


Unit 1

Section A

make word cards 制作词卡

read the textbook 阅读课本

listen to tapes 听磁带

ask the teacher for help 求助老师

study for a test 备考

work with a group 小组合作

have conversations with friends 和朋友们谈话

read aloud 朗读

improve speaking skills 提高口语技能

give a report 作报告

a slow reader 一个阅读速度慢的人

get the main ideas 获取大意

at first 起初;开始

read word by word 逐字读

word groups 意群

be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心

It takes time. 这得花时间/ 这得慢慢来。

be afraid to do / of doing sth. 害怕做某事

poor pronunciation 发音不好

fall in love with ... 爱上……

body language 身势语;肢体语言

the expression(s) on one’s face 某人脸上的表情listen for the key words 留神听关键词

as well 也

the secret to ... ……的秘诀

language learning 语言学习

It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。

It serves you right. 你活该。

look up the word in a dictionary 在字典中查单词take notes 记笔记

memorize sentence patterns 记忆句型

do grammar exercises 做语法练习

keep a diary in English 用英语记日记

Section B

increase reading speed 提高阅读速度

make mistakes in grammar 在语法方面犯错

be born with ... 天生具有……

the ability to learn 学习的能力

depend on 取决于;依赖

learning habits 学习习惯

have ... in common 有……共同之处

create an interest in ... 对……产生兴趣

pay attention to 注意;关注

connect ... with ... 把……和……连接或联系起来learn from mistakes 从错误中学习

think about 考虑

Use it or lose it. 非用即失。

Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

develop study skills 培养学习技能

write down 写下;记下

look for ways to review 寻找复习的方法Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识源于质疑。Unit 2

Section A

the Water Festival 泼水节

the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

the Spring Festival 春节

the Lantern Festival 元宵节

Mother’s Day 母亲节

Father’s Day 父亲节

a little too crowded 有点太拥挤

eat out 出去吃饭

put on five pounds 体重增加了5磅

Guess what? 你猜怎么着?

in two weeks 两周以后

the hottest month of the year 一年中最热的月份be similar to 和……相似

the Dai people 傣族

throw water at each other 互相泼水

wash away bad things 洗去晦气

have good luck in the new year 在新的一年交好运celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival 庆祝中秋节

in the shape of a full moon 一轮满月的形状

on the Mid-Autumn night 在中秋节的晚上traditional folk stories 传统民间故事

shoot down 射下

magic medicine 仙药

live forever 长生不老

plan to do sth. 计划做某事

refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事

lay out 摆开;布置

start the tradition of ... 开始……的传统

admire the moon 赏月

Section B

trick or treat 不给糖就捣乱

light candles 点燃蜡烛

play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

give sb. a treat 款待某人

dress up as cartoon characters 装扮成卡通人物

the true meaning of Christmas 圣诞节的真正含义

care about 关心;在意

make more money 赚更多的钱

Christmas Eve 平安夜

business partner 生意伙伴

warn sb. to do sth. 警告某人做某事

end up 最终成为;最后处于

expect sb. to do sth. 期待某人做某事

take him back to his childhood 把他带回到童年

remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事

wake up 叫醒

decide to do sth. 决定做某事

promise to do sth. 承诺做某事

celebrate Christmas with his relatives 和他的亲戚们一起庆祝圣诞节

give gifts to people in need 把礼物给需要的人

treat everyone with kindness and warmth 对待每一个人都充满善意和温暖spread love and joy 传播爱和快乐

Unit 3

Section A

buy some stamps 买一些邮票

get to the bookstore 到书店

on one’s right / left在某人的右边/ 左边

beside the bank 在银行旁边

turn right / left 右拐/ 左拐

between the flower store and the bookstore 在花店和书店之间go past the bookstore 经过书店

be excited to do sth. 对做某事感到兴奋

try the rides 尝试乘骑项目

start with ... 以……开始

need to do sth. 需要做某事

come on 快点儿

hold one’s hand 抓住某人的手

at first 首先;最初

get hungry 饿了

serve delicious food 提供美味的食物

on one’s way to ... 在某人去……的路上

pass by 路过;经过

a rock band 一个摇滚乐队

walk up to sb. 向某人走去

come a little earlier 早点儿来

pardon me 抱歉,对不起;什么,请再说一遍

mail a letter 寄信

go east 朝东走

Section B

visit a foreign country 去国外游览

ask for help politely 礼貌地请求帮助

sound less polite / impolite 听起来不怎么礼貌/ 不礼貌a direct question 一个直接的问题

in different situations 在不同的情况下

depend on 取决于

speak to sb. 和某人说话

school trip 学校旅行

such as 诸如

e-mail address 电子邮箱地址

lead in to a request 导入请求

spend time (in) doing sth. 花费时间做某事

trouble sb. 麻烦某人

communicate better with other people 更好地与他人交流an underground parking lot 一个地下停车场

pass the salt 递一下盐

change some money 兑换一些钱

go on a short study vacation 去游学

an English-speaking country 一个讲英语的国家

in a rush 急忙地

on time 按时

Unit 4

Section A

have straight hair / curly hair 留着直发/ 卷发

be silent in class 在课堂上保持沉默

be interested in ... 对……感兴趣

on a basketball team 在篮球队

from time to time 时常;有时

turn red 变红

get good scores on the exams 在考试中取得好成绩

wear glasses 戴着眼镜

take up singing 开始唱歌

deal with her shyness 克服她的羞怯

dare to do sth. 敢做某事

not ... anymore 不再……

in front of crowds 在众人面前

all the time 频繁;反复

get tons of attention 被众人所关注;吸引无数目光

worry about ... / be worried about ...


