

霍尼韦尔小型通用型继电器 工业控制元器件 GR系列 CR(T)系列 SR系列 使用说明书

霍尼韦尔小型通用型继电器 工业控制元器件 GR系列 CR(T)系列 SR系列 使用说明书

选型指南 适合应用
额定电流小于 12A 一般冲击电流小于 30A
灯负载,感性负载和部分容性 很高冲击电流,最大 120A
最小导通掉电流小于 5mA
线圈参数 线圈阻抗及特性 线圈的阻抗可以用电阻表测得,阻值是在标准规定 23ºC 测得。 误差范围为 ±10%。对于交流线圈而言,由于自感应原因,线 圈电流和阻值会不匹配。在 230V 时,自感应系数会达到 90H。 当线圈断开时,自感应带来的感应电压会影响开关源。
选型指南 释放电压 直流继电器 10%Un 保证释放 交流继电器 15%Un 保证释放
保护电路 保护类型
4 倍Байду номын сангаас放时间
选型指南 适用场合
用于阻尼在继电器释放时 保护等级 III (2000V) 至高至 60VDC 产生的瞬态能量(感应断 保护等级 IV (4000V) 61 至 250VDC 路电压)
GR 系列小型中间继电器
p 2CO-5A,4CO-5A p 标配测试按钮及机械指示窗 p 标配 LED 状态指示灯
PGR 系列小型中间继电器插座
p 标准式插座 PGR-E p 分离式插座 PGR-S
AGR 系列小型中间继电器附件
p 保护卡簧 p 浪涌保护模块 p 标记牌
Page 6
CR(T) 系列透明外壳紧凑型中间继电器
性能曲线 4CO 电寿命曲线图
‫ۉ‬๱ం൸၍ Electrical life

Honeywell 微动开关 说明书

Honeywell 微动开关 说明书

微动开关Honeywell目录号说明电气数据和UL代码O.F.Noz最小R.F.Noz最大RT.mmin最小O.T.mminD.T.mmin最大O.P.*mmin 3MN1 用于大多数应用场合15 AV3,34-5,5612.201,6761,52.0602,03.0800,38-0,63.015-.0252,16.085 3MN6 力较小场合 15AV1,95-3,17-111,1141,52.0602,03.0800,38-0,63.015-.0252,16.085Honeywell/Commercial Switch-Sensor 霍尼韦尔开关与传感器1上海: Tel:021-******** 北京: Tel:010-******** 深圳: Tel:0755-******* 广州: Tel:020-******** e-mail:jian.bo.zhou@/ /sensing双断3MN系列特点.080英寸的最小超行程有高达15 A的功率负荷开关容量有240 vac时1马力的电动机处理能力机械寿命长达10,000,000次循环-95%完好率用抗弧塑料端子与端子间间距更大,能有效地降低短路的可能性用8号接线螺钉UL,CSA认证一般信息3MN开关可与限位或控制机构一起用在机床、压力机或其它工业设备上。




电气额定值电路电气数据和UL标准双电路双断V 电动机控制15A,120,240,480或600 vac;1/2HP,120 vac; 1hp,240 vac;0.8A,115 vdc;0.4A,230 vdc。

特性:O.F.-动作力; R.F.-释放力; P.T.-预行程;订货指南O.T.-超行程; D.T.-差动行程; O.P.-操作位置外形图,图1*±0.38 mm±.015 in安装尺寸(仅供参考)0,0=mm图例:0.00=in直径的安装孔(2)图1。

Honeywell 开关型霍尔位置传感器SS400 系列 开关型 说明书

Honeywell 开关型霍尔位置传感器SS400 系列 开关型 说明书

特点:●3.8-30VDC 供电 ● 数字电流沉输出 ● 3针一列PCB 引脚● 方块霍尔设计消除了机械压力效应 ● 磁特性温度补偿● 可定制特殊的动作/释放点 ● 双极,单极,锁存型●很高的输出电流能力——最大绝对电流50mA ● 动点/释放点对称于零点高斯(双极锁存) ● 工作温度范围-40~150℃ ● 封装材料:Plaskon 3300H● 表面封装型号:SS400-S (切短或整形的引脚)SS400 内含整个温度范围的热平衡集成电路,负的温度补偿特性能与低成本磁钢负温度系数为最佳匹配带宽间隙调整提供了SS400 在3.8~30VDC 电源电压范围内特别稳定的工作特性。

SS400能连续输出20mA 电流,最大绝对电流为50mA.SS411A 双极3.8-3010mA 电流沉.40V 20mA 10µA.05µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值.15µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值G 70-701565-651560-601560-601265-651270-7010mT 7.0-注:当锁存型突然掉电后,其输出在上电后可能改变状态,在足够强的磁场中,传感器的输出由所在磁场决定。

上升(10-90%)下降(90-10%)最大动作点最小释放点最小回差最大动作点最小释放点最小回差最大动作点最小释放点最小回差最大动作点最小释放点最小回差最大动作点最小释放点最小回差最大动作点最小释放点最小回差选型指南型号磁场类型供电电压(VDC )供电电流(最大值)输出类型输出电压(最大值)输出电流(最大值)*输出漏电流(最大值)输出开关时间Vcc=12V ,RL=1.6K C=20pF 磁特性-40℃0℃25℃85℃125℃150℃SS413A 双极3.8-3010mA 电流沉.40V 20mA 10µA.05µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值.15µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值SS441A 单极3.8-3010mA 电流沉.40V 20mA 10µA.05µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值.15µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值SS443A 单极3.8-3010mA 电流沉.40V 20mA 10µA.05µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值.15µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值SS449A 单极3.8-3010mA 电流沉.40V 20mA 10µA.05µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值.15µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值SS461A 锁存3.8-3010mA 电流沉.40V 20mA 10µA.05µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值.15µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值SS466A 锁存3.8-3010mA 电流沉.40V 20mA 10µA.05µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值.15µs 典型值1.5µs 最大值G 140-14020140-14020140-14020140-14020140-14020140-14020mT 14.0- 1352015117201811520201201515123158125105mT 21580251908025180752518070151906010200555mT 435210304002303039023530400215304102003042018530mT 43.521. 110-1105090-905085-855085-8550100-10050110-11050mT 11.0- 200-200200185-185200180-180200180-180190180-180160185-185140mT 20.0-注:可订购安装在线带和卷带上的SS400,引脚上间距0.1”, 每个卷带3000个SS400传感器。

Honeywell 微动开关 说明书

Honeywell 微动开关 说明书

电路系统 电气数据和UL 代码除订货 指南中 另有说 明外均 为单刀双掷K 用非极化开关建立的额定值 10A,125 vac 或vdc 1/4马力,125 vac 或vdc UL 代码L 168 非极化:10A 电阻或1/4马力125 vdc 3A 最大电阻250 vdc 极化:10A 电阻或1/2马力125 vdc 3A 最大电阻,250 vdc*为进行极化将线路的负极侧连至共用端子为获得同样的效果用黄铜螺钉安装开关并在开关和安装表面间使用一非磁性塞(至少1/4”厚)特 点• 耐电弧开关壳• 机械寿命:100,000次动作后95%完好• 温度极限为+180°F(82°C) • 与Z 开关可互换安装 • UL 认可可供的端子钎焊(无目录号标志)总体介绍MT(单刀双掷)磁性灭弧开关设计成用于高开断容量(125和250VDC)的系统在触头间隙周围的整体磁铁使电弧偏移从而保护了触头盖和壳体间的通风口能让热气体逃逸这些开关设计成用于控制直流电动机电磁线圈等 A286-32NC ×.218”螺钉 可连接粗达12号线电气额定值特 性:O.F.-动作力; R.F.-释放力; P.T.-预行程 O.T.-超行程; D.T.-差动行程;O.P.-操作位置订货指南目录号建议用于电气数据和UL 代码O.F. N oz R.F .最小N oz R.T.最大 mm in O.T .最小 mm in D.T .最大 mm in O.R. mm in MT-4R-A28销钉式柱塞 单刀双掷10A K3,34-5,0 12-181,39 51,02 .040,13 .0050,1-0,18 .004-.00715,9±0,38 .625±.015外形图图1订货指南名称电气数据和UL代码O.F.最大NozR.F.最小NozR.T.最大mminO.T.最小mminD.T.最大mminO.R*mmin MT-4RV-A28 直杠杆 10AK0,5620,140.512,70.51,19.0472,16.08519,1.750外形图图2MT-4RV2-A28 1,90in(48,3mm)杠杆带有淬火钢滚轮10AK0,762.750,070.258,890.350,79.0311,65.06530,21.188MT-4RV22-A28 1,03in(26,2mm)杠杆带有淬火钢滚轮10AK1,254.50,2815,08.2000,38.0150,89.03531,31.234外形图图3MT-4RL-A28 1,95in(49,5mm)柔性刀形叶片10AK3,34120,281- 1,52.060最大19,1.750外形图图4MT-4RL2-A28 1,82in(46,2mm)柔性刀形叶片带淬火钢滚轮10AK3,34120,281- 1,52.060最大30,21.188外形图图5另有说明除外±0,76mm±.030in安装尺寸(仅供参考)销钉式柱塞直杠杆直径图1图2滚轮杠杆柔性刀形叶片直径宽滚轮图3 图4柔性滚轮刀形叶片直径宽滚轮图5安装孔接受.139”(3,53mm)直径的销钉或螺钉0,0=mm图例:0,00=in。

