





二、供应链管理的重要性供应链管理的重要性体现在以下几个方面:1. 提高效率和降低成本:通过优化供应链各个环节的协调和流程,可以减少物流时间和库存成本,提高生产效率和交付速度,从而降低整体成本。

2. 提高客户满意度:供应链管理可以确保产品按时交付,减少缺货和延迟交货的情况,提高客户满意度和忠诚度。

3. 增加竞争力:通过供应链管理,企业可以更好地应对市场需求的变化,提供更加灵活和个性化的产品和服务,增强竞争力。

4. 优化资源配置:供应链管理可以帮助企业合理配置资源,避免资源浪费和过度投资,提高资源利用效率。

5. 降低风险:通过供应链管理,企业可以更好地应对供应链中的风险,如供应商倒闭、自然灾害等,降低风险对企业的影响。


1. 供应商管理:包括供应商选择、合同管理、供应商绩效评估等,确保供应商能够按时提供符合质量要求的原材料和零部件。

2. 物流管理:包括运输、仓储、配送等环节的协调和管理,确保产品能够按时到达目的地。

3. 库存管理:包括库存的控制、预测和优化等,确保库存水平适当,避免库存过高或过低。

4. 生产计划和协调:包括生产计划的制定、生产进度的监控和协调等,确保生产能够按时完成。

5. 信息流管理:包括信息的收集、传递和分析等,确保信息能够及时准确地在供应链中流动,以支持决策和协调。


为了应对这些挑战,可以采取以下解决方案:1. 加强合作和协作:建立长期稳定的合作关系,加强供应链各个环节之间的沟通和协作,共同应对挑战。

















7、物流信息包括( ABCDEF )。

(多选)A、客户信息; B、需求信息; C、库存信息;D、运输信息; F、品种信息;E、配送信息。




》教材配套习题企业物流管理》《企业物流管理参考答案目录第1章企业物流管理概论习题参考答案 (1)1.1 选择题 (1)1.2 简答题 (1)1.3 判断题 (2)1.4 思考题 (2)第2章企业物流战略与企业物流组织习题参考答案 (3)2.1 选择题 (3)2.2 简答题 (3)2.3 判断题 (4)2.4 思考题 (4)第3章采购与供应物流管理习题参考答案 (5)3.1 选择题 (5)3.2 简答题 (5)3.3 判断题 (8)3.4 计算题 (9)3.5 思考题 (10)第4章企业生产物流管理习题参考答案 (11)4.1 选择题 (11)4.2 简答题 (11)4.3 判断题 (14)4.4 计算题 (14)4.5 思考题 (15)第5章企业仓储与库存管理习题参考答案 (16)5.1 选择题 (16)5.2 简答题 (16)5.3 判断题 (18)5.4 计算题 (18)5.5 思考题 (20)第6章企业销售物流管理习题参考答案 (21)6.1 选择题 (21)6.2 简答题 (21)6.3 判断题 (25)6.4 思考题 (25)第7章企业回收与废弃物物流管理习题参考答案 (26)7.1 选择题 (26)7.2 简答题 (26)7.3 思考题 (27)第8章企业物流信息管理习题参考答案 (28)8.1 选择题 (28)8.2 简答题 (28)8.3 判断题 (30)8.4 思考题 (30)第9章企业物流服务管理习题参考答案 (31)9.1 选择题 (31)9.2 简答题 (31)9.3 判断题 (31)9.4 思考题 (31)第10章企业物流绩效管理习题参考答案 (32)10.1 选择题 (32)10.2 简答题 (32)10.3 判断题 (34)10.4 思考题 (34)第11章企业物流现代化及其发展趋势习题参考答案 (35)11.1 选择题 (35)11.2 简答题 (35)11.3 判断题 (36)11.4 思考题 (36)备注 (37)第1章企业物流管理概论习题参考答案1.1 选择题(1)B (2)ABCD (3)ABCD (4)B (5)B (6)ABCD (7)B (8)C (9)ABCD (10)ABCD1.2 简答题(1)答:物流的定义:“物品从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程中,根据实际需要,将运输、储存、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合来实现用户要求的过程。



课后答案:第一章单选 A C 多选ABCD, ACE, ACD第二章单选 A D D 多选ABCD, BCE第三章单选 A D多选ABC, ABCD, ABCD第四章单选 D B D 多选CDE, ABCDE, ABC第五章单选 B A多选ABCD, ABCD, BC第六章单选 B C A 多选ABCD, ABCD, ABCD第七章单选 D C A 多选ABCD, ABCD(D选项改为动态管理原则), ABCD第八章单选 B B 多选ABCDE, ABCDE, ABC, ABCD第九章单选 D A 多选ABCD, ABCDE, CD第十章单选 A B C 多选ABCD, BCD, ABC自考“物流企业管理”复习笔记第一章物流和物流企业概述一、名词解释物流——指材料、产成品从起点至终点及相关信息有效流动的全过程物流管理——为了以最低的物流成本达到用户所满意的服务水平,对物流活动进行了计划、组织、协调与控制。














