西部数据WD Elements移动存储USB 3.0说明书

WD Elements portable storage with USB 3.0delivers universal connectivity, up to 5TB capacityand fast data transfer rates for consumers whoare looking for reliable, high-capacity storageto go.The small, lightweight enclosure perfectly fitstheir style and is backed up by WD qualityand reliability. WD Elements ™Portable StorageSimple, fast and portable.• USB 3.0 interface• High capacity• Plug-and-play connectivityWD, the WD logo, and WD Elements are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Product specifications subject to change without notice. 4178-705765-A05 August 2019WD Elements Portable StorageFast transfer rates When connected to a USB 3.0 port, WD Elements portable storage delivers maximum performance for data transfers. Transfer a full-length HD movie in a fraction of the time it takes with USB 2.0.Performance may vary based on user’s hardware and system configuration. USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 compatibility Works seamlessly with the latest USB 3.0 devices and is backward compatible with USB 2.0 devices as well.High capacity in a small enclosure The small, lightweight design offers high-capacity storage, making WD Elements portable storage the ideal companion for consumers who want to take their important files with them.Improve PC performance When your internal drive is almost full your PC slows down. Don’t delete files. Free up space on your internal drive by transferring files to your WD Elements and get your PC moving again.WD quality inside and outWe know your data is important to you. So we build the drive inside to our demanding requirements for durability, shock tolerance and long-term reliability. Then we protect the drive with a durable enclosure designed for style and protection.Formatted for Windows ®Formatted NTFS and compatible with Windows 10, 8.1 and 7. Reformatting required for other operating systems.Product Features。

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大嘴盘WD600 和MC770、MC760 常见操作指南1,视频播放!符合ipad 兼容格式的视频,如MP4,MOV,M4V 等格式720P 及以下区分率的视频。
不用任何缓冲即可在线流畅播放!使用其他任何第三方播放软件都不能到达如此完善的效果!不符合ipad 兼容格式的视频,如网上下载的RM,RMVB,AVI,MKV 等格式720P 及以下区分率的视频。
猛烈推举必需使用“OPlayer HD”软件播放,效果最完善。
稍加两秒钟时间缓冲后即可在线流畅播放!使用其他任何播放软件都不能到达如此完善的效果!特别留意:确定要先到“OPLAYER HD”主界面左下角的设置—网络—缓存大小里,设置成20MB!否则有可能导致播放视频时声音和画面不同步!假设播放时画面很卡,或者播放一段时间后无故自动退出,那么有可能是IPAD CPU/内存占用率过高导致的,需要先关闭后台运行的全部程序,再重启OPLAYER 播放,或者直接重启IPAD 后尝试播放。
这是第三方软件和IPAD 的系统,软件兼容性问题,和WD600/ MC770 自身硬件,软件稳定性无关!2,照片扫瞄!由于目前版本的WD600/ MC770 默认是使用Safari扫瞄器方式翻开照片的,所以照片扫瞄体验效果一般。
目前对于观看JPG 照片来说,店主测试觉得效果最好的软件是“iFiles”和“AcePlayer”。
“iFiles”功能比较强大,可以支持放大,缩小,旋转,删除,幻灯片播放,保存到ipad 照片库等操作。
还可以对单张,多张照片或整个文件夹进展移动,下载到ipad 里,重命名等操作!甚至还可以选择图片质量,并有四档可选。
“需在设置里选择切换时间为 2 sec”, 而“AcePlayer”的优点是在扫瞄当前照片时,可以自动缓冲后面的两张照片,在实际扫瞄时,可以大大缩短照片下载解码所需用的等待时间。
Pc3000 对Wd西数硬盘的 中文指南

Western Digital"Protégé","Caviar","Caviar SE"电路板WD70Cxx芯片Arch-V,Arch-VI构架WDxxxxAB/EB/BB/JB/LB/PB硬盘菜单树Tests ToolsUtility status程序状态Utility expansion程序扩展►Service information系统信息►Modules table模块表HDD resources backup备份硬盘资源Modules search in SAWork with ROM对ROM工作►搜索系统区模块View information from ROM查看ROM信息Head map changing更改磁头映射Cylinder-4Specification -4磁道详细叙述Reading ROM读取ROM Reload Microcode重读固件Writing ROM写入ROM Self Test Work with a service area对系统区工作►Calibrator校准器SA Surface verification系统区表面验证Sleep休眠Head test磁头测试OptionsSA structure test系统区结构测试Reading modules读取模块Writing modules写入模块Reading service tracks读取系统区磁道Writing service tracks写入系统区磁道Erase service area系统区清零Service area format系统区格式化Translator regeneration重算译码表Translator deactivation译码表偏置?Edit HDD ID出厂证编辑Security subsystem硬盘的安全系统►View password information查看密码Clearing password排除密码Work with database对数据库工作►Export HDD resources输出硬盘资源Resources master copy creating in DB在数据库中创建资源的master copyFormat格式化Logical test逻辑测试Defect list缺陷表►Defect list report缺陷表报告Defect tables editing编辑缺陷表►P-ListG–ListDefects logDefect lists erasing清空缺陷表►P-ListG–ListMoving G-List to P-ListClear S.M.A.R.T.复位S.M.A.R.T.Clear S.M.A.R.T.Log清空S.M.A.R.T.Log序列揽总程序(序列)Arch.支持型号容量磁盘数磁头数缓存转速最大LBA数WDMarvell88ixx40芯片3.5"ATA,SATA WDxxxBB WDxxxJB WDxxxJS(SATA-II)WD400BB/JB/JSWD600BB/JB/JSWD800BB/JB/JSWD1200BB/JB/JSWD1600BB/JB/JSWD2000BB/JB/JSWD2500BB/JB/JS40GB60GB80GB120GB160GB200GB250GB8M720078,165,380117,231,408156,301,488234,441,648312,581,808391,720,968488,397,168WD Caviar SE (WD3200JB/PB序列)VIWD3200JBWD3000JBWD2500JB/PBWD2000JB/PBWD1800JBWD1200JB/PBWD1000JBWD800JBWD600JB320GB300GB250GB200GB180GB120GB100GB80GB60GB3333323236666646458M7200625,142,448586,072,368488,397,168391,720,968351,651,888234,441,648195,371,568156,301,488117,231,408WDxxxBB/LB,Caviar (WD3200BB序列)VIWD3200BBWD3000BBWD2500BB/LBWD2000BB/LBWD1800BBWD1600BBWD1200BB/LB320GB300GB250GB200GB180GB160GB120GB333333266666642M7200625,142,448586,072,368488,397,168391,720,968351,651,888312,581,808234,441,648WDxxxBB/JB,Caviar (WD800BB序列)VWD1000BBWD800BB/JBWD600BB/JBWD400BB/JB100GB80GB60GB40GB1112212M7200195,371,568156,301,488156,301,48878,165,380WDxxxBB/JB,Caviar (WD1200BB序列)VWD1200BB/JBWD1000BB/JBWD800BBWD600BBWD400BBWD200BB120GB100GB80GB60GB40GB20GB3322116543212M7200234,441,648195,371,568156,301,488117,231,40878,165,38040,011,552WDxxxBB,Caviar (WD400BB序列)VWD400BBWD300BBWD200BB40GB30GB20GB1112212M720078,165,38058,633,34440,011,552WDxxxEB,Protėgė(WD400EB序列)VWD400EBWD300EBWD200EB40GB30GB20GB1112212M540078,165,38058,633,34440,011,552WDxxxAB,Caviar (WD1200AB序列)VWD1200ABWD1000ABWD800ABWD600ABWD400ABWD200AB120GB100GB80GB60GB40GB20GB3322116543212M5400234,441,648195,371,568156,301,488117,231,40878,165,38040,011,552据Western Digital公司资料及ACE PC3000for dos文档汇总目录1.