霍尼韦尔 压差开关

霍尼韦尔  压差开关
深圳市良佩机电设备有限公司 电话:0755-82960280/81/82/83 传真:0755-82960213 地址:深圳市福田区益田路江苏大厦 B 座 12 楼
型号 介质 校准标度 标准位置 调节 最大压力 运行温度极限
深圳市良佩机电设备有限公司 电话:0755-82960280/81/82/83 传真:0755-82960213 地址:深圳市福田区益田路江苏大厦 B 座 12 楼
图 1、1-3 闭开在压力增加时
订购型号 设定点范围(mbar)
这些控制器仅被设计用于操作控制。当操作控制失败时会导致人员伤害或财产损失,因此 安装人员有义务增加设备或系统防止该状况的出现或给出告警。
安装时建议使薄膜处于垂直平面。如需要,可使用“L”型托架,部件号码BKT024N002R。全 部P233系列都可利用从正前方所见到的四个孔道直接安装于任何平的表面上,但最多使用两个 孔好了。 压力联接器记号: + 高压 - 低压或静压
P233A-4-AAC 0,5 to 4

P233A-4-AAD 0,5 to 4

P233A-4-AHC 0,5 to 4
GMT008N600R + BKT024N002R
P233A-4-PHC 0,5 to 4
GMT008N600R + BKT024N002R
P233A-4-PAC 0,5 to 4
P233A-10-AAD 1,4 to 10

P233A-10-AKC 1,4 to 10
FTG015N602R (2x) + 2m tube 4/7 mm



霍尼韦尔PKS系统操作手册目录第一章.控制系统介绍 (3)1.Honeywell公司PKS系统概述 (3)2.我公司PKS系统配置 (4)第二章.过程操作 (5)1.画面介绍及操作 (5)1.1.标准画面介绍及操作 (5)1.2.状态行介绍(Unde rstanding the Status Line) (6)1.3.工具栏介绍(Using the Toolbar) (8)1.4.点细目画面及操作 (10)1.5.操作组画面及其操作 (20)1.6.报警功能及其画面操作 (22)1.7.信息摘要及其画面操作 (30)1.8.事件摘要及其画面操作 (32)1.9.警报摘要及其画面操作 (33)1.10.总貌画面 (34)1.11.用户流程图介绍 (34)2.历史数据和趋势操作 (37)2.1.历史数据: (37)2.2.趋势: (38)第一章. 控制系统介绍1.Honeywell公司PKS系统概述DCS系统采用霍尼韦尔的Experion PKS过程知识系统。

Experion PKS 系统是当代最先进的控制系统之一,包含了霍尼韦尔三十年来在过程控制、资产管理、行业知识等方面积累的经验,采用最先进的开放平台和网络技术,为工业企业提供一个统一的、全厂的、自动化过程控制、设备和资产管理、直至生产管理、集成制造等一体化的知识系统体系结构和全系列的解决方案。

Experion PKS系统能满足各种自动化应用要求,为过程控制、SCADA应用和批量控制提供一个开放式控制系统,且满足业界要求的高性能、灵活性、易用性、高可靠性等。

典型Experion PKS系统的体系结构如下图1所示。


网络图如下图2:图2硬件配置方面,霍尼韦尔公司为神达、昊达公司配置的是PKS系统最新版本R410,其配置如下:l控制器:Experion PKS系统的C300控制器作为DCS主控制器,性能强大,可以与多种IO卡件兼容。

Honeywell ZV系列微动开关 说明书

Honeywell ZV系列微动开关 说明书

■ 技术规格• 工作频率(机械)……………………………120次/分(电气)………………………………………10~30次/分• 接触电阻(初始值)…………………………最大30mΩ • 绝缘电阻(500VDC条件下)……………最小100MΩ• 介电强度……………………AC1,000V RMS (50-60Hz)• 存贮湿度………………………………最高相对湿度85%• 存贮温度…………………-25℃至+85℃,120℃可选• 使用寿命机械…………………………………至少10,000,000次电气………………………………………至少10,000次■ 额定参数100.1A:30VDC-125-250VAC5A:125VAC/250VAC505A:125/250VAC 6A:125/250VAC9010.1A:125/250VAC■ 接触形式电话、空调、计算机、加湿器、报警器、时间记录器、混合器、断路器、钎焊枪、霓虹(neon)电话、传真机、操纵杆、水泵、瓦斯探测器、铅笔刀、纸币分拣机、食品加工机、电动刀、玩具汽车、榨汁机、灯具、牛排电烤盘。

■ 用途• 小型紧凑尺寸• 客户定制• 移动揩拭触点动作• 外部安全操作机构• 长寿命螺旋弹簧机构■ 特性■ 尺寸(除另有声明外,所有尺寸参数的公差均为± 0.4mm)• ZV系列微动开关ZV系列m m [i n]注(1)采用上述命名法是为了达到识别产品的目的,不是所有的组合都有。


(2)额定参数为10.1A 的开关只能用“H ”型动作力度,以符合V D E 生命周期测试。

(3)“99”型端子或“S ”型操作机构用于标识特殊型号,因此在名称的最后需要有一个特殊的标识字母。

(4)如果要建立一个新的命名法可能需要通知U L 和欧洲的审批机构。








一、安全操作规程1.1 电源插头在插拔电源插头时应该始终保持手干燥,确定插头已连接到插座上,并确认插座电压与净化器电压相同。


1.2 防火安全使用净化器时,不要在净化器附近放置易燃材料,并确保周围有足够空间进行通风。


1.3 禁止拆卸在使用净化器时,不要对净化器进行任何拆卸或维修操作。


1.4 离开房间如果需要暂时离开房间,建议将净化器关闭并拔掉电源插头。


1.5 儿童和宠物将净化器放置在儿童和宠物无法触及的位置,并确保儿童和宠物无法拆卸净化器装置和零部件。

二、保养规程2.1 滤芯更换滤芯是净化器保持好效果的核心。





2.2 机体清洁净化器外表面有灰尘,应使用干净、软布擦拭清洁,避免使用含清洁剂或酒精的清洁液。


2.3 机体检查不定期检查机体及插头是否有明显的损坏或磨损,确保净化器正常运行。

2.4 运输在搬运净化器时,应注意避免机体受到硬物或重压的冲击。




Honewell BX 系列防爆限位开关 说明书

Honewell BX 系列防爆限位开关 说明书
偏置转杆 材料:尼龙; 置于操作杆前方
38,1 mm [1.5 in] 19,05 mm [0.75 in] 6,35 mm [0.25 in]
For ap plication help: call 1 -800-537 -69 45
霍尼韦尔 传感与控制 5
38,1 mm 到 88,9 mm [1.5 in 到 3.5 in] 19,05 mm [0.75 in] 6,35 mm [0.25 in]
38,1 mm 到 88,9 mm [1.5 in 到 3.5 in] 25,4 mm [1.0 in] 12,7 mm [0.5 in]
38,1 mm 到 88,9 mm [1.5 in 到 3.5 in] 38,1 mm [1.5 in] 6,35 mm [0.25 in]
锌压铸 BX 非插入式
0,45 N max. [4 in lb max.]
EExd IIC T6 category II 2 GD, SIRA 00ATEX 1037X
BX 系列
2 霍尼韦尔 传感与控制
For ap plication help: call 1 -800-537 -69 45
BX 系列
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Sensing and Control



