UL923-2002 微波炉标准(中文版)

UL923 微波炉标准(UL923 2002 年 5 月23 日第五版)翻译版本:A版适用范围:主要为频率在915 ±25MHz和2450 ±50MHz的家用或商用微波炉的结构和性能测试的要求。
目录介绍1.范围2.术语3.概述结构4概述5 外壳6带电体的可接近性7人身伤害保护8机械装配9防腐蚀保护10联锁开关11联锁监控12塑料材料13电源连接14带电体15极性16内部配线17发热组件18电气绝缘19隔热20马达21马达超载保护22短路和接地故障保护23温控器24热断路器25插座26灯座27开关和控制器28过滤器29间隙30接地31次级电路性能32概述33泄漏电流34微波辐射测试35输入功率测试36温升测试37表面温度测定38潮态后的绝缘电阻和泄漏电流测试39 电气强度测试40炉门组件测试41玻璃控制面板测试42联锁系统耐疲劳测试43联锁监控电路测试44机械耐疲劳测试45潮湿测试46溢水测试47非正常操作测试48带固态控制器马达的非正常测试49非正常操作—火隔离测试(略)50磁性联锁开关测试51 X 辐射测试52温度控制器测试53温度探针测试54马达开关测试55联锁故障测试56盐雾腐蚀测试57腔内起火测试(土豆起火测试)58安装强度测试59马达暴露于油脂或烹调蒸汽的测试生产在线的测试60绝缘耐压测试61接地测试额定值62概述标识63概述64安装后的可见性65使用时用户可见性66 在安装后的可见性67 说明书附录A相关参考的标准注:有关说明书,自动清洁的微波炉和船上使用的微波炉的要求略。
1.介绍1.范围1.1这些要求运用于工作频率在ISM波段的915 ±25MHz和2450 ±25 MHz之间的使用在普通场所的,额定电压不超过600 V的家用和商用微波炉。


微波炉主要性能指标1)微波效率:50%以上2)微波加热均匀性:70%以上3)微波泄露:5mw/cm²以下4)噪音:68dB以下5)无故障运行微波运转耐久性能:1500小时门开关耐久性能:开关门10万次,无微波泄漏微波炉执行的国家标准1、GB4706.1-1998《家用和类似用途电器的安全通用要求》2、GB4706.21-2002《家用和类似用途电器的安全微波炉的特殊要求》3、GB4706.22-2002《家用和类似用途电器的安全驻立式电灶、灶台、烤炉及类似用途器具的特殊要求》4、GB19606-2004《家用和类似用途电器噪音限值》推荐执行标准5、GB/T18800-2002《家用微波炉性能测试方法》以下是涉及到微波炉开关门系统的标准,来源于:1、GB 4706.21-2008 家用和类似用途电器的安全微波炉,包括组合型微波炉的特殊要求;2、GB 4706.1-2005-32 宣贯教材辐射、毒性和类似危险;3、4706.1-2005 家用和类似用途电器的安全_第1部分_通用要求;4、GB 4706.22-2008家用和类似用途电器的安全驻立式电灶、灶台、烤箱及类似用途器具的特殊要求;GB 4706.21-2008:门联锁装置 door interlock:如果炉门不关闭,则使磁控管不能工作的装置或系统。
门联锁装置 monitored door interlock:带有一个监控装置的门联锁系统。
18.耐久性GB 4706.1-2005的该章除下述内容外,均适用:微波炉的门系统,包括铰链、微波密封件和其他相关部件的结构都应经受正常使用中产生的磨损。
门系统试验按下述方法交替进行:先让微波炉在额定输入功率下工作并带有适当的微波吸收负载,操作10 000个周期,另外在微波发生器不工作状态下再操作1 0 000个周期。

快捷微波加热操作方法: (1)待机状态下按“+30秒”加热30秒; (2)在待机状态下按“2分”,加热2分钟。连续按“ 10秒、1分、2分、5分、10分”也可叠加时间,当设置 的时间小于或等于五分钟时,微波炉直接启动。
常规微波加热操作方法: 依次按【微波火 力】选择微波火力; 按时间键设置烹调时间; 按【开始/+30秒】键开始
电子杀菌除味操作方法: 待机状态下按【电子杀菌除味】 按【开始/+30秒】键开始
解冻操作方法: 依次按【解冻】选择解冻份量 按【开始/+30秒】键开始
宝宝专家操作方法: 依次按【宝宝专家】,选择宝宝专家菜单 按【开始/+30秒】键开始
自动菜单操作方法: 依次按【牛奶/咖啡】,选择食物份量,其他菜单同理 按【开始/+30秒】键开始
如果您需了解更加详细的操作指引, 请扫描右边二维码阅读电子说明书。
由于我们的产品在不断升级,如实物与下图 结构示意图存在差异,请以实物为准。 平板微波炉 更大的腔体利用率,取消传统微波炉的玻璃转盘, 产品的有效炉腔容积提高约45%,各种形状的食 品器皿可以随意放置。
美的智能定温热微波炉PC23C1W 使用说明书

2 连续按【自动菜单】键或旋转旋钮
3 按【确认/开始】键启动,显示屏计时。 3 旋转旋钮调节份量。
不同菜式的重量步进 可能不一样
4 按【确认/开始】键启动,显示屏开始
注意 烹饪结束风扇会继续工作一会儿,属于正常现象。 定温菜单不加保鲜膜或加盖,烹饪效果更佳。 所有自动菜单都包含微波功能,禁止使用金属器皿(含锡箔纸)。 扫描能效标贴中的二维码可以获得电子说明书以及菜谱操作指引。
1 按【微波加热】键。
2 连续按【微波加热】键调节火力。
3 旋转旋钮调整时间。
4 按【确定/开始】键启动,显示屏
按键次数 1次
火力值 高火 中高火 中火 中低火 低火
要除去包装放在容器内解冻,冷冻前最好将其切成 2-3厘米大小,并摆放整齐,达到更好的解冻效果。
只适宜用微波炉稍稍解冻,取出后置于温室下自 然解冻。
注意 快速解冻是利用微波解冻,微波功能下金属材料(含锡箔纸)不能用哦! 为了均匀解冻,建议在解冻过程中将食物翻转,或移动食物摆放位置。 经解冻的食物建议尽快烹调或食用,不宜再放入冰箱内冷冻。
注意 微波烹饪的菜式加保鲜膜或加盖,烹饪效果更佳,注意留孔哟~ 定温菜单不加保鲜膜或加盖,烹饪效果更佳。 所有自动菜单都包含微波功能,禁止使用金属器皿(含锡箔纸)。 扫描能效标贴中的二维码可以获得电子说明书以及菜谱操作指引。

二、安全事项1. 在使用前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书,并按照说明进行操作。
2. 请勿将金属物品放入微波炉内,以免引发火灾或其他危险。
3. 使用过程中,请勿将微波炉覆盖物、纸张等易燃物品放在炉内,以免引发火灾。
4. 请勿长时间连续使用微波炉,以免引起过热。
5. 使用过程中,请勿触摸微波炉内部,以免烫伤。
6. 在清洁微波炉时,请确保拔掉电源插头,使用柔软的布擦拭内外壁。
7. 请勿在微波炉内存放易燃、易爆物品,以免引发危险。
三、产品特点1. 蒸汽功能:美的蒸立方微波炉拥有独特的蒸汽功能,可以快速将食物加热至适宜温度,保持食材的营养和口感。
2. 微波功能:微波炉内设有高效微波发生器,能够快速、均匀地加热食物,缩短烹饪时间。
3. 多功能面板:微波炉面板上设有多种烹饪模式选择,例如解冻、热饭、蒸煮、烘烤等,满足用户不同的烹饪需求。
4. 快速启动按钮:微波炉面板上设有快速启动按钮,方便用户迅速启动加热过程,省时省力。
5. 安全锁定功能:微波炉门上设有安全锁定装置,保证加热过程中不会因为误操作而导致意外。
四、使用方法1. 将需要加热或蒸煮的食物放入微波炉内,并选择对应的烹饪模式。
2. 根据食物的种类和重量,调节加热时间和功率。
3. 关闭微波炉门,按下启动按钮,微波炉开始工作。
4. 在加热过程中,可以通过观察食物的状况来判断是否需要调整时间或功率。
5. 加热完成后,小心取出食物,并关闭微波炉。
五、使用注意事项1. 在加热液体食物时,请在容器内放入搅拌棒,以免引发溢出。
2. 在加热高脂肪食物时,请注意食物可能会产生油花,建议使用盖子覆盖容器。
3. 在解冻食物时,请确保将食物分成小块,并根据食物的种类和重量选择适当的解冻时间和功率。

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美的微波炉使用说明书美的微波炉使用说明书1. 经解冻的食物请尽快烹调或食用,不宜再放入冰箱内冷冻。
2. 解冻厚的食物,请注意在时间过半时翻转食物,以取得良好的解冻效果。
功能介绍-常用功能1. 微波烹调微波烹调具有5档微波火力,周期T=22秒。
按键次数 1 2 3 4 5火力 100% 80% 50% 30% 10%显示 P100 P80 P50 P30 P10接通时间(s) 22 18 12 8 4(1) 按“微波“键,选择相应的微波功率;(2) 按“10分”、“1分”、“10秒”键,调整烹调时间,最大烹调时间为99分90秒;(3) 按“开始”键,烹调开始;(4) 在运行过程中按“开始/+30秒”键,烹调时间增加30秒,火力不变。
2. 光波脆烤/组合烧烤(1) 按“光波/组合烧烤”键,选定组合档位;(2) 按“10分”、“1分”、“10秒”键,调整烹调时间,最大烹调时间为99分90秒;(3) 按“开始”键,烹调开始;(4) 在运行过程中按“开始/+30秒”,烹调时间将增加30秒,火力不变。
组合火力,周期T=33秒按键次数功能显示微波功率烧烤功率1 烧烤 G / 100%2 组合1档 C-1 55%(18/33) 45%(15/33)3 组合2档 C-2 36%(12/33) 64%(21/33)注意:烧烤时间运行到设定时间的一半时,蜂鸣器鸣叫二声,提醒开门翻转食物。
3. 快捷营养菜单(1) 按蒸鱼、蒸水蛋、蒸排骨、蒸红薯、蒸海鲜、冷冻食品、牛奶/咖啡、翻热面包、煮米饭、蔬菜、营养汤、炖鸡、烤鸡翅、烤肉串任意“营养菜单”键,可直接显示菜单的份量;选择菜单时,相应的烹调标志点亮;(2) 按“开始/+30秒”键开始烹调;相应的烹调标志闪烁;注意:烧烤菜单运行到设定时间的2/3时,蜂鸣器鸣叫二声,提醒开门翻转食物。

请使用柔软的布清洁微波炉,避免使用研 磨剂或强酸性清洁剂,防止损坏微波炉。
Midea美的EM7KCG4-NR微波炉采用优质材料,设计精良,结 构稳固。微波炉内部配备了转盘,可以确保食物均匀加热。炉门 采用双层玻璃设计,安全可靠,防止热量外泄。此外,微波炉还 设有独立的电源线和接地线,确保使用安全。
节能环保设计,减少能源消耗 ,保护环境。
使用本微波炉前,请仔细阅读使用说明书 。了解基本操作步骤,安全使用微波炉。
请将本产品放置在儿童无法触碰的地方, 避免儿童玩耍或误操作。使用时,请注意 儿童的安全。
使用过程中,请勿将金属物品放入微波炉 。避免微波炉过度加热,防止烫伤。
产品功能可能会有所更新,请 以实际产品为准。
请务必仔细阅读说明书,并严 格按照说明书进行操作,确保 安全使用。
本说明书版权所有,未经授权 ,禁止复制或传播。
10 厘米的空隙,以确保散热良好。
1. 检查包装
2. 拆箱
3 蒸汽烹饪
蒸汽烹饪是一种健康的烹饪方式,能够保留食材的营养和水分 ,烹饪时间比传统烹饪方法更短。
微波炉内置烤功能,可以像烤箱一样烤制肉类、鱼类、蔬菜和 糕点等,实现多功能烹饪。