二、供应链设计1. 什么是供应链设计?供应链设计是指在满足客户需求的前提下,通过合理的供应链网络设计和流程优化,实现企业资源的最优配置和供应链效率的最大化。

2. 供应链设计的关键要素有哪些?供应链设计的关键要素包括供应链网络结构、物流配送策略、库存管理策略、合作伙伴选择等。

3. 供应链网络结构有哪些类型?常见的供应链网络结构包括集中式供应链、分散式供应链、混合式供应链和虚拟供应链等。

4. 如何选择合适的供应链网络结构?选择合适的供应链网络结构需要考虑产品特性、市场需求、成本效益、风险管理等因素,综合评估不同结构的优缺点,以实现最佳的供应链设计。

三、供应链协调1. 什么是供应链协调?供应链协调是指通过信息共享、合作伙伴关系管理、业务流程优化等手段,实现供应链各环节之间的协同和协作,以提高供应链整体效能。

2. 供应链协调的重要性是什么?供应链协调可以减少信息滞后、降低库存水平、提高交付准确率,从而提高供应链的灵活性、响应速度和客户满意度。

3. 如何实现供应链协调?实现供应链协调需要建立有效的沟通机制、共享信息平台,加强合作伙伴之间的信任和合作,同时优化业务流程和决策机制。

四、供应链风险管理1. 什么是供应链风险管理?供应链风险管理是指通过识别、评估和应对供应链中的各种风险,以保障供应链的稳定运行和业务连续性。

2. 常见的供应链风险有哪些?常见的供应链风险包括市场需求波动、供应商倒闭、物流延误、自然灾害等。

3. 如何进行供应链风险管理?供应链风险管理需要建立风险识别和评估机制,制定相应的风险应对策略,同时建立灵活的供应链网络和备份计划,以应对不同的风险情况。

物流与供应链管理 第3章 练习题

物流与供应链管理 第3章  练习题






2. 请说明物流系统规划的重要性。



3. 物流系统规划的原则是什么?答:物流系统规划的原则包括:(1)系统性原则;(2)战略性原则;(3)科学性原则;(4)可行性原则;(5)经济性原则;(6)社会效益原则。

4. 物流系统规划包含哪些层次?答:物流系统规划规划包含以下层次:(1)全国性的物流系统规划;(2)区域性的物流系统规划;(3)经济运行部门的物流系统规划;(4)企业的物流系统规划。

5. 物流系统规划的体系的构成是怎样的?答:物流系统规划的体系由物流战略规划、物流系统空间布局规划、物流信息平台规划、物流运营管理体系规划等组成。

6. 物流系统规划的实施包含哪几个阶段?答:物流系统规划的实施包含以下阶段:(1)调查分析阶段;(2)需求及服务水平预测阶段;(3)规划阶段;(4)评价与实施阶段。





(T )(2)传统管理模式是以规模化需求和区域性的卖方市场为决策背景,通过规模效应降低成本,获得效益。

( F )(3)供应链管理这一名词最早出现于20世纪80年代,最初是由咨询业提出的。

(T )(4)让最终顾客更满意是供应链全体成员的共同目标,顾客满意的实质是顾客获得超出他们承担的产品价格以上的那部分“价值”。

(T )(5)供应链管理是以同步化、集成化生产计划为指导,以各种信息技术为支持,尤其以Internet/Intranet为依托。

(T )(6)供应链管理整体成本最小化意味着每个节点企业的成本都是最小。

( F )(7)从成本方面来看,供应链管理是通过注重产品最终成本来优化供应链的。

(T )(8)由于供应链节点企业有一个共同的追求目标,所以它们之间不再有竞争性。

(F )(9)供应链管理中的“零库存”就是指节点企业的库存为零。

( F )(10)从系统的观点出发,改进服务、缩短时间、提高品质与减少库存、降低成本是可以兼得的。

(T )二、单选题1、供应链是(C)结构。

A、直链B、支链C、网链D、环状2、供应链节点企业之间是一种(A )关系。

A、需求与供应B、支配C、平等D、利益3、供应链管理因企业战略和适应市场需求变化的需要,链上节点企业需要动态地更新,这就使得供应链具有明显的(B )。

A、复杂性B、动态性C、交叉性D、灵活性4、从20世纪80年代初到20世纪90年代初供应链管理处于(A )。

A、初级阶段B、发展阶段C、成熟阶段D、建设阶段5、按照道格拉斯·兰伯特的思想,企业主动召回有问题的已售商品,属于供应链业务流程的( B )程序?A、订单配送B、反向物流(回流)C、需求管理D、制造流程管理三、多选题1、传统“纵向一体化”管理模式存在的弊端有(ABCD )。







































