2024上海高考高三数学模拟试卷(本试卷共10页,满分150分,90分钟完成.答案一律写在答题纸上)命题:侯磊审核:杨逸峰一、填空题.(本题共12小题,前6题每小题4分;后6题每小题5分,共54分.请在横线上方填写最终的、最简的、完整的结果)1.已知集合{}()1,2,3,4,5,2,5A B ==,则A B =.2.已知圆柱底面圆的周长为2π,母线长为4,则该圆柱的体积为.3.101x x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的二项展开式中,2x 项的系数为.4.等比数列{}n a 的各项和为2,则首项1a 的取值范围为.5.已知平面向量()()1,2,,4a b m == ,若a 与b的夹角为锐角,则实数m 的取值范围为.6.已知复数z 满足22z z -==,则3z =.7.已知空间向量()()1,1,0,0,1,1a b == ,则b 在a方向上的投影为.8.已知()ln(4f x ax c x =++(a 、b 、c 为实数),且3(lg log 10)5f =,则(lglg3)f 的值是9.已知A B 、是抛物线24y x =上的两个不同的点,且10AB =,若点M 为线段10AB =的中点,则M 到y 轴的距离的最小值为.10.一个飞碟射击运动员练习射击,每次练习可以开2枪.当他发现飞碟后,开第一枪命中的概率为0.8;若第一枪没有命中,则开第二枪,且第二枪命中的概率为0.6;若2发子弹都没打中,该次练习就失败了.若已知在某次练习中,飞碟被击中的条件下,则飞碟是运动员开第二枪命中的概率为.11.已知ABC 中,,,A B C 为其三个内角,且tan ,tan ,tan A B C 都是整数,则tan tan tan A B C ++=.12.已实数m n 、满足221m n +≤,则2263m n m n +-+--的取值范围是.二、选择题(本题共4小题,前2题每小题4分;后2题每小题5分,共18分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的,请填写符合要求的选项前的代号)13.以下能够成为某个随机变量分布的是()A .0111⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭B .101111236-⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭C .123111248⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎝⎭D .⎛⎫⎪-⎝⎭14.某高级中学高一年级、高二年级、高三年级分别有学生1400名、1200名、1000名,为了解学生的健康状况,用分层抽样的方法从该校学生中抽取一个容量为n 的样本,若从高三年级抽取25名学生,则n 为A .75B .85C .90D .10015.设等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,设甲:123a a a <<,乙:{}n S 是严格增数列,则甲是乙的()A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .充要条件D .既非充分又非必要条件16.椭圆具有如下的声学性质:从一个焦点出发的声波经过椭圆反射后会经过另外一个焦点.有一个具有椭圆形光滑墙壁的建筑,某人站在一个焦点处大喊一声,声音向各个方向传播后经墙壁反射(不考虑能量损失),该人先后三次听到了回音,其中第一、二次的回音较弱,第三次的回音较强;记第一、二次听到回音的时间间隔为x ,第二、三次听到回音的时间间隔为y ,则椭圆的离心率为()A .2xx y+B .2x x y+C .2y x y +D .2y x y+三、解答题.(本大题共5小题,满分78分.请写出必要的证明过程或演算步骤)17.三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,1AA ⊥平面ABC ,且1AB BC ==,12,90,AA ABC D =∠=︒为1CC中点.(1)求四面体1A ABD -的体积:(2)求平面ABD 与1ACB 所成锐二面角的余弦值.18.(1)在用“五点法”作出函数[]1sin ,0,2πy x x =-∈的大致图象的过程中,第一步需要将五个关键点列表,请完成下表:x0sin x -01sin x-1(2)设实数0a >且1a ≠,求证:()ln x x a a a '=;(可以使用公式:()e e x x '=)(3)证明:等式()()()32123x ax bx c x x x x x x +++=---对任意实数x 恒成立的充要条件是123122331123x x x a x x x x x x bx x x c ++=-⎧⎪++=⎨⎪=-⎩19.为帮助乡村脱贫,某勘探队计划了解当地矿脉某金属的分布情况,测得了平均金属含量y (单位:克每立方米)与样本对原点的距离x (单位:米)的数据,并作了初步处理,得到了下面的一些统计量的值.(表中9111,9i i i i u u u x ===∑).xyu921()ii x x =-∑921()i i u u =-∑921()i i y y =-∑91(())i ii x y x y =--∑91()()i ii u u y y =--∑697.900.212400.1414.1226.13 1.40-(1)利用相关系数的知识,判断y a bx =+与dy c x=+哪一个更适宜作为平均金属含量y 关于样本对原点的距离x 的回归方程类型;(2)根据(1)的结果建立y 关于x 的回归方程,并估计样本对原点的距离20x =米时,平均金属含量是多少?20.已知抛物线2:2(0)C y px p =>,过点()(),00M a a ≠与x 轴不垂直的直线l 与C 交于()()1122,,A x y B x y 、两点.(1)求证:OA OB ⋅是定值(O 是坐标原点);(2)AB 的垂直平分线与x 轴交于(),0N n ,求n 的取值范围;(3)设A 关于x 轴的对称点为D ,求证:直线BD 过定点,并求出定点的坐标.21.已知2()ln(1)2x f x a x x =++-,函数()y f x =的导函数为()y f x '=.(1)当1a =时,求()y f x =在2x =处的切线方程;(2)求函数()y f x =的极值点;(3)函数()y f x =的图象上是否存在一个定点(,)(.(0,))m n m n ∈+∞,使得对于定义域内的任意实数00()x x m ≠,都有000()()()2x mf x f x m n +'=-+成立?证明你的结论.1.{3,4}【分析】根据给定条件,利用交集的定义直接求解即可.【详解】集合{}()1,2,3,4,5,2,5A B ==,则{3,4}A B = .故答案为:{3,4}2.4π【分析】根据条件,直接求出1r =,再利用圆柱的体积公式,即可求出结果.【详解】设圆柱的底面半径为r ,所以2π2πr =,得到1r =,又圆柱的母线长为4l =,所以圆柱的体积为2π4πV r l ==,故答案为:4π.3.210【分析】先求出二项式展开式的通项公式,然后令x 的次数为2,求出r ,代入通项公式中可求得结果.【详解】101x x ⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭的二项展开式的通项公式为10102110101C C rr r rr r T x x x --+⎛⎫=⋅⋅=⋅ ⎪⎝⎭,令1022r -=,得4r =,所以2x 项的系数为410C 210=,故答案为:2104.(0,2)(2,4)【分析】根据给定条件,利用等比数列各项和公式,结合公比的取值范围求解即得.【详解】依题意,121a q=-,10q -<<或01q <<,则12(1)a q =-,102a <<或124a <<,所以首项1a 的取值范围为(0,2)(2,4) .故答案为:(0,2)(2,4) 5.(8,2)(2,)-+∞ 【分析】根据给定条件,利用向量夹角公式结合共线向量列出不等式组求解即得.【详解】向量()()1,2,,4a b m == 的夹角为锐角,则0a b ⋅> 且a 与b不共线,因此8024m m +>⎧⎨≠⎩,解得8m >-且2m ≠,所以实数m 的取值范围为(8,2)(2,)-+∞ .故答案为:(8,2)(2,)-+∞ 6.8-【分析】设i z a b =+,根据22z z -==得到方程组,求出1,a b ==答案,从而求出3z .【详解】设i z a b =+,则22i z a b -=-+,所以()2222424a b a b ⎧+=⎪⎨-+=⎪⎩,解得1,a b ==当1,a b =1=z ,故()222113i 22z =+=++=-+,()()322126i 8z =-++=-+=-;当1,a b ==1z =-,故()222113i 22z =-=-=--,()()322126i 8z =--=-+=-故答案为:-87.11(,,0)22【分析】根据给定条件,利用投影向量的定义求解即得.【详解】向量()()1,1,0,0,1,1a b == ,则1,||a b a ⋅==,所以b 在a 方向上的投影为2111(,,0)222||a b a a a ⋅==,故答案为:11(,,0)228.3【分析】令()ln(g x ax c x =+,则()()4f x g x =+,然后判断()g x 的奇偶性,再利用函数的奇偶性求值即可【详解】令()ln(g x ax c x =+,则()()4f x g x =+,函数的定义域为R ,因为()ln(g x ax c x -=---ln ax c ⎛⎫=--(1ln ax c x -=--+(ln ax c x =--+(ln ()ax c x g x ⎡⎤=-++=-⎢⎥⎣⎦,所以()g x 为奇函数,因为3(lg log 10)5f =,所以3(lg log 10)45g +=,所以(lg lg 3)1g -=,所以(lg lg 3)1g =-,所以(lg lg3)(lg lg3)4143f g =+=-+=,故答案为:39.4【分析】求出过抛物线焦点的弦长范围,再利用抛物线定义列式求解即得.【详解】抛物线24y x =的焦点(1,0)F ,准线方程=1x -,令过点F 与抛物线交于两点的直线方程为1x ty =+,由214x ty y x=+⎧⎨=⎩消去x 得,2440y ty --=,设两个交点为1122(,),(,)P x y Q x y ,则124y y t +=,21212()242x x t y y t +=++=+,于是212||11444PQ x x t =+++=+≥,当且仅当0=t 时取等号,令点,,A B M 的横坐标分别为0,,A B x x x ,而||104AB =≥,则0111[(1)(1)]1(||||)1||142222A B A B x x x x x FA FB AB +==+++-=+-≥-=,当且仅当,,A F B 三点共线时取等号,所以M 到y 轴的距离的最小值为4.故答案为:410.323【分析】根据给定条件,利用条件概率公式计算即得.【详解】记事件A 为“运动员开第一枪命中飞碟”,B 为“运动员开第二枪命中飞碟”,C 为“飞碟被击中”,则() B =⨯=,()()()() C P A B P A P B ==+=+= ,所以飞碟是运动员开第二枪命中的概率为()()0.123(|)()()0.9223P BC P B P B C P C P C ====.故答案为:32311.6【分析】不妨令A B C ≤≤,利用正切函数的单调性,结合已知求出tan A ,再利用和角的正切公式分析求解即得.【详解】在ABC 中,不妨令A B C ≤≤,显然A 为锐角,而tan A 是整数,若πtan 2tan3A =>=,又函数tan y x =在π(0,)2上单调递增,则π3A >,此时3πA B C A ++≥>与πA B C ++=矛盾,因此tan 1A =,π3π,44A B C =+=,tan tan tan()11tan tan B CB C B C++==--,整理得(tan 1)(tan 1)2B C --=,又tan ,tan B C 都是整数,且tan tan B C ≤,因此tan 2,tan 3B C ==,所以tan tan tan 6A B C ++=.故答案为:612.[3,13]【分析】确定动点(,)P m n 的几何意义,利用直线现圆的位置关系分段讨论,结合几何意义求解即得.