(英文版)Winsto n Church ill BROADC AST ON RUSSIA BEINGINVADE D June 22 ,1941Winsto n Church illBROADC AST ON RUSSIA BEINGINVADE DJune 22,1941At 4 o'clockthis mornin g Hitler attack ed and invade d Russia.Sudden ly,withou t declar ation of war,withou t even an ultima tum,the German bombsrained down from the sky upon the Russia n cities; the German troops violat ed the Russia n fronti ers and an hour laterthe German Ambass ador,who till the nightbefore was lavish ing his assura ncesof friend ship,almost of allian ce,upon the Russia ns,called upon the Russia n Foreig n Minist er to tell him that a stateof war existe d be- teen German y and Russia.Hitler is a monste r of wicked ness,insati ablein his lust for bloodand plunde r.The Nazi regime s devoid of all themeand princi ple except appeti te and racial domina tion.It excels in all formsof humanwicked ness,in the effici encyof its cruelt y and feroci ous aggres sion.No one has been a more consis tentoppone nt of Commun ism than I have for the last twenty-five years.I will unsayno wordsthatI‘vespoken aboutit.But all this fadesaway before the specta cle whichis now unfold ing.The past, with its crimes,its follie s and its traged ies,flashe s away.I see the Russia n soldie rs standi ng on the thresh old of theirnative land,guardi ng the fields whichtheirfather s have tilled from time immemo rial.I see them guardi ng theirhomes,theirmother s and wivespray,ah,yes,for thereare timeswhen all pray for the safety of theirlovedones,for the return of the breadw inner,of the champi on,of theirprotec tors.I see the 10,000 villag es of Russia,wherethe meansof existe nce was wrungso hardly from the soil,but wherethereare stillprimor dialhumanjoys,wheremaiden s laughand childr en play.I see advanc ing upon all this,in hideou s onslau ght,the Nazi war machin e,with its clanki ng,heel-clicki ng,dandif ied Prussi an office rs,its crafty expert agents,freshfrom the cowing and tyingdown of a dozencountr ies.I see also the dull,drille d, docile,brutis h masses of the Hun soldie ry,plod-ding on like a swarmof crawli ng locust s.I see the German bomber s and fighte rs in the sky,stillsmarti ng from many a Britis h whippi ng,so deligh tfulto find what they believ e is an easier and a saferprey.And behind all this glare,behind all this storm,I see that smallgroupof villai nousmen who planne d,organi zed and launch ed this catara ct of horror s upon mankin d.And then my mind goes back across the yearsto the days when the Russia n armies were our Al- lies agains t the same deadly foe,when they fought with so much valorand consta ncy and helped to gain a victor y,from all sharein which,alas,they were,throug h no faultof ours,utterl y cut off.I have livedthroug h all this and you will par-don me if I expres s my feelin gs and me stir of old memori es.But now I have to declar e the decisi on of His Majest y's Govern ment,and I feel sure it is decisi on in whichthe greatDomini ons will,in due course,concur.And that we must speakof now,at once,withou t a day's delay.I have to make the declar ation but,can you doubtwhat our policy will be?We have but one aim and one single irrevo cable purpos e.We are resolv ed to destro y Hitler and everyvestig e of the Nazi regime.From this nothin g will turn us.Nothin g.We will neverparley; we will nevernegoti ate with Hitler or any of his gang.We shallfighthim by land; we shallfighthim by sea; we shallfighthim in the air,until,with God's help we have rid the earthof his shadow and libera ted its people from his yoke.Any man or Statewho fights agains t Nazism will have our aid.Any man or Statewho marche s with Hitler is our foe.This applie s not only to organi zed States but to all repres entat ivesof that vile race of Quisli ngs who make themse lvesthe toolsand agents of the Nazi regime agains t theirfellow countr ymenand agains t the landsof theirbirths.TheseQuisli ngs,like the Nazi leader s themse lves,if not dispos ed of by theirfellow countr ymen,whichwouldsave troubl e,will be delive red by us on the morrow of victor y to the justic e of the Al- lied tribun als.That is our policy and that is our declar ation.Hitler's invasi on of Russia is no more than a prelud e to an attemp ted invasi on of the Britis h Isles.He hopes,no doubt,that all this may be ac-accomp lishe d before the Winter comesand that he can overwh elm GreatBritai n before