Chapter 3Supply Chain Drivers and ObstaclesTrue/False1. The major drivers of supply chain performance are customers, facilities, inventory,transportation, and information.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate2. The two major types of facilities are production sites and storage sites.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate3. Inventory is an important supply chain driver because changing inventory policiescan dramatically alter the supply chain’s efficiency and responsiveness.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. Information is potentially the biggest driver of performance in the supply chain asit directly affects each of the other drivers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy5. A facility with little excess capacity will likely be no more or less efficient per unitof product it produces than one with a lot of unused capacity.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy6. The high utilization facility will have no more difficulty responding to demandfluctuations than one with a lot of unused capacity.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy7. Warehouse unit storage is the warehousing methodology that uses a traditionalwarehouse to store all of one type of product together.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate8. The components of inventory decisions include capacity, cycle inventory, safetyinventory, seasonal inventory, and sourcing.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy9. Cycle inventory is inventory that is built up to counter predictable variability indemand.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy10. Seasonal inventory is inventory that is built up to counter predictable variability indemand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate11. A company’s ability to find a balance between responsiveness and efficiency thatbest matches the needs of the customer it is targeting is the key to achievingstrategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. Many obstacles, such as growing product variety and shorter life cycles, havemade it increasingly difficult for supply chains to achieve strategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateEssay/Problems1. List and define the four major drivers of supply chain performance.Answer: Facilities are the places in the supply chain network where product isstored, assembled, or fabricated. The two major types of facilities are production sites and storage sites.Inventory is all raw materials, work in process, and finished goods within a supply chain. Inventory is an important supply chain driver because changing inventory policies can dramatically alter the supply chain’s efficiency and responsiveness.Transportation entails moving inventory from point to point in the supply chain.Transportation can take the form of many combinations of modes and routes.Information consists of data and analysis concerning facilities, inventory,transportation, and customers throughout the supply chain. Information ispotentially the biggest driver of performance in the supply chain as it directlyaffects each of the other drivers.Difficulty: Moderate答:设施的地方是在供应链网络,产品是存储,组装,或制成的。





















4.企业库存水平较高有什么优点?有什么缺点?库存水平低有什么优点和缺点?答:1.高库存水平i. 优点:订单满足率(服务水平)高和订单执行快速。

供应链物流管理课后答案 Chap003

供应链物流管理课后答案 Chap003

Chapter 3: Customer Relationship Management Study Questions1.Explain the differences between transactional and relationship marketing. How do these differenceslead to increasing emphasis on logistical performance in supply chain management?Transactional marketing is generally focused towards short-term interaction with customers. Traditional marketing strategies followed this approach wherein exchanges/transactions are carried out with customers in order to increase their revenues and profits.Relationship marketing focuses on the long-term relations with the key supply chain partners such as the consumers, intermediate customers and suppliers. This strategy aims to develop and retain long term preference and loyalty because it has been realized in many industries that it is more important to obtain greater share of the purchases made by the existing customers than to attract new customers. This approach tries to identify the individual customers in order to satisfy their unique needs in the most cost-efficient and effective way. This requires a greater emphasis on logistical performance of the entire supply chain.2.Why are the four primary service outputs of spatial convenience, lot size, waiting time, and productvariety important to logistics management? Provide examples of competing firms that differ in the level of each service output provided to customers.Since every customer has different requirements regarding service outputs, spatial convenience, lot size, waiting or delivery time, and product variety represent the four generic outputs to accommodate customer requirements.Spatial convenience measures the amount of shopping time and effort that needs to be out by the customer.Higher convenience is offered by making the product available in more number of places. As an example some household furniture manufacturers offer their products through department store, mass merchandisers and other independent department stores whereas Ethan Allen offers its products only at its own retail stores.Lot size refers to the number of units that can be purchased in each transaction. A customer who wishes to buy larger quantity of items for example 12 or 24 rolls of paper towels to get a lower unit price can get it from Sam’s Club and Costco. However they can buy single rolls from grocery or convenient stores. The basic tradeoff in such purchases is between the unit price and the storage or maintenance cost of such volumes.Waiting time is the amount if time a customer has to wait between ordering and receiving products. The lower the waiting time, the higher is the level of service. Buying products from retail or grocery stores has no waiting time however if someone wants to order from a catalog or via the Internet, he has to wait for the product.Although higher waiting time is associated with inconvenience, customers are rewarded in the form of lower prices.Product variety refers to the different assortments or variety offered to the consumers and end-users.Supermarkets offer a large variety of items, whereas the warehouse stores offer a much less variety. And convenience stores offer even lesser variety.ing the ten categories of customer expectations in Table 3-2, develop your own examples of howcustomers might evaluate performance of a supplier.Reliability refers to performance of all activities by the supplier. If FedEx promises overnight delivery and fails to do that, then it will be considered unreliable, even if it is done faster than any other provider. Customers can judge reliability in terms of all aspects of basic service platform.Responsiveness refers to the customer’s expectation of the ability and willingness to provide timely service. If WalM art experiences a stockout of certain product, its supplier’s responsiveness will be measured by the tim e it takes for replenishment.Access measures the ease of contact and approachability of the supplier. For example the ease of obtaining information about the status of a pending order will measure accessibility.Communication means to proactively keeping the customer informed. If the supplier expects a shortage of raw material that can affect delivery in the future, an advance notice to the customer will not only help to explore alternative but also builds a stronger partnership.Credibility refers to the customer’s expectation that the communication from the suppliers will be believable and honest. The real essence of this measure is the completeness of the information.Security refers to the customer’s feeling of risk in doing business with a supplier. For example a customer bases its production schedule in anticipation of delivery. If the supply is delayed the customer faces the risk of changing its plans. Another aspect of security concerns the confidentiality of business dealings. For example, Solectron undertakes the manufacturing for competitors like Nortel and Cisco, so confidentiality is a major issue.Courtesy involves politeness, friendliness and respect of contact person. Since the customer may have to deal with different individuals in the supp lier’s organization, failure by one person can destroy the best efforts of all the others.Competency is judged by customers in every interaction with the suppliers. Therefore a truck driver’s competency is measured when deliveries are made, customer service personnel when phone calls are made, etc. Failure by any individual can affect the customer’s perception of the supplier.Tangibles refer to the customer’s expectation of the physical appearance of facilities, equipment and personnel. For example an old and dilapidated warehouse can be an indicator of the firm’s overall performance to the customers.Knowing the customer refers to the customer’s expectation regarding supplier’s understanding of their unique requirements and supplier willingness to adapt to those needs. For example WalMart would expect its suppliers to understand its unique need and respond to that accordingly.pare and contrast the customer service, customer satisfaction, and customer success philosophiesof supply chain management.Customer service, customer satisfaction, and customer represent three levels of customer accommodation.Customer service represents logistics role in fulfilling the marketing concept. It aims to provide the right amount of the right product at the right time at the right place in the right condition at the right price with right information. The fundamental attributes of customer service are availability, operational performance, and service reliability. Customer satisfaction measures the degree to which a customer is satisfied with the supplier’s performance. However, customer satisfactions depends on the customer’s expectations. Models have been developed to identify some of the gaps that arise due the failure of many firms to satisfy their customers.Customer success philosophy requires the firms to work very closely with the customers to understand their requirements, internal processes, competitive environment and try to make their customer successful. In contrast to the typical focus of basic service and satisfaction programs to meet standards and expectations of the customers, a customer success program tries to understand the entire supply chain, different levels of customers and tries to ensure that customer at each level is able to meet their customers.5.What is meant by value-added services? Why are these services considered essential in a customersuccess program?Value added services refer to the unique and specific activities that firms can jointly perform to enhance their efficiency and effectiveness. Such services foster customer success. These services are typically customer specific and therefore cannot be generalized. These services enable the customers to achieve their specific objectives. These are considered essential in customer service programs because by providing unique product packages, creating customized unit loads, offering unique information services, providing VMI, etc, firms enhance their customers’ success. Some of the value-added services like warehousing, transportation, proper sequencing and sorting of products involve specialists due to their flexibility and capability to concentrate on providing the required services.6. Explain the customer satisfaction “gaps” shown in Figure 3.1.The knowledge gap reflects management’s lack of knowledge or understanding of customers’ real expectations.The standards gap exists when internal performance standards do not accurately reflect those expectations.The performance gap arises when actual performance does not meet the standards for performance.Communications gaps exist when the firm does not meet its promises or commitments to customers. The perception gap exists when customers inaccurately perceive the actual performance of the firm. The satisfaction/quality gap arises when the custo mer’s perception of that performance is different from the performance that they expected.。