美的CMidea微波炉使用说明手册美的CMidea微波炉使用说明手册版本号:v1.0型号:EG23B-DC(F)广告语:原来生活可以更美的服务热线:400-8899-316目录目录、技术规格表开箱后的检查微波炉安装须知使用前须知微波炉用具的选择解冻食物的方法结构示意图控制面板及显示模块简介功能介绍修理服务前须知微波炉的保养维修服务规定保修卡技术规格表执行标准号:GB4706.1-1999、GB4706.21-2002、GB/T 18800-2002 《家用微波炉性能测试方法》项目/型号EG28B-DC(F)容积23L额定电压/频率220V/50Hz额定输入功率1300W微波输出功率800W烧烤功率1000W微波炉工作频率2450MHz产品噪声值60dB(A)外型尺寸(mm) 511×399×284.5炉腔尺寸(mm) 327×330×215转盘直径(mm) 无产品净重(kg) 14.5认证3C说明:1. 产品尺寸的顺序是宽×深×高,为约数。
2. 由于我们的产品在不断改进,因此技术参数如有变更,恕不另行通知。
1. 使用前,请务必仔细阅读产品使用说明书;2. 使用前,使用者必须检查清楚所用之器具是否用于微波炉:切勿将非微波炉器皿放入微波炉内加热食物,以免引起打火等异常现象损坏微波炉;3. 本微波炉专为家庭加热和烹调食物而设计,不适用于工业和商业用途;4. 如果因碰撞或跌落造成外罩、门体、门封发生损坏,请立即停止使用微波炉,知道我公司特约维修部的技术人员将其修好为止;5. 外罩百叶窗严禁覆盖,以免温升过高损坏微波炉;6. 如果在使用中产生烟雾或火花,请保持炉门关闭,并立即切断电源;7. 微波炉内无食物时,请不要启动微波炉,空载运行对微波炉损坏较大,并有可能导致危险;8. 食物由保鲜膜或其它塑料纸包着加热或烹调时,请保证包装袋处于开口状态,以免爆裂;9. 微波炉不能用来加热带壳的鲜蛋或已煮熟的蛋,因为在用微波炉加热时甚至在加热之后它们可能会发生爆炸现象;10. 用微波炉煎烤食品或加热油质食品,或长时间加热时,请务必随时监视食物的烹调情况,以防着火;11. 加热水分含量少、不耐热容器包装的食物时,请用低火,以免烧焦食物或包装袋着火;12. 在煲汤或烹调较多份量时,食物顶部离容器口应在3.5cm以上,否则可能有沸腾溢泻现象发生。
美的 MMO-AM920MZ(BK)微波炉 用户手册说明书

MMO-AM920M (BK)MMO-AM920M (WH)Z Z感谢信感谢您选择美的!使用新的美的产品之前,请仔细阅读本手册,以确保您知道如何安全地操作新设备的各项功能。
目录感谢信 (01)安全说明 (02)规格 (11)产品概述 (12)产品安装 (13)操作说明 (14)清洁和维护 (20)故障排除 (21)商标、版权和法律声明 (22)安全说明预期用途下列安全指南用于防止因不安全或不正确地操作设备而造成的不可预见风险或损坏。

OWNER’S MANUALINTRODUCTIONOVERVIEWWARNING! IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1) Read these instructions.2) Keep these instructions.3) Heed all warnings.4) Follow all instructions.5) Do not use this apparatus near water.6) Clean only with dry cloth.7) Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including amplifiers) thatproduce heat.8) Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or grounding-type plug. Apolarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.9) Protect the power cord from beingwalked on or pinched particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the apparatus.10) Only use attachments/accessories specified by the manufacturer.11) Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when unused for long periods of time.12) Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus, the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate normally, or has been dropped.13) WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture.14) The appliance coupler is used as thedisconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable. 15) The apparatus shall not be exposed todripping or splashing and that no objects filled with liquid, such as vases, shall be placed on the apparatus. This “bolt of lightning” symbol indicates uninsulated m aterial within your unit may cause an electric shock. For the safety of everyone in your household, please do not remove product covering. The “exclamation point” calls attention to features for which you should read the enclosed literature closely to prevent operating and maintenance problems.COMPLIANCE STATEMENTThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Warning: Changes ormodifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed toprovide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may causeharmful interference to radio communications. However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the useris encouraged to try to correctthe interference by one or more of the following measures:- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.This equipment complieswith FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for anuncontrolled environment. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters between the radiator and your body. Industry Canada caution.This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation ofthe device.Francais:Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L ’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareildoit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d’en compromettre lefonctionnement.2200CODE is a new generation of Marshall amplifier. Fully programmable, CODE combines authentic modelling of classic and contemporary Marshall tones with professional quality FX. CODE preamp, power amp and speaker cabinet models have been developed in collaboration with audio software pioneers Softube to create Marshall-Softube (MST) modelling. Featuring Bluetooth ® & USB connectivity, and Marshall Gateway™ compatibility, CODE is a powerful tool that lets you make music your way.CODE is loaded with sonic possibilities. It has 14 MST preamps, 4 MST power amps and 8 MST speaker cabinets. CODE features 24 FX: including Compressor, stompbox Distortions, Auto Wah, Pitch Shifter, Chorus, Vibrato, Phaser, Vibes, Flanger and Tremolo. It includes Studio, Vintage, Multi and Reverse Delays, T ap Tempo, and studio quality Reverbs. Including Gate, you can have up to 5 FX simultaneously.Using the Marshall Gateway App for your iOS or Android device you can control CODE’s settings remotely via Bluetooth and share Presets with other CODE users. You can stream audio from your device, computer or MP3 player through CODE’s speaker or headphones for practice, or jam along with tracks from your music library. Connect via USB to use your CODE amplifier as a DAW interface.We sincerely hope that you enjoy your CODE amplifier and we wish you every success, whatever your performance situation. Thank you for choosing Marshall.