be careful about ... 对……小心

private time 私人时间

hang out with friends 和朋友们闲逛

give up your normal life 放弃你正常的生活

the road to success 成功之路

fight on 奋力坚持下去;继续战斗

require a lot of talent and hard work 需要很大的天赋和勤奋

make it to the top 成功;出人头地

give a speech 发表演讲

in public 公开地;在别人面前

Section B

be nervous about tests 考试紧张

do well in school 在学校表现好

cause problems 制造麻烦

move to the city 搬到城市

look for jobs 找工作

take care of sb. 照顾某人

miss his parents 想念他的父母

feel lonely and unhappy 感到孤独和不开心influence his schoolwork 影响他的学业

be absent from classes 缺课;缺勤

fail his examinations 他的考试不及格

make the decision to do sth. 决定做某事make friends 交朋友

leave the school 离开学校

advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

in person 亲身;亲自

take a 24-hour train ride 乘坐24个小时的火车even though 即使;虽然

think of sb. 想起某人

take pride in / be proud of 为……骄傲;为……感到自豪become active in many other activities 在许多别的活动中变得积极have a long talk 长谈

send sb. to a boarding school 将某人送到一所寄宿学校

Unit 5

Section A

be made of / from ... 由……制成

be made in ... 在……(地方/ 时间)制造

the art and science fair 艺术与科学博览会

environmental protection 环境保护

be known / famous / well-known for ... 以……闻名;为人知晓

by hand 用手工;靠手做

be sent for processing 被送去加工

be good for ... 对……有好处

no matter 不论;无论

in the local shops 在当地商店里

even though 即使;虽然

American brands 美国品牌

avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

in fact 确切地说;事实上;实际上

everyday things 日常用品

in the future 将来

high-technology products 高科技产品

the earth’s surface 地球表面

traffic accidents 交通事故

Section B

fly a kite 放风筝

an international kite festival 国际风筝节

go on a vacation to ... 去……度假

special forms of traditional art 特别的传统艺术形式

turn ... into ... 把……变成……

according to 根据

Chinese history 中国历史

sky lanterns 许愿灯

send ... out 发送……

in trouble 处于困境;遇到麻烦

be covered with ... 被/ 用……覆盖

rise into the air 升入空中

hot-air balloons 热气球

symbols of happiness and good wishes 幸福和美好愿望的象征paper cutting 剪纸

put ... on windows, doors and walls 把……贴在窗户上、门上和墙上Chinese clay art 中国泥塑艺术

fairy tale 童话/ 神话故事

historical story 历史故事

at a very high heat 在高温下

be used for doing sth.(=be used to do sth.) 被用来做某事Unit 6

Section A

shoes with special heels 有特殊鞋跟的鞋

shoes with lights 带灯的鞋

hot ice-cream scoop 可加热的冰激凌勺

run on electricity 靠电力运行

the style of the shoes 鞋的款式

be used for ... 被用来做……

think of 想出

With pleasure! 乐意效劳!

such a great invention 如此伟大的一项发明

in our daily lives 在我们的日常生活中

have a point 有道理

see a website 看到一个网站

the pioneers of different inventions 不同发明的先驱者by accident 偶然;意外地

boil drinking water over an open fire 在篝火上烧水

fall / drop into ... 掉进……

produce a nice smell 产生一种香味

the saint of tea 茶圣

in less than 100 years 在不到一百年的时间里national drink 国饮

take place 发生;出现

tea culture 茶文化

without doubt 毫无疑问;的确

understand the nature of tea 了解茶的本质

sell ... at a low price 低价卖……

translate ... into ... 把……翻译成……

all of a sudden 突然;猛地

ring the bell 按门铃

musical notes 乐符

Section B

potato chips 炸薯条;炸土豆片

by mistake 错误地;无意中

in the end 最后

put lots of salt on ... 在……上面撒很多盐

a much-loved and active sport 一种备受欢迎而且剧烈的运动more than 超过;多于

in history 历史上

a college teacher 一位大学老师

divide ... into 把……分开

get the ball in the other team’s basket 把球投进对方篮筐

at the same time 同时

stop ... from doing ... 阻止……做……

dream of 梦想;幻想;向往

not only ... but also ... 不但……而且……

the number of ... ……的数量

look up to these basketball heroes 钦佩/ 仰慕这些篮球英雄encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事

