

英语人教版三年级下册Unit 5 Part C Story time

英语人教版三年级下册Unit 5 Part C Story time

Unit 5 Do you like pears ?Part C Story time林州市第二实验小学刘俊芳一、概述本节课是PEP人教版小学英语三年级下册第五单元Unit 5 Do you like pears ?第六课时。




(2)能够正确听、说、认读单词dollar(s),want,chicken,hot dog,Coke和句子I’m full. Doggy bag,please. No way.并能够在交际中熟练运用。

(3)能够听懂,读懂并内化Story time 故事内容并能够通过表演形式展示出来。






(2)学生已经学习了句型Do you like...?Yes, I do./ No,I don’t. I like...等的基础上来学习本节内容会容易些。

2021-2022学年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 5 Section 3 Word版含答案

2021-2022学年人教版高中英语必修三教学案:Unit 5 Section 3 Word版含答案

Section_ⅢGrammar—_同位语从句语法图解探究发觉①Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast.②The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes.③I made a promise that I would make him happy.④He hasn't made the decision whether he will go there.⑤A saying goes that where there is life, there is a hope.⑥Do you know of his suggestion that we start our work right away?[我的发觉](1)以上例句中的黑体部分均为同位语从句,用来解释说明所修饰名词的具体内容。





2.能跟同位语从句的名词一般是fact, news, idea, truth, hope, problem, information, wish, promise, answer, evidence, report, explanation, suggestion, conclusion等抽象名词。

人教PEP版小学三年级下册英语精品教学课件 Unit 5 C Story time

人教PEP版小学三年级下册英语精品教学课件 Unit 5 C Story time

Good to know
doggy bag 和狗(dog)有关吗?
doggy bag 的翻译其实和狗无关。doggy bag 表示“打包袋”。一开始的时候,外国 人不好意思打包剩菜,怕有失面子,就说把 食物带回家给狗吃。久而久之,如果你有吃 不完的食物就可以对服务员说:A doggy bag,please.(请给我一个打包袋)
Let’s watch
Look and match.
( C )1. It's cheap! ( B )2. I want some chicken and a hot dog. ( D )4. Yeah!I like milk, juice and Coke. ( A )5. Oh, I'm full.
1. What does Zoom eat? Chicken, a hot dog, bananas, oranges and apples.
2.What does Zoom drink? Milk, juice and Coke.
Let’s read
Wow! 8 dollars!
1. dollar 美元 复数 dollars
2. cheap 便宜的 expensive 昂贵的
It's cheap!
I want some chicken and a hot dog.
I want some bananas, oranges and apples.
1. want 想要 2. chicken 鸡肉 3. hot dog 热狗
Unit 5 Do you like pears?
Part C Story time
Lead in

the three little pigs三只小猪(课堂PPT)

the three little pigs三只小猪(课堂PPT)
❖ Pythagoras毕达哥拉斯的哲学思想受到俄耳浦斯的影响,具 有一些神秘主义因素。他认为社会中有三类人,而灵魂属于 轮回的结果。
❖ (但同时从毕达哥拉斯开始,希腊哲学开始产生了数学的传 统。毕达哥拉斯曾用数学研究乐律,而由此所产生的“和谐” 的概念也对以后古希腊的哲学家有重大影响。毕达哥拉斯还 是在西方第一个发现勾股定理(在西方又称毕达哥拉斯定理, Pythagoras' Theorem)的人。
❖ In this version, and most versions of the tale, the pigs are not named. One notable exception is the tale recorded by Andrew Lang in his Green Fairy Book. In his Three Little Pigs, the pigs have names and a birth order: "The eldest of the little pigs was called Browny, the second Whitey, and the youngest and best looking Blacky."
❖ The number and/or pattern of three often appear in fairy tales to provide rhythm and suspense n. 悬疑,焦虑,悬念. The pattern adds drama and suspense while making the story easy to remember and follow. The third event often signals a change and/or ending for the listener/reader. A third time also disallows coincidence such as two repetitive events would suggest.