下面是一些物流管理的习题及答案:1. 仓库管理中,安全库存的作用是什么?答案:安全库存是指为了应对突发的需求变化、供货延期等风险,而保留的一定数量的库存。


2. 为什么物流成本管理需要考虑整个供应链?答案:物流成本主要由运输成本、库存成本和订单成本组成,这些成本都与整个供应链的管理紧密相关。


3. 物流信息系统有哪些功能?答案:物流信息系统主要包括订单管理、仓储管理、运输管理、结算管理等功能。



下面是一些供应链管理的习题及答案:1. 供应链风险管理的方法有哪些?答案:供应链风险管理主要包括风险评估、风险避免、风险转移、风险承担、风险管理和事故应对等。


2. 为什么供应链绩效评估需要兼顾成本、质量和时间的因素?答案:任何一个需要绩效评估的工作,都需要兼顾多个因素。



3. 供应链整合的好处是什么?答案:供应链整合是指将供应链中的各个环节整合起来,实现信息流、物流和资金流的高效协同。




( )2、配送需求包括量和质两个方面,即从配送规模和配送服务质量中综合反映出配送的总体需求。

( )3、配送规模是配送活动中订单处理、库存、运输、装卸搬运、流通加工等配送作业量的总和。

( )4、DRP在逻辑上是制造需求计划MRP)的扩展,这两种技术之间不存在根本性的差异。

( )5、DRP的存货计划要求配送设施之间的运输的完成周期没有明确要求。

( )6、拣选是配送中心作业活动中的核心内容。

( )7、流通加工是流通中的一种特殊形式,是在流通领域中对生产的辅助性加工,从某种意义来讲它不仅是生产过程的延续,实际是生产本身或生产工艺在流通领域的延续。

( )8、仓储环节是分拣活动的延续。

( )9、物流经营者应根据客户特征,如配送产品特性、地理分布等,合理定位配送区域,同时对不同的配送区域可采取差别性的配送服务政策。

( )10、配送中心是接受生产厂家等供货商多品种大量的货物,按照多家需求者的订货要求,迅速、准确、低成本、高效率地将商品配送到需求场所的物流结点设施。

( )11、一般来说,配送圈大的话,配送中心的配置数量就会多,配送成本相对高;反之,配送中心的数量减少,顾客距离缩短,配送成本越低,而运输成本要相对较低。

( )12、配送中心设在接近顾客地方,在接到顾客订货后提供及时供货,而且可以一次满足多品种的订货。

( )13、流通加工型配送中心除了开展配送服务外,还根据用户的需要在配送前对商品进行流通加工。

( )14、基于销售的配送中心模式是一种集商流物流分离的模式。

( )15、供应的配送中心模式其业务属于交货代理服务。

( )16、基于资源集成的配送中心模式是一种以资源集成为基础,集商流、物流、信息流和资金流四流合一的配送中心模式。

( )17、由于配送中心是综合性、地域性、大批量的物资物理位移集中地,所以一般配送中心的投资规模、建设规模比较大,社会效益巨大,投资回报率高,见效快。







根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合(Logistics Terms GB / T 18354—2006)。