【详解】显然点(,)P m n 在圆22:1O x y +=及内部,直线1:630l x y --=,直线2:220l x y +-=,1=>,得直线1l与圆O相离,且|63|63m n m n--=--,由222201x yx y+-=⎧⎨+=⎩,解得3545xy⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=⎪⎩或1xy=⎧⎨=⎩,即直线2l与圆O交于点34(,),(1,0)55A B,①当220m n+-≥时,即点P在直线2l与圆O所围成的小弓形及内部,|22||63|226324m n m n m n m n m n+-+--=+-+--=-+,目标函数124z x y=-+,即142z x y-=-表示斜率为12,纵截距为142z-的平行直线系,画出直线0:20p x y-=,平移直线p分别到直线12,p p,当1p过点A时,142z-取得最大值,1z最小,当2p过点B时,142z-取得最小值,1z最大,因此1min34()24355z=-⨯+=,1max()12045z=-⨯+=,从而3245m n≤-+≤;②当220m n+-<时,即点P在直线2l与圆O所围成的大弓形及内部(不含直线2l上的点),|22||63|(22)63348m n m n m n m n m n+-+--=-+-+--=--+,目标函数2348z x y=--+,即2834z x y-=+表示斜率为34-,纵截距为282z-的平行直线系,画出直线0:340q x y+=,显直线q OA⊥,平移直线q分别到直线12,q q,直线12,q q与圆O分别相切于点34,(,)55A--,当1q过点A时,282z-取得最大值,2z最小,因此2min34()834355z=-⨯-⨯=,当2q过点34(,)55--时,282z-取得最小值,2z最大,因此2max34()8341355z=+⨯+⨯=,从而383413m n<--≤,所以2263m n m n+-+--的取值范围是[3,13].故答案为:[3,13]【点睛】方法点睛:求解线性规划问题的一般方法:①准确作出不等式组表示的平面区域,作图时一定要分清虚实线、准确确定区域;②根据目标函数的类型及几何意义结合图形判断目标函数在何处取得最值.13.B【分析】分布列中各项概率大于0,且概率之和为1,从而得到正确答案.【详解】由题意得,分布列中各项概率非负,且概率之和为1,显然AC 选项不满足概率之和为1,D 选项不满足各项概率大于0,B 选项满足要求.故选:B 14.C【详解】分析:由题意结合分层抽样的性质得到关于n 的方程,解方程即可求得最终结果.详解:由题意结合分层抽样的定义可得:251000140012001000n =++,解得:90n =.本题选择C 选项.点睛:进行分层抽样的相关计算时,常利用以下关系式巧解:(1)n N =样本容量该层抽取的个体数总体的个数该层的个体数;(2)总体中某两层的个体数之比=样本中这两层抽取的个体数之比.15.D【分析】举出反例得到充分性和必要性均不成立.【详解】不妨设111,2a q =-=,则2311,24a a =-=-,满足123a a a <<,但{}n S 是严格减数列,充分性不成立,当111,2a q ==时,{}n S 是严格增数列,但123a a a >>,必要性不成立,故甲是乙的既非充分又非必要条件.故选:D 16.B【分析】根据给定条件,分析听到的三次回声情况确定几个时刻声音的路程,再列出等式求解即得.【详解】依题意,令声音传播速度为v ,1t 时刻,刚刚呐喊声音传播为0,2t 时刻听到第一次回声,声音的路程为2()-a c ,即从左焦点到左顶点再次回到左焦点,3t 时刻,声音的路程为2()a c +,即从左焦点到右顶点,又从右顶点回到左焦点,4t 时刻,声音的路程为4a ,即从左焦点反射到右焦点,再反射到左焦点,因此32,2()2()x t t a c a c vx =-+--=,43,42()y t t a a c vy =--+=,即4,22c vx a c vy =-=,则2a c y c x -=,即2a c y c x -=,整理得2a y xc x+=,所以椭圆的离心率为2c xa x y=+.故选:B【点睛】关键点点睛:利用椭圆几何性质,确定听到回声的时刻,回声的路程是解题的关键.17.(1)136【分析】(1)利用等体积法11A ABD D A AB V V --=,再根据条件,即可求出结果;(2)建立空间直角坐标系,求出平面ABD 与1ACB 的法向量,再利用面面角的向量法,即可求出结果.【详解】(1)因为1AA ⊥平面ABC ,又BC ⊂面ABC ,所以1AA BC ⊥,又AB BC ⊥,1AA AB A = ,1,AA AB ⊂面11ABB A ,所以CB ⊥面11ABB A ,因为1//CC 面11ABB A ,所以D 到面11ABB A 的距离即BC ,又111112122AA B S AB AA =⋅=⨯⨯= ,1BC =,所以1111133A ABD D A AB A AB V V S CB --=== .(2)如图,建立空间直角坐标系,因为1AB BC ==,12AA =,则1(0,0,0),(0,1,0),(1,0,0),(0,0,2),(1,0,1)B AC BD ,所以1(0,1,0),(1,0,1),(0,1,2),(1,1,0)BA BD AB AC ===-=-设平面ABD 的一个法向量为(,,)n x y z =,由1100BA n BD n ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩ ,得到00y x z =⎧⎨+=⎩,取1x =,得到0,1y z ==-,所以(1,0,1)n =- ,设平面1ACB 的一个法向量为(,,)m a b c =,则由10AC m AB m ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩,得到020a b b c -=⎧⎨-+=⎩,取2a =,则2,1b c ==,所以(2,2,1)m = ,设平面ABD 与1ACB 所成锐二面角为θ,则cos cos ,n mn m n m θ⋅====18.(1)表格见解析;(2)证明见解析;(3)证明见解析.【分析】(1)根据给定条件,结合“五点法”作图完善表格.(2)根据给定条件,利用复合函数求导法则计算即得.(3)根据给定条件,利用恒等式成立的充要条件推理即得.【详解】(1)“五点法”作函数[]sin ,0,2πy x x =∈的图象的5个关键点的横坐标为π3π0,,π,,2π22,所以表格如下:xπ2π3π22πsin x -01-0101sin x-1121(2)实数0a >且1a ≠,则ln ln e e xx a x a a ==,因此ln ln ()(e )e (ln )ln x x a x a x a x a a a '''==⋅=,所以()ln x x a a a '=.(3)212212133)())[()])(((x x x x x x x x x x x x x x =-----++32332121212312()()x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x =+--+-++32123122331123()()x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x =-+++++-,依题意,3212312233112332()()x x x x x x x x x x x x ax bx x x x x c -+++-+++=++对任意实数x 恒成立,因此123123122331122331123123()a x x x x x x ab x x x x x x x x x x x x bc x x x x x x c=-++++=-⎧⎧⎪⎪=++⇔++=⎨⎨⎪⎪=-=-⎩⎩,所以等式32123()()()x ax bx c x x x x x x +++=---对任意实数x 恒成立的充要条件是123122331123x x x ax x x x x x b x x x c ++=-⎧⎪++=⎨⎪=-⎩.19.(1)dy c x=+更适宜作为回归方程类型;(2)10ˆ100yx=-,399.5g /m .【分析】(1)根据题意,分别求得相关系数的值,结合10.449r ≈和20.996r ≈-,结合12r r <,即可得到结论.(2)(i )根据最小二乘法,求得回归系数,进而求得回归方程;(ii )当20x =时,结合回归方程,即可求得预报值.【详解】(1)因为y a bx =+的线性相关系数91)9()(0.44iix y r x y --==≈∑,dy c x=+的线性相关系数92(0.996iiu u y r y --≈-∑,因为12r r <,所以dy c x=+更适宜作为平均金属含量y 关于样本对原点的距离x 的回归方程类型.(2)依题意,992110ˆ()()1(.4010.14)i ii i iu u y u u yβ==----===-∑∑,则ˆˆ97.9(10)0.21100y u αβ=-=--⨯=,于是10ˆ10010100y u x=-=-,所以y 关于x 的回归方程为10ˆ100yx=-.当20x =时,金属含量的预报值为31010099.5g /m 20ˆy=-=.20.(1)证明见解析;(2))||(,p a ++∞;(3)证明见解析,(),0a -.【分析】(1)联立直线和抛物线方程,再利用韦达定理及数量积的坐标表示计算即得..(2)求出弦AB 的中点坐标及弦AB 的中垂线方程,进而求出n ,再结合判别式求解即得.(3)设出D 点的坐标,求出直线BD 的方程211121()y y y x x y x x +=---,借助(1)的信息,推理判断即得.【详解】(1)显然直线l 不垂直于坐标轴,设过点(),0M a 的直线l 的方程为x my a =+,由22y px x my a ⎧=⎨=+⎩消去x 得:2220y pmy pa --=,22Δ480p m pa =+>,则121222y y pm y y pa +=⎧⎨⋅=-⎩,所以22212121212222y y OA OB x x y y y y a pa p p⋅=+=⋅+=- 为定值.(2)设,A B 两点的中点坐标为()33,Q x y ,则21212322x x my my x a pm a ++==+=+,1232y y y pm +==,则()2,Q pm a pm +,即AB 的垂直平分线为()2y m x pm a pm =---+,令0y =,解得2n pm a p =++,显然22480p m pa ∆=+>,当0a >时,恒有220pm a +>成立,则n p a >+,当a<0时,2pm a a +>-,则n p a >-,所以n 的取值范围为)||(,p a ++∞.(3)由A 关于x 轴的对称点为D ,得()11,D x y -,则直线BD :211121()y y y x x y x x +=---,整理得:2112212121y y x y x yy x x x x x ++=---.又()()()1221211212122x y x y y my a y my a my y a y y +=+++=++422pam pam pam =-+=-.因此直线BD 为:212122pm pam y x x x x x =+--,即()212pmy x a x x =+-过定点(),0a -,所以直线BD 过定点(),0a -.【点睛】方法点睛:求解直线过定点问题常用方法如下:①“特殊探路,一般证明”:即先通过特殊情况确定定点,再转化为有方向、有目的的一般性证明;②“一般推理,特殊求解”:即设出定点坐标,根据题设条件选择参数,建立一个直线系或曲线的方程,再根据参数的任意性得到一个关于定点坐标的方程组,以这个方程组的解为坐标的点即为所求点;③求证直线过定点()00,x y ,常利用直线的点斜式方程()00y y k x x -=-或截距式y kx b =+来证明.21.(1)48ln 333y x =-+;(2)答案见解析;(3)不存在,理由见解析.【分析】(1)利用导数求切线斜率,再求出切点坐标,点斜式写出切线方程即可.(2)利用导数探讨单调性,进而确定函数的极值点.(3)假设存在,利用导数,将等式化简,减少变量,从而可构造适当新函数,研究新函数的性质,即可判断.【详解】(1)当1a =时,2()ln(1),(2)ln 32x f x x x f =++-=,求导得14()1,(2)13f x x f x ''=+-=+,切线方程为4ln 3(2)3y x -=-,所以所求切线方程为48ln 333y x =-+.(2)函数2()ln(1)2x f x a x x =++-的定义域为(1,)-+∞,求导得21()111a x af x x x x -+'=+-=++,令()0f x '=,即210x a -+=,即21x a =-,①当1a ≥时,函数()y f x =在定义域内严格增,无极值点;②当01a <<时,当1x -<<或x >时,()0f x '>,当x <()0f x '<,函数()y f x =在(1,-和)+∞严格增,在(严格减,此时极大值点为③当0a ≤时,当1x -<<时,()0f x '<,当x >时,()0f x '>,函数()y f x =在(-严格减,在)+∞严格增的,所以当1a ≥时,函数()y f x =无极值点;当01a <<时,函数()y f x =极大值点为当0a ≤时,函数()y f x =.(3)假设存在定点(,)m n 满足条件,由000()()()2x mf x f x m n +'=-+得:000)(2()f x n x m f x m -+'=-,又点(,)m n 在曲线()f x 上,则2()ln(1)2mn f m a m m ==++,于是220000001[ln(1)ln(1)])()()(2a x m x m x m f x n x mx m+-++----=--000[ln(1)ln(1)]12a x m x mx m +-++=+--,而()11a f x x x '=+-+,于是000002()1=1222212x m x m x m a af x m x m +++'=+-+-++++,因此000ln(1)ln(1)22x m x m x m +-+=-++,变形得00012(1)11ln 1111x x m x m m +-++=++++,令01(0)1x t t m +=>+,则2(1)ln 1t t t -=+,令函数22()ln ,01t g t t t t -=->+,求导得22214(1)()0(1)(1)t g t t t t t '-=-=≥++,则()g t 在(0,)+∞单调递增,又(1)0g =,于是()0g t =只有唯一解1t =,即0111x m +=+,又0m x ≠,则1t ≠,故不存在定点(,)m n 满足条件.【点睛】结论点睛:函数y =f (x )是区间D 上的可导函数,则曲线y =f (x )在点00(,())x f x 0()x D ∈处的切线方程为:000()()()y f x f x x x '-=-.。
