stability5. political correctness6. cultural tradition7. distinct identityTask 2 Signpost language1. Through; through; through2. not just; but3. first4. second5. next6. final7.not only; but alsoTask 3 Formal English1. develop2. combined3. skillful performers4. obvious5. friendly6. getting rid of7. combine8. changed9. imagine10. a large number ofUnit 9Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 D 医疗2 J 基因分型3 F 内窥镜检查4 A 生物技术5 H 诊断6 C 分子的7 I 治疗方案8 E 医生9 G 外科医生的;手术的10 B 胶囊1 diagnosis2 surgical3 Biotechnology4 healthcare5 protocols6 molecularTask 2 Signpost language1 known as2 referred to as3 call4 describe5 meanTask 3 Formal English1 increases2 marked3 arrival/ coming4 replaced5 move away6 filledUnit 10Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 b2 k3 f4 j5 g6 i7 e8 c9 h10 a11 d1 syntactic patterns2 Language faculty3 neural system4 underlying logic5 evolutionary adaptation6 formal instruction7 mental organ8 natural selectionTask 2 Signpost language1 for2 led to3 because4 Therefore5 Therefore6 because; because7 SoTask 3 Formal English1 explanation/interpretation; impacts2 is present all over; analyze/explain/interpret亚当斯密称它为“看不见的手”导致无数人的神秘力量,各为自己的利益工作,推动结束,受益多。

Presenting a speech (做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. Contrary to popular belief, language does not simply mirror realitybut also helps to create our sense of reality by giving meaning to events.在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately.好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。


Presenting a speech (做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. Contrary to popular belief, language does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality by giving meaning to events.在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately.好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。

Presenting a speech (做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself. Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events]. 在人类所有的创造中,在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在 具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker ’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately. 好的演讲者对语言很重视,好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。

Presenting a speech(做演讲)Of all human creations,language may be the most remarkable。
Through language we share experience, formulate values,exchange ideas, transmit knowledge,and sustain culture。
Indeed,language is vital to think itself. Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality but also helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events].在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker's craft。
They have special uses,just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately,clearly,vividly,and appropriately。

翻译,U1U1A 感谢看不见的手感谢全能的上帝是感恩节的主题,并自清教徒带来在他们的第一个丰收的朝圣者…直到今天,在全国各地的数以百万计的家庭,上帝会感谢许多礼物,桌上的盛宴和亲人的公司,健康和好运,在过去的一年,和平时期的家庭,为无数特权出生或成为-美国人。

(完整版)学术英语综合课后答案季佩英Unit 1Language building-upTask 1/Specialized vocabulary1. 饲料经销商;饲料批发商2. 为他自己的收益而工作3. 技能与劳动力4. 制造塑料5. 私人交易6. 包装并定价7. 无形之手1. priced2. labor3. transactions4. gain5. labor; manufactured6. invisible hand7. distributorTask 2/Signpost language1. Today, in millions of homes across the nation, God will be thanked for many gifts, for the feast on the table and the company of loved ones, for health and good fortune in the year gone by, for peace privilege of having been born, or having become —American(Line 2, Para.1).2. And yet, isn't there something wondrous, —something almost inexplicable in the way your Thanksgiving weekend is made possible by the skill and labor of vast numbers of total strangers? (Line 1, Para. 4)3. ...Thanksgiving Turkey, there would be one, —or morelikely, a few dozen—waiting. (Line 3, Para.6)Task 3/Formal English1. very many2. buying or selling3. a large group of4. more huge5. understand6. troubledUnit 2Language buildingTask 1:Part 1:1)无形之手;2)自由企业制度3)股东4)经济体制5)开发产品和服务6)市场力量;市场调节作用7)金融机构8)严重衰退9)破产10)mission11)stock price12)corporate motto13)assets14)maximize profits 15)financial systemPart 2:1)market forces2)financial institutions 3)free enterprise system 4)deep institutions5)invisible hand6)stockholder7)profit maximization 8)economic system Task 2:1.and;2.Another;3. also;4. Not only;but;5. otherTask 31. understanding;2. agree with;3. forces…to be accepted;4. bad5. purpose6. charitable ;7. given;8.famous.Unit 3Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1) 