achieve their dreams 实现他们的梦想

come up with 提出;想出

lead to 导致

Unit 7

Section A

driver’s license = driving license 驾照

no way 不行;不可能

be worried about your safety 担心你的安全

be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事

have part-time jobs 做兼职工作

get their ears pierced 扎耳洞

serious enough 足够严肃/ 认真

cut one’s hair 理发;剪发

wear earrings 戴耳环

be excited about doing sth. 对做某事感到兴奋

take lots of photos 拍很多照片

use a flash 使用闪光灯

stay by one’s side 陪伴在某人身旁

run through the field 跑过田野

make sure 确保

give sb. a hug 给某人一个拥抱

lift sb. up 把某人扶/ 抬/ 举起来

talk back (to sb.) (和某人)回嘴/ 顶嘴

watch scary movies 看恐怖电影

be back by ten 10点以前回来

think back to those times 回想那些时光

have scary dreams 做噩梦

regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事

do social work for their community 为他们的社区做社会福利工作keep ... away from ... 避免……接近……;使……远离……

give sb. a chance to do sth. 给某人一个机会做某事

make one’s own decision(s) 自己做决定

move out 搬出去

be educated to do sth. 被教育做某事

from a young age 从小

manage their own lives 成功应对他们自己的生活

Section B

pass / take the test 通过/ 参加考试

be strict with sb. 对某人严格

get in the way of ... 挡……的路;妨碍……

a professional runner 职业跑步运动员

grow up 成长;长大;成熟

achieve his dreams 实现他的梦想

support every one of his races 支持他的每一次比赛

have nothing against sth. 不反对某事

think about other possible jobs 考虑其他可能的工作

end up as ... 最终成为……

decide for myself 我自己做决定

make this choice myself 我自己做这个选择

enter university 上大学

be serious about ... 严肃/ 认真对待……

spend more time on his homework 在他的家庭作业上多花点时间care about 关心;在意

have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事

Unit 8

Section A

toy truck 玩具卡车

at the picnic 在野餐

hair band 发带

belong to sb. 属于某人

attend a concert 参加音乐会

the rest of my friends 我的其他朋友

pick up sth. / pick sth. up 捡起某物

something unusual 一些不寻常的事情

next-door neighbor 隔壁邻居

at first 起初;起先

feel uneasy 感到心神不安

go away 离开

make (a) noise / make noises 制造噪音

think of 考虑;想起;认为

take a shower 洗淋浴

cough a lot 咳嗽得厉害

feel sleepy 觉得瞌睡

look like 看上去像

Section B

run after 追逐;追赶

a woman with a camera 一个拿着照相机的女人

run for exercise 跑步锻炼

wear a suit 穿着西装

catch a bus 赶公交车

at the same time 同时;一起

one of Britain’s most famous historical places 英国最著名的历史古迹之一receive more than 750,000 visitors 接待75万多名游客

see the sun rising 看日出

the longest day of the year 一年中白昼最长的一天

ancient leaders 古代首领

communicate with 交流

point out 指出

a kind of calendar 一种日历

in a certain way 以某种方式

on midsummer’s morning 在仲夏的早晨

shine directly into the center of the stones 直射巨石阵的中央prevent illness 预防疾病

for a special purpose 为了一个特殊的目的

a burial place 一个墓地

a place to honor ancestors 一个纪念祖先的地方

celebrate a victory over an enemy 庆祝打败敌人的胜利over a long period of time 在很长一段时间内

a group of ... 一群……

stop sb. (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

Unit 9

Section A

dance to music 随着音乐跳舞

sing along with music 随着音乐唱歌

electronic music 电子音乐

smooth music 悦耳的音乐

have spare time 有空

in that case 既然那样;假使那样的话

World War II 第二次世界大战

feel like doing sth. 想要做某事

stick to 坚持;固守

cheer sb. up 使某人高兴起来

funny dialogs 滑稽好笑的对话

have a happy ending 有一个美满的结局

plenty of information 大量信息

action movies 动作片

shut off my brain 屏蔽我的大脑

save the world in time 及时拯救世界

once in a while 偶尔地;间或

scary movies 恐怖片

Section B

in total 总共;总计

take sb. to a concert 带某人去听音乐会

Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐

under the beauty 在美的背后

sense a strong sadness and pain 感受到一种强烈的悲伤和痛苦one of the most moving pieces of music 最感人的曲子之一cry along with ... 随着……哭泣