the fleets and air powerof the United States will interv ene.He hopesthat he may once againrepeat upon a greate r scalethan ever before that proces s of destro yinghis enemie s one by one,by whichhe has so long thrive d and prospe red,and that then the scenewill be clearfor the finalact,withou t whichall his conque sts wouldbe in vain,namely,the subjug ation of the Wester n Hemisp hereto his will and to his system.The Russia n danger is theref ore our danger and the danger of the United States just as the causeof any Russia n fighti ng for his hearth and home is the causeof free men and free people s in everyquarte r of the globe.Let us learnthe lesson s alread y taught by such cruelexperi ence.Let us redoub le our exerti ons and strike with united streng th whilelife and powerremain.(译中版)温斯顿·丘吉尔(英国首相)在俄国遭到入侵时发表的广播演说1941年6月22日今天凌晨4时,希特勒已进攻并侵入俄国。
丘吉尔演讲英文原文(5篇)第一篇:丘吉尔演讲英文原文英文原文Blood, Sweat And TearsWinston Churchill May 13, 1940On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration.It was the evident will of Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties.I have already completed the most important part of this task.A war cabinet has been formed of five members, representing, with the Labor, Opposition and Liberals, the unity of the nation.It was necessary that this should be done in one single day on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events.Other key positions were filled yesterday.I am submitting a further list to the King tonight.I hope to complete the appointment of principal Ministers during tomorrow.The appointment of other Ministers usually takes a little longer.I trust when Parliament meets again this part of my task will be completed and that the administration will be complete in all respects.I considered it in the public interest to suggest to the Speaker that the House should be summoned today.At the end of today'sproceedings, the adjournment of the House will be proposed until May 2l with provision for earlier meeting if need be.Business for that will be notified to M.P.'s at the earliest opportunity.I now invite the House by a resolution to record its approval of the steps taken and declare its confidence in the new government.The resolutionThat this House welcomes the formation of a governmentrepresenting the united and inflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute the war with Germany to a victorious conclusion.To form an administration of this scale and complexity is a serious undertaking in itself.But we are in the preliminary Phase of one of the greatest battles in history.We are in action at any other points-in Norway and in Holland-and we have to be prepared in the Mediterranean.The air battle is continuing, and many preparations have to be made here at home.In this crisis I think I may be pardoned if I do not address the House at any length today, and I hope that any of my friends andcolleagues or for mer colleagues who are affected by the political reconstruction will make all allowances for any lack of ceremony with which it has been necessary to act.I say to the House as I said to Ministers who have joined thisgovernment, I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.We have before us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many, many months of struggle and suffering.You ask, what is our policy I say it is to wage war by land, sea and air.War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime.That is our policy.You ask, what is our aim I can answer in one word, It is victory.Victory at all costs-victory in spite of all terrors-victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.Let that be realized.No survival for the British Empire, no survival for all that the British Empire has stood for, no survival for the urge, the impulse of the ages, that mankind shall move forward toward his goal.I take up my task in buoyancy and hope.I feel sure that our cause will not be suffered to fail among men.I feel entitled at this juncture, atthis time, to claim the aid of all and to say, Come then, let us go forward together with our united strength.这是丘吉尔1940年5月13日在下院发表的首相就职演讲,内容大概如下:“我所能奉贤的,只有热血和辛劳,眼泪和汗水。
演讲的功能性结构分析源于普依明弗里德曼(P. Pringmam Friedman)的理论,它将演讲划分为两个部分:一部分内容在指导说话者的思想和目的,另一部分通过几大类别的准备作品,以确保讲演客观性地传递给观众,以实现目的。
1、“但是,这一切,在正在我 们眼前展现的情景对照之下, 都已黯然失色了。”此句中的 “这一切”指什么?展现在我 们眼前的“情景对照”是怎样 的对照?有什么特点?
