8.6 分别用深探法、广探法、破圈法找出图852所示图的一个生成树。
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20 0 36 14 32
D (4)
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
V1 0 5 16 19 12
V2 20 0 36 14 32
D (5)
V4 0
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连线。贮存在同一室内的药品应该构成一个完全图。 ABG,CFH,DE构成完全图。故,存放这些药品 最少需要3间储藏室。
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School of Management
8.3 6个人围成圆圈就座,每个人恰好只与相 邻者不相识,是否可以重新就座,使每 个人都与邻 座认识?
年。或先使用三年,更新后再使用两年。最小总支 出20。
School of Management
8.5 求解如图8-51所示的中国邮路问题,A点 是邮局。
P184 第八章时间:2021.03.09 创作:欧阳法3. 一简谐波,振动周期21=T s ,波长 = 10 m ,振幅A = 0.1 m .当t = 0时,波源振动的位移恰好为正方向的最大值.若坐标原点和波源重合,且波沿Ox 轴正方向传播,求:(1) 此波的表达式;(2) t 1 = T /4时刻,x 1 = /4处质点的位移;(3) t 2 = T /2时刻,x 1 = /4处质点的振动速度.解:(1))1024cos(1.0x t y π-π=)201(4cos 1.0x t -π= (SI) (2) t 1 = T /4 = (1 /8) s ,x 1 =/4 = (10 /4) m 处质点的位移(3) 振速)20/(4sin 4.0x t t y -ππ-=∂∂=v .)4/1(212==T t s ,在x 1 = /4 = (10 /4) m 处质点的振速26.1)21sin(4.02-=π-ππ-=v m/s 4. 在弹性媒质中有一沿x 轴正向传播的平面波,其表达式为)214cos(01.0π-π-=x t y (SI).若在x = 5.00 m 处有一媒质分界面,且在分界面处反射波相位突变,设反射波的强度不变,试写出反射波的表达式.解:反射波在x 点引起的振动相位为反射波表达式为)10214cos(01.0π-π+π+=x t y (SI)或)214cos(01.0π+π+=x t y (SI)5. 已知一平面简谐波的表达式为)24(cos x t A y +π= (SI).(1) 求该波的波长,频率和波速u 的值;(2) 写出t = 4.2 s 时刻各波峰位置的坐标表达式,并求出此时离坐标原点最近的那个波峰的位置;(3) 求t = 4.2 s 时离坐标原点最近的那个波峰通过坐标原点的时刻t .解:这是一个向x 轴负方向传播的波.(1) 由波数k = 2 / 得波长 = 2 / k = 1 m由 = 2得频率 = / 2 = 2 Hz波速u = = 2 m/s(2) 波峰的位置,即y = A 的位置.由1)24(cos =+πx t有π=+πk x t 2)24( (k = 0,±1,±2,…)解上式,有t k x 2-=.当t = 4.2 s 时,)4.8(-=k x m .所谓离坐标原点最近,即|x |最小的波峰.在上式中取k = 8,可得x = -0.4的波峰离坐标原点最近.(3) 设该波峰由原点传播到x = -0.4 m 处所需的时间为t ,则t = | x | /u = | x | / ( ) = 0.2 s∴该波峰经过原点的时刻t = 4 s6. 平面简谐波沿x 轴正方向传播,振幅为2 cm ,频率为 50 Hz ,波速为200 m/s .在t = 0时,x = 0处的质点正在平衡位置向y 轴正方向运动,求x = 4 m 处媒质质点振动的表达式及该点在t = 2 s 时的振动速度. 解:设x = 0处质点振动的表达式为)cos(0φω+=t A y , 已知t = 0时,y 0 = 0,且v 0 > 0 ∴π-=21φ∴)2cos(0φν+π=t A y )21100cos(1022π-π⨯=-t (SI) 由波的传播概念,可得该平面简谐波的表达式为)/22cos(0u x t A y νφνπ-+π=)2121100cos(1022x t π-π-π⨯=- (SI)x = 4 m 处的质点在t 时刻的位移)21100cos(1022π-π⨯=-t y (SI)该质点在t = 2 s 时的振动速度为)21200sin(1001022π-π⨯⨯-=-πv = 6.28 m/s7. 沿x 轴负方向传播的平面简谐波在t = 2 s 时刻的波形曲线如图所示,设波速u = 0.5 m/s .求:原点O 的振动方程.解:由图,= 2 m ,又∵u = 0.5 m/s ,∴= 1 /4 Hz ,3分 T = 4 s .题图中t = 2 s =T 21.t = 0时,波形比题图中的波形倒退λ21,见图.此时O 点位移y 0 = 0(过平衡位置)且朝y 轴负方向运动,∴π=21φ ∴)2121cos(5.0π+π=t y (SI) 8. 如图所示为一平面简谐波在t = 0 时刻的波形图,设此简谐波的频率为250 Hz ,且此时质点P 的运动方向向下,求(1) 该波的表达式;(2) 在距原点O 为100 m 处质点的振动方程与振动速度表达式.解:(1) 由P 点的运动方向,可判定该波向左传播.原点O 处质点,t = 0 时φcos 2/2A A =, 0sin 0<-=φωA v所以4/π=φO处振动方程为)41500cos(0π+π=t A y (SI) 由图可判定波长 = 200 m ,故波动表达式为]41)200250(2cos[π++π=x t A y (SI)(2) 距O 点100 m 处质点的振动方程是振动速度表达式是)45500cos(500π+ππ-=t A v (SI) 9. 如图所示,S 1,S 2为两平面简谐波相干波源.S 2的相位比S 1的相位超前/4 ,波长 = 8.00 m ,r 1 = 12.0 m ,r 2 = 14.0 m ,S 1在P 点引起的振动振幅为0.30 m ,S 2在P 点引起的振动振幅为0.20 m ,求P 点的合振幅. 解:=-π--=∆)(21212r r λφφφ422412/r r π-=π+π-πλλ464.0)cos 2(2/1212221=++=∆φA A A A A m10. 图中A 、B 是两个相干的点波源,它们的振动相位差为(反相).A 、B 相距30 cm ,观察点P 和B 点相距40 cm ,且AB PB ⊥.若发自A 、B 的两波在P 点处最大限度地互相削弱,求波长最长能是多少. 解:在P 最大限度地减弱,即二振动反相.现二波源是反相的相干波源,故要 求因传播路径不同而引起的相位差等于2k (k = 1,2,…).由图=AP 50 cm .∴ 2 (50-40) / = 2k ,∴ = 10/k cm ,当k = 1时,max = 10 cm11. 如图所示,一平面简谐波沿Ox 轴正向传播,波速大小为u ,若P 处质点的振动方程为)cos(φω+=t A y P ,求(1) O 处质点的振动方程;(2) 该波的波动表达式;(3) 与P 处质点振动状态相同的那些质点的位置.解:(1) O 处质点振动方程])(cos[0φω++=u L t A y(2) 波动表达式])(cos[φω+--=u L x t A y(3) ωu k L x L x π±=±=2(k = 0,1,2,3,…)12.