全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错或不答的得0分) (共3题)第(1)题已知直线:与圆:有两个不同的公共点,,则()A.直线过定点B.当时,线段长的最小值为C.半径的取值范围是D.当时,有最小值为第(2)题已知函数,若,其中,则()A.B.C.D.第(3)题已知无穷等差数列的公差,且5,17,23是中的三项,则下列结论正确的是()A.d的最大值是6B.C.一定是奇数D.137一定是数列中的项三、填空(本题包含3个小题,每小题5分,共15分。
请按题目要求作答,并将答案填写在答题纸上对应位置) (共3题)第(1)题已知,分别是双曲线的左,右焦点,点在双曲线上,,圆,直线与圆相交于A,C两点,直线与圆相交于B,D两点,若四边形的面积为,则的离心率为________.第(2)题设圆锥的顶点为,为圆锥底面圆的直径,点为圆上的一点(异于、),若,三棱锥的外接球表面积为,则圆锥的体积为___________.第(3)题在如图所示的直角坐标系xOy中,AC⊥OB,OA⊥AB,|OB| = 3,点C是OB上靠近O点的三等分点,若函数的图象(图中未画出)与△OAB的边界至少有2个交点,则实数k的取值范围是_______________.四、解答题(本题包含5小题,共77分。
2024年上海高考英语模拟试卷及答案(一)I. Listening Comprehension 25%Section A 10%Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. A shop assistant. B. A dentist. C. A clown.D. A bank clerk.2. A. The exam score. B. The world news.C. A soccer match.D. A basketball team.3. A. She likes the performance very much.B. She thinks the piano performance awful.C. She enjoys the performance but thinks the ticket price is too high.D. She thinks the piano performance is not too bad.4. A. Living expenses are too high for her in the city.B. She wants to buy a new flat very much.C. She is considering renting a room in the city.D. She can afford a new flat now.5. A. She totally agrees to the man’s suggestion.B. She wants to enjoy the sunshine with the man.C. She prefers to stay indoors.D. She thinks summer is the best season in a year.6. A. He was too nervous during the interview.B. He was too relaxed during the interview.C. He did a good job in the interview.D. He wanted the job very much.7. A. Take a bus. B. Take a taxi. C. Walk. D. Takea train.8. A. In a hotel. B. In an office. C. In a theater. D. In a bar.9. A. He is unapproachable. B. He is very busy.C. He lacks patience.D. He always keeps people waiting.10. A. A physics exam. B. An experiment.C. A physical check.D. A physics lesson.Section B 15%Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longerconversation, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages and the conversation. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. In 1971. B. In 1998. C. In 1999. D.In 1940.12. A. Because of its price. B. Because of itsenvironment.C. Because of its coffee quality.D. Because of its foodsafety.13. A. The stores are bigger.B. The stores have more seating space.C. The stores offer localized food.D. The stores have lower prices compared with other markets.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. There are mysterious stories behind his works.B. There are many misunderstandings about him.C. His works have no match worldwide.D. His personal history is little known.15. A. He had a miserable childhood.B. He failed to go beyond grammar school.C. He was a member of the town council.D. He once worked in a well-known acting company.16. A. Because writers of his time had no means to protect their works.B. Because possible sources of clues about him were lost in a fire.C. Because his works were adapted beyond recognition.D. Because people of his time had little interest in him.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17. A. It is more difficult to learn than English.B. It is used by more people than English.C. It will be as commonly used as English.D. It will eventually become a world language.18. A. Its borrowed words from many languagesB. Its popularity with the common people.C. The influence of the British Empire.D. The effect of the Industrial Revolution.19. A. It includes a lot of words from other languages.B. It has a growing number of newly coined words.C. It can be easily picked up by overseas travelers.D. It is the largest among all languages in the world.20. A. English grammar is as complicated as Latin’s.B. French was the official language when the French ruled England.C. French was spoken by the common people when the French ruled England.D. English grammar is very difficult to learn.II. Grammar and Vocabulary 20%Section A 10%Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word. For the other blanks, fill in each blank with one proper word. Make sure that your answers are grammatically correct.Of the many factors that contribute to poor performance on standardized tests like the SAT, nerves and exhaustion, surprisingly, (21) ______ not rank very high. In fact, according to a new paper published in Journal of Experimental Psychology, a little anxiety – not to mention fatigue – might actually be a very good thing.The study was conducted by psychology professors Phillip Ackerman and Ruth Kanfer. They recruited 239 college freshmen, each (22) ______ (agree) to take three different versions of the SAT reasoning test (23) ______ (give) on three consecutive Saturday mornings. The tests would take three-and-a-half hours, four-and-a-half hours and five-and-a-half-hours, and would be administered (24) ______ a random order to each of the students. (25) ______ (boost) the stress level in the students – who had already taken the SAT in the past and gotten into college – Ackerman and Kanfer offered a cash bonus to any volunteers who (26) ______ (beat) their high-school score.