用途 (5)2.修理WD硬盘的基本选项 (5)3.程序启动 (5)4.WD硬盘的构架 (6)5.程序使用 (7)5.1.Normal模式 (7)5.1.1.《Tests》菜单 (7)5.1.2.《Tools》菜单 (11)5.2.Kernel模式 (16)5.3.Self test监控模式 (16)6.程序的一些成熟功能 (17)6.1.对系统区操作 (17)6.1.1.查看系统区表面 (18)6.1.2.系统区结构测试 (18)6.1.3.读取模块 (20)6.1.4.写入模块 (21)6.1.5.读取系统区磁道 (22)6.1.6.写入系统区磁道 (22)6.1.7.系统区清零 (22)6.1.8.格式化系统区 (23)6.1.9.重建译码表 (23)6.1.10.硬盘出厂证编辑 (23)6.1.11.硬盘的安全系统 (24)6.2.逻辑测试 (24)6.2.1.表面逻辑扫描的特点 (24)6.2.2.程序执行逻辑扫描的过程 (25)6.2.3.逻辑测试的实际应用 (26)6.2.4.逻辑测试后隐藏缺陷 (26)6.3.模块表 (27)6.4.程序设置 (27)7.故障诊断 (29)7.1.初步诊断 (30)7.2.电路板 (30)7.3.磁头-磁盘组件 (31)7.3.1.主轴电机故障 (31)7.3.2.磁头电机及前置放大-换向器故障 (31)7.3.3.磁盘表面缺陷 (32)8.软件修复 (32)8.1.系统区测试与修复 (33)8.1.1.系统区测试 (33)8.1.2.系统区修复 (33)8.1.3.系统区修复的常规指导 (35)8.2.软件关闭磁头 (36)8.2.1.关闭磁头 (36)8.3.修复敲盘 (37)8.4.HOT-SWAP热交换方法 (39)9.硬盘的SELFTEST (40)9.0.1.准备SelfTest (40)9.0.2.启动SelfTest (40)9.0.3.完成SelfTest (40)9.1.软件修复的展望 (40)10.刷新FLASH ROM (41)11.电路板布局 (41)11.1.参考电源电压 (41)11.2.主轴电机及状态控制电路 (41)11.3.数据读取通道 (42)Western Digital"Protégé","Caviar","Caviar SE"WDxxxxAB/EB/BB/JB/LB/PB硬盘1.用途程序是Windows版PC-3000套件的一个部件,设计用于维修Western Digital品牌使用WD70Cxx芯片属于Arch-V、Arch-VI构架的WdxxxAB、WdxxxEB、WDxxxxBB、WDxxxxJB、WDxxxxLB与WDxxxxPB序列硬盘。


WD PRO TOOL 3.6说明书参考深圳高鹏飞支持L板和ROYL板(目前所有版本)独家中英文对照说明图片文档,常用的功能:读写模块操作读写FLASH操作编辑磁头地图查看SMART清除SMART启动校准停止校准清除LOG修复LOG查看校准记录查看缺陷记录P表操作G表操作SA表操作磁道缺陷清除P表清除G表清除T表扫描并把磁道加入P表扫描并把磁道加入G表快速擦除磁头读写测试选择工作目录超级内格,清译码,重建译码ARCO适合新手入门,修复一般坏道(500以内)效果非常好,对于固件没有损坏的盘,直接清除SMART-〉扫描并把磁道加入G表—〉超级内格—〉复位,断电上电,MHDD检测,如果还有坏道,重复以上直到完好。
修复坏道比较严重的:检测硬盘固件和磁头确定全好备份固件(如果自检失败或者操作不当至少我们可以正常回到硬盘最初状态这步很重要的)清除SMART 缺陷G表(P表不能轻易清哈)自检日志模块开SF 8小时后SF完毕进入DC 状态,复位,断电上电查看P 有相应记录。
很多盘在SF完毕后固件有可能变坏这跟电路板和电源有一定的关系MHDD 检测修复后的硬盘正常没有坏道。
对于更严重的,通刷固件再SF 砍头等。
一、主程序菜单以上菜单:File : 文件下拉菜单:Exit: 退出…………………………………………………………………………………………………………HDD: 硬盘下拉菜单:WD-MARVELL : WD早器硬盘,电路板L型WD-ROYL:WD 新型硬盘,电路板三角型Soft Reset : 软复位…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Options: 选项卡下拉菜单:Port: 端口下拉:Primary: 主端口Secondary: 从端口Custom: 自定义USB: USB口Safe Mode: 安全模式Auto Load Value: 自动加载设定值Auto Close Progress: 自动关闭进度条Use Temp Dir: 使用临时目录Sound: 声音Always on Top 始终前端显示Don’t Update LEDs 指示灯无效3D LEDs 3D 指示灯Unistal Driver 卸载驱动器…………………………………………………………………………………………………………Help: 帮助下拉菜单:About: 关于本软件说明:关于维修硬盘的选择:(1)先接到硬盘(2)打开软件(3)选择options(4)再选port(5)再选Custom(6)下面有SCAN PCI和SCAN USB 扫描出你的维修盘(7)双点选定维修盘后(8)回到软件界面后,HDD-〉WD-MARVELL 或WD-ROYL二、维修界面1、快捷键:快捷键第一个:i dentinfy 读磁盘信息第二个:S.M.A.R.T SMART信息第三个:ID 47 Creater 创建47号第四个:Super Reset Immediate 硬盘电源复位重启第五个:Tracks Opreation 磁道操作第六个:Flash硬盘电路板上的ROM操作第七个:Modules 固件模块操作第八个:Head Map磁头地图第九个:Edit Passport 硬盘信息编辑第十个:Calibrator 校准器第十一个:Clear smart清除SMART第十二个:Clear G-list 清除G表第十三个:Servo Test 伺服测试第十四个:can Write写磁道第十五个:Format Unit内部格式化第十六个:Change Head Map In RAM RAM中选择头地图第十七个:Logical Scan 逻辑扫描(不带加表)第十八个:Quick Start SS快速启动自校准第十九个:VieW ss Logs查看自校准日志第二十个:Flist Editor F表编辑器第二十一个:Self Scan Script 自扫描脚本第二十二个:2、硬盘信息解读:WDC WD800BD-22MRA1 固件版本:10.01E01 序列号:WD-WMAM9YU74453 (ROYL selected) 端口0xCC00逻辑柱面16383, 磁头数16, 扇区63, LBA 156301488, 80Gb缓存: 2048Kb家族: Unicorn3、操作目录:进入硬盘操作模式后,在空白处点右键,出下以下菜单:Reset 复位Self Scan 自校准操作Test硬盘测试Service固件区操作Actions动作Info信息Defects List坏道表操作Select Work Dir选择工作目录Log日志4、Reset(复位) 菜单Reset 复位ATA Soft Reset ATA软复位Mi Super2 调整校准器2Mi Super3 调整校准器3ATA Recalibrate ATA重新校准Servo Spin Up 伺服向上旋转Servo Actuator Init 伺服驱动初使化Servo Spin Down 伺服向下旋转Servo Test 伺服测试Set DMA 100 Mode 设置读取内存100号模块Set DMA 66 Mode 设置读取内存66号模块Set DMA 33 Mode 设置读取内存33号模块5、Self Scan (自校准)中对应的菜单SS Start 启动自校准Script Edit 脚本编辑SS Stop 停止自校准Mi Calibrator mi校验SS Clear Logs 清除校准日志SS Repair Logs 修复校准日志View IBI Common Log 查看校准记录View SS Defecs Chart 查看坏道记录6、Test (测试)中对应的菜单Logical Ctrl+L 逻辑扫描Auto Add Track To P-list 扫描并自动加入P表Auto Add BB To G-list 扫描并自动加入G表Quick Erase 快速擦除Heads Write Test 磁头读写测试7、Service(固件区操作)菜单Tracks Operations Ctrl+S 读写磁道操作Modules Operations Ctrl+S 读写模块操作Flash Operations Ctrl+S 读写Flash操作Edit Heads Map 编辑磁头地图8、Actions(动作)下面的菜单Super Format 超级格式化Clear S.M.A.R.T 清除smart Change Model Name 硬盘ID型号更改Load OverLay 加载OverLaySet Capacity 机组容量Set Uba 编辑UbaWedge Zone Table 查看段位表Load Transient OverLay 快速加载OverLay File Manager Defagment 文件管理Validate File System 验证文件系统Set DCM 操作DCMGet Current 获取TPI信息Reinit Permanent OverLay 重新初使化OverLay Test 6B 测试模块6BClear Soft Error 清除软错误Custom Config 自定义配置PSCal Test Click PSC测试Mini Test 小型测试Factory DCM 工厂模式Format SA Click 格式化固件区Zone Table Click 砍段操作Rom Operations 编辑ROMDrive Parameters 磁盘参数信息Change