minutes format


js new date用法

js new date用法

js new date用法JavaScript中的Date对象代表一个日期和时间,可以用于处理日期和时间的操作。

Date对象的创建:var currentDate = new Date();日期和时间参数:Date对象也可以用以下语法创建:new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds);参数说明:- year:年份(四位数字)(默认为当前年份)- month:月份(0-11)(默认为0即1月)- day:日期(1-31)(默认为1)- hours:小时(0-23)(默认为0)- minutes:分钟(0-59)(默认为0)- seconds:秒数(0-59)(默认为0)- milliseconds:毫秒(0-999)(默认为0)Date对象有许多属性和方法,下面列出一些常用的:Date.parse()方法:将字符形式的日期时间转换成毫秒数var myDate = Date.parse("2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z");Date.prototype.getFullYear()方法:获取年份Date.prototype.toLocaleTimeString()方法:将时间转换成本地时间字符串形式表示时间格式化:Date对象无法直接格式化时间,需要自己写代码进行格式化,下面是一个格式化时间的函数:function formatTime(date, format) {var year = date.getFullYear();var month = date.getMonth() + 1;var day = date.getDate();var hours = date.getHours();var minutes = date.getMinutes();var seconds = date.getSeconds();format = format.replace(/yyyy/, year);format = format.replace(/MM/, (month < 10 ? '0' : '') + month);format = format.replace(/dd/, (day < 10 ? '0' : '') + day);format = format.replace(/HH/, (hours < 10 ? '0' : '') + hours);format = format.replace(/mm/, (minutes < 10 ? '0' : '') + minutes); format = format.replace(/ss/, (seconds < 10 ? '0' : '') + seconds); return format;}例如:var myDate = new Date();var timeString = formatTime(myDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");。



会议纪要会议记录表格范本模板英文回答:Meeting Minutes Minutes Template Form.Meetings are a regular part of business life. A meeting can be a gathering of people with a common purpose. It can be a formal or informal meeting. It can be held in person or virtually. Regardless of the type of meeting, it is important to have a record of what was discussed and decided. This is where meeting minutes come in.Meeting minutes are a written record of the key points of a meeting. They are typically taken by someone who is designated as the minute taker. The minute taker will record the following information:The date and time of the meeting.The location of the meeting.The names of the people who attended the meeting.The agenda for the meeting.The key points of the discussion.The decisions that were made.The action items that were assigned.The date and time of the next meeting.Meeting minutes are an important tool for several reasons. They provide a record of what was discussed and decided at the meeting. They can be used to follow up on action items. They can also be used to prepare for future meetings.There are many different ways to format meeting minutes. Some people prefer to use a simple outline format. Others prefer to use a more formal format with headings andsubheadings. Regardless of the format, the most important thing is to be consistent and to include all of the necessary information.Here is a sample meeting minutes template:Meeting Minutes.Date: 2023-03-08。








1. format的基本语法format是一个字符串对象的方法,它的作用是将一个或多个参数插入到字符串中,并返回一个新的字符串。

format的基本语法是:"字符串".format(参数1, 参数2, ...)其中,字符串是一个包含零个或多个占位符(placeholder)的字符串,占位符用大括号{}表示。



例如:>>>"Hello, {}!".format("world")'Hello, world!'>>>"My name is {0}, I am {1} years old.".format("Alice", 18)'My name is Alice, I am 18 years old.'>>>"The area of a circle with radius {r} is {a:.2f}.".format(r=5, a=3.14159*5**2)'The area of a circle with radius 5 is 78.54.'在上面的例子中,我们可以看到:占位符可以不指定编号,按照默认顺序从0开始递增。



英语纪要作文格式模板Title: English Meeting Minutes Writing Format Template。

Date: [Date of the meeting]Time: [Time of the meeting]Location: [Location of the meeting]Attendees: [List of attendees]1. Opening。

The meeting was called to order at [time] by [name of the person leading the meeting].2. Approval of Previous Minutes。

The minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed and approved without any amendments.3. Agenda Items。

3.1 [Agenda Item 1][Discussion and decisions made][Action items and responsible parties]3.2 [Agenda Item 2][Discussion and decisions made][Action items and responsible parties]3.3 [Agenda Item 3][Discussion and decisions made][Action items and responsible parties]4. Other Business。

[Discussion of any other relevant topics not included in the agenda]5. Announcements。

[Announcements made during the meeting]6. Next Meeting。



MONTH(date) 返回 date 的月份,范围 1 到 12。 mysql> select MONTH('1998-02-03'); -> 2
DAYNAME(date) 返回 date 的星期名字。 mysql> select DAYNAME("1998-02-05");
PERIOD_ADD(P,N) 增加 N 个月到阶段 P(以格式 YYMM 或 YYYYMM)。以格式 YYYYMM 返回值。注意阶段参数 P 不是日期值。 mysql> select PERIOD_ADD(9801,2); -> 199803
-> 'Thursday'
MONTHNAME(date) 返回 date 的月份名字。 mysql> select MONTHNAME("1998-02-05"); -> 'February'
QUARTER(date) 返回 date 一年中的季度,范围 1 到 4。 mysql> select QUARTER('98-04-01'); -> 2
对于每个类型拥有的值范围以及并且指定日期何时间值的有效格式的描述见 7.3.6 日期和时间类型。
这里是一个使用日期函数的例子。下面的查询选择了所有记录,其 date_col 的值是在最后 30 天以内:
mysql> SELECT something FROM table WHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date_col) <= 30;