二、选择题(有一个或多个正确答案)1.物流活动的中心要素包括( AB )。

A.输送B.保管C.流通加工D.包装2.以下( A )是企业生产活动的中心环节。






2. 公司的组织机构通常包括股东大会、董事会、监事会和经理人员四大部分。



Chapter 3Supply Chain Drivers and ObstaclesTrue/False1.The major drivers of supply chain performance are facilities, inventory,transportation, and information.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2.The major drivers of supply chain performance are customers, facilities,inventory, transportation, and information.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate3.The two major types of facilities are production sites and storage sites.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4.The two major types of facilities are distribution sites and storagesites.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate5.Inventory is an important supply chain driver because changing inventorypolicies can dramatically alter the supply chain’s efficiency andresponsiveness.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderatermation is potentially the biggest driver of performance in thesupply chain as it directly affects each of the other drivers.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easyrmation is potentially the biggest driver of performance in thesupply chain even though it has little impact on each of the otherdrivers.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy8. A facility with little excess capacity will likely be more efficient perunit of product it produces than one with a lot of unused capacity.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy9. A facility with little excess capacity will likely be no more or lessefficient per unit of product it produces than one with a lot of unused capacity.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy10.The high utilization facility will have difficulty responding to demandfluctuations.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy11.The high utilization facility will have no more difficulty responding todemand fluctuations than one with a lot of unused capacity.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy12.Stock keeping unit (SKU) storage is the warehousing methodology thatuses a traditional warehouse to store all of one type of producttogether.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate13.Warehouse unit storage is the warehousing methodology that uses atraditional warehouse to store all of one type of product together.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate14.The components of inventory decisions include cycle inventory, safetyinventory, seasonal inventory, and sourcing.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy15.The components of inventory decisions include capacity, cycle inventory,safety inventory, seasonal inventory, and sourcing.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy16.Cycle inventory is inventory that is built up to counter predictablevariability in demand.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy17.Seasonal inventory is inventory that is built up to counter predictablevariability in demand.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderatepanies using seasonal inventory will build up inventory in periods oflow demand and store it for periods of high demand when they will nothave the capacity to produce all that is demanded.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderatepanies using seasonal inventory will maintain a level inventoryincrease rate of production for periods of high demand.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy20. A company’s ability to find a balance b etween responsiveness andefficiency that best matches the needs of the customer it is targetingis the key to achieving strategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate21.Many obstacles, such as growing product variety and shorter life cycles,have made it increasingly difficult for supply chains to achievestrategic fit.Answer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateMultiple Choice1.Which of the following is not a major driver of supply chain performancea.Facilitiesb.Inventoryc.Transportationrmatione.All of the above are major drivers of supply chain performance.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy2.Which of the following is not a major driver of supply chain performancea.Customersb.Facilitiesc.Inventoryd.TransportationrmationAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate3.The places in the supply chain network where product is stored, assembled,or fabricated are known asa.facilities.b.inventory.c.transportation.rmation.e.customers.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy4.All raw materials, work in process, and finished goods within a supplychain are known asa.facilities.b.inventory.c.transportation.rmation.e.customers.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy5.Moving inventory from point to point in the supply is known asa.facilities.b.inventory.c.transportation.rmation.e.customers.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy6.The data and analysis concerning facilities, inventory, transportation, andcustomers throughout the supply chain is known asa.facilities.b.inventory.c.transportation.rmation.e.customers.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy7.The two major types of facilities area.distribution sites and storage sites.b.production sites and distribution sites.c.production sites and storage sites.d.retail sites and distribution sites.e.distribution sites and inventory sites.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate8.Which component of the supply chain decision-making framework would beestablished firsta.Customer strategyb.Supply chain strategyc.Supply chain structurepetitive strategye.Replenishment strategyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate9.Which component of the supply chain decision-making framework would beestablished seconda.Customer strategyb.Supply chain strategyc.Supply chain structurepetitive strategye.Replenishment strategyAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate10.Which component of the supply chain decision-making framework would be usedto reach the performance level dictated by the supply chain strategya.Customer strategyb.Supply chain strategyc.Supply chain structurepetitive strategye.Replenishment strategyAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy11.Which of the following is not a component of facilities decisionsa.Locationb.Capacityc.Operations methodologyd.Warehousing methodologye.All of the above are components of facilities decisions.