新编英语教程5 课文翻译unit10
新编英语教程5 课文+翻译(unit1~15)(学生必备)

Unit 1 hit the nail on the head 恰到好处Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? He hits it first to one side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only gets half of it into the wood. A skillful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive the nail with a few firm, deft blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. So with language; the good craftsman will choose words that drive home his point firmly and exactly. A word that is more or less right, a loose phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective(模糊的形容词), will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean English. He will try always to get the word that is completely right for his purpose.你见过一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上钉钉子吗?只见他左敲敲,右敲敲,说不准还会将整个钉子锤翻,结果敲来敲去到头来只敲进了半截。
高级英语 新编英语教程5 课文+翻译 unit10

Unit10 Things: The Throw-away Society by Alvin Toffler“Barbie,” a twelve-inch plastic teen-ager, is the best known and best-selling doll in history. Since its introduction in 1959, the Barbie doll population of the world has grown to 12,000,000—more than the human population of Los Angeles or London or Paris. Little girls adore Barbie because she is highly realistic and eminently dress-upable. Mattel, Inc., maker of Barbie, also sells a complete wardrobe for her, including clothes for ordinary daytime wear, clothes for formal party wear, clothes for swimming and skiing.十二英寸高的塑料小人“芭比”曾是历史上最著名最畅销的洋娃娃,自从1959年问世以来,全世界的芭比娃娃的数量增长到1200,0000人—比洛杉矶,伦敦和巴黎任何一个城市的人口还要多。
Recently Mattel announced a new improved Barbie doll. The new version has a slimmer figure, “real”eyelashes and a twist-and turn waist that makes her more humanoid than ever. Moreover, Mattel announced that, for the first time, any young lady wishing to purchase a new Barbie would receive a trade-in allowance for her old one.最近Mattel公司推出一款更高级的芭比娃娃,这个新产品身材更苗条,有仿真睫毛,又可以扭转弯曲的腰肢,所有这些特点使其更加人性化。

Unit Three: 我的朋友阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦1)虽然阿尔伯特.爱因斯坦是迄今为止世界上最伟大的科学家之一,但如果要我用一个词来描述他的话我会选择纯朴。
令院长惊鄂的是,爱因斯坦要求的薪水简直办不到---- 他要得太少了。
新编英语教程5下学期翻译和paraphrase (2)

TranslationUnit 81, 严酷的日常生活现实驱散了他对美好未来的憧憬。
(dispel)The harsh reality of daily life dispelled all his hopes for a bright future.2,由于不可预料的天气,我们的运动会将延期到下周举行。
(postpone)Our sports meet will be postponed to next week because of the unpredictable weather.3, 不论是谁,凡是来参观展览会的人都必须出示他|她的身份证。
(no matter...)Every visitor to this exhibition must show his/her identity card no matter who he/she is.4, 旧城中心的改造计划要得到市政府的批准。
(be subject to)The renovation plan for the old city center is subject to the approval of the municipal government.5,在一次又一次地经历失败后,他的希望破灭了。
(wither)His hopes withered away after he had experienced one failure after another,6, 电子邮件传递信息又快又便利,它将很快就替代普通邮递。
(replace)E-mail is so quick and convenient in sending messages that it may soon replace ordinary mail service.7, 看到长城使他产生一种惊讶的感觉。
(evoke)The sight of the Great Wall evoked a sense of wonder in him.8, 质量控制工具的保养是会很昂贵的。

Unit TEN: TEXT IWords and ExpressionsParagraph 1Eminently (l. 4) (Note 1): very; perfectly; elegantly 不寻常地,非常E.g.: The discussion is eminently practical. 讨论非常实际。
His articles are eminently comprehensible. 他的文章特别易于理解。
Little girls adore Barbie because she is highly realistic and eminently dress-upable (l. 4) (Note 1): The reason why Barbie appeals so much to little girls is that she looks just like a real-life person who can be dressed up in the way they wish.Paragraph 2humanoid (l. 10): (esp. of a machine) having human shape or qualities 似人的,有人类特点的-oid: like; in the form ofE.g.: metalloid (like a metal) Mongoloid (like Mongolian)trade-in allowance (l. 11) (Note 3):The amount of money a shop deducts from the price of a new thing which a customer buys when he turns in an old one to the shop 以旧换新打折价跳楼价cut-throat price; the lowest price疯狂甩卖crazy sale; crazy dropped price大减价price cutting冬季大减价Winter Crazy SaleMoreover, Mattel announced that, for the first time, any young lady wishing to purchase a new Barbie would receive a trade-in allowance for her old one. (ll. 10-11)Besides, Mattel made public that, for the first time, all girls desirous of buying a Barbie from its company were to be given the right of turning in their old dolls in exchange for new models at a reduced price.Paragraph 4texture (l. 18): the degree of roughness or smoothness, coarseness or fineness, of a surface, substance, or material, esp. as felt by touch 质地,纹理,结构iridescent (l. 18): showing changing colors as light falls on it 色彩斑斓的,彩虹般的E.g.: Soap bubbles are iridescent. 肥皂泡沫色彩斑斓。

