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●to be on the thin ice 英汉文化对比分析


●to strike while the iron is hot


● a bolt from the blue


●to head a wolf into the house


●to fish for praise/compliments


●Wall has ears.


●Good luck would never come in pairs.


●Blood is thicker than water.


●It was, as Bill afterwards expre ssed it, “during a moment of mental apparition”, but we

didn’t find that out till later.



●The apparition of these faces in the crowd;

●Petals on a wet, black bough

●——In A Sation Of The Metro




●He knows the terrain of this locality like the back of his hand.


●“We might have fine weather for our holiday.”

●“Yes, and pigs might fly”.



●Spend money like water


●To kill two birds with one stone


●To kick down the ladder


● A lion in the way


●Like a hen on a hot girdle


●Fine feathers make fine birds


●As thin/lean as rake(耙)


●It is a wise father that knows his child.


●It is a good workman that never blunder


●It is a good horse that never stumbles.


●Have a bone in one’s throat.




●Pull one’s leg




●Individualism VS 个人主义

●Propaganda VS 宣传





● a green hand

●green with envy


●feeling blue

●Blue films, stories, or jokes

●American dream





●Blue laws



●White elephant


● 1. (Visit Cambridge late in the 21st century and you will find it both the same and very


●The colleges will remain a huge strength, bringing together students and researches

from all disciplines and all parts of the world, and guaranteeing a human scale of values within a big university.




●Durham, Oxford, Cambridge

●the University of Toronto



● 2. She herself had never done anything more illegal than driving at seventy miles an






● 3. I know a man who, when he parks his car at a parking meter, always puts change in the

meter even if there is time left on it.



● 1. Americans, then, consider the ideal person to be an individualistic, self-reliant,

independent person.


● 2. A gentleman opens a door for a lady…,but this one turns and spits in his eye because

he has insulted her womanhood…




●sex v.s. gender

●Getting an agent is Catch-22,” Hoffman says, “You can’t get one unless you’ve published

and you need one to get published.”



●Catch-22 Joseph Heller








●Pull a Pearl Harbor on somebody


●Meet one's waterloo


●Battle of Waterloo 滑铁卢战役