- The Marshall TeamMARSHALL AMPLIFIER HISTORY (CONT.)MST modelling recreates the tonal and sonic characteristics of some of the most successful and respected amplifier preamps from the past fifty plus years.JTM45™The JTM45 was the first Marshall amplifier. It was made in 1962 by Jim Marshall and his small team of engineers in a workshop at his music store in Hanwell, London. This 30 Watt two channel amplifier began a revolution that changed forever the sound of rock and blues music. The JTM45 is still made today as part of the Vintage Re-Issue™ Series and Handwired™ Series.1962 Bluesbreaker™The 1962 Bluesbreaker was the first combo made by Marshall. Launched in 1965, it had two 12” speakers with an output of 30 Watts. The 1962 was famously used by Eric Clapton on the influential blues album ‘John Mayall’s Bluesbreakers’ in 1966 – hence the 1962’s ‘Bluesbreaker’ nickname. The 1962 Bluesbreaker is still made today as part of the Vintage Re-Issue Series™ and Handwired™ Series.1959™ Plexi™To the minds and ears of many, the 100 Watt Super Lead heads of the mid to late 1960s are the holy grail of great rock tone. Being non-master-volume, when cranked, the 1959 power valves overdrive producing highly responsive, harmonically rich tones. The 1959 amplifier is still made today as part of the Vintage Re-Issue Series™ and Handwired™ Series. JCM800 2203™The 2203 is one of the most important amplifiers Marshall has ever made. It evolved in the ‘70s from the JMP and 1959 Plexi heads. In the ‘80s the 2203 became the JCM800 2203 we know today: a straightforward single channel amplifier that was favoured by the heavy metal scene that dominated much of that decade. Its popularity remained well into the ‘90s with the emergence of Grunge and Britpop, and it’s still revered today and is considered the benchmark by which modern all metal amplifiers are measured.JCM2555™ Silver Jubilee™The 25/50 Silver Jubilee Series was created in 1987 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of Marshall Amplification and 50 years of Jim Marshall being in the music business. Based on the JCM800 2203 and 2204™ Master Volume models, Silver Jubilee amplifiers had a special preamp circuit that featured three gain ‘modes’ which were Clean, Rhythm Clip and a switchable Lead Channel. The 2555 was the 100 Watt head in the Jubilee series, which was a limited edition. By popular demand the JCM2555 was re-issued as the 2555X™ in 2015.JCM2000™ DSL100™Launched in 1997, the JCM2000 Dual Super Lead’s ‘dual mode’ design meant that guitarists could choose either a Clean or Crunch tone from the Classic Gain Channel, whilst the Ultra Gain Channel provided two lead sounds: Lead 1 & Lead 2. This tonal versatility was aided by the Deep and Tone Shift features. It is the JCM2000 DSL100’s tonal range and versatility that made it massively popular in its day, so much so, that its legacy lives on in the current DSL Series.MARSHALL AMPLIFIER HISTORYJVM410H™When the JVM410H launched in 2006 it caused quite a stir. This 100 Watt head is an all-valve tonal monster that has four channels, each with three modes: Green, Orange and Red, offering guitarists a range of 12 unique tones. Each mode reconfigures the channel gain stages in order to develop different amounts of gain and tone. The JVM410H’s vast tonal spectrum makes it the most versatile amplifier Marshall has ever made, used by many professional players.POWER AMPLIFIERSMST modelling recreates four classic and vintage valve power output topologies. A valve power stage is a vital part of an all-valve amplifier’s sound and its tonal character.SPEAKER CABINETSMarshall speaker cabinets are perhaps as famous as Marshall amplifiers. The iconic 4 x 12” design has changed little since Jim Marshall designed the first one in 1965. Since then the Marshall 4 x 12” has become the touchstone for all other speaker cabinets. MST modelling recreates the sonic characteristics of eight classic Marshall speaker cabinets, including a variety of 4 x 12”, 2 x 12” & 1 x 12” speaker configurations. Marshall speaker cabinets differ not only in their speaker configurations, but in the speakers that they use, how they are wired and the size of the cabinet.GETTING STARTEDTo begin using CODE:• Ensure that the power ON/OFF switch is set to the OFF position (#13 in this manual).