


Unit 1

1.I come to school by bike. (提问)

______ _____you come to school?

2. He never goes to see a film. (提问)

he to see a film? 3.He seems to go out.(同义句)

_______ _______that he’ll go out.

4.The box is too heavy for me to carry.

=The box is ____heavy ____ ____ ____ carry it.

=The box is_____ _____ ______ for me to carry.

5.I wonder how to answer it.(同义句)

I ______ ______ ______ how to answer it.

6.I have something to tell you.(否定)

I______ ______to tell you.

I______ ______ ______to tell you.

7.I feel like eating some noodles.(同义句) I_____ _____ _____ _____ some noodles.

8.I rode a bike to school yesterday.(同义句)

I went to school ______ ______ yesterday.

9.I stayed at home because the weather was bad.(同义句)

I stayed at home_____ __ __ the bad weather.

10.I visited my uncle last week.(同义句)

I____ ______ ______ my uncle last week.

11.I arrived in shanghai yesterday.(同义句) I ______ shanghai yesterday.

12.we walked for another two hours.

=we walked for______ ______ ______ . 13.His twin brother is driving a car. (用often 改写句子)

His twin brother often_____ _____ _____.

14.Tom should lie down to rest. (否定)

He ______ _____down to rest.

15.It’s about 4 kilometers from my home to school. (提问)

____ ____ ______it from your home to school?

16.It seemed that nobody know anything about the matter.(同义句)

Nobody_____ _____ _____anything about the matter.

Unit 2

1.What’s your favorite food? (改为同义句) What food ____ you like _______?

2.I spent half an hour getting to school yesterday morning .(同义句)

_____ _____ _____ half an hour______ ______ to school yesterday morning .

3.They had a great time in the zoo.

=They ______ ______ in the zoo.

4.They did some work last night. ( 否定句) They_____ _____ ______work last night.

5.My brother is a worker, I am a worker, too. (合为一个句子)

______my brother_____I _____workers.

6.He didn’t feel well yesterday. He still went to school. (合并句子)

_______ he didn’t feel well yesterday, he still went to school.

He didn’t feel well yesterday, _____ he still went to school.

7.I go to the movies twice a week.(提问)

you go to the movies?

8.Maybe he is at home. (同义句)

He at home.

9.He is healthy.(同义句)

He is .

10.He is such a good boy.(同义句)

He is . 11.He spent 10 yuan on the book.(同义句) He spent 10 yuan the book.

12.The girl is 18 years old.

She is girl.

13.Maybe the policeman knows the way to the park. (改为同义句)

The policeman _____ _____the way to the park.

14.They got to the top of the hill at noon.(同义句)

15.They the top of the hill at noon.

Unit 3

1.This pen is cheaper than the other two .(同义句)

This pen is _______ _______ of the three. 2.He was late for school because he was ill. =He was late for school _______ ____ his illness.

3.She’s less hard-working than me.

She’s hard-working as me.

4.I hope I can take a vacation in Hainan.

=I______ _____take a vacation in Hainan.

5.The book on the floor is Tom’s. (划线提问) _______ _______ is Tom’s?

6.Eating more French fries is bad for you. =It’s____for you to_____more French fries.

7.I’m taller than the other kids in my class. =I’m taller than

in my class.

8.He is good at sports.(同义句)

He sports.

Unit 4

1.Shanghai is the biggest city in China.

=Shanghai is

in China.

2.This book is more interesting than that one . (改为同义句)

That book_____ _____ ____ ____ ____ this one.

That book is _____ _____ than this one . 3.Tom is six years old , Lucy is six years old , too. (同义句)

Tom is_______ _______ _______ Lucy. 4.He played a role in winning the match.

=He____ ____ ____ ___winning the match.

5.The clothes are expensive.(同义句)

The price of the clothes is_____.

6.How do you like the movie so far?

=_____do you _____ _____the

movie_____ _____?

7.How much is the ticket?

_____ _____ _____of the ticket?

8.It’s 10 minutes on foot.(同义句)

It’s 10_______ _______ .

Unit 5

1.My best friend is good at playing the violin. (同义句)

My best friend ____ ____ ____ playing the violin.

2.This player is not as famous as Li Na.

