Plot OverviewPeter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie are four siblings sent to live in the country with the eccentric Professor Kirke during World War II. The children explore the house on a rainy day and Lucy, the youngest, finds an enormous wardrobe. Lucy steps inside and finds herself in a strange, snowy wood. Lucy encounters the Faun Tumnus, who is surprised to meet a human girl. Tumnus tells Lucy that she has entered Narnia, a different world. Tumnus invites Lucy to tea, and she accepts. Lucy and Tumnus have a wonderful tea, but the faun bursts into tears and confesses that he is a servant of the evil White Witch. The Witch has enchanted Narnia so that it is always winter and never Christmas. Tumnus explains that he has been enlisted to capture human beings. Lucy implores Tumnus to release her, and he agrees.Lucy exits Narnia and eagerly tells her siblings about her adventure in the wardrobe. They do not believe her, however. Lucy's siblings insist that Lucy was only gone for seconds and not for hours as she claims. When the Pevensie children look in the back of the wardrobe they see that it is an ordinary piece of furniture. Edmund teases Lucy mercilessly about her imaginary country until one day when he sees her vanishing into the wardrobe. Edmund follows Lucy and finds himself in Narnia as well. He does not see Lucy, and instead meets the White Witch that Tumnus told Lucy about. The Witch Witch introduces herself to Edmund as the Queen of Narnia. The Witch feeds Edmund enchanted Turkish Delight, which gives Edmund an insatiable desire for the chocolate. The Witch uses Edmund's greed and gluttony to convince Edmund to bring back his siblings to meet her. On the way back to the lamppost, the border between Narnia and our world, Edmund meets Lucy. Lucy tells Edmund about the White Witch. Edmund denies any connection between the Witch and the Queen. All Edmund can think about is his desire for the Turkish Delight. Lucy and Edmund return to Peter and Susan, back in their own world. Lucy relies on Edmund to support her story about Narnia, but Edmund spitefully tells Peter and Susan that it is a silly story. Peter and Susan are worried that Lucy is insane so they talk to Professor Kirke. The Professor shocks Peter and Susan by arguing that Lucy is telling the truth. One day the children hide in the wardrobe to avoid the housekeeper and some houseguests. Suddenly all four Pevensie children find themselves in Narnia. Lucy leads them to Tumnus's home, but a note informs them that Tumnus has been arrested on charges of treason. Lucy realized that this means the Witch knows that Tumnus spared Lucy's life, and that the Witch has captured Tumnus. Lucy implores her siblings to help her rescue Tumnus from the Witch. Guided by a friendly robin, the children wander into the woods, and meet Mr. Beaver. Mr. Beaver brings them back to his home, where he explains that the children cannot do anything to save Tumnus. The only thing the children can do is join Mr. Beaver on a journey to see Aslan a lion. Aslan appears to be a king or god figure in Narnia. The children are all pleasantly enchanted by the name Aslan, except for Edmund, who is horrified by the sound of it. Mr. Beaver, Peter, Susan, and Lucy plot tomeet Aslan at the Stone Table the following day, but they soon notice that Edmund has disappeared. Meanwhile, Edmund searches for the White Witch to warn her of Aslan's arrival and of the Beavers' plan. The Witch is enraged to hear that Aslan is in Narnia and immediately begins plotting to kill the children. The Witch wants to avoid an ancient prophecy that says that four humans will someday reign over Narnia and overthrow her evil regime.The children and the Beavers, meanwhile, rush to reach the Stone Table before the Witch. As they travel, wonderful seasonal changes occur. First they meet Santa Claus, or Father Christmas, who explains that the Witch's spell of "always winter and never Christmas" has ended. The enchanted winter snow melts and the children see signs of spring. Simultaneously, the Witch drags Edmund toward the Stone Table and treats him very poorly. Once spring arrives, the Witch cannot use her sledge anymore, so she cannot reach the Stone Table before the children. When the other three Pevensies meet Aslan, they are awed by him, but they quickly grow more comfortable in his presence. They love him immediately, despite their fear. Aslan promises to do all that he can to save Edmund. He takes Peter aside to show him the castle where he will be king. As they are talking, they hear Susan blowing the magic horn that Father Christmas gave her to her, signaling that she is in danger. Aslan sends Peter to help her. Arriving on the scene, Peter sees a wolf attacking Susan, and stabs it to death with the sword given him by Father Christmas. Aslan sees another wolf vanishing into a thicket, and sends his followers to trail it, hoping it will lead them to the Witch.The Witch is preparing to kill Edmund as the rescue party arrives. Aslan and his followers rescue Edmund, but are unable to find the Witch, who disguises herself as part of the landscape. Edmund is happy to see his siblings, as he has accepted that the Witch is evil. The next day, the Witch and Aslan speak and the Witch demands Edmund's life because she says that Edmund is a traitor. The Witch says that according to the Deep Magic of Narnia, a traitor life's is forfeit to the Witch. Aslan does not deny this, and he secretly reaches a compromise with her. The Witch appears very pleased, while Aslan seems pensive and depressed.The following night, Susan and Lucy observe