• Connect the supplied power cord to the rear power socket of the amplifier before plugging into the mains electricity supply.• Plug your guitar cable into the amplifier INPUT jack socket (#2 in this manual).• Set the MASTER volume control to zero (#9 in this manual).• Turn the amplifier ON using the ON/OFF switch.• Gradually turn the MASTER up to your desired volume level.• Turn the PRESET selector to explore your CODE amplifier’s factory Presets (#8 in this manual).FRONT PANEL FUNCTIONS2. INPUTUse this jack socket to connect your guitar to the amplifier. Use a good quality screened/shielded guitar cable to help prevent noise interference.3. GAINControls the amount of Gain introduced to a Preset. The higher the Gain, the harder the preamp is driven.4. BASSTurning the BASS control will adjust the warmth and low-end depth of your sound. 5. MIDDLEAdjusting the MIDDLE control will vary the amount of body in your sound by boosting or cutting midrange frequencies. 6. TREBLEIncreasing the TREBLE will make your sound brighter and more cutting. Turning the TREBLE down will decrease tonal edge and make the sound softer.7. VOLUMEControls the volume level within a selected Preset.Because GAIN, BASS, MIDDLE, TREBLE & VOLUME are stored as part of a Preset, these panel tone controls only become active when they are used. This means that until they are turned their position is not related to their setting within a Preset. When you turn a tone control it becomes active. The display screen will show its current setting and the stored setting.When a GAIN, BASS, MIDDLE, TREBLE or VOLUME control is activated the EXIT/STORE LED will flash red to show that the Preset’s stored settings have changed.To record with CODE using your DAW:• Connect to your computer via USB.• Select your CODE amplifier as the input source on your computer and withinyour DAW.To stream audio from your computer through CODE:• Connect to your computer via USB.• Select your CODE amplifier as yourcomputer’s output source.• Use the MASTER control to adjust the volume level (#9 in this manual).To get CODE firmware updates:/Downloads Follow this link to quickly and easily keep your CODE amplifier’s firmware up to date.MIDI data:• Your CODE amplifier can also send and receive MIDI data related to the frontpanel controls via the USB.1. USBConnect via USB to use CODE as a DAW interface, to play tracks from your music library,to get firmware updates and control via MIDI.!!8. PRESETA Preset is a combination of preamp, power amp & speaker models, with tonal settings and FX: Chorus, Flanger, Tremolo, Delay10. F/CUse this jack socket to connect the CODE footcontroller (PEDL-91009 sold separately).14. PRE FXThis is where you will find FX that would typically plug into a conventional amplifier between the guitar and the amplifier’s input. These FX would typically be in pedal form, and also known as ‘stompboxes’. The ‘stompbox’ FX in the PRE FX section are:19. POWERThis is the section of a conventional amplifier that provides power to drive the speaker(s). The power valves are an integral part of how an all-valve amplifier sounds. MST modelling faithfully recreates the four valve power amps models in CODE:20. CAB Array CAB is short for Speaker Cabinet. A cab’s speaker configuration and its size play a significant role in the overall sound produced by the whole amplifier setup.The MST modelled speaker cabinets in your CODE amplifier are faithful recreations ofclassic Marshall cabs:21. EXIT/STOREWhile on any screen pressing EXIT/STORE returns you to the main Preset screen.Press and hold EXIT/STORE while on any screen to QUICK STORE your edited settings. Your edited settings will store over the current Preset and the display will return you tothe main Preset screen.!To discover how to store and name a Preset, go to STORING A PRESET in this manual.22. DISPLAYThe Display Screen shows a Preset’s name, number, parameter settings and the tuner display.BLUETOOTHPressing REV and POWER Section Switches together (#18 & #19 in this manual) accesses the Bluetooth ® pairing function:• The display screen will show ‘Bluetooth, pairing enabled’ and your CODE amplifier’s pairing ID.• The blue LED on EXIT/STORE (#21 in this manual) will flash while pairing. • When paired, the blue LED will stop flashing and remain lit.