look up the history of ... 查阅……的历史

a folk musician 一位民间音乐家

be born in the city of ... 出生在……市

teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事

play many musical instruments 演奏许多乐器

by age 17 17岁前

musical ability 音乐天赋

develop a serious illness 患了一种严重的病

become blind 眼睛瞎了

play music to make money 以演奏音乐为生

get married 结婚

continue to do sth. 继续做某事

perform in this way 以这种方式表演

amazing musical skills 惊人的音乐技巧

during his lifetime 在他的有生之年

by the end of his life 到他临终前

one of China’s national treasures 中国国宝之一

paint a picture of Abing’s own life 描绘阿炳自己的生活touch the hearts of people 触动人们的心灵

praise sb. as ... 称赞某人为……

Unit 10

Section A

be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事

shake hands 握手

meet for the first time 第一次见面

be expected to do sth. 被期望/ 要求做某事

an exchange student 一名交换生

greet sb. the wrong way 以错误的方式和某人打招呼make some mistakes 犯一些错误


九年级单词 Unit l 1.教科书;课本 2.交谈;谈话 3.大声地;出声地 4.发音;读音 5.句子 6.病人 7.表达(方式);表示 8.发现;发觉 9.秘密;秘诀adj. 秘密的; 保密的 10.爱上;与??相爱 11.语法 12.重复;重做 13.笔记;记录v. 注意;指出 14.朋友;伙伴 15.模式;方式 16.物理;物理学 17.化学 18.搭档;同伴 19.发音 20.增加;增长 21.速度 22.能力;才能 23.大脑 24.活跃的;积极的 25.注意;关注 26.注意;关注 27.(使)连接;与??有联系 28.把??和??连接或联系起来 29.一夜之间;在夜间 30.回顾;复习 31.知识;学问 32.明智地;聪明地Unit2 33.灯笼 34.陌生人 35.亲属;亲戚 36.增加(体重);发胖 37.磅(重量单位);英镑(英 国货币单位) 38.民间的;民俗的 39.女神 40.偷;窃取 41.放置;安放;产(卵);下 (蛋) 42.摆开;布置 43.(饭后)甜点;甜食 44.花园;园子 45.欣赏;仰慕 46.领带v. 捆;束 47.有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的 48.鬼;鬼魂 49.花招;把戏 50.款待;招待v. 招待;请(客) 51.蜘蛛 52.圣诞节 53.蠢人;傻瓜v. 愚弄adj. 愚蠢的 54.平躺;处于 55.(长篇)小说 56.前夕;前夜 57.书店 58.死的;失去生命的 59.生意;商业 60.处罚;惩罚 61.警告;告诫 62.现在;礼物adj. 现在的 63.没有人 64.温暖;暖和 65.传播;展开n. 蔓延;传播 66.澳门 67.清迈(泰国城市) 68.万圣节前夕 69.情人节 70.圣诞老人 Unit3 71.(美)洗手间;公共厕所 72.邮票;印章 73.明信片 74.请再说一遍;抱歉,对不起 75.洗手间;厕所 76.浴室;洗手间 77.快的;迅速的adv. 快速 地;迅速地 78.仓促;急促 79.建议;提议 80.管理人员;职工 81.葡萄 82.中心的;中央的 83.邮寄;发电子邮件n. 邮件; 信件 84.东方的;东部的adv. 向东; 朝东n. 东;东方 85.迷人的;极有吸引力的 86.便利的;方便的 87.购物中心 88.职员 89.拐角;角落 90.有礼貌的;客气的 91.礼貌地;客气地 1 / 6


七年级上册重点短语及句型归纳Starter Unit1– Unit 3词组 1. in English 用英语 2. what color 什么颜色 3. first name 名字= given name 4. last name 姓氏= family name 5. phone number 电话号码= telephone number 6. an ID card 一张身份证 7. pencil case 铅笔盒,文具盒 8. pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,卷笔刀 9. excuse me 请原谅,打扰了 10.thank you 谢谢你 11. computer game 电子游戏 12. play computer games玩电脑游戏 13. call sb.at … 拨(某电话号码)找某人 14. lost and found 失物招领 15. a set of 一串,一列,一套,一副 16. thanks for 为……感谢= thank you for 17.family photo 全家福照片 18.a photo of your famil你家人的照片= your family photo Starter Us1-3 句型 1.Good morning/afternoon /evening, Bob!早上/下午 /晚上好,Bob! 2.Good morning to you.祝你早上好。 3.--How are you?你好吗? I’m fine, thanks. How are you?我很好谢谢你好吗---I’m OK.我还好。 4.---What’s this in English?用英语表达这是什么?—It’s an orange.它是一只桔子。 —Spell it, please. 请拼写它。--O-R-A-N-G. ---Thank you.谢谢。 Thank you very much/a lot.-----You are welcome. =That’s all right.=That’s OK.不用谢。 5.--What color is it?它是什么颜色?It’s red.红色。 6.The key is yellow.钥匙是黄色的。 =It’s a yellow key.它是黄色的钥匙。 7.Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。----Nice to meet you, too. /Me,too. 也很高兴见到你。 8.How do you do? 你好!----How do you do?你好!Unit 1 1.---What’s your name?你的名字是什么? 2.—My name is Gina.我的名字是吉娜。=I’m Gina. 我是吉娜。 3.What’s his name?---His name’s Tommy. 4.What’s her name?—Her name is Jenny. 5.―Nice to me et you.很高兴认识你。—Nice to meet you,too.也很高兴认识你。 6.-What’s her phone number?她的电话号码是多 少? 7.—Her telephone number is 535-2375.她的电话号 码是535-2375. 8.-What’s his family/last name?他的姓是什么?—His family/last name is Brown.他的姓是布朗。 9.-What’s her first name?她的名字是什么—Her first name is Linda.她的名字是琳达。 Unit 2 1.Is this/that your pencil?这是你的铅笔吗—Yes, it is.是,它是---No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 2.How do you spell eraser?你怎样拼写eraser? 3.in the lost and found case在失物招领箱里 4.call Alan at 495-3539给艾伦打电话495-3539 5.school ID card校牌 6..a set of keys一串钥匙Unit 3 1.Is this your daughter?这是你的女儿吗—Yes, it is. 是,它是。/No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 2.Those are my two brothers那些是我的两个兄弟。 3.Is she your aunt?她是你的姨母吗? —Yes she is.是,她是。/No,she isn’t.不,她不是。 4.family tree家谱 5.Thanks for the photo of your family.谢谢你的全 家照 6.Here is my family photo.这儿是我的全家福。 7. 7.This is my mother.这是我母亲。 6.a photo of your family=your family photo你的全 家福 Unit 4 1. under the table 在桌子下 2. on the sofa 在沙发上 3. in the backpack 在背包里 4. math book 数学书 5. alarm clock 闹钟 6. video tape 录象带 7. take … to … 把……拿(去)给…… 8. bring … to … 把……带(来)给…… 9. on the floor 在地板上 1.Where is the backpack?背包在哪里?—It’s under the table.它在桌子下面。 2.Where are my books?我的书在哪里?—They’re on the sofa.他们阿子沙发上。 3.Is it on the floor?它在地板上吗?—No, it isn’t. 不,它不在。 4.Are they in the drawer?他们在抽屉里吗?—Yes, they are.是,他们在。 5.The CDs are in the drawer.激光唱片在抽屉里。 6.take these things to your sister 把这些东西带去 给你姐姐 7.bring it to school把它带到学校来 Unit 5 1. soccer ball 足球 2. tennis racket 网球拍 3. ping-pong ball 乒乓球= table tennis 4. ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍 5. play basketball 打篮球 6. play ping-pong 打乒乓球= play table tennis 7. play volleyball 打排球 8. play soccer 踢足球= play football 9. play baseball 打棒球 10. play tennis 打网球 11. sports club 体育俱乐部 12. play sports做运动,参加体育比赛= do sports 13. watch TV 看电视 14. sports collection 体育收藏 15. watch … on TV 在电视上观看…… 16. every day 每天 1.Do you have a ping-pong ball?你有乒乓球吗?