moment.js前端⽇期格式化的常⽤⽅法原⽂:https:///halo1416/article/details/83620022官⽹:/vue项⽬中,需要把 moment.js 挂载到全局上(即vue的原型链上),访问时直接使⽤ this.moment() ;vue项⽬中不挂载到全局,单⽂件(单组件)使⽤:==>> import moment from "moment"; 然后直接使⽤ moment()1. 初始化⽇期 / 时间初始化⽇期:moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');初始化⽇期时间:moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');2. 格式化⽇期 / 时间格式化⽇期:moment(value).format('YYYY-MM-DD');格式化⽇期时间:moment(value).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss');3. 加/减 ==>> 操作之前必须使⽤ this.moment(⽇期变量) ;将要操作的⽇期转为 moment.js 可以处理的⽇期时间格式加法:this.moment().add(1, 'months').format('YYYY-MM-DD'); ==>> 当前⽇期加⼀个⽉并输出格式为 'YYYY-MM-DD'加法:this.moment(startDate).add(2, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD') ==>> 指定⽇期(startDate)加2天并输出格式 为 'YYYY-MM-DD'减法: this.moment().subtract(7, 'days'); ==>> 当前时间减去7天加法:this.moment(startDate).subtract(2, 'days').format('YYYY-MM-DD') ==>> 指定⽇期(startDate)加减去2天并输出格式 为 'YYYY-MM-DD'4. 获取星期⼏获取星期⼏: this.moment().day() 或 this.moment(startDate).day() ==>> 当前⽇期/指定⽇期 是星期⼏5. 获取毫秒数获取毫秒数:this.moment().day() 或 this.moment(startDate).valueOf()==>> 在获取指定时间的毫秒数时,必须要有⽇期。

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Meeting minutes

商务英语写作教程(第三版)课件:Meeting minutes

Qian Huilin, manager of Department A
Chen Zhen, manager of Department B
Zhang Yan, manager of Department C
Li Jing, manager of Department D

Zhao Qiang, manager of Department E
Meeting Minutes
The minutes of a meeting are a record of what happened, what was decided, and what actions will be taken as a result of the meeting. They should be written for every meeting, and presented at the next meeting or beforehand. Minutes should be written in the third person, for example, the minutes should say "The Board decided..." instead of "We decided...". Minutes need not be typed on a computer. Readable handwriting is fine. The body of each topic should include the important points of the discussion and what action will be taken along with who will take the action and when it will be done. Someone who has never been to the meeting should be able to understand the minutes.



投票会议记录格式及范文Minutes Format of Voting Meeting1. Meeting Title: Clearly record the theme or name of the meeting.2. Meeting Date and Time: Record the specific date and time of the meeting.3. Meeting Venue: Record the specific location of the meeting.4. Participants: List the names of all participants, including the host, recorder, voters, etc.5. Meeting Agenda: List the main agenda items of the meeting.6. Voting Items: Detailedly record the content, purpose, voting method (such as show of hands, secret ballot, etc.) and voting results of each voting item.7. Discussion and Decision-making: Record the discussion content during the meeting and the decisions made based on the voting results.8. Meeting Summary: Briefly summarize the main content and results of the meeting.9. End Time of the Meeting: Record the end time of the meeting.10. Recorder's Signature: The recorder signs to confirm the authenticity and accuracy of the records.Sample Minutes of Voting MeetingMinutes of XX Company's 2023 Annual Budget Approval Voting MeetingMeeting Title: XX Company's 2023 Annual Budget Approval Voting MeetingMeeting Date and Time: April 15, 2023, 9:00-11:00 AMMeeting Venue: XX Company's Conference RoomParticipants:* Host: XX (Company's Chief Financial Officer)* Recorder: XX (Company's Administrative Assistant)* Voters: Department Managers and Supervisors of the CompanyMeeting Agenda:1. Review the 2023 Annual Budget Proposal2. Vote on the Budget Proposal3. Discuss and Determine the Budget Adjustment ProposalVoting Items:1. Voting on the 2023 Annual Budget Proposal. Voting method: Show of hands. Voting results: 15 votes in favor, 2 votes against, 1 abstention. The budget proposal was approved.2. Voting on the Budget Adjustment Proposal. Voting method: Secret ballot. Voting results: 14 votes in favor, 3 votes against, 1 abstention. The budget adjustment proposal was approved.Discussion and Decision-making:* The meeting conducted an in-depth discussion on the budget proposal, and department managers elaborated on the budget needs of their respective departments.* Based on the voting results, the meeting decided to adopt the budget adjustment proposal and make appropriate adjustments to some departments' budgets.Meeting Summary:At this meeting, the 2023 annual budget proposal was reviewed and voted on. After sufficient discussion and decision-making, the budget proposal and adjustment proposal were finally determined. All departments need to implement the determined budget plan to ensure the normal operation and development of the company in 2023.End Time of the Meeting: April 15, 2023, 11:00 AMRecorder's Signature: XX投票会议记录格式1. 会议标题:明确记录会议的主题或名称。





