1 Chinese English2 办公自动化Office Automation3 保险会计Insurance Accounting4 保险学Insurance5 比较管理学Comparative Management6 比较审计学Comparative Auditing7 毕业实习Graduation Practice8 财务报表分析Financial Statements Analysis9 财务报告环境Financial Reporting Environment10 财务分析Financial Analysis11 财务风险控制Management of Financial Risks12 财务管理Financial Management13 财务会计Financial Accounting14 财务造假对策Countermeasure for Financial Fraudulence15 财政概论Introduction to Fiscal Science16 财政学Fiscal Science17 财政与信贷Finance and Credit18 成本会计Cost Accounting19 程序设计语言Programme Design Language20 促销与广告Promotion and Advertising21 大学生活导论Guidance of Campus Life22 大学英语College English23 大学语文College Chinese24 当代国际经济Contemporary World Economy25 道德教育Moral Education26 邓小平理论Introduction to Deng Xiaoping's Theory27 电影美学Aesthetics of Cinema28 独立审计Independent Auditing29 对外贸易保险Foreign Trade Insurance30 对外贸易运输Foreign Trade Transportation31 发展经济学Development Economics32 法律Law33 法律基础Basics of Law34 法学概论Introduction to Law35 法学基础Fundamentals of Law Science36 房地产投资与金融Real Estate Investment & Finance37 风险管理Risk Management38 概率论Mathematics - probability39 概率论与数理统计Probability & Mathematical Statistics40 高等数学Advanced Mathematics41 高级财务会计Advanced Financial Accounting42 高级会计Advanced Accounting43 高级英语技能Advanced English44 高级英语阅读Advanced English Reading45 高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Programme Design46 工程经济学与管理会计Engineering conomics nd anagement ccounting47 工程造价管理Project Pricing Management48 工程制图Engineering Drawing49 工业会计Industrial Accounting50 工业企业管理Industrial Business Management51 工业企业经济活动分析Analysis of Industrial Business Activities52 工业行业技术评估概论Introduction to Industrial Technical Evaluation53 公共关系Public Relations54 公共金融学Public Finance55 公关礼仪Etiquette for Public RelationsChinese English56 公司财务Corporate Finance57 公司法Corporate Law58 公司理财Corporate Finance59 古代诗词曲赋选讲Selections of Ancient Poems60 古代文学作品赏析Analytical Application of Ancient Literary Works61 古汉语Ancient Chinese62 股份经济学Stock Economics63 管理沟通Managerial Communication64 管理会计Management Accounting65 管理经济学Managerial Economics66 管理伦理学Business Ethics67 管理心理学Management Psychology68 管理信息Management Information69 管理信息系统Management information system70 管理学Management71 管理学原理Principle of Management72 管理战略Management Strategy73 管理咨询Business Consulting74 国际工商管理International Business Management75 国际关系与政治International Relationship and Politics76 国际会计International Accounting77 国际货物买卖合同Contract of International Goods Sales78 国际技术贸易International Technology Trade79 国际结算International Settlement80 国际金融International Finance81 国际金融市场International Financial Market82 国际经济合作概论International Economic Cooperation83 国际经济合作原理Principles of International Economic Cooperation84 国际经济组织International Economic Organizations85 国际经营管理International Business Management86 国际贸易International Trade87 国际贸易实务International Trade Practices88 国际企业管理International Business Management89 国际商法International Business Law90 国际税务International Taxation91 国际信贷International Credit92 国际信贷与结算International Credit and Settlement93 国际营销学International Marketing94 国际招标与投标International Tendering95 国家公务员制度介绍Introduction to Civil Servant System96 国民经济管理学Management of National Economy97 国民经济核算National Economic Accounting98 国外统计资料分析Analysis of Foreign Statistical Data99 国有资产管理State-owned Property Management100 航空概论Introduction to Aviation101 合资企业会计Accounting for Joint Venture Business102 宏观经济学Macroeconomics103 宏微观经济学Macro-economics & Micro-conomics104 会计电算化Computerised Accounting105 会计概论Introduction to Accounting106 会计理论Accounting Theory107 会计审计实践Accounting and Auditing Practices108 会计史History of Accounting109 会计体系设计Design of Accounting System110 会计学AccountingChinese English111 会计原理Principles of Accounting112 会计制度设计Design of Accounting System113 会计专题Special Topics on Accounting114 会计专业英语Accounting English115 货币银行学Money & Banking116 机械概论Introduction to Machinery117 机械制图Mechanical Drawing118 基建会计Accounting for Capital Construction119 计量经济学Econometrics120 计算机科学Computer Science121 计算机网络Computer Network122 计算机应用基础Foundations of Computer Application123 计算机应用技术Computer Application Technology124 计算机语言Computer Language125 计算机运用Computer Application126 计算机在财政中的应用Application of Computer in Finance127 计算技术Computing Technology128 技术创新Technological Innovation129 技术经济Technological Economics130 价格学Pricing131 建筑财务和审计Accounting & Auditing for Construction Business 132 建筑工程概论Introduction to Constructive Projects133 建筑项目预算Constructive Project Budgeting134 金工实习Smithcraft Practice135 金融管理软件Financial Management Software136 金融市场Financial Market137 金融市场与投资Financial Market and Investment138 金融学Finance139 金融战略Financial Strategy140 进出口业务Import and Export Practices141 经济地理Economic Geography142 经济法概论Economic Law143 经济数学基础Basics of Economic Mathematics144 经济文献检索Economic Document Searching145 经济文写作Economic Article Writing146 经济效益审计Profit Auditing147 经济学—利率Economics - Interest Rate148 经济学数学模型设计Mathematical Model Design in Economics149 经济应用数学Applied Economic Mathematics150 经济专业英语English for Economists151 经贸科研论文与写作Research Project on Economics & Trade152 经营管理学Operation Management153 决策理论Theory of Decision Making154 决策与控制信息Information for Control and Decision-making 155 军事理论Military Theory156 科技概论Introduction to Science & Technology157 科技预测Scientific Forecasting158 科学方法论Methodology of Scientific Research159 科学技术史History of Science & Technology160 科学社会主义理论与实践Theory and Practice of Scientific Socialism161 科学世界观与方法论Scientific Ideology and Methodology162 跨国公司财务管理MNC Financial Management163 跨国公司管理Management of Multinational Company164 跨国公司金融Finance of Multinational Company165 离散数学Discrete MathematicsChinese English166 伦理学Ethics167 逻辑学Logic168 马克思经典著作选读Selection of Marxist Works169 马克思经济学Marxist Economics170 马克思主义原理Principles of Marxism171 毛泽东思想Introduction to Mao Zedong's Thoughts 172 美学原理Principles of Aesthetics173 内控研究Internal Control Study174 农村金融学Agricultural Finance175 欧洲古典音乐European Classic Music176 期货交易Trade of Futures177 期货市场Futures Market178 企业财务审计Business Financial Auditing179 企业管理Business Management180 企业战略管理Strategic Management181 人工智能Artificial Intelligence182 人力资源管理Human Resource Management183 人生哲学Life philosophy184 商法Business Law185 商务写作Business Writing186 商务英语Business English187 商业会计Commercial Accounting188 社会保障Social Security189 社会调查Social Survey190 社会审计Social Auditing191 社会心理学Social Psychology192 社会学Sociology193 涉外保险Foreign Insurance194 摄影技术与实践Photography195 审计Auditing196 审计抽样Auditing Sampling197 审计电算化Computerised Auditing198 审计概论Introduction to Auditing199 审计管理Auditing Management200 审计技术方法Auditing Techniques201 审计原理Principles of Auditing202 审计专题Special Topics on Auditing203 生态学概论Introduction to Ecology204 时事政治学习Current Political Study205 实用统计学Applied Statistics206 世界近代史Modern World History207 世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy208 世界经贸地理World Geography for Economics and Trade 209 