新编英语教程5 汉翻英Unit 1—Unit15After citing many facts and giving a number of statistical figures, he finally drove home his point. It took us half a year more or less to carry through the research project.What he said was so subtle that we could hardly make out his true intention.His new book looks squarely at the contemporary social problems.The younger generations today are very much alive to the latest information found on the Internet. It is a matter of opinion whether a foreign language is more easily learned in one’s childhood or otherwise.Never lose heart in the face of a setback;take courage and deal with it squarely.rice, meat, vegetables, and fruit constitute a balanced diet.One man’s effort is not enough to cope with such a complicated situation.When do you think the new IT (information technology) regulations will take effect?The chances of winning a prize in a lottery are slim; perhaps only a one-in-a-hundred chance.It is deplorable that many a youngster has fallen victim to the use of drugs.There is virtually no one who is in favor of his proposal.Beware of the swindler with a slick tongue and a smiling face.Don’t touch the bag! The explosive in it may blow up at any minute. Your life will be at risk.He looked quite confident about the job, though some doubts lurked in the depth of his mind.He honked his car horn to alert the pedestrians.The fast development of Information Technology is an outstanding example of human endeavor. Mary groped for the appropriate words to express her indebtedness to her teacher.The school principal’s plain words conveyed a massage of challenge to the young people.Don’t tamper with the wires, or you may cause a short circuit.He thought he could beat everyone at the competition, but his excessive confidence failed him. What he said seemed simple and clear, but there was an implied meaning that we couldn’t quite fathom.He tried to steer the group’s random talk towards some constructive subjects.Can I be exempt from the regular physical examination this year? I just had one three months ago before I went to the summer camp.Could you tell me again what I should do next? What you said yesterday has slipped out of my mind.We all assumed that Dave was a trustworthy person, but it turned out that we were wrong.His misfortune was compounded by his wife’s illness and his loss of job.Whether or not there are living beings in outer space is of perennial interest to man.When you are under great strain, you will not be able to think clearly.Jim tends to lose his temper when his advice is not heeded.In spite of his great learning, the teacher finds it difficult to articulate his students’needs.Jane is a very bright girl. She can always give an apt answer to any question on the spur of the moment.Our teacher attained full professorship before he was forty.Environmental pollution is afflicting many cities and towns all over the world.Acupuncture treatment produces marked effects on patients suffering from arthritis.Instead of being profit-oriented, hospitals should make every effort to take good care of the patients.What sorts of people are involved in the lawsuit?The factory is taking drastic measures to ameliorate the working conditions in the workshops Outstanding young men and women are emerging from various walks of life.Unit sixCan you make out the meaning of his long-winded harangue?Being worried about his exam results, he was not in the least attentive to the visiting professor’s lecture.Is it easier for a child or a grown-up to pick up the rudiments of a foreign language in a short period of time?Did what he said about the short-term training course appeal to you?The biography of the great scientist inspired him to greater efforts in doing research.Should we be indifferent to the living conditions of the people in the lower income bracket?The decision made recently by the school board had little to bear on our curriculum.The ship was so strongly built that it can withstand any storm.7her questions about the functioning of the software manifests a great interest in Information Technology on her part.We have no grounds to prove the validity of the theory of the “missing link.”To a certain extent, his reasoning is valid, but not as a general rule.His tireless efforts yielded great fruits --- a new theory in genetics.Don’t think that all great scientists are endowed with special talents --- it’s 99% of perspiration and only 1% of inspiration that make them great.What criteria did you use when you elected the chairperson of the Student s’ Union?Can you identify the handwriting of all your students?Whether or not the outcome is successful lies with the efforts made by the candidates.The harsh reality of daily life dispelled all his hopes for a bright future.Our sports meet will be postponed to next week because of the unpredictable weather.Every visitor to this exhibition must show his/her identity card no matter who he/she is.The renovation plan for the old city centre is subject to the approval of the municipal government. His hopes withered away after he had experienced one failure after another.E-mail is so quick and convenient in sending message that it may soon replace ordinary mail service.The sight of the Great Wall evoked a sense of wonder in him.The maintenance of quality-control instruments can be very costlyIf there is anything you are not clear about the device, address our inquiry to our head office. Before we put the new plan into practice, we had better scrutinize every aspect of it to make sure that it is practicable.We expect that there will be a change for the better in this area after the new regulations areimplemented.Don’t take his words literally.He’s just cracking a joke.The prospec t of employing nitrogen fixation in agriculture is promising.His attempt at contriving a correcting fluid which leaves no marks on paper ended in failure.The non-Chinese-speaking foreigner gestured to make a request, but he just couldn’t get his idea across.Without considering the urgency of the matter, he gave us a flat refusal, once and for all.His peculiar behavior runs counter to the popular concept of good conduct.The theory of relativity made a great impact on modern science.No one has the right to deride the disadvantages of handicapped people.On her graduation day, Judy was treated to a sumptuous dinner by her uncle and auntwith respect to his past record in the firm ,no one has anything to complain about.He is inextricably i nvolved in the plot against the school board.My aged great-aunt is not used to the disposable goods which flood the market today.His name was immediately eliminated form the list of candidates after he was caught cheating in the exam.His attempt at i nsinuating t hat john was the culprit turned out to be futile.He is very clever at improvising excuses when he fails to do what is expected of him.His trip to Tibet will gratify his desire to see the Potala.This corporation commands excellent human resources.Think of an alternative way of entertaining your guests .Don’t always show them VCDs.It’s harmful to indulge in whims and caprices.Try not to lay your hands on anything that you are not entitled to.He didn’t come to the competition. It may well be that he had forgotten all about it.Conventions are different form tradition in that the former are the generally accepted standards of behaviour in a society.For along time the teachings of Confucius and Mencius held sway over Chinese society.His scribbling is unintelligible to any one but himself.He appealed to the higher court on the premise that he was unjustly sentenced to two years’imprisonment.One of my classmates finds it very difficult to differentiate between the two consonants [f]and[v] The predominant feature of the botanical garden is its spaciousness.Do you believe that human beings have evolved from the ages.It is incumbent on the teachers not only to impart knowledge but to teach the students moral principles.Don’t expect to be remunerated of every little thing you do. In the long run all the efforts you have made will be duly rewarded.The supermarkets have to replenish their stock of goods very regularly.It was the Tree Planting Day. All the volunteers pitched in and planted thousands of willow trees. Not like his sweet-tempered sister, he has q quick temper and he fulminates at people easily.His strength diminished after a long illness,Before you take part in a debate, be sure to ascertain that all your arguments are sound and well-grounded.At the beginning of the new term, she resolved to keep a diary in English.All his pashing and goading disinclined me towards going to the party next weekend.His loss of job was inevitable as he never took his work seriously.On hearing that she had won first prize in the competition, she was frantic with joy.Though he thought otherwise, he had to acquiesce in the plan made by the majority.In spite of his advanced age, he retains the vigor of the young.He is inclined to take things easy, so he has no incentive to accomplish anything.The unfair treatment he received in the summer camp impelled him to write to the paper.We all deem it important to lay a solid foundation in foreign language study.After a whole year’s regular qigong(a system of deep breathing exercise), he felt rehabilitated.A contract, once signed between two parties, must be honored whatever happens.The heavy storm engulfed the small village along the coast.Before Liberation innumerable poor peasants and needy city-dwellers in China languishes in poverty.The creed t hat we should serve the people whole-heartedly is followed by the great majority of our people.The corporation was crippled by mismanagement and inefficient work style.People have become more and more aware of the urgency of fighting pollution to protect the environment.The orchestra’s success was evidenced by the warm applause form the audience.。


Teaching objectives
03 Grammar learning
Explanation of grammar points
This section provides a detailed explanation of the grammar points covered in Unit 1 of New English Tutorial 5, including the rules, examples, and usage of each grammar structure.
04 Text learning
Overview of Text Content
文章主要讲述了人工智能的 发展历程、现状以及未来展
文章从人工智能的概念入手, 介绍了其发展历程中的重大
文章还分析了人工智能在当 今社会的应用场景和潜在风
最后,文章展望了人工智能 未来的发展趋势和挑战。
智能家居 (Smart Home) 自动驾驶 (Autonomous Driving)
Grammar points in the text
文章中使用了多种时态,包括现在时、过去时和将来时,以描述人工 智能的发展历程和应用场景。

李观仪《新编英语教程(5)》(第3版)学习指南【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】目录Unit 1 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 2 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 3 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 4 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 5 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 6 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 7 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 8 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 9 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 10 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 11 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案Unit 12 一、词汇短语 二、参考译文 三、课文注释 四、练习答案弘博学习网————各类考试资料全收录内容简介《新编英语教程(第3版)学习指南》按照原教材的课次进行编写,每单元涉及单元语法、词汇短语、参考译文、课文精解以及练习答案等内容,旨在帮助学生更好、更高效地学习和掌握教材中的重点及难点知识,具有很强的针对性和实用性。
弘博学习网————各类考试资料全收录Unit 1一、词汇短语Text I1clumsy [5klQmzi] adj. moving or doing things in a very awkward way 笨拙的,拙劣的:I spilt your coffee. Sorry—that was clumsy of me.我把你的咖啡弄洒了。