PRODUCT DATA65-0237-1CP-UM-5109E® U.S. Registered TrademarkCopyright © 2000 Honeywell Inc. • All Rights ReservedC6097A,BPressure SwitchesAPPLICATIONThe C6097 Pressure Switches are safety devices used in positive-pressure or differential-pressure systems to sense gas or air pressure changes.FEATURES•For use with natural gas, liquid propane (LP) gas, or air.•Diaphragm-actuated safety-limit switch.•Switch can be wired to turn on alarm.•C6097A models break control circuit at setpoint on pressure fall.•C6097B models break control circuit at setpoint on pressure rise.•Lockout with manual reset and recycle options.•Lockout models have external manual reset button.•Removable transparent cover protects scaleplate and adjusting knob.•Pipe tappings allow selection of positive pressure, differential pressure (air only) or venting connections (NPT mount only).•1/4 in. NPT or flange mount models for direct mounting to Honeywell Integrated Valve Train.•Optional switch position indicator lamp available.•IP54 enclosure standard.•Ranges: 0.4 to 5 in. wc, 3 to 21 in. wc, 12 to 60 in. wc or 1.5 to 7 psi.•Surge orifice.ContentsApplication ........................................................................1Features ...........................................................................1Specifications ...................................................................2Ordering Information ........................................................2Installation ........................................................................4Wiring ...............................................................................5Settings and Adjustments .................................................5Operation and Checkout ..................................................6C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—12ORDERING INFORMATIONWhen purchasing replacement and modernization products from your TRADELINE® wholesaler or distributor, refer to theTRADELINE® Catalog or price sheets for complete ordering number.If you have additional questions, need further information, or would like to comment on our products or services, please write or phone:1.Your local Home and Building Control Sales Office (check white pages of your phone directory).2.Home and Building Control Customer Logistics Honeywell Inc., 1885 Douglas Drive NorthMinneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4386 (612) 951-1000In Canada—Honeywell Limited/Honeywell Limitée, 155 Gordon Baker Road, North York, Ontario M2H 3N7.International Sales and Service Offices in all principal cities of the world. Manufacturing in Australia, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, United Kingdom, U.S.A.SPECIFICATIONSModels:C6097A Pressure Switch: Breaks a circuit when pressure falls to scale setting. See Table 1.C6097B Pressure Switch: Breaks a circuit when pressure rises to scale setting. See Table 1.Table 2 shows switch ratings and Table 3 shows alternate electrical ratings when used with Honeywell Flame Safeguard Programmers.Minimum Ambient Temperature: -40°F (-40°C).Maximum Ambient Temperature: 140°F (60°C).Connections (Depending on Model):1/4-18 NPT tapping for main or high-pressure connection.1/8-27 NPT tapping for vent or low-pressure connection (air only).Flange mount for connection to Honeywell Integrated Valve Train (internal vent only, no external connections).Scale Range:0.4 to 5 in. wc (0.10 kPa to 1.25 kPa).3 to 21 in. wc (0.75 to 5.23 kPa).12 to 60 in. wc (3.0 kPa to 15 kPa).1.5 to 7 psi (10.3 kPa to 48 kPa).Approvals:Underwriters Laboratories Inc. listed.Canadian Standards Association listed.Factory Mutual: Approved.Industrial Risk Insurers: Acceptable.CSD-1 AFB: Acceptable.Accessories:32003041-001 C6097 Cover for manual reset models.32003040-001 C6097 Cover for recycle models.32003039-001 Position Indication Lamp Kit.Dimensions: See Fig. 1 and 2.Fig. 1. C6097 1/4 in. NPT Mount dimensions in in. (mm).C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES365-0237—1a Acceptable media: Natural gas, liquid propane (LP) gas, and air .Table 1. Pressure Switch Model Selection.Model Operating Pressure Range Manual Reset DifferentialNon-Manual ResetDifferentialDifferential Type Maximum Rated Pressure(continuous) (psi)Manual Reset Media a Switch Action at Setpoint Comments Maximumat Minimum Setpoint Maximumat MaximumSetpoint Nominal Maximum C6097A10040.4 to 5 in. wc——0.16 in. wc 0.24 in. wc Additive2.9 No Air/Gas Breaks N.O. to C.connection on pressure fall.1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1012 3 to 21 in. wc2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1020 3 to 21 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A103812 to 60 in. wc 10 in. wc 12 in. wc —— 4.8Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A104612 to 60 in. wc10 in. wc12 in. wc—— 4.8Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1053 3 to 21 in. wc—0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc 4.3No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1061 3 to 21 in. wc ——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A107912 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A108712 to 60 in. wc—— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A10950.4 to 5 in. wc 0.6 in. wc 1.0 in. wc —— 2.9Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A1103 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——9.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1111 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——9.3Yes Air/Gas 14 in. NPT Mount C6097A1129 1.5 to 7 psi ——0.1 psi 0.39.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A1137 1.5 to 7 psi——0.1 psi 0.39.3No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097A12100.4 to 5 in. wc——0.16 in. wc 0.24 in. wc 2.9No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097A12280.4 to 5 in. wc ———— 2.9Yes Air/Gas Flange MountC6097B100212 to 60 in. wc 10 in. wc 12 in. wc ——Subtractive4.8Yes Air/Gas Breaks N.C. to C. connectionon pressure rise.1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B101012 to 60 in. wc10 in. wc12 in. wc —— 4.8Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1028 3 to 21 in. wc2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT MountC6097B1036 3 to 21 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.2 in. wc —— 4.3Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1044 1.5 to 7 psi 1.1 psi 1.4 psi ——21.0Yes Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1051 1.5 to 7 psi1.1 psi1.4 psi ——21.0Yes Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B1069 3 to 21 in. wc ——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B107712 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B108512 to 60 in. wc —— 1.1 in. wc 2.4 in. wc 4.8No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B1093 1.5 to 7 psi ——0.1 psi 0.3 psi 21.0No Air/Gas Flange Mount C6097B1101 1.5 to 7 psi——0.1 psi 0.3 psi 21.0No Air/Gas 1/4 in. NPT Mount C6097B11193 to 21 in. wc——0.24 in. wc0.48 in. wc4.3NoAir/Gas1/4 in. NPT MountC6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—14Table 2. Switch Ratings (Amperes)Table 3. Alternate Electrical Ratings when used withHoneywell Flame Safeguard Programmers.Fig. 2. C6097 Flange Mount dimensions in in. (mm).INSTALLATIONWARNINGExplosion or Fire Hazard.Can cause severe personal injury, death or property damage.Observe all safety requirements each time a control is installed on a burner.When Installing this Product...1.Read these instructions carefully. Failure to follow them can damage the product or cause a hazardous condition.2.Check the ratings given in the instructions and on the product to make sure that the product is suitable for your application.3.Installer must be a trained, experienced service technician.4.After installation is completed, check out product operation as provided in these instructions.WARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause serious personal injury or death.Disconnect power supply before beginning installation. More than one disconnection can be involved.MountingNOTE:On flange models, remove the label holding theO-ring in place and make sure O-ring seal is in place before mounting the pressure switch on the valve.The C6097 models allow NPT or flange (directly to valve) mounting. The NPT models have a hexagonal fitting with a 1/4 in. NPT tapping, which is the high pressure connection, in differential applications. The bleed fitting is 1/8 in. NPTtapped. In differential pressure control applications using air only, connect the lower pressure to the bleed fitting. See Fig. 1 and Table 1. In applications using combustible gases, vent the bleed tapping according to applicable standard code or jurisdictional authority.C6097 models with flange mount can be fitted directly toHoneywell Integrated Valve Train (model specific). See Fig. 2 and Table 1. The flange mount models vent internally, with no external tap.Mount the C6097A,B in any position.Leak CheckAfter installation, perform a leak check on the pressure switch:1.Turn on main gas. Make sure gas has reached thepressure switch (e.g., high gas pressure switch)2.Check installation for gas leaks using a gas leak detector or a soap solution.120/240 Vac, 50/60 HzInductive Full Load 3.0Locked Rotor18.0Resistive5.0DeviceRatingIgnition Transformer 540 VA Pilot Valve 50 VAMain Valve400 VA with 2-1/2 times inrush.C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES565-0237—1WIRINGWARNINGElectrical Shock Hazard.Can cause serious personal injury or death.Disconnect power supply before beginning installation. More than one disconnection can be involved.Make sure that all wiring agrees with all applicable localcodes, ordinances and regulations. An opening is provided to accommodate rigid conduit or armored cable for line voltage operation (see Fig. 3 and 4). Do not overload the switch contacts (see Switch Ratings in the Specifications section). The switching schematic is shown in Fig. 5.Fig. 3. C6097 (manual reset switch model)with cover removed.Fig. 4. C6097 (recycle model) with cover removed.SETTINGS AND ADJUSTMENTSPressure Setpoint Adjustmentdial (Fig. 3, 4 and 5) clockwiseto decrease the pressure setting.Fig. 5. C6097 schematic.C6097A,B PRESSURE SWITCHES65-0237—16OPERATION AND CHECKOUTOperationThe manual reset C6097A diaphragm actuates the snap-acting switch to break a control circuit and lock out when pressure falls to the scale setting. The recycle C6097Amodels recycle automatically when the control circuit returns to scale setting plus differential.The manual reset C6097B diaphragm actuates the snap-acting switch that breaks a control circuit and locks out when the pressure rises to the scale setting. The recycle C6097B models recycle automatically when the control pressure falls to the scale setting minus differential.Manual ResettingThe C6097A manual reset models lock out when pressure falls to the scale setting and require manual resetting after the pressure rises to scale setting plus differential to resume normal operation.The C6097B manual reset models lock out when pressure rises to the scale setting and require manual resetting after the pressure falls to scale setting minus the differential to resume normal operation.To reset, once normal operating pressure is restored, push the reset button in as far as it goes, then release.IMPORTANTLockout models cannot be made to recycleautomatically by permanently holding in the reset lever.CheckoutC6097 Gas Fuel Application1.Set cutoff pressure.2.Open main supply line. Depress reset lever on lockout models until switch makes control circuit.3.Set controller and limit switch to call for heat.4.For C6097A: Close the manual gas shutoff valve. C6097 should open control circuit when pressure reaches cutoff point.For C6097B: Open the manual gas shutoff valve, wait a few minutes for the pressure to rise; then lower the scale setting until the switch breaks control circuit and locks out.5.For C6097A: Open the shutoff valve, return thepressure switch to its original setting and press the reset button (if necessary).For C6097B: raise setting to normal and press reset button (if necessary).6.Allow system to operate through at least one complete cycle to make sure all components are functioning properly.C6097A Air Application1.Set cutoff pressure.2.Turn on fan.3.Block fan inlet or filter area. Switch should break control circuit when pressure drops to cutoff point. Manual reset models lock out.4.Remove obstruction. Press reset lever (manual reset models) and allow system to operate through at least one complete cycle to be sure all components are functioning properly.765-0237—165-0237—1 G.R. Rev. 4-00Home and Building Control Home and Building ControlHoneywell Asia Pacific Inc.Honeywell Inc.Honeywell Limited-Honeywell Limitée Room 3213-3225Honeywell Plaza 155 Gordon Baker Road Sun Hung Kai Centre P.O. Box 524North York, Ontario No. 30 Harbour Road Minneapolis, MN 55408-0524M2H 3N7Wanchai Hong KongHoneywell Latin American Region Honeywell Europe S.A.480 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway 3 Avenue du Bourget Suite 2001140 Brussels Sunrise FL 33325Belgium。

