Here in China, we are proud to represent the millions of Chinese Americans and Americans of all heritages who appreciate the values of family and community that the Chinese new year embodies so well.在中国这里,我们自豪地代表重视家庭和团体观念的数以百万计的华裔美国人和各族裔的美国人,中国新年特别好地体现了这种观念。
Mona and I wish each and every one of you wisdom and strength in this Year of the Snake, and happy reun-io-ns with your family and loved ones.李蒙和我祝愿你们每一个人在这个蛇年拥有智慧和力量,与家人和心爱的人团聚快乐!新年快乐!恭喜发财!Happy Year of the Snake!蛇年快乐!美国驻华大使新年致辞 [篇2]XinNianKuai Le! Mona and I would like to extend our best wishes to everyone here in China and our friends and family back home in America as we celebrate the Chinese New Year. This is a special time of a year, many people returning to their Laojia, reuniting with family and enjoying a holiday meal with loved ones and friends.新年快乐!在我们庆祝中国新年之际,李蒙和我想祝福中国这里的每个人和我们在美国国内的朋友和家人。
驻英国大使在伦敦春节庆祝活动上的致辞(中英对照)第一篇:驻英国大使在伦敦春节庆祝活动上的致辞(中英对照) 驻英国大使刘晓明在伦敦春节庆祝活动上的致辞 2011年2月6日中午,伦敦特拉法加广场Remarks by H.E.Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the Chinese New Year Celebrations in London 6 February 2011, Trafalgar Square, London 尊敬的伦敦市副市长巴恩斯先生,尊敬的西敏寺市市长华纳女士,尊敬的中国国务院侨务办公室主任李海峰女士,尊敬的伦敦华埠商会主席邓柱廷先生、会长吴国强先生,各位来宾,女士们、先生们:Mr.Richard Barnes, Deputy Mayor of London, Councillor Judith Warner, Lord Mayor of Westminster, Madam Li Haifeng, Mr Chu Ting Tang, Mr Leslie Ng, Ladies and Gentlemen,我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向各位嘉宾和朋友们拜年!It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year.On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit.(Chun Jie Kuai Le, Tu Nian Ji Xiang!) 春节是中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆,举国欢庆,人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。
The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration.And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland.春节现在不仅是中国人的节日,也正在成为各国人民共同的节日。
Our connection was cemented by the tireless labor and entrepreneurial spirit of the Chinese immigrants who came to the United States to realize their dreams of prosperity. Their contribution to the construction of the transcontinental railroad helped America become a proceeding power by the end of the 19th century.
Those born in the year of the snake are said to be marked by wisdom and determination.In line with this tradition, 2013 should also be a year of new beginnings for the US and China as new leaders in both countries join together to forge stronger Asia-pacific relations.
[英文]2013-02-07 美国驻华大使夫妇中国农历新年致辞-口译网
Da Jia Hao! Mona and I would like to take this opportunity to greet our friends here in China and our old friends back home in America. The Chinese lunar new year is a time for people to return to their laojia, reunite with family, and gather around a holiday meal with loved ones and friends.