高中英语(人教版)必修3同步讲练Unit 5 Grammar Word版含答案

高中英语(人教版)必修3同步讲练Unit 5 Grammar Word版含答案


1. There is a general belief that things will soon get better.2. The fact that we didn’t win when we were so close is very disappointing.3. There is not much hope that they are still alive.4. There’s alw ays a possibility that he might go back to Seattle.5. The thought that I might not have a job next year is a bit troubling.6. I made a promise that I wouldn’t tell anyone about that.7. I’m not sure where my necklace is, but I have a pretty good idea who took it.8. She had her doubts whether he would help her.9. She doesn’t have any idea where they’ve gone.10. I have no idea why the television isn’t working.11. Bob got the news from Mary that the sports meeting had been put off.12. Word came that our duties would be changed.【自我归纳】在主从复合句中,用作同位语的从句,叫同位语从句(句1-句12)。


4、I will never forget the day when I joined
the army.
5、I have no idea when he was born.
两种从句都可以用that引导;都可以译成定语 The news that you told us is really exciting.
同志们: 现 在 开 始 开 会。 今 天 的 会 议 主要是 无记名 投票表 决预备 党员转 正。出 席今天 会议的 领导有 :。参加 今 天 会 议 的 有支部 全体党 员。 下 面 ,请 工 作 人员清 点到会 党员人 数。 经 清 点 ,党 支 部共有 党员名 ,应到会 党员名 ,因病 、因事 请假名 ,实到会 党员名 ,超过党 员 总 数 的 80% 。按 照《兰 山区发 展党员 工作细 则》第 五十条 规定,可 以开会 。 下 面 ,会 议 进 行第一 项,预备 党员汇 报个人 情况,宣 读转 正申请 。首先 请汇报 个人情
2、I have a belief that you can safely depend on him. 我坚信你尽可放心地依赖他。 (同位语从句)
同位语从句的that 不能省略,定语从句的that 可以省略。
判断下列句子哪些句子含有同位语从句,哪些句子 含有定语从句。
1、The news that there is no life on the moon
2、连接代词 who、 what 引导 (1)The question who should go abroad
hasn’t been decided yet. (2)I have no idea what the boy is doing



人教版七年级下册英语第五单元点读Unit 5: Do you want to watch a game show?In Unit 5 of the 7th grade English textbook, students will learn about different types of TV shows and express their preferences for them. The unit covers vocabulary related to TV shows, such as game shows, talk shows, and sitcoms, as well as grammar points including the present simple tense and expressions of preference.The unit begins with a warm-up activity to get students thinking about their favorite TV shows and why they like them. This is followed by a listening task where students listen to people talking about their favorite TV shows and answer questions about them. Then, the unit moves on to vocabulary practice, where students learn and practice using words and phrases related to TV shows.After that, students learn about the present simple tense and how to use it to talk about regular activities and habits. They also practice using expressions of preference, such as "I'd rather" and "I prefer," to talk about their likes and dislikes.The unit also includes a reading activity where students read about different TV shows and answer comprehension questions. This helps them practice their reading skills while learning more about the types of TV shows that are popular around the world.In the speaking task, students have the opportunity to discuss their favorite TV shows with their classmates and explain why they like them. This helps them practice speaking and expressing their opinions in English.Finally, the unit wraps up with a writing task where students write about their favorite TV show and why they enjoy watching it. This allows them to practice their writing skills and express their thoughts in a coherent and organized manner.Overall, Unit 5 provides students with the opportunity to learn and practice vocabulary, grammar, reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills in the context of TV shows. By the end of the unit, students should be able to talk about their preferences fordifferent types of TV shows and express their reasons for liking or disliking them. This unit aims to engage students in the learning process and help them develop their English language skills in a fun and meaningful way.。