Honeywell SX 系列基本微动开关 说明书

Honeywell SX 系列基本微动开关 说明书

■ 特点◆ 低操作力,最大3 oz. (85 克)◆ 灵敏低差动行程最大为0.001英寸◆ 电源负载能力7A—镀银触点◆ 低能耗应用可选镀金触点◆ 分叉镀金触点可选,最大可靠性◆ 长机械寿命,一千万次操作,95%完好率◆ 温度范围 :-65o F~+250o F(-54℃~121℃)◆ 耐高温设计,可在+400o F (204℃)下工作100小时◆ 各种完整和附加驱动件可选◆ 数种端子类型可供选择◆ MIL-S-8805资质产品可选◆ UL 认证号#E12252, CSA 认证号#LR41372■ 断开1SX超小型基本开关■可选端子SX 开关提供数种端子类型可供选择。

T 型与T2型端子具有更简便的焊接配线附件。



■基本信息SX 超小型基本开关具有小精度尺寸,微型开关中的快速连接开关。



耐用铍铜弹簧耐磨酚醛底座与外壳延伸孔便于更精确的安装外壳安全接合至底座与Amp Inc.编号640024-1标准结合安装力矩圆头2-56UNC 438螺丝—最大为2英寸H391, H39290o 型针脚0,0 = mm 0.00 = inches单位表示:■针脚柱塞■订购指南(根据电气负载能力上升排列)Dim. Dwg. 图1(91SX39-T 和 93SX34-T 图2除外)■完整摆杆■订购指南特性:O.F.-动作力;R.F.-释放力;P.T.-预行程;O.T.-超行程;D.T.-差动行程;O.P.-操作位置Dim. Dwg. 图3Dim. Dwg. 图3Dim. Dwg. 图4Dim. Dwg. 图5Dim. Dwg. 图6311SX2-T(24.5mm)直摆杆5 Amps A 0.310.05 2.920.640.898.26±1.91313SX2-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.310.052.920.640.898.26±1.91311SX3-T(24.5mm)直摆杆5 Amps A 0.200.03 4.700.61 1.527.75±2.92313SX3-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.200.034.700.611.527.75±2.92311SX4-T(1.1mm)模拟滚轮摆杆5 Amps A 0.580.11±0.91313SX4-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.580.±0.91311SX5-T(11.7mm)模拟滚轮摆杆5 Amps A 0.310.05 2.670.560.8914.86±1.65313SX5-T 同上,带镀金触点1 Amp D0.310.052.670.560.8914.86±1.65■附加驱动件■订购指南特性:O.F.-动作力;R.F.-释放力;P.T.-预行程;O.T.-超行程;D.T.-差动行程;O.P.-操作位置; F.P.-自由位置*所有特性适用于如下所示1SX-T 装配的驱动件Dim. Dwg. 图7Dim. Dwg. 图8Dim. Dwg. 图9Dim. Dwg. 图9Dim. Dwg. 图10**开关与柱塞末端JX-40反转安装。