Unit 1 恰到好处Have you ever watched a clumsy man hammering a nail into a box? He hits it first to one side, then to another, perhaps knocking it over completely, so that in the end he only gets half of it into the wood. A skillful carpenter, on the other hand, will drive the nail with a few firm, deft blows, hitting it each time squarely on the head. So with language; the good craftsman will choose words that drive home his point firmly and exactly. A word that is more or less right, a loose phrase, an ambiguous expression, a vague adjective(模糊的形容词), will not satisfy a writer who aims at clean English. He will try always to get the word that is completely right for his purpose.你见过一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上钉钉子吗?只见他左敲敲,右敲敲,说不准还会将整个钉子锤翻,结果敲来敲去到头来只敲进了半截。

Unit 1恰到好处你一个笨手笨脚的男人往箱子上子?只他左敲敲,右敲敲,不准会将整个子翻,果敲来敲去到来只敲了半截。
法国人有一个很切的短来表达一个意思,即“ le mot juste”, 恰到好的。
有人:“在我思想未成文之前,我怎么知道自己的想法?” 听起来似乎很离,但它确很有道理。
例如human 和 humane, 二者的根相同,也相关,但用法完全不同。
“human action (人行 ) ”和“ humane action( 人道行 ) ”完全是两事。
有一种屠工具叫“ humane killer (麻醉屠宰机 ) ,而不是 human killer (人机器 ) 。
”“ Anxiety ”含有和恐惧的意味。
综合英语教程5 课文单词 Unit 10

Unit 10Scam骗局Pornography色情Nanotechnology纳米技术Conglomerate [kənˈglɔməˌreɪt大型联合企业;企业集团Molecule分子Surveillance (尤指来自警方、军队等组织的)监视,监察Deployment调度,部署ascent上升,升高debut初次登台,开张vibration颤动,振动,共鸣NASA美国国家航空航天局Conduct实施,管理Salvage抢救,打捞Faltering蹒跚的,犹豫的,支吾的House v.容纳Hurdle障碍Conceivable可料到的,可相信的Wield挥舞,使用,行使Gadgetry小发明,小玩意Farfetched牵强的,乱七八糟的,靠不住的Composite合成物,复合材料Catalyst催化剂,刺激因素Ingredient原料,组成部分Proprietary n. adj.所有权,专利权Patent专利权Copyright版权Filler填充物Encase围绕,包住Scab疤,痂Skeleton骨架,纲要Skull头盖骨,脑壳Pedigree血统,门第,(有名望的)祖先Unearth挖掘,发现Prehuman人类以前的,类人猿的Cortes(西班牙,葡萄牙)议会Specimen样品,标本,样本Guerrilla游击队Protruding突出的Muzzle动物的鼻口Chimp黑猩猩Gorilla大猩猩Primate灵长类动物Millisecond毫秒Microprocessor微处理器V ortex(航)涡流,漩涡;(动乱,争论)中心Spin旋转Spiral n, v.螺旋Condensate浓缩物,冷凝物,浓缩的Substantially大体上,充分地,实质上Opaque不透光的,迟钝的,愚钝的,不传热的Transparent透明的,明了的,坦诚的Blob一团,一滴Gooey黏性的,多愁善感的Manipulate操作Lower Manhattan下曼哈顿区Dent n.v.削弱,减少(dent our consciousness)Wishful渴望的,怀有希望的,一厢情愿的Antenna天线Triangulate从3个方面,把…分成三角形Rubble粗石,碎石;毁坏,使成为瓦砾Cellular多孔的,细胞的Forensics法医的,法医学,法医鉴定Gruesome可怕的,阴森的Tissue(生物学)组织Body tissue体组织Drill钻Grind磨Powder粉,尘土Segment段,节,部分,把… 分割成段Bone segment骨段V elocimeter速度计,速度表Emit 发出,放射Debris 碎片,残骸Permeable可渗透的,可穿透的Frantically巨大地,极大地,狂暴地Acoustic听觉的,声音的Oscillation n.摆动,振动Map制定,筹划Cave-in塌方,陷落Toxic有毒的Perilous危险的,艰难的Infrared红外线,红外线的Pinpoint精确的确定…的位置Asbestos石棉,石棉的intriguing 有趣的,引人入胜的turmoil混乱,骚动household很多人都知道的stem cell干细胞elixir灵丹妙药embryo胚,胚胎,胎儿,萌芽,初期cardiac心脏病患者,心脏的,心脏病的diabetes糖尿病undifferentiated无差别的,一致的incremental增加的,增长的,增值的inject注射,注入,引入,投入marrow骨髓,精华,活力,力量motor运动的paralyzed瘫痪的rodent啮齿动物tantalizing吸引人的,引诱的,挑逗性的Alzheimer老年痴呆症Decree政令,法令,教令Glacier冰川V anish消失Chilling寒冷的,可怕的,令人寒心的,令人扫兴的Boulder巨砾,大圆石Symposium专题讨论会,座谈会Definitive最终的,决定性的,权威的,最可靠的Tankerous难相处的,任性的,好吵架的Cylinder圆筒,圆柱Retrieve恢复,重获,找回,挽救,补偿Smolder闷烧,郁积Archive档案室,档案;把…存档Mustard芥末Inexpressible难以形容的,不可言传的Workhorse做重活的人,吃苦耐劳的人Ration配额Intricate复杂的Intimately直接地,用心地Dino恐龙Bizarre怪诞的,异乎寻常的Bazaar [bə,zɑ:]集市,市场;义卖市场Rod杆Tail尾巴Downy绒毛的Fluff绒毛Sickle镰刀Claw(鸟兽的)爪,(虾,蟹等的)钳Crow(公鸡)啼叫,欢呼;吹嘘,夸耀(out)Plum羽毛Spawn引起,造成,使大量产生Chip芯片Fit安装Wafer晶片Inexorable势不可挡的,不可动摇的,不可改变的,无情的,不能说服的Pliant易弯的,顺从的n.顺从Hose软管,长筒袜Funnel烟囱,漏斗(使)通过狭窄空间,输送,传送(金钱、货物或信息)Dissipation消散,浪费,损耗Disparate不同的,不相干的Socialize社会化,社交A matter of debate一个有争议的问题Unproven technologyOutdated ideasDissemination of knowledge and ideas传播知识和思想Freewheeling随心所欲的,自由放纵的The freewheeling InternetAntipornography crusaders大众传媒扫黄十字军Mind-boggling(巨大,复杂,极端地)令人难以置信的Social outlet社交场所Virtual communities网络虚拟社区Deliver递送,给予,发表(讲话)Aborning诞生(产生)中的;在开始的时候Anatomist解剖学家Geologist地质学家Paleontologis t古生物学家Anthropology人类学Photonics光子学,光电学bioethics生物伦理学burgeon迅速成长,增长,发展繁荣,发芽,萌芽(p185) Climatology气候学Genome基因组,染色体组Paleontology古生物学poised作好一切准备的;随时准备行动的镇定的;沉着的;Be poised to doRamp up提高,加强Ramp up its collaborationV oid空间,空的,空洞Jump into the voidHitch拴住Hitch a ride on搭顺风车Breakneck极快的(速度),很可能出事的,非常危险的At a breakneck pacezip拉锁;拉链,精力;活力;热情拉上…的拉链, 压缩(文档),快速移动;飞速行动Zip around: move with a vigor Tether范围,(能力,智能的)限度;栓,约束,束缚At the end of one’s tether山穷水尽,智穷计尽,走投无路Eke勉强维持生计Eke out an existence/ eke a livingIntestine内部的;肠Small intestine小肠Large intestine大肠Keep an eye onspace shuttle航天飞机Terra firma陆地,大陆,地球From scratch白手起家Key university重点大学Hold one’s position as= establish sb./ oneself as奠定….的基础Cast doubt on对… 产生怀疑,引起…的怀疑A beam of lightA grain of sand一粒沙子In the blink of an eyeThe full stop句号,完全停止Slow…to a stopDraw sth. To an endCome to an endThe Federal Emergency Management Agency联邦应急管理局Come to grip with与…争论,与…冲突,认真对待,设法对付,开始搏斗A panel of一组prime time(电视等)黄金时段Ice core冰芯Have an edge over/ on优势Take the edge off减弱,削弱,使变钝A handful of一把,少量的Spring from起源于,来自…;从…跳出,突然冒出Desktop computer台式电脑。