Heads Map RAM 砍头操作Edit Flist 编辑F表ID47 Creater 生成47号模块Create File 生成文件CP Operation 强制操作Show ID47 查看47号模块Region Map edit 区表编辑Field Operation 保护操作LBA Export LBA地址入口Change Fw Version 改固件版本chaneg Serial Number 改SN号chaneg max Lba 改最大LBA值Clear ATA password 清除硬盘密码Edit config sector 编辑配置下级Super Format (超级格式化) 下的菜单Quick With P-List 快速生效P表Quick Without L-List 快速生效缺陷表With P-List 生效P表With G-List 生效G表With P-List and G-List 生效P表和G表With Lists 生效缺陷表Clear G-List 清除G表Merge G to P G表转P表ReMerGe G to P 合并G表到P表Clear Translator 清除译码表Rebuild P-list 重建P表Quick Erase 快速擦除9、Info (信息)中对应的菜单Drive Info Ctrl+D 硬盘信息DIR Rev DID版本DCM Codes C5DCM代码S.M.A.R.T SMARTView Progress Ctrl+V 查看进度View ATA Reg 寄存器情况10、Defects List(坏道表操作)中对应的菜单Edit P-List P表操作Edit G-List G表操作Edit SA-List SA表操作Edit T-List T表操作Clear P-List 清除P表Clear G-List 清除G表Clear T-List 清除T表。
IronWolf Pro 3.5寸磁盘说明书

Best-Fit ApplicationsCommercial and Enterprise NAS Video Production RAID Storage Shared Storage for Media Editing Workstations and ServersArchive and BackupIronWolf Pro is designed to deliver reliable and dependable performance in 24x7 intensive workload environments. It isengineered to perform in commercial and enterprise multi-bay, multi-user, multi-application NAS storage solutions.Key AdvantagesOptimized for NAS with AgileArray ™ AgileArray uses dual-plane balancing and time-limited error recovery (TLER) to deliver best-in-class RAID performance in multi-bay systems.Always On, Always Accessible IronWolf Pro drives are designed for 24x7 performance,allowing users to access their data anytime, anywhere.All-CMR Portfolio All IronWolf Pro drives utilize conventional magnetic recording (CMR)technology for consistent, best-in-class NAS performance.Up to 20TB Broad range of high-performance capacity options to deliver scalable and cost-efficient storage solutions.Built Tough IronWolf Pro drives are rated for up to 550TB/year workload rate, allowingcommercial and enterprise NAS users to seamlessly store, share, and collaborate on large amounts of data over a network.Class-Leading Reliability and Dependability IronWolf Pro drives are rated for up to 2.5M hours MTBF and include a 5-year limited warranty for hassle-free data storage and best-in-class total cost of ownership (TCO).Rotational Vibration (RV) sensors Built-in RV sensors coupled with dynamic fly-height technology correct for external vibration to deliver consistently high performance and reliability in multi-bay systems.IronWolf Health Management (IHM)1 Actively protect your data with prevention, intervention,and recovery recommendations to ensure peak system health.Peace of mind with Data Recovery 2 IronWolf Pro drives include three years ofcomplimentary Rescue Data Recovery Services so users don't incur high recovery costs. In-house secure facilities with an industry-leading 95% success rate enable data recovery in the event of accidental data corruption or drive damage.1 IHM is enabled on all leading NAS systems. Please check with your NAS vendor or a Seagate ® sales representative for more details.2 Rescue Data Recovery Services are not available in some countries. Contact your Seagate sales representative for further details.20TB20TB18TB18TB Capacity20TB20TB18TB18TB Standard Model Number ST20000NT001ST20000NE000ST18000NT001ST18000NE000 Interface SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/sDrive Bays Supported Unlimited Up to 24-bay Unlimited Up to 24-bay Recording Technology CMR CMR CMR CMR Drive Design (Air or Helium)Helium Helium Helium Helium Workload Rate Limit (WRL)550300550300 Rotational Vibration (RV) Sensors Yes Yes Yes Yes Cache (MB)256256256256Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF, hours)2,500,0001,200,0002,500,0001,200,000 Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 Power-On Hours (per year)8760876087608760 Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)512E512E512E512E Rescue Data Recovery Services(years) 33333 Limited Warranty (years)5555Spindle Speed (RPM)7200720072007200 Interface Access Speed (Gb/s) 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)285MB/s285MB/s285MB/s260MB/s Rotational Vibration @ 10-1500 Hz (rad/s)12.512.512.512.5Startup Current, Typical (12V, A) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Idle Power, Average (W) 5.5 5.5 5.2 5.2 Average Operating Power (W)7.7W7.7W8.0W8.0W Standby Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sleep Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Power Supply Requirements+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 VOperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)0000 Operating Temperature (drive reported, max °C)465656565 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)-40-40-40-40 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, max °C)70707070Vibration, Nonoperating: 10Hz to 500Hz (Grms) 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 Acoustics, Idle (typical, measured in Idle 1 