世界市场行情World Market Survey210 世界政治经济与国际关系World Politics, Economy and International Relations211 市场营销Marketing212 书法概论Introduction to Calligraphy213 数据结构Data Structure214 数据库管理Database Management215 数据库及其应用Database and Applications216 数据模型与决策Digital Models and Decision-making217 数理统计Mathematical Statistics218 税法Taxation Law219 税收学Taxation220 税务概论Introduction to TaxationChinese English221 税务计划Tax Planning222 思想道德修养Ideological & Moral Cultivation223 唐宋诗词Poetry of Tang and Song Dynasties224 体育Physical Education225 听力技巧Skills in English Listening Comprehension226 统计学原理Principles of Statistics227 投入产出与分析Input & Output Analysis228 投资会计Investment Accounting229 投资金融管理电算化Computerized Investment Financial Management 230 投资项目经济分析Economic Analysis of Investment Projects231 投资项目评估Assessment on Investment Projects232 投资项目评估学Investment Project Evaluation233 投资信息概论Introduction to Investment Information234 投资信用学Investment Credit235 投资学Investment236 外币交易会计Accounting for Transactions in Foreign Currency 237 外国经济地理Economic Geography of Foreign Countries238 外国经济史History of Foreign Economies239 外国文学Foreign Literature240 外汇风险管理Foreign Exchange Risk Management241 外贸函电Business Correspondence for Foreign Trade242 外贸会计Foreign Trade Accounting243 外贸口语Oral English for Foreign Trade244 外贸实务Foreign Trade Practices245 外贸应用文Practical Writing of Foreign Trade246 外资公司会计Accounting of Foreign Funded business 247 微观经济学Microeconomics248 微机操作Computer Operating249 微积分Calculus250 卫生学Hygienics251 文学概论Introduction to Literature252 文学与人生Literature and Life253 无形资产Intangible Assets254 物流运输计划管理Logistics Planning & management255 西方财务会计Western Financial Accounting256 西方财政学Western Fiscal Science257 西方经济学Western Economics258 系统工程System Engineering259 现代公司财务与投资管理Modern Corporation Finance & Investment Management260 现代国际政治与经济Contemporary International Politics and Economics261 现代企业管理Modern Business Management262 现代投资学Modern Investment263 线性代数Linear Algebra264 项目评估Project Evaluation265 项目评估案例与程序设计Project Evaluation Cases and Programme Design 266 消费者行为Consumer Behaviour267 心理学Psychology268 信托租赁实务Trust & Lease Practices269 信息分析Information Analysis270 信息技术与新组织Information Technology and New Organisations 271 行为科学Behaviour Science272 行政管理Administrative Management273 形式逻辑Formal Logic274 形势与政策Current Situation and Policy275 医学卫生保健Health CareChinese English275 医学卫生保健Health Care276 音乐欣赏Music Appreciation277 银行管理学Bank Management278 银行会计学Bank Accounting279 银行经营管理Bank Operation Management280 银行学Banking281 应用统计Applied Statistics282 应用文写作Applied Writing283 英文打字English Typewriting284 英语翻译English Translation285 英语泛读English Extensive Reading286 英语经贸文章选读Selected English Readings of Economic and Trade Literature287 英语精读English Intensive Reading288 英语口语Oral English289 英语视听说English Audio, Video and Oral Training 290 英语阅读English Reading291 营销管理Marketing Management292 营运管理Operation Management293 预算会计Budget Accounting294 预算与决策技术Budget and Decision-making Technology 295 运筹学Operations Research296 运输统计学Transportation Statistics297 战略管理Strategic Management298 哲学Philosophy300 证券公司会计Security Company Accounting301 证券经营实务Security Operation Practices302 证券投资Security Investment303 证券与投资Security & Investment304 政府审计Government Auditing305 政府预算Government Budgeting306 政治经济学Political Economics307 知识产权Intellectual Property308 职业道德伦理Professional Ethics309 中共党史History of the Communist Party of China 310 中国财政思想史History of Chinese Financial Thoughts311 中国对外经贸政策与投资环境Chinese Foreign Trade Policy and Investment Environment312 中国对外贸易史History of Chinese Foreign Trade 313 中国革命史Chinese Revolutionary History314 中国会计与审计Chinese Accounting and Auditing 315 中国近代经济史Chinese Modern Economic History 316 中国近代史Modern Chinese History317 中国通史General History of China318 中国外贸概论Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade 319 中国文学Chinese Literature320 中国现行税制Current Chinese Taxation Systems 321 中级会计Intermediate Accounting322 中外合资企业会计Sino-foreign Joint Venture Accounting323 专利法Patent Law324 资本主义企业财务会计Financial Accounting for Capitalist Business 325 资产评估Asset Appraisal326 资刊选读Selected Reading from Foreign Magazines 327 自然科学概论Introduction to Natural Sciences328 组织行为学Organisational Behaviour。
外宣翻译“三贴近原则”指导下的对句子三要素的研究发布时间:2021-11-22T01:21:57.359Z 来源:《教育学文摘》2021年第18期作者:高杨忆李颖轩[导读] 《抗击新冠肺炎疫情的中国实践》和《中国关键词:抗击新冠肺炎疫情篇》是中国对“新冠肺炎疫情”这一突击全球重大公共卫生危机的处理措施的调研报告。
高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Programme Design工程造价治理Project Pricing Management工业行业技术评估概论Introduction to Industrial Technical Evaluation 公共关系Public Relations公关礼仪Etiquette for Public Relations治理沟通Managerial Communication国际关系与政治International Relationship and Politics国际技术贸易International Technology Trade机械制图Mechanical Drawing运算机科学Computer Science技术创新Technological Innovation技术经济Technological Economics价钱学Pricing建筑项目预算Constructive Project Budgeting金融治理软件Financial Management Software经济文献检索Economic Document Searching经济文写作Economic Article Writing经贸科研论文与写作Research Project on Economics & Trade伦理学Ethics逻辑学Logic社会保障Social Security社会调查Social Survey社会学Sociology世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy世界经贸地理World Geography for Economics and Trade世界市场行情World Market Survey世界政治经济与国际关系World Politics, Economy and International Relations 数据结构Database Structure数据库治理Database Management数据库及其应用Database and Applications数据模型与决策Digital Models and Decision-making外国经济地理Economic Geography of Foreign Countries外国经济史History of Foreign Economies外贸函电Business Correspondence for Foreign Trade外贸口语Oral English for Foreign Trade外贸实务Foreign Trade Practices物流运输打算治理Logistics Planning & management系统工程System Engineering现代国际政治与经济Contemporary International Politics and Economics信息分析Information Analysis信息技术与新组织Information Technology and New Organisations形式逻辑Formal Logic英语经贸文章选读Selected English Readings of Economic and Trade Literature 营销治理Marketing Management营运治理Operation Management运筹学Operations Research战略治理Strategic Management职业道德伦理Professional Ethics中国对外经贸政策与投资环境Chinese Foreign Trade Policy and Investment Environment中国对外贸易史History of Chinese Foreign Trade中国外贸概论Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade资刊选读Selected Reading from Foreign Magazines组织行为学Organisational Behaviour大学课程英文名称(做英文成绩单有效)Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学Advanced Mathematics 高等数学Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析Algorithmic Language 算法语言Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计Audit 审计学Automatic Control System 自动操纵系统Automatic Control Theory 自动操纵理论Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础Calculus 微积分Catalysis Principles 催化原理Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索Circuitry 电子线路College English 大学英语College English Test (Band 4) CET-4College English Test (Band 6) CET-6College Physics 大学物理Communication Fundamentals 通信原理Comparative Economics 比较经济学Complex Analysis 复变函数论Computational Method 计算方式Computer Graphics 图形学原理Computer Interface