九年级英语重点短语和句型 Unit 1 Section A make word cards 制作词卡 read the textbook 阅读课本 listen to tapes 听磁带 ask the teacher for help 求助老师 study for a test 备考 work with a group 小组合作 have conversations with friends 和朋友们谈话read aloud 朗读 improve speaking skills 提高口语技能 give a report 作报告 a slow reader 一个阅读速度慢的人 get the main ideas 获取大意 at first 起初;开始 read word by word 逐字读 word groups 意群 be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 It takes time. 这得花时间/ 这得慢慢来。 be afraid to do / of doing sth. 害怕做某事 poor pronunciation 发音不好 fall in love with ... 爱上…… body language 身势语;肢体语言 the expression(s) on one’s face 某人脸上的表情listen for the key words 留神听关键词 as well 也 the secret to ... ……的秘诀 language learning 语言学习 It’s a piece of cake. 小菜一碟。 It serves you right. 你活该。 look up the word in a dictionary 在字典中查单词take notes 记笔记 memorize sentence patterns 记忆句型 do grammar exercises 做语法练习 keep a diary in English 用英语记日记 Section B increase reading speed 提高阅读速度 make mistakes in grammar 在语法方面犯错 be born with ... 天生具有…… the ability to learn 学习的能力 depend on 取决于;依赖learning habits 学习习惯 have ... in common 有……共同之处 create an interest in ... 对……产生兴趣 pay attention to 注意;关注 connect ... with ... 把……和……连接或联系起来learn from mistakes 从错误中学习 think about 考虑 Use it or lose it. 非用即失。 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 develop study skills 培养学习技能 write down 写下;记下 look for ways to review 寻找复习的方法Knowledge comes from questioning. 知识源于质疑。 Unit 2 Section A the Water Festival 泼水节 the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 the Spring Festival 春节 the Lantern Festival 元宵节 Mother’s Day 母亲节 Father’s Day 父亲节 a little too crowded 有点太拥挤 eat out 出去吃饭 put on five pounds 体重增加了5磅 Guess what? 你猜怎么着? in two weeks 两周以后 the hottest month of the year 一年中最热的月份be similar to 和……相似 the Dai people 傣族 throw water at each other 互相泼水 wash away bad things 洗去晦气 have good luck in the new year 在新的一年交好运 celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival 庆祝中秋节in the shape of a full moon 一轮满月的形状 on the Mid-Autumn night 在中秋节的晚上traditional folk stories 传统民间故事 shoot down 射下 magic medicine 仙药 live forever 长生不老


九年级人教版英语各单元重点短语及句型Unit1 How can we become good learners? 一.重点短语 ask sb. for help improve one`s speaking skills spoken English=oral English make word cards listen to tapes the secret to language learning be afraid to do sth. fall in love with.. . body language take notes make mistakes in grammar learning habits have sth. in common pay attention to connect…with… write down key words in class after class be interested in… do sth. on one’s own worry about depend on=rely on good learners work with friends study for a test have conversations with speaking skills the secret to......, the meaning of be patient 请求某人的帮助 提髙某人说的能力英语口语 制作单词卡片 听磁带 语言学习的诀窍 不敢'做某事 爱上 肢体语言 记笔记 犯语法错误 学习习惯有...共同点 注意 把....与....联系起来 摘抄重点词 在课堂上 课后 对.......感兴趣 独立做某事 为...而担忧 依赖;取决于 优秀的学习者 和朋友一起学习 备考 与……交谈 口语技巧.......的秘诀 ……的意思 耐心点儿 二.用法集萃 by doing sth 通过做某事 find .it +be+adj+to do sth 发现做某事是……finish doing sth 完成某事 what about doing sth?做某事怎么样?try to do sth 尽力做某事


