


直到本世纪50年代,美国研究梁启超,赢得莫扎特式史学家之美称的学者雷文森(J. Levenson)的著作,仍被恒慕义(A. R. Hummel)口批评为中国只是存在于雷氏自己头脑中的中国。
随着探讨的深入,人们发现西方的东方学和殖民主义之间的关系并不像福柯提出“力量就是知识”(power is knowledge)用以代替培根的名言“知识就是力量”(knowledge is power)那样简单。

最后最您生活愉快 ~O(∩_∩)O ~第一章1.“翻译”的词源学含义给我们带来什么样的启示?(P6)答:从翻译的词源可以看出,(1)印欧语言比其他语言更强调相似性,特别是在早期的宗教典籍翻译中甚至要求一致性。

西方经典阅读课后答案1、单选题:西方文学的范围包括选项:A:埃及文学B:印度文学C:日本文学D:法国文学答案:【法国文学】2、单选题:属于西方文学中“希腊传统”的作品不包括选项:A:圣经B:俄狄浦斯王C:伊利亚特D:奥德赛答案:【圣经】3、单选题:文艺复兴时期的西方作家不包括选项:A:歌德B:塞万提斯C:拉伯雷D:莎士比亚答案:【歌德】4、单选题:19世纪西方现实主义作家不包括选项:A:哈代B:托尔斯泰C:但丁D:易卜生答案:【但丁】5、单选题:自文艺复兴运动至19世纪晚期,西方国家先后经历过的文学思潮有选项:A:人文主义、浪漫主义、古典主义、启蒙主义、现实主义B:人文主义、浪漫主义、现实主义、古典主义、启蒙主义C:人文主义、古典主义、现实主义、浪漫主义、启蒙主义D:人文主义、古典主义、启蒙主义、浪漫主义、现实主义答案:【人文主义、古典主义、启蒙主义、浪漫主义、现实主义】6、单选题:下列对于“西方文学”表述不正确的是:()选项:A:包括西半球的所有文学B:发展历程约2800年C:与东方文学相对D:泛指基督教文化区域的文学答案:【包括西半球的所有文学】7、多选题:西方文学的两大源头包括:()选项:A:古埃及B:古希腊C:古罗马D:古希伯来"答案:【古希腊;古希伯来"】8、单选题:下列对于西方文学流派发展顺序排列正确的是:()选项:A:文艺复兴-启蒙主义-古典主义-浪漫主义-现实主义B:文艺复兴-古典主义-启蒙主义-浪漫主义-现实主义C:古典主义-文艺复兴-启蒙主义-浪漫主义-现实主义D:古典主义-文艺复兴-浪漫主义-启蒙主义-现实主义答案:【文艺复兴-古典主义-启蒙主义-浪漫主义-现实主义】9、多选题:下面学习西方文学的方法与“关联阅读”有关的是:()选项:A:将文学作品与雕塑、绘画、电影等其他艺术形式相联系B:将作品与所属时代、思潮流派等的一般特征相印证C:考察中西文学的影响关系或共通性D:对文学作品进行细致深入的文本细读答案:【将文学作品与雕塑、绘画、电影等其他艺术形式相联系; 将作品与所属时代、思潮流派等的一般特征相印证;考察中西文学的影响关系或共通性】10、多选题:下列哪些作品属于“西方文学”:()选项:A:《伊利亚特》B:《源氏物语》C:《神曲》D:《傲慢与偏见》答案:【《伊利亚特》;《神曲》;《傲慢与偏见》】1、单选题:荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中所用的饰词“佩琉斯之子”是指谁?选项:A:赫克托尔B:阿基琉斯C:阿伽门农D:雅典娜答案:【阿基琉斯】2、单选题:《伊利亚特》以哪两个人物的矛盾为开端?选项:A:墨涅劳斯与帕里斯B:海伦与帕里斯C:阿基琉斯与赫克托耳D:阿基琉斯与阿伽门农答案:【阿基琉斯与阿伽门农】3、单选题:《伊利亚特》塑造了众多的人物形象,其中的一个核心人物是:选项:A:奥德修斯B:阿基琉斯C:阿伽门农D:海伦答案:【阿基琉斯】4、单选题:希腊神话中关于特洛伊战争起源的说法,错误的是选项:A:爱神帮助帕里斯拐走了斯巴达王的妻子海伦,这件事成为特洛伊战争的导火索B:三位出席婚礼的女神天后赫拉、智慧女神雅典娜、爱神阿芙洛狄忒都来争夺这个金苹果C:不和女神厄里斯在阿基琉斯父母的婚宴上扔下一个金苹果,上写“给最美的女神”D:赫拉、雅典娜与阿芙洛狄忒直接找到特洛伊王子帕里斯,强迫他把金苹果判给自己答案:【赫拉、雅典娜与阿芙洛狄忒直接找到特洛伊王子帕里斯,强迫他把金苹果判给自己】5、单选题:《伊利亚特》中的战争发生在:选项:A:希波战争期间B:迈锡尼文明时期C:伯罗奔尼撒战争期间D:亚历山大大帝东征期间答案:【迈锡尼文明时期】6、多选题:下列对史诗《伊利亚特》表述准确的是:()选项:A:采用的历史版本B:主题是“阿基琉斯的愤怒“C:描写了特洛伊战争的全过程D:采用的神话版本答案:【主题是“阿基琉斯的愤怒“;采用的神话版本】7、多选题:荷马史诗由以下那几部作品组成:()选项:A:《神曲》B:《奥德赛》C:《埃涅阿斯纪》D:《伊利亚特》答案:【《奥德赛》;《伊利亚特》】8、多选题:下列关于特洛伊表述正确的是:()选项:A:位于小亚细亚西岸,现土耳其境内B:公元前12世纪末发生与希腊交战C:经济发达,繁荣富足D:地处欧亚海陆交通要冲,代表东方答案:【位于小亚细亚西岸,现土耳其境内;公元前12世纪末发生与希腊交战;经济发达,繁荣富足;地处欧亚海陆交通要冲,代表东方】9、单选题:荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中所用的饰词“佩琉斯之子”是指()选项:A:赫克托尔B:阿基琉斯C:赫淮斯托斯D:阿伽门农答案:【阿基琉斯】10、多选题:在古希腊“金苹果”的传说中,哪三位女神向特洛伊王子帕里斯许诺:()选项:A:阿尔忒弥斯B:雅典娜C:赫拉D:阿芙洛狄忒答案:【雅典娜;赫拉;阿芙洛狄忒】1、单选题:但丁创作《神曲》时的处境与下列哪位诗人相似:选项:A:李白B:歌德C:荷马D:屈原答案:【屈原】2、单选题:在《神曲》开头拦住但丁去路的是:选项:A:狮、虎、豹B:狼、狮、豹C:狼、豺、虎D:狐、虎、熊答案:【狼、狮、豹】3、单选题:在地狱第九圈,撒旦的三张嘴中咬着的三个背叛者不包括选项:A:尤利西斯B:普鲁托斯C:卡西乌斯D:犹大答案:【尤利西斯】4、单选题:在1292-1293年之间,但丁把赞美贝雅特丽齐的诗歌用散文串联起来,结集为选项:A:《意大利遗事》B:《神曲》C:《新生》D:《论俗语》答案:【《新生》】5、单选题:《神曲·地狱篇》第五歌中,弗兰采斯加说“该隐狱在等候那个残害我们生命的人”,这个人是指选项:A:该隐B:保禄D:祈安启托答案:【祈安启托】6、单选题:下列对于但丁生平的说法不正确的是:()选项:A:古罗马最伟大的诗人之一B:流亡时期创作了《神曲》C:35岁任佛罗伦萨行政官D:熟习拉丁语、修辞学和诗艺答案:【古罗马最伟大的诗人之一】7、单选题:但丁写作《神曲》的时间是:()选项:A:早年开始动笔中年完成B:被佛罗伦萨当局流放之后C:“人生中点”即35岁之时D:作佛罗伦萨行政长官之时答案:【被佛罗伦萨当局流放之后】8、单选题:但丁在《神曲》中所抒发的忧愤、思乡与爱国之情,同哪位中国诗人的创作处境相通:()选项:A:辛弃疾B:屈原C:杜甫D:文天祥答案:【辛弃疾】9、单选题:在《神曲》中,教皇卜尼法斯八世(1294-1303在位)被关在了地狱的第几层?()A:8B:9C:6D:7答案:【8】10、多选题:下列对于西方历史发展中的“中世纪“,说法不准确的是:()选项:A:时间长达1000年B:黑暗而愚昧C:始于东罗马帝国灭亡D:基督教占据文化主导地位答案:【黑暗而愚昧;始于东罗马帝国灭亡】。

最后最您生活愉快 ~O(∩_∩)O ~第十二章1、西方各国对中国文化典籍的翻译大致分为哪几个阶段?每个阶段的主要翻译对象和翻译特点是什么?1、18世纪以前,法国是汉学研究中心,主要的翻译对象是儒家经典。

C.Such things will not be managed at this school.
She is an absolutely one-man wife.
A.This is of historic significance.
B.This has great historic significance.
Every one of us, except my poor hoodwinked grandmother, heard of the bad news.
B.By now, we had become very intimate. We made no distinction between each other’s things. We dug our chopsticks into each other’s bowls for choosing pieces of meat.
西方人文经典 尔雅答案

:《忏悔录》的作者是( )。
:“人们一思考,上帝就发笑”出自( )。
:西方文化传统的古典来源包括( )。
:( )是《反潮流》的作者。
:《恶之花》的作者是( )。
:以下观点中赛亚·柏林会赞同的是( )。

中西翻译简史课后习题部分答案Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】中西翻译简史第7、9、11章课后习题部分答案中国古代重要的科技翻译作品有哪些有何特点天文、历法、数学、医学等,中国古代的科技翻译始于东汉末年,不过与翻译佛经的”译场“不同,这些翻译往往由译僧独自完成,所译内容也比较零散,是佛经翻译的附属或附产品,而非系统的介绍。
P118 清末译出的科学书籍的知识就内容而言,清末译出的书籍比较浅显。

3.宋君荣:18世纪最伟⼤的汉学家、“耶酥会⼠最博学者” ,《成吉思汗及蒙古史》4.福兰阁:德国汉学史上第⼀位专职汉学教授,⽽且也是众多汉学家中第—位名符其实的历史学家,《中国通史》,《儒家史和中国国教史研究》5.德庇⼠:《中国概览》原名《中国⼈、中华帝国及其居民综述》,是⼀部资料丰富的⿍⼒之作,被公认为是19世纪对中国的最全⾯的报道。

1. Please give an account of the setting of the Enlightenment.The fact that the Enlightenment first occurred in France was ascribed to the deterioration in economic, political, social and cultural conditions in the 18th-century France. The French people strongly demanded that the declining situation be arrested and reforms be carried out. Under such circumstances, progressive intellectuals began to think more seriously about the solutions to the crises and tried to resort to intellectual and social means. This movement also asked for more political power to the people as the bourgeoisie joined in with its economic support and thus the cultural movement tinned with political colour as a bourgeois mark. On the other hand, the dissemination of scientific knowledge and the influences of British empiricism also immensely heightened intellectual and political awareness of the people in general. This prepared the political basis of the bourgeois revolution to follow.2. Briefly introduce one or two representative figures of the Enlightenment and their central ideas. V oltaire and Montesquieu are two of the representative figures of the Enlightenment. Voltaire exposed the dark side of France such as the corruption and injustice of Christianity by launching his theory on human nature. Also, he argued for the freedom and equality of ordinary people. What’s more, he strongly condemned feudal autocracy and put forward the theory of the enlightened monarchy.Montesquieu’s political theory developed the principle of dividing political power although the