
X X X XX X X XX X X X Ltd.Date: 1-JAN-2015To: Embassy of the United StatesDear Visa officer:This is to certify that Mr. XXX XXX works in our company as XXXXXXXX since the year of XXXX. His/Her monthly salary is RMB XXXX. He/She will have a tour to the United States of America from 22 SPE 2016 to 05 OCT 2016.All the travelling expenses, including air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself.We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his staying abroad. We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our company.Yours sincerelyCompany Name: 公司英文名称Add:地址Tel: 电话Name of the leader : 领导姓名Signature:X X 市X X X X 有限公司在职证明尊敬的美国大使馆签证官:兹证明先生/女士自年来我公司任职,职位是。

公司名称:__________公司章程:__________签字:__________ 日期:__________英文模板:Certificate of Employment for Overseas TravelThis is to certify that Mr./Ms. (Name) is an employee of our company, currently working in the position of (Department/Job). Since joining our company, he/she has demonstrated outstanding performance, showing great responsibility and achieving remarkable results.The employee is planning to travel to (Country/Area) for the purpose of (Reason), departing on (Date) and returning on (Date). This travel plan complies with both our company's regulations and relevant laws and regulations.This certificate is hereby issued.Company Name: __________Company Bylaws: __________Signature: __________ Date: __________。

XXXX有限公司在职证明XX先生(身份证号: XXX, 护照号: XXX) 是我公司在职人员,在XXX年XXX月XXX日出生,从XXX年XX月起在我公司任职至今,职位是XXX。
月薪为XXX 人民币(不含公司福利基金和分红) 。
我公司批准其在XXX年XX月XX日离境前往加拿大,于XXX年XX月XX日前归国,请假时间为X 天,一切费用由其自行(或其邀请人)承担。
公司地址:XX省XX市XX路XX号XXX邮政编码:XXX上级主管领导:XXX先生(小姐/女士)出行人联系电话:+86 XXX特此证明!XXX有限公司(人事部主管签名)2XX年X月X日(加盖公章)XXX Co., Ltd.Certificate of EmploymentTo whom it may concern:XXX (ID: XXX, Passport No.: XXX), born in February 20th 19XX, he has been a employ and working for this company since August 20XX. He is currently the XXX. His current salary (after-tax) is XXX per month (excluding welfare fund and commissions).We have approved his XX day(s) leave from April 28th 20XX to May 07th 20XX for his vacation that he planned to spend in your country at his own expense(or his sponsor). We hereby guarantee he will obey the local laws when in your country and return to his position on time when the vacation is over. We made sure that we will reserve his position and salary during his leave.This certificate is issued to facilitate his application for a visa for such a visit.I hereby certify that!Department of Human ResourceXXXX Co., Ltd.XXXX, China28th March 2013(With official seal)。

.. **(国家名)驻上海总领事馆/ ** Consulate-General,Shanghai: 我公司职员**(姓名)将于**年**月前往贵国进行为期**天的旅游访问,我公司准许前往,其本人并保证如下:An employee of our company, Ms/Mr.** by name, will be travelling to the **(国家名) as a tourist from **(出国时间). The whole trip will take ** days. She/He has obtained the permission from us for the traveling and he hereby makes the following warranties:1)旅行费用全部由**(姓名)本人承担;All the traveling expenses to be incurred will be paid by the traveler herself/himself, namely, Ms./Mr. **;2)申请人在贵国旅行期间遵守当地法律法规;She/He will abide by the laws and regulations of local authorities while traveling in the **(国家名).3)经**(姓名)承诺申请人按期回国,不滞留。
She/He will return to China on schedule.请阁下给予一定的协助,谢谢。
Your cooperation will be appreciated.附: 个人资料/Appendix: Personal Informationhas been working in our company since **(进司年月).**(姓名)自**年*月起在我公司工作。

