




















参考资料: 华安捷讯(北京)电讯器材销售有限公司
回答者: huaanjiexun - 四级 2009-6-3 09:17

SENTRON 5SV3344-6 4-线型A RCCB 产品说明书

SENTRON 5SV3344-6 4-线型A RCCB 产品说明书
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5SV3344-6 Page 2/5
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens AG
Depth Mounting position Installation depth Number of width units Mounting type Net weight
●ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱmaximum
Connectable conductor cross-section / solid
● minimum
● maximum
Tightening torque / with screw-type terminals
● minimum
● maximum
Position / of power supply cord
Service&Support (Manuals, Certificates, Characteristics, FAQs,...) /WW/view/en/5SV3344-6/all
Image database (product images, 2D dimension drawings, 3D models, device circuit diagrams, ...) /bilddb/cax_en.aspx?mlfb=5SV3344-6
operating state / per pole
● maximum
Tripping residual current / rated value



数字示波器一,功能检查1.接通仪器电源仪器执行所有自检工程,并确认通过自检,按SA VE/RECALL按钮,从顶部菜单框,默认的探头菜单衰减系数设值定为10X将v/div=500mv2.光标:允许通过移动光标进行测量。

















1 ,不同的图形表示不同的获取方式:取样方式峰值检测方式平均值方式2 。


R Ready 所有预触发数据已被获取,示波器已准备就绪接受触发。

T Trig’d示波器已检测到一触发,正在采集触发后信息。

R Auto示波器处于自动方式并正采集无触发下的波形。



T4.64寸6单元全频专业扬声器T系列全频专业扬声器系统产品说明书CN UM-T4.6-20090507 v e r A感谢您购买 产品!请仔细阅读本手册,它将帮助你妥善设置并运行您的系统,使其发挥卓越的性能。











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KF8TS2508 2510 2514 数据手册 V1.6 芯旺微电子说明书

KF8TS2508 2510 2514 数据手册 V1.6 芯旺微电子说明书

KF8TS2508/2510/2514数据手册V1.68位微控制器KF8TS2508/10/14数据手册KF8TS2508/2510/2514数据手册V1.6芯旺微电子 - 2/156 -产品订购信息芯片型号订货号封装FLASHRAM(Byte)内部HFOSC(Hz)外部HF/LFOSC(Hz)8位定时器16位定时器8位PWM12位ADC触摸按键I2C内部参考电压工作电压(V)KF8TS2508 KF8TS2508SD SOIC-14 4Kx16 40016M16M/ 32.768k13288 1 2V/3V/4V 2.6~5.5 KF8TS2510KF8TS2510SE SOIC-16 1010KF8TS2514KF8TS2514SG SOIC-20 1414KF8TS2514OG SSOP-20 KF8TS2514NG QFN-20版权所有@上海芯旺微电子有限公司 本文档为上海芯旺微电子有限公司在现有数据资料基础上慎重且力求准确无误编制而成.确保应用符合技术规范,是您自身应负的责任。









优利德 UTS5000A系列信号分析仪数据手册 说明书

优利德 UTS5000A系列信号分析仪数据手册 说明书












产品功能与型号对照表UTS5013AUTS5026A频谱分析●●矢量信号分析○○EMI ○○模拟解调○○高级测量○○I/Q 分析○○实时频谱分析○○注:●表示标配,○表示选配,×表示不支持。

Yamaha VXC1-SW 6.5英寸IP控制低频器件说明书

Yamaha VXC1-SW 6.5英寸IP控制低频器件说明书

Key Features• STNet IP-addressable, self powered(PoE) speaker.• Dante™ I/O for interconnectivity with Dante-enable audio systems.• BroadBeam Ring TM delivers a consistent dispersion pattern up to 10 kHz for maxi-mum coverage area per speaker.• One 5.25 inch (133 mm) polypropylene woofer and one 1.0 inch (25 mm) soft dome tweeter.• Fast connection of power, audio and control functions via one CAT5 or CAT6 cable.• 40 watts PoE provided by SoundTube STNet Switch; also works with Standar PoE plus and PoE switches.• Provides report-back on any problems via SoundTube software.• Aluminum grille with powder-coat finish.• Vertical and horizontal mounting offer precision aiming for indoor and outdoor applications.• UL 60065 listed.• High-quality black or white paint finish.• Included Accessories: Safety cable, wall mount bracket, port plug, allen wrench and watertight strain-relief bushing .DescriptionThe IPD-SM52-EZ is a 5.25-inch,two-way surface-mount speakers for IP-addressable audio networks on the Dante platform. It incorporates a 5.25-inch poly-proplyene woofer and 1-inch soft dome tweeter in an injection-molded enclosure. The speaker delivers a frequency response of 55 Hz – 22 kHz (-10 dB) with consistent, broad high frequency dispersion sup-plied through SoundTube’s proprietary BroadBeam Ring® technology.Power, audio and control are delivered to the speaker via a CAT5 or CAT6 cable; connection on the other end is made to the STNet-Switch, which provides 40 watts PoE (Power over Ethernet) to each speaker. Configuration of the speaker is done via software. Should any problems occur with the speaker during opera-tion, it will be reported immediately via SoundTube monitoring software.Mounting hardware included1 Frequency response measured in half orfull space as dictated by speaker mountingconfiguration2 Max output based on max continuous powerSpecifications: IPD-SM52-EZ© 2018 SoundTube Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. PN TS-SM52-EZ REV 03.20.18ApplicationsDesigned for indoor and damp outdoor background to mid-level SPL surface-mount applications. The sys-tem includes a detachable mounting bracket designed for premounting in surface-mounting applications. The full frequency dispersion pattern and high sensitivity make the IPD-SM52-EZ sur-face-mount speaker ideal for music and paging in retail, amusement, restaurant, airports, hotels, schools and casinos. Patented SoundTube TechnologiesSoundTube Entertainment and the MSE Audio Group are constantly develop-ing new technologies that enhance audio product performance. SoundTube Enter-tainment innovations are protected by mul-tiple U.S. and international patents, which explicitly cover SoundTube dome, enclo-sure and dispersion technologies. The MSE Audio Group actively defends its patents in order to protect SoundTube resellers and end users.Technical Data and Specification ToolsTechnical DataSoundTube Entertainment strives to provide complete and effective technical information and data to dealers, engi-neers and designers. All data are avail-able from SoundTube Entertainment or at .Technical data and downloads include: EASE™ data – 3-D polar plots.EASE™ Address – 2-D modeling for dis-tributed systemsTech Sheets – Technical information and architectural specs for system engineers SoundTubeSPEC™ – Proprietary speaker placement software Independent DataAcquisition and VerificationAll data for SoundTube speakers isindependently collected and verified bya third party. All data is collected andanalysed according to ASTM, ISO andAES standards using EASERA, TEF andMLSSA. Full balloon data including bothphase and magnitude is compiled intoa variety of formats including EASE 4.x,GLL and CLF.Architectural SpecificationsThe loudspeaker shall consist of a 133.0mm (5.25 in) low-frequency transducer anda 25.0 mm (1.00 in) high-frequency trans-ducer with a frequency-dividing networkinstalled in a vented enclosure. The low-frequency voice coil diameter shall be 25.4mm (1.00 in). The high-frequency trans-ducer shall be constructed of silk materialwith a proprietary BroadBeam Ring TMwaveguide.Performance specifications of a typicalproduction unit shall be as follows: Useablefrequency response shall extend from 55Hz – 22 kHz (-10 dB, half space, indepen-dently verified). The frequency-dividing net-wrork shall have a crossover frequency of3.5 kHz. The unit shall accept 40 watts PoEin addition to PoE plus and standard PoE,as well as the audio signal from a providednetwork switch, and shall be configurablevia software. Maximum continuous outputat 1 meter with a 40 watt input shall be97dB.Installation and safety attachment forthe speaker shall be by U-bracket affixedto the speaker chassis with steel insert. Forsafety redundancy, a secondary cable shallbe included and attached to the speakerchassis.The external wiring input connector shallbe via RJ45 ethernet port, accepting stan-dard RJ45 ethernet cable. The system shallbe for indoor/outdoor applications and shallinclude a weather resistant cover over allwire connections.The enclosure shall be constructed ofinjection-molded, High Impact Poly Sty-rene (HIPS). The grille shall be constructedof powder-coated aluminium for lastingperformance. Overall cabinet dimensionsshall be no more than 301.8 mm (11.88 in)in height by 190.5 mm (7.50 in) in width by168.4 mm (6.63 in) in depth (without SMbracket). The unit shall include port plug,allen wrench and watertight strain-relief bush-ing.The system shall be the SoundTubeIPD-SM52-EZ for audio over IP Dante™applications.SoundTube Entertainment6430 Business Park Loop RoadPark City, Utah 84098Phone 435.647.9555Fax 435.647.9666T oll Free 800.647.TUBEAll SoundT ube products comewith a 5-year limited warranty.Technical data, EASE ™ plots, SoundTubeSPEC ™ software and product downloads available at Phase/Impedance ResponseFrequency Response Vertical Beamwidth (-6dB)Directivity Index (DI)Preliminary GraphsSoundTube Entertainment manufactures a complete line of speakers for:Open-Ceiling • In-Ceiling • Surface-Mount • Outdoor • Sound-FocusingAll SoundTube products are designed and engineered in the USA.10,000 Hz8,000 Hz 4,000 Hz 2,000 Hz 1,000 Hz500 Hz250 Hz125 HzPreliminary Polar Plots Mechanical Drawings11.887.598.877.032.376.603.150.35。