Technology 运算机接口技术Contract Law 合同法Cost Accounting 本钱会计Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术Database Principles 数据库原理Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计Developmental Economics 进展经济学Digital Electronics 数字电子电路Digital Image Processing 数字图像处置Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处置Econometrics 经济计量学Economical Efficiency Analysis for Chemical Technology 化工技术经济分析Economy of Capitalism 资本主义经济Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电磁场与电磁波Electrical Engineering Practice 电工实习Enterprise Accounting 企业会计学Equations of Mathematical Physics 数理方程Experiment of College Physics 物理实验Experiment of Microcomputer 微机实验Experiment in Electronic Circuitry 电子线路实验Fiber Optical Communication System 光纤通信系统Finance 财政学Financial Accounting 财务会计Fine Arts 美术Functions of a Complex Variable 单复变函数Functions of Complex Variables 复变函数Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 复变函数与积分变换Fundamentals of Law 法律基础Fuzzy Mathematics 模糊数学General Physics 一般物理Graduation Project(Thesis) 毕业设计(论文)Graph theory 图论Heat Transfer Theory 传热学History of Chinese Revolution 中国革命史Industrial Economics 工业经济学Information Searches 情报检索Integral Transformation 积分变换Intelligent robot(s); Intelligence robot 智能机械人International Business Administration 国际企业治理International Clearance 国际结算International Finance 国际金融International Relation 国际关系International Trade 国际贸易Introduction to Chinese Tradition 中国传统文化Introduction to Modern Science & Technology 今世科技概论Introduction to Reliability Technology 靠得住性技术导论Java Language Programming Java 程序设计Lab of General Physics 一般物理实验Linear Algebra 线性代数Management Accounting 治理会计学Management Information System 治理信息系统Mechanic Design 机械设计Mechanical Graphing 机械制图Merchandise Advertisement 商品广告学Metalworking Practice 金工实习Microcomputer Control Technology 微机操纵技术Microeconomics & Macroeconomics 西方经济学Microwave Technique 微波技术Military Theory 军事理论Modern Communication System 现代通信系统Modern Enterprise System 现代企业制度Monetary Banking 货币银行学Motor Elements and Power Supply 电机电器与供电Moving Communication 移动通信Music 音乐Network Technology 网络技术Numeric Calculation 数值计算Oil Application and Addition Agent 油品应用及添加剂Operation & Control of National Economy 国民经济运行与调控Operational Research 运筹学Optimum Control 最优操纵Petroleum Chemistry 石油化学Petroleum Engineering Technique 石油化工工艺学Philosophy 哲学Physical Education 体育Political Economics 政治经济学Primary Circuit (反映堆)一回路Principle of Communication 通信原理Principle of Marxism 马克思主义原理Principle of Mechanics 机械原理Principle of Microcomputer 微机原理Principle of Sensing Device 传感器原理Principle of Single Chip Computer 单片机原理Principles of Management 治理学原理Probability Theory & Stochastic Process 概率论与随机进程Procedure Control 进程操纵Programming with Pascal Language Pascal语言编程Programming with C Language C语言编程Property Evaluation 工业资产评估Public Relation 公共关系学Pulse & Numerical Circuitry 脉冲与数字电路Refinery Heat Transfer Equipment 炼厂传热设备Satellite Communications 卫星通信Semiconductor Converting Technology 半导体变流技术Set Theory 集合论Signal & Linear System 信号与线性系统Social Research 社会调查SPC Exchange Fundamentals 程控互换原理Specialty English 专业英语Statistics 统计学Stock Investment 证券投资学Strategic Management for Industrial Enterprises 工业企业战略治理Technological Economics 技术经济学Television Operation 电视原理Theory of Circuitry 电路理论Turbulent Flow Simulation and Application 湍流模拟及其应用Visual C++ Programming Visual C++程序设计Windows NT Operating System Principles Windows NT操作系统原理Word Processing 数据处置姓名NAME性别SEX入学时间1ST TERM ENROLLED IN系别DEPARTMENT专业SPECIALITY毕业时间GRADUATION DATE 19XX-19YY学年度第一/二学期1st/2nd TERM. 19XX-19YY课程名称COURSE TITLE学分CREDIT成绩GRADE高等数学 Advanced Mathematics工程数学 Engineering Mathematics中国革命史 History of Chinese Revolutionary程序设计 Programming Design机械制图 Mechanical Drawing社会学 Sociology体育 Physical Education物理实验 Physical Experiments电路 Circuit物理 Physics哲学 Philosophy法律基础 Basis of Law理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics材料力学 Material Mechanics电机学 Electrical Machinery政治经济学 Political Economy自动控制理论 Automatic Control Theory模拟电子技术基础 Basis of Analogue Electronic Technique 数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique电磁场 Electromagnetic Field微机原理 Principle of Microcomputer企业管理 Business Management专业英语 Specialized English可编程序控制技术 Controlling Technique for Programming 金工实习 Metal Working Practice毕业实习 Graduation Practice。
第1篇一、自我介绍1. 请用1-2分钟的时间,用简洁明了的语言介绍自己,包括姓名、年龄、所在学校、兴趣爱好等。
2. 结合自己的经历,谈谈你对小学六年生活的回顾和感悟。
二、学科知识测试1. 语文:(1)请朗读以下古诗词,并解释诗句的意思。
2. 数学:(1)请用分数和小数表示以下数。
小明有5个苹果,小红给了他2个,小明现在有多少个苹果?3. 英语:(1)请用英语介绍自己的家庭成员。
My name is Tom. I am a twelve-year-old boy. I live in a small town in China. I have a happy family. My father is a teacher, and my mother is a doctor. I have two sisters. My elder sister is a student, and my younger sister is in kindergarten.Question: What is Tom's family like?三、综合素质测试1. 请谈谈你对“诚信”的理解。
2. 请结合自己的经历,谈谈你在学习、生活中遇到的困难以及如何克服的。
3. 请谈谈你对团队合作的认识,并举例说明。
4. 请谈谈你对社会主义核心价值观的理解。
四、心理素质测试1. 请谈谈你在面对挫折时的心理状态。
2. 请谈谈你在与他人沟通时遇到的问题以及如何解决的。
3. 请谈谈你在团队合作中遇到的问题以及如何解决的。
英语翻译时事政治短语按照客观规律和科学规律办事act in compliance with objective and scientific laws八个坚持、八个反对eight do’s and eight don’ts八项主张eight-point proposal保持昂扬向上的精神状态be filled with an enterprising spirit保证中央的政令畅通ensure the Central Committee’s decisions are carried o ut without fail标本兼治address both the symptoms and root causes不确定因素uncertainties参政议政participation in and deliberation of state affairs长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe长治久安maintain prolonged stability长治久安maintain prolonged stability崇尚科学respect and promote science传播先进文化spread advanced culture传统安全威胁traditional threats to security从严治军the army must be strict with itself党的领导方式the Party’s style of leadership党的民族政策the Party’s policy toward ethnic minorities党的侨务政策the Party’s policy toward overseas Chinese affairs党的宗教信仰自由政策the Party’s policy toward the freedom of religious belief党风廉政建设责任制responsibility system for improving the Party’s work style a nd building clean government党内情况通报制度、情况反映制度和重大决策征求意见制度inner-Party information sharing and reporting systems and the system of soliciting opinions concerning majorpolicy decisions党要管党、从严治党the Party exercises self-discipline and is strict with its members党员管理工作management of Party membership党政机关Party and government organs党政领导干部职务任期制、辞职制和用人失察失误责任追究制the system of fixed tenures, the system of resignation and the system of accountability for neglect of supervisory duty or the use of the wrong person with regard to leading cadres of the Party and government 党总揽全局、协调各方的原则principle that the Party commands the overall situation and coordinates the efforts of all quarters电子政务e-government独立负责、步调一致地开展工作assume one’s responsibilities independently and makec oncerted efforts in one’s work独立公正地行使审判权和检察权exercise adjudicative and procuratorial powers independently and impartially多重多头执法duplicate law enforcement多重多头执法duplicate law enforcement发展民主团结、生动活泼、安定和谐的政治局面develop the political situation characterized by