

六年级下册数学试题-2017年湖南长沙长郡系小升初第五次招生数学试卷 人教新课标(2014秋)(无答案)

六年级下册数学试题-2017年湖南长沙长郡系小升初第五次招生数学试卷 人教新课标(2014秋)(无答案)

2017年长郡系小升初数学试卷(五)一、填空题(每小题2分,共20分)1、 由3个0和3个6组成的六位数,只读一个零的最大六位数是____________。

2、 将321化成小数后,小数点后第1980位上的数字是__________。

3、 两个数的最大公约数是8,最小公倍数是48,其中一个数是16,另一个数是_________。

4、 有一个6位数112AA4能被9整除,则A 等于________。

5、 找规律:12,0.4,37.5%,411,514,_____,______。

6、 一根5米长木棒锯成同样长的小段,7次锯完,其中的每段是全长____,每段长____米。

7、 一个等腰三角形的顶角是底角的14,这个三角形的顶角是_____。

两条边长分别是9cm 和4cm ,那么它的周长是______cm 。

8、 在浓度为10%,重量为80克的盐水中,加入_______克水就能得到浓度为8%的盐水。

9、 甲、乙、丙、丁四人共植树600棵,甲植树的棵树是其余三人的一半,乙植树的棵树是其余三人的三分之一,丙植树的棵树是其余三人的四分之一,丁植树________棵。

10、 兄弟三个,老大比老二年龄大25,老二比老三年龄大25,老大年龄是老三的______。


( )2、一个圆锥的底面半径扩大2倍,高缩小2倍,它的体积扩大2倍。

( )3、三个人3天吃3千克大米,按照这样计算,100个人100天吃100千克大米。

( )4、任意三角形中如果有两个内角和小于90°,那么这个三角形是钝角三角形。

( )5、甲乙两人速度比是5:3,他们各走一段路,所用时间的比是4:5,他们所走的那段路程的比是3:4。

( )三、选择题(每小题2分,共10分)1、两个不同质数相乘的积,一定是( )A 、偶数B 、质数C 、合数D 、无法确定2、计算62.5÷2.5时,把除数的小数点去掉,被除数不变,商是( )A 、扩大10倍B 、缩小10倍C 、不变3、把40克农药放入760克的水中,药占药水的( )A 、118B 、119C 、1204、一个正方形的边长增加20%,它的面积就增加( )A 、20%B 、25%C 、44%D 、40%5、甲、乙、丙三个数的平均数是19,甲、乙两数比是3:4,丙比甲少3,甲是( )A 、24B 、18C 、15四、计算(每小题3分,共18分)1、解方程25x +0.2=1825*512:312=67:x2、能简算的要简算(1)204+584∗19911992∗584−380-1143(2)11∗3+13∗5+15∗7+……+117∗19+119∗21(3)7 79-2817+(229−1917) (4)(116+134)÷212*(315−2320)五、解决问题1、如图,是一个长方形铁皮,利用图中的阴影部分,刚好能做成一个油桶,(接头处忽略不计),求这个油桶的容积。

六年级下册数学试题-2017年湖南长沙一中系小升初第二次招生数学试卷 人教新课标(2014秋)(无答案)

六年级下册数学试题-2017年湖南长沙一中系小升初第二次招生数学试卷 人教新课标(2014秋)(无答案)

2017年一中系小升初数学试卷(二)时间:100分钟总分:120分一.填空题1.8吨420千克= 吨 4小时26分钟= 小时2.在下图中,每次框出连续4个自然数,共可得到个不同的和。





当容器底 面的一边紧贴桌面倾斜如图时,容器内的水刚好不溢出,容器内的水有 升。

7.甲走的路程比乙走的路程多,乙用的时间比甲多,那么甲、乙的速度比是 。

二.选择题 8.如果A 是B 的12倍,下列关系式正确的是( )。

A 、A X 12=B B 、B ÷A=12C 、A ÷12=B 9.下列各数中与9000最接近的数是( )。

A 、8990B 、 0.91万C 、9999D 、0.89万 10.被减数、减数与差,这三个数的和是124,那么被减数是( )。

3141A、124B、62C、4511.小明从A地到B地的平均速度是3米/秒,然后从b地原路返回,平均速度是7米/秒,那么小明来回的平均速度是( )A、4.2B、4.8C、5D、5.412.晚饭后,爸爸去洗澡,热水器里装有250升水,他洗了6分钟,用了一半的水,然后停止洗澡,6分钟后,小明去洗澡,他也用了6分钟,把热水器内的水用完。

下面( )幅图描述了热水器内水的体积是如何随时间而变化的。

13.如图所示:用黑白两种颜色的正五边形地砖按下图所示的规律,变成若干个蝴蝶图案,则第7幅图案中的白色地砖有( )。

A、35块B、27块C、30块D、22块14.如图是一个边长为2厘米的正方形,这个正方形被分割成两个正方形M和N以及两个非正方形,如果M 的面积是N 的4倍,那么N 的边长是( )。



-baiduwenku**百度文库baiduwenku**百度文库精品文库---baiduwenku**百度文库baiduwenku**百度文库数学试卷(考试时间:60分钟满分:100分)一、填空题(每小题3分,共30分)1. 1至1000的自然数中,既不能被5除尽,又不能被7除尽的数有个;2. 一项任务,派若干人去做,经328天完成,今人数减少83,则工作日会增加天;3. 一环形跑道周长为240米,甲与乙同向,两人都从同一地点出发,每秒钟甲跑8米,乙跑5米,出发后两人第一次相遇时,甲跑了圈;4. 今年儿子的年龄是父亲年龄的41,15年后,儿子的年龄是父亲年龄的115,今年儿子岁;5. 甲一分钟能洗3个盘子或9个碗,乙一分钟能洗2个盘子或7个碗,甲、乙合做,20分钟洗了134个盘子和碗,有个盘子,个碗;6. “*”表示一种新运算符号,含义是:x *))(1(1xy 1y A y x ,已知2*132,则2004*2005的值是;7. 甲瓶中酒精的浓度为70%,乙瓶中酒精的浓度为60%,两瓶酒精混合后的浓度是66%,如果两瓶酒精各用去5升后再混合,则混合后的浓度是66.25%,问原来甲酒精有升,乙酒精有升;8. 某人有一块手表和一个闹钟,手表比闹钟每时慢30秒,而闹钟比标准时间每时快30秒。

问:这块手表一昼夜比标准时间差秒;9. 商店购进1000个十二生肖玩具,运输途中破损了一些,未破损的好玩具卖完后,利润率为50%;破损的玩具降价出售,亏损了10%,最后结算,商店总的利润率为39.2%,商店卖出的好玩具有个;10. 水果店将2千克酥糖、3千克水果糖、5千克奶糖混合成什锦糖,已知酥糖每千克4.40元,水果糖每千克 4.20元,什锦糖每千克 5.74元,那么奶糖每千克元。

二、计算题(每小题5分,共20分)11. 1535.121.1287512. 851%5.237548.39.213. 19941992199311994199314. 912310x x 15. 61151413y y 三、几何图形(每小题7分,共14分)16. 如图,一头羊被7米长的绳子栓在正方形的建筑物的一个顶点上,建筑物边长为4米,周围都是草地,这头羊能吃到草的草地面积可达多少平方米?17. 如图,三角形ABC 的面积是1平方厘米,E 是AC 的中点,点D 在BC 上,且2:1:DC BD ,AD 与BE 交于点F ,则四边形DFEC 的面积为多少?四、应用题(前4道每小题7分,最后1道8分,共36分)18. 一个分数约分后是32,如果这个分数的分子减去18,分母减去22,约分后就可以得到一个新的分数53,那么,原来的分数在约分前是多少?19. 一堆水果分成两袋,从甲袋取走21,从乙袋取走12千克,则两袋所剩下水果重量相等;这时如果从乙袋余下的水果中再取走21,则乙袋中还剩下乙袋原来重量的31,原来这堆水果共重多少千克?20. 甲、乙、丙三队要完成A ,B 两项工程,B 工程的工作量比A 工程的工作量多41,已知甲队单独完成A 工程要40天,乙、丙两队单独完成B 工程队分别需要60天、75天,开始时甲队做A 工程,乙、丙两队共同做B 工程;几天后,又调丙队与甲队共同完成A 工程,剩下乙队单独做B 工程,结果两个工程同时完成,请问:丙队与乙队合做了多少天?21. 小明早上从家到学校,一看时间,知道如果还是以每分钟行80米的速度步行,会迟到10分钟,如果提速25%快速步行,刚刚好可以准时到校,小明的家到学校之间相距多少米?22. 正方形ABCD的边长为8,正方形EFGH的边长为3,正方形EFGH可在线段AD上滑动,且每秒滑动的长度为1,现正方形EFGH从最左边运动到最右边,0t,ECG的面积为S.设其运动时间为t5(1)求初始位置面积与末位置面积之差1S;t时,求出三角形的面积(2)当3S;2(3)试写出面积S与时间t之间的关系式.赠送—物理解题中的审题技巧审题过程,就是破解题意的过程,它是解题的第一步,而且是关键的一步,通过审题分析,能在头脑里形成生动而清晰的物理情景,找到解决问题的简捷办法,才能顺利地、准确地完成解题的全过程。