• When streaming audio, use the MASTER volume control or your music player to set the volume level.The Marshall Gateway™ App enables you to control your CODE amplifier remotely and access Marshall Gateway using your iOS/Android device. Download Marshall Gatewaynow from the App Store or Google Play.ENGLISHSTORING A PRESET (CONT.)To rename the edited Preset and store to the current location:• While the Preset name is flashing, press & hold EXIT/STORE again briefly until the Preset name is displayed with the cursor flashing at its first letter • Turn the PRESET selector to change the letter or character.• When you have found the letter or character you want, push PRESET to select it. The cursor will automatically move to the next character.• Repeat until you have renamed the Preset. The Section Switches act as naming shortcuts:• To complete the store process, press & hold EXIT/STORE once more until STOREDappears on the display screen. Your edited Preset has now been stored to CODE’s memory.EDITING A PRESETTo edit PRE FX, AMP , MOD, DEL, REV, POWER and CAB section settings:• Hold down the Section Switch that you wish to edit (#14 - #20 in this manual) – the switch LED will light green.• The display screen will show the current preamp, FX, power stage or speaker cab. • Turn the PRESET selector (#8 in this manual) to scroll through the section’s preamps, FX, power stages or speaker cabinets.• When you have found the preamp, FX or power stage that you want to edit, push the PRESET selector to begin editing. • The display screen will show the parameter and its current value.• To edit the parameter value, turn the PRESET selector.• To move to the next parameter (if there is one), press the PRESET selector.• To edit that parameter value, turn the PRESET selector.• Repeat for all parameters and parameter values of the Sections that you wish to edit.• When you are happy with your edited Preset you can store it to your CODE amplifier’s memory.• If you wish exit without storing your edits, press EXIT/STORE (# 21 in this manual). This will return you to the main Preset screen.• Scroll away from the Preset and it will revert to its last stored settings.STORING A PRESETTo store an edited Preset, Store an edited Preset to a new location, and to rename an edited Preset:• When you have finished editing, press & hold EXIT/STORE briefly until the Preset name begins to flash.• If you wish to store your edited Preset to another location, turn the PRESET selector to find a new location, then press & hold EXIT/STORE until STORED appears on the display screen.Speaker cabinet models are not editable.To learn how to store an edited Preset, refer to STORING A PRESET in this manual.If you wish to keep your edited settings ensure that you store before moving off that Preset.Be sure that you want to store to the Preset location that you have selected, as the Preset in that location will be overwritten.Audio streamed via Bluetooth will bypass CODE’s panel features, with the exception of MASTER volume.!ENGLISH ENGLISH• Power OFF the amplifier using the ON/OFF switch (#13 in this manual).• Whilst holding down the AMP Section Switch, turn the power ON.• The screen will display a notification that the amplifier is about to be returned to its factory settings.• If you are sure that you want to perform a factory reset, press and hold the EXIT/STORE switch to confirm.• If you do not want to restore the factory presets, pressing any other switch will cancel the factory reset operation and boot the amplifier as normal.Name of the responsible party:Jam Industries USA, LLCAddress of the responsible party:1649 Barclay Blvd, Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, United States of America.Telephone number of the responsible party:800-877-6863Name of equipment:MD116D Guitar Amplifiers Model No.:CODE25, CODE50This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.16。
微波炉能效标准GB 24849-2017解读

器_』【} )足 ‘种远 搽 作功能 , 此 址 待机 模式 的 ‘ 到捌架I
搁 处1 正常使用的 ̄4fi .C似 :(3)启动微波
种。fu足, 这个遥 r关th[乜iJJii ̄lx Jf I电,并 用T- 制 炉,测景 从微波_ j『l输 入』JJ 达 剑其猢 定输 入功率的1/2 爪
要变化如 F:
(3)连 续性功能:基 r传感器的功能。
一 一 增加了微波炉效率 的定义;
上 述的关机模 年l】待机 模式部足指 品可 K时 ” 续
一 一 垣新定义了关机模式干¨待机模式;
或荷可 以由用户设定 持续 lI1f州的稳定模 式。 ‘个产·5^可能
一 一 删 除了基本要求 :
A rticles
论 文
微 波炉 能效标准GB 24849—wave ovens energy ef i ciency standard G B 24849.2017
王 伯燕 陆 伟 叶 志 壮 宋 洋
W ANG Boyan LU W ei YE Zhizhuang SONG Yang
定俏及能效等级 》标准。
待机 模式 :微 波炉连接 到 电源 上,提 供 。种喊 彩种川
绝常使 用或保护性功能 的产 模式。(1)通 过遥控器 、
修 … 容
部传感 器和计时 器激 活其他模式 (包括模式 的激 干¨小激
新版标准GB 24849—2017与旧版标准GB 24849—2010主 活 );(2)连 续性功能:包括 时钟往内的信息或状 念,[Ii ÷:
发 fGB 24849—2017《家用车l】类似 用途微波炉 能效限定值
关机 模式 :微波 炉连接 刮电源上 ,但 提 供仟 『nJ l