=Li Na is_____ _____ ___ this player.

3.I hope to go there.(同义句)

I hope that _______ _______ ______there.

4.He took my place to do the job.

He_______ _______ ______ ______

______to do the job.

5.I expect that he can come to see me.

I expect ______ _____ _____ to see me.

6.The zoo is more interesting than the museum.

The museum is not ____ ____ ____the zoo. Unit 6 1.Don’t forget to send me a postcard.

=Don’t forget to send____ ____ ____ ____.

2.Both of my parents are teachers. (同义句) _______my father_______my mother are teachers.

3. I believe he is coming tomorrow. (否)

I_____ _____he_______coming tomorrow.

4.He is going to be an actor when he grows up. (划线提问)

____is he going to when he grows up?

5.He watches TV three times a week. 提问

______ ______ ______he watch

TV a week?

6.He could dance when he was 4.(同义句) He ____ _____dance when he was 4.

7.We discuss it for another 10 minutes.

=We discuss it for _____ _____. 8.It’s time for dinner.(同义句)

It’s time _____dinner.

9.The desk is too heavy for me to move.

=The desk is ______heavy that I _____


The desk is ____ ____ ____for me to move.

10.After finishing high school, I’m going to the university.(同义句)

After ______ ______high school, I’m going to the university.

Unit 7

1.Taking the boat isn’t funny. I think. (合并为一句)

I _____ ______ it __ __funny _ __ take the boat.

2.Please give me that book.(同义句) Please______that book______me.

3.I will stay in Guangzhou for a month.

____ ____ ____you stay in Guangzhou? 4.He is having a meeting now. (用next week改写句子)

He ____ ____ ____ ____ a meeting next week.

5.The students will go to the cinema tomorrow.(改为否定句)

The students_______go to the cinema tomorrow.

6.She will finish her homework in twenty minutes. (划线提问)

_____ _____will she finish her homework?

7.Chinese names are not the same as the English names. (同义句)

Chinese names _______ _______ _______ the English names.

8.The science teacher was happy because we cleaned the school bus. (提问)

_____ _____ the science teacher happy?

9.I don’t agree with his idea.(同义句)

I _______ with his idea.

10.Kids will go to school.(变否定句)

Kids _______go to school. 11.I’ll come back in an hour.(提问)

_______ _______will you come back?

12.I’ll fly to Hangkong.(同义句)

I’ll ______to Hangkong_______ ______. 13.There will be 2 exams this afternoon.(同义句)

There ____ ____ ____ ____2 exams this afternoon.

Unit 8

1.You mustn’t play games in the classroom. (祈使句)

_______ _______ games in the classroom.

2.He has three cups of milk for lunch.(提问) ______ ______milk_______he_______

for lunch?

3.Open the windows, Tom. (否定句)

_______ _______ the windows,Tom.

4. Let’s play games,_____ ______?(反问句)

5.The boy close to Tom is Liu Bing.

_______ _______ is Liu Bing?

6. There is one cup of milk on the table.

_______ _______ _______ of milk _____ there on table?

7.I think she has a healthy lifestyle. (否)

I ____ _____ she _____ a healthy lifestyle.

8.They have to stay at home today.(否) They ______ ______ ______ stay at home today.

9.Remember to turn off the light when you

leave. (同义句)

_______ _______to turn off the light when you leave.

10.Turn on the TV, _______ _______?

11.I don’t know how I can plant a tree.

=I don’t know_____ _____ _____a tree. 12.They celebrate the festival by eating a big meal.(划线提问)

_______ _______they celebrate the festival?

13.The bottle is full of water.(同义句)

The bottle____ ____ ____water.

14.The waiter served me noodles.(同义句) The waiter served____ ____ ____.

15.I’d like three pieces of bread.(提问)

____ ____ ____would you like?

Unit 9

1.The nurse took good care of me when I was ill. (同义句)

The nurse ______ ______ me ______ when I was ill.

2.I like to drink hot tea with nothing in it. (同义句)

I like to drink hot tea______ _______ in it.

3.Today is Thursday,January 17. (提问)

_______ _______?

4.The students didn’t stand up before the teacher came in the classroom . (同义句) The students _______ stand up_______ the teacher came in the classroom.