state) (dBA)20202020 Acoustics, Seek (typical) (dBA)26262626 Shock, Operating 2ms (Read/Write) (Gs)40/40Gs40/40Gs40/40Gs50/50Gs Shock, Nonoperating, 1ms and 2ms (Gs)200200200200 Height (mm/in)26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in Width (mm/in, max)101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in Depth (mm/in, max)146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in Weight (g/lb, typical)670g/1.477lb670g/1.477lb670g/1.477lb670g/1.477lb Carton Unit Quantity20202020Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer40/840/840/840/816TB16TB14TB14TB Capacity16TB16TB14TB14TB Standard Model Number ST16000NT001ST16000NE000ST14000NT001ST14000NE0008 Interface SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/sDrive Bays Supported Unlimited Up to 24-bay Unlimited Up to 24-bay Recording Technology CMR CMR CMR CMR Drive Design (Air or Helium)Helium Helium Helium Helium Workload Rate Limit (WRL)550300550300 Rotational Vibration (RV) Sensors Yes Yes Yes Yes Cache (MB)256256256256Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF, hours)2,500,0001,200,0002,500,0001,200,000 Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 Power-On Hours (per year)8760876087608760 Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)512E512E512E512E Rescue Data Recovery Services(years) 33333 Limited Warranty (years)5555Spindle Speed (RPM)7200720072007200 Interface Access Speed (Gb/s) 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)270MB/s255MB/s270MB/s255MB/s Rotational Vibration @ 10-1500 Hz (rad/s)12.512.512.512.5Startup Current, Typical (12V, A) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Idle Power, Average (W) 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Average Operating Power (W)7.6W7.6W7.6W7.6W Standby Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sleep Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Power Supply Requirements+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 VOperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)0000 Operating Temperature (drive reported, max °C)465656565 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)-40-40-40-40 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, max °C)70707070Vibration, Nonoperating: 10Hz to 500Hz (Grms) 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 Acoustics, Idle (typical, measured in Idle 1 state) (dBA)20202020 Acoustics, Seek (typical) (dBA)26262626 Shock, Operating 2ms (Read/Write) (Gs)50/50Gs50/50Gs50/50Gs50/50Gs Shock, Nonoperating, 1ms and 2ms (Gs)200200200200 Height (mm/in)26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in Width (mm/in, max)101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in Depth (mm/in, max)146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in Weight (g/lb, typical)670g/1.477lb670g/1.477lb670g/1.477lb670g/1.477lb Carton Unit Quantity20202020Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer40/840/840/840/812TB12TB10TB10TB10TB Capacity12TB12TB10TB10TB10TB Standard Model Number ST12000NT001ST12000NE0008ST10000NT001ST10000NE0008ST10000NE000 Interface SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/sDrive Bays Supported Unlimited Up to 24-bay Unlimited Up to 24-bay Up to 24-bay Recording Technology CMR CMR CMR CMR CMR Drive Design (Air or Helium)Helium Helium Air Helium Air Workload Rate Limit (WRL)550300550300300 Rotational Vibration (RV) Sensors Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cache (MB)256256256256256Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF, hours)2,500,0001,200,0002,000,0001,200,0001,200,000 Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 Power-On Hours (per year)87608760876087608760 Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)512E512E512E512E512E Rescue Data Recovery Services(years) 333333 Limited Warranty (years)55555Spindle Speed (RPM)72007200720072007200 Interface Access Speed (Gb/s) 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)270MB/s240MB/s263MB/s240MB/s240MB/s Rotational Vibration @ 10-1500 Hz (rad/s)12.512.512.512.512.5Startup Current, Typical (12V, A) 2.0 2.0 1.8 2.0 1.8Idle Power, Average (W) 5.0 5.07.8 5.07.8 Average Operating Power (W)7.8W7.8W10.1W7.8W10.1W Standby Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.17 1.0 Sleep Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.17 1.0 Power Supply Requirements+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 VOperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)00000 Operating Temperature (drive reported, max °C)46565656565 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)-40-40-40-40-40 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, max °C)7070707070Vibration, Nonoperating: 10Hz to 500Hz (Grms) 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 Acoustics, Idle (typical, measured in Idle 1 state) (dBA)2020282028 Acoustics, Seek (typical) (dBA)2626302630 Shock, Operating 2ms (Read/Write) (Gs)50/50Gs50/50Gs70/40Gs70/40Gs70/40Gs