Aslan grow increasingly gloomy and sad. The sisters are unable to sleep, and they notice that Aslan has disappeared. Susan and Lucy leave the pavilion to search for Aslan. When they find Aslan, he tells them they can stay until he tells them they must leave. Together, Aslan, Susan, and Lucy walk to the Stone Table, where Aslan tells them to leave. Susan and Lucy hide behind some bushes and watch the Witch and a horde of her followers torment, humiliate, and finally kill Aslan. The Witch explains that Aslan sacrificed his life for Edmund.Susan and Lucy stay with Aslan's dead body all night. In the morning, they hear a great cracking noise, and are astounded to see the Stone Table broken. Aslan has disappeared. Suddenly Susan and Lucy hear Aslan's voice from behind him. Aslan has risen from the dead. Aslan carries the girls to the Witch's castle, where they free all the prisoners who have been turned to stone. Aslan, Susan, and Lucy charge join the battle between Peter's army and the Witch's troops. Peter andhis troops are exhausted. Fortunately, Aslan swiftly kills the Witch and Peter's army then defeats the Witch's followers.Aslan knights Edmund, who has atoned for his sin of siding with the Witch. The children ascend to the thrones at Cair Paravel, the castle in Narnia. Aslan subsequently disappears. The children eventually become adults and reign over Narnia for many years. One day, in a hunt for a magical white stag, they arrive at the lamppost that had marked the border between Narnia and our world. The Pevensies tumble back out of the wardrobe to our world. No time has passed, and they return to Professor Kirke's house as children. The foursome tells Professor Kirke about their adventure, and the Professor assures them that they will return to Narnia again some day.。
教学目标:1、To know the story.2.To learn the following words and expressions:look back over one's shouldercatch a glimpse ofpoint as ifahead of set out重点难点1. She looked back over her shoulder.2. She could even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which (=where) she had set out.3. She had, of course, left the door open, for she knew that it was a very silly thing to shut oneself into a wardrobe.4. He had a strange, but pleasant little face, with a short pointed beard and curly hair.5. It looked just as if he had been doing his Christmas shopping.导学流程1、导学预习1) a brief introduction to the author and the work.C.S.Lewis (1898-1963).One of the greatest British writers of fantasy literature.Works:The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe2) 释义、填空①ahead of ________________②Look back over one's shoulder ________________③catch a glimpse of ________________④set out ________________⑤To be outstanding, you must be one step ____________ others.⑥From the window he could ____________ the lake.⑦We ____________ to find the truth behind the mystery.3).TRUE or FALSE1.At the beginning of the passage, Lucy seemed to be half way between the real world and Narnia.()2.Although she felt frightened, Lucy was surprised to see a lamppost in the middle of a wood.()3.The Faun seemed to be a goat dressed as an animal.()4.When Lucy saw the Faun, he was coming out of the wood and into the light.()5.When the Faun saw Lucy, he started to drop his parcels.()2、互动研讨Read the introduction an answer the following questions: (on P25,Ex. 1)Read the passage again and do Exx 2--3.Read the passage carefully and decide which of the following are true.➢Lucy had not expected to see a light ahead of her.➢When she found herself in the middle of a wood, she felt either frightened or excited.➢When she entered the wardrobe, she left the door open on purpose.➢The light she had seen was a actually from a lamppost.➢Lucy went into the wood in the hope of seeing a Faun.3、师讲生展Into the text:Read the passage again and complete the following sentences.1. At first Lucy was not sure where the light was from because2. It seemed that Lucy had come to a strange world by ___ _______3. Lucy had left the door of the wardrobe open so that ________________________________________.4. Lucy first heard the noise of feet before_________________________.5. The person Lucy saw was strange because ____________________4、训练提升1.ahead of在……前面;先于……;比……强或高(主要用作表语)And then she saw that there was a light ahead of her; not a few inches away where the back of the wardrobe ought to have been,but a long way off. (P25)那时她看到面前有一道光,离她不远处就是魔衣橱的后面,但走起来却很远。
彼得· 佩文西(Peter Pevensie)-四位兄弟姊妹中最年长,和弟妹都 曾在于《狮子· 女巫· 魔衣橱》中受封。于一年后和弟妹再度回到纳尼 亚。 苏珊· 佩文西(Susan Pevensie)-四位兄弟姊妹中第二大,箭术了 得。 爱德蒙· 佩文西(Edmund Pevensie)-四位兄弟姊妹中第三大,擅 长外交,并由他代彼得发出战书给弥若兹。 露西· 佩文西(Lucy Pevensie)-四位兄弟姊妹中最小,并相信阿斯 兰依然存在。 凯斯宾王子(Prince Caspian)/凯斯宾十世 (King Caspian X)-入侵纳尼亚的坦摩人 后代,因弥若兹的妻子生下的儿子而要逃亡。 弥若兹(Miraz)-他杀害了凯斯宾九 世,并企图篡位成为国王。
我欣赏露西那坚韧不拔的 毅力,正是有了这种毅力,才 使她带领大家找到了阿斯兰。 我喜欢彼得的勇敢,有了 他的勇敢,才能带领纳尼亚的 士兵战胜了邪恶的弥若兹。
我佩服老鼠将军——雷佩 契普,虽然他小身材,但他能 依然能跟随大部队英勇杀敌。
更远的地方,在每一块田野上,每一 片树林里,窝里的兔子竖起了耳朵,熟睡 的小鸟儿也把脑袋从翅膀下面伸了出来; 各种动物的叫声汇成一支奇妙的交响乐。 猛一看像是掠过地面的黑影,再看又 像风暴中的黑色海浪,一浪压过一浪,滚 滚而来,势不可挡。
《纳尼亚传奇1 ——狮子、女巫与魔衣橱》
《纳尼亚传奇3—— 黎明踏浪号》
《纳尼亚传奇4——银椅》 《纳尼亚传奇5—— 能言马与男孩》 《纳尼亚传奇6——魔法师的外甥》 《纳尼亚传奇7——最后一战》
故事发生在《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女 巫和魔衣橱》之后。彼得,爱德蒙,苏珊 和露西四位主人公又回到纳尼亚,却惊讶 地发现衣橱里面的时间已经过了一千三百 多年,当他们不在的时候,纳尼亚的黄金 时代结束了,现在这里被台尔马人所征服 的邪恶的弥若兹亚真正 的王 位继承人、年轻的凯斯宾王子。凯斯宾王 子的叔叔弥若兹想让自己新出生的儿子取 代凯斯宾成为王位继承人,因此下令追杀 凯斯宾 。无奈之下凯斯宾只好躲到了山林 中,在好心矮人的帮助下, 凯斯宾带领着 老鼠勇士雷佩契普和纳尼亚原来的居民们 展开了寻找狮王阿斯兰,把纳尼亚从弥若 兹残暴统治下解救出来的冒险征程 。
其中一些魔法包括: - 魔法衣柜:通往纳尼亚世界的入口,象征着寻找新世界和个人成长的机会。
- 魔法金杖:赋予持有者强大力量和能力的魔法工具。
- 预言与预言书:透露未来发展趋势,引导主角做出正确决策。
《纳尼亚传奇 1 7 套装共7册 中英双语典藏版 》读书笔记思维导图
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Chapter 12 Through T. . .