AUREL RTX-RTLP 434 RF数字传输器说明书

AUREL RTX-RTLP 434 RF数字传输器说明书

RTX-RTLP434Instruction ManualTechnical features are subject to change without notice. AUREL S.p.A. does not assume responsibilities for any damages caused by the device’s misuse.RTX-RTLP 434 TransceiverRF digital transceiver with very low voltage supply and consumption: ideal for RX-TX half-duplex radio systems with the RX permanently supplied and with no answer delayPin-outConnectionsPin 2-7-9-17-21 Ground GND Connections. Internally connected to a single ground platePin 3 +V TX Connection to the supply positive pole (+3V ± 5%) of the transmitting section.Pin 4 Tx Data In Transceiver digital input; accepts serial data [0 ÷ 3V] with a 10K Ω load impedance.Pin 10 Antenna 50Ω impedance antenna connectionPin 20-25 +V RX Connection to the supply positive pole (+3V ± 5%) of the receiving section.Pin 23 Test Point Analog output of the demodulated signal. By connecting an oscillograph the entity and quality of the received RF signal can be seen. Pin 24Rx Data Out.Transceiver digital output. Apply loads over 10 K ΩTechnical featuresMin Typical Max UnityRemarks Working centre frequency 433.92 MHzVoltage supply Vs2.8 33.2 V Absorbed current [TX ON] 15 17 mA Absorbed current [RX ON] 0.07 0.08 0.09 mARF sensitivity-95 dBm See note 1RF passband at –3dB 600 KHz Output square wave 2.5 KHz TX Power10 dBm Antenna impedance 50 ΩSwitch-on time1 s See note 2TX-RX commutation time 500 ms Working temperature -20+80 °CDimensions63.3 x 17.2 x 5 mmNote1: Values have been obtained by applying the test system as per Fig. 1 and the RX resistance not connected (see Fig. 2).Note2: By switch-on time is meant the time required by the transceiver to acquire the declared characteristics from the very moment the power supply is applied.225Lot (Week/Year) CodeRTX-RTLP434Instruction ManualThe declaired technical features have been verified by applying the following test system:Squelch threshold settingThe AUREL Transceiver mod. RTX-RTLP 434, normally presents, at the data output, 1 and 0 random commutations, corresponding to the noise generated by the transceiver itself.Such characteristic allows to make use of the maximum sensibility of the device. However, in certain application, where a low noise level is required, it is possible to connect a resistance of X value (see table) between transceiver T.P. pin and GND.The table here below shows for different resistance value, the obtained loss value:Model Loss (–1dB) Loss (-3dB) RTX-RTLP 434Rx = 10MRx = 5.6MFig. 2 Attenuation curve according to RX valueFig. 1RTX-RTLP434Instruction ManualBy accepting some commutation on the data output, it suffice to apply a resistance value that determines a 1 dB attenuation; attenuations of 3 dB increase the immunity to the noise till to obtain, to the data output, a logic, low and stable value in lack of RF signal.Device usageIn order to take advantage of the performances described in the technical specifications and to comply with the operating conditions which characterize the Certification, the transceiver has to be fitted on a printed circuit, considering what follows:3 V dc supply:1. The transceiver must be supplied by a very low voltage source, safety protected against short circuits.2. Maximum voltage variations allowed: ± 0,15 V.3. De-coupling, next to the transceiver, by means of a minimum 100.000 pF. ceramic capacitor.Ground:1. It must surround at the best the welded area of the transceiver. The circuit must be double layer, withthroughout vias to the ground planes, approximately each 15 mm.2. It must be properly dimensioned, specially in the antenna connection area, in case a radiating whipantenna is fitted in it (an area of approximately 50 mm radius is suggested.)50 Ohm line:1. It must be the shortest as possible.2. 1,8 mm wide for 1 mm thick FR4 printed circuits and 2,9 mm wide for 1,6 mm thick FR4 printed circuits.On the same side, it must be kept 2 mm away from the ground circuit. 3. On the opposite side a ground circuit area must be present.Fig.3 Suggested lay-out for the devicecorrect usageRTX-RTLP434 Instruction Manual Antenna connection:1. It may be utilized as the direct connection point for the radiating whip antenna.2. It can bear the connection of the central wire of a 50 Ω coaxial cable. Be sure that the braid is welded tothe ground in a close point.Antenna:1. A whip antenna, 16,5 mm long and approximately 1 mm dia, brass or copper wire made, must beconnected to the RF input of the transceiver.2. The antenna body must be keep straight as much as possible and it must be free from other circuits ormetal parts (5 cm minimum suggested distance.)3. It can be utilized either vertical or horizontal, provided the connection point between antenna andtransceiver input, is surrounded by a good ground plane.N.B:As an alternative to the a.m. antenna it is possible to utilize the whip model manufactured by Aurel (see related Data Sheet ed Application Notes).By fitting whip antennas too different from the described ones, the EC Certification is not assured.Other components:1. Keep the transceiver separate from all other components of the circuit (more than 5 mm).2. Keep particularly far away and shielded all possible microprocessors and their clock circuits.3. Do not fit components around the 50 Ohm line. At least keep them at 5 mm distance.4. If the Antenna Connection is directly used for a radiating whip antenna connection, keep at least a 5 cmradius free area. In case of coaxial cable connection then 5 mm radius will suffice.Reference RulesThe RTX-RTLP 434 transceiver is EC certified and in particular it complies with the European Rules EN 300 220-3 for class 2, and EN 300 683 for class 1. The equipment has been tested according to rule EN 60950 and it can be utilized inside a special insulated housing that assures the compliance with the above mentioned rule. The transceiver must be supplied by a very low voltage safety source protected against short circuits The use of the transceiver module is foreseen inside housings that assure the overcoming of the rule EN 61000-4-2 not directly applicable to the module itself. In particular, it is at the user’ s care the insulation of the external antenna connection, and of the antenna itself since the RF output of the transceiver is not built to directly bear the electrostatic charges foreseen by the a.m. rule.CEPT 70-03 RecommandationsIn order to comply with such rule, the device (strictly for what it concernes the tranbsmission phase) must be used only for a 10% of an hourly duty-cycle, (that means 6 minutes of utilisation over 60).The device usage inside the italian territory is governed by the Codice Postale and Telecomunicazioni rules in force (art. no. 334 and subsequents).The technical tests and reports have been carried out and obtained by the laboratories of :Messrs PRIMA RICERCA & SVILUPPO – via Campagna, 58 – 22020 Gaggino Faloppio (CO) - Italy I。