设 疑 思 辨
品 读 赏 析
2、“过去的一切,连同它的罪 恶,它的愚蠢和悲剧,都一闪 而逝了。 ”
“过去的一切”指什么?“它” 指什么?
和 扩 大
1、爆发的标志: 1939年,突袭波兰
2、二战的扩大:德军突袭苏联 (它标志 苏联卫国战争的开始)
二 检战 查的 预爆 习发
和 扩 大
3、二战规模的进一步扩大 : 太平洋战争的爆发
1941年12月7日,日本偷袭珍珠港 (标志二战进一步扩大)
通报希特勒在“今天凌晨4 时”“已进攻并入侵俄国”
希特勒是怎样“进攻并入侵” 的呢?
“即没有宣战,也没有最后通 牒” ,而且炸·弹“像雨点般 落下”。
设 疑 思 辨
品 读 赏 析
第3自然段是对希特勒、纳 粹制度本质的无情揭露。
设 疑 思 辨
品 读 赏 析
第4、5自然段是一个难点,着 力分析。
3、作者连用了几个“我看见”? 他都看见了什么?这样写有什 么好处?
一 是语文老师最常用的教学方法。用此
方法的确能完成教学目标,只是我们 都感觉到少了一些创新,课型设计的
(World War II)
1939—1945年,德国、意大利、日本及 其仆从国发动了一场人类历史上空前最具规 模的第二次世界大战,先后有61个国家和 地区、20亿以上的人口被卷入战争,军民 死亡1亿零221万余人,最后以德、意、日 三个法西斯国家的失败而告终。
进行了有效的情 感和道理上的铺 垫。为提出政府 的决策来做准备!
第11—14段:说明决策的具体实施和战 争的性质。—— 争取人类正义的战争。 第15—16段:呼应第10段,对决策再次 强调!—— 团结一心,击打敌人!
2、请你找出那些让你激 动或最有感触的语句, 并做简要说明。
第二次世界大战伊始,以希特勒为代表的德国法 西斯,宣扬纳粹种族制度,以拓展日耳曼民族的生存 空间为名,在欧洲实行侵略和扩张。战争初期,以英、 法为核心的“国际联盟”,实行所谓的“绥靖政策”, 结果引火烧身。随着法国的投降,英国也被迫退守英 伦三岛。由于英吉利海峡的阻隔和英国强大的海军力 量,使德国侵占英国本土的计划被搁置。德国以空袭 的方式,野蛮地轰炸英国领土,给英国造成极大的损 失。而英国皇家空军为了捍卫英国领土,与德军在英 伦三岛上空展开殊死搏斗,遏制了德国的进攻势头。
德国在战前同苏联签署了《苏德互不侵犯条 约》(《莫洛托夫——里宾特洛甫条约》),但 其进攻苏联的野心一直没有消除。纳粹制度疯狂 扩张的本性,使希特勒早就觊觎苏联广阔的土地 和资源。此时,德国因侵占英国本土的“海狮计 划”受到阻碍,而已占领大半个欧洲的希特勒丧 心病狂地认为,只有彻底征服苏联,才能实现击 败英国进而统治西半球的梦想。于是,掉头向东, 兵锋直指社会主义苏联。 在希特勒入侵苏联的当天晚上,英国战时首 相丘吉尔发表了这篇著名的演讲——
【丘吉尔关于希特勒入侵苏联的国会演讲】希特勒对丘吉尔英文:Winston Churchill“At four o’clock this morning, Hitler attacked and invaded Russia. All his usual formalities of perfidy were observed with scrupulous technique. A non-aggression treaty had been solemnly signed and was in force between the two countries. No complaint had been made by Germany of its non-fulfillment. Under its cloak of false confidence, the German armies drew up in immense strength along a line which stretched from the White Sea to the Black Sea. And their air fleets and armoured divisions, slowly and methodically took up their stations. Then suddenly, without declaration of war, without even an ultimatum, the German bombs rained down from the sky upon the Russian cities. The German troops violated the Russian frontiers. And an hour later, the German ambas sador, who ’til the night before was lavishing his assurances of friendship——almost of alliance——upon the Russians, called upon the Russian Foreign Minister to tell him that a state of war existed between Germany and Russia. Thus was repeated, on a far larger scale, the same kind of outrage against every form of signed compact and international faith which we had witnessed in Norway, in Denmark, in Holland, in Belgium. And which Hitler’s accomplice and jackal Mussolini, so faithfully imitated in the case of Greece. All this was no surprise to me. In fact, I gave clear and precise warnings to Stalin of whatwas coming. I gave him warnings, as I have given warnings to others before. I can only hope that these warnings did not fall unheeded. All we know at present is that the Russian people are defending their native soil, and that their leaders have called upon them to resist to the utmost.”注释:formalities:形式,手段,伎俩perfidy:背信弃义,背叛scrupulous:严格认真的in force 有效,在有效期中。
这次演讲用“We shall fight on the beaches”开头,并着重强调了抗击敌人的决心。
关于希特勒入侵苏联讲话译文各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话——温斯顿.丘吉尔1.二十二日星期天早晨,我一醒来便听到了希特勒入侵俄国的消息。
speechonhitler'sinvasionoftheu.s.s.r.关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话英语演讲稿带中文翻译:thenaziregimeisindistinguishablefromtheworstfeaturesofcommunism.itisd evoidofallthemeandprincipleexceptappetiteandracialdomination.itexcelsall formsofhumanwickednessintheefficiencyofitscrueltyandferociousaggressio n.noonehasbeenamoreconsistentconsistentopponentofcommunismthanih aveforthelasttwenty-fiveyears.iwillunsaynowordthatihavespokenaboutit.butallthisfadesawaybef orethespectaclewhichisnowunfolding.thepast,withitscrimes,itsfollies,andits tragedies,flashesaway.iseetherussiansoldiersstandingonthethresholdofthei rnativeland,guardingthefieldswhichtheirfathershavetilledfromtimeimmem orial.iseethemguardingtheirhomeswheremothersandwivespray-ah,yes,fortherearetimeswhenallpray–forthesafetyoftheirlovedones,thereturnofthebread-winner,oftheirchampion,oftheirprotector.iseethetenthousandvillagesofruss iawherethemeansofexistenceiswrungsohardlyfromthesoil,butwheretherea restillprimordialhumanjoys,wheremaidenslaughandchildrenplay.iseeadvan cinguponallthisinhideousonslaughtthenaziwarmachine,withitsclanking,hee l-clicking,dandifiedprussianofficers,itscraftyexpertagentsfreshfromthecowin gandtyingdownofadozencountries.iseealsothedull,drilled,docile,brutishma ssesofthehunsoldieryploddingonlikeaswarmofcrawlinglocusts.iseethegerm anbombersandfightersinthesky,stillsmartingfrommanyabritishwhipping,del ightedtofindwhattheybelieveisaneasierandasaferprey.纳粹政体与共产主义的最糟糕之处毫无两样。
