A More Perfect Union - 北外老师课件


Lesson 10 A More perfect Union (II) 精品PPT课件

Lesson 10 A More perfect Union (II) 精品PPT课件

The U.S. military was also segregated, as were federal workplaces, initiated in 1913 under President Woodrow Wilson, the first Southern president since 1856. His administration practiced overt racial discrimination in hiring, requiring candidates to submit photos.
reminder: a thing to help one remember something else
how we arrive at this point: how the racial relations have developed to the current stage
2. Paraphrase 2
pervasive: tending to widely exist achievement gap: performance
disparity in study
The Jim Crow laws in details
They were racial segregation laws enacted after the Reconstruction period in Southern United States, at state and local levels, and which continued in force until 1965, which mandated racial segregation in all public facilities


Persuasion in Public Speaking
• Public speaking is deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain.
• Persuasion is the use of appeals to reasons, values, and emotions to persuade the audience to think or act in a particular way.
Concrete Analysis
What persuasion methods are applied in this speech? Logos, pathos, ethos
Logos ['lɔɡos]
Logos is commonly called the logical appeal. It is the appeal to logic and reason.
• To appeal to logic and evoke a rational response, a speaker often uses more theoretical or abstract language that includes historical analogies, factual data and statistics, quotations from experts and authorities, and informed opinions.
“A more perfect union”


• 然而,这些引发铺天盖地争论的言论不仅仅 是观点不同那么简单
•Firestorm =opinions of Wright’s
• The blood that had spilled was our blood, the tears our tears; until this black church, on this bright day, seemed once more a vessel carrying the story of a people into future generations and into a larger world.( Para19)
original sin=unreasonable institution First Part : Metaphor
在记录我们的历程中,那些故事和歌谣提供给我们不断回忆过往而不必羞耻的方法、、、 we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; that we may not look the same and we may not have come from the same place, but we all want to move in the same direction(para6) First Part : Metaphor
to love one another; to care for the sick and lift up the poor.
slavery .(para3) 我们也许有不同的故事,但拥有共同的愿望;
Parallelism Antithesis对照,对比 The man i met more than twenty years ago is a man who helped introduce me to my Christian faith, a man who spoke to me about our obligations to love one another; to care for the sick and lift up the poor. …that working together we can move beyond some of our old racial wounds (para 38) 尚在困境中挣扎的和已经功成名就的、爱和肯定、苦难和偏见这些 黑人所经历的一切。



Important Language Points (Para.7-18)
Unyielding: (adj) if a person is unyielding, they are not easily influenced and they are unlikely to change their mind.
• His father ----Barack Hussein Obama Senior (1936—1982)
• His mother ----Stanley Ann Dunham(1942--1995)
• His stepfather---- Lolo Soetoro • His grandmother----Madelyn • His grandfather----Stanley Dunham • His half-sister---- Maya Soetoro
*Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988.
His wife-- Michelle Robinson
• Born in January 17th,1964 • Grew up on the South side of Chicago • Studied in Harvard Law School • The first and tallest African American First Lady
Example: He is an unyielding man
Decency: (noun) Honห้องสมุดไป่ตู้st, polite behavior that follows accepted moral standards and shows respect for others.

高级英语(第三版)第一册第九课 A More Perfect Union(Part I)[精]

高级英语(第三版)第一册第九课 A More Perfect Union(Part I)[精]
• “这对我来说不是个容易做出的决定,坦率地说这令我有些伤心,” 奥巴马在南达科他表示。“三一教会是我找到耶稣的地方,是我们结 婚的地方,是我们孩子受洗的地方。”
• 这位伊利诺伊州参议员上月切断了与该教会前牧师赖特的联系,後者 因反美和带有种族色彩的布道激怒了许多人。
• “很清楚我现在是总统候选人,每当某些事据说与三一教会(包括牧 师)有关时,这些言论将会归咎于我,即使它们与我长期持有的观点、 声明和原则相冲突,”奥巴马说道。
To be clear, usability testing is, at its core, a means to evaluate, not to create.
Para. 8. my own story…in no other country on Earth is my story even possible
Civil War and the enactment (制定法规) of Constitutional amendments 14
(1868) and 15 (1870).
Para. 4….was already embedded within our Constitution
• Embed: fix or set securely or deeply; etc. 嵌入, 根植于 • A love of colour is embedded in all of his paintings.
Obama vs. Pastor Wright
• 路透南达科他阿伯丁5月31日电(记者Deborah Charles)---民主党总统候 选人奥巴马周六表示,他将退出芝加哥三一联合基督教会,避免因该 教会引发的争议困扰11月的总统大选。

Lesson 9 A More Perfect Union ppt课件

Lesson 9 A More Perfect Union  ppt课件
• His father ----Barack Hussein Obama Senior (1936—1982)
• His mother ----Stanley Ann Dunham(1942--1995)
• His stepfather---- Lolo Soetoro • His grandmother----Madelyn • His grandfather----Stanley Dunham • His half-sister---- Maya Soetoro
Background Knowledge
Barack Hussein Obama II The Jeremiah Wright Controversy Constitutional Convention Republican Party vs. Democratic Party Trinity United Church of Christ
Important Language Points (Para.1-6)
Patriot: one who loves and defends his or her country Example: As a patriot, we should defend our motherland in a clear mind.
Hue: (noun) a color; a particular shade of a color. Example: We are trying to admit persons of different ethnic and racial hue.
Important Language Points (Para.7-18)
Unyielding: (adj) if a person is unyielding, they are not easily influenced and they are unlikely to change their mind.