11 基本微动开关 -V15
特性 : ◆ 结 构紧凑,具有微小触点间隙,快速动作、高灵敏度和 微小动作行程的特点 ◆长寿命,高可靠性 ◆拥有全球安规认证 ◆接线端子种类齐全 ◆动作力范围宽 7gf~400gf ◆多种温度等级 -25℃ ~+200℃ ◆配备各种形式操作柄 ◆ 广 泛应用于各种家用电器,电子设备,自动化设备,通 讯设备,汽车电子,仪器仪表,电动工具等领域 ◆ V15B 系列大于 3mm 触点间距, 寿命 50000 次安规认证。
Z 系列产品特性
大电流至 12(6)A,具备 1/4HP 马力负载认证,通行全球的安全认证,IP67 防 水保护可选。结构紧凑小巧,一致性好,适于各种控制领域选用!
不管你知道的我们是 MICRO SWITCH 还是 Honeywell, 正如你所知道的一样,超过半个世纪以来我们一直是业界强 大的领先者!创立于 1932 年的 MICRO SWITCH,是一家领跑追求电子器件小型化,高性能的公司。在它之前,没 有任何开关机构像它那样结实,高可靠性,能承担大电流,尺寸紧凑并且重量轻巧。今天,MICRO SWITCH 参与了 全球机械电子控制领域标准的制定。简单,可靠,优质,一切均由 MICRO SWITCH 持续演绎!
■ 应用
◆ 家用电器 ◆ 电子设备 ◆ 自动化设备 ◆ 通讯设备 ◆ 汽车电子 ◆ 仪器仪表 ◆ 电动工具等领域
工作速度 工作频率 绝缘电阻 接触电阻 耐电压 同极不相接端子间 带电金属零件与外壳之间,接线 端与易触及的不带电金属件之间 0.1mm~1m/s(与驱动方式有关) 机械 : 60 次 / 分钟 ; 电气 : 25 次 / 分钟 ≥ 100MΩ (500VDC) ≤ 30mΩ(初始值) AC1000V,50/60HZ,1 分钟 AC1500V,50/60HZ,1 分钟 10~55HZ,1.5mm 两倍振幅 破坏 : 动作力 >0.5N:1000m/s2(约 100G)max 动作力≤ 0.5N:400m/s2(约 40G)max 故障 : 动作力 >0.5N:200m/s2(约 20G)max. 动作力≤ 0.5N:100m/s2(约 10G)max. 机械 ≥ 10,000,000 次 或 1,000,000 次 电气 ≥ 50,000 次或 100,000 次(V15H10 系列) 约 6.2g(无操作柄)





正文内容:1. Schneider Electric(施耐德电气)1.1 品牌背景:施耐德电气是全球率先的能源管理和自动化解决方案提供商,拥有丰富的行业经验和技术实力。

1.2 产品优势:1.2.1 高品质:施耐德电气的开关产品经过严格的质量控制,具有卓越的可靠性和耐久性。

1.2.2 全面的产品线:无论是住宅、商业还是工业应用,施耐德电气都提供了完整的开关产品线,满足不同需求。

1.2.3 先进的技术:施耐德电气不断创新,推出了一系列智能化开关产品,提供便捷的远程控制和能源管理功能。

2. Legrand(利格朗)2.1 品牌背景:利格朗是全球率先的电气和数字建造设备供应商,以其创新的解决方案和可靠的产品而闻名。

2.2 产品优势:2.2.1 设计精美:利格朗的开关产品注重外观设计,提供多种风格和颜色选择,满足用户的个性化需求。

2.2.2 高性能:利格朗的开关产品采用先进的技术,具有快速响应和稳定的性能,保证电路的安全和稳定运行。

2.2.3 绿色环保:利格朗致力于可持续发展,推出了多种节能环保型开关产品,降低能源消耗,减少对环境的影响。

3. Siemens(西门子)3.1 品牌背景:西门子是全球知名的工业自动化和数字化解决方案供应商,其开关产品具有卓越的品质和创新性。

3.2 产品优势:3.2.1 高性能:西门子的开关产品采用先进的技术,具有高速、高精度和高可靠性的特点,适合于各种复杂的应用场景。

3.2.2 安全可靠:西门子的开关产品经过严格的测试和验证,确保其在各种环境下都能稳定运行,保障电路的安全。

3.2.3 智能化:西门子不断创新,推出了一系列智能化开关产品,实现了远程监控、故障诊断和自动化控制等功能。

4. ABB(安巴赫)4.1 品牌背景:安巴赫是全球率先的电力和自动化技术供应商,其开关产品以其高品质和可靠性而受到广泛认可。

Honeywell FRN 系列 低流量、小压降 流量开关 说明书

Honeywell FRN 系列 低流量、小压降 流量开关 说明书

霍尼韦尔FRN 系列是一组专为小流量一小压降损耗场合而设计的流量开关。

FRN 开关内含一个活动浮子作为流量触发器,



工作在低流量状态● 对流量最小的影响
● 可连接15mm ,22mm ,28mm 的管子
● 得到认可: 可适用于饮用级热水(85℃)和冷水● 高等级的NORYL 材料(UL 认可)或脱锌黄铜● 压力最大可测至7bar
● 固态或干簧直流开关形式● 垂直安装
● 轴向的设计方便安装
● 可选22mm 压缩接头或3/4”B.S.P 插孔或插头式连接器。


Honeywell CX系列限位和封闭式开关 说明书

Honeywell CX系列限位和封闭式开关 说明书

杠杆类型 目录号 1.5 in 杠杆,无滚轮, .75 in 前滚轮 .75 in 后滚轮 LSZ51 LSZ51A LSZ51C 1.5-3.5 in 可调式杠杆 .75 in 滚轮 1.0 in 滚轮1.5 in 滚轮 LSZ52CLSZ52J LSZ52K1.5 in 轭滚轮.75 in 后滚轮.75 in 每一侧滚轮LSZ53S LSZ53E 5 in 控制杆杠杆 仅有毂 LSZ54M LSZ541.5 in 偏置杠杆,无滚轮.75 in 后滚轮.75 in 前滚轮LSZ55 LSZ55A LSZ55C Honeywell/Commercial Switch-Sensor 霍尼韦尔开关与传感器1 不受天气影响的密封式防爆开关CX 系列特 点密封-符合NEMA 1,3,44X,6,6P,7,9和13的适用部分 防水,防尘,适合户外使用 可提供4-20mA 的模拟输出 UL 认证,文件号为E14274 技术UL 认证,文件号为E68247 CSA 认证,文件号为LR57324 坚固的铸铝外壳不需用工具就能在现场调节预行程,超行程和致动程序(都是一个一个单独的基准)转动方式以秒为单位作顺时针,逆时针或双向操作转换旋转致动开关CX 开关是特别为危险环境条件下户外使用而制造的。




模拟输出:或提供电阻输出的或提供4-20mA 电流输出。





NEMA 标准: 1,3,4,4X,6,6P,7,9和13。

霍尼韦尔行程开关 env系列

霍尼韦尔行程开关 env系列
Klockner - Moller GE Power Control
超过一千万次 EN60529,IP66/67 UL/NEMA 1,12,13 -25~85℃ -40~85℃ IEC/EN60947-5-1, EN50047, UL508, UL746C EN60529, EN81-1 AC15, A300 DC13, Q300 320V 2500V 10A SCPD 10A quick acting fuse (IEC269.1 gG- type) 单刀单掷双断,主动断开(Zb 型),银触点 0.75~1.5mm2 (16-18AWG) IEC68-2-27 (BS2011, Part 2.1 Ea) IEC68-2-6 (BS2011, Part 2.1 Fc) IEC68-2-29 (BS2011, Part 2 LeB) IEC68-2-3 (BS2011, Part 2.1 Ca)
TI-SU1AH E100 00 EI
FR531 ZV12H236-11Z
3SE3 200-1G 83 850 301 83 850 302 D4D-1120 AZD1004 AZD1054 ATO-11-S-I/R IUGL-B411
XCK-P110 XCA -2M TI-SU1W E100 00AI FR501 ZS236-11Z 3SE3 200-1C
XCK-P102 XCA -3M TI-SU1RIW E100 00BI FR515 ZR236-11Z 3SE3 200-1D
83 850 501
D4D-1132 AZD1002 AZD1052 ATO-11-S-I/RS IUGU-B411

Honeywell GLS 系列全球通用型限位开关 说明书

Honeywell GLS 系列全球通用型限位开关 说明书

GLS系列全球通用型限位开关Honeywell前排从左至右: GLH、GLC、GLD、GLE后排从左至右: GLB、GLA、GLA概述GLS系列限位开关是针对全世界范围的应用而专门设计,由霍尔韦尔遍及全球的销售和服务机构提供便捷的支持。