附件1:在职证明参考样本TO:VISASECTIONDearSirs,Mr./Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)worksinourcompanyfromXX.XX.XXXX(现公司入职时间某年某月某日).He/ShewillbeontravellingpurposesvisitingyourcountryandsomeotherSchengencou ntriesfromXX.XX.XXXXtoXX.XX.XXXX(出国具体日期某年某月某日).Alltheexpensesincludeairtickets,transportation,accommodationandhealthinsura ncewillbecoveredbyhimself/herself/XXXX(出资方的公司名称或个人名字).He/Shewillbebackontimeasperhis/herscheduleplannedandshallcontinuetoworkinou rcompanyafterhis/hervisittoSchengencountries.Name DateofBirth Passport-No. PositionAnnualIncomeXXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX RMB XXXX Yourkindapprovalofthisapplicationwillbehighlyappreciated.BestRegards,Nameoftheleader(领导人姓名)Positionoftheleader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)Company’sStamp(公司盖章)Tel:XXX-XXXXXXAdd:XXXXXXCompanyName:XXXXXX附件2:在职证明样本译文致:签证官XXX先生/女士自XXXX年X月X日(现公司入职时间某年某月某日)在我公司工作。

出国中英文在职证明第一篇:出国中英文在职证明附件1:在职证明参考样本TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs, Mr./ Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX(现公司入职时间某年某月某日).He/She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country and some other Schengen countries from XX.XX.XXXX to XX.XX.XXXX(出国具体日期某年某月某日).All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself/herself/XXXX(出资方的公司名称或个人名字).He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to Schengen Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)Company’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXX Add: XXXXXX Company Name: XXXXXXDate of BirthXXXXXXPassport-No.PositionAnnual Income GXXXXXXXXXXRMB XXXX XXXX附件2:在职证明样本译文致:签证官XXX先生/女士自XXXX年X月X日(现公司入职时间某年某月某日)在我公司工作。
国外在职证明模板 英文版

国外在职证明模板英文版Certificate of Employment.This is to certify that [FULL NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE], holding the passport number [PASSPORT NUMBER] and currently residing at [FULL ADDRESS OF RESIDENCE], is employed by our company, [NAME OF THE COMPANY], located at [FULL ADDRESS OF THE COMPANY].Position and Responsibilities:[FULL NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE] holds the position of [JOB TITLE] within our organization. In this role, he/she is responsible for [LIST OF MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES]. His/her work involves close collaboration with [MENTION RELEVANT DEPARTMENTS OR TEAM MEMBERS] and requires a high level of [MENTION SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, OR QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR THE ROLE].Duration of Employment:[FULL NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE] has been employed with our company since [START DATE OF EMPLOYMENT]. During this time, he/she has demonstrated a consistent commitment to [MENTION SPECIFIC ASPECTS OF THE EMPLOYEE'S PERFORMANCE OR CONTRIBUTIONS].Salary and Benefits:As per the terms of employment, [FULL NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE] is entitled to a monthly salary of [AMOUNT OF SALARY] and various other benefits including [LIST OF BENEFITS SUCH AS HEALTH INSURANCE, VACATION DAYS, ETC.].Work Schedule:The regular work schedule for [FULL NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE] is [MENTION SCHEDULE SUCH AS FULL-TIME, PART-TIME, FLEXIBLE HOURS, ETC.]. He/She is required to adhere to our company's policies and procedures regarding attendance and punctuality.Probation Period:Upon joining the company, [FULL NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE] completed a probation period of [DURATION OF PROBATION PERIOD]. During this time, his/her performance wasevaluated on various parameters, and he/she successfullymet all the required criteria.Verification:We hereby confirm that the information provided in this certificate is true and accurate. Any inquiries regardingthe employment status of [FULL NAME OF THE EMPLOYEE] can be made by contacting us at [CONTACT INFORMATION SUCH AS EMAIL, PHONE NUMBER, ETC.].Signature:By signing below, we acknowledge the validity of this certificate and confirm the employment details stated above._____________________________________。

在职证明Job certificate日期(Date):致(To):******大使馆(*** Embassy)兹证明我公司员工******,男/女,大陆居民身份证号******************,护照号********,其自从****年**月在我公司就职,目前担当******职务,月薪*****元(RMB),此次其方案在假期于****年**月**日至****年**月**日,前往**国旅游**天,旅游所需费用,均由其本人担当。
This is to certify that our employee ****** , male / female, Mainland resident ID number ******************, passport number ******** , has been employed in our company since **** year ** month. Current position ****** ,The monthly salary is ***** yuan (RMB). The plan is to travel to the fruit from ****-**-** to ****-**-** , Travel to ****( country) ** days,The cost of travel shall be borne by himself.我公司确保其遵守当地法律,保证其在旅游活动结束后准时回国,我公司保留其原有职务待遇,请大使馆赐予其签证。
Our company ensures that it complies with local laws and guarantees that it will return to China on time after the end of the tour. Our company reserves its original position and asks the embassy to grant it a visa.公司名称(Company name):公司负责人(Company leader):联系电话(Contact):公司地址(Company address):。