# 定义⼀个坐标值c = (250, 250)# 使⽤%来格式化s1 = "敌⼈坐标:%s" % c上⾯的代码很明显会抛出⼀个如下的TypeError:TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting像这类格式化的需求我们需要写成下⾯丑陋的格式才⾏:# 定义⼀个坐标值c = (250, 250)# 使⽤%丑陋的格式化...s1 = "敌⼈坐标:%s" % (c,)⽽使⽤format就不会存在上⾯的问题:# 定义⼀个坐标值c = (250, 250)# 使⽤format格式化s2 = "敌⼈坐标:{}".format(c)很显然,上⾯这⼀个理由就已经⾜够让你在以后的项⽬中使⽤format了。

新特性在Python3.6中加⼊了:In[1]: name = "Q1mi"In[2]: age = 18In[3]: f"My name is {name}.I'm {age}"Out[3]: "My name is Q1mi.I'm 18"常⽤的format⽤法通过位置In[1]: data = ["Q1mi", 18]In[2]: "Name:{0}, Age:{1}".format(*data)Out[2]: 'Name:Q1mi, Age:18'通过关键字In[1]: data = {"name": "Q1mi", "age": 18}In[2]: "Name:{name}, Age:{age}".format(**data)Out[2]: 'Name:Q1mi, Age:18'通过对象属性In[1]: class Person(object):...: def __init__(self, name, age):...: = name...: self.age = age...: def __str__(self):...: return "This guy is {}, {self.age} years old.".format(self=self)...:In[2]: p = Person("Q1mi", 18)In[3]: str(p)Out[3]: 'This guy is Q1mi, 18 years old.'通过下标In[1]: "{0[0]} is {0[1]} years old.".format(data)Out[1]: 'Q1mi is 18 years old.'填充与对齐填充常跟对齐⼀起使⽤^、<、>分别是居中、左对齐、右对齐,后⾯带宽度:号后⾯带填充的字符,只能是⼀个字符,不指定的话默认是⽤空格填充。



Format是一个很常用,却又似乎很烦的方法,本人试图对这个方法的帮助进行一些翻译,让它有一个完整的概貌,以供大家查询之用:首先看它的声明:function Format(const Format: string; const Args: array of const): string; overload;事实上Format方法有两个种形式,另外一种是三个参数的,主要区别在于它是线程安全的,但并不多用,所以这里只对第一个介绍:function Format(const Format: string; const Args: array of const): string; overload;Format参数是一个格式字符串,用于格式化Args里面的值的。

Args 又是什么呢,它是一个变体数组,即它里面可以有多个参数,而且每个参数可以不同。

如以下例子:Format('my name is %6s',['wind']);返回后就是my name is wind现在来看Format参数的详细情况:Format里面可以写普通的字符串,比如'my name is'但有些格式指令字符具有特殊意义,比如"%6s"格式指令具有以下的形式:"%" [index ":"] ["-"] [width] ["." prec] type它是以"%"开始,而以type结束,type表示一个具体的类型。


先来看看type,type可以是以下字符:d 十制数,表示一个整型值u 和d一样是整型值,但它是无符号的,而如果它对应的值是负的,则返回时是一个2的32次方减去这个绝对值的数如:Format('this is %u',[-2]);返回的是:this is 4294967294f 对应浮点数只需要format('%.2f',[FloattoStr(yourfloat)]就可以得到保留小数点后两位,且四舍五入e 科学表示法,对应整型数和浮点数,比如Format('this is %e',[-2.22]);返回的是:this is -2.22000000000000E+000等一下再说明如果将数的精度缩小g 这个只能对应浮点型,且它会将值中多余的数去掉比如Format('this is %g',[02.200]);返回的是:this is 2.2n 只能对应浮点型,将值转化为号码的形式。