如图为一平面简谐波在t = 0 时刻的波形图,已知波速u = 20 m/s .试画出P 处质点与Q 处质点的振动曲线,然后写出相应的振动方程.解:(1)波的周期T = / u =( 40/20) s= 2 s . P 处Q 处质点振动周期与波的周期相等,故P 处质点的振动曲线如图(a) 振动方程为:)21cos(20.0π-π=t y P (SI) 2分(2) Q 处质点的振动曲线如图(b),振动 2分 方程为)cos(20.0π+π=t y Q (SI)或)cos(20.0π-π=t y Q (SI)13.两波在一很长的弦线上传播,其表达式分别为:)244(31cos 1000.421t x y -π⨯=- (SI))244(31cos 1000.422t x y +π⨯=- (SI)求:(1)两波的频率、波长、波速;(2) 两波叠加后的节点位置;(3) 叠加后振幅最大的那些点的位置.解:(1) 与波动的标准表达式)/(2cos λνx t A y -π=对比可得:= 4 Hz , = 1.50 m ,波速u = = 6.00 m/s(2) 节点位置)21(3/4π+π±=πn x )21(3+±=n x m , n = 0,1,2,3, …(3) 波腹位置π±=πn x 3/44/3n x ±= m , n = 0,1,2,3, …14. 一列横波在绳索上传播,其表达式为)]405.0(2cos[05.01x t y -π= (SI) (1) 现有另一列横波(振幅也是0.05 m )与上述已知横波在绳索上形成驻波.设这一横波在x = 0处与已知横波同位相,写出该波的表达式.(2) 写出绳索上的驻波表达式;求出各波节的位置坐标;并写出离原点最近的四个波节的坐标数值.解:(1) 由形成驻波的条件.可知待求波的频率和波长均与已知波相同,传播方向为x 轴的负方向.又知x = 0处待求波与已知波同相位,∴待求波的表达式为(2) 驻波表达式21y y y +=∴)40cos()21cos(10.0t x y ππ= (SI)波节位置由下式求出.)12(212/+π=πk x k = 0,±1,±2,…∴x = 2k + 1 k = 0,±1,±2,…离原点最近的四个波节的坐标是x = 1 m 、-1 m 、3 m 、-3 m.P208 第九章3. 在双缝干涉实验中,波长=550 nm 的单色平行光垂直入射到缝间距a =2×10-4 m 的双缝上,屏到双缝的距离D =2 m .求:(1) 中央明纹两侧的两条第10级明纹中心的间距;(2) 用一厚度为e=6.6×10-5 m、折射率为n=1.58的玻璃片覆盖一缝后,零级明纹将移到原来的第几级明纹处?(1 nm = 10-9 m)解:(1)x=20D / a=0.11 m (2) 覆盖云玻璃后,零级明纹应满足(n-1)e+r1=r2设不盖玻璃片时,此点为第k级明纹,则应有r-r1=k2所以(n-1)e = kk=(n-1) e / =6.96≈7零级明纹移到原第7级明纹处4. 在双缝干涉实验中,用波长=546.1nm (1 nm=10-9 m)的单色光照射,双缝与屏的距离D=300 mm.测得中央明条纹两侧的两个第五级明条纹的间距为12.2 mm,求双缝间的距离.解:由题给数据可得相邻明条纹之间的距离为∆x=12.2 / (2×5)mm=1.22 mm 由公式∆x=D / d,得d=D / ∆x=0.134 mm 5. 在图示的双缝干涉实验中,若用薄玻璃片(折射率n=1.4)覆盖缝S1,用同样厚度的玻璃片(但折射率n2 1=1.7)覆盖缝S2,将使原来未放玻璃时屏上的中央明条纹处O变为第五级明纹.设单色光波长=480nm(1nm=109m),求玻璃片的厚度d(可认为光线垂直穿过玻璃片).解:原来,= r 2-r 1= 0 覆盖玻璃后,=( r 2 + n 2d – d )-(r 1 + n 1d -d )=5 ∴ (n 2-n 1)d =5= 8.0×10-6 m6. 在双缝干涉实验中,单色光源S 0到两缝S 1和S 2的距离分别为l 1和l 2,并且l 1-l 2=3,为入射光的波长,双缝之间的距离为d ,双缝到屏幕的距离为D (D >>d ),如图.求:(1) 零级明纹到屏幕中央O 点的距离.(2) 相邻明条纹间的距离.解:(1) 如图,设P 0为零级明纹中心 则D O P d r r /012≈-(l 2 +r 2) (l 1 +r 1) = 0∴r 2 – r 1 = l 1 – l 2 = 3∴()d D d r r D O P /3/120λ=-= (2) 在屏上距O 点为x 处,光程差明纹条件λδk ±=(k =1,2,....)在此处令k =0,即为(1)的结果.相邻明条纹间距7. 用波长为1的单色光垂直照射牛顿环装置时,测得中央暗斑外第1和第4暗环半径之差为l 1,而用未知单色光垂直照射时,测得第1和第4暗环半径之差为l 2,求未知单色光的波长2.解:由牛顿环暗环半径公式λkR r k =,根据题意可得11114λλλR R R l =-=22224λλλR R R l =-=211222/l l λλ=8. 折射率为1.60的两块标准平面玻璃板之间形成一个劈形膜(劈尖角很小).用波长=600 nm (1nm =10-9 m)的单色光垂直入射,产生等厚干涉条纹.假如在劈形膜内充满n =1.40的液体时的相邻明纹间距比劈形膜内是空气时的间距缩小l =0.5 mm ,那么劈尖角应是多少? 解:空气劈形膜时,间距θλθλ2sin 21≈=n l 液体劈形膜时,间距θλθλn l 2sin 22≈=∴ = ( 1 – 1 / n ) / ( 2l )=1.7×10-4 rad 9. 用波长=500 nm (1 nm =10-9 m)的单色光垂直照射在由两块玻璃板(一端刚好接触成为劈棱)构成的空气劈形膜上.劈尖角=2×10-4 rad .如果劈形膜内充满折射率为n =1.40的液体.求从劈棱数起第五个明条纹在充入液体前后移动的距离.解:设第五个明纹处膜厚为e ,则有2ne + / 2=5设该处至劈棱的距离为l ,则有近似关系e =l ,由上两式得 2nl =9 / 2,l =9 / 4n充入液体前第五个明纹位置l 1=9 4 充入液体后第五个明纹位置l 2=9 4n 充入液体前后第五个明纹移动的距离l =l 1 – l 2=9n 4=1.61 mm10.11.波长为的单色光垂直照射到折射率为n2的劈形膜上,如图所示,图中n1<n2<n3,观察反射光形成的干涉条纹.(1) 从形膜顶部O开始向右数起,第五条暗纹中心所对应的薄膜厚度e5是多少?(2) 相邻的二明纹所对应的薄膜厚度之差是多少?解:∵n1<n2<n3,二反射光之间没有附加相位差,光程差为= 2n2e第五条暗纹中心对应的薄膜厚度为e5,2n2e5 = (2k- 1)/ 2 k= 5明纹的条件是 2n2e k = k相邻二明纹所对应的膜厚度之差e = e-e k= / (2n2)k+112. 在如图所示的牛顿环装置中,把玻璃平凸透镜和平面玻璃(设玻璃折射率n 1=1.50)之间的空气(n 2=1.00)改换成水(2n '=1.33),求第k 个暗环半径的相对改变量()k k k r r r /'-.解:在空气中时第k 个暗环半径为 λkR r k = , (n 2 = 1.00)充水后第k 个暗环半径为2/n kR r k '='λ , (2n ' = 1.33) 干涉环半径的相对变化量为2/11n '-==13.3% 13.P226 第10章3.用波长=632.8 nm(1nm=10−9m)的平行光垂直照射单缝,缝宽a =0.15 mm ,缝后用凸透镜把衍射光会聚在焦平面上,测得第二级与第三级暗条纹之间的距离为1.7 mm ,求此透镜的焦距.解:第二级与第三级暗纹之间的距离x = x 3 –x 2≈f/ a . ∴f ≈a x / =400 mm4. 