长沙市小学六年级小升初期末英语试题(含答案) (2)

长沙市小学六年级小升初期末英语试题(含答案) (2)

长沙市小学六年级小升初期末英语试题(含答案)一、单项选择1.Ben usually plays basketball ______ his friends. ( )A.with B.and C.for2.—Does Tom learn English _______? ( )—Yes, he often _______ English books after dinner.A.good; reads B.well; reads C.well; looks3.在句子“Please look at the blackboard.”中,哪两个单词可以进行连读?( )A.Please look B.look at C.the blackboard4.Don't drink ______ cola. It's bad for your health. ( )A.so little B.too many C.too much5.Australia is ________ interesting country. Most Australians like playing ________ football. ( ) A.an; / B.the; the C.a; /6.—What did you do last weekend? ( )—I played __________ football.A.a B.the C./7.She __________ clothes last weekend. ( )A.wash B.washed C.washing8.—Where did you go ________ your holiday? ( )—I ________ to Xinjiang.A.on; go B.in; went C.on; went9.Children's Day is June. ( )A.in B.at C.on10.I ______ a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept. ( )A.have B.was C.had11.—What did you do yesterday? ( )—I _____ at home and _____ TV.A.stay; watch B.stays; watches C.stayed; watched 12.Mike _____his clothes everyday. ( )A.wash B.washes C.washed13.当你的朋友说“How are you?”,你可以说:( )A.I’m fine. Thank you.B.I’m sorry to hear that.C.How do you do?14.I have two storybooks, but Helen ______ four. ( )A.has B.have C.had15.He also does at home. He never goes to bed late.A.good B.well C.nice16.I ________ camping yesterday. ( )A.go B.goed C.went17.I’m 50 kilograms. Chen Jie is 48 kilograms. I’m _______ than Chen Jie. ( )A.heavier B.longer C.shorter18.I’m 5 years _______ than you.( )A.old B.older C.oldest19.Lucy is 42 kg. Kate is 46 kg. So Kate is _______ than Lucy. ( )A.heavier B.older C.thinner20.That’s the ______ dinosaur in this hall. ( )A.tall B.taller C.tallest二、用单词的适当形式填空21.John _______ (fall) off his bike and hurt his foot last Monday.22.Look! The first panda is ______(thin) than the second one.23.Peter reads a book every night, but last night he _______ (wash) his clothes.24.I went _____ (camp) with my parents last weekend.25.Jim, please don’t ________ (shout) in the library.26.Listen! Who ________ (read) English?27.Children’s Day is on the _____ (one) of June.28.One day, a mouse walked by and ______ (wake) the lion up.29.This good basketball _______ _______ very well. (play)30.How many _________ (child) are there in your family?三、完成句子31.Australia is a beautiful c________. You can find many interesting things there.32.I’m going to have dinner with my family in the r_____.33.Please turn off the _________ when you leave the room.34.We borrow books from the ____________.35.Chopsticks are _______________ for western people, but they are ________ for Chinese people.36.I couldn’t go _____ (骑自行车运动) in winter.37.There are seven days in a _________________.38.I w_____ TV with my mother last weekend.39.A cheetah can run faster t_____ a rabbit.40.Last Saturday, Sarah v_______ her grandparents.四、完形填空41.完形填空。



四、解答题(共 30 分)
第 3 页(共 17 页)
23. (4 分) 首先照样子用数对表示图中各点的位置: A (14, 5) B ( C ( ,

) , 然后在方格图中画出△ABC 按 2: 1 放大后的图形. (所
五、列出综合算式.不计算. 24.列出综合算式,不计算. (1)化肥厂计划生产 240 吨化肥,已经生产了 8 天,还剩下 160 吨没有完成, 照这样继续生产,完成任务还要多少天? (2)六年级举行“小发明”比赛六年一班同学上交 32 件作品,六年二班比六年一 班多交 .两个班共交了多少件作品? ( 3 )一个圆柱的体积是 282.6m3 ,已知一个与它等底等高的圆锥的底面积是 113.04cm2,这个圆锥的高是多少厘米?
11. (3 分)下面四个圆柱中,表面积最小的是( A.底面半径 2cm,高 3cm 的圆柱 B.底面直径 4cm,高 1cm 的圆柱 C.底面半径 3cm,高 2cm 的圆柱 D.底面直径 1dm,高 4cm 的圆柱
12. (3 分)一个面积是 12dm2 的梯形,把它的上底和下底分别扩大到原来的 2 倍,高缩小到原来的 ,得到了一个新的梯形,则新梯形的面积是( dm2. A.12 B.24 C.6 D.3 )
18. (1 分)六年级有学生 160 人,已达到《国家体育炼标准》 (儿童组)的有 120 人.六年级学生的达标率是多少? 19. (1 分)在一幅比例尺是 8:1 的精密零件图纸上,量得图纸上零件长 40mm, 这个零件实际长 cm.
20. (1 分)甲、乙两堆货物共重 5.1 吨,现在从甲堆中取出 0.4 吨货物放入乙堆, 这时甲堆货物质量的 40%等于乙堆货物质量的 , 乙堆货物原来有 吨.