5.He left after he finished sweeping the floor.(同义句)

He _______ _______ _______ he finished sweeping the floor.

6. I have a toothache. (对划线部分提问)

you? 7..Lucy borrowed a pen from Judy yesterday. (同义句)

Judy _____his pen______Lucy yesterday.

8.I got up early so that I could catch the early bus.(同义句)

I got up early ______ ______ the early bus. _______ ______ ______catch the early bus,

I got up early.

9.Today is December the 22nd.(划线提问) _______ _______ _______ today?

10.You needn’t finish the work now.

=You ______ ______ _______ finish the work now.

11.I got a letter from my pen pal last week.

I _______ _______ my pen pal last week.

12.He came in but he didn’t knocking at the door.(同义句)

He came in ______ ______ at the door. 13.Please answer my question.(同义句) Please _______ _______ my question. 14.He didn’t watch TV before he finished his homework.(同义句)

He _______watch TV_______ he finished

his homework.

He watched TV_____he finished his homework.

Unit 10

1.What other things did you buy last month?(同义句)

_______ _______ did you buy last month?

2.They often play basketball on Saturdays and Sundays. (改为同义句)

They often play basketball ____ ________.

3.Unless we talk to someone, we’ll feel worse.(同义句)

______we ______ ______to someone, we’ll feel worse.

4.My computer doesn’t work. (同义句) There is_____ _____ _____my computer. ______is ______ ______my computer.

5.Han Jing bought a nice gift for her sister.(提问)

_____ _____Han Jing______for her sister?

6.Work hard, and you will get good grades.(同义句)

______ _______work hard, you will get good grades.

7.If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.

=_______ you_______up, you’ll be late.

_______ _______, _______you’ll be late.

8.I’ll send him a letter.(同义句) I’ll send ______ ______ ______ ______ .


10.Can you tell me how to get there?

=Can you tell me ______ ______ ______ get there?

11.I don’t know what I should do.(同义句)

I don’t know what ______ ______.


13.She studies English by reading.提问

______ ______she ______English?

12.Tom went to school this morning.He didn’t have breakfast.(合并为一句)

Tom went to school this morning_____ _____breakfast.

13.We will go camping unless it rains tomorrow.(同义句)

We will go camping _____it _____


14.It will rain tomorrow. I’ll stay at home.(合并为一句)

I’ll stay at home if_____ _____



16.If there is no water, fish may die.

=_____water, fish may die.


18.If you help me, I’ll make it.

=_____your help, I’ll make it.


八年级英语上句型转换专项练习 1.1 am going to watch movies.(对划线部分提问) _______________ y ou going to _______ ? 2.What sport do you like best?(改为同义句) What is your _________________ ? 3? I'm sure. She will come on time.(合并为一句) Fm sure _________________ will come on time. 4.Jim goes cycling once a week.(对划线部分提问) _______________ d oes Jim go cycling? 5.苹果和香蕉,你更喜欢哪个? Which do you ________ , the apple _______ the banana? 6.1will join you.(改为否定句) I _________________ you. 7. Would you mind my sitting here?(改为同义句) Would you mind _______ I ________ here? & John is good at playing football』对划线部分提问) ________________ John good at? 9.If you keep trying, you will be sure to play well.(改为同义句) ________________ , and you will be sure to play well. 10.谁为你做的这个生日蛋糕?(完成译句) Who _______ the birthday cake ________ you? 11.I will take part in the 800-meter race.(对划线部分提问) ________________ will you take part in? 12.The 2016 Olympics are going to come.(改为同义句) The 2016 Olympics _________________ . 13.Little Tom can count from 1 to 100.(改为同义句) Little Tom _________________ to count from 1 to 100. 14.The school sports meet is held every year/对划线部分提问) ________________ is the school sports meet held? 15.我和妈妈轮流照看妹妹。(完成译旬) Mother and I took care of my sister ________________ . 16.I will play football tomorrow because I have a new football.(刈'划线部分提问) ________________ you play football tomorrow? 17.Which sport do you prefer, football or basketball?(改为同义句) Which sport do you _________________ , football or basketball? 18.Put the cup on the desk.(改为否定句) ________________ the cup on the desk. 19.起初,他爸爸在一家报社上班。(完成译句) ________________ , his father worked for a newspaper. 20.You should drink something cold after running/改为否定句) You _______ drink ________ cold after running? 21.You should brush your teeth twice a day.(对划线部分提问)