1. Stories are told of scrupulous writers, like Flaubert, who spent days trying to get one or two sentences exactly right.译文:据说一丝不苟的作家,比如福楼拜(Flaubert),为了把一两句句子完全写正确,会花上几天的时间。
2.Choosing words is part of the process of realization, of defining our thoughts and feelings for ourselves, as well as for those who hear or read our words. 译文:选择词语是领悟过程的一部分,是为自己、为读者和听众准确表达思想感情这个过程的一部分。
3.By using his dictionary, and above all by reading, a student can increase his sensitivity to these shades of difference and improve his ability to express his own meanings exactly. 译文:通过查阅词典,更重要的是通过阅读,学生可以增强辨别词语意思细微差别的能力,并提高准确表达自己意思的能力。
4.The foreign student of English may be discouraged and dismayed when he learns that there are over 400,000 words in the English language, without counting slang. But let him take courage. More than half of these words are dead. They are not in current use. Even Shakespeare used a vocabulary of only some 20,000 words. The average Englishman today probably has a vocabulary range of from 12,000 to 13,000 words.译文:当得知不计俚语,英语单词总数超过40万个,学习英语的外国学生可能会灰心丧气。

II. Organization of the Text
• 2). The influence of the technological environment: psychological impact on our attitudes and values (5 – 12) • a. Psychological impact on our attitudes and values (5 – 6) • b. Illustrations: diapers, bibs, napkins, ... (7)
I. Library Work
• discovered Lilli while shopping in Switzerland and brought the doll home for her daughter to play with. Ruth was inspired to create an adult doll for little girls. Handler had Jack Ryan, executive of Mattel, purchase the rights for Lilli and negotiate with a company from Tokyo to create a doll like Lilli. The reason for
II. Organization of the Text
• 2). The new version of Barbie (which shows a more temporary relationship with our personal belongings) (2) • 3). Statement of the thesis: Man's relationships with things are increasingly temporary (3)

Unit TEN: TEXT IWords and ExpressionsParagraph 1Eminently (l. 4) (Note 1): very; perfectly; elegantly 不寻常地,非常E.g.: The discussion is eminently practical. 讨论非常实际。
His articles are eminently comprehensible. 他的文章特别易于理解。
Little girls adore Barbie because she is highly realistic and eminently dress-upable (l. 4) (Note 1): The reason why Barbie appeals so much to little girls is that she looks just like a real-life person who can be dressed up in the way they wish.Paragraph 2humanoid (l. 10): (esp. of a machine) having human shape or qualities 似人的,有人类特点的-oid: like; in the form ofE.g.: metalloid (like a metal) Mongoloid (like Mongolian)trade-in allowance (l. 11) (Note 3):The amount of money a shop deducts from the price of a new thing which a customer buys when he turns in an old one to the shop 以旧换新打折价跳楼价cut-throat price; the lowest price疯狂甩卖crazy sale; crazy dropped price大减价price cutting冬季大减价Winter Crazy SaleMoreover, Mattel announced that, for the first time, any young lady wishing to purchase a new Barbie would receive a trade-in allowance for her old one. (ll. 10-11)Besides, Mattel made public that, for the first time, all girls desirous of buying a Barbie from its company were to be given the right of turning in their old dolls in exchange for new models at a reduced price.Paragraph 4texture (l. 18): the degree of roughness or smoothness, coarseness or fineness, of a surface, substance, or material, esp. as felt by touch 质地,纹理,结构iridescent (l. 18): showing changing colors as light falls on it 色彩斑斓的,彩虹般的E.g.: Soap bubbles are iridescent. 肥皂泡沫色彩斑斓。