常数扇宽技术(Constant Beamwidth Technology)音响系统用户指南说明书

常数扇宽技术(Constant Beamwidth Technology)音响系统用户指南说明书

CBT 100LA-LSKey Features:Patent-pending Constant Beamwidth Technology™ provides constant directivity up to the highest frequencies and reduces out-of-coverage lobing.EN54-24 Compliant (when installed with included MTC-PC2 panel cover).Vertical pattern coverage switchable between 40° formedium-throw coverage and 15° for long-throw applications.Switchable voicing provides flat response in music mode or mid-range presence peak in speech mode.Dynamic SonicGuard™ overload protectionSwivel (pan)/tilt wall bracket included.Built-in 70V/100V transformer, plus 8 ohm direct capability.Line Array Column Loudspeaker with Sixteen 50 mm (2 in) Drivers and EN54:24 CertificationOverview:The CBT 100LA-LS, with Constant BeamwidthTechnology™, represents a breakthrough in pattern control consistency, utilizing complex analog delay beam-forming and amplitude tapering to accomplish superior, consistent vertical coverage without the narrow vertical beaming and out-of-coverage lobing that are typical of straight form-factor column speakers.The slim, compact design fits well into virtually anyarchitectural decor. The 100 cm (39.4 in) tall line array height provides consistent pattern control throughout the intelligibility band, making the CBT 100LA-LS ideal for difficult acoustic environments. The combination of superior sound quality,excellent pattern control, and compact design makes CBT 100LA-LS ideal for applications such as lecture halls, transit centers, conference rooms, cathedrals, multipurpose spaces, architectural spaces, and in-wall recessed locations, among many others.The innovative coverage adjustability allows switching between broad and narrow vertical coverage settings to allow matching the coverage and throw requirements of the application. Coverage can be easily switched in-venue with the speaker alreadyinstalled. This innovation allows a single loudspeaker model to excel in an extremely wide variety of project types.The voicing can be set to match the application through the Music/Speech switch. The Music setting provides flat frequency response, while the Speech setting produces a mid-range presence boost to provide clear, intelligible speech even at the longest throw distances.The drivers feature dual neodymium magnets for light weight. Copper capped pole pieces lower both the driver inductance and the flux modulation, resulting in increased high frequency extension and reduced distortion at high drive levels. Butyl rubber surrounds provide long life even in high humidity environments. The drivers are shielded.Dynamic SonicGuard™ minimizes distortion at high drive levels by limiting low frequency excursion dynamically. This maximizes clarity at high drive levels while protecting the drivers from damage due to overpowering.A swivel (pan)/tilt wall-mount bracket is included, plus eighteen M6 inserts on the back panel fit the spacing of common third-party mounting brackets, or can be utilized to suspend the speaker using forged shoulder steel eyebolts, providing installation versatility.CBT 100LA-LS can be installed either indoors or outdoors. The drivers are weather-treated, the fiberglass reinforced ABS cabinet is excellent for outdoor applications, external screws are stainless steel screws, and the painted aluminum grille resists rusting in the harshest conditions. Available in black or white (-WH).Specifications:Components: Sixteen 50 mm (2 in) Full-RangeFrequency Range (-10 dB)1: 120 Hz – 20 kHzCoverage Pattern: Vertical:Narrow Mode: 15° (2 kHz - 16 kHz) (±10°) Broad Mode: 40° (1 kHz - 16 kHz) (±10°) Horizontal: 150° (ave, 1 kHz – 4 kHz, ±20°)Power Capacity 325 W (1300W peak), 2 hrs (8 ohm setting)2: 200 W (800W peak), 100 hrsMax SPL 3: Narrow: (speech mode) 121 dB cont ave (127 peak)(music mode) 118 dB cont ave (124 peak)Broad: (speech mode) 118 dB cont ave (124 peak)(music mode) 115 dB cont ave (121 peak)70V/100V Transformer Taps: 120W, 60W, 30W, (15W at 70V only), and 8 thru, via switchEnclosure: Fiberglass reinforced ABS cabinet with UL94-5VB flammability rating, painted aluminum grilleOutdoor Capability: IP-55 rated, per IEC529, when installed with optional MTC-PC2 panel cover. UV , moisture and 200-hr ASTM G85 acid-air/salt-sprayMounting: Included swivel (pan)/tilt wall bracket provides continuously variable +/-80 degree left-rightswivel aiming (at no up/down tilt -- see Bracket Guide for maximum swivel range at various up/down tilt angles), continuously adjustable ±15 degree tilt, as well as 5 degree fixed increment points. Eighteen threaded mounting points located on back panel conform to industry standard rectangular 108 x 51 mm (4.25 x 2.0 in) pattern for OmniMount® 30.0 and other compatible third-party brackets. Threaded mounting points can be utilized for suspension.Optional Accessories: MTC-CBT-FM1 flush-mount low-profile wall-mount bracketMTC-CBT-SMB1 Stand-Mount Bracket for use with 35 mm speaker standFull spaceIEC standard, full bandwidth pink noise with 6 dB crest factor. Calculated based on power rating and measured sensitivity, exclusive of power compression. Full space (free field) environment utilized for measurements, including the EN54 measurements. Per EN54-24 Components of voice alarm system - loudspeakers: Input signal for Sensitivity and Max SPL has 2-to-1 peak-to-average ratio. Measurements taken at distance of 4 meters. Max SPL measured with 100V RMS input signal at top 100V tap.JBL continually engages in research related to product improvement.Changes introduced into existing products without notice are an expression of that philosophy.Dimensions (H x W x D): 1000 x 98.5 x 153 (39.4 in x 3.8 in x 6.0 in)Net Weight : 7.2 kg (15.8 lb)Included Accessories : Swivel (pan) / tilt wall bracket MTC-PC2 terminal panel coverEN54 Sensitivity (@ 4m)4/5: 76 dB (per EN54:24 spectrum and measurement conditions at 4 meters, set at broad/music mode.)Coverage Angles 4000 Hz 20000 Hz 1000 Hz 500 HzIn Music V oicing, Broad Vertical Switch Settings:Vertical: 37° 32° 49° 66° Horizontal: 125° 185° 235° 360° In Speech V oicing, Broad Vertical Switch Settings: Vertical: 37° 32° 49° 66° Horizontal: 125° 185° 236° 360° In Music V oicing, Narrow Vertical Switch Settings: Vertical: 17° 24° 43° 66° Horizontal: 126° 185° 237° 360° In Speech V oicing, Narrow Vertical Switch Settings: Vertical: 17° 24° 43° 66° Horizontal: 127° 186° 236° 360°Nominal Impedance: 8 ohms (in Thru mode) 15w@70v; 30w@100v Tap = 333Ω 30w@70v; 60w@100v Tap = 167Ω 60w@70v; 120w@100v Tap = 83Ω 120w@70v; N/C@100v Tap = 42ΩEN54 Max SPL (@ 4m)4/5: 92 dB (per EN54:24 spectrum and measurement conditions, at 4 meters)Reference Axis 4: Specification and measurement referenced on-axis vertically and horizontally to the center point of the speaker baffle.Safety Agency : EN54-24:2008 certified (Certificate No. 0359-CPR-00432), when installed with MTC-PC2 terminal panel cover. Cabinet UL94-5VB flammability rated. In accordance with the requirements of IEC60849/EN60849. Transformer UL registered per UL1876. Sensitivity (2.83V@ 1m)1: Narrow: (speech mode) 96 dB (2 kHz - 14 kHz )(music mode) 93 dB (300 Hz - 18 kHz) Broad: (speech mode) 93 dB (2 kHz - 14 kHz) (music mode) 90 dB (300 Hz - 18 kHz)Insert Points: 18 M6 insert points on back panel.Colors: Black or White (-WH)(by Frequency and Switch Mode):Frequency (Hz)6070809010031610031.6103.16S P L (d B )O h m sD i r e c t i v i t y I n d e x (D I ), d BFrequency (Hz)D i r e c t i v i t y F a c t o r (Q )A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Frequency (Hz)0 deg 10 deg 20 deg 30 deg 40 degA t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Frequency (Hz)0 deg 10 deg 20 deg 30 deg 40 degD i r e c t i v i t y I n d e x (D I ), d BFrequency (Hz)D i r e c t i v i t y F a c t o r (Q )A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Frequency (Hz)0 deg10 deg 20 deg 30 deg 40 degA t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Frequency (Hz)0 deg10 deg 20 deg 30 deg 40 deg-6 d B B e a m w i d t h (d e g r e e s )-6 d B B e a m w i d t h (d e g r e e s )Broad SettingFrequency Response:“Music” Mode (solid); “Speech” Mode (dotted), 1W, 1m, and Impedance (full-space, on-axis)Beamwidth:Directivity, QFrequency (Hz) Vertical Off-Axis Frequency ResponseHorizontal Off-Axis Frequency ResponseNarrow SettingFrequency Response:“Music” Mode (solid); “Speech” Mode (dotted), 1W, 1m, and Impedance (full-space, on-axis)Beamwidth:Directivity, QFrequency (Hz)Vertical Off-Axis Frequency ResponseHorizontal Off-Axis Frequency ResponseFrequency (Hz)6070809010031610031.6103.16S P L (d B )O h m s200 Hz250 Hz315 Hz400 Hz200 Hz250 Hz315 Hz400 Hz500 Hz630 Hz800 Hz1 kHz500 Hz630 Hz800 Hz1 kHz90°90°90°90°90°0°0°0°0°0°1.25 kHz1.6 kHz2 kHz2.5 kHz3.15 kHz4 kHz5 kHz6.3 kHz8 kHz10 kHz12.5 kHz16 kHz90°0°90°0°90°90°0°0°0°1.25 kHz1.6 kHz2 kHz2.5 kHz3.15 kHz4 kHz5 kHz6.3 kHz8 kHz10 kHz12.5 kHz16 kHz Broad SettingVertical 1/3 Octave PolarsNarrow Setting0°0°0°0°0°90°90°90°90°90°500 Hz630 Hz800 Hz1 kHz1.25 kHz1.6 kHz2 kHz2.5 kHz3.15 kHz4 kHz5 kHz6.3 kHz8 kHz10 kHz12.5 kHz16 kHz200 Hz250 Hz315 Hz400 Hz0°0°0°0°0°90°90°90°90°90°500 Hz630 Hz800 Hz1 kHz1.25 kHz1.6 kHz2 kHz2.5 kHz3.15 kHz4 kHz5 kHz6.3 kHz8 kHz10 kHz12.5 kHz16 kHz200 Hz250 Hz315 Hz400 Hz Broad SettingHorizontal 1/3 Octave PolarsNarrow SettingØ6.5 [ØTilt Angle Adjustment:Slot ( ±15°, continuous )Pre-Set Angles ( 5° increments )Toward Loudspeaker183 [7.2]Toward WallØ7 [99 [3.9]1000 [39.4]153 [6.0] 51 [2.0] 69 [2.7] 108 [4.25]108 [4.25]108 [4.25]108 [4.25]108 [4.25]108 [4.25]108 [4.25]108 [4.25]M6x1.0P (18 places)Dimensions:Dimensions in mm (in)Wall BracketLoudspeaker-MountSectionAssembled BracketWall-Mount Section8500 Balboa Boulevard, P.O. Box 2200 Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A.© Copyright 2013 JBL Professional CBT100LA-LS_SS Rev A, 07/14。