美国驻成都总领事馆总领事何孟德博士致辞Consul General Peter HaymondCongratulatory RemarksCeremony for the 9th Graduating Class of theWebster-UESTC Joint MBA ProgramUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of ChengduDecember 15, 2012Professor Wang Houjun, Vice President of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Ambassador George Herbert Walker, Life Trustee of Webster University, and former U.S. Ambassador to Hungary;Dr. Benjamin Akande, Dean of the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology at Webster University;Dr. Richard Foristel, Director of the Webster University China Program;Dr. Glenn Briggs, Professor in the George Herbert Walker School of Business and Technology at Webster University;Professor Zeng Yong, Dean of the School of Management and Economics at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China;Honored Guests, Professors, and last but certainly not least,Members of the Webster-UESTC Joint MBA program’s ninth graduating class,Good morning.It is a great honor to join you here in celebration today.On behalf of the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu, I would like to congratulate the 40 students who will be awarded MBA degrees today. Your completion of this program is a major accomplishment and something of which you should be very proud.You have all worked hard to get where you are today. I have no doubt that what you have learned over the course of your program will help you succeed in this age of unprecedented global interdependence.It used to be that limited regional trade and production were the standard. Now, globally-marketed products are designed by international teams working with supply chains around theworld. Information travels between countries almost instantaneously, reaching millions of people in a matter of seconds. At no point in history have we been so interlinked.This global environment presents us with new opportunities. It also presents us with new challenges, which in turn require us to develop new ways of thinking. You, in particular, are going to bring to these challenges the unique and important perspectives you have gained from your international degree program. Your program has helped you develop into future business leaders of a global economy, leaders who will excel thanks not only to your business skills, but also thanks to your language skills and your understanding of other cultures.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls this the “Pacific Century.” The U.S. – China relationship will play a crucial role throughout this century. As Consul General, my mission is to help expand and strengthen the U.S.-China relationship in the rapidly developing region of southwest China, one of the most dynamic, economically-thriving, and culturally-rich places in which I have been privileged to serve.In order to expand and strengthen this relationship, we at the Consulate believe it is essential to increase mutual understanding between our nations. We do this in many ways, including promoting educational and cultural exchanges, encouraging cooperation between U.S. and Chinese businesses, and promoting trade and investment in both directions. Growing two-way trade and investment relations, in particular, will give each of our countries a major stake in the economic success of the other.Academic programs like yours are a wonderful testament to the value of these exchange efforts. Through its innovative, internationalized approach to education, the Webster-UESTC Joint MBA program brings together students and faculty from the United States and China to prepare a corps of future leaders poised to increase mutual understanding and contribute to an increasingly global economy.Whether you are a graduate of the Joint MBA program or one of the business and educational leaders who have worked tirelessly to develop this program over the past ten years, you are playing a major role in ensuring the prosperity of our two great nations. In the future I look forward to learning about the great discoveries and breakthroughs you have achieved.I wish all of you great success moving forward. I know that your studies here, your deep knowledge of the United States and China, and your expertise working in a multicultural environment will be resources you draw on daily to help drive your future successes.Best wishes to you all, and again, congratulations!尊敬的电子科技大学王厚军副校长尊敬的韦伯斯特大学终身董事,前美国驻匈牙利大使乔治·沃克博士尊敬的韦伯斯特大学乔治·赫伯特·沃克商学院本杰明·阿坎德院长尊敬的韦伯斯特大学中方项目主任理查德·福斯特博士尊敬的的韦伯斯特大学乔治·赫伯特·沃克商学院格林·布瑞格教授尊敬的电子科技大学经济与管理学院院长曾勇教授尊敬的各位来宾,教授,以及第九届电子科技大学与韦伯斯特大学合作工商管理硕士项目的全体毕业生们:上午好!今天,本人非常荣幸能在此庆祝各位毕业。