Shock, Nonoperating, 1ms and 2ms (Gs)200200250250300 Height (mm/in)26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in Width (mm/in, max)101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in Depth (mm/in, max)146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in Weight (g/lb, typical)670g/1.477lb670g/1.477lb720g/1.59lb690g/1.521lb720g/1.59lb Carton Unit Quantity2020202020Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer40/840/840/840/840/88TB8TB6TB6TB Capacity8TB8TB6TB6TB Standard Model Number ST8000NT001ST8000NE001ST6000NT001ST6000NE000 Interface SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/sDrive Bays Supported Unlimited Up to 24-bay Unlimited Up to 24-bay Recording Technology CMR CMR CMR CMR Drive Design (Air or Helium)Air Air Air Air Workload Rate Limit (WRL)550300550300 Rotational Vibration (RV) Sensors Yes Yes Yes Yes Cache (MB)256256256256Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF, hours)2,000,0001,200,0002,000,0001,200,000 Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 Power-On Hours (per year)8760876087608760 Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)512E512E512E512E Rescue Data Recovery Services(years) 33333 Limited Warranty (years)5555Spindle Speed (RPM)7200720072007200 Interface Access Speed (Gb/s) 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)255MB/s240MB/s250MB/s220MB/s Rotational Vibration @ 10-1500 Hz (rad/s)12.512.512.512.5Startup Current, Typical (12V, A) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Idle Power, Average (W) Average Operating Power (W)10.1W10.1W9.3W9.3W Standby Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sleep Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Power Supply Requirements+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 VOperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)0000 Operating Temperature (drive reported, max °C)465656565 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)-40-40-40-40 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, max °C)70707070Vibration, Nonoperating: 10Hz to 500Hz (Grms) 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 Acoustics, Idle (typical, measured in Idle 1 state) (dBA)28282828 Acoustics, Seek (typical) (dBA)30303030 Shock, Operating 2ms (Read/Write) (Gs)70/40Gs70/40Gs70/40Gs70/40Gs Shock, Nonoperating, 1ms and 2ms (Gs)300300300300 Height (mm/in)26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in Width (mm/in, max)101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in Depth (mm/in, max)146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in Weight (g/lb, typical)720g/1.59lb720g/1.59lb716g/1.58lb716g/1.58lb Carton Unit Quantity20202020Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer40/840/840/840/84TB4TB2TB2TB Capacity4TB4TB2TB2TB Standard Model Number ST4000NT001ST4000NE001ST2000NT001ST2000NE001 Interface SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/s SATA 6Gb/sDrive Bays Supported Unlimited Up to 24-bay Unlimited Up to 24-bay Recording Technology CMR CMR CMR CMR Drive Design (Air or Helium)Air Air Air Air Workload Rate Limit (WRL)550300550300 Rotational Vibration (RV) Sensors Yes Yes Yes Yes Cache (MB)256256256256Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF, hours)2,000,0001,200,0002,000,0001,200,000 Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read, Max 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 1 per 10E15 Power-On Hours (per year)8760876087608760 Sector Size (Bytes per Logical Sector)512E512E512E512E Rescue Data Recovery Services(years) 33333 Limited Warranty (years)5555Spindle Speed (RPM)7200720072007200 Interface Access Speed (Gb/s) 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 6.0, 3.0, 1.5 Max. Sustained Transfer Rate OD (MB/s)250MB/s220MB/s226MB/s220MB/s Rotational Vibration @ 10-1500 Hz (rad/s)12.512.512.512.5Startup Current, Typical (12V, A) 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Idle Power, Average (W) 5.5 5.5 3.8 3.8 Average Operating Power (W)8.7W8.7W 6.7W 6.7W Standby Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sleep Mode, Typical (W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Power Supply Requirements+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 V+12 V and +5 VOperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)0000 Operating Temperature (drive reported, max °C)465656565 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, min °C)-40-40-40-40 Nonoperating Temperature (ambient, max °C)70707070Vibration, Nonoperating: 10Hz to 500Hz (Grms) 2.27 2.27 2.27 2.27 Acoustics, Idle (typical, measured in Idle 1 state) (dBA)28282828 Acoustics, Seek (typical) (dBA)30303030 Shock, Operating 2ms (Read/Write) (Gs)70/40Gs70/40Gs70/40Gs70/40Gs Shock, Nonoperating, 1ms and 2ms (Gs)300300300300 Height (mm/in)26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in26.11mm/1.028in Width (mm/in, max)101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in101.85mm/4.01in