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需要根据天线得类型、日夜及夏冬、通信 距离选择合适得通信频率。
面内,辐射功率为最大辐射功率1半得两个方 向得间得夹角。 前后比:主瓣最大值与后瓣最大值得比值。
电场矢量得空间指向为天线辐射电磁波极化方向 HF通信 相对地面 水平极化 垂直极化 卫星通信 圆极化 椭圆极化 (左旋 右旋)
同轴电缆(50欧姆 75欧姆)
VSWR=(1+Г)/(1-Г) ,馈线 、发射接收机、天线 匹配程度。 1、5 一般认为能耗较为关键得低能应用上被视为临界值。
反射功率/入射功率 ( -14dB VSWR=1、5)
离天线一定距离处,辐射场得相对场强(归一化模值) 随方向变化得图形,通常采用通 过天线最大辐射方 向上得两个相互垂直得平面方向图来表示。
主瓣:最大辐射方向上得波瓣 副瓣:除主瓣以外得波瓣 后瓣:位于主瓣后方得副瓣 半功率波瓣宽度(3dB波瓣宽度):包含主瓣平
反射系数 驻波系数 方向系数 效率 增益 频宽
驻波系数=1得天线就是否为好天线??? 50欧姆得电阻完全无发射,驻波系数为1



最优的性价比,可满足您各方面的要求!便携式中继台VX-2508R内置VERTEX 车载台VX-2508两台、S-350-13.5稳压电源、双工器全双工工作方式,单天线接口满足常规中继转发功能设有丰富的ACC辅助接口超时计时器编码静噪操作优良的散热性交直流两用供电( 直流供电/ 选件)常规单向中继/ 双向互控中继( 选件)支持VHF/UHF不同频段车载台任意组合手提式设计,轻巧漂亮便携式固定台VX-2508F内置VERTEX 车载台VX-2508单台、S-350-13.5稳压电源半双工工作方式,单天线接口设有丰富的ACC辅助接口( 选件)超时计时器编码静噪操作交直流两用供电( 直流供电/ 选件)可选配内置MODEM做数传电台可配合中继台使用,组合成链路中继方式扩展通讯距离手提式设计,轻巧漂亮128个信道功率输出:25W / 高功率5W / 低功率每个信道均为宽带或窄带可编程锁相环步进:2.5 / 5.0 / 6.25 KHz低级和高级加密选项8字符显示CTCSS、DCS编码/解码双2音频编码DTMF ANI 编码/ID 显示内置语音压扩技术可编程面板按键MIL标准(MIL810C,D和E )适用的美国军用标准MIL810 C,D和E超耐用设计完全符合美国军标MIL810 C,D和E标准所要求的严格的技术规格,遵从如下测试程序。

性能指标:▲一般指标频率范围VX-2508R/F 136-174MHz 400-470MHz 350-390MHz 频道数目Max.128banks频道间隔12.5/25KHzPLL步进 2.5,5.0,6.25KHz(VHF) 5,6.25 KHz(UHF)频率稳定性±2.5KHz工作温度范围-30℃ TO +60℃电源13.8V DC 220V AC电流消耗Tx at 20W 7ARx Max.audio 1000mA Stand-by 600mA天线阻抗50(SO-239)尺寸180(W)×195(H)×265(D)mm /180(W)×110(H)×265(D)mm 重量6000g/5100g▲发射指标输出功率20W(at13.8V DC/220V AC)最大频率偏移±5.0KHz(wide) ±2.5KHz(narrow)杂波与谐波< 70db音频失真< 3% @1KHz麦克风阻抗600(8-pin modular)▲接收指标灵敏度0.25dBµ V静噪灵敏度0.25dBµ V邻道选择度80dB typ.(wide) 67dB typ.(narrow)杂波抑制80dB互调75dB typ.音频输出功率 4.0W typ.at 10%dist./4Ωload以上数据有可能变更,恕不另行通知后面板图示:射频天线接口外接辅助接口直流电源接口交流电源接口附件:手持式麦克风(MH-25A8J )交流电源线缆使用说明书选配件:直流电源接口外接辅助接口浮充电路双向互控中继电路台式话筒。