(27) ______ the test began on each of the three Saturdays, the students filled out a questionnaire that asked them about their fatigue level, mood and confidence. They completed the questionnaire again at a break in the middle of the test and once more at the end. Together, all of these provided a sort of fever chart of the students’energy and anxiety during the experience.When the researchers scored the results, it came as no surprise that volunteers’fatigue and stress rose steadily (28) ______ the test got longer. (29) ______ was unexpected was their corresponding performance: as the length of the test increased, so (30) ______ the students’scores. The average score on the three-and-a-half-hour test was 1209 out of 1600. On the four-and-a-half-hour version it was 1222; on the five-and-a-half-hour test it was 1237.Section B 10%Directions:Complete the following passages by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.confusinglyB. robbingC. applyD. acceleratesE. bearableF. fearG. underlyingH. temporarilyI. claimsJ. bargainK. outcomesThe Danger of SharentingFor the vast majority of people, checking social media involves a mix of expectation and curiosity. The app feeds on a collective ____31____ that we are missing out on something, whether it’s a fabulous party, a pop-up sale, or the mere concept of vacation. But the same concept doesn’t quite ____32____ to parents sharing pictures of their young children online. There certainly may be an element of proud boasting: “Admire my little son’s taste in jazz,” etc. But these carefully chosen photos often do little more than help parents escape from a harsh day _____33_____. The isolation of parenthood delivers one to strange places, and you need your tribe. Sharing images on social media makes the experience ____34____, connecting one to a larger world.In his new book Why We Should Think Before We Talk About Our Kids Online, Leah Plunkett, a Harvard psychology professor, argues that “sharenting” happens when an adult transmits private details about a child via digital channels. It ____35_____ a child’s entry into “digital life.” Studies estimate that by 2030 nearly two-thirds of identity-fraud cases affecting today’s children will have been caused by sharenting.For Plunkett, there are a couple of reasons to be concerned about sharenting. On a philosophical level, sharenting exposes children to the larger digital world without their permission, ____36_____ them of a kind of privacy. This feeds into Plunkett’s second, much broader concern. The _____37_____ problem with sharenting is the same with many adult-world privacy issues: the bargain we have made in exchange for these services is that we surrender our data and choose not to imagine the worst-case scenarios. Could things that parents post about children produce real-world ____38_____, in terms of bullying, professional reputation, or future prospects? Today, long before children take their first step, their digital data already travels to “thousands, likely tens of thousands, of human and machine users.”How long will it be until someone ___39_____ the power to predict who a child will become as an adult based on these data points?Plunkett’s concerns made parents reconsider their choices. In the end, Plunkett’s advice is to “make more mindful choices” about digital lives though parenthood is often so ____40____ vague that mindfulness seems impossible.III. Reading Comprehension 45%Section A 15%Directions:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.(A)You can actually catch a good mood or a bad mood from your friends, accordingto a recent study in the journal Royal Society Open Science. But that shouldn’t stop you from ___41___ with pals who are down in the dumps, say the study authors: ___42___, the effect isn’t large enough to push you into depression.The new study adds to a growing body of research suggesting that happiness and sadness—as well as lifestyle and behavioral factors like smoking, drinking, obesity, fitness habits and even the ability to concentrate—can ___43___ across social networks, both online and in real life. But while many ___44___ studies have only looked at friendship data at one point in time, this is one of the few that measured social and mood changes over time.The new research involved groups of junior-high and high-school students who took part in ___45___ screenings(筛查) and answered questions about their best friends, many of whom were also enrolled in the study. In total, 2,194 students were included in the ___46___, which used a mathematical model to look for connections among friend networks.Overall, kids whose friends suffered from bad moods were more ___47___ to report bad moods themselves—and they were less likely to have improved when they were screened again six months to a year later. When people had more happy friends, ___48___, their moods were more likely to improve over time.Some symptoms related to depression—like helplessness, tiredness and loss of interest—also seemed to follow this ___49___, which scientists call “social contagion.” But this isn’t something that people need to ___50___, says lead author Robert Eyre, a doctoral student at the University of Warwick. Rather, it’s likely just a “___51___ empathetic response that we’re all familiar with, and something we recognize by common sense,” he says. In other words, when a friend is going through a rough patch, it makes sense that you’ll feel some of their ___52___, and it’s certainly not a reason to stay away.The study also found that having friends who were clinically depressed did not ___53___ participants’ risk of becoming depressed themselves. “Your friends do not put you at risk of illness,” says Eyre, “so a good course of action is simply to ___54___ them.” To boost both of your moods, he suggests doing things together that you both ___55___—and taking other friends along to further spread those good feelings, too.”41. A. keeping