[2] 霍桑,姚乃强译.红字[M].江苏:译林出版社,1998.
[3] 侯国金.语用标记等效值[J].中国翻译,2005(05). 作者简介 :莫锦利(1977—),女,贵州省荔波县人,硕士研究生,副教授, 研究方向 :英语语言文学。
O Hester,thou art my better angel! I seem to have flung myself-sick,sinstained,and sorrow-blackened-down upon these forest—leaves,and to have risen up all made anew,and with new powers to glorify Him that hath been merciful!
“语用标记等效原则”是侯国金博士从语用学角度的标记理论出发,根 据美国翻译理论家奈达的“功能等效原则”得出的二级原则。语用标记等效 原则中的次则(7)“考虑原文修辞风格”:原文中出现了哪些修辞格,修辞 是否鲜活,是否恰当,是否好懂,对当时的读者产生了什么效果,考虑这些 问题的结果就是掌握了其标记性特征。即原文出现修辞格,如果译文也使用 修辞格来翻译,就能很好地再现原文的标记特征。例如《红字》原著第 242 页 :
Literary theory to explore 文艺理论探索
文 / 莫锦利
摘要:笔者就侯国金博士的“语用标记等效原则”中的次则(7)对比《红字》的两译本,欲探究侯国金博士的“语用标记等效原则”在修辞方面 是否在两个译本的翻译比较有很好的体现。
显示了她倔强的性格。 ”这样将长句分解成独立的句子,符合
[作 者 简 介] 何 艳 红 (1980), 女 , 湖 北 武 汉 , 汉 , 研 究 生 , 湖 北 商 贸 学 院 讲 师;研究:英语教育。
中文分离式视角的特色,令读者读起来更加顺口,也更易接 受。
三、形合与意合 总体说来, 英语更加关注的是形式, 中文更加注重语 意,因而我们在英文中多见连词,而中文中甚少,一般可通 过语意直接体现出来。 另外,在英语中,有些修饰词语是句 子必须成分,无法忽略不计,在中文里没有必要翻译出来, 否则会显得较为累赘。 在作品的翻译中,一些译者常常忽视 这一点。
言和目标语言的关系,常常将原作语言特色应用于目标语言 and stepped into the open air as if by her own free-will.”
本文从语言学的角度,精选三种不同译本进行详细分析 明她个性的力量和天生的尊严的动作,推开狱吏……”这样
一些译文的作者很好地将原作语言和目标语言融合在一起, 解,感觉上要自然很多。
做到译文翻译准确生动的同时, 令读者读完后感到顺畅亲
“until on the threshold of the prison door she repelled him,
切 ,没有 晦 涩 感 ,当 然 也 有 一 些 译 本 不 能 很 好 地 处 理 原 作 语 by an action marked with natural dignity and fierce of character
夫 离 开 身 边 时 与 人 有 染 ,这 件 事 情 被 大 众 知 晓 后 ,海 瑟 特 性的句子,可随需要进行整合调节,以包容作者思想,这就使
之上 的。风格是可 以在一定 限度 内传译 的 , 这一定 限度是考 虑 了语 言形式 和文化 因素等 的差异 , 这是 目前大多数研 究者达成
‘ 忠实 ’但这往往是为了保证更大 部分 的‘ , 忠实 ’ 够实现 , 能 仍 然是为 了‘ 最大限度 的’ 的忠实 。客 观上不忠实 的翻译 当然 存 在, 然而主观上 以‘ 不忠实 ’ 去做 ‘ 翻译 ’ 是概念上 的 自相矛盾 。 译者无法超越 自身的局 限性 , 主观上他不能够 ‘ 但 另有所好 ’ 或 选择 ‘ 百分之三十 ’ 的忠实” 王婉玲 ,05 。 ( 2 0 ) 风格传递要谈 忠实 , 受到很 多翻译家和研究者 的支 持。茅 盾说 :要将一个作家 的风格 翻译 出来 , 当然是相 当困难 的, “ 这 需要运用适合于原文风格的文学语言 , 把原作 的内容与形式 正
第2 5卷第 1 期
21年 1 02 月
湖 北 函 授 大 学 学 报
J u a fHUB IC rep n e c iest om l o E ors o d n eUnv ri y
V0. 5 N 1 1 2 . 0.