人教高中英语必修3Unit5同位语从句 PPT优秀课件

人教高中英语必修3Unit5同位语从句 PPT优秀课件
Many people wondered w__h__y__P__r_e_f_e__s_s_o__r_D___u__a_t_t_r_a_c__t_e_d__s__o__m__a__n_y____ _f_a__n_s__. ________.(attract)
Object Clause 宾语从句
理由可能是他拥有帅气的外表和强大的超能力。 Maybe the reason is t_h_a_t_h_e_h_a_s__h_an_d_s_o_m__e_a_p_p_e_a_r_en_c_e__a_n_d__
Predicative Clause 表语从句
尽管我也被这部剧吸引,但炸鸡和啤酒因为这部剧成为了 很受欢迎的食物的事实还是让我很吃惊。
Although I was attracted by this play, the fact _t_h_a_t _fr_i_ed__c_h_ic_k_e_n__a_n_d_b_e_e_r_b_e_c_a_m_e__p_o_p_u_la_r_f_o_o_d____ because
Activity 3
1. I have a hope that all of you can go to college. 同位语从句
2. I hate the fact that he told me. 定语从句 3. I hate the fact that he always tells lies.
belief_t_h_a_t _th_e__p_la_n_e_c_a_n__c_ro_s_s_t_im__e_a_n_d__sp_a_c_e______, (飞机能穿越时间和空间) living with us together.

三级英语下册 Unit 5(8)课件 人教PEP(通用)

三级英语下册 Unit 5(8)课件 人教PEP(通用)




(人教PEP)三年级英语下册课 件
Unit 5 Where is my ruler?
Can you chant?
• Where is the toy car? • It’s in the toy box. • Where is the toy box? • It’s on the toy chair. • Where is the toy chair? • Under, under the toy desk!
Where is the pear ? It’s _o_n__all? It’s under the
Listen and circle
Can you help John?
• John是个粗心的男孩,他经常乱放东西, 结果要用的时候却找不到。这不,今天 他又找不到pen了。你能帮他吗?

15、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。。2021年5月2021/5/122021/5/12p2u0ru2s1. N/5u/ll1a2ia5c/u1lis2/te2m0p2o1r felis ut cursus.

人教PEP版英语三下《Unit 5 Where is my ruler?》PPT课件之四

人教PEP版英语三下《Unit 5 Where is my ruler?》PPT课件之四

bus bike
balloon plane
bus bike
balloon plane
Where is the monkey?
It’s in the toy box.
(人教PEP) 三年级英语下册课件
toy box
balloon plane
Hale Waihona Puke busTaxibike
Draw a ball under his foot.
画图提示: 单击右键选定“指针选项” , 调出绘图笔(或按Ctrl+P)即可画图, 按“E”清除屏幕, 按Ctrl+A转换为箭头指针; 选定“帮助”可获更多提 示……
Where is the ball?
balloon plane
bus bike
balloon plane
bus bike

人教新课标必修3unit5. grammar

人教新课标必修3unit5. grammar

(1)从语法角度上看,引导同位语从句的that 是连词,只起连接的作用,在从句中并不作任 何句子成分; 而引导定语从句that的是关系代词,除了起连接 作用外,还在从句中作句子成分.
( 2 )从语义角度上看,同位语从句与前面的 从语义角度上看, 从语义角度上看 名词(如 是同位关系, 名词 如hope)是同位关系,表示这个“希望” 是同位关系 表示这个“希望” 的内容是“他们再来中国访问” 的内容是“他们再来中国访问”;而定语从 句与前面的名词是所属关系,表示“ 的 句与前面的名词是所属关系,表示“…的 如第一句中的”他们曾经表示过的“ ‘(如第一句中的”他们曾经表示过的“), 起修饰作用。 起修饰作用。 同位语从句的连词that一般不能省略; 一般不能省略; (3 )同位语从句的连词 一般不能省略 而定语从句中的关系代词that,当其在从句 而定语从句中的关系代词 , 中作宾语中,常常可以省略( 中作宾语中,常常可以省略(如第一句中的 that可以省略) 可以省略) 可以省略
连接词that引导的同位语从句 引导的同位语从句 连接词 that在从句中不充当成分 只起连接作用 在从句中不充当成分,只起连接作用 在从句中不充当成分 只起连接作用. 他告诉我一个消息,他马上要从国外回国 他告诉我一个消息 他马上要从国外回国. 他马上要从国外回国 He told me the news that he would come home from aboard soon. There is no doubt that the prices of cars will go down.
Unit5 Grammar
Appositive clause
No cross, no crown .