关于希特勒进侵苏联讲话译文Speech on Hitler's Invasion of the U.S.S.R.关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话——温斯顿.丘吉尔1.二十二日星期天早晨,我一醒来便听到了希特勒入侵俄国的消息。
丘吉尔希特勒入侵苏联演讲-诸路驰制(英文版)Winston Churchill BROADCAST ON RUSSIA BEING INVADED June 22 ,1941Winston ChurchillBROADCAST ON RUSSIA BEING INVADEDJune 22,1941At 4 oclock this morning Hitler attacked and invaded Russia.Suddenly,without declaration of war,without even an ultimatum,the German bombs rained down from the sky upon the Russian cities;the German troops violated the Russian frontiers and an hour later the German Ambassador,who till the night before was lavishing his assurances of friendship,almost of alliance,upon the Russians,called upon the Russian Foreign Minister to tell him that a state of war existed be- teen Germany and Russia.Hitler is a monster of wickedness,insatiable in his lust for blood and plunder.The Nazi regimes devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination.It excels in all forms of human wickedness,in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.No one has been a more consistent opponent of Communism than I have for the last twenty-five years.I will unsay no words that I‘ve spoken about it.But all this fades away before the spectacle which is now unfolding.The past,with its crimes,its follies and its tragedies,flashes away.I see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land,guarding the fields which their fathers have tilled from time immemorial.I see them guarding their homes,their mothers and wivespray,ah,yes,for there are times when all pray for the safety of their loved ones,for the return of the breadwinner,of the champion,of their protectors.I see the 10,000 villages of Russia,where the means of existence was wrung so hardly from the soil,but where there are still primordial human joys,where maidens laugh and children play.I see advancing upon all this,in hideous onslaught,the Nazi war machine,with its clanking,heel-clicking,dandified Prussian officers,its crafty expert agents,fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen countries.I see also the dull,drilled,docile,brutish masses of the Hun soldiery,plod-ding on like a swarm of crawling locusts.I see the German bombers and fighters in the sky,still smarting from many a British whipping,so delightful to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey.And behind all this glare,behind all this storm,I see that small group of villainous men who planned,organized and launched this cataract of horrors upon mankind.And then my mind goes back across the years to the days when the Russian armies were our Al- lies against the same deadly foe,when they fought with so much valor and constancy and helped to gain a victory,from all share in which,alas,they were,through no fault of ours,utterly cut off.I have lived through all this and you will par-don me if I express my feelings and me stir of old memories.But now I have to declare the decision of His Majestys Government,and I feel sure it is decision in which the great Dominions will,in due course,concur.And that we must speak of now,at once,without a days delay.I have to make the declaration but,can you doubt what our policy will be?We have but one aim and one single irrevocable purpose.We are resolved to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime.From this nothing will turn us.Nothing.We will never parley;we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his gang.We shall fight him by land;we shall fight him by sea;we shallfight him in the air,until,with Gods help