Politics&Economy/政经驻渝蓉领事官员恭贺希禧New Year Greetings from the Consular Officialsin Chongqing and Chengdu鼠趁三更去,牛驮五福来。
值此牛年新春之际,本刊特邀各国驻渝蓉领事官员,为亲爱的读者带来新年祝福,一起展望美好的“2021”!On the upcoming Chinese year of the Ox,a symbol of confidence,power,stability,fertility and determination,I wish everyone in Chongqing a happy new year with goodhealth and great success and prosperity!牛在中国是信皿、力量、総定、丰产和决范約象征。
值此牛年即符到采之职我祝恿重庆人民新年决乐!身体健康!事业有屍事业次旺./荷兰驻重庆总领馆总领事孔思哲/The Year of the Rat will be remembered as one of historic and global disruption due toCOVID-19.Canada*s relationship with Southwest China and Chongqing reaches backover120years to1892,and since then has grown despite other historic challenges.Itcomes as no surprise,therefore,that despite the unprecedented challenges of the pastyear,many Canadians and Chongqingers have found new ways of building importantcultural and commercial connections.Throughout,I have been deeply impressed by thestrength and resilience of the people of Chongqing.On behalf of the whole team at theConsulate General of Canada,I wish the people of Chongqing and Southwest China ahappy,healthy,and prosperous New Year.过去的亂年舟因为新寇肺炎A惰而被铠记为历史性和全球性的孩坏之一。
最后,再次向所有关心、支持和关注我公司发展的各位朋友们,表达我们的感激之情,并祝愿大家新年快乐、万事如意、心想事成、身体健康!英文版Time flies like an arrow and another new year, 2024, is coming. On behalf of all the employees in our company, we would like to send our sincerest greetings and best wishes to all the friends who have supported, cared about, and followed the development of our company.In the past year, with the help of our customers and partners, our company has made remarkable achievements. As a ten-year-old company, we have always adhered to the service tenet of。
1.中秋月美重庆更美重庆举行2012驻渝领事机构及境外驻渝媒体联谊会 [J],
2.重庆旋律:倾倒欧亚非的山山水水——驻渝(总)领事馆及境外驻渝媒体举行新春联谊会 [J], 李静;谭舒(图)
3.重庆旋律:倾倒欧亚非的山山水水——驻渝(总)领事馆及境外驻渝媒体举行新春联谊会 [J], 李静;谭舒(图)
4.市政府外办与澳大利亚联邦及地方政府驻蓉机构代表举行工作对接会 [J],
New Year Greetings from the ConsularOffi cers in Chongqing and Chengdu Politics/ 时政/一览2019年中国农历春节前夕,本刊特邀各国驻重庆、成都总领事为《重庆与世界》读者带来新春贺词。
柬埔寨王国驻重庆总领馆 总领事 马瓦纳英国驻重庆总领馆 总领事 艾佩诗在2019己亥猪年的新春佳节到来之际,我谨向《重庆与世界》的读者及重庆市民致以新年的祝福,祝大家猪年大吉,福气满堂!日中两国确定2019年为“日中青少年交流推进年”。
祝愿通过推进两国青少年的交流,日中友谊得到进一步加深,日本与重庆、与中国共同迈向更美好的明天!日本国驻重庆总领馆 总领事 小松道彦亲爱的《重庆与世界》杂志读者朋友们,你们好!我是匈牙利驻重庆总领事罗澜。
最后,衷心祝大家新春快乐,猪年诸事顺利,合家幸福!欢迎来到美丽的匈牙利作客,泡温泉,饮美酒!匈牙利驻重庆总领馆 总领事 罗澜事加拿大驻重庆总领馆 总领事Allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern der stolzen Stadt Chongqing wünsche ich im Namen des Deutschen Generalkonsulats, aber auch ganz persönlich, alles Gute, Glück, Gesundheit und Erfolg für das neue Jahr! Besonders unseren deutschen Landsleuten und den wichtigen deutschen Unternehmen hier gelten meine Glückwünsche. Unseren staatlichen Partnern danke ich für die gute Zusammenarbeit. Aber jetzt wird der Beginn des Jahres des Schweins erst einmal kräftig gefeiert. Schließlich bedeutet …Chongqing“ ja nichts anderes al s …doppeltes Fest“! —庆”!恭祝重庆人民和《重庆与世界》杂志的读者们新春快乐!“诸”事顺利! 丹麦王国驻重庆总领馆 总领事 乐慕胜慕胜Politics / 时政 / 一览在此我谨代表德国总领事馆、当然也代表我个人,祝自豪的重庆市民新的一年顺遂、幸福、健康、成功!还要特别向生活在这里的德国同胞和落户本地的德国企业送上我的祝福。
英语素材:常用新年贺词(英汉对照)一帆风顺:wish you every success名列前茅:always come first in examinations鹏程万里:have a bright future风调雨顺:timely wind and rain bring good harvest国泰民安:wish our country flourishes and people live in peace生意兴隆:wish your business success大吉大利:wish you good fortune and every success龙马精神:may you be as energetic as a dragon and a horse恭喜发财:may prosperity be with you年年有余:may you always get more than you wish for新年新气象:as the New Year begins,let us also start a new万事如意:hope everything goes your way岁岁平安:may you start safe and sound all year round财源广进:may a river of gold flow into your pocketLive long and proper!多福多寿!May many fortunes find their way to you!祝财运亨通!I want to wish you longevity and health!愿你健康长寿!Take good care of yourself in the year ahead.请多保重!Wishing you many future successes.祝你今后获得更大成就。
On this special day I send you New Year's greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. 在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能相聚在一起。
On behalf of the Government of the United States of America,I wish people around the world good health,peace,and prosperity on the occasion of the Lunar New Year on February 16, 2018.
Let us endeavor to continue to foster closer cooperation,promote greater understanding,and build a better world for each other and for our children.
We hope that the Year of the Dog will bring even greater success and opportunity for all.
