













A.17%B.19%C.29%(正确答案)D.20%答案解析:【正确答案】C【答案解析】K s=5%+2×12%=29%,注意此题给出的是市场风险收益率12%,而不是市场平均收益率12%。




财务管理考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 财务管理的核心是()。

A. 资金筹集B. 资金投放C. 资金运营D. 资金分配答案:D2. 企业财务管理的目标是()。

A. 利润最大化B. 股东财富最大化C. 企业价值最大化D. 成本最小化答案:C3. 以下哪项不是企业筹资的动机?()A. 扩大经营规模B. 偿还债务C. 维持日常经营D. 投资新项目答案:B4. 以下哪项不是短期财务决策的内容?()A. 现金管理B. 存货管理C. 应收账款管理D. 资本预算答案:D5. 企业财务分析中,流动比率的计算公式是()。

A. 流动资产 / 流动负债B. 流动负债 / 流动资产C. 流动资产 - 流动负债D. 流动负债 + 流动资产答案:A6. 以下哪项不是影响企业资本结构的因素?()A. 企业规模B. 行业特性C. 财务风险偏好D. 企业所得税答案:D7. 以下哪项不是企业投资决策的依据?()A. 净现值(NPV)B. 内部收益率(IRR)C. 投资回收期(PBP)D. 资产负债率答案:D8. 以下哪项不是企业利润分配的原则?()A. 资本保全原则B. 利润分配原则C. 股东利益最大化原则D. 企业价值最大化原则答案:B9. 以下哪项不是企业财务风险的类型?()A. 经营风险B. 财务风险C. 市场风险D. 法律风险答案:D10. 以下哪项不是企业财务预算的内容?()A. 销售预算B. 生产预算C. 现金预算D. 人力资源预算答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 以下哪些因素会影响企业的资本成本?()A. 利率水平B. 通货膨胀率C. 企业财务风险D. 企业所得税率答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些属于企业长期筹资方式?()A. 发行股票B. 发行债券C. 银行贷款D. 商业信用答案:AB3. 以下哪些属于企业短期筹资方式?()A. 发行股票B. 发行债券C. 商业信用D. 银行短期贷款答案:CD4. 以下哪些属于企业财务分析的比率分析法?()A. 流动比率B. 资产负债率C. 净资产收益率D. 现金流量比率答案:ABCD5. 以下哪些属于企业财务分析的现金流量分析法?()A. 现金流量表B. 现金流量比率C. 现金流量趋势分析D. 现金流量结构分析答案:ABCD6. 以下哪些属于企业投资决策的现金流量估算?()A. 初始投资B. 营业现金流入C. 营业现金流出D. 残值收入答案:ABCD7. 以下哪些属于企业利润分配的程序?()A. 利润预测B. 利润分配方案的制定C. 利润分配方案的审批D. 利润分配方案的实施答案:ABCD8. 以下哪些属于企业财务风险的控制方法?()A. 风险转移B. 风险规避C. 风险接受D. 风险预防答案:ABCD9. 以下哪些属于企业财务预算的编制方法?()A. 固定预算法B. 弹性预算法C. 零基预算法D. 滚动预算法答案:ABCD10. 以下哪些属于企业财务预算的内容?()A. 销售预算B. 生产预算C. 现金预算D. 人力资源预算答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. 企业财务管理的目标是利润最大化。




A.网络组织B.虚拟组织C.无边界组织D.项目型组织2、罗宾斯(Stephen P.Robbins)概括了管理的四项职能,法约尔(Henri Fayol)则概括了管理的五项职能。


A.领导 B.协调 C.控制 D.组织3、20世纪以前,有两个重要的事件促进了管理研究的发展,其中一个是()。

A.亚当·斯密出版《国富论》B.泰勒出版《科学管理原理》C.文艺复兴 D.霍桑实验4、在不确定情况下,除了有限信息的影响之外,另一个影响决策结果的因素是()。

A.风险性 B.环境的复杂性C.决策者心理定位 D.决策的时间压力5、以下哪一种组织结构违背了“统一指挥”的组织原则?()A.直线职能制 B.直线职能辅以参谋职能制C.事业部制 D.矩阵制6、在管理方格(managerial grid)理论中,任务型管理是指如下哪种情形?()A.对人和工作两个维度都非常关注B.更关注人C.对人和工作两个维度都不是特别关注D.更关注工作7、如果管理者非常重视组织成员的高满意度,则()沟通网络是最有效的。

A.轮式 B.全通道式 C.小道消息D.链式8、关于计划的实际效果,许多管理学家都进行过仔细研究,其基本结论是()。




财务管理期中练习卷(附答案) (1)

财务管理期中练习卷(附答案) (1)



现在他应当为你在银行存入(50757 )元。



3、张华每年年末定期存款20000元,存款年利率为8%,经过3年,该笔存款的终值是(64928 )元4、M公司从现在起建立一项基金,计划每年底存入该基金一笔固定金额用于偿还一批5年后到期的债券,到期值为210万元。