Jn 2 1 a .02
风格 传递还要谈 忠实一 以《 红字》 本对 比为例 译
高华婷 ( 福建师范大学外 国语学 院 , 福建福州
[ 摘
300 ) 50 7
要 ]在翻译研究 中, 译者和读者的地位 不断得 到提 高, 来越 受到重视 , 且越 甚至有学者认 为应该抛 弃传 统的
以原 文作者和原 文文本为 中心的翻译策略 , 以求有所创新。针对 这种翻译观 念进行探讨 , 讨论 如何 处理原 文风格 和译
视 野 ”是 其 中的 一 个 重 要 概 念 ,指 读 者 在 阅 读 文 学 作 品 之 前 的 各 种 经 验 所 形 成 对 文 学 作 品 的 欣 赏 要 求 与 水 平 , 强 调 了读 者 在 文 学理 论 和 美 学研 究 的 地 位 。本 文 以 姚 斯 的 期 待 视 野 理 论 为 关 照 , 选 取 了 美 国 作 家 霍 桑 的 小说
从期待视野看 《 红字 》三个汉译 本的译者抉择
彭 石 玉 ,张 清 清
( 武 汉 工程 大学 外语 学 院 湖 北 武 汉
4 3 0 2 0 5 )
要 :二 十世 纪 的 西 方 文 论 中 ,“ 接 受 美 学 ” 理 论 的 诞 生标 志 着 对 文 学 的 研 究 重 点 从 文 本 向 读 者 转 移 。 “ 期 待
讲述 了一 个 通 奸 、复 仇 与 救 赎 的 故 事 ,作 者 在 小
说 中不 断 地 探 讨 和 发 掘人 类 的罪 恶 ,体 现 了人 的
阴暗面 。作 品 自诞 生 以 来 ,其 独 特 的 主 题 ,引 人 人胜 的 写作 手法 吸引 了广 泛 的 读 者 , 自流 传 以来 , 已被 翻译 成 多 种 语 言 ,被 改 变 为 戏 剧 和 歌 剧 , 电
从 过 去关 注 文 本 转 向 侧 重 于 从 读 者 的 角 度 理 解 文
美 国十九 世纪 的浪 漫 主 义 作 家 ,于 1 8 5 0年 出版 了
小说 Th e S c a r l e t L e t t e r(《 红 字 》) 。该 作 品 是 其 成名 作 ,他 因 此 享 有 “ 天 才 作 家 ” 的美 誉 。作 品
看来 ,文学 史上 的作 品 都是 “ 文学 事 件 ” ,他 们 之
【总页数】2页(P61-62)【关键词】《红字》;两个中译本;图里翻译规范理论【作者】申向晶【作者单位】新疆工程学院基础部【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H315.9;I046【相关文献】1.图里翻译规范视角下《柳林风声》两个中译本的对比研究 [J], 梁新新2.图里翻译规范视角下《柳林风声》两个中译本的对比研究 [J], 梁新新;3.文化品牌创意:图里翻译规范理论视角下《人间天堂》两个中译本下的市场化之路探究 [J], 朱琦; 廖昌盛4.文化品牌创意:图里翻译规范理论视角下《人间天堂》两个中译本下的市场化之路探究 [J], 朱琦;廖昌盛5.图里翻译规范理论视角下《尤利西斯》两个中译本的对比研究 [J], 熊梦雨因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
红字 两个译本的比较研究韩广义(邢台学院,河北邢台 054001)摘 要:通过比较研究两个不同的 红字 译本: 花山文艺版 和 译林版 ,从描述和分析复译现象入手,揭示并批判复译背后隐藏的消极因素,为健康、正确的复译指明方向。
关键词: 红字 ;复译;比较;评论中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-4658(2006)04-0059-04红字 是美国著名作家霍桑的名著,其在中国的出版和传播已经有60多年的历史了。
红字 篇幅不长,但翻译起来难度很大,很多译者都曾做过尝试。
20世纪90年代中期,随着中国开放在文化交流界的加深和中国经济改革的进一步深入,在中国又掀起外文经典译介的高潮,对 红字 的复译也随之而生。
90年代以后出现的 红字 翻译主要有如下几个版本:(1)胡允恒翻译、人民文学出版社的1991年版;(2)王阳红等译、长江文艺出版社的1995年版;(3)熊玉鹏翻译、北岳文艺出版社的1996年版;(4)姚乃强翻译、译林出版社的1996年版;(5)李冬、李华译花山文艺出版社的1996年版;(6)黄水乞译、海峡文艺出版社的1997年版;(7)余士雄译、作家出版社的1997年版;(8)姚乃强,熊玉鹏译、北京燕山出版社的2000年版;(9)周晓贤邓延远译、浙江文艺出版社的2000年版;(10)傅东华熊玉鹏等译、延边人民出版社的2001年版;(11)何星亦翻译、中国致公出版社的2003年版;(12)远方出版社的2004年版等等。
中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育2015年21期 289《红字》的三种中文译本比较陈溢璐上海外国语大学,上海 200122摘要:《红字》是霍桑的代表作,是美国文学发展史上第一部象征主义小说。
关键词:情感修辞;中译本;心理描述 中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-5861(2015)21-0289-021 作者及故事简介The Scarlet Letter is considered as the masterpiece of Nathaniel Hawthorne.By reading the novel ,the Arthur revealed a 17th century’s authentic life in America,especially focused on a woman’s misery experience,which led readers to be personally on the scene ,vivid and sad.He revealed not only the actress’s miserable and painful life but also described a cold and rigid social situation that the actress lived.He exposed the hypocritical morality ,fraudulent religion ,which had been veiled under “normal” society .The story took place in a Puritan village.The actress in the book called Hester Prynne ,who was punished seriously due to her adultery.The Scarlet Letter “A” represented her act of adultery and a symbol of her punishment.She was alone in the village ,with a missing husband.However ,she was pregnant ,hided all clues about the father and her affair.Several years later ,she passed a tough life with her daughter and her lover ,Dimmesdale ,was always embarrassed about the “Adultery” and didn’t confess to the others .Finally ,Dimmesdale confessed his sin and ended his life ,Hester fled away and came back years later.After her death ,her tombstone was decorated with a letter "A",for Hester and Dimmesdale.2 三种译本的比对The Scarlet Letter was introduced in our country years before and had published in several Chinese translations as well.Hereby ,I would compare three versions of them.One of them is translated by Yao Naiqiang (姚乃强),another is Hu Yunheng (胡允桓)’s,and the last one is Fang Huawen (方华文)’s .The first two of them are notable ,they give a full reproduction of the original ,whereas each has its own distinctive characteristics and also has its own pro and cons.Today ,we’re focusing on the emotions’ translation of the three versions.2.1 对主人公情感描述的译本比对“While this passed,Hester Prynne…still with a fixed gaze towards the stranger ;so fixed a gaze ,that ,at moments of intense absorption ,all other objects in the visible world seemed to vanish ,leaving only himand her…with the hot,midday sun burning down upon her face and lighting up its shame”The paragraph expresses the Hester’s feeling when she met her husband in an embarrassment situation ,who was shamed by public.Yao’s version:在此期间,海丝特·白兰一直站在台上…她盯得那么专注,以致完全入了神…仿佛世间万物全都消失了,只留下他和她两个人…此时,烈日当空,强烈的阳光烧灼着她的面庞,点燃起了她脸上的羞愧。
红字 两种中文译本的对比研究董颖
![红字 两种中文译本的对比研究董颖](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d48006647e21af45b307a8d6.png)
红字 两种中文译本的对比研究董 颖(贵州大学外国语学院,贵州贵阳 550025)摘 要:以英汉对比语言学为理论指导,从以下三个方面对胡允桓先生和贾宗谊先生的 红字 译本进行对比研究:一是英汉词汇差异;二是英汉句法差异;三是英汉文化差异。
通过对上述三方面系统地比较研究,笔者认为贾的译著在 信、达、雅 各方面均优于胡的译著。