大家网1/32010.2.5美驻成都领事在大熊猫泰山美兰回家仪式的致辞中英文Remarks at Welcome Ceremony for Pandas Tai Shan and Mei LanBy Consul General David E. BrownChengdu Shuangliu International AirportFebruary 5, 2010在成都双流机场欢迎大熊猫泰山、美兰回家仪式上的致辞美国驻成都总领事大维.布朗Deputy Director General Jia Jiansheng,Division Director Liu Lijun,Honored Guests,Ladies and Gentleman,尊敬的贾建生副司长,尊敬的刘立军处长,尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们,Good afternoon.下午好。
I am delighted to be present to celebrate the arrival of pandas Tai Shan and Mei Lan to China. I thank our gracious hosts from State Forestry Administration Department of Wildlife Conservation, Sichuan Forestry Association, Chinese Association of Zoological Gardens, China Wildlife Conservation Association, Wolong China Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda, and the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding for making this event possible. On behalf of all involved on the U.S. side, I also would like to thank FedEx for generously making sure that Tai Shan and Mei Lan made their journey to China safely and comfortably.很高兴出席迎接熊猫泰山和美兰回归中国的活动。
驻美国大使英文发言稿Distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and fellow citizens of the United States, it is truly an honor to address you today as the Ambassador of [Your Country] to the United States. I am here as a representative of my country to strengthen the ties between our nations, promote mutual understanding, and work towards common goals for a better future.First and foremost, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the United States for its warm welcome and hospitality. The friendship and cooperation between our two countries have a long and rich history, rooted in shared values and mutual respect. It is my firm belief that by working together, we can achieve great things for our people and the world at large.As the Ambassador of [Your Country], I am committed to building upon the strong foundation of our bilateral relationship and advancing our shared interests. I believe that open and honest communication is key to resolving differences and finding common ground on issues of mutual concern. With this in mind, I am dedicated to fostering dialogue and collaboration between our governments, businesses, and people.One of my main priorities as Ambassador is to promote trade and investment between our two countries. The United States is one of the largest and most dynamic economies in the world, and there are significant opportunities for cooperation in various sectors, such as technology, energy, agriculture, and manufacturing. By promoting trade and investment, we can create jobs, spur economic growth, and improve the lives of our citizens.In addition to economic cooperation, I also aim to advance our countries' collaboration on various global challenges, such as climate change, security, and public health. It is essential that we work together to address these complex issues, as they affect us all and require a coordinated and concerted effort. By sharing our knowledge, resources, and expertise, we can make a meaningful impact on the world stage.Another important aspect of my role as Ambassador is to promote cultural exchange and people-to-people ties between our nations. Cultural diplomacy is a powerful tool for building bridges and breaking down barriers between different societies. By fostering cultural exchange programs, educational partnerships, and academic exchanges, we can deepen our mutual understanding and appreciation for each other's traditions, values, and customs.I also recognize the importance of engaging with the American public and reaching out to diverse communities across the country. As such, I am committed to building connections with local leaders, civil society organizations, and academia to better understand the unique perspectives and experiences of the American people. By fostering these connections, we can create a more inclusive and comprehensive partnership between our countries.In my capacity as Ambassador, I am also dedicated to promoting the interests and protecting the rights of the citizens of [Your Country] living in the United States. It is my responsibility to ensure that they are provided with the necessary consular assistance, support, and services, and that their well-being andrights are duly safeguarded. I will also work to facilitate their integration into American society and promote their contributions to the country.Furthermore, I am fully committed to advancing the values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in our bilateral relationship. I firmly believe that these fundamental principles form the bedrock of a free, just, and prosperous society. It is imperative that we uphold these values both at home and abroad and work towards promoting peace, stability, and prosperity around the world.In conclusion, I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to serve as the Ambassador of [Your Country] to the United States. I am fully committed to strengthening the ties between our nations, promoting mutual understanding, and working towards common goals for the benefit of our people. I look forward to engaging with all of you, building meaningful partnerships, and making a positive impact together. Thank you.。
US-China Relations in an Interdependent World2012年5月17日下午3点,美国驻成都总领事馆总领事,Peter Haymond(何孟德),在成龙校区学院教学楼B栋216教室,作了题为“US-China Relations in an Interdependent World”的讲座,此次讲座由外国语学院院长000教授主持。
接着,他指出,在接下来的二年多任期中,他有两个目标“增进双方了解,促进共同繁荣”(promote mutual understanding and great mutual prosperity)。
世界 》的读者及重庆市民致 以新年 的祝 福 ,祝 大家狗年 行 大
运,人 旺!财旺!事业旺1
2018年正值 日中和平友好条 约 缔 结4O周年和 日本国驻
重庆 总领事 馆建馆 2O周年 ,祝 愿 日中友 谊 万古长青,日本与重
庆 、与 中国的 交流 合 作 更 上一层 楼 !
