


Burj Al Arab Jumeirah
Burj al Arab hotel, also known as dubai sailing hotel, as the world's most luxurious hotel,it is a symbol of modern Dubai.
All Hotel 202 by rooms British are designer two floors W.S.A of the tkins suite design, and the theminimum outward area of appearance the room is like 170 a drum square with meters; the wind Andsail, the most a total widespread of 56 layer, royal 321 meters suite, more high, 780 is the square highest meters. hotel in And the all world, is be is born higher glazing, ready than the to face Eiffelthe Tower endless in France Arabian on sea. a piece.
Skyview Bar
Quench your thirst at our lavish hideaway on top of the world. Soaring 200 metres above sea level. Location:27th floor, Burj Al Arab Cuisine :Light Snacks, Drinks & Afternoon Tea



这家酒店还拥有八辆宝马和两辆劳 斯莱斯,专供住店旅客直接往返机 场
The prices of Sailing Hotel

Peak Season Fare(旺季价格)
1-2 people's standard suite is about usd 2500 per night 1-2 people's panoramic suite is about usd 3000 per night Double suite standard suite is about usd 4000 per night

Other times
1-2 people's standard suite is about usd 2000 per night 1-2 people's panoramic suite is about usd 2500 per night Two big bed standard suite is about usd 3500 per night
Burj Al Arab - Dubai
——Dream and luxury
迪拜 风帆
Burj al Arab, it is a house is located in the united Arab emirates dubai's luxury hotel, a total of 56 layer, 321 meters high, and it is one of the most extravagant star hotel.

阿拉伯塔酒店,是一 幢位于阿拉伯联合酋 长国迪拜的豪华酒店, 共56层,全高321米, 也是最奢侈的星级酒 店之一


深海里为顾客捕捉到的最新鲜的海鲜。客人在 这里进膳 的确是难忘的经历———要动用潜 水艇接送。
The hotel restaurant is even more bizarre people think: where AI-Mahara seafood restaurant seafood raw materials used, the hotels in the deep for the customer to capture the most fresh seafood. Guests having dinner here really memorable experience --- to use submarine transfer.
It is learned that the hotel was renovated, only used 40 tons of gold on, not to mention the furniture, even the door, or even a note of paper, are "climbing" full of gold.
阿拉伯塔酒店,又称迪拜帆船酒店。迪拜的帆 船(BurjAl-Arab)酒店,翻译成汉语又称 “阿拉伯塔”,又叫做“阿拉伯之星”。它是 世界上第一家的7星级酒店。位于中东地区阿 拉伯联合酋长国迪拜酋长国的迪拜市。
Hotel, designed by British architect WS Atkins, look like a drum full of the wind, a total of 56 floor, 321 meters high, is the world's highest hotel, is higher than the Eiffel Tower in France



Gulf for easy access
的热带鱼在潜水艇两旁游来游去。坐在舒适的餐厅椅上,环 顾四周的玻璃窗外,珊瑚、海鱼构成了一幅流动的景象。空
to 200 meters
中也有餐厅,客人只需搭乘快速电 梯,33秒内便可直达屹立
altitude on the AI- 于阿拉伯海湾上200米高空的AI-Mahara餐厅.
阿拉伯塔酒店,又称迪拜帆船酒店。迪拜的帆 船(BurjAl-Arab)酒店,翻译成汉语又称 “阿拉伯塔”,又叫做“阿拉伯之星”。它是 世界上第一家的7星级酒店。位于中东地区阿 拉伯联合酋长国迪拜酋长国的迪拜市。
Hotel, designed by British architect WS Atkins, look like a drum full of the wind, a total of 56 floor, 321 meters high, is the world's highest hotel, is higher than the Eiffel Tower in France
• Burj Al Arab Hotel,
Dubai, also known as junk hotel. Dubai Sailinghotel, translated into Chinese, also known as "Arab Star." It is the world's first 7-star hotel. It is in the Middle East, Dubai, United Arab Emirates city of Dubai Emirate
Burj Al Arab
does not have