《美的牌微波炉说明书》Beautiful brand microwave oven specificationFunction introduction - the common functions1. Microwave cookingMicrowave cooking with 5 files microwave firepower, the period T = 22 seconds.(1) press "microwave" button, select the corresponding microwave power;(2) press "10 points", "1 cent", "10 seconds" button, adjust the cooking time, maximum cooking time for 99 points 90 seconds;(3) press the "start" button, cooking start;(4) during operation of the press the start / + 30 seconds "button, the cooking time increased 30 seconds, fire unchanged.2. Waves brittle roast/combination barbecue(1) press "light/combination barbecue" button, select combination gear;(2) press "10 points", "1 cent", "10 seconds" button, adjust the cooking time, maximum cooking time for 99 points 90 seconds;(3) press the "start" button, cooking start;(4) during operation of the press the start / + 30 seconds, "cooking time will add 30 seconds, fire unchanged.Combination firepower, the period T = 33 secondsKey number function display microwave power barbecue power1 barbecue G / 100%2 combination 1 gears C - 1 55% (18/33) 45% (15/33)3 combination 2 gears C - 2 36% (12/33) 64% (21/33)Note: barbecue time running to set time half, two sound, remind buzzer chirping door flip food.3. Quick nutrition menu(1) press steamed fish, steamed water eggs, steamed pork spareribs, steamed sweet potatoes, steamed seafood, frozen food, milk/coffee, turn over hot bread, boiled rice, vegetables, nutrition soup, stew chicken, roast chicken wings, kebabs arbitrary "campRaise menu key, can be directly show menus portions; select menu, the corresponding cooking mark light;(2) click "start / + 30 seconds" button to start cooking; The corresponding cooking mark twinkle;Note: barbecue menu operation to set time 2/3, two sound, remind buzzer chirping door flip food.4. Fast cookingIn standby mode, press the "start / + 30 seconds" button, but instantly start 30 seconds, 100% microwave firepower cooking, each click to increase 30 seconds cooking time, maximum cooking time 99 points 50 seconds.5. More paragraphs to cook(1) maximum input three sections of cooking;(2) if the three sections of cooking for a period, then thawed thaw cook cook suggested in the first paragraph.note(1) completed each segment of cooking bees two sound;(2) automatic menu cooking, electronic except taste for all segments of discomfort cooperation to cook.6. Quick freezing(1) press "quick freezing" button to display the default weight;(2) then click "quick freezing" button, can choose different weight;(3) press the "start" button, the thaw beginning.Note: to flip food to thaw halfway.Function is introduced - especially function1. TongSuo functionExecute the function, control panel into locking state, press any key cannot operate, avoid the incorrect operation dangerous child. Second-ranking locking: in standby continuous hold"pause/cancel" keys 3 seconds, a loud long "di," meaning that TongSuo state, LED display into the TongSuo mark light; clock, In Washington state, unlock: lock down "pause/cancel for 3 seconds," button with a long "di" will unlock, LED returns standby TongSuo marks the destroyer.2. Inquires the functionFirepower inquiresSecond-ranking can inquire firepower, microwave, barbecue, combination cooking condition can press microwave under fire. The key inquires the current3. Automatic prompt functionsAfter the show had cooking buzzer chirping sound, End; 5 If have no operation, every 2 minutes while buzzer chirping sound tip cook 5 ended. Meanwhile press any key invalid, until a door or press the cancel button returns the standby mode of operation.4. Be cancelled automatically functionSecond-ranking once set the cooking condition, and within one minute, no press the start button is display restored to the clock display6. Save electricityUnder the standby itself press the "save electricity" button, the machine into the province electricity state, monitors shut, for display closed press any key can restore display;tip(1) in function setting state, digital pipe display corresponding setting;(2) effective button with a buzzer chirping, invalid buttons without reaction;(3) in operation and suspended state, digital pipe display remaining cooking time.(4) please as soon as possible by the thawing food cooked or edible, unfavorable and chill under refrigeration.. (5) thawing thick food, please note that the time taken to obtain good food, flip the thawing effect.功能介绍-常用功能1. 微波烹调微波烹调具有5档微波火力,周期T=22秒。

产品使用说明书桌面式微波炉PM20A1365天免费换新机在线鉴定 送货上门购买美的小家电365天内出现性能故障,凭发票等有效凭证可直接换新机通过微信公众号、小程序及电商客服等渠道即可在线鉴定,符合权益即可足不出户享受换新机目录尊敬的用户:感谢您使用美的公司的产品!为了您正确使用本产品,请在产品安装和使用前仔细阅读本说明书,并妥善保管以供日后参考。
请使用微波烹调器皿警告: 在微波炉内仅能使用适合的器皿,禁止加热密封容器内的液体和其他食物,因为这样可能发生爆炸。
禁止擅自拆开外罩进行修理和改造警告: 除有资格的维修人员外,其他人来执行检修操作都是危险的,包括拆下防止微波能量泄漏的防护盖等操作。

面条与开水按照1:10的比例放入, 烹饪不需要加盖
冲泡 30ml 牛奶备用;南瓜去皮去 籽切小丁,放入微波炉,烹饪覆保 鲜膜或加盖,留孔;加热完取出压 成南瓜泥,调入配方牛奶拌匀即可
宝宝果泥 微波适用碗 新鲜苹果100g
苹果去皮去核,磨成泥后放入微波 炉中,加热完稍微搅拌再食用
液体加热时,不要超过容 器的2/3,我会湿身哦~!