Tektronix AWG500DB系列任意波形发生器 说明书

Tektronix AWG500DB系列任意波形发生器 说明书

正常: ≤ -40 dBc 直接: ≤ -49 dBc
正常: ≤ -46 dBc 直接: ≤ -55 dBc
≤ -60 dBc (DC - 600 MHz)
≤ -60 dBc (DC - 300 MHz)
1.2 Gsample/sec 时钟, 幅度: 1 Vpp,
正常: 20 mV - 4.5 V peak-to-peak 直接: 20 mV - 0.6 V peak-to-peak
1 mV
偏置 = 0 V 时± (2.0% 的幅度 ± 2 mV)
正常: -2.25 V 到 + 2.25 V 直接: N/A
1 mV
最小幅度时± (2% 的偏置 ± 10 mV)
14 位
4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
50 欧姆
BNC (前面板)
10 M - 1.2 Gsample/sec
10 M - 600 Msample/sec
有效 RF 频率(Fmax)
Fmax 是指“有效带宽(-6 dB)”或“最大采样率 / 每个周期 2.5 点”中较低者
64 dBc (直接: 10 MHz, 600 MS/s, 0.6 Vpp)
64 dBc (直接: 10 MHz, 600 MS/s, 0.6 Vpp)
80 dBc (直接: 1 MHz, 600 MS/s, 0.6 Vpp)

RVVPX308.11B-T2 4-口多频扇区天线说明书

RVVPX308.11B-T2 4-口多频扇区天线说明书

6-port sector antenna, 2x 694–960 and 4x 1695–2690 MHz, 65°HPBW, 3x RET with manual override and internal Bias-Tee's.Internal RET actuators are connected in SRET configuration, with dedicated AISG ports for eachbandEach port has an integrated bias tee, and each band has its own smart switch that automaticallyselects between bias tee or AISG inputs according to a predetermined priority tableOBSOLETEThis product was discontinued on: March 31, 2021General SpecificationsAntenna Type SectorBand MultibandGrounding Type RF connector body grounded to reflector and mounting bracket Performance Note Outdoor usage | Wind loading figures are validated by wind tunnelmeasurements described in white paper WP-112534-ENRadome Material Fiberglass, UV resistantRadiator Material Low loss circuit boardReflector Material AluminumRF Connector Interface7-16 DIN FemaleRF Connector Location BottomRF Connector Quantity, high band4RF Connector Quantity, low band2RF Connector Quantity, total6Remote Electrical Tilt (RET) InformationRET Interface8-pin DIN Female | 8-pin DIN MaleRET Interface, quantity 1 female | 3 maleInput Voltage10–30 VdcInternal Bias Tee Port 1 | Port 2 | Port 3 | Port 4 | Port 5 | Port 6Internal RET High band (2) | Low band (1)Power Consumption, idle state, maximum 2 W14Page ofPage of 24Power Consumption, normal conditions, maximum 13 WProtocol3GPP/AISG 2.0 (Single RET)DimensionsWidth 350 mm | 13.78 in Depth 208 mm | 8.189 in Length2065 mm | 81.299 in Net Weight, without mounting kit29.7 kg | 65.477 lbArray LayoutElectrical SpecificationsImpedance50 ohm1695 – 2690 MHz | 694 – 960 MHzOperating Frequency Band1695 – 2690 MHz | 694 – 960 MHzPolarization±45°Total Input Power, maximum800 W @ 50 °CElectrical SpecificationsFrequency Band, MHz694–790790–890890–9601695–19201920–21802300–2690 Gain, dBi15.315.916.217.417.918.4 Beamwidth, Horizontal,degrees696765626262Beamwidth, Vertical, degrees12.511.110.27.5 6.6 5.4Beam Tilt, degrees0–100–100–100–100–100–10 USLS (First Lobe), dB181818181818Null Fill, dB-22-22-22-22-22-22Front-to-Back Ratio at 180°,dB293233333838Isolation, Cross Polarization,dB282828303030 Isolation, Inter-band, dB303030303030VSWR | Return loss, dB 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 1.5 | 14.0 PIM, 3rd Order, 2 x 20 W, dBc-150-150-150-150-150-150Input Power per Port at 50°C,maximum, watts175175175175175175 Electrical Specifications, BASTAFrequency Band, MHz694–790790–890890–9601695–19201920–21802300–2690 Gain by all Beam Tilts,average, dBi15.115.716.117.117.718.2Gain by all Beam TiltsTolerance, dB±0.4±0.3±0.1±0.5±0.3±0.4Gain by Beam Tilt, average, dBi 0 ° | 15.15 ° | 15.110 ° | 15.00 ° | 15.75 ° | 15.710 ° | 15.70 ° | 16.15 ° | 16.110 ° | 16.10 ° | 17.15 ° | 17.110 ° | 17.20 ° | 17.75 ° | 17.710 ° | 17.70 ° | 18.25 ° | 18.210 ° | 18.0Beamwidth, HorizontalTolerance, degrees±0.9±1.1±1.8±2.8±2.5±5.8Beamwidth, VerticalTolerance, degrees±0.7±0.6±0.3±0.5±0.5±0.4USLS, beampeak to 20° abovebeampeak, dB181818181818Front-to-Back Total Power at 252627262829Page of34180° ± 30°, dBCPR at Boresight, dB151717182019 CPR at Sector, dB121214131210 Mechanical SpecificationsWind Loading @ Velocity, frontal348.0 N @ 150 km/h (78.2 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, lateral294.0 N @ 150 km/h (66.1 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, maximum737.0 N @ 150 km/h (165.7 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Loading @ Velocity, rear369.0 N @ 150 km/h (83.0 lbf @ 150 km/h)Wind Speed, maximum241 km/h (150 mph)Packaging and WeightsWidth, packed436 mm | 17.165 inDepth, packed320 mm | 12.598 inLength, packed2250 mm | 88.583 inWeight, gross50.2 kg | 110.672 lbRegulatory Compliance/CertificationsAgency ClassificationCHINA-ROHS Above maximum concentration valueISO 9001:2015Designed, manufactured and/or distributed under this quality management systemROHS Compliant/ExemptedUK-ROHSCompliant/ExemptedIncluded ProductsT-029-GL-E–Adjustable Tilt Pipe Mounting Kit for 2.362"-4.5" (60-115mm) OD round members for panelantennas. Includes 2 clamp sets.* FootnotesPerformance Note Severe environmental conditions may degrade optimum performancePage of44。