标准GLS开关电路包括双电路或四电路快速动作开关,带着触点强制断开的机械结构; 两个双电路慢速动作型式; 双电路分叉触点可以和PLC直接接口。







典型应用□机床: 金属加工设备、压机、传送机械和专用设备□物料搬运设备: 传送带、电梯、吊车和起重机械□包装机械和过程处理设备□纺织机械□建筑机械和设备,运载车辆和特点□按最新的IEC标准设计,为世界各国广泛接受。




Honeywell 微动开关(EX Series) 危险环境开关说明书

Honeywell 微动开关(EX Series) 危险环境开关说明书

MICRO SWITCH™ Hazardous Location Switches Datasheet2What makes our switches better?Honeywell has over 80 years of switch manufacturing experiencecovering most environment types Proven technology plus superior quality and service are offeredworld-wide. The EX Series holds multiple agency approvals, including CE, IEC Ex, UL, CSA, and ATEX directives Multiple actuator options make the EX Series a good choice forindoor explosion-proof applications Smallest UL-listed, power-load carrying switch available for use inhazardous locationsMICRO SWITCH™ EX SeriesHazardous Location Limit SwitchesMICRO SWITCH™ EX Series switches feature the smallest UL-listed housings available for use in hazardous locations. The EX Series switch cavity is designed to cool expanding gases below the ignition temperature of the surrounding explosive atmosphere. The EX Series is capable of switching up to 20 amps while providing ample wiring space for ease of installation. Single and double conduit openings are available. Dual conduit openings may allow for through wiring of multiple switches. The EX Series can be mounted from any of the switch’s four sides.FLEXIBILITY IN MOUNTINGRELIABILITY • ACTUATION VARIETYManufactured for harsh and explosive environments3Features and BenefitsCOMPACT AND RUGGED HOUSINGOften used in applications where space is at a premium, MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series switches feature ample wiring space that eases installation time . The four-sided mounting with optional mounting bracket simplifies installation in most applications. The EX Series offers dual conduit openings on select models that allow for through wiring making it easier to wire multiple switches in a single circuit.WIDE VARIETY OF PRODUCT OFFERINGS AND VARIATIONSBroad range of actuator styles available in pin plunger and rotary configurations.Switching capacity from 1 A for low energy loads , up to 20 A for most industrial electrical loads.DESIGN FLEXIBILITYRotary actuators are field adjustable for quick set up and application adaptability. Roller lever actuators are adjustable through 360° of rotation. 1EX and 2EX listings have dual conduit openings enabling “wire through” or allowing the user to split the wiring of a double pole switch with one pole exiting each side.International approvals for use around the worldINDUSTRIAL PAINT BOOTHSPosition detecting in automated paint booths used by indoor industrial painting companiesAutomotive paint booth door position detection assures the door is closed before paint can be appliedPETROLEUM AND CHEMICAL PLANTSValve position in indoor potentially explosive environments in petroleum refineries and chemical plantsPROCESSING FACILITIESPosition sensing indoors at grain handling and processing plants, pulp and paperprocessing, lumber and other types of facilities where dust and other fine particlesin the atmosphere may create the potential for explosionsPotential ApplicationsEX Series1 Refer to order guide2 Most models, refer to individual specifications for selected catalog listings*Most models, refer to individual specifications for selected catalog listingsMICRO SWITCH™ Hazardous Location Limit Switches5EX Series*Note: CW (Clockwise) and CCW (Counter-Clockwise) when looking at nameplate. EX Series switches are not sealed against liquids and are not intended to be used in liquid splash environments or outdoor use without protection. NEMA 1, 7, 9 only.MICRO SWITCH™ Hazardous Location Limit Switches*Note: CW (Clockwise) and CCW (Counter-Clockwise) when looking at nameplate. EX Series switches are not sealed against liquids and are not intended to be used in liquid splash environments or outdoor use without protection. NEMA 1, 7, 9 only.78EX SeriesFigure 1. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, no leverFigure 2. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, side rotary Figure 3. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, side rotary with two conduit openingsFigure 4. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, one-way lever Figure 6. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, top pin plungerFigure 5. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, rod leverFigure 7. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, boot sealedFigure 8. MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series, manually actuatedDIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS mm [in]MICRO SWITCH™ Hazardous Location Limit SwitchesTable 5. Replacement Catalog Listings* Order levers separatelyGROUNDING SCREW ASSEMBLY(for equipped models only)910EX Series1EX12EX14EX1-34EX5-3EXA-AR EXA-AR20EXA-AR62EXA-N EXA-Q EX-AR EX-AR128EXAR-141EX-AR16This datasheet supports the following MICRO SWITCH™ EX Series Hazardous Location Limit SwitchesEX-AR1613EX-AR1620EX-AR-1621EX-AR182EX-AR20EX-AR230EX-AR30EX-AR400EX-AR420EX-AR471-15EX-AR471-3EX-AR50EX-AR68EX-AR8EX-AR800EX-AR830EX-AR87EXD-AR20-3EXD-AR-3EXD-AR30-3EXD-AR30-6EXD-AR62-3EXD-AR87-3EXD-N-3EXD-Q26-2EXD-Q-3EXD-Q62-3EXH-AR2EXH-AR3EXH-AR33EXH-AR7EXH-AR7-R1EXH-NEXH-Q26-2EXHT -AR EXHT -AR403EXHT -Q EX-N15EX-N152EX-Q EX-Q1EX-Q171EX-Q173EX-Q19EX-Q22EX-Q400EX-Q62EX-Q80015PA85-EX 19PA4-EX 33PA1-EX 33PA5-EX 33PA6-EX 33PA7-EX 6PA126-EX 6PA127-EX6PA130-EX 6PA136-EX 6PA138-EX 6PA142-EX 6PA204-EX 6PA5-EX 8PA12-EX 8PA15-EX 8PA77-EX EX-XR3EX-XR9EX-YQ-3MICRO SWITCH™ Hazardous Location Limit Switches4EX1-3üüü 3 ft4EX5-3üüü 3 ft11EX SeriesADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions• Product range guide• Hazardous location switches product brochure• Product application-specific information– Applicaiton note: Electronic sensors and electromechanicalswitches in valves and flow meters– Application note: Industrial waste water treatment– Application note: Sensors and switches for industrial manualprocess valves– Sensors and switches in oil rig applicationsWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particu-lar purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for conse-quential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application. Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.002390-1-EN IL50 GLO November 2014Copyright © 2014 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************。