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Chapter 13 How The D...
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Chapter 14 Night Fal...
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Chapter 16 Farewell ...
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Chapter 15 Further U...
最 新
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Chapter 5 Back On Th...
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Chapter 6 Into The F...
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Chapter 7 A Day With...
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Chapter 8 What Happe...
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Chapter 10 The Spell...
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Chapter 9 In The Wit...
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Chapter 6 Shasta Amo...
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Chapter 7 Aravis In ...
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Chapter 8 In The Hou...
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Chapter 10 The Hermi...
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Chapter 9 Across The...
Chapter 11 1
The Unwel...
Chapter 12 2
Shasta In...
3 Chapter 13
The Fight...
4 Chapter 14
How Bree ...
5 Chapter 15
Rabadash ...
纳尼亚传奇系列4:卡斯宾王子 (中英双语典...
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纳尼亚传奇2英语读后感The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a captivating fantasy novel written by C.S. Lewis, the second book in the beloved Narnia series. As I delved into this enchanting tale, I was transported to a world of enchantment, where the line between reality and imagination blurred, leaving me with a profound sense of awe and wonder.The story follows the Pevensie children – Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy – as they discover a magical wardrobe that serves as a gateway to the mystical land of Narnia. In this realm, they encounter a diverse cast of characters, from the wise and majestic lion, Aslan, to the malevolent White Witch, who has cast a perpetual winter spell over the entire land.One of the most striking aspects of the novel is the rich and imaginative world-building. Lewis seamlessly weaves together elements of Christian mythology, classical fantasy tropes, and his own unique vision to create a truly immersive and captivating setting. The descriptions of Narnia, with its snowy landscapes, enchanted forests, and fantastical creatures, are so vivid and detailed that I found myself deeply invested in the characters' journey.The character development is another standout feature of the novel. The Pevensie children undergo a remarkable transformation as they grapple with their own personal challenges and the broader conflict unfolding in Narnia. Edmund's redemption arc, in particular, is a powerful and poignant exploration of the human capacity for growth and forgiveness.Moreover, the themes explored in the novel are both compelling and thought-provoking. The battle between good and evil, the power of faith and courage, and the importance of sacrifice and redemption are woven throughout the narrative, making it a rich and rewarding read.One of the aspects of the novel that resonated with me the most was the way in which Lewis seamlessly blends the fantastical elements of the story with timeless human truths. The struggles and triumphs of the Pevensie children feel deeply relatable, despite the otherworldly setting, and this serves to make the story all the more impactful and meaningful.As I turned the final page, I was left with a profound sense of appreciation for the depth and complexity of the Narnia universe. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a true classic of children's literature, and its enduring popularity is a testament to the power ofLewis' imagination and the universality of its themes.In conclusion, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a captivating and thought-provoking work of fiction that has left a lasting impression on me. The rich world-building, the compelling character arcs, and the exploration of timeless themes make this novel a must-read for anyone who enjoys immersive and meaningful storytelling. I eagerly anticipate delving into the rest of the Narnia series, eager to uncover the further adventures that await in this enchanting and magical realm.。
《纳尼亚传奇》系列作品对后世作家影响深远,包括《哈利波特》系列的作者J·K·罗琳都曾表示自己深受 C·S·刘易斯作品的影响。随着《纳尼亚传奇》系列故事改编成电影,全世界更多观众和读者开始认识这部不朽 的作品。穿梭在一个又一个的纳尼亚冒险故事中,这绝对是你一生难忘的神奇旅程……