初一英语上册句型转换专题测试题 1 .I am Jim Green.(同义句) ______ _______ _______ Jim Green. 2.This is an ID card. (提问) ________ _______ in English? 3.Her family name is Green. (同义句) Her ________ ________ is Green. 4.That’s my pencil case.(变否定句) _______ _______ my pencil case. 5.Is this your dictionary? (变复数句) ______ _______ your _________? 6.Are you a teacher? (做肯定回答) _______ , ______ _______. 7.The pencil is blue. (提问) ________ ________ ______ the pencil ? 8.These are my friends. (变否定句) _______ _______ my friends. 9. Mrs Green is Kate’s mother. (同义句) Kate is _______ _______ ______ . 10.Those are Tom’s photos. (变单数句) ______ _______ Tom’s photo. 11.That woman’s Jim’s aunt. (提问) ________ ________ that woman ? 12.My backpack’s behind the chair. (提问) ________ ________ backpack ? 13.My books are in the bag. (变一般疑问句) ______ ______books in the bag ? 14.We have seven classes every day. (变否定句) We _______ _______ seven classes every day . 15.He has two basketballs. (变一般疑问句并作出否定回答) ______ ______ ________ two basketballs ? ________ , he ________ . 16.He has a computer game. (变否定句) He _______ _______ a computer game . 17.Mary does homework at home. (变一般疑问句) _______ Mary _______ homework at home? 18.She has two eggs for breakfast. (提问) ________ ________ she ________ for breakfast ? 19.This is a strawberry . (变复数句) ______ ________ ________ ________. 20.Tom likes salad and ice cream.(变否定句) Tom ______ ______ salad _______ ice cream. 21.My brother plays sports in the morning. (变一般疑问句) ______ your brother ______sports in the morning?


重点句型: Where did you go on vacation?你去哪里度假了? I went to New York City. 我去纽约市了。 Did you go out with anyone?你和别人一起出去吗? No. No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.不,没有人在这儿。大家都在度假。 Did you buy anything special?你买了什么特别的东西了吗? Yes, I bought something for my father.是的,我为我爸爸买了件东西。 How was the food?食物怎么样? Everything tasted really good!每样东西尝起来都很美味。 Did everyone have a good time?每个人都玩得很开心吗? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent.哦,是的。一切都很好。 What do you usually do on weekends?你周末通常做什么? I always exercise.我总是锻炼。 What do they do on weekends?他们周末做什么? They often help with housework.他们经常帮忙做家务。 What does she do on weekends?她周末做什么? She sometimes goes shopping.她有时去购物。 How often do you go to the movies ?你多久看一次电影? I go to the movies maybe once a month.我大概每月去看一次电影。 How often does he watch TV?他多久看一次电视? He hardly ever watches TV.他几乎从不看电视。 Do you go shopping?你去购物吗? No, I never go shopping.不,我从不去购物。 Is Tom smarter than Sam?汤姆比萨姆聪明吗? No, he isn’t. Sam is smarter than Tom.不,不是。萨姆比汤姆聪明。 Is Tara more outgoing than Tina?塔拉比蒂娜外向吗? No,she isn’t.Tina is more outgoing than Tara.不,不是。蒂娜比塔拉外向。 Are you as friendly as your sister?你和你姐姐一样友好吗? No, I’m not. I’m friendlier.不,不是。我更友好。 Does Tara work as hard as Tina?塔拉学习和蒂娜一样努力吗?Yes, she does.是,是的。 Who’s more hard-working at school?在学校谁更努力? Tina thinks she works harder than me.蒂娜认为她比我学习努力。 What’s the best movie theater to go to?要不的最好的电影院是哪家? Town Cinema? It’s the closest to home. And you can buy tickets quickly there. 城镇影院。它离家最近。而且在那里尼可以最快买到票。 Which is the worst clothes store in town?镇上最差的服装店是哪家? 1