充满敬畏与感激;2)与外部世界隔离3)陷入绝境4)易感抑郁5)恢复体能6)界定性特征7)暂时的挫败8)不因挫败而心烦意乱9)竞选权位10)吹着欢快的曲调Part 2:1)bout 2)validated3)squabble 4)aptitude5)platitude 6)debilitate7)reassuring 8)undermine9)ruminate 10)martialTask 2:1.contrasting;2.in contrast;3. However;4. different;5. on the other hand6. in the opposite way7.howeverTask 31. full of;2. becomes alert and energetic3. keeping thinking about4. been left in hopelessness5. likely to suffer from6. not disturbed7. saying something that people are quite familiar with8. officially approvedUnit 4Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. green movement2. protected areas3. extinction of animals and plants4. wild fish stocks5. make clean power6. save resources7. 培育生物多样性8. 控制污染9. 阻止对生态体系的破坏10. 扩大清洁产业11. 集体世界观12. 生态经济Part 2:1. Embedding a narrative that moves us on from protecting nature from people to protecting nature for people is an essential part of this reframing. (Para.6)If such a narrative is to gain practical effect, then looking after nature must urgently be seen as not only an environmental challenge, but also an economic one. (Para.7)The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating keys words such as narrative, nature.2. So long as we continue to travel in two directions at once, promoting environmental goals on the one hand while on the other directly contradicting that with measures to achieve more economic growth, the longer we will fail to make real progress. (Para.7)When it comes to economics and ecology there is plenty of good thinking already done. (Para.8) The author manages to bring in a new topic and maintain coherence by repeating key words such as economic, economics.Task 3 Formal language1. unchangeable; increasing2. control3. effort; charitable4. pleasant detail5. complicated6. change7. Changing8. importantUnit 5Language buildingTask 1: collocationPart 1:1. having a mind2.behave as if you understand3.what and how we know4.inside;reflectsMentalist Dbehaviorist B Epistemologist A phenomenologist CPart 21. psychological2.spiritual3.behaviour4.phenomenologist5.perplexity6.mentallyTask 2:…,classified…This class of…The class of……a less severe label…The huge classTask 31. what we imagine about computers today2.we have broken the distinction between3.for the sake of convenience so that it is easier to refer to the first type of response4. you have the same reason for thinking that M had a mind.5. (The reason you believe your mother has a mind is based) not on your prejudice6. as groundless as believing that computers have mindUnit 6Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. 数学化,数字处理2. 计算机辅助设计3. 统计4. 基因组学5. 运筹学6. 优化组合7. 概率8. 数据库Part 2:1. database2. CAD3. statistics4. probability5. optimization6. genomics7. mathematization8. Operations researchTask 2:1. Here are a few simple examples of prescriptivemathematics that extended from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:…(Line 1,para.8,Text A)2. Admittedly this is rather vague, but it will clarify a bit as I go on and mention a few of the manyexamples that Baker gives:…(Line 8, para.10, Text A)Task 3 Formal language1. exists2. included3. explained4. model5. get6. environment7. knowledgeable person; in which8. until now9. fix ideas of (caution) in one’s mindUnit 7Task 1: Specialized vocabularyPart 11. -h2.-f3.-a4.-j5.-i6.-b7.-d8.-g9.-c10.-ePart 2:1. To achieve professional development isimportant as ameans to the end of becoming an expert and gaining more flexibility and independence2. Numerous studies over the last 30 years have suggested that personality is a powerful predictor of a person's life satisfaction3. An employee's work orientation is shaped in the first instance by their understanding of “what work is about”4. The government is trying to introduce new measures to create a better social safety net and encourage better worker pay5. Money has been used as the incentive of many intelligence contests in TV programTask 2:1. The present perfect tense(现在完成时)emphasizes that people’s conception about what money can bring them has changed greatly2. The tense switches from the present to the past to manifest that an example is given3.The tense switches between the present and the past to produce a comparison of different interpretations of a “calling”in different timesTask 3 Formal language1. pour heart and soul into :spare no efforts,try one's bestwhat will stimulate\encourage a worker to try his best in making good