连续按 时间叠加
按1次 按2次 按3次 ... ...
(高火) (中高火) (中火)
连续按 时间叠加 按开始就烹饪啦!
注:可通过多次设置火力与时间,实现多段烹饪,如先设置两分钟高火, 再设置三分钟中火,按开始即可自行运行两段微波烹饪。
按1次 克
按相应键选择相应功能 按 薄块烧烤 (适合块小、较薄的食物,或快速的 食物上色) 按 双模烧烤(组合烧烤) (适合于各种肉类和蔬菜的快速烤制)
产品型号 :PC2013
执行标准号 :GB4706.1-2005,GB4706.21-2008,GB4706.14-2008
容积 额定电压/频率 额定输入功率 微波输出功率 烧烤功率
20L 220V~50Hz 1150W 700W 850W
外形尺寸(宽x深x高) 459x386x281 mm
误以为触摸按键,按压的力度 过小
加热慢 食物不热
1. 加热时间过短 2. 食品在少量或连续使用时,炉
腔温度会升高,为了保护产品, 会降低输出功率,非故障
1. 适当延长加热时间 2. 请适当降温后再使用

微波炉产品标准文件编号:版本号:受控状态:编制部门:编制/日期:审核/日期:审批/日期:目录1.目的 (9)2.适用范围 (9)3.注意事项 (9)4.术语定义 (9)5.安全 (11)5.1 输入电流及功率 (11)5.2泄漏电流 (12)5.3绝缘电阻测试 (14)5.4 电气强度 (15)5.5 接地电阻: (16)5.6透视窗的热冲击性 (17)5.7开门启动: (17)5.8 溢水试验: (18)5.9 EMC要求 (18)5.10 微波泄漏................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.11温升试验 (19)5.12机械强度 (29)5.13 十万次联锁试验:........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.14 非正常试验 (31)5.15 耐热和耐燃 (40)6.性能 (43)6.1.微波输出功率............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
6.3 加热不均匀性能........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.4空载性能................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
6.5轻负载试验................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
6.6电压波动性 (43)6.7蒸气凝结测试 (44)6.8炉腔中心温度测试 (45)6.9操作力要求 (46)6.10湿度感应验证 (46)6.14 烧烤能耗限定值 (47)6.15待机功耗和关机功耗限定值 (49)6.16炉腔照度试验............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
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微波炉产品标准文件编号:版本号:受控状态:编制部门:编制/日期:审核/日期:审批/日期:目录1.目的 (9)2.适用范围 (9)3.注意事项 (9)4.术语定义 (10)5.安全 (11)5.1 输入电流及功率 (11)5.2泄漏电流 (12)5.3绝缘电阻测试 (14)5.4 电气强度 (15)5.5 接地电阻: (16)5.6透视窗的热冲击性 (16)5.7开门启动: (17)5.8 溢水试验: (18)5.9 EMC要求 (18)5.10 微波泄漏 ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
5.11温升试验 (19)5.12机械强度 (27)5.13 十万次联锁试验:................................ 错误!未定义书签。
5.14 非正常试验 (29)5.15 耐热和耐燃 (37)6.性能 (41)6.1.微波输出功率................................ 错误!未定义书签。
6.3 加热不均匀性能.............................. 错误!未定义书签。
6.4空载性能..................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.5轻负载试验....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.6电压波动性 (41)6.7蒸气凝结测试 (41)6.8炉腔中心温度测试 (43)6.9操作力要求 (43)6.10湿度感应验证 (44)6.14 烧烤能耗限定值 (45)6.15待机功耗和关机功耗限定值 (47)6.16炉腔照度试验.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
6.17伸缩按鍵耐久性试验 (47)6.18门拉手测试: (48)6.19变压器次级电压及高压电容两端电压测试............ 错误!未定义书签。
6.20 噪音 (49)7.环境试验: (50)7.1高低温循环试验 (50)7.2低温负荷试验 (51)7.3高温高湿负荷试验 (51)7.4低温储存试验 (51)8.包装试验: (52)8.1 跌落试验 (52)8.2 振动试验 (55)8.3堆码试验 (56)8.4 踩踏试验.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