Giga-tronics GT-1050B微波功放器技术数据表说明书

Giga-tronics GT-1050B微波功放器技术数据表说明书

Technical DatasheetGT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifier 2 GHz to 50 GHzBroadband High-Power Instrumentation Amplifier35527 -Rev.A / US13071135527-R e v . A / U S 130711The Giga-tronics GT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifier incorporates broadband MMIC-based architecture.These state-of-the-art amplifiers are based on solid-state parallel MMIC design with exceptionally widebandwidth and high power. The unique circuit topology is highly reliable, with performance that excels where extremes of bandwidth and power are demanded.The Giga-tronics GT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifiers provide excellent pulse fidelity, low intermodulation distortion, high linearity and superior gain flatness without the warm-up time, drift or aging issues of traveling wave tube amplifiers (TWTA). They feature low noise figure, low harmonics and spurious content, and are highly tolerant to load mismatch.1• 2 GHz to 50 GHz eliminates band switching, reduces cost and complexity • Solid-state technology for low noise, high reliability and long life•Ideal for R&D Lab, ATE Systems, Wireless Communications and Defense EW applicationsGT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifier35527-R e v . A / U S 130711The Giga-tronics GT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifier offers linear high-power amplification across multi-octave bands. Theyis ideal for testing in R&D Lab, ATE Systems, wireless communications applications and Defense EW systems. The 2 GHz to 50 GHz frequency range allows broadband testing without band switching or swapping narrow band amplifiers resulting in faster and more accurate testing.The amplifiers can be used in wireless communications and component testing wherever a highly linear amplifier is needed. These microwave power amplifiers with excellent pulse fidelity are ideal for many Aerospace and Defense applications, including EW, ECM, ECCM, radar and satellite system signal simulation and testing. The GT-1050B is an ideal ATE system building block for boosting test signals to overcome cable and connector loss whenever long cable runs are needed in assembly bays, environmental test chambers or field locations.The amplifier nominally provides 25 dB of gain over the 2 GHz to 50 GHz frequency range. The GT-1050B can be paired with a Giga-tronics 2540B 40 GHz Microwave Signal Generator or with Giga-tronics 2550B 50 GHz Microwave Signal Generator, increasing the overall output power while preserving the synthesizer’s fast switching speed, modulation, and high signal fidelity.2GT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifier35527-R e v . A / U S 130711Frequency RangeGT-1050B2 GHz to 50 GHzOutput PowerOutput power is specified as minimum saturated power into 50 Ohm load with +5 dBm input, at 23°C ± 5°C Input power for normal operation should be limited to +20 dBm maximum.Range Specifications2 to 10 GHz +30 dBm (1 Watts) nominal, +26 dBm (400 mW) minimum 10 to 30 GHz +28 dBm (600 mW) nominal, +25 dBm (300 mW) minimum 30 to 40 GHz +27 dBm (500 mW) nominal, +23 dBm (200 mW) minimum 40 to 50 GHz+24 dBm (250 mW) nominal, +20 dBm (100 mW) minimumGain FlatnessNominal gain is 25 dB, minimum gain > 20 dB.Gain flatness is specified as maximum variation with -5 dBm input and 50 Ohm load.Range Specifications 2 to 40 GHz ± 2.5 dB nominal 2 to 50 GHz± 3.5 dB nominal3GT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifier35527-R e v . A / U S 1307114Input and Output VSWR2 to 30 GHz30 to 40 GHz 40 to 50 GHz Input, 50 ohms 1.5:1 nominal 2.0:1 nominal 2.3:1 nominal Output, 50 ohms2.0:1 nominal2.3:1 nominal2.9:1 nominalAdditional SpecificationsParameter Specifications StabilityUnconditionally Stable Maximum Load VSWR 3:1Maximum Input Power +20 dBm Third Order Intercept +37 dBm nominal Harmonic Distortion*< -30 dBc nominal Spurious*< -60 dBc nominal Reverse Isolation > 50 dBNoise Figure< 10 dB nominal, < 14 dB maximum* Note: Harmonics measured at +10 dBm output power. Spurious measured at -5 dBm input power levelGeneral SpecificationsLine Voltage 100 to 240 VAC, 47 to 63 Hz, Single Phase Line Power20 VA maximum Operating Temperature 0°C to +50°C Storage Temperature -20°C to +75°CDimensions 2.5” H x 6.8” D x 7.0” W (64 mm H x 173 mm D x 178 mm W) Weight 4.5 lbs (2 kg)RF ConnectorsInput: 2.4 mm compatible 1.85 mm (f) V connectorOutput: 2.4 mm compatible 1.85 mm (f) V connectorGT-1050B Microwave Power Amplifier35527-R e v . A / U S 130711Ordering InformationGiga-tronics has a network of RF and Microwave instrumentation sales engineers and a staff of factory support personnel to help you find the best, most economical instrument for your specific applications. In addition to helping you select the best instrument for your needs, our staff can provide quotations, assist you in placing orders, and do everything necessary to ensure that your business transactions with Giga-tronics are handled efficiently.Model NumberFrequency RangeGT-1050BMicrowave Power Amplifier, 2 GHz to 50 GHzAvailable Options and Accessories Option Description46Add Rack Mount KitGiga-tronics Support ServicesAt Giga-tronics, we understand the challenges you face. Our support services begin from the moment you call us. We help you achieve both top-line growth and bottom-line efficiencies by working to identify your precise needs and implement smart and result orientated solutions. We believe and commit ourselves in providing you with more than our superior test solutions. For technical support, contact:Tel: 1-800-726-GIGA (4442) or (925) 328-4669Email:***********************UpdatesAll data is subject to change without notice. For the latest information on Giga-tronics products and applications, please visit out website:535527-R e v . A / U S 130711©2013 Giga-tronics Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.。

