



英语当中缩略词使用的频率很高,如IMP: important, ASAP: as soon as possible。


缩略词的写法一般为四种方式:F拿掉所有元音MKT: marketMGR: managerMSG: messageSTD: standardRCV: receiveF保留前几个字母INFO : informationINS : insuranceEXCH exchangeI owe you IOUIn stead of I/OF保留开头和结尾个发音字母WK: weekRM: roomPL: peopleF根据发音R :areTHO: thoughTHRU: through缩略词原词APT :ApartmentACC: AccountantACDG :AccordingACPT: AcceptAD :AdvertisementADS :AddressADV: AdviceAMAP :As much/many as possibleAMT: AmountAPV :ApproveASAP :As soon as possibleBAL :BalanceBLDG :BuildingCERT CertificateCFM :ConformCNCL :CancelCNF: ConferenceCMI :CommissionCMPE :Compete/competitiveCMU :CommunicationCONC :Concern/concerning/concerned COND :ConditionCO. :CompanyDEPT: DepartmentDISC :DepartureEXCH: ExchangeEXPLN: ExplainEXT: ExtentFLT :FinalFRT: FreightFYR :For your referenceGD :GoodGUAR :Guarantee. Home officeINFO :InformationIMPS :ImpossibleIMP(T): ImportantINCD :IncludeINDIV :IndividualINS: InsuranceINTST :InterestedI/O :In stead ofIOU :I owe youIVO: In view ofMANUF :ManufactureMDL :ModelMEMO :MemorandumMGR :MangerMIN :MinimumMKT :MarketMSG :MessageNCRY :NecessaryNLT :No later thanOBS :ObserveOBT :ObtainORD :OrdinaryPAT :PatentPC :PiecePKG :PackingPL :PeoplePLS :PleasePOSN: PositionPOSS(BL): PossiblePROD: ProductQLTY: QualityQUTY: QuantityRCV: ReceiveREF :ReferenceREGL :RegularREP :RepresentativeRESN: ReservationRPT :RepeatRESPON :ResponsibleSEC: SectionSITN :SituationSTD :StandardTEL :TelephoneTEMP :TemporaryTGM :TelegraphTHO :ThoughTKS :ThanksTRD :TradeTRF: TrafficTTL :TotalU :YouUR :YourWK :WeekWL :WillWT :WeightXL: Extra large二、字母、图像Z 表示"人"people/person,因为"Z"看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。

超全 英文缩写

超全 英文缩写

超全英文缩写asl是Age,sex and location的所写,年龄,性别和地址(国籍)lol是laugh out loud的缩写,意思是大声笑,笑的很开心的样子ppl=people bbs=be back soon=很快回来thx=thanks ur=your asap=as soon as possibleg2g=got to go ttyl=talk to you later brb=be right back bbl=be back later bio brb=上个厕所就回afk=away from keyboard(away)u=youplz=please y=why w8=wait l8er=later cya=see ya(later)nvm=nevermindnm=not much gl=good luck gf=girlfriend bf=boyfriend luv=love RUOK=are you ok?sp=support cu=see ucul8er=see you later ft=faint ic=i seesoho=small office home officer btw=by the way gn=gn8=gnight=goodnight=晚安nn=nite=晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。


hiho=hola=yo=hi=hey=hellow=ello你好,大家好wuz up=sup=what's up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(当然是比较熟的两个人之间的问候),回答时有事说事,没事用"nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。

OMG=oh my god=我的天;我靠!OMFG=oh my fucking god=我的老天;我靠靠;wtf=what the fuck=怎么会事!?;我日!;OMGWTFBBQSOURCE!表震惊到了极致.n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;lefuzee ownz all the others!)rullz=强!(例句:lefuzee rullz!;you guyz rull!)you rock!=你牛比!lmao=laughing my ass off=笑的屁股尿流rofl=roll on floor laughing=笑翻天了roflmao=rofl+lmao=笑到爆了!语气强度排序:hehe haha lol muwahaha lmao rofl roflmao---其他简写---1,FU=f uck you=*你;滚2,STFU=Shut the fuck up!=他妈的给我闭嘴!3,k=ok=okay=okie=好的,恩4,sux=suck的第3人称单数形势(例句:that sux)=sb;滥5,gimme=give me=给我6,xfer=transfer=传输7,em=them=他们的宾格8,thx=thanks=谢谢9,happy bday=happy b-day=happy birthday!=生日快乐10,dunno=dont know=不知道11,kinda=a little bit=有点(例句:The game is kinda hard for me.i kinda think ishould get it done as soonas possible.)12,tho=though=虽然尽管(例句:That demo was verynice,kinda old tho.那个demo很不错,虽然有点老)13,plz=please=请14,cmon=c'mon=come on 15,suka=s ucker suck(吮吸),er(表"人"),吮吸的人.没天真到无邪的人都能明白了。