Depth (mm/in, max)146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in146.99mm/5.787in Weight (g/lb, typical)650g/1.431lb650g/1.431lb620g/1.37lb620g/1.37lb Carton Unit Quantity20202020Cartons per Pallet/Cartons per Layer40/840/840/840/8© 2022 Seagate Technology LLC. All rights reserved. Seagate, Seagate Technology, and the Spiral logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC in the United States and/or other countries. AgileArray and IronWolf are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Seagate Technology LLC or one of its affiliated companies in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. When referring to drive capacity, one gigabyte, or GB, equals one billion bytes and one terabyte, or TB, equals one trillion bytes. Your computer’s operating system may use a different standard of measurement and report a lower capacity. In addition, some of the listed capacity is used for formatting and other functions, and thus will not be available for data storage. Actual data rates may vary depending on operating environment and other factors. Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. DS1914.21-2206US。

目录 – iii
6 硬盘加锁和解锁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
硬盘密码保护 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 硬盘解锁 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
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WD西部数据内置硬盘编号说明书内部硬盘主要参考西部数据文档2579-001028(Model Number Format for WD Internal Drive Products)。
命名规则如下:WD 0000 A B C D - 00 EE FF1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91. 厂商缩写WD = West Digital = 西部数据2. 容量二、三或四位数字,最大支持到999.9(*小数点在倒数第二位数字后面)。
3. 容量单位/外观尺寸A GB/3.5英寸B GB/2.5英寸C GB/1.0英寸E TB/3.5英寸F TB/3.5英寸(新格式)G GB/2.5到3.5英寸适配器H GB/2.5到3.5英寸背板适配器J TB/2.5英寸*K GB/2.5英寸(高12.5毫米,5200转/分钟,该参数覆盖第5位)*T TB/2.5英寸(高12.5毫米,5200转/分钟,该参数覆盖第5位)4. 用途/商标A 桌面/WD Caviar(鱼子酱)B 企业/WD RE4;WD RE3;WD RE2(3碟)C 桌面/WD ProtegeD 企业/WD Raptor(猛禽)E 移动/WD ScorpioH 发烧/WD Raptor XJ 移动/WD Scorpio FFS(带自由落体感应)K 企业/WD S25L 企业/WD VelociRaptor(迅猛龙)M 品牌/WD Branded*P 移动/WD Scorpio(高级格式化)*U 影音/WD AV(和V有什么区别?好奇ing)V 影音/WD AVY 企业/ WD RE4;WD RE3;WD RE2(4碟)*Z 桌面/WD Caviar(GPT分区)5. 转速/缓存大小或属性A 5400转/分钟,2MB缓存B 7200转/分钟,2MB缓存C 5400转/分钟,16MB缓存D 5400转/分钟,32MB缓存E 7200转/分钟,64MB缓存(<2TB)F 10,000转/分钟,16MB缓存G 10,000转/分钟,8MB缓存H 10,000转/分钟,32MB缓存J 7200转/分钟,8MB缓存K 7200转/分钟,16MB缓存L 7200转/分钟,32MB缓存P IntelliPower,EM(最大缓存由产品决定)R 5400转/分钟,64MB缓存S 7200转/分钟,64MB缓存(2TB)V 5400转/分钟,8MB缓存(移动产品)Y 7200转/分钟,EM(最大缓存由产品决定)6. 接口/连接部件A ATA/66,40针IDE连接器B ATA/100,40针IDE连接器C ATA,33针连接器(零插入力——ZIF)D SATA 1.5Gb/秒,22针SATA连接器E ATA/133,40针IDE连接器F SAS-3,29针连接器G SAS-6,29针连接器S SATA 3Gb/秒,22针SATA连接器SATA 1.5Gb/秒,22针SATA连接器(移动产品)T SATA 3Gb/秒,22针SATA连接器(移动产品)X SATA 6Gb/秒,22针SATA连接器(*或者SATA 3Gb/秒,对于RE4来说)*以下为后缀号,内部数据。
WD My Passport Wireless SSD 250GB移动存储设备 使用说明书

My Passport® Wireless Pro 和My Passport® Wireless SSD Wi-Fi® 硬盘用户手册获取在线支持▪在线学习中心- 由此开始,充分利用您的个人云存储设备:/setup。
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PC3K UDMA WD2.27说明书

n t o h a rd.co mWestern Digital"Protégé","Caviar","Caviar SE"电路板WD70Cxx芯片Arch-V,Arch-VI构架WDxxxxAB/EB/BB/JB/LB/PB 硬盘w ww.iw w w.in t oh a rd.co m菜单树Tests ToolsUtility status程序状态Utility expansion程序扩展►Service information系统信息►Modules table模块表HDD resources backup备份硬盘资源Modules search in SAWork with ROM对ROM工作►搜索系统区模块View information from ROM查看ROM信息Head map changing更改磁头映射Cylinder-4Specification -4磁道详细叙述Reading ROM读取ROM Reload Microcode重读固件Writing ROM写入ROM Self Test Work with a service area对系统区工作►Calibrator校准器SA Surface verification系统区表面验证Defect list缺陷表►Defect list report缺陷表报告Defect tables editing编辑缺陷表►P-ListG–ListDefects logDefect lists erasing清空缺陷表►P-ListG–ListMoving G-List to P-ListClear S.M.A.R.T.复位S.M.A.R.T.Clear S.M.A.R.T.Log清空S.M.A.R.T.Logw w w.in t oh a rd.co m序列揽总程序(序列)Arch.支持型号容量磁盘数磁头数缓存转速最大LBA数WDMarvell88ixx40芯片3.5"ATA,SATA WDxxxBB WDxxxJB WDxxxJS(SATA-II)WD400BB/JB/JSWD600BB/JB/JSWD800BB/JB/JSWD1200BB/JB/JSWD1600BB/JB/JSWD2000BB/JB/JSWD2500BB/JB/JS40GB60GB80GB120GB160GB200GB250GB8M720078,165,380117,231,408156,301,488234,441,648312,581,808391,720,968488,397,168WD Caviar SE (WD3200JB/PB序列)VIWD3200JBWD3000JBWD2500JB/PBWD2000JB/PBWD1800JBWD1200JB/PBWD1000JBWD800JBWD600JB320GB300GB250GB200GB180GB120GB100GB80GB60GB3333323236666646458M7200625,142,448586,072,368488,397,168391,720,968351,651,888234,441,648195,371,568156,301,488117,231,408WDxxxBB/LB,Caviar (WD3200BB序列)VIWD3200BBWD3000BBWD2500BB/LBWD2000BB/LBWD1800BBWD1600BBWD1200BB/LB320GB300GB250GB200GB180GB160GB120GB333333266666642M7200625,142,448586,072,368488,397,168391,720,968351,651,888312,581,808234,441,648WDxxxBB/JB,Caviar (WD800BB序列)VWD1000BBWD800BB/JBWD600BB/JBWD400BB/JB100GB80GB60GB40GB1112212M7200195,371,568156,301,488156,301,48878,165,380WDxxxBB/JB,Caviar (WD1200BB序列)VWD1200BB/JBWD1000BB/JBWD800BBWD600BBWD400BBWD200BB120GB100GB80GB60GB40GB20GB3322116543212M7200234,441,648195,371,568156,301,488117,231,40878,165,38040,011,552WDxxxBB,Caviar (WD400BB序列)VWD400BBWD300BBWD200BB40GB30GB20GB1112212M720078,165,38058,633,34440,011,552WDxxxEB,Protėgė(WD400EB序列)VWD400EBWD300EBWD200EB40GB30GB20GB1112212M540078,165,38058,633,34440,011,552WDxxxAB,Caviar (WD1200AB序列)VWD1200ABWD1000ABWD800ABWD600ABWD400ABWD200AB120GB100GB80GB60GB40GB20GB3322116543212M5400234,441,648195,371,568156,301,488117,231,40878,165,38040,011,552据Western Digital公司资料及ACE PC3000for dos文档汇总w w w.in t oh a rd.co m目录1.