principle itself was not his invention. Montesquieu contributed significantly to the establishment of the modern Western state by exposing the nature of state and human beings in his great work Spirit of Law which has wide-ranging influence on the later generations of modern Western political thinking and practice.For Montesquieu, it was climate that contributed most to the formation of a society and he believed it was shown in national character, political system, marriage codes, religion, and the use of slavery. His geographical and environmental theory is of some progressive significance, but it exaggerates the geographical factor in social development.1. Say something about the origin and the major concerns of Romanticism. Give examples. Romanticism originated out of the craving for individual freedom by the young intellectuals who could not tolerate ideological and intellectual oppression derived from classicism and rationalism imposed by the ruling class and traditional culture, as was demonstrated in Germany where the Storm and Stress Movement occurred under Rousseau’s influence which attracted many followers including Goethe and Schiller.To some extent it was a reaction against the Enlightenment and the 18th-century rationalism and materialism in general. It demanded more reasonable attention to human passion and individuality as a way to reach real human emancipation and freedom.The major concerns of Romanticism comprised individualism, emotionalism, worship of nature, fascination with the alien aspects of foreign lands, enthusiasm for nationalism and often expressed an air of disillusionment.2. What do you think of the similarities and dissimilarities between realism and naturalism?The similarities of realism and naturalism lie in the fact that they both aim to describe real life and try to reveal the nature of social reality, especially the dark side of human society. But in the ways of representation, they differ in the following aspects: first, the naturalist writer does not focus on a typical environment or typical characters for representation of reality, and instead, they would attempt to depict real life as it is by sticking to the inherent factor which would usually lead to thecause or motivation of certain or behaviors; second, the naturalist writer emphasizes more of the influence of environment on human nature and behavior by exposing the dark and evil aspect of human society which is not just similar to social realism but even more violent and barbarous and emotional.1.2. Choose one representative character from German classical philosophers and make a brief remark on his contribution to the later social or cultural development.Immanuel Kant was an 18th-century German classical philosopher. He is regarded as one of the most influential thinkers of modern Europe and of the late Enlightenment. Kant created a new widespread perspective in philosophy which influenced European philosophy through and after his lifetime. He also published important works of epistemology, as well as works relevant to religion, law, and history. His most important works is the Critique of Pure Reason, an investigation into the limitations and structure of reason itself. It encompasses an attack on traditional metaphysics and e pistemology, and highlights Kant’s own contribution to these areas. Kant’s great contribution lies in his interpretation of human epistemology: the ultimate nature of reality of the “things in themselves” remains forever unaccessible to the human mind and what we can know is only its phenomena. The mind impresses its forms of sensibility via space and time or the original data of the senses and orders them according to the categories of thought.1. Say something you know about Modernism, including its performance and features. Modernism, in its broadest sense, is modern thought, character, or practice. More specifically, the term describes both a set of cultural tendencies and an array of associated cultural schools, originally arising from wide-scale and far-reaching changes in Western society in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The term encompasses the activities and output of those who felt the “traditional” forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, social conventions and daily life were becoming outdated in the new conditions of economic, social and political developments under the influence of industrialization and colonization.Modernism —despite its complexity and multiplicity in terms of ideological tendencies and representation modes, could be regarded basically to be irrational, that is, in opposition to rational tradition of the Western culture and civilization. History has repeatedly proved that any radical drive or trend could not last long and so did modernism which, with all its justifications, only survived a few decades since its beginning and had to decline and finally disappeared as a movement though some of its ideas and forms or techniques still maintained. The reason is simple — no one could reject all the inheritances his ancestors have passed on to him no matter whether these inheritances are valuable enough for him to benefit from. In that sense people after modernism, particularly the cultural people or intellectuals, have to take a lesson from Modernist Movement, which they should be cautious about the way to handle cultural heritage and need to try to make use of the positive elements from tradition.2. Describe one or two modernist writers focused on his work.James Joyce is one of most prominent modernist writers in the early 20th century whose reputation mainly rests upon his masterful use of the Stream of Consciousness technique in his writing. He is