在图书馆读了其中的三本。 噢,伟大的阿斯兰!伟大的纳尼亚!他将永存在我们心中,他真实存在,必将存在。 不知道是长大了再看还是其他什么原因,再看这套书反而觉得没有第一本给我惊艳的感觉。 电影只拍到第三部,看了无数次,今天把书也追完了。 非常喜欢这套书,看C.S.路易斯总有一种跟一个慈祥睿智的前辈对话的感觉。 “真的发生了火车事故,”阿斯兰轻轻说道。 读到结尾感觉就像故事刚刚开始一样,虽然最后苏姗没有和他们一起,但如图那句:开始即是结束结束即是开 始一样,好的故事在结尾总会让人深思。 据说,不是刘易斯最优秀的作品。 纳尼亚,成年人、孩子们s童心的纯真地每一个故事都像儿时的一个睡前故事,然而,结尾却是一个成年人的 思考故事。
01 思维导图
03 读书笔记 05 作者介绍
02 内容摘要 04 目录分析 06 精彩摘录
本书关键字分析思维导图系列Biblioteka 外甥朗读版故事
第章纳尼 亚
第章纳尼 亚传奇卡 斯宾王子 第章纳尼
纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣柜The.Chronicles.of.Narnia爱德蒙!快过来!Edmund! Get away from there!彼得!你怎么这么不懂事?Peter! What do you think you're doing?彼得快! 躲起来!Peter, quickly, the shelter. Now!- 快! - 等下...- Come on! - Wait...快离开这里!Come on, leave it!妈咪!Mommy!露西快跟我来!Lucy, come on!- 快快点儿! - 快跑!- Come on, quickly! - Run!快跑!Run!- 快啊! - 妈妈!- Hurry! - Mum!- 等等爹地... - 爱德蒙!- Wait! Dad! - Ed!- 爱德蒙别回去! - 我去拉他回来!- Edmund, no! - I'll get him!- 彼得回来! - 爱德蒙!过来!- Peter, come back! - Ed! Come here!爱德蒙!快趴下!Edmund! Get down!跟我走你这傻瓜快!Come on, you idiot, run!快跑!Get out! 快过来!Come on!赶紧!Hurry!你就不能为别人找想吗?真自私!Why can't you think of anyone but yourself? You're so selfish!- 就因为你大家差点送命! - 别说了- You could've got us killed! - Stop it!没关系的It's OK.你就不能乖乖听话吗?Why can't you just do as you're told?可怜可怜穷苦人吧...Aims for the poor. Aims for the poor.上帝保佑您先生...God bless you, sir.儿童以及撤离人员家属...Children and evacuation staff...亲爱的别脱衣服好吗? 会着凉的...You need to keep this on, darling.All right?够暖和么?乖孩子...You warm enough? Good girl.- 和劳拉姑姑问好 - 再见亲爱的我们爱你...- Say hello to Auntie Laura. - Goodbye, darling, we love you.爹地在的话是不会让我们走的Dad wouldn't make us go. If Dad were here,要是爹地在这里就意味着战争结束了我们当然不用离开!it'd mean the war was over. We wouldn't have to.乖乖听哥哥的话好吗爱德蒙?You will listen to your brother,won'tyou, Edmund?答应我一定照顾好他们...Promise me you'll look after the others.我会的妈妈...I will, Mum.- 好孩子 - 请大家排队上车!...- Good man. - All aboard! All aboard!- 再见亲爱的! - 拜拜!- Bye, darling! - Bye!苏珊Susan.坚强些懂事点儿...Be a big girl.抓紧哥哥的手千万别放开...Hold on to your brother's hand.Don't let it go.好啦你们去吧All right. Off you go.- 请大家上车... - 拜拜我们爱你...- All aboard! - Bye-bye. Love you.嘿别扯我啊我知道怎么上火车!Hey, get off. I know how to get on a train by myself.别拉着我!Get off me!我能看看您的车票吗? 请出示车票... May I have your tickets, please?Tickets, please.彼得Peter.- 可以了你们可以上车了... - 好的谢谢- That's right. On you go. - Yes. Thank you.这边走请这边走...Come e along this way, please. 好啦露西我们应该团结点Come on, Lucy.We have to stick together now.没事的不用怕Everything's gonna be all right.It's gonna be fine.拜拜妈咪!我爱您!Bye, Mommy! I love you!- 再见亲爱的... - 我们会想您的!再见! - Bye-bye, dear. - Bye! We'll miss you! See you soon.- 我爱您妈妈!再见! - 再见...- I love you, Mum! Bye! - See you soon!- 要给我们写信啊妈妈! - 我爱你们!... - Write to us, Mum! - Love you!纳尼亚传奇:狮子女巫魔衣橱鹅塘站鹅塘站...Goosey Station. Goosey Station.拉上我的手我们走吧!Give me your hand. Let's get going.教授知道我们会来吧The professor knew we were coming.会不会是标签上地点写错了?Perhaps we've been incorrectly labeled.快Come on, hup!喔...And whoa. Whoa.- 麦克里迪女士? - 没错儿- Mrs. Macready? - I'm afraid so.就这样? 没其它东西了?Is this it, then?Haven't you brought anything else?没...No, ma'am.就我们四个It's just us.那就好Small favors.驾乖孩子... 驾驾...Come on. Good girl. Come on. Come on.科克教授这里不常有孩子光临Professor Kirke is not accustomed to having children in this house.所以...你们必须得乖乖的守些规矩And, as such, there are a few rules we need to follow.屋子里禁止高声喧哗There will no shouting.也不准到处乱跑不可以乱用小升降梯(送饭菜用)Or running.No improper use of the dumbwaiter.不准碰古工艺品!No touching of the historical artifacts!总之一句话And above all,你们不可以打扰到教授的工作there shall be no disturbing of the professor.“昨夜德国轰炸机突袭了大不列颠领土... German aircraft carried out a number of attacks on Great Britain last night.轰炸持续了数小时之久...”The raids, which lasted for several hours...睡这被子我觉得痒痒的...The sheets feel scratchy.战争不会持续多久的露西我们很快就可以回家了... Wars don't last forever, Lucy.We'll be home soon.是啊如果家还在的话...- Yeah, if home's still there.你是不是该上床睡觉了?!- Isn't it time you were in bed?- 遵命妈妈! - 爱德蒙!- Yes, Mum. - Ed!你该去四处瞧瞧这地方可宽敞了!You saw outside. This place is huge.我们爱怎么折腾就怎么折腾!We can do whatever we want here.明天我们会玩得很开心的!Tomorrow's going to be great.相信我Really.“(器官)消化及循环双重职能的”Gastrovascular.''认识么彼得“(器官)消化及循环双重职能的”Come on, Peter. Gastrovascular.- 是拉丁文吗? - 没错儿- Is it Latin? - Yes.在拉丁文中是不是“有史以来最无聊的游戏”的意思?Is it Latin for''worst game ever invented''?我们玩捉迷藏好了We could play hide and seek.这个游戏我们不是玩得挺开心吗?But we're already having so much fun.来玩吧彼得求你了Come on, Peter, please.我真的很想玩儿...Pretty please?- 1 2 3 4... - 什么?