一束单色平行光垂直照射在一单缝上,若其第3级明条纹位置正好与2600nm λ=的单色平行光的第2级明条纹的位置重合.求前一种单色光的波长?解:单缝衍射明纹估算式:()sin 21(1,2,3,)b k k θ=±+=⋅⋅⋅根据题意,第二级和第三级明纹分别为且在同一位置处,则23sin sin θθ= 解得:325560042577nm λλ==⨯= 5. 某种单色平行光垂直入射在单缝上,单缝宽a = 0.15 mm .缝后放一个焦距f =400 mm 的凸透镜,在透镜的焦平面上,测得中央明条纹两侧的两个第三级暗条纹之间的距离为8.0 mm ,求入射光的波长. 解:设第三级暗纹在3方向上,则有a sin 3 = 3此暗纹到中心的距离为x 3 = f tg 3因为3很小,可认为tg 3≈sin 3,所以 x 3≈3f / a .两侧第三级暗纹的距离是 2 x 3 = 6f / a =8.0mm∴ = (2x 3) a / 6f= 500 nm6.(1) 在单缝夫琅禾费衍射实验中,垂直入射的光有两种波长,1=400 nm ,=760 nm (1 nm=10-9 m).已知单缝宽度a =1.0×10-2 cm ,透镜焦距f =50 cm .求两种光第一级衍射明纹中心之间的距离.(2) 若用光栅常数d =1.0×10-3 cm 的光栅替换单缝,其他条件和上一问相同,求两种光第一级主极大之间的距离.解:(1) 由单缝衍射明纹公式可知()111231221sin λλϕ=+=k a (取k =1 ) f x /tg 11=ϕ , f x /tg 22=ϕ由于11tg sin ϕϕ≈ , 22tg sin ϕϕ≈ 所以a f x /2311λ= 则两个第一级明纹之间距为a f x x x /2312λ∆=-=∆=0.27 cm(2) 由光栅衍射主极大的公式且有f x /tg sin =≈ϕϕ 所以d f x x x /12λ∆=-=∆=1.8 cm 7.一束具有两种波长1和2的平行光垂直照射到一衍射光栅上,测得波长1的第三级主极大衍射角和2的第四级主极大衍射角均为30°.已知1=560 nm (1 nm= 10-9 m),试求:(1) 光栅常数a +b(2) 波长2解:(1) 由光栅衍射主极大公式得(2)()2430sin λ=+ b a ()4204/30sin 2=+= b a λnm8.以波长400 nm ─760 nm (1 nm =10-9m)的白光垂直照射在光栅上,在它的衍射光谱中,第二级和第三级发生重叠,求第二级光谱被重叠的波长范围.解:令第三级光谱中=400 nm 的光与第二级光谱中波长为的光对应的衍射角都为,则d sin =3,d sin =2λ'λ'= (d sin/ )2==λ23600nm ∴第二级光谱被重叠的波长范围是 600 nm----760 nm9.钠黄光中包含两个相近的波长1=589.0 nm 和2=589.6 nm .用平行的钠黄光垂直入射在每毫米有 600条缝的光栅上,会聚透镜的焦距f =1.00 m .求在屏幕上形成的第2级光谱中上述两波长1和2的光谱之间的间隔l .(1 nm =109 m)解:光栅常数d = (1/600) mm =(106/600) nm =1667 nm 据光栅公式, 1 的第2级谱线 d sin1=21 sin 1=21/d = 2×589/1667 = 0.70666 1= 44.96 2 的第2级谱线 d sin2=2 sin 2=22 /d = 2×589.6 /1667 = 0.70738 2= 45.02两谱线间隔 l = f (tg 2-tg 1)=1.00×103(tg45.02-tg44.96) = 2.04 mm10. 波长600nm λ=的单色光垂直入射到一光栅上,第2、第3级明条纹分别出现在2sin 0.20θ=与3sin 0.30θ=处,且第4级缺级.求:⑴光栅常数;⑵光栅上狭缝∆ l f L Oλ1,λ G θ1 θ2的宽度;⑶在屏上实际呈现出的全部级数?解:根据光栅方程(1)则光栅的光栅常数6322260010610sin 0.20d mm λθ--⨯⨯===⨯ (2)由于第4级缺级,4db =(3)03max 6sin 9061011060010d k λ--⨯⨯===⨯ 则出现第0,1,2,3,5,6,7,9k =±±±±±±±级条纹,共15条。
《热工基础(张学学 高教》课后答案 第八章-第九章
第八章 习 题8-1. 一大平板,高3m ,宽2m ,厚 0.02m ,导热系数为45 W/(m ·K),两侧表面温度分别为1001=t ℃、502=t ℃,试求该板的热阻、热流量、热流密度。
解:解:由傅立叶导热定律: 热阻 W K A R /407.7452302.0=⨯⨯==λδm 热流量 W t t A Q w w 67500002.050100452321=⨯⨯⨯-=-=δλ热流密度 2/11250023675000m W S Q q =⨯==8-2. 空气在一根内径50mm ,长2.5m 的管子内流动并被加热,已知空气平均温度为80℃,管内对流换热的表面传热系数为70=h W/(m 2 ·K),5000=q W/m 2,试求管壁温度及热流量。
解:由牛顿冷却公式:()f w t t h q -=得到 C t h q t f w 042.15180705000=+=+=W s q Q 53.2405.045.250002=⨯⨯⨯⨯=π=8-3. 一单层玻璃窗,高1.2m ,宽1m ,玻璃厚0.3mm ,玻璃的导热系数为051.=λ W/(m ·K),室内外的空气温度分别为20℃和5℃,室内外空气与玻璃窗之间对流换热的表面传热系数分别为51=h W/(m 2 ·K)和202=h W/(m 2 ·K),试求玻璃窗的散热损失及玻璃的导热热阻、两侧的对流换热热阻。
解:对流换热计算公式: W h h t t s Q f f 9.7120105.10003.05152012.1112121=+⨯⨯++-⨯=+-=λδ导热热阻为:W K R /000286.005.10003.01===λδ 内侧对流换热热阻为:W K h R /2.051112===外侧对流换热热阻为:W K h R /05.0201123===8-4. 如果采用双层玻璃窗,玻璃窗的大小、玻璃的厚度及室内外的对流换热条件与1-3题相同,双层玻璃间的空气夹层厚度为5mm ,夹层中的空气完全静止,空气的导热系数为025.0=λ W/(m ·K)。
2.如果表示一个沿着数轴随机运动的质点位置,试说明下列事件的包含、互不相容等关系:x{}20|≤=xxA {}3|>=xxB{}9|<=xxC{}5|?<=xxD {}9|≥=xxE解:(1)包含关系:、ACD??BE? 。
D3.写出下列随机事件的样本空间:(1)将一枚硬币掷三次,观察出现H(正面)和T(反面)的情况;(2)连续掷三颗骰子,直到6点出现时停止, 记录掷骰子的次数;(3)连续掷三颗骰子,记录三颗骰子点数之和;(4)生产产品直到有10件正品时停止,记录生产产品的总数。
{}??,11,10=Ω4.设对于事件有CBA、、=)(AP4/1)()(==CPBP, , 8/1)(=ACP1第一章习题参考答案与提示0)()(==BCPABP,求至少出现一个的概率。
CBA、、提示与答案:至少出现一个的概率即为求,可应用性质4及性质5得CBA、、)(CBAP ∪∪()PABC 5 / 8 =∪∪5.设A、B为随机事件,(=?=BAPAP,,求)(ABP。
而现实中A股票的期望收益率是12%,超出 了CAPM给出的理论值;B股票的期望收益率是 13%,低于CAPM给出的理论值,所以应购买A 股票。
(3)略。 返回
9、什么叫可转换的优先股?可转换的 优先股的转换价格通常怎样制定?