democracy, solidarity, liveliness, stability and harmony发展平等团结互助的社会主义民族关系enhance socialist ethnic relations of equality, solidarity and mutual assistance法定职能legal functions法律援助legal aid法制观念awareness of law反腐败领导体制leadership system against corruption防卫作战能力defense capabilities非传统安全威胁non-traditional threats to security丰富民主形式develop diverse forms of democracy干部人事制度cadre and personnel system干部双重管理体制system of dual control over cadres高知识群体prominent intellectuals公共事务public affairs公务员制度system of public servants公益事业programs for public good公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序 a new international political and economic order that is fair and rational公正司法judicial justice共产党执政共同利益的汇合点converging points of common interests管理有序、文明祥和的新型社区new-type and well-managed communities featuring civility and harmony广纳群贤gather large numbers of talented people国防动员体制mobilization system for national defense国防科技工业体制改革restructuring of defense-related science, technology and industry国际关系民主化promote democracy in international relations国家要统一,民族要复兴China will be reunified, and the Chinese nation will be rejuvenated 国家意志will of the state合理配置教育资源allocate education resources rationally弘扬科学精神promote the scientific spirit弘扬主旋律highlight the themes of the times互联网站Internet website基本行为准则basic code of conduct基层自治组织grassroots self-governing organizations基础性工作groundwork积极防御的军事战略方针military strategic principle of active defense加大治本的力度devote greater efforts to tackling root causes加强法制宣传教育give more publicity to the legal system加强立法工作strengthen legislation加强文化法制建设build up a legal system concerning culture加强制度建设concentrate on institutional improvement驾驭市场经济的能力abilities of keeping the market economy well in hand坚持打防结合、预防为主combine punishment and prevention, with emphasis on the latter 坚持有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必纠see to it that there are laws to go by, the laws are observed and strictly enforced, and law-breakers are prosecuted坚持正确导向give correct guidance to the public坚决维护中央权威safeguard the authority of the Central Committee教育创新innovation in education教育改革reform of education结构合理、配置科学、程序严密、制约有效的权力运行机制mechanism for the exercise of power featuring reasonable structure, scientific distribution, rigorous procedures and effective restraint进行和平统一谈判hold negotiations on peaceful reunification进行理论思维和战略思维think on a theoretical plane and in a strategic perspective精简、统一、效能的原则principle of simplification, uniformity and efficiency决策的论证制和责任制verification system and responsibility system in making policy decisions决策机关decision-making organs军事法规体系system of military rules and regulations军政军民团结solidarity between the army and the government and between the army and the people开展对话conduct dialogue科技练兵science- and technology-related military training科技强军build a strong army through science and technology跨越式发展leapfrog development扩大公民有序的政治参与expand citizens’ participation in political affairs in an orderly way 老少边穷地区old revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, remote areas, and impoverished areas立党为公、执政为民the Party is built for the public and it exercises state power for the people领导干部述职述廉制度system under which leading cadres report on their work and their efforts to perform their duties honestly面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的,民族的科学的大众的社会主义文化national, scientific and popular socialist culture geared to the needs of modernization, of the world and of the future民主管理制度democratic management system民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合的制度democratic centralism is a system that integrates centralism on the basis of democracy with democracy under centralized guidance民主监督democratic supervision民族精神national spirit切身利益immediate interests勤俭建军build the army through diligence and thrift求真务实、开拓进取的精神truth-seeking and pioneering spirit趋利避害draw on the advantages and avoid disadvantages全民健身运动nationwide fitness campaign权责明确、相互配合、相互制约、高效运行的司法体制judicial system featuring clearly specified powers and responsibilities, mutual coordination and restraint and highly efficient operation群众性精神文明创建活动popular participation in building spiritual civilization人才合理流动rational flow of trained people人财物管理体制management system of human, financial and material resources人事分类管理制度system of classified management of cadres and personnel“三个代表”重要思想the important thought of Three Represents三军一体、军民兼容、平战结合的联勤保障体制integrated logistic support system for the three armed services, for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime社会公示制度a system of keeping the public informed社会力量办学nongovernmental sectors run schools社会听证制度a system of public hearings社会治安综合治理take comprehensive measures to maintain law and order社会中介组织intermediaries社会主义民主政治socialist democracy社情民意反映制度a system of reporting social conditions and public opinion深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力go deep among the people and get to know how they are faring, reflect their will, pool their wisdom and value their resources师德(teachers’) professional ethics实现公平和正义guarantee fairness and justice实现机构和编制的法定化delimit the structures and sizes statutorily实现社会主义民主政治的制度化、规范化和程序化ensure that socialist democracy is institutionalized and standardized and has its procedures实行民主监督exercise democratic supervision世界是丰富多彩的Ours is a colorful world事业单位管理体制management system of institutions树立互信、互利、平等和协作的新安全观foster a new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观foster correct world outlook, views on life and values 司法机关judicial organs司法审判和检察同司法行政事务相分离separate judicial adjudication and procuratorial work from administrative affairs司法体制改革reform of the judicial system思想道德体系ideological and ethical system思想政治建设ideological and political development素质教育quality-oriented education提倡多样化encourage diversity提高党的领导水平和执政水平enhance the Party’s art of leadership and governance提高科学判断形势的能力improve one’s ability of sizing up the situation in a scientific way 提高立法质量improve the quality of legislation提高全民法律素质people are better educated in law提高全民健康水平improve the physique of the entire people提高执法水平raise the level of law enforcement提高总揽全局的能力enhance one’s ability of commanding the whole situation团结就是力量solidarity means strength团结就是胜利solidarity means victory推进决策科学化民主化put decision-making on a more scientific and democratic basis完善城市居民自治improve self-governance among urban residents完善村民自治improve self-governance among villagers完善干部职务和职级相结合的制度improve the system of giving cadres both positions and ranks完善公开办事制度improve the system of keeping the public informed of matters being handled维护法制的统一和尊严safeguard the uniformity and sanctity of the legal system维护国家统一、民族团结safeguard national unity and ethnic solidarity维护司法公正safeguard judicial justice围绕中心、服务大局focus on the central task and serve the overall interests伪科学pseudo-science文化产业cultural industry文化产业政策policies toward the cultural industry文化创新cultural innovation文化公益事业public cultural undertakings文化建设cultural development文化市场体系system of markets for cultural products文化事业cultural undertakings文化体制改革cultural restructuring文化与经济和政治相互交融culture is interactive with economic and political activities。