MySQL⽇期函数与⽇期转换格式化函数⼤全MySQL⽇期函数与⽇期转换格式化函数⼤全Mysql作为⼀款开元的免费关系型数据库,⽤户基础⾮常庞⼤,本⽂列出了MYSQL常⽤⽇期函数与⽇期转换格式化函数1、DAYOFWEEK(date)1 2SELECT DAYOFWEEK(‘2016-01-16') SELECT DAYOFWEEK(‘2016-01-16 00:00:00')1-> 7 (表⽰返回⽇期date是星期⼏,记住:星期天=1,星期⼀=2, ... 星期六=7) 2、WEEKDAY(date)1 2SELECT WEEKDAY(‘2016-01-16') SELECT WEEKDAY(‘2016-01-16 00:00:00')1-> 5 (表⽰返回date是在⼀周中的序号,西⽅⽇历中通常⼀周的开始是星期天,并且以0开始计数,所以,记住:0=星期⼀,1=星期⼆, ... 5=星期六) 3、DAYOFMONTH(date)1 2SELECT DAYOFMONTH(‘2016-01-16') SELECT DAYOFMONTH(‘2016-01-16 00:00:00')1-> 16 (表⽰返回date是当⽉的第⼏天,1号就返回1,... ,31号就返回31) 4、DAYOFYEAR(date)1 2SELECT DAYOFYEAR(‘2016-03-31') SELECT DAYOFYEAR(‘2016-03-31 00:00:00')1-> 91 (表⽰返回date是当年的第⼏天,01.01返回1,... ,12.31就返回365) 5、MONTH(date)1 2SELECT MONTH(‘2016-01-16') SELECT MONTH(‘2016-01-16 00:00:00')1-> 1 (表⽰返回date是当年的第⼏⽉,1⽉就返回1,... ,12⽉就返回12) 6、DAYNAME(date)1 2SELECT DAYNAME(‘2016-01-16') SELECT DAYNAME(‘2016-01-16 00:00:00')1-> Saturday (表⽰返回date是周⼏的英⽂全称名字) 7、MONTHNAME(date)1 2SELECT MONTHNAME(‘2016-01-16') SELECT MONTHNAME(‘2016-01-16 00:00:00')1-> January (表⽰返回date的是当年第⼏⽉的英⽂名字) 8、QUARTER(date)1 2SELECT QUARTER(‘2016-01-16') SELECT QUARTER(‘2016-01-16 00:00:00')1-> 1 (表⽰返回date的是当年的第⼏个季度,返回1,2,3,4) 9、WEEK(date,index)1 2 3SELECT WEEK(‘2016-01-03') SELECT WEEK(‘2016-01-03', 0) SELECT WEEK(‘2016-01-03', 1)1 2 3-> 1 (该函数返回date在⼀年当中的第⼏周,date(01.03)是周⽇,默认是以为周⽇作为⼀周的第⼀天,函数在此处返回1可以有两种理解:1、第⼀周返回0,第⼆周返回1,.... ,2、以当年的完整周开始计数,第⼀周返回1,第⼆周返回2,... ,最后⼀周返回53)-> 1 (week()默认index就是0. 所以结果同上)-> 0 (当index为1时,表⽰⼀周的第⼀天是周⼀,所以,4号周⼀才是第⼆周的开始⽇)10、YEAR(date)1 2 3SELECT YEAR(‘70-01-16') SELECT YEAR(‘2070-01-16') SELECT YEAR(‘69-01-16 00:00:00')1 2 3-> 1970 (表⽰返回date的4位数年份) -> 2070-> 1969要注意的是:如果年份只有两位数,那么⾃动补全的机制是以默认时间1970.01.01为界限的,>= 70 的补全 19,< 70 的补全 20 11、HOUR(time)1 2SELECT HOUR(‘11:22:33')SELECT HOUR(‘2016-01-16 11:22:33')1 2-> 11 -> 11返回该date或者time的hour值,值范围(0-23)12、MINUTE(time)1SELECT MINUTE(‘11:22:33')1 2SELECT MINUTE(‘11:22:33')SELECT MINUTE(‘2016-01-16 11:44:33')1 2-> 22 -> 44返回该time的minute值,值范围(0-59)13、SECOND(time)1 2SELECT SECOND(‘11:22:33')SELECT SECOND(‘2016-01-16 11:44:22')1 2-> 33 -> 22返回该time的minute值,值范围(0-59)14、PERIOD_ADD(month,add)1 2 3SELECT PERIOD_ADD(1601,2) SELECT PERIOD_ADD(191602,3) SELECT PERIOD_ADD(191602,-3)1 2 3-> 201603 -> 191605 -> 191511该函数返回对month做增减的操作结果,month的格式为yyMM或者yyyyMM,返回的都是yyyyMM格式的结果,add可以传负值15、PERIOD_DIFF(monthStart,monthEnd)1 2 3 4SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(1601,1603) SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(191602,191607) SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(1916-02,1916-07) SELECT PERIOD_DIFF(1602,9002)1 2 3 4-> -2 -> -5 -> 5 -> 312该函数返回monthStart - monthEnd的间隔⽉数16、DATE_ADD(date,INTERVAL number type),同 ADDDATE()1 2 3 4SELECT DATE_ADD(“2015-12-31 23:59:59”,INTERVAL 1 SECOND)SELECT DATE_ADD(“2015-12-31 23:59:59”,INTERVAL 1 DAY)SELECT DATE_ADD(“2015-12-31 23:59:59”,INTERVAL “1:1” MINUTE_SECOND) SELECT DATE_ADD(“2016-01-01 00:00:00”,INTERVAL “-1 10” DAY_HOUR)1 2 3 4-> 2016-01-01 00:00:00 -> 2016-01-01 23:59:59 -> 2016-01-01 00:01:00 -> 2015-12-30 14:00:00DATE_ADD()和ADDDATE()返回对date操作的结果1、date的格式可以是“15-12-31”,可以是“15-12-31 23:59:59”,也可以是“2015-12-31 23:59:59”,如果参数date是date格式,则返回date格式结果,如果参数date是datetime格式,则返回datetime格式结果2、type格式:SECOND 秒 SECONDSMINUTE 分钟 MINUTESHOUR 时间 HOURSDAY 天 DAYSMONTH ⽉ MONTHSYEAR 年 YEARSMINUTE_SECOND 分钟和秒 "MINUTES:SECONDS"HOUR_MINUTE ⼩时和分钟 "HOURS:MINUTES"DAY_HOUR 天和⼩时 "DAYS HOURS"YEAR_MONTH 年和⽉ "YEARS-MONTHS"HOUR_SECOND ⼩时, 分钟, "HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS"DAY_MINUTE 天, ⼩时, 分钟 "DAYS HOURS:MINUTES"DAY_SECOND 天, ⼩时, 分钟, 秒 "DAYS HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS"3、另外,如果不⽤函数,也可以考虑⽤操作符“+”,“-”,例⼦如下:1 2 3 4SELECT “2016-01-01” - INTERVAL 1 SECONDSELECT “2016-01-01” - INTERVAL 1 DAYSELECT ‘2016-12-31 23:59:59' + INTERVAL 1 SECONDSELECT ‘2016-12-31 23:59:59' + INTERVAL “1:1” MINUTE_SECOND返回结果:1 2 3 4-> 2015-12-31 23:59:59 -> 2015-12-31-> 2017-01-01 00:00:00 -> 2017-01-01 00:01:0017、DATE_SUB(date,INTERVAL number type),同 SUBDATE()⽤法和DATE_ADD()与ADDDATE()类似,⼀个是加,⼀个是减,⽤时参照16点,具体⽤法请参考DATE_ADD()与ADDDATE()。