8、南华公司投资A债券,金额100万元,期限5年,票面利率8% 。








A.社会响应 B.道德准则C.社会义务 D.社会责任2、关于计划的实际效果,许多管理学家都进行过仔细研究,其基本结论是()。

A.制定正式计划的组织比不制定正式计划的组织绩效要好B.制定正式计划的组织不一定就有好的绩效C.制定正式计划会降低组织的灵活性D.好的计划可以消除变化3、科学管理的产生是管理从经验走向理论的标志,下面哪个选项不属于科学管理对管理发展的贡献?()A.组织设计优化 B.时间和动作的研究C.任务管理 D.作业人员与管理者的分工协调4、当一个管理者组织制订公司战略以寻求企业进一步发展时,他扮演的管理角色是明茨伯格所说的()。

A.领导者 B.发言人C.企业家D.混乱驾驭者5、管理中与激励问题有关的公平理论是由()提出的。

A.马斯洛B.麦格雷戈C.赫茨伯格D.亚当斯6、依据情景领导理论,当下属有能力但无意愿干领导希望他们干的工作时,以下哪种领导风格最为合适?()A.告知 B.推销 C.参与 D.授权7、决定是否与另一个组织合并,如何重组以提高效率,或是否关闭一个亏损的工厂,这些都是典型的()。

A.确定型决策 B.非程序化决策C.例常型决策 D.重复性决策8、某电器公司决定采取收购方式进入家用空调产业,以分散经营风险,从战略层次或类型的角度看,该战略属于()。

A.公司层战略 B.事业层战略 C.职能层战略 D.技术运作层战略9、公司产品设计部接受了一项紧急任务,该任务的完成需要进行严密的控制,同时又要争取时间和速度。

在这种情况下,最适合采用哪种沟通网络?()A.Y式沟通网络 B.全通道式沟通网络C.轮式沟通网络 D.环式沟通网络10、竞争优势是使组织别具一格和有与众不同的特色,这种与众不同的特色来自组织的()。

A.战略 B.结构 C.文化 D.核心能力二、名词解释11、管理万能论12、有限理性决策13、人际关系角色14、创造力(Creativity)与创新(Innovation)15、团队结构16、组织17、战略管理18、强制权三、简答题19、为什么玻璃天花板效应对女性和少数群体是一种障碍?20、简述计划与控制的关系。























(b)对自己的侄子多年来一直渴望开一家大型餐馆,他已经安排好一笔1年期利率为10%的900 000元的银行贷款,但他请求舅舅能以7%的利率贷款。






4.张三现有200 000元用于时刻0(当前)和时刻1(下一年度)的消费支出,他想在每一时刻的消费数量恰好相同,已知利率为8%,假设没有风险,那么:(a)他应该投资多少?每期的消费额为多少?(b)如果他遇到一个收益为10%的200 000元的无风险投资机会,而此时利率仍为8%,那么他应该怎样操作?每期的消费额又是多少?(c)投资机会(b)的净现值为多少?5.下列情况下收到100美元的现值为多少?(a)10年后(1%的贴现率)(b)10年后(13%的贴现率)(c)15午后(25%的贴现率)(d)第1~3年每年均收到(12%的贴现率)6.一家现购成本为800 000美元的工厂,预计今后10年扣除经营成本后每年将有170 000美元的现金收入。

若资本机会成本为14%,该工厂的净现值为多少?工厂在第5年末的价值为多少?7.赵四现年30岁,下一年的工资收入将为40 000元。





)1、 净现值法与内含报酬率法(P226-P228)净现值法:投资项目投入使用后的净现金流量,按资本成本或企业要求达到的报酬率折算为现值,减去初始投资以后的余额叫做净现值(net present value ,NPV )。

决策规则:独立项目,NPV ﹥0;互斥项目,Max(NPV 1﹥0, NPV 2﹥0)。



C K NCF NPV nt t t -+=∑=1)1(NPV :净现值;NCF t :第t 年的净现金流量;K :折现率(资本成本或公司要求的报酬率);n :项目预计使用年限;C :初始投资额 内含报酬率法:(internal rate of return,IRR ),实际上反映了投资项目的真实报酬。

决策规则:独立项目,IRR ≥r 0;互斥项目,Max(IRR 1≥r 0, IRR 2≥r 0)。

(r 0公司的资本成本或必要报酬率)优点:考虑了资金的时间价值,反映了投资项目的真实报酬率。

缺点:计算过程复杂,对每年NCF 不等的项目需多次测算。

2、 名义利率与实际利率(P20-P22)名义利率:名义利率包括纯利率、通货膨胀补偿、风险报酬。


名义利率K = 纯利率K 0 + 通货膨胀补偿IP + 违约风险报酬DP + 流动性风险报酬LP + 期限风险报酬MP实际利率:从名义利率中剔除物价变动因素后的利率,实际利率 = 名义利率 - 通货膨胀率实际利率与名义利率存在着下述关系:实际利率 =( 1 + 名义利率/n )n - 1 ( n 表示年计息次数)1、当计息周期为一年时,名义利率和实际利率相等,计息周期短于一年时,实际利率大于名义利率。