新编英语教程第5册unit10Unit 10 The Science of CustomI. ObjectiveWith the introduction of the definition of “custom” and what custom might affect our life, the teacher is supposed to help the students to master the author’s personal view on custom and her reason of revealing to us readers why an unbiased study of different cultures is of utmost importance. In addition, the varied ways employed by the writer in arguing for her points should be called into attention.II. Teaching StepsStep One: Get the students to do all the preparation work listed beforethe text on the Student’s Book.Step Two: Ask two students to give the oral report on their Dictionary Workand Library work in front of the class respectively.Step Three: Have a class discussion on the title and the things related to custom.Step Four: Explain the text to students, focusing on the following languagepoints as well as the organization and development of the text.Step Five: Get students to do the related exercises in Work Book.III: Major points: Language points, text structureIV: difficult points: Language pointsV. Time allocation:4 classes are needed to finish the lessonVI Background KnowledgeTime needed: 45 minutesTeaching approaches: asking questions, group discussions, PPT1.Ruth Benedict (author)(See p148 of SB)2.John Dewey(L29)a.1859-1952;b.U.S. philosopher, psychologist, and educator;c.One of the founders of the philosophical school of pragmatism;d.Representative of the progressive movement in U.S. education;3.custom(L18)a.Meaning: (U.) usual and generally accepted behaviour among members of a socialgroup;b.Meaning: (C.) a particular way of behaving which, because it has long beenestablished, is observed by individuals and social groups;4.cacti (L50)a Meaning: a thick fleshy plant that grows in deserts;c.Singular Form: cactus5.nebulae(L50)a.Meaning: a cloud of dust and gas in space;b.Singular Form: nebulaThe following four items are from the P. 73 of TB6.custom(L18)a.Meaning: a habit or practice that has come to be associated with an individualor a group by reason of its long continuance, its uniformity of character, and sometimes its compulsory nature;b.Example: It is his custom to smoke each evening after dinner.7.habit(L39)a.Meaning: the way of an individual than to the way of a community;b.Example: He has acquired the habit of clearing his throat before he speaks inpublic.8.Behavior(L20)a.Meaning: a person’s actions in general or on a particular occasion;b.Example: His behavior is very ridiculous.9.institution(L27)a.Meaning: a habit, custom, etc., which has been in existence for a long time;b.Example: The institution of slavery was once widespread in the south of the UnitedStates.10.Sea Dyaks(L7)Meaning: another name for the Iban people, an indigenous peopleinhabiting parts of Borneo, an island in the Malay Archipelago.11New Guinea tribe(L9)Meaning: the second largest island in the world to the north of Australia;.VII Language pointsTime needed: 90minutes.Teaching approaches: examples, explanation, and application1.anthropology(L1)a.Meaning: the scientific study of people, society, and cultureb.Derivative: anthropologist (n.) anthropological (adj.)2.be bound to (L11)a. a phraseb.Meaning: something is certain to happen;c.Example: There are bound to be price increases next year.3.weighting(L11)a.Meaning: to bias or slant to a particular direction, as in order to favor someone;b.Example: The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favor of theruling party.4.. gamut(L13)a.Meaning: the complete range of something, a great variety of something;b.Example: I experienced the gamut of emotions.5.aberrant(L23)a.Meaning: deviating from what is usual or normalb.Example: His rages and aberrant behavior worsened.6.pristine(L26)a.Meaning: unchanged by later developments, pureb.Example: It’s impossible for any people to view all things with pristine eyes.7.vernacular(L33)a.Meaning: everyday language or speech;b.Example: He loves reading books written in the vernacular.8.autonomous(L34)a.Meaning: govern or control itself rather than being controlled;b.Example: They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.9.accommodation(L36)a.Meaning: adaptation;b.Example: The government will provide temporary accommodation for people sleepingrough in London.10.incumbent(upon someone) (L43)a.Meaning: being the duty or responsibility of someone;b.Example: It is incumbent upon all of us as loyal citizens to make an extra effort.11.unintelligible(L45)a.Meaning: not understandable;b.Example: All written by this guy is unintelligible.12.preliminary(L46)a.Meaning: activities taken at the very beginning;b.Example: Preliminary talks on the future will begin next day.13.proposition(L46)a.Meaning: a statement or an idea one can consider or discuss to decide if it istrue;b.Example: The proposition that democracies do not fight each other is based ona tiny historical sample.14.preferential (L48)a.Meaning: be treated better than other people; have an advantage over somebody;b.Example: Despite her position, she is not supposed to begiven any preferentialtreatment.15.variant(L54)a.Meaning: a different of something;b.Example: There are so many variant spellings of his name.16.premise(L61)a.Meaning: something one uses as a basis for developing an idea;b.Example: The programme started from the premise that men and women are on equalterms in this society.17. hold sway over(L57)a. a phraseb.Meaning: have control over;c.Example: A completely different approach seems to hold sway.VIII. Organization and Development and text studyTime needed: 90 minutesTeaching approaches: asking questions, group discussions, PPT, paraphrasingPart One: IntroductionParagraph 1: The author gives the definition of anthropology.Part Two: BodyParagraph2: The author emphasizes the distinguishing mark of anthropology since it is a serious study involving other societies than America.Paragraph3: Custom plays a predominant role in a lot of ways.Paragraph4: The author discusses the difficulties for any person to look at the world with pristine eyes.Paragraph5: The precondition for any scientific study is thatthere be no preferential weighting of one or another of the items in the series it selects for its consideration.Part Three: ConclusionParagraph6: The author concludes the article by calling them Americans not to be held sway by any biased attitude in the field of anthropology.IX: Home work:Finish the exercises on work bookX: Contents tested:1. Language points2.paraphrases。
李观仪《新编英语教程》第5册 UNIT10

4. In disagreeing with the anti-materialists, which two functions of things does Toffler specify? Which of them does he emphasize throughout the essay? Functional utility and psychological impact. 5. What is the topic sentence of para.8? Is it adequately developed by the evidence that follows in the paragraph? The first sentence. It is not adequately developed by the example given in the paragraph. While the French can be regarded as a nation disposed to keeping things, even old things, they are not typically a nation steeped in a heritage of poverty. Therefor, the topic sentence is only partially developed. 6. How does Toffler imply that the development of the throw-away culture is entailed by industrialization? The last sentence of para.4 implies that the expanding number of man-made objects is typical of a highly industrialized society. The last sentence of para.8 indicates that the more developed the society, the less resistance to throw away things. Examples given in the essay are all related to highly industrialized countries.