出国的签证在职证明模板(精选16篇)出国的签证在职证明模板篇1DATE:To: Visa Section of __________Consulate General in Shanghai Mr./Ms/Mi________is the _________of the ________Dept in our Corporation. He/She began to work in our corporation since ________.Now Mr./Ms/Mi________intends to travel to_______ in _______.He/She will stay in ___________for ______days.All the expenses including the transportation, the accommodation, the meals and the health insurance will be furnished by himself/herself. Meanwhile we are willing to retain his/her position until he/she comes back.The salary of Mr./Ms/Mi________is RMB _________ per month.Company:Signature and Seal:Telephone:出国的签证在职证明模板篇2兹证明(护照号)于X日起在本单位工作,职务为。
目前其月薪为, 其个人所得税由本单位代扣代缴。

出国在职证明模板(共7篇)第1篇:出国在职证明FEB 25, 2013VISA OFFICECONSULATE OF THE UNITED KINGDOMDear Sir or Madam:, has been working in theSchool of , university of a full-timepermanent faculty member,current base salary is RMB per income tax has been deducted and paid by the university.In accordance with the laws and regulations and related policies,has signed with us an "Agreement for Academic Research Abroad foruniversity of Sponsored Outstanding Young Teacher".In this notarized Agreement,promises to return to Our University uponcompletion of planned academic research at the University ofwithin the set time.Please let me know if you have any questions.SincerelyDirectorDepartment of Human ResourcesThe university ofCity , province ,Phone:86-Fax:Email:第2篇:出国在职证明CERTIFICATEWe hereby certify that Mr.XX, who is Deputy Director ofXXX, will visit France, between October and November, 2013.The visit will last for 12 days.The aim of this visit is to learn UK experiencesin managing public servant systems.XXXguarantees that Mr.Cui Kefu would abide by the law of France, in the course of visit, and return to China on schedule.XXXJune 17th, 2013Addre: XXXTel: XXXFax: XXX第3篇:出国在职证明在职证明XXX,女,年月日,系职员,自年月迄今在我单位工作,从年月起任职为,年收入万元。

特此证明负责人姓名及签名:负责人职务:单位名称:(填写打印后盖章)单位地址:联系电话:日期:Letter of CertificationDear Sir or Madam,This is to certify Mr./Ms. 申请人名字( D.O.B: 生日, Passport No.: 护照号码, ID Card No.: 身份证号码) has been working for 公司英文名字from 受聘日期till now as the 职务with monthly income RMB 月收入.Mr./Ms. 申请人名字’s holiday application leave to 目的国from 出国日期to 回国日期has been approved by our company. All the travel cost (include flight tickets, accommodation, medical insurance and other expense) during the journey will be covered by himself/herself. (选择男他女她)Our company guarantee that Mr./Ms. 申请人名字’s position will be kept until he/she (选择男他女她)comes back to China on time.Our company guarantee that Mr./Ms. 申请人名字will come back to China on time.It is hereby certified.Name and Signature: 公司负责人姓名拼音以及打印出来后手写中文签名Title: 公司负责人职位(英文)Company: 公司名称(英文,打印后盖章)Address: 地址(英文)Tel: 联系方式(英文)Date: 日/月/年(英文)。

在职证明Certificate of Employment致:尊敬的签证官阁下TO: Dear honorable visa officer兹证明申请人*****xxx有限公司员工。
This is to certify that******is an employee of xxxxxx. He/She intends to go to ***** for tourism from Nov.1st to Dec.31st, 20**. All the expenses incurred during his/her stay in *** will be paid by himself/herself.申请人具体信息如下:我司将保留其职位,行程结束后,继续在我司工作。
Our company hereby guarantees that the applicant will return to China on time. We keep his/her position upon the end of his/her trip.感谢您的协助和支持!Thank you very much for your kindly support and assistance.xxxxx股份有限公司Xxxxx职务Position:姓名Name:联系电话Contact Number:日期Date:在职证明Certificate of Employment致:尊敬的签证官阁下TO: Dear honorable visa officer兹证明本公司员工******(详细资料见下表)于20**年9月至20**年10月期间代表本公司前往******进行商务活动。
在贵国活动产生的所有费用由xxx 公司承担。