初二上册英语复习提纲(重点短语及句型)八年级英语上学期重点短语及句型 Unit 1 1. watch TV 看电视 2. go to the movies 去看电影 3. on weekends 在周末 4. hardly ever 几乎不 5. how often 多久一次 6. every day 每天 7. once a week 一周一次 8. twice a month 一月两次 9. do homework 做家庭作业 10. the result of … ……的结果 11. as for 至于,对于 12. read a book 看书 13. junk food 垃圾食品 14. be good/bad for 对……有益/害 15. eating habits 饮食习惯 16. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 17. lots of = a lot of 许多 18. of course/Sure 当然 19. come home from school 从学校来到家 20. look after = take care of 照看;照顾 21. a healthy lifestyle 一种健康的生活方式 22. the same as ……和……相同

23. be different from ……和……不同 24. want to do sth. 想要做某事 25. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人做某事 26. want = would like 想要 27. health---healthy<形> 28. healthy 健康的----unhealthy<反义> 29. different 不同的—difference<名> 30. keep healthy = stay healthy = keep in good health 保持健康 31. although = though 虽然 <不能与 but 连用> 32. surf the Internet 上网 33. three times a week 一周三次 34. get good grades 取得好成绩 35. How many hours do you sleep every night? 你每晚睡多少个小时? 36. What do you/they usually do on weekends? 你/他们通常在周末做什么? 37. I usually go to the movies. 我通常去看电影。 38. What does he/she often do on Sundays?他/她常常在星期天做什么? 39. He/She often does homework. 他/她常常做家庭作业。 40. How often do you shop? 你多久买一次东西? 41. I shop twice a month. 我一月买两次东西。 42. How often does your mother go to the movies? 你妈妈多久去看一次电影? 43. She goes to the movies once a week. 她一周去看一次电影。 44. Most students do homework every day. 大多数学生每天都做作业。 Unit 2 1. foot---feet 脚 <复> 2. tooth---teeth 牙齿 <复>

八年级英语上句型转换 附答案

句型转换 1.Why don’t you go with her?(改为同义句) with her? 2.Try to listen to the tape every day.(改为否定句) Try the tape every day. 3.To join an English club is a good idea.(用it 作形式主语改写句子) to join an English club. 4.You mustn’t forget to turn off the light.(改为祈使句) turn off the light. 5.What other things did you see?(改为同义句) did you see? 6.We should listen to the tape every day.(对划线部分提问) We ? 7. Let’s run as fast as possible.(改为同义句) Let’s run as fast as 。 8. He remembered new words on the Internet.(对划线部分提问) did he new words? 9.Don’t forget to buy me a new book for me next time.(改为同义句) buy me a new book for me next time. 10.You should speak English in class(改为否定句) You English in class. 11.The river is about 100 meters wide(对划线部分提问) is the river? 12.Today is cold. (对划线部分提问) today? 13.They went to school by boat. (对划线部分提问) they to school? 14.The blue box is two kilos heavy and the red one is one kilo(用than改写同义句) The blue box is kilo the red one. 15.It took us one year to finish the job.( 改为同义句) We one year the job. 16.The book is the most interesting of all the books. ( 改为同义句) The book is interesting book. 17.Let’s meet outside the gate at eight. ( 改为同义句) meeting outside the gate at eight? 18. Betty takes a bus to work.(改为同义句) Betty work . 19.To take care of environment is our duty.. (改为同义句) our duty.. care of environment. 20.Don’t worry about the children .The doctor told her. (改为同义句) The doctor told her about the children. 21.He was thin that he could n’t carry the heavy box. (改为同义句) .He was carry the heavy box.


练习:将下列句子变成否定句 1. I am a teacher. I am not a teacher. 2. We are students. We aren;t students. 3. Jane is a girl. Jane not a girl. 4. They like English. They not like Chinese 5. I come from China. I don`t come from China. 6. He likes Chinese. He not like Chinese. 7. Maria comes from Cuba. Maria don`t come from Cuba. 8. We know Maria. We not know Maria. 练习:将下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am a teacher. are you a teacher? 2. They are students. are they Students? 3. Jane is a girl. is jane a girl? 4. They like English. are they like English? 5. I come from China. do you come from China? 6. He likes Chinese. is he likes Chinese? 7. Maria comes from Cuba. does Maria come from Cuba? 8.We speak Chinese. you Chinese? 练习:给下列句子做肯定回答或否定回答 1.Are you a student? Yes, i m . No, i`m not . 2. Do they like English?