best known for his landmark novel Ulysses (1922) and its controversial successor Finnegans Wake(1939), as well as the short story collection Dubliners(1914) and the semi-autobiographical novellet A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916). Ulysses is one of the most important works of Modernist literature. The action of novel, which takes place in asingle day, 16 June 1904, sets the characters and incidents of the Odyssey of Homer in modern Dublin and bases his three protagonists, Leopold Bloom, Molly Bloom and Stephen Dedalus, on the triangular relationship in parallel with the construction of Odysseus, Penelope and Telemachus. Ulysses’ stream-of-consciousness technique, symbolic structure, and experimental prose style—full of puns, parodies, and allusions—as well as its rich characterization in close association with serious thematic concerns, such as Irish nationalism, sympathy for the Jew and women, and protest against Catholicism, therefore renders the book a highly recognized status in Modernist literature.1. Tell some ideological Representative Figures of the Modern age and their main ideas..(1) Marx’s Marxism, its main ideas include scientific socialism, political economics, and dialectic materialism.(2) Darwin’s theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, Its main idea as follow:i. Species have developed or evolved by a series of small variations.ii. All animals and plants are descended from a single prototype.iii. Natural selection or survival of the fittest ensures that only those variations which improve the chances of survival of species are ultimately significant.iv. Only inherited characteristics can be passed on to later generations.Comet’s Positivism, including Theory of Three Stages:i. Man wanted to acquire absolute knowledge and explain the observed phenomena of the outside world with the help of supernatural theological influences.ii. Man used instead a kind of personified abstraction, i.e. metaphysical nature and “natural force”. iii. Rational sciences dominated everything.Bergson’s Intuitional Ideas:i. He was opposed to the monism of both materialism and idealism and sought a return to philosophical dualism.ii. The functions of intuition and intellect and their differences.Freud’s Theory of Psychoanalysis:i. deep-level psychology: the human unconscious was like the submerged part of an iceberg, hiding many instinctive impulses and repressed desires;ii. Three concepts: the id, the ego, the superego (choose two or three)。
最新完美版 西方文明史复习概要 中英对照+重点+部分答案

总目录:Part 1古希腊第一章:亚历山大和他的时代(古希腊文明)Part 2 古罗马第二章:古罗马共和国兴衰史(古罗马文明)第三章:凯撒与耶稣(早期基督教)第四章:罗马和平和帝国的衰亡(罗马后期,帝国时代)Part 3中世纪第五章:信仰之刃--中世纪的繁盛期(中世纪西方文明)Part 4 现代国家的滥觞第六章:“朕即国家”--英法两国君主专制的发展(资产阶级革命前夜)第七章:“勇于求索!”--科学革命(文艺复兴后的科技发展)第八章:启蒙运动第一章:本章讲述的是古希腊时期的民主制度和文化(哲学与神话),以及希腊化时代。
)公元前五世纪,雅典城邦(the Greek city-state Athens,城邦还可以称为 the polis)诞生了最早的民主制度,由此带来了社会文化的大繁荣,那个世纪便被称为古希腊的“黄金时代”(the Golden Age),堪称是西方文明的滥觞。
此后由于政治经济的最巨大差异,古希腊最强大的两个城邦——雅典和斯巴达(Sparta)陷入了长期的内战,直到公元前404年雅典战败才结束,史称“伯罗奔尼撒的战争”(Peloponnesian War)。

2021年全国高等教育自学考试汉语言文学专业《外国文学作品选》真题及答案1. 【单项选择题】(江南博哥)在《永生的阿芙洛狄忒》中,紧接着“永生的阿芙洛狄忒,宝座上的女神”的下句是( )A. 宙斯的善用心计的女儿,求求你,女神啊,别再用痛苦和忧愁折磨我的心B. 求你像从前一样,只要远远听到我的声音在求告在呼唤,你就翩然降临C. 保佑我的一切心愿能够实现——请和我结盟D. 求你再度降临,亲爱的女神,求你解救我于万般痛苦之中正确答案:A参考解析:永生的阿芙洛狄忒,宝座上的女神,宙斯的善用心计的女儿,求求你,女神啊,别再用痛苦和忧愁折磨我的心!2. 【单项选择题】在《安提戈涅》中,安提戈涅坚持安葬自己的亲人,这一立场遵循的是( )A. 血缘伦理B. 城邦伦理C. 情感伦理D. 宗教伦理正确答案:A参考解析:安提戈涅坚持埋葬哥哥的尸体,遵循的是血缘伦理的信念,即亲人对死者必须安葬祭奠,绝不可曝尸荒野。
3. 【单项选择题】《新生》歌颂纯洁的爱情,表现出反禁欲主义的情绪,这部诗集的作者是( )A. 薄伽丘B. 但丁C. 萨福D. 拉伯雷正确答案:B参考解析:但丁少年时期曾经对邻居家的少女贝亚特丽采产生了爱情,贝亚特丽采早逝以后.但丁把在1283年以来所写的31首献给她的抒情诗用散文连缀起来,取名《新生》出版。
4. 【单项选择题】《十日谈》的故事起因是1348年佛罗伦萨爆发了( )A. 战乱B. 市民暴动C. 黑死病D. 大洪水正确答案:C参考解析:《十日谈》是一部短篇小说集,故事的起因是 1348 年佛罗伦萨爆发了黑死病。
5. 【单项选择题】在《巨人传》中,接受了人文主义教育,建立了“德廉美修道院”的是( )A. 庞大固埃B. 巴奴日C. 格朗古杰D. 高康大正确答案:D参考解析:《巨人传》共五部,第一部写高康大的经历,他早年接受经院教育,学成了书呆子,后来接受人文主义教育,才变得聪明起来。


作业1.第1题The economic success of the early Roman Empire was mainly achieved by_____.A.small farmersB.slavesC.serfsD.Roman legions您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02.第2题The wheel was invented by ancient ________.A.EgyptiansB.IndiansC.GreeksD.Sumerians您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.03.第3题In the early days of the Roman Republic, ______ had the most importantlaw making power.A.the Assembly of CenturyB.the Plebian CouncilC.the Assembly of CuriaeD.the Tribal Assembly您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.04.第4题Which description of Spartan women is incorrect?A.They enjoyed more political rights and domestic freedom that the restof the Greek world.B.They received physical training instead of literacy education.C.They could inherit property.D.They usually got married at 18.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.05.第5题Which one of the following peoples first practiced monotheism?A.ancient EgyptiansB.ancient HebrewsC.ancient GreeksD.ancient Sumerians您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.06.第9题Major changes in Roman religious life were mainly a result of _____.A.foreign cultural invasionB.trade and commerceC.territorial expansion of RomeD.interest in spiritual matters您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.07.第10题Which of the following reform measures resulted in the moral decline of the Romans?A.limiting the amount of land owned by individual citizensB.selling grain at a low price to citizensC.distributing public land to landless citizensD.cutting down land taxes or rent您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.08.第11题Who is usually regarded as the “father of history”?A.HerodotusB.ThucydidesC.XenophonD.Polybius您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.09.第12题_____ is the longest river in the world.A.The TigrisB.The AmazonC.The MississippiD.The Nile您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.010.