products?2. lure:temptationgrueling:working exhaustedlyPeople are no longer so tempted by the dream of becoming rich by working exhaustedly 80 hours a week for several years ina humble position3. lowly job:humble jobrecrafted:turnedHe might be doing a humble job,but he would turn it intoa great mission4. entails:requiresA career requires more devotion to work5. contributing to:being beneficial toconnotation:implicationPeople who regard their work as a calling\great mission think that what they do helps serve the public and brings benefits to our society,and therefore it's quite proper to say that a mission\calling implies something similar to religious beliefs Unit8Task 1 Specialized vocabulare1. cultural tradition 文化传统2. social stability 社会稳定3. distinct identity 鲜明特色4. edge effect 边缘效应5. organic evolution 有机界进化6. mutual respect 相互尊重7.political correctness 政治正确性/doc/aaf6c3adfac75fbfc77da26925c52cc58 ad6907f.html anic evolution2. mutual respect3. Edge effect4. social stability5. political correctness6. cultural tradition7. distinct identityTask 2 Signpost language1. Through; through; through2. not just; but3. first4. second5. next6. final7.not only; but alsoTask 3 Formal English1. develop2. combined3. skillful performers4. obvious5. friendly6. getting rid of7. combine8. changed9. imagine10. a large number ofUnit 9Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 D 医疗2 J 基因分型3 F 内窥镜检查4 A 生物技术5 H 诊断6 C 分子的7 I 治疗方案8 E 医生9 G 外科医生的;手术的10 B 胶囊1 diagnosis2 surgical3 Biotechnology4 healthcare5 protocols6 molecularTask 2 Signpost language1 known as2 referred to as3 call4 describe5 meanTask 3 Formal English1 increases2 marked3 arrival/ coming4 replaced5 move away6 filledUnit 10Task 1 Specialized vocabulary1 b2 k3 f4 j5 g6 i7 e8 c9 h10 a11 d1 syntactic patterns2 Language faculty3 neural system4 underlying logic5 evolutionary adaptation6 formal instruction7 mental organ8 natural selectionTask 2 Signpost language1 for2 led to3 because4 Therefore5 Therefore6 because; because7 SoTask 3 Formal English1 explanation/interpretation; impacts2 is present all over; analyze/explain/interpret。
学术英语-季佩英-第6课翻译 New winds blowing

New winds blowing in applied mathematicsPhilip J.DavisHow would you complete this sentence:”this is the age of...”Every generation of writers has filled in the dots not only for their own age,but for selected past ages.In1947,the poet W.H.Auden wrote that his was“the age of anxiety”.Around1970,song writers,pulling on astrological beliefs,called it“The age of Aquarius,”an age of love and human kindness.More recently,psychiatrist Daniel Freeman wrote that this is“The age of Paranoia”with distrust and optical surveillance everywhere.We answer according to our experiences.I would fill in the dots by saying that this is the age of computers,or more sharply,the age of mathematizaions.The computer is the prime and driving mechanism of the age and in all computer applications there resides some sort of mathematical construction.It is an age when applied mathematizations affect us all, for good,for bad,for somewhere in between,and these effects may not develop or become apparent for some while.Mathematics is now so universally employed that its teaching cannot be encompassed in one department.CAD/CAM(computer aided design/manufacture)is now in dentistry.Does the dentistry development require engineering talent?Should its techniques be taught in an engineering department?One can truly wonder what courses should comprise the basic training for the applied mathematician or computer scientist.I have spent a good fraction of my professional life in what might be termed“a traditional department of applied mathematics”.by“traditional”I mean a department that stresses the mathematics that models physical phenomena,or to a lesser extent, that models social phenomena via statistics.The word“traditional”cal also be explicated by noting the specific courses that are given in such a department.In my department at Brown University,for example,there are graduate courses in biophysical models,genomics,operations research,statistical inference,dynamical systems,and fluids.This represents a change from a half century ago,when my department was a renowned research center for solid mechanics:elasticity,plasticity, rheology,etc.The word“traditional”can also be explicated by the well-known paradigmatics sequence:Description-prediction-comparison-re tinkering the description.But there is now