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate12.Which of the following is not a component of facilities decisionsa.Warehousing methodologyb.Forecasting methodologyc.Operations methodologyd.Capacitye.LocationAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate13.Which of the following statements concerning decisions regarding locationof facilities is falsea.Deciding where a company will locate its facilities constitutes alarge part of the design of a supply chain.b. A basic trade-off here is whether to centralize to gain economiesof scale or decentralize to become more responsive by beingcloser to the customer.panies must also consider a host of issues related to thevarious characteristics of the local area in which the facilitymay be situated.d.All of these statements are true.e.None of these statements are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate14.Which of the following is not an issue companies need to consider infacility location decisionsa.quality of workersb.product developmentc.proximity to customers and the rest of the networkd.cost of facilitye.tax effectsAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate15.Which of the following is not an issue companies need to consider infacility location decisionsa.quality of workersb.availability of infrastructurec.proximity to customers and the rest of the networkd.cost of facilitye.All of the above are issues companies need to consider in facilitylocation decisions.Answer: eDifficulty: Moderate16.Excess capacitya.allows a facility to be very flexible and to respond to wideswings in the demands placed on it.b.costs money and therefore can decrease efficiency.c.requires proximity to customers and the rest of the network.d.both a and be.all of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate17.Which of the following is a characteristic of a facility with excesscapacitya.will likely be more efficient per unit of product it producesthan one with a lot of unused capacityb.would be very flexible and to respond to wide swings in thedemands placed on itc.would be considered a high utilization facilityd.will have difficulty responding to demand fluctuationse.none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy18.A facility with little excess capacitya.will likely be more efficient per unit of product it producesthan one with a lot of unused capacity.b.would be considered a high utilization facility.c.will have difficulty responding to demand fluctuations.d.All of the above are true.e.None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate19.Which of the following would be a characteristic of a facility with littleexcess capacitya.allows a facility to be very flexible and to respond to wide swingsin the demands placed on itb.costs money and therefore can decrease efficiencyc.requires proximity to customers and the rest of the networkd.will likely be more efficient per unit of product it producese.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate20.Which of the following is not a warehousing methodologya.Warehouse unit storageb.Stock keeping unit (SKU) storagec.Job lot storaged.Cross-dockinge.All of the above are warehousing methodologies.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate21.The warehousing methodology that uses a traditional warehouse to store allof one type of product together isa.warehouse unit storage.b.stock keeping unit (SKU) storage.c.job lot storage.d.cross-docking.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate22.The warehousing methodology in which all the different types of productsneeded to perform a particular job or satisfy a particular type of customer are stored together isa.warehouse unit storage.b.stock keeping unit (SKU) storage.c.job lot storage.d.cross-docking.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate23.The following warehousing methodology is one in which goods are notactually warehoused in a facility. Instead, trucks from suppliers, each carrying a different type of product, deliver goods to a facility. There the inventory is broken into smaller lots and quickly loaded onto store-bound trucks that carry a variety of products, some from each of thesupplier trucks.a.warehouse unit storageb.stock keeping unit (SKU) storagec.job lot storaged.cross-dockinge.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate24.All of the following are components of inventory decisions excepta.cycle inventory.b.safety inventory.c.seasonal inventory.d.sourcing.e.All of the above are components of inventory decisions.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy25.All of the following are components of inventory decisions excepta.capacity.b.cycle inventory.c.safety inventory.d.seasonal inventory.e.sourcing.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy26.The average amount of inventory used to satisfy demand between receipt ofsupplier shipments is referred to asa.cycle inventory.b.safety inventory.c.seasonal inventory.d.sourcing.e.none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate27.The inventory that is built up to counter predictable variability in demandis calleda.cycle inventory.b.safety inventory.c.seasonal inventory.d.sourcing.e.none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate28.The inventory held in case demand exceeds expectation in order to counteruncertainty is calleda.cycle inventory.b.safety inventory.c.seasonal inventory.d.sourcing.e.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate29.The set of business processes required to purchase goods and services isknown asa.cycle inventory.b.safety inventory.c.seasonal inventory.d.sourcing.e.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy30.Cycle inventory decisions involvea.how much to order for replenishment.b.how often to place orders.c. a basic trade-off between the cost of holding larger lots ofinventory and the cost of ordering product frequently.d.all of the abovee. a and b onlyAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate31.Cycle inventory is used becausea.the world is perfectly predictable.b.demand is uncertain and may exceed expectations.c.it involves making a trade-off between the costs of having toomuch inventory and the costs of losing sales due to not havingenough inventory.d.it focuses on processes that are external to the firm.e.it focuses on processes that are internal to the firm.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate32.Seasonal inventory should be used whena. a company can rapidly change the rate of its production system ata very low cost.b.changing the rate of production is expensive ., when workers mustbe hired or fired).c.adjusting to a period of low demand without incurring large costs.d.the world is perfectly predictable.e.production rate is flexible.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard33.Sourcing involvesa.deciding the tasks that will be outsourced and those that will beper-formed within the firm.b.deciding whether to source from a single supplier or a portfolioof suppliers.c.identifying the set of criterion that will be used to selectsuppliers and measure their performance.d.selecting suppliers and negotiating contracts with them.e.