2017年湖南省长沙市小升初数学试卷一、解答题(共4小题,满分36分)1.(16分)直接写出得数803﹣207=÷5=798+150==0.25×8= 1.5﹣=7.5÷=0.77+0.3=9.8﹣8=×45.54÷45=24×=0.99÷0.1=10﹣0.13=÷0.675=×1.8=2.(8分)脱式计算48÷[(7.5﹣5.1)×0.2]1÷3÷3.(8分)运用运算定律或性质简算.3﹣﹣×4.6+5.4×4.(4分)解方程或解比例x÷==二、选择题(在每小题所给的所有选项中,只有一项符合題目要求,请把正确选项的序号填在括号里)(本大题共10小题,每小題2分,共20分)5.(3分)一种袋装食品标准净重为200g,质监工作人员为了解该种食品袋净重与标准的误差,把食品净重205g记为+5g,那么食品净重196g就记为()g.A.+196 B.﹣196 C.+4 D.﹣46.(3分)不改变0.7的大小,把它改写成以“千分之一”为单位的数是()A.0.007 B.0.70 C.7.00 D.0.7007.(3分)不计算,下面算式中()的结果最大.A.75.24÷0.9 B.75.24×0.9 C.75.24÷1.8 D.75.24×18.(3分)下面各比中,能与:4组成比例的是()A.8:5 B.1:10 C.10:1 D.5:89.(3分)一个半径是5cm的半圆,它的周长是()cm.(π取3.14)A.31.4 B.15.7 C.25.7 D.20.710.(3分)一个玩具打九五折出售,正好比原价便宜了16元,求这个玩具打折后的售价是多少元的正确列式是()A.16÷95% B.16×(1﹣95%)C.16÷(1﹣95%)D.16÷(1﹣95%)×95%11.(3分)下面四个圆柱中,表面积最小的是()(π取3.14)A.底面半径2cm,高3cm的圆柱B.底面直径4cm,高1cm的圆柱C.底面半径3cm,高2cm的圆柱D.底面直径1dm,高4cm的圆柱12.(3分)一个面积是12dm2的梯形,把它的上底和下底分别扩大到原来的2倍,高缩小到原来的,得到了一个新的梯形,则新梯形的面积是()dm2.A.12 B.24 C.6 D.313.(3分)a,b是两个互质的合数,且a>b,已知a和b的最小公倍数是84,则同时满足以上条件的a,b有()组.A.1 B.2 C.3 D.614.(3分)下面说法中,正确的有()个.•假分数的倒数一定都是真分数;•在“1,﹣2.5,,0,+4.8,﹣12,2016”这七个数中,正数有4个,正整数有2个,整数有3个.•水果店有苹果、橘子和梨三种水果,已知苹果的质量比梨质量的6倍多6kg,同时苹果的质量比橘子质量的2倍少2kg,则橘子的质量减少4kg后就正好是梨质量的3倍.A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3三、填空题(本大题共8小题,除第17小题每空0.5分外,其余每空1分,共10分)15.(2分)二十亿零五百六十三万五千写作,改写成以“亿”作单位的数并用四舍五入法保留一位小数后约是亿.16.(2分)公顷=m2600mL=L17.(1分)=9.1÷13=7:.18.(1分)六年级有学生160人,已达到《国家体育炼标准》(儿童组)的有120人.六年级学生的达标率是多少?19.(1分)在一幅比例尺是8:1的精密零件图纸上,量得图纸上零件长40mm,这个零件实际长cm.20.(1分)甲、乙两堆货物共重5.1吨,现在从甲堆中取出0.4吨货物放入乙堆,这时甲堆货物质量的40%等于乙堆货物质量的,乙堆货物原来有吨.21.(1分)小明读一本故事书,第一天读了20页,第二天读了全书总页的,第三天读的页数相当于前两天读书页数总和的50%,这时还剩下50页没有读,这本书一共有页.22.(1分)校园里有一块面积是270m2的长方形花圃,分别种植了四种不同颜色的花(如图),其中红花与黄花的种植面积占花圃总面积的,紫花种植面积是粉花的5倍,紫花的种植面积是.四、解答题(共30分)23.(4分)首先照样子用数对表示图中各点的位置:A(14,5)B(,)C(,),然后在方格图中画出△ABC按2:1放大后的图形.(所画图形不能与原图形重叠)五、列出综合算式.不计算.24.列出综合算式,不计算.(1)化肥厂计划生产240吨化肥,已经生产了8天,还剩下160吨没有完成,照这样继续生产,完成任务还要多少天?(2)六年级举行“小发明”比赛六年一班同学上交32件作品,六年二班比六年一班多交.两个班共交了多少件作品?(3)一个圆柱的体积是282.6m3,已知一个与它等底等高的圆锥的底面积是113.04cm2,这个圆锥的高是多少厘米?六、解答题(共4小题,满分20分)25.(5分)育新小学图书馆有图书4000册,新风小学图书馆有图书5000册,育新小学的图书比新风小学的少百分之几?26.(5分)一个用钢铸造成的圆锥形机器零件,底面直径4cm,高3cm,每立方厘米的钢约重7.8g,这个零件大约重多少克?(π取3.14,得数用四舍五入法保留整数)27.(5分)一个办公楼原米平均每大照明用电100千瓦时,改用节能灯以后,平均每天只用电25千瓦时,原来20天的用电量现在可以用多少天?(用比例解)28.(5分)滨海村各种作物种植面积的分布情况如图所示,请根据统计图回答以下问题:(1)花生的种植面积与向日葵种植面积的最简单的整数比是.(2)如果花生的种植面积是6.6公顷,那么大豆与芝麻的种植面积一共是多少公顷?(列式解答)2017年湖南省长沙市小升初数学试卷参考答案与试题解析一、解答题(共4小题,满分36分)1.(16分)直接写出得数803﹣207=÷5=798+150==0.25×8= 1.5﹣=7.5÷=0.77+0.3=9.8﹣8=×45.54÷45=24×=0.99÷0.1=10﹣0.13=÷0.675=×1.8=【解答】解:803﹣207=596÷5=798+150=948=30.25×8=2 1.5﹣=0.97.5÷=300.77+0.3=1.079.8﹣8=1.8×=45.54÷45=1.01224×=180.99÷0.1=9.910﹣0.13=9.999÷0.675=×1.8=12.(8分)脱式计算48÷[(7.5﹣5.1)×0.2]1÷3÷【解答】解:(1)48÷[(7.5﹣5.1)×0.2]=48÷[2.4×0.2]=48÷0.48=100;(2)1÷3÷=÷==.3.(8分)运用运算定律或性质简算.3﹣﹣×4.6+5.4×【解答】解:(1)3﹣﹣=3﹣(+)=3﹣1=2;(2)×4.6+5.4×=×(4.6+5.4)=×10=8.4.(4分)解方程或解比例x÷==【解答】解:(1)x÷=x÷×=×x=x÷=÷x=(2)=125x=75×2125x=150125x÷125=150÷125x=二、选择题(在每小题所给的所有选项中,只有一项符合題目要求,请把正确选项的序号填在括号里)(本大题共10小题,每小題2分,共20分)5.(3分)一种袋装食品标准净重为200g,质监工作人员为了解该种食品袋净重与标准的误差,把食品净重205g记为+5g,那么食品净重196g就记为()g.A.+196 B.﹣196 C.+4 D.﹣4【解答】解:200﹣196=4(g)即低于标准4克,用负数表示为﹣4g或196﹣200=﹣4(g)故选:D.6.(3分)不改变0.7的大小,把它改写成以“千分之一”为单位的数是()A.0.007 B.0.70 C.7.00 D.0.700【解答】解:不改变0.7的值,改写成以千分之一为单位的数是0.700;故选:D.7.(3分)不计算,下面算式中()的结果最大.A.75.24÷0.9 B.75.24×0.9 C.75.24÷1.8 D.75.24×1【解答】解:A:75.24÷0.9中0.9<1,所以:75.24÷0.9>75.24;B:75.24×0.9中0.9<1,所以:75.24×0.9<75.24;C:75.24÷01.8中1.8>1,所以:75.24÷1.8<75.24;D:75.24×1=75.24;综上可知:只有75.24÷0.9的结果大于75.24;故选:A.8.(3分)下面各比中,能与:4组成比例的是()A.8:5 B.1:10 C.10:1 D.5:8【解答】解::4=A、8:5=,不能组成比例;B、1:10=,能组成比例;C、10:1=10,不能组成比例;D、5:8=,不能组成比例.故选:B.9.(3分)一个半径是5cm的半圆,它的周长是()cm.(π取3.14)A.31.4 B.15.7 C.25.7 D.20.7【解答】解:2×3.14×5÷2+2×5=15.7+10=25.7(厘米)答:它的周长是25.7厘米.故选:C.10.(3分)一个玩具打九五折出售,正好比原价便宜了16元,求这个玩具打折后的售价是多少元的正确列式是()A.16÷95% B.16×(1﹣95%)C.16÷(1﹣95%)D.16÷(1﹣95%)×95%【解答】解:16÷(1﹣95%)×95%=16÷5%×95%=320×95%=304(元)答:这个玩具打折后的售价是多少元304元.故选:D.11.(3分)下面四个圆柱中,表面积最小的是()(π取3.14)A.底面半径2cm,高3cm的圆柱B.底面直径4cm,高1cm的圆柱C.底面半径3cm,高2cm的圆柱D.底面直径1dm,高4cm的圆柱【解答】解:A:3.14×22×2+2×3.14×2×3=3.14×8+3.14×12=3.14×(8+12)=3.14×20=62.8(平方厘米)B:3.14×(4÷2)2×2+3.14×4×1=3.14×8+3.14×4=3.14×(8+4)=3.14×12=37.68(平方厘米)C;3.14×32×2+2×3.14×3×2=3.14×18+3.14×12=3.14×(18+12)=3.14×30=94.2(平方厘米)D:1分米=10厘米3.14×(10÷2)2×2+3.14×10×4=3.14×50+3.14×40=3.14×90=282.6(平方厘米)因为37.68<62.8<94.2<282.6所以B圆柱的表面积最小.故选:B.12.(3分)一个面积是12dm2的梯形,把它的上底和下底分别扩大到原来的2倍,高缩小到原来的,得到了一个新的梯形,则新梯形的面积是()dm2.A.12 B.24 C.6 D.3【解答】解:因为梯形的面积=(上底+下底)×高÷2,若上底和下底同时扩大到原来的2倍,则上底和下底的和也扩大到原来的2倍,即面积扩大2倍;高缩小到原来的,则面积会缩小原来的,这时面积应该是缩小到原来的2×=,即12÷2=6(dm2).答:新梯形的面积是6dm2.故选:C.13.(3分)a,b是两个互质的合数,且a>b,已知a和b的最小公倍数是84,则同时满足以上条件的a,b有()组.A.1 B.2 C.3 D.6【解答】解:84=21×4=12×7故同时满足以上条件的a,b有2组.故选:B.14.(3分)下面说法中,正确的有()个.•假分数的倒数一定都是真分数;•在“1,﹣2.5,,0,+4.8,﹣12,2016”这七个数中,正数有4个,正整数有2个,整数有3个.•水果店有苹果、橘子和梨三种水果,已知苹果的质量比梨质量的6倍多6kg,同时苹果的质量比橘子质量的2倍少2kg,则橘子的质量减少4kg后就正好是梨质量的3倍.A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3【解答】解:因为假分数的分子大于或等于分母,所以假分数的倒数不一定都是真分数,第一项错误;在“1,﹣2.5,,0,+4.8,﹣12,2016”这七个数中,正数有4个,正整数有2个,整数有3个.第二项正确;设梨重x千克,则苹果的质量比梨质量的6倍多6kg,是(6x+6)千克,同时苹果的质量比橘子质量的2倍少2kg,也就是橘子质量的2倍是(6x+8)千克,所以橘子质量是(3x+4)千克,所以橘子的质量减少4kg后就正好是梨质量的3倍.第三项正确;所以正确的有2个.故选:C.三、填空题(本大题共8小题,除第17小题每空0.5分外,其余每空1分,共10分)15.(2分)二十亿零五百六十三万五千写作2005635000,改写成以“亿”作单位的数并用四舍五入法保留一位小数后约是20.0亿.【解答】解:二十亿零五百六十三万五千写作:2005635000.2005635000≈20.0亿.故答案为:2005635000,20.0.16.(2分)公顷=3000m2600mL=0.6L【解答】解:公顷=3000m2600mL=0.6L故答案为:3000,0.6.17.(1分)=9.1÷13=7:10.【解答】解:=9.1÷13=7:10.故答案为:14,10.18.(1分)六年级有学生160人,已达到《国家体育炼标准》(儿童组)的有120人.六年级学生的达标率是多少?【解答】解:×100%=75%;答:六年级的学生的达标率是75%.19.(1分)在一幅比例尺是8:1的精密零件图纸上,量得图纸上零件长40mm,这个零件实际长0.5cm.【解答】解:40÷=5(毫米)5毫米=0.5厘米答:这个零件实际长0.5厘米.故答案为:0.5.20.(1分)甲、乙两堆货物共重5.1吨,现在从甲堆中取出0.4吨货物放入乙堆,这时甲堆货物质量的40%等于乙堆货物质量的,乙堆货物原来有 1.7吨.【解答】解:假设乙堆货物原来有x吨,则甲堆货物原来有5.1﹣x吨,根据已知,得方程:40%(5.1﹣x﹣0.4)=(x+0.4)××(4.7﹣x)=(x+0.4)×﹣x=x+(+)x=﹣x=x=1.7答:乙堆货物原来有 1.7吨.故答案为:1.7.21.(1分)小明读一本故事书,第一天读了20页,第二天读了全书总页的,第三天读的页数相当于前两天读书页数总和的50%,这时还剩下50页没有读,这本书一共有128页.【解答】解:(20+20×50%+50)÷(1﹣﹣×50%)=(20+10+50)÷(1﹣﹣)=80÷=128(页)答:这本书一共有128页.故答案为:128.22.(1分)校园里有一块面积是270m2的长方形花圃,分别种植了四种不同颜色的花(如图),其中红花与黄花的种植面积占花圃总面积的,紫花种植面积是粉花的5倍,紫花的种植面积是150平方米.【解答】解:270×(1﹣)=270×=180(平方米)180÷(5+1)=180÷6=30(平方米)30×5=150(平方米)答:紫花的种植面积是150平方米.故答案为:150平方米.四、解答题(共30分)23.(4分)首先照样子用数对表示图中各点的位置:A(14,5)B(11,3)C(14,3),然后在方格图中画出△ABC按2:1放大后的图形.(所画图形不能与原图形重叠)【解答】解:首先照样子用数对表示图中各点的位置:A(14,5)B(11,3)C(14,3),然后在方格图中画出△ABC按2:1放大后的图形(图中红色部分).故答案为:11,3;14,3.五、列出综合算式.不计算.24.列出综合算式,不计算.(1)化肥厂计划生产240吨化肥,已经生产了8天,还剩下160吨没有完成,照这样继续生产,完成任务还要多少天?(2)六年级举行“小发明”比赛六年一班同学上交32件作品,六年二班比六年一班多交.两个班共交了多少件作品?(3)一个圆柱的体积是282.6m3,已知一个与它等底等高的圆锥的底面积是113.04cm2,这个圆锥的高是多少厘米?【解答】解:(1)160÷[(240﹣160)÷8];(2)32+32×(1+);(3)282.6×1000000÷113.04.六、解答题(共4小题,满分20分)25.(5分)育新小学图书馆有图书4000册,新风小学图书馆有图书5000册,育新小学的图书比新风小学的少百分之几?【解答】解:(5000﹣4000)÷5000=1000÷5000=20%答:育新小学的图书比新风小学的图书少20%.26.(5分)一个用钢铸造成的圆锥形机器零件,底面直径4cm,高3cm,每立方厘米的钢约重7.8g,这个零件大约重多少克?(π取3.14,得数用四舍五入法保留整数)【解答】解:×3.14×(4÷2)2×3×7.8=×3.14×4×3×7.8=12.56×7.8≈98(克)答:这个铅锤重98克.27.(5分)一个办公楼原米平均每大照明用电100千瓦时,改用节能灯以后,平均每天只用电25千瓦时,原来20天的用电量现在可以用多少天?(用比例解)【解答】解:设原来20天的用电量,现在可以用x天,25x=100×20x=x=80答:原来20天的用电量现在可以用80天.28.(5分)滨海村各种作物种植面积的分布情况如图所示,请根据统计图回答以下问题:(1)花生的种植面积与向日葵种植面积的最简单的整数比是2:1.(2)如果花生的种植面积是6.6公顷,那么大豆与芝麻的种植面积一共是多少公顷?(列式解答)【解答】解:(1)30%:(1﹣35%﹣20%﹣30%)=30%:15%=2:1;答:花生的种植面积与向日葵种植面积的最简单的整数比是2:1.(2)6.6÷30%×(35%+20%)=6.6÷0.3×0.55=22×0.55=12.1(公顷);答:大豆与芝麻的种植面积一共是12.1公顷.故答案为:2:1.。