1. 通用缩写
2. 商业缩写
3. 科技缩写
4. 医疗缩写
5. 教育缩写




英语单词缩略词大全IT:信息技术(Information Technology)PC:个人电脑(Personal Computer)APP:应用程序(Application)CPU:中央处理器(Central Processing Unit)www:环球信息网/万维网(World Wide Web)WiFi:无线网络/无线保真技术(Wireless Fidelity)CD:光盘/激光唱片(Compact Disk)DJ:音乐节目主持人(Disc Jockey)TEL:电话机(Telephone)VCD:录像光盘(Video Compact Disk)DVD:数字录像光盘(Digital Video Disk)VCR:盒式磁带录像(Video Cassette Recorder)MV:音乐短片(Music Video)KTV:卡拉OK(Karaok TV)TV:电视(TeleVision)GPS:全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)ETC:不停车收费系统(Electronic Toll Collection)ABS:防锁死刹车系统(Antilock Brake System)SUV:运动型多用途轿车(Sport Utility Vehicle)BRT:快速公交系统(Bus Rapid Transit)LRT:轻轨公交系统(Light Rail Transit)ATM:自动取款机(Automatic Teller Machine)国家/地区及国际组织类PRC:中华人民共和国(The People s Republic of China)HK:香港(Hong Kong)JP:日本(Japan)KR:韩国(Korea)UK:英国(United Kingdom)US:美国(United States)USA:美国(United States of America)RUS:俄罗斯(Russia)SGP:新加坡(Singapore)EU:欧洲联盟/欧盟(European Union)UN:联合国(United Nations)WTO:世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)WHO:世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)CIA:美国中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)FBI:美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of investigation)FDA:食品药品监督管理局(Food and Drug Administration)ICAC:廉政公署(Independent Commission Against Corruption)OPEC:石油输出国组织/欧佩克(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)图片机构/公司和协会类EMS:邮政特快专递(Express Mail Service)PLA:中国人民解放军(People s Liberation Army)CCTV:中国中央电视台(China Central Television)CBA:中国篮球协会(Chinese Basketball Association)NBA:美国篮球协会(National Basketball Association)BBC:英国广播公司(British Broad-casting Corporation)VOA:美国之音(Voice of America)IOC:国际奥委会(International Olympic Committee)ISBN:国际标准书号(International Standard Book Number)其他常见杂类缩写Ad:广告(Advertisement)Add:地址(Address)BBQ:烧烤(Barbecue)DIY:自己动手/自助服务(Do it Yourself)ET:外星人(Extra Terrestrial)ID:身份证(Identification Card)IQ:智商(Intelligence Quotient)EQ:情商(Emotional Quotient)PE:体育(Physical Education)No.:号码/编号(Number)KFC:肯德基(Kentucky Fried Chicken)DNA:遗传基因组织(Deoxyribonucleic Acid)GMT:格林威治时间或国际标准时间(Greenwich Mean Time)GDP:国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)OMG:我的上帝/我的天哪(Oh My God)SOS:求救信号(Save Our Soul)UFO:不明飞行物(Unknown Flying Object)VIP:重要人物/贵宾(Very Important Person)WC:厕所(Water Closet)Mr.:先生(Mister)Ms.:女士(Mrs. or Miss)Mrs.:夫人/太太(Mistress)AD:公元(Anno Domini)BC:公元前(Before Christ)AM:上午(Ante Meridiem)(before noon)PM:下午(Post Meridiem)(afternoon)CEO:首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)CFO:首席财务官(Chief Finance Officer)COO:首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)CTO:首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer)PhD:博士(Philosophy Doctor)MBA:工商管理硕士(Master of Business Administration)MPA:公共管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)中国人民银行:PBC(The People s Bank of China)中国建设银行:CCB(China Construction Bank)中国农业银行:ABC(Agriculture Bank of China)中国工商银行:ICBC(Industrial & Commercial Bank of China)中国银行:BOC(Bank of China)交通银行:BCM(Bank of Communications)招商银行:CMB(China Merchants Bank)。



常用英文缩写国家名称英文缩写对照表AUS 澳大利亚AustraliaAUT 奥地利AustriaBLR 保加利亚BelarusBEL 比利时BelgiumBIH 波黑Bosnia-HercegovinaBRA 巴西BrazilBulgaria (BUL):保加利亚CHN(PRC) 中国People's Republic of China (China) Canada (CAN):加拿大Chinese Taipei (TPE):中国台北Croatia (CRO):克罗地亚Czech Republic (CZE):捷克Denmark (DEN):丹麦Estonia (EST):爱沙尼亚France (FRA):法国Germany (GER):德国GBR(UK) 英国:United KingdomHKG 中国香港Hong Kong-ChinaHUN 匈牙利HungaryIND 印度IndiaISR 以色列IsraelITA 意大利ItalyJPN 日本JapanKazakhstan (KAZ):哈萨克斯坦Korea (KOR):韩国Latvia (LAT):拉托维亚Lithuania (LTU):立陶宛Mongolia (MGL):蒙古Netherlands (NED):荷兰New Zealand (NZL):新西兰Norway (NOR):挪威People's Republic of Korea (PRK):朝鲜Poland (POL):波兰Republic of South Africa (RSA):南非Romania (ROM):罗马尼亚Russia (RUS):俄罗斯Serbia and Montenegro (SCG):塞黑Slovakia (SVK):斯洛伐克Slovenia (SLO):斯洛文尼亚SWE 瑞典SwedenSUI 瑞士SwitzerlandUSA 美国:United States of AmericaUKR 乌克兰UkraineAC=上升岛, AD=安道尔, AE=阿拉伯联合酋长国, AF=阿富汗, AG=安提瓜和巴布达, AI=安圭拉, AL=阿尔巴尼亚, AM=亚美尼亚, AN=荷兰安的列斯群岛, AO=安哥拉, AQ=南极洲, AR=阿根廷,AS=美属萨摩亚群岛, AT=奥地利,AZ=澳洲, AW=阿卢巴,AZ=阿塞拜疆, BA=波士尼亚共和国, BB=巴巴多斯, BD=孟加拉,BE=比利时, BF=BurkinaFaso,BG=保加利亚, BH=巴林,BI=布隆迪, BJ=贝宁湾,BM=百慕达群岛, BN=汶莱,BO=玻利维亚, BR=巴西,BS=巴哈马, BT=不丹,BV=布威岛, BW=博茨瓦纳,BY=白俄罗斯, BZ=伯利兹,CA=加拿大, CC=椰子树(装以龙骨)岛, CD=扎伊尔, CF=中非共和国,CG=刚果, CH=瑞士,CK=科克群岛, CL=智利,CM=喀麦隆, CN=中国,CO=哥伦比亚, CR=哥斯达黎加,CU=古巴, CV=维德岛,CX=圣诞岛, CY=赛普勒斯,CZ=捷克, DE=德国,DJ=吉布地', DK'=丹麦,DM=多米尼加共和国, DO=多米尼加共和国,DZ=阿尔及利亚, EC=厄瓜多尔,EE=爱沙尼亚, EG=埃及,EH=西撒哈拉, ER=厄立特里安,ES=西班牙, ET=埃塞俄比亚, EU=欧盟, FI=芬兰,FJ=斐济, FK=福克兰群岛, FM=密克罗尼西亚, FO=法罗群岛, FR=法国, GA=加彭,GB=英国, GD=格林纳达, GE=格鲁吉亚州,GF=法属圭亚那, GG=格恩西岛, GH=迦纳,GI=直布罗陀, GL=格陵兰,GM=冈比亚, GN=几内亚,GP=哥德普洛岛, GQ=赤道几内亚, GS=南乔治亚州和南方插入岛, GR=希腊,GT=危地马拉, GU=关岛,GW'=几内亚比绍共和国, GY=圭亚那, HM=听到和麦当劳岛, HK=香港,HN=洪都拉斯, HR=克罗埃西亚, HT=海地, HU=匈牙利,ID=印尼, IE=爱尔兰,IL=以色列, IM=冰岛,IO=英国的印度洋领土, IN=印度,IQ=伊拉克, IR=伊朗王国, IS=冰岛, IT=意大利,JE'=泽西, JM=牙买加,JO=约旦, JP=日本,KE=肯尼亚, KG=Kyrgystan, KH=高棉, KI=吉尔巴斯,KM=科摩洛, KN=圣吉斯和尼维斯, KP=韩国, KR=韩国,共和国,KW=科威特, KY=开曼群岛,KZ'=哈萨克, LA=Lao人民主共和国, LB=黎巴嫩, LC=圣卢西亚,LI=列支敦士登, LK=斯里兰卡,LR=利比里亚, LS=莱索托,LT=立陶宛, LU=卢森堡,LV=拉脱维亚, LY=利比亚,MA=摩洛哥, MC=摩纳哥,MD=摩尔多瓦, MG=马达加斯加,MH=马绍尔群岛, MK=马其顿,ML=马里, MM=缅甸,MN=蒙古, MO=澳门,MP=北马里亚纳群岛, MQ=马提尼克岛,MR=毛里塔尼亚, MS=蒙特色纳,MT=马尔他, MU=毛里求斯,MV=马尔代夫, MW=马拉维,MX=墨西哥, MY=马来西亚,MZ=莫桑比克, NA=那米比亚,NC=新加勒多尼亚, NE=尼日尔,NF=诺福克岛, NG=尼日利亚,NI=尼加拉瓜, NL=荷兰,NO=挪威, NP=尼泊尔,NR'=瑙鲁, NU=纽鄂岛,NZ=新西兰, OM=阿曼,PA=巴拿马, PE=秘鲁,PF=法属玻里尼西亚, PG=巴布亚新几内亚, PH=菲律宾共和国, PK=巴基斯坦,PM=圣皮埃尔和密克罗, PL=波兰,PN=皮特凯恩岛, PR=波多黎各,PS=巴勒斯坦, PT=葡萄牙,PW=帛琉, PY=巴拉圭,QA=卡塔尔, RO=罗马尼亚,RU=俄国, RW=卢旺达,SA=沙特阿拉伯, SB=索罗门群岛,SC'=塞锡尔群岛, SD=苏丹,SE=瑞典, SG=新加坡,SH=圣海伦娜, SI=斯洛文尼亚,SJ=冷岸和央麦恩群岛岛, SK=斯洛伐克,SL=塞拉利昂, SM=桑河Marino,SN=塞内加尔, SO=索马里,SR=苏利南, ST=圣多美和普林西比, SU=苏联, SV=萨尔瓦多,SY'=叙利亚, SZ=斯威士兰,TC=土耳其.凯科斯群岛, TD=乍得,TF=法国人, TG=多哥,TJ=塔吉克, TK=托克劳,TL=东帝汶, TM=土库曼斯克,TN=北非的共和国, TO=汤加,TP=东帝汶, TR=土耳其,TT=千里达托贝哥共和国, TV=图瓦卢,TW=台湾, TZ=坦桑尼亚,UA=乌克兰, UG=乌干达,UM=美国辅修在外的岛, UK=英国,US=美国, UY=乌拉圭,UZ=乌兹别克斯坦, VA=神圣的见到(罗马教庭), VC=圣文森和格林纳丁斯, VE=委内瑞拉,VG=维京群岛英国, VI=维京群岛U.S,VN=越南, VU=万那度,WF=沃利斯和富图纳群岛, WS=美属萨摩亚,YE=也门, YT=马约特,YU=南斯拉夫, ZA=南非,ZM=赞比亚, ZR=扎伊尔,ZW=津巴布韦常用英文缩写在现代生活中,已经有大量的英文缩写词汇和简写词融入到各种刊物、指标、专用语言等各个领域,如果不了解这些缩写词的意思,将严重影响我们的阅读。