时事政治术语词汇中英文对照civil partnership:民事伴侣关系witness:证人deploy:部署hard line:强硬路线lash out:严厉斥责clinical trial:临床试验abstention:弃权stoppage:中止;中断vaccinate:接种疫苗detonate:引爆;爆炸mascot:吉祥物cull:扑杀field work:实地考察riot:骚乱;暴动derail:脱轨;出轨stampede:蜂拥;踩踏stamp out:扑灭runoff:决定性竞选adjournment:延期;休会trilogy:三部曲touch down:着陆;落地Low profile:低调的形象cold front:冷锋blast off:发射;升空launch pad:发射台relief:救济;救济品aftershock:余震mire:陷入困境mastermind:策划felony:重罪hearing:听证会bear down on:逼近power-for-money deal:权钱交易exit poll:投票后民调standoff:僵局theme park:主题公园hunt down:追捕直至抓获tenure:任期bustling:熙熙攘攘的overshadow:投上阴影hands-on:亲自参与deplore:深表遗憾hordes of:成群的death toll:死亡人数sexual harassment:性骚扰constitution:宪法deliberate on:审议martyr:烈士;殉难者military exercises:军事演习clamp down on:施压于;压制Fatality:死亡;宿命Cruise missile:巡航导弹Whopping:巨大的Reconnaissance:侦察,踏勘Touch down:着陆,降落Smother:使熄灭,使窒息Haze:薄雾Remand:还押,押候Submarine:潜艇Sticking point:症结Protracted:延长的Bloodthirsty:残忍的Amphibious assault vehicle:水陆两用装甲车Surveillance:监视,监督Recess:休会;暂时中断Jetliner:喷气式客机Downpour:倾盆大雨Half brother:异父或异母兄弟Desolate:荒凉的,无人烟的Compare notes:交换意见Drought:旱灾;干旱季节Erode:腐蚀;使减少、减弱Defending champion:卫冕冠军Hunger strike:绝食抗议Disaffected:不忠的,不满的Seal off:封锁,阻隔Strand:使陷于困境Tribunal:特等法庭Sabotage:蓄意破坏Devout:虔敬的,诚恳的Operation:军事行动Shucks:歉意,失望Hand out:分发,施舍Rear-end:追尾Shed light on:使某事清楚Overrun:蹂躏,侵占Barbed:有刺的Margin of error:误差幅度Disarmament:裁军,解除武装Head for:动身,前往Double-decker:双层巴士Outskirts:市郊,郊外Edge out:微微胜过Anonymity:匿名,无名Blistering:酷热的Envoy:外交使节,特使Launch window:发射时限Upbeat:乐观的,愉快的Disrespectful:失礼的,无礼的Aggression:侵略;挑衅美国政治术语全记录之英汉对照(A-G)academic freedom:(学术自由) affirmative action:(弱族辅助行动) AFL-CIO:Abbreviation for the American Federation of Labor–Congress of Industrial Organizations, (美国联邦工会)Alaskan pipeline:(阿拉斯加石油运输管道)alderman:(AWL-duhr-muhn) A member of a city council. 市政代表American Civil Liberties Union:美国民权自由同盟.American Dream:美国梦American Legion:美国老兵会antitrust legislation:反托拉斯立法apportionment:议会席位分配appropriation:拨款arbitration:仲裁Atomic Energy Commission:原子能委员会attorney general of the United States:美国司法部长block grant: 一种联邦对各州的拨款blue laws:蓝色法令,通常是限制酒吧及酒类在星期天营业或销售的法令. branches of government:政府各部门broad construction:广义解释(指对宪法) busing:公车接送学生.(反种族歧视的手段之一)cabinet:内阁, 包括14个联邦政府部长campaign finance reform:竞选资助改革capital offense:死罪, 包括谋杀和叛国罪等可能被判死刑的犯罪capital punishment:死刑Capitol Hill:国会山caucus:(KAW-kuhs) 美国的党代会Central Intelligence Agency:中央情报局checks and balances:(权力)制衡civil liberties:民事自由civil rights:民事权利clear and present danger:显而易见的危险(一种限制言论自由的标准.) closed primary:闭锁式初选,排他性预选cloture:(KLOH-chuhr) 以表决结束辩论coattail effect:裙带关系影响commander in chief:全军统帅(指战争状态的总统)confirmation hearings:确认听证Congress:国会Congressional Record:国会记录. conscientious objector:拒服兵役者Constitution, United States:美国宪法. containment, policy of:牵制外交政策contempt of Congress:藐视国会contempt of court:藐视法庭court of appeals:上诉法院cruel and unusual punishment:异常酷刑dark horse:黑马de facto segregation:种族隔离defendant:The party that is being sued in court. (Compare plaintiff.)Democrat:民主党员.Department of Agriculture:农业部Department of Commerce:商业部Department of Defense:国防部, 总部设在Pentagon.(五角大楼) Department of Education:教育部Department of Energy:能源部Department of Health and Human Services:健康及公共事业部Department of Housing and Urban Development:住宅及城市发展部Department of Justice:司法部Department of Labor:劳动部Department of State:国务院,(与中国不同,该相当于外交部,首脑叫国务卿(secretary of state.)Department of the Interior:内务部Department of the Treasury:财政部Department of Transportation:交通部Department of Veterans Affairs:退役军人事务部direct primary:一种选举程序,中国无对应的名词,遂附英语原注释An election in which voters choose candidates to run on a party’s ticket in a subsequent election for public office. district attorney:地区检控官(律师) dollar diplomacy:美元外交domino theory:多米诺理论(指对一个主要的共产党国家失去控制将导致区域性共产主义运动.donkey:驴,民主党的徽记double jeopardy:双重处罚,指在统一管辖范围对统一犯罪审判两次.该属宪法禁止的.draft:抓壮丁式的征兵draft dodger:逃壮丁者Drug Enforcement Administration:毒品管理署due process of law:正当审判原则, 指公民未经正当合法的司法程序不得被剥夺生命,自由和财产.E pluribus unum:众多中的一个.(拉丁语美国格言,印在美国货币上)Eastern Establishment:东部权势集团Electoral College:选民代表(选民选出的再投票代表们)elephant:象(共和党党徽) entitlements:联邦资助项目(复) Environmental Protection Agency:环保署Equal Employment Opportunity Commission:平等就业机会委员会equal opportunity:机会平等(教育,就业,人权等方面)equal protection of the laws:法律面前人人平等Equal Rights Amendment:平权修正案equal time:指政党代表在电视,电台辩论发言时间均等ex post facto:溯及既往ex post facto law:溯及既往的法律 (为宪法所禁止)executive branch:执行部门farm bloc:国会里的农业集团favorite son:最佳候选人Federal Bureau of Investigation:联邦调查局federalism:联邦制fellow traveler:同党felony:重罪Fifth Amendment:第五修正俺filibuster:为阻挠议事而进行的冗长发言First Amendment:第一修正案Foggy Bottom:雾底(美国国务院的昵称,取自原座落地名)Foreign Relations Committee:对外关系委员会Foreign Service:住外事务处,(外交使团的总称)Fourteenth Amendment:十四修正案. franchise:政治上指投票权freedom of assembly:集会自由freedom of association:结社自由freedom of religion:宗教自由. freedom of speech:言论自由. freedom of the press:新闻自由friend of the court:指法庭顾问gay rights:同性恋权利.gender gap:性别隔阂.指男女之间日见明显的投票倾向的差异gerrymander:指执政党为保持选举优势采取的重划选区以削弱反对党选民范围的方法.Good Neighbor policy:罗斯福对拉丁美洲的好邻居政策GOP:Abbreviation of Grand Old Party, 大老党,共和党的别称grand jury:大陪审团guilt by association:连坐gunboat diplomacy:炮舰外交habeas corpus:人身保护hawks and doves:鹰派与鸽派hearsay:传闻homicide:他杀(有合法非法之分) House of Representatives:众议院hung jury:未作出裁决的陪审团政治用语英汉翻译马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、江泽民“三个代表”重要思想Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiao-ping Theory, Jiang Zemin “Three Represent’s”important Thought新民主主义革命new-democratic revolution民族独立和人民解放national independence and the liberation of the people经济体制改革和政治体制改革reforms in the economic and political structure 社会主义制度socialist system社会变革social transformation建设有中国特色的社会主义事业the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics中华民族的伟大复兴the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation党在社会主义初级阶段的基本理论、基本路线、基本纲领the basic theory, line and program of our Party in theprimary stage of socialism改革开放政策the policies of reform and opening to the outside中国共产党十一届三中全会The Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China马克思主义政党Marxist political Party 党的第一(第二、第三)代中央领导集体the collective leadership of the Party Central Committee of the first (second\third)generation人民民主专政the people’s democratic dictatorship国民经济体系national economic system综合国力aggregate national strength 国内生产总值the annual gross domestic product(GDP)独立自主的和平外交政策an independent foreign policy of peace 马克思主义基本原理同中国具体实际相结合the fundamental principles of Marxism with the specific situation in China加强和改进党的建设,不断增强党的创造力、凝聚力和战斗力,永葆党的生机与活力strengthen and improve Party building, continuously enhance the creativity, rallying power and combat capability of the Party, and always maintain its vigor and vitality“三个代表”就是必须代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益,是我们党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源,是我们党始终站在时代前列,保持先进性的根本体现和根本要求。
