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1. My sister bought me a________/hæt/last winter.()

A hat

B hide

C hit

D has

2. Jerry's bedroom is always________/kli:n/.()

A clear

B clean

C clever

D class

3. I heard the________/nju:z/on the radio this morning.That was too bad.()

A now

B news

C nose

D neck

4. We have a Chinese________/′lesn/on Monday morning.()

A like

B lunch

C lesson

D listen

5. You need to keep________/′sailənt/when you are in the library.()

A silly

B smile

C smart

D silent

Ⅲ.选择填空从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.(30分,每小题1分)6. ﹣What's your dream job,Lucy?

﹣I want to be________doctor.()

A a

B an

C the

D /

7. ﹣Dave,where is Mr.Black?

﹣I saw ________in the classroom ten minutes ago.()

A he

B him

C she

D her

8. ﹣Xi'an is a very old city.

﹣Sure.It has a ________ history.()

A big

B small

C short

D long

9. —Mike, what club do you want to join?

—Well, I want to join the ______ club. I love painting.

A chess

B sports

C art

D English

10. ﹣Jill,who ________ that in the white coat?

﹣It's my brother,Joe.()

A did

B does

C are

D is

11. I often go to the bookstore ________ Quancheng Road although it's crowded.()

A on

B for

C from

D between

12. ﹣________ did you visit Taiwan with,Sarah?

﹣My parents.We had a good time there.()

A What

B Who

C Where

D When

13. —I like rain ________ it makes me feel cool and relaxed.

A or

B so

C but

D because

14. -How many hours do you sleep every night?

-About hours.From 9:00 p.m.to 6:00 a.m.()

A nine

B nineteen

C ninth

D ninety

15. ﹣Excuse me.Is there a ________ near here?I want to buy some drinks.

﹣Yes.Go along the street,and it's on your left.()

A zoo

B school

C supermarket

D museum

16. ﹣When is the ________ time to visit Brazil?

﹣In August and September,I think.Not too cold,not too hot.()

A hottest

B hotter

C best

D better

17. ﹣Sir,________ called you just now.I told him to phone again 20 minutes later.


K Thanks,Nancy.() A someone B nobody C anyone D everyone 18. ﹣The black T﹣shirt is very good on you.And it's only 30 yuan.


A It looks bad

B It's too expensive

C I don't like it

D I'll take it

19. ﹣Helen,who ________ fix up the computer in our class?

﹣I think Jeff can.()

A should

B would

C must

D can

20. ﹣Eric hurt his leg playing tennis yesterday.I hope he will get better soon.


A I hope so,too

B Hope not

C I can't stand it

D You are wrong

21. Which of the following is the main dish people usually have on Thanksgiving Day?



22. ﹣Larry,can you go to the concert with me this Wednesday evening?


A Catch you on Wednesday

B Congratulations

C Welcome to my concert

D I'm afraid not

23. ﹣Do you like the songs by Taylor?

﹣Yes.Country music ________ nice and is full of feelings.()

A sounds

B listens

C hears

D looks

24. ﹣________ dressed now!We have to go in ten minutes.


A Getting

B Get

C To get

D Gets

25. ﹣Do you like Sichuan food?

﹣Yes.My brothers and I ________ like hot food very much.()

A all

B both

C either

D neither

26. Sun Hai ________ his mother make dinner when his father got home from work.()

A was helping

B helps

C helped

D is helping

27. If you are late for a moive,please walk in ________.()

A loudly

B clearly

C quietly

D cheaply

28. ﹣Bill,does your sister have brown hair or red hair?

﹣________.She takes after my mother.()

A Yes,she does

B No,she doesn't

C Brown hair

D I don't know

29. The 17﹣year﹣old high school student is trying to ________ a robot which can think like a human.()

A discover

B organize

C invent

D achieve