1. A.D. - Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) 公元
2. A.M. - Ante Meridian (before noon) 上午
3.P.M. - Post Meridian (after noon) 下午
4.etc. - Et cetera (and so forth) 等等
5.i.e. - Id est (that is) 就是
6. e.g. - Exempli gratia (for example) 例如
7. A.D. - Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) 公元
8. A.M. - Ante Meridian (before noon) 上午
9.P.M. - Post Meridian (after noon) 下午
10.etc. - Et cetera (and so forth) 等等
11.i.e. - Id est (that is) 就是
12.e.g. - Exempli gratia (for example) 例如






1.ASAP:As Soon As Possible,尽快
2.DIY:Do It Yourself,自己动手
3.FAQ:Frequently Asked Questions,常见问题
4.TGIF:Thank God It’s Friday,感谢上帝今天是星期

5.VIP:Very Important Person,重要人物
6.GPS:Global Positioning System,全球定位系统
7.CEO:Chief Executive Officer,首席执行官
10.IRS:Internal Revenue Service,美国国家税务局






1. AAA :1). American Accounting Association 美国会计协会2). American Advertising Association 美国广告协会3). American Arbitration Association 美国商务仲裁协会2. AAL:American Airlines 美国航空公司3. A.B.C.C.:Association of British Chambers of Commerce 英国商会联合会4. ABS:American Bureau of Shipping 美国船运局5. AC:Air Canada 加拿大航空公司6. ACC:American Chamber of Commerce 美国商会(又简称Amcham)7. A.E.A:American Economic Association 美国经济协会8. AF:Air France 法国航空公司9. AFEB:authorized foreign exchange bank 指定外汇银行10. AFRASEC:Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation 亚非经济合作组织11. AGM:annual general meeting(公司股东)年度大会12. AID:Agency for International Development(美国)国际开发署13. AMA:American Management Association 美国管理协会14. ASA:American Standards Association 美国标准协会15. Amex:American Stock Exchange 美国证券交易所16. ADB:Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行17. APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织(2001年10月将在中国上海召开部长级会议和非正式首脑CEO(Chief Executive Officer),即首席执行官,源自美国20世纪60年代进行公司治理结构改革创新时IT是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写.BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"BitTorrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"变态下载"OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。



常用缩写和惯用法—1,ppl=people (如果你的口语到了一定程度,你应该了解people这个词在英语中使用的是何等频繁)2,yea=yep=yup=yes=yeah=y (y用得很少,至少英文为母语的人很少用)3,nah=nope=no (nah很流行,一般用在不太正式的交谈中,而且放在句首)4,gotta=have to5,***=***ot (在美国的朋友应该能听到吧,非常流行的骂人词汇,主要是衰人和gay的意思) 6,dl=download (过去时用”dl‟ed”)7,ul=upload (过去时用”ul‟ed”)8,ghey=gay—问好—1,hiho=yo=hi=hey=hello=你好,大家好2,holla=来和我讲话,also, holla at yo boy, holla at yo girl etc.3,sup=wuz up=what‟s up=(原意:怎么样你?/有什么事儿嘛?)也可作为问好用(一般是比较熟的两个人之间的问候,黑人除外),回答时有事说事,没事用”nothing/nothin much/not much/nm等回答就可以。