java中将小时转化为时分秒的方法Java中将小时转化为时分秒的方法1. 使用类•使用``类来表示一段时间•首先,将小时数转化为毫秒数durationInMillis = hours * 60 * 60 * 1000•然后使用()方法来创建一个Duration对象•最后,使用toHours(),toMinutes(),toSeconds()等方法获取时分秒import ;public class TimeConversion {public static void main(String[] args) {int hours = 2;long durationInMillis = hours * 60 * 60 * 1000; Duration duration = (durationInMillis);long hoursPart = ();long minutesPart = () % 60;long secondsPart = () % 60;(hoursPart + "小时 " + minutesPart + "分钟 " + s econdsPart + "秒");}}2. 使用类•使用``类来表示一段时间单位•首先,将小时数转化为分钟数totalMinutes = (hours)•然后使用totalMinutes来计算小时、分钟、秒数import ;public class TimeConversion {public static void main(String[] args) {int hours = 2;long totalMinutes = (hours);long hoursPart = totalMinutes / 60;long minutesPart = totalMinutes % 60;long secondsPart = minutesPart * 60;(hoursPart + "小时 " + minutesPart + "分钟 " + s econdsPart + "秒");}}3. 使用纯算术运算•直接通过纯算术运算来将小时数转化为时分秒•首先,计算小时部分hoursPart = hours•然后计算分钟部分minutesPart = (hours - hoursPart) * 60•最后计算秒数secondsPart = (hours - hoursPart - minutesPart/60) * 60 * 60public class TimeConversion {public static void main(String[] args) {double hours = ;int hoursPart = (int) hours;int minutesPart = (int) ((hours - hoursPart) * 6 0);int secondsPart = (int) ((hours - hoursPart - mi nutesPart / ) * 60 * 60);(hoursPart + "小时 " + minutesPart + "分钟 " + s econdsPart + "秒");}}以上就是在Java中将小时转化为时分秒的几种方法。





首先,format 方法可以用来处理字符串,例如保留小数点后 N 位,可以这样:
运行结果为 3.14。

`Formatter.param("{0:.8f}".format(3.1415))` 运行结果是

当运行结果时,结果为 00000123,可以看出,输出的结果中,前面的0 表示字符串的总长度为 8,如果输入的数字小于 8 位,则前面会补0。

format 方法还可以用于格式化日期,例如:
当运行结果时,结果就变成了 YYYY-MM-DD 格式,其中 %Y 是表示四位的年份,%m 是表示两位的月份,%d 是表示两位的日期。

一般来说,只要是想要对字符串、数字或者日期进行格式化处理,都可以利用 format 方法轻松实现。




mysql查询int类型⽇期转换成datetime类型数据库⽇期类型是int类型的,该查询结果是datetime类型的SELECT from_unixtime( `dateline` )FROM cdb_posts如果原来类型是datetime类型,查询结果要是int类型则SELECT unix_timestamp( `dateline` )FROM cdb_postsphp时间转换,关键是看你在什么时候要获得对应的时间类型$timestamp = 1210003200;$datetime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp);echo "该时间戳代表的时间:", $datetime, "\n";echo "从此时间重新转回时间戳:", strtotime($datetime), "\n";| |MYSQL中的⽇期转换链接:站内相关⽂章|Related Articles对于每个类型拥有的值范围以及并且指定⽇期何时间值的有效格式的描述见7.3.6 ⽇期和时间类型。


下⾯的查询选择了所有记录,其date_col的值是在最后30天以内:mysql> SELECT something FROM tableWHERE TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date_col) <= 30;DAYOFWEEK(date)返回⽇期date的星期索引(1=星期天,2=星期⼀, ……7=星期六)。


mysql> select DAYOFWEEK('1998-02-03');-> 3WEEKDAY(date)返回date的星期索引(0=星期⼀,1=星期⼆, ……6= 星期天)。

mysql> select WEEKDAY('1997-10-04 22:23:00');-> 5mysql> select WEEKDAY('1997-11-05');-> 2DAYOFMONTH(date)返回date的⽉份中⽇期,在1到31范围内。


//timestamp是整数,否则要parseInt转换,不会出现少个0的情况 var time = new Date(timestamp); var year = time.getFullYear(); var month = time.getMonth()+1; var date = time.getDate(); var hours = time.getHours(); var minutes = time.getMinutes(); var seconds = time.getSeconds(); return year+'-'+add0(month)+'-'+add0(date)+' '+add0(hours)+':'+add0(minutes)+':'+add0(seconds);
function add0(m){return m<10?'0'+m:m } //时间戳转化成时间格式 function timeFormat(timestamp){
add0(m){ return m < 10 ? '0' + m : m }, //时间戳转化成时间格式 timeFormat(timestamp) {
console.log(timestamp); //timestamp是整数,否则要parseInt转换,不会出现少个0的情况 var time = new Date(timestamp); var year = time.getFullYear(); var month = time.getMonth() + 1; var date = time.getDate(); var hours = time.getHours(); var minutes = time.getMinutes(); var seconds = time.getSeconds(); // return year + '-' + add0(month) + '-' + add0(date) + ' ' + add0(hours) + ':' + add0(minutes) + ':' + add0(seconds); return year + '-' + this.add0(month) + '-' + this.add0(date);