1、不定代词 A.形容词修饰不定代词时,要后知,做后置定语。 I’ll tell you something interesting. B. 不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数。 Everyone is here. 2、一般过去时:在一般过去式的句子中,要注意不规则动词过去式的形式与拼写,要牢记一般过去时的时间状语。 I went to the cinema yesterday. / He hurt his foot last night. 3、频度副词:在使用频度副词时,要注意频度副词在句子中的位置是:置于be 动词/情态动词/助动词之后,置于实意动词之前,而且对频度副词疑问要用how often。 He always sits in the front of the classroom. / I am never late for school. ------How often do you watch TV? -----Every night. 4、形容词、副词的比较等级 A.Than 是比较级的标志词,than前的形容词或副词要用比较级。 He is taller than me. B.有比较范围(如:in 或of 短语)时,用最高级。 He is the tallest of the three boys. C.形容词最高级前必须加定冠词the. I’m the best student in my class. D.不规则变化的形容词、副词的比较等级要记牢。 He plays the piano worst. 5、动词不定式

A. 跟动词不定式作宾语的常用动词要记牢。如:agree (同意);offer (提出);intend,plan (打算,计划);demand,ask (要求);promise (答应);help (帮忙);prepare (准备);decide (决定);refuse (拒绝);dare (敢于);choose (选择);wish,hope,want,expect ,would like (希望,想要);fail ;(不能;忘记);pretend (假装);manage (设法);determine (决心)。 记忆口诀:同意提出做计划,要求答应来帮忙。准备决定遭拒绝,敢于选择有希望。不能做到莫假装,设法做成决心坚。 B.要注意区分某些动词跟动词不定式和动名词所表达的不同意义,如stop doing 和stop to do 的区别。既能接不定式,又能接动词-ing 形式,但意思不同的动词或词组:即“四'记’”“力争”“不、后悔”。四“记”指“记得、记住(remember)”;“忘记(forget)”“计划、打算(mean)”;“继续(go on)”;力争指“try”;“不”“后悔”指stop与regret。He was too tired and 6、一般将来时 A. 要注意一般将来时的构成:be going to do 和will do. B. 一般将来时的时间状语:next month / week / ....., in + 时间段,tomorrow 等。 C. 注意there be 结构的将来时为:There is / are going to be......或There will be.....


初入江湖将下列句子变成否定句、一般疑问句、简略回答。 A 1. I am a student. 2 . He is ten years old. 3. She is a worker. 4. It is a bird. B 5. We are students. 6. They are workers. C 7. Tom is a worker. 8. Lucy is at home. 9. The little boy is at school. D boys are at home. 11. The girls are in the room. 12 . The books are his. 小有名气对划线部分提问 13 He is ten years old.

14. She is a worker. 15. Lucy is at home. 16. The little boy is at school. 17 Tom's books are here. 18. It is Monday. 19. It is 8:30 now. 20. It is December 24th today. 21. It is sunny today. 22. My birthday is April 5th. 名动一方将下列句子变成否定句、一般疑问句、简略回答。 A 23. I can play football. 24. He can swim in the river.. 25. She can play the piano. 26. It can fly in the sky. B boys can play football.


八年级英语(上册)重点短语、句型 Module 1 Unit1 一、重点词组及短语 1. make a mistake 1、犯错 2. talk about 2、谈论 3. in class 3、在课堂上 4. try to do sth. 4、尽力做某事 5. as much as possible 5、尽可能多地 6. write down 6、写下;记下 7. forget to do sth. 7、忘记做某事 8. next to 8、在……旁边 9. be good for 9、对……有好处 10. need to do sth. 10、需要做某事 11. get to know 11、知道、了解 12. through reading 12、通过阅读 13. write to sb. 13、写信给某人 14. agree with sb. 14、同意某人 15.look up 15、查找 二、重点句型 1. We should always speak English in class. 1、我们在课堂上应该一直说英语。 2. Let’s try to speak English 2、让我们尽可能多说英语吧。 as much as possible.