we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its people from his yoke.Any man or State who fights against Nazism will have our aid.Any man or State who marches with Hitler is our foe.This applies not only to organized States but to all representatives of that vile race of Quislings who make themselves the tools and agents of the Nazi regime against their fellow countrymen and against the lands of their births.These Quislings,like the Nazi leaders themselves,if not disposed of by their fellow countrymen,which would save trouble,will be delivered by us on the morrow of victory to the justice of the Al- lied tribunals.That is our policy and that is our declaration.Hitlers invasion of Russia is no more than a prelude to an attempted invasion of the British Isles.He hopes,no doubt,that all this may be ac-accomplished before the Winter comes and that he can overwhelm Great Britain before the fleets and air power of the United States will intervene.He hopes that he may once again repeat upon agreater scale than ever before that process of destroying his enemies one by one,by which he has so long thrived and prospered,and that then the scene will be clear for the final act,without which all his conquests would be in vain,namely,the subjugation of the Western Hemisphere to his will and to his system.The Russian danger is therefore our danger and the danger of the United States just as the cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe.Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel experience.Let us redouble our exertions and strike with united strength while life and power remain.(译中版)温斯顿·丘吉尔(英国首相)在俄国遭到入侵时发表的广播演说1941年6月22日今天凌晨4时,希特勒已进攻并侵入俄国。
speech on hitler’s invasion of the 关于希特勒入侵苏联的讲话英语演讲稿带中文翻译:the nazi regime is indistinguishable from the worst features of munism. it is devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial domination. it excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression. no one has been a more consistent consistent opponent of munism than i have for the last twenty - five years.i will unsay no word that i have spoken about it. but all this fades away before the spectacle which is now unfolding. the past, with its crimes, its follies, and its tragedies, flashes away. i see the russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land, guarding the fields which their fathers have tilled from time immemorial. i see them guarding their homes where mothers and wives pray - ah, yes, for there are times when all pray –for the safety of their loved ones, the return of the bread-winner, of their champion, of their protector. i see the ten thousand villages of russia where the means of existence is wrung so hardly from the soil, but where there are still primordial human joys, where maidens laugh and children play. i see advancing upon all this in hideous onslaught the nazi war machine, with its clanking , heel-clicking, dandified prussian officers, its crafty expert agents fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen countries. i see also the dull, drilled, docile , brutish masses of the hun soldiery plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts. i see the german bombers and fighters in the sky, still smarting from many a british whipping, delighted to find what they believe is an easier and a safer prey.纳粹政体与共产主义的最糟糕之处毫无两样。
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Winston ChurchillBROADCAST ON RUSSIA BEING INV ADEDJune 22,1941At 4 o'clock this morning Hitler attacked and invaded ,without declaration of war,without even an ultimatum,the German bombs rained down from the sky upon the Russian cities;the German troops violated the Russian frontiers and an hour later the German Ambassador,who till the night before was lavishing his assurances of friendship,almost of alliance,upon the Russians,called upon the Russian Foreign Minister to tell him that a state of war existed be- teen Germany and Russia.Hitler is a monster of wickedness,insatiable in his lust for blood and Nazi regimes devoid of all theme and principle except appetite and racial excels in all forms of