新编大学英语第五册课文与翻译Unit 1 suspensePassage ReadingThe Lady or the Tiger?by Frank Stockton1 Long ago there lived a semi-barbaric king who had a great imagination. One of his ideas was to build a big arena as an agent of justice where crime was punished or virtue rewarded. When a subject1 was accused of a crime of sufficient importance to interest the king, public notice was given that on an appointed day the fate of an accused person would be decided in the king’s arena.2 When all the people had assembled in the galleries, and the king, surrounded by the court, sat high up on his throne on one side of the arena, he gave a signal, a door beneath him opened, and the accused subject stepped out into the arena. Directly opposite him on the other side were two doors, exactly alike and side by side. It was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial to walk directly to these doors and open one of them. He could open either door he pleased. He was subject to no guidance or influence, only chance. If he opened one, there came out of it a cruel and hungry tiger, which immediately sprang upon him and tore him to pieces as punishment for his guilt. But, if the accused person opened the other door, there came forth a lady, the most suitable to his age and station2 that the king could select from among his fair3 subjects; and to this lady he was immediately married as a reward for his innocence. It didn’t matter that he might possess a wife and family or that his affections might be engaged upon alady of his own selection. The wedding took place immediately and in the arena. Bells rang, people shouted glad hurrahs, and the innocent man led his bride home.3 This was the king’s method of administeri ng justice, its fai rness was obvious. The accused person was instantly punished if he found himself guilty and, if innocent, he was rewarded on the spot. The institution4 was a very popular one. The element of uncertainty gave interest to the occasion which could not other wise have a happened.54 The king had a beautiful and willful daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he loved her above all humanity.6 Among his courtiers was a young man of a low station whom the princess loved because he was very handsome and brave. This love affair moved along happily for many months, until one day the king happened to find out about it. He immediately had the youth imprisoned and appointed a day for a trial in the arena. Never before had such a case occurred; never before had a subject dared to love the daughter of a king.5 The tiger-cages of the kingdom were searched for the most savage beast, from which the fiercest one could be selected for the arena. Young and beautiful maidens were carefully surveyed in order that the young man might have a suitable bride if fate did not determine him a different destiny. Of course, everybody knew that thedeed with which the accused was charged had been done. He loved the princess and did not deny it, but the king would take pleasure in watching the events which would determine whether or not the young man had done wrong in allowing himself to love the princess.6 The day of the trial arrived. From far and near the people gathered and crowded the galleries of the arena. The king and his court entered and sat in their places opposite the twin doors. All was ready. The signal was given. A door beneath the royal party opened and the lover of the princess walked into the arena. Tall and handsome, he was greeted by a hum of admiration. Half the audience had not known that so grand a youth had lived among them. No wonder the princess loved him! What a terrible thing for him to be there!7 as the youth advanced into the arena, he turned, as the custom was, to bow to the king, but he did not think at all of her father. Form the very moment that the decree had gone forth, that her lover should decide his fate in the arena, she had thought of nothing else.7 Possessed of more power and determination than anyone connected with a previous case, she found out the secret of the doors. She knew behind which door stood the tiger cage with its open front and behind which door waited the lady. She had used both gold and determination to find out the secret.8 The princess also knew who the lady was. It was one of the most beautiful of the ladies of the court, and the princess hated her. Often the princess had seen, or imagined that she had seen, this fair creature glancing with admiration at her lover, and sometimes the princess thought that these glances were returned. Now and then she had seen them talking together.9 When her lover looked at her, and his eye met hers, he knew that she knew behind which door crouched the tiger and behind which stood the lady. He had expected her to know it as he understood her nature and determination. Then it was that his quick and anxi ous glance asked the question: “Which?”8 It was as plain to her as if he had shouted it from where he stood.9There was not an instant to be lost. The question was asked in a flash; it must be answered in another. She raised her hand and made a slight, quick movement to- ward the right. No one but her lover saw her. Every eye was fixed on the man in the arena. Every breath was held and every eye remained fixed on that man. Without the slightest hesitation, he went to the door on the right and opened it.10 Now, the point of the story is this: Did the tiger come out of the door, or did the lady? The more we think about this question, the harder it is to answer. It involves a study of the human heart which leads us through devious mazes of passion out of which it is difficult to fine our way.10 the soul of the princess beat with a white heat beneath the combined fires of despair and jealousy.11 she had lost him, but who should have him? How often in her waling hours and in her dreams had she thoughtof her lover opening the door on the other side of which waited the cruel fangs of the tiger! But how much oftener had she seen him at the other door and she could see his delight as he opened the door of the lady! Her soul had burned with agony as she imagined him rushing to meet that woman with her sparkling eyes of triumph. She further imagined the glad shouts of the crowd as the two handsome people were married and walked away showered with flowers.12 Her one despairing shriek was lost in the noise.11 Would it not be better for him to die at once? And yet, that awful tiger, those shrieks, that blood! Her decision had been indicated in an instant, but it had been made after days and nights of anguished thought. She had known she would be asked, she had decided what she would answer, and, without theslightest hesitation, she had moved her hand to the right.12 The question of her decision is not to be lightly considered, and it is not for me to presume to set myself up as the one person able to answer it.13 And so I leave it with all of you: Which came out of the opened door, — the lady, or the tiger? (1,307 words)Time taken:____________minutesUNIT 2 MannersIN-CLASS READINGNo One Stops to Say "Thank You" Anymore1 I am sitting in a local restaurant offering takeout homestyle meals, surrounded by exhausted but happy shoppers, families out for Friday night dinner, and students taking a break from college exams. The warm room buzzes with conversation. A well-known local homeless man very untidy but clean comes in, places an order, pays for it, then sits quietly waiting for his dinner. All talk stops. No one looks at him and several diners leave. He is aware of the general discomfort his presence has caused. When his takeout is ready, he gathers up his numerous bags and his dinner and, laden down, advances to the door to go back to the streets. Just as he reaches the door and begins to shift bundles to free a hand, a well-dressed man coming to the restaurant steps aside and holds the door for him. The homeless man stops and says, "Thank you very much."2 What struck me about this encounter was not the wealthier man helping out the less fortunate one. It was the homeless man stopping to thank him despite being desperate to escape a room full of disapproving people. No doubt he also thanked whoever had given him the money to buy dinner. In line buying my own meal, no one had thanked the young people behind the counterwho dished up mashed potatoes for them. Had I taken a poll of the room, though, I bet everyone there would have considered themselves as having more manners than a person who lives on the streets.3 But how many of us are truly well-mannered? Some observations have been surprising.4 When I let someone into my lane of traffic, men almost always acknowledge this courtesy with a wave of the hand; women (the "polite" sex) hardly ever do. More women than men (the "chivalrous" sex) hold open doors for those behind them; teenage boys commit this nicety the least. And I no longer see mothers instructing a child, boy or girl, to hold open a door when several people are approaching something expected of all boys when I was growing up.5 Manners are a tool to remind us of others around us. Our actions affect each other; there is always give and take. However, if youth today are any indication, we are truly destined to become a society of people who think only of themselves. Maybe it sounds cliché, but my parents would have killed me had I done some of the things I endure from today's youth.6 I never ran in public, much less between and around the legs of people in stores. One scream and I would have been taken to the car and lectured on my behavior. Whenever I was rude in public, I was made to apologize; my parents didn't do it for me. These embarrassing moments didn't harm me; rather, they caused me to become aware that there were others inhabiting this world besides myself and my actions affected them.7 I have yet to receive an apology from a child who just ran over my foot while chasing a sibling, and only half the time have the parents apologized. Often they simply gather upthe children, making no eye contact, and take them to another part of the store to run around. If a child isn't made to deal with a minor situation, how will one ever handle a major faux pa& (which we all inevitably commit at some point)?8 I have noticed that children are not even being schooled in social graces. At a Sunday brunch, a clown was making balloon animals for the children. My friend's daughter, Sarah, stood by me waiting her turn'. One by one the children grabbed their balloons and yes ran.I was the only adult present who prompted "What do you say?" when the clown handed Sarah her balloon. The clown beamed at us, grateful he had actually been acknowledged.9 I don't blame the children, however. They emulate what they see. And what they are seeing is a society focused solely on acquisition be it the dream house or another drink in a restaurant or a space on a crowded freeway without ever stopping to thank the source.10 Rude language is now so commonplace that it is accepted behavior. And I'm not talking about the obviously blue vocabulary in books and movies, or that damn is considered harmless compared to what else has become acceptable. I'm referring to inconsiderate word choice. For example, while discussing a story idea with an editor, a very young staff member asked if I was the "chick" who had called for information. I said nothing, knowing that a show of displeasure would have labeled me oversensitive rather than him rude.11 Most people today feel proud to have built a society that treats the races, sexes, and economic classes more equally than ever before. And, yes, we have made real strides in these areas. But isn't it ironic that these same people don't find it necessaryto say "Excuse me" to an older couple walking very slowly in front of them, before zooming around the couple?12 It's not necessary to provide yet another analysis of the disintegration of the family or the breakdown of the social fabric or the price of democracy to explain what hashappened to our society. The matter at hand is simply to thank the next person who provides a helping hand when needed.13 In a crowded world, manners are of vital importance. Small, friendly human interactions help ease the everyday stress of having to hurry, trying to squeeze onto a crowded thoroughfare, standing in one more line to deal with a clerk of some kind, or calling a customer service representative for the third time about a mistake on a bill. Manners make us aware that everything we have derives from a source. Are we really so pressured that we cannot stop to observe simple courtesy?(991 words)Time taken: ______ minutesProper NameSarah(女子名)萨拉New Wordsacknowledgev. show thanks for 就……表示谢意,致谢e.g. He acknowledged the applause with a small bow.acquisitionn. the act of getting land, power, money, etc. 