第13题The first city- builders in Italy were ________.A.the GreeksB.the LatinsC.the EtruscansD.the Italians您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.011.第14题Which of the following group of people did not constitute a class in Sparta?A.the native SpartansB.foreignersC.slavesD.nobles您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.012.第15题Which one of the following groups of people did not speak the Semitic language?A.HebrewsB.ArabsC.SumeriansD.Babylonians您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.013.第19题Which one of the following statements about the Sumerian economy is NOT true?A.The economy was mainly based on agriculture.B.The annual flood of the Tigris and the Euphrates played a vital role in its economy.C.The land was owned by the kings and the nobles.D.Sumerian businessmen helped develop an extensive trade network in the Persian Gulf region.您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.014.第20题The Roman Empire reached it largest territorial extent during the reign of _____.A.Julius Caesar (46-44B.C.)B.Octavian (27 B.C.-14 A.D.)C.Trajan (98-117 A.D.)D.Constantine the Great (306-337 A.D.)您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.015.第21题Which of the following statements about ancient Greek sculpture is NOT true?A.The beauty of human form was the most important subject.B.The archaic Greek artists created two sculptural human forms, the kouros and kore.C.The classical Greek sculptors represented human body less naturally or relaxed.D.The Hellenistic Greek sculptors liked to represent extreme emotions in the human face and figure.您的答案:C此题得分:1.016.第22题Which one of the following statements about the Code of Hammurabi was NOT true?A.The Code helped Hammurabi consolidate his rule in the Mesopotamia.B.The Code was based on the principle of retaliation.C.Everyone received equal punishment for the same crime committed.D.The Code was written in the Akhadian language.您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.017.第23题Which one of the following architectural constructions was not typical Roman?A.domeB.vaultC.archD.column您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.018.第24题Constantine the Great declared __.A.Christianity as the only religionB.toleration for all religionsC.the end of Imperial CultD.paganism illegal您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.019.第25题The founder of the Hebrew race was ____.A.JacobB.MosesC.AbrahamD.Joseph您的答案:C此题得分:1.020.第29题The government of the Roman Republic included all of the following branches EXCEPT ______.A.the executive branchB.the deliberative branchC.the legislative branchD.the judicial branch您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.021.第30题Of the following orders of columns, which one is more formal and dignified and mainly used in mainland Greece?A.DoricB.IonicC.Corinthianposite您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.022.第31题Starting from the reign of which Roman emperor such jobs as bakery and military service became hereditary?A.OctavianB.DiocletianC.ConstantineD.Theodosius您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.023.第32题Of the following philosophical schools, which one had perhaps the greatest influence on Roman laws and government?A.EpicureanismB.StoicismC.CynicismD.Neo- Platonism您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.024.第33题That Aeneid, the legendary founder of the city of Rome, was the prince of _____ suggests a certain link between the Roman civilization and ancient Near East.A.EtruriaB.GreeceC.TroyD.Phoenicia您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.025.第34题Who replaced the Council of 400 with the Council of 500?A.SolonB.PersistratusC.CleisthenesD.Pericles您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.026.第35题The Sumerian civilization had ______ cultural center(s).A.1B.2C.3D.4您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.027.第40题The Roman expansion had many consequences EXCEPT ______.A.Rome became the hegemony in the Mediterranean region.B.economic gains for all RomansC.social conflicts and slave uprisingsD.increased political power for military commanders您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.028.第41题The poetic creation of _____ glorifies Rome’s conquests and achievements.A.Virgil (70-19B.C.)B.Horace (65-8 B.C.)C.Ovid (43 B.C.-17 A.D.)D.Juvenal (55-130 A.D.)您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.029.第42题Which one of the countries below was not part of the ancient Near East?A.ArmeniaB.TurkeyC.IsraelD.Iraq您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.030.第43题Olive trees and grapevine were introduced into Italy by ______.A.EtruscansB.GreekstinsD.Egyptians您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.031.第44题Whose power was gradually reduced in the process of Athenian political reforms?A.People’s AssemblyB.People’s CourtC.Council of citizensD.Council of nobles您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:0.032.第45题All land in Sumer belonged to _____.A.the kingsB.godsC.the noblesD.free farmers您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.033.第49题Three of the following statements are true with the early experience of Christianity. Which one is the exception?A.Unlike the Jews, the early Christians of the Roman Empire suffered persecution.B.Christianity was not the official religion of the Roman Empire until the 4th century.C.Christianity spread in the cities of the empire, first in the east and later in the west.D.It was Constantine’s toleration for all religions that brought new life to Christianity.您的答案:A题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.034.