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy34.Which of the following are key components of transportation decisions whendesigning and operating a supply chaina.Mode of transportationb.Route and network selectionc.In-house or outsourced.all of the abovee.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate35.Which of the following are key components of transportation decisions whendesigning and operating a supply chaina.Software selectionb.Mode of transportationc.Source selectiond.Warehouse selectione.none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy36.Which of the following are key components of information that must beanalyzed to increase efficiency and improve effectiveness in a supply chaina.Push versus pullb.Coordination and information sharingc.Forecasting and aggregate planningd.Pricing and revenue managemente.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate37.Which of the following are key components of information that must beanalyzed to increase efficiency and improve effectiveness in a supply chaina.Software selectionb.Source selectionc.Warehouse selectiond.Forecasting and aggregate planninge.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate38.When all the different stages of a supply chain work toward the objectiveof maximizing total supply chain profitability, rather than each stage devoting itself to its own profitability without considering total supply chain profit, it is known asa.supply chain coordination.b.forecasting.c.aggregate planning.d.revenue management.e.pricing.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy39.The art and science of making projections about what future demand andconditions will be isa.supply chain coordination.b.forecasting.c.aggregate planning.d.revenue management.e.pricing.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy40.Transforming forecasts into plans of activity to satisfy the projecteddemand is known asa.supply chain coordination.b.forecasting.c.aggregate planning.d.revenue management.e.pricing.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy41.The process by which a firm decides how much to charge customers for itsgoods and services isa.supply chain coordination.b.forecasting.c.aggregate planning.d.revenue management.e.pricing.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy42.The use of differential pricing over time or customer segments to maximizeprofits from a limited set of supply chain assets isa.supply chain coordination.b.forecasting.c.aggregate planning.d.revenue management.e.pricing.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate43.Which of the following are technologies that share and analyze informationin the supply chaina.Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)b.Internetc.Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)d.Supply Chain Management (SCM) softwaree.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy44.Which of the following are technologies that share and analyze informationin the supply chaina.Internetb.Enterprise Data Planning (EDP)c.Electronic Resource Interchange (ERI)d.Chain Management (CM) softwaree.none of the aboveAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate45.Which of the following are obstacles to achieving strategic fita.Increasing variety of productsb.Decreasing product lifecyclesc.Increasingly demanding customersd.Fragmentation of supply chain ownershipe.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy46.Which of the following are obstacles to achieving strategic fita.Difficulty executing new strategiesb.Globalizationc.Increasingly demanding customersd.Fragmentation of supply chain ownershipe.all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate47.Which of the following is not an obstacle to achieving strategic fita.Increasing variety of productsb.Decreasing product lifecyclesc.Increasingly demanding customersd.Consolidation of supply chain ownershipe.none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: ModerateEssay/Problems1.List and define the four major drivers of supply chain performance.Answer: Facilities are the places in the supply chain network whereproduct is stored, assembled, or fabricated. The two major types offacilities are production sites and storage sites.Inventory is all raw materials, work in process, and finished goodswithin a supply chain. Inventory is an important supply chain driverbecause changing inventory policies can dramatically alter the supply chain’s efficie ncy and responsiveness.Transportation entails moving inventory from point to point in thesupply chain. Transportation can take the form of many combinations of modes and routes.Information consists of data and analysis concerning facilities,inventory, transportation, and customers throughout the supply chain.Information is potentially the biggest driver of performance in thesupply chain as it directly affects each of the other drivers.Difficulty: Moderate2.Explain the supply chain decision-making framework and the role of thefour major drivers.Answer: The goal of a supply chain strategy is to strike the balancebetween responsiveness and efficiency, resulting in a strategic fit with the competitive strategy. To reach this goal, a company uses the foursupply chain drivers discussed earlier. For each of the individualdrivers, supply chain managers must make a trade-off between efficiency and responsiveness. The combined impact of these four drivers thendetermines the responsiveness and efficiency of the entire supply chain.Most companies begin with a competitive strategy and then decide whattheir supply chain strategy ought to be. The supply chain strategydetermines how the supply chain should perform with respect toefficiency and responsiveness. The supply chain must then use the supply chain drivers to reach the performance level the supply chain strategydictates.Difficulty: Moderate3.Explain the basic trade-off between responsiveness and efficiency foreach of the major drivers of supply chain performance.Answer: The fundamental trade-off when making facilities decisions isbetween the cost of the number, location, and type of facilities(efficiency) and the level of responsiveness that these facilitiesprovide the company’s customers.The fundamental trade-off when making inventory decisions is betweenresponsiveness and efficiency. Increasing inventory will generally make the supply chain more responsive to the customer. This choice, however, comes at a cost as the added inventory decreases efficiency. Therefore,a supply chain manager can use inventory as one of the drivers forreaching the level of responsiveness and efficiency the competitivestrategy targets.The fundamental trade-off for transportation is between the cost oftransporting a given product (efficiency) and the speed with which that product is transported (responsiveness). The transportation choiceinfluences other drivers such as inventory and facilities. When supplychain managers think about making transportation