Until Unit2 textbook教科书;课本lantern灯笼 conversation交谈;谈话stranger陌生人 aloud大声地;出声地relative亲属;亲戚pronunciation发音;读音put增加(体重);发胖sentence句子pound磅(重量单位);英镑patient有耐心的folk民间的;民俗的expression表达(方式);表示goddess女神 discover发现;发觉steal偷;窃取 secret秘密;秘诀lay 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋) fall in love with爱上lay out摆开;布置 grammar语法dessert n(饭后)甜点;甜食repeat重复;重做garden花园;园子 note笔记;记录 v. 注意admire欣赏;仰慕 pal朋友;伙伴tie领带捆;束 pattern模式;方式haunted有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的physics物理;物理学ghost鬼;鬼魂 chemistry化学trick花招;把戏 partner搭档;同伴treat款待;招待v.请(客)pronounce发音spider蜘蛛 increase增加;增长Christmas圣诞节 speed速度fool蠢人;傻瓜愚蠢的ability能力;才能lie平躺;处于 brain大脑novel n.(长篇)小说 active活跃的;积极的eve前夕;前夜 attention注意;关注bookstore书店 pay attention to注意;关注dead死的;失去生命的connect连接;与??有联系business生意;商业 connect with把??和??联系起来punish处罚;惩罚 overnight一夜之间;在夜间warn警告;告诫 review回顾;复习present礼物现在的knowledge知识;学问nobody没有人 wisely明智地;聪明地warmth温暖;暖和 spread传播;展开蔓延

九年级英语重点句型、句式 归纳总结

九年级英语重点句型、句式 Unit 1 1. by + doing通过……方式如:by studying with a group by 还可以表示:“在…旁”、“靠近”、“在…期间”、“用”、“经过”、“乘车”等 如:I live by the river. I have to go back by ten o’clock. The thief entered the room by the window. The student went to park by bus. 2.too…to 太…而不能常用的句型too+adj./adv. + to do sth. 如:I’m too tired to say anything. 我太累了,什么都不想说。 3.be / get excited about sth.=== be / get excited about doing sth. = be excited to do sth. 对…感兴奋 如:I am / get excited about going to Beijing.= I am excited to go to Beijing. 我对去北京感到兴奋。 4. ①end up doing sth 终止做某事,结束做某事 如:he party ended up singing. 晚会以唱歌而结束。 ②end up with sth. 以…结束 如:The party ended up with her singing. 晚会以她的歌唱而告终。 5.one of +(the+ 形容词比较级)+名词复数形式…其中之一 如:She is one of the most popular teachers. 她是最受欢迎的教师之一。 6. It’s +形容词+(for sb. ) to do sth. (对于某人来说)做某事… 如:It’s difficult (for me ) to study English. 对于我来说学习英语太难了。 句中的it 是形式主语,真正的主语是to study English 7.unless 假如不,除非引导条件状语从句 如:You will fail unless you work hard..假如你不努力你会失败。 I won’t write unless he writes first. 除非他先写要不我不写 8.see sb. / sth. doing看见某人正在做某事强调正在发生 see sb. / sth. do看见某人在做某事如: 如:She saw him drawing a picture in the classroom.她看见他正在教室里画画。Unit 2 1.used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 否定形式:didn’t use to do sth. / used not to do sth. 如:He used to play football after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。 Did he use to play football? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t. He didn’t use to smoke. 他过去不吸烟。 2. 反意疑问句(中考不考,可作了解) ①肯定陈述句+否定提问如:Lily is a student, isn’t she? Lily will go to China, won’t she? ②否定陈述句+肯定提问如:She doesn’t come from China, does she? You haven’t finished homework, have you? ③提问部分用代词而不用名词 Lily is a student, isn’t she? ④陈述句中含有否定意义的词 如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly等。其反意疑问句用肯定式。

人教版九年级英语unit 4重点短语句型语法+配套试题(答案)