威世-OTS 1 同轴电缆连接器 PCB 传输线设计指南 应用笔记 ANE012说明书

威世-OTS 1 同轴电缆连接器 PCB 传输线设计指南 应用笔记 ANE012说明书

ANE012 // O LAN T SAI1IntroductionThe function of a RF (Radio Frequency) transmission line is a directing RF signal from a source to a load with minimal loss and distortion. Impedance plays an important role in signal transmission. Even if the trace impedance already matches, adding a connector can cause an impedance mismatch and thus signal distortions due to reflections. The purpose of this application note is to outline methods for improving signal transmission when a connector is added on a PCB.1.1.ImpedanceImpedance matching determines the transmission line performance. Characteristic impedance of a standard transmission line is expressed as:Z0=�R+jωLG+jωCAccording to the formula above, the main factors include: R(resistance per meter), L(inductance per meter), C(capacitance per meter), G(conductance per meter), and last but not least the angular frequency ω.1.2.Types of RF Transmission line on PCBApplications define the selection of suitable types of transmission lines:Embedded Strip LineThere are ground planes above and below, and thedielectric around the trace is homogeneous. Microstrip Line The dielectric material above the trace is different from thatbelow the trace. There must be a gound plane bel o w thetrace, while a grould plane above the trace may be omitted.Commonly applied on test PCBs.Coplanar Waveguide withGroundThe complanar wave guide basically consists of the signaltrace with the two adjacent GND traces on the left and right.Additionally there might be a ground under the coplanarwaveguide to reduce the parasitic discontinuities. Thisstructure is common use in applications that need toconnect to a RF connector or an antenna. The ground pl a neadditionally helps to shield the transmission line againstparasitic couplings to close metal objects.Figures 1 to 3 – Types of RF transmission lines2RF Transimission Line Design Parameter _________________________________________The coplanar waveguide with ground is typically found on PCBs with a coaxial connector; therefore, we use this RF transmission line as example.Figure 4: Coplanar waveguideFactors that determine the PCB transmission-line characteristic impedance are:εr Dielectric constant of the substrateW Conductor widthH Substrate hightT Conductor thickness (copper thickness)D Distance of the signal conductor to the coplanar ground stripscεr Dielectric constant of the coating (solder resist)Table 1: Influencing factors on characteristic impedanceSuggested design flow for a RF transmission line is as follows:a)Select the PCB substrate.▪For example: FR1, FR4, CEM1…etc.b)Define the PCB’s properties:▪εr: Substrate dielectric constant▪H: Substrate height▪T: Trace thickness▪Cεr: Coating dielectric constantc)Control and adjust the value of W and D to reach the required characteristic impedance.d)If step (c) cannot be achieved, please return to step (b) to select a different substrate height and trace thickness. Return to (a)when the newly selected properties in step (b) still cannot achieve the desired impedance.3 Relationship for Each Parameter with Characteristic Impedance ________________________It is important to understand how each factor influences the transmission line.Each paragraph below indicates how the characteristic impedance will change when only one of these factors is adjusted.3.1. εr - Substrate Dielectric ConstantMany different types of materials can be used as PCB substrate. Each substrate has its own dielectric constant. The user needs to be aware of “PCB Material Dielectric Constant” given by manufacturers.On the other hand, material dielectric constant will vary not only between vendors but with the frequency, too.FR-1 5.5-6 FR-4 4.2-4.7 CEM-1 4.6 CEM-35.0Table 2: Dielectric constants for common PCB materialsFigure 5: This figure shows impedance (Z 0) is inversely proportional to dielectric constant (εr )3.2.W- Trace WidthFor trace width design, the user needs to consider four things:1) Narrow traces are more difficult to control2) Wider traces need more space on the PCB.3) Actual trace width may not be as designed due to manufacturing tolerance.4) Because the wave impedance and the height of the dielectric material is fixed, these parameters will decide the trace width.Figure 6: This figure shows impedance (Z0) is roughly inverse-proportional to trace width3.3.H- Substrate HeightThe substrate height is the distance between the ground and signal layer of a PCB. The characteristic impedance reduces if the copper layers are closer together and the other parameters are fixed. To maintain the impedance of the trace, the trace width can be reduced. This in turn saves space on PCB. But please note, if narrower tracks are used, the tolerance of the impedance will be greater due to the undercutting during manufacturi n g process!Figure 7: Impedance (Z0) increases more slowly when substrate height is at specific distance3.4.T- Trace Thickness (height of the copper layer)Copper is commonly used as the PCB metal layer in layer heights of 0.5 oz/ft2 (0.017mm), 1 oz/ft2 (0.035mm) or 2 oz/ft2 (0.070mm). The characteristi c impedance reduces, if the Cu copper thickness (height of the copper layer) is increased.Figure 8: Impedance (Z0) is roughly inverse-proportional to the trace thickness (height of the copper layer)3.5. D- Distance between Trace and Coplanar GroundThis factor is very sensitive. It can influence the impedance by 1~2 Ω with only 0.01 mm variation, hence the PCB manufacturing precision needs to be checked when doing this adjustment.Figure 9: Impedance (Z0) is roughly proportional to the distance between trace and coplanar ground3.6. C εr - Coating Dielectric ConstantThe coating material’s permittivity also has an influence on characteristic impedance. It should be considered early in the design stage in order to avoi d deviation from calculated values.Figure 10: Impedance (Z 0) is roughly inverse-proportional to the coating dielectric constant4 Connector Pin Contact to PCBWhen the connector center pin is connected to the PCB trace, it adds a certain height on top of the PCB trace due to its defined size. This hei g ht creates a discontinuity and should be fixed by adjusting the trace width on PCB.4.1. End Launch Round Post PinFigure 11: Round post connectors have a larger center pin which creates significant discontinuity after soldering.To match with the “microstrip line”, the trace width needs to be changed to fit with the round post pin.Figure 12: Example of modify the trace shape to improve matching.If the impedance value is too low from the ideal matching impedance, try to use the shape shown on the left side of figure 12. The trace width near the connector center pin must be reduced. Making the trace width narrower at the end will make a better match.For a coplanar waveguide, the impedance value can be increased by increasing the distance between the trace and its coplanar ground (GND). It is also possible to reach the ideal impedance by reducing the width of signal trace.Figure 13: Example of increase the gap distance to improve impedance matching.4.2. End Launch Flat Tab PinThis connector usually has a smaller center pin and has less influence on impedance discontinuity after soldering. When the flat pin makes the impedance lower, it can be raised by reducing the width of trace or increasing the gap distance between trace and its coplanar ground (GND).Figure 14: End Launch Flat Tab PinFigure 15: Example of reduced trace width to improve impedance matching4.3. THT Pin & SMT PinTHT and SMT connectors are more difficult to reach the ideal match. This is often caused by the gap after the connector is soldered on to PCB. Thegap will make the impedance value higher.Figure 16: Gap between PCB and connectorFurthermore, THT and SMT connectors that are perpendicular to the trace on PCB which make the impedance lower. For THT center pin, the extended connector legs will make the impedance value lower. Impedance discontinuity occurs over a very short distance for THT and SMT connectors, whi c h is more difficult to fix by adjusting the traces on PCB.THT and SMT connectors are normally not used in very high-frequency products, because of impedance matching issues.How the signal is routed from a THT connector changes the impedance.Figure 17: Signal route: Connector interface PCB traceFigure 18: Impedance in time domain 1. Gaps make the impedance higher2. Vertical area and extended center contact make the impedance lowerHow the signal is routed from a SMT connector changes the impedance.Figure 19: Signal route: Connector interface PCB traceFigure 20: Impedance in time domain 1. Gaps make impedance higher 2. Vertical area makes impedance lower4244464850525456I m p e d a n c e (Ω)TimeImpedance VaryExtended center contact①②Figures 17 to 20 show the impact of the connector construction and its connections to the PCB in the time domain. It was measured with a time-domain reflectometer (TDR) which determines the impedance of the measured construction by observing the reflected waveform. The change of the impedance over time can be recalculated via εr to the point of reflection.How to Improve:1) Gaps make the impedance higher: Use solder paste to fill up gaps to improve the impedance.Figure 21: Use solder paste to fill up gaps2) Vertical area makes the impedance lower: Increase the gap between the contact pin and the GND to reduce the impedanceFigure 22: Layout modification to improve the matching3) Extended connector legs make the impedance lower:Extended connector legs not only make the impedance value lower, they might also cause an antenna effect. Methods to solve this are: ▪ Select the connector pin length to better match PCB thickness. ▪Cut long legs for a significant improvement.5 Other factors affecting the impedanceFollowing a few points that will influence the transmission line impedance when making a PCB:5.1. PCB cut Line(End Launch Coaxial Connector Issue)PCB routing tolerances occur during PCB production. If the ground layer does not extend to end of the PCB, the PCB routing tolerance might cause a gap between PCB and the connector which will cause an impedance discontinuity.Figure 23: Ground not extended to end of the PCBFigure 24: After soldering the connector, a gap exist without groundWe would suggest extending the ground layer on the connector side to the edge. If PCB routing tolerances issues occur, there will be no gap after the connector is soldered to the PCBFigure 25: Extended ground to the end of the PCB5.2. PCB Trim Line (End Launch Edge Card Coaxial Connector Issue)The PCB routing cannot cut a sharp right angle and the round corners might cause a gap between the connector and the PCB. Because they coul d not meet closely this causes an impedance discontinuity (figure 25). To fix this, we suggest using Ø0.6-2 mm relief holes in the corners in order to remove the corner radius, as displayed in figure 26.Figure 25: Round corners cause poor mechanical matching of the connectorFigure 26: additional holes improve the fit of the connector5.3. End Launch Connector and the Backside of a PCBWhen an end launch connector is placed on a PCB, if the copper layer is not extended to the PCB edge, there would be a small gap in between. Use of solder paste to fill up the gap can be helpful to impedance control (figure 27).Figure 27: Use solder paste to fill up the gap5.4. Via HoleWhen using a coplanar waveguide design, it is suggested to add some via holes to the coplanar GND surrounding the trace, as shown in figure 28. The via holes connect the upper traces and the bottom layer which is the ground layer. Depending on the highest signal frequency, the vias shoul d have a distance of not more then 2 – 4 mm to make sure, that the coplanar GND-traces keep their GND potentialFigure 28: Via implementation from the coplanar ground traces to the ground (GND) layer6 Simulation Examples60312202114509PCB End Launch Jack Round Post for 1.6mm PCBFigure 29: Original DesignFigure 30: Matching DesignIncrease the gap between trace and ground to increase the impedance and reach impedance matchingVia HoleResult of TDR measurement (Original Design):Lower impedance in thearea of contactingFigure 31: Result of TDR measurement (Original Design) Result of TDR measurement (Matching Design):Figure 32: Result of TDR measurement (Matching-Design)Result of S-Parameter measurement (Original Design):Figure 33: Result of S-Parameter – VSWR measurement (Original Design)Figure 34: Result of S-Parameter - Return Loss measurement (Original Design)Result of S-Parameter measurement (Matching Design):Figure 35: Result of S-Parameter - VSWR measurement (Matching Design)Figure 36: Result of S-Parameter – Return Loss measurement (Matching Design)7ConclusionSimulation software is very useful when designing a transmission line, Software like AppCAD, for example, can simulate transmission lines with different factors. Using the result from AppCAD, software like HFSS can provide full-wave simulations, including both connector and PCB. Overall, usi n g simulation software can save a lot of time.Knowing the preciseness of PCB production will also help the user design a transmission line because most transmission lines are very narrow. If the PCB has wide tolerances from production, the user’s test results will have huge difference compared to software simulations. Sometimes, roughness of copper layer is a factor that affects impedance of transmission line.The quality of a transmission line is one part of transmission quality in a product. Users now should understand how to enhance transmission l i n e quality after reading through these suggestionsI M P O R T A NT NO T I C EThe Application Note is based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning these areas. It serves as general guidance and should not be construed as a commitment for the suitability for customer applications by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. The information in the Application Note is subject to change without notice. This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written permission, and contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party nor be used for any unauthorized purpose. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG and its subsidiaries and affiliates (WE) are not liable for application assistance of any kind. Customers may use WE’s assistance and product recommendations for their applications and design. The responsibility for the applicability and use of WE Products in a particular customer design is always solely withi n the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate and investigate, where appropriate, and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer applicati o n or not.The technical specifications are stated in the current data sheet of the products. Therefore the customers shall use the data sheets and are cautioned to verify that data sheets are current. The current data sheets can be downloaded at . Customers shall strictly observe any product-specific notes, cautions and warnings. WE reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services.WE DOES NOT WARRANT OR REPRESENT THAT ANY LICENSE, EITH ER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS GRANTED UNDER ANY PATENT RIGH T, COPYRIGH T, MASK WORK RIGH T, OR OTH ER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT RELATING TO ANY COMBINATION, MACHINE, OR PROCESS IN WH ICH WE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES ARE USED. INFORMATION PUBLISH ED BY WE REGARDING TH IRD-PARTY PRODUCTS OR SERVICES DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A LICENSE FROM WE TO USE SUCH PRODUCTS OR SERVICES OR A WARRANTY OR ENDORSEMENT THEREOF.WE products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications, or where a failure of the product is reasonably expected to cause severe personal injury or death. Moreover, WE products are neither desi g ned nor intended for use in areas such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, trai n control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster preventi o n, medical, public information network etc. Customers shall inform WE about the intent of such usage before design-in stage. In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health, customers must ensure that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of thei r applications. Customers acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal, regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of WE products in such safety-critical applications, notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by WE. CUSTOMERS SHALL INDEMNIFY WE AGAINST ANY DAMAGES ARISI N G OUT OF TH E USE OF WE PRODUCTS IN SUCH SAFETY-CRITI C AL APPLICATIONS.。