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从A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案填空。

(共10小题,计10分)( ) 1. (2015.长培)This lion is from England. It’s _____ English lion.A. aB. anC. the( ) 2. (2015.长培)The question is not easy, ______the little boy can answer it.A. soB. andC. but( ) 3. (2015.长培)There are many pears ____ the tree and there is a monkey ___it, too.A. in; onB. on; inC. in; in( ) 4. (2015.长培)_____what about going shopping this Saturday morning?A. I don’t want to.B. Good idea.C. I like shopping.( ) 5.(2015.长培)He is thirty. He wants some____.A. biscuitsB. noodlesC. Coke( ) 6. (2015.长培)He is a farmer. He looks after a lot of _____on his farm..A. beef and muttonB. sheep and deerC. zebra and geese ( ) 7. (2015.长培)He ran so ___ and soon we couldn’t see him.A. fastB. quicklyC. carefully( ) 8. (2015.长培)We ____with our ears and ___with our nose.A. listen, smellB. hear, feelC. see, taste( ) 9. (2015.长培)I can sing this song because my father ___me to sing it at my last birthday partyA. taughtB. will teachC. teaches( ) 10. (2015.长培)Of all the students in Jim’s class. He is _____.A. the youngestB. youngerC. young( ) 11. (2015.长培)________are vegetablesA. Jam and saladB. Tomatoes and peachesC. Onions and beans ( ) 12. (2015.长培)My parents don’t live with me. What about_____?They don’t live with me, either. I miss them so much.A. youB. themC. yours( ) 13. (2015.长培)He is ___years old and today it’s his_____ birthday..A. twelve, twelfthB. twelfth, twelveC. twentieth, twenty ( ) 14. (2015.长培)Which city is in the UK?----_____.A. EnglandB. New YorkC. London( ) 15. (2015.长培)He ____the blackboard but couldn’t___ clearly.A. watched, lookedB. saw, watchC. looked at,see二完形填空(2015.长培)I am Wang Lin. I am twelve years old. My pen pal tom is 16_____ the United States. 17____ is the same age as I. He is a middle school student in Beijing. There are 18___people in his family. His father is a 19_____.He teaches English in a high school in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher too. But they work in 20____schools. Tom goes to school 21_____ his mother’s car every day. They all like Chinese food. Tom’s father likes Guangdong food, he thinks it is 22______. Tom’s mother’s favorite 23_____is Sichuan food. 24____ tom doesn’t like Sichuan food. He thinks it is too hot. So they often 25____out on weekends.()16. A. in B. from C. at( ) 17. A. it B. she C. he( ) 18. A. two B. three C. four( ) 19. A. teacher B. doctor C. policeman( ) 20. A. same B. different C. new( ) 21. A. in B. by C. on( ) 22 A. bad B. salty C. tasty( ) 23 A. food B. drink C. place( ) 24. A. so B. but C. because( ) 25 A. play B. go C. eat第二节阅读理解(两部分,共5小题,计10分)(2015.长培)Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn’t know Chinese, but she is trying to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don’t understand her, because she can’t speak Chinese well.It is Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show. But she doesn’t know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy ad say something about it. The boy smiles and then shows Mary the way to the park.( ) 26. Where is Mary now?A. AmericaB. EnglandC. ChinaD. Canada( ) 27. She can speak _____Chinese.A. muchB. littleC. noD. a lot of( ) 28. She likes speaking Chinese with her_______?A. parentsB. American friendsC. Chinese friendsD. teachers( ) 29. Where is she going?A. to a new schoolB. to her friend’s homeC. to a farmD. to the park to see some flowers( ) 30. How does she get to know the way to the flower show?A. She asks the way in ChineseB. She asks the way with a sign.C. She draws a picture to ask the wayD. She doesn’t ask any people(2015.长培)Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1995. He grew up in Seattle. He was a clever boy. At school his favorite subjects were mathsand science. When he was 13 years old, he began to play with computer. When he was only 17 years old, he worked out a software programme with his friends and sold it for 4200 dollars.In 1973, he went to Harvard University. But in this third year he left Harvard to work for company called Microsoft, and then he began this company with his friend Paul Allan in 1975. In 1995, he wrote a book called the road ahead, and in 1999 he wrote a famous book called business@ the speed of thought.On January 1st, 1994, he got married with Melinda French. They have a daughter and a son. Now he is very rich, one of the richest people in the world, but he doesn’t give too much money to their children. In 2000, when he knew that TB killed many people in poor countries, he gave away 21 million dollars to buy medicine for the poor people.、()31. Bill Gates is a great ____company scientist.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. AmericanD. Canadian( ) 32. When Bill went to Harvard university he was_________.A. 13B. 17C. 18D. 20( ) 33. In 1999, he wrote a famous book called________.A. Harvard UniversityB. Business@The Speed of ThoughtC. MicrosoftD. The Road Ahead( ) 34. Bill Gates was at Harvard University for _________.A. only one yearB. about two yearsC. four yearsD. six years( ) 35. Bill Gates has______.A. two friendsB. two sonsC. two daughtersD. two children四. 根据首字母填单词,每题只填一词36. Kangaroos come from A______.37. He doesn’t feel well. He needs to take some m____.38. She is an a____ student. She often answers questions in class.39. It is fine today. The sun is s___ brightly in the sky.40. The day before today is y_______.(2015.长培)五。