2.某公司是一家完全权益融资的公司,共有2 500万股普通股发行在外,每股市价10元。





复旦大学管理学院2015~2016学年第二学期期中考试试卷□A卷课程名称:__财务管理 _________ 课程代码:__969.003.1.01___ 开课院系:__管理学院会计系_________考试形式:______开卷_______ 姓名:学号:专业:一、选择题(每题1.5分,共75分)1.Consider a bond with a face value of $1,000, a coupon rate of 6%, a yield to maturity of 8%, andten years to maturity. This bond's duration is:A. 8.7 yearsB. 7.6 yearsC. 0.1 yearsD. 6.5 years2. A bond with a face value of $1,000, coupon rate of 0%, yield to maturity of 9%, and ten years tomaturity. This bond's duration is:A. 6.7 yearsB. 7.5 yearsC. 9.6 yearsD. 10.0 years3. A bond with duration of 10 years has yield to maturity of 10%. This bond's volatility is:A. 9.09%B. 6.8%C. 14.6%D. 6.0%4.If a bond's volatility is 10% and the interest rate goes down by 0.75% (points) then the price ofthe bond:A. decreases by 10%B. decreases by 7.5%C. increases by 7.5%D. increases by 0.75%5.V olatility of a bond is given by:I) Duration/ (1 + yield)II) Slope of the curve relating the bond price to the interest rateIII) Yield to maturityA. I onlyB. II onlyC. III onlyD. I and II only6.The value of a common stock today depends on:A. Number of shares outstanding and the number of shareholdersB. The expected future dividends and the discount rateC. The Wall Street analystsD. Present value of the future earnings per share7.Deluxe Company expects to pay a dividend of $2 per share at the end of year-1, $3 per share atthe end of year-2 and then be sold for $32 per share. If the required rate on the stock is 15%, what is the current value of the stock?A. $28.20B. $32.17C. $32.00D. None of the given answers8.Casino Inc. is expected to pay a dividend of $3 per share at the end of year-1 (D1) and thesedividends are expected to grow at a constant rate of 6% per year forever. If the required rate of return on the stock is 18%, what is current value of the stock today?A. $25B. $50C. $100D. $549.R&D Technology Corporation has just paid a dividend of $0.50 per share. The dividends areexpected to grow at 24% per year for the next two years and at 8% per year thereafter. If the required rate of return in the stock is 16% (APR), calculate the current value of the stock.A. $1.11B. $7.71C. $8.82D. None of the above10.Which of the following formulas regarding earnings to price ratio is true:A. EPS/Po = r[1 + (PVGO/Po]B. EPS/Po = r[1 - (PVGO/Po)]C. EPS/Po = [r + (PVGO/Po)]D. EPS/Po = [r + (1 + (PVGO/Po)]/r11.Which of the following investment rules does not use the time value of the money concept?A. Net present valueB. Internal rate of returnC. The payback periodD. All of the above use the time value concept12. The net present value of a project depends upon:A. company's choice of accounting methodB. manager's tastes and preferencesC. project's cash flows and opportunity cost of capitalD. all of the above13. The payback period rule:A. Varies the cut-off point with the interest rate.B. Determines a cut-off point so that all projects accepted by the NPV rule will be accepted bythe payback period rule.C. Requires an arbitrary choice of a cut-off point.D. Both A and C.14.Given the following cash flows for project A: C0 = -1000, C1 = +600 ,C2 = +400, and C3 = +1500,calculate the payback period.A. One yearB. Two yearsC. Three yearsD. None of the above15.Given the following cash flows for project Z: C0 = -1,000, C1 = 600, C2 = 720 and C3 = 2000,calculate the discounted payback period for the project at a discount rate of 20%.A. 1 yearB. 2 yearsC. 3 yearsD. None of the above16.Given the following cash flows for Project M: C0 = -1,000, C1 = +200, C2 = +700, C3 = +698,calculate the IRR for the project.A. 23%B. 21%C. 19%D. None of the above17.Driscoll Company is considering investing in a new project. The project will need an initialinvestment of $2,400,000 and will generate $1,200,000 (after-tax) cash flows for three years.Calculate the IRR for the project.A. 14.5%B. 18.6%C. 20.2%D. 23.4%18. Which portfolio has had the highest average risk premium during the period 1900-2006?A. Common stocksB. Government bondsC. Treasury billsD. None of the given answers19.Which of the following provides a correct measure of the opportunity cost of capital regardlessof the timing of the cash flows?A. Arithmetic averageB. Geometric averageC. Hyperbolic meanD. None of the above20.Market risk is also called:I) systematic risk, II) undiversifiable risk, III) firm specific risk.A. I onlyB. II onlyC. III onlyD. I and II only21.As the number of stocks in a portfolio is increased:A. Unique risk decreases and approaches to zeroB. Market risk decreasesC. Unique risk decreases and becomes equal to market riskD. Total risk approaches to zero22.Stock M and Stock N have had the following returns for the past three years of -12%, 10%, 32%;and 15%, 6%, 24% respectively. Calculate the covariance between the two securities.A. -99B. +99C. +250D. None of the above23.The range of values that correlation coefficients can take can be:A. zero to +1B. -1 to +1C. - infinity to +infinityD. zero to + infinity24. In the case of a portfolio of N-stocks, the formula for portfolio variance contains:A. N variance termsB. N(N - 1)/2 variance termsC. N2 variance termsD. None of the above25.The "beta" is a measure of:A. Unique riskB. Total riskC. Market riskD. None of the above26.The correlation coefficient between stock A and the market portfolio is +0.6. The standarddeviation of return of the stock is 30% and that of the market portfolio is 20%. Calculate the beta of the stock.A. 1.1B. 1.0C. 0.9D. 0.627.The distribution of returns, measured over a short interval of time, like daily returns, can beapproximated by:A. Normal distributionB. Lognormal distributionC. Binomial distributionD. none of the above28.Normal and lognormal distributions are completely specified by:I) meanII) standard deviationIII) third momentA. I onlyB. I and II onlyC. II onlyD. III only29.Florida Company (FC) and Minnesota Company (MC) are both service companies. Theirhistorical return for the past three years are: FC: - 5%, 15%, 20%; MC: 8%, 8%, 20%.Calculate the standard deviation (S.D.) of return for FC and MC.A. FC: 10% MC: 12%B. FC: 18.7% MC: 9.8%C. FC: 13.2% MC: 6.9%D. None of the above30. Florida Company (FC) and Minnesota