用途 (5)2.修理WD硬盘的基本选项 (5)3.程序启动 (5)4.WD硬盘的构架 (6)5.程序使用 (7)5.1.Normal模式 (7)5.1.1.《Tests》菜单 (7)5.1.2.《Tools》菜单 (11)5.2.Kernel模式 (16)5.3.Self test监控模式 (16)6.程序的一些成熟功能 (17)6.1.对系统区操作 (17)6.1.1.查看系统区表面 (18)6.1.2.系统区结构测试 (18)6.1.3.读取模块 (20)6.1.4.写入模块 (21)6.1.5.读取系统区磁道 (22)6.1.6.写入系统区磁道 (22)6.1.7.系统区清零 (22)6.1.8.格式化系统区 (23)6.1.9.重建译码表 (23)6.1.10.硬盘出厂证编辑 (23)6.1.11.硬盘的安全系统 (24)6.2.逻辑测试 (24)6.2.1.表面逻辑扫描的特点 (24)6.2.2.程序执行逻辑扫描的过程 (25)6.2.3.逻辑测试的实际应用 (26)6.2.4.逻辑测试后隐藏缺陷 (26)6.3.模块表 (27)6.4.程序设置 (27)7.故障诊断 (29)7.1.初步诊断 (30)7.2.电路板 (30)7.3.磁头-磁盘组件 (31)7.3.1.主轴电机故障 (31)7.3.2.磁头电机及前置放大-换向器故障 (31)7.3.3.磁盘表面缺陷 (32)8.软件修复 (32)8.1.系统区测试与修复 (33)8.1.1.系统区测试 (33)8.1.2.系统区修复 (33)8.1.3.系统区修复的常规指导 (35)8.2.软件关闭磁头 (36)8.2.1.关闭磁头 (36)8.3.修复敲盘 (37)8.4.HOT-SWAP热交换方法 (39)9.硬盘的SELFTEST (40)9.0.1.准备SelfTest (40)9.0.2.启动SelfTest (40)9.0.3.完成SelfTest (40)9.1.软件修复的展望 (40)10.刷新FLASH ROM (41)11.电路板布局 (41)11.1.参考电源电压 (41)11.2.主轴电机及状态控制电路 (41)11.3.数据读取通道 (42)ww w.i n t oh a r d .c o m Western Digital "Protégé","Caviar","Caviar SE"WDxxxxAB/EB/BB/JB/LB/PB 硬盘1.用途程序是Windows 版PC-3000套件的一个部件,设计用于维修Western Digital 品牌使用WD70Cxx 芯片属于Arch-V 、Arch-VI 构架的WdxxxAB 、WdxxxEB 、WDxxxxBB 、WDxxxxJB 、WDxxxxLB 与WDxxxxPB 序列硬盘。

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西部数据My Passport

西部数据My Passport® Ultra™安装使用说明,原创亲测可用这是本人买的第二个硬盘了,就本人的使用情况来看,硬盘正常使用根本不会出现质量可靠性问题。
西部数据2T硬盘,型号:My Passport® Ultra™,下面的安装方法同样适用于西部数据My Passport® Ultra™的其它版本。
③打开出厂文件中的User Manuals文件夹,这个文件夹保存的是西部数据硬盘的说明书,里面的不同文件夹适用于不同的国家,这里我们打开CHS文件夹,这里面保存的是适用于中国大陆的详细使用说明书。
WD 软件初步入门WD软件是西部数据硬盘出厂自带的软件,里面包含硬盘管理工具、硬盘加密工具等,非常实用。
1. 双击出现在计算机文件管理实用程序中的硬盘列表中的WD Apps安装文件,以显示WD Apps 安装向导:2. 单击下一步显示最终用户许可协议。
3. 阅读许可协议,并选择我接受条款... 复选框以接受协议并激活下一步按钮。
4. 单击下一步以显示“自定义安装”对话框:5. 在“自定义安装”对话框上:a. 选择应用程序名称,了解应用程序的简短说明:•WD Drive Utilities•WD Security•WD SmartWareb. 清空不想安装的任何应用程序所对应的复选框。
WD My Passport Essential 便携硬盘 说明书

外置便携式™My Passport™Essential便携硬盘用户手册WD 服务与支持如果您遇到任何问题,请在退换此产品之前,允许我们对该问题进行处理。
所提供的知识库或电子邮件支持服务已为多数技术支持方面的问题提供 了解答。
如果没有您需要的答案,或者您希望通过电话联系我们,可拨打下文中列出的最适合您的电话号码与 WD 联系。
在保修期内,您的产品享有 30 天的免费电话支持。
30 天的免费期从您第一次致电 WD 技 术支持部门之日算起。
获取在线支持访问我们的产品支持网站,并从下列主题中选择:•下载- 为您的 WD 产品下载驱动程序、软件及更新。
•注册- 注册 WD 产品以便获得最新的更新和优惠。
•保修与 RMA 服务 - 获取保修、产品退换 (RMA)、RMA 状态以及数据恢复信息。
•知识库 - 可通过关键字、短语或 answer ID 进行搜索。
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联系 WD 技术支持部门当联系 WD 获取支持时,您需要准备 WD 产品的序列号、系统硬件配置以及系统软件版 本信息。
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WD My Passport Ultra 移动硬盘说明书

Equipped with USB-C ™ technology, the My Passport ™ Ultra portable drive offers an easy way to expand your storage with a modern metal design that complements your PC. It’s Windows ® 10-ready out of the box to seamlessly deliver plug-and-play storage, while password protection with hardware encryption helps enforce the security of your content.MY PASSPORT™ULTRAPORTABLE STORAGEBuilt for today.Ready for tomorrow.• USB-C ™ and USB 3.1 compatible • I nnovative style with refined metal cover • W D Discovery ™ allows you to choose an auto backup plan, password protect your drive and import from social media and cloud storage**• C ontrol your backup plan either hourly, daily or monthly• P assword protection with 256-bit AES hardware encryption • Formatted for Windows ® 10MY PASSPORT ™ ULTRAPORTABLE STORAGEAs used for storage capacity, one terabyte (TB) = one trillion bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending on operating environment. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Pictures shown may vary from actual products.WD, the WD logo, My Passport, WD Discovery, WD Drive Utilities and WD Security are registered trademarks or trademarks of Western Digital Corporation or its affiliates in the U.S. Mac, the Mac logo and macOS are trademarks of Apple, Inc. USB Type-C is a trademark of USB Implementers Forum, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Pictures shown may vary from actual products. 4078-705133-A04 Aug 2019USB-C and USB 3.1 CompatibleFeaturing USB-C ™ technology, the My Passport ™ Ultra portable drive delivers quick and easy storage for your PC, while the included USB 3.1 adapter makes sure it’s compatible with older machines.Password Protection with 256-bit AES Hardware EncryptionThe WD Security function within WD Discovery helps keep your files private with a password you can choose, making it easy to enable password protection and 256-bit AES Hardware Encryption.Innovative Style and FunctionFusing modern anodized metal and textures, the My Passport ™Ultra portable drive is available in a variety of colors to seamlessly match your personal style and the latest computers.Get More Out of WD DiscoveryIncluded WD Discovery ™ software* makes it easy to back up your photos, videos and documents to the My Passport Ultradrive. To help preserve your online life, WD Discovery allows you to import your content from popular social media and cloud storage services, like Facebook, Dropbox and Google Drive ™.