下部采用钢梁悬挑。而 整个结构,也是整体悬挑 ,就像是一张纸一样,卷 起来,增加整体性。
建 筑 的 ⻛支 撑 依 靠 的 是 “ 表 ⻛面 摩 擦 效 应 ” 。 将 ⻛一 根 根 巨 ⻛大 的 椿 柱 打 ⻛入 地 下 , 2 5 0 根 椿 柱 打 ⻛入 地 下 的 ⻛长 度 超 过 了 1 0 公 ⻛里 。 建 筑 主 体 的 地 基 部 分 则 是 ⻛用 钢 柱 打 ⻛入 海 底 的 岩 ⻛石 层 , 毕 竟 要 建 造 3 0 0 多 ⻛米 的 ⻛高 层 , 稳 固 的 地 基 重 要 性 不 ⻛言 ⻛而 喻
桁架的铰结点 巨 ⻛大 的 桁 架 结 构 在 热 膨 胀 的 作 ⻛用 下 引 起 的 形变超过了5 公分。垫 圈上的圆 圈没有对准中 ⻛心 切 回 旋 转 。
翱 翔 在 海 ⻛上 2 0 0 ⻛米 处 , 从 大 楼 狭 窄 的 中 央 核 ⻛心 向 两 边 突 出 将 近 2 7 ⻛。 在建筑物背后的混凝土核心塑 造了一系列 的钢托架称为“嵌 入 ” 。 1 0 根 ⻛高 达 1 . 6 ⻛大 钢 梁 以辐射状向外伸出。这些大梁 作为刚性钢楼板的基座。 然 后把整间餐厅用铝和玻璃围起 来。
帆船酒店(BurjAl-Arab), 翻译 成汉语又称“阿拉伯 塔”,又叫 做“阿拉伯之 星”,是全世界最 豪华的 酒店,也是世界上第一 家 7星级酒店。它位于中东 地 区阿拉伯联合酋长国迪 拜酋 长国的迪拜市。
帆船酒店由英国设计师W.S. Atkins设计,建立在海滨的 一个人工岛上,外观如同 一 张鼓满了风的帆船,一共有 56层,321米高,客房面积 从170平方米到 780平方 米 不等.
3ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ主体部分
以剪力墙为主体结构, 具有很好的抗震性。



经过反复的挑选,最终确定使用巴西大理石作 为主要的石材装饰,巴西大理石花色较全、品 种繁多,已形成系列,质地细腻、色调典雅、 花纹美丽,光泽度、装饰性能、使用性能均能 达到较高的要求,所以在酒店大堂及过道的地 面,以及洗漱台面均使用这种大理石。
地面装饰的目的是保护楼板及地坪, 保证使用条件及起装饰作用,一切楼面、 地面必须保证必须的强度、耐腐蚀、表面 平整光滑等基本使用条件。另外一楼的地 面还需有防潮的性能,由于整座帆船就店 都建于钙化沙层上方的人工小岛上,周围 被海水包围,所以防潮是一大关键。此外 地面装饰除给室内良好的艺术效果之外, 由于人在上面行走,材料及其做法或颜色 的不同将给人造成不同的感觉,利用这一 特点可以改善地面的使用效果。因此,地 面装饰部分是整个室内装饰中所占比例比 较大,是重要的组成部分。
宽敞的室内空间、 淡雅的灯光、配合 金碧辉煌的装饰, 这也是一种对心理 环境的营造,因为 来此的顾客都是非 富即贵,不但要体 现身份的象征,在 给人的主观感受上 也必须是舒适及豪 华的。
在材质的运用上,则 十分有讲究,只有用 大理石这种珍贵的石 材,才能达到这种豪 华的效果,打蜡镀膜 处理后,就能形成这 种类似镜面反射的效 果。所以必须经过反 复的对比及挑选,才 能使其于其他装饰部 件达到相辅相成的效 果。
由于其室内设计的 总设计师周娟是一 名华人,所以她在 设计中便考虑使用 丝织品来装饰墙面 及其它部分,丝织 品对于西方国家来 说从古至今都是一 种奢侈品的象征, 现今用于装饰这样 一座皇家酒店来说, 无疑是一种最完美 的搭配。
酒店内最重要的部分莫过于中庭部分, 这是整个酒店的脸面,其象征着整座酒 店的品质,所以依据酋长的宗旨中庭必 须使人惊艳。