- One, two, three, four, - What?...5 6 7 8...five, six, seven, eight,9 10 11...nine, ten, eleven ......24 25 26......twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six...我先找到这里的!I was here first!...75 76 77 78 79 80......75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80,81 82 83 84...81 , 82, 83, 84,85 86 85 86 87 88...85, 86, 85, 86, 87, 88,89 90 91 92...89, 90, 91 , 92,93 94 95...93, 94, 95...你是在躲着我么?Were you hiding from me?哪里...No.呃喔...Well...我只是...我...I just... I...不...我...只是...No. No. I just...我只是呃...不想吓着你I was just...I didn't want to scare you. 不介意我问问...你是谁吧? If you don't mind my asking...what are you?喔我是...我是只半人羊(古罗马神话中半人半羊状的农牧神)Well, I'm a...Well, I'm a faun....你呢?And what about you?你是个...年幼的小矮人?You must be some kind of beardless dwarf?我才不是小矮人呢!我是个小女孩!I'm not a dwarf! I'm a girl!而且我还是班上最高的呢!And, actually, I'm tallest in my class.你是说...你是“夏娃之女”?You mean to say that you're a Daughter of Eve?喔我妈妈的名字是海伦Well, my mum's name is Helen.对可...你是...人类?Yes, but you are in fact human.是啊当然...Yes, of course.你来这里做什么?What are you doing here?喔我躲进了一间空屋的衣橱里...Well, I was hiding in the wardrobe in the spare room, and...“空物”?是纳尼亚的某个地方吗?Spare Oom? Is that in Narnia?纳尼亚?那是什么地方?Narnia? What's that?喔亲爱的你正身处其中呢!Well, dear girl, you're in it.从这根路灯柱到Everything from the lamppost位于东海岸的卡尔城堡all the way to Castle Cair Paravel on the Eastern Ocean,你所能瞧见的每一棵树木每一块石头... every stick and stone you see,每一缕冰柱...都是纳尼亚的一部分! every icicle is Narnia.这衣橱可真大啊This is an awfully big wardrobe.衣橱?差点儿忘了...Wardrobe? I'm sorry.请允许我介绍一下自己我的名字是汤姆那斯Please allow me to introduce myself.My name is Tumnus.很高兴认识你汤姆那斯先生我是露西·佩文西Pleased to meet you, Mr. Tumnus.I'm Lucy Pevensie.- 噢你得握着我的手还要摇一摇 - 呃...为什么?- Oh, you shake it. - Why?我...我也不知道I... I don't know.反正大家见面时都这样做People do it when they meet each other.喔那么...来自“空物”大陆Well, then, Lucy Pevensie from the shining city of Wardrobe奇妙“衣橱城”的露西·佩文西小姐in the wondrous land of Spare Oom,你是否愿意和我一起喝杯茶呢?how would it be if you came and had tea with me?喔谢谢你的好意不过...Well, thank you very much, but I... 我可能得回去了I probably should be getting back.我家很近就在拐角那儿It's only just around the corner.你可以在温暖的篝火旁品味清香的茶和美味的蛋糕土司And there'll be a glorious fire with toast and tea and cakes.还有或许...我们还能吃上点儿沙丁鱼And, perhaps, we'll even break into the sardines.- 我不知道... - 来吧- I don't know. - Come on.我可是很少有机会能认识新朋友的喔It's not every day that I get to make a new friend.喔或许我可以去你那儿呆一会Well, I suppose I could come for a little while.只要你有沙丁鱼!If you have sardines.有好几桶呢By the bucketload.不累吧?You all right?喔我们到了Well, here we are.快过来啊Come along.- 你先进去 - 我来帮你拿吧- After you. - May I help you with that?谢谢了Thank you very much.那...那是我父亲Now, that... that is my father.他可真慈祥He has a nice face.看起来和你很像呢He looks a lot like you.不...No.不事实上我和他并不十分相像No, I'm not very much like him at all, really.我爸爸还在打仗呢My father's fighting in the war.我爸爸也去打过仗了My father went away to war too.可那是很久很久以前的事儿了But that was a long, long time ago.- 在这个该死的寒冬之前 - 冬天也不是那么令人讨厌- Before this dreadful winter. - Winter's not all bad.大家可以滑冰打雪仗什么的...There's ice skating and snowball fights.- 噢!还有圣诞节! - 可这儿没有...- And Christmas! - Not here.不实际上我们这儿已经有一百年没过圣诞了No. No, we haven't had a Christmas in a hundred years.什么?已经有一百年没收到过圣诞礼物了? What? No presents for a hundred years?绵延的冬季虚无的圣诞Always winter, never Christmas.真是个漫长的冬季啊...It's been a long winter.不过相信你会喜欢夏季的纳尼亚But you would have loved Narnia in summer. 我们常与森林女神联欢We fauns danced with the dryads all night,不知疲倦地彻夜共舞and, you know, we never got tired.还有音乐!噢那么动听的音乐!And music. Oh, such music!你...现在想听听吗?Would... would you like to hear some now?噢当然Yes, please.你听说过...Now, are you familiar- 纳尼亚摇篮曲吗? - 抱歉不大熟悉... - with any Narnian lullabies? - Sorry, no.喔没关系Well, that's good.因为...我将为你演奏的旋律会让你你耳目一新的Because this... probably won't sound anything like one.- 噢我该走了 - 可现在已经很迟了- Oh, I should go. - It's too late for that now.我真是个坏蛋I'm such a terrible faun.噢不Oh, no.你是我见过最友好的半人羊了!You're the nicest faun I've ever met.那是因为你总共也没见过几只Then I'm afraid you've had a very poor sampling.不你不可能做过什么坏事的!No. You can't have done anything that bad.那不是我做过的事露西·佩文西It's not something I have done,Lucy Pevensie.而是我正在做的事It's something I am doing.什么是“你正在做的事”?What are you doing?我在试图绑架你I'm kidnapping you.这是白巫婆的指令It was the White Witch.就是她让这里变成死寂而苍茫的严冬She's the one who makes it always winter, always cold.她下令...She gave orders.如果我们谁在林子里碰到了迷路的人类If any of us ever find a human wandering in the woods,就得捉住他们送去给她处置we're supposed to turn it over to her.可是汤姆那斯先生你才不会这样做呢! But, Mr. Tumnus, you wouldn't.你不是我的朋友吗I thought you were my friend.