** WD Discovery software can also be used to manage your drive settings like reformatting, LED control and more.Easy-to-Use Auto Backup SoftwareFor your photos, videos or business documents, the WD Backup ™ software included in WD Discovery makes it easy to help protect what’s important to you by automating your backup routine. Simply download WD Backup ™, plug in your drive and set your hourly, daily or monthly schedule.Windows ReadyMy Passport Ultra is formatted for Windows® 10 to deliver plug-and-play storage out of the box. With WD Discovery ™ software, you can also download the NTFS driver for macOS, so you canwork seamlessly between operating systems without reformatting.Product Features。
My Passport Essential 便攜式硬碟機 使用者手冊说明书

My Passport™Essential便攜式硬碟機使用者手冊使用入門感謝您購買本 WD 產品。
My Passport™ Essential 便攜式硬碟機為您的 PC 和 Mac ® 提供高效能便攜式儲存,並隨機附送同步與加密以及 Google ™ 軟體 (僅限 PC)。
如需 WD 產品的最新資訊和消息,請造訪我們的網站: 。
包裝內容My Passport Essential 便攜式硬碟機 USB 接線快速安裝指南相容性注意: 視用戶硬體配置和作業系統之不同,其相容性可能有一定差異。
WD Sync™ 和 Google 軟體僅支援 Windows 。
記錄您的 WD 產品資訊請將您新購買的 WD 產品序號和型號 (位於裝置背面標籤上) 寫在下列表格中。
Windows ®Macintosh ®一個可用的 USB 埠一個可用的 USB 埠Windows 2000/XP/VistaMac ®OS X 10.4.6 或更新版本重要事項: 若要取得最高的效能和穩定性,推薦您安裝最新的更新項目和 Service Pack (SP)。
Windows 使用者請前往「開始」選單並選擇 Windows Update 。
Mac 使用者請前往“蘋果”選單並選擇「軟體更新」。
序號:型號:購買日期:系統和軟體說明:1My Passport Essential 便攜式硬碟機快速安裝指南USB 接線註冊您的產品您的 WD 產品在適用的保固期內可享有 30 天免費技術支援。
此 30 天的時期從您第一次電話聯繫 WD 技術支援開始計算。
請在線上註冊: 。
操作預防措施WD 產品是精密的儀器,在打開包裹和安裝過程中請務必小心操作。
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尺寸规格 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米
WD Black™
WD Blue™
尺寸规格 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/5 毫米 2.5 英寸/7 毫米1 2.5 英寸/7 毫米1 2.5 英寸/7 毫米1 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/7 毫米1 2.5 英寸/7 毫米1 2.5 英寸/7 毫米1
容量 4 TB 3 TB 1.5 TB
SATA 3 Gb/s
SATA 3 Gb/s
SATA 3 Gb/s
SATA 3 Gb/s
SATA 6 Gb/s
SATA 3 Gb/s
SATA 3 Gb/s
SATA 3 Gb/s
SATA 3 Gb/s
5.2 W 6W 4.5 W 4.9 W 4.1 W 5.25 W 4.1 W 4.1 W 4.1 W 4.1 W
容量 1 TB 500 GB 250 GB 1 TB 500 GB 250 GB
3 2.5 英寸硬盘,3.5 英寸 WD IcePack 安装架。 4 可按单生产,更多信息,请联系西部数据销售代表。
64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 32 MB 16 MB 16 MB 16 MB 16 MB 16 MB
• 24 小时 x 7 天全时可靠性 •• 运行热量低、安静
•• 支持最多十二条高清视频流 • 3 年有限保修
高级格式化 功耗(读/写)
SATA 6 Gb/s
3.3 W 5.5 W 4.0 W 4.2 W 3.7 W 3.3 W 3.7 W 3.7 W 3.7 W 3.7 W
100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时
尺寸规格 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米
•• 免费的 WD Red 高级支持热线 • 3 年有限保修
MTBF 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时 100 万个小时
WD VelociRaptor®
尺寸规格 3.5 英寸3 3.5 英寸3 3.5 英寸3 2.5 英寸4 2.5 英寸4 2.5 英寸4
转速 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM
•• 双核处理器技术 • 5 年有限保修
高级格式化 有 有 有 有 有 无 无 无 无 有 有 无 无 无
高速缓存 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 16 MB 16 MB
•• 最佳兼容性 •• 独一无二的 NASware™ 2.0 技术
接口 SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s
转速 IntelliPower™ IntelliPower IntelliPower IntelliPower IntelliPower IntelliPower
2 专为 PC 和定制的外置机箱而设计。不能用于便携式或笔记本电脑。
高速缓存 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 8 MB 8 MB
•• 运行热量低、安静 •• 功耗更低
接口 SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s
•• 噪音低、振动小 • 2 年有限保修
高级格式化 有 有 无 无 无 无 无 无 无 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有 有
WD Green™
尺寸规格 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 2.5 英寸/15 毫米2 2.5 英寸/15 毫米2
高速缓存 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 16 MB 16 MB 16 MB 16 MB 16 MB
•• 高性能电子技术 •• 坚如磐石的机械结构
接口 SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s SATA 6 Gb/s
转速 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 7200 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM 5400 RPM
•• 坚如磐石的可靠性 • 5 年有限保修
MTBF 140 万个小时 140 万个小时 140 万个小时 140 万个小时 140 万个小时 140 万个小时
3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸
NAS 存储
尺寸规格 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 3.5 英寸 2.5 英寸 2.5 英寸
WD Red™
面向家庭或者小型办公 NAS 的新一代硬盘。
容量 4 TB 3 TB 2 TB 1 TB 1 TB 750 GB
尺寸规格 2.5 英寸/9.5 毫米
WD Black2™
单盘位 PC 的必备解决方案。
• 120 GB 固态硬盘 + 1 TB 机械• 硬盘(双驱硬盘)
•• 至尊性能
存储类型 双驱硬盘
容量 120 GB 固态硬盘 + 1 TB 机械硬盘
型号 WD1001X06XDT
接口 SATA 6 Gb/s
• Shift_Technology™ 变速技术 • 5 年有限保修
容量 1 TB 750 GB 500 GB 320 GB 250 GB 320 GB 250 GB 160 GB 80 GB 1 TB 750 GB 500 GB 500 GB 320 GB 250 GB 1 TB 750 GB 500 GB 320 GB 250 GB 500 GB 320 GB 250 GB
为视频数据流提供 24 小时 x 7 天全时可靠性
1 TB 3 TB 2 TB 750 GB 500 GB 1 TB 500 GB 320 GB 250 GB 160 GB
容量 4 TB 3 TB 2 TB 1 TB 500 GB 4 TB 3 TB 2 TB 1 TB 750 GB 500 GB 320 GB 250 GB 160 GB
高速缓存 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB 64 MB
•• 超级速度 •• 容量最高 1 TB