3、()8=( )÷60=2:5=( )%=( )成4、3千克糖的10%与1千克的()%相同。

5、某班的男女生人数比例是4:5,则男生占全班人数的( ),则女生占全班人数的( )。

6、爸爸说:“我的年龄比小明4倍多3.”小明说:“我今年A 岁。





如果从箱子里任意摸出1个球,摸出( )球的可能性最大;如果任意摸出3个球,结果有()种可能。

9、小圆半径是大圆半径的21,则小圆面积是大圆面积的( )%。



12、一项工作如由甲、乙合作需要8天完成,现由甲先做3天,乙再做5天,才完成工程的167,那由乙单独做需( )天完成。



A.有限小数B.循环小数C.无限不循环小数D.无限循环小数2、正方形的周长和它的边长( )。


A.锐角B.钝角C.直角D.等边4、某班有学生52人,那么这个班男、女生人数的比可能是( )。

A.8:7B.7:6C.6:5D.5:45、单独把水池的水注满,甲水管要用2小时,乙水管要用3小时.如果两个水管同时注水,( )小时可以住满水池的32。

长沙市英语六年级小升初期末复习试卷(含答案) (2)

长沙市英语六年级小升初期末复习试卷(含答案) (2)

长沙市英语六年级小升初期末复习试卷(含答案)一、单项选择1.—I want to fly to the Moon. ( )—Do you want to be _______?—Yes, I do.A.an artist B.a scientist C.an astronaut2.We should _______ your homework first. ( )A.finish B.finishing C.finishes D.finished 3.Helen _______ beautifully and she likes _______ very much. ( )A.dances; dancing B.dancing; dances C.dance; dance4.Don't drink ______ cola. It's bad for your health. ( )A.so little B.too many C.too much5.I usually _________ up at seven o'clock. But this morning I _________ up at five o'clock. ( ) A.got; get B.get; get C.get; got6.Look! There ______ a ruler and some books on the shelf. ( )A.is B.are C.am7.He _____ play football before, now he _____ play football well. ( )A.was; is B.did; does C.couldn’t; can8.—_____ are these apples? ( )—Twelve yuan.A.How many B.Which C.How much9.He is _______ a king for the play tomorrow. ( )A.going to B.going C.going to be10.This is not my bag. _____ is over there. ( )A.My B.Mine C.I11.—What ______ he do last weekend? ( )—He ______ tomatoes on the farm.A.does; picked B.did; picked C.did; pick12.We will meet ______ nine o’clock tomorrow morning. ( )A.in B.on C.at13.You're ________ than me. ( )A.old B.older C.big14.He _______ his bike and hurt his foot. ( )A.fall B.fell off C.falls off15.There were no _______ in her time. ( )A.computers B.computer C.hotel16.She got up late and _________ to school. ( )A.run B.runs C.ran17.I had ______ interesting dream last night. ( )A.an B.a C./18.—What’s your pen pal’s hobby? ( )—She likes ______.A.drawing cartoons B.cooking food C.doing word puzzles 19.Lucy is 42 kg. Kate is 46 kg. So Kate is _______ than Lucy. ( )A.heavier B.older C.thinner20.—______ was your summer holiday, Yifan? ( )—It was ______.A.What; good B.How; good C.When; well二、用单词的适当形式填空21.Jane is ______ than me. (thin)22.There ______ no gym in my old school. (be)23.Tom’s father is a fisherman. He ______ (work) at sea.24.My sister often _______ (watch) TV after school.25.—Did you go to the nature park?—Yes, I ________ (take) many pictures there.26.Those scarves in the window ________ (be) nice.27.I like singing best, so I want to be a ____ (sing).28.Let's go ____________ (shop).29.He is my new _______ (teach). He _______ (teach) us English.30._______ (eat) a lot of food before bedtime is not good for our _______ (healthy).三、完成句子31.Did you go to the __________ (公园) yesterday?32.Will you s_____ a birthday song on your birthday?33.People in China welcome v________.34.The little girl runs slowly, but the little boy runs f________.35.The lion is ____________ (又大又强壮).36.My brother Mike often f________ his homework before dinner every day.37.Sarah often _____ (watch) TV with her family on the weekend.38.—Wha t’s your C_____ teacher l_____?—He is h_____.39.Last Saturday, Sarah v_______ her grandparents.40.Did Lucy w_______ TV last Sunday?四、完形填空41.完形填空。




(共40分) …1•根据拼音写汉字。

(6分)...(1) 一只孤单的小鸟无家可归,落到被卷到海洋里的木板上,乘流而下,she she ()而… 来,近了,近了!……题(2)我开始后悔自己的自 bao ( )自弃。

… (3)荒草便繁y cn ( ) 了出来,枝蔓上下,慢慢的,它竟锈上了绿苔,黑 b m ()。

答 (4)可是tai ()主却无动于 zhcng (),直挺挺地站着。

线4•下列句子中没有语病的一项是( )(3分)… A •在节约型社会里,人们有效利用资源进一步加强。

… B .这篇小说完美地塑造了一个普通船长的光辉事迹。

名 订 C .大家去郊游时一定要注意交通安全,防止不要发生交通事故。

姓…...D .全国人大常委会副委员长许嘉璐日前表示,重视外语学习,忽视中文教育所产生的不良反应…已经逐渐显现出来。

5•给下列的语段空白处依次添加一组句子,正确的一项是( )(3分)映日荷花,接天莲叶,亭亭莲蓬,柔嫩玉藕,无不牵惹诗情,引人遐思。

让我们学做莲叶的事 业吧, _________________ ;让我们学做荷花的事业吧, ____________________ ;让我们学做莲子的事业 吧, _________________;让我们学做藕的事业吧, ____________________ 。