众所周知,英语的各种变体被划分为内圈英语(the inner circle English)如:美国英语、加拿大英语、澳大利亚英语等;外圈英语(the outer circleEnglish)如:菲律宾英语、印度英语、马来西亚英语等,以及扩展圈英语(the expanding circle English)如:日本英语、埃及英语、中国英语。
2023小学教资综合素质备考笔记1. 教育学基础知识:- 教育学的发展历程、基本原理。
- 儿童发展理论、学习理论。
- 教学设计与评价原则。
- 教育评价方法与技巧。
2. 知识技能:- 熟悉小学阶段各学科的教学内容、课程标准和教学要求。
- 熟练掌握小学幼儿教学方法和手段,例如游戏、故事、教学课件等。
- 掌握小学教学管理、组织和教学评价等基本技能。
3. 专业素养:- 认真学习小学教育相关业务知识和法律法规,注重教育职业道德和教育质量。
- 善于思考和探究,能够不断更新自己教学理念和方法。
- 具备团队合作能力,善于与学生、家长、同事和上级沟通协调。
4. 时事政治:- 关注时政热点、国家发展战略和社会变革趋势,了解与教育发展相关的政策、法律法规;- 具备良好的思想政治素养,强化国家意识、社会责任感和民族精神。
5. 文化素养:- 具备宽广的文化视野和广博的文化知识,能够参与教材的编写和修订。
- 鉴赏和理解各种文艺形式和文化传统,能够引导学生进行文化体验和传承。
6. 创新创业素养:- 关注教育领域的创新和创业,能够经营小学校园文化建设,促进学校教育品牌的形成。
- 具备较好的信息素养、科技应用能力和创新意识,了解并掌握当前新型教育技术的最新应用。
7. 英语基础素养:- 具备良好的英文阅读、听力、口语和写作能力。
- 掌握数字英语应用技术,熟悉英文科技文献检索及翻译。
8. 思维能力:- 具备批判性思维、创造性思维、解决问题的能力和团队协作能力。
- 熟练掌握思维导图和思维方式等工具和方法,运用它们对所学知识和问题进行思考和探究。
校园英语 / 翻译探究A blind man on a blind horse—rushing head long to disaster 盲人瞎马;You can’t make your horse work without feeding her. 又要马儿跑,又要马儿不吃草:Present Buddha with flower given by another—make a gift of something given by another 借花献佛;Climb a tree to catch fish—a fruitless approach缘木求鱼。
如“东效施颦”如果只是译为:Dongshi imitates Xishi,就会使西方读者无法了解其所蕴涵的文化意义,东施是谁?西施又是什么样子?因此译为Dongshi an ugly woman, knitting in imitation of the famous beauty Xishi, only to make herself uglier.就使读者一目了然。
又如中国的谚语:一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝,可译为:One monk, two buckets; two monks, one bucket; three monks , no bucket, no water—more hands, less work.采用这种方法,有利于读者了解原文所蕴涵的文化意义。
the Outlook of Scientific Development 2.倡导公正、合理的新秩序观
call for the establishment of a new just and equitable order
• 原译:…lies in its reunification with the mainland.
• 这里主要指台湾与大陆的统一,因为香港和澳门已经回 归,主要是解决台湾问题。乍看起来这个译文也是可以 的,英文也比较标准。但从深层考虑,祖国统一应包括 大陆、港、澳、台等,不仅仅指台湾与大陆,因此从政 治角度看不妥。
• I. 首先是理解原文要准确,这是翻译的基础和前提。
• 从事政治翻译,对有政治含义的词句,特别是涉及到大 政方针、领土、主权的问题,要多从政治方面进行深入 解读并掌握好分寸。例如:
• (1)台湾前途系于祖国统一
• The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland.
(一)吃透原文的精神,摆脱中文句型的束缚,重原文内涵,按照英 语规律和习惯,利用加字、减字、转换词类等技巧,甚至调整全句 结构,使译文通顺流畅。例如:
”live up to the mission assigned to them and the full trust placed on them
b. Income distribution has yet to be rationalized.
“关系”一词没有实质意义,因此译文b就将它减去,使句子干净 利落。
2312020年31期总第523期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS英汉文化差异下的热词翻译研究文/李俊叶 孙 靓件、重要会议和国家规范的用语。
例如,央视新闻微博话题提出的“14亿护旗手”译为:“1.4 billion guardians of the nationalflag”。
例如:新型基础设施建设简称为“新基建”,译为“reserve for new construction”;“科创板”译为“Sci-Tech innovation board(STAR Market)”;“夜经济”译为“nighttime economy”;“网红经济”译为“WanghongEconomy”。
Selections of Ancient Poems
Analytical Application of Ancient Literary Works
Ancient Chinese
Managerial Communication
Computer Network
Foundations of Computer Application
Computer Application Technology
Computer Language
Computer Application
National Economic Accounting
Analysis of Foreign Statistical Data
State—owned Property Management
Introduction to Aviation
Accounting Theory
Accounting and Auditing Practices
History of Accounting
Design of Accounting System
苏州高一入学考试试卷一、语文(共100分)(一)文言文阅读(20分)阅读以下文言文段落,回答下列问题:1. 解释文中划线词语的含义。
(5分)2. 翻译文中的划线句子。
(5分)3. 概括文中主要人物的特点。
(5分)4. 分析文中所表达的主旨。
(5分)(二)现代文阅读(30分)阅读以下现代文段落,回答下列问题:1. 概括文章的主要内容。
(5分)2. 分析作者的写作手法。
(5分)3. 评价文中的主要观点。
(5分)4. 根据文章内容,提出自己的见解。
(15分)(三)作文(50分)题目:《我眼中的苏州》要求:1. 以第一人称的角度写作,表达对苏州这座城市的感受和认识。
2. 字数不少于800字。
3. 内容健康,积极向上,语言流畅,结构清晰。
三、英语(共100分)(一)听力(20分)1. 对话理解(10分)2. 短文理解(10分)(二)阅读理解(30分)1. 选择题(15分)2. 信息匹配题(5分)3. 简答题(10分)(三)完形填空(20分)(四)语法填空(10分)(五)翻译(20分)1. 中译英(10分)2. 英译中(10分)四、科学(共100分,物理、化学、生物各占33.33分)(一)物理部分1. 选择题(10分)2. 填空题(10分)3. 计算题(13.33分)(二)化学部分1. 选择题(10分)2. 填空题(10分)3. 实验题(13.33分)(三)生物部分1. 选择题(10分)2. 填空题(10分)3. 简答题(13.33分)五、综合能力测试(共50分)1. 逻辑推理题(10分)2. 时事政治题(10分)3. 社会热点分析题(20分)4. 创新思维题(10分)六、附加题(10分,可选做)1. 请根据所学知识,提出一个你认为可以解决当前社会问题的新方案。
高级语言程序设计Advanced Language Programme Design工程造价管理Project Pricing Management工业行业技术评估概论Introduction to Industrial Technical Evaluation 公共关系Public Relations公关礼仪Etiquette for Public Relations管理沟通Managerial Communication国际关系与政治International Relationship and Politics国际技术贸易International Technology Trade机械制图Mechanical Drawing计算机科学Computer Science技术创新Technological Innovation技术经济Technological Economics价格学Pricing建筑项目预算Constructive Project Budgeting金融管理软件Financial Management Software经济文献检索Economic Document Searching经济文写作Economic Article Writing经贸科研论文与写作Research Project on Economics & Trade伦理学Ethics逻辑学Logic社会保障Social Security社会调查Social Survey社会学Sociology世界经济概论Introduction to World Economy世界经贸地理World Geography for Economics and Trade世界市场行情World Market Survey世界政治经济与国际关系World Politics, Economy and International Relations 数据结构Database Structure数据库管理Database Management数据库及其应用Database and Applications数据模型与决策Digital Models and Decision-making外国经济地理Economic Geography of Foreign Countries外国经济史History of Foreign Economies外贸函电Business Correspondence for Foreign Trade外贸口语Oral English for Foreign Trade外贸实务Foreign Trade Practices物流运输计划管理Logistics Planning & management系统工程System Engineering现代国际政治与经济Contemporary International Politics and Economics信息分析Information Analysis信息技术与新组织Information Technology and New Organisations形式逻辑Formal Logic英语经贸文章选读Selected English Readings of Economic and Trade Literature营销管理Marketing Management营运管理Operation Management运筹学Operations Research战略管理Strategic Management职业道德伦理Professional Ethics中国对外经贸政策与投资环境Chinese Foreign Trade Policy and Investment Environment中国对外贸易史History of Chinese Foreign Trade中国外贸概论Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade资刊选读Selected Reading from Foreign Magazines组织行为学Organisational Behaviour大学课程英文名称(做英文成绩单有用)Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics 高等计算流体力学Advanced Mathematics 高等数学Advanced Numerical Analysis 高等数值分析Algorithmic Language 算法语言Analogical Electronics 模拟电子电路Artificial Intelligence Programming 人工智能程序设计Audit 审计学Automatic Control System 自动控制系统Automatic Control Theory 自动控制理论Auto-Measurement Technique 自动检测技术Basis of Software Technique 软件技术基础Calculus 微积分Catalysis Principles 催化原理Chemical Engineering Document Retrieval 化工文献检索Circuitry 电子线路College English 大学英语College English Test (Band 4) CET-4College English Test (Band 6) CET-6College Physics 大学物理Communication Fundamentals 通信原理Comparative Economics 比较经济学Complex Analysis 复变函数论Computational Method 计算方法Computer Graphics 图形学原理Computer Interface Technology 计算机接口技术Contract Law 合同法Cost Accounting 成本会计Circuit Measurement Technology 电路测试技术Database Principles 数据库原理Design & Analysis System 系统分析与设计Developmental Economics 发展经济学Digital Electronics 数字电子电路Digital Image Processing 数字图像处理Digital Signal Processing 数字信号处理Econometrics 经济计量学Economical Efficiency Analysis for Chemical Technology 化工技术经济分析Economy of Capitalism 资本主义经济Electromagnetic Fields & Magnetic Waves 电磁场与电磁波Electrical Engineering Practice 电工实习Enterprise Accounting 企业会计学Equations of Mathematical Physics 数理方程Experiment