Company (MC) are both service companies. Theirhistorical return for the past three years are: FC: - 5%, 15%, 20%; MC: 8%, 8%, 20%. What is the variance of the portfolio with 50% of the funds invested in FC and 50% in MC (approximately)?A. 85.75B. 111.50C. 55.75D. None of the above31.Investments A and B both offer an expected rate of return of 12%. If the standard deviation of Ais 20% and that of B is 30%, then investors would:A. Prefer A to BB. Prefer B to AC. Prefer a portfolio of A and BD. Cannot answer without knowing investor's risk preferences32. The efficient portfolios:I) have only unique riskII) provide highest returns for a given level of riskIII) provide the least risk for a given level of returnsIV) have no risk at allA. I onlyB. II and III onlyC. IV onlyD. II only33. By combining lending and borrowing at the risk-free rate with the efficient portfolios, we can I)extend the range of investment possibilitiesII) change efficient set of portfolios from being curvilinear to a straight line.III) provide a higher expected return for any level of risk except the tangential portfolioA. I onlyB. I and II onlyC. I, II, and IIID. none of the above34.Suppose you invest equal amounts in a portfolio with an expected return of 16% and a standarddeviation of returns of 20% and a risk-free asset with an interest rate of 4%; calculate the standard deviation of the returns on the resulting portfolio:A. 8%B. 10%C. 20%D. none of the above35.The correlation between the efficient portfolio and the risk-free asset is:A. +1B. -1C. 0D. cannot be calculated36.In the presence of a risk-free asset, the investor's job is to:I) invest in the market portfolioII) find an interior portfolio using quadratic programmingIII) borrow or lend at the risk-free rateIV) read and understand Markowitz's portfolio theoryA. I and II onlyB. I and III onlyC. II and IV onlyD. IV only37.Beta of the market portfolio is:A. ZeroB. +0.5C. -1.0D. +1.038.The graphical representation of CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) is called:A. Capital Market LineB. Characteristic LineC. Security Market LineD. None of the above39.If the beta of Exxon Mobil is 0.65, risk-free rate is 4% and the market rate of return is 14%,calculate the expected rate of return from Exxon:A. 12.6%B. 10.5%C. 13.1%D. 6.5%40. If a stock is overpriced it would plot:A. Above the security market lineB. Below the security market lineC. On the security market lineD. On the Y-axis41.Cost of capital is the same as cost of equity for firms:A. financed entirely by debtB. financed by both debt and equityC. financed entirely by equityD. none of the aboveing the company cost of capital to evaluate a project is:I) Always correctII) Always incorrectIII) Correct for projects that are about as risky as the average of the firm's other assetsA. I onlyB. II onlyC. III onlyD. I and III only43.Which of the following types of projects have the highest risk?A. Speculation venturesB. New productsC. Expansion of existing businessD. Cost improvement, (known technology)44.The market value of Charter Cruise Company's equity is $15 million, and the market value of itsrisk-free debt is $5 million. If the required rate of return on the equity is 20% and that on the debt is 8%, calculate the company's cost of capital. (Assume no taxes.)A. 20%B. 17%C. 14%D. None of the above45.The market value of XYZ Corporation's common stock is 40 million and the market value of therisk-free debt is 60 million. The beta of the company's common stock is 0.8, and the expected market risk premium is 10%. If the Treasury bill rate is 6%, what is the firm's cost of capital?(Assume no taxes.)A. 9.2%B. 14%C. 8.1%D. None of the above46.On a graph with common stock returns on the Y- axis and market returns on the X-axis, the slopeof the regression line represents the:A. AlphaB. BetaC. R-squaredD. Adjusted beta47.An example of diversifiable risk that should be ignored when analyzing project risk wouldincludeA. Commodity price changesB. Labor costsC. Stock price fluctuationsD. Risk of government non-approval48. A fudge factor might include:A. Commodity price changesB. Labor costsC. Stock price fluctuationsD. Risk of government non-approval49.Generally, the value to use for the risk-free interest rate is:A. Short-term Treasury bill rateB. Long-term Corporate bond rateC. Medium-term Corporate bond rateD. none of the above50.Which of the following type of projects has average risk?A. Speculation venturesB. New productsC. Expansion of existing businessD. Cost improvement二、判断题1.The company cost of capital is the correct discount rate for any project undertaken by the company.2.It is generally more accurate to estimate an "industry beta" for a portfolio of companies in the sameindustry than to estimate beta for a single company.3.Firms with high operating leverage tend to have higher asset betas.4. Firms with cyclical revenues tend to have lower asset betas.5.If the expected return of stock A is 12% and that of stock B is 14% and both have the same variance,then investors would prefer stock B to stock A.6. Beta measures the marginal contribution of a stock to the risk of a well-diversified portfolio.7.Portfolios that offer the highest expected return for a given variance or standard deviation are knownas efficient portfolios.8.The standard statistical measures of spread are beta and covariance.9.Diversification reduces risk because prices of different securities do not move exactly together.10.The average beta of all stocks in the market is zero.11.The payback rule ignores all cash flows after the cutoff date.12.The internal rate of return is the discount rate that makes the PV of a project's cash inflows equal tozero.13.The only payoff to the owners of common stocks is in the form cash dividends.14. Short-term and long-term interest rates always move in parallel.15.The duration of any bond is the same as its maturity.三、问答题(5*2)1.Briefly explain the difference between beta as a measure of risk and variance as a measure of risk.2、Briefly explain the meaning of PVGO, and explain why Microsoft experienced a significant drop in price when it announced its first ever regular dividend along with huge profits.。