—再见—1,cya=cu=see ya=see you=再见2,laterz=later=cya later=see ya later=see you later=再见3,gn=gn8=gnight=good night=晚安4,nn=nite=晚安说明:一般第一个人常说gnight/gn8,然后第二个人用nite,后面的用nn什么的都可以了。


—惊叹赞扬—1,OMG=oh my god=我的天;**!2,OMFG=oh my f ucking god=我的老天;**靠;3,wtf=what the f uck=怎么会事!?我日!4,n1=nice 1=nice one=漂亮5, pwnz=ownz=牛比!(例句:pwnz demo!;Wayne ownz all the others!) 6,rullz=强!(例句:Wayne rullz!;you guyz rull!!!)7,you rock!=你牛比!(口语中常用,irc中偶尔能看到。



常见国际英文缩写词汇常见国际组织英文缩写UN ( United Ntions) 联合国UNSC(Security Council)联合国安全理事会FO (Food nd griculture Orgniztion of the United Ntions) (联合国)粮食及农业组织UNESCO (United Ntions Eductionl, Scientific nd Culturl Orgniztion) 联合国教科文组织UNCF (United Ntions Children's Fund,其前身是United Ntions Interntionl Children's Emergency Fund) 联合国儿童基金会UNIDO (United Ntions Industril Development Orgniztion)联合国工业进展组织UNDP (United Ntions Development Progrmme)联合国开发计划署UNEP (United Ntions Environment Progrmme)联合国环境署UNCDF(United Ntions Cpitl Development Fund)联合国资本开发基金会UNCTD (United Ntions Conference on Trde nd Development) 联合国贸易与进展会议WHO (World Helth Orgniztion) 世界卫生组织WMO (World Meteorologicl Orgniztion) 世界气象组织WTO (World Trde Orgniztion) 世界贸易组织GTT (Generl greement on Triffs nd Trde) 关税及贸易组织WIPO (World Intellectul Property Orgniztion)世界知识产权组织WPC (World Pece Council) 世界和平理事会ILO (Interntionl Lbour Orgniztion) 国际劳工组织IMF (Interntionl Monetry Fund) 国际货币基金组织IOC (Interntionl Olympic Committee) 国际奥林匹克委员会UPU (Universl Postl Union) 万国邮政联盟ITU (Interntionl Telecommuniction Union) 国际电信联盟IFC(Interntionl Finnce Corportion) 国际金融公司IMO (Interntionl Mritime Orgniztion) 国际海事组织ISO (Interntionl Stndrd Orgniztion) 国际标准化组织ICO (Interntionl Civil vition Orgniztion) 国际民用航空组织ID (Interntionl Development ssocition) 国际开发协会IFD (Interntionl Fund for griculturl Development) 国际农业进展基金会IOJ (Interntionl Orgniztion of Journlists) 国际新闻工协会ICC(Interntionl Chmber of Commerce)国际商会UE(Universl Espernto ssocition)国际世界语协会INTELST (Interntionl telecommunictions Stellitic)国际通信卫星机构IRTO (Interntionl Rdio nd Television Orgniztion)国际广播电视组织IE (Interntionl tomic Energy gency) 国际原子能机构NTO (North tlntic Trety Orgniztion)北大西洋公约组织OPEC(Orgniztion of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 石油输出国组织OECD (Orgniztion for Economic Coopertion nd Development)经济合作与进展组织CME(Council for Mutul Economic ssistnce)经济互助委员会(经互会)PEC (si nd Pcific Economic Coopertion) 亚洲太平洋经济合作组织SEN (ssocition of Southest sin Ntions)东南亚GJ联盟OU (Orgniztion of fricn Unity) 非洲统一组织OIC (Orgniztion of the Islmic Conference) 伊斯兰会议组织CIS (Commonwelth of Independent Sttes) 独立GJ联合体EU (Europen Union) 欧洲联盟IPU (Inter-Prlimentry Union) 各国议会联盟OSCE (Orgniztion for Security nd Coopertion in Europe)欧洲安全与合作组织EEC (Europen Economic Communities) 欧洲经济共同体OEEC (Orgniztion for Europen Economic Coopertion)欧洲经济合作组织NM (the Non-ligned Movement) 不结盟运动NC (fricn Ntionl Congress) 非洲RM大会PLO (Plestine Libertion Orgniztion)XX勒斯坦解放组织ICRC (Interntionl Committee of the Red Cross) 红十字国际委员会NS(Ntionl eronutics nd Spce dministrtion)美国航天太空总署。