of College Physics 物理实验Experiment of Microcomputer 微机实验Experiment in Electronic Circuitry 电子线路实验Fiber Optical Communication System 光纤通讯系统Finance 财政学Financial Accounting 财务会计Fine Arts 美术Functions of a Complex Variable 单复变函数Functions of Complex Variables 复变函数Functions of Complex Variables & Integral Transformations 复变函数与积分变换Fundamentals of Law 法律基础Fuzzy Mathematics 模糊数学General Physics 普通物理Graduation Project(Thesis) 毕业设计(论文)Graph theory 图论Heat Transfer Theory 传热学History of Chinese Revolution 中国革命史Industrial Economics 工业经济学Information Searches 情报检索Integral Transformation 积分变换Intelligent robot(s); Intelligence robot 智能机器人International Business Administration 国际企业管理International Clearance 国际结算International Finance 国际金融International Relation 国际关系International Trade 国际贸易Introduction to Chinese Tradition 中国传统文化Introduction to Modern Science & Technology 当代科技概论Introduction to Reliability Technology 可靠性技术导论Java Language Programming Java 程序设计Lab of General Physics 普通物理实验Linear Algebra 线性代数Management Accounting 管理会计学Management Information System 管理信息系统Mechanic Design 机械设计Mechanical Graphing 机械制图Merchandise Advertisement 商品广告学Metalworking Practice 金工实习Microcomputer Control Technology 微机控制技术Microeconomics & Macroeconomics 西方经济学Microwave Technique 微波技术Military Theory 军事理论Modern Communication System 现代通信系统Modern Enterprise System 现代企业制度Monetary Banking 货币银行学Motor Elements and Power Supply 电机电器与供电Moving Communication 移动通讯Music 音乐Network Technology 网络技术Numeric Calculation 数值计算Oil Application and Addition Agent 油品应用及添加剂Operation & Control of National Economy 国民经济运行与调控Operational Research 运筹学Optimum Control 最优控制Petroleum Chemistry 石油化学Petroleum Engineering Technique 石油化工工艺学Philosophy 哲学Physical Education 体育Political Economics 政治经济学Primary Circuit (反应堆)一回路Principle of Communication 通讯原理Principle of Marxism 马克思主义原理Principle of Mechanics 机械原理Principle of Microcomputer 微机原理Principle of Sensing Device 传感器原理Principle of Single Chip Computer 单片机原理Principles of Management 管理学原理Probability Theory & Stochastic Process 概率论与随机过程Procedure Control 过程控制Programming with Pascal Language Pascal语言编程Programming with C Language C语言编程Property Evaluation 工业资产评估Public Relation 公共关系学Pulse & Numerical Circuitry 脉冲与数字电路Refinery Heat Transfer Equipment 炼厂传热设备Satellite Communications 卫星通信Semiconductor Converting Technology 半导体变流技术Set Theory 集合论Signal & Linear System 信号与线性系统Social Research 社会调查SPC Exchange Fundamentals 程控交换原理Specialty English 专业英语Statistics 统计学Stock Investment 证券投资学Strategic Management for Industrial Enterprises 工业企业战略管理Technological Economics 技术经济学Television Operation 电视原理Theory of Circuitry 电路理论Turbulent Flow Simulation and Application 湍流模拟及其应用Visual C++ Programming Visual C++程序设计Windows NT Operating System Principles Windows NT操作系统原理Word Processing 数据处理姓名NAME性别SEX入学时间1ST TERM ENROLLED IN系别DEPARTMENT专业SPECIALITY毕业时间GRADUATION DA TE19XX-19YY学年度第一/二学期1st/2nd TERM. 19XX-19YY课程名称COURSE TITLE学分CREDIT成绩GRADE高等数学Advanced Mathematics工程数学Engineering Mathematics中国革命史History of Chinese Revolutionary程序设计Programming Design机械制图Mechanical Drawing社会学Sociology体育Physical Education物理实验Physical Experiments电路Circuit物理Physics哲学Philosophy法律基础Basis of Law理论力学Theoretical Mechanics材料力学Material Mechanics电机学Electrical Machinery政治经济学Political Economy自动控制理论Automatic Control Theory模拟电子技术基础Basis of Analogue Electronic Technique 数字电子技术Digital Electrical Technique电磁场Electromagnetic Field微机原理Principle of Microcomputer企业管理Business Management专业英语Specialized English可编程序控制技术Controlling Technique for Programming 金工实习Metal Working Practice毕业实习Graduation Practice。
时事政治词汇国内时事Domestic Affairs中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会17th National Congress of Communist Party of China (17th NCCPC)中央政治局Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC中央纪律检查委员会Central Commission for Discipline Inspection中共中央委员会CPC Central Committee全国人民代表大会(简称全国人大) National People’s Congress (NPC)九届全国人大四次会议the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress全国人大代表deputy to the National People’s Congress全国人民代表大会主席团the NPC Presidium全国人民代表大会常务委员会the NPC Standing Committee全国人民代表大会常务委员会办公厅the general offices of the NPC Standing Committee中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会(简称全国政协) National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)中国政协委员member of the National Committee of CPPCC最高人民法院Supreme People’s Court最高人民法院院长President of the Supreme People’s Court最高人民检察院Supreme People’s Procuratorate最高人民检察院检察长Procurator-General国务院State Council外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs国防部Ministry of National Defense国家发展计划委员会State Development Planning Commission国家经济贸易委员会State Economic and Trade Commission教育部Ministry of Education科学技术部Ministry of Science and Technology国防科学技术工业委员会Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense国家民族事务委员会State Ethnic Affairs Commission公安部Ministry of Public Security安全部Ministry of State Security监察部Ministry of Supervision民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs司法部Ministry of Justice财政部Ministry of Finance人事部Ministry of Personnel劳动和社会保障部Ministry of Labor and Social Security国土资源部Ministry of Land and Natural Resources建设部Ministry of Construction铁道部Ministry of Railways交通部Ministry of Communications信息产业部Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications水利部Ministry of Water Resources农业部Ministry of Agriculture对外贸易经济合作部Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Co-operation文化部Ministry of Culture卫生部Ministry of Health国家计划生育委员会State Family Planning Commission中国人民银行People’s Bank of China审计署Auditing Administration中共中央总书记General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee政治局常委Member, Standing Committee of Political Bureau, the CPC Central Committee 政治局委员Member, Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee书记处书记Member, secretariat of the CPC Central Committee中央委员Member, Central Committee候补委员Alternate Member省委/市委书记Secretary,…Provincial/Municipal Committee of the CPC党组书记secretary, Party Leadership Group中华人民共和国主席/副主席President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China全国人大委员长/副委员长Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress秘书长Secretary-General主任委员Chairman委员Member(地方人大)主任Chairman, Local People’s Congress人大代表Deputy to the People’s Congress国务院总理Premier, State Council副总理Vice Premier国务委员State Councilor秘书长Secretary-General(国务院各委员会)主任Minister in Charge of Commission for(国务院各部)部长Minister部长助理Assistant Minister司长Director局长Director省长Governor常务副省长Executive Vice Governor自治区人民政府主席Chairman, Autonomous Regional People’s Government地区专员Commissioner, prefecture香港特别行政区行政长官Chief Executive, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region市长/副市长Mayor/Vice Mayor区长Chief Executive, District Government县长Chief Executive, County Government乡镇长Chief Executive, Township Government秘书长Secretary-General办公厅主任Director, General Office(部委办)主任Director处长/副处长Division Chief/Deputy Division Chief科长/股长Section Chief科员Clerk/Officer有中国特色的社会主义民主政治socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics邓小平理论Deng Xiaoping Theory三个代表three represents theory (the Party must always represent the requirements of the development of China’s advanced productive forces, the orientation of the development of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people in China.)