decisions, they framethe decision in terms of this trade-off.Good information systems can help a firm improve both its responsiveness and efficiency. The information driver is used to improve theperformance of other drivers and the use of information is based on the strategic position the other drivers support. Accurate information canhelp a firm improve efficiency by decreasing inventory andtransportation costs. Accurate information can improve responsiveness by helping a supply chain better match supply and demand.Difficulty: Moderate4.Explain the role of each of the major drivers of supply chainperformance.Answer: Facilities are the where of the supply chain if we think ofinventory as what is being passed along the supply chain andtransportation as how it is passed along. They are the locations to orfrom which the inventory is transported. Within a facility, inventory is either processed or transformed into another state (manufacturing) or it is stored before being shipped to the next stage (warehousing).Inventory exists in the supply chain because of a mismatch betweensupply and demand. An important role that inventory plays in the supplychain is to increase the amount of demand that can be satisfied byhaving product ready and available when the customer wants it. Anothersignificant role inventory plays is to reduce cost by exploiting anyeconomies of scale that may exist during both production anddistribution. Inventory is spread throughout the supply chain from rawmaterials to work in process to finished goods that suppliers,manufacturers, distributors, and retailers hold.Inventory is a major source of cost in a supply chain and it has a hugeimpact on responsiveness. The location and quantity of inventory canmove the supply chain from one end of the responsiveness spectrum to the other.Inventory also has a significant impact on the material flow time in asupply chain. Material flow time is the time that elapses between thepoint at which Another important area where inventory has a significantimpact is throughput.Inventory and flow time are synonymous in a supply chain. Managersshould use actions that lower the amount of inventory needed withoutincreasing cost or reducing responsiveness, because reduced flow timecan be a significant advantage in a supply chain.Transportation moves product between different stages in a supply chain.Like the other supply chain drivers, transportation has a large impacton both responsiveness and efficiency. Faster transportation, whether in the form of different modes of transportation or different amounts being transported, allows a supply chain to be more responsive but reduces its efficiency. The type of transportation a company uses also affects theinventory and facility locations in the supply chain.Information could be overlooked as a major supply chain driver becauseit does not have a physical presence. Information, however, deeplyaffects every part of the supply chain. Its impact is easy tounderestimate as information affects a supply chain in many differentways. Information serves as the connection between the supply chain’svarious stages, allowing them to coordinate and bring about many of thebenefits of maximizing total supply chain profitability. Information isalso crucial to the daily operations of each stage in a supply chain.For instance, a production scheduling system uses information on demandto create a schedule that allows a factory to produce the right products in an efficient manner. A warehouse management system uses informationto create visibility of the warehouse’s inventory. The company can then use this information to determine whether new orders can be filled.Difficulty: Hard5.Explain the role of each of the major drivers of supply chainperformance in the competitive strategy.Answer: Facilities and their corresponding capacities to perform theirfunctions are a key driver of supply chain performance in terms ofresponsiveness and efficiency. For example, companies can gain economies of scale when a product is manufactured or stored in only one location;this centralization increases efficiency. The cost reduction, however,comes at the expense of responsiveness, as many of a company’scustomers may be located far from the production facility. The oppositeis also true. Locating facilities close to customers increases thenumber of facilities needed and consequently reduces efficiency. If thecustomer demands and is willing to pay for the responsiveness thathaving numerous facilities adds, however, then this facilities decisionhelps meet the company’s competitive strategy goals.Inventory plays a significant role in a supply chain’s ability tosupport a firm’s competitive strategy. If a firm’s competitivestrategy requires a very high level of responsiveness, a company can use inventory to achieve this responsiveness by locating large amounts ofinventory close to the customer. Conversely, a company can also useinventory to make itself more efficient by reducing inventory throughcentralized stocking. The latter strategy would support a competitivestrategy of being a low-cost producer. The trade-off implicit in theinventory driver is between the responsiveness that results from moreinventory and the efficiency that results from less inventory.The role of transportation in a company’s competitive strategy figuresprominently when the company is considering the target customer’s needs.If a firm’s competitive strategy targets a customer that demands a very high level of responsiveness, and that customer is willing to pay forthis responsiveness, then a firm can use transportation as one driverfor making the supply chain more responsive. The opposite is true aswell. If a company’s competitive strategy targets customers whose maindecision criterion is price, then the company can use transportation tolower the cost of the product at the expense of responsiveness. As acompany may use both inventory and transportation to increaseresponsiveness or efficiency, the optimal decision for the company often means finding the right balance between the two.Information is a driver whose importance has grown as companies have used it to become both more efficient and more responsive. The tremendous growth of the importance of information technology is a testimony to the impact information can have on improving a company. Like all the other drivers, however, even with information, companies reach a point when they must make the trade-off between efficiency and responsiveness.Difficulty: Hard。

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在该企业,仓库中不同产品的库存政策是不同的,前20%的产品是A类产品,库存周转次数是8;其次的30%产品或B类产品的周转次数是6;剩余C类产品的周转次数是4. 仓库中共有20种产品,预计销售额是260万美元。

25%的产品实现了75%的销售量,则:A=0.25*(1-0.75)/(0.75-0.25)=0.125 产品累计销售比例:YA=(1+0.125)*0.2/(0.125+0.2)=9/13
12.贝塔公司(Beta Products)准备新建一个仓库。








30%的产品会实现70%的销售量,则A=0.3*(1-0.7)/(0.7-0.3)=9/40 产品累计销售比例:YA=(1+9/40)*0.2/(9/40+0.2)=49/85
