

Kingdom of the Netherlands(荷兰)英文国家介绍

Kingdom of the Netherlands(荷兰)英文国家介绍

The Monarch
The monarch is the titular head of state. The Queen's function is largely ceremonial, but she does have some influence deriving from the traditional veneration of the House of Orange, from which Dutch monarchs for more than 3 centuries have descended. Her influence also derives from her personal qualities and her power to appoint the "formateur," who forms the Council of Ministers following elections
The Mills of Kinderdijk
Your photo album of your trip to Holland isn’t complete without a shot of the windmills at Kinderdijk. The nineteen mills were constructed around 1740 as part of a larger water management system which prevented floods.
Mark Rutte.(马克吕特)
Political Parties
Due to the multi-party system, no single party has held a majority in parliament since the 19th century , and coalition had to be formed .Since suffrage became universal in1919,the Dutch political system has been dominated by three families of political parties.



Dutch literature
17th Century Classics
The 17th century is considered the golden age of Dutch literature Writers like Joost van den Vondel and Gerbrand Adriaansz write plays, poetry, and other works that are still wide read today
Dutch cuisine
Dutch Fries (French Fries)
Originating in the Netherlands, these are thin, crisp strips of potato that are deep fried
Herring (Haring)
A popular Dutch dish made from salted and pickled herring
A men's traditional hat made of felt or wool, often with a decorative band
Traditional Dutch children's clothing, commonly made of cotton or linen, with prints or Embroidery
Deep fried or baked small meatballs, often preserved with Mustard
03 Dutch culture
Dutch art



Netherlands非常好的荷兰英文介绍Hello everybody, I am very glad to give you this presentation about Netherlands.The Netherlands is a constituent country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, located in North-West Europe. It is a parliamentary democratic constitutional monarchy. The Netherlands borders the North Sea to the north and west, Belgium to the south, and Germany to the east. The capital is Amsterdam and the seat of government is The Hague.The Netherlands in its entirety is often referred to as Holland, though North and South Holland are actually only two of its twelve provinces (see terminology of "the Netherlands"). The word Dutch is used to refer to the people, the language, and anything pertaining to the Netherlands. This lexical difference between the noun and the adjective is a peculiarity of the English language and does not exist in the Dutch language. The adjective 'Dutch' is derived from the language that was spoken in the area, called 'Diets', which equals Middle Dutch.Located on the Western Europe , The Netherlands is a geographically low-lying country, with about 20% of its area and 21% of its population located below sea level, with 50% of its land lying less than one meter above sea level.About Area, these are some statistics :total: 41,526 sq kmland: 33,883 sq kmwater: 7,643 sq kmslightly less than twice the size of New JerseyHere you see are some famous brands headquartered in Holland, such as Philips, Unilever, ABN-AMRO BANK(荷兰银行),ING(荷兰国际集团), Thomas National Transport(TNT快递), KPMG(毕马威会计师事务所), Heineken (喜力啤酒),and some other brands.Now, do you know the four treasures of Netherland ?荷兰四大国宝Let me tell you . they are windmill(风车), tulip(郁金香), cheese(奶酪) and klompen(木鞋)Here comes the WINDMILLA windmill is a machine that is powered by the energy of the wind. It is designed to convert the energy of the wind into more useful forms using rotating blades or sails. The term also refers to the structure it is commonly built on. In much of Europe, windmills served originally to grind grain, though later applications included pumping water and, more recently, generation of electricity. Recent electricity-generating versions are referred to as wind turbines.Holland is famous for its windmills, so no one will be surprised to learn that the world’s tallest windmills are to be found here. Windmills have always played a great part in the life of Holland and its inhabitants. While at first they served to grind corn, to remove excess water from the low-lying districts, and to saw timber, thus making the country fit for human habitation and adding to habitable area, they developed - especially in the seventeenth century - into a most important factor in the social structure of those days. It is with increasing interest that one learns about this.Although it can be said that windmills which can be compared with the Dutch windmills are to be found in other European countries as well (England, Belgium, France, Denmark, Germany, Finland), it has to be observed that their number isrelatively small there. It is only in Holland that so many windmills are present in so small an area. These windmills moreover are in very reasonable, many of them even in excellent, condition and a considerable number of them are working regularly. There are windmills of the most varied types: drainage mills, corn mills, and industrial mills for all sorts of purposes.Windmills form an important element in the Dutch landscape with its wide horizons, its glittering waters and big clouds floating overhead; without them we can hardly imagine this landscape, which is unique in the world.The wind blows where it lies, and though hearest the sound thereof, but cannot not tell where it comes, and where it goes: so is every one that is born of the Wind.. And love is just like the wind. We cant see it, but we can feel it. Maybe that is why windmill has become the spirit of HollandNext is the TULIP(郁金香)一,In 1593 tulips were brought from Turkey and introduced to the Dutch. The novelty of the new flower made it widely sought after and therefore fairly pricey. After a time, the tulips contracted a non-fatal virus known as mosaic, which didn't kill the tulip population but altered them causing "flames" of color to appear upon the petals. The color patterns came in a wide variety, increasing the rarity of an already unique flower. Thus, tulips, which were already selling at a premium, began to rise in price according to how their virus alterations were valued, or desired. Everyone began to deal in bulbs, essentially speculating on the tulip market, which was believed to have no limits.是土耳其人最先把他们著名的郁金香介绍给荷兰人,继而引发了英国和荷兰的郁金香热。