human wickedness,in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious one has been a more consistent opponent of Communism than I have for the last twenty-five will unsay no words that I‘ve spoken about all this fades away before the spectacle which is now unfolding.The past, with its crimes,its follies and its tragedies,flashes see the Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of their native land, guarding the fields which their fathers have tilled from time see them guarding their homes,their mothers and wives pray,ah,yes,for there are times when all pray for the safety of their loved ones,for the return of the breadwinner,of the champion,of their protectors.I see the 10,000 villages of Russia,where the means of existence was wrung so hardly from the soil,but where there are still primordial human joys,where maidens laugh and children see advancing upon all this,in hideous onslaught,the Nazi war machine,with its clanking,heel-clicking,dandified Prussian officers,its crafty expert agents,fresh from the cowing and tying down of a dozen see also the dull,drilled, docile,brutish masses of the Hun soldiery,plod-ding on like a swarm of crawling see the German bombers and fighters in the sky,still smarting from many a British whipping,so delightful to find what they believe is an easier and a safer behind all this glare,behind all this storm,I see that small group of villainous men who planned,organized and launched this cataract of horrors upon mankind.And then my mind goes back across the years to the days when the Russian armies were our Al- lies against the same deadly foe,when they fought with so much valor and constancy and helped to gain a victory,from all share in which,alas,they were,through no fault of ours,utterly cut off.I have lived through all this and you will par-don me if I express my feelings and me stir of old now I have to declare the decision of His Majesty's Government,and I feel sure it is decision in which the great Dominions will,in due course, that we must speak of now,at once,without a day's have to make the declaration but,can you doubt what our policy will be?We have but one aim and one single irrevocable are resolved to destroy Hitler andevery vestige of the Nazi this nothing will turn will never parley; we will never negotiate with Hitler or any of his shall fight him by land; we shall fight him by sea;we shall fight him in the air,until,with God's help we have rid the earth of his shadow and liberated its people from his yoke.Any man or State who fights against Nazism will have our man or State who marches with Hitler is our applies not only to organized States but to all representatives of that vile race of Quislings who make themselves the tools and agents of the Nazi regime against their fellow countrymen and against the lands of their Quislings,like the Nazi leaders themselves,if not disposed of by their fellow countrymen,which would save trouble,will be delivered by us on the morrow of victory to the justice of the Al- lied is our policy and that is our declaration.Hitler's invasion of Russia is no more than a prelude to an attempted invasion of the British hopes,no doubt,that all this may be ac-accomplished before the Winter comes and that he can overwhelm Great Britain before the fleets and air power of the United States will hopes that he may once again repeat upon a greater scale than ever before that process of destroying his enemies one by one,by which he has so long thrived and prospered,and that then the scene will be clear for the final act,without which all his conquests would be in vain,namely,the subjugation of the Western Hemisphere to his will and to his system.The Russian danger is therefore our danger and the danger of the United States just as the cause of any Russian fighting for his hearth and home is the cause of free men and free peoples in every quarter of the globe.Let us learn the lessons already taught by such cruel us redouble our exertions and strike with united strength while life and power remain.温斯顿·丘吉尔在俄国遭到入侵时发表的广播演说1941年6月22日今天凌晨4时,希特勒已进攻并侵入俄国。