up B. making off C. hanging out D. getting away42. A. Thankfully B. Particularly C. Approximately D. Totally43. A. increase B. generate C. delay D. spread44. A. growing B. previous C. real D. large-scale45. A. depression B. anxiety C. anger D. friendship46. A. assessment B. examination C. analysis D. exercise47. A. willing B. reluctant C. able D. likely48. A. otherwise B. hence C. however D. besides49. A. prediction B. pattern C. report D. improvement50. A. worry about B. look for C. rely on D. put forward51. A. social B. normal C. rough D. certain52. A. symptoms B. responses C. recognition D. pain53. A. eliminate B. conceal C. increase D. sugarcoat54. A. enlighten B. consult C. empower D. support55. A. enjoy B. understand C. advise D. permitSection B 22%Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information givenin the passage you have just read.(A)For most city people, the elevator is an unremarkable machine that inspires none of the enthusiasm or interest that Americans afford trains, jets,and even bicycles. Dr. Christopher Wilk is a member of a small group of elevator experts who consider this a misunderstanding. Without the elevator, they point out, there could be no downtown skyscrapers or tall buildings, and city life as we know it would be impossible. In that sense, they argue, the elevator’s role in American history hasthe car and been no less significant than that of cars. In fact, according to Wilk,the elevator have been locked in a “secret war” for over a century, with cars making it possible for people to spread horizontally (水平地), and elevators pushing them toward life in close groups of towering vertical (垂直的)columns.If we tend to ignore the significance of elevators, it might be because riding in them tends to be such a brief, boring, and even awkward experience--one that can involve unexpectedly meeting people with whom we have nothing in common, and an unpleasant awareness of the fact that we’re hanging from a cable in a long passage.In a new book, Lifted, German journalist and cultural studies professor Andreas Bernard directed all his attention to this experience, studying the origins of elevator and its relationship to humankind and finding that riding in an elevator has never been a totally comfortable experience. “After 150 years, we are still not used to it,” Bernard said. “We still have not exactly learned to cope with the mixture of closeness and displeasure.” That mixture, according to Bernard, sets the elevator ride apart from just about every other situation we find ourselves in as we go about our lives.Today,as the world’s urban population explodes, and cities become moredenser, taller, and more crowded, America’s total number of elevators—900,000 at last count, according to Elevator World magazine’s “2012 Vertical Transportation Industry”--are a force that’s becoming more important than ever. And for the people who really, really love them, it seems like high time that we looked seriously at just what kind of force they are.56. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 1 refer to?A. The general view of elevators.B. The particular interests of experts.C. The desire for a remarkable machine.D. The enthusiasm for transport vehicles.57. The author’s purpose in mentioning cars is ______A. to contrast their functions with elevators’B. to emphasize the importance of elevatorsC. to reveal their secret war against elevatorsD. to explain people’s preference for elevators58. According to Prof. Bernard, what has made the elevator ride different from otherlife experiences?A. Vertical directionB. Lack of excitement.C. Little physical space.D. Uncomfortable conditions.59. The author urges readers to consider______.A. the exact number of elevator loversB. the serious future situation of elevatorsC. the role of elevators in city developmentD. the relationship between cars and elevators(B)We have designed all our bank cards to make your life easier.How to use your NatWest ServicecardAs a Switch card, it lets you pay for all sorts of goods and services, wherever you see the Switch logo. The money comes straight out of your account, so you can spend as much as you like as long as you have enough money or an agreed overdraft to cover it. It is also a cheque guarantee for up to the amount shown on the card. And it gives you free access to your money from over 31,000 cash machines across the U.K.How to use your NatWest CashcardYou can use your Cashcard as a Solo card to pay for goods and services wherever you see the Solo logo. It can also give you access to your account and your cash from over 31,000 cash machines nationwide. You can spend or withdraw what you have in your account, or as much as your agreed overdraft limit.Using your card abroadYou can also use your Servicecard and Cashcard when you're abroad. You can withdraw at cash machines and pay for goods and services wherever you see the Cirrus or Maestro logo displayed.We take a charge of 2.25% of each cash withdrawal you make (up to £4) and a charge of 75 pence every time you use Maestro to pay for goods or services. We also apply a foreign-exchange transaction fee of 2.65%.How to use your Nat West Credit CardWith your credit card you can do the following:*Pay for goods and services and enjoy up to 56 days interest-free days.*Pay in over 24 million shops worldwide that display the Mastercard or Visa logos.*Collect one AIR MILE for every £20 of spending that appears on your statement (对账单).