another type of applied mathematics whose paradigm is:Prescription-adoption-surveillance and societal evaluation-re prescription.Here are a few simple examples of prescriptive mathematics that extend from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:The speed limit on a highway.The mandatory retirement age for particular occupations.The scoring system for football.An algorithm for determining the“pecking order”of colleges.The old”point system”for determining the quality of a mortgage application.The presidential electoral system in the USAA national tax systemNational and international financial system.This list could go on and on.Society may adopted a mathematical prescription,but its acceptance is more provisional or tentative than,e.g.,Newtonian mechanics.There is yet another kind of mathematics by prescription that derives from human behavior and that is the product of a large cadre of professional s whom the journalist and investigative reporter Stephen Baker ha termed“the Numerati”.who are“the Numerati”?A secret society?No,they are mathematicians,computer scientists,engineers,physicists,economists,biologists,psychologists,linguists and data miners.In fact,anyone who consciously devises or uses algorithms that extract patterns from the behavior of individuals,individual or collective,whose uses then have a direct impact on their personal lives.Admittedly,this is rather vague,but is will clarity a bit as I go on and mention a few of the many examples that Baker gives:A name identifying company using linguistic analysis can tell you whether Mr. Chang is the same fellow as Mr.Tchang,or even Mr.Tchung.A company keeps shopping and lifestyle data of some200million Americans. The company buys just about every bit of data about us that is cold,and then sells selections of it.Another company quietly amasses court rulings,tax and real estate transactions, birth and death notices so as to enhance,among other things,law and child support enforcement,public safety and health care.Yet another company divides the electorate into10groups with characteristic voting patterns so as to help political parties get the swing voters onto their bandwagon.Some of these compilation and analyses,even now,go on silently andautomatically.We are typecast as we sit innocently before our screen and surf of when we use a credit card to buy our weekly groceries.The products of the Numerati can run from socially benign and useful to worrisome to scary.The principal worry is the loss of personal privacy.What formal mathematical knowledge is required to install such mathematizations?If can be anything from the very simple to the very advanced. Technically speaking,what goes on here is part of field of learning/computational statistics,a very hot area in applied mathematics,and computer science.The useful formal training would include:linear algebra,mulch-variable calculus,optimization, probability,statistics,on the mathematics side.On the CS side,it would include algorithms and database theory.Specialized knowledge of the particular domain is of course necessary.In a sense,all applications of math are ultimately prescriptive,but I’m concerned here with mathematics that,once prescribed,creates a brand-new milieu as opposed to mathematics that describes or models an existing often physical milieu.In a perceptive1946article,the French polymath Paul Valery,pointed out that with Volta’s1800discovery of the electric current and invention of the battery, science entered a new phase wherein it created and described absolutely new phenomena as opposed to phenomena that pre-existed.By the same token,applied mathematics which has hitherto been concerned with pre-existing phenomena,is now, via the work of the Numerati,creating new(and largely social)phenomena,this adds fuel to the social constructivist view of mathematics as explicated by Paul Ernest in his many works.Over the years,i may very well have trained students is applied mathematics who have happily,productively and lucratively,entered the ranks of the Numerati. There are fortunes to be made in the numerocratic domains and the young people are aware of it.the low-hanging fruit in engineering may now have all been plucked.To go froward with schemes,e.g.creating sufficient quantities of clean energy may be difficult whereas creating successful new data-mining applications is comparatively easy.And we must deal with its consequences,many of which will be unintended.Mathematics is a very adaptable,very universally applicable language and for this reason it should be invoked with caution.Part of mathematical education of the future should be to inculcate caution lest we fall into the complaint of Caliban:”You have given me language,and my profit on’t is I know how to curse.”(1136words)应用数学的新风Philip J.Davis你将如何完成这句话:“这是一个……时代”每一个时代的作家都在省略号处填上不不同的内容,不仅仅是他们自己的年龄。