10、NOW账户与超级NOW账户有何区 别?
11、谈谈中国国内货币市场基金MMF 的发展?
12、美国IRA账户的设立对中国有没有 现实的借鉴意义?
13、何为可转债?何为转换价格?何为 转换比率?转换比率与转换价格之间是什么 关系?
:(0.43, 0.15)。 返回
/2109/12 第二章计算题答案与提示第3题
3、答:(1)资本市场线(CML)的方程是 :Rp=5%+0.387 。
周爱民《金融工程》各章习 题答案与提示
第一章习题 第三章习题 第五章习题 第七章习题 第九章习题 第十一章习题
第二章习题 第四章习题 第六章习题 第八章习题 第十章习题
第一章习题 金融工程学与金融创新
Chapter6 习题解答6.4 某计算机系统有8 个I/O 接口芯片,每个接口芯片占用8 个端口地址。
若起始地址为9000H ,8 个接口芯片的地址连续分布,用74LS138 作为译码器,试画出端口译码电路图,并说明每个芯片的端口地址范围。
A15Y7A14⋯EN⋯A7A6CA5.A4 BY1Y0A3 A接口 8A2~A0接口 2⋯⋯接口 1接口编号A15~A6 A5 A4 A3 A2~A0 地址空间1 0 0 0 000~111 9000H~9007H2 0 0 1 000~111 9008H~900FH3 0 1 0 000~111 9010H~9017H41001000000 0 1 1 000~111 9018H~901FH5 1 0 0 000~111 9020H~9027H6 1 0 1 000~111 9028H~902FH7 1 1 0 000~111 9030H~9037H8 1 1 1 000~111 9038H~903FH6.6 CPU 与 I/O 设备之间的数据传送有哪几种方式?每种工作方式的特点是什么?各适用于什么场合?①无条件控制(同步控制):特点:方式简单,CPU 随时可无条件读/写数据,无法保证数据总是有效,适用面窄。
②条件控制(查询控制):特点:CPU主动,外设被动,执行I/O 操作时 CPU 总要先查询外设状态;若传输条件不满足时,CPU 等待直到条件满足。
解决了CPU 与外设间的同步问题,可靠性高,但CPU 利用率低,低优先级外设可能无法及时得到响应。
适用于CPU 不太忙,传送速度不高的场合。
③中断方式:特点: CPU 在执行现行程序时为处理一些紧急发出的情况,暂时停止当前程序,转而对该紧急事件进行处理,并在处理完后返回正常程序。
CPU 利用率高,外设具有申请 CPU 中断的主动权,可以实现实时故障处理,实时响应外设的处理,但中断服务需要保护断点(占用存储空间,降低速度)。
第08章 职工薪酬及借款费用——应付职工薪酬练习(含习题和答案解析)
A.18. 00B.13. 92C.20. 34D.12. 002.甲公司实行累积带薪缺勤制度,该制度规定,每名员工每年可享受5天的带薪假,未使用的假期可以向后结转一个会计年度。
2X20年,甲公司有10名管理层员工未使用当年的带薪假期,其平均日工资为1 000元。
A.50 000B.30 000C.20 000D.03.甲公司有100名职工,该公司实行累积带薪缺勤制度。
第一章练习与答案1 . 为什么说在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要?答案提示:当生产处于生产边界线上,资源则得到了充分利用,这时,要想增加某一产品的生产,必须降低另一产品的生产,也就是说,增加某一产品的生产是有机会机本(或社会成本)的。
2. 仿效图1—6和图1—乙试推导出丫商品的国民供给曲线和国民需求曲线。
答案提示:3. 在只有两种商品的情况下,当一个商品达到均衡时,另外一个商品是否也同时达到均衡?试解释原因。
答案提示:4. 如果生产可能性边界是一条直线,试确定过剩供给(或需求)曲线。
答案提示:5. 如果改用丫商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)和过剩需求曲线(A 国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1 —13中的结果是否一致?答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。
6. 说明贸易条件变化如何影响国际贸易利益在两国间的分配。
7. 如果国际贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,那么贸易后,国际相对价格更接近于哪一个国家在封闭下的相对价格水平?答案提示:贸易后,国际相对价格将更接近于大国在封闭下的相对价格水平。
& 根据上一题的答案,你认为哪个国家在国际贸易中福利改善程度更为明显些?答案提示:小国9* .为什么说两个部门要素使用比例的不同会导致生产可能性边界曲线向外凸?答案提示:第二章答案1.根据下面两个表中的数据,确定(1)贸易前的相对价格;(2)比较优势型态。
2008专八真题附带答案与解析2008 年英语试题及答案TEST FOR ENGLISH MAJORS (2008)-GRADE EIGHTTIMELIMIT: 195 MINPARTI LISTENING COMPREHENSION (35 MIN)SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lectureONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Yournotes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete agap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, youwill be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutesto complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blanksheet for note-taking.SECTION B CONVERSATIONIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefullyand then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer toeach question on your coloured answer sheet. Questions 1 to 5 are based on a conversation. At the end of theconversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of thefollowing five questions.Now listen to the conversation.1. Mary doesn't seem to favour the idea of a new airport becauseA. the existing airports are to be wastedB. more people will be encouraged to travel.382C. more oil will be consumed.D. more airplanes will be purchased.2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned by Mary asa potentialdisadvantage?A. More people in the area.B. Noise and motorways.C. Waste of land.D. Unnecessary travel.3. Freddy has cited the following advantages for a new airportEXCEPTA. more job opportunities.B. vitality to the local economy.C. road construction,D. presence of aircrew in the area.4. Mary thinks that people don't need to do much travel nowadaysas a result ofA. less emphasis on personal contact.B. advances in modern telecommunications.C. recent changes in people's concepts.D. more potential damage to the area5. We learn from the conversation that Freddy is Mary's ideas,383A. strongly in favour ofB. mildly in favour ofC. strongly againstD. mildly againstSECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefullyand then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer toeach question on your coloured answer sheet. Question 6 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news.6. What is the main idea of the news item?A. A new government was formed after Sunday's elections.B. The new government intends to change the welfare system.C. The Social Democratic Party founded the welfare system.D. The Social Democratic Party was responsible for high unemployment.Questions 7 and 8 are based on the following news. At the end of thenews item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.7. The tapes of the Apollo-11 mission were first stored inA. a U.S. government archives warehouse.B. a NASA ground tracking station.384C. the Goddard Space Flight Centre.D. none of the above places.8. What does the news item say about Richard Nafzger?A. He is assigned the task to look for the tapes.B. He believes that the tapes are probably lost.C. He works in a NASA ground receiving site.D. He had asked for the tapes in the 1970s. Questions 9 and10 are based on the following news. At the end of thenews item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.9. The example in the news item is cited mainly to showA. that doctors are sometimes professionally incompetentB. that in cases like that hospitals have to pay huge compensations.C. that language barriers might lower the quality of treatment.D. that language barriers can result in fatal consequences.10. According to Dr. Flores, hospitals and clinicsA. have seen the need for hiring trained interpreters.B. have realized the problems of language barriers.C. have begun training their staff to be bilinguals.D. have taken steps to provide accurate diagnosis. 