honeywell micro switch ls 通用限位开关 datasheet说明书

honeywell micro switch ls 通用限位开关 datasheet说明书

MICRO SWITCH™ LS General Purpose Limit Switches Datasheet2What makes our switches better?Small size and universal mounting footprint may allow for use inconstricted spaces IP67 and NEMA 1, 3, 4, 6 and 13 ratings available provide adependable solution in most demanding environmental conditions Rugged die-cast metal construction with a wide variety of headsand actuators provides long life across numerous applications MICRO SWITCH™ legacy and expertise - over 55 years ofengineering excellence and experience with industrial limit switchesMICRO SWITCH™ LSGeneral Purpose Limit SwitchesThe Honeywell MICRO SWITCH™ Compact LS Limit Switch Series offers products that have a long record of successfulperformance in a diverse range of industrial applications. Under severe conditions, its durable and dependable design provides longevity, precision, and consistent repeatability over millions of operations.The compact size and adjustable features propel the LS Series to flourish in a variety of settings under space constraint without sacrificing reliability. Its construction is oil-tight, water-tight and dust tight, and includes die-cast housing, heads and actuators. An assortment of heads and actuators provides a solution for a variety of applications.QUALITY, RELIABLE RUGGED, GLOBALRugged, metal housingpackaged for industrial indoor and outdoor applications3Features and BenefitsENHANCED PERFORMANCE COMPACT DESIGNAlong with industry standard mounting dimensions, the LS Series compact design allows installation in applications under space constraint while still providing reliable switching performanceTWO CIRCUIT DOUBLE BREAK CONTACTSWith an AC15, A300 or 10 A electrical rating, the LS Series provides dependable and consistent switching, giving the end users control of two circuits in one switchACTUATORS FOR YOUR APPLICATIONWith many actuators available such as side rotary, plunger, wobble stick and roller plunger, the LS Series is adaptable and has the ability to be applied in a variety of applicationsSEALED CONSTRUCTIONIn demanding environmental conditions, IP67 or NEMA 1, 3, 4, 6, and 13 sealing protects against oil, dust and water making the LS Series a dependable solution in a variety of conditions for both indoor and outdoor applicationsOne switch controls two circuits!MACHINE TOOL EQUIPMENTPart presence, machine slide/table position, panel and door presenceMATERIAL HANDLINGSensing in overhead doors, door interlock, dock locks, conveyance, storage retrieval, carousels, conveyors, and assembly linesVALVE ACTUATIONPosition sensing of electric valves for waste water treatment plants, power plants, refineries, and pipelinesFOOD AND BEVERAGESensing during bottling, canning, and packagingSPECIAL MACHINERYAssembly, packaging and testing applicationsPotential ApplicationsLS SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES PRODUCT NOMENCLATURENot all combinations are available. Please contact your Honeywell provider/representative for assistance. MICRO SWITCH™ General Purpose Limit SwitchesTable 2. Electrical Ratings5LS SeriesMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.1Contact closed n; Contact open o. *Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.Table 4. Side Rotary (Maintained), Standard Fork Roller Lever7 8LS SeriesTable 6. Side Rotary, Adjustable Rod Lever1MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.MICRO SWITCH™ General Purpose Limit Switches O.T. • Operating torqueO.F. • Operating forceR.P. • Release pointP.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travel910LS Series*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.R.P. • Release point P.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travelMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR NORTH AMERICA) For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.1Contact closed n; Contact open o. NOTE: Bar chart measurements are in millimeters.*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.11*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads.2 Operating position in any direction except pull.R.P. • Release point P.T. • PretravelO.T. • OvertravelD.T. • Differential travelMICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE) For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.Terminal block is base receptacle.Terminal block is base receptacle.1Terminal block is base receptacle.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.Terminal block is base receptacle.Table 17. Top Pin PlungerTable 18. Top Roller Plunger1* Requires an 18PA1-4C Terminal Block (20 mm conduit threads) or 18PA1-4PG Terminal Block (PG13,5 conduit threads) ordered separately. Terminal block is base receptacle.1Contact closed n ; Contact open o . NOTE: Bar chart measurements are in millimeters.* Requires an 18PA1-4C Terminal Block (20 mm conduit threads) or 18PA1-4PG Terminal Block (PG13,5 conduit threads) ordered separately. Terminal block is base receptacle.Table 20. Wobble, Coil Spring1*Requires an 18PA1 Terminal Block (base receptacle) which must be ordered separately. 18PA1 terminal block has 0.5-14 NPT conduit threads. 2Operating position in any direction except pull.MICRO SWITCH™ LS SERIES ORDER GUIDE/RECOMMENDED LISTINGS (FOR EMEA/EUROPE)For listings not shown, contact your Honeywell representative.¹ Any auxiliary lever listed can be used² LSZ54M, 6PA63, 6PA71 or 6PA121 levers only recommended for these catalog listings * Furnished without actuator3 Fork lever actuators recommended for two position side rotary main-tained21Note: Operating head includes lever where appropriate and internal plunger.* Because of low operating force, 6PA43-4, 6PA71-4, or 6PA78-4 auxil-iary actuators only are recommended for these listings.23DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS14,27 [0.562 ] min. depth (4)Figure 2. 1LS3 DimensionsFigure 3. 1LS10 DimensionsFigure 4. 2LS1 Dimensions1,65Figure 5. 3LS1 Dimensions54,10 ±0,762Figure 6. 4LS1 Dimensions40,64 ±0,762[1.60 ±0.03]24Figure 6. 6LS1 DimensionsFigure 7. 7LS1 DimensionsFigure 9. 8LS3 Dimensions25Figure 11. 8LS152 DimensionsFigure 15. 202LS1 DimensionsFigure 16. 203LS1 Dimensions40,64 [1.60]54,10 ±0,762Figure 18. 205LS1 Dimensions1,65 [0.065]Figure 19. 206LS1 Dimensions27Switch will operate byFigure 21. 208LS3 DimensionsSwitch will operate byFigure 23. 208LS152 DimensionsSwitch will operate byFigure 25. 1LS3-4 DimensionsFigure 27. 2LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 28. 4LS1-4 Dimensions29Figure 31. 8LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 33. 206LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 34. 201LS3-4 DimensionsFigure 36. 202LS1-4 Dimensions26Figure 37. 204LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 38. 205LS1-4 DimensionsFigure 39. 208LS1-4 Dimensions26002403-1-EN IL50 GLO June 2015Copyright © 2015 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.Sensing and Control Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945,visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available on the Honeywell web site at :• Product installation instructions • Aerospace range guide • Transportation range guide• Limits and Machine Safety range guide • Product application-specific information– Application Note: Automated Storage and Retrieval System – Limit and Enclosed Switches Application Information – Limit and Enclosed Switches Operating Characteristics – Limit and Enclosed Switches Reference Standards – Limit and Enclosed Switches Typical ApplicationsWARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particu-lar purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for conse-quential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing.However, we assume no responsibility for its use.。