关键词: 红字 ;词汇差异;句法差异;文化差异;英语教学中图分类号:I31706 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-2395(2005)05-0064-05 Contrastive study of the two Chinese versions of The Scarlet LetterDONG Ying(Foreign Language Col lege,Guizhou University,Guiyang550025,China)Abstract:T his paper,based on the Contr astive Linguistics of English and Chinese,tr ies to make a contrastive study on the tw o Chinese versions of T he Scarlet L etter r espectively render ed by Hu Yunhuan and Jia Zongyi fr om the follow ing three perspectives,i.e.differ ences on lex icon,syntax and culture between English and Chinese.T hrough a systematic compar ison and contrast,the wr iter draws a conclusion that the Chinese version translated by Jia transcends over that one produced by Hu w ith a better mastery on the differences betw een English and Chinese and the faithful, expressive and elegant expressions.In the end,the w riter gives a comprehensive ev aluation to the two Chinese versions and sugg ests that w e should apply contr astive studies of English and Chinese in our EF L teaching practice to enhance teaching efficiency.Key words:T he Scar let L etter;lex ical contrast;sy ntactical contrast;cultural contrast;EF L teaching红字 是19世纪美国著名作家霍桑的一部浪漫主义杰作。
标签:《红字》;文化差异;原语特色;语用意义1 引言《红字》这本小说是美国著名的小说家霍桑的代表作,也是一部很有声望的美国浪漫主义小说权威作品。
2 试从文化差异角度对比《红字》两译本的翻译美国翻译理论家尤金·奈达说过:“归根到底,翻译中的大部分问题都起源于两种语言差异而造成的障碍。
笔者就以下面《红字》2译本中的例子来进行分析:It was none the less a fact,however that in the eyes of the very man who spoke thus,the scarlet letter had the effect of the cross on a nun’s bosom.(P197)译文版翻译:不过,事实还是一样,讲这些话的人,在他们心目中,那个红字已含有如尼姑胸前十字架的意义了(P111)译林版翻译:不过,事实是说这样话的人,在他们的心目中,那红字具有与修女胸前挂的十字架一样的作用了。
浅析从翻译标准看《红字》两个译本的翻译作者:武琳蕴来源:《校园英语》 2019年第9期【摘要】1850年,美国作家霍桑发表长篇小说《红字》,该小说在世界文学史上有极为重要的地位,也吸引各翻译家的踊跃翻译。
2019年33期总第473期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS从归化与异化翻译理论下对比《红字》两个汉译本文/王 玉 张树德一、归化与异化主张异化理论的学者代表为韦努蒂,主张归化理论的学者代表是奈达。
(Munday, Jeremy,2001 )也就是说译者在翻译过程中应以源语为主,继续保留源语形式和文化内涵。
”归化为“遵守目标语言文化当前的主流价值观,使其迎合本土的典律、出版潮流和政治需求”(Venuti ,2000:109)。
二、归化与异化下对《红字》汉译本中词的研究英语词汇有特定的含义,有些在源语中意义鲜明的词汇经过翻译后发生了转化如:原文:Like all that pertains to crime...郑译:像一切事情起因于原罪一样,......盛世译:像是一切都罪恶二字息息相关,......郑译本翻译更偏向异化,这一句描述的是关押女主的大楼的门锈迹斑斑。
原文:“Mercy on us, good wife”...郑译:“苍天在上,可敬的太太”......盛世译:“我的天啊,婆娘们,”......此处郑译文更多是异化方法。
作者: 李云
出版物刊名: 泰山学院学报
页码: 152-154页
主题词: 《红字》;消极修辞;积极修辞;中译本;非常规表达;女主人公;汉语;翻译理论;词类转换;译文
摘要: 《红字》是美国十九世纪著名作家霍桑的代表作,以耻辱的红字为中心线索,通过女主人公所受的不公正待遇,揭露了社会的不公、宗教的偏见、狭隘和伪善。
本文依据的原文是牛津大学出版社和外语教学与研究出版社发行的The Scarlet Letter。
2008年第4期 贵阳学院学报(社会科学版) (季刊) No.4.2008J OURNAL OF GU I Y ANG UN I VERSI T Y(总第12期)Social Sc ience(Quarterly)(Genera lN o.12)从对比语言学的角度看 红字 的三个中文译本李 英(贵州大学外国语学院,贵州 贵阳 550025)摘 要:从对比语言学的角度,对美国作家纳撒尼尔 哈桑的名著 红字 的三个中文译本进行了详细的比较。
关键词: 红字 ;翻译;对比语言学;中文;英文中图分类号:I046 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-6133(2008)04-0059-06Co mparison of Three Chi nese V ersions of The Scarlet L etter fro m the Angle of Contrasti ve Studies of English and Chi neseLI Y ing(Fore i gn L anguage Co llege,G uizhou U niversity,G uiyang G uizhou550025,Chi na) Abstrac t:F rom the ang l e of con trasti ve stud i es o f Eng lish and Chi nese,a deta iled compar i son i s m ade bet w een three Ch i nese versions o f the fa m ous Am er i can novel T he Scarlet L etter by N athan i e lH aw t horne.So m e translati ons are ex ce l lent because not only is t he genuine m ean i ng of t he or i g i na l novel conveyed bu t the li ngu istic habits of t he Ch i nese lan guage a re a lso taken i nto consi derati on and there fore from the ang le of a Ch i nese reader,t he w ords read i dio m atic and natura.l Som e o the r translati ons,ho w ever,i gno re t he disti ncti ve fea t ures bet w een Ch i nese and Eng lish and t husm istak enly stick to t he sty l e and the patte rns of t he Eng li sh l anguag e,m aki ng the co rrespondi ng Ch i nese sen tences no t so i dio m atic in a Chi nese reade rs'eyes.It can be seen fro m the com par ison tha t as st udents of Eng li sh w e shoul d explore t hed ifferences bet w een Chinese and Eng lish consciously so as to i m prove our ability to use the t wo l anguages properly andidio m aticall y.K ey word s:T he Scarlet Le tter;translation;contrasti ve stud i es;Eng lish;Ch i nese美国作家纳撒尼尔 哈桑的名著 红字 是美国文学史上最伟大的小说之一,创作于1850年。
1.从解构主义角度看Of Studies三个中文译本 [J], 陈樱之
2.《红字》两种中文译本的对比研究 [J], 董颖
3.从认知语言学角度看\"高、低\"的英汉对比研究 [J], 王春桃
4.从对比语言学角度看汉英歇后语 [J], 徐雅南;曾贤模
5.语言学视角下《红字》的三个中文译文对比研究 [J], 何艳红
Contrastive study on the two Chinese versions of
“The Scarlet Letter”
作者: 董务刚
作者机构: 淮海工学院外语系,江苏连云港222005
出版物刊名: 东南大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 109-112页
主题词: 指称意;语境;文化差异;语言风格;《红字》;小说;美国;霍桑;文学翻译;词语;词义
英语是重主语的语言(subject一prominent language),汉语是重主题的语言 (topic一prominent language),前者着眼的是形式,即句法结构关系,而后者着眼的是语义,即表达和被表达的关系[5]。
20世纪70年代,美国的两位语言学者CharlesN.Li和Sandra A.Thompson在其合著的SubjectandTopic一书中提出了一套新的语言类型学。
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上海海事大学SHANGHAI MARITIME UNIVERSITY 硕士学位论文MASTER DISSERTATION论文题目:《红字》两种中译本的对比研究学科专业:外国语言学及应用语言学作者姓名:指导教师:教授完成日期:二○○九年六月论文独创性声明本人声明所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。
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作者签名:__________ 导师签名:__________ 日期:___________A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions ofThe Scarlet LetterByUnder the Supervision ofProfessorA Thesis Submitted to the College of Foreign Languages ofShanghai Maritime Universityin Partial Fulfillment ofthe Requirements for the MA DegreeShanghai Maritime UniversityJune, 2009AcknowledgementsI would like to avail myself of this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all those who offered me great help and valuable suggestions in composing the thesis.First of all, my deepest gratitude and respect go to my supervisor, Professor , who devoted much time and energy to this thesis, offering invaluable suggestions and inspiring guidance, and spending his precious time polishing my paper. Without his continuous encouragement, generous help and concern, this thesis would not have been completed.I’m also indebt ed to all the teachers who have taught me during my two-year study, particularly to the following Professors: for their thought-provoking and illuminating lectures,which will benefit me a lot all my life.Last but not least, gratitude is extended to my beloved families. Their warm support and unreserved affection have made possible the accomplishment of this thesis, and helped me go out of the difficult personal circumstances.摘要传统译论强调原文和作者,而忽略了对译者和译文的研究。