Presenting a speech(做演讲)Of all human creations, language may be the most remarkable. Through在人类所有的创造中,语言也许是影响最为深远的。
我们用语言language we share experience, formulate values, exchange ideas, transmit来分享经验,表达(传递?)价值观,交换想法,传播知识,knowledge, and sustain culture. Indeed, language is vital to think itself.传承文化。
[Contrary to popular belief], language | does not simply mirror reality butalso helps to create our sense of reality [by giving meaning to events].和通常所认为的不同的是,语言并不只是简单地反映现实,语言在具体描述事件的时候也在帮助我们建立对现实的感知。
Good speakers have respect for language and know how it works. Words are the tools of a speaker’s craft. They have special uses, just like the tools of any other profession. As a speaker, you should be aware of the meaning of words and know how to use language accurately, clearly,vividly,and appropriately.好的演讲者对语言很重视,也知道如何让它发挥更好的效果。
学术英语-季佩英-第6课翻译 New winds blowing

New winds blowing in applied mathematicsPhilip J.DavisHow would you complete this sentence:”this is the age of...”Every generation of writers has filled in the dots not only for their own age,but for selected past ages.In1947,the poet W.H.Auden wrote that his was“the age of anxiety”.Around1970,song writers,pulling on astrological beliefs,called it“The age of Aquarius,”an age of love and human kindness.More recently,psychiatrist Daniel Freeman wrote that this is“The age of Paranoia”with distrust and optical surveillance everywhere.We answer according to our experiences.I would fill in the dots by saying that this is the age of computers,or more sharply,the age of mathematizaions.The computer is the prime and driving mechanism of the age and in all computer applications there resides some sort of mathematical construction.It is an age when applied mathematizations affect us all, for good,for bad,for somewhere in between,and these effects may not develop or become apparent for some while.Mathematics is now so universally employed that its teaching cannot be encompassed in one department.CAD/CAM(computer aided design/manufacture)is now in dentistry.Does the dentistry development require engineering talent?Should its techniques be taught in an engineering department?One can truly wonder what courses should comprise the basic training for the applied mathematician or computer scientist.I have spent a good fraction of my professional life in what might be termed“a traditional department of applied mathematics”.by“traditional”I mean a department that stresses the mathematics that models physical phenomena,or to a lesser extent, that models social phenomena via statistics.The word“traditional”cal also be explicated by noting the specific courses that are given in such a department.In my department at Brown University,for example,there are graduate courses in biophysical models,genomics,operations research,statistical inference,dynamical systems,and fluids.This represents a change from a half century ago,when my department was a renowned research center for solid mechanics:elasticity,plasticity, rheology,etc.The word“traditional”can also be explicated by the well-known paradigmatics sequence:Description-prediction-comparison-re tinkering the description.But there is now another type of applied mathematics whose paradigm is:Prescription-adoption-surveillance and societal evaluation-re prescription.Here are a few simple examples of prescriptive mathematics that extend from single numbers to exceedingly complex systems:The speed limit on a highway.The mandatory retirement age for particular occupations.The scoring system for football.An algorithm for determining the“pecking order”of colleges.The old”point system”for determining the quality of a mortgage application.The presidential electoral system in the USAA national tax systemNational and international financial system.This list could go on and on.Society may adopted a mathematical prescription,but its acceptance is more provisional or tentative than,e.g.,Newtonian mechanics.There is yet another kind of mathematics by prescription that derives from human