3. Why not write down our mistakes 3、为什么不把我们的错误写下 in our notebooks? 我们的笔记本呢? 4. Don’t forget to write down the correct 4、不要忘了把正确答案写在answers next to the mistakes. 错误的旁边。 5. It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce 5、每天拼读并大声朗读新单词new words alond every day. 是一个好主意。 6. How about listening to the radio? 6、收听广播怎么样? 7. Why don’t we try to find some 7、我们为什么不设法找一些English pen friend? 说英语的笔友呢? Module 1 Unit 2 一、重点词组及短语 1. send sth. to sb. 1、发送某物给某人 2. ask for advice 2、征询建议 3. something new 3、新的东西/事物 4. advise sb. to do sth. 4、建议某人做某事 5. be afraid to to sth. 5、害怕/不敢做某事 6. smile at sb. 6、对某人微笑 7. suggest (that)sb. (should) do 7、建议某人做某事 二、重点句型 1. Many students ask for advice about 1、许多学生征询提高英语的建议。how to improve their English. 2. Watching films and listening to songs 2、看电影和听歌是学习英语的好方法。


八年级上册英语句型 1.自学teacher oneself sth=learn sth by oneself 2.随便吃help oneself to sth 3.…觉得怎样? How do sb like it? = What do sb think about/of it? 4.这是…第一次做… This/It is one’s first time to do… 5.为…买… buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 6.唯一的问题是… The only problem is that+句子 7.除了做…外无事可做。There be nothing much to do but do. 8.…似乎… sb seem to do 9.似乎… sb seem to be +adj. =seem +adj. 10.这似乎… It seem that +句子 11.到达某地arrive in/on sp=get (to) sp=reach sp 12.决定(不)做… decide (not)to do 13.尝试做… try doing 14.尽力做… try to do 15.想要做…feel like doing =want to do =would like to do 16.想要… feel like sth= want sth =would like sth 17.享受做… enjoy doing 18.开始做… start to do/doing=begin to do/doing 19.等… wait for sb 20.等(…)做…wait (for sb) to do 21.激动地做…do sth in excitement


八年级英语下册期末复习之句型转换 1.Li Ming’s bike is broken. (划线提问) ________ __________ ___________ Li Ming’s bike? 2.They have a car. (一般疑问句)________ ________ ________ a car? 3.The ball is on the desk. (划线提问) _______ ________ the ball? 4.put your clothes there. (变否定) _______ put your clothes there. 5. Her mother looks young. (划线提问) _______ mother looks young? 6. Let’s have a look at your book. Let’s ______ ________ your book 7. Please give a green pencil to me. _______ _______ a green pencil, please. 8. They’re Mike’s shoes. _______ _______ are they? 9. What else can you see. _______ ________ _______ can you see? 10. I think you are a good boy. (变否定) I _______ think you ______ a good boy. 11. I can see some cups of tea in the fridge. 改否定 I ______ see ______ cups of tea in the fridge. 12. I’d like to see some of your photos. (一般疑问句) ______ you _____ _____ see ______ of my photos? 13. I can see three people in the boat. (划线提问) _______ _______ _______ can you see in the boat? 14. I’d like some rice, please. ________ _________ you like, please? 15. I want a go. (一般疑问句)_____ you _____ a go? 16. There is a hill in the picture. (改复数) There ______ ______ ______ in the picture. 17. Do it like this. 改否定_______ _______it like this . 18. I can play football very well? (一般疑问句)______ _____ play football very well? 19. I don’t like swimming very much. Swimming is _______ my ________ sport. 20. Do you want to have a try? Do you want _______ _________? 21. I’m not a good basketball player. I’m not good_______ ________ basketball. 22. Tom is wearing a yellow shirt. _______ ________ Tom ________? 23. They sit in the boat. (改为现在进行时)They _________ __________ in the boat. 24. She is counting the books. ________is she ________? 25. Jim often draws pictures in the evening. (用now改写) Jim ________ __________ pictures now. 26. Lucy is writing(用reading改为选择疑问句_______ Lucy writing _______ _________? 27. My father is talking with Li Ping. _______ _______ your father ________ with? 28. He has some colour pens. 改否定He _______ _________ ________ pens. 29. I have a nice watch. (改一般疑问句)______ you _____ a nice watch? 30. It’s Sunday today. ________ ________ is it today? 31. The young women are making some cakes. 改否定