直到二十世纪七十年代的“文化转向”,人们才开始注意到了译者, 从而开拓了翻译研究的新空间,翻译主体研究得到了应有的重视,译者的特殊文化身份和翻译主体地位逐渐突显了出来。
关键词: 译者主体性;文化转向;《红字》AbstractTraditional translation studies gave priority to the source text and the original author, neglecting the importance of the target text and the translator. The translator is the most crucial factor in translation. His/her purpose, strategies, methods and aesthetic taste greatly influence the formation of the target text.It was not until the “cultural turn” in the 1970s that people began to notice the significance of the translator. With the "cultural turn" in translation studies, proper and increasing attention has been paid to the cultural identity and subject status of the translator.In view of all this, this thesis is a case study of the two Chinese translations of The Scarlet Letter and tries to explore the issue of how the translator is involved in the translation process and thus influences the target translation texts under different social and historical circumstances.This thesis consists of three chapters. Chapter one examines the marginalization of the translator in the traditional translation studies, and then introduces the change of the translator's status in translation history and the studies of the translator's role since the "cultural turn" began in the 1970s. The second chapter makes a general survey of the novel so as to offer some background information. This chapter begins with a brief introduction to the novel and its profound theme. It is followed by the discussion of characteristics of Hawthorne’ language style displayed in this novel. Chapter three makes a systematic and detailed comparison of the two Chinese versions, mainly from the aspects of semantics, syntax and style.In the light of the analysis, we can get the point that the differences between the translations mainly lie in the differences of their translators, whose translation strategies are greatly influenced and constrained by their internal factors and external factors. More attention should be paid to the translator and the social, historical and cultural background in which he/she carries out his/her work when we are making literary criticism.Key Words: the translator's subjectivity;the cultural turn;The Scarlet LetterContentsIntroduction (8)Chapter One (11)An Introduction to Translator’s Subjectivity in Literary Translation (11)1. 1 Traditional Views on Translation (11)1.1.1 Traditional Translation Theories in the West (11)1.1.2 Traditional Translation Theories in China (15)1.2 Cultural Turn of Translation in the West (19)1.3 Connotation of the Translator’s Subjectivity (23)1.3.1 Subject in Translation (24)1.3.2 Subjectivity in Translation (25)1.4 The Display of the Translator’s Subjectivity (27)1.4.1 Translator’s Subjectiv ity Displayed Beyond Translation Operation (27)1.4.2 Translator’s Subjectivity Displayed in Translating Process (29)1.4.3 Translat or’s Subjectivity as the Author of Recreation (33)1.4.4 The Choice of Translation Strategies (33)1.5 Constrains on the Translator’s Subjectivity (36)1.5.1 Cultural Factors (37)1.5.2 Social Environment (37)1.5.3 The Constraints of the Target Reader and the Translator (38)1.5.4 Language Competence (40)Chapter Two (41)An Introduction to The Scarlet Letter and Its Two Chinese Versions (41)2.1 An Introduction to Nathaniel Hawthorne (41)2.1.1 Nathaniel Hawthorne’ life (42)2.1.2 Hawthorne’s Stylistic features (45)2.2 A General Survey of The Scarlet Letter (48)2.2.1 The Plot of The Scarlet Letter (48)2.2.2 Themes in The Scarlet Letter (52)2.3 A Brief Introduction to the Two Chinese Versions (54)Chapter Three A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions (58)3.1 Lexicon (58)3.1.1 Collocative Meaning (59)3.1.2 Conceptual Meaning (61)3.1.3 Connotative Meaning (63)3.1.4 Affective Meaning (64)3.2 Syntax (66)3.2.1 Long Sentence (68)3.2.2 Rhetorical Devices (69)3.3 Stylistic Features (76)Conclusion (83)Bibliography (85)IntroductionDespite the fact that translation is almost as old as languages, few traditional translation theories view the translator as being independent. Instead, they regard the translator as a supporting role without subjectivity. The translator’s subj ectivity has been neglected for a long time. It was not until the “cultural turn” in the 1970s that people began to notice the significance of the translator. The current trend of translation studies has turned to the study of the subjects in translation, especially to the study of subjectivity of the translator who plays an indispensable role in translation.The translator’s subjectivity refers to the fact that