WireXpert 1 - 2500 MHz 类别 8 电缆测试仪说明书

WireXpert 1 - 2500 MHz 类别 8 电缆测试仪说明书

Certify @ Psiber SpeedCable Certifier45004500Wire pertCATEGORY 5e, 6, 6A, 8 & BEYONDThe WireXpert has a revolutionary 1 - 2500 MHz frequency measurement range. It hasbeen fully qualified and approved by major cable and connectivity manufacturers. With certification testing up to Category 8 copper cabling, as well as MPO, SM and MM fiber optic cabling, the WireXpert is ready for 40G and beyond. In fact, major cable vendors are using the WireXpert in their labs for qualifying Category 8 cabling systems under development. As a result, it is the only instrument you need to certify cables for today, and well into the future.Cable certifying is all about speed and accuracy. The WireXpert engine lets you deliver an industry-leading test time of 9 seconds for Category 6A. WireXpert employs a novel measurement architecture that achieves extremely wide bandwidth with superior measurement accuracy. Its unique RF measurement engine exceeds level IV and level V requirements throughout the measurement frequency range.Cable installers make significant gain in productivity with WireXpert‘s industry leading test speed and ease of use. The Dual Control System (DCS TM) – featuring identical devices for remote and main units – reduces the amount of walking required between drops amd makes it easy to operate by two technicians or only one to decrease labor costs. The systems’ ReportXpert generates complete, ultra-professional documentation of all testing, for installer and customers’ records. And, lets you re-certify to new standards as they are approved, without having to revisit the site for additional testing. In addition, you have access to evolving, easy-downloadable software updates and enhancements for your WireXpert.1 - 2500 MHzTo achieve optimum network performance, proper installation is critical and must be verified with a tester capable of measuring higher frequencies with the highest level of accuracy.Bandwidth-demanding applications require higher performance cabling and connectivityINCREASED PRODUCTIVITYThe DCS (Dual Control System) allows one person to do the job that would normally take two technicians to complete. Reducing labor rates on every job.EASY TO USEAn intuitive, touch-sensitive, color LCD user interface, makes cable certification easier than ever.EXPERT SOLUTIONThe WireXpert engine lets you deliver an industry-leading testtime of 9 seconds for all testing through Category 6A.TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDEBuilt-in help is available at the touch of a button, making areference manual unnecessary.Wire pert4500COPPERFIBERTIER 1 CERTIFICATION • • • • SET REFERENCE METHOD • • • • • • • • • TEST METHOD • • COPPER & FIBER MAXIMUM EFFICIENCY••••••••VNA Lab Adapter ModulesTIA Cat 5e Permanent Link TIA Cat 6A Channel TIA Cat 7A Link TIA Cat 7A Channel4500ERGONOMIC INTERFACEThe result, is an efficient ergonomically comfortable interconnect,whether in stand alone position, cantilevered on the swing-out support, laying flat, or hand held.Wire X pert SchematicsTHE REVOLUTIONARY WIREXPERTA new revenue generating opportunity. Whether you are a cable manufacturer, installer or the end user, the WireXpert delivers cable certification and network assurance that pays back faster on every level.Item QuantityObject12WireXpert : Handheld Units 22Li-Ion Batteries 32Stylus with Cords 42Display Protection Covers52CAT 6A Permanent Link Interface Adapters 62CAT 6A Permanent Link Test Cords 72CAT 6A Channel Adapters81USB Thumb Drive includes Manual and Software 92Talk Head Sets 102AC Power Adapters112Country Specific Power Cord 121Calibration Certificate 131Carrying Case141Quick Reference Guide45004500Wire X pert SpecificationsWire X pert Bill of MaterialsNotes:Specifications Test ParametersFrequency Supported range: 1 to 2500 MHzAccuracy Exceeds TIA 1152 level IIIe, ISO/IEC 61935-1 Level IV accuracy and ISO 61935-1 draft level VLength500m Max for dual ended Autotest Insertion CyclesChannel: 10,000 typicalPermanent link: 5,000 typicalSupportedCopper Cable TestsAttenuation (Insertion Loss)Near-end crosstalk (NEXT) in pair-to-pair and PowerSum format Attenuation-to-crosstalk ratio far end (ACRF), pair-to-pair and power-sum Return loss Loop resistance Wiremap and shield Cable lengthTotal propagation delay Delay skew between pairsTime-domain fault Locator for RL and NEXTConnectivityProbe interface connectorRJ45 Ethernet port for remote control USB host and device interfaces Talk set interface: 3.5 mm stereo jackTest Standards TIA -568-C.2 and TIA 1152 Category 5, 5e, 6, 6A, draft Category 8ISO/IEC 11801, EN 50173 Class D, E, EA, F, FA draft Class I and Class II Perma -nent link and channelPower Supply AC power adapter 100−240V to 12V, 3AISO/IEC 11801, EN 50173, Class D, E, EA, F, FA Power SupplyRemovable/Rechargeable. Li-Ion batteries provide 8 hours of continuous operationMemory More than 2000 full graphical test results saved internally USB Flash Drive included, for flexible test record storageCalibration period 1 yearSupported Languages Chinese, Czech, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish Dimensions Size 232 x 126 x 86.7 mm (9.13 x 4.96 x 3.41 in)WeightApprox. 3.0 lb (1.4 kg) per unitEnvironmental Operating temperature 0 to 40°C Storage temperature −20 to 60°C Relative humidity 10 to 80%Product FeaturesWireXpertCat 6A Autotest time (seconds) 9Maximum bandwidth (MHz) 2500Accuracy levelV 6” Color touch-panel display on both units •Stores graphical results data•Internal storage capacity (full graphical plots)2000Ruggedized plastic with rubber over-mold •Lithium ion batteries – battery working life 8-hrs Advanced diagnostics •USB External Storage •Cat 6A permanent link adapter •Cat 6A channel adapter • Protected against Telco voltages •Start autotest at smart remote •Talk between Local and Remote •Multimode Fiber adapter kit option Singlemode Fiber adapter kitoption MPO test kitoption619 287 9973About Psiber Data Systems•••X Cable Certifier4500。

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