七年级地理荷兰 精美课件中图版

七年级地理荷兰 精美课件中图版
1929年股市大崩盘后证券交易 市场前聚集的人群
有些人真的会以为典型的荷兰人居住在风车里,脚 穿木鞋,吃着奶酪,时不时还得用手指堵一下堤坝, 以防郁金香花田被洪水淹没。如此画面当然完全超 乎现实,但却始终存 在,令人禁不住询问这些典 型化的形象究竟从何而来。事实上,整个这一套从 郁金香到风车再到木鞋的荷兰典型其实都是由荷兰 人自己创造出来的,也可以称得上是形象塑造的一 次成功案例,而且令荷兰人如今很难摆脱得掉。
阿纳姆(Arnhem) 市露天博物馆(Open Air Museum) 的工作人员Ad de Jong博士解释说: "这组典型形象从19世纪初就已存在,当时有许 多人从那些小村庄里收集各种民间文化,然后 再将它们带到全国性的展览上,这样一来便促 使地方上的文化变得国家化。随后又被带到国 际性的展会上,比如19世纪末在巴黎举行的大 型世界博览会,在那里你会看到民间文化作为 一个国家的形象展示在人们面前。"
呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2。自上而下由红、白、 蓝三个平行相等的横长方形相连而成。 蓝色表示国 家面临海洋,象征人民的幸福;白色象征自由、平 等、民主,还代表人民纯朴的性格特征;红色代表 革命胜利。
即奥伦治· 拿骚王室的王徽。 为斗篷式。顶端带王冠的斗篷 中有一盾徽,蓝色盾面上有一 只头戴三叶状王冠的狮子,一 爪握着银色罗马剑,一爪抓着 一捆箭,象征团结就是力量。 盾徽上面有一顶王冠,两侧各 有一只狮子,下边的蓝色饰带 上写着威廉大公的一句格言 “坚持不懈”。
荷兰仍在努力抵抗洪水侵袭,只是现在的方 式有了改变。光靠加固堤坝已经不够了,现 在的观点是要加宽河道。鹿特丹附近的诺德 瓦德(Noordwaard)圩田过几年将会重新 被水淹没。德莱赫特一家因此不得不离开他 们的农庄,这是他们第二次为荷兰的防洪大 计作出牺牲。

客源国——荷兰 ppt课件

客源国——荷兰 ppt课件

说荷兰不得不说的就是这里的风车, 这可是荷兰人最先发明的,最初的时 候是水利以及磨坊的运用,虽然说现 在已经被高科技所替代,但是仍然是 荷兰的标志。虽然荷兰建在土地上的 风车我们带不走,但是商店里的小型 风车模型我们可以买回家当作这次旅 游的纪念品。在荷兰有很多大小不同 的风车,最大的风车跟很多层的楼一 样高,单单风车的扇翼就有二十多米 。今天的荷兰一共有两千多架不同的 样子的风车,而且当地的居民都非常 的喜欢这些风车,也很喜欢打扮这些 风车。
荷兰宪法规定宗教信仰自由。对荷兰社会影响最大 的是罗马天主教和荷兰新教。荷兰是欧洲最世俗的 国家之一,大约有44%的人认为自己无宗教信仰, 另外约有28%的天主教徒和6%的新教徒,穆斯林 占4.4%。罗马天主教的势力集中于荷兰南部的林 堡省和北布拉邦特省; 而新教则在从西南的泽兰 省到东北的格罗宁根省的一条广阔地带势力最强。 新教曾经是荷兰最大的宗教,然而在过去的一个世 纪,新教教堂不断减少。伊斯兰教的发展始于清真 寺的兴建。荷兰还拥有一些印度教徒,主要是来自 前殖民地国家苏里南的移民
1. 荷兰简介
2.地理、人 文状况
3.荷兰风俗 文化
• 荷兰(The Kingdom of the Nether lands) 全称是荷兰王国,是位于欧 洲西北部的一个国家,国土总面积 为41864平方公里,濒临北海,与德 国、比利时接壤。该国以海堤、风 车和宽容的社会风气而闻名。首都 设在阿姆斯特丹,中央政府在海牙
在官场场合,荷兰人与客人会面时, 通常行握手礼。而在日常生活中,朋 友相见时,大多施拥抱礼。与亲密的 好友相见时,也有施吻礼(一般是亲 吻双颊),他们不喜欢交叉着握手, 认为这是不吉利的行为