the translator demonstrates initiative in translation activities. And its basic characteristics are the translator’s conscious cultural awareness, his/her cultural character, and his/her cultural and aesthetic creativity (Zha &Tian,2003:22). In actual process of translation, translators will find themselves usually in a dilemma: faithfully reproducing the language form of the original on one hand, and adjusting the target text to the expectation of target receivers on the other. It is impossible for the translator to translate objectively without any influence of his own cultural background, pre-understanding or prejudice, aesthetic tendency, etc. The translator, in the process of translating, will inevitably display his subjectivity, consciously or unconsciously. “No translator can avoid a certain degree of personal involvement in his work.” (Nida, 1964:154) Faithfulness to the original was once considered the first rule in the history of translation in China as well as in the West. Yan Fu established the triple translation criteria of “Faithfulness, Expressiveness, and Elegance”, which have influence d the Chinesecontemporary translation studies. Similarly the notion of equivalence has been put forward as the fundamental criterion in the western TS. Hence the translator is supposed to be an invisible and “subservient, transparent filter” (Susan Bassne t, 1996:22). The central ideas of the traditional translation theories focus on the original sender and the transmission of language. This often leads to the neglect of the translation and the translator, and translation literatures are also excluded from the history of literature. Although some scholars admit that translation is a creative activity, they still maintain that it is a parasitical art and cannot compare with the original in terms of artistic creation and the literary value. The traditional translation theories do have reasonable aspects; however, if we only study translation from the point of “faithfulness”, we will not be able to appreciate the significance of the translator and his/her cultural creativity. Therefore, translation studies should focus on various levels of research, and more attention should be paid to the subjectivity of the translator.Within the theoretical framework of translator’s subjectivity theory, this thesis tries to make a comparative analysis about the two Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter. It intends to examine how the translator is stimulated and limited by his/her own subjectivity and how the attention to the translator’s subjectivity contributes to the understanding and evaluation of literary translations.The thesis consists of three chapters. The first gives a brief introduction to translator’s subjectivity theory and its application in literary translation. The second chapter introduces The Scarlet Letter, the author and the two Chinese versions. Chapter Three, the main body of the thesis, offers a detailed comparison of the two Chinese versions (One is by Han Shiheng , and the other is Yao Naiqiang ) to demonstrate what and how to transfer the original into thetarget language text, first in terms of lexicon and syntax, then in terms of style. The purpose of the study is not to identify errors in the translated versions but to intend to gain an insight into literary translation studies.Chapter OneAn Introduction to Translator’s Subjectiv ity in Literary Translation 1. 1 Traditional Views on Translation1.1.1 Traditional Translation Theories in the WestTranslation has existed ever since the ancient times. Various criteria and principles governing translation have been put forward by translation theorists. In the West, George Steiner, divides the literature on the theory, practice and history of translation into four periods.The first period extends from the statements of Cicero and Horace on translation up to the publication of Alexander Fraser Tytler's Essay on the Principles of Translation issued in London in 1792 and Friedrich Schleiermacher's decisive essay Ueber dieverschiedenen Methoden des Uebersetzens (On the Different Methods of Translating) of 1813. The central characteristic o f this period is that of “immediate empirical focus” (Steiner, 2001:248). The ancient translation theorists were concerned about creating dynamic and non-literal versions of the original works. Their translation theories were mainly about translation methods or translation criteria.Cicero, the first translation theorist in the west, set the terms of “free”& “word- for- word” translation. He claimed that translation shouldn’t be constrained to the words of the original text but pay attention to the thought; comply with the norms and features of the target language rather than adopt the very literal translation sentence by sentence (Zhang Zeqian,1994). Cicero once stated: “I saw that to employ the same expressions profited me nothing, while to employ other s was a positive hindrance…I not only foun d myself using the best words, and yet quite familiar ones, but also coining by analogy certain words such as would be new to our people, provided only they were appropriate.” ( Robinson,1997: 7) He also said: “If I render word for word, the result will so und uncouth, and if compelled by necessity I alter anything