现在她或许已经知道你在这儿了Now. She may already know you're here.森林里布满了她的眼线The woods are full of her spies.甚至有些树木都在帮她秘密监视着Even some of the trees are on her side.你能自个儿找到回去的路吗?Can you find your way back from here? - 我想可以 - 那好- I think so. - All right.你不会有事吧?Will you be all right?嘿嘿...Hey, hey, hey.对不起我很抱歉...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.给你Here.留着吧你比我更需要它Keep it. You need it more than I do.无论发生什么露西·佩文西No matter what happens, Lucy Pevensie,我都不后悔认识了你这个朋友I am glad to have met you.与你相处使我体会到百年寒冬中的温暖You've made me feel warmer than I've felt in a hundred years.回去吧Now go.快!Go!...99 100...99, 100.准备好了?我来了喔!Ready or not, here I come!我没事儿!我回来了!我很好!It's all right! I'm back! I'm all right!闭嘴!他就要来了!Shut up! He's coming!你们俩...知道捉迷藏该怎么玩儿吧?You know, I'm not sure you two have quite got the idea of this game.你不想知道我刚才在哪吗?Weren't you wondering where I was?本来就该这样啊!这就是为什么他要找你That's the point.That was why he was seeking you.那算我赢了吧?Does this mean I win?看来露西不想玩儿了I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore.我都离开好几个小时了!I've been gone for hours.露西这里唯一的“树木”就是衣橱的背面Lucy, the only wood in here is the back of the wardrobe.要玩捉迷藏就玩捉迷藏我们可没你那么丰富的想象力One game at a time, Lu.We don't all have your imagination.可那不是我的幻想!But I wasn't imagining!露西够了That's enough, Lucy.我何必要撒谎呢?!I wouldn't lie about this!喔我相信你Well, I believe you.- 你相信我? - 当然- You do? - Yeah, of course.记得我提到过的那个碗橱里的广场吗? Didn't I tell you about the field in the cupboards?你闹够了没有?Will you just stop? 还嫌不够乱吗?You just have to make everything worse, don't you?我只不过开个玩笑!- It was just a joke!你什么时候才能学着懂事点儿呢?- When are you gonna learn to grow up?闭嘴!你以为你是爹地可你不是!Shut up! You think you're Dad,but you're not!喔这下可好Well, that was nicely handled.可是...那儿真的有个新世界呢! But... it really was there.苏珊说得没错露西...Susan's right, Lucy.到此为止吧That's enough.露西Lucy.你在哪儿?Where are you?露西Lucy.希望你不会怕黑喔Hope you're not afraid of the dark.露西Lucy?露西?Lucy?露西!Lucy!露西Lucy.你在哪儿?Where are you?露西Lucy.现在我相信你了出来吧!I think I believe you now.露西Lucy.露西?Lucy?- 放开我! - 怎么了基纳比克?- Leave me alone! - What is it now, Ginarrbrik?让他放我走吧! 我没做什么错事!Make him let me go!I didn't do anything wrong!你竟敢支使纳尼亚女王?How dare you address the Queen of Narnia?我又不知道!I didn't know!- 你会乖乖记牢的! - 等等!- You will know her better hereafter! - Wait!你叫什么名字“亚当之子”?What is your name, Son of Adam?爱德蒙Edmund.那么爱德蒙你是怎么踏入我的国土的?And how, Edmund,did you come to enter my dominion?我也不知道...我就是跟着我的妹妹I'm not sure.I was just following my sister.- 你的妹妹?你们有几个人? - 4个- Your sister? How many are you? - Four. 露西是唯一曾到过这儿的Lucy's the only one that's been here before.她还说认识了一个叫汤姆那斯的半人羊朋友She said she met some faun called Tumnus.彼得和苏珊不相信她我也是Peter and Susan didn't believe her.I didn't either.爱德蒙你觉得冷吧愿和我坐一块儿吗? Edmund, you look so cold.Will you come and sit with me?想喝点儿热饮暖暖吗?Now, how about something hot to drink?好的谢谢尊敬的陛下Yes, please, Your Majesty.你的饮料阁下Your drink, sire.您是怎么做到的?How did you do that?我可以变出任何你喜欢的东西I can make anything you like.能让我长高些吗?Can you make me taller?任何你想吃的Anything you'd like to eat.土耳其软糖可以吗?Turkish delight?爱德蒙?Edmund?我很想见见你的兄弟姐妹I would very much like to meet the rest of your family.为什么?Why?他们也没啥特别的They're nothing special.噢我也觉得他们不比你更讨人喜欢Oh, I'm sure they're not nearly as delightful as you are.可是爱德蒙要知道我没有自己的孩子But you see, Edmund,I have no children of my own.而你正是我一直在寻找的男孩And you are exactly the sort of boy我希望你有一天能成为纳尼亚王子... who I could see, one day,becoming Prince of Narnia.甚至国王Maybe even King.真的吗?Really?当然你得把你的家人一起带来Of course, you'd have to bring your family.你是说彼得也会成为国王?Do you mean,Peter would be king too?不!不不...No! No, no.国王不是需要仆人的吗But a king needs servants.我想我会把他们带来的I guess I could bring 'em.你能透过树林瞧见那两座小山吗?Beyond these woods,you see those two hills?我的宫殿就坐落其中My house is right between them.你会喜欢那儿的爱德蒙You'd love it there, Edmund.在我那儿有整间整间的土耳其软糖It has whole rooms simply stuffed with Turkish delight.- 现在不能再给我变出点儿吗? - 不!- Couldn't I have some more now? - No!现在吃太多到时就没胃口了不是?Don't want to ruin your appetite.何况我们应该很快又能见面了Besides, you and I are going to be seeing each other again very soon.希望如此尊敬的陛下I hope so, Your Majesty.再见亲爱的嗯...我会想你的Until then, dear one.I'm gonna miss you.驾!驾!驾!爱德蒙?Edmund?噢爱德蒙!你也进来了!Oh, Edmund! You got in too!这地方很棒吧!Isn't it wonderful?- 你上哪儿去了? - 去汤姆那斯先生那儿了他没事!- Where have you been? - With Mr. Tumnus. He's fine.白巫婆还不知道他和我见面的事儿呢The White Witch hasn't found out anything about him meeting me.白巫婆?The White Witch?她称自己为纳尼亚女王可实际上并不是! She calls herself the Queen of Narnia,but she really isn't.没事吧?看起来你脸色很不好Are you all right? You look awful.