获取e.g. The acquisition of the property took months.anymoreadv. any longer (一般只用于表示否定意义的上下文中)而今再也e.g. I don't like being called Theresa anymore. It's old-fashioned.brunchn. a meal that serves as both breakfast and lunch 早午餐bundlen. a group of things such as papers, clothes, or sticks that are fastened or tied together 捆,束,包e.g. He gathered the bundles of clothing into his arms.buzzv.1) be filled with a lot of excitement or activity 充满了激动或活动的声音e.g. The narrow streets in the area buzzed with stories of the killers.2) talk quietly at the same time 发出低沉、嘈杂的声音e.g. The audience buzzed throughout the performance.chasev. quickly follow someone or something trying to catch them 追逐,追赶e.g. Outside in the yard, kids were yelling and chasing each other.chickn. American slang for a young woman (偶)少女,少妇chivalrousadj. (esp. of men) marked by bravery, honor, generosity, and good manners (esp. toward women) (男人) 有骑士风度的clichén. an expression that is used too often and has lost most of its meaning陈词滥调clownn. a performer, especially in the circus, who dresses strangely and tries to make peoplelaugh by his jokes, tricks or actions 小丑commonplaceadj. ordinary; not regarded as special or unusual 普通的,不足为奇的e.g. A few years ago it was quite rare to see women unaccompanied by men in a pub, now it's commonplace.courtesyn. polite behavior; a polite or kind action or expression 有礼的举止或言辞e.g. The student replied with promptness and courtesy.democracyn. social equality and the right to take part in decision-making 民主e.g. Democracy is spreading around the world in various forms.destinedadj. certain to happen at some time in the future 命中注定的e.g. He feels that he was destined to become a musician.disintegration*n. the state of becoming weaker or less united and being gradually destroyed 解体,瓦解emulatev. try to be like someone else, because you admire them 仿效e.g. People often try to emulate their favorite pop singers or movie stars.fabricn.1) a framework or structure 组构,组织e.g. He said the fabric of society was threatened by groups of criminals involved withdrugs, violence and robbery.2) material or cloth made by weaving threads together 织物,(纺)织品e.g. My shirt is made of cotton fabric.freewayn. (AmE) a very wide road built for fast long-distance travel 高速公路,高速干道indicationn. a sign of something; something that is suggested 象征,迹象e. g. This was a clear indication that they were in financial difficulty.inevitably*adv. unavoidably 不可避免地e.g. An organization of this size inevitably has problems.ironic*adj. full of irony 讽刺的,有讽刺意味的e.g. How ironic that he should have been invited to play for the English team on the very day that he broke his leg.ladenadj. heavily loaded with something 装满的,充满的e.g. She arrived back home laden with shopping bags.oversensitive*adj. too easily influenced or offended 过分敏感的,神经过敏的siblingn. a brother or sister 兄弟(或姐妹), 同胞squeezev.1) fit by forcing, pressing or crowding挤人,挤过,塞e.g. Anne squeezed herself into the crowded elevator.2) press firmly together, especially from opposite sides 压,挤,榨e.g. She squeezed the tube hard and the last of the tooth paste came out.striden.1) an improvement in a situation or in the development of something 进展,进步e.g. We've made great strides in medical technology this century.2) a long step 大步,步幅e.g. With every stride, runners hit the ground with up to five times their body-weight.v. walk quickly with long steps 阔步行进,大踏步走e. g. He came striding along the path, with his gun over his shoulder.takeout(AmE)adj. intended to be taken from the point of sale and consumed elsewhere 供顾客带出外吃的.n. food made to be taken out 外卖的食物thoroughfaren. the main road through place such as a city or town 大街,大道Phrases and Expressionsat handnear in time or space 近在手边,附近;即将到来e.g. I picked up a book that happened to lie at hand and read a few pages.disk upput into and/ or serve in a dish as food 把(食物)装盘,盛在盘中端上(饭菜)e.g. I will dish up the first course.gather upbring together into one group, collection, or place 使聚集,收拢,集拢e.g. She watched Willie gather up the papers and stuff them carelessly in his pocket.give-and-takethe practice of making mutual concessions; willingness to compromise 互相让步,互相迁就e.g. You can't always insist on your own way—there has to be some give-and-take.help (someone) outgive help and support to someone who has problems 帮助某人(尢指摆脱困境或危难)e.g. I) I helped out with the secretarial work.II) I think her colleagues did help her out on that occasion.lecture onscold or warn, especially at some length 训斥,告诫e.g. She lectured her children on good table manners.much lesseven less likely 更谈不上e.g. Jack can hardly understand arithmetic, much less geometry.no doubtalmost certainly; very probably 肯定地,想必e.g. 1 ) You've all no doubt heard the news.II) No doubt I learned a lot from that lecture.run aroundrun excitedly and randomly within a particular area 在……四处奔跑e.g. We need a large garden, where the kids can run around freely.run overmake one's way quickly over 在……上跑过,撞倒e.g. We almost ran over a fox that was crossing the road.step asidewalk to one side 走开一点,让开一点e.g. The crowd stepped aside to let the chairman pass.UNIT 3 Business StrategiesIN-CLASS READINGBusiness Lessons from the Rain ForestTakashi Kiuchi1 The environment and the emerging information economy are two issues most vital to the future of my business, and perhaps the world. To me, these topics seem intimately linked. Perhaps this is partly because I work for Mitsubishi Electric, an electronics company, and I see our impacts on the environment. But my most important lessons about the link among business, the environment, and the economy did not come from my company. I learned them in the forest.2 On my trip to Asia, I visited the Malaysian rain forest. WhatI learned changed my life asa corporate executive.3 I learned that saving the rain forests in fact, saving the environment is more than an environmental necessity. It is abusiness opportunity. In our case, it is an opportunity to pursue business opportunities that use creativity and technology to substitute for trees, for resources of any kind.4 I learned something else in the rain forest, too, something more profound. I learned how we might operate our company not just to save the rain forest, but to be more like the rain forest.5 To be agile and creative, we must structure our company so that we are a learning organization. Not top-down, but bottom-up. Not centralized, but decentralized. Not limited by rules, but motivated by objectives. Not structured like a machine which cannot learn but like a living system, which can.6 When I visited the rain forest, I realized that it was a model of the perfect learning organization, a place that excels by learning to adapt to what it doesn't have. A rain forest has almost no resources. The soil is thin. There are few nutrients. It consumes almost nothing. Wastes are food. Design is capital. So my model for Mitsubishi Electric is an organization that is like a rain forest in those respects.7 Rain forests have no productive assets, yet they are incredibly productive. They are home to millions of types of plants and animals more than two-thirds of all biodiversity in the world. Those plants and animals are so perfectly mixed that the system is more efficient, and more creative, than any business in the world.8 If we ran our companies like the rain forest, imagine how creative, how productive, how ecologically benign we could be. We can begin by operating less like a machine and more like a living system. At Mitsubishi Electric, we have begun to adopt an environmental management system founded on principles of industrial ecology. For us, this means twothings: First, we must have our eyes wide open and see the environmental costs and benefits of our business. Second, based on what we see, we must take action:See costs and reduce them. See benefits and increase them. See needs and fill them.9 When I visited the rain forest, I realized that, as business people, we have been looking at the rain forest all wrong. What is valuable about the rain forest is not the trees, which we can take out. What is valuable is the design, the relationships, from which comes the real value of the forest. When we take trees from the forest, we can ruin its design. But when we take lessons from the forest, we further its purpose. We can develop the human ecosystem into as intricate and creative a system as we find in the rain forest. We can do more with less; grow without shrinking.10 While the rain forest has many design principles, let's discuss three:11 Differentiate. Be yourself, be unique. In the rain forest, conformity leads to extinction. If two organisms have the same niche, only one survives. The other adapts or dies. 12 The same thing happens in today's economy. If two businesses have the same niche, making exactly the same product, only one survives. The other adapts or dies. Most companies today are trying to be the one that survives by cutting costs, radically downsizing, desperately seeking the lowest cost.13 It's smarter to differentiate. Create unique products, different from any others. Fill unique niches. Don't kill our competitors or be killed by them sidestep them instead. Only then is it time to reduce costs and grow more efficient.14 Cooperate. T oday, many people think competitiveness is the key to business success, but such thinking is out of date.Today, as we grow different, we learn that none of us is whole. We need each other to fill in our gaps. For example, at my company, we no longer look to grow bigger simply by acquiring more and more companies as subsidiaries. Instead, we are engaging in cooperative joint ventures with many others. Each companyretains its independence, its specialty, and its core competence. Together we benefit from our diversity.15 Be a good fit. We used to say only the fittest survives; only one can be the winner. But the rain forest has many winners.16 The same can be true in our economy. In this new, diverse, rain-forest economy, it is not a question of who is most fit. It is a question of where we best fit. If we fit if we solve a social problem, fulfill a social need we will survive and excel. If we only create problems, we will not.17 I am often asked whether the needs of the corporation and the needs of the environment are in conflict. I do not believe they are. In the long run, they cannot be.18 Conventional wisdom is that the highest mission of a corporation is to maximize profits and return to shareholders. That is a myth. It has never been true. Profit is just money a medium of exchange. You always trade it for something else. So profits are not an end; they are a means to an end.19 My philosophy is this: We don't run our business to earn profits. We earn profits to run our business. Our business has meaning and purpose a reason to be here.20 People talk today about business needing to be socially responsible, as if this is something new we need to do, on top of everything else we do. But social responsibility is not something that one should do as an extra benefit of the business. The wholeessence of the business should be social responsibility. It must live for a purpose. Otherwise, why should it live at all?21 What I learned from the rain forest is easy to understand. We can use less and have more. It is the only way, for the interests of business and the interests of the environment are not incompatible.(1102 words)Time taken: _______ minutesProper NamesMalaysianadj. 马来西亚的Mitsubishi Electric日本三菱电气公司Takashi Kiuchi(日本男子名)木内孝New Wordsagileadj. active, lively, think quickly 灵活的,(才思)敏捷的e.g. The agile monkey swung from branch to branch.biodiversityn. biological diversity in an environment as indicated by numbers of different species of plants and animals 生物品种competencen. the ability and skill to do what is needed 能力,技能e.g. I'm only worried about his attitude to the job: his competence is not in question.conformity *n. agreement with established rules, customs, etc. 一致,顺从e.g. Excessive conformity is usually caused by fear of disapproval . conventionaladj. following what is traditional or considered to be normal传统的,符合习俗的e.g. The house was built with conventional materials but in a totally new style.cooperatev. work with somebody else to achieve something 合作,协作,配合e.g. I ) Our company is cooperating with a Danish firm on this project. II) The art department cooperated with the editorial department to produce the book.coren.1) the central or most important part of something 核心,要点e.g. The basic lack of government funding is at the core of the problem.2) the hard center of certain fruits, containing seeds 果心,核e.g. She finished her apple and threw the core away.differentiatev.1) make or become different in the process of growth or development (使)变异e.g. The cells differentiate into a wide variety of cell types.2) to see or express a difference (between) 区分,区别e.g. A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.diversity *n. the condition of being different or having differences 差异,多样性e.g. Newspapers were obliged to allow a diversity of views to be printed.downsize *v. to make a business or industry smaller 缩减,削减e.g. I ) The company will have to downsize to cut costs.II) American manufacturing organizations have been downsizing their factories.ecologically *adv. from the point of view of ecology 从生态学的观点看e.g. Ecologically, the new dam (大坝) has been a disaster.ecologyn. the pattern and balance of relationships between plants, animals, people, and the environment in that place 生态e.g. The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile (脆弱的)ecology of the coastline.ecosystem *n. all the plants and animals that live in a particular area together with the complex relationship that exists between them and their environment 生态系统electronicsn.1) electronic devices and equipment 电子器件e.g. All the electronics are housed in a waterproof box.2) a branch of physics that deals with the emission, behavior and effects of electrons and with electronic devices 电子学,电子技术e.g. The field of modern electronics has grown rapidly.extinction *n. a situation in which a particular kind of animal, plant, etc. no longer exists 消灭;灭绝e.g. There are many animals in danger of extinction.incompatible *adj. unable to exist together in harmony 不相容的,不协调的,不相配的e.g. I ) I don't think either of them was to blame: they。
(完整word版)高级英语 新编英语教程5 课文+翻译 unit10