in the order or wording, I shall seem to have departed from the function of a translator.” (Bassnett, 2004: 49)St Jerome believed that on condition that the original meaning is reserved, the translation should comply with the rhythm and various features of the target language. He also claimed that the translator should regard the thoughts and ideas in the original text as slaves and transplant them directly into their own language as a conqueror with privilege (Schulte, 1992:12). He advocates literal translation of Holy Scripture and dynamic translation of literary texts. With this advocacy, he introduced “the first major shift in western translation theory” (Robinson,1997:23). He maintained the major terms of source text and target text, original meaning and translated meaning, the concepts of literal and dynamic translation. An explicit consequence of his declaration was an emphasis on interpreting the original meaning “correctly in order to reproduce it properly” (Gentzler, 1993: 95).In 1791, Professor of history, Tytler, advanced three basic principles in his book The Principles of Translation:“A: the translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.B: the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the original.C: the translation should have all the ease of the original composition.”The three principles that were abided by scrupulously by many followers were also to follow the lead of the original work ( Bassnett Susan, 2004).Friedrich Schleiermacher proposed the creation of a separate sub-language for use in translated literature only. In his opinion, while translating, the translator has only two choices: to“ (1) either dist urb the writer as little as possible and move the reader in his direction, or (2) disturb the reader as little as possible and move the writer in his direction” (Robinson,1997: 228-229). Here, Schleiermacher advocated another category of translation methods: the former foreignization and the latter domestication, and he himself preferred the former. His classification of translation methods has great influence on successive generations of translators.Goethe and Matthew Arnold, representative scholars in the second period according to the division by George Steiner, claim that the translator must focus on the source language text primarily, and must serve that text with complete commitment. The target language reader must be brought to the source language text through the means of the translation. They emphasize the importance of faithfulness to the text.The publication of the first papers on machine translation in the 1940s marked the beginning of the third period, according to Steiner’s division, which is characterized by the introduction of structural linguistics and communication theory into the study of translation. Steiner's fourth period, coexisting with the third, has its origins in the early 1960s and is characterized by “a reversion to hermeneutic,almost metaphysical inquires into translation and interpretation” (Steiner, 2001:250). During these two periods of time, many importanttranslation theorists set out to explore the relationship between language, culture and translation.Noam Chomsky's transformational-generative grammar influenced the translation theory. As Mary Snell-Homby explains (2001:41), “In this view translation is a ‘recording’ or change of surface structure in representation of the–non-linguistic and ultimately universal–deep str ucture underlying it.” Jakobson, Halliday, Eugene Nida and Peter Newmark take a linguistic approach to translation. Their studies of translation have given a great push to the application of linguistic theories to translation studies in the West and China.Jakobson argued that words should be seen within their (arbitrary) semiotic context, and that “the grammatical pattern of a language (as opposed to its lexical stock) determines those aspects of each experience that must be expressed in the given languag e” (Venuti, 2000:114). In the 1960s, Halliday’s Cohesion in English(1976) and An Introduction to Functional Grammar (1985) help people to better understand the English language and the translation of it on a textual level. Eugene Nida reformulates the problem of translation in terms of types of equivalence. He claims that “the present direction is toward increasing emphasis on dynamic equivalences” (1964:160). Nida takes the notion of “equivalence” to mean that “translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” (Nida & Tabber, 1969:12). He further concludes that “absolute equivalence in translating is never possible” (ibid.,1984:14). Nida also suggests the “basic requirements” of a translation: 1. making sense; 2. conveying the spirit and manner of the original; 3. having a natural and easyform of expression; 4. producing a similar response(1964:164). Newmark(1981:39) prefers the terms semantic and communicative translation. Semantic translation attempts “to render, as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow, the exact contextual meaning of the original”, which is less extreme than formal e quivalence and therefore conforms more closely to a common translation strategy.After the review of the traditional translation theories in the west, we can draw such a conclusion that the early