385PART II READING COMPREHENSION (30 MIN)In this section there are four reading passages followed by a totalof 20 multiple-choice questions. Read the passages and then mark youranswers on your coloured answer sheetTEXT AAt the age of 16, Lee Hyuk Joon's life is a living hell. The South Korean10th grader gets up at 6 in the morning to go to school, and studiesmost of the day until returning home at 6 p.m. After dinner, it's timeto hit the books again—at one of Seoul's many so-called cram schools.Lee gets back home at 1 in the morning, sleeps less than five hours,then repeats the routine—five days a week. It's a grueling schedule,but Lee worries that it may not be good enough to get him into a topuniversity. Some of his classmates study even harder. South Korea's education system has long been highly competitive. But for Lee and the other 700,000 high-school sophomores in the country,high-school studies have gotten even more intense. That's because SouthKorea has conceived a new college-entrance system, which will beimplemented in 2008. This year's 10th graders will be the first groupevaluated by the new admissions standard, which places more emphasison grades in the three years of high school and less on nationwideSAT-style and other selection tests, which have traditionallydetermined which students go to the elite colleges. The change was made mostly to reduce what the government says is agrowing education gap in the country: wealthy students go to the bestcolleges and get the best jobs, keeping the children of poorer familieson the social margins. The aim is to reduce the importance of costlytutors and cram schools, partly to help students enjoy a more normalhigh-school life. But the new system has had the opposite effect. Before,students didn't worry too much about their grade-point averages; thebig challenge was beating the standardized tests as high-school seniors.Now students are competing against one another over a three-year period,386and every midterm and final test is crucial. Fretful parents are relyingeven more heavily on tutors and cram schools to help their childrensucceed.Parents and kids have sent thousands of angry online letters to theEducation Ministry complaining that the new admissions standard issetting students against each other. "One can succeed onlywhen othersfail,” as one pare nt said.Education experts say that South Korea's public secondary-schoolsystem is foundering, while private education is thriving. Accordingto critics, the country's high schools are almost uniformlymediocre—the result of an egalitarian government education policy.With the number of elite schools strictly controlled by the government,even the brightest students typically have to settle for ordinaryschools in their neighbourhoods, where the curriculum is centred onaverage students. To make up for the mediocrity, zealous parents sendtheir kids to the expensive cram schools.Students in affluent southern Seoul neighbourhoods complain that thenew system will hurt them the most. Nearly all Korean high schools willbe weighted equally in the college-entrance process, and relativelyweak students in provincial schools, who may not score well onstandardized tests, often compile good grade-point averages.Some universities, particularly prestigious ones, openly complain thatthey cannot select the best students under the new system because iteliminates differences among high schools. They've asked for morediscretion in picking students by giving more weight to such screeningtools as essay writing or interviews.President Roh Moo Hyun doesn't like how some colleges are trying tocircumvent the new system. He recently criticized "greedy"universities that focus more on finding the best students than fayingto "nurture good students". But amid the crossfire between thegovernment and universities, the country's 10th graders are feelingthe stress. On online protest sites, some are calling themselves a“cursed generation” and “mice in a lab experiment”. It all seemsa touch melodramatic, but that's the South Korean school system.38711. According to the passage, the new college-entrance system isdesigned toA. require students to sit for more college-entrance tests.B. reduce the weight of college-entrance tests.C. select students on their high school grades only.D. reduce the number of prospective college applicants.12. What seems to be the effect of introducing the new system?A. The system has given equal opportunities to students.B. The system has reduced the number of cram schools.C. The system has intensified competition among schools.D. The system has increased students' study load.13. According to critics, the popularity of private education ismainly the result ofA. the government's egalitarian policy.B. insufficient number of schools:C. curriculums of average quality.D. low cost of private education.14. According to the passage, there seems to be disagreement overthe adoption of the new system between the following groups EXCEPTA. between universities and the government.388B. between school experts and the government.C. between parents and schools.D. between parents and the government.15. Which of the following adjectives best describes the author'streatment of the topic?A. Objective.B. Positive.C. Negative.D. Biased.TEXT BWilfred Emmanuel-Jones was a teenager before he saw hisfirst cow inhis first field. Born in Jamaica, the 47-year-old grew up in inner-cityBirmingham before making a career as a television producer andlaunching his own marketing agency. But deep down he always nurturedevery true Englishman's dream of a rustic life, a dream that hisentrepreneurial wealth has allowed him to satisfy. These days he's theowner of a thriving 12-hectare farm in deepest Devon with cattle, sheepand pigs. His latest business venture: pushing his brand of Black Fannergourmet sausages and barbecue sauces. “My background may be veryurban,” says Emmanuel-Jones. “But it has given me a good idea of whatother urbanites want.”And of how to sell it. Emmanuel-Jones joins a herd ofwealthy fugitivesfrom city life who are bringing a new commercial know-how to Britishfarming. Britain's burgeoning farmers' markets-numbers have doubledto at least 500 in the last five years—swarm with specialtycheesemakers, beekeepers or organic smallholders who are redeployingthe business skills they learned in the city. "Everyone in theruralcommunity has to come to terms with the fact that things have changed."389Says Emmanuel-Jones. "You can produce the best food in the world, butif you don't know how to market it, you are wasting your time. We arehelping the traditionalists to move on."The emergence of the new class of superpeasants reflects some oldyearnings. If the British were the first nation to industrialize, theywere also the first to head back to the land. "There is this romanticimage of the countryside that is particularly English," says AlunHowkins of the University of Sussex, who reckons the population of ruralEngland has been rising since 1911. Migration into rural areas is nowrunning at about 100,000 a year, and