Unit 5 Grammar 定语从句课件 高中英语人教版选择性必修第三册

Unit 5 Grammar 定语从句课件 高中英语人教版选择性必修第三册
_r_a_c_ia_l__/ˈ_r_eɪ_ʃ_l _/ adj.种族的;人种的 __p_r_e_j_u_d_i_c_e/_ˈ_p_r_e_d_ʒ_ʊ_d_ɪ_s_/__n.偏见;成见vt.使怀 有(或形成)偏见
1. __n_u_r_s_er_y__r_h_y_m__e_____童谣 2. _b_e__m_a_d_e__u_p__o_f _st_h___由…组成 3. _c_h_e_r_r_y_b_l_o_s_s_o_m_____樱花 4. __t_o_t_h_e__p_o_in_t_______简明恰当 5. _i_n__a_g_o_o_d__m_o_o_d_____心情好 6. __c_o_n_s_i_s_t _o_f________由…构成 7. _f_ig_u_r_e_s_o_f__sp__ee_c_h____修辞格 8a. p_l_at_e_w_i_t_h_a_d_e_l_ic_a_te_p_a_t_t_er_n_o_f_l_e_av有es精巧的树叶图案的盘子 9.d_e_li_c_a_te__h_a_n_d_-_c_u_t _g_la_s_s精致的刻花玻璃
10.___b_e_p_o_p__u_la_r__w_i_th_______受欢迎 11.__tr_a_n_s_f_o_r_m_…__i_n_t_o_…_____变换…为… 12.__lo_o_k__b_a_c_k____________回头看;回忆 13.__in__p_a_r_t_ic_u_l_a_r_________特别是 14._g_iv_e__it__a_t_r_y___________试一试 15.t_o_o_n__e’_s_u_t_t_e_r_a_m__a_z_e_m_e_n_t令某人非常惊讶的是 16b._e_y_o_n_d_o_n_e_’s_c_o_m_p_r_e_h_e_n_s_io_n超出某人的理解 17.a__f_e_el_i_n_g_o_f_u_t_t_e_r_h_e_l_p_le_s_s一ne种ss 完全无助的感觉 18.__co_r_r_e_s_p_o_n_d__w_i_th_______和…通信 19.a__d_o_m__in_a_n__t _p_o_s_it_io_n_____一个举足轻重的地位



Peppa Pig第三季中英文对照剧本粉红猪小妹目录01 Work and Play (1)02 The Rainbow (3)03 Pedros Cough (5)04 The Library (7)05 The Camper Van (10)06 Camping Holiday (12)07 Compost (14)08 Richard Rabbit Comes to Play 1609 Fun Run (18)10 Washing (21)11 Pollys Boat Trip (23)12 Delphine Donkey (25)13 The Fire Engine (27)14 Princess Peppa (30)15 Teddy Playgroup (32)16 Dannys Pirate Party (34)17 Mr Potato Comes to Town (37)18 The Train Ride (39)19 Granny Pigs Chickens (41)20 Talent Day (43)21 A Trip to the Moon (45)22 Grandpa at the Playground (48)23 Goldie the Fish (50)24 Funfair (52)25 Numbers (55)26 Digging up the Road (57)27 Freddy Fox (59)28 Whistling (61)29 Doctor Hamsters Tortoise.... 63 30 Sun, Sea and Snow .. (66)31 Grandpa Pigs Computer (68)32 Hospital (70)33 Spring (73)34 Miss Rabbits Helicopter (75)35 Baby Alexander (77)36 Grampy Rabbits Lighthouse (80)37 The Secret Club (82)38 Miss Rabbits Day Off (85)39 Grampy Rabbits Boatyard (88)40 Shake, Rattle and Bang (90)41 Champion Daddy Pig (93)42 Chatterbox (95)43 Mr Foxs Van (97)44 Chloes Big Friends (100)45 Gym Class (102)46 The Blackberry Bush (104)47 Pottery (107)48 Paper Aeroplanes (109)49 Edmond Elephants Birthday .. 11250 The Biggest Muddy Puddle (113)51 Santas Grotto (115)52 Santas Visit (118)Peppa Pig第三季01 Work and Play01工作和娱乐It is a lovely sunny morning.这是一个阳光明媚的早晨。