translation theorists’ main concerns were translation method s and criteria. Their theories were mainly text-centered or author-centered. They did not pay enough attention to the role the translator plays in translation. The translator is subordinate to the author and the original work. His own creativity and subjectivity is depressed and he can only imitate every move of the author. Therefore translation studies in that time treated only the translator’s translation methods and practical skills, which are, to some extent, static. Lawrence Venuti (1995:8) says, “The translator’s shadowy existence in Anglo-American culture is further registered, and maintained, in the ambiguous and unfavorable legal status of translation, both in copyright law and in actual contractual arrangements.” Before the “cultural turn” the subj ectivity of the translator was still a marginal subject in translation studies and the important role he plays in translation was still ignored, which is also a case in China's translation field.1.1.2 Traditional Translation Theories in ChinaTranslation which has contributed greatly to the development of culture has a very longhistory in the human civilization. China has a very long history of translation. In this long history of translation, many Chinese scholars won their reputation as famous translators as well as important translation theorists. They gave their precious opinions on translation, put forward translation methods, or laid down translation criteria for others to follow. It is well-known that there were three major waves of translation in Chinese translation history: the translation of Buddhist scripture from the Han Dynasty to the Northern Song Dynasty, the scientific translation in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the social science and the literary translation around the May 4th Movement of 1919. Although the three climaxes of translation have had great impacts on the development of Chinese culture, most of the foreign culture was only used as a tool of “cultural filtering and appropriation” (Zha & Tian, 2003).The first major translation period in China is the translation of Buddhist scriptures from the 2nd to the 10th century, and the focus of translation studies was the dispute between literal translation and liberal translation. “Accuracy and smoothness” were taken as criteria for guiding the translation of Buddhist scriptures. These may be considered primitive translation theories in China, and also the basis of modern translation theories in China. Translation techniques, principles or criteria preoccupied the attention of translators in traditional Chinese studies while the translator’s subjectivity was neglected. What’s more, pious worship of the Buddhist scriptures led translators to attach much importance to the original text. This situation didn’t change until the early period of Modern China mainly in novel translation.The second wave of translation occurred six hundred years after the first wave, which lasted from the early seventeenth century to the middle of the eighteenth century. It was characterized by the booming of science translation for the purpose of invigorating thecountry. Therefore, translation was practiced for its social functions. Particularly from the early nineteenth century, translation was practiced with a view to saving the country from the dark domestic politics and external oppression.Lin Shu(林纾), a famous translator in China, displays his individual creativity apparently in his translation. He is a proficient classic language user in his writing and translating, however, he had little knowledge of foreign language. Before his translating, the original work was firstly interpreted by others. In the two steps, we can imagine the unavoidable creativity of the final translation. Viewed from the traditional translation perspectives, most of Lin Shu’s translations are not equivalent to their originals. There is loss of meaning or rather deviation of meaning. However, his works were popular in that time and contributed a lot to the people and society.Yan Fu(严复), one of the most important figures in the modern period of translation in China ,is the forerunner of introducing the advanced western ideas to China. He believed that literal translation of culturally loaded words was one of the important means of enriching the mother tongue. He formulated the principle “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance”(信达雅), which has been regarded as the one and only maxim all translators must observe for quite a long time.Translation theories in China, especially literary translation theories, were effectively developed from the May 4th Movement to 1949. Translation issues like: the necessity of translation, translatability and untranslatability, the relation between translation and literary creation, the improvement of translation quality and so on, were raised and adequately discussed by translation practitioners. Translation practice became diversified, covering awide range of texts from natural and social sciences to literature, and translation theories advanced from impressionistic comments to serious and in-depth reflections. Translation theory was gradually separated from translation practice and became an independent discipline.Lin Yutang(林语堂) (1984:260) put forward his translation criteria: “(1) fidelity(忠实),(2) mellifluence(通顺),and (3) aesthetic quality(美).” Namely, the meaning of a translation should be faithful to the original, the language of the translation should be smooth, coherent and esthetically pleasing. As can be seen that Lin's translation criteria was no more than a reproduction of Yan Fu’s “faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.