the hunger for a taste of the rurallife has kept land prices buoyant even as agricultural incomes tumble.About 40 percent of all farmland is now sold to "lifestyle buyers"rather than the dwindling number of traditional farmers, according tothe Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.What's new about the latest returnees is their affluence and zeal forthe business of producing quality foods, if only at a micro-level. Ahealthy economy and surging London house prices have helped to easethe escape of the would-be rustics. The media recognize and feed thefantasy. One of the big TV hits of recent years, the "River Cottage"series, chronicled the attempts of a London chef to run his own Dorsetfarm.Naturally, the newcomers can't hope to match their City salaries, butmany are happy to trade any loss of income for the extra job satisfaction.Who cares if there's no six-figure annual bonus when the land offersother incalculable compensations?Besides, the specialist producers can at least depend on a burgeoningmarket for their products. Today's eco-aware generation loves to seekout authentic ingredients. "People like me may be making a differencein a small way," Jan McCourt, a onetime investment banker now runninghis own 40-hectare spread in the English Midlands stocked with rarebreeds.Optimists see signs of far-reaching change: Britain isn't catching upwith mainl and Europe; it's leading the way. “Unlike most othercountries, where artisanal food production is being eroded, here it390is being recovered," says food writer Matthew Fort. “It may be themark of the next stage of civilization that we rediscover the de sirability of being a peasant.” And not an investment banker.16. Which of the following details of Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones isINCORRECT?A. He was born and brought up in Birmingham.B. He used to work in the television industry.C. He is wealthy, adventurous and aspiring.D. He is now selling his own quality foods.17. Most importantly, people like Wilfred have brought totraditional British farmingA. knowledge of farming.B. knowledge of brand names.C. knowledge of lifestyle.D. knowledge of marketing,18. Which of the following does NOT contribute to the emergence ofa new class of farmers?A. Strong desire for country life.B. Longing for greater wealth,C. Influence of TV productions.D. Enthusiasm for quality food business.19. What is seen as their additional source of new income?391A. Modern tendency to buy natural foods.B. Increase in the value of land property.C. Raising and selling rare live stock. VD. Publicity as a result of media coverage.20. The sentence in the last paragraph “...Britain isn't catchingup with mainland Europe; it's leading the way" implies thatA. Britain has taken a different path to boost economy.B. more authentic foods are being produced in Britain.C. the British are heading back to the countryside.D. the Europeans are showing great interest in country life.TEXT CIn Barcelona the Catalonians call them castells, but these aren'tstereotypical castles in Spain. These castles are made up of humanbeings, not stone. The people who perform this agile feat of acrobaticsare called castellers, and to see their towers take shape is to observea marvel of human cooperation.First the castellers form what looks like a giganticrugby scrummage.They are the foundation blocks of the castle. Behind them, other peoplepress together, forming outward-radiating ramparts of inward-pushingmuscle: flying buttresses for the castle. Then sturdy but lightercastellers scramble over the backs of those at the bottom and stand,barefoot, on their shoulders—then still others, each time adding ahigher "story".These human towers can rise higher than small apartment buildings: nine“stories”, 35 feet into the air. Then, just When it seems this towerof humanity can't defy gravity any longer, a little kid emerges fromthe crowd and climbs straight up to the top. Arms extended, the child392grins while waving to the cheering crowd far below. Dressed in their traditional costumes, the castellers seem to epitomize an easier time, before Barcelona became a world metropolis arid theMediterranean's most dynamic city. But when you observe-them tip close,in their street clothes, at practice, you see there's nothing easy aboutwhat the castellers do - and that they are not merely reenacting anancient ritual.None of the castellers can-give a logical answer as to whythey lovedoing this. But Victor Luna, 16, touches me on the shoulder and saysin English: "We do it because it's beautiful. We do it because we areCatalan."Barcelona’s mother tongue is Catalan, and to understand Barcelona,you must understand two words of Catalan: seny and rauxa. Seny prettymuch translates as common sense, or the ability to make money, arrangethings, and get things done. Rauxa is reminiscent of our words “raucous”and “ruckus”.What makes the castellers revealing of the city is that they embodyrauxa and seny. The idea of a human castle is rauxa—it defies commonsense—but to watch one going up is to see seny in action. Success isbased on everyone working together to achieve a shared goal.The success of Carlos Tusquets' bank, Fibanc, shows seny at work ineveryday life. The bank started as a family concern and now employshundreds. Tusquets said it exemplifies how the economy in Barcelonais different.Entrepreneurial seny demonstrates why Barcelona and Catalonia—theancient region of which Barcelona is the capital—are distinct fromthe rest of Spain yet essential to Spain's emergence, after centuriesof repression, as a prosperous, democratic European country. Catalonia,with Barcelona as its dynamo, has turned into an economic powerhouse.Making up 6 percent of Spain’s territory, with a sixth of its people,it accounts for nearly a quarter of Spain's production—everything fromtextiles to computers—even though the rest of Spain has been enjoyingits own economic miracle.393Hand in hand with seny goes rauxa, and there's no better place to seerauxa in action than on the Ramblas, the venerable, tree-shadedboulevard that, in gentle stages, leads you from the centre of Barcelonadown to the port. There are two narrow lanes each way for cars andmotorbikes, but it’s the wide centre walkway that makes the Ramblasa front-row seat for Barcelona's longest running theatrical event.Plastic armchairs are set out on the sidewalk. Sit in one of them, andan attendant