第50题Which one of the following statements about ancient Egyptian religious belief is NOT true?A.The ancient Egyptians practised polytheism.B.All Egyptian gods had an animal head and a human body.C.Ancient Egyptians built temples to communicate with their gods.D.Egyptians believed in final judgement and resurrection.您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.035.第51题Egypt was conquered by ____ in 31 B.C. and renamed “Africa.”A.GreeksB.ArabsC.RomansD.Persians您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.036.第52题The ancient Egyptians divided a year into ___ seasons.A.2B.3C.4D.5您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.037.第53题The gladiator show indicated Romans’ love for _____.A.adventureB.funC.violenceD.entertainment您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.038.第54题In the year _____ Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire.A.311B.313C.324D.380您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.039.第55题The so-called Mesopotamia civilization included cultures developed bythe following groups of people EXCEPT _______.A.BabyloniansB.PersiansC.SumeriansD.Assyrians您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.040.第60题Which description of the Age of Pericles is NOT true?A.It is the Golden Age of classical Greece.B.It was when Athens secured its status as the capital of Hellenic civilization.C.It witnessed great developments in democracy, economy, art and science.D.It was when the nobles became a major force in politics.您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.041.第6题judaism instilled a sense of individualism and equality into the hebrew society.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.042.第7题Octavian kept the republican system in name in order to gain support. 您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043.第8题All Egyptian gods have a human body and an animal head.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.044.第16题The Hammurabi Code is the oldest known legal document in human history.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.045.第17题Out of great respect for traditions, the Romans were reluctant to make reforms.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.046.第18题The Hammurabi Code ensured that every one is equal before the law.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047.第26题Though the idea of democracy originated in Athens, the practice was very different from today’s western countries.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.048.第27题Although people from different regions in the Roman Empire spoke different mother tongues, they could always communicate with strangers either in Latin or in Greek, the official languages of the Empire.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.049.第28题The Minoan civilization is often regarded as the first advanced civilization of Europe.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.050.第36题Earlier Christian leaders all agreed that the gospel was intended for Jews and non-Jews as well to hear.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.051.第37题Athenian magistrate Solon devised the Council of 500 as a check to the power of the nobles.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.052.第38题Legends have it that the Garden of Eden situated on the Mesopotamian plain.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.053.第39题The Greek city-states varied greatly in their governmental structures.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.054.第46题It was the Sumerians who first started systematic agriculture.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.055.第47题According to Aristotle, Form (or Idea) exists as a higher reality than the material world.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.056.第48题The basic units of the first human civilization were city-states.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.057.第56题Lyric is a poetic form so called because it was originally sung by individuals or a chorus accompanied by a musical instrument called the lyre.您的答案:正确题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.058.第57题The word “tyranny” was just as derogative in ancient Greece as today.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.059.第58题The Roman government offered free food to the poor people to achieve greater harmony.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.060.第59题Acropolis is an open space or plaza that served both as a market and as a place where citizens could assemble.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作业总得分:87.0作业总批注:作业1.第2题The Hundred Years’ War arose from the following causes, EXCEPT,A.The territorial disputes between England and France.B.The clash of economic interest in Flanders.C.Famine, plague, economic turmoil, social upheaval.D.The dispute over the French royal succession.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.02.第3题What one is a correct description of the western European feudalismin the Early Middle Ages?A.Feudalism was a product of the Carolingian world and it operated ontwo levels.B.A feudal king’s actual power depended on the number of his vassals.C.A vassal holding a fief must not divide it into smaller fiefs.D.Financial service was the main reason for the feudal system to exist.您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03.第6题Which is the correct description of life in the Byzantine Empire?A.Peasants had a hard life due to the high tax on land.B.Scholars were skeptical of Greek tradition.C.Women were excluded from education.D.Soldiers received poor salaries.您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.04.