【精品文档】迪拜帆船酒店阿拉伯塔酒店介绍 -研究分析报告

【精品文档】迪拜帆船酒店阿拉伯塔酒店介绍 -研究分析报告

200米高能俯瞰迪拜全城美景的的餐厅 200米的高空,能俯瞰迪拜全城美景。
迪拜帆船酒店有“黄金屋” 的别称, 大厅、中庭、套房、浴室……任何地 方都是金灿灿的,连门把手、水龙头、 烟灰缸、衣帽钩,甚至一张便条纸, 都是由真材实料的24K黄金镀成。
“黄金屋” 令人喜爱而不沉迷,任何 细节都处理得绅士般矜持、淑女般优 雅,没有携带一丝一毫的俗气。比如 窗帘、坐垫、橱柜、冰箱……大大小 小,每件都是俗中求雅,且俗且雅。
迪拜帆船酒店糅合了全世界最新的建 筑及工程科技,迷人的景致及造型, 使它看上去仿佛和天空融为一体。酒 店采用双层膜结构建筑形式,造型轻 盈、飘逸,具有很强的膜结构特点及 现代风格。
迪拜帆船酒店工程花了5年的时间,2 年半时间在阿拉伯海填出人造岛,2年 半时间用在建筑本身,使用了9000吨 钢铁,并把250根基建桩柱打在40米 深海下。
从酒店大堂去海底餐厅进膳需动用虚 拟潜水艇接送,沿途有热带鱼游来游 去,虽只须3分钟却依然美不胜收。
位于迪拜帆船酒店中海底餐厅其实不 是真正意义上建在海底的餐厅,而是 以一座人工建造的大型海水缸为中心, 餐位环绕在四周,装修非常精致奢华, 里面的法餐相当正点。
安坐在舒适的餐厅椅上,环顾四周的 玻璃窗外,珊瑚、海鱼所构成的流动 景象,伴随客人享受整顿写意。



帆船酒店英语介绍简短版1The Burj Al Arab, a name that evokes wonder and awe, is truly a masterpiece of architectural brilliance. Its appearance is like a magnificent sailing ship gracefully resting on the shore. The unique sail-shaped design is not only a visual spectacle but also a symbol of luxury and grandeur.The building materials used are of the highest quality, with gleaming glass and polished metals that reflect the sunlight during the day, making it a shining beacon on the horizon. It stands out against the clear blue sky, as if it were a dreamy mirage.But when night falls, the Burj Al Arab undergoes a magical transformation. The lights illuminate its contours, creating a breathtaking scene. The soft glow of the lights enhances its elegance and mystery. It becomes a jewel in the darkness, attracting all eyes.Isn't it amazing how such a structure can capture our hearts and imaginations? The Burj Al Arab is not just a hotel; it's a work of art that leaves us in awe and wonder!2The Burj Al Arab, a true wonder of the world, stands as a symbol of opulence and luxury. Its interior facilities are nothing short of extraordinary! The guest rooms are a haven of comfort and elegance, adorned with thefinest fabrics and exquisite furnishings. Every detail is meticulously designed to offer the ultimate relaxation.The culinary offerings at the Burj Al Arab are simply divine! The restaurants serve a plethora of gourmet dishes from around the globe. Imagine dining on the freshest seafood while enjoying a panoramic view of the sea.One notable experience was when a famous Hollywood star visited. They were pampered with personalized service and treated to a private chef-prepared meal in their suite. The star couldn't help but rave about the exceptional quality and attention to detail.The Burj Al Arab truly redefines luxury and sets the bar incredibly high. Isn't it a place that everyone dreams of experiencing at least once in a lifetime?3The Burj Al Arab, the world-famous sail-shaped hotel, is not just a place to stay; it's an experience like no other! The service here is truly exceptional. Take the personalized service, for instance. They know exactly what you need before you even ask! The concierge team is incredibly professional. They can arrange anything from private yacht tours to exclusive dining reservations with ease.One tourist exclaimed, "I have never felt so cared for in any hotel before! The staff at the Burj Al Arab anticipated my every wish." Anothervisitor was impressed by how smoothly everything was organized, "The service was seamless! It made my vacation truly unforgettable."The attention to detail is astonishing. From the moment you step in, you are greeted with warmth and genuine hospitality. The rooms are not just luxurious but are designed to make you feel at home.Isn't it amazing how the Burj Al Arab manages to exceed expectations every time? The answer lies in their commitment to providing top-notch service. So, if you're looking for a hotel that goes above and beyond, the Burj Al Arab is the place to be!4The Burj Al Arab, a true wonder of the world, is not only a luxurious hotel but also a masterpiece in terms of its geographical location! It is located in a prime spot where the beauty around is simply breathtaking. Imagine waking up to the glorious view of the blue sea and the golden sands! The hotel's position offers unrivaled convenience for tourists. For instance, it is just a short distance from the city center, allowing easy access to various attractions and entertainment venues. Whether you want to explore the local markets or visit historical sites, the transportation links are excellent. You can quickly reach your desired destinations without any hassle! Isn't it amazing? And the surrounding natural landscapes, such as the nearby parks and gardens, provide a peaceful retreat for those seeking relaxation. How wonderful it is to enjoy a stroll in such serene settings aftera busy day of sightseeing! The Burj Al Arab's strategic location truly enhances the overall experience for every traveler. So, if you have the chance, don't miss out on this extraordinary place!5The Burj Al Arab, often hailed as the world's most luxurious hotel, is not just a place to stay but a symbol of opulence and excellence. Its brand influence is truly remarkable! Consider its status in the global hospitality industry. It stands out as a paragon of luxury and service. Time and again, it has been recognized by prestigious institutions. For instance, it has consistently received top ratings from leading travel and hospitality experts. How could one not be impressed?The hotel's architecture is a masterpiece, a feat of engineering and design that leaves guests in awe. The service provided is beyond compare. Every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure an unforgettable experience. Isn't this what makes it a legend in the world of hotels?The awards it has garnered are a testament to its unwavering commitment to quality and innovation. It's not just a hotel; it's a destination that defines grandeur. So, when we talk about the brand influence of the Burj Al Arab, we're talking about a force that has reshaped the standards of hospitality worldwide. Truly amazing, isn't it?。