will come and charge you a small fee. Performance artiststhrong the Ramblas—stilt walkers, witches caked in charcoal dust,Elvis impersonators. But the real stars are the old women and happilyplaying children, millionaires on motorbikes, and pimps and women who,upon closer inspection, prove not to be.Aficionados (Fans) of Barcelona love to compare notes: “Last nightthere was a man standing on the balcony of his hotel room,” MarianaBertagnolli, an Italian photographer, told me. "The balcony was on thesecond floor. He was naked, and he was talking into a cell phone."There you have it, Barcelona's essence. The man is naked (rauxa), buthe is talking into a cell phone (seny).21. From the description in the passage, we learn thatA. all Catalonians can perform castells.B. castells require performers to stand on each other.C. people perform castells in different formations.D. in castells people have to push and pull each other.22. According to the passage, the4mplication of the performance isthatA. the Catalonians are insensible and noisy people.B. the Catalonians show more sense than is expected. 394C. the Catalonians display paradoxical characteristics.D. the Catalonians think highly of team work.23. The passage cites the following examples EXCEPT __________ toshow seny at work.A. development of a bankB. dynamic role in economyC. contribution to national economyD. comparison with other regions24. In the last but two paragraph, the Ramblas is described as “afront-row seat for Barcelona’s longest running theatrical event”.What does it mean?A. On the Ramblas people can see a greater variety of performances.B. The Ramblas provides many front seats for the performances.C. The Ramblas is preferred as an important venue for the events.D. Theatrical performers like to perform on the Ramblas.25. What is the main impression of the scenes on the Ramblas?A. It is bizarre and Outlandish.B. It is of average quality.C. It is conventional and quiet.D. It is of professional standard.TEXT D395The law firm Patrick worked for before he died filed for bankruptcyprotection a year after his funeral. After his death, the firm's letterhead properly included him: Patrick S. Lanigan, 1954-1992. Hewas listed up in the right-hand corner, just above the paralegals. Thenthe rumors got started and wouldn't stop. Before long, everyonebelieved he had taken the money and disappeared. After three months,no one on the Gulf Coast believed that he was dead. His name came offthe letterhead as the debts piled up.The remaining partners in the law firm were still together, attachedunwillingly at the hip by the bondage of mortgages andthe bank notes,back when they were rolling and on the verge of serious wealth. Theyhad been joint defendants in several unwinnable lawsuits; thus thebankruptcy. Since Patrick's departure, they had tried every possibleway to divorce one another, but nothing would work. Two were ragingalcoholics who drank at the office behind locked doors, but nevertogether. The other two were in recovery, still teetering on thebrink of sobriety.He took their money. Their millions. Money they had already spent longbefore it arrived, as only lawyers can do. Money for their richlyrenovated office building in downtown Biloxi. Money for new homes,yachts, condos in the Caribbean. The money was on the way, approved,the papers signed, orders entered; they could see it, almost touch itwhen their dead partner—Patrick—snatched it at the last possiblesecond.He was dead. They buried him on February 11, 1992. They had consoledthe widow and put his rotten name on their handsome letterhead. Yetsix weeks later, he somehow stole their money.They had brawled over who was to blame. Charles Bogan, the firm's seniorpartner and its iron hand, had insisted the money be wired from itssource into a new account offshore, and this made sense after somediscussion. It was ninety million bucks, a third of which the firm wouldkeep, and it would be impossible to hide that kind of money in Biloxi,population fifty thousand. Someone at the bank would talk.Sooneveryone would know. All four vowed secrecy, even as they made plansto display as much of their new wealth as possible. There had even been396talk of a firm jet, a six-seater.So Bogan took his share of the blame. At forty-nine, he was the oldestof the four, and, at the moment, the most stable. He was also responsiblefor hiring Patrick nine years earlier, and for this he had receivedno small amount of grief.Doug Vitrano, the litigator, had made the fateful decision to recommendPatrick as the fifth partner. The other three had agreed, and whenPatrick Lanigan was added to the firm name, he had access to virtuallyevery file in the office. Bogan, Rapley, Vitrano, Havarac, and Lanigan,Attorneys and Counselors-at-Law. A large ad in the yellow pages claimed"Specialists in Offshore Injuries." Specialists or not, like most firmsthey would take almost anything if the fees were lucrative. Lots ofsecretaries and paralegals. Big overhead, and the strongest politicalconnections on the Coast.They were all in their mid- to late forties. Havarac had been raisedby his father on a shrimp boat. His hands were still proudly calloused,and he dreamed of choking Patrick until his neck snapped. Rapley wasseverely depressed and seldom left his home, where he wrote briefs ina dark office in the attic.26. What happened to the four remaining lawyers after Patrick'sdisappearance?A. They all wanted to divorce their wives.B. They were all heavily involved in debts.C. They were all recovering from drinking.D. They had bought new homes, yachts, etc.27. Which of the following statements contains a metaphor?A. His name came off the letterhead as the debts piled up.B. …they could see it, almost touch it when their dead partner...397C. …, att ached unwillingly at the h ip by the bondage of mortgages...D. …, and for this he had received no small amount of grief.28. According to the passage, what is the main cause of Patrickstealing the money?A. Patrick was made a partner of the firm.B. The partners agreed to have the money transferred.C. Patrick had access to all the files in the firm.D. Bogan decided to hire Patrick nine years earlier.29. The lawyers were described as being all the following EXCEPTA. greedy.B. extravagantC. quarrelsome.D. bad-tempered.30. Which of the following implies a contrast?A. …, and it would be impossible to hide that kind of money in Biloxi,population fifty thousand.B. They had been joint defendants in several unwinnable lawsuits; thusthe bankruptcy.C. There had even been talk of a firm jet, a six-seater.D. His name came off the letterhead as the debts piled up.398PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN)There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose thebest answer to each question. Mark your answers on your coloured answersheet31. The largest city in Canada isA. Vancouver.B. Montreal.C. TorontoD. Ottawa.32. According to the United States Constitution, thelegislativepower is invested inA. the Federal Government.B. the Supreme Court.C. the Cabinet.D. the Congress.33. Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States?A. Baseball.B. Tennis.C. Basketball.D. American football.34. The head of the executive branch in New Zealand is 399A. the President.B. the Governor-General.C. the British monarch,D. the Prime Minister.35. The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories told by a groupof pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, is an important poetic workbyA. William Langland.B. Geoffrey Chaucer.C. William Shakespeare.D. Alfred Tennyson.36. Who wrote The American?A. Herman Melville.B. Nathaniel Hawthorne.C. Henry James.D. Theodore Dreiser.37. All of the following are well-known female writers in 20th-century Britain EXCEPTA. George Eliot.B. Iris Jean Murdoch.C. Doris Lessing.400D. Muriel Spark.38. Which of the following is NOT a design feature of human language?A. Arbitrariness.B. Displacement.C. Duality.D. Diachronicity.39. What type of sentence is “Mark likes fiction, but Tim isinterested in po etry.”?A. A simple sentence.B. A coordinate sentence.C. A complex sentence.D. None of the above.40. The phenomenon that words having different meanings have the sameform is calledA. hyponymy.B. synonymy.C. polysemy.D. homonymy.PART IV PROOFREADING & ERROR CORRECTION (15 MIN) 401Proofread the given passage on ANSWER SHEET TWO as。
毛概 习题与答案
第八章建设中国特色社会主义经济习题与答案一、单项选择题1、“计划经济为主,市场调节为辅”的方针是在党的()上提出的A. 十一届三中全会B. 十一届六中全会C. 十二大D. 十二届三中全会2、首次提出“在公有制基础上有计划的商品经济”的概念是在党的()A. 十一届三中全会B. 十一届六中全会C. 十二大D. 十二届三中全会3、江泽民同志第一次使用“社会主义市场经济体制”作为新经济体制的建议是在()A. 党的十三届四中全会B.中央党校省部级干部进修班上的讲话C. 党的十四大D. 党的十五大4、明确把建立社会主义市场经济体制作为我国经济体制改革的目标,是在党的()A. 十三大B. 十四大C. 十五大D.十六大5、通过《中共中央关于建立社会主义市场经济体制若干问题的决定》,进一步明确了建立社会主义市场经济体制的基本框架是在党的()A. 十四大B. 十四届三中全会C. 十五大D. 十六大6、明确提出以公有制为主体、多种所有制经济共同发展,是我国初级阶段的一项基本经济制度是在()A. 十三大B. 十四大C. 十五大D.十六大7、提出坚持和完善基本经济制度的原则是要做到两个“毫不动摇”和一个“统一”是在党的()A. 十三大B. 十四大C. 十五大D.十六大8、党的十六大根据解放和发展生产力的要求,进一步提出坚持和完善基本经济制度的原则是要做到两个“毫不动摇”和一个“统一”。
这其中一个统一是指坚持公有制为主体,促进非公有制经济发展统一于()A. 建设社会主义市场经济体制中B. 建设有中国特色的社会主义中C. 社会主义现代化建设的进程中D. 实现中华民族的伟大复兴中9、国民经济在国民经济中起主导作用,主要体现在()上。
A. 国有经济在国民经济中所占的量的优势B. 国有经济的总产量在国民经济中占优势C. 国营企业和集体企业的数量在国民经济中占优势D. 控制力10、社会主义必须实行按劳分配的所有制基础是()A. 社会主义公有制B. 社会生产力发展水平C. 建立社会主义市场经济体制的需要D. 初级阶段的国情11、社会主义必须实行按劳分配的物质基础是()A. 社会主义公有制B. 社会生产力发展水平C. 建立社会主义市场经济体制的需要D. 初级阶段的国情12、为解决“三农”问题,胡锦涛提出“两个趋向”的重要论断是在()A. 十四大B.十五大C. 十六届四中全会D. 十六届五中全会13、中央提出的建设社会主义新农村的中心环节是(),这是实现其它目标的物质基础A. 生产发展B. 生活宽裕C. 乡风文明D. 村容整洁14、建设创新型国家,核心就是要把()作为发展科学技术的战略重点A. 发展新型产业B. 加强自主创新能力C. 引进国外先进技术D. 统筹区域经济发展15、建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会和实现可持续发展的重要途径()A. 坚持速度与质量、结构与效益的统一B. 促进区域协调发展C. 处理好人口资源环境的关系D. 发展循环经济二、多项选择题1、我国社会主义改造完成以后,陈云在党的八大上提出了“三个主体,三个补充”的构想。
化工原理课后习题答案第八章 蒸馏习题答案
习题相平衡1.已知甲醇和丙醇在80℃时的饱和蒸汽压分别为181.13kPa 和50.92kPa ,且该溶液为理想溶液。
试求:(1)80℃时甲醇与丙醇的相对挥发度;(2)若在80℃下汽液两相平衡时的液相组成为0.6,试求汽相组成; (3)此时的总压。
解:(1)甲醇与丙醇在80℃时的相对挥发度557.392.5013.181===o BoA p p α(2)当x=0.6时 ()842.06.0)1557.3(16.0557.311=⨯-+⨯=-+=x x y αα(3)总压kPa yxp p o A 07.129842.06.013.181=⨯==2.已知二元理想溶液上方易挥发组分A 的气相组成为0.45(摩尔分率),在平衡温度下,A 、B 组分的饱和蒸汽压分别为145kPa 和125kPa 。
求平衡时A 、B 组分的液相组成及总压。
已知理想溶液 ,45.0y =A 则0.5545.0-1y 1y A B ==-= 根据拉乌尔定律 A oA A x p p = ,B oB B x p p = 道尔顿分压定律 A A p p y = ,B B p p y = 则有 o A A p p x A y =,op p x BBB y = 因为 1x x B =+A所以 1p y p y 0B BA =⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+o Ap即 11250.551450.45=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+p可解得 p =133.3 kPa 则液相组成 414.014545.03.133y A =⨯==oAA p p x586.0414.01x 1A B =-=-=x3.苯(A )和甲苯(B )的饱和蒸气压和温度的关系(安托因方程)为24.22035.1206032.6log +-=t p oA58.21994.1343078.6log +-=t p oB 式中oA p 单位为k a P ,t 的单位为℃。
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第八章 压气机的压气过程
8-1 设压气机进口空气的压力为0.1 MPa 、温度为27 ℃,压缩后空气的压力为0.5 MPa 。
设压缩过程为:(1)绝热过程;(2)n =1.25的多变过程;(3)定温过程。
试求比热容为定值时压气机压缩1 kg 空气所消耗的轴功及放出的热量。
答案:(1)(w s )c,s =-176
kJ/kg ;(2)(w s )c,n =-163 kJ/kg ,q c,n =-48.94 kJ/kg ; (3)(w s )c,T =-138.6
kJ/kg ,q c,T =-138.6 kJ/kg 。
8-2 按上题所述条件,若压气机为活塞式压气机,其余隙比为0.05,试求三种压缩过程下压气机的容积效率。
提示:余隙比h s V V ,容积效率⎥⎥⎦
⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡−⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−=11112h s V p p V V η。
答案:=0.892,s V ,ηn V ,η=0.869,=0.8。
T V ,η
8-3 设活塞式压气机的余隙比为0.05,试求当压气机的压缩过程分别为绝热过程、n =1.25的多变过程、定温过程时,压气机的容积效率降低为零所对应的增压比。
⎤⎢⎢⎣⎡−⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛−=11112n h s
V p p V V η。
=70.98;n p p ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛12=44.95;T
p p ⎟⎟⎠⎞⎜⎜⎝⎛12=21。
8-4 有一台两级压气机,其进口的空气压力为0.1 MPa ,温度为17 ℃,压气机产生的压缩空气的压力为2.5 MPa 。
两级气缸中的压缩过程均为n =1.3的多变过程,且两级中的增压
在两级气缸之间设置有中间冷却器,空气在其中冷却到17 ℃后送入
试求压气机压缩1 kg 空气所需要的轴功以及中间冷却器和两级气
,且充分冷却时,T T c q p Δ=02′ =T 1;压缩过程的初始温度相同、增压比相
答案:(w s )c =-324.5 kJ/kg ,q c =-62.26 kJ/kg ,q =-131 kJ/kg 。
8-5 有一台叶轮式压气机,其进口处空气的压力为0.1 MPa 、温度为17 ℃,而压气机产生的压缩空气的压力为0.6 MPa 。
设压气机每分钟生产的压缩空气量为20 kg ,压缩过程为绝热过程,试求压气机的绝热效率为0.85时驱动压气机所需的功率。
提示:压气机功率P c =q m Δh ;理想的绝热压气过程为等熵过程,绝热效率为理想压缩过程的耗功与实际压缩过程耗功之比,即c s c s )()(w w ηs ,s c,=
;绝热过程压气机轴功(w s )c =h Δ,工质可视为理想气体。
答案:P c =-76.3 kW 。
8-6 设活塞式压气机中用于润滑气缸活塞的润滑油的闪点为180 ℃,为安全起见,压缩空气的最高温度规定不超过160 ℃。
若压缩过程的初始温度为27 ℃,压力为0.1 MPa ,试求压缩终了空气的压力与多变指数n 间的函数关系以及n =1.25时压缩终了压力的最高允许值。
答案:p max =0.62 MPa 。
8-7 压气机中由初态(p 1,v 1)压缩到p 2,可以经过的压缩过程包括绝热过程、1<n <κ的多变过程以及定温过程。
试把它们表示在T -s 图上,并把压气过程中压气机消耗的轴功及放热量用T -s 图上的面积来表示(提示:在一定温度下理想气体的焓有确定的值,因而任何两状态间气体焓的变化都可以用定压过程中焓的变化表示)。
答案:压缩过程在T -s 图上的表示:
图中,过程1-2s 、1-2n 及1-2T 分别为绝热过程,1﹤n ﹤κ 的多变过程及定温过程。
绝热过程:轴功(W s )c,s 为面积12s 2T ba 1,放热量为零;
s q 21−多变过程:轴功(W s )c,n 为面积12n 2T ba 1,放热量为面积12n q ,21−n ca 1;
定温过程:轴功(W s )c,T 为面积12T ba 1,热量为面积12T q ,21−T ba 1。
8-8 设三级压缩、中间冷却的压气过程每级的增压比相同,压缩过程的多变指数也相同,中间冷却后送入下一级气缸时气体的温度都等于初态温度。
试将该过程表示在T -s 图上,并证明每一级压气机消耗的轴功、气缸中放出的热量及中间冷却器气体放出的热量所对应的面积相等。
三级压缩均为增压比相同、过程多变指数相同的多变过程;两个中间冷却器中空气经历的是定压冷却过程,且充分冷却,即T 1 =T 3=T 5 (见下图),中间冷却器中空气的放热量T c q p Δ=0;压缩过程,气缸中气体的放热量;忽略过程中宏观动能与宏观位能的变化,过程的能量方程为。
T c q n Δ=s w h q +Δ=答案:三级压缩过程在T -s 图上的表示:。