A、20%B、30%C、40%D、50%3、下述哪项不属于财务管理的基本职能?A、财务决策B、财务预算C、财务控制D、财务审计4、根据《企业会计准则》,下列关于存货成本的说法正确的是:()A. 存货成本包括采购成本、加工成本以及其他使存货达到目前场所和状态所发生的合理费用B. 存货成本仅包括采购成本和加工成本C. 存货成本仅包括采购成本D. 存货成本包括采购成本、加工成本,但不包括其他使存货达到目前场所和状态所发生的合理费用5、企业采用宽松的信用政策,虽会增强销售能力,但会引起坏账增加、机会成本上升和收账费用增加。





6、下列关于财务报表分析方法的说法中,正确的是()A. 比较分析法需要将不同时期的数据进行比较B. 比率分析法只能用于分析资产负债表C. 因素分析法是基本的财务分析方法D. 趋势分析法适用于短期财务分析7、下列关于财务管理的目标,表述不正确的是:A、企业价值最大化B、股东财富最大化C、利润最大化D、企业短期利益最大化8、下列各项中,不属于财务管理的金融环境构成要素的是()。



《财务管理》(课程)期中考试试卷一、单选(每题1分,共10分)1. 某企业于年初存入银行10000 元,假定年利息率为12% ,每年复利两次,已知FVIFA6%,5 =1.3382 ,FVIFA6%,10 = 1.7908 ,FVIFA12%,5 =1.7623 ,FVIFA12%,10 =3.1058 ,则第 5 年末的本利和为(C)元。

A. 13382B. 17623C. 17908D. 310582. 只有现值,没有终值的年金是(B ) 。

A. 递延年金B. 永续年金C. 普通年金D. 先付年金3. 某公司股票的贝塔系数为 2 ,无风险利率为6% ,市场上所有股票的平均报酬率为10% ,则该公司股票的报酬率为(A )A.14 %B.26%C.8%D.20%4. 下列因素引起的风险,企业可以通过多元化投资予以分散的是(D) 。

A .市场利率上升B .社会经济衰退C .通货膨胀D .公司产品销量锐减5. 某项投资能使您的资金每6年翻一倍,其投资收益率为( B )。

A.9.28%B.12.25%C.13.36%D.14.55%6.公司当下股价为30元,投资者要求收益率为13%,如果公司下一年支付3元,预期公司股价增长率为( D )。

A.1.5%B.2%C.2.5%D.3%7.下列各项中,为当今主流公司理财目标是( B )。

A.利润最大化B.股票价值最大化C. 资本利润率最大化D. 产值最大化8.某公司拟发行 5 年期债券进行筹资,债券票面金额为100 元,票面利率为12% ,一年计息并付息一次,而当时市场利率为10% ,那么,该公司债券发行价格应为(D) 元。

A.93.22 B .96 C . 100 D.107.589.公司当下股价为20元,投资者要求收益率为15%,如果公司下一年支付2元,则1年后的股价为( B )。