第7题In Early Middle Ages, Western European civilization differed from theByzantine and Islamic Empires in the following aspects EXCEPT for_____.A.the influence from the Germanic and Romance vernacular languages.B.the unstable political situation and a lack of central powerC.the influence of ancient Greco-Roman civilizations.D.the lower level of intellectual and literary accomplishment您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.05.第8题During the Great Famine, starvation even drove some people to eat the following living creatures, EXCEPTA.catsB.ratsC.snakesD.dogs您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.06.第9题What were the three forms of vernacular Literature for nobles?A.epic poetry, romance poetry and dramasB.fabliaux, fables and romance poetryC.lyric poetry, epic poetry and romance poetryD.fabliaux, fables and dramas您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.07.第10题Which one of the following statements about the Black Death is NOT true?A.It is estimated to have killed 30% –60% of Europe’s population.B.The death rate in some larger cities in Italy may have been as high as 60 percent.C.In northern France, villages suffered mortality rates of 30 percent, and cities experienced losses as high as 40 percent.D.Death caused by the Black Death worsened the situation of surviving peasants and laborers.您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.08.第11题Which one of the following statements about the English Parliament in 1259 is NOT true?A.it included two knights from every countyB.it included two burgesses from every townC.it included the king’s Great Council (b arons, bishops, judges, advisors)D.it was a major check on royal authority您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09.第16题During the Wat Tyler Rebellion, the rebels marched into London and executed the following important officials, EXCEPTA.Lord ChancellorB.Lord TreasurerC.magistrate of London, William TongeD.Archbishop of Canterbury您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.010.第17题Magna Carta in 1215 in England was significant in that it __.A.really weakened the power of the churchB.spoke for the common peopleC.really weakened the power of the kingD.spoke for the nobles您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.011.第18题Concerning the economy of the Byzantine Empire, Islamic Empire and western Europe during the Middle Ages, which statement is NOT true?A.Byzantine had the most powerful economy in the world before the 7th century.B.Islamic economy in the 7th century was already very prosperous.C.Islamic Empire had the world’s leading economy during the mid-8th and mid-13th century.D.Western Europe overtook Byzantine in economy in the late Middle Ages. 您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:0.012.第21题Which of the following statements about the Crusades is NOT true?A.On the way to the Holy Land, a crusader wore the white cross on his outfitB.The Crusades increased the power of the Papacy and the wealth of the ChurchC.The Crusades strengthened the power of national monarchies and undermined feudalismD.The Crusades set the first example of European expansionism您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.013.第22题The Black Death struck a serious blow to the Catholic Church in the following ways, EXCEPTA.The Church failed to explain why God willed this awful punishment on His followers.B.Many clergy stuck to their Christian duties and died.C.There was a severe shortage of clergy.D.Church was unable to cure the plague victims.您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.014.第23题Which one is not the factor that led to the disintegration of the Carolingian Empire after Charlemagne’s death?A.the regional and ethnic diversityB.the conflicts between different successors to the throneC.the destructive attacks of non-Christian invadersD.the emergence of feudalism您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.015.第24题Which of the following statements about Papacy at Avignon is NOT true?A.The reform measures of Avignon papacy turned the papacy into a more spiritual than political institution.B.Several popes were Frenchmen, and 113 out of the 134 new cardinals created by the popes were French.C.Papal influence in England and in Germany declined.D.This period in church history is called the Babylonian Captivity. 您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.016.第25题Pope Urban VI started to reform the church and wanted to abolish the following abuses, EXCEPTA.SimonyB.PluralismC.AbsenteeismD.homosexual您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.017.第26题Alcuin established ______ as the basis for education during the Carolingian renaissance.A.the Carolingian minusculeB.trivium and quadriviumC.medieval LatinD.biblical texts您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.018.第32题The following kings were called “new monarchs”, EXCEPTA.Louis XI of FranceB.Friedrich I of GermanyC.Henry VII of EnglandD.Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.019.第33题1066 marked the__A.defeat of the VikingsB.Norman Conquest of EnglandC.death of William ID.death of Alfred the Great您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.020.第34题Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.The Hundred Years’ War harmed England more than France.B.The war stimulated the development of new weapons.C.The war speeded up the development of the English Parliament.D.The war promoted the growth of modern nationalism and awakened the national consciousness in the mind of their people.您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.021.第35题For some Muslims, Qur’an should not be translated because_____.A.it is impious to translate the very words of Allah.B.it is too difficult to translate the rhymed prose of Qur’an.C.the original meaning of Qur’an would be distorted.D.the beauty of Arabic language would be violated.