想到荷兰,郁金香自然而然地浮现脑 海。17 世纪的荷兰人如痴如醉,把郁金 香热推向颠峰,而今更演变成为荷兰的代 名词。 荷兰人在花卉上的消费,每年每 人平均超过60美元,仅次于日本人;这低 地国的莱登到北部平原地带,孕育了全球 四分之三的芳香,每年为荷兰赚进大笔外 汇。在荷兰,花是生活的一部分。
郁金香(Flower of Common Tulip) 红色郁金香代表热烈的爱,意爱的宣 言、喜悦、热爱 黑色郁金香代表独特领袖权力.爱的表 白、荣誉的皇冠、永恒的祝福 ,神秘 ,高贵
荷兰以社会风气宽容开放著称。荷兰在对待麻醉 剂、性交易、同性婚姻和安乐死等问题上的开放政策 ,引起世人关注。在对待毒品、性交易和堕胎的法律 是全世界是最为自由化的。荷兰是全球第一个同性婚 姻与安乐死合法化的国家。有世界最大的红灯区阿姆 斯特丹红灯区。
legalisation of euthanasia
丽兹 库肯霍夫公园
The Kingdom of Netherlands

荷兰简史 特色
文化、经济、社会 风俗礼节
国色:橙色 气候:温带海洋性气候 国土面积:41864平方千米
荷兰国徽:即奥兰治· 拿骚王室的王徽。为斗篷式。顶 端带王冠的斗篷中有一盾徽,蓝色盾面上有一只头戴三叶 状王冠的狮子,一爪握着银色罗马剑,一爪抓着一捆箭, 象征团结就是力量。盾徽上面有一顶王冠,两侧各有一只 狮子,下边的蓝色饰带上写着威廉大公的一句格言“坚持 不懈”。



Do you want to know the custom of the Holland ?
The Holland, called the kingdom of the Netherlands, because of its most famous Dutch province .
Here is the Dutch
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2019year-end summary work summarizes the boutique PPT About the summary text input or copy here
This is This is the famous Dutch about Schans !
Attention !
T h e
e n d
Thank you Thank you 2016 !
Curabitur elementum posuere pretium. Quisque nibh dolor, dignissim ac dignissim ut, luctus ac urna. Aliquam aliquet non massa quis tincidunt.
The Netherlands is calling
The Netherlands is very beautiful , there are many interesting things there !
Can you answer these questions
Let‘s get together to Can you explore ! speak
Curabitur elementum posuere pretium. Quisque nibh dolor, dignissim ac dignissim ut, luctus ac urna. Aliquam aliquet non massa quis tincidunt.

英文介绍荷兰 PPT

英文介绍荷兰 PPT
Holland is a name in common usage given to two regions in the western part of the Netherlands.
The name 'Holland' is also often used to refer to the
White tulips are used to claim worthiness or to send a message of forgiveness.
Variegated tulips, once among the most popular varieties due to their striking color patterns, represent beautiful eyes
In other countries, the active days of commerce are over, the merchants come no more, and the streets and waterways are quiet. But all Dutch towns having any pretension to age possess, to a wonderful degree, what may be termed an old-world atmosphere.
1.Brief Introduction 2. Geography 3. Architecture 4. Four Treasures(WTCK) 5. Interesting Animal 6. Famous Brands
1.The Kingdom of the Netherlands



荷 兰 木 鞋
荷兰木鞋的制作原料为白杨,它具有不易 劈裂、不变形、不渗水、不沾泥、透气等特 点。人们在使用过程中不断发现木鞋的诸多 好处:脚穿坚硬的木鞋在淤泥地行走特别轻 巧利落,原料便宜,易制作,能防潮,好清 洗,且能起到劳动保护作用。农民们在鞋内 填进稻草等,即可御寒防冻,又舒适耐穿。 木鞋因此流传下来,荷兰的农民、渔民至今 仍有穿木鞋的习惯。
荷兰 (The Kingdom of the Netherlands ) 全称荷兰王国,位于欧洲西北部,国土总面 积41864平方千米,濒临北海,与德国、比 利时接壤。欧盟成员国之一,也是北约、联 合国、世界贸易组织等国际组织的成员。 首都:阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam)位于艾 瑟尔湖西南岸,是荷兰王国的首都,荷兰最 大的城市和第二大港口,人口约71万,被称 奶酪 木鞋

奶酪英文是“cheese”, 法国人唤它为“fromage” ,德国人称它为“kaese" ,意大利人称它为 “formaggio”,日本人称 它为“チーズ ”。

荷兰是真正的奶 酪王国,每年出 口奶酪40多万吨 的产量高居世界 第一,它的历史 可追溯到公元 400年。

木鞋是荷兰最具民族 特色的工艺品,是民 族风俗文化的缩影。 如今,荷兰木鞋的实 用价值大减,已少有 人穿了,倒是观光客 喜爱不已,成了必购 的纪念品。
这些年来,木鞋为荷兰创汇已 逾亿万美金,业已成为馈赠各 国元首、政要的珍品。今天, 荷兰木鞋的实用价值大减,已 少有人穿了。倒是观光客喜爱 不已,成了必购的纪念品,因 为木鞋的造型很可爱,整个样 子像一艘小船,可做装饰品, 还可以做花瓶。
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