A.20B.21C.22D.2310. 以下证券中( C )利率风险最大。

A. 5年期,6%的票面利息B.5年期,零息债券C. 10年期,零息债券D.10年期,6%的票面利息二、多选(每题2分,共10分)1.企业的财务活动包括(ABCD ) 。








2、某项目需要100 000元的初始投资,预计今后5年每年可产生26 000元的税前现金收入。





(b)两家公司的税后现金流的内部收益率分别为多少?内部收益率的比较说明公司税率有何影响?3、某装饰品生产企业目前的年生产量为200 000单位产品,该装饰品的顶盖从外部供应商处以2元的单位价格购入。


估计直接生产成本只有1.50元,必要的机器成本为150 000元,此投资可以按7年应税折旧方案进行折旧处理。

工厂经理估计经营这一项目尚需增加30 000元的营运资本,但他认为可以将之忽略,因为这笔款项10年末将可完全回收。

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复旦大学管理学院2015~2016学年第二学期期中考试试卷□A卷课程名称:__财务管理 _________课程代码:__969、003、1、01___开课院系:__管理学院会计系_________考试形式:______开卷_______姓名: 学号: 专业:一、选择题(每题1、5分,共75分)1.Consider a bondwith aface valueof $1,000,a coupon rateof 6%,ayieldto maturity of 8%, andtenyearsto maturity、This bond's duration is:A、 8、7 yearsﻫB、 7、6 yearsﻫC、 0、1yearsﻫD、 6、5 years2. A bondwitha face value of $1,000,coupon rate of 0%,yieldto maturityof9%,andten yearsto maturity、Thisbond's duration is:A、 6、7 yearsﻫB、 7、5yearsﻫC、 9、6 yearsD、 10、0years3. A bond with duration of 10 years has yield to maturityof 10%、This bond's volatility is:ﻫA、9、09%ﻫB、 6、8%ﻫC、 14、6%D、 6、0%4.If a bond’svolatilityis 10%andthe interestrate goesdown by0、75%(points)then theprice ofthe bond:ﻫA、decreases by 10%B、 decreases by 7、5%C、increases by 7、5%ﻫD、 increases by0、75%5.Volatility of a bond is givenby:ﻫI) Duration/(1 + yield)ﻫII) Slope ofthe curve relating the bond price tothe interest rateIII)Yieldtomaturity ﻫA、 I onlyB、II onlyC、IIIonlyﻫD、 I andII only6.The value of a mon stock today dependson:ﻫA、 Number of sharesoutstanding andthe number of shareholdersB、 The expectedfuture dividendsandthe discountrateﻫC、 TheWall StreetanalystsﻫD、 Present value ofthe future earnings per share7.Deluxe pany expects to pay a dividend of $2per shareat the end of year-1,$3pershare at theendof year-2 andthen be soldfor $32 per share、If therequired rate onthestock is 15%,what is the currentvalueof the stock?ﻫA、 $28、20ﻫB、$32、17C、$32、00D、 None of thegiven answers8.Casino Inc、is expected to pay a dividend of $3 pershare at the endof year-1 (D1)and these dividends areexpected to growat aconstant rateof6%per yearforever、If therequired rateof return on the stock is18%,what is current value of the stock today?A、 $25B、$50C、 $100D、$549.R&D TechnologyCorporation hasjustpaid a dividendof$0、50pershare、The dividends are expected to grow at 24% per yearfort he nexttwo years and at 8% per year thereafter、If the required rate of return in the stock is 16%(APR),calculatethe currentvalue ofthe stock、A、$1、11ﻫB、$7、71C、$8、82ﻫD、 Noneof theabove10.Which of the followingformulas regarding earnings to price ratio is true:A、 EPS/Po= r[1 + (PVGO/Po]ﻫB、EPS/Po=r[1- (PVGO/Po)]ﻫC、 EPS/Po=[r + (PVGO/Po)]D、 EPS/Po= [r+ (1+ (PVGO/Po)]/r11.Which of the following investment rules does notuse thetime valueof the money concept?A、 Net present valueﻫB、Internalrateof returnﻫC、 The payback periodﻫD、 All of theabove use thetime value concept12. The net present value of a projectdepends upon:A、pany's choice of accountingmethodﻫB、 manager'stastes andpreferencesﻫC、 project'scash flows and opportunity cost of capitalﻫD、 all of the above13.Thepaybackperiod rule:A、 Variesthe cut—offpoint with theinterest rate、B、Determines a cut-offpointso thatall projects accepted bytheNPVrule willbe acceptedby the payback periodrule、C、Requires an arbitrarychoiceof a cut-off point、ﻫD、BothA and C、14.Given the followingcash flows for projectA:C0=-1000,C1=+600 ,C2=+400,and C3= +1500,calculate the paybackperiod、A、 OneyearB、Two yearsﻫC、ThreeyearsﻫD、 Noneof the above15.Given thefollowing cash flows for projectZ:C0= -1,000,C1= 600, C2= 720 and C3= 2000,calculate the discounted payback period for the project at a discount rate of 20%、A、1yearﻫB、2yearsﻫC、 3 yearsD、 Noneof the above16.Giventhe following cash flows for Project M:C0 =—1,000, C1 =+200,C2=+700,C3=+698,calculate theIRR for the project、ﻫA、 23%B、 21%C、 19%ﻫD、 None oftheabove17.Driscoll panyis considering investing in a new project、The projectwill needaninitial investment of$2,400,000 andwi ll generate $1,200,000(after-tax)cash flows for three years、Calculate the