喔你说呢这儿这么冷....Well, what'd you expect?I mean, it's freezing.- 我们怎么回去? - 跟我来- How do we get out of here? - Come on.这边走This way.彼得彼得快醒醒! 彼得快醒醒!Peter, Peter, wake up! Peter, wake up!- 它存在!它确实存在! - 嘘...It's there! It's really there!- 露西你在说什么呢? - 纳尼亚!- Lucy, what are you talking about? - Narnia!在衣橱里真的存在我告诉过你的那另外一个世界!It's all in the wardrobe like I told you!- 你是不是又做梦了露西 - 那不是梦!- You've just been dreaming, Lucy. - But I haven't!我又见到汤姆那斯先生了!还有这次爱德蒙也到了那里I saw Mr. Tumnus again!And this time Edmund went too.你...也见到那只半人羊了?You... You saw the faun?喔事实上他并不是和我一起去的Well, he didn't actually go there with me.他...He...你那时在做什么爱德蒙?What were you doing, Edmund?就自己一个人玩儿啊I was just playing along.对不起彼得I'm sorry, Peter. 我真不该和她一起胡闹I shouldn't have encouraged her,可是要知道现在的孩子们都这么调皮... but you know what little children are like these days.总是不知道何时该适可而止They just don't know when to stop pretending.噢!噢!你们这些不听话的孩子You children are one shenanigan是不是非要我把你们赶到马厩里!shy of sleeping in the stable!教授...对不起我告诉过他们不要打扰您的Professor. I'm sorry. I told them you were not to be disturbed.没关系麦克里迪女士我相信他们是有原因的It's all right, Mrs. Macready.I'm sure there's an explanation.你先帮我给这位小女士泡杯热巧克力吧But first of all, I think this one is in need of a little hot chocolate.过来亲爱的...Come along, dear.我的管家似乎被你们烦得够呛变得有些歇斯底里了You seem to have upset the delicate internal balance of my housekeeper.很抱歉先生我们保证以后不会这样了We're very sorry, sir.It won't happen again.都是因为我们的小妹妹露西先生It's our sister, sir. Lucy.- 那个哭鼻子的小女孩? - 是的先生- The weeping girl. - Yes, sir.- 她很难过 - 所以就哭鼻子了- She's upset. - Hence the weeping.没什么大不了的It's nothing.- 我们自己能解决 - 噢是吗- We can handle it. - Oh, I can see that.她说她发现了一片魔幻大陆...She thinks she's found a magical land.就在楼上的衣橱中!In the upstairs wardrobe.什么?What did you say?呃楼上的...衣橱The wardrobe, upstairs.露西说她在其中发现了一片森林!Lucy thinks she's found a forest inside.还固执地要我们相信她She won't stop going on about it.- 什么样的? - 我们就像在和一个疯子交谈...- What was it like? - Like talking to a lunatic.不不不不是问她的情况我想听听那森林是什么样的?No, no, no, not her. The forest.- 您相信她说的是真的? - 你们不相信她吗?- You're not saying you believe her? - You don't?当然不But of course not.至少从理论上说这不可能I mean, logically, it's impossible. 现在的老师都是怎么教育孩子的啊What do they teach in schools these days?爱德蒙说她只是在和我们耍调皮Edmund said they were only pretending.通常他更可信吗?He's usually the more truthful one, is he?不这是头一回No. This would be the first time.喔要是她没有什么不正常又没有在说谎Well, if she's not mad and she's not lying,那么我们也最好接受她的说法then logically we must assume she's telling the truth.您是说我们该相信她?You're saying that we should just believe her?她是你们的妹妹你们是一家人She's your sister, isn't she?You're her family.至少你们该装作相信她...You might just try acting like one.彼得奋力一掷成功淘汰又一个击球者! Peter winds up,poised to take yet another wicket!噢!呜噗!醒醒吧别做白日梦了Wake up, Dolly Daydream.为什么不玩捉迷藏了?Why can't we play hide and seek again?你不是说玩那游戏太幼稚了么?I thought you said it was a kid's game.何况到户外来呼吸点儿新鲜空气也未尝不是件好事儿!Besides, we could all use the fresh air.屋子里又不是呼吸不到新鲜空气...It's not like there isn't air inside.- 准备好了? - 扔吧- Are you ready? - Are you?- 干的漂亮爱德蒙 - 球你扔的啊!- Well done, Ed. - You bowled it!- 又怎么了?! - 是麦克里迪女士!- What on earth is going on? - The Macready!快跑!Come on!不不行往回回去!No, no, back, back, back!- 快过来啊! - 呃你不是开玩笑吧?!- Come on! - You've got to be joking.往里面点儿!Get back!- 我的脚丫! - 我没踩到你呢!- My toe! - I'm not on your toe!- 往里面点儿 - 别推啊!- Move back. - Will you stop shoving?真不可思议!Impossible.别想太多了Don't worry.这不过是你们的臆想罢了I'm sure it's just your imagination.我想现在即使我们向你道歉...I don't suppose saying we're sorry- 是不够的 - 是啊- would quite cover it. - No. It wouldn't.不过...这样就没事儿了!But that might! 噢!噢!别闹了!Stop it!你这小骗子You little liar.- 你们不是也不相信她 - 快向露西道歉- You didn't believe her, either. - Apologize to Lucy.- 快说对不起! - 好啦!对不起!- Say you're sorry. - All right! I'm sorry.没关系That's all right.有些孩子就是不知道何时该适可而止Some children just don't know when to stop pretending.噢很有趣Oh, very funny.或许我们该回去了Maybe we should go back.不四处看看吗?But shouldn't we at least take a look around?我觉得这该由露西决定I think Lucy should decide.我带你们去见汤姆那斯先生吧!I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus!好那就去汤姆那斯先生那里Well, then Mr. Tumnus it is.难道我们得就穿得这么单薄在雪地里走吗? But we can't go hiking in the snow dressed like this.当然不No.而且我想教授是不会介意我们借他的衣服穿穿的But I'm sure the professor wouldn't mind us using these.何况换个角度想理论上来说Anyway, if you think about it logically,我们甚至没有把它们带出衣橱呢we're not even taking them out of the wardrobe.- 这可是女孩儿的大衣啊! - 我知道- But that's a girl's coat! - I know.好多好多好吃的我们还可以...lots and lots of lovely food,and we'll have lots and lots of...露西?Lucy?露西!Lucy!谁会这么做呢?!Who would do something like this?