由英国设计师英国汤姆·赖特(Tom Wright)设计。

建立在海滨的一个人工岛上,是一个帆船形的塔状建筑,一共有56层,315.9米高,它正对着jumeirah beach酒店(被认为是世界上最棒的酒店),客房面积从170平方米到780平方米不等,最低的也是总统套房房价要900美元,最高的皇家套房则要18000美元。









The Oyster 餐厅:这里有世界上最鲜美的海 鲜。这家屡获殊荣的海鲜餐厅超乎您的想象。 世界级的厨师用最新鲜可口的原料精心烹制 出美味佳肴,满足您的每一处味蕾。 大海之门:Bab Al Yam 池畔餐厅地处风景优 美的花园,靠近 Burj Al Arab 一层的室外私 人游泳池和阳台,氛围轻松宁静
卓美亚 Burj Al Arab 皇家套房

富丽堂皇、雅致华美的皇家套房,内部装饰时尚优雅、格调 高贵、陈设华丽,极致奢华。 面积:约 780 平方米 特色:位置:25 层 尊享设施:专属电梯、私人影院 一楼设 有就餐区、阿拉伯功能厅风格的酒廊和图书室 二楼设有辅卧 和带旋转四柱遮篷床的主卧,主卧与辅卧均设有带水疗浴缸 的大理石连通浴室、步入式淋浴室、精美的瓷制陈设品、大 瓶装爱马仕 24 Faubourg 香水及沐浴用品。 入住人数:最多可供 4 位成人和 2 名 12 岁以下的儿童同时 入住。如需 5 位成人入住,需另收取费用。 交通:司机代驾的劳斯莱斯和宝马,或直升机接送,需另付 费 注意:大理石镶金楼梯、豹纹簇绒地毯、Carrarra 大理石地 板和红木家具
卓美亚 Burj Al Arab 总统套房

时尚雅致的总统套房位于酒店 24 层,俯瞰阿拉伯湾的美景, 提供无与伦比的豪华布置、宽敞空间、精美装饰和便捷设施。 面积:约 667 平方米 特色:位置 :24 层 一楼设有带私人吧台的宽敞待客区,带 厨房和独立管家入口的宽敞就餐区,学习区和图书室,功能 厅风格的酒廊;二楼设有主卧和辅卧,大理石连通浴室(带 水疗浴缸),步入式淋浴室,精美的瓷制陈设品,大瓶装爱 马仕香水及沐浴用品 入住人数:最多可供 4 位成人和 2 名 12 岁以下的儿童同时 入住。如需 5 位成人入住,需另收取费用。



Architectural features
• The height of the highest in the world seven-star hotels • Built on a beach on the island • Gold room
Room features