AA.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号A/C = Account 账号AC. = Acceptance 承兑acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据)ad.advt. = advertisement 广告adv. = advice 通知(书)ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税A.F.B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单Agt. = Agent 代理商AI = first class 一级AM = Amendment 修改书A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇Amt. = Amount 额,金额A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知A.P. = account payable 应付账款A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款Art. = Article 条款,项A/S = account sales 销货清单a/s = after sight 见票后限期付款asstd. = Assorted 各色俱备的att,.attn. = attention 注意av.,a/v = average 平均,海损a/v = a vista (at sight) 见票即付BB/-,b/- = bale,bag 包,装bal.,balce. = balance 余额bbl. = barrel 桶,樽B/C = bill for collection 托收票据B.D. = Bills discounted 贴现票据B/D = bank draft 银行汇票b/d = brought down 承前页B’dle,bdl = bundle 束,把B/E = bill of exchange 汇票B/F = brought forward 承前页bg = bag 袋BIS = Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行BK = Bank 银行Bkg. = Banking 银行业务B/L = Bill of Lading 提单B/N = bank note 银行纸币B.O. = Branch Office 分支行b/o = brought over 承前bot. = bottle 瓶B/P = bill purchased 买入票据,出口押汇B/P = bills payable 应付票据B/R = bills receivable 应收票据Brl.,barl. = barrel 桶,樽bx = box 箱,盒CC/- = case,currency,coupon 箱,通货,息票c. =cent,centimes,centigrade 分(美),分(法),百分度(寒暑表)C.A. = Credit Advice 收款报单C.A.D. = cash against documents on arrival of good货到后凭单付款c.a.d. = cash against documents 凭单证付现金c.a.f.= cost and freight 成本加运费cat. = catalogue 货品目录C.B. = clean bill 光票C/B = Clean Bill 光票C.B.D. = Cash before delivery 付现金后交货c.c. = carbon copy,cubic centimeter 副本,立方公分C/C,C.C = Chamber of Commerce 商会pC/D = cash against document 凭单据付款C.D. = Collection and Delivery 托交Cert.= Certificate 证明书c/f = carried forward 过次页C&F = cost and freight 运费在内价C.F.S. = container freight station 集装箱集散场c.f.& i. = Cost freight and insurance 运费保险费在内价C.H. = Clearing House 票据交换所C.I. = Certificate of Insurance 保险单C&I = Cost and Insurance 货价及保险c.i.a. = cash in advance 预付现金cif,c.i.f. = cost,insurance and freight 运费保险费在内价c.i.f.&c.= cost,insurance,freight and commission 运费,保险费,利息在内价C.I.F.E. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Exchange 运费,保险费,汇票在内价C.I.F.I. = Cost,Insurance,Freight and Interest 运费,保险费,利息在内价C.I.F.C.I.= Cost,Insurance,Freight,Commission and Interest 运费,保险费,佣金,利息在内价CK = Check 支票CL = collection 托收CM = Commission 佣金C/N.C.N. = credit note,covering note,consignment note 货方通知,保险承保单,发货通知书C.O. = certificate of origin 产地证明书c/o = care of carried over 烦转,过次页Co. = company 公司c.o.d.= cash on delivery 货到付款Con.Inv. = Concular Invoice 领事发票corp. = corporation 法人,公司C/P = charter party 租船契约cr. = credit 货方,债权人cs = case 箱csk.,ck = cask 樽C.W.O.= cash with order 现金订货,下定付款cwt. = hundred weight 衡量名C.Y. = container yard 集装箱集散场DD/A =documents against acceptance, 承兑后交付单= documents for acceptance,= documents attached, 备承兑单据= deposit account 存款账号d/a = days after acceptance 承兑后……日付款D.A. = Debit advice 付款报单D/D,D. = Demand draft,documentary draft 即期汇票,跟单汇票d/d = day’s date (days after date) 出票后……日付款d.f.,d.fet. = dead freight 空载运费(船)Disc. = Discount 贴现;折扣DLT = Day Letter Telegram 书信电D/N = debit note 借方通知D/O = delivery order 卸货通知书D/P = documents against payment 付款后交付单据Dr. = debit debter 借方,债务人d/s. = days’ sight 见票后……日付款DV = Dividends 股利Eea. = each 每,各e.e.E.E. = error excepted 错误除外E/B = Export-Import Bank 进出口银行(美国)enc.,encl.= enclosure 附件E.& O.E. = errors and omissions excepted 错误或遗漏不在此限ETA = estimated time of arrival 预定到达日期ex. = example,executive,exchange,extract 例子,执行官,外汇交换,摘要Exp. = Export 出口Ff.a.q.=fair average quality 良好平均品质f.a.s.=free alongside ship 船边交货价F.B.E.=foreign bill of exchange 国外汇票f.c.l.=full container load 整个集装箱装满f.d.free discharge 卸货船方不负责F.& D.=Freight and Demurrage 运费及延装费f.i.=free in 装货船方步负责f.i.o.=free in and out 装卸货船方均不负责f.i.o.=free in out stowed and trimming 装卸堆储平仓船方均不负责f.o.=free out 卸货船方不负责f.o.,f/o=firm offer 规定时限的报价f.o.b.=free on board 船上交货价f.o.c.=free of charge免费F.O.I.=free of Interest 免息f.o.r.=free on rail,free on road 火车上交货价f.o.s.=free on steamer 轮船上交货价f.o.t.=free on truck 卡车上交货价f.p.a.=free of particular average 单独海损不保fr.f=franc,from,free 法郎,从,自由FX=Foreign Exchange 外汇Gg=good,goods,gramme 佳,货物,一克G/A=general average 共同海损GATT=General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税贸易总协定gm.=gramme 一克g.m.b.=good merchantable brand品质良好适合买卖之货品g.m.q.=good merchantable quality良好可售品质G/N=Guarantee of Notes 承诺保证g.s.w.=gross shipping weight 运输总重量gr.wt.=gross weight 毛重Hh.=hour,harbour,height 时,港,高度H.O.=Head Office 总公司h.p.=horse power 马力hr.=hour 时IIATA=International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会IBRD=International Bank Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行I/C=Inward Collection 进口托收ICC=International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会IMO=International Money Orders 国际汇票Imp=Import 进口IN=Interest 利息IMF=International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金inst.=instant(this month) 本月int.=interest 利息Inv.=Invoice 发票IOU=I owe you 借据I/P=Insurance Policy 保险单I/R=Inward Remittance 汇入汇款ISIC=International Standard Industrial Classification 国际行业标准分类it.=item 项目Kk.=karat(carat) 卡拉(纯金含有度)kg.=keg,kilogramme笑,公斤K.W.=Kilo Watt 千瓦LL/A=Letter of Authorization 授权书lbs.=pounds 磅L/C=Letter of Credit 信用证L/H=General Letter of Hypothecation 质押权利总股定书L/I=Letter of Indemnity赔偿保证书L/G=Letter of Guarantee 保证函l.t.=long ton 长吨(2,240磅)L/T=Letter Telegram 书信电报Ltd.=Limited 有限责任L/U=Letter of Undertaking 承诺书Mm.=mile,metre,mark,month,minute,meridian(noon)哩,公尺,记号,月,分,中午m/d=month after date 出票后……月付款memo.=memorandum 备忘录M.I.P.=marine insurance policy 海上保险单misc.=miscellaneous杂项M/L=more or less增或减M/N=Minimum最低额MO=Money Order拨款单,汇款单,汇票m/s=months after sight见票后……月付款m.s.=mail steamer,mail transfer油船,轮船M.T.=metric ton,mail transfer公吨,信汇M/T=Mail Transfer信汇m.v.=motor vessel轮船MNC=multi-national corporation跨国公司NN.B.=Nota Bene(take notice)注意NO.=number号码n/p=non-payment拒付Nt.Wt=Net Weight净重OO.=Order定单,定货O.B/L=Order bill of lading指示式提单O.C.P.=Overland Common Point通常陆上运输可到达地点O/C=Outward Collection出口托收OD.=Overdraft透支O/d=overdraft,on demand透支,要求即付款(票据)O/No.=order number定单编号o.p.=open policy预约保单O/R=Outward Remittance汇出汇款ORT=ordinary telegram寻常电报o/s=on sale,out of stock廉售,无存货O/S=old style老式o.t.=old term旧条件oz=ounce盎斯PP/A,p/a=particular average单独海损pa=power of attorney委任状=private account私人账户p.a.=per annum(by the year)每年p.c.=per cent,petty cash百分比,零用金p.l.=partial loss分损P.&I.=Protection and Indemnity意外险P.&L.=profit and loss益损P.M.O.=postal money order邮政汇票P/N=promissory note本票P.O.B.=postal office box邮政信箱p.o.d.=payment on delivery交货时付款P.O.D.=Pay on Delivery发货付款P/O=Payment Order支付命令P/R=parcel receipt邮包收据prox.=proximo(next month)下月PS.=postscript再启pt.=pint品脱P.T.O.=please turn over请看里面PTL=private tieline service电报专线业务Qqlty=quality品质qr=quarter四分之一qty=quantity数量quotn=quotation报价单qy=quay码头Rrecd=received收讫recpt=receipt收据ref.=reference参考,关于RFWD=rain,fresh water damage雨水及淡水险remit.=remittance汇款r.m.=ready money,readymade备用金,现成的RM=Remittance汇款R.O.=remittance Order汇款委托书R.P.=reply paid,returnof post邮下或电费预付,请即会示rt.=rate率SS.A.=-Statement of Account账单s.a.=subject to approval以承认(赞成,批准)为条件S/C=sale contract售货合同S/D=sight draft即期汇票S/D=sea damage海水损害SD.=Sundries杂项SE.=Securities抵押品S/N=shipping note装运通知S.O.s.o.=shipping order,seller’s option装船通知书,卖方有权选择S/S,s/s,ss,s.s=steamship轮船s.t.=short ton短吨TT/A=telegraphic address电报挂号tgm=telegram电报T.L.O.=total loss only只担保全损(分损不赔)T.M.O.=telegraphic money order电报汇款T.R.=trust receipt信托收据T.T.=telegraphic transfer电汇TPND=theft,pilferage and nondelivery盗窃遗失条款Uult.=ultimo(last month)上月u/w=underwriter保险业者Vvoy.=voyage航次V.V.=Vice Versa反之亦然Ww.a.=with average水渍险(单独海损赔偿)war=with risk担保一切险W/B=way bill warehouse book货运单,仓库簿wgt=weight重量whf=wharf码头W/M=weight or measurement重量或容量w.p.a.=with particular average单独海损赔偿W.R.=War Risk战争险W.R.=warehouse receipt仓单wt=weight重量Xx.d.=ex dividend除息XX=good quality良好品质XXX=very good quality甚佳品质XXXX=best quality最佳品质Yyd.=yard码yr.=your,year你的,年Z词汇Z=Zone地区,地带ZCL=Zone di Commercia自由贸易区。