Date: April 15, 2023Morning Session (8:00 AM - 12:00 PM)1. Listening Comprehension (8:00 AM - 9:00 AM)- Duration: 1 hour- Format: This section will include questions based on short dialogues, long conversations, and lectures. Students will need tolisten to audio clips and answer multiple-choice questions.2. Reading Comprehension (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM)- Duration: 1 hour- Format: This section will consist of passages from various genres, such as fiction, non-fiction, and academic texts. Students will be required to read and answer questions about the main ideas, supporting details, and author's purpose.3. Vocabulary and Grammar (10:00 AM - 10:30 AM)- Duration: 30 minutes- Format: This section will test the students' knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar. It will include questions on synonyms, antonyms, sentence structure, tense usage, and other grammatical concepts.4. Writing Task (10:30 AM - 12:00 PM)- Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes- Format: Students will be required to write an essay on a given topic. The essay should demonstrate the student's ability to organize thoughts, express ideas clearly, and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar.Lunch Break (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM)Afternoon Session (1:00 PM - 5:00 PM)5. Grammar and Vocabulary (1:00 PM - 2:00 PM)- Duration: 1 hour- Format: This section will continue to test the students' knowledge of English vocabulary and grammar. It will include exercises such as completing sentences, choosing the correct form of words, and identifying errors in sentences.6. Writing Task (2:00 PM - 3:30 PM)- Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes- Format: Students will be given a choice of two writing tasks. One task will be a letter or email writing, and the other will be a composition on a given topic. The tasks will test the students' ability to express ideas effectively and coherently.7. Reading Comprehension (3:30 PM - 4:30 PM)- Duration: 1 hour- Format: This section will consist of longer reading passages from various genres. Students will need to read the passages and answer questions that test their understanding of the text.8. Listening Comprehension (4:30 PM - 5:00 PM)- Duration: 30 minutes- Format: This section will conclude with additional listening comprehension exercises. Students will listen to audio clips and answer questions based on the content and details presented.Note:- Students are required to bring their own writing materials, such as pens, pencils, and erasers.- No dictionaries or electronic devices are allowed during the examination.- The examination is conducted under strict supervision to ensure fairness and integrity.- Students are advised to arrive at the examination center 30 minutes before the start time.- Latecomers will not be allowed to enter the examination hall after it has commenced.Good luck to all the students participating in the English examination!。