①把寂寞留给自己②把芬芳献给他人 ③以苦心孕育未来 ④以宽阔拥抱生活…2•给加点的字注音。

(6分)号 要 (1 )我经常给他画像,画得惟妙惟肖.( )。

位 (2 )瞧,它多美丽,娇 ( )巧的小嘴。

座• • • (3)不一会,铿锵.( )的乐曲转为节奏单・・・ (4 )他唱啊唱,嘤嘤 (),宛如春水淙淙(— 不— ・・・ 3.将短语补充完整。

(6分)级 内纵横驰( ) 人声( )沸 班 • • •谈笑风()龙飞凤()披荆斩( 和() )相处的旋律。




从A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案填空。

(共10小题,计10分)( ) 1. (2015.长培)This lion is from England. It’s _____ English lion.A. aB. anC. the( ) 2. (2015.长培)The question is not easy, ______the little boy can answer it.A. soB. andC. but( ) 3. (2015.长培)There are many pears ____ the tree and there is a monkey ___it, too.A. in; onB. on; inC. in; in( ) 4. (2015.长培)_____what about going shopping this Saturday morning?A. I don’t want to.B. Good idea.C. I like shopping.( ) 5.(2015.长培)He is thirty. He wants some____.A. biscuitsB. noodlesC. Coke( ) 6. (2015.长培)He is a farmer. He looks after a lot of _____on his farm..A. beef and muttonB. sheep and deerC. zebra and geese ( ) 7. (2015.长培)He ran so ___ and soon we couldn’t see him.A. fastB. quicklyC. carefully( ) 8. (2015.长培)We ____with our ears and ___with our nose.A. listen, smellB. hear, feelC. see, taste( ) 9. (2015.长培)I can sing this song because my father ___me to sing it at my last birthday partyA. taughtB. will teachC. teaches( ) 10. (2015.长培)Of all the students in Jim’s class. He is _____.A. the youngestB. youngerC. young( ) 11. (2015.长培)________are vegetablesA. Jam and saladB. Tomatoes and peachesC. Onions and beans ( ) 12. (2015.长培)My parents don’t live with me. What about_____?They don’t live with me, either. I miss them so much.A. youB. themC. yours( ) 13. (2015.长培)He is ___years old and today it’s his_____ birthday..A. twelve, twelfthB. twelfth, twelveC. twentieth, twenty ( ) 14. (2015.长培)Which city is in the UK?----_____.A. EnglandB. New YorkC. London( ) 15. (2015.长培)He ____the blackboard but couldn’t___ clearly.A. watched, lookedB. saw, watchC. looked at,see二完形填空(2015.长培)I am Wang Lin. I am twelve years old. My pen pal tom is 16_____ the United States. 17____ is the same age as I. He is a middle school student in Beijing. There are 18___people in his family. His father is a 19_____.He teaches English in a high school in Beijing. His mother is an English teacher too. But they work in 20____schools. Tom goes to school 21_____ his mother’s car every day. They all like Chinese food. Tom’s father likes Guangdong food, he thinks it is 22______. Tom’s mother’s favorite 23_____is Sichuan food. 24____ tom doesn’t like Sichuan food. He thinks it is too hot. So they often 25____out on weekends.()16. A. in B. from C. at( ) 17. A. it B. she C. he( ) 18. A. two B. three C. four( ) 19. A. teacher B. doctor C. policeman( ) 20. A. same B. different C. new( ) 21. A. in B. by C. on( ) 22 A. bad B. salty C. tasty( ) 23 A. food B. drink C. place( ) 24. A. so B. but C. because( ) 25 A. play B. go C. eat第二节阅读理解(两部分,共5小题,计10分)(2015.长培)Mary is an American schoolgirl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. She doesn’t know Chinese, but she is trying to study and speak it. She often tries to speak Chinese to her Chinese friends. Sometimes they don’t understand her, because she can’t speak Chinese well.It is Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is going there to see a flower show. But she doesn’t know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and some paper. She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy ad say something about it. The boy smiles and then shows Mary the way to the park.( ) 26. Where is Mary now?A. AmericaB. EnglandC. ChinaD. Canada( ) 27. She can speak _____Chinese.A. muchB. littleC. noD. a lot of( ) 28. She likes speaking Chinese with her_______?A. parentsB. American friendsC. Chinese friendsD. teachers( ) 29. Where is she going?A. to a new schoolB. to her friend’s homeC. to a farmD. to the park to see some flowers( ) 30. How does she get to know the way to the flower show?A. She asks the way in ChineseB. She asks the way with a sign.C. She draws a picture to ask the wayD. She doesn’t ask any people(2015.长培)Bill Gates was born on October 28th, 1995. He grew up in Seattle. He was a clever boy. At school his favorite subjects were mathsand science. When he was 13 years old, he began to play with computer. When he was only 17 years old, he worked out a software programme with his friends and sold it for 4200 dollars.In 1973, he went to Harvard University. But in this third year he left Harvard to work for company called Microsoft, and then he began this company with his friend Paul Allan in 1975. In 1995, he wrote a book called the road ahead, and in 1999 he wrote a famous book called business@ the speed of thought.On January 1st, 1994, he got married with Melinda French. They have a daughter and a son. Now he is very rich, one of the richest people in the world, but he doesn’t give too much money to their children. In 2000, when he knew that TB killed many people in poor countries, he gave away 21 million dollars to buy medicine for the poor people.、()31. Bill Gates is a great ____company scientist.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. AmericanD. Canadian( ) 32. When Bill went to Harvard university he was_________.A. 13B. 17C. 18D. 20( ) 33. In 1999, he wrote a famous book called________.A. Harvard UniversityB. Business@The Speed of ThoughtC. MicrosoftD. The Road Ahead( ) 34. Bill Gates was at Harvard University for _________.A. only one yearB. about two yearsC. four yearsD. six years( ) 35. Bill Gates has______.A. two friendsB. two sonsC. two daughtersD. two children四. 根据首字母填单词,每题只填一词36. Kangaroos come from A______.37. He doesn’t feel well. He needs to take some m____.38. She is an a____ student. She often answers questions in class.39. It is fine today. The sun is s___ brightly in the sky.40. The day before today is y_______.(2015.长培)五。

六年级下册数学试题-2017年湖南长沙一中系小升初第四次招生数学试卷 人教新课标(2014秋)(无答案)

六年级下册数学试题-2017年湖南长沙一中系小升初第四次招生数学试卷 人教新课标(2014秋)(无答案)

2017年一中系小升初数学试卷(四)时间:100分钟 总分:120分一、 选择题(每小题3分,总21分)1、修一条公路,第一天修了45米,第二天修了全长的45,这两天修的相比( )。

A 、第一天多 B 、第二天多 C 、同样多 D 、无法确定2、下面的式子中表示x 与y 互为倒数的算式是( )。

A 、1x =1yB 、x÷1=yC 、y÷1=xD 、1÷y=x3、甲数的45等于乙数的23(甲数、乙数不为0),那么甲数与乙数的比是( )。

A 、13:45 B 、6:5 C 、5:6 D 、45: 23 4、下列图形中,对称轴最少的是( )。

A 、长方形B 、正方形C 、等腰梯形D 、圆5、一种精密零件长5毫米,分别把它画在图纸上,图上零件长12厘米,这张图纸的比例是( )。

A 、1:24B 、5:12C 、12:5D 、24:16、笑笑和淘气分别从A 、B 两地出发,沿半圈走到C 、D 两点,两人走过的路程相差( )m 。

A 、2B 、6.28C 、12.56D 、18.842m10mB A OC D第6题图7、在某次选举中,有A 、B 、C 、D 四位候选人共有60张选票,(每张选票只选一位候选人),投票后经过统计发现,每人数互不相同,且A 得6票排名最后,B 得18票,试问B 的排名为( )。

A 、第一名B 、第二名C 、第三名D 、不能确定二、填空题(每小题3分,总21分)8、在下面的横线上填上两位小数:8角=________元 5厘米=________米9、在一个装满水的底面积为2平方分米的长方体玻璃缸中浸没着一个苹果,把苹果从缸中取出后,水面下降了3厘米,这个苹果的体积是__________立方分米。





6. (3 分)不改变 0.7 的大小,把它改写成以“千分之一”为单位的数是( A.0.007 B.0.70 C.7.00 )的结果最大. C.75.24÷1.8 D.75.24×1 D.0.700
7. (3 分)不计算,下面算式中( A.75.24÷0.9 B.分)小明读一本故事书,第一天读了 20 页,第二天读了全书总页的 , 第三天读的页数相当于前两天读书页数总和的 50%, 这时还剩下 50 页没有读, 这本书一共有 页.
22. (1 分)校园里有一块面积是 270m2 的长方形花圃,分别种植了四种不同颜 色的花(如图) ,其中红花与黄花的种植面积占花圃总面积的 ,紫花种植面 积是粉花的 5 倍,紫花的种植面积是 .
11. (3 分)下面四个圆柱中,表面积最小的是( A.底面半径 2cm,高 3cm 的圆柱 B.底面直径 4cm,高 1cm 的圆柱 C.底面半径 3cm,高 2cm 的圆柱 D.底面直径 1dm,高 4cm 的圆柱
12. (3 分)一个面积是 12dm2 的梯形,把它的上底和下底分别扩大到原来的 2 倍,高缩小到原来的 ,得到了一个新的梯形,则新梯形的面积是( dm2. A.12 B.24 C.6 D.3 )
13. (3 分)a,b 是两个互质的合数,且 a>b,已知 a 和 b 的最小公倍数是 84, 则同时满足以上条件的 a,b 有( A.1 B.2 )组. C.3 )个. D.6
14. (3 分)下面说法中,正确的有( •假分数的倒数一定都是真分数;
•在“1,﹣2.5, ,0,+4.8,﹣12,2016”这七个数中,正数有 4 个,正整数 有 2 个,整数有 3 个. •水果店有苹果、橘子和梨三种水果,已知苹果的质量比梨质量的 6 倍多 6kg, 同时苹果的质量比橘子质量的 2 倍少 2kg, 则橘子的质量减少 4kg 后就正好是 梨质量的 3 倍. A.0 B.1 C.2

长沙市小学六年级小升初期末英语试卷(含答案) (2)

长沙市小学六年级小升初期末英语试卷(含答案) (2)