温州蒙氏英语九年级Unit 4 What would you do?单元重点知识导航 词汇部分 1. nearby adj. = close to →near adv. =by /beside 在附近→nearly adv. (后接数词或修饰动词) 2. n. 听者,收听者→listen v.听(不及物动词,后面接介词to或for) 3. n. 剩余部分,其余(作其余时前面要用the),休息v.=have a break 4. knowledgeable adj. 知识渊博的,有见识的→n. 知识(一般为不可数,前无冠词)“有关…..的知识”时用“the of”,同时它一般不与动词study, learn, know直接连用,而用get, gain等来表示“学知识”。) 5. safety n. 安全→adj.安全的→adv. 安全地 6. helpful adj. 有帮助的,有用的→n. & v.帮助It’s for sb. to v sth. 某人做某事是有益的 7. worry n.& v. 烦恼,忧虑(作动词时,及物,通常是人作宾语) →adj.烦恼的,焦虑的 (B) 短语部分 1. what if = What would you do if…? 2. plenty of = 或者很多的,足够的(修饰可数名词或不可数名词) 3. get along with = 与…..相处,进展 4. let … down 5. come up with = think out = think up (主意、回答等) 6. come out (一般不用于被动语态,主动表被动) 7. cover … with be covered with 8. refuse to do sth. (否定形式的not放to前,后不接动名词,不定式的复合结构或that从句) 9. in public (注意名词前无冠词)10. wait for (后接人或车等,不能接地方,如果是地方用介词in /on /at) 11. 脱身,从……出来12. rather than (并列的两个成分必须一致,即同时为相同的形式或时态) 13. by accident = by chance (注意名词前无冠词) 14. know of = know about = learn about know /learn much /more about sth.对……了解很多/更多(注意much不可换成many) 1. If sb. 动词过去式(be用were)…, sb. should /would +动词原形…. 表示假设与现在事实相反或与将来事实相反。 What you if you a million dollars? 如果你有一百万美元,你会怎么做呢? If I you, I a shirt and tie. 如果我是你的话,我会穿衬衣和打领带。 2. too… to = not … enough to = so… that 太……而不能 I’m do well. = I’m not relaxed enough to do well. = I’m so do well. 我太累了不能做好。 3. would rather do sth. than do sth. = would do sth. rather than do sth. = had rather do sth. than do sth. 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 You would also rather and read a good book than the . 你宁愿呆在家里看本好书,也不愿去参加聚会。 prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. = prefer sth. to sth. 宁愿做某事也不愿做某事。 They prefer a new car rather than mend it. = They prefer a new car to mending it. 他们宁愿买辆新车,也不愿修理它。 4. What’s … like? = How’s …? = What do you think of/about …? = How do you like …? = How do you feel …? = What /How about …? ……怎么样? A: What are you like? 你觉得自己怎么样?B: I think I’m creative and outgoing. 我认为我有创造力并外向。 5. have some experience (in) doing sth. 有做某事的一些经验Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.马丁鲁滨逊是一个有许多应付青少年的经验的著名医生。 6. hide sth. from sb. 把某事瞒着某人You must always hid medicine from children, …你必须总是把药藏起来,不让孩子知道。……


Unit1 How can we become good learners? 【重点短语】 1. good learners 优秀的学习者 2. work with friends 和朋友一起学习 3. study for a test 备考 4.have conversations with 与……交谈 5.speaking skills 口语技巧 6.a little 有点儿 7.at first 起初起先 8.the secret to... .......的秘诀 9.because of 因为 10.as well 也 11.look up 查阅;抬头看 12.so that 以便,为了 13.the meaning of ……的意思 14.make mistakes 犯错误 15.talk to 交谈 16.depend on 依靠依赖 17.in common 共有的 18.pay attention to 注意关注 19. connect …with …把……联系

20.for example 例如 21.think about 考虑 22.even if 即使尽管纵容 23.look for 寻找 24.worry about 担心担忧 25.make word cards 制作单词卡片 26.ask the teacher for help 向老师求助 27.read aloud 大声读 28.spoken English 英语口语 29.give a report 作报告 30.word by word 一字一字地 31. so……that 如此……以至于 32.fall in love with 爱上 33.something interesting 有趣的事情 34.take notes 记笔记 35.how often 多久一次 36.a lot of 许多 37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 38.learning habits 学习习惯 39.be interested in 对……感兴趣 40.get bored 感到无聊


精品文档 精品文档 2018-19新人教版九年级英语 6单元单词测试 Unit 6 1. n. 鞋跟;足跟_________________ 2. n. 勺;铲子_________________ 3. n. 电;电能_________________ 4. n. 样式;款式_________________ 5. n.项目;工程_________________ 6. n. 高兴;愉快 _________________ 7. n. (= zip) 拉链;拉锁_________________ 8. adj. 每日的;日常的_________________ 9. n. 网站_________________ 10. n.先锋;先驱_________________ 11. v.列表;列清单n.名单;清单_________________ 12. v. 提到;说到_________________ 13. adj. 意外的;偶然的_________________ 14.n. 统治者;支配者_________________ 15. v. 煮沸;烧开_________________ 16. v. 保持不变;剩余_________________ 17. n.气味v.发出气味;闻到______ ______ ______ 18.n. 圣人;圣徒_________________ 19. adj. 国家的;民族的_________________ 20. n.贸易;交易v.做买卖;从事贸易______________ 21. n. 受欢迎;普及_________________ 22. n. 疑惑;疑问 v. 怀疑_________________ 23. n. 冰箱_________________ 24.adj.低的;矮的_________________ 25. pron. 某人 n. 重要人物_________________ 26.v. 翻译_________________ 27.v. 锁上;锁住_________________ 28. v.使发出钟声或铃声;打电话_____ _____ _____ 29.n. 地震_________________ 30.adj. 突然(的)_________________ 31. n. 钟声;铃声_________________ 32. n. 饼干 _________________ 33. n. 曲奇饼_________________ 34. adj. 音乐的;有音乐天赋的_________________ 35. n. 器械;仪器;工具_________________ 36. adj. 脆的;酥脆的_________________ 37. adj. 咸的_________________ 38. adj. 酸的;有酸味的_________________ 39. n. 顾客;客户_____________ 40. adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人 _________ 41. v. 分开;分散_________________ 42.n. 篮;筐 _________________ 43. n. 英雄; 男主角 _________________ 44. adj.职业的;专业的_________________ 45. adv. 几乎;差不多 _________________ 词组 46.有道理________________________________________ 47.偶然;意外地___________________________________ 48.发生;出现_____________________________________ 49.毫无疑问;的确_________________________________ 50.突然;猛地____________________________________ 51.错误地;无意中_________________________________ 52.奥林匹克运动会 _____________________________ 53.把…分开_____________________________________ 54.不但…而且…__________________________________ 55.钦佩;仰慕____________________________________