1.DIY - Do It Yourself(自己动手做)


2.FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions(常见问题)

3.VIP - Very Important Person(非常重要的人)

4.CEO - Chief Executive Officer(首席执行官)

A - United States of America(美利坚合众国)

- Television(电视)

7.UN - United Nations(联合国)

8.ASAP - As Soon As Possible(尽快)






常见缩写1 C&F(cost&freight)成本加运费价2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等12 WT(weight)重量13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重14 N.W.(net weight)净重15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单16 EA(each)每个,各17 W (with)具有18 w/o(without)没有19 FAC(facsimile)传真20 IMP(import)进口21 EXP(export)出口22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船26 S.S(steamship)船运27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨28 DOC (document)文件、单据29 INT(international)国际的30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表31 INV (invoice)发票32 PCT (percent)百分比33 REF (reference)参考、查价34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传37 RMB(renminbi)人币38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记39 PR或PRC(price) 价格40 PUR (purchase)购买、购货41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证43 B/L (bill of lading)提单44 FOB (free on board)离岸价45 CIF (cost,insurance&freight)成本、保险加运费价补充:CR=credit贷方,债主DR=debt借贷方注意:国外常说的debt card,就是银行卡,credit card就是信誉卡。




下面是店铺给大家整理的3个字母的英文缩写,供大家参阅!3个字母的英文缩写1.voice of America - VOA 美国之音2.Chief Executive Officer - CEO 执行总裁,首席执行官3.World Trade Organization - WTO 世界贸易组织3个字母的英文缩写VOA的英语例句1. We're on the air on VOA news.我们现在开播“美国之音”广播了.2. This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.这里是VOA特别英语时事报道.3. You are listening to the news in VOA Special English.你正在收听的是VOA特别英语.4. And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach.这就是VOA特别英语教育报道, 本次报道由NancySteinbach撰稿.5. She tells VOA News the disease continues to haunt her.她告诉VOA记者天花仍然搅扰着她.6. VOA Voice of America is also broadcast in Chinese and English.VOA是美国之音同样也有中文广播和英语广播.7. Now the VOA Special English program, Words and Their Stories.现在是VOA特别英语节目, 词汇和它们的故事.8. And that's the VOA Special English Development Report, written by Jerilyn Watson.以上就是VOA特别英语发展报告, 由JerilynWatson撰稿.9. This is the VOA special Special English agricultural Agriculture Report.这里是VOA慢速英语农业频道.10. The president of Goucher is Sandy Ungar, a former VOA director.古彻学院的校长杉迪安格是前VOA主管.11. Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.现在是voa慢速英语栏目——词语典故.12. And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report, written by Mario Ritter.这是由MarioRitter编写的、 VOA特别英语的经济报道.13. You need a good short - wave radio to pick up VOA in China.在中国收听VOA需要一台好的短波收音机.14. And that's the VOA Special English Economics Report. I'm Mario Ritter.以上是VOA特别英语节目:经济报道. 我是马里奥?里特.15. This is the VOA Special English Agricuture Agriculture Report.这是VOA慢速英语的农业报道.3个字母的英文缩写CEO的双语例句1. It's that the average American CEO is a prisoner of ideology.问题在于美国企业最高行政负责人一般都是意识形态的俘虏.2. He was soon advanced to the position of CEO.不久他被提升为总裁.3. It's not unusual for Microsoft chairman and CEO Gates to put in 16 - hour days.对于微软公司主席和总经理的盖茨来说,一天工作16小时是很平常的事.4. " Even if they keep on eating badly , they won't gain weight,'says CEO Andre G . Pemet.基塞首席执行官安德-C- 波奈说, “ 病人即使继续胡吃, 也不会再发胖. ”5. Too little skill, or inappropriate system, or CEO indifference, leads rapidly to cynicism.才能太差或不适当的制度, 或行政总负责人漠不关心, 都会迅速招致冷言冷语.6. CEO made the whole decision - making, implementation will devolve power.CEO作出总体决策后, 具体执行权力就会下放.7. Only then - CEO Alex Trotman collected a bigger bonus from Ford that year.但是当时前任CEO阿历克斯.卓特曼从福特公司获得了数目更多的分红.8. Many of these CEO's have significantly increased their international marketplace value.很多这么做的CEO们显著提高了他们自己在国际商务市场上的价值.9. Directors and CEO's can now set their corp standing towards themselves.主管和CEO现在可以设置军团对他们自己的声望.10. Jack . Welch Autobiography & gt ; praised as " the Holy Bible of CEO "《杰克·韦尔奇自传》被誉为“ CEO的圣经”11. Provides administrative and secretarial support to the CEO, executive level management.为CEO及高级管理层提供行政及文秘支持.12. The employee gets to ask the CEO about anything work related.该名职员可以向CEO询问任何与工作相关的事情.13. The CEO answers questions and asks his or her own questions.CEO回答这些问题,并向他询问一些其他问题.14. Wang Jingying of royal and online CEO says not without agitato.盛大在线CEO王静颖不无兴奋地说.15. Plenty of professionals want to meet the CEO, CIO, or C - whoever - can - help.不少职场人士想认识CEO 、CIO等,以及任何只要能帮得上忙的管理层.3个字母的英文缩写WTO的英语例句1. The world desperately needs an effective WTO.世界急需一个富有成效的世界贸易组织。