出国留学在职证明模板英文[Your Name][Your Title or Position][Company Name][Company Address][City, State, Zip Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date]To whom it may concern,Re: Confirmation of EmploymentI am writing to confirm that [Employee's Full Name] has been an employee of [Company Name] since [Employee's Start Date] and is currently employed as a [Employee's Job Title]. This letter serves as a confirmation of their employment status and is issued for their purpose of pursuing studies abroad.[Employee's Full Name] has been an excellent employee throughout their tenure at [Company Name]. They have consistently demonstrated dedication, professionalism, and a strong work ethic. Their contributions to our team and the company as a whole have been highly valuable. [Employee's Full Name] is an essential member of our team, and their presence and expertise will be missed during their absence.We fully support [Employee's Full Name]'s decision to pursue further studies abroad, as we understand the importance ofpersonal growth and professional development. We believe that their experience and knowledge gained through international education will significantly benefit both the employee and our organization upon their return.Please do not hesitate to contact us at [Company Email Address] or [Company Phone Number] should you require any additional information or verification regarding [Employee's Full Name]'s employment with our company.We kindly request that you provide [Employee's Full Name] with any necessary documentation or assistance required for their application for studying abroad. We appreciate your attention to this matter and assure you of our cooperation throughout this process.Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Title or Position][Company Name]。

出国旅游英文在职证明第一篇:出国旅游英文在职证明北京************有限公司TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Ms.YANG YING works in our company from 5th.May.2011.She will be on travelling purposes visiting your country from 17th.Junuary.2013 to 28th.Junuary.2013.All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by herself.She will be back on time as per her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after her visit to Schengen Expiry Date of Labor Contract:Feb.2016Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader:Kan Lin Position of the leader :CHOSignature :Company’s StampTel*************Add: F3 Middle tower,China Overseas Plaza,No.8 Guanghuadongli,Jianguomenwai Avenue,Chaoyang District,BeijingCompany Name: Beijing ******************************** Co.,Ltd.Date of BirthPassport-No.PositionAnnual Income YANG YING13th.September.1983E08888888PlanningSupervisor150,00 0 CNY第二篇:出国旅游在职证明在职证明兹证明我单位(姓名)先生/女士,(于年月日出生,身份证号码:,自年月至今在我单位工作,任职为(职务),月收入约为元。

中英文版在职证明(签证使用)(五篇模版)第一篇:中英文版在职证明(签证使用)公司抬头纸在职证明兹证明人名(护照号:)为我公司正式在职员工,年月入职,职位为 ,平均月收入约元人民币,年收入:元人民币我司同意她在年月日至日带薪休假去旅游,并保证她会按时返回中国。
公司总经理:年月日Confirmation of employmentIt is certified that Wang Sheng chuan(Passport No.E31431553)is our formal employee, who entered our company in 1983.9, as worker, with average monthly salary of RMB 4334.8, and annual salary of RMB 52018.Our company agrees him to have a vacation to Germany to visit relatives in June 2014.and will give him normal salary during his vacation;we guarantee him will come back to China on time.1.All his costs in the vication will borne by himself.2.He will abide by the local laws and regulations.3.After the end of the holiday he will be returned, holds his office.Tel: 0634-6811555 Luzhong MiningCo., Ltd.of Xiaoguanzhuang Iron MineDate:March 28 2014th第二篇:加拿大签证在职证明中英文Nov.25.2016 Statement of Employment and Income在职及收入证明This is to certify that Mrs.Zhang Meimei born on 18.2.1971, has been working in our company since 06.2004.She is now inposition of Egineer, her annual income(including salary, bonus, subsidy, etc.)is RMB 123456.78 yuan after tax.兹证明张梅梅,女,出生日期1971年2月18日,自2004年6月起在我单位工作,职务工程师,税后年薪(包括工资、奖金、补贴等)为人民币123456.78元。