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The Usage of Subjunctive Mood 虚拟语气
(should) do
suggestion • Daddy Pig puts forward a __________(suggest) (should) have a picnic that the family __________________ (去野餐) next Sunday.
that Connected by ________
• 1)Daddy Pig makes a promise to himself that this year he will take part in a running competition. • 2)Peppa holds a firm belief that she can win the first place in the running competition. • 3)Peppa made a Christmas wish that the whole family could have a holiday at the beach this summer. that 不充当 任何成分,_______ 没有 • Rule: ________ 在从句中________ 具体意思,只起___________ 连接作用 ,一般_______ 不省略 。
• 1) The family haven't made a decision whether they will travel by train or by car. • 2) Peppa has no idea whether the ducks eat carrots or not.
“是否” 的含义, 则应该用 • Rules: __________ wether 引导,_____ 不 充当成分,____ 不 _________ 省略 if 不能引导同位语从句。 • 注意: ____
I want the first bite.
Peppa and George haven't settled the question ________ who can have the first bite.
Tomorrow is Peppa's birthday. Have you how got any idea _____the party is to be held?
• hold a firm belief • can win the first place
Peppa holds a firm belief _________________________ that she can win the first _________________________ place in the running ______. competition 佩奇有一个坚定的信念她会 在长跑比赛中得到第一名。
Noun Clauses
As the Appositive 同位语从句
Learning Objectives
1.Know what the appositive clauses are and recognize appositive clauses. 2.Explain the differences of appositive and attributive clauses(定语从句). e appositive clauses effectively in exercises. 4.Share interesting things about yourself, your classmates and your family members by using appositive clauses.
可以跟同位语从句的名词主要是抽象名词,news/idea /fact/promise/question/doubt/thought/hope/ message/suggestion/word(消息)/possibility等。
by train
by car
The family members haven't made a decision whether they will travel by train or by car. ___________ ______________________________ 全家人还没决定是做火车还是开车去旅行。
that the whole Peppa made a Christmas wish ________________ __________________________________________ family could have a holiday at the beach this _________ summer.
appositive clause
• B. We are concerned about the news that Madame Gazelle told us. attributive clause
explain Rule: A contains ________which is used to _________the news or tell us what the news was. modify B contains ________which is used to ________the news or tell us who told the news.
order Daddy gave Peppa and George an _______(order)
brush their teeth that they (should) ____________________ (刷牙)every
Petro's leg is broken and doctors are mending it. proposal Madame Gazelle's ___________(propose) that (should) visit the whole class _________________ (看望)
a noun phrase
3. The fact that ships can go there surprises many people. a noun clause An appositive is _______, _____________, a noun a noun phrase or _____________ a noun clause which sits next to another noun to ______________________ describe or explain it in another way. An appositive clause: the clause which acts as _________ an appositive
I have no idea what _______we are going to do.
The family members haven't made a decision _________ where they are going to spend the summer vacation.
Connected by wh-question words
• 1) Peppa and George haven't settled the question who can have the first bite. • 2) Mummy: Tomorrow is Peppa's birthday. Have you got any idea how the party is to be held? Daddy: I have no idea what we are going to do. • 3)The family haven't made a decision where they are going to spend the summer vacation. 有 • Rules: Wh-类连接词_______ 意义,在句中 充当 成分,采取““缺什么补什么” _______ _____________”原则 选择。
Petro Pony is welcomed by all the students.
• 1) Daddy Pig puts forward a suggestion that the family (should) have a picnic next Sunday. • 2) Daddy gave Peppa and George an order that they (should) brush their teeth every morning. • 3) Petro's leg is broken and doctors are mending it. Madame Gazelle's proposal that the whole class (should) visit Petro Pony is welcomed by all the students.
同位语从句 appositive clauses
Which part serves as an appositive? 1. Mr. Smith, our new teacher, is very kind to us.
a noun
2. Yesterday I met Tom, a friend of my brother’s.
advice, suggestion, proposal, order, request • 含有_________________________________