(信达雅)” Fu Lei(傅雷) proposed the standard of “spiritual resemblance(神似)”, which is considered a breakthrough in translation studies in China. In the preface of one of his translations, he wrote: “As a product, translation is like imitating a picture. What is more important is the likeness of spirit not resemblance to the original one.” (ibid., 1984:80). It is originally a principle of appraising poems and portraits. He also pointed out the way to achieve such a goal: rather than mechanically imitating every single detail while losing sight of the sparks of life, the translator should convey the spirit of the original text to the target text. His views on translation a re well illustrated through the following words by himself, “As the effect is concerned, theoretically speaking, translating is just like painting from life which pursues similarity in spirit instead of similarity in form, but practically speaking, translating is much more difficult than painting from life” (Wang Bingqin, 2004:231).Later, in 1964, Qian Zhongshu(钱钟书) (1984:267) put forward his "transmigration theory(化境)” for literary translation, which was regarded as the highest standard intranslation. According to this theory, a literary translation is like the act of transmigration in which the soul, the spirit of the original text remains in the target text even although the carrier of them, the language, has changed. And the translator must overcome the difficulties caused by discrepancies between languages to enable the translated text to be read as fluently as the original text and at the same time be true to the original style.In the development of translation studies both in China and abroad, the translators are gaining more and more attention. Many scholars tend to do research on this subject, which is also what we want to expound in this paper.1.2 Cultural Turn of Translation in the WestSince the 1970s, a significant change in translation studies took place. People began to tackle translation problems with various methods and approaches from different aspects. More and more theorists have come to the recognition that literary translation should not be treated as a separate discipline, but rather as an interdisciplinary study. It should bring together works in a wide variety of fields such as linguistics, literary study, history, anthropology, psychology, culture and so on. One common feature in translation studies is an emphasis on cultural aspects of translation. Gradually, the culture-oriented approach in translation studies prevails.Eugene A. Nida says in his book Language and Culture (2001:1), “The role of language within a culture and the influence of the culture on the meanings of words and idioms are so pervasive that scarcely any text can be adequately understood without careful considerationof its cultural background.” Translation, as an activity in a highly cultural background, should pay special attention to culture. Newmark (2001:95) defines culture as “the way of life and its manifestations that are peculiar to a community that uses a particular language as its means of expression”, thus from his point of view each language has its own specific cultural features. “Translation is a kind of activity which inevitably involves at least two languages and cultures.” (Gideo n Toury, 1978:200) The translator should pay special attention to the cultural features. “We called this shift in emphasis ‘the cultural turn’ in translation studies… [it was] a way of understanding how complex manipulative textual processes take place: how a text is selected for translation, for example, what role the translator plays in that selection, what role an editor, a publisher or patron plays, what criteria determine the strategies that will be employed by the translator, how a text might be received in the target system. For a translation always takes place in a continuum, never in a void, and there are all kinds of textual and extratextual constraints upon the translator” (Bassnett Susan & Lefevere Andre, 1998:123). Here they refer to not only culture but also a series of other factors involved in translating process or beyond translation operation such as the selection of the original text, the publisher or patron’s requirements, the acceptability of the target reader.The shift of translation studies from langua ge to culture is called “cultur al turn”. The turn is a revolution with a far-reaching significance in translation history, because it liberated translator from an inferior and subordinate status to a freer and more independent position, expanding translation to a broader cultural scope. Many target culture oriented translation theories and school s are formed during the “cultur al turn”, among them the most influential are the polysystem school represented by Itamar Evan-Zohar and Gideon Toury and the。