A More Perfect Union PPT

A More Perfect Union PPT
e.g. They cringed before the queen. 他们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。
• Some will see this as an attempt to justify for excuse comments that are simply inexcusable.
Paraphrase 21
He contains within him the contradictions - the good and the bad - of the community that he has served diligently for so many years.
The community where he served was full of goodness and badness. Reverent Wright is just like the community, is complicated and even contradictory.
• the struggles and successes , the love and yes, the bitterness and biases that make up the black experience in America.(para20)
• Someone will believe that I just made an excuse for something that could not be excused for.
➢vt. to keep feelings or thoughts, especially negative ones, in you mind for a long time; 怀有;庇护



a participant in Obama’s campaign. Rev.
Dr. Jeremiah Wright has been caught on
tape saying vicious, racist, and un-
AmericanLetshsionn g9 sA.More Perfect Union
primaries to receive the presidential
nomination. He then defeated Republican
nominee John McCain in the general election,
and was inaugurated as president on January
Congregationalism, which branched from
American Puritanism.
Lesson 9 A More Perfect Union
• The church's early history coincided with the American civil rights movement, subsequent death of Martin Luther King, Jr., and the turmoil that entered the movement after his death. During that tumultuous period, an influx of radical black Muslim groups had begun to headquarter in Chicago, and Trinity sought to recontextualize Christianity through black liberation theology in order to counter the influence of radical black Muslim leaders, who taught that it was impossible to be both Black and Christian.

lesson 10 A More Perfect Union

lesson 10 A More Perfect Union

Ⅱ. Reverse racism
• In the United States, affirmative action refers to equal opportunity employment measures that Federal contractors and subcontractors are legally required to
Ⅰ. Text Analysis
• What did Obama mention in the first part of his
• What do you know about the divisive factors and forces in the U.S.? • How do you think Obama would bring the diverse and different sectors of the U.S. society together to
+ 67.0% + 98.7% + 58.4% + 42.0% + 39.5%
Ⅲ. The Reagan Coalition
• The Reagan coalition was a group of voters brought together by Republican Ronald Reagan in order to establish a major political realignment with his massive victory in the 1980
to the race issue. How did he view the controversy?

a more perfect unionPPT精品文档18页

a more perfect unionPPT精品文档18页
This is not to say that race has not been an issue in this campaign.
this statement serves as a correction and a change, leading to the discussion of race.
And yet, it has been only been in the last couple of weeks…divisive turn.
This one-sentence paragraph serves as a further turn of the discussion. From this paragraph on, Obama took up the issue of his former pastor’s incendiary language on race, and made his position clear.
the week before the Democrats were to select their delegates to the national convention in South Carolina, attacks on me, on blacks became more frequency, more intense.
Scour: to search thoroughly.
Brown: referring to people of black and white origin, like Obama.
The press had checked or run over polls of people who had just voted to find evidence of people dividing into two opposinge wide range of opinions, there are people who say that I decided to run because I wanted to show black and white should have equal opportunity and I wanted to play on the desires of naive liberals to achieve racial harmony without making great effort.

Lesson 9 A More Perfect Union (课堂PPT)

Lesson 9 A More Perfect Union (课堂PPT)
• His father ----Barack Hussein Obama Senior (1936—1982)
• His mother ----Stanley Ann Dunham(1942--1995)
• His stepfather---- Lolo Soetoro • His grandmother----Madelyn • His grandfather----Stanley Dunham • His half-sister---- Maya Soetoro
Vicky Liu 曲师大外国语学院 2012级4班
A More Perfect Union(1)
Lesson 9 A More Perfect Union(1)
Background Knowledge
Language Points
Text Analysis
Figures of Speech
Check on this lesson
Example: He is an unyielding man
Decency: (noun) Honest, polite behavior that follows accepted moral standards and shows respect for others.
Example: She is a man of decency
*Obama entered Harvard Law School in late 1988.ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
His wife-- Michelle Robinson
• Born in January 17th,1964 • Grew up on the South side of Chicago • Studied in Harvard Law School • The first and tallest African American First Lady

高级英语Lesson 8 A more perfect union

高级英语Lesson 8 A more perfect union

3. I’m deeply ingrained, through my experience in the United States, with the idea that America is not a total adding of everything together, but is the product of fusion, of sharing the same creed. 4. In spite of all the announcements that America was not ready for a black president, that I would fail in the campaign, we gained momentum in the first year of the campaign, which showed that the American people demanded unity and change. 5. People were encouraged to judge me from the perspective of a black candidate, raising the question of whether the United States would fare better with a black president. However, we won great victories in some of the most conservative states, states with stronger racial bias
事实上这不是我所认识的那个人的全部。我二十年前认 识的这个人是一个把我引入基督信仰的人,是一个教导 我爱其他人作为义务的人,教导我要照顾病人、要使穷 人脱贫的人。他曾参加海军陆战队为国家服务;他在这 个国家某些最优秀的大学和神学院就读或任教,他领导 一个教会,三十年来为社区服务,在人世间从事着上帝 的工作——为无家可归者提供住宿,为穷人提供帮助, 提供白天托儿服务,奖学金和监狱牧师服务,并照顾艾 滋病患者。

Lesson 10 a more perfect union

Lesson 10 a more perfect union
amounts of money or property bequeath to future generations: to pass on
to children or grandchildren
The existence of so many poor African-Americans and the low pay they get compared with the whites is partly due to the existence of legalized discrimination.
walk the beat: to walk along a fixed route on a round of duty
building code: a set of rules or regulations concerning construction of houses
a cycle of violence, blight and neglect: Indifference to the miserable conditions in urban black communities leads to frustration and loss of hope which in turn causes violence, one leading to the other and going round and round.
The first “past” is a noun meaning “what has happened.” The second is an adjective, meaning “ended”, “over”
The influence of what happened in previous times has not disappeared. Such influences can still be seen.
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