IRR for the project、A、 14、5%ﻫB、 18、6%C、 20、2%D、23、4%18. Which portfolio has had thehighest averageriskpremiumduring the period 1900-2006?A、mon stocksﻫB、 GovernmentbondsC、 Treasury billsD、 None of the given answers19.Which ofthefollowing providesacorrect measure of the opportunity cost of capital regardless ofthetiming of the cash flows? ﻫA、 ArithmeticaverageB、 GeometricaverageﻫC、Hyperbolic meanD、 None of theabove20.Marketrisk is also called:I) systematic risk,II)undiversifiablerisk,III)firm specific risk、A、 IonlyB、 II onlyC、III onlyﻫD、 I and II only21.As the numberofstocksinaportfoliois increased:A、 Uniquerisk decreases and approachesto zeroﻫB、 Marketrisk decreasesﻫC、 Unique risk decreasesandbeesequal tomarket riskD、 Total risk approaches to zero22.Stock M and Stock N have had the followingreturns for the pastthreeyears of -12%,10%,32%; and 15%,6%,24%respectively、C alculate the covariance betweenthetwo securities、A、 -99ﻫB、 +99ﻫC、 +250D、 None ofthe above23.The range of values that correlation coefficients can takecanbe:A、zero to +1B、—1 to +1ﻫC、 -infinity to+infinityD、 zeroto + infinity24.Inthecase of a portfolio of N-stocks,the formula for portfoliovariance contains:A、 N variance termsﻫB、 N(N — 1)/2 variance termsC、 N2variancetermsﻫD、 None of the above25.The"beta”is ameasure of: ﻫA、UniqueriskﻫB、 Total riskﻫC、Market riskﻫD、 None of the above26.The correlation coefficient between stockA and the marketportfoliois +0、6、The standard deviation ofreturn of thestockis 30%and that of the market portfolio is20%、Calculate the beta of the stock、ﻫA、 1、1B、1、0C、 0、9D、 0、627.The distribution ofreturns,measured overa short interval oftime,like dailyreturns,canbe approximatedby:A、Normal distributionﻫB、Lognormal distributionC、 BinomialdistributionD、none ofthe above28.Normal andlognormal distributions are pletely specified by:ﻫI) meanﻫII)standard deviationﻫIII)third moment ﻫA、 I onlyB、 I and II onlyﻫC、II onlyD、 IIIonly29.Florida pany(FC)and Minnesota pany (MC)are both service panies、Their historical return for the past three yearsare:FC:—5%,15%,20%;MC:8%,8%,20%、ﻫCalculate the standard deviation(S、D、)of return for FC and MC、ﻫA、FC:10% MC: 12%B、 FC:18、7%MC:9、8%ﻫC、FC:13、2%MC: 6、9%D、 None of theabove30. Florida pany (FC) and Minnesotapany (MC)are both servicepanies、Theirhistorical returnfor the past threeyears are: FC:- 5%,15%,20%; MC:8%,8%,20%、What isthe variance of the portfoliowith50%of thefundsinvested inFCand50% inMC (approximately)?A、85、75ﻫB、 111、50C、 55、75ﻫD、None of the above31.Investments A and B bothofferan expected rate of return of12%、Ifthe standard deviation of A is20%andthat ofB is 30%,then investors would: ﻫA、 Prefer A to BB、 Prefer Bto AC、 Prefer a portfolio of A andBD、 Cannot answerwithout knowing investor’s risk preferences32.The efficient portfolios:I)have only uniqueriskII) provide highestreturns fora given levelof riskﻫIII) provide the least risk for a given level of returnsIV)have norisk at allA、IonlyﻫB、 IIand IIIonlyﻫC、 IV onlyﻫD、II only33.By bininglending and borrowing at therisk-freerate with the efficient portfolios,we can I)extend the rangeof investmentpossibili tiesII)change efficient set ofportfolios from being curvilinear to a str aightline、III)provide a higher expected returnfor any levelofrisk except thetangential portfolioﻫA、 I onlyB、 I andII onlyﻫC、 I,II,andIIID、 noneof the above34.Suppose youinvest equalamounts in a portfolio with anexpectedreturn of16%anda standard deviation ofreturnsof20% and arisk—free asset with an interest rate of 4%; calculatethestandard deviation of the returns on theresultingportfolio:A、 8%ﻫB、 10%ﻫC、 20%ﻫD、 none of the above35.Thecorrelation betweenthe efficient portfolio and the risk—free assetis:ﻫA、 +1ﻫB、—1ﻫC、 0D、 cannot becalculated36.In the presenceofa risk-freeasset, the investor’s job isto:ﻫI)invest in themarket portfolioII)find aninterior portfolio usingquadratic programmingﻫIII)bo rrowor lend at the risk—freerateIV)read andunderstand Markowitz'sportfolio theory ﻫA、 I and II onlyﻫB、IandIII onlyC、IIand IV onlyﻫD、IV only37.Beta of the market portfoliois:A、 