在职证明(中英)签证用第一篇:在职证明(中英)签证用TO: VISA SECTIONDear Sirs,Mr./ Ms.XXX(申请人姓名)works in our company from XX.XX.XXXX(现单位入职时间某年某月某日).He/She will be on traveling purposes visiting your country in XX.XXXX(出国时间某年某月).All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by himself / herself.He/She will be back on time as per his/her schedule planned and shall continue to work in our company after his/her visit to AustraliaNameDate of BirthPassport-No.PositionAnnual IncomeXXXXXXXXXXGXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYour kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated.Best Regards,Name of the leader(领导人姓名)Position of the leader(领导人职位)Signature(领导的签名)C ompany’s Stamp(公司盖章)Tel: XXX-XXXXXXAdd: XXXXXXCompany Name: XXXXXX注:1.在职证明需打印成英文,请删掉参考样本中所有中文的提示语,保持在职证明为全英文格式2.凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证明中4.请不要将“附件1:英文在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中致:签证官XXX 先生/女士自X年X月X日(现单位入职时间某年某月某日)在我们公司工作。

Letter of Introduction
To Whom It May Concern,
Hereby we certified that Mr/Ms姓名(Passport No.:G********) was working for 公司名称since 时间as 职位.Currently his/her monthly salary is RMB金额.
The leave application of Mr/Ms姓名for the purpose of 目的in 国家from 出国日期to 回国日期has been approved. During that period,all the cost will born by 支付方.
We will keep Mr/Ms姓名’s position when he/she comes back as scheduled.We hereby guarantee that he/she will be back to China on time and he/she will obey the law and local regulation when he/she stays in 国家.
格式:如Zhang San

出国在职证明范本(精选多篇)feb25,2014visaofficeconsulateoftheunitedkingdomdearsirormadam:,hasbeenworkingintheschoolof,universityofafull-timepermanentfacultymember,currentbasesalaryisrmbperincometaxhasbeendeductedandpaidbytheuniversity.inaccordancewiththelawsandregulationsandrelatedpolicies,h assignedwithusan"agreementforacademicresearchabroadforuniversityofsponsoredoutstandingyoungteacher".inthisnotarizedagreement,promisestoreturntoouruniversityupon completionofplannedacademicresearchattheuniversityofwithi nthesettime.pleasele(请你继续关注:)tmeknowifyouhaveanyquestions.sincerelydirectordepartmentofhumanresourcestheuniversityofcity,province,phone:86-fax:email:certificateweherebycertifythatmr.xx,whoisdeputydirectorofxxx,willvis itfrance,betweenoctoberandnovember,2014.thevisitwilllastfor12 days.theaimofthisvisitistolearnukexperiencesinmanagingpublics ervantsystems.xxxguaranteesthatmr.cuikefuwouldabidebythelawoffrance,int hecourseofvisit,andreturntochinaonschedule.xxxjune17th,2014address:xxxtel:xxxfax:xxx出国在职证明范本(此为样本,请按此格用带有贵公司抬头的信纸打印(请注意空格处也需用打印的形式填写)在职证明兹证明______,出生日期__年__月__日,姓别__于__年__月__日起在_____________公司____部门任_____________职务。
【最新推荐】出国在职证明英文模板-范文模板 (3页)

【最新推荐】出国在职证明英文模板-范文模板本文部分内容来自网络,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将予以删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可随意编辑修改! ==出国在职证明英文模板怎么样的出国在职证明才是正确的呢,下面小编就为你介绍一下出国在职证明英文模板,仅供参考!出国在职证明英文模板Certificate of employmentDate: 时间To: Consulate-General of 国家This is to certify that the Mr/Ms 姓名 is 职位 in our company. He/She has been working here since 年月日.He/She is allowed to be off work between 去的日期 and 回国日期 to have a 旅游写trip商务请写business trip to 所申请的国家,total 天数days .We guarantee that he/she will abide by the laws in your country and regulations and return to China on time.All of the traveling expenses will be paid by 旅游签证一般为自付费用himself/herself商务签证通常为公司付款请写 my company. We agree and will keep his/her position after he/she comes back to China.Name D.O.B Passport No. Position Monthly Salary姓名(拼音)出生日期护照号职位 RMB 月收入。
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出行人 __:xxx(区号)xxxxxxxx(固定电话号码)及手机号
新加坡 __:
兹证明xxx先生(小姐/女士)出生于xxxx年xx月xx日,xxx 先生(小姐/女士)是我公司在职人员,从xxxx年xx月xx日起在我公司任职至今,职位是xxxx部经理,薪酬为人民币xxxx元/月。
兹证明xxx,出生日期xxxx年xx月xx日,姓别xx在xxxxxxxxx 公司xxxx部门任xxxx职务
兹证明______ ,出生日期__年__月__日,姓别__于__年__月__日起在_____________公司____部门任_____________职务。