behavior and that is the product of a large cadre of professional s whom the journalist and investigative reporter Stephen Baker ha termed“the Numerati”.who are“the Numerati”?A secret society?No,they are mathematicians,computer scientists,engineers,physicists,economists,biologists,psychologists,linguists and data miners.In fact,anyone who consciously devises or uses algorithms that extract patterns from the behavior of individuals,individual or collective,whose uses then have a direct impact on their personal lives.Admittedly,this is rather vague,but is will clarity a bit as I go on and mention a few of the many examples that Baker gives:A name identifying company using linguistic analysis can tell you whether Mr. Chang is the same fellow as Mr.Tchang,or even Mr.Tchung.A company keeps shopping and lifestyle data of some200million Americans. The company buys just about every bit of data about us that is cold,and then sells selections of it.Another company quietly amasses court rulings,tax and real estate transactions, birth and death notices so as to enhance,among other things,law and child support enforcement,public safety and health care.Yet another company divides the electorate into10groups with characteristic voting patterns so as to help political parties get the swing voters onto their bandwagon.Some of these compilation and analyses,even now,go on silently andautomatically.We are typecast as we sit innocently before our screen and surf of when we use a credit card to buy our weekly groceries.The products of the Numerati can run from socially benign and useful to worrisome to scary.The principal worry is the loss of personal privacy.What formal mathematical knowledge is required to install such mathematizations?If can be anything from the very simple to the very advanced. Technically speaking,what goes on here is part of field of learning/computational statistics,a very hot area in applied mathematics,and computer science.The useful formal training would include:linear algebra,mulch-variable calculus,optimization, probability,statistics,on the mathematics side.On the CS side,it would include algorithms and database theory.Specialized knowledge of the particular domain is of course necessary.In a sense,all applications of math are ultimately prescriptive,but I’m concerned here with mathematics that,once prescribed,creates a brand-new milieu as opposed to mathematics that describes or models an existing often physical milieu.In a perceptive1946article,the French polymath Paul Valery,pointed out that with Volta’s1800discovery of the electric current and invention of the battery, science entered a new phase wherein it created and described absolutely new phenomena as opposed to phenomena that pre-existed.By the same token,applied mathematics which has hitherto been concerned with pre-existing phenomena,is now, via the work of the Numerati,creating new(and largely social)phenomena,this adds fuel to the social constructivist view of mathematics as explicated by Paul Ernest in his many works.Over the years,i may very well have trained students is applied mathematics who have happily,productively and lucratively,entered the ranks of the Numerati. There are fortunes to be made in the numerocratic domains and the young people are aware of it.the low-hanging fruit in engineering may now have all been plucked.To go froward with schemes,e.g.creating sufficient quantities of clean energy may be difficult whereas creating successful new data-mining applications is comparatively easy.And we must deal with its consequences,many of which will be unintended.Mathematics is a very adaptable,very universally applicable language and for this reason it should be invoked with caution.Part of mathematical education of the future should be to inculcate caution lest we fall into the complaint of Caliban:”You have given me language,and my profit on’t is I know how to curse.”(1136words)应用数学的新风Philip J.Davis你将如何完成这句话:“这是一个……时代”每一个时代的作家都在省略号处填上不不同的内容,不仅仅是他们自己的年龄。

Unit 4 环境Text A The Green Movement at 50: What Next?环保的当今时代是约半个世纪之久。
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A 感谢看不见的手
事实上,越是计划经济,就越是困扰着短缺的错位和失败… 自由的社会秩序,如财富和进步,这是一个非同寻常的礼物。
B 作为信号的礼物
为政府辩护的是一个杰出的经济学家(麻省理工学院的教授富兰克林fisher,为微软辩护的是一个同样杰出的经济学家(麻省理工学院教授李察… 岌岌可危的是世界上最有价值的公司(微软)是一个经济最快发展的产业(计算机软件)。
随着时间的推移,微软已经增加了许多功能给Windows 窗口,它以前是独立的产品。
它也认为,以50美元的低价格收取Windows ,或只有典型电脑价格的3%,是它的市场控制力被严重
农夫既不会去做一个也不是其他,而是雇用drjferent artficers。