“奉纳尼亚女王的旨意...''The Faun Tumnus is hereby charged半人羊汤姆那斯因违反纳尼亚律法with High Treason against Her Imperial Majesty,通融敌人和勾结人类Jadis, Queen of Narnia,而予以就地逮捕!for comforting her enemies and fraternizing with humans.秘密警察首领毛戈里姆Signed Maugrim,Captain of the Secret Police.女王万岁!”Long Live the Queen.'' 好啦这下我们可真得回去了All right.Now we really should go back.可汤姆那斯先生又怎么办呢?But what about Mr. Tumnus?如果他只是因为和人类接触而被捕If he was arrested just for being with a human,我们也无能为力I don't think there's much we can do.你们还没意识到吗?You don't understand, do you?我就是那个“人类”I'm the human.她一定是发现他曾经帮助过我She must have found out he helped me.- 或许我们可以请警察来帮忙 - 那些就是警察- Maybe we could call the police. - These are the police.别担心露西我们再想点儿其它办法Don't worry, Lu.We'll think of something.为什么?Why?我是说...他是个罪犯I mean, he's a criminal.刚才是不是那头鸟在叫我们?Did that bird just ''psst'' us?这...是头海狸It... It's a beaver.过来小东西Here, boy.过来小东西Here, boy.如果你是故意想逗我玩儿我才不想闻你的手呢I ain't gonna smell it,if that's what you want.对不起Sorry.露西佩文西?Lucy Pevensie?是我...Yes?嘿那条手绢是我之前送给汤...That's the hankie I gave to Mr. Tum...汤姆那斯他在被捕之前把它交给了我Tumnus. He got it to me just before they took him.他没事吧?Is he all right?跟我来Further in.- 你们要做什么? - 她说得对- What are you doing? - She's right.我们凭什么相信他呢?How do we know we can trust him?他说他知道半人羊的下落He said he knows the faun.只不过是头海狸能讲话就已经好奇怪了! He's a beaver.He shouldn't be saying anything!有什么问题吗?Everything all right?对我们正在讨论呢Yes. We were just talking.那也最好找个安全的地方That's better left for safer quarters.他是说树有耳朵呢He means the trees. 快来大家都不愿意在夜幕来临前被逮住吧Come on. We don't want to be caught out here after nightfall.哎真要命!看来她已经开始做饭了... Blimey! Looks like the old girl has got the kettle on.这儿就是...玫瑰小窝!Nice cup o' Rosy Lee.- 真可爱! - 这只是雏形...- It's lovely. - It's merely a trifle.有很多地方还不尽如人意需要添加和修整...Still plenty to do.ain't quite finished it yet.不过我相信最后的样子会让大家大为惊叹的!It'll look the business when it is, though.是你回来了吗? 我好担心啊!Beaver, is that you?I've been worried sick!要是再让我发现你和袋狸在一块儿我就... If I find you've been out with Badger again, I...喔原来不是袋狸!Well, those aren't badgers.噢真没想到我居然还能盼到这天Oh, I never thought I'd live to see this day.你也真是的我的皮毛这么乱Look at my fur.有贵客来也不提早通知我一声...You couldn't give me ten minutes warning?要是他们愿意等给你一周的时间都行!I'd have given a week if I thought it would've helped.噢快进来Oh, come inside,让我们为你们准备些吃的...and we'll see if we can't get you some food,再找些有教养的伙伴and some civilized company.喔小心别碰着头了Now, careful. Watch your step.不好意思家里乱糟糟的Excuse the mess.这家伙总是懒得做家务Can't get Mr. Beaver to get out of his chair.景色很美吧?Enjoying the scenery, are we?我们可以做些什么来帮助汤姆那斯呢?Isn't there anything we can do to help Tumnus?就像逮捕令中说的他们会把他带到白巫婆那里They'll have taken him to the Witch's.You know what they say.而凡是进那了扇门的没几个能活着出来There's few that go through them gates that come out again.来点儿鱼和薯条吧?Fish 'n' chips?不过还不是完全没希望亲爱的乐观点儿吧But there is hope, dear. Lots of hope.噢当然总会有办法解决的嘛!Oh, yeah,there's a right bit more than hope!阿斯兰正在采取行动呢Aslan is on the move.谁是阿斯兰?Who's Aslan? 谁是阿斯兰?Who's Aslan?你们可真会开玩笑You cheeky little blighter.怎么?What?你们真不知道?You don't know, do you?我们在这儿还没呆多久呢We haven't exactly been here long.喔在我们眼中他是不可替代的森林之王Well, he's only the king of the whole wood.一位睿智的老人纳尼亚真正的统治者The top geezer.The real King of Narnia.之前他离开了许久...- He's been away for a long while.不过终于他又回来了!- But he's just got back!而且他正在神器石桌附近等待着你们!And he's waiting for you near the Stone Table!- 他在等待我们? - 你们是在开玩笑吧?! - He's waiting for us? - You're blooming joking!他们甚至连那则预言都没听说过!They don't even know about the prophecy!- 喔那么... - 听我说- Well, then... - Look.阿斯兰的归来Aslan's return,汤姆那斯的被捕秘密警察的介入Tumnus' arrest, the secret police,这一切都是因为你们的出现!it's all happening because of you!。
《纳尼亚传奇》读书笔记 5篇
这四个孩子在维尼亚里面见到好多古怪的事,还有好多羊怪,树精等等,这四个孩子和狮王阿斯兰打败了女巫,这四个孩子在维尼亚渐渐————来源网络整理,仅供参考 1的长大了,在一次打雷中他们又回到了教授的家里,又变成了小孩子,我感觉到这几个孩子特别的勇敢聪明,好喜欢看这本书篇三:纳尼亚传奇2读后感“是的——还有一件事,”彼得说着脸色变得庄重起来,“我无法全部讲给你听。
【摘要】迪斯尼魔幻大片<纳尼亚传奇:狮子·女巫·魔衣柜>改编自英国著名作家刘易斯(C S Lewis)写于20世纪50年代的系列小说中的一部.国内学界多剖析其宗教与游戏精神,而忽略了作家对生态环境的关注.本文旨在应用生态批评相关理论揭示作者的其他意图:现代人应关注生态问题,探寻人类在生态危机中应扮演的角色即人类应为自然的守护者,而非统治者;人与自然和谐共处才是生态可持续发展之本,人类应为建立绿色生态文明奋斗.
1.英美影视作品应用于高中英语教学的实践研究初探r——以欣赏电影《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和衣橱》为例 [J], 陈爱珠
2.牺牲、重生与救赎——解读《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》中的基督教教义 [J], 李晓斌
3.善必胜恶——以原型理论分析《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫、魔衣柜》 [J], 侍蓓
4.《狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》的宗教伦理解读 [J], 程郁
5.论《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》的幻想特质 [J], 潘滔
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1. 图姆纳斯的家里有哪些家具?