长沙市小学六年级小升初期末英语试卷(含答案)一、单项选择1.Don’t _____ late for school. ( )A.be B.are C.is2.I’m my camera now. It was in my bag yesterday. ( )A.looking for B.finding C.looking at3.I’d like a book _______ animals and a cake _______ lots of grapes. ( )A.about; with B.to; with C.about; for4.Peter had ________ meat and ________ mangoes for breakfast yesterday morning. ( ) A.a little; a few B.a few; a little C.any; some5.Look! There ______ a ruler and some books on the shelf. ( )A.is B.are C.am6.He and his mother _____ going shopping. ( )A.is B.are C.be D.am7.My teacher likes _______ bikes. ()A.riding B.rides C.ride8.He has _____ orange T-shirt. It is on _____ chair in his bedroom. ( )A.an; / B.an; the C.a; a D.the; the 9.—What did you do last weekend? ( )—I ______ at home.A.stay B.stays C.stayed10.There _________ no dining hall here twenty years ago. ( )A.were B.was C.be11.—What _______? ( )—I fell off the wall last night.A.happen B.happened C.happening 12.Before, I was ___________. ( )A.become B.enjoy C.quiet13.That's funny, Mike! You're _______ a pink T-shirt. ( )A.wear B.wears C.wearing14.My sister _______ do her English homework yesterday. ( )A.don’t B.doesn’t C.didn’t15.One day I ______ visit the moon. ( )A.am B./ C.am going to16.It is the last year in our school. It is time ______ goodbye. ( )A.say B.to say C.says17.John ______ early because he ______ cold yesterday. ( )A.sleeps; has B.slept; had a C.sleep; has a 18.Would you like ____ water? ( )A.some B.any C.a D.an19.In western countries, people often have ________, bread, eggs and ________ for breakfast. ( )A.porridge; sausages B.cereal; sausages C.cereal; steamed buns 20.Eric fell off his bike. So he didn’t _____ to school. ( )A.came B.coming C.come二、用单词的适当形式填空21.She often _______ (wash) the clothes on Sundays.22.There ______ no gym in my old school. (be)23.An elephant is _______ (heavy) than a tiger.24.Tom’s father is a fisherman. He ______ (work) at sea.25.There’s a gr een man, we can ________ (walk) now.26.Look! The girls _________ (have) a rest under a tree now.27.We must stay _________ (safe) on the road.28.Liu Tao goes to bed late and he feels _________ (sleep) in the morning.29.The boy _______ (fly) a kite in the park tomorrow afternoon.30.I __________ (watch) TV last night.三、完成句子31.My mother got up early and she w________ me up this morning.32.David took many _______ (照片) in the holiday.33.C_______ Day is on the first of June.34.Mr Li always f_______ his work on time.35.Children have many different ________ (梦想) .36.People mustn’t _______ (浪费) water.37.Mike likes ________ (滑冰) in winter.38.I b______ a new dictionary in the bookstore the day before yesterday.39.At that time, there was no ______ (体育馆).40.Last Saturday, Sarah v_______ her grandparents.四、完形填空41.There is an interesting festival in China. __41___ that day, people in some places have dragon boat races. The dragon boat is very __42___. The front of the boat is like the __43___ of a dragon. Each team __44___ about thirty members. And there is a man beating the drum (敲鼓) on the__45___. It’s an exciting race, especially (特别是) when they are __46___ the finishing line. People __47___ for their favourite teams. From this race, we have the name of the festival-the Dragon Boat Festival. This festival has another __48___-the Duanwu Festival. It has a story. The story is about a poet called __49___. People often eat ___50____ at this festival to memorialize him.41、A.In B.On C.At42、A.short B.small C.long43、A.body B.head C.tail44、A.is B.have C.has45、A.boat B.river C.road46、A.getting on B.getting to C.getting off47、A.talk B.say C.shout48、A.race B.name C.place49、A.Kong Zi B.Li Bai C.Qu Yuan50、A.rice dumplings B.rice cakes C.moon cakes五、阅读判断42.When George was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. He soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks. George had a friend. His name was Mark. One day George offered to take Mark up in his plane. Mark thought, "I’ve travelled in a big plane many times, but I've never been in a small one, so I'll go. " They went up, and George flew around for half an hour and did all kinds of tricks in the air. When they came down again Mark was very glad to be back safely, and he said to his friend in a shaking voice (颤抖的声音), "Well, George, thank you very much for those two trips in your plane. "George was very surprised and said, "Two trips? ""Yes, my first and my last, " answered Mark.51、George made a plane when he was thirty-five. ( )52、Mark didn't want to travel in George's small plane. ( )53、Mark was glad to fly around for half an hour in the air. ( )54、“Trick” has the same meaning with “trip”. ( )55、Mark won't take George's plane next time. ( )六、阅读理解43.Today was a bad day and a good day. Here is the bad news. I went to school by taxi. It was about 8 o'clock. It was time for English class. I forgot my bag in the taxi. When I ran to the taxi, the driver was gone.I had my English class without(无) the book. I was sad. After class, my Chinese teacher came into the classroom. She had a bag in her hand. It was like mine. And it was my bag. The driver came back again. He gave the bag to my teacher. I was happy.56、I forgot my ________ in the taxi. ( )A.bag B.keys C.money57、I had an English class in the ________. ( )A.afternoon B.evening C.morning58、I had my English class ________ the book. ( )A.with B.without C.use59、The driver gave my bag to my ________ teacher. ( )A.English B.Chinese C.maths60、Today was a ________ day. ( )A.good B.bad C.A and B44.Title: ______________Hello! I’m Mike. Last weekend our family went camping. We went by car. I took a lot of pictures.“Time to eat,” said Dad. We made a fire(火)to cook hamburgers and hot dogs. Click! I took a picture.“Time for bed,” said Mum. We got into our sleeping bags. We looked at stars. Click! I took a picture.In the morning, we saw a sheep near the lake. It was eating grass. Click! I took a picture.“Time for fishing,” said Dad. Mum caught(抓)three fish. And Dad caught a big hat. Haha! Click!I took a picture.“Our camping trip is over, and it’s time to go home,” Dad said. Click! I took a picture.56、Mike’s family went camping _______. ( )A.by bus B.by car C.on foot57、They saw a sheep _______ in the morning. ( )A.in the forest B.near the car C.near the lake58、Which picture did Mike take? ( )A.B.C.59、What does “click” mean in Chinese? It means _______.A.“咔嚓”B.“轰隆”C.“吱吱"60、The best title for the story is “_______”. ( )A.Our Camping Trip B.A Visit to a Mountain C.Welcome to Our Village【参考答案】一、单项选择1.A解析:A【详解】句意:上学不要迟到。

六年级下册数学试题 - 长沙市小升初数学毕业试卷 (含答案) 人教新课标

六年级下册数学试题 - 长沙市小升初数学毕业试卷 (含答案) 人教新课标


1-0.45= 910-530= = 1+=720= 8= = 0.5×36.8×0.2=2.计算下面各题.1650-480 2.5 2.5()×353.解方程。

X:= 2x+1.5=10.5 =二、填空与判断(26分)1.填空(每空1分,共21分)(1)一个数由5个千万、4个十万、8个千、3个百和7个十组成,这个数写作( ),读作(),四舍五入到万位约为()万。


(3)工地上a t水泥,如果每天用去3.5 t,用了b天,剩下的质量为()t;如果α=100,b=10,剩下的质量为()t.⑷ 16÷20= =()%=()(填小数)=()(填成数)⑸一幅地图上,图上距离5cm表示实际距离15km,这幅地图的比例尺是();如果这幅地图上甲、乙两地的距离是3.5c m,甲、乙两地实际相距()km o(6)找规律填数:3,11,20,30,(), 53,(),…(7)某县前年秋粮产量为2..8万吨,去年比前年增产三成。



(10)相同质量的水和冰的体积之比是9 : 10。












长沙市英语六年级小升初期末复习试卷(含答案)一、单项选择1.He and his mother _____ going shopping. ( )A.is B.are C.be D.am2.Don’t _________. He is tired. ( )A.wake up him B.wake up her C.wake him up 3.—Does Tom learn English _______? ( )—Yes, he often _______ English books after dinner.A.good; reads B.well; reads C.well; looks4.在句子“Please look at the blackboard.”中,哪两个单词可以进行连读?( ) A.Please look B.look at C.the blackboard5.The father looked ______, so he looked at his son ______. ( )A.angrily; angrily B.angry; angrily C.angrily; angry6.Every morning, the short man does sport first, then he goes to work. (选出画线单词的读音不同的一项。