英语(七年级上册)句型转换专题练习 班别座号姓名 一.句型转换的题型: (一)陈述句与一般疑问句互变 (二)给出一般疑问句,做出肯定回答或者否定回答 (三)单数句与复数句互变 (四)肯定句与否定句互变 (五)对划线部分提问 (六)同义句 二.按要求改写句子,每空一词。 (一)把下面的句子变成一般疑问句 1. That is a watch. __________ _________ a watch? 2. Tha t’s his backpack. _______ _________ his backpack? 3. This is a book. ____ _____ a book? 4. His telephone number is 535-237 5. ______his telephone number 535-2375? 5. It's his backpack. ________ _________his backpack? 6. Dave and Anna are my friends. _ Dave and Anna __friends? 7. I am Li Lei. ________ _______ Li Lei? 8. My sister likes strawberries. ____ sister __ strawberries? 9. He likes sports. he sports? 10. She does her homework in the evening. she her homework in the evening? 11. Mrs Gao has some new boooks. Mrs Gao new books? 12. I can play soccer. play soccer? 13. She doesn’t have meat for lunch.(变为肯定句) She ________ meat for lunch. (二) 给出一般疑问句,做出肯定回答或者否定回答 1. Is he your friend?(肯定回答)________, _________ _______. 2. Are they your teachers?(否定回答)_____, _____ _________.


八年级下册英语重点短语及句型总汇 常见动词不定式词组、句型用法总结 .固定用法(非谓语动词):以下是带to的动词不定式常见搭配 ★希望做某事hope to do sth. ★决定做某事decide to do sth. ★同意做某事agree to do sth. ★需要某人做某事need to do sth. ★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth ★迫不及待做某事can’t wait to do ★准备做某事get/be ready to do ★尽力/努力做某事try to do sth ★计划做某事plan to do sth. ★不得不have to do ★轮流做某事take one’s turns to do sth.★拒绝做某事refuse to do sth. ★告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth. ★请某人做某事ask sb. to do sth. ★希望某人做某事wish sb. to do sth. ★教某人做某事teach sb. to do sth ★想要某人做某事want /would like sb.to do sth. ★同意某人做某事agree sb. to do sth. . ★喜欢/想要某人做某事like sb. to do sth. ★帮助某人做某事help sb. to do sth/help sb.do ★encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做 ★It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 例句:It your turn to clean the blackboard. ★It’s time(for sb.) to do sth.是某人做某事时候了 例句:It’s time for me to go home. ★It’s +adj. for/of sb. to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是……(当adj.是表示性格、品德的形容词时用of) 例句: It is easy for me to learn it well. It is very kind/foolish/nice of you to do so. ★ It takes sb. sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花了某时间 例句: 1.It takes me an hour to get to school by bike. 2.It took me an hour to watch TV last night. 3.It will take her two weeks to finish the work. ★too+adj./adv. to do sth. 太…..而不能 例: He was too angry to say a word. ★find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.发现/认为/感到做某事是… 例: I find/think/feel it hard to learn English well. ★序数词+to do 第…..个做某事 例句:Who is the first to get there? ★我不知/忘记了怎么办。I didn't know/forgot what to do. ★离开房间时不要忘记/记住关灯


初一英语上册句型转换练习题 1.We can see some birds.() ______ ______ see ______ birds? 2.I know the answer.(一般疑问句) ______ ______ know the answer? 3.There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句) ______ ______ a computer in house? 4.There are some flowers on the teachers'desk.(一般疑问句) ______ ______ ______ flowers on the teachers'desk? 5.There are some apples on the tree.(否定式) There ______ ______ ______ apples on the tree. 6.I think he is very old.() I ______ think he ______ very old. 7.Please colour it green.(否定句) ______ ______ colour it green. 8.We can speak good English.(变否定句) We ______ ______ speak good English. 9.Thank you for helping me.(同义句) Thank you for ______ ______ . 10.There aren't any pears in thebox.(同义句) There are ______ pears in the box.