ZeroﻫB、 +0、5ﻫC、 -1、0ﻫD、 +1、038.The graphical representation of CAPM(CapitalAsset PricingModel)is called:A、 Capital MarketLineﻫB、 Characteristic LineC、 Security Market LineD、 None of theabove39.If the betaofExxon Mobilis0、65,risk-free rateis 4%and the marketrate of returnis14%, calculate the expected rateof returnfrom Exxon:ﻫA、 12、6%ﻫB、 10、5%C、 13、1%D、 6、5%40. If a stock is overpriced it would plot:A、 Abovethe securitymarketlineB、Below the security market lineC、 Onthe security market lineD、 On the Y-axis41.Cost of capitalis the same as costof equity for firms:ﻫA、 financedentirely by debtﻫB、 financed by bothdebtandequityC、financed entirelybyequityﻫD、 noneofthe aboveing the pany cost of capitaltoevaluate a project is:I)Always correctII) Always incorrectIII)Correctfor projects thatare about as risky asthe average of thefirm'sother assets ﻫA、 I onlyB、 II onlyC、 III onlyﻫD、 I and III only43.Which of the followingtypesof projects have the highest risk?A、 Speculation venturesB、 New productsﻫC、 Expansion of existingbusinessD、Cost improvement,(known technology)44.The market valueof Charter Cruise pany's equity is $15million, andthe market value of its risk-free debtis$5million、If the required rateofreturn on the equity is 20%andthat on the deb tis8%,calculate the pany’s cost of capital、(Assumenota xes、)ﻫA、20%ﻫB、 17%C、 14%ﻫD、None of the above45.Themarket value of XYZ Corporation’s monstock is40 millionandthe market valueof therisk-free debt is 60 million、The b etaofthepany's monstock is0、8,andthe expectedmarket risk premium is 10%、If theTreasury billrateis 6%,w hatisthe firm'scost of capital?(Assume no taxes、)A、 9、2%B、 14%ﻫC、 8、1%ﻫD、 None of the above46.Onagraph with mon stock returns on theY—axis and market returnson the X-axis,the slope of theregression linerepresents the:A、 AlphaB、 BetaC、R-squaredD、Adjusted beta47.An example ofdiversifiableriskthatshouldbeignored whenanalyzing project risk would include ﻫA、 modity price changesB、 Labor costsC、Stock price fluctuationsD、Risk of government non-approval48. A fudge factor mightinclude: ﻫA、modity price changesﻫB、 Labor costsC、Stockprice fluctuationsﻫD、 Risk of governmentnon—approval49.Generally,the valuetousefor the risk-free interest rateis: ﻫA、 Short-termTreasury bill rateB、 Long-term Corporate bondrateﻫC、 Medium-term Corporate bond rateD、none of the above50.Which of the following type of projectshas averagerisk?ﻫA、 Speculation venturesﻫB、 New productsC、Expansionof existing businessD、 Cost improvement二、判断题1.The pany costof capital isthe correct discount rate for any project undertakenby the pany、ﻫ2.It is generally more accurateto estimate an”industry beta"for a portfolioof paniesin the same industry than toestimate beta forasingle pany、ﻫ3.Firms with high operating leveragetend to have higher asset betas、ﻫ4. Firms with cyclical revenues tendtohavelower asset betas、5.If the expected return ofstock A is12% andthat ofstock B is14%andboth have the same variance,then investors would prefe rstock Bto stockA、6. Betameasures the marginal contribution of a stock tothe risk of a well-diversified portfolio、ﻫ7.Portfolios that offerthehighest expectedreturn fora given variance or standard deviation are knownas efficient portfolios、8.The standard statisticalmeasures of spreadare betaandcovariance、ﻫ9.Diversification reducesrisk becausepricesof different securitiesdo not moveexactly together、ﻫ10.The average beta of allstocksin the market is zero、11.The payback rule ignoresall cash flowsafter the cutoffdate、12.The internal rate ofreturn is the discountratethat makes thePV of aproject’s cash inflowsequal to zero、13.The only payoff to theownersof monstocks isin the form cash dividends、14. Short—term andlong-term interestrates always move inparallel、ﻫ15.Theduration of anybond isthe same as its maturity、ﻫ三、问答题(5*2)1.Briefly explain thedifferencebetween beta as a measure of risk and variance as a measureof risk、2、Briefly explainthe meaningof PVGO,andexplainwhy Microsoft e xperienced asignificant drop in pricewhen itannounced its first ever regular dividend alongwithhugeprofits、。