公司内部门英文单词缩写Co.,Ltd.: Company Limited 的缩写部门:Department/Division 简写为Dept.人事部:HR Department(human resource)行政部:Administration Department(比较常用)。

也可以用Executive Department(有些公司也用这个)或者用Executive Branch(多用在银行)市场部:Marketing Department客服部:CUS Department销售部:SALES Department质量技术部:quality and Technology Division研发部:R & D Department (research and develop)海外部:Overseas Division拓展部:Department of Expand人事行政部: P/A Personal &Administration会计部:A/C Accountant Dept资料中心:DC Document Center质量管理部: Division of Quality Management.质量总监 Quality Administration制造总部办公室 Office of Manufacturing Headquarter设计部:Design DPT.注册公司常用英文单词缩写WTO----world trade organization 世贸CEO----chief executive officer 总裁R&D----research and development 研究开发CAD----computer assisted design 计算机辅助设计CTV----cable television 有线电视PCS----program control switches 程控电话交换机IDD----international direct dialing 国际长途直拨Int-tele----internet telephone 因特网电话Mob tele----mobile telephone 移动电话B-ISTN---- 宽带综合业务数字网E-b----E-business 电子商务SOE----state-owned enterprise 国有企业FIE----foreign-invested enterprise 外资企业FDI----foreign direct investment 外国直接投资JV ----joint venture 合资经营SEZ----special economic zone 经济特区TQC----total quality control 全面质量管理CI ----corporate image 企业形象h.o.---head office 总部IT-----information industry 信息产业memo---memora0000 备忘录5yr-P-----Five-Year Plan 五年计划telcom-----telecommunication 通讯CEO Chief Executive OfficerUN 联合国UNESCO 联合国科教文组织WHO 世界卫生组织OPEC 欧佩克(石油出口国家组织)GATT 关贸总协定OECD 经济合作与发展组织TMF 国家货币基金组织EEC 欧洲经济共同体NATO 北大西洋公约组织VOA 美国之音NY 纽约CBS 哥伦比亚广播公司PBS 美国公共广播电视公司ABC 澳大利亚广播公司BBC 英国广播公司IBM 国际商用电器公司ITT 国际电报电话公司CIA 中央情报局FBI 联邦调查局MIT 麻省理工大学VCLA 加利福尼亚州立大学KKK 三K党ERA 平等权利修正案UPI (美)合众国际社VIP 重要任务POW 战俘GI 美国士兵MP 国会议员(英)JAL 日本航空公司PRC 中华人民共和国CACC 中国民航局AD 公元BC 公元前注册公司的英文词汇简写WWII 第二次世界大战GMT 格林威治标准时间GNP 国民生产总值UFO CTN/CTNS carton/cartons 纸箱C/D customs declaration 报关单C&F cost&freight 成本加运费价C.O certificate of origin 一般原产地证D/A document against acceptance 承兑交单D/P document against payment 付款交单DL/DLS dollar/dollars 美元DOZ/DZ dozen 一打儿EA each 每个,各FAC facsimile 传真G.S.P. generalized system of preferences 普惠制G.W. gross weight 毛重IMP import 进口N.W. net weight 净重PCE/PCS piece/pieces 只、个、支等PKG package 一包、一捆、一扎、一件等T/T telegraphic transfer 电汇W with 具有w/o without 没有WT weight 重量WWW----万维网(World Wide Wdb);Http---超文本传输协议(Hypertext transfer protocol); FTP----文件传输协议(File Transfer Protocol);TCP----传输控制协议(Transmission Control Protocol); IP-----网际协议(Internet Protocol);ISP----网络服务提供商(Internet Service Provider); DNS----域名服务器(Domain Name Server);IE-----网络浏览器(Internet Explorer);OE-----邮件收发软件(Outlook Express);BBS----电子布告栏系统;OICQ---网上聊天工具;LAN----局域网(Local Area Network);MAN----城域网(Metropolitan Area Network);WAN----广域网(Wide Area Network)ABS─防抱死制动系统ABS英文全称是“Anti-Lock Brake System”。



英文常用缩写简写大全Abbreviations and Acronyms: A Comprehensive GuideIn today's fast-paced world, abbreviations and acronyms are commonly used in English to save time and simplify communication. Understanding these shorthand forms of words and phrases is crucial for effective communication in various fields, such as business, medicine, technology, and more. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to frequently used abbreviations and acronyms in the English language.1. Common Business Abbreviations:- CEO: Chief Executive Officer- CFO: Chief Financial Officer- HR: Human Resources- PR: Public Relations- ROI: Return on Investment- KPI: Key Performance Indicator- FYI: For Your Information- ASAP: As Soon As Possible- RSVP: Répondez S'il Vous Plaît (French for "Please Respond")2. Medical and Healthcare Abbreviations:- CPR: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation- MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging- ICU: Intensive Care Unit- AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome- DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid- WHO: World Health Organization- CDC: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - FDA: Food and Drug Administration- EKG/ECG: Electrocardiogram3. Information Technology (IT) Abbreviations:- IT: Information Technology- URL: Uniform Resource Locator- HTML: Hypertext Markup Language- VPN: Virtual Private Network- CPU: Central Processing Unit- LAN: Local Area Network- SSD: Solid State Drive- IoT: Internet of Things- AI: Artificial Intelligence4. Government and Politics Abbreviations:- USA: United States of America- EU: European Union- IMF: International Monetary Fund- NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization- POTUS: President of the United States- FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation- CIA: Central Intelligence Agency- GDP: Gross Domestic Product- UN: United Nations5. Education Abbreviations:- SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test- GPA: Grade Point Average- PhD: Doctor of Philosophy- BA: Bachelor of Arts- MA: Master of Arts- MBA: Master of Business Administration- STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics - ESL: English as a Second Language- IB: International Baccalaureate6. Financial Abbreviations:- APR: Annual Percentage Rate- IRA: Individual Retirement Account- ETF: Exchange-Traded Fund- IPO: Initial Public Offering- ACH: Automated Clearing House- FICO: Fair Isaac Corporation (credit scoring system)- ATM: Automated Teller Machine- FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation- SEC: U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission7. Miscellaneous Abbreviations:- DIY: Do It Yourself- RSVP: Répondez S'il Vous Plaît (French for "Please Respond")- ETA: Estimated Time of Arrival- FYI: For Your Information- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions- TBD: To Be Determined- VIP: Very Important Person- RSVP: Répondez S'il Vous Plaît (French for "Please Respond")- ASAP: As Soon As PossibleConclusion:Abbreviations and acronyms are an integral part of the English language, providing a quick and efficient way to convey information. This article has covered a wide range of abbreviations and acronyms commonly used in various fields. Understanding these abbreviations will enhance communication skills and help individuals navigate through different domains effectively. Whether you are in business, healthcare, IT, government, or any other field, being familiar with these abbreviations will prove advantageous in professional and personal contexts.。