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.022.第36题Which one of the following statements about the Great Famine is NOT true?A.It was the worst famine in European history.B.It lasted for seven hard years.C.In cities alone, there was shortage of food supplies.D.By the time it ended, the Great Famine had wiped out 10 percent to15 percent of the entire European population.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.023.第37题Which of the following statements about Western Schism is NOT true?A.France recognized the French antipope Clement.B.England recognized Pope Urban.C.Scotland followed the French.D.The emperor of Holy Roman Empire in Germany recognized Clement.您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.024.第38题The following statements about the English Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 are true EXCEPT ______.A.It accomplished its objectives.B.It received help from members of the noble classesC.It succeeded in showing the nobles what peasants were capable of when dissatisfied.D.It marked the beginning of the end of serfdom in medieval England.您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.025.第39题Which of the following statements about the development of science in the Central Middle Ages is NOT true?A.Translation of Greek and Arabic scientific works gave new impetus to the study of science.B.Arabic numbers were introduced by Italian mathematician Leonardo de Pisa.C.Robert Grosseteste, Roger Bacon and others made Cambridge University the center of scientific studies during the thirteenth century.D.Bacon wrote three important books, Great Work, Small Work and Third Work.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.026.第40题Which description of the Islamic philosophy is true?A.Al-Farabi believed that philosophy and religion are notreconcilable.B.Al-Ghazali regarded Greek philosophy as corrupters of Islamic faith.C.Averro雜 believed that philosophical truth can not be tested.D.Averro雜 thought that philosophers can not truly comprehend theological truth.您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.027.第41题All the following statements about the medieval commune are true EXCEPT__.mune had its own local government, its own court, its owntax-collecting agencies and its own customs.B.Some communes gained their independence by paying lords to grant it to them, while others governed alongside their lord.C.No communes battled violently for rights of self-governance.munes in Italy gained the right not only to govern themselves but also to rule the farmland and villages around them.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.028.第46题Which one of the following statements was NOT a factor that brought about the agricultural growth during the Central Middle Ages?A.The climate improved and the temperature was higher.B.More lands were under cultivated.C.Farming technology improved greatly.D.The food price dropped drastically.您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.029.第48题Which factor directly resulted in the first great split in Christianity in 1054?A.The rulers of most European peoples adopted Christianity for themselves and their subjectsB.The invasions from Vikings and Magyars not only destroyed many churches and monasteries but also greatly damaged the church institutionsC.There were few schools to train clergy, and many church officers were shallow and incompetentD.Pope Leo IX asserted the supreme authority of the papacy and clashed with the Patriarch of Constantinople Michael Cerularius您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.030.第50题Which of the following statements about The Hundred Years’ War is NO T true?A.The most famous weapons were the longbow and cannon used by the English.B.Firearms played a significant role in the battles.C.Horse-riding knights became more important army force than infantry.D.Europeans relied more and more on cannon for defensive wars.您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.031.第1题Hagia Sophia was the perfect representation of Byzantine civilization, which is a mixture of Greek, Roman and Persian cultural elements.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.032.第4题The official language of Byzantine Empire was Latin.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.033.第5题The Late Middle Ages are often described as a period of crisis and decline.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.034.第12题Universities served only a limited sector of the medieval population, only for men and the wealthy; women and the poor were kept out of education.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.035.第13题Among the Byzantine Empire, the Islamic Empire and the Frankish Empire, only the first one received continuing influence from the Roman intellectual and legal tradition.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.036.第14题The Vikings originated from the Scandinavian Peninsula and included Danes, Norwegians, Swedes and Magyars.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.037.第15题Seven Sacraments are recognized by Catholic Church, Orthodox Churches and Protestant Churches.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.038.第19题Before the Carolingian renaissance, cultural and educational standards in Western Europe had already surpassed those of the Byzantine Empire or Muslim world.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.039.第20题The new monarchs of late 15th century Germany, Italy and Spain laid the foundation for three of the great nation-states of modern Europe.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.040.