Unit10 Things: The Throw-away Society by Alvin Toffler“Barbie,” a twelve-inch plastic teen-ager, is the best known and best-selling doll in history. Since its introduction in 1959, the Barbie doll population of the world has grown to 12,000,000—more than the human population of Los Angeles or London or Paris. Little girls adore Barbie because she is highly realistic and eminently dress-upable. Mattel, Inc., maker of Barbie, also sells a complete wardrobe for her, including clothes for ordinary daytime wear, clothes for formal party wear, clothes for swimming and skiing.十二英寸高的塑料小人“芭比”曾是历史上最著名最畅销的洋娃娃,自从1959年问世以来,全世界的芭比娃娃的数量增长到1200,0000人—比洛杉矶,伦敦和巴黎任何一个城市的人口还要多。
Recently Mattel announced a new improved Barbie doll. The new version has a slimmer figure, “real”eyelashes and a twist-and turn waist that makes her more humanoid than ever. Moreover, Mattel announced that, for the first time, any young lady wishing to purchase a new Barbie would receive a trade-in allowance for her old one.最近Mattel公司推出一款更高级的芭比娃娃,这个新产品身材更苗条,有仿真睫毛,又可以扭转弯曲的腰肢,所有这些特点使其更加人性化。
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Unit10 Things: The Throw-away Society by Alvin Toffler 十二英寸高的塑料小人“芭比”曾是历史上最著名最畅销的洋娃娃,自从1959年问世以来,全世界的芭比娃娃的数量增长到1200,0000人—比洛杉矶,伦敦和巴黎任何一个城市的人口还要多。
对一次性物品的使用让人想到了粮食问题和祖祖辈辈生活在贫困中的人,不久前,法国广告代理公司P的一位市场调查员U R 告诉我:“法国的家庭主妇并不习惯于使用一次性的产品,她们喜欢把东西留着,即使是旧物品也不会丢。
因此,作家E M 指出在十二世纪五十年代初期,很多区瑞典观光的美国人都被瑞典的干净所震惊“让我们敬佩的是路边没有一个啤酒瓶和软饮料瓶,而自惭形秽的是,美国到处都是。