(This does not include foreign currency or traveler's cheques bought, interest and other charges.)60. If you carry the Servicecard or the Cashcard, _____.A. you can use it to guarantee things as you wishB. you can draw your money from cash machines convenientlyC. you can spend as much money as you like without a limitD. you have to pay some extra money when you pay for domestic services.61. If you withdraw £200 from a cash machine abroad you will be charged ______.A. £4B. £4.5C. £5.25D. £2.2562. Which of the following is TRUE about using your NatWest Credit Card?A. You have to pay off the debt with interest within 56 days.B. You will be charged some interest beyond two months.C. You can use the card in any shop across the world.D. You will gain one air mile if you spend £20 on traveler’s cheques.(C)In the spring of 1878, Vincent van Gogh turned 25. As he looked back over his short life, the Dutchman found little to celebrate among the endeavors of his faltering career. By conventional, middle-class standards, he was a failure. After a couple of dead-end teaching jobs in England, as well as a short, forgettable spell working in a bookshop in Dordrecht, he moved to Amsterdam to become a minister of religion, following in his father’s footsteps. At the end of 1878, he set off for the depressed coalmining district of the Borinage to the west of the city of Mons in Belgium, determined to establish himself as a preacher(牧师) to the working class.There, he lived in a humble hut, gave away much of his money, and changed his smart clothes into the practical work-wear of the “Borins.” Unfortunately, he was not a gifted speaker, so his meetings were sparsely attended. His inability to connect with the local coalminers was compounded by a practical, linguistic difficulty: he couldn’t make head or tail of their quick-fire regional dialect known as “Walloon French,” while they were mystified by his own attempts at French,which to their ears sounded overly formal. In July 1879, only half a year after he had arrived in the region, he received another setback: the authorities terminated his trial religious appointment.Yet it was at this rock-bottom moment that van Gogh, now 26, started to draw. “I often feel homesick for the country of paintings,” he wrote to his brother Theo in the summer of 1880. He felt sympathy for the working-class miners. For the first time in his life, middle-class van Gogh was friends with poor, working-class people. The people were poor and illiterate, and their work was hard and dangerous. Yet for van Gogh, there was some kind of bigger truth in their simple way of life. After he became an artist, he chose to find his subject matter there. Like artists that he admired, such as Jean-Francois Millet, he wanted to portray the life of working-class people, and he remained interested in doing so certainly for the first half of his career. Really, it stayed important to him forever. In addition to this general concern for everyday reality and the rural poor, particular themes that van Gogh encountered in the Borinage would later feature prominently in his art. As he once put it in a letter: “It was in the Borinage that I began to work from nature for the first time.”Few works from van Gogh’s Borinage period survived, because the artist burned most of them. As he revealed in a letter to a friend, he felt they were too clumsy or related to an uncertain time when he was still developing his own style and artistic voice.63. What happened to Vincent van Gogh in 1878?A. He learned a lot from different jobs.B. He felt dissatisfied with his career.C. He was a member of the working class.D. He became the apprentice of his father.64. Why did van Gogh have difficulty communicating with the local miners?A. The miners didn’t appreciate his dressing style.B. Their French wasn’t agreeable in each other’s ear.C. His French pronunciation wasn’t standard.D. He had trouble in making a speech.65. What can we infer from the passage?A. Van Gogh interacted with working-class people all through his life even thoughhe was born middle-class.B. Van Gogh and Jean-Francois Millet both found inspiration from the rural peoplein the Borinage.C. Van Gogh’s paintings in the Borinage mirrored the life of working-class people.D. Van Gogh ruined many of his works in the Borinage because his artistic voicewas unheard then.66. What is the proper title of the passage?A. The Subject of van Gogh’s Works.B. The Turning Point of Van Gogh’s Life.C. The Way van Gogh Viewed His Art.D. The Working Class and Van Gogh’s success.Section C 8%Directions: Complete the following passage by using the sentences given below. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. You are only allowed to purchase a firearm if you have had a background checkand meet certain legal requirements.B. There have been many enlightening articles on gun control in America.C. If you were to visit the United States for two months, the only gun you mightsee is in a museum or on a police officer.D. Less than fifty percent of homes in the United States own weapons, and many ofthose homes are in rural areas where guns may have a greater use.E. More people are deciding to legalize their gun transactions instead of buyingthem on the black market.F. What alarms people the most about American gun culture are the illegal guns and shooting.Guns have a special place in American culture, and though not everyone agrees on whether or not they are a good thing, there is no mistaking that they will be part of the cultural landscape for some time. To answer the question, no, not everyone has a gun._____67_____. Americans use guns for one of two uses: either for sport, where they can use them on firing ranges or for hunting in approved areas, or for self-protection. The latter is where most people begin to take sides, either arguing for the removal of guns from society or allowing more people to have them. There are organizations and community groups for both sides and both sides have strong feelings.Legally, there are restrictions on gun owners._____68_____. Only certain kinds of weapons can be purchased by the public, and that excludes automatic weapon and military grade weaponry Gun owners must transport their weapon in a safe way, unloaded and in most cases, out of sight. Special—concealed carry permits from the police station must be obtained for people who want to wear weapon, and most people are rejected for this kind of permit. ______69______. Criminals steal guns or buy them illegally to commit crimes, and the news is terrible stories of what happened next. Occasionally a child will get a hold of legal weapon and accidentally hurt themselves or others.It is important to remember, however, that the news stories that make the United States seem like a dangerous place are deceiving; guns are not everywhere or constant.