以下是一些常用的英语单词缩写及其翻译:•Ave. - Avenue(大街)•St. - Street(街道)•Dr. - Doctor(医生)•Mr. - Mister(先生)•Mrs. - Mistress(太太)•Co. - Company(公司)•Inc. - Incorporated(有限公司)•Corp. - Corporation(公司)•Dept. - Department(部门)应用场景这些常用的英语单词缩写广泛应用于各种场景中,包括书信、商务文件、地图和路牌等。











下面是一些常见的英语单词缩写形式及其对应的翻译:• A.M.: 上午(Ante Meridiem)•P.M.: 下午(Post Meridiem)•ASAP: 尽快(As Soon As Possible)•USA: 美国(United States of America)•UK: 英国(United Kingdom)•CEO: 首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)•CFO: 首席财务官(Chief Financial Officer)•DIY: 自己动手(Do It Yourself)•VIP: 贵宾(Very Important Person)•FAQ: 常见问题(Frequently Asked Questions)•FYI: 供您参考(For Your Information)•RSVP: 请回复(Répondez S’il Vous Plaît)•WWW: 万维网(World Wide Web)•TV: 电视(Television)•DVD: 数字视频光盘(Digital Versatile Disc)•IQ: 智商(Intelligence Quotient)•TOEFL: 托福(Test of English as a Foreign Language)•SAT: 学术能力评估测试(Scholastic Assessment Test)以上是一些常见的英语单词缩写形式及其对应的翻译,希望这些信息对您有所帮助。



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AbbreviationsAIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome .爱滋病,获得性免疫功能丧失综合症ALMPs active labor market policies 积极的劳动力市场政策ANC African National Congress 非洲国民大会APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织ART antiretroviral therapy 抗逆转录病毒疗法ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟东南亚国家联盟(简称东盟)ATM automated teller machine 银行自动取款机AUSAID Australian Agency for International Development 澳大利亚国际开发署BPO business process outsourcing 业务流程外包CARICOM Caribbean Community 加勒比共同体CCT conditional cash transfer 有条件的现金转移CEDAW Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约CGAP Consultative Group to Assist the Poo r 世界银行扶贫协商小组CIDA Canadian International Development Agency n. 加拿大国际开发局CIM-OAS Inter-American Commission of Women (Organization of American States)美洲妇女委员会(美洲国家组织)CWDI Corporate Women Directors International国际企业女性主管协会DANIDA Danish International Development Agency 丹麦国际开发署DFID United Kingdom Department for International Development英国国际发展部EAP East Asia and Pacific RegionECA Europe and Central Asia RegionECD early child developmentECOSOC Economic and social council (United Nations)n. 联合国经济及社会理事会EFM excess female mortality 女性过高死亡率EU European Union 欧盟EU-SILC European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions 欧洲联盟统计的收入和生活条件FAO Food and Agriculture Organization 粮农组织FDI foreign direct investment 对外直接投资FGC female genital cutting 女性生殖器切割FHHH female-headed households 女户主家庭FINCA Foundation for International Community Assistance 国际社区援助基金会FLFPR female labor force participation rate 女性劳动力参与率FPE free primary education 免费小学教育GBA Global Banking Alliance for Women 世界妇女银行联盟GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值HDI Human Development Index 人类发展指数HIV human immunodeficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病毒I2D2 International Income Distribution Database 国际收入分配数据库ICRW International Center for the Research on Women 国际妇女研究中心ICT information and communications technology 信息通讯技术IFC International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织ITES information technology enabled service信息技术服务ITU International Telecommunications Union 联合国国际电信联盟JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency 日本国际协力机构LABORSTA International Labour Organization Bureau of Statistics database 国际劳工组织局统计数据库LAC Latin America and the Caribbean Region 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区LFPRs labor force participation rates 劳动力参与率MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation 千年挑战公司MDGs Millennium Development Goals 千年发展目标MNA Middle East and North Africa Region 中东和北非地区MHHH male-headed households 男性户主家庭MMR maternal mortality rate 产妇死亡率NAALC North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation 北美劳务合作协议NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协定NGO nongovernmental organization 非政府组织NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development CooperationNSS national statistical systems 国家统计系统OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 经济合作和发展组织OECD-DAC Gendernet Development Assistance Committee’s Network on Gender 经合组织发展援助委员会PEKKA Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga (Female-Headed Households Empowerment Program) 女户主家庭授权计划PETT Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras(Special Land Titling Project) 特别土地所有权项目PISA Program for International Student Assessment国际学生评估项目PROBECAT Programa de Becas de Capacitación para Trabajadores(Labor Retraining Scholarship Program) 劳工再培训奖学金计划RIGA Rural Income Generating Activities database 农村创收活动数据库SADC Southern African Development Community 南部非洲发展共同体SAR South Asia Region 南亚地区SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation瑞士发展与合作署SERNAM Servicio Nacional de la Mujer(National Women’s Service)国家妇女服务局SEWA Self-employed Women’s Association 自雇妇女协会SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency 瑞典国家开发署SMEs small and medium enterprises 中小型企业SSA Sub-Saharan Africa Region 撒哈拉以南非洲地区UIS UNESCO Institute for Statistics 教科文组织统计研究所UNAIDS Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS 联合国艾滋病联合工作组UNDP United Nations Development Programme 联合国开发计划署UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教科文组织UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Program 联合国人居署UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund 联合国儿童基金会UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women 联合国妇女发展基金UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development 联合国社会发展研究学会UN WOMEN United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women 联合国妇女署USAID United States Agency for International Development 美国国际开发署WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织。