高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻“三个代表”重要思想hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out the important thoughts of "Three Represents"坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time. 两大历史性课题(提高党的执政能力和领导水平、提高拒腐防变和抵御风险能力)the two major historic subjects of enhancing the abilities of administration and art of leadership and resisting corruption, guarding against degeneration and warding off risks.全面推进党的建设的新的伟大工程forge ahead with the new great project of Party building三讲教育:讲学习,讲政治,讲正气three emphases education (to stress theoretical study, political awareness and good conduct)新闻发布会news conference政府工作报告government’s work report国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOE)人均国内生产总值per-capita gross domestic product (GDP)国民生产总值gross national product (GNP)经济房low-cost housing西部大开发the strategy of developing the western region西部大开发战略develop-the-west strategy扩大住房贷款,助学贷款和大件消费品贷款expand housing loans, student loans and major commodity loans弱势群体disadvantaged groups (对弱势群体给予特殊的就业援助。
【译文】The socialist outlook on honor and shame (the “eight honor and eight shame”outlook):The cadres and masses,especially our young people,should be educated in the socialist outlook on honor and shame,which advocateshonor to those who love the motherland,andshame on those who do harm to her;honor to those who serve the people,andshame on those who are divorced from them;honor to those who quest for science,andshame on those who prefer to be ignorant;honor to those who are hard-working,andshame on those who detest having to work;honor to those who unite and help people,andshame on those who gain at the expense of others;honor to those who are honest and trustworthy,andshame on those who forsake good for the sake of gold;honor to those who are disciplined and law-abiding,andshame on those who violate laws and disciplines; andhonor to those who uphold hard struggle,andshame on those who indulge in a dissipated life.在翻译的过程中,除了前面提到的“站在一定的高度”这个“高度”之外,根据我的“立体思维”方式,我还把握住了另外几个“度”,即:理解原文的深度,英语表达的力度,语言风格的雅度,和表现形式的美度。
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时事政治英语翻译 Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】中国梦C h i n a’s D r e a m;t h e C h i n e s e D r e a m 中国精神China’s Spirit; the Spirit of China; China’s character; China’s soul把权力关进制度的笼子keep power in the cage of systemic checks; Power should be placed under close oversight/checks.要给权力涂上防腐剂,套上紧箍咒。
Power should be covered with??and be kept in a straitjacket; Power should be insulated from corruption.喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子Getting things done is more important than shoutin g/yelling; Don’t just shout/yell. Roll up sleeves and get things done!鞋子合不合脚,自己穿着才知道。
Only the wearer knows whether his shoes fit.不能身体已进入21世纪,而脑袋还停留在过去。
One should not stick his head in the past when his body is already in the 21st Century.治大国如烹小鲜。
Governing a big country is as delicate as frying a small fish; A big country should be governed with the same care of frying a small fish.空谈误国,实干兴邦。
Empty talk is harmful to the nation, while doing practical work will make it thrive.保持战略定力maintain strategic focus/confidence/composure; keep to our strategic goals反腐败要老虎、苍蝇一起打。
In fighting corrupting, we should go after both tigers and flies,that is, both the high and low-ranking officials who have benefited from graft.敢于担当。
One should face up to his responsibility.打铁还需自身硬。
The iron must be of good quality to be hammered/struck into a tool.物必先腐,而后虫生。
Worms can only grow in something that is already.落后就要挨打,发展才能自强。
If you fall behind, you will be bullied. Only by developing yourself can you thrive.聚合推进改革的正能量build positive energy to promote reform中国共产党要容得下尖锐的批评。
The Communist Party of China should be open//responsive to sharp criticism.改革开放没有完成时,只有进行时。
Reform and opening up are not a mission accomplished. Rather, they are a dynamic/ongoing process.踏石留印,抓铁有痕。
Step onto the stone and you should leave your footprint on it; clutch a piece of iron and you should leave your handprint on it. This means one should take forceful steps and deliver tangible results.了解中国要切忌盲人摸象。
In learning about China, one should avoid making the mistake of the blind men who tried to learn about the elephant by feeling/touching it.领导者要有如履薄冰、如临深渊的自觉。
A leader/leading official should exercise his responsibility with utmost care/caution as if he were walking/treading on thin ice or standing on the edge of an abyss/cliff.丝毫不敢懈怠,丝毫不敢马虎。
We must not slacken our efforts or be negligent of duty in the slightest way.夙夜在公,勤勉工作。
We should fully dedicate ourselves to our work/duty/mission.我们要忠诚于宪法,忠实于人民。
We should abide by the Constitution and be loyal to the people.以民之所望为施政所向。
We should follow people’s wishes in exercising governance.把努力实现人民对未来生活的期盼作为神圣使命。
We will take it as our scared mission to realize people’s aspiration for a better life.不是说政府有错位的问题吗?那就是把错装在政府身上的手换成市场的手。
When/where the government takes on a misplaced role, we should return the hand misplace on the government to the market.这是削权,会很痛,甚至有割腕的感觉,但是我们要有壮士断腕的决心。
This means cutting one’s power, which is quite painful, like cutting one’s own arm. But we should have the resolve to do so. / But we are determined to make such sacrifice.打断骨头连着筋。
Bones may be broken, but they are still linked by sinews. The compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are siblings of the same family, and there is no knot between them that cannot be untied.冲击社会的道德和心理底线。
This will push through the society’s moral and psychological limit.己正才能正人。
Only when one is upright himself can he ask others to be upright.为官发财,应当两道。
Holding government/public office and making money should be kept separate. You cannot have it both ways.要让人民过上好日子,政府就要过紧日子。
To ensure that the people lead a good life, the government should tighten belt/practice frugality/practice austerity/practice economy first.改革进入了深水区,但再深的水我们也得蹚。
In pursuing reform, we have entered?/deep waters. But we must wade through these waters no matter how deep they are.现在触动利益往往比触及灵魂还难。
Taking away some of their vested interests is more difficult than challenging their way of thinking.我们要打造中国经济的升级版。
We need to upgrade Chi na’s economy.要形成一种倒逼机制,来硬化企业和政府的责任。
We should put in place an action forcing mechanism to make both businesses and the government live up to their responsibilities.行大道,民为本,利天下。
Follow the fundamental truth, work for public good/put people’s interests first and bring benefits to all the people。