第27题Romanesque architecture was known by its massive quality, round arches, barrel vaults, thick walls, sturdy pillars, small windows, large towers and decorative arcading.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.041.第28题Since the 3rd century the eastern half of the Roman Empire was more prosperous than the western half.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.042.第29题The Islamic Golden Age is a period of cultural and intellectual growth and activity that persisted throughout the Islamic world between the 8th and 13th centuries.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.043.第30题The characteristic features of the Gothic style included pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, thinner walls, large and stained-glass windows.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.044.第31题When creating their own kingdoms, the Germanic tribes rejected all Roman institutions.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.045.第42题Romance combined features of both vernacular epic and vernacular lyric.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.046.第43题Before the rise of Islam, Arabs did not believe in Allah.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.047.第44题During the 12th and 13th centuries, Romanesque style gradually took the place of Gothic style in architecture.您的答案:错误题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.048.第45题An important product of vernacular romance literature was the Romance of the Rose.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.049.第47题Muhammad was not only a prophet, but also a political and military leader.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.050.第49题What really triggered off the English Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 wa s an attempt to collect a new type of national tax to pay for the failing war with France.您的答案:正确题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0作业总得分:96.0作业总批注:作业1.第1题Which of the following statements is NOT true with the text?A.Martin Luther was a German missionary.B.Martin was declared an outlaw in the Empire.C.The Pope condemned Martin Luther’s beliefs.D.The Pope ordered Luther to change his beliefs.您的答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.02.第2题Which is not one of the things that the Viscontis, the Sforzas and theMedicis had in common?A.They were wealthy and powerful families in Italy.B.They were rulers of Milan during the Renaissance.C.They ordered the construction of great architectures.D.They were generous patrons of artists and intellectuals.您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.03.第3题Which is not one of the three great achievements of Italian Renaissanceart?A.the revival of classical textsB.the discovery of linear perspectiveC.the knowledge of anatomyD.the knowledge of the classical forms您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.04.第4题Which categories of publication does Erasmus’s The Praise of Folly belong to?A.clever satires to expose people’s errorsB.serious moral books to offer people Christian guidanceC.scholarly editions of basic Christian textsD.collection of stories to amuse people您的答案:A题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.05.第5题In terms of science, what was the significant shift in thinking during the Renaissance Age?A.the inclusion of science in the educational programB.the emphasis on how things happened in natureC.the development of new scientific methodsD.the acceptance of heliocentric theory您的答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.06.第6题Luther attacked the belief that the sacramental system was the only means to salvation and called for the reform of monasticism in________________.A.The Liberty of the Christian ManB.Address to the Nobility of the German NationC.The Babylonian Captivity of the ChurchD.the Ninety-Five Theses您的答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.07.第7题Like Luther, Calvin ____________A.believed man, from birth, is predestined by God for salvation or damnation.B.believed that the order and discipline of the early church should。

A 用词不当B语言结构不同C词的搭配不同D语言不当3、翻译不是____。
A 风格对等B灵活对等 C 形式对等D意义对等6、翻译有两个过程,一是理解,二是____A 表达B口头表达C书面表达D表述7、___翻译是考虑的不是词的对应,而着眼于句子甚至段落的对等。

一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0 分)1“中国实现了圣君与良臣政治”这句话出自()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、尼采B、亚里士多德C、黑格尔D、柏拉图正确答案:C 我的答案:C2“嫂溺而不援之以手,是豺狼也”是()之言。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、老子B、孟子C、庄子D、墨子正确答案:B 我的答案:B3索绪尔在其语言学教程中提到“必须承认语言文字的(),这是一切语言学的根本”。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、必然性B、文字性C、任意性D、情境性正确答案:C 我的答案:C4从某种程度上讲,中国受到()思想的影响,所以没有产生大量奴隶。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、安居乐业B、个人主义C、天下太平D、家族主义正确答案:D 我的答案:D5五四时期,中国的全盘西化派提倡()类型的诗歌。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、B、白话诗C、二者都是D、二者都不是正确答案:B 我的答案:B6西方国家的民主政治其实就是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、精英政治B、帮主政治C、阶级政治D、人民政治正确答案:B 我的答案:B7与庄子的思想最为接近的是()的思想。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、康德B、叔本华C、法耶尔阿本德D、黑格尔正确答案:C 我的答案:C8中国古代社会能够产生最好的统治者的原因是()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、科举制度的合理运用B、大家族社会结构的影响C、集权制度发展完善D、官本位思想的极端发展正确答案:B 我的答案:B9就中国来说,古代文化主要的边缘地是在()。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、中原B、高原C、D、山地正确答案:A 我的答案:A10印欧语系语言受到语法的影响,具有()的特点。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、直观综合,一语中的B、定位功能,比类条分C、用词严谨,使用灵活D、活用功能,词达理清正确答案:B 我的答案:B11得武力者得天下是()的主流文化逻辑。
(1.0分)1.0 分A、中国B、西方C、以上都不是D、以上都是正确答案:B 我的答案:B12“政府是人类智慧为了满足人类需要而建立的一种聪明的设置”是()的思想。
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佛朗西斯科·瓦罗(万济国)用西班牙语编写的《华语官话语法》,1703年在广州木刻出版。但他对中国文献、语法资料的了解十分有限。 全书没有一个汉字。在中国方面几乎没有任何影响。
方言学,1948-1950 在四川调查方言,发表了《简释两种四川方言》、《四川方言的固定句式》
2. 罗多弼,斯德哥尔摩大学中文系教授
5.沈迈克 隆德大学东亚与东南亚研究中心
6.盖玛雅 斯德哥尔摩东亚学院
社会政治文化现象 《从毛崇拜到金钱崇拜》1998