______70_____. After all. America is a safe place to live.IV. Summary Writing 10%Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the mainpoint(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.ShynessIf you suffer from shyness, you are not alone, for shyness is a universal phenomenon. It is not surprising that social scientists are learning more about its causes.The first environmental cause of shyness many be a child’s home and family life. Today’s children are growing up in smaller and smaller families, with fewer and fewer relatives living nearby. Growing up in homes in which both parents work full time, children may not have the socializing experience of frequent visits by neighbours and friends. Because of their lack of social skills, they may begin to feel socially inhibited, or shy, when they start school.A second environmental cause of shyness in an individual may be one’s culture. In a large study conducted in Japan, 57 percent of participants rated themselves as shy. Researchers Henderson and Zimbardo say, “One expectation is that in Japan an individual performance success is credited externally to parents, teachers, and others, while failure is entirely blamed on the person.” Therefore Japanese learn not take risks in public and rely instead on group-shared decisions.Technology may also play a role. In the United States, the number of young people who report being shy has risen from 40 percent to 50 percent in recent years .Due to our huge advances in technology, watching television, playing video games, and surfing the Web have replaced recreational activities that involve social interaction for many young people. Adults, too, are becoming more isolated as a result of technology. Face-to-face interactions with bank clerks, gas station attendants, and shop assistants are no longer necessary because people can use machines to do their banking, fill their gas tanks, and order goods. In short, they become shy.It appears that most people have experienced shyness at some time in their lives. Therefore, if you are shy, you have lots of company.V. Translation 15%Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 你是否介意代替我去开会吗?(substitute)73. 为了让妈妈睡个好觉,小王把水槽和橱柜擦得干干净净的。
2024年上海高考生物模拟卷(满分100 分,考试时间60分钟。
黏多糖贮积症患者细胞中IDUA基因转录出的mRNA 长度不变但提前出现终止密码子,最终导致合成的IDUA酶失去活性,引发黏多糖积累过多而无法及时清除,造成人体多系统功能障碍。
(选填编号)(4分)①氨基酸的数目不同②活性中心结构不同③催化的底物种类不同抑制性tRNA (sup ﹣tRNA )的反密码子可以与终止密码子配对。
在IDUA 突变基因的翻译过程中,加入sup ﹣tRNA 可获得有功能的全长蛋白。
(3)抑制性tRNA 的功能是 。
(单选)(2分)A .使翻译提前终止B .抑制氨基酸脱水缩合C .改变mRNA 的序列D .使终止密码子编码氨基酸(4)不同的sup ﹣tRNA 可以携带不同氨基酸。
全部选对的得6分,选对但不全的得3分,有选错或不答的得0分) (共3题)第(1)题已知直线(不同时为0),圆,则()A.当时,直线与圆相切B.当时,直线与圆不可能相交C.当时,与圆外切且与直线相切的动圆圆心的轨迹是一条抛物线D.当时,直线与坐标轴相交于两点,则圆上存在点满足第(2)题著名的伯努利(Bemoulli)不等式为:,其中实数同号,且均大于-1.特别地,当,且时,有.已知伯努利不等式还可以推广为:设x,,若,且,则.设a,b为实数,则下列结论正确的为()A.任意,且任意,都有B.任意,存在,使得C.任意,且任意,都有D.任意,存在,且,使得第(3)题分别是正方体的棱的中点,则()A.平面B.C.直线与直线相交D.与平面所成的角大小是三、填空(本题包含3个小题,每小题5分,共15分。
请按题目要求作答,并将答案填写在答题纸上对应位置) (共3题)第(1)题已知,则______.第(2)题若“”是“函数对一切恒有意义”的充分条件,则a的取值范围是______.第(3)题已知双曲线的方程为,点、分别在的左支和右支上,则直线斜率的取值范围是_______.四、解答题(本题包含5小题,共77分。
第一部分必须用2B 铅笔作答;第二部分必须用黑色字迹的签字笔作答。
上海市(新版)2024高考数学统编版模拟(提分卷)完整试卷一、单选题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分 (共8题)第(1)题已知,则()A.-3B.C.3D.第(2)题已知集合,,则()A.B.C.D.第(3)题已知正四棱锥的所有棱长均为为棱的中点,则异面直线与所成角的余弦值为()A.B.C.D.第(4)题已知抛物线的焦点为,直线与该抛物线交于两点,是线段的中点,过作轴的垂线,垂足为,若,则的值为( ) .A.B.C.D.第(5)题已知,,,则()A.B.C.D.第(6)题在半径为R的球内作内接于球的圆柱,则圆柱体积取得最大值时,圆柱的高为()A.R B.C.D.第(7)题()A.B.C.1D.第(8)题已知集合,,则()A.B.C.D.二、多选题:本题共3小题,每小题6分,共18分 (共3题)第(1)题某学校为了调查学生某次研学活动中的消费支出情况,抽出了一个容量为n的样本,其频率分布直方图如图所示,其中支出在50元到60元之间的学生有60人,则()A.样本中消费支出在50元到60元之间的频率为0.3B.样本中消费支出不少于40元的人数为132C.n的值为200D.若该校有2000名学生参加研学,则约有20人消费支出在20元到30元之间第(2)题已知为抛物线的焦点,过的直线与抛物线交于两点(点在第一象限),过线段的中点作轴的垂线,交抛物线于点,交抛物线的准线于点,为坐标原点,则下列说法正确的是()A.当时,直线的斜率为B.C.的面积不小于的面积D.第(3)题已知,,,则下列结论正确的是()A.B.C.ab的最大值为D.的最小值为三、填空题:本题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分 (共3题)第(1)题若将函数的图像向左平移个单位后所得图像关于轴对称,则的最小值为___________.第(2)题已知双曲线,则点到的渐近线的距离为_______.第(3)题三棱锥中,是边长为的等边三角形,,平面平面,则该三棱锥的外接球的体积为______四、解答题:本题共5小题,每小题15分,最后一题17分,共77分 (共5题)第(1)题抛物线:在第一象限上一点,过作抛物线的切线交轴于点,过作的垂线交抛物线于,(在第四象限)两点,交于点.(1)求证:过定点;(2)若,求的最小值.第(2)题如图,椭圆的左焦点为,离心率为,点在椭圆上.过点的直线交椭圆于,,过与轴平行的直线和过与垂直的直线交于点,直线与轴交于点.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)求点的横坐标的取值范围.第(3)题已知椭圆C:的右焦点为F,过F作不平行于坐标轴的直线l与椭圆C相交于A,B两点,AM垂直x轴于点M,BN垂直x轴于点N,直线AN与BM相交于点P.(1)当直线l的斜率为1时,求;(2)求证:动点P的横坐标为定值.第(4)题已知数列满足,.(1)已知,①若,求;②若关于m的不等式的解集为M,集合M中的最小元素为8,求的取值范围;(2)若,是否存在正整数,使得,若存在,求出k的最小值,若不存在,请说明理由.第(5)题在直角坐标平面内,将函数及在第一象限内的图象分别记作,,点在上.过作平行于轴的直线,与交于点,再过点作平行于轴的直线,与交于点.(1)若,请直接写出的值;(2)若,求证:是等比数列;(3)若,求证:.。
上海市高中名校2024届高考三模考试试卷(一)语 文一 积累应用 10分1.按要求填空。
(5分)(1)千岩万转路不定, 。
(李白《梦游天姥吟留别》)(2) ,举类迩而见义远。
(司马迁《 》)(3)每一代人有每一代人的使命,我们青年担负着国家兴盛的重任,应以《论语·泰伯》中曾子所说的“___________,___________”两句来自勉。
(5分)(1)将下列编号的语句依次填入语段空白处,语意连贯的一项是( )。
(2分) 近年来,作家、学者走进直播间卖书已不新鲜, 。
, ,。
真诚感谢您辛勤付出、无私奉献,(D)衷心祝愿您桃李满园,芬芳四溢!您的学生:小浦2024年5月7日 不得体的一项是 ,修改为:二 阅读 70分(一)阅读下文,完成第3-7题。