1949-1 Module No. 1949GENERAL GUIDE•Press C to change from mode to mode.•After you perform an operation in any mode, pressing C returns to the Timekeeping Mode.•If you do not press any button for a few minutes while making settings in any mode (indicated when settings are flashing), the watch automatically clears the setting screen (settings stopflashing) and returns to the normal display for the mode you are in.•This watch returns to the Timekeeping Mode whenever you hold down the C button for one or two seconds. If you ever lose track of what mode you are in or what you should do next,hold down C to return to normal timekeeping.•In any mode press L to illuminate the display.TIMEKEEPING MODETo set the time and date1.Hold down A while in the Timekeeping Mode until theseconds digits flash on the display because they areselected.2.Press C to change the selection in the following se-quence.3.While the seconds digits are selected (flashing), press D to reset the seconds to00. If you press D while the seconds count is in the range of 30 to 59, the secondsare reset to 00 and 1 is added to the minutes. If the seconds count is in the rangeof 00 to 29, the minutes count is unchanged.4.While any other digits (beside seconds) are selected (flashing), press D to in-crease the number or B to decrease it. While the 12/24-hour format setting isselected, press D or B to toggle it between 12 and 24. While the day of the weekis selected (flashing), press D to advance to the next day or B to return to theprevious day.•Except for when adjusting the seconds or setting the 12/24-hour format, holdingdown a button changes the current selection at high speed.•When the 12-hour format is selected, the indicator P appears on the display toindicate “P.M.” times. There is no indicator for “A.M.” times.•When the 24-hour format is selected, the indicator 24 appears on the display.5.After you set the time and date, press A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.ABOUT THE BACKLIGHTAbout the Auto Light Switch FunctionWhen the auto light switch function is turned on, the backlight automatically turns onfor two seconds under the conditions described below. Avoid wearing the watch onthe inside of your wrist. Doing so causes the auto light switch to operate when notneeded, which shortens battery life.•The backlight may not illuminate if the face of the watch is more than 15 degrees offparallel to the left or right. Make sure that the back of your hand is parallel to theground.•Static electricity or magnetic force can interfere with proper operation of the autobacklight function. If the auto backlight does not illuminate, try moving the watchback to the starting position (parallel with the ground) and then tilt it back towardyou again. If this does not work, drop your arm all the way down so it hangs at yourside, and then bring it back up again.•Under certain conditions the backlight may not light until about one second or lessafter turning the face of the watch towards you. This does not necessarily indicatemalfunction of the backlight.To switch the auto light switch function on and offIn the Timekeeping Mode, hold down B for one or two seconds to turn the auto light•The auto light switch indicator is shown on the display in all modes while the autolight switch function is on.•In order to protect against running down the battery, the auto light switch function isautomatically turned off approximately three hours after you turn it on. Repeat theabove procedure to turn the auto light switch function back on if you want.•Pressing L while in the Timekeeping Mode illuminates the display, regardless ofthe auto light switch’s on/off setting.Caution•The backlight of this watch employs an electro-luminescent (EL) light, which losesits illuminating power after very long term use.•Frequent use of the backlight shortens the battery life.•The watch emits an audible sound whenever the display is illuminated. This is be-cause the EL light vibrates slightly when lit. It does not indicate malfunction of thewatch.Warning!•Never try to read your watch when mountain climbing or hiking in areas thatare dark or in areas with poor footing. Doing so is dangerous and can resultin serious personal injury.•Never try to read your watch when running where there is the danger of acci-dents, especially in locations where there might be vehicular or pedestriantraffic. Doing so is dangerous and can result in serious personal injury.•Never try to read your watch when riding on a bicycle or when operating amotorcycle or any other motor vehicle. Doing so is dangerous and can resultin a traffic accident and serious personal injury.•When you are wearing the watch, make sure that its auto light switch functionis turned off before riding on a bicycle or operating a motorcycle or any othermotor vehicle.Sudden and unintended operation of the auto light switch can create a dis-traction, which can result in a traffic accident and serious personal injury.COUNTDOWN ALARM MODEThe countdown alarm can be set within a range of 1 sec-ond to 24 hours. When the countdown reaches zero, analarm sounds for 10 seconds or until you press any but-ton.To set the countdown start time1.Hold down A while in the Countdown Alarm Mode. Thehours digits flash on the display because they are se-lected.2.Press C to change the selection in the following se-quence.3.Press D to increase the selected number or B to decrease it. Holding down eitherbutton changes the selection at high speed.•Press D and B at the same time to clear the starting time to 0:00' 00".•To set the starting value of the countdown time to 24 hours, set 0:00' 00".4.After you set the countdown start time, press A twice to return to the CountdownAlarm Mode.To use the countdown alarm1.Press D while in the Countdown Alarm Mode to start the countdown alarm.2.Press D again to stop the countdown alarm.•You can resume countdown alarm operation by pressing D.3.Stop the countdown alarm and then press B to reset the countdown time to itsstarting value.•When the end of the countdown is reached and auto repeat timing is off, the alarmsounds for 10 seconds or until you stop the alarm by pressing any button. Count-down timing stops and the countdown time is automatically reset to its startingvalue after the alarm stops.To switch auto repeat timing and the progress beeper on and off1.Hold down A while in the Countdown Alarm Mode. The hour digits flash on thedisplay because they are selected. Press A again to move the flashing to the autorepeat ON/OFF setting.2.Press D or B to toggle auto repeat on () and off.3.Press C4.Press D or B5.Press A•When the end of the countdown is reached while auto repeat is on, the alarm sounds,but the countdown restarts from the beginning without stopping. You can stop thecountdown by pressing D and manually reset to the start time by pressing B.•If you set a starting time of 10 seconds or less and have Auto Repeat turned on, thecountdown alarm tone (which normally sounds for 10 seconds) sounds for only onesecond.•When the progress beeper is turned on, the watch beeps as the countdown timepasses the 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1-minute marks, and the 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2,and 1-second marks.Timekeeping Mode Countdown Alarm Mode Stopwatch Mode Alarm Mode Dual Time ModeParallel to ground More than 15 degrees toohighMore than 15 degreesProgress beeper on1949-2STOPWATCH MODEThe Stopwatch Mode lets you measure elapsed time, splittimes, and two finishes. The range of the stopwatch is 23hour, 59 minutes, 59.99 seconds. You can also have an alarm sound when a target time is reached. The Stop-watch Mode also features an Auto-Start function.About the Auto-Start functionWith the Auto-Start function, the watch performs a 5-second countdown. When the countdown reaches zero, stopwatch operation starts automatically. During the final three seconds of the countdown, a beeper sounds with each second.To turn the Auto-Start function on and offWhile the display is showing all zeros in the Stopwatch Mode, press B to toggle it on and off.•The indicator AUTO-ST appears and 05 is shown in the upper display while Auto-Start is turned on. The AUTO-ST indicator is not shown and the upper part of the display shows the current time when Auto-Start is turned off.About the Target Time functionWith the Target Time function, an alarm sounds for ten seconds whenever the time being kept by the stopwatch reaches a target time you have preset.To set the Target Time and to turn it on and off1.While the display is showing all zeros in the Stopwatch Mode, hold down A , and the hour digit of the target time starts to flash because it is selected .2.Press C to change the selection in the following sequence.3.Press D to increase the selected number or B to de-crease it. Holding down either button changes the se-lection at high speed.•Press D and B at the same time to clear the setting to 0:00' 00".4.Press A to move the flashing to the target time ON/OFF setting.5.D or B to toggle the target time on and off.6.Press A to return to the Stopwatch Mode.Important!The alarm will not sound if you do not turn on the target time.•Press A , C or L to stop the alarm after it starts to sound.ALARM MODEWhen the Daily Alarm is switched on, the alarm sounds for 20 seconds at the preset time each day. Press any button to stop the alarm after it starts to sound. When the Hourly Time Signal is on, the watch beeps every hour on the hour.To set the alarm time1.Hold down A until the hour digits start to flash on the display. The hour digits flash because they are select-ed .•This operation will switch the Daily Alarm on automati-cally.2.Press C to change the selection in the following se-quence.3.Press D to increase the selected digits and B to decrease them. Holding down either button changes the selection at high speed.•The format (12-hour and 24-hour) of the alarm time matches the format you select for normal timekeeping.•When setting the alarm time using the 12-hour format, take care to set the time correctly as morning (no indicator) or afternoon (P ).4.After you set the alarm time, press A to return to the Alarm Mode.To turn the daily alarm and hourly time signal on and offPress B while in the Alarm Mode to change the status of the daily alarm and hourly time signal in the following sequence.•The alarm on indicator () and the Hourly Time Signal on indicator (y ) are shown on the display in all modes while these functions are turned on.To test the alarm soundHold downB while in the Alarm Mode to sound the alarm.•Note that pressing B also changes the alarm and the hourly time signal ON/OFF settings.DUAL TIME MODEThe Dual Time Mode lets you keep track of the time in another time zone. You can also select the timekeeping format (12-hour or 24-hour) separately from the Timekeep-ing Mode.To set the Dual Time1.Hold down A while in the Dual Time Mode. The hour digits flash on the display because they are selected .2.Press C to change the selection in the following se-quence.3.Press D to increase the selected digits and B to de-crease them. Holding down either button changes the selection at high speed.4.After you set the time, press A to return to the Dual Time Mode.•In the Dual Time Mode, the seconds count is synchronized with the seconds count of the Timekeeping Mode.•In the Dual Time Mode, press B to toggle between the 12-hour and 24-hour for-mats.(a) Elapsed time measurement StartClearClearStartClear(b) Split time measurement (c) Split time and 1st-2nd place times First runner finishes.Second runner finishes.Record time of first runner.Record time of second runner.。