Honeywell SS400 系列 开关型霍尔位置传感器 说明书

Honeywell SS400 系列 开关型霍尔位置传感器 说明书

56Honeywell 开关型霍尔位置传感器SS400系列/开关型MICRO SWITCH选型指南型号SS411A SS413A SS441A SS443A SS449A SS461A SS466A 磁场类型 双极 双极 单极 单极 单极 锁存 锁存供电电压(VDC3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 供电电流(max )10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 输出类型 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉输出电压(max )40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 输出电流max*20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 输出漏电流,max 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 上升 (10-90%) .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max.05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max .05μs typ. 1.5μs max 输出开关时间 Vcc=12V RL=1.6K C=20pF 下降(90-10%) .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max .15μs typ. 1.5μs max最大动作点 G mT 70 7.0 G mT 140 14.0 G mT 135 13.5 G mT 215 21.5 G mT 435 43.5 G mT 110 11.0 G mT 200 20.0 最小释放点-70 -7.0 -140 -14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 210 21.0 -110 -11.0 -200 -20.0 磁特性-40℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 15 1.5 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点65 6.5 140 14.0 117 11.7 190 19.5 400 40.0 90 9.0 200 20.0 最小释放点 -65 -6.5 -140 14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 230 23.0 -90 -9.0 185 18.5 0℃最小回差 15 1.5 20 2.0 18 1.8 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 115 11.5 180 18.0 390 39.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 140 14.0 20 2.0 75 7.5 235 23.5 -85 -8.5 -180 18.0 25℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 20 2.0 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 120 12.0 180 18 400 40.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 -140 -14.0 15 1.5 70 7.0 215 21.5 -85 -8.5 -180 -18.0 85℃最小回差12 1.2 20 2.0 15 1.5 15 1.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 190 19.0 最大动作点 65 6.5 140 14.0 123 12.3 190 19.0 410 41.0 100 10.0 180 18.0 最小释放点 -65 6.5 -140 14.0 15 1.5 60 6.0 200 20.0 -100 10.0 -180 -18.0 125℃最小回差 12 1.2 20 2.0 8 0.8 10 1.0 30 3.0 50 5.0 160 16.0 最大动作点 70 7.0 140 14.0 125 12.5 200 20.0 420 42.0 110 11.0 185 18.5 最小释放点 -70 -7.0 -140 -14.0 10 1.0 55 5.5 185 18.5 -110 -11.0 -185 -18.5 150℃最小回差10 1.020 2.05 0.55 0.530 3.050 5.0140 14.0G=Gauss mT=milliTesla注:可订购安装在线带和卷带上的SS400,引脚上间距0.1”,每个卷带含3000个SS400传感器.所有SS400系列绝对输出电流值为50mA开关型霍尔位置传感器MICRO SWITCH SS400系列/开关型5758Honeywell 开关型霍尔位置传感器SS100系列/开关型,表面封装MICRO SWITCHG=GaussMT=milliTesla型号SS111A SS113A SS141A SS143A SS149A SS161A SS166A 磁性能 双极 双极 单极 单极 单极 锁存 锁存供电电压(VDC )3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 3.8-30 供电电流(max )10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 10mA 输出类型 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉 电流沉输出电压(max )40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 40V 输出电流max20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 20mA 漏电流,max 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA 10μA.1.5μs . 1.5μs . 1.5μs . 1.5μs .1.5μs . 1.5μs .1.5μs 输出开关时间上升下降.1.5μs 1.5μs .1.5μs 1.5μs 1.5μs .1.5μs .1.5μs 最大动作点 G mT 70 7.0 G mT 140 14.0 G mT 135 13.5 G mT 215 21.5 G mT 440 44.0 G mT 110 11.0 G mT 200 20.0 最小释放点-70 -7.0 -140 -14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 210 21.0 -110 -11.0 -200 -20.0 磁特性-40℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 15 1.5 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 0.0 最大动作点65 6.5 140 14.0 117 11.7 190 19.0 400 40.0 90 9.0 185 18.5 最小释放点 -65 -6.5 -140 14.0 20 2.0 80 8.0 230 23.0 -90 -9.0 -185 -18.5 0℃最小回差 15 1.5 20 2.0 18 1.8 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 115 11.5 180 18.0 390 39.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 -140 14.0 20 2.0 75 7.5 235 23.5 -85 -8.5 -180 18.0 25℃最小回差15 1.5 20 2.0 20 2.0 25 2.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 200 20.0 最大动作点 60 6.0 140 14.0 120 12.0 180 18 400 40.0 85 8.5 180 18.0 最小释放点 -60 -6.0 -140 -14.0 15 1.5 70 7.0 215 21.5 -85 -8.5 -180 -18.0 85℃最小回差12 1.2 20 2.0 15 1.5 15 1.5 30 3.0 50 5.0 190 19.0 最大动作点 65 6.5 140 14.0 123 12.3 190 19.0 410 41.0 100 10.0 180 18.0 最小释放点 -65 6.5 140 14.0 15 1.5 60 6.0 200 20.0 -100 10.0 -180 -18.0 125℃ 最小回差12 1.220 2.08 0.810 1.030 3.050 5.0160 16.0开关型霍尔位置传感器MICRO SWITCH SS100系列/开关型、表面封装地址:西安市高新区创新大厦MF5 网站:,E-mail:*******************.com5960SS94B1系列Honeywell 模拟霍尔位置传感器 MICRO SWITCH安装尺寸(仅供参考) 输出特性(仅供参考)特点:·单个电流沉或电流源输出 ·增强的温度稳定性 ·三针一列引脚·激光修正的薄膜和厚膜电阻减少了灵敏度变化并带温度 补偿内部结构图SS94B 选型指南规格SS94B1供电电压(VDC) 4.5-12工作性能@5VDC消耗电流(mA) 8typ.,11max 输出电流/Type 输出电压比率变化/电流沉或电流源输出1mA typ.,2mAmax输出电压范围 负高斯 正高斯 0.4V type Vs-0.4V typ 磁特性@25℃ 满量程 零点(偏置@0高斯) 灵敏度(mV/高斯) 线性度(%满量程) 5VDC(-67.0to+67.0mT,typ) 4.0V(-670to+670gauss,typ.)2.5±0.03V3.125±0.063 -0.5±0.5 温度误差(@25℃) 零点飘移(%/℃) 灵敏度飘移(%/℃)±0.03 ±0.0361Honeywell 模拟霍尔位置传感器 MICRO SWITCH特点:·单个电流沉或电流源输出 ·提高的温度稳定性 ·三针一列PCB 引脚·激光修正的薄膜和厚膜电阻减少了灵敏 度变化并带温度补偿·敏感磁场强度±100到±2500高斯SS94A 选型指南规格 SS94A1 SS94A1B SS94A1E SS94A1F SS94A2SS94A2C SS94A2D 主要特点通用 5VDC 工作低飘移高灵敏度噪声屏蔽++噪声屏蔽++噪声屏蔽++供电电压(VDC )*6.6-12.6 4.5-8.0 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6 6.6-12.6消耗电流(mA )** 13typ 30max 8typ17.5max13typ30max 13typ 30max 13typ 30max 13typ 30max 13typ 30max 输出电流(mA) 电流沉或源 1max 1max1max1max1max1max1max反应时间(μsec ) 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 3typ 磁特性*** 满量程*625 Vs375 Vs625 Vs625 Vs625 Vs625 Vs625 Vs测量磁场范围(gauss )* -500-+500 -500-+500 -500-+500 -100-+100 -500-+500 -1000-+1000 -2500-+2500灵敏度(mV/gauss@25C ) 50±.1 1.875±1.00 5.0±.1 25.0±.5 5.0±0.1 2.0±0.05 1.00±0.02 线性度+(%span) -0.8typ -1.5max -0.8typ-1.5max-0.8typ-1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max-0.8typ -1.5max输出Vout(Ogauss@25C)*** 4.00±0.04V 2.50±0.05v 4.00±0.04v 1.00±0.08v 4.00±0.04v 4.00±0.04v 4.00±0.04v 温度误差(所有%S 以 25值为基准)* 零点(%/C ) 灵敏度(%/C )±.02 ±.02±0.25 ±0.25±.01 ±.02±.10 ±.02 .055±.02 ±.02±.0125 ±.02±.007 ±.02*-40℃~12℃**包括负载,典型在25℃/最大在-40℃***@Vs=5VDC 只限于SS94AIB/@Vs=8VDC 适用其余型号 +曲线始末端点直线法++陶瓷背面镀银与引脚电气连接 规定用2.2K Ω电阻除非另外标注零点电压(0高斯时电压)和灵敏度与供电电压比率变化62Honeywell 模拟霍尔位置传感器MICRO SWITCH特点:·体积小巧(0.16×0.118″) 低功耗—典型7mA 在5VDC ·电源沉或源线性输出·内含激光修正的薄膜电阻提供精确的灵 敏和温度补偿·工作温度范围-40~+150℃ ·可反应于正的或负的磁场·方块霍尔传感元件提供稳定的输出·Rail-to-Rail 性能可提供更有效的信号 以到达更高精度订货指南Vs=5.0V,T A =-40至+125℃(除非另外标明)指标 SS495A 标准 SS495A1 高精度 SS495A2*基本型供电电压(VDC ) 4.5-10.5 4.5-10.54.5-10.5 Typ. 7.0 7.07.0供电电流@25C(mA) Max. 8.50 8.5 8.5输出类型(电流沉 源)比率变化 比率变化 比率变化 输出电流(mA ) 典型电流沉 最小电流源 最小电流沉 最小电流沉 Vs >4.5V Vs >4.5V Vs >4.5V Vs >5.0V 1.5 1.0 0.6 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.6 1.01.5 1.0 0.6 1.0 磁特性@25C ,5VDC Typ Guass:-670-+670(-67-+67mT)磁场范围 Min Guass:-600-+600(-60-+67mT)Typ 0.2-(Vs-0.2)输出电压范围 Min 0.4-(Vs-0.4)零点电压(输出@0高斯、伏) 2.500±0.075 2.5±0.100 灵敏度(mV/G ) 3.125±0.125 3.125±0.094 3.125±0.156 Typ -1.0% -1.0%线性误差(%量程) Max -1.5% -1.5%温度误差 零点飘移(%/C ) 灵敏度飘移(%/C ) ≥25℃Max <25℃Max ±0.06% ±0.04%% +0.02%±0.03% +0.03%±0.03%±0.07% -0.02%+0.06%-0.01%+0.07%*散装,每包1000个表面安装型:加后缀S 如:SS495A-S 线带包装T1型:加后缀T1丝带包装P 型(表面安装):加后缀SP MilliTesla=Gauss ×10-1 公司由传感器销售部、仪表销售部、工程部和总务部四个部组成。

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