ExperijAl-Arab hotel features
It is based on a man-made beach, is a sailing boat form of karst architecture, a total of 56 layer, 321 meters high, is the highest in the world hotel, than in France the Eiffel Tower is still high on one section.It is opposite the hotel (jumeirah ok is believed to be the world's best hotel), guest room area from 170 square meters to 780 square meters, lowest prices also want 900 dollars, the highest presidential suite is to 28000 dollars.
迪拜帆船酒店英语简介 burjal-arabhotel姓名:陈丽班级:酒管091 hotel introduction name-drop hotels, say again burjal-arab hotel.the world?s most luxurious hotel when several united arab emirates territory burjal-arabhotel, translation alsocalled "name-drop", also called "arabian star." world?sfirst seven star hotel. located middleeast united arab emirates dubai emirate dubaicity. burjal-arab hotel features man-madebeach, sailingboat form karstarchitecture, 56layer, 321 meters high, worldhotel, than eiffeltower stillhigh onesection.it hotel(jumeirah ok world?sbest hotel), guest room area from 170 square meters 780square meters, lowest prices also want 900 dollars, highestpresidential suite 28000dollars. architectural features worldseven-star hotels goldroom room features luxury experienceacme costly 85871962kid 分享于 2013-01-22 02:40:6.8 暂无简介 文档格式: .ppt 文档页数: 5页 文档大小: 245.5k 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 文档标签: 学习资料

















在迪拜王储的提议之下,知名酒店家Al-Maktoum 投资兴建了美仑美奂的Burj Al-Arab酒店。


Burj al-Arab Hotel 伯瓷酒店(迪拜帆船酒店)

Burj al-Arab Hotel 伯瓷酒店(迪拜帆船酒店)

惟一的建筑高度最高的七 星级酒店(因为饭店设备实 在太过高级,远远超过五 星的标准,只好破例称它 做世界上唯一的七星级酒 店),开业于1999年12月。 它建在大海的中央,建筑 外形就像一块迎风飘扬的 风帆 。酒店建在离岸280 米的人工岛上,楼高321米 共有56层 ,。在奢侈的阿 联酋,它就是最奢侈的代 表 。
• Burj Al Arab comprises 202 deluxe
suites: a highly personalized service for every traveler, enhanced by private reception desks on every floor, in-suite check-in and a brigade of exclusive butlers. All the suites are equipped with the latest technology, laptop computers and Internet access.
Thank you!
Dreamlike Palace 梦幻宫殿
Giant Pillar 巨柱擎天
Luxury in Gold 纸醉金迷
Palace in Art 艺术殿堂
Water Restaurant
Water estaurant
Deluxe Bedroom
• 迪拜的伯瓷酒店是世界上
• This unique billowing sail-shaped
building stands proudly on a manmade island some 280 metres offshore, linked to the mainland by a slender, gently curving causeway.



Due to occupy the important geographical location in the Middle East, dubai and much oil, so dubai is a rich country. Dubai taxi is lamborghini, buses are mercedes-benz, flower house golden create artificial island, with gold hotel, it can be seen that dubai is a world of local tyrants. Again a word "if one day I no country for old men, please throw me picking up litter in dubai". Can go to dubai is a very happy thing, of course if you want more gold迪拜由
The richest city in the Middl East
Dubai, the modernized international metropolis, the united Arab emirates's most populous city, the second largest emirate after ABU dhabi, the richest city in theMiddle East, is in the Middle East economic and financial center, known as the \"trade\" in the united Arab emirates. Dubai has the world's first seven-star hotel (sailing hotel), the world's tallest building (khalifa), the world's largest shopping center, the world's largest indoor ski resort, and active in real estate, games, talks almost attracted a world record for the feature of the eyes of the world.


UAE Dubai Lugger Hotel (Burj Al Arab) is the world's only seven Stars Hotel, located in the Arabia Bay extends to the artificial island within 280 meters.
Room facilities
202 rooms are all two floors of suites, rooms have a minimum area of 170 square meters; and the largest area of the Royal Suite, and 780 square meters large. And all are landing glass window, ready to face stretch as far as eye can see the sea of Arabia. The most common example of the luxury suites, including curtains and light switches, a Toshiba notebook computer desk, ready access to the Internet, the wall paintings are all authentic.
Looks like fluttering in the wind sail, tower 321 meters high, is the architectural masterpiece, is a representative of the UAE's luxury. The hotel has 202 deluxe suites, a restaurant located on the top floor, extremely ornate.
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