九年级英语各单元知识点总结 Unit 1 I、重点词汇: 1.pronounce—pronunciation 2. differently—different—difference 3. slowly—slow 4. soft—hard 5.easy—easily 6.learn—learner II、重点短语: 1.lisen to tapes 听录音 2. ask the teacher for help 向老师请求帮助 3. read aloud 朗读 4. speaking skills 口头表达能力 5.spoken English 英语口语 6. end up 结束 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6c2935446.html,ter on 以后,随后 8. make mistakes 犯错,出错 https://www.360docs.net/doc/6c2935446.html,ugh at 嘲笑,取笑 10.take notes 做笔记,做记录 11.look …up (在词典、参考书等中)查阅,查找 12. make up 编造,组成 13.deal / do with 处理,应付 14.be angry with 生……的气 15.go by (指时间)过去,消逝 16.try one’s best to do sth. 尽力做…… 17.break off 突然中止,中断 18. with the help of 在……的帮助下 19.regard…as…把……当做…… 20.be afraid of doing / to do sth 害怕做某事 21. first of all 首先,开始 22. have trouble / a difficult / hard time doing sth. 做某事有困难 III、重点句型: 1.It’s too hard to understand the voices. 理解那些话有困难。 2. How do you study for a test? 你怎么为考试而学习的? I study by listening to tapes. 我通过听磁带学习。 3. Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.学语法是学习语言的一个好办法。 4.I was afraid to speak in class. 我害怕在课堂上说话。 5. If you don’t know how to spell new words, look up the dictionary. 6.It’s our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teachers. 在老师的帮助下,尽我们最大努力对待教育中的每一个挑战是我们的责任。 7.I don’t have a partner to practice English with. 我没有可以一起练习英语的伙伴。


Unit 1 How can we become good learners?重点短语 1. good learners 优秀的学习者 2. work with friends 和朋友一起学习 3. study for a test 备考 4.have conversations with 与……交谈 5.speaking skills 口语技巧 6.a little 有点儿 7.at first 起初起先 8.the secret to... .......的秘诀 9.because of 因为 10.as well 也 11.look up 查阅;抬头看 12.so that 以便,为了 13.the meaning of ……的意思 14.make mistakes 犯错误 15.talk to 交谈 16.depend on 依靠依赖 17.in common 共有的 18.pay attention to 注意关注 19. connect …with …把……联系 20.for example 例如21.think about 考虑 22.even if 即使尽管纵容 23.look for 寻找 24.worry about 担心担忧 25.make word cards 制作单词卡片 26.ask the teacher for help 向老师求助 27.read aloud 大声读 28.spoken English 英语口语 29.give a report 作报告 30.word by word 一字一字地 31. so……that 如此……以至于 32.fall in love with 爱上 33.something interesting 有趣的事情 34.take notes 记笔记 35.how often 多久一次 36.a lot of 许多 37.the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力 38.learning habits 学习习惯 39.be interested in 对……感兴趣 40.get bored 感到无聊 重点句型 1.提建议的句子: ①What/ how about +doing sth.? 做…怎么样?如:What/ How about going shopping? ②Why don't you + do sth.? 你为什么不做…?如:Why don't you go shopping? ③Why not + do sth. ? 为什么不做…? 如:Why not go shopping?


2019新人教版九年级英语 1单元单词测试Unit One 1. n.教科书;课本__________________________ 2. n.交谈;谈话__________________________ 3. adv.大声地;出声地_____________________ 4. n.发音;读音 __________________________ 5. n.句子__________________________ 6. adj.有耐心的n.病人____________________ 7. n.表达(方式);表示_____________________ 8. v.发现;发觉__________________________ 9. n.秘密;adj. 秘密的______________________ 10. n.语法__________________________ 11. v.重复;重做__________________________ 12. n.笔记;记录v.注意;指出_________________ 13. n.朋友;伙伴_________________________ 14. n.物理;物理学______________________ 15. n.化学__________________________ 16. v.记忆;记住__________________________ 17. n.模式;方式__________________________ 18. v.发音__________________________ 19. v.增加;增长__________________________ 20. n.速度v.加速_______________________ 21. n.搭档;同伴__________________________ 22. v.出生adj.天生的_______________________ 23.n.能力;才能__________________________ 24. v.创造;创建__________________________ 25. n.大脑__________________________ 26. adj.活跃的;积极的______________________ 27. n.注意;关注__________________________ 28. v.(使)连接;与?有联系 ________________ 29. adv.一夜之间;在夜间___________________ 30. v. & n.回顾;复习_______________________ 31. n.知识;学问__________________________ 32. adj.终身的;毕生的______________________ 33. adv.明智地;聪明地_____________________词词组 34.查阅;抬头看__________________________ 35.天生具有__________________________ 36.注意;关注__________________________ 37.把?和?连接或联系起来____________________