日本国驻重庆总领 事
Best wishes for a prosperous and happy Year of the Dog tO all the people of Chongqing!
日本 国 驻 重 庆 总 领 事 馆 总领 事 小 松 道 彦
大 冢 好 !
在201 8戊戌 狗年的新春佳 节到来 之 际,我谨向 重庆与
匈 牙利 驻 重 庆 总领 事 馆 总领 事 罗 澜
. 玉 狗 汪 到 福 至 荟句 午 。 幸 福 吉 手辛 免 己 费 乃 如 ,
大 不 列 颠 及 北 爱 尔 兰 联 合 王 国 驻 重 庆 总领 事馆 总领 事 艾 佩 诗
丹 麦 王 国 驻 重 庆 总 领 事 馆 总 领 事 乐 慕 胜
√’私 :ij}
意大利共和 国驻 重庆总领事馆 总领事 倪飞
祝 4重庆 世界 的
朋 安 们 狗 年大 吉,
石事妥口意 !
匀午吉千手! 事 口童
欠 L \ 辛 仑』
1 臼句国度一 色 /1白欠絮 l
天 鲁一f 色 I惠令 荨
以色列国驻成都总领事馆 总领 事 蓝 天 铭
Politics/时 政 /聚 焦
研露领事官员 2018中国农历 狗年春 节前夕,本刊特 邀外 国驻 重庆 、成都 总领事馆 领事 官员 ,为 《重 庆与 世界》读
记者_刘煜 编辑_杨冬妮 供图_视觉中国 设计_李阳和衷共济 全球迈向希望与复苏之年新年伊始,多国领导人、联合国秘书长、世界卫生组织与驻华使馆发表了新年致辞,回顾了在新冠肺炎疫情笼罩下的2021年,并展望充满希望的2022年,呼吁全球团结一致,寻求应对疫情的多种方法,取得最终的胜利。
At the historical convergence of the Two Centenary Goals, we have set out on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in all respects and are making confident strides on the path toward the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.在飞逝的时光里,我们看到的、感悟到的中国,是一个坚韧不拔、欣欣向荣的中国。
In the passage of time, we have seen and experienced a resilient and dynamic China, a country with its amicable and respectable people, a country developing rapidly with each passing day, and a country making continual progress in all its undertakings.十大金句1. 我们唯有踔厉奋发、笃行不怠,方能不负历史、不负时代、不负人民。
Only through vigorous and determined endeavor can we fulfill our responsibility toward history, prove worthy of our times and live up to people’s expectations.2. 我们要常怀远虑、居安思危,保持战略定力和耐心,“致广大而尽精微”。
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New Year Greeting From Consul General Peter Haymond
I would like to wish you and your families a happy new year.
2012 is an important year for many historical reasons.
2012 marks the 70th anniversary of cooperation between our two nations during World War II. Our soldiers fought side by side here in southwest China. They faced great hardships and ultimately experienced great triumph.
It also is the anniversary of another historic occasion. Forty years ago, President Nixon traveled to China the first time an American President had ever done so while in office.
As in any relationship, we have had our differences over the years. But we also have found many common interests, and 2011 gave a lot to celebrate in expanding our cooperative relations.
Last year our Embassy and Consulates in China processed 1 million visa applications for people seeking to travel to the United States, more than in any other year. More than 14,000 American students came to China to study, and more than 150,000 Chinese students traveled to the United States to study.
We look forward to working together in 2012 to promote balanced and sustainable growth for both our countries, and to ensure a clean, safe future for both American and Chinese children.
As you celebrate this holiday with your families and friends, all of us at the U.S. Consulate General Chengdu wish you all a happy, healthy and prosperous Year of the Dragon.