) ( )A.short B.sport C.work7.It is not ________ to ride on the left side of the road in China. ( )A.safely B.safety C.safe8.—What did you do last weekend? ( )—I played __________ football.A.a B.the C./9.The boys and girls were happy ________ Lily’s birthday party last night. ( )A.for B.at C.of10.I _____ a book last weekend. ( )A.buy B.buys C.bought11.—What did you do yesterday? ( )—I _____ at home and _____ TV.A.stay; watch B.stays; watches C.stayed; watched 12.You play football on the road.( )A.mustn’t B.must C.can13.—Last year, you were short, but you are taller now. How tall are you? ( )—______A.I’m 45 kilograms. B.I was 1.65 meters. C.I’m 1.65 meters. 14.—How _______ are you? ( )—I’m 1.65 meters.A.heavy B.size C.tall15.There are four _________ in a year. ( )A.days B.seasons C.weeks16.There ______ no computers in the Tang dynasty. ( )A.were B.was C.are17.I’m going to watch some children’s shows on TV _______. ( )A.before B.last night C.tomorrow18.People ______ go by bus ______ the Tang dynasty. ( )A./; at B.didn’t; on C.didn’t; in19.I like to ______ basketball. But I ______ football yesterday. ( )A.play; played B.play; play C.played; play20.Liu Xin ________ a good storybook last Tuesday. ( )A.read B.reads C.is reading二、用单词的适当形式填空21.An elephant is _______ (heavy) than a tiger.22.I ________ to a forest park last Saturday (go)23.Chen Jie is three years ________ (old) than Amy.24.In the garden, there are many ____ (tomato).25.I like singing best, so I want to be a ____ (sing).26.Daniel and Tommy _______ (be) in Class One.27.You _________ (see) the Great Wall in China next week.28.Pipi wants _______ (be) a doctor. He wants _______ (help) people.29.I'm ________. My father is ________ than me. But my brother is the ________ in my family. (tall)30._______ (eat) a lot of food before bedtime is not good for our _______ (healthy).三、完成句子31.Did you go to the __________ (公园) yesterday?32.The policeman is very tall and ________ (强壮的).33.Bobby will go to _______ (烹饪) school next year.34.Mike always goes to school e______.35.Los Angeles is in the _____ of ________.36.___________ is on the 10th of September.37.Xiaoyong is p______ the suona, but the dog comes.38.My father teaches maths in a school. He is a _________________.39.I w_____ TV with my mother last weekend.40.We had a PE class ______ (昨天).四、完形填空41.A fox is ___41____ food. He is very hungry. Now he is ___42____ near a wall(墙壁). The wall is very ___43____. The fox is looking up. He sees ___44____ grapes ___45____ the wall. He smiles(微笑) and says, “ ___46____ nice! I want to eat them.”The fox is jumping. He jumps and jumps, ___47____ the wall is too high(高).He ___48____ get the grapes. The fox says, “I must go now. I don’t like those grapes. ___49____are green. They are not ___50____ to eat.”41、A.seeing B.finding out C.looking for D.finding42、A.gets B.comes C.goes D.standing43、A.much B.small C.strong D.high44、A.a lot of B.few C.much D.a little45、A.in B.on C.at D.for46、A.What B.How C.What a D.How a47、A.and B.or C.but D.Where48、A.can’t B.can C.hasn’t D.isn’t49、A.We B.It C.You D.They50、A.bad B.good C.hard D.better五、阅读判断42.阅读理解,判断下列句子与短文内容是(T)否(F)相符。




从A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳答案填空。

(共10小题,计15分)( ) 1.(2016.长培)—Thank you for______ today.—My pleasure.A. singB. singingC. sang( ) 2. (2016.长培)It is raining hard outside. I have ____the windows.A. to closeB. closeC. closes( ) 3. (2016.长培)—The Teacher’s Day is _____. What will you do for that?—I will make a card and give it to my teacher.A. comesB. comingC. come( ) 4. (2016.长培)Mother’s Day is _____in may.A. the first SundayB. the second SundayC. the third Sunday( ) 5. (2016.长培)—What’s the weather like today?— ___________________.A. It’s cold and windyB. It’s WednesdayC. I will fly the kite ( ) 6. (2016.长培)Amy has a bad cold. Let’s ______her.A. take careB. take care ofC. look( ) 7. (2016.长培)What an _____story which makes me so______.A. exciting, excitedB. excited; excitingC. exciting; exciting ( ) 8. (2016.长培)—Must we come here early tomorrow morning?—_____________.A. No. you needn’tB. No, you mustn’tC. No, you can’t( ) 9. (2016.长培)—Which is _____, the sun, the moon, the earth?—The moon is, of course.A. smallerB. the smallestC. bigger( ) 10. (2016.长培)—This box is _____. I can’t carry it.A. much heavyB. much lightC. too heavy( ) 11. (2016.长培)If you want to talk to Mary on the phone, you should say, “____________”A. where is Mary?B. I want to talk toMary C. can I talk to Mary, please?( ) 12. (2016.长培)You can look up a new word in a __________.A. picture bookB. note bookC. dictionary( ) 13. (2016.长培)Fish can’t live ______water.A. withB. withoutC. in( ) 14.(2016.长培) I have ____. I want to buy this umbrella. It’s ______. .A. enough money, enough beautifulB. money enough; enoughbeautifulC. enough money;beautiful enough( ) 15.(2016.长培)—What should we do when there is a fire?— _______________.A. We should take our things and take the liftB. We should get out ofthe building quicklyand call 119C. We should stay thereand wait for help二. 阅读理解(2016.长培)(A) Read carefully and write “T”for True and “F”for False beside the statements.根据短文内容判断句子的正误,对的写T, 错的写F. Alan: I think I am running a fever.Mom: Let me see. Hmm, you’d better stay at home today. Don’t play computer games either.Alan:I can’t help it.Mom: If you want to keep yourself in good shape, you’d better quit(放弃) surfing the internet(上网)deep into night.( ) 16. Alan’s mother asks him to stay at home.( ) 17. Alan shouldn’t play computer because he has a headache. ( ) 18. Alan wants to play computer games.( ) 19. Mother asks Alan to surf the internet deep into the night. ( ) 20. Mother’s advice is bad for Alan.(2016.长培)(B) Choose the correct answers according to the table 根据图表内容选择正确答案,序号写在括号中。

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(5分)()1.A.three B.those C.their D.these()2.A.big B.six C.nice D.miss()3.A.know B.brown C.low D.window()4.A.yes B.family C.yellow D.yard()5.A.season B.please C.eat D.great二、单项选择。


(15分)()6.They are reading about an English boy the newspaper.A.onB.atC.in()7.——My bike is broken.A.What is it?B.What is wrong?C.Where is it?()8.There are many people in the shop. You must your things.A.look atB.look afterC.put on()9.I have two pen friends. One is an American, is English.A.the otherB.anotherC.other()10.— are his football clothes? —Under the bed.A.WhereB.WhoC.What()11.You me about it yesterday.A.tellB.toldC.talked()12.Let's go with Tina.A.shopB.to shopC.shopping()13.—Thank you very much! —A.You're right.B.All right.C.You are welcome.()14.Whic season do you like ?A.betterB.goodC.best()15.The car is than my old one.A.niceB.nicerC.very nice()16.—What is this in English? — an orange.A.This isB.It isC.That is()17.Please give a cup of tea.A.IB.mC.my()18.Some meat in the box. Some apples in the basket.A.are; isB.is;isC.is; are()19.Look the nice car.A.toB.atC.in()20.—Mom, is my friend Jim. —Nice t meet you, Jim.A.thisB.thatC.it三、英汉词组互译(共10小题,每小题1分,满10分)21. in the classroom_________________ 22. a quarter to one_________________ 23. do exercise_____________________ 24. of cours_____________________ 25. 去散步_______________________ 26. 在春季_______________________ 27. 公共汽车站___________________ 28. 上课_________________________29. 在树下_______________________ 30. 下个星期____________________四、句型转换将下列句子按要求改写。

(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)31. He does well in Maths.(改为否定句)He _______ _________well in Maths.32. I know his telephone number.(改为一般疑问句)________ ________ know his telephone number?33. I get up at six thirty every day.(用yesterday morning 替代every day)_________________________________________________.34. We can see some birds over there.(对划线部分提问)35. did you yesterday What do evening (?) (连词成句)_________________________________________________五、阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AMr.Green is an Englishman. He is a teacher. He teaches English in No. 15 Middle School in Beijing. He likes teaching a lot. He goes to work by bus every morning. There are fifty students in his class. He speaks English with them in class. He plays games with them after class. He likes them very much. And his students love him, too. They are good friends.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。

36. Is Mr. Green Canadian?________________________________________.37. Does he like teaching very much?________________________________________.38. How does he go to work every morning?________________________________________.39. What language does Mr. Green speak in class?________________________________________.40. When does he play games with his students?________________________________________.BThis is a picture of a family. The grandmother's name is Harry Smith. The grandfather's name is Jean Smith. They are very old. They are Americans. The father's name is Lake Smith. He is 44. The mother's name is Kate Smith. She is 40. They have a son of ten and a daughter of fifteen. The son's name is John Smith and the daughter's name is Mary Smith. They are students of No.12 Middle School. Kate is a teacher of the same school. Lake is a policeman. It's a very good family.根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。

41. Lake Smith's parents are___________.A. AmericansB. AmericanC. America42. John's father is _______.A. 44B. 40C. doctor43. Mary's mother is a ________.A. teacherB. policemanC. doctor44. They are in the _________school.A. someB. sameC. any45. The family has ________children.A. sixB. twoC. four长培小升初真题试卷参考答案一、1—5 ACBBD二、6—10 CBBAA 11—15 BCCCB 16—20 BBCBA三、21.在教室里 22.十二点四十五分 23.做锻炼 24.当然 25.go for a walk 26.in the spring 27.bus stop/station 28.have a class/lesson 29.under the tree 30.next week四、31.doesn’t do 32.Do you33. I got up at six thirty yesterday morning.34. What can you see over there?35. What did you do yesterday evening?五、A. 36. No, he isn’t.37. Yes, he does.38. He goes to work by bus every morning.39. He speaks English in class.40. He plays games with his students after class.B. 41—45 AAABB【素材积累】1、只要心中有希望存摘,旧有幸福存摘。