8.5 夹持试验.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
9.包装及外观检查 (57)9.1 外包装箱 (57)9.2 外包装 (58)9.3炉内包装 (58)9.4 外观 (58)9.5 炉腔外观要求 (62)9.6两侧面外观要求 (63)9.7背面外观要求 (64)9.8 底面外观要求 (64)9.9装配要求 (64)11.寿命要求 (67)12.结构 (69)12.1 结构及内电装部品 (69)12.2 带电部位的靠近性 (72)12.3 对伤害的保护措施 (75)12.4 微波炉的装配状态 (76)12.5 防止腐蚀 (76)12.6 联锁系统 (77)12.7 聚合材料 (78)12.8电源连接 (78)12.9 极性 (80)12.10 内部配电线 (81)12.11 拼接和连接 (83)12.12 加热体 (84)12.13 电气绝缘 (84)12.14 耐热绝缘 (85)12.15 电机(MOTOR) (85)12.16 短路电路和接地失败的保护 (86)12.17运行停止装置(Thermostat) (88)12.18用于供应电源的扦头(Plug) (88)12.19灯支架 (89)12.20开关 (89)12.21电气间隙和爬电距离 (89)12.22 接地 (90)12.23 在无负荷状态(取下转盘)下 (92)12.24 门板(DOOR PANEL)耐热性试验 (92)13. 材料 (92)13.1一般材料 (92)13.2 主要材料及零件 (93)13.3 表面处理 (93)13.4 附件 (95)14.型号命名 (96)15.标记 (96)16.测试仪器的检查 017.使用时注意事项 0修改记录1.目的本规定是为了规范在美的微波炉事业部开发或制造的微波炉(包括附加功能)的开发基准及检验标准依据。
2.适用范围本规格适用于由美的微波炉事业部生产、在中国,欧洲区,美洲区,亚非区销售的家用微波炉(以下称微波炉)其额定电压为600V以下, 振频为2450±50MH z范围的微波炉,也适用于多功能复合型等型式的微波炉。
3.注意事项3.1 微波炉应符合相关的环境法规要求。
3.2 本标准未提及的微波炉部件应符合相关的规格书及企业标准要求。
3.3 本标准未提及的安规标准要求应符合相关的国家及国际标准要求。
3.4 微波炉和组合型微波炉的安全使用年限为10年。
4.术语定义4.1 炉腔(Cavity):由内壁和门所围成的空间,在其中放置食物和饮料4.2 联锁装置(Interlock):一种在规定条件下不存在时特定功能就不能实现的安全装置或系统。
4.3联锁监视器(Interlock Monitor):带有监视作用的联锁装置。
4.4 磁控管(Magnetron):一种用来产生微波能的真空管。
4.5 微波密封(Microwave Enclosure):指炉内壁、门、波导管、磁控管金属细丝的连接部位周围的辐射蔽等阻止微波泄漏的部件。
4.6 搅拌器(Stirrer ):用机械、电气或磁力的方法来改变腔体中负载与微波发生器之间耦合关系的一种装置。
4.7 透视窗(VIEWING SCREEN):指门的一部分,不通过微波能量,在烹调过程中,可通过它看到炉腔内部的装置。
4.9 顶部热风对流:指通过安装在炉腔上方的发热管以及热风扇形成的hot air来加热食物4.12正常工作环境温度:美的微波炉正常工作环境温度为0度至40度。
5.安全5.1 输入电流及功率5.1.1判断标准:注:对标有一个或多个额定电压范围的微波炉,试验在这些范围的上限值和下限值都要进行,除非标称的额定电流或额定输入功率与相关的电压范围的平均值有关。
5.1.2 测试方法:试验室:如果器具标志有额定输入功率,器具在额定电压且在正常工作温度下:1)微波炉以100%火力工作30分钟后,测试此时输入功率及电流即为稳定时的输入功率及电流;2)测量烧烤或者热风对流功率时,待平常温度上升试验后,输入功率稳定时(一般10分钟),测定此时的值。
5.2泄漏电流5.2.1判断标准:在工作温度下及潮态试验后泄漏电流:器具的泄漏电流应不超过下述值:——对II类微波炉 0.25mA——对0I类微波炉 0.5mA——对I类便携式微波炉 0.75mA——对I类驻立式单功能微波炉 3.5mA——对I类驻立式带烧烤或热风对流功能微波炉0.75mA或0.75mA/kW (器具额定输入功率),两者中选较大值,但是最大为5mA。
5.2.2 测试方法:带烧烤或热风对流功能微波炉在烧烤状态下以 1.15倍的额定输入功率工作。
单功能微波炉和带烧烤或热风对流功能微波炉在微波状态下以 1.06倍的额定电压供电水负载试验。
2. 交流试验电压施加在带电部件和连接金属箔的易触及金属部件之间。
生产线检验标准:单功能微波炉和带烧烤或热风对流功能微波炉在微波状态下以 1.06倍的额定电压试验,微波炉处理静态模式,判断标准同上。
5.4 电气强度5.4.1:判断标准:在工作温度下及正常状下电气强度,不应出现击穿,测试电压见下表:测试方法:试验电压施加在带电部件和易触及部件之间,非金属部件用金属箔覆盖。
5.5 接地电阻:5.5.1 判断标准:接地电阻≤0.1Ω。
5.5.2 测试方法:测试部位是电源线接地插头与金属部位之间电阻,接地电阻仪电流档位设置为25A。
5.6透视窗的热冲击性5.6.1判断标准:透视窗的耐热冲击性, 是对里面有绝缘装置,表面的门面用玻璃作透视窗的,玻璃上必须无裂纹、破碎、脱落等异常。
通电(加热室中央部位的温度和周围温度差达不到240℃时持续通电)后把各部的温度根据导热温度计法进行测定, 基本稳定后, 把水温为10℃的200ml水往门外部玻璃面的中内部分喷撒主次之后, 检查玻璃的裂纹,破损等的有无异常。