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Sample of Board Meeting MinutesName of Organization(Board Meeting Minutes: Month Day, Year)(time and location)Board Members:Present:BhataBhatacharia, Jon White Bear, Douglas Carver, Elizabeth Drucker, Pat Kyumoto, Jack Porter, Mary Rifkin and Leslie ZevonAbsent: Melissa JohnsonQuorum present? YesOthers Present:Exec. Director: Sheila SwansonOther: Susan Johns, Consulting AccountantProceedings:·Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker· (Last month's) meeting minutes were amended and approved· Chief Executive's Report:- Recommends that if we not able to find a new facility by the end of this month, the organization should stay where in the current location over the winter. After brief discussion, Board agreed.- Staff member, Jackson Browne, and Swanson attended the National Practitioner's Network meeting in Atlanta last month and gave a brief extemporaneous presentation. Both are invited back next year to give a longer presentation about our organization. After brief discussion, Board congratulated Swanson and asked her to pass on their congratulations to Browne as well.- Drucker asserts that our organization must ensure its name is associated with whatever materials are distributed at that practitioner's meeting next year. The organization should generate revenues where possible from the materials, too.- Swanson mentioned that staff member, Sheila Anderson's husband is ill and in the hospital. MOTION to send a gift to Anderson's husband, expressing the organization's sympathy and support; seconded and passed.· Finance Committee report provided by Chair, Elizabeth Drucker:- Drucker explained that consultant, Susan Johns, reviewed the organization's bookkeeping procedures and found them to be satisfactory, in preparation for the upcoming yearly financial audit. Funds recommends that our company ensure theauditor provides a management letter along with the audit financial report.· - Drucker reviewed highlights, trends and issues from the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement. Issues include that high accounts receivables require Finance Committee attention to policies and procedures to ensure our organization receives more payments on time. After brief discussion of the issues and suggestions about how to ensure receiving payments on time, MOTION to accept financial statements; seconded and passed.· Bo ard Development Committee's report provided by Chair, Douglas Carver:- Carver reminded the Board of the scheduled retreat coming up in three months, and provided a drafted retreat schedule for board review. MOTION to accept the retreat agenda; seconded and passed.- Carver presented members with a draft of the reworded By-laws paragraph that would allow members to conduct actions over electronic mail. Carver suggested review and a resolution to change the By-laws accordingly. Kyumoto suggested that Swanson first seek legal counsel to verify if the proposed change is consistent with state statute. Swanson agreed to accept this action and notify members of the outcome in the next Board meeting.·Other business:- Porter noted that he was working with staff member, Jacob Smith, to help develop an information management systems plan, and that two weeks ago he (Porter) had mailed members three resumes from consultants to help with the plan. In the mailing, Porter asked members for their opinions to help select a consultant. Porter asked members for their opinions. (NOTE: Zevon noted that she was also a computer consultant and was concerned about conflict of interest in her Board role regarding this selection, and asked to be ABSTAINED from this selection. Members agreed.) The majority of members agreed on Lease-or-Buy Consultants. MOTION to use Lease-or-Buy Consultants; seconded and passed.- Swanson announced that she had recently hired a new secretary, Karla Writewell.·Assessment of the Meeting:- Kyumoto noted that the past three meetings have run over the intended two-hour time slot by half an hour. He asked members to be more mindful and focused during discussions, and suggested that the Board Development Chair take an action to identify solutions to this issue. Chair, Carver, agreed.· Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.· Minutes submitted by Secretary, BhataBhatacharia.Return to Board Meeting Minutes。