智能机器在定制化内容生产、 等方面具有优势,但智能生成的内容,以及这些内容生成的机制等,会影响人们对公共信息环境的认知,甚至会强化人的被动性。
1.已知双曲线22221x y C a b-=:的一条渐近线与直线350x y -+=垂直,则双曲线C 的离心率等于( )A .2?B .103C .10?D .222.某几何体的三视图如图所示,若图中小正方形的边长均为1,则该几何体的体积是( )A .16163π+B .8163π+C .32833π+ D .321633π+ 3.设n S 是等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和,且443S a =+,则2a =( ) A .2-B .1-C .1D .24.如图在一个60︒的二面角的棱有两个点,A B ,线段,AC BD 分别在这个二面角的两个半平面内,且都垂直于棱AB ,且2,4AB AC BD ===,则CD 的长为( )A .4B .25C .2D .235.已知33a b ==,且(2)(4)a b a b -⊥+,则2a b -在a 方向上的投影为( )A .73B .14C .203D .76.集合{2,0,1,9}的真子集的个数是( ) A .13B .14C .15D .167.将函数()2sin(3)(0)f x x ϕϕπ=+<<图象向右平移8π个单位长度后,得到函数的图象关于直线3x π=对称,则函数()f x 在,88ππ⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦上的值域是( ) A .[1,2]-B .[3,2]-C .2,12⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦D .[2,2]-8.甲、乙、丙三人参加某公司的面试,最终只有一人能够被该公司录用,得到面试结果以后甲说:丙被录用了;乙说:甲被录用了;丙说:我没被录用.若这三人中仅有一人说法错误,则下列结论正确的是( ) A .丙被录用了B .乙被录用了C .甲被录用了D .无法确定谁被录用了9.设i 为虚数单位,则复数21z i=-在复平面内对应的点位于( ) A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限10.甲、乙两名学生的六次数学测验成绩(百分制)的茎叶图如图所示.①甲同学成绩的中位数大于乙同学成绩的中位数; ②甲同学的平均分比乙同学的平均分高; ③甲同学的平均分比乙同学的平均分低; ④甲同学成绩的方差小于乙同学成绩的方差. 以上说法正确的是( ) A .③④B .①②C .②④D .①③④11.已知集合{}22|A x y x ==-,2{|}10B x x x =-+≤,则A B =( ) A .[12]-, B .[2]-, C .(2]-,D .2,2⎡-⎣12.地球上的风能取之不尽,用之不竭.风能是淸洁能源,也是可再生能源.世界各国致力于发展风力发电,近10年来,全球风力发电累计装机容量连年攀升,中国更是发展迅猛,2014年累计装机容量就突破了100GW ,达到114.6GW ,中国的风力发电技术也日臻成熟,在全球范围的能源升级换代行动中体现出大国的担当与决心.以下是近10年全球风力发电累计装机容量与中国新增装机容量图. 根据所给信息,正确的统计结论是( )A .截止到2015年中国累计装机容量达到峰值B .10年来全球新增装机容量连年攀升C .10年来中国新增装机容量平均超过20GWD .截止到2015年中国累计装机容量在全球累计装机容量中占比超过13二、填空题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
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上海市静安区2010学年第二学期高三化学二模试卷本卷可能用到的相对原子质量H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16 Na—23 Mg—24 Al—27 Si—28 P—31 S—32 Cl—35.5 K—39 Ca—40 Mn—55 Fe—56 Zn—65 I—127第Ⅰ卷(共66分)一、选择题(共10分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项。
关于131I 原子和127I原子的叙述错误的是A.它们互称为同位素B.它们的化学性质几乎完全相同C.它们相差4个质子D.它们的电子数相同2.下列氮原子结构的表述中,对电子运动状态描述正确且能表明同一电子层电子能量有差异的是 C 原子结构A. B.C.1s22s22p3 D.3.以下物质的工业制备所用主要原料(括号内物质)不符合事实的是A.碘(海带)B.溴(海水晒盐后的余液)C.乙烯(乙醇)D.顺丁橡胶(石油裂解气)4.下列仪器名称规范、正确的是A.三脚架B.表面皿C.镊子D.瓷钳锅5.苹果联建公司用价格更低的正己烷代替酒精清洗电器零部件,已造成许多工人中毒。
该同学的实验目的是A.制取氢气并检验其纯度 B.制取氯气并检验其纯度C.验证氯酸钾的氧化性 D.验证光对氢气和氯气反应的作用7.以下反应都有钠的化合物生成,其中不符合事实的A.Na2O2与水: NaOH B.NaNO3加热:NaNO2C.金属钠与甲醇:CH3ONa D.NaNO3与浓硫酸微热制硝酸: Na2SO48.以下物质的分离方法错误的是A.将碘和四氯化碳分离:蒸馏B.除去苯中混有的苯酚:加入浓溴水,过滤C.煤焦油和粗氨水的分离:分液D.分离溶液中微量的Fe3+ 和Cu2+:纸上层析9.对由X、Y元素形成的化合物X2Y2的叙述正确的是A.若是离子化合物,则阳阴离子个数比肯定不等于1:1B.若由分子构成且有Y-Y键,则肯定是非极性分子C.若溶于水时有X-Y键的断裂,则肯定是强电解质D.若X、Y原子间的共价键键能大,则熔、沸点肯定高10.如图所示,在置于空气的容器里盛有NaCl溶液,再放入缠绕铜丝的铁钉,下列叙述错误的是A.铜丝上发生的反应为:O2+4e+2H2O→4OH-B.铁钉上发生的反应为:Fe-3e→Fe3+C.NaCl的存在能加快铁钉的腐蚀速率D .一段时间后铁钉表面产生红棕色物质 11.NA 表示阿伏加德罗常数,下列说法错误的是A .质量为a g 的R 分子,其相对分子质量为aNAB .12g 石墨含有NA 个碳原子C .31g 白磷分子(P4)中含有6NA 个共用电子对D .30g 葡萄糖含有NA 个碳原子 12. 关于右图所示实验装置的叙述错误的是 A .将水准管上提,液面高于量气管且不下降,说明装置不漏气 B .可用来测定气体摩尔体积 C .可用来测定锌的相对原子质量D .用CCl4代替水,测得氢气的体积更准确13.已知H +(aq)+OH -(aq) → H2O(l)+Q(Q >0)。
若向三份等体积、0.1000 mol/L NaOH 溶液中分别加入:①稀醋酸 ②浓硫酸 ③稀硝酸,至恰好完全反应,并将上述过程中放出的热量分别记为Ql 、Q2、Q3(单位:KJ )。
下列关系式中正确的是 A .Q1>Q3>Q2 B .Q1 >Q2>Q3 C .Q2 >Q3>Q1 D .Q3 = Q2>Q114.已知-NH2呈碱性,-CONH2呈中性。
分子式均为C7H7O2N 的以下有机物,对其性质判断正确的是甲 乙 丙 丁①甲物质既有酸性又有碱性②乙物质只有碱性③丙物质只有酸性④丁物质既不显酸性又不显碱性A .①②③④B .①②③C .①③④D .①②④ 15.氯元素的相对原子质量为35.5,由23Na 、35Cl 、37Cl 构成的11.7g 氯化钠中,37Cl 的质量为A .1.75gB .1.85 gC .5.25 gD .5.85g16.10克Fe2O3、SiO2、Al2O3混合物加入足量的100 mL x mol/L 稀硫酸中,过滤,然后加入10 mol/L NaOH 溶液,产生沉淀的质量和加入NaOH 溶液体积如右图。
以下叙述错误的是 A .滤出的物质为SiO2 B .可求出x 的值C .可求出Al2O3的质量分数D .可求出Fe2O3的质量分数17.25℃时,下列溶液中有关微粒的物质的量浓度关系错误的是 A .pH=2的HA 溶液与pH=12的MOH 溶液以任意比混合:c(H+) + c(M+) == c(OH -) + c(A -)B .Na2CO3溶液:c(OH -)=c(HCO3-)+c(H+)+2c(H2CO3)C .将醋酸钠、盐酸两溶液混合后呈中性的溶液中:c(Na +)>c(Cl —)=c(CH3COOH)D .pH=4的NaHA 溶液:c(HA-)>c(H+)>c(H2A)>c(A2-)三、选择题(本题共20分,每小题4分,每小题有一个或两个正确选项。
分离出铜后,检验该苯甲醛是否是纯净物可用的方法或试剂是 A .定量分析--测熔点B .定性分析--酸性高锰酸钾溶液C .定量分析--银氨溶液D .定性分析—新制氢氧化铜19.用普通圆底烧瓶将某卤化钠和浓硫酸加热至500℃,发现产生无色气体,则该卤化钠是 A .NaFB . NaClC . NaBrD . NaI20.下列离子方程式中正确的是A .向KAl(SO4)2溶液中加入Ba(OH)2至SO42–完全沉淀: COOHNH 2OOCHNH 2CONH 2OH NO 2CH 3量100 110 (mL) NaOH 溶液的体积2Ba2+ + 4OH– + Al3+ + 2SO42–→2BaSO4↓+ AlO2– + 2H2OB.用硫酸铜溶液吸收硫化氢气体:Cu2++S2-→CuS↓C.过量的Al2(SO4)3溶液加入NaAlO2溶液中:A13++3AlO2- +6H2O→4A1(OH)3↓D.向NaHCO3溶液中加入过量的Ba(OH)2溶液:Ba2++2HCO3-+2OH-→ BaCO3↓+CO32-+2H2O21.某学习小组根据化学知识和右上表的数据,设计了下表中的实验,以验证酸性:盐酸>碳酸>苯酚>碳酸氢根离子其中不合理的是组别操作判断依据A 盐酸和碳酸往碳酸钙固体中滴加盐酸观察有无气体产生B 碳酸与苯酚往苯酚钠饱和溶液中,通入足量CO2 观察溶液是否变浑浊C 碳酸与苯酚配制同物质的量浓度的碳酸钠溶液和苯酚钠溶液比较溶液的pHD HCO3-与苯酚在苯酚悬浊液中,加入过量的Na2CO3溶液观察悬浊液是否变澄清22.由于实验误差,确定物质的组成和结构时,常常需要将多个实验进行对照和分析才能得出正确结论。
已知某脂肪酸(用R表示)有以下实验记录:组成元素官能团相对分子质量与碱反应加成反应C、H、O 羧基、碳碳双键小于300 2.493gR可被0.500gKOH中和 1.247gR可与2.250g I2反应则以下关于R的结论肯定正确的是A.R是一元羧酸B.R分子含一个碳碳双键C.R的相对分子质量约为278 D.R的分子式为C18H32O2第Ⅱ卷(共84分)四、(本题共24分)23.右表为元素周期表短周期的一部分。
24.已知溶液中:还原性HSO3->I-,氧化性IO3-> I2 > SO42-。
在含 3 molNaHSO3的溶液中逐滴加入KIO3溶液,加入的KIO3和析出的I2的物质的量的关系曲线如右图所示,试回答下列问题。
物质电离常数和溶解度(25℃)C6H5OH Ki =1.28×10-10S = 9.3g/100g水H2CO3 Ki1 =4.3×10-7Ki2 =5.6×10-11(1)写出a 点反应的离子方程式; 反应中还原剂是 ;被还原的元素是 。
(2)写出b 点到c 点反应的离子方程式 ; (3)当溶液中的I-为0.4 mol 时,加入的KIO3为 mol 。
(4)若往100 mL1mol/L 的KIO3溶液中滴加NaHSO3溶液,反应开始时的离子方程式为 。
25.大气固氮(闪电时N2转化为NO )和工业固氮(合成氨)是固氮的重要形式。
下表列举了不同温度下大气固氮和工业固氮的部分K 值(K 表示平衡常数):(1)固氮是指_________________________________________的过程,自然界固氮的另一途径为____________________。
(2)根据表中的数据,并结合所学知识分析,下列说法正确的是 。
a .人类大规模模拟大气固氮实际意义很小b .通常状况下,大气固氮与工业固氮完成程度相差很大c .两种固氮都是放热反应d .在常温下,大气固氮几乎不可能,而工业固氮很容易进行(3)为研究反应条件的改变对化学平衡移动的影响,将N2和H2在一固定体积的密闭容器中进行反应,得到如下的图像,下列有关条件改变(每次只改变一个条件)的说法,正确的是 。
a .t2可能是增加了原料的物质的量 b .t4可能是充入了He 气c .t5中分离出氨气d .t7时可能是升高温度,使平衡向正反应方向移动(4)目前工业固氮采用的是哈伯法,即在20~50MPa 的高压和500℃左右的高温下,并用铁触媒作为催化剂.俄勒冈大学的化学家使用了一种名为 trans 一Fe(DMeOPrPE)的新催化剂,在常温下合成氨,反应的化学方程式为:N2 +3H22NH3 . 有关说法正确的是______。
a .新法不需要高温条件,可节约大量能源b .新法能在常温下进行是因为不需要断裂化学键c .在相同温度下不同的催化剂其催化活性不同五.(本题共24分) 26.